« Rush Limbaugh - Timeless Wisdom

Rush Limbaugh April 10th 2019


According to The Politico, the Democrats that are running for President are struggling to convince their home states that they are ready for the White House. 38 percent of Californians agree that Kamala Harris should be running for President.  Cory Booker is only backed by 37 percent of the East Coast.  Joe Biden is more popular than Beto O'Rourke in O'Rourke's home state of Texas.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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Spartacus to Texas Democrats, a running battle or Rourke, and Julian Castro, but Non Texan, Joe Biden is more popular in both of their homes states than they are. One expert says that some of these candidates, like Camelot, Harris or better, could walk through airports in their home states and a lot of people wouldn't even recognize them wound on may be true, but there is an established front runner. The Democrat Party to most people do recognize it's crazy Bernie.
The aging socialist is way too old to be president, but he's got more support, more money, more name recognition and more clout than the rest of the field and plus his people in Vermont, love him, but he's being ignored the prospect of crazy Bernie as a democrat nominee is driving the Democrat machine bosses crazy. They have nothing to worry about the guys to old so's Biden. Inga happen.
Transcript generated on 2020-01-12.