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It’s Undeniable! The Left Targets White Men


RUSH: Over the course of many recent months, I have made the point that one of the objectives of the modern American left is to transform America away from its intentions and its designs as founded. And in many ways, this was one of the agenda objectives of the Obama administration, although to do it in a stealth way. Obama couldn’t come out and say it beyond that his policies were “transformative.” He couldn’t define what that meant.

There would have been a revolt — and he wouldn’t have been elected if he’d been honest about what transforming America meant. So what he claimed it meant was taking on issues like climate change and health care for everybody and all this, transform America. But what they really want to do is transform America away from our unique founding, convert it to a socialist democracy.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Americans are facing higher prices from the gas bombed to the grocery store. Rising inflation and taxes on America's businesses are a bad combination for the economy. Congress say no attack. Sykes paper by business Round table this holiday metro by T Mobile. The be five g upgrade just got better now, with the largest selection of free five g phones and creeping like the same some galaxy. Five g just switch in trade in your old vice plus get one line of unlimited. Finding data for just twenty five Luxembourg, with five g included only admettre to twenty four months. Twenty five dollar price may increase the tiniest orally no tethering unlimited network will be required for village carrier of congested users greater than frequently going from month notice, lower speed and mature customers notice lower speed for sustainable energy partisanship video it for you, pc, store for details, this holiday metro by sea Mobile, the big five g upgrade just got better now, but the largest selection of free five G phones in prepay, like the Samson Galaxy, five g, just switch in trade in your old vice plus get one line of unlimited. Finally, data for just twenty five bucks a month with five g included only admettre twenty four months. Twenty five dollar price may increase limit the tiniest orally, no tabling unlimited on network only required portability, carrier of congested other users greater than frequently towards promoting lower speed and mature customers notice, lower speed for sustainable energy privatisation, video it for you pc, store for details over the course of the many recent months. I have made the point that one of the objectives of the modern American left is too,
as for our American away from its intentions and its designs is founded, In many ways this was one of the agenda objectives of the Obama administration. Looked! Do it in a stealth white Obama couldn't come out and say beyond that his policies were transformative. He couldn't define what that meant. There would have been a revolt and he wouldn't a bit elected. Have you been honest about what transferring America so what he claimed it. Man was taking on issues like climate change and healthcare for everybody in all this transform American, but what they really want to do is transfer America away from our unique
Having converted to a socialist democracy, some of the radicals even want to go further and and and have this country become totally communist back. Look! There's a pull out here. Data from the daily collar they Paul is Buzzfeed NEWS. Thirty one percent of millennials identify as democratic socialist according to a study. that has been taken here. You'd like do not believe this, but the facts on the ground. Just what you see, even though maybe anecdotal evidence index is that a lot of them have fallen for this millennium. Men were far more likely to identify as some kind of socialist than women that total of forty percent responding affirmatively late to the question. Now how in the hell can that Cuz there's one thing: something just doesn't: drivers, socialism, you know what it is self. Reliance so far.
I am taking yourselves seriously standing up for yourself, believing in it of relying on yourself being a man just does gibe with socialism, Socialism does not work well with self reliant people socialism and communism attempt your race self reliant. People self reliant people. People do not need do not depend on body but themselves. Their immediate circle are huge. Threats to socialist Congress or how the hell has this happened. How is it forty percent millennium men have become socialist more than women. It ought to be The exact opposite. Well, hello, modern era, feminism. Which has had as one of its targets the de masculinization of men and they ve been very an honest about that they ve even Conch
terms for toxic masculinity day generous masculinity? They are doing their best to erase male natural mailed characteristics from his many. Young guys as they can and since guys want to pal around with women Whatever women want is what men end up doing. On balance, I mean you have individual exceptions. Of course you got Clint these woods. Are you ve got James cons? Tell everybody go to hell or when they are told how to live and how to act. But on balance, men do. What women want him to do. Big book is famous and hot women dig it men are gonna, go, say their reading it and try to become conversant than it does the nature of things, and so there being highway highly successful and tar
in America and its founding, not just targeting capitalism, its targeting the concepts of individual liberty and freedom and targeting the concept. That government is the institution that needs to be limited most in a representative republic, the dm phasis of government, the getting government out of people's lives, just the exact opposite with communist and socialist. So I have an evidence based here Not just flapping my gums, there's a new Yorkers story by Michael Lista, a guy published. Yes, Dave the tears of bread, Cavenaugh is its title. It is a horrible peace and it does. Exactly that which I have been warning people. It goes all the way back to the founding of Amerika, the trash white men, or that reminds me hang on here.
You need a grab, an audio sound bite here. It's but abbot ab indubitably debate every bit of six and seven. pull quote: Cavanaugh has no avenue of appeal, though, except His own hurt feelings he's in touch with them, as he was taught to be, and saw he seemingly weapon Ized crying the way. A little boy does when he's in trouble. Another pull quote but Kevin Performance less there's there was something entirely different, distinctly contemporary. If combined the post, WAR attitude that men should be in touch with their feelings, to the point that they may crime with, Intrinsic american ideal of white male privilege. because Cavenaugh is accused of sexual assault. In May.
He denied the career elevation. He has long plotted. He Bludward like a newborn. He has plot ten his career. You see. He hasn't had a series of goals and achieve them all the guy is a dangerous schemer. He has plotted to get on the Supreme Court where he can rule against minorities and women and let tee knows and expand aches and gays and lesbians. trend genders. Don't you know this has been a lifelong laughing strategy of bread, Cavanaugh. And when there was the least bit resistant placed the bees way. He reduce tears, started crying, and then this book quote criminals. Tears made a kind of sense from us,
single phrase by Thomas Jefferson that public life is about life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, the fulfilment of a white american man's atomizer desires, assumed what about the and became the ultimate purpose of this country society. If a white man didn't yet when he wanted it was nothing short of a constitutional crisis? This is this clown saw in the Furthermore, hearings, but you will note the references here, a single phrase. My Thomas Jefferson and public life is about life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, the fulfilment of the White American man's desire, assumed the force of a fee ought meaning and automatic and became the ultimate purpose of this country society. If a white man didn't get what he wanted, it was nothing short of a constitutional crisis bingo. These p
prove me right, each and every time I go analyzing them, so the trouble with America is, it was ambushed by white men for white men and the pursuit of happiness and life and limb was only intended for white men and if any white men was instructed in the pursuit than there was something wrong with America. Do not minimize this. I'm telling you this belief is an amazing, the last two generation informing the last two generations of kids going the high school in college. This is the kind of drivel that they are being taught that America is corrupt from its founding day That it was founded foreign exclusive group of people, white men. Nobody else need apply.
And when they don't get their way, in other words, when minority start taken over Latinos lesbians, gays, too Genders you name it when most people start taken over that's justice when white, Men have their lunch habit tool and have to listen to what they are. pursued, a happiness has meant for everybody else misery death destruction discriminate. This is what this sick bunch of people believe gonna, be audio soundbites. more documentation. Last night CNN tonight with Don women talking about the protests against capital nomination and your beloved host me, there is not at all subtle undercurrent to all of this. This is not just an attack on conservatives. It's an attack on white men. What,
about come on down. These women are angry. Something has happened, to them in their lives and their rights and anger they take about now on the country or on all men or men in the powerful majority, which are white, christian men and so forth, he said it. so don't get mad at me in to older women everything's about race, rather than searching for the truth, the President and his party there appealing to their base, people who feel feel victimized who fear the world is passing by, feel fear. People who see all of this is a zero sum game if women or people of color or else BT people advance. It must be a someone else's expense, not done that's what you people are doing. I merely chronicling what's happening out. There is on deniable just shared with you, one of the countless exam
like inside this guy, Michael listed in the new Yorker, suggesting that Cavenaugh crying because he's a white man targeted singled out for it announcement in America by other white men and one it's not going- is way breaks down and cries. This peace just Defies the attack on white men, it says it's about time the whole com, Ray Emmy assault on the whole country is validated because it's actually an assault on a white male majority, which is cause tyranny and sadness and misery, and death and destruction everybody else all I said was women- are angry me to movement. Women are angry, something's happened to him, their rage and anger. They take out now in that country, the majority of which white christian men that's the talking. You cannot deny that white christian men just white men period are the two
of modern feminism of modern american liberalism and the american left. Somehow Don live converts this underway racial issue. It is a race we're talking about the structure, America as founded and wants to become of it and the thus the vacation, the web seas for getting rid of it in France, warming it you want everything to be about race. There was no racial component in my comment at all. I'm simply identifying the targets today. of the american left. Let me take a brief time out see how easy it is for me to make my case here. They help me. They make my case for me. We have to do is read to what they say, or audio of what they say.
Transcript generated on 2021-11-18.