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Best of 2019: “The Spokane Serial Killer” Pt. 2: Robert Lee Yates Jr.


Here’s one of our listeners’ most requested episodes of 2019: In 1996, Yates was honorably discharged from active duty in the U.S. Army, but would resume serving his country by enlisting in the National Guard two years later. Few people in the Spokane, Washington metropolitan area would suspect this decorated veteran and family man could be capable of such heartless destruction. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Due to the graphic nature of this killers crimes listener discretion is advised. This episode includes discussions of murder and assault that some people may find offensive, we'd wise extreme caution for children under thirteen Robert Yeats had been cruising around spoken and his nineteen. Seventy four shabby corvette when it was pulled over for failing to signal the author Sir seemed congenial enough. In fact, he was barely concerned with Roberts traffic violation. Instead, he took copious notes on Robert and his car before wishing him a good night and sending him on his way. Robert was bliss unaware that the Spokane Police, or on the look out for a corvette like his in connection
the string of recent murders, but the officer made a crucial mistake. Instead of Corvette, he wrote Camaro and his report would never be seen by detectives on spoke hand. Killer case Robert Yeats would go on. Tested for over a year and murdering Levin more women before finally being caught. The officer could not believe his mistake: a single typo, let a killer, go free and put eleven women at the bottom of a ditch hi, I'm Gregg pulsing
This is serial killers on the park ass network. Every Monday we dive into the minds and madness of serial killers. Today we're going to continue our deep dive into the life of Robert E Lee Yeats, convicted murderer, who killed seventeen people in Spokane Washington, I'm here with my co host Vanessa Richardson high everyone at parkland We are grateful for you are listeners. You allow us to do what we love. Let us know we're doing, reach out on Facebook and Instagram at PAR cast and twitter at Parkhurst Network and, if you enjoy today set aside the best way to help is to leave a five star with you, wherever you listening, it really does help. We also now have merchandise, had departed, ass, dot com, Slash March, for more information most people, knew Robert Lee eight says an average Joe. He was a newly retired
Grated army helicopter pilot who lived a quiet life with his family, but on the ground Robert hid a dark secret. During the Ten year between one thousand nine hundred and eighty eight and one thousand nine hundred and ninety eight Yates murdered at least fifteen sex workers in the Spokane area, he seemed to follow a similar routine for each kill. He picked up. The women in his car had sexual contact with them then shot them in the head. The majority of these fifteen murder is took place between ninety six and ninety eight, when Robert first join them national guard ass, a helicopter pilot. There was a link. The delay in processing his approval for flight, which kept him grounded for those two years. It seems that being unable to fly left Robert Board and he took it out on unsuspecting victims. Last week we examined Roberts early life and his first few kills, including recent college graduates, Patrick Oliver and Susan Savage and sex workers.
Stacy Han and Shannon's linsky this week will reveal the eleven additional victims discovered around Washington State and the circumstances that lead to Yeats eventual arrest. We don't have much information about Yeats himself or his thought process. During these two years we do have a decent information on these eleven victims, so we'll glean what we and about Yeats, as methods and motivations from the evidence he left behind, as well as the confessions we do have in the late nineties, Robert Lee AIDS was, living in the cul De Sac neighbourhood of South Hill. In a house he shared with his wife Linda and their five children. The Yeats family lived a peaceful idyllic life by all accounts norm, but unbeknownst to his family. Robert would often escape this vision America, by driving a few more into town and cruising EAST Sprague Avenue the hot spot for Johns to solicit sex
then we'll Robert almost always had sex with the women he picked up. Very few of them would ever return to EAST Sprague Jennifer Joseph was only sixteen though she told them. When she was nineteen. She was a well known sex worker on EAST Sprague Popular with the Johns clients sought her out because she was part korean and seen as exotic. In fact, she used the Alias Jennifer Kim to play up her ethnicity. Jennifer made hundreds of dollars a night, with a constant stream of clients from us is going to take over the psychology here. Just reminder: is not a licence psychologist your psychiatrist, but she has done a lot of research, for this show thanks Gregg, a two thousand fourteen study by the University of North Texas, founded Asian or part asian sex workers, made an average of fifty
dollars, more per client and mail client spent an average of twenty more minutes with them. The studies suggest that this could be due to the fetishism of certain offensive asian stereotypes such as submissive Ness, Jennifer Joseph knew this and played into it. Even though it was a complete act, it seemed improbable that Jennifer would have fallen into sucks work. In the first place. She was an army brat who study, piano and sang at our church choir. She always had good grades, but in ninety ninety seven, Jennifer was sixteen. Her parents filed for divorce and their relationship quickly grew strained. Her grades fell. She moved in with her father and Tacoma, but the to fly Constantly later that year, Jennifer met a man named Marlon and a party. A few months later, to get out of her dad's house. She moved into spoke hands red top motel with Marlon Jennifer Marlon didn't have a lot of money, but they were able to pay the motel.
One hundred and ninety dollars a week for lodging Jennifer began working as a sex workers to make ends meet Marlon has always insisted that he was not her pimp, but there is speculation that He is the reason Jennifer fell into sex work in the first place on August. Sixteenth
Ninety. Ninety seven Jennifer was walking EAST Sprague when a white corvette rolled up. Next to her, the driver was scruffy. Forty, something you're old man who complemented her exotic. Look, Jennifer hopped in his car, assuming she'd, be gone for less than an hour, but Robert Yeats had other plans. He drove Jennifer to a secluded area and all evidence indicates that the two did have sexual contact of some kind, but instead of returning Jennifer to EAST Sprague, he grew violent. He grabbed a gun from under his seat and when Jennifer wasn't looking shot her in the head two times. Meanwhile, Jennifer's boyfriend Marlon waited for her too, turn home. She was rarely out past midnight, but as the night waned, he grew increasingly concerned. Jennifer had gone missing for a day or two before so. Marlon wasn't concern for her safety. Instead, he took her disappearance,
as an affirmation that she grown board of him after three days he's Marlon Assume she ditched him for another man and he decided to move back to Tacoma heartbroken. He packed up their motel room and left town there. Ten days later on August 26th, one thousand nine hundred and ninety seven Kevin and Cindy Kailyn were working in the alfalfa field on their Mount Spokane Farm. At around five hundred and twenty I am the Kalen started to smell something strange. They followed the sent to the tall grass near their field where they found Jennifer's body hastily covered with blood on the same day that Jennifer's body was found, Vietnam Bryn Larry Jones had been foraging for empty soda cans to recycle in an overgrown lot on EAST Springfield Avenue in Spokane. Instead, he discovered the rotting corpse of another sex worker twenty year old, Heather, her
and ass. Beyond a positive idee, there's little known about Heather, she was a drifter who may have been from Phoenix. Although details on her life are scarce, Spokane Coney HIV The clinic counselor Lynn Everson, is the only and who seem to have any relationship with other and once described her ass quote very level, headed with the good sense of humor. I never saw her drink or do draw. And she never seem to be under the influence of either end quote. Heather was seen around August twenty third nineteen. Ninety seven she hopped into an one eighty eight white, Chevy Van three days later her corpse, was found in a vacant lot discarded like a bag of trash police, arise that Heather and Jennifer's murders might be linked and search for evidence to support that theory.
Police, soon determined the two cars they needed to find a white van and a white Corvette a month later on September, twenty fourth: ninety ninety seven spoken police officer Corey term in was on his usual patrol of EAST Sprague. When he noticed Roberts, White Corvette, the car and Robert match the description of the person last seen with Jennifer Joseph German recalled quote. I hope the driver would make a mistake, so I would have an excuse to stop him. End quote right on Cue Robert made. It turn without using his signal and the he's officer quickly pulled him over officer. German took copious notes about the interaction, including Roberts, full name and the excellent condition of his car
but term, and got one major detail about the car model incorrect. He wrote Camaro instead of Corvette years later term and said, quote: slip of the hand, you're thinking Apple and you write orange and quote. It was a mistake that would prove fatal for all of Roberts, future victims term and brought his report to spoken. Crime analyse Jack Pearson, who passed reports on. Major crimes unit, but because terminal report, detailed, a white Camaro Pearson, never passed it on after all, detectives are only interested in corvettes. Meanwhile, Robert continued to visit Sprague blissfully, unaware of the investigation unfolding through October. Ninety ninety seven, his next victim,
was twenty nine year old sex worker Darla Sue Scott. The two had gone on dates before and Darla had told her boyfriend at the time that this John had a tendency to get aggressive, but he paid her well and supplied her with drugs, so she put up with his behaviour. This was probably because by the time Darla met Robert. She was in a bad way. She had been through approximately five drug treatment programmes. Staying at most two weeks, She returned to drug use and sex work after each attempt at rehabilitation. She also tried other measures to become sober, including a pregnancy. The father of her child said quote getting pregnant and having a baby was Darla idea. She believed somehow that would keep her from going back to the street life, but it didn't
quote by October ninety ninety seven Darley was in an on again off again relationship with a man named Arthur. In fact, she was last seen at his home waiting for robber to pick her up. Arthur remembers, Darlin this house wearing his Mickey Mouse T shirt. He later said quote she told me this guy had been violent with her on a previous date. She not only dated him again. She got drugs from him and quote like us, previous victims, Robert had some kind of sexual contact with Darla before he shot in the head. But, unlike as other victims, he tried to dispose of her body. Another way right.
Took darlin body to a grassy area near a small creek off Hangman Valley, road and spoke. Can he started to dig her a grave, its unclear as to why Robert tried to bury Darla? Perhaps he worried that Arthur had gotten a good look at him and wanted to cover his tracks, but in that case, why take the risk and killed Darla? All the other possibility. Is that because he had known her for a little while, he took a little extra care in her disposal, but he's never suggested this in police interviews either way. Robert half heartedly buried most of the body, leaving the head one leg, and why exposed on November first one thousand nine hundred and ninety seven Spokane resident Harold Lebsock was walking his rottweiler near Hangman Valley, road for his usual routine, but I'm just a let's talk to dog began to favor a particular area of the road,
The dog was drawn to sniffing this area for the next five days. Lab sock went to investigate this spot for himself on November. Fifth, he quickly saw the arm and leg poking out of the ground. It fell to Arthur to identify Darlin, whether worn body still wearing his Mickey mouse shirt. Next, a victim who was well aware of the spoken killer, but powerless to stop him. They ve been around for thousands of years orchestrating sum of histories most controversial advance and, if not for their radical actions, you may never have even now
They existed. Take a journey through hidden passageways and become a member of park, casts newest series, secret societies, every Thursday joined Vanessa, and I, as we take you inside the world of assassin groups, powerful balls and debaucheries high society, clubs from Yale, stolen bones, fraternity and their possible involvement in the creation of the CIA to the black hand, military society and their dealings and extortion, kidnapping and murder in the early twentieth century. Learn the secret handshake, memorize especial password and renew your membership to the most diabolical club in town follows secret societies free on Spotify or wherever you got your podcast.
Now back to the story? Around November 22nd, one thousand nine hundred and ninety seven thirty four year old sex worker, Linda Maybin, told her friend Brian, that she was scared of the Spokane Killer and that she quote had an idea of who was killing the prostitutes and quote I also told him she was afraid she would be the next one to be killed. Prime was unsure of whether or not to take her seriously seep Linda was irregular user of crack cocaine according to the end
Eric and addiction centres crack users often experience intense paranoia that someone might be after them, even while they're not high on the drug, Brian probably felt like his friend, was merely being hyperbolic on the night of November twenty. Second, he young Linda plan to meet for dinner at their usual spot, a diner Brien sat down at a booth and waited for her, but after an hour she failed to show and Brian started to panic his mind started racing with worst scenarios. He prayed that his friend wasn't the latest victim of the Spokane killer. He hurried over to Linda's apartment, complex and pounded on her door. He was relieved. Linda finally answered half asleep but apologetic Brian side and gave her some time to get ready for dinner, but just as they were about to leave together, Linda spotted John
it was Robert. He requested her services and Linda obliged promising Brian she'd be back in twenty minutes, but something about Robert gave Brian sinking feeling in his stomach. This guy was bad news. Brian tried to convince Linda to skip the swamp. He studied even pay for dinner to make up the income, but Linda insisted, Brian stood helplessly as he watched Linda, get into Roberts Corvette Brian later said quote. She told me to wait, but she never came back. The guy came back and said she went to work the street. I never saw or heard from her again end quote that night Robert shot Linda once in the head and wrapped her head and to plastic bags, then dump turn a field.
The body wasn't found for months around that time. Robert had a feeling the police were catching onto him. He couldn't explain it. It was instinct, so he devised away to get out of spoken more frequently at the time he was enrolled in the National Guard to fly helicopters, but had been good did for over a year due to a lengthy clearance process, despite not being on active duty, he was eligible to participate in any of the many training weakens the National Guard held Oliver Washington state during the first week of December, Robert was at port Louis into Coma Washington that same weekend, the
corpse of twenty four year old Melinda Mercer was found in a field in South Tacoma. She was stripped naked with for plastic bags, wrapped around her head. She had been shot in the head three times. The strange as part of the murder was the fact that Melinda did not live in Tacoma. She was from Seattle. Forty five minutes north police theorize that whoever killed Melinda had done so up north before,
Moving her body to a secondary location to coma police were also quick to notice the similarities between this murder and those occurring in Spokane, but before cops could make any headway on Melendez case Robert left, to coma to spend Christmas with his family and spoken about a week before Christmas. On December sixteenth. Ninety ninety seven Robert left his home to go Christmas shopping, but first he took a detour. He rolled down EAST Sprague in his white corvette looking for an ideal victim. He settled on thirty six year old sex worker Sean L, Johnson Robert had seen her before, but I'd never gotten a chance to pick her up today, however, she had the time from the moment she stepped in the car Robert knew he wanted to kill her. He waited until they were midway through sex to shoot her twice in the head.
Quickly. Wrapped plastic bags around her head. It helped contain the blood in the car he drove out of the city to a spot near a sewage treatment plant. The around the planned already smelled so foul he figured nobody would find her body for quite some time. He dragged her out of the car and through her lifeless body over the embankment, then he looked down the road to another patch of earth. It was the spot where he had dumped dark, Scots body a month ago. He remembered her Mickey Mouse shirt and smiled, but the plant didn't end up being the safe hiding spot. Robert imagined, in fact, Sean's body, was found a mere two days later, while maintenance worker Michael Connor's, spotted her at the bottom of the steep embankment happy thirdly, covered with leaves after Sean's body was discovered. The police department was convinced that the recent string of sex worker killings were connected and for
armed the serial killer, homicide task force. The biggest challenge for the task force. Sadly, was public apathy detectives had to regularly asked the press to stop calling the deaths, the prostitute murders, because the public seem to care less about the deaths of sex workers. Everson found that, during her work at the spoken county, HIV Clinic sex workers were largely looked down upon and seen as lesser human being ever since said quote you hear people say if the women weren't out working the streets, this would not happen to them. They would not have been killed or hurt. That is a clear case of blaming the victim. End quote, despite this a task force guy to work, trying to catch this heinous killer. Meanwhile, that killer was at home decorating occur. Miss tree with his children on Christmas Eve, nineteen. Ninety seven Robert was relaxing with his family. He might have been content
hang out at home all night, but around five p m his wife's TIM to pick up a missing ingredient she needed for Christmas dinner. He didn't intend to end up honey, Sprague Avenue, but at this point it was a force of habit and die when he noticed thirty nine year old sex worker Sean a clinic hand, she was crying in the parking lot of a store called rainbow foods. He took pity on her and led her into his corvette. Mc Lenihan had been set
going with her addiction to heroin. She planned to unroll methadone programme to get clean, but the holiday season had been tough for her, the clan ahead at separated from her husband on Thanksgiving at the time she was using about a gram of Heroin a day. Robert proved himself, a good listener and as a twisted thank you. Mc Lenihan performed oral sex on him midway through he shot or twice he wrapped to plastic bags around her head and drove to a lot on EAST fourteenth street. He carried her body out of the car and dumped it in a ditch, but Mckenna hands corpse, didn't hit the ground the way he'd been expecting. He jumped into the ditch and almost laughed at what he saw. Mccloy enhance body had landed a top another corpse, a sex worker. He had dumped there a few days prior. He felt a sick sense of pride. He was known in his neighborhood for having quite the sense of humour and now, as he could see, the bodies were quite lit,
early stacking up, he blew the bodies, a kiss good bye, then zoomed off in his corvette before another car could catch him. Then hurried home. He still had a few gifts to rap for the kids before dinner, the other woman left in the ditch was thirty one year old laurel wasting. He had held her. In the same way, he killed Mc Lenihan, a few gunshots to the head, which was subsequently wrapped in plastic. Robert meanwhile continue to have a busy Christmas, he found more excuses to venture away from his family and drive down EAST Sprague Avenue. On Christmas morning, Robert picked up forty one year old, sex worker, sunny Gale Auster Funny how bad the cocaine addiction since she was seventeen years old, which was so the age when she first became pregnant by the time she met Robert
She had two sons in their twenties, both of whom tried their best to look after their mom sunny, wanted to go to a drug treatment facility and spoken to try getting sober again. Sonny's family was rooting for her. They all felt like she was finally going to sober. But despite her best efforts, sunny soon fell off the wagon. She was discharged from a facility on October, first nineteen, ninety seven, it's unclear as to where she was staying between October first and Christmas day, perhaps out of embarrassment, she stopped contacting her family. They tried getting in touch with her but to no avail on December twenty. Fourth, ninety ninety seven, the Astor family, reported her missing the very next day she jumped in Roberts car. Her fate was sealed, on February, eighth, eighteen. Ninety eight three locals were walking their dogs and of wooded area. Near spoke had one of the dogs,
to sniff at something under a clump of trees. At the side of the road, the owner walked over to see what the canine had found clothes, then she spotted to air step shoes strewn on the side of the road. Next, she spotted a foot, then a hand on February ten, One thousand nine hundred and ninety eight the body was identified as Sonny Gail Oster. The Spokane killer has struck again a few months later on April. First, one thousand nine hundred and ninety eight Linda Mabins body was finally found in a ditch. Fifty yards away from where I'm at Lenahan and Laurel have been discovered. Her friend Brian was absolutely heartstring. With grief, a part of him felt responsible like he could have done more to save her. He knew in his heart of hearts that he had laid eyes on the killer, but an eye witness wasn't enough
It would still be months before Robert was caught and the corpse of his next victim wouldn't be found for years when we return Roberts most vulnerable victim. Now, back to the story, forty seven year old Robert Yeats, encountered forty three year old melody and Mervyn in Spokane around May twelfth nineteen. Ninety eight she was regular, around EAST Sprague Avenue and had known many of Roberts. Other victims melody regularly used heroin and ran a number of scams to support her habit. Forego too was shoplifting. She would then returned the merchant ice for cash refund. Melody had two daughters with her long time, boyfriend, CAP Davis they broke up at ninety. Ninety two, but Davis and melody continued to do drugs together and quality frequently visited their daughters in his custody, one night and May ninety. Ninety eight melody resorted to say
work on EAST Sprague, to make some quick money. Roberts white Corvette, pulled up beside her. She got in not long after she was dead, but this time Robert didn't dump the body in an abandoned lot or a grassy field. He chose a spot close to home, for whatever reason Robert drove melodies corpse all the way to South Hill, the supper where his family lived. He pulled into his driveway Robert dragged melodies body onto the lawn. He grabbed a shovel and started digging. Robert jirga three foot hole NEAT his own bedroom window. He buried her there and play
it flowers in the soil to mask the freshly Doug dirt. According to forensic psychologist, Red Malloy, Robert buried malady in his flower, bad as a means of controlling the victim, even after her death Malloy continued quote, you can continue in fantasy the complete domination of her because she's buried in the ground below you. It can be a sexual stimulus between killings and quote while moment body, lay beneath Roberts Window police struggle to locate or corpse, despite not finding the body
that's. Two gaiters included her in the serial killers list of victims even before they knew where the killer was police. Captain Doug Silver said quote because of the circumstances surrounding muffins disappearance, her lifestyle and associates. We are now treating her case as a homicide. End quote: this search formality was widely covered by the media. It was all anyone talked about this prompted Robert to do exactly what police predicted he lifted his beloved White Corvette for sale. He offered it for about now thousand dollars in May one thousand nine hundred and ninety eight, the price instantly caught the attention of Rita Jones with long dreamed of owning a corvette. She was impressed with how well he had cared for the car. He even
did that he just installed brand new carpet. What Rita didn't know was that Robert likely install the new carpet, because the old one was soaked by the blood of his victims. Robert transferred ownership of the vehicle to Rita Jones on May fourth, one thousand nine hundred and ninety eight, even without his white Corvette Robert continued to kill his next victim was forty seven year old Mitchell in turning a former executive secretary, who was, I seen on July. Third, one thousand nine hundred and ninety eight. She was supposed to leave on a weekend trip with her longtime friend Gregory Lantus, but she never showed up. He said it was in character for her to occasionally disappear. Landis first met Mitchell in in nineteen seventy two. When they worked at a San Diego engineering firm together, he recalled quote she was a free spirit.
Was always taking off doing crazy things and quote previously Mitchell and lived in Oceanside California, with his son Ryan. They enjoyed snorkeling surfing and scuba diving, but after her mother died from cancer in nineteen. Ninety one Michelin battles, addiction and fell into an abusive relationship. She fled to spoke can, after a period of homelessness, to live with lattice on July, seventh, nineteen The eight Mitchell INS body was found naked in a vacant laud under an old hot tub cover. This lot, though, was located right by the Kaiser Aluminum plant, Rob yeah AIDS knew that area well. He'd been working at the plan for two years police question: several Keyser: aluminium employees, including Robert about the murder but Robert slid under the police radar, He came off his congenial and reserved and they
go without suspicion. Up to this point, Robert had been lucky, but thankfully that was about to change on August first. Ninety ninety eight some time between midnight and two, a M Robert picked up thirty two year old sex worker, Christine else Smith in his white fan, she told him, she would chargers standard rate for oral sex. Forty dollars and she asked Robert Point blank. If he was the spoken serial killer, Robert tried to put her at ease, he told her quote: I'm a respected National Guard helicopter pilot and the father of five children. You have nothing to fear end quote: Christine began performing oral sex, but after
seven minutes Robert failed to get an erection. She could sense him getting frustrated but try to calm him. Then she began to feel an intense pain and the sight of her head and felt herself slipping in and out of consciousness Christine assumed he had hitter how to frustration. Then she saw the blood dripping from her head. Robert had shot her. She didn't hear the gunshot she said quote I jumped into the front seat and out the passenger door. I ran as fast as I could to Saint Luke. We have centre and quote it's not clear- why he let her get away or if he fired shy, so she ran but missed security at the center helped. Christine get to the hospital doctors treated Christine for a half inch long cut located behind the left ear. The board had merely grace
her head and doctors didn't even recognise it as a gunshot wound, but she didn't go to the police because she didn't want to get arrested and charged for her sex work. In hindsight, police, question whether Roberts erected dysfunction could have been part of what caused his contact with sex workers to turn violent, Robert could have felt such intense shame about issues performing that he killed. Anyone who were missed his embarrassment. A two thousand nine study in the Journal of Emergency medicine look to determine sexual violence was influenced by male erected, dysfunction in the sexual assaults of five hundred sixty nine women. The study found that, when the male perpetrator experience directed dysfunction, sixty percent of the women experienced more physical coercion and genital trauma. Soap is feasible. That erected dysfunction.
Was a trigger that set Robert off Robert have been regularly using Viagra for two years since ninety ninety six, when his killing spree began in earnest. By one thousand. Nine hundred and ninety eight. His obsession with sex began to infiltrate his family life. His wife, Linda Yates, notice credit card charges to a place called AL's spa tub motel the motel rooms are charged by the hour and, as the name states have hot tubs, it's no mystery, what their rooms are rented for. When asked about the charges, Robert claimed that he liked to use the hot tabs to soothe his muscles. After working twelve, our ships at Keyser Aluminum, he had actually been taking sex workers to the motel regularly for most Ninety ninety eight additionally Linda notice that around this time, when Robert left on his occasion a weekend hunting trips Robert started dressing up we're in Cologne. It was a man
you're a red flag, Linda New Robert was having affairs, but still remained in the marriage. She said quote: I was raised with old fashioned values when you marry you marry, apparently he didn't take it seriously like I did end quote. In addition, Robert continue to take national guard training trips to coma where he found more victims, including thirty five year old sex worker Conny, La Fontaine Alice. She was found on October thirteenth. Ninety ninety eight, in a ditch, no one had reported or missing she hadn't been seen for over a month. By the time she was found, her body was heavily decomposed Conny had a gunshot wound to the head, which was wrapped
Three plastic bags police knew it immediately to be the Spokane Killers handiwork. Then, on November tenth, ninety ninety eight officer Ronald saw sex workers named Jennifer Robinson up into Honda Civic and he decided to tailor the driver was Robert Yeats. He started heading towards a secluded location, but Reynolds pulled them over Robertson, worried the police would arrest them. She told Robert quote tell them that my father works with you and ask you to find me pick me up and bring me home a back up his story and quote Jennifer had no idea that the real danger was the man sitting beside her Reynolds. Let them go but two days later, Robert had another encounter with the police. On November twelfth Robert was having a night at home with his family at the time his nineteen years,
daughter, Sonya lived with her boyfriend but visited Robert and Linda's home frequently during one such visit Sonya, grew suspicious ever fathers behaviour and began to question him. This led to a fight which quickly became physical Sonya called the police. Robert was charged with misdemeanor assault, but the charges would be dropped on the condition that he didn't commit any other crimes. Meanwhile, detectors have begun. Looking through a comprehensive list of the owners of White Corbett scenario, the police crackdown, Rita Jones White Corvette and Robert came up as the previous owner. He was called in for questioning on September fifteenth nineteen, ninety nine robber, arrived at the public safety building. He was nervous and sweating. Ironically, though, when asked about a previous traffic stop in which he was said to have driven a white Camaro Robert corrected, the police quote
oh that wasn't a camaro. It was a white corvette, end quote officer. Grauben Stein then asked if Robert would provide a blood sample. Robert said he would think about it, which roused Grab Einstein suspicions. He later said quote. While that was certainly his right It wasn't a good sign. Also. It seemed to us that Mister Yates sweated too much and quote Robert told police a few days later, that he refused to give a blood sample which placed him in a small pool of suspects on January seven.
Two thousand Rita Jones consented to a search of her new Corvette fibers found in the vehicle quite closely matched fibers found in the body of Jennifer Joseph on April. Tenth, two thousand grabbing Stein obtained a search warrant to further search the vehicle police found blood smears in Roberts Old White Corvette that matched Jennifer's blood under the passenger seat was missing button from her blouse. The car also contain some of her hair and clothing when searched this evidence officially tied Robert to Jennifer's murder. It was enough to bring Robert in he was arrested for suspicion of murdering Jennifer Joseph on April eighteenth, two thousand, Preliminary DNA tests of blood and seminal fluid linked to the murder, and on April twenty first DNA found the body
Darlin Scott lorry wasting and Linda Maiden were found to match. Robert sample Roberts finger prints were found in the clenched hands plastic bags, tying him to that murder as well. He was charged with thirteen counts of murder and one count of attempted first degree murder. In order to avoid the death penalty, Robert offered to plead guilty confess to the murders and provide key information about one in particular. The deal was highly reversal, but the Spokane County prosecutors decided to accept the plea bargain once the decision was made, Robert grabbed a pan and a piece of paper and drew a map.
Straining where melody and merchants body was located. It led right to the spot. Under his bedroom window in Spokane County Robert was sentenced to four hundred eight years in prison. However, Pierce County prosecutors eventually withdrew from the plea deal and tried Robert with their own charges. Robert was convicted of to pierce County murders. On September nineteenth, two thousand to and sentenced to death by lethal injection. The Washington State Supreme Court rejected every appeal he made to overturn his conviction to avail, but in two thousand eighteen, the Washington State Supreme Court ruled that the death penalty was a violin. Sure of their state constitution, and Robert Yeats sentence was commuted to life in prison. Fine way, the spoken killer, who took the lives of seventeen innocent victims was behind bars and wood.
Never again terrorize EAST Sprague Avenue, thanks again for tuna, in two serial killers. If you want to listen to any previous episodes of serial killers, you can find them on apple. Pod casts tune in Google play stature and Spotify or in our website, Parkhurst dot com. Spelled p r c s t dot com. If you like what you here, please leave a five star review or tell us what you think on social media were on Facebook and Instagram as at PAR cast and twitter at Park hast network. It seem simple, but it really helps our show join us next Monday, as we delve into the twisted mind of another
their serial killer have a killer. Weak serial killers was created by MAX Cutler. Is the production of Cutler media and is part of the park hast network. It is produced by MAX Enron, Cutler Sound designed by Paul Leiva skinned with production assistance by IRAN, Shapiro and Paul Mahler. Additional production, assistance by Carly, Madden and Maggie admire serial killers is written by Mallory, cholera and stars. Gregg Paulson and Vanessa Richardson, our Parkhurst listeners, its Greg If you love serial killers, we'd love to hear from you by taking a quick survey, your feedback will help us continue. Making your favorite shows better than ever. Please visit podcast survey
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Transcript generated on 2020-01-14.