« The Rachel Hollis Podcast

421: MIRANDA KERR Reveals Her Secrets to Crafting the Ultimate Skin Care Routine for Radiant, Glowing Skin & More

2023-05-23 | 🔗
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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I just continually want to learn more and more like about health among us and how we can be the best versions of ourselves and might be the healthiest versions of ourselves and like feel the best when we feel the best we give our best asked? How can we kind of look at everything holistically? Yes, and that's my passion line body spirit, yeah, definitely and our car tried to incorporate in the course of events like hold another layer. Sometimes people out what are you talking about because I use crystal in the formulation of crystal filtration processing. Some products can hang crystals than I have positive words about women on the back of every product we use around. therapy instead about official fragrance and it's like a whole thing. Yeah, but first and foremost the products are certified organic gas and give you the results, hi I'm rachel Hollis, and this is my podcast eyes.
then so many hours of every single week reading and listened podcast and watching youtube videos and try I aim to find out as much as I can about the world around me and that's what we do on this show. We talk about everything life and how to be an entrepreneur. What happened to dinosaurs? What's the best recipe for fried chicken? What's the best and four intermittent fasting. What's going on with our inner child house therapy working out for whatever it is. My guests are into. I want to unpack it so that we can all understand. These are conversations. This is information for the curious this, is the rachel Hollis podcast. How did you get in or have you always been into skin care like? Is this a long time passion like? How did this come to be? Oh said that a mean I got into health wellness.
when I was younger acts, my mom was diagnosed with cancer and explain, and so as a family, we got even deeper and held them as we thought we were pretty healthy growing up, because my grandparents had like an organic vegetable patch of my grandma, introduce me to ninety jews when all like that tea in and she was drinking Allah Vieira, and then when my mom was diagnosed with cancer and has spleen we would just like hold. We thought we were healthy, like we were eating the organ, fear, and then my mom got given this book called the chemical, maize and aid as explained in layman's terms, kind of all,
the ingredients that you might see on the back of packaged goods kind of sometimes using numbers. It will explain to you what that number meant and and in large doses, could it be detrimental to your health? And this is why kind of thing, whether it you know an inadequate, so we had to look at everything we were using. Ah what we were like eating, packaged goods and all of the household products all of the skin care products, because of what you put on your skin so thin, and that's why, when you're pregnant I told to be really cautious, incapable of what my putting on our skin. We should be concerned regardless. I we should value ourselves just as much as we value our children, absolutely and so that's kind of where my passion started for wanting to create something that was really pure and certified. Organic, and I was unable to find it too. That's when I decided I wanted to buy, create it for myself and my family and then
when we started getting great results, like my mom actually had a realization on her skin to surround here on round her nose. And basically she was on the steroids cream and she's, really embarrassed to come and go out in public because her whole life. She had great skin and I gave her. The noni glow face oil, which was one of our first products that we had made and within a week shoes off steroid cream, just using noni glow, face oil and it's never come back. Wow, that's amazing, so is pretty well, Wild, so we would like a k we want to do so. At that point I was like a mckenna. Just keep it for myself. For my family, I wanted to be able to be available to people well, and then I thought well. How am I going to do that because I don't want to compromise the quality of these products, so if I get outside invest is sometimes people have
different ways. They want to do things that I really want to do. It is pure and his potent as it can be. So to this day I still or ninety five percent of the company- and I have a five percent investor from day one. So I make all the disease and I'm the sea or the found the creative directed the peasant, who writes all of the verbiage on the back of every package shoe you know, manages the whole team sixty people- and this is my baby girl- had three boys. But this is my baby girl, say and where is the company based well what I'm here and then we also we have which is actually decided to put during covered. We had the pivot to working from home and then we got different
members, Oliver, america actually and it turned out to be at first, because we had an office in santa Monica. Then we ended up like at the time because of finance and what not? We said: it's not going to be the best investment when people are feeling afraid to come and tat in into the office to continued to least its office space, and we, dotted employing people kind of alive america into their awesome? Now we'll work remotely in america cool, but then we get together. You know four meetings, I'm not, and then in Australia we have an office space and a warehouse. How so we have thirty people there people here and then we have. You know our different consultants that go in service all of their stores and I'll wraps, and you said in addition to those other that sarah with your mom was one of the few,
products vanilla go face, oh yeah, so what were? What was? The impetus was the one thing that you are trying to solve that you created first, or was it a few things at the beginning? Will at first I just wanted like healthy products for your skin, and it was interesting. Because back then not many people we using face oils like we were one of the very first faces to come out that was launched in two thousand and nine in australia. Oh yeah, why? But I didn't want share in america until two thousand and seventeen because, as I said, it was my company and to launch internationally and to expand into america, was like a huge financial investment on my behalf, and I didn't want to compromise the quality, so it in one
other people involved, so I mean I. I took the leap eventually and launched into america in two thousand and seventeen very cool, but it just started off as like a small that all business in business in australia in two thousand and nine and was doing extremely well, and I was like just my passion project and then my husband actually said to me Like maybe nine years ago, he was like. Why don't you have you? Can care line here, It's amazing because he was getting incredible results from using it. He has very dry skin and also sensitive skin, and I said well, it would take a lot of money on my behalf too launch it here and his like. What what are you waiting for like you, spending all this time and money working for other people? You need to invest in yourself and I'll say,
then I'm putting all my eggs one basque and he's like. Well, if you don't do it, you'll never know so he's like he like gave me. Yes, I believe, gave me the confidence to like does take that leap yeah, whereas in the past, if I had spoken to people there, Well, you just never know when this kincaid market is saturated and what, if it doesn't work and people don't understand organic eggs, and I might woe wow, yeah cause. I would think I mean I've been an entrepreneur for twenty years, so for me, I always think you can, as is old expression that says you live or die by your own sword, yet at least, if it's you yeah that you're like Y, know how hard I work for myself right, you're working so hard for these other people, but if you are the one who is making the decisions fig, in it out. Do you like benefit or you can I die? yeah of putting all your eggs in one basket, I actually think is, makes more sense
yeah and with dignity them everywhere. I running is yangtze like this has to work as I'm betting. So much on this, and I put so much heart and energy into it. So I love that I think it superadds hearing? How so many businesses began with that sort of intention, yeah, and so it launched here? twenty. Seventeen is there parts of the business that you're like man? We never thought that particular product was going to go. The way that it did like. Is there one sort of all star in the mix or it's the whole skin care line? Really, oh, no. There are few.
All stars, even though I think they're all stars geese and why they are literally every formulation. I put my heart and soul into each one and I make sure that it's a more than a hundred percent happy with it when we launched, but people go not threatened, undergo face oil because it is like liquid. Gold really helps NEO skin it just like balances, the ph of the skin and its beautifully underneath make up. It helps with thy supersensitive skin conditions and dry scan even oily skin. It helps balance the ph. So that is a wonderful oil. as I see buckthorn ninety rose hips base. Or is it like your top tyre? Ok, though, I have it on now oh cool, but I have like, underneath the have all the other layers,
yeah, which we can talk about yeah. What are your letter so I'll tell you that, but the other all stop products that I'm super proud of, that no one expected to be an all star product is add turmeric and two in one. It's like a scrub and deeply detox fine mosque in one it's like an instant facial in a tube and people once they try it, they are hooked for life, men and women. They literally like I've, never introduced it to someone and they're. Just like. Oh my god like this is my holy grail. And that is my baby, because our members, speaking to the cameras, will first, why spoke to my team when we were having conversations about what products will we launch? Next has generally, we do two to three products a year and we have to kind of limit. I have so many ideas, but I have to limit. The because of cash for reasons, yeah yeah you hire but like a martyr out, and then you have a five year plan of all your product, innovation and till we sit then some nasa mike. I really wonder to do- I'm the only one-
thought about it. I'm at the underlying looking at me like what about me. Trend. There knew no this thing in my current care about trends intuitively. I just feel like. I need to do this and that's what it was like with this chimera scrub. I was like. I want to create, basically, a micro demonstration scrub that you can use as a micro generation scrub in the shower. Just to give yourself like a little quick refresh or you can use. It is a deeply detox. Fine mosque leave it on and let it pull out the impurities then it drives and you feel it kind of like really stiff on your face kind of like companies, the face, and then you wash it off and then you feel like you've just had the best facial ever so people use it in two different ways. I mostly my husband and I use it as the microdermabrasion scrub because, like I really have that much time to leave it sitting on my face,
just to be real like I just I do sometimes, if say, for instance, the kids are asleep and my husband's at a work dinner I'll get in the bathtub I'll put it on my face, then I'll. Let it deeply if you're not dry, sometimes I'll put it on like before. I have a shower for ten minutes or something and then I'll hop in the shower and do that. But you do see like really crazy results, if you do leave it on as a mosque, as has got the chimera and has asked bombard suit, has like natural refine ingredients and anti inflammatory and ex- and it's pretty amazing, Did you already know about those ingredients just in your own learning, or was it more that you said, I want something that certified organic. I want something. That's calming something, and then your team said: okay, here of fifteen options, account. How is it a camera? Ok, so
ere, the ones that, like I say, I knew I wanted it to include shimmering because I loved your rank and I believe in the internal and external beauty, benefits of flag powerhouse ingredients like the ninety, which is in every single product or kudu problem, which is the highest naturally occurring vitamin c, and I'm really passion about health wellness. I studied it integrative nutrition, so I am certified health coach, so angry about different, and I did another course recently that stamford was offering on through closer arm. Health than an illness- and I just continually want to learn more and more like about health among us and how we can be the best versions of ourselves and might be the healthiest versions of ourselves and might feel the best when we feel the best we give our best asked. How can we kind of look at everything holistically? Yes and ass? My passion line body spirit, yeah, definitely and our car tried to incorporate them
in the course of events like a whole, another layer, sometimes people out what are you talking about because I used crystals in the formulation of crystal filtration process and some products contain crystals than I have positive words of information on the back of every product? we use aroma therapy instead about official fragrance and it's like a whole thing. Yeah, but first and foremost the products are certified organic gas and give you the result, save me. I can keep this in anymore. I can't even believe I'm saying this. To be honest, even though you can tell me anything, I capital the fd for to capital, z, lowercase m, underscore lowercase, p capital, l reverse slash, apostrophe, lowercase arrest. I know how you feel just between us. I am underscore accommodation underscore dollars on capital g lowercase, w come forward. Slash dash, dash, reverse slash, no way, I'm so glad we have this conversation. I know me to turn on total privacy with envy and encryption. What's up message privately.
My name is jason alexander, the star bedtime stories of the english side in a brand new scripted comedy podcasting, which I play palm springs, hotelier mel haber full and in eighteen seventy turned the run down insight into the best kept secret, get away for hollywood's elite. The series also stars Brian Jordan, Alvarez Michael, the keen richard kind last basque, and what you can bedtime stories of the angels. I didn't on serious example: pandora its or wherever you get your bike. Ass, don't forget to follow the josie. You never miss an episode so said, you'd tell us your like a lion yeah, sir in the morning or not less europe. I'm a nerd enough to blight care. I again loves. Came there in the morning. So when I wake up- and you like- this is not really part of it, but it the of it to like a little meditation? And then I go and dry body brush, not virtue that, because you do that every day, yeah, ok,
see this ok. I am- and I m not a lot of questions because I'm not doing every day, but I ll invitation dr rush hour drive her. She because my husband wakes up like five or five daddy. So it's between five and five thirty that, where awake, everyday depending on the schedule, got it and then the kids to wake up, Lately they ve been sleeping till seven. Nice guy doesn't revealing. I ask because there are now three and just two and five and twelve ok because Soon, as they wake up, they come running in my room and then it's all systems go and it's all about them. So I really do value that time before they wake up, and I'm actually quite thankful to my husband for waken me up early because otherwise, if he's not, there or if he's not waken me up here, I would have been like snooze button right I always say if your kids wake you up, you're starting to day off on the wrong, yeah how's your legs, learning how to defence? Your lies, our you better, go at calm yourself and then go out, mama yeah. So that's why I try to wake up
Do a little twenty minute meditation. Do my dry body brushing all over, that has been a lifesaver. For me, an agenda clia feel like you like, is like obviously good for circulation lymphatic drain age and, like they say it's great to see, you lied and all of that, but energetic is while like, if you ve, had a bad dream or something is like body, russia brushing away on winding bat, an italian just like restarting the day. I love it
and then I get in the shower, I cleanse my skin using out shimmering farming cleansing which contains shimmering, obviously, and it has in their paolo Santer, which clear your energy cleans you scan at the same time. It also has an air like come and sugar isomer. So basically, when your cleansing new skin, you not stripping askin, so it's kind of like farming cleansing without stripping, which is great and new, and it also has an peppermint tell controls even levels. But in addition to that, the peppermint gives you this fresh burst of energy. Which I love aroma therapy. For that I literally in my hand, bag have some peppermint that decided that he got into pepperleigh island how, in weeks to uplifting and anna jiving, it is not actually have to put
Yeah put it out. I am talks about a unlike now: I've roads they gonna be thinking about it. So I keep it in here. This is called peppermint. Hayleigh is one of my hacks owes you do a back you to do it like behind your neck and kind of like around you it's nice, my earrings, and you can do it on your temples and then I put it on my hands like that. If you want some and then you just kind of like that's nice, you don't mind if I put it, oh no, I don't mind three deep breaths that to me is just like
it's so lank energizing grounding, but israel at the same time, not so easy to so easy, so easy anyway. So all of our products contain essential oils for their skin benefits and then also the sensory benefit. Some very much like a sensory person here and there a hectare person to so you do the shower! Oh yeah! Sorry, we haven't even got past this yeah I can genuinely was so in the shower. We've got the foaming cleanser, then I'll do the little bit of the tumor eg scrubs. Sometimes I mix the two together. If I just want like a little lot light exfoliation, whereas my husband, just like, goes for the straight for the scrub yeah. Then we we the body wash, which is great for the whole family. I used out of myself my husband news that I get the shower and then I put the body lotion the body oil all over my body to do lotion than oil yeah yeah
but elation than oil, and then- and I put it everywhere- it's really good. The body load, the body oils really good to prevent stretch mocks, especially in them when you're pregnant. I used its rat. My pregnancies, cool and also helps with any stretch mocks. If you have any helps who had sex, scarring and stop gossip I see boiling that and then on my skin I missed my ce face with the minty, missed it, the minty mineral mist, which is great to like prep, your skin for the next steps, and it also has pallor center and peppermint because I'm addicted and it has a low equal marine crystal in the actual bottle and then- and I put on the vitamins c serum, which is it contains kakadu plum. a roller, jerry and lemon, peel famines and orange pill. Famine and really helped me with so much would pigmentation. I don't know about you, But every time I got pregnant, I got like really dark. Pigmentation was just a boom and has a well.
It just happened. So I was able to use my vitamin c serum throughout the last two pregnancies cause. That's I didn't have it available the first pregnancy and it just saved my skin helped brighten the pigmentation so much it and it's won multiple awards. But all of my products, like have won multiple awards, including many best of beauty awards from a lower, and you know how hot they ought yeah. So I'm really proud of them because they're, like my little babies yeah, and after vitamin c then, plan on new sarah witches. This retinal alternative serum, which you can apply morning and night, it's gentle, it doesn't any redness, tell me, I tell you, don't sound, so damn I've never used right now. I don't know what it's for ok, sir reginald, for wrinkles. Ok, and it is like
additionally known as like a chemical treatment for wrinkles to kind of resurface. The skin improve the texture of fine lines, wrinkles firmness of skin and and that's why I wanted to create a product that basically was certified organic or no alternative is the first certified organic retinal alternative in the world and what's increase Well, as we specifically tested, we did some clinical studies on women. Would die hard retinal uses like love, threatened on traditional chemical retinal, because we wanted to see. Do they prefer that traditional chemical randal or our products, whether they get the best results. So we document the whole thing was full weight trial nicely retinal too, laws are done over eight weeks, but we did over four weeks because, with my Sarah mute,
Is it wanting a not because his gentle enough, and so without? Ok, let's see, I want like the quicker results and more impact for results and the before and after photos are incredible with deep fine lines like completely like minimizing them in the forehead. Deadlines are incredibly used, not as huge difference. The firmness of the skin one was wild on then this ladys neck, It was like really hanging and then was lifted, though after four weeks and also a guy. This is why we can't forget our chest and now neck when we're doing asking care I'm very so I've been using that sera morning to night and I just have loved the results that I'm getting at really really helps also with any kind of scar aim that you have. It also helps with acme the retinal psych than this retinal alternative. We make it with the cookie all witches and shrill alternative that a lot of people use, but we added not only
each year we added alfalfa extract in addition to the bogucharovo and on top of that, we added as I e plant stem cells, so the common nation, and that makes it actually five times more powerful than traditional retinal on its own, sir, it's working on gene that you currently aurora already like have like the damaged pots. Then it's working with us. I e plant stem cells on preventing further aging nice So I thought to myself: why not get this like powerhouse of a product's out there with the proven results and show people like you, don't need to compromise your help to get really incredible? results later, you can be healthy and you know get incredible results for your skin, so do put.
so, I'm finished my love, I always in irian jaya and ok. So then, after that serum then I put on other either the active my stress or the tumor glamorize trot from my tracks. I have them both there and I love them. It's interesting because I thought that I have always just go one hundred percent for the tumor glow moisturising, because it's like a thick and richer moist, Raza but lately the active allergies been doing it for me, which is more like a bouncy gel law. At weight moisturizer? So it's like I sometimes what like today, I did as I used the active algae on my skin. Then I put the ninety glow face oil after that, and then I do the ice cream in the eye, but at night than all use the generate glow moisturize because, like a luxurious, rich cream, see you're doing it. cream and I'll time in a day, o k when a night time. Ok and then you put make upon the up
That's what I did tonight. Oh wow look and then sometimes I gotcha, but it didn't have time to russia today, because I had to go to another meeting before this and then you were shot like with all your sam's on. And then you do make up on that day? You ok, you're, ok and life. Go upwards, got it and we have a rose courts, russia that we make a cora how cool yeah and I actually designed the hollow shape of it in the cover that now so anyway, that said the serum, the anti aging anti aging retinal alternative serum, then thee. My strasser today was active algae than an honourable face, all which we are to spoke about than that. Yet there are criminal, I oil, and how do you approach I'm assuming that this is part of it? You talk about health and wellness, an inside and outside how'd. You approach your nutrition from the effective of like wanting to maintain vitality. oh yeah. I things I'd yeah because they think so many people, don't they don't listen,
They don't get that they don't get that the connection you can see on someone skin when they're not taking care of themselves yet so are there things that your like you stay away from this or make sure you have a lot of this in anything a meaning, because it's really good for skin or oh. I love you talking about this and I could talk back eva. So in the mornings I like to start my day with water, with lemon to like one whole lemon squeezed in water. I used to do like thirty, two ounces water, but now I'm just down to like sixteen ounces like a big glass yeah, because then I have thirty, two ounces of celery juice called every day. Ok and you do a whole a whole lemon a whole lemme and water in water and nasty purified detoxify like what's it can actually alkalies issue systems fluids acidic before it goes in whence it goes into system. Ten more alkaline and pet of cleanse is cleared out like when you're sleeping anything.
Did you just you're laying there and you kind of want to flush the system a little bit, so it kind of does that and then I have the celery juice off to which is very alkalizing as well and anti inflammatory, and it's been a game changer that thirty, answers of salaried use every day. A good time starts with a great wardrobe. Next, stop J c penny family get together to fancy occasions, wedding season two we do it in style, dresses, suiting and plenty of color to play with get fix up with brand cycle is clay born worthington stafford and J ferrar, oh and thereabout. four kids super q, an extra affordable check out the latest in store and were never short on options at J c p dot com, all dressed up everywhere, to go jason
penny. this summer, we're taking a family vacation and were too your family vacation, true somewhere, we have never gone before none of us south Dakota. Now I'm not gonna I I'm not gonna why I was so excited when this opportunity presented itself, because I have always wanted to see mount rushmore and I love a vacation from kids where we are active forwards stuff. When I saw all of the things that south Dakota had offer, like seventy seven thousand miles of per steen natural, wilderness and wildlife and we're in a go fly the sheer were to take hikes are gonna see mountains. I were you, we want to rent rv and drive across the state, but I dont know if the kids are gonna. Let me do that, but I'm bringing you guys along for the ride.
whenever we're gonna. Do it's about to be incredible, and I will tell you guys about every single part of it so stay tuned. The Hollis Pham is going to sound. It's so much more than you could possibly describe, there's so much south dakota and so little time start planning your trip. today. This is when this is gonna wild. I have like three tablespoons of irish sea moss and the outer or it's like it looks like a module. Oh it's a joke, yeah. Ok, it's really not taste, ok at wayward. When did you get into this? That's more of a recent thing, and prior to that I was just doing oliveira like a shot of Oliveira and then sometimes I makes it with powder produces
but all of these things just kind of like layering. Your good got power because actually, when I was pregnant with my second child, I got health got a little unbalanced, and so I had to like really fine things that would suit my digestive system and keep it on track and at one point I even eight purely like v, again vegetarian third by two years: work zero. Just trying to figure out what was going on or what would make you feel the best yeah but then, but then recently I just did the gut reset program, which includes like bone broth and like meat and whatnot, but kind of staying away from grains with doctor will call so it's like, but prior to that, I was doing and anthony william. Just like very plain: based everything and have you gone, tell em club begone drinks
love, my leg, celery mime, as I was saying alone- there seem ass there. Now we ve got this one, which is pineapple cucumber spin age remain parsley, shimmering the fears that dream again it finally oliveira cheesy chlorophyll. I just kind of got this because I was on the run today, whereas at home out like to make it myself, but it's it's good to neither you can pick it up. Absolutely. Are you in to it felt like yours, I'm like leading witness a little bit but kind of experimenting with oh yeah yeah, yeah yeah. I dig anything for health, give it a go. So how what's your experimentation process like say you were doing our shot and then you we heard about the irish ma seem us,
and so then, are you like? Okay I'll, give it six weeks like how do you test new things to see if you're getting the results that you want? That's a good question. I just kind of add it to my routine. So now I've added the irish sea moss in addition to the alive gotta alone. Ok, social, one, more thing! This is one ok online. I dig it out, I'm doing it, but definitely not at this level, so I find it really inspiring and then and even then coffee, which I have a love hate relationship with coming. So I actually had a coffee this morning, but it was after all of those drink, but I go through stages. Some of being off coffee and what I do drink then is dandelion
oh and dandelion. It kind of has a similar taste coffee. So when you love they experience in the flavour and you can make like a dandelion cappuccino, it's really delicious, but you obviously not getting the coffee in hand yeah, but it tastes really good and it's a liver, clans idea. I've gone off coffee before I did it of promises for nine months ago, and it's so her render us at the beginning. But then you feel so amazing and you're like a well, but I love it so, my dear she says I he drinks more yeah? You have the morning juices at what point do you allow coffee, if you're going to have it it'll? Be ok, dr okay? After I've like right, after do you have to wait a certain amount of time. You really should wait by half an hour up to a stove that got it. Yeah is, at the end of the morning nutritional
team has sometimes after that may have a banana or I may have like the heavy metal detox, maybe but independence. I might just have that like because I'm trying to give my body what it needs to lack flush out and eliminate whatever it needs to eliminate and then still have enough energy. So it's either like non or if I'm gonna go or another drink, which is like a smooth ii which has egg. While the blue varies, it has banana has fresh orange juice. It has dolls cilantro, that's like it. That's got the heavy metal detox. Maybe I'm medical medium. Do you change up the nutrition based somewhere? You are in your cycle up to you,
I should I do intuitively yeah sort of like I need, like I feel like like last night, I was like mmmm some chocolate almond yeah you're like I need something to do. Yeah, though he's like who chocolate almond. I know I love. I love like what I love. It's so, unlike what intimidated I was like. How am I eating this whole back right now? It's actually better to just not have it in the house, but it is subject to free. Any of those bars are so yummy. It's like the nicest little. I never thought I would care. A dark chocolate, I know I like that bramble. Ah, that was so good young, so yeah, when you know my cycle and then I actually will crave more like of the bone. Brothel them read mean more like savory things based on yeah. That makes sense. I generally do lacks every hour. You aiming at a lot of green, It's like? Is there just in terms of thinking through, like I know We didn't care. Nobody I think like through
lens of like the skin and her looks and how the idea of being like starting here I am starting with what's gonna turn on your body, so is it worth focusing on time? said, are landed, hearing lemons. Her aunt, I am from a twig jimmy, I think, would generate a lot like everyday. Ok. Is that something you always like When did you get into this or have you always been since you were a little girl and your mom got sick? So I am so since, when my mum was sick, we started. Thinking about it even more Then my nan introduce me to ninety juice. When I was like thirteen as well and I literally was like drinking ninety every day I have been pretty much since, since I was thirteen and that works on a cellular level to like repair cells, so they have sometimes I've seen the studies where you'll summon will be on noni juice.
egg and you'll see the cells before and now look a little abnormal and then often only juice for like a month, and then you see this as a more normal, so I thought it was doing that in turn we imagine what it would do face skin and that's why every single cora organics product contains ninety. But in addition to that, the super exciting part that a lot of people don't understand their learning. More now is that certified then ingredients have up to sixty percent more antioxidants than regular ingredients and what does it doyle between certified organic, unjust, organic? in our opinion, wave, it's just organic, has not certified soon hasn't mean through the rigorous process of an outside certification body, ensuring that it truly is what says it is to you can look on the back of every one of my packages, I'll tell you specifically like ninety nine point. Seven percent of this comes from a natural origin and
you, seven percent is water and this percentage is certified organic and this percent is natural and it's very transparent and night. That's all I wanted for myself and my family, and I was unable to find it. There were products out there that at the time we looked, and they would claim that they were natural He claimed they were organic. When you read on the back of them it back there Another note damned pretty shoulda rules of pretty seem back then How does one on gonna ingredients and call it? And then, say this organic lotion, but there rules in california that you're not able to do that, which is really great like you have to be at least seventy percent organic to be able to put that. in California benares around the world like it's a little bee dodgy yeah a lot of green washing and that's why we want that certification and then that outside, like kind of like big brother,
he knows everything that we do from manufacturing to our ingredient. Sourcing, to everything that we are doing is like looked over and approved by someone else. Even all about bottles and packaging have to be approved by them. An awesome yeah why it's a big ordered in process bennets makes a worthwhile in the end absolutely, and it keeps everyone like, Do you feel like when you started exit it's been awhile, would you say two thousand and nine it when I launched yet two thousand and six was the concept? Oh wow, then we did three as a black testing them. Didn't people get a life in australia mean yeah yeah, maybe not so much here, but the air was much more common to care about the ingredients yeah. And they never never. Here when you watch tv he doesn't in seventeen yeah
yeah I mean, I think they understood the importance, think what you put on your skin succeed, but they didn't understand the full efficacy sudan we like was originally. We always the did all of our like regulation, testing and whatnot, but we want doing the scientific studies to prove the efficacy, whereas now we're doing any wasting time in the scientific studies to show like that before and after in the clinic clinical trials and then the consumer testing, which really shows how powerful these products are like this, no bs here it is just super beneficial for your skin and like your skin, is going to thank you for using it, and you see the clear results. So it feels good to help people in a healthy way. And how old were you when you started modeling? I was thirteen okay, so were you able to pull that
things that you learn from your mom from your nan like? Were you able to pull those nutritional values, holistic values into that lifestyle with you? So what changed for me So what was interesting is when I was about to eat something or never into the fridge or whenever I would think what am I going to eat. I looked at it from like what nutrients am I going to get from this? I never thought of like calories or anything. I was like what nutrients am I going to get from this? So if I eat this, what are the nutrients I'm going to get and how's that going to make me feel so the one eat something at the end of the day. Really the majority of the time. Unless I know it's gonna be beneficial for my body, but then I do say it's really important. Have that balance, eighty twenty so eighty percent, your leg focused on the nutrients and then twenty percent you lack for enjoy life is unit. I write to enjoy
yeah, and you have to have those moments where you eat the cake, our aid, the french fries or either really bad indulgence of mine, which fried chicken every now and then wishes yeah yeah. I give us not all the time, but it's important for me too. Enjoy those experiences when people like whatever It might be that night, if you same like say, for instance, like someone will say, come over, you know where then they'll say or do you have any dietary requirements? And I'm I'm not gonna say oh I have little to get an egg monies make a plant, unlike no sure whatever, like I like to enjoy whatever people is serving me. So when wherein you know in europe will eat like the pasta and everything and I'll be like Lou delicious you'd like then, you know how they lag scale back and I think at the end of the day, education is key. If you know. The end of the day like you're, going to make healthier choices when you get,
Then you can really enjoy yourself a little more, and I have that balance in your lot. When you do when you our indulgent? Do you feel like because with me, if I am, I would in my own brain, I would sort of call it like being on plan like eating in a way that I know, I'm gonna feel the best I'm and have the most energy, the least brain fog. It's a pretty clean with eating but then, if I win, because I totally do indulge it's almost to the point where it's not worth the indulgence because of how it acts, my body and I dont know my boyfriend has, I feel, like he bounces back so much easier than I do, but I'm just like I'm bloated for like four days and I'm like. What's this, burrito weren't. You feel like you bounce back quickly or do you feel like it? No, it hits you hard, I feel like I bent back pretty quickly, just because aim. I feel, like I put in a lot of work tat most of the time yeah, and I mean the aid
twenty thing is kind of like what I promote pretty, if I'm really honest, is probably more ninety ten yeah, so I've. If I might go into am I a me like an eye and I will indulge in a way that, like a little bit not like a lie, that's the thing, I'm for sure getting that thronged, yet I'm like a logo and ham land, here like were eating. The whole thing is I'm like. Oh, this is your one as if it's the last time I will ever have tortilla chips in lassie. I need to like that are really messed up ideology that I like release for myself of, like no, that's not really like you can have that link want. What I tell myself is like whenever I want something I can have it yeah, so I'm like oh, I feel I took out. Ok I'll have a low but yeah and you feel like not. I need a more because if I mean that I'm not gonna feel secure exactly. Instead of eating the whole bar of chocolate. You'll have liked to pieces. I dead, sermon
in just jumped as you are talking about, because I wanted to ask you this earlier: do you work out and wind is that come into your schedule and the like f, the jute like? Are you working out? I guess you wouldn't be fastened because you have had your juices, but where does that fit and every day sorry, meda idea hundred question. I do I love to work out and I think it's keyed tube energy and vitality and as your a gene now, I just ten forty, I feel like me working out about the april twenty january. Nine. Ninety nine sorry yeah. So this is your fortieth year yeah. How do you feel about it? I love it yeah me too. I feel like I'm embracing it wholeheartedly. I'm like bring it on. I might. These are the good years. Oprah said every year she turned a new decade, she'd be like forty, so that it's the decade, ladies, is the one year fifties of the decade like every time, Oprah turns into decades. I'm trying to channel that. I love that, and- and I just That's amazing,
I've been very active. My whole life cause I've. Just I was a farm girl growing up, so it was like riding horses running around on the farm like you could never just was climbing trees and he could never kind of yeah get me to be super steel, like I wouldn't just sit there and watch tv I'd be outside and I have to like run and I'd love to swim, and you know so and then I was a gymnast and I was competing as a gymnast like, and I love that and then I got internet ball touch football basketball at school, and then I got a bit too tall for gymnastic. So then I got into yoga, then the younger obsession really has been my anchored throughout my whole life cool because what I love about. It is your I feel, like the mind body connection is really nice and constantly where in this motive,
it's like doing doing doing, whereas yoga feels a little more you're in the flow of being yes and that's really good for our drainage holes, and that can also help with, like you know, maintaining your kind of like I dunno, just like maintaining a library, and we ended up there, but lately and I'm so. I've been very much into yoga- implies in my whole life, but then lately. I've been more into weightlifting push. I never thought I would be in tune, but I love it yeah. And also running which I never thought I'd be into. Have you you sure I mean yeah with all that time I have now. It is your own way. I believe that every mother, especially, should run along distance rice. Ok, because there's something so powerful maybe you have this and other experiences in your life, but I think there's something so powerful about doing something.
that literally nobody can help. You accomplish a reiner albert, yes that when I ran the l a marathon for the first time, I thought I was going to die. I was not. I would never have called myself a runner. It was a challenge I made myself and my only go. I didn't care how long it took me. My only goal was I refuse to walk so I like I'm gonna run twenty six miles and I really thought I'm gonna lose it and in the last like two miles, which felt so impossible. I channeled my eldest son. He sixteen, I channeled fifty two hours of labor with you and I was like, bit. If you, if you can answer, is TAT you can you can do this, I ask any so I just it is one of the most I would say giving birth to jackson and crossing that finnish sign are two key moments in my life tat I tap into all the time if you like, running the gateway to start with a five
again and then you'll be ok and then you do half and then you'll be ultra marathon runner, and you can say that you got it from me being there love is so I literally never thought that I would love running yeah and it's really the data it is. But one day I woke up in those like, I just want to run yeah. This is so weird. Why do I want to run? thirty nine at the time- and here I am well aware, my runnin, I got into it and now I just love it, but I do like IRAN walk around yes, yes, I could run so new change up the deed it up during the week? What you're doing do you sort of get sick of things and then bring in other stuff, and I try to be consistent with like making sure I work out six days a week and then I add the run, walk and I'll do like a minimum run, walk twenty minutes a day, yeah, and then I like to do the sauna hot and cold, at least if it's,
like ten or fifteen minutes, super hot and then cold, shower, see you're, doing run, walk twenty minutes a day. Is that the language of like in my schedule and how it can fit in most the time it's after I dropped the kids up? Are you familiar with peter, a tier longevity? Oh, I feel like you, I mean it would take you. experimenting with health to other level. Where's he from Peter tia is lorries from originally but he's basin. Austin, now he's a huge anybody who's interested and longevity and how to worry when David angler, I dont know Oh, I don't know he's a longevity well, but I only I mention it because one of his things is that every day you have to do, I think he calls it zone to do. You have to be the level of cardio for at least twenty minutes. So good, where you were, you haven't still talk. You don't want to like it's, your right on the edge, it's almost too hard. You just like. Please don't talk to me, except when you're trying to do it in the
it's like my mom and I'm like yeah. Let me finish: oh hey yeah yeah that one minutes yeah he has a new book which I'm forgetting the name of, but it's really it's really popular. Okay, yeah, I feel, like I mean it's, this I know, because my boyfriend has been methodically working his way, all I'm going to address the matter with them. I love any gangs, by a concern in turkey for the millionth time doing you're getting the run, walk in and then you're orbit that so in the morning. So I'll do a workout before the kids wake up and I have an act like I have a few different apps, oh nice, so I'm lately I been using this app code. Crush I am from sonata and what I like about it is this: good, twenty minute kind of weight, work and I'll. Do it sometimes two or three times black, but at the minimum you can just do it twenty minutes. They are depending on your timing, and so I like to do that my bedroom just in case the kids. Wake up
I'm there you're, like I gotta, have my waits there and I use expound waits for that and then does is just like a really good way to kind of stuff. Day and then I also between tracy Anders and omega rube their online programmes. I had better, beautiful that I'll do it is more like you know, Matt pilates. I also have like a year of a good teacher that sometimes all faced time land or I can What are my own disposal? I couldn't laney yoga up that I sometimes do. Do you still go to group classes, or is that not so much anymore? I used to do miss it or you don't care It's kind of convenient doing in my right by myself, yeah, like their kids and the time it takes to get to a class upon baggages. Does not it's not worth airily like beneficial to my day but
If I didn't have three kids, maybe it out the gray without an eye and a business or on right right. Do you schedule the day pulling in Work is always work from home. Yet so you getting really granular with here. I love saw. How do you do what you do talent? So are you stretch with like what kind of meetings you will take at what time of day? a car. You like. I only want to do a brain storm in the morning or I only want to do so. What I'd like us set meeting yeah
that we have like in the calendar- and I tried to work tuesday, wednesday thursday, like those of my like I'll drop, the kids off, but then you know, I won't be able to pick them up, because those are my work days, the deadened monday and fridays and obviously the weekend are yet with the kids yeah two does I drop off and pick up and the then, when you have a company, you kind of never really switch off yeah for sure, but that's the way that it's supposed to work in a way that small balanced for me, because my kids in my number priority right on my husband right. What does the workload look like for you as your sort of doing all the things you well? In your view, whose petty dreamer and oh no I mean I do They are like it's very busy and it is like scheduled, scheduled, scatters who's, going to extend your buddy
a kind of flows in a way that what I like to do is I like map out like if I can, map out as much in the month in advance is better and then the week before I can look at it and be like a k may be made this a move that and then I don't like to look at it after then, I'll just look at a kind of the night before yeah yeah to be like. This is what's happening to me. Because otherwise I'll get too worried because it's just serve actual haven't yeah, so I just should be like came to map out and then planet, and then it really important the pudding like travel time or like pick up a drop of time or everything like its timing, yeah, and I just feel like the well this just moving so fast, and
our children are growing up so finding one thing I really try to do even on my work days is kind of make sure that it finishes unless I have an event that it finishes in time. So I can do one down with my kids and we therefore you know dinner. They have for dinner. Five and then they have a bath. Five. Thirty and then yeah like it's written in like closed you know in their bedroom, like windows, everything shot and like yeah, everything's, dark and cozy, cocoon like by six and then asleep by six thirty. So I make sure that I and we read books and then we sing prayers and you know yeah go to sleep yeah, but I mean they go to sleep. I have one more time till I am depending on what's happening when my husband schedule the schedule is so
He is so sulky management yeah, because if you want to be able to accomplish all the things that you're hoping to accomplish in a day or two show up as a mom, the way that you want to. I appeal raw here. You can't you, I can't leave it to chance. Oh no! It's like I just gotta, like my schedules, color coded my schedule and my husband's schedule, the kids' schedule, yeah yeah, I'm multiple calendar yeah, and I think you know I have talked about this schedule for my kids a lot over the years and people would always be, Oh, I just feel so intense and allow it solely wouldn't slight and would have a routine and they need to know. I love as they eventually like when my exactly when I got divorce years ago. That was so. Crucial for them, while knowing exactly what was a bang all the time where they would be, Who would be there so that they didn't have to feel worry about more any we re exactly so yeah, I'm others
My grandma told me. She literally told me when I was pregnant, remember with flinch. She said it's really important that you have a routine like a consistent routine with him. I know you travelling you working and whatnot, but trying to maintain a routine, and interesting because it wasn't until I had my second child that it really can now true. That was because my first child was kind of, very good? if the flow and whenever he was with me, I mean when you have one it's kind of like that, and I do hear that about the first trout YAP a lot yep. But then my second do, as I won't come from a out. I literally took my second son to the pediatrician at six weeks old and I was bawling animals like there's something wrong with this baby. Like your hats, I don't know He won't sleep like and the doctor was like. Oh no, no! No! This is normal yeah. The first baby he's the Oh yeah, that's not a normal avian and those first bourns that are easy to really trick.
They really do you like. I was a hold on a second out. I was such a good mother. I know what I'm saying yeah, but by the way my just turned five year olds on the weekend. He is amazing now, but he was my second job and he was deadly very different experience to my first job, whose Lamar more now I just didn't, want to sleep and want to be as flexible with you know everything he's like now. It is my area to be This way then routine helped a lack of it is cause. It's like this. No we're gonna we're gonna, get it man we're going to go in the same thing, and so you underline buildings are lion yeah there, and now he loves, it loves a routine. Is there anything you do in your travelling for your nutrition frisking care that counterbalances the travel like? Are there any great tips with cause? You I'm sure
and have traveled. I can't even imagine going flyer miles, you're rocking yeah and we offset all of our flights, so yeah so are very important and actually core organics is a carbon. oh brand school, where carbon neutral certified say variable everything we do actually, I was one of the first introduced, a refill pods that you twist in and out very proud of that. I'd literally sat there with the manufacturer must like. I want to create this job that you put in a little pod. That's like a little coffee pod. This fully Cyclical allows you are interested in an hour, and then you just have this beautiful job that you, just by the job, once right, refill pugs thereafter in their like genius Then you know everyone's copying may in fact, but it is better for the environment it better for everyone anyway. When we travel, I actually do bring my dream: with me because I just feel like I made myself Julia, negotiable and my husband things a mad and Michael
rather have my celery juice than like more shoes. Yeah may go just take. You know one pair of shoes. If I can take my salary, yeah yeah, depending on like how long going for a where we're going bet that something that I like to travel with, what else I'm always say my skin care and once I get on the plane, I clean my skin and that meant he missed as a lifesaver, the known face oil and then she might moisturize at all in the sleepy mosque. I forgot to tell you That is a game changer. Tell me about that to the sleepy mosque is like one of my key secrets. It's got natural highly ironic, ass it in there and it just like locks in everything and then tries as a translucent veil. So it doesn't like stay like jelly liken. Both on your pillar. It literally dries and locks in everything that you ve already put on your skin. So you can do you fool skin carotene then apply the Sarah them from actually be mosque, and then it just like keeps at all and then, when you wake up in the morning and you
in your skin you're like ooh, I'm so like juwy nice, and then you know why nice cause it's that sleeping mask, and I keep that next to my bed. So do you put that on you yeah? That is amazing, nice, okay, so we're staying hydrated and we're drinking our I reduce another thing I do when I get to the new place. I try to go outside and get the kids to go outside. Take that she's often put their feet in the grass get low sunshine in their hands like like just two brief sat to that, I'm so near, depending on how long gonna be there We're not therefore very long. I try to give them on the same or similar timezone yeah too but they had leg. Sometimes if we go to paris and it's just for a week or ten days, I will try to keep them little more on allay time here, just so. They don't have to treat like have such a big transition back and all of it and there are they in school. You know we're ok appear, but how you re school, ok preschool!
for that so kindergarten kindergartens dots in september. I hurried. How are you feeling about that? Picks out? Ok get bigger My twelve year olds went to the same school and then my husband winters I'm school are cool, so I feel like a very good connection with the school that they go to a nice and if it just feels right, he's excited about it. That's important! and then he knows a couple of kids that are going to be there and we've had a couple of like play, dates at the school, so he's really happy nice yeah nice. going into summer, darwin and disk summer, which sometimes changes, are scan and what's happening. Is there anything that you're like a as you go in for listeners, you're thinking like ok would have given us a ton of advice, yeah, sir. Anything for that allows. for one thing I it is really important to prep your skin is exploiting, so we have an incredible that she might exploiting scrub they face
we have for your buddy as well, oh, and it makes your body tingle all over. You can you know, do it to yourself or you can do it to your pot nuts. I thank you don't owe me my arab, the reality in the shower. You know you are not. And then we have an incredible self tana. That's all natural sort of organic nice, I'm not a huge fan of self tanners, because I don't like the smell Whoa, this is amazing. Okay, great house smells like lavender, no way it doesn't smell like sultana, and it gives you it's a gradual tan. So it's not like you've. Suddenly I like stupid, bronze, It's just you apply it like three days and then you'll get the color that you like and nice. Even you can put it on your face. Okay, I wanna check that out I'll, send it to you. Okay, yeah that'd, be great, as it was saying. I did have your little bag, but then I came straight from another women and came straight here, so we popped by C4, you're, lucky you what they had available their farming
answer was sold out but We do have the little need, shimmer, scrub, o nice, ok, sir, not a big one, but they had the many available. Now, let's see mind body skin. This is the little one that I'm freezing. I said that you can use in your partner can use. This is what my husband and I use that stood like two in one scrub. Witness amazing you obviously instant results, So this is our newest plant sense. I'll retinal, alternative, Lou. Ok, I get to try that yeah. It is incredible ads. beautiful as well, so you can have routine here. This is the normal face oil, oh good! I'm glad that when I'm I'm pretty excited about near this is really good for any dry skin conditions. Anyone who has like whereas asia, sir, I had rosetta say so. This is getting up. I'm terrorism,
Like a game changer, I think you will be addicted. Call any sensitive skin super suva, nourishing and helpful Let's see what else we have in here, we have the gym regularly. y ou are getting hooked and this was this is katy, perry's, favorite moisturizer he made me do an interim live because she wanted to tell the whole world how obsessed you was with this at school, and she was like that. She's tried every pact out there and she was like this gives me the glow than I need it doesn't make make or break. How could she had like lino acne prince kentish wanted to have the glow nice? This is like her. Ever and she's upset, sir. I don't go ever be just like katy perry to secondary bearing and Have the ice cream here and they are oil. Gosh, you guys so the ice cream, I'm just on them off
you're on boxing and also tell me how to put them on pop. Yes, said this is the little refilled pod suit same with the chimney. My strasser see why the glass jar once and then the refill puts their off you say you just put him in an admirer, and so we, you know, made a few products incorporating this. So what you do, is you just open and show my dog yeah sure see it open like this, and I will make sure that I don't put my fingers in your jar. I can use this and then you just put a little of the cream. ok to say kind of patent in and around I aerial matters will make it even the fact that that that give both idea- and they have different ingredients. This is the vitamin c I cream. So it's like really potent vitamin c. and then this is the ninety glow. I oil and the I oil has arose courts.
Roll about it. Natural retinal, alternative coca high oil. It has two motto: extracts coffee extracts in this one. So the layers of them both a serving like different purposes, and some people are addicted to both. Some people prefer have a preference over one one over the other, a lioness them both and I like to use the cream, and then I all over the top. But that's the rose quote relevant their got it, and then you feel it. Put it on my asset that, because this going to be yours, and then you put in the same spot yeah you put it all right, do all around okay like up here. Do okay, okay, ok, alright, and you use that morning to night both of the morning and not nice to all I and then nine cream, I am so excited yeah, but they work on like helping smooth fine lines and wrinkles and and just hydrate the area
actually need a new sarah for rosetta s arm excite as this yeah yeah. This he's so fantastic link. You for hanging out with me I'm talking about nutrition and health and skin care and all the staffing and you came out of it with me and we're both like eighty three? yeah, but our forty at year end, get up. I love is for people who are listening and want to grab the skin kara learn more like tell us where we can go to find out about cora, so chloral again extol com. and then obviously all social media is core organics amr. And they can go to. The fora were also in good hands, take a wherein actually support a worldwide. So that's a good one or kora organics dot com we ship to over one hundred and sixty countries
and we're all gonna start drinking sour juice. Now the track of elvers well. Thank you. Thank you. The rachel, how is podcast is produced by me, Rachel Hollis, its edited by andrew weller and jack noble I can t descent anymore. I can't believe I'm saying this. To be honest, you know you can tell me anything. I capital the fifty four to candles he lowered his m, underscore lowercase, p capital oversight or possibly lord his arrest. I know how you feel,
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Transcript generated on 2023-05-24.