« The Rachel Hollis Podcast

480: How To Be A High Level Leader with Chris Hogan, John Maxwell, Jamie Kern Lima, Ken Coleman, and Scott Miller | Mastermind Series

2023-09-14 | 🔗

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Be honest since you got up this morning. Have you done anything new tried? Any new foods listen to new music? we're taken in europe The good news is the day, isn't over Let us turn it on, and the reinvented lexus our excess. Definitely something you with our pounding design, intelligent technology and the first ever are Ex five hundred each performance. Hybrid. Never lose your edge with the all new lexus aurex click. The banner to discover more experience. Amazed at your lexus dealer. With a: u s age words to help. You save take advantage of savings when you cover your home anti riot, discover how we're helping member sates, usa, a dot com, slash bundle, restrictions apply if you're going to difficult time of somebody's criticising your somebody's trying to pull you down there that crab in a basket. Here's what I want you to know that has nothing to do with the fact that you do. something wrong. It has every
to do what you're doing something and I learned a long time ago- big people make you feel bigger at smaller people make you feel smart hi, I'm rachel Hollis, and this is my podcast spend so many hours of every single week, reading and listened podcast and watching youtube videos and try and to find out as much as I can about the world around me and that's what we do on their show. We talk about everything, life and to be an entrepreneur. What happened dinosaurs? What's the best recipe for fried chicken? What's the best plan for intermittent fasting, going on with our inner child house therapy working out for you for it is my guests are into. I want to unpack it so that we can all understand. These are conversations. This is information for the curious. This
Is the rachel Hollis podcast hi, guys it's rage well to another episode of the podcast and a conversation today about leadership or, more specifically, high level leadership. What I mean by high level. Leadership are people who you don't just get given the title of boss. You didn't just get promoted to manager, I think of high level leaders as people who really commit to being great in that role, and it's not something that just happens inside of a business. This can happen in a family as a high. You know you, you challenge herself to be a high level leader as apparent maybe you're, a high level leader in your church,
community or your synagogue or your mosque, maybe you're a high level leader in a club that your apart over on a team, doesn't really matter how you lead it you understand that you have the opportunity to live. And you want to do it well. This conversation is part of our mastermind series. Now this series is based on the idea that we- done this show for almost seven years, and in seven years, we ve had hundreds and hundreds of the most amazing teachers leaders authors, artists, musicians, you name it. I have had the absolute pleasure of interviewing them here on the show, and some of them Episodes are so far back in the catalogue. You might not have heard them, even though they were fantastic. So the man
Her mind series was my way of bringing some of the best nuggets from some of the best guess into today's episodes. So I choose a single topic and then I find what I think are the five best conversations I've ever had about that topic and pool ten minutes of like bomb fire wisdom from that particular teacher, and today we ve got some incredible gas in this episode to teach us about leadership, number one, the godfather john c, Maxwell literally. He wrote the book on leadership Jane currently emma, who founded and then later sold it cosmetics for a good job. In dollars, Chris Hogan, who has taught for decades about what it is to be a strong and focus leader. We ve got KEN coleman. We ve got Scott miller. These converse.
Cheyennes fired me up so deeply when I got to have them for the first time, and I really think they're gonna be helpful for you today. Listen to this end, and as always, if you d get, I would so proceed it. If you would share with another leader that you think needs to hear this message today, my name's chris Hogan. I've been a part of ramsay solutions, they ramses team for fourteen years. Morgan but babe I was in the banking world have been dealing with money and leadership roles. twenty years ago. So have an opportunity to have own. My own companies have gone. and have helped companies would turnarounds consult fortune, one hundred two hundred five hundred companies, and so I just- the passion for helping people kind of growth. Into not only their purpose but reaching their maximum potential, and so I love talking about money. I love talking about business and leadership. I love coaching people. I love help. People to raise their level of performance, so we can raise our level of impact
Two men talent is out there that scare me rachel scarce Tell scares me because that means, as is, that people have this man said that there is not enough to go around. So if someone also doing well they're, taking away from my opportunity. That's not true you don't you this. We have billions of people on the planet. We got people we can serve. We just have to focus. I don't like the scarcely mentality, there's a lot out there, for everybody. People just need to get to work. The other one is in mentality. This one is the most poisonous the mentality, is where you're thinking someone else The standing in my way someone else's its and blaming someone else that I didn't do x, Y or z an adult that mentality scares me because it prevents us from getting better because
If you're saying the reason I haven't done anything yet or I've not gotten better is because someone is holding me back or someone else's standing in my way, then you'll be limited in what you're willing to try and how hard you keep pushing like. I'm excited for people that are doing well, and someone else doing well doesn't mean that I can't so I am naturally excited for people that are winning that are doing things that are working hard, that are paid a price and sacrifice and are winning something happened. attitude of being an appreciate her, don't someone else except success. Cause you too low It inwardly, really what you're not doing, I think, we have to do is understand. We all have different start points. Like when I did the researcher outta the largest research overall millionaires. We talked over ten thousand of them across the nation, and the farmers as I was writing my book everyday millionaires, how ordinary people built extraordinary wealth and how you can too I think number one being in appreciate. It helps us to understand what's possible and we all,
different start point. Some of us have had more advantages than others, others as well some disadvantages more than others, but we all are running the same race right. We all to run this race and to be able to give that effort and so being an appreciative of people that are doing well, but also being an understand or other. Stating that, regardless of where you come from russia where you were born when you went to school, you haven't Retorted to win. You haven't Fortunately, the put yourself on a path and do well and that's it. I found as I did this research, these everyday millionaires. These were people came from less than nuthin, some of them homeless at some point in time, but they got consistent and got. gus and were willing to sacrifice. So I think, if we're in a priest, Four people were an understanding that we can do better. We ve got up turn it is. We can change the game starting today, if you're doing something that stands for something you're gonna get some hate right pushing against the norm. In your try to encourage people, there
the percentage of society. There needs to be incarcerated. Ok, they're, crazy, my body that left, but I won't I want you to know if you're doing something, that's answers up and you're gonna get some push back. Here's what you can't do, I remember me, first book came out retire inspired twenty sixteen, I was pump I was excited the first amazon reviews, gonna come out and I've got two hundred of them better glowing, yeah amazing and talk that's not you know. Anyone He was john, a for seventeen. I remember that I support my book worthy of toilet reading man. I looked at the screen: I started to call my buddy that works and the fbi the as yet is how air he's it's about me. But I realized see that's human nature you can have to. The positive things, but we
actually will gloat go towards that one negative. We can't do this weekend, that nowhere in math does two hundred ever it outweighed by one year and what I want my your viewers in your listeners about as yet you're gonna have people that are jealous you're gonna, people that are drink and hate arrayed, that's the drink for haters you're gonna have the organs. and and have an issue, but I would this day, so focus on the kind. I want you to stay focused on the people. You ve encourage. That's why I was walking when I was at your event, which was also by the way he hopped about the importance of writing. Thank you know. Like thing show your gratitude and people go back and read those yeah I want us expect expect people we'll be crazy things. Small percent expect some people jealous expect some people too that's. Ok, those are all small percentages, but I want you to expect to make an impact by caring for people need to hear the message and state pushing forward. Don't ever forget.
Your goal and mission is the impact people and do a positive thing. We're gonna have to through negatives, to continue to do our positive and here's one things rachel people. Lastly, businesses will say: well how do you all fine, such motivated people? How do you motivate your team, and I tell him no, no you. Ve got this long. We hire motivated people yeah right, and so it's not my job, to keep them motivated. My job is to keep up my people moving forward towards the goal, but you and we motivated people its awesome They come to work ready to roll. They come to work with their mind, clear understanding what it is you're trying to do and what it does is. It creates a culture of people that have a self employed mentality. This is, One of the things that I would encourage your business owners after to create a self employed, mentality means that people understand that they can. control their fate. They are
a plugged in and they are part of this business and the future of the business relies on their efforts and their focus and when you do that when you listen to your team members and you give them an opportunity to get the wrecked feedback and you honest. You know, because leaders mostly time we were not you're on our expectations. We have it in our heads of what we, while people to do, but if we don't ever verbal, I said actually doing your tea member a disservice, and so, someone needs to know hey, I'm expecting you to achieve this this in this, and this what we need to happen together as a team, Can I do as a leader to help you do that? How can I help you that mark and so that the instead of the leader as I need to empower people, delegating to them not only the authority but the responsibility to make things happen, but then the leader. We need to make sure we are supporting people and give them the tools they need to make that happen. I think my
condition of servant. Leadership is to give others what they need to achieve, what they were designed to be at say that, as far as I'm wanting to make sure that I'm I'm helping people right firstly, the people on the team there. It's it's important just earlier. You know why, lady that's all my team was came up to me as she's talking to be about a puppy she's, getting right, she's about to get a puppy. This We have nothing to do with our job. This has nothing to do with what we're doing day in and day out, you know what, to do with relation yeah and when you did the people you want to know the great things that go on all the good things, but you also need to know the tough things and the leader that has the most connections rachel. To be honest, the leader with the most connections with their team wins they win because means that team members trust you enough to talk about things and you want to be available to them to be able to be connected as well, and so it it's really
different mind shift. I think most, People see leadership as I want to be the power person. I'm the run that's in charge on the power woman in charge or the power guy in charge and reality as we need to get rid of that. We need to kind of flit that see old school. Corporate mentality is everything's about the and at the top, and I'm gonna show the training every area. Really we did this address that where we flip that, where it's about the at the top making about everyone else and that takes work. You got a block ego as a leader, you gotta block, pride and all those things you gotta be committed to helping your team get better and that's your part, coach part cheerleader, but also part. sure, meaning on what the mixture on pushing people to grow forward day in and day out well It's one of those we ve all kind of messed up at that at some point right, because we all had a leader or a boss. You know You said: ok, I don't ever want to be like that person right. I want to care for my people
and so we ve all made the mistake of maybe carrying so much that we still didn't communicate and I think it's, the communication factor meaning people here that I hang out with an end and do things with and we're we're friends, We still know there's a business relationship here, yeah, and so I think, as a matter of us in turn, the setting the ground rules, for example, when you're hanging out in a great were hanging out, but it work. You will people understand. I gotta put all my mother, my leader had yeah, I'm gonna, put on ceo hat and when I'm wearing that c o had you need to understand, were not being buddies, are being ceo and if you have mature people working with you that have the ability to not also to put on their leader hat or their worker had or whatever. Then I think it's a whore lot easier for everybody to be on the same page, but regardless I would rather the leader err on the side of being absolutely clear. Like I feel like it's
be unclear as unkind as a leader, yes I'll, say to be unclear is unkind as a leader. So what we have do is make sure were telling people the expectations like I'm amazed how people are worried about conflict like leaders will avoid it like if someone shown up late, which is one of my pepys. Why? If you'd Talk about it, but you walk around mad about it and you have site agnor see silent angers, dangerous for leaders. It'll eat away at trust and it'll eat away at loyalty, because you're going to retaliate at that person in some way at some point, so as to walking around holding it in and then go on home and be an manager spouse or manage your kid, because you didn't tell this person at work what they need to fix. go to other route, you don't have to listen. Conflict can get with without everybody getting mad right. If someone's lake, what you do
you bring a menu, surrounds the hay, John you're, doing a great job. I love the work you are doing, but your shown up late and that leads to. Stop, because when you show up late you're saying I respect the team and you don't respect me. So I, like you like your performance. I want you to stay, but I want this. Mindset this this lazy mindset or late thing that has to go. and being real clear. I want the person I like the person this big. If your needs to go- and I think if we more direct and just that communication and letting people know you get a chance to be clear. You get a chance to be on the same page and John gets a chance to change or not change the behaviour, but moving forward. He no showing a belated an option, and so after the second time talking about- I'm gonna tell John John. We have talked about a couple times. You know you, like your performance, but this
the last conversation I want to have with you about being late. This is it and so I need you to know there, so you can be aware- and you can make some changes siege comes out of that conversation. No one clearly right the deal, when you don't do that with people and you hold their grudge or you You end up being retaliating in some other way, is not being fair, so leaders to be more direct. No- I didn't get all loud up talking to John, I was clear and direct I have had the same goal for like fifteen years. It's to speak spanish fluently. I speak. Spanish pretty well, but not perfectly, and I have vision that someday. I can speak spanish, so well that I could give a keynote speech, and spanish or I could do press in spanish and an order there are actually gonna have to do some work, which is high
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if you are listening, a billion dollars, because the amount of women who can say that is very small. So I just want to acknowledge that for a minute, because it spectacular and in the past net problem solver, you know I sort of, and usually just said, passionate about thought in my own problems, but really so I can share that solution that there were men, you know sometimes sometimes when especially in an entrepreneur, you don't know you don't know, and at the time I thought we would go in and crash in stoic we would be, but we did had the money, tat for or the opera efficiency is to have the right team to be able to afford. You know the right fixture. It's easy to build a higher and educational team that can train the store staff. Like all of these things at that that that I didn't know so, we would have gone in and failed, so it was either that they didn't try the product or that they saw that we were too small or we weren't ready, and but it was it
for years and years of nose, and the only way we state alive was that women are trying by van reconciler posting their own before after an online spreading the word so that we grew and by this sort of like authentic, like advocacy of women like wanting to tell someone because it had made an impact on their life, I see companies all the time. In the intervening space that right away there in retailers and in stores, and have so much press and their sort of like cool right away before they? Actually, now had a truly build anything steen things like their interest, sure or anything else, and so many of them feel, but but the truth is rachel at that time, if I had a choice, I would have what we like you and me right ride. I was driving so high.
And wanted it so bad first unremittingly for ceylon think my prayers were not answered at the time, because had we had we gotten yeses sooner than we did. We went to me and the other thing is the way that it happened are for big, ass was cubey, see and what I did No at the time was because we launched on key first, it enabled us to be successful in stores, in a specified listeners right now, our feeling like whether they be rejected or there you know or people around them are telling them their ideas, not good. That's another big thing by the way. What I know now is, if you're doing something innovative, that no done before. Of course, everyone out there, that's a buyer or this there
I tell you they're, not sure it's going to work and they don't they ignore it. Cause it's never been done before. Just never worked before yeah. Sometimes people just don't had that sea. Vision that you have so they just don't get it and a kind of wish. I knew that at the time, because there are a lot of people that I would sort of like hold on pedestals in the building industry, and they were all saying they don't think. This is a good idea and so is so hard not to let those knows sort of like translate enters into doubt in your own head of your idea of you of your vision, when you know something yeah down inside, you can list to everyone else or you, with was at time and time again whether it was hearing from retailers what we need to do different with our products or had it. We ever listened we would have never grown our brand to tee to be one is men.
and it was women that spread the word, and also helped me understand. There's this need to communicate with women in this way about their own beauty and then that the net of have emails. We get from women saying I feel beautiful for the first time ever for the first time in a long time as if you do their products. Yeah I love our products and I think their life changing. It is about being com, enough in a message in wanting to change the conversation to not just put shot on the line to do it, but you know we ve tried to shape Whole company around here doing things currently, as is why, a l'oreal offered to to buy our business because they can create their own for free right, they could do for free. They don't you to pay over a billion dollars by a business, but you can't vague authentic. the number one end, and so I don't think they could just build something for free and trade.
replicate it and we were doing something differently and even though they have thirty plus brands. Didn't have anything like it, cosmetics and doing it differently. is, what made all the difference yeah, I could talk for two hours. Just about the entrepreneur real journey of going from thinking like oh my gosh one day, I'm going to be able to afford to hire people. My life is gonna, be so much easier and then, once you start hiring people you all of a sudden, have a whole new job of managing them and then once you once you get successful, other people see that is true. In a two year competitors try to steal your employees like there are so many challenges with that, but separate from That is also such a great feeling that You an end your community, your your your, your customers, supporters are our part of
of creating the livelihoods for those people that all I believe in your mission, it building. That is amazed. it's hard hearted man, but it's amazing and the pressure is so intense and The only way I got through it wasn't about hitting those numbers it was about remembering like who I was doing for here in and it the only way I I I didn't get physically sector my stomach when we'd miss numbers. because I knew it at the end of the day it sound about that. It's about women that need to see and read redefine what beauty is in there. For themselves, yeah and further yeah in the van. Beginning when I first got rosita things that out ever set out ladder emitted by the way, but they were things like. Oh, my gosh with
men find me attractive anywhere. Oh my gosh is this gonna hurt my career Oh, my gosh em, you know x Y, see these these major insect, charities, and then what happened for me was. I shifted everything I believe about it because as showing it she'll television. My bright red rose it. If it was it was about something we more important for me, then than any things right and I felt like it was, so so all the sun shone my rosetta was was really helping. What I felt was going to change the whole conversation about beauty, by the way fast forward. Ten years, almost every single luxury beauty brand now shows before and after yeah, almost every single luxury beauty brand is stopping photoshopping them. Thank god because, like that's, not real, yeah, I mean they're stay still there. So plainly that do it don't get me wrong by
and a lot of beauty, brands now and retailers. That told me, This idea was in good now there we're doing it, where they're, showing before and afters with problematic skin real women of all ages. I just think, like I shift in my own had from being so and secure and having limit like limiting thoughts or been agreement, had to say it, but to truly leaving my they sat was a gift was a blessing was and even now I'll go to the grocery store no make up by, and people are say like one recently when persons they oh sunburn right that, but now I'm like no, but it's like I've, I literally believe that and feel so com, but in my reservations here and I believe it's beautiful
to show it, because I believe it's doing something bigger than myself sure. So I can sit here and say that yet I remember last time I went out of some see anywhere rain so Why is that an end I'm obsessed with is I want to solve that problem, and I I figured out how to do with my rhodesia How do I do it with my body or with anything algeria and more than that, how does every single woman do there it's time to We envision tradition, redefine speculations and rewrite the rules guys with three new collections from pandora lab grown diamonds, can be worn by everyone every day in their own way and come in an infinity of shapes. styles layering possibilities that help you to tell you story pending.
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American national property and casualty company and affiliates springfield misery. the only guarantee that you and I are any of the listers- we have today rachel doing a guarantee that we have that tomorrow's gonna get better. If it were growing today is soon de. I am today preparing my future by what I'm doing it, and I tell people every day, every day, you're, either preparing or repairing yuri, rachel you're, trying to fix yesterday, go back so crap. I wish I would have done I've gotta go fix that you don't say were were either were eight were either living today. Repairing sub. We did yesterday or because were learning and growing and improving were preparing for our future and are set up for tomorrow. being done right now. That's why my mentor John wouldn't would say, make everyday your masterpiece and it was a powerful statement and it taught me that you ve got to make the very best use of today. So when I think of the fifteen laws or growth,
it allows people to have a game plan to understand what those laws are began to practice those laws within within their life a long time ago. I realise there is a difference between people who win and people who don't win at an inn. My kind of caustic sarcastic days younger, used to call them the difference between a winner. Is she a winner, wants to feel good before they do something and a winner wants to do something, so they can feel good ooh? Yes and there's a world of difference between those two kinds of people and if I'm waiting for something to just kind of motivate me or something to kind of like pick me up before I go, do what I need to do I'll, never do it it! It's it's an issue of I. If I do the right thing, I get the right response. If I do the wrong thing, I I I I wrong response, consistency compounds rachel, it come house and when we consistently do the right thing, we we ve someday reap some major.
Major reward for, but it doesn't compound in the first week or the first month and that's why people having the ability to stay in the game and stay with it are the ones who come out of the game as the big winners, sir, so you take some some young lady who has just graduated from college, so she's going across the stage to get hurt. Well her family's waiting on the other side. They've got flowers, they've got gifts, they're going to god, have dinner, they're going to party and they're hugging her and kissing her and jumping up and down and taking pictures. and they're. Saying: congratulations, congratulations! You may, if you're a success, you're a college graduate. Let me tell you something that young lady who got that diploma didn't become a success. Today day she got the diploma. She became a success the day she decided to college. She became a successor, daisies decided at a class. She became a success, the day Did she decided to study for the test she became success today. She said I'll go the second year school every day, she's in college on the right track, she's a success
now? It just shows up at the end and so without oh yeah. So when people are going through a difficult time and is a crap on I'm not doing well, you dont very well. You have a crappy day but you're doing very well, you're, already you're, already successful, but but here's a point the success that she is doesn't get recognized unless she finishes and so when I am having my difficult times. I focus on not what's happening to me, but what's gonna happen for me. If I stay the course, and having that long range, look really, I think, keeps us in the game. Sometimes we get excited about dream and an I love people who have a dream. I it's it keeps everybody the game which we love the dream. We love the dream, but but the dream we love it because it's free. You can sit around the table and dream about what you wanna be some day. What you want to do some day we what you it which want to accomplish in your life
and you just sit around and get so excited about that dream and what I ve learned is Rachel the dreams free, but the journey. Isn't it at the moment that I take a step into my dream. Now, all of a sudden I've I've stopped a person. One time I said motion causes. Friction! as long as I don't move? There's no friction and everybody's happy in fact, they're happy for me to tell them about their dream, but the moment that I start moving. There are forces that want to keep us from realizing our potential in our very best and there is a price to pay for the dream. There's a there's a process here that we need to go through and and so when people don't reach their dream, it's not because they don't about a dream: it's because they were unwilling to pay a price. I wrote a book several years ago called put your dream to the test, and am I hadn't? life changing conversation. I was speaking in las vegas at a convention, and I was out with some friends for dinner before I was going to speak that night and I told him I was writing a book on how to put your dream to the test, and one of the people at the table said to me said John. I have
realize the more valid reasons you have to achieve your dream, the higher I am sure that you will, at all of a sudden it hit me how true this is that if I only have one reason to achieve my dream, maybe I wanna be famous or whatever it. I don't know what the reason is, if I may One reason when I start this journey because its all all away and because there are a lot of difficulties and they're gonna be people that aren't gonna. Take the trip with me, and criticise. We want I'm on it. If I only have one valid reason to achieve a dream, I'll drop out, pretty quick, but what happens if I have seven or eight good reasons to achieve this tree now? I've got reasons to stay in the game and an end to continue to go up hill and one of the things I am. I realized very quickly went when I started move forward average People want you to stay average rachel. Yet so here's what here's the moment. You say, I think rise above average. This makes every average person this they go. Oh, my gosh he's got
she's gonna leave me because, I most average and I'm not gonna pay that price I'm not going to go that distance and I'm not gonna turn the other cheek I'm not gonna walk the second mile and and so basic. they do their best to polish back down, and I'm talking today to a lot of people Did you either have someone in your life that doesn't want you to write above average ordered your face something. Your life where you're going to have to go. A lot more effort, a lot more energy, a lot more thought into getting through it, because it's a difficult time in that. At this point the appeal journey. It's almost like straight up here, and I just I just want you to know that life is not easy answer says, is even more difficult when people say was not your life's kind of tough. I say yes, but a levitate when it's really tough is when you wanna bet something with your life. Now now you ve taken toughness to a whole new level and then rachel, if you to be a leader, the hill, just steeper because now you not only to climb the hill, but you need to encourage
the people too kind the hill. I mean it's one thing to have a tough life and do it on your own, but it's entirely different to have a tough life and you're helping other p Go over these obstacles and over these mountains to and so all of a sudden life begins to greece greater. So if you're going through a difficult time of somebody's criticising your somebody's trying to pull you down there that crap in a basket, here's what I want you to know that has nothing to do with the fact that you're doing something wrong. It has everything to do with your doing something right. Most people, that's the way. Live their life, and they want to make everybody around them a little but smaller than them and I learned a long time ago. Big people make you feel bigger at smaller people make you feel smaller and so every time every I might get somebody criticising me now, let me just say something: it's things it hurts. I was objective. people say. Will you know just don't pay any attention to it will allow what I
you numb or you know, are you deaf? Are you dumb or are you I mean? Let me what what kind of issues do you have in your life? What do you mean? Don't pay attention to it? We all care about how people care about us. I mean that, a person tells me I really don't care what they think. I just I have a hard time really believe in their authentic because I do care in you know why I care, because I care for people and if you care for people you care what they say because you rachel spend your entire life trying to make people's life better, what you do you try to advise people every day and when some it doesn't add value to you. You do you do Aren't you, though whoa I got whiplash here. What happened? I'm just trying to help people. That's my as the gay my plane is. I'm trying to help people Obviously, this person doesn't like it is kind like by robin I think I know I would criticise, but I'm not rob a bank try to help people I'm trying to do the right thing, but here's what I discovered- and I just want you to go to the go to the bank on this nears what I know. I know this for sure,
If you're really growing and helping people and develop in your life and finding your purpose and end your god calling and reaching, potential. You will never have a day that you won't be criticized: You will never have a day that there's not someone who will want to take you and bring you back down in the basket. It's a fact of life, so I'm not calloused. I still care, but I'm Naso not distracted by it at this the key Nehemiah said I am building a wall. I can't down, I'm so sorry and here's the key, if you're doing something so big. What the little people say won't distract you because you're so in love with the wall that your building that you just said, I can't come down today, I'm bill having a conversation is where the world begins to even out, because any
You can use a conversation as a wonderful learning tool and it could. One question. A comment that changes your trajectory. anybody anywhere and have a car, rotation doesn't have to be with the best only author, you know or a thought leader, but just the idea of Can I learn Can I learned from it? If you costly have that radar up? I think it is the old game. Changer can put your even footing with anybody in the world, absolutely my primary role is performer now mice, secondary role is coach, so I have to always be in a situation where I am performing, but I'm performing to coach, not as one that doing support radio. I love sports. I could talk for body long, but if we do in sports radio today I would feel empty in about six weeks because I would be performing.
But I would not be performing for the purpose of coating, so you have to retreat back to the. Why so bad it is you get to the y. You say: well, why did I want to go into politics, so you've got to dig really deep into what you're looking for they're practically our patterns, clothes as I tell my callers- and we can call it, let's look for clues. So there's three basic questions that I'll give your audience When you are trying to get clarity, or why asked these three questions? Who do I most want to help? Second question is what problem. Do I most what to solve? And the third question is what solution? Do I most want to provide now your audience? They know that that's basically, the same question is asked: three four ways, because it's a psychological technique in its trying to get your brain in your heart to connect And so, when you focus on it really get deep, imagine the people who are they? What does it look like or other problems and in an end really actual?
Why does my heart lean towards this group, but this exercise rachel those three quick if you really write them down and right up, he answers I'm a pencil guy. because I believe in writing in pencil right down one night for you: go to bed wake up the next morning, get quiet before the house about the kids who are rules is involved, is up and get erase it rewrite it and what will happen over time? Your heart will continue to. clarify, and so that's what you do when you feel if you get some redirection coming in your life, retreat to your. Why? Because that's always gonna give you the most clarity where you gonna start small and gross That's a visa gift entrepreneurs, its advice. I give to anybody who, starting from scratch to live the dream. it is so overwhelming in and of itself. When you look at mount everest and you get clarity on that, if you try to climate one day, europe, get paralyzed. You won't even take the first step. So for me you clarify
in verify by getting out there and doing the small stuff you know, that's why we wrote the book. The proximity principle just get around people that are doing it and in places What you want to do is happening so that you can clarify. Yes, that's not bad peter s is mine Did you know rachel that the world health organization, just dean burn out a medical condition. What's that is ok, soap. I'm so glad you reacted that way. So here's what I want people to hear what you're feeling it is real when you tell rachel, your burned out what your feelings real! So we are not minimizing that, but I did. I did a going too fox, friends on this and I wrote an article on this about burn out. Not real, it's build up, that's gotta the causes of build up, and I just love to give serious because it's a game changer. So here they are five causes that making feel burned out, but you're only burned out his cheeses cells, no
is burned out until you you, you die. That's when the flame is extinguish, if you're alive and listen. I know you have a I think it's covered up by a lotta junk cares. Five things number one. You don't have a passion for the job So Rachel's you talk about the ediths, don't love the work, you're good at it, but you don't love it and- and so? That's number one reason for bill at number: two: toxic environment nasty. Back biting gossiping people around you or I really bad leader, toxic toxicity causes build up. The third thing is you're overwhelmed, you you're, not how to say no or yourselves able to people just keep pylon stuff on you and you can barely breathe and so I don't care how much you love your work rachel. If you come to the office on Monday morning as soon as you step in your try not to drown, that's gonna cause build up on the heart. The fourth cause of build up is. is being under appreciated, so we know from age our studies that
the number one thing that employees, what is recognition and reward, not compensation, absolute and lady out there is a lot, boy and a little girl who just want to hear a boy and a girl, a job in the fifth thing- is you're bored. So we see this lot high achievers will call. My show in they'll say: can I feel, like it the switch careers, but I don't know what to switch to always want to say. Well, why do you want to switch and if I find out that their board, you're doing the right thing in the wrong place. You need a new challenge, but you don't know Do new work? You love the work he loved it about ten months ago, but you mastered it you're born out of your skull yeah that scared, I think those are the five called. As I think that probably more, but those are the five that by dint five from my callers and I'm so glad you bring a burn out, and so what happens wings when one of our all five of us could be at play, what do you do?
We gotta diagnose one of those five things. Then the practical thing you gotta do is get well get alleviate that. So so, if I'm in a toxic culture I give us from teachers Awad or I'm not gonna give up teaching. I want teach young people, I wanna, instructing guide the next generation. Well, somewhere else- and so we're the right thing in the wrong place or whatever it is any of those five. We ok, that's the problem, so now. I know how to alleviate their problem and most of the time you're gonna have to change locations, but it's not always in careers. That's a really big mistake. A lot of people make him in the congo. I thought it was this and now not and then they retreat back to the one thing they really love. But now the right environment leadership is tough. It is unreal. Printing, it sometimes very on it's not for everyone. I think that everybody should be a leader of people. I think our industry is
foisted on onto the world that everybody should be a leader, and I think that is actually quite hazardous. We shane people when you don't, become a leader I think have leadership, capabilities, led approach I pleaded initiative leader family, that doesn't mean you should be leading. People on a team is just fine the individual producer, too many organizations make their career tracks. You can't get promoted if you don't become a leader of people and I think, that's a horrible thing. I think too. People are lured into leadership and they're, not lead what happens if you would promote the wrong people, you promote the best digital designer. The best annul hydrants the best sales person and competence, he's that those people had to make them the destiny designer? Rarely make them greatly for people or do they want. The older people and make they have to have high courage, conversations and with other comfort zone, and then they hate that leadership, job and equip yeah. Another but he's lost the best digital designer and leadership
a blind and no one knows why I dont believe leaders are born. I think people are born and maybe artist are born. I don't know I'm not an artist in terms of classic art, I think leadership is a developed skill. I do think that that anybody, could become a great leader there are willing to move outside their natural comfort zone enough. Let me rewind a little bit. I think that culture, is every organization's most valuable asset, that will be your. They won't be. Her will be your husband of your books or your website. It'll, be your culture inside company and ass a bit of a buzzword right now, but it is absolutely true, thirty years in that, organizations have any expertise its around. How do you build a great culture adage that people are an organization is most valuable asset you for that totally not true. It's bunk, you are not this companies most valuable asset, how you and you get along together. That is what makes this company rock. If you
Who can forgive each other costs? on two march and you come to work to lay you get the point right. If you can find each other. If you can pre for each other? you can trust each other. If you can understand what are her strengths and what are her weaknesses and you can build a compliment. That is this organization's most valuable asset. That is your killer, app, how the people were at this company that what will make you scale so it is. The role of leadership leaders create culture. Leader is the linchpin in any organization with culture, because you create culture in every interaction, every email, every text Every time you put somebody NBC, don't use bc, There's no reason for that is unique, suspicious culture, but leaders culture in every interaction. Every time you walk from one built into the next or one cubicle, and you and your phone versus saying hi to someone how's it going, creating or destroying culture should we very deliberate around the kind of culture you want all europe.
since behaviors everything you say: every interaction, you're, building culture, people don't quit their jobs. The quick there yes, that's all guy, that's not ever told me I'd but more importantly, also quit their culture because you can change bosses out right. You can do some around, but if you're culture is one we everybody's gossiping back biting no trust each other. That's for culture! if you're culture is you pre, forgive you confess others. Since you sit in the cubicle sake, I tell ya I'm there's in awkward. Between us, some going on? Perhaps something I said, I'm totally going to cop to about a knock, sure what's going on kind of thick in here, can we just haven't that that's culture? you get to work on it is your culture can devolved to the lowest level or you can go to the highest level. So, to your point leadership can be learned, but I again? Think everybody should be a leader of people. Leadership may not be the right role for you, because the biggest give you can give someone your team is to help them neither blind spots. We all have them
delong stop. Now we re honest, punctual all we're, not a small round is creative about itself was where our branches and smells good, my wife, so the not as I think I am but everybody's got blind spots in the biggest gift you can give. Someone is a leader is too high. The courage to sit them down and talk about them in private, not discuss them That's role play them with rachel or her husband. You get the point right, that's the biggest. Getting give someone could it happens? Is no people have pansy leaders? well intended, but dont some, the courage to sit down and say we need A conversation I've seen this behaviour five times in meetings? I don't know why, but surely struggling with. Ever letting somebody else. Take the credit. Just everything's on your own hard drive, you ve gotta, put this files server, so everybody can access them because you're, not the only talented person in this organization. You ve got to trust whether people in those conversations you gotta have. The problem is mostly just don't do that. So great leaders have a balance of high courage, but also
consideration, radiators diplomacy. I don't have that about anything with anybody, the biggest If you can give your people as to sit down and respectful way, have a straight for conversation and then lock box Don't talk about it. By the lunch with the other managers, respect that person's you, no brain. the biggest cancer in every organisation, and I speak for five times around the world. Every week is gossip It is the biggest cancer in every way and essential to people in the back. A little bit, gossamer isn't about not having terrible ha way backing trash, but this this is profound and not because I am saying it because it is true that you will never say something someone when they are in your absence differently than if they were present meeting. For Point ford make your What you're here be when someone is not at lunch or not in the meeting or not at the car
the bar across the street. You don't speak about them any differently than if they were sitting right in front of you. It will change your standard at eleven o clock today oil to the absent because If you want to build trust with those who are present, you are loyal to those who are absent. You build trust with others through your behavior earned the right to be called trustworthy because other people- trust you based on your encounters and if you want to build trust with someone in your the conversation in its. caddy or gossipy, and sometimes to draw you when you say you know, I'm sure, isn't your intention, but I'll bet should ever rachel's feelings, if she heard that so my advice to you is go tell which are not directly and if I had some experience under the same people, will tell you what vain need you to know. You Ask what you up to now, that is a profound, not just leadership, skill, but interpersonal skill move off of your own agenda move
of your own time line and be selfish in really get into the other person is feeling and thinking. so how is podcast is produced by me, Rachel Hollis, its did by andrew weller and jack noble. A moment, of course by american nations, because if your business throws you problems where the insurance company, that's here, with solutions american national property and casualty company and affiliates springfield, misery,
Transcript generated on 2023-09-15.