« Serial Killers

BEST OF 2023: "The Buried Bodies Killer" Robert Garrow Pt. 2


Happy holidays from all of us at Serial Killers! We will be back with a new episode in January. In the meantime, we hope you enjoy one of our best episodes of the year.

After Robert Garrow committed his first murder, he retreated to Adirondack Park to hide in the wilderness. But the peaceful atmosphere of the woods only agitated him more, leading him to go on a gruesome murder spree in the Adirondack Mountains. And even after being caught, he still planned to continue killing.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Happy holidays. Everyone, as we wrap up the year, we're taking a short break to rest and reflect this year. not a lot of changes for the team here at serial killers. We ve covered stories of killers who have yet to be caught. and we tried new angles like our specials on man, hunts and hitman. Thanks for sticking thus through it all and letting us bring you the stories we find the most fascinating every week for the next two weeks. For highlighting a favorite episode from this year. The story of the buried bodies, killer, you so much for tuning enduring twenty twenty three and will see you in twenty twenty four stacy out there Due to the nature of this killers crimes listener discretion is advised. This episode includes discussions of murder, sexual assault, child abuse
geography, gun violence and kidnapping. Consider this when deciding how and when you listen to get help on mental health, then sexual abuse, visit, spotify, dot, com, slash resources, The Chris bright mornings in the adirondack mountains often make the poorest feel idyllic. But it only seen bomb is too for men walking along its dirt roads back in the summer of nineteen. Seventy three though they like an ordinary group of hikers, they were actually on a grim mission? There friend danny and Susan had been missing for days the crew. Made silent ass. They moved each trying to hide their fears as they searched for their friends? King walked a few paces ahead of the others. His eyes scanning over the landscape. Looking for clues Finally, he saw it at the bottom of a steep embankment beside the road, a sliver
The white without attaining Jim clambered down the slope. Would you the bottom he looked around disoriented form mate. He wondered if he'd imagined it, then saw danny's white shoe, but that Wasn't hi, I'm great pulsing is serial killers, spotify original from power cast every monday and thirst. We dive into the minds of madness of serial killers today, continuing our exploration of robert Guerrero, the buried bodies killer, I'm here with me, co host vanessa richardson high everyone you can episodes of serial killers and all other spotify originals from par cast for free on spotify than the previous one. so we explored gear was lonely childhood and is
Creasy savage acts of violence in syracuse today. Will gus guerreros, brutal murder spree and the adirondack mountains will also nickel guerreros year long plot to escape justice and the dramatic legal saga that followed his capture, we not all that and more coming up stay with us. dr market, any he's the best in the world, storing a guru, mirrors and mandy Moore, Patrick, a three, the train to trick him and transform it into a living organ. It's still an extremely experimental procedure based on a breathtaking true story: she's sitting there with a time bomb in her throat. What did you do to them?
doktor death, new doktor new story stream, the peacock original series December twenty first, this episode is brought to you by winter- is yours to explore you're free to play achieve chill. ugh easier to help you do it all comfortably and clothing and choose your love. Their new winter lifestyle collection has the winter items you need to go out and be you from cold weather boots twice. On ec ugh classics outer, where and more dream on new winter feels like a shop, the new winter lifestyle collection. Now at that come our nets re aged italian. I wasn't twenty two. I was eight years old. There are things I'm gonna tell you that you probably have not heard from anyone else here. Christine beat me
the brand new chapter everyone's been waiting for this last up, you don't know, is almost here. I want people to pay for what they have done. The curious case in the town he agrees to tell he speaks three night event starts new year's day at nine on ideas, dream on max in the summer of nineteen seventy three thirty seven year old, robert gara left behind the idyllic suburban life. He'd worked so hard to build. For years. He kept up here, says with his neighbors children, an parole officer, he'd conseil, it is true monstrosity from everyone, but his victims, but now That was all over. He just killed a teenage girl elisa house. He knew that ops already had him on their radar. He had to get out of town and fast so bachelor. he packed up a few belongings and drove north more than
hundred fifty fifty miles to the vast expanse of adirondack park, a sprawling six million acres stretch of forested mountains. It was a populist spot for tourists and hikers. It was all Oh an ideal place to get lost and never be found once he picked. A secluded place to set up camp garrow tried to unwind out in the wilderness, with only birdsong in his own thoughts for company, he became more agitated. His head was pounding a white hot. Pain that worsened every hour than us. I'm going to take over the psychology here and throughout the episode. Please note, This is not a licence psychologist your psychiatrist, but we have done a lot of research for the show thanks Gregg these headaches date back to the or accept guerrero had the previous year, persistent headaches, the most common symptom of a traumatic brain injury and the risk may be increased if a person experiences recurrent head trauma. You'll. Remember from our past,
This episode that, according to Garros sister, there other knocked him unconscious, at least once when he was a boy we already did thus the well established risks of childhood brain injuries. It's possible that the car crash aggravated existing damage, causing garros debilitating headaches, several, studies indicate a link between severe headaches and hostility. A twenty twenty one case report published by researchers at a turkish university described a patient whose headaches triggered what seemed to be dissociated aggression While headaches aren't enough to make someone a murderer, they could have made most violent impulses worse over the next two days. pain, persisted making it are to sleep or even think straight by july. Fourteenth guerrero had been a powder keg that same morning, twenty three year old, danny porter and his girlfriend twenty one year old susan pats, set off on a camping trip in the adirondacks on
working hard as a political pollster for local election at the time Susan was about to begin our final year at boston university. They were both looking forward oh well deserved break out in the wilderness by then after afternoon. The couple reached a pretty stretch of woodland on the southern side of the mountain range. There was no formal ground in this area of the park and as far as they could tell them, Nobody else around four miles, but they were wrong. The deed fails of what happened next or sketchy the only what we have is from guerrero himself, by his own admission, his memory is vague. Here's woody These lawyers, according to Jim Tracy's book sworn to silence, guerrero, had pulled up to the side of a narrow forest road, because his head was killing him. He sat there agony as danny and Susan pulled up behind him. They didn't enough room to pass so danny, got out and walked towards the drivers side of garros car, perhaps to see if
needed, help. The exchange quickly took an ugly turn its unclear. Who said what good intentions devolved into conflict, given garros hair trigger temper. It likely didn't take me to push him over the edge at some point guerrero, exited his car and started scuffling with danny the parent up falling into a steepen bank meant that ran alongside the road. In a moment, your fury guerrero reached for the night he'd concealed inside his jacket and stabbed danny repeatedly when he was sure danny was dead. Darrow calmly walked back up the slope towards the road. Susan was still sitting in the car, completely terrified guerrero, told that he was taking her hostage, but he had no intention of letting susan go. You draw for about an hour north towards my fill, a tiny here close to the vermont border. They camp there for two days during which
era, repeatedly coerce susan into having sex with him on July sixteenth. He said that susan asked if she could go home when he I know he claimed she grabbed his knife and try to attacking him daryl so banal away and then killed her after his rage subsided. He hid her body inside the air vent of an abandoned mine shaft, where he hoped would go unnoticed. Meanwhile, two hundred miles away in cambridge Massachusetts. Danny's friend, pat cadet, was already worrying. It was monday morning and danny hadn't shown up for work that wasn't like him. He was reliable, the kind of guy who always called if he was running late, that pet call the police and reported. Is france missing soon after state troopers found the couples abandoned car on the same narrow forest road where they left it. Nothing about. The scene seem suspicious. The car was,
and locked, and there were no signs of a struggle near by the police dismissed pats concerns. They knew a big group. austin university students run a white rafting trip in the area that weak they figured out ensues. Susan had decided to join the others, but pat had an army is feeling teacher knew something was wrong. So he gathered a group of friends. and together they drove out to the spot. Where danny and Susan's car had been found. Troy keep their anxiety at bay. The group found out and started searching the wilderness. Actually, a young man named Jim king notice, Danny's body lying in the ditch heap Danny's remains up carried them the road and yelled the others for help, but he knew. There was nothing to be done. Danny had been dead for days in a cruel twist of fate. When the friends called the police, they initially became suspects. The authorities were suspicious
because Jim had disrupted the crime scene by moving the body, but the group was well connected, Jim to senator TED Kennedy, and so I thought he's, turned their attention elsewhere with and still missing, investigators launched, statewide search. At the time Gara was still lurking around the vast adirondack park, blending in amongst the day hikers and back packers. It must have been an odd feeling. Winston in prison, his various jobs and his family he'd gotten used. Having constant company, but in the weeks after he killed danny and Susan garros spent time alone that he had in years He was reminded of his childhood. The total isolation, he'd felt on the farm where he'd been left with little supervision it wasn't a happy memory. In fact, it fanned the flame of his rage. Even
further, this episode is brought to you by winter. Is yours to explore you're free to play achieve shoe. and our desire to help you do it all comfortably and clothing and choose your love. Their new winter lifestyle collection has the winter items you need to go out and be you from cold weather boots. Twice: on ec ugh classics outer. Where and more dream on new winter feels like a shop, the new winter lifestyle collection. Now at our dotcom, we got another day of india edge and with fan too
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equality on red line. One eight hundred, eight, nine. Seventy nine on July, twenty eight nineteen. Seventy three, a group of four friends set out from the outskirts of albany for the adirondack mountains, we're all in their late teens and early twenties. Looking forward to a long weekend, camping together, but the site where they I'm staying was full undeterred. They the secluded clearing off a brute thirty and set up camp there for the night twenty three year old carol, melon ascii, the oldest of the group, shared attend with her fiance nineteen year old dave freeman in another. Ten were dave's friend, eighteen year old, phil, don blueskins and twenty year old, nick fiorello, the next philip nick woke up before sunrise to go fishing, while David Carol slept in when the
will awoke around nine a m. They heard footsteps outside their tent. They told their friends aims assuming they to return from the fishing trip, but there was reply instead, even carol watched in horror as the zipper to their tent slowly opened still have sleep, they wondered if it was a dream. guerrero on the other side was wide awake. He hadn't left. All night he'd been park nearby just out of sight watching the group waiting for this moment at first the couple thought guerrero looked like a park ranger. He was wearing fedora and had a pair of binoculars around his neck. But then this Are the rifle garral calmly tone them to leave the tent and they obeyed. He claimed run out of gas and needed a site in some from their cars. then nick and fill returned from their fishing trip to find strange seen dave and care
Paralyzing fear briefly turn to relieve. Now it was for against one, but it seems that we're too disoriented and scared to try to overpower cairo who didn't seem phased at all. He told the group he just wanted there yes, but he had a criminal record and couldn't risk getting caught, so he was going tie them all to trees to make sure they didn't read him out. He might the force them into the woods at gunpoint. Along the way the group tried to defuse the situation telling guerrero. He was welcomed. This take the gas they promised. They wouldn't how anyone darrow wouldn't hear it he snapped try, anything or I'll blow a hole in you. I've killed before and I'll kill again one by one guerrero, had the four friends tie one another two trees. While he watched he made sure leave several feet of distance between the trees, so that none of the captives could see each other slowly and methodically. Girl walked back through the woods
surveying his hostages, eventually He reached the first tree where eighteen year old phil was tied up. He lowered his gun and pulled out a buck knife. darrow stabbed phil repeatedly in the chest, though the other couldn't see what was happening. They heard fills, anguished, cries and then europe silence panicking the others, and struggling against their ropes, since Cairo had forced them to themselves up it. Wasn't too difficult to break loose soon dave and carol were all free. They all fled in separate directions. Momentary stunned, gara looked around frantically and spot, it is set up, put prince in the mud. He studied. Rennie after the tracks and caught up with dave in the woods pressing rifle into the back of the young man's head, darrow watched him to return to the campsite. He ordered David next to him in a ditch and help keep watch. It's not clear exactly why It might have made more sense to flee from. Let us first
can tell Guerrero simply froze everybody's equip familiar with fighter flight, but there actually three typical responses to danger fight flight and freeze its believed that the third responses rises when the other two are unlikely to be effective in the situation. Is the human body stays put to wait for the danger to pass com firstly or not? It seems guerrero decided that fighting and fleeing weren't his best options. He was acting on, your instinct. Regardless of what's going on in his mind, the two escapees work dwelling on it terrell sprinted through relates of dense, woods and unto a near by road. Where is she luckily managed to flag down a passer by almost prevent ventilating. She told the driver what had happened and he agreed to take her to the nearby village of speculator, for help meanwhile ran to his car and gunned it still half blind with panic as he drove away when he
the nearby village of wells. He pulled into the parking lot of a diner and began screaming for help according to Their Jim Tracy, the locals were wary nicholas part endured and to them appear to be having some kind of psychotic episode his story about being tat by lunatic in the woods sounded like a bad acid trip. Eventually, though, he persuaded a group of residents to come with him to the campsite there. They came across Dave and guerrero, still lying on their stomachs in the ditch wendy, saw the locals coming. He led to his feet and ran toward some screaming he's, got a gun and he's going to shoot, but gara didn't shoot. Instead, he calmly got to his feet and away into the forest. Once again its hard to make sense of garros thought process here, but retreating, turned out to be a smart call. His calm attitude. Surprise. eyes and confused the locals so much so but no one bothered pursuing him, meaning
the man who picked up carol, call the sheriff in the town of lake pleasant about fifteen miles away once the earth. it in both towns got involved. It soon became clear that karel dave and nick stories matched perfectly state troopers found fills body still tied to a tree near the campsite this week. Since some acid trip gone wrong, this nearly a mass murder In forty eight hours, sprawling man hunt was under way or the two hundred officers com, the woods and mountains around the crime scene, helicopters, buzzed, overhead and bloodhounds blazed a trail on the ground amidst the chaos garral abandoned his car and fled into the woods on foot. That turned out to be a fatal mistake before long the authorities found his car and trace the license. Plates thirty seven year old robert guerrero was now the most wanted man and the state of new york looking into
record the police discovery was on bail for sexually assaulted to minors and syracuse he'd ray we missed his court date at some point, also identified gara was a suspect in danny's murder based on similarities between the killings and the location and adirondack park. Susan, its meanwhile, was still considered missing the possible woody that she might still be alive? Maybe even a captive added new urgency to the investigation room, is that a serial killer was on the loose spread terror throughout the area, after hearing the news. Some panic campers abandon their tents and campsites, leaving their supplies behind to catch care The police set up a sprawling network of roadblocks around adirondack park. They were confident were closing in on the killer, but gara was crafty. He evaded the pill, roadblocks and without anyone noticing stolen car from a large and escaped he'd gotten away
again by the skin of his teeth, but he I have no intention of ever getting caught. We are brag makers of the apples, vinegar with the big yellow labour, and while some people love the power of apples, some people love others thanks to like honey and kind and cranberry and citrus and not stan amazing wellness drink. That's why we ve made brag apple, cider, vinegar, blanks with honey or honey cayenne or citrus gender or glenda apple. So you have more waste love us and drink us and stay healthy with us is the same brad. I was a little something extra brad not weird if it works, the early august of nineteen seventy three thirty seven year old robert garrow had been on the run for about a week after some how slipping out of adirondack park, he
it is way east towards lake champlain. His younger says agnes lived near by many new. She wouldn't turn him away the cup. already had her house under surveillance, but as it turned out, Guerrero happened to arrive shortly after the police left to follow up on another lead. He stayed briefly just long enough to watch himself on the eleven o clock news. Thanks to that report. Here eyes, the police had already identified his stolen car, jerry told sister and her family. That the whole thing was a misunderstanding. According to you, was Jim Tracy agnes believed him, so she didn't alert the police to his presence after an hour, or so he slipped out of the back door and disappeared into the night leading the stuff in car behind the next the authorities found the vehicle on a dirt road near agnes. Home now its second week the man hunt widened to cover the entire county darrow travelled by foot through
by wooded areas, stealing food and drinks from homes in camp sites. When he could maybe he figure he had better jobs of surviving in the woods he was wrong. On august ninth, a game warden spotted jarrow and recognized him immediately. He tried to the scarecrow under arrest, but the killer fled. till then running at always worked well for him. This time, though, the game wooden gave chase when gara review to stop. He pulled out his gun and shot him poor times, somehow display bullet wounds to his back arms and legs guerrero kept moving, but only for a few moments only he collapsed into the undergrowth authorities run him to the hospital as soon as he awoke they bombarded him with questions desperately determined susan's whereabouts, but gara used to say a word except to ask for his lawyer, frank armani. Armani had been affected
and ruthless and defending guerrero against assault charges. In the past you even persuaded some victims drop their cases. There was confident, old attorney, would come through for him again. Armani took the cat, he's an enlisted. A criminal defence lawyer, Francis Belge as co council, the defence headed uphill battle, of lawyers, knew it. There was a lie. Of evidence against scarecrow. Most importantly, there three eye witnesses who could testify against him. So Guerrero admitted everything. He told us team he had killed not only filled don blueskin, but also susan pets and elisa how the high cooler in syracuse by that point, Alisha body had not been found the play had her pegged as a teenage runaway but Guerrero told them exactly where he left. Her remains in a cemetery near syracuse university. He revealed that he disposed of susan's body inside the air vent of a mind. Shaft seemed cured
we detached. Does he described the murders when he wrote killing susan? He used the roundabout phrase. She got stand with my knife, these passive free You might simply indicate guerreros unwillingness to take responsibility for his crimes, or it could point to something deeper, a type dissociation in cycle gee. This word is a blanket term that refers to a break in a person's mental functioning. Generally, a disk between their thoughts, actions, feelings or sense of self search shows that some level of dissociation during a violent crime is relatively common, so its past. Bulgaria knew he killed susan, but felt a real life attachment to the act or money in belgium didn't have time to dwell on the nuances of garros. Phrasing had to make sure he was telling the truth. So they followed the directions he given them. Eventually, coming to a steep hill in a stretch of woodland at the top
they found the mind shaft, along with the event guerrero had described peering. into the darkness, with a flashlight, the men recoiled susan's boy, He was exactly where guerrero said. It would be a separate trip. Belge confer that girl hid Alisha hawks body at a cemetery in syracuse. The attorneys knew the Police were searching for susan and Alisha their family had been an agonising limbo for weeks now they alone knew the truth. But under the attorney clay privilege rules they couldn't disclose. Anything guerrero had told them their arson. sections to this rule in most states. Lorries can break attorney clay privilege if someone is in danger, for example, but that didn't help here in it. thousand sixteen episode of the podcast radio lab armani discusses how morally conflicted he felt during this time, both families We're still clinging to the hope that their daughters might be alive and he couldn't see anything.
during their radio lab episode. He said you wake up two thirty in the morning with sweat, running down your back your quest, Then yourself, you're hurting people so begin to wonder. Am I in the room, profession. He searched desperately for ways to get the information out without directly betraying his client. He tried brokering a deal with. Prosecution offering the location of the ball, these in exchange for a more lenient sentence, but the d a fused on moral grounds, finding it unethical for the defence to use the bodies as a bargaining chip ultimate the bodies were uncovered without armies, help in the final weeks. nineteen. Seventy three two kids die hold onto. Susan's remains, while they were playing in the mind, shaft coincidentally, syracuse university student founded leashes body in the cemetery around the same time after month,
by agony. Both families were at last able to bury their loved ones. Darrow six secrets were all unveiled Six months later, the thirty eight year old stood trial for the murder of philip don blueskin and pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity, to support this claim, he tested on the stand about his abuse of childhood and history, best reality. It did little to convince the jury june, twenty seventh, they found Robert girl guilty of murdering philip dumbo escape. He was given. maximum sentence of twenty five years to life and sent to the Clinton correctional facility In most episodes of serial killers we'd be winding down around this point, but robert gear The story is bizarre to the end. From showing any remorse for his crimes. Garros matters first few years behind bars lashing out at every one. He sued the state claiming the who provided him with adequate care. While he was hospitalized with gunshot wounds, he asked
pursued the officer who shot him along with the doctors who treated him. he even suit his lawyers for inadequate defence, just in case it is already regret taking him on as a client. Eventually representatives for the state reached a deal with guerrero, they would transfer him to a medium security facility. If he agreed to drop is lawsuits in ninety, Seventy eight, four years after his conviction, Guerrero, arrived at fish kill, prisoner known for housing, inmates with disabilities and the elderly, that was only getting of his master plan no claim to have lingering injuries from being shot and used a wheelchair to get around for that. He was placed in a low security unit for those with physical disabilities. In time the guards became particularly lacks around him. That was a mistake. In reality, Guerrero didn't need the wheelchair he spent his nights really working out in a cell prepared, himself for what was to come. In said
number of nineteen. Seventy eight guerreros eighteen year old son, Robert junior paid him a visit, while the prison was technically medium security. It seems the security on that day was minimal because somehow, Robert junior smuggled a pistol. Aside of all things, a box of kfc of sea chicken, expensive did by some that, for Robert junior it was an act of love for the distant father. He craved validation from forget The gun was an insurance policy. You wouldn't use it unless absolutely had to that after lights out guerrero made a dummy out of pillows, stuffed it inside his prison clothes and left it under his sheets. Accordingly, Tracy guerrero, then exited his cell in his wheel, chair and used a table leg to pay off to railings from his wards, porch leaving a gap just wide enough for him to wiggle through armed with a pistol
was ready to use it. If anybody confronted him, but once again security was lax seemed nobody noticed guerrero, go nowhere They see him head outside scale the prison fence and disappear into the darkness beyond girl tibet elated, as he jumped down from the fence onto free soil. Yet again, he defied extra in regards to evade justice, in the night air. He felt invincible. the morning after a guard saw what appeared to be guerrero still asleep in his cell after the wake up call and yelled at him, when there was no response. He realised what was going on and raised the alarm within it officer, said combed every square foot of the prison and its crowns in beacon This has turned to the prison residents were warned that an inmate had escaped as god the police and state trooper scoured the surrounding area. They must have felt hopeless. After all,
What had a huge head start? His escape had gone unnoticed for an entire night. He might all would he be out of the state, maybe even out of the country, but he hadn't. reasons that remain unclear, guerrero, didn't even right. once he was free. He didn't take off into dense, woods or steel, a car from the lot. Once again, he just froze three days after his escape corrections. Officers found him running through the woods. Just beyond the prison fence, astonished yelled at him to stop and began chasing him in response. Garral shot, one of the officers with that. The officials opened fire shooting him thirty nine times in all answer timber, eleventh nineteen. Seventy eight robert guerrero die at the age of forty two three weeks. Peter his son pleaded guilty to a charge of promoting prison contraband. He claimed he
I know known the details of his father's escape plan and thought the pistol was to defend himself from a fellow inmate, though we eighteen. Robert Jr was tried as a juvenile and ultimately released on parole. After serving three months in a youth facility, Garros escape and demise are so absurd that it can be easy to overlook, held a killer, bent the system to his advantage. He served less than five fears behind bars during which he this done nothing but his long con. Ultimately, he died without fully bearing the weight of what done thanks again for turning into serial killers, we'll be back soon with another episode.
We're information on robber guerrero amongst the many sources we used. We found Jim Tracy's book sworn to silence the truth behind Robert Guerrero and the missing bodies case video labs. Two thousand sixteen episode, the buried bodies case extremely helpful in our research, you can find Besides, if serial killers and all other spotify originals from park ass for free on spotify, we we'll see you next time. Stay safe out there. serial. Killers is spotify original from par cast our head of programme. is Julian. Blah row are Providing sound designer is Russell nash, with nick johnson, as our head of production and spence howard as our postproduction supervisor. Stacy make as our supervising editor and dear jennings is our writing. Led this epoch Mode of serial killers was written by emma dipped in ended by roy we're tyler walker and Terrell wells faction to buy cheyenne loaf has researched by brian
petrus and chelsea would produced by bruce category and sound designed by anthony thou sick, our hosts, org, egg colson and me vanessa, Richardson.
Transcript generated on 2023-12-27.