« Rush Limbaugh Morning Update

Rush Limbaugh Oct 23, 2020


Last month New York's Governor Andrew Cuomo said, that he doesn't trust the federal government when it comes to a Corona virus vaccine.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Last month, New York's Idiot Governor Andrew Cuomo said that he doesn't trust the federal government. When it comes to corona virus vaccine, his state will conduct gets. Review when any vaccine is released, he said California Ultra left, as Governor Gavin Newsome has followed suit. He says that he will not take any ones word that vaccines effective. He appointed eleven doctors and scientists. review. I am corona virus vaccine that rolled out This is one of the most brazen displays of political partisanship. We ve ever seen their obvious message is the Trump administration can be trusted that any vaccine released on trumps watch can't be trusted, and only these democratic governors have the moral and scientific authority to clear a vaccine for use by citizens in their states. It's actually about more than they should know. This is arrogance these these two lane brains, Cuomo, Newsome, actually think.
pharmaceutical companies would spend billions of dollars researching and testing a vaccine investing their reputations to created dangerous or ineffective vaccine justice. Somehow prop up president Trump. These two political hacks, Eli think that any pharmaceutical company anywhere would risk lives to help Republicans fat chance of that governor I'm all Governor Newsome, both of you are really telling us who you are and how low you will sink to put your politics before everything else, including the wives of the american people.
Transcript generated on 2020-10-23.