« Serial Killers

30 Year Anniversary: “The Red Ripper” Andrei Chikatilo Pt. 1


In the USSR, an engineer hid a secret he was deeply ashamed of — his inability to have sex with women he dated. His frustration made him withdraw from others, until he developed a proclivity for sexual violence that, at last, could satisfy him.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Due to the graphic nature of this killers crimes listener discretion is advised. This episode in whose discussions of rape, violence and murder including the murder of children and cannibalism. We advise exe in caution for children under thirteen. the it was a cold winter night in Shakti being city in the southern ussr. Forty two, europe on she can t low was grabbing some items from his local supermarket, but had been long and humiliating the cruel high school was he taught constantly belittled him and made him feel utterly powerless, but when he The story he saw something that seem to make him forget his troubles nine year old lane as a cock, never stood at a bus stop outside dressed in a
right red coat. She was a beacon of crimson light in dingy winter gray, Andre approached her ass. your where she was going lina said she had to rush home, so she wouldn't upset her mother plus she had to go to the bathroom as a family man. Andre was good with children, kindly here offered the restroom at his place just down the road lena agreed and the two walked further away from town. Andre did take her to his home, not the one who shared with his wife and kids. He took her to us. Secret shack where they would have total privacy. He led her into the decrepit crumbling building with wood plastered over it's broken windows. They climbed the crooked There's leading to a sagging front door once
sighed. The small room, Andre felt his heart race and his skin grow hot. With desire, he pounced on lena pinning or to the floor and tearing off her clothes in the struggle. He accidentally drew blood staring at the dark liquid andre, felt a new urge wash over him for the this time in his life. He knew exactly what he wanted. Lane as life in the palm of his hands. and there was nothing to stop him from taking it. I am gregg pulsing. This is serial killers. Spotify original from park ass ever Episode we dive into the minds and madness of serial killers october, twenty twenty two, the thirtyth anniversary of the conviction of andrei chicken hilo, but of the most pro
the serial killers in history, I'm here with my co host vanessa richardson high everyone You can find episodes of serial killers and all other spotify originals from par cast for free on spotify. set aside, we learned about andres brutal upbringing in the wake of the nineteen thirty two ukrainian famine, as well as the stinging impact of his, own sexual impotence, we'll watch andres hunger for power. turn into a lust for violence until we witness his first murder next time see how Andre exploited the weakness of a crumbling soviet union which allowed his care spread to continue for over a decade. We ve got all that and more coming up stay with us The feeling of hunger true, hung is nearly unimaginable. To those who have an experienced it dizziness becomes a constant companion pair
turns brittle and falls out and limbs swell to conserve nutrients bones ache as the It consumes itself from the inside out in teen thirty's ukraine. Starvation was a common experience. Sylvia addict or Joseph Stalin forced farmers to hand over all their crops to the government or face execution his policies led to a ghastly. Famine called the Hello Timor, a combination of ukrainian words, starvation and to inflict death. During this time an estimate three point: nine million people died from hunger, desperation, drove citizens to scavenge for tree bark or roots and even eat their pets. Many hid food when they could, even at the risk of being beaten by authorities if they were discovered eventually, when there was nothing left, starving, ukrainians wandered aimlessly until they collide first in the street. It was in this debate. saved, exhausted world that Andrea
get tee low, was born in nineteen. Thirty six, on a chick, a t low gave birth to a son, Andre and yeah blue neuer, the ukrainian bill Gender control of the ussr, but behind the family was over hunger. still common. when Andre was only five years old honour seem to decide. It was time. Her son face the cruel realities of their life, so she told him about it. horrible family secret. The mistake his disappearance of andres brother, though it should be what that some sources believe the missing child was actually his cousin two years before Andre's birth, the boy vanished from their town at first, the family waited for kidnappers, ransom note, but when it didn't arrive Rumours circulating that the child wasn't taken as ransom, but as food. a likely shared this story, so andrea would be cautious, but instead he became fascinated by cannibalism. The boy fell, asleep.
Picturing what it would be like to eat another human being. It was a surprise seeing that violence was entrees mind in nineteen forty one his father roman left home to defend ukraine from hitler's army, but was quickly captured and Fighting eventually arrived at andres doorstep over next few years. Nazis battle with the soviets. Throughout ukraine occasion, The young Andre saw corpses and dismembered body parts in the streets. two rumours the violence and entrees life only got worse alleged lay the nazis storm their small village and nineteen. Forty, three and under a wit, soldiers attack and rape, his mother, nine months later, on a gave birth to a sister Tatiana. before Andrea was ten years old. Sir, actual violence, war and hunger were integral parts of his life. It was an incredible amount of trauma for a child without any healthy ways to call
andres body reacted unexpectedly long after me children learn to control their bladder, Andre still whet the bed venice's to take over the psychology here and throughout the episode. Please venice is not a licence psychologist your psychiatrist, but we have done a lot of research for this show thanks Gregg acquitted, who had two thousand sixteen study published by the journal of pediatric psychology. Children are exceeded did the gain nighttime bladder control from ages four to six, but andrei continued What the bed until he was twelve. The review found that this lack of role is tied to early stress in childhood? The more trauma child faces, the more difficult it is to gain coordination. But on a didn't know this was confused by your son stained sheets, so she beat him for the accidents, hoping they would stop lying It's outside the house wasn't much easier on
found is incredibly difficult to relate to other kids. He kept himself stayed quiet and daydreamed often all his classmates thought he was odd and bullied him incessantly in one instant a boy standing next to him at a urinal thought is for skin was an odd shape and told everyone in the school. Other kids said he had breasts and called him Bobby a disparaging word for a woman, hyper ask your was an important russian value, so ray self worth plummeted. So had trouble academically. He was smart and engage enough in its studies, but he a terrible eyesight. The problem could have been corrected with classes buddy worried that lenses make the bullying worse. So, even though He could barely see the blackboard Andy He sat in the back terrified to draw attention to himself.
Everywhere he turned in life, Andre felt, shame, inadequacy and hunger for acceptance. At first, he thought his hardships from bed wedding to the bullies were his own fault. He was weak, but this line of thought seemed a change in nineteen, forty five, because suddenly andrea had some one to blame, When Andrea was about eight. The allied forces defeated germany and japan. Ending world war to the soviets then reach aimed ukraine from the nazis during the war. Under his father, roman, had spent about four years as a prisoner in a concentration camp. Now he returned home to his wife and children, but he didn't exactly get a warm welcome. This sentiment in ukraine at the time was that only cowards allowed themselves to be captured while true heroes died, defending their country by this point Andrea, had bought into the overwhelming pro masculine and communist propaganda universe,
stolen as the cause of his family's hunger. Only the here the red army, so the neighbors sent his family because of romans capture andrei cited with them. He thought his father deserved it. He finally had some one to be angry at besides himself This change seemed regulatory for the teenager. Suddenly he could direct his frustration outward when, under a hit puberty he grew, tolerant, stronger than its classmates. Now in out of colouring against his bullies words. He threw punches and instigated bites. Most of the time he won. Violence earned him some long desired. Respect along with the nickname andrei see or andrei the strong. It was a big change. bob. I address new thought that in spilled over into the classroom too, he moved from the back row to the front where he could. Finally, see the board: now he
press teachers with his engagement and intelligence while in high school his interest in Communism grew exponentially the more profit and he read the more empowered. He felt he. Came a liaison for communist youth groups and relished his leadership position, was, however, one big hurdle for the young man, andrea, had grown tall and rather handsome, but at fifteen he was terrified of In fact, he was so nervous around the opposite sex that female classmates sat next to him. He moved Forestry. Frustration in himself grew when he saw a club made sling his arm casually over a pretty girl shoulders or saw young couple share a kiss in the hallway. He trembled with jealousy despite this andre, did manage to get some days But even though small successes ended in failure if his anxiety Andrey could never perform sexually
spread around the village about his impotence, which utterly humiliated andrei, but there was one and two that seemed to raise his spirits in the spring of nineteen, fifty four. When Andre was seventeen. He received an unexpected visitor One of his younger sisters, friends, who will call Nina as he took in meanest, skirt and stockings here, lies that he wanted her. come with arousal, he pushed mean under the ground, his hunger for her was so great, he didn't care who saw dont know nina side honorary believe she reciprocated or at least tolerated his aggressive actions, but it was the feeling of holding her down, pinned helplessly beneath him that peak his excitement after a few minutes, andrea ejaculated, just like with his bed wedding, his body lost control. He immediately. Treated inside ashamed and confused by what had happened.
Didn't realize, then, was that this violent display of power was the very beginning of a dark new obsession coming up andrei, pushes his violent desires to the extreme, the floorboards creek, the walls mom, the house seems vacant, but do you not alone. This october part invites you to celebrate the spookiness of the halloween season with all websites of haunted places from an infamous or farm in Indiana china. The ghostly, tombs and palaces of ancient egypt visit the the most haunted destinations and find out what happens when a soul leaves the body but doesn't leave the ground enjoy new episodes of haunted places all month, long free and only on spotify
Now back, The story by nineteen, fifty five eighteen, andrea, chick Attila, had experienced the terrors of war and famine as well. She in and emasculation, but throughout the major of schooling years. It seem like he was trying to put his traumatic past behind him in high school. Dray achieved high grades and took on leadership roles. He soon felt superior to his classmates and their tiny village. He was destined for greater things, so here applied to the highly competitive moscow state university. It might be difficult to fathom how it, could internalize shame and low self esteem, alongside the belief that he was better than those around him. But later in life, psychiatry diagnosed, Andre with skit soil, personality, disorder, acquitted
Two thousand and eighteen study published by schizophrenia bulletin people with skill We'd personalities can be ambivalent about their sense of self, which confuses there, the of individuality, self direction and self esteem. This could explain how feelings of both superiority. And inferiority could live inside Andre at once unfortunate, andrei would have another disappointment to add to his list. Diversity. Application was rejected, Andrea was absolutely crushed. He felt entitled to the honor, at the same time the rejection validated every negative thing he believed about himself brother ply do other out of town universities. Andre gave up, he stated his village a be obliged. I am an attendant local technical college. It was a step down from his dreams Although there was one bright side to staying at home, the team
Each Andre met another friend of his sisters and the pair started dating, but after a few months and multiple attempts at intercourse. Andrea was able to have sex with his girlfriend frustrated, they broke up shame was immense, andrea but a lot of time loathing himself for his impotence. Now it had did the only real relationship he'd ever had display this inner turmoil, Andre managed to earn his college degree he quickly an engineering job in a small city called near me, ideal about one miles and miles east of moscow. Finally, he left his home town behind by this time. The ussr, had not only recovered from its postwar economic slump, but it was competing with global, hours like the united states, with the cold war and base race in full swing. Work like andres, was vital his job. just paying the bills, he was sir, his great country or the first couple.
Weeks on the job Andrey enjoyed the fresh start. His co workers liked him. His boss is appreciated him and the work was stimulating. However, when andrei started dating the local women, he once again struggled with sex, make matters worse. These women openly teased him for his issues. They thought a man who couldn't have sex was hardly a man at all, but if these girls. told everyone in nizhny tug yield about his impotence. Just like it is. Town. He grew extremely paranoid, always work his colleagues knew his shameful secret. Matter of weeks, the twenty year old went from a happy new guy in town to a depressed shut in. He was so petrified of teasing that his colleagues, who had once TIM soon found him aloof and distant. Andre got chance at another fresh start when the soviet military drafted him into its communications unit. Finally, he made an effort to go out drinking with the other recruits, but every time they were
to the bars the group was focused on one thing: women, his achilles heel. at first, he thought it was easier to meet girls while hidden within a squad of uniformed men, but when the into them rolled around in the other soldiers, escorted partners to the nearest bed. He panicked and went home. one evening Andre managed to hit it off with a young woman after talking and laughing He put his arms around her a few Its later, his date grew board she's. Good to leave, but Andre held her in place the woman struggled to break away Andre felt his breath catch. He loved the shock and fear in her eyes. desperate movements ass. She tried to twist out of his iron grasp before he could make so what was happening he ejaculated in his pants. It was just pitting his sisters friend of the ground years before, but this time
andrei wasn't ashamed. He was hungry for more. Fortunately, for andrei he didn't have a lot of time to explore this new found affinity for sexual violence in the ussr. Traditional family rolls were extremely important. Couples got married early years we around twenty years old and started having children soon afterwards. And andrea struggles, hadn't gone unnoticed in nineteen, sixty three His younger sister Tatyana decided. Shy. Brother had been single for far too long. She introduced him to her friend thea. touchy on a new andre would never have the guts to ask theodosius out himself. So invited them all to the same social events. Despite andrews initial nerves and inability to look theodosius in the eye. The couple clicked they were a great ouch theodosius was intelligent, abrasive and decisive and andrea was happy to follow her lead within a few weeks. They got married
There was only one problem: andres persisting military to have intercourse theodosius surprised and somewhat disappointed, but they needed children Some reports say they used a combination of masturbation and insemination. Whatever they did was successful because fear gave birth to two children between nineteen sixty, seven and nineteen. Sixty nine life suited andrei. He loved his kids with while his heart and for the next couple of years, the growing we truly seem like the perfect soviet citizens. Whither Mood sense of purpose: Andre went back to school to earn the degrees he always wanted. With it doesnt support. He studied russian philology and literature. Is studies lead to a new career around? nineteen. Seventy Andre took a job as a teacher and over shocked. Hence a beautiful bond city and the southern ussr. He felt hopeful connected to his own children, passionate about
academics and confident that his life had? Finally aligned here I himself at the head of the classroom. Inspire in all struck students with his wit, encouraged strong communist beliefs and, of course, king up for the shy boys in the back. This optimistic dream fell apart. The very first day students wouldn't listen to him at all. They broke rules right in front of his face and called them names. Andres when realized, he was incapable of maintaining any discipline whatsoever. He was aw overwhelmed by his class that one time he almost fainted and the staff room, the old fool things of insecurity and shame returned andrea was hardly the capable masculine authority figure. He wanted to be his work caused him, a signal can amount of stress, but when he searched for an outlet, he didn't turned to his wife and children for help Instead, he found solace in sexual fantasies just like them
lauren team, the teacher daydreamed about sex constantly, but instead of holding hands. He imagined holding women down against their will. Visions were never about women, his own age, instead involved his students, s estate, dreams grew more visceral. It wasn't long before they became reality. Andre stood close. to some of the girls students an occasion He let a wandering hand touch them in appropriately. I too in seventeen case study on Andre, published by the journal of forensic psychiatry in psychology, suggest that his childhood trauma potentially contributed to his sexual urges towards children growing up. He felt powerless against the kids who bullied him and shamed by the women who mocked him on a subconscious level. He might I wanted to get back at them since those well worn around anymore. He possibly redirected his urges towards female students at his school. His behaviour escalated, eta
She walked into the women's dormitory while they were changing, then openly. Masturbated in front of them school quickly became aware of andres predatory behaviour, but they didn't do it Think about it. There were a few reasons for this. Most which stemmed from the ussr patriarchal, and And miss algae, mystic tendencies, women rights in the workforce by law, but an interval no dynamics. They had a huge disadvantage. Divorce was difficult and often favoured the man and domestic by thence was widely tolerated, those who, tempted to seek justice for sexual assault or misconduct were harshly interrogated. This often resulted in Putting the blame on the victim plus sex was a dirty taboo topic when they were judged for me, promiscuous, so they didn't always want to address sexual assault incidents. Doing so gave him a stigma which made their lives harder. All the factors allowed andrea to continue his transgressions, which own
grew more extreme once andrei kept of fourteen world after class to punish her forbad grades. He beat with a ruler until she begged and cried overcome. He grabbed her and feed Her struggle accidentally ejaculated it and just at school, either we also sexually abused theodosius six year old, niece now, but he discuss this feeling it seemed like he couldn't get enough, but eventually enough parents submitted complain that the school could no longer ignore the issue in nineteen before they quietly asked andrei to resign theodosius frustrated with their husbands, disturbing habits, but he promised her. It wouldn't happen again. He was a sweet partner and a good father to their children. Was. She forgave him about. The incident stay in the past,
So when on and his family moved to nearby shockey for another teaching job, it likely felt like they could start over in reality, andrei couldn't give up his new world. He never felt. thing like the rush of pinning down a young woman or hearing your screen. He yearned for it with every part of his body that's, possibly why, after arriving in Shockey, andrei secretly bought a dilapidated three room, shack in a quiet part of town at first he talks workers there to attempt intercourse, which was rarely successful, but soon the police proved useful for more disturbing acts. in the winter of nineteen. Seventy eight forty two year old andrade trudge through the gray winter evening to the local supermarket he just finished work and there was no rush to get home. He liked walking through the aisles disappear, into the rush of shoppers. He left the store and that's when he saw her
dressed in a fur lined red winter jacket. Nine year old lane, as a cordon of us, stood at a near by bus. Stop her small, frame beckoned of famille. your urge filled him hunger. He went to stamp her asking her name and where she was going lena admitted She was rushing home to use the bathroom so friendly, as could be Andrey offered up his facilities after she accept He walked the girl to his run down house and assured her inside as soon as you the door andre tackled lane over the ground. She screamed buddy covered her mouth and tore at her clothes entre wanted to rape her, but his body failed him once again in the struggle she started to bleed. Seeing the dark red liquid drip out of Lena gave Andre the strongest orgasm he'd ever experienced in a frenzy he pulled out a pocket knife at four
He just wanted to cut her a little more, but he couldn't control himself. He drove knife into her stomach over and over. She screamed and thrashed, but it just added to his pleasure. Finally, he tossed the knife, and squeezed her neck ass, hard ass. He could he was in such chaotic ecstasy. He didn't know she was ready dead. After a few minutes Andrew pulled himself away from the bloody mess that once was lay not he was exhausted, but elated after decades of a confused, tortured existence. He'd never felt like this before. For a brief blissful moment. He was finally sated coming up. Andre takes us appetite on the road now back to the story, on a cold night in nineteen. Seventy eight, forty two. You,
old andrade shook attila lured a nine year old, named Lena into his secret apartment. There, He found the greatest sexual pleasure of his life when he brutal he stabbed her to death. The sondra sat beside her body. It was only a matter of minutes before panic set in, he had meant to kill lena, and he had no idea how dispose of her remains still. He had to do something here: play nine, his clothes and picked her up. Then he peered the shadowy street to check for neighbours before making a dash to the near by river, the sculpture you're through Lena and her belongings into the freezing water. He watched for and ass, her body disappeared into the dark, andrea return to the scene of the crime. Instead, he walked briskly home, his wife thea was out that night and he wanted her to think he'd been there all evening, just in case the authorities
found, Lena and another town and came knocking, unfortunately, for Andre, the key and didn't carrying laid his body as far as he would have liked. Just two days later right before christmas to police office. respond lena on the shores of Shockey. She was a few miles from where andrea, tossed her in officers door to door. Asking questions raised immediately pointed them to the small run down shack and the strong age neighbor, who took women in and out the efficient it andrei and also interviewed theodosius, they told her a little girl in sexually assaulted and murdered. She needed to confer her husband's alibi. He'd been home all night it's hard to, what fear dose felt at that moment. She knew about andres obsession with children. His previous assault were the reason they were in this town. In the first place, she must have at least suspected his involvement,
telling the truth meant betraying her husband, the father of her children. They'd, have to pick up their lives and key once again Sophia dulcea lied. She said he home all night to hurry. might have seemed like a small price to pay to keep her family and reputation intact over the course the following weeks. The police interviewed andrei eight or nine times, but found no in slinking him too late as death, instead their suspicion fell on some one else entirely. They arrested when he five year old man named Alexandre Croft tanker EC was exactly the kind of person the police were searching for. You live near by spent ten years in prison for killing a child when he was a teenager. There is no solidarity. Pointing to alexander, but that didn't matter to the officers the soviet union considered I'm a capitalist phenomenon that manifest
sometimes hit incidents to preserve communism's peaceful reputation. They were more interested in keeping appearances than protecting citizens, the detectives one dissolve lena's murder as quickly as possible after intense question alexander actually confess to the homicide. Perhaps under duress and threat of violence, a few years later, he was executed though, Andre loved killing the investigation, briefly scared him straight. His dark desires, weren't worth his life to avoid temptation. He quit teaching. Instead, he took a job as a supplies. Clerk for manufacturing company. The position was, can sidney lowly for a man who went to university and he spent days at a time on the road travelling alone, however, Even in these far away cities, Andre found himself tempted once again
in nineteen eighty one forty four year old, andrei walk past a librarian rostov, andand standing outside the building was seventeen year old, marisa Katinka, Andrea struck up a conversation with a young girl flirting ever so slightly research, who had always been a rebel, might have been curious about being with an older man. So andrei suggested they take a walk by the river. The teenager agreed android down an isolated path in the woods. Under the cover of thick trees andrei in the recent attempted to have sex but as usual he couldn't perform. Maybe reminded andrei of all the other women in his life and their constant badgering against his manhood. Whatever the reason andrea, lashed out and started beating her or euphoric. Hush washed over him and he continued to attack the more she shouted and struggled the more aroused he became
caught in the moment, Andre began biting Larissa, he tore chunks of her skin off with his teeth and spit them out. According to a two thousand eighteen case, study published by the journal of forensic psychiatry in psychology. Andrew is desired. Brutalized loretta stemmed from a disorder called a rada phone. A failure This is when someone become sexually aroused by murder and mutilation or photo failure can come from the hunger for complete dominance over a person, ray who faced humiliation and physical impotence. His entire life was desperate to feel in control and no greater dominance than biting into his victim skin. Transforming her from her human being into a meal. The questioner, tale about his cannibalized relative, also might have been on andres mind all those its. He lay awake wondering how one could eat another's flash
which felt as natural as a starving man gorging at a piece of meat. After the recent died, andrea, came down from his frenzy. Then he covered her and leaves, and walked out of the woods it might look like he was simply coming back from a pleasant, walk, officials found the recess body the next day, but there was nothing to andrei to the murder. After all, he over an hour away. It must off on the forty four year might as well have been a ghost a whole year. asked and andrzej wonder just how much he could get away with if he was careful in the summer in eighty two andre was on a business trip in a tiny town about thirty miles south of saki. It was brutally hot and andrzej felt the heat stirs deepest desires,
so, when he saw a thirteen year old, Luba barrier walking home from a storm, he followed her a wolf stocking its prey, andrey coke slew by into a patch of secluded woods and attempted to rape, the well, but when that failed, he once again lashed out he stabbed her heatedly in the stomach. She fought back was no match for the forty five year old and this time under it didn't stop at killing her or even biting her skin. He used his weapon to gouge out lupus eyes around Superstition suggest that when a killer takes a life, an imprint of their face is left on the back of their victims eyes. This way the police can see the culprit during autopsies and hunt down the murderer. It's possible. andrei felt paranoid about this law and want to destroy the imaginary photo or it could have been another If of around a photo failure by the
I'm officials found lubeck body two weeks later. She decomposed in the summer humidity Existing evidence was lost. Yet another escape andrei seem to relinquish any remaining out of self control during the six months under a killed six more people in various soviet union cities. He sometimes found victims that bus stops targeting drifters and young lost souls. His focus on desperate young people wasn't coincidental. It was easy for andrea to get them to follow him with promises of food, sex money or even candy. Andrea, continue to destroys victims eyes and used his teeth to tear off their skin, but he also developed new habits. He started cut. or biting off tongues and genitals. He never admitted to eating human flesh. It seemed like to chew, then spit out these body parts
iran or phone ophelia, plus his experience feeling sexually incompetent created and urge to this roy the sexual power of his victims so when he mutilated body parts associated with sex. He felt total dominance and immense gratification. However, Andres brutal murder streak had finally been noticed, even though the body the spread out over several cities. The a mutilated children was hard to miss and the police have been Lee connected them. A fish We launched an investigation into the killings, but in an effort to entailed the peace and project strength. They kept these proceedings, a secret no one alerted the public about a serial killer in their midst, so the citizens continued on with their lives, oblivious that their children danger this discretion, gave andrey an advantage over his unsuspecting victims, armed with desire, he detached from the rest of his life. He,
wanted in his job. Barely getting tasks done at home. He grew. Isolate, from fiducia and his now grown children. All he wanted to do was kill throughout in eighty three andre murdered eight more people bringing his total victim count to seventeen after growing. Been a famine. Andrey now lived a life of abundance and, while police quietly urged for their monster. Andres appetite grew stronger. the thanks again for turning into serial killers, will be back soon with part. Two of the red river, in which andreasen riddick savagery leads to more victims for mine, Formation on Andre trick, Attila amongst the many sources we used, we found the red river
sighed the mind of russia's most brutal serial killer by peter can ratty extremely helpful to our research You can find all episodes a serial killers and all other spotify originals from park ass for free on spotify. We'll see you next time stay safe out there. Serial killers is spotify original from power cast executive producers in max and ron cutler sound designed by Michael motion with products, assistance by IRAN, shapiro nick johnson trend, williamson and carly madden the pursuit of serial killers was written by kit fitzgerald edited by Ben caraway. Hate Murdoch that chick by Catherine varner research by right peters and chelsea wood and produced by bruce guiteau bitch serial killer stars Greg, pulsing and vanessa richardson.
Transcript generated on 2023-06-19.