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Overwhelming Reaction to My Monologue on Abortion


RUSH: Man, oh, man. You know, I’ve gotten a lot of reaction to things over the course of my stellar and remarkable broadcast career. But the reaction I got from a monologue last week reacting to the news made by the New York State Senate where they gave a standing ovation to murder – they’re calling it abortion — I have received so many responses, favorable responses to that.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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who's made by the New York State Senate, where they gave a standing ovation to murder. They calling an abortion I have received so many responses favourable responses to that that it it it if kind. I dont get feedback much anymore. You not deaf thirty years. People just expect certain things and when you deliver it once expected its normal, so I really don't get a whole lot of feed, but I have been overwhelmed with feedback and apparently a couple of other websites picked up the story and ran the transcript of what our daily wire was one of them and it it's it's it's but he timely because of a singular observation about it, and let me just briefly recap it because it
gonna serve as a transition into a further development of the the whole idea. The topic, which is what I've got a peace here from, I think its power lines, some one other writers, there's what's happened on the left. Nobody can understand. What has he These people will, I do understand exactly what's happened. They have become poisoned by A loathing hatred for us, and it really isn't any more complicated matters, a tweet here from thence thy governmental as well. Black and tore Hollywood actor. Does commercials a lecturer. He has been a writer and editor of the american spectator, his father, Home Stein. Chief economist advisor for Richard Nixon and advanced. Tweets? We have a society in which, there are an awful lot of people who have no idea that Stalin, Hitler Mount Satan
all came to power Promising the same kinds of things Exemplary, I guess. You'll Cortez is promising and land mass murder it led to dictatorship and lead the genocide. Now, what would you is all that is true. It's absolutely driven. It's not just Cortez Fogs. This is what the Democratic Party has become. Let me ask you some, you remember what happened to the kid Covington high school kids: do you know of one person who stood up. On the democratic side and rejected the treatment that kid was getting from their supporters, there wasn't one the elected Democrat they all pylon. Instead, there was One elected democratic stood up and told everybody on his or her side to calm down now. What but it was the actions
and the kid led by the media. were joined by others in the media and the Democratic Party and the kid in kids were then targeted as the perpetrators as the guilty. Meanwhile, congressional black Israel? I jus, where the real perpetrators, the real vile defamatory hate filled, people got told you pass, as did the. Aging and frail indian Chief Nathan, Philips, but the point is There wasn't one, not even in their diocese. There wasn't catholic leader who stood up to defend them at first ever. Anybody got on the role of blaming them. There wasn't one person with the courage, other than some of us in the media, and stand up and oppose was happening or those kids and to try to get the fact in the story right there at one Democrat, there was one
elected or appointed Democrat anywhere, who stood up and won't everybody on his or her calm down. Calm down. This is not looking good for us. They all piled on. This is on checked, on abated hatred for us, I'm going back to the New York State Senate, you back in somebody's done. This pictures in nineteen sixty five on Easter The empire state building in a couple of other tall skyscrapers. The only lights on in the building in a three of the picture are the cross signifying Easter bought. Last week, after the New York State Senate, legalised murder, calling it a motion, the same buildings and lit up in pink to honour who, who has pink as their color. Well a militant
monopolies and lay pro abortion crowd and even some some pink as a color in the gay rainbow. These are clear, different times and here's bends dines tweed about Stalin, Hitler MAO Tse Tung, let me could throw Fidel Castro in this mix. It could throw pol pot into this makes any left wing dictator result said walls being built to keep prisoners, citizens in and to keep Dissenters dead, the Imp his end or shot. And yet today, hey if you mention that two people like a costume contents or any these other liberals today, but they don't even if the bee millennials and can be the parents of these kids are changing history, its old stuff. We have dealt with that. That's never happening again in a new focus right back on us. We are the threat.
Me being conservatives in some Republicans, we represent the threat to them. They're not worried about becoming Hitler all over again, not worried about becoming MAO Tse Tung. That's who they are when you get now, do it in terms of their totalitarian instincts authority, arguments, thinks they are Stalinist stood a core, they are intolerant and Let me read you a tweet. There was you know the writer Andrew Sullivan. He is a isn't liberal. and on occasion he writes pieces go against the liberal grain and he wrote such a piece about these kids at coming, and maybe a treatment. How aghast he was at home, whole story, develop where none of it was true in the media. Didn't try to fact check it and get to the truth, said the elite
maybe a seemed eager to downplay their role, referring to them only in passing, noting briefly they were now. To be anti semitic dynamic gave these lack hebrew Israelites that he's talking about who got who were given a pass, sites, other media people who wrote just terribly egregious things about this. and he is now being attacked for vat. freeing away veering away from the Rick wired. Mine said Anne viewpoint on this. They are tolerant of me body whose strays from the orthodoxy and the oars exactly as that, Maggie HAT and a smirking seventeen year old kid is the enemy. Today, the target the epitome of what needs to be vanquished and so
There is a law school lost with George Mason Universities called Scalia LAW School and somebody named David Bernstein. There found a comment elsewhere on Andrew Solomons Peace. I want to read this comment to you. This is not an outlier comment. This is not something from the fringe. This is who they are. and by they I mean today's Democratic Party, I mean today's American left. I mean the The majority of today's media. here's, the here's, the fears that the comment to the Andrew Sullivan Peace in this, this common, totally opposed to solve in looking at this case, involving the Covington kids reasonably quote:
I don't know who was truly the aggressor or bad guy in this situation, but I do know this. These were wealthy privilege. White teenagers in Malaga hats, marching against abortion, that's play your reason to want to beat that he's gotta them until there's nothing left, but jib lights and red jelly. I hate him for smirking and peacefully protesting against the people. Disagree with. and I don't hate them for what they did necessary. Only I hate them for what they are and what the They represent screw These kids for their politics grew them for their Catholicism and their k, K, conservatism and there hateful hands, you shouldn't need a video and some excrement heal.
The punctual faced and all that, and they goes on a little bearing a standard. That's Tipp, the folks. That's who these people are And one of the reasons they exist today is that we have never stood up to oppose them. We have the Public and party has not stood up and oppose them. The Republican Party have sought. after their approval- and it's not just the republic party at all, Republicans its sub moderates. They call themselves republic ends at some of the conservative media, just don't want the confrontation want. The acceptance instead and salt these people are really not faced. Other than at the ballot box. That's another reason why they hate people voted for Trump, the only You'll opposition. These people have a certain segment of the american voting population. That's all we have going for us now. Besides Trump, they become
they become so accustomed, no accountability in the media and no serious political opposition from the elected political opposition republic, and party that, when there is Emmy they just freak out and seek to demolish it, and it's been twenty or thirty years that they pretty much been able to get away with whatever. Without any real accountability. I don't know how many times I try telling some The early today I can, I got there so many times I can't count the number of modern Republicans came up to me. You gotta get the Republican to stop talking about a boar.
We're gonna, never one, although Julian gonna, we weren't. Where were we social liberalism, fiscal conservative, you gotta get any everywhere. I went whenever the Republicans lost an election, it was assumed. That was why- and I always said to the limited something if we are not willing to stand up for life, what the hell else are we gonna be able to hear. value, when I tried to tell him that it was about so much more than abortion, its if you dont have a government that is willing to stand up for life wherever it is particularly its own citizens. And if you have a population that is not all in the same direction than yours. You're, you're, gonna watch this loud devolution of anything of value. If life is not worth fighting for, if we do, we all only get one and if we're not going
evening gauge the battle to snuff out life. If we're not even go to engage the people who want to get rid of undesirable babies than what what what else is gonna fall by the wayside, and that is what we are seeing. Crime rate Gaza everything goes up. The annual Patrick Moynihan, defining deviancy down so much perverted garbage ten used to happen that we are unable to deal with it. So we almost automatically eventually declarant normal and, as all The crimes and injustices are suddenly given up
fight against to proclaim normal than we have the declining moral foundation of our society. We're living the practical results of it and it was a pity miser by standing ovation, is in New York, state Senate when they applauded the fact that non medical personnel can now do abortions even up to the due date and if a baby in a warm is, is intended to be aborted and survives. The process they go ahead and kill it after birth. That was given a standing ovation too, and then they turned the lights pink on the buildings in New York, city and celebration. I'm just telling you that what women that is a degradation and devaluing that I don't know how
You you account for about its, it didn't happen overnight. The stuff has been creeping up on us and there have not been well. I don't mean to impugn people who have devoted their lives and fought very hard against that, but in terms of the real commitment to this, it's kind of urban, it's kind of unwavering and now everybody's asking. Why were they applauding murder and I'll take? The answer again is cause here's the ears, the big change in this. This is another.
illustration of just how far our decline culturally and society has been for all those years when abortion was discussed, it was always framed in terms of civil rights issue or a human rights issue. For the mother, a woman's right to choose is what it was about: pregnancy as an illness pregnancies, a psychological disorder; potentially it was never whenever we discuss abortion and the fact that it was a human being was not permitted to be discussed, couldn't even discuss the concept of wonders life again, because there wasn't a life there. It was nothing other than a freedom issue, civil rights, human rights. It was a women's rights. If that's the way it was discussed, they couldn't dare admit to what the practical result of this was well. That's out the window that, when you have to hide what they're doing now, they're applauding what they're doing the New York
they'd send it did not give a standing ovation to women's rights being furred or a woman's right to choose being advanced. They won't applauding the ability now to a board, a child up to the due date and then snuff out the life of a trial. It survives. The abortion that's. So then, that they're not even afraid any more to be honest about what this issue is. They don't have the money. Skinner camouflaging note, they're, not Ask error camouflaging much of anything else, because they don't think there's anybody. That's gonna, stop them, because they know that if anybody does stand up and try to stop well you know what your life will be like Ass Donald Trump and how many people are willing to put their lives on the line like nobody wants to have the abuse trump gets everyday, elected official or not
Transcript generated on 2021-09-04.