« The Rachel Hollis Podcast

394: MANIFESTATION MASTERMIND: Everything You Need to Know About MANIFESTING Your Dream Life with Sonia Choquette & Ben Hardy

2023-04-06 | 🔗
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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hi guys. It's raich welcome to another episode of the show and another piece in our mastermind series. So the mastermind is when we choose a single topic and we find some of the best advice. We've ever heard on this topic on the show from experts who absolutely blow my mind and continue to teach me how to do all sorts of things better. Today we're going to talk about manifesting and we're going to talk about manifesting because y'all love this subject. It seems like anything that we do, that touches that you're really interested in which I dig because same girl
I love this conversation and not just because of the achiever me that sort of looks out. Ok, how do I get to this next place, but from a perspective of wanting to live a good life and wanting to be a good human? I have two then ask myself what I do every day that helps to make that desire manifest. How do the Words, I speak the things I think the things I focus on the people I allow into my life, the energy. I allow into my life how to all of those things play into the future I'm building for myself and for my family and for my work like for it all. So today, you're going to hear from some of my favorites specifically sonia to cat who is someone. I read her books and followed her work for very long time before I got to interview her on the show, And-
I did this spiritual adviser, energy, healer psychic like visionary, just blew my mind. Such a fascinating conversation and you're also gonna hear from Ben hardy, which is maybe, someone, you would typically think would be in a conversation about manifesting, cause, he's much more data driven in writing, books and facts and figures. But you have to remember that manifesting is all about the energy you put out and the energy put out that scientifically proven. that's quantum physics, so there is a lot more cross over than you think there would be on this topic. Your also gonna hear from me in past episode. Some of the best of moments have people really resonated with, as I talked about how came to learn about this process and how I apply it to my life, my work My relationship, my parenting, would have about out at all so for them
infestation, spiritual junkies, energy, vibe, vibrational, all that stuff from my fellow hippies of some whew. This mastermind is just for you- I I'm rachel hollis- and this is my podcast I spent and so many hours of every single week, reading and listened podcast and watching youtube videos and trying to find out as much as I can about the world around me and that's what we do on their shall we talk about everything like and how to be an entrepreneur. What happened dinosaurs? What's the best recipe for fried chicken? What's the best plan for intermittent fasting? What's going on with our inner child house therapy working out for you whatever? It is? My guess, or into I want to unpack it so that we can all understand these our conversations. This is information for the curious. This is the rachel Hollis
I guess long before I ever had a nonfiction book like grow wash your face. I was writing fiction. I have been writing fiction, since I was a little and I have really vivid imagination for good or ill. I always imagine but grant and scenarios for myself. I, when I, little and my parents would be screwed at each other or there would be like dishes. Breaking against the wall. I will go to my room, and I would hide now from them sort of hide from the chaos and the house Gary was to be out air and I will go get in bed or I will go. You know sit. There is a spot between them. in a closet. I'd like sit in sickness or nook, and I would just take myself
out of this situation that I was in and I think a lot of you. If you come from homes, where there was trauma that its possible. You So did the same thing, what I and understand. Was that those vision, that I had those my imagination, this idea of like what's gonna, be next, what can be the future in the future or have control, have my own home I'll be able to cross. my own life, that was the seed, would take me on a path to lead me where I am today That was the law traction that was manifesting things into my life, but I didn't really have the language for it, even though I was doing it, and Wanna talk about it as we serve this year, because it will The is a mindset I know if it's not something you're familiar with, it might seem, whew
It might seem ridiculous. It might seem counter and would have to what you were raised to believe, but it we is this. Massive shift and this massive tool in changing the way that you interact with this world around you, I mean we've all all had moments where you're having the best day right, it's birthday or you just gotta problem. Work or you just landed a client or you just landed this. You know opportunity something big happening, you're like in the best mood go out in the world like everyone's having her great day and you're. The cut people are so nice and their helpful, and there are like in doors and they're, letting you in traffic and like every things working for you on the flip side, I'm sure we have all had days where it sucks and his hard and maybe
your hormones are underwater, whack and you're, having a really hard time controlling the way that you're feeling or maybe you, your boyfriend, I'm to you or are you just gotta fight with your sister or your boss? Is a jerk or fill in the blanks? Something has happened. That's put a bad mood and you go out in the world and its like everything that you see an inner. To every person, just reinforces your bad mood everywhere. A jerk traffic is hard like at all, keep stacking up to a line with the view that you have in that particular moment. Have to believe that every single human being has encountered that it's not a coincidence, it's not that you're having a bad day is that you're having a great day and everyone else around you having a great day. It is the vibration that you are putting off into the world is what We're getting back. That is the law of attraction The idea tat we
we are sending out into the world, is what we get back from other people. It's why gratitude practice is so making powerful, why everyone talks about it because when you are setting yourself up to practice, attitude and to feel grateful for what's happening in your life. Magically e mail. equally amusing airports? If you can see me magically, you find more things to be grateful for this concept of, like the way you act, what you believe what you put What your mindset is is a huge part of what your attracting it's your I swear. It is a real, and even if you call different things you, maybe your religion calls it something different. Maybe the way you raise calls it something different. If you have not sperience this before
just listen to this episode, I'm gonna give you some ideas. Some tips, some some things you can try and freaking. Try one Try one of these things for the next week for the next couple of weeks. I won't even eight, that long you will see a difference in the way that you go through the day in the way that Strangers interact with you in the opportunity. you get all of it, just like just try it now, if you have had this attitude before I worked on attracting goodness into your life thought about the law of attraction, thought about manifestation thought about all of these things. If you ve done that before and it worked, then they conversation that you and I are having whether you're watching the sun youtube or listening to her on podcast To remind you to get back into that mindset, the first thing that will.
fundamentally change, every Thing about. How you view the world and what you get out of all of it is to shift you. perspective from believing that life is something that happens to you most people think life is happening to them. This traffic is happening to them. My dog is her. That's happening to me, my partner broke up with me. That's happening to me. Things are happening to meet a thing. Life is happening to them. What super dangerous about that is wind! It is great and everything's going your way, then your blast you're lucky in your there's than your that than all of these things, and it's like out of your control, because the flip is also true, where
you believe that life is just something is happening to you. Then the hard stuff feels like thing that you don't have control over your boyfriend being a toxic. He's a share, you dont have control of him, but you certainly have control of why you're in this relationship, what going on. Why do you keep putting up with that? This is not the blame you for his behavior, but you are in control decision that you make today about whether or not stay in that place. But here's the shift, if you can shift from life is happening to you to life, is happening for you. its everything if you believe that life is happening for you, you have to believe that full stop. You can't cherry the parts of your life that,
for you and say that the stuff that you dont like is it and it brutal to go through awful times you're, the person who has said oh well life's happening for me life's happening for me when you make mistakes when you have failures when you're going through a breakup when you've hurt buddy when you ve done something awful or something has happened to you? That was awful but you believe that things are for you. Is really hard, as you want to be, like wolves, f, this lake? I thought that that thing you know running the marathon like that was for me, but this break up this. This can't be for me The only way. Those seasons are recognisable. I think, as for us when we look at them in hindsight
We can see in hindsight, oh yeah, that it suck, but if I hadn't gone, do that break up with him I would never have met this person who acts We was the right partner for me. You know old, saying like your jackson is god's protection I believe that all day and when you can adopt that and a philosophy use to bounce back from stuff, so much faster you can adopt a philosophy of oh yeah I must not have gotten thou opportunity cost something betters coming long. Life is happening for me, so even the heart of his setting me up for something great later every single part of it is me. They knew and shaping you and helping. You become the purse that you want to be so that shift life is not
to me. Life is happening for me, gives me at least the opportunity to see every single part of my day as unfolding for me and If I believe that everything in this is unfolding for me, then I am constantly looking for what I am to do with this moment, even when things go wrong. The second kind. The second thing that I want you to take into this new year and pity Shall we consider trying is amusing airports again. The lucky girl idea. The lucky girl mentality, this works. If your boy, this works, no matter how you identify just adjust, changing your perspective. That you are the luckiest person on earth? and how I know that you can pull this off is because my
Some of us are trained to believe that the opposite is true. How many times have you heard someone say with my luck: my I'll probably get a flat tire with my luck. The traffic will be terrible with mild I heard wayne dire, say this years ago is like. Why would you ever say with my luck, but not follow it by something affirming quoth, my I'll, probably when the lottery twice with my Luck all get offered the job of my dreams. With my luck, I'm about to me money s friend at the seven eleven with my luck. I'm probably gonna go out tonight and find the partner of my dreams How you talk about or life is hugely impact full to the kind of life that you have period full stop. Our words have incredible power. We're over what we believe and how we see things is the cup half full a path empty house.
Oh, you speak about. What's happening to, you shapes how you believe it and why affirmations are so popular. It's why affirmations works so well again, go watch youtube. Videos of peace were much smarter than I am explaining the power of an affirmation not the whew power of information, but the psychological power of an affirmation of speaking your The desired outcome into existence, though, lucky girl idea is the same thing. is that you believe you're gonna get parking spot is that you know that you're probably gonna find ten dollars as rwanda. story is that you are just positive at something. Great is gonna happen today, when you have that perspective, the thing that happens might be that you see a bird get a french fry so happy is bird ever and you experiences like q moment with nature. That could be the great thing that happens today or the grating they haven't stray could be.
that your best friend tells you that she's pregnant or that your kid got the part in the play. They were going out for, like. when you believe good things are gonna happen. Good things happen because good, always happening? The difference is that now you notice them And when you are guiding yourself towards noticing being look being blessed experience goodness it starts to grow, it's the craziest thing, but it starts to grow. yeah, it's essentially innovation but the law of attraction. The lucky girl, idea, is the law of assumption. You assume, the good you're gonna happen and they do you assume that it's all good, work out, and it does the way that,
actually manifest. Something is that you act as if you have already received it. That is the huge shift. Is that both anchor? Oh I'm, in a calm I saw a man asked for this thing, I'm in a create the vision board and then and I'm in a focus on it focus on it focus on it, but the problem is that, in their focus, what their accident to be doing is focusing on the lack not having it they're like I'm china manifest. You know, my dream partner loves, come to me and unworthy of love, and I want this person and I've done everything I can to prepare their like saying all these things, but what they do. Realize their doing is accidentally. Obsessing over where, where is he? Where is? he, whereas she, whereas this person, whereas the love of my life, where is Where is my baby? Where is my dream job, whereas where where where? Where so, what you
actually giving energy, and vibration, too, is the lack of What you want, so you keep putting power and energy into not having the thing instead of attracting the thing manifesting, so you do not attract what you want. You attract. What you are we're track that the level of the vibration that you are putting out. So if you're hoping for dreaming for wanting a certain thing all the master say, you have to act as it It is already yours go through life as your blessings already covered as if your bills are already paid as if the fraternities are already showing up. That's what acts more to your life it's a really hard practice to get a hold up,
I think, like the most basic level, if you ve never done this before, I start with just calling your shot, sir. with knowing what it is you, wanna start with being crystal clear to god, universe, whatever you believe in This is the thing that I want to attract to my life. right now someone's listening to songs, about parties, travel and get away without ever planning one for themselves, they need the change of two real visit north carolina, this bring a target celebrate the sun and designers. Fino well agua rendita in road, each inspired by the vibrant colors patterns and textures otherworldly backgrounds explore the target spring designer collection on target dot com and shop in store and online. On April, fifteen. We have here hearing today.
arab world with our ears. But are actually entire body is capable of listening, so I was taught to list and to not words but the vibration. I was taught to listen to the frequent. I think that you raise your hands together and you just go like this. You can, deal that energy going out on that frequency, so I'm listening for that tone in your heart, because that is the tone of your truth. Spirit you're, I think itself and then I scan around and see where it gets off track and my goal is to put it back in by current game, directing your attention that you're back in harmony with your the the the frequency and operation in the form of your truth, so I'm listening, but not too outer exe.
Material physical sounds I'm listening to the heart frequency. I believe we all start that way your child, your children, do you you listen with your heart to your children? You can you can feel their energy in the other room when you you're not present, is it actually isn't the usual. It is this sense we dump him down with down, but in because my mom's ears and she was saying I'm so lucky I am dab. So I can't hear negativity was that she would, she say I hear even my home I can hear you and I can hear what you can munich hearing in her mouth of its can grow and if its joyful ebbed state of its happen,
We listened to energy that when we started feeling the divine energy we start feeling energy that goes beyond the physical plain and so bad, the kind of listening that I'm what I'm using in my own sessions it it's a kind of listening. I teach people, I what Let them know its natural when we get stuck in our hands we become numb you're here you had your ego, your brain actually doesnt have a capacity to feel so it doesn't the vibration. Here's the noise of what your internal noise is. A ping pong ball rolling around trying to find its way. We ve been condition to believe that aid for fair for one week where we re vulnerable, so we ve been trained. Didn't I deny well it's was a bad idea, because did you feel a week when you acknowledge your fears, or did you feel better now
definitely wasn't weakness. He sighs women. Courageous and and then it gives you more power. Could you emptied it? I tell people of Here is not a fact fear. Is as it is an ambiguous threat that keeps them from being falling present self. When an end, you know here's the interesting thing. When it is a fact, but your fearing is it factors your your spirit, will give you a different direction: and it will say, don't go there, stay away from that Honor, who you are. It won't you're an here's, my biggest message. You can trust that voice, but you can't trust this one you can't trust the voice in your head? The voice of fear is not present. Its roaming around looking for a site, I call it the barking dog looking patrol, the borders for trying the boy
growing growlin growing, it's not present, whereas the heart is the voice, your spirit and the boys, in your spirit, is calm. Did you noticed any shifting your physical body after simple, concise, This is so important, because We've denied that we are vibrationally communicating so long as we do have a language sometimes as for what is actually was feeling so We don't have words. We in denying said That's why I say in my books and in every workshop, speak it out loud. give your body permission to express. When you name it, you claim it and and you can say I have a choice. listen to this or not, but don't shove, it because what, when you shove it, is you betray yourself
That's when you get into this chaotic. channel mass, where I met listening to myself so whom listen to you, Are you are you and then in france, for those who are really spiritual. The first commandment is not to have false gods and listening to other people in their way, I'm telling you how to run your life is totally athabaska, so just to really just say feeling something. It's can grow and its heavy it's dangerous. It feels yucky, but the more you language. You're energetic experience of life, you're, vibrational experiences, quantum physics is tied up with thirty with us two other people and it starts valid daily or we ve been saying all along everything's vibrational. So but it's not
Emotional, its energetic. And we can have an emotional response, I'm feeling a dangerous energy from this person. This She is very toxic to my being made: ocean is run away, but my experience is this: vibrational less damaging. To me here's words really empowering let that be enough information. Because what I find people where, where people real just empower themselves in. men and women, but its very what much women is it. They feel like What I need someone to tell me that so I need I need an excellent patient. I need a balanced nation, I need permission and I saying? No, you don't you, sal permission and just say I
a bad by or I'm a good name is enough, yeah and you just I work for anyone who says what how do you know the answer? Is I don't? feels right for me. It would for me, that's all change here, might this works? For me, I'm going with? Is it works for me and you know how he can tell a buy it at a true and good guidance, verses being In your head and getting it wrong, real guidance? Your body will relax. if it's in your head, it will contract. Always! Ok, that's good here is where you can really in paris up you'll have to explain I honestly don't even try you can't you say I can't, but
choosing to follow it because it works for me. That's why it works for me, You don't have to buy what you don't have to agree. You don't to understand. I don't understand, but it its have, sooner in wales have radar and that's her listen, I too, as a natural creature designed to be drawn to its best for me, have vibes I'm going with it and nobody can argue it. If you say you know it works for me and I choose to go with it. That's my Houston, I don't know, but I'm choosing it anyway. It works here. This is probably one of the biggest complaints I hear from peoples. I dont know what I want and I go back. To the two lay use before What are you love start, namely: go for a walk. Take your keys in your hand, because the key, symbolise answers to your subconscious.
My go for a walk and out loud start name. the things you love to share so try it with you. What are you love to share. What do you know what I've learned? I love to share what I've learned and went ass books and red and white. Ass my success and went ass, the spot, like yeah and what else wisdom now You watched ass. If you were to go back and watch this every day, You said that you became writer and brighter and bright. Your whole body changes your spirit, steps in an expanse. Do you believe this is your purpose? Yes,. You see that there's no up here about here.
not even it doesn't even participate if, yes, this is, this is exactly. So I said the universe won't help you create anything. It'll only create what's really and you are it'll help, you create what you'd nearly level one up your cream, anything certainly isn't any help your barking don become a more. Regard guard. So let's start there that first of all what you just share and it could be anybody. What it is shared. The universe will help you pre, eight more of way your goodness brings to the world. More of what you love so starts there so begin. Don't if you're figuring it out here bad barking dog neighbourhood Not gonna get your answer there. You have to come back home. Take your keys,
walk around. I love and love. I love and it's not just what I love to enjoy it. What we love to share! What do I love to to to? right around what awaited love to contribute and that is the key to beginning how to treat the life you why? I really believe it especially in our world. Everybody wants to have arisen, Do that and may you have a formula and that's not human nature, human nature following human nature? Follow your true nature: where do you love, but do you love to share. What would you love to share more because it will make you intrinsically happy other benefits I'm gonna be a real surprise. A blessing in a bonus, but the entire
It's it happiness that I am. I am being me doing. What I came here to share is the source of real contentment, so I would say, start bear and keep your head out of it here Your figure it out head out of bed and just why Sharing what you love to share for a little while and see what happens? These people say well I'll, never make their strong he'll. Never support me. Not my response is you know, that's not true that It's not you dont know. How do you know so? don't quit today, job. But share what you love to share and share with love, and then gets more and more and more natural and it it's like a garden room? So I'm a big teacher, keep it simple. Are there
and things that we can be doing during our day during our life that are helping us to raise the vibration so were manner stating that ability to share at a higher level. I think you need to do what I call tonight. Tool that I have combined check. You need to. And your body and you need to stop and paws and take a breath and you need to see. Am I making ruins. Is there a mine betraying my staff? Am I saying yes, when I mean now, am I doing water. When I keep pushing do I need to and learn to keep checking. In and actually make it important what information you get. Learn that event care myself, and I tell people it'll live empty. Is you can emptying present not in your head not jammed the budget
staff and mine, just empty, listen, be present and show up to what feels can grow and in this moment empty, often go away you empty. Is you take to two birthday candles and slide And do that and if you are betraying yourself start up. And how would you know, how would you know if you are You don't feel good. Youth at your body. Don't check your head, your head. I'll give you bad information check your body. Do you feel open do feel empty? Is your head? Why it's not? What is yours that you do this, I'm afraid of and my spirit sets an you check
all the tools I gave you took less than a minute. And they do work, so it takes basically a decision I'm gonna get to know my spirit and I'm going to believe it will take care of me Then I believe there is a part of me just like a part of every. living thing in nature that is designed to thrive and be beautiful. And I'm gonna believe that that is how I am designed to I'm gonna commit, to stop ignoring I'm didn't commit to be curious, I'm gonna give it a chance. I'm a choice. We have to listen but standing a let that part of me express their, not choose. Then I'll choose and I'm gonna say it out loud. You know him my book trust your vibes have all these tools, but the primary tool is dont. Do it in your head out
loud because- there's nothing more honest about using the sound of your own voice. in your voice is coming from the heart. It sounds and feels different, though, in its coming from the head. Last night I slept unclean sheets and the only thing better than clean sheets is new clean sheets? I was taking a test drive, I mean like I did it for us did it for years, so that I could genuinely talk about how soft and dreamy perish holmes per cow sheets are and guys I like, I'm an evangelist. Now it is so dreamy. I got this like moss green color, which I don't know why made me feel like even more luxury s, because machines are always sort of boring and white. The
These are super lightweight, see, dont fell, weighed down the breathable cotton per caille is great for allowing airflow savior me and you sort of vast all night, long between hot and cold, this is the jam also not for nothing. I did get he's dreamy, mossy, colored, green sheets and I got matching bath, tells at the same time, because parachute home is altered. totally sustainable and have all kinds of homosexuals, you can not more by viz parachute home dot com, flash rage, cover soft, sustained homosexuals and all things cosy at parachute, home dot com, flash reach the show Brought you buy better help, Getting to know yourself can be a lifelong process, especially since you're always growing and changing, but deepening
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about. How are you being intentional, with the kind of so you want to be with the life that you want to live with. What you want to create, and I thought today in our meeting, because our city with a tea, I said ok guys, the theme is manifesting. Let's all brain stem. Like how do we make this month even better than last? How do we like show a better bigger? How d you know inspire the key the and get them fired up and the sort of response from more than one person was like You know you ve been talking about manifesting a lot, but I feel like you're speaking a very high level and we still canada get it and isn't that always the way that when were teaching something that we know really well, we think we're explaining its people. Like okay. We know this level ten so bring act down to level seven so that you could understand it too, and I think
donald biller, who has the best podcast if you ve, never listened to it, I think dawn is the one who said that you actually have to explain things to people like level three. You have to be oh specific and so granular when you're trying to explain a concept to someone, that's new, and it was a good reminder for me that here thinking like oh I'm teaching all this stuff, but might he is like, but how do you do it? literally and call on. My team said I really want to get into manifestly more. I want to manifest. I dont manifest at all, and I really want to manifest more and I was like oh shoe shoe. You ve miss the most basic principle for nicole
for the rest of the team for all of you listening or watching on youtube. You are always manifesting in this podcast. The beginners guide, the manifesting, the first thing that you need to understand right now, you are always manifesting. You can't actually control whether or not you are manifesting. The question and is? Are you manifesting with intention? Are you creating the life of your dreams, or are you creating a life that you don't want, but you're not aware that you're, the one who is putting that who is creating that who's, calling that to you, you are always manifesting. The question is whether or not are you doing it consciously the law of attraction says that you can attract anything that you want to your life and and growing up. I do not know why. I believe that was true. I had
nothing in my life. That would have indicated to me that that was possible but as long as I can remember, I mean if you go back and read my old books. I talk about this. I've said this since I started my podcast. I've said this on stages around the world. I have I have always believed that I could achieve anything if I could stay focus and I would work hard enough- I just its the absolute certainty in my mind, and now I look, through the lens of manifesting and I'm like. Oh that's what I've been doing, but didn't have the language for that. I just thought: stay focused on way, you're going and work hard. So in the law of attraction and the secret, you can attract what you want. The only thing I don't love about that idea, an end this sort of comes across
in the movie is sort of this like I want a million dollars and the universe is gonna. Send it to me, and I just don't believe it And there are tons thousands of videos on two right now with millions of views that are like manifest thirty thousand dollar. by tomorrow. Whatever I think there is a key step is missing in this that people don't understand, and it's why they get thrown off or its. Why people think that this is all bs or it's like our little or whatever, because even in that movie they're like telling you to like put a ferrari on your bulletin board and just sort of wait for the universe to deliver it to you and that's not the whole picture, at least according to me. So
rather than talking about the law retraction. I, like the idea of manifesting, and one of my favorite quotes on the subject, is from wayne dire. He says the law of attraction says that you can attract what one manifesting the law manifesting says you will attract what you are, and that is where I think this gets really interesting and where this concept has the ability to change your entire life- and I don't just mean that in of what you can create or attract, but I also mean that, in terms of the type of person you can become the idea of you, will attract what you are. What does that mean? now I have read so many books on this in the last couple of years, like it's sort of an obsession of mine, so I've looked at this from a bunch of different angles. The way that I think of this is that we,
I break on different levels like the energetic vibration of joy, is very different than the energetic vibration of sadness, despair, anger, I mean you can think of each one of those emotions and feel something different in your body when you imagine yourself in that state and the dear of manifesting, says that you will attract things to you that match you vibrational, so that by Creating a vibration in yourself by creating an energy in yourself that it is good that is joy, for that is abundant. That is magnetic, All of these things that that's why you bring to yourself, which I know please stick with me if this sounds a little bit like Wu Wu. Just I promise I minna explain this the beginners way, but just stay with me, because I want a first talk about it up here, like the proper
hippy that I am and then I'm gonna pull down in a way that makes sense for you but the reason I want you to remember the vibration. Peace is because, if you want to attract something to your life, you have to think about what vibration that is existing in, so just hold that for one second, and let's talk about life. There's an old expression that says we don't see life as it is. We see life as we are, you not see the world around you as it actually is you see it through the lens of the way you perceive people places, Environments, everything is through a lens or through a filter of your past experiences and what you bring with you into this present moment period. So I could see a dog and get so excited and want to be best friends with his dog. With the cutest thing ever and I ask you holy one: can I pet your bought dog and I'm so excited.
The very same dog, the most perfect, wonderful dog, the very same doug. You could see and began as you have a traumatic experience with a dog in your pass, that to you, is that golden retriever that I am so excited to meet and get to know, you could think is terrifying. Nothing changed about the dog same exact dog, different realities based on who is taking it in the same happens with life. The world matches your energy, it just does- and you have to understand that that's true, just like Nicole, sitting today saying I ever manifest. I'm like! No, you do. You are a man, a thing right now and when
We know how to harness that power. You can manifest that energy for good and when you don't know that you're manifesting, you unintentionally keep bringing the same stuff to your life over and over and over that you do not want. The thing that you need to understand most is that you create your own reality. So when your falling asleep or you folks in on the, if you have to get down, are you folks? all the things that were wrong. Are you having anxiety? Are you or are you said in your intention for what you are going to create the kind of that you want to live and really allowing yourself to feel gratitude and abundance for the life that you have. Those feel like two completely different things. Those put you into completely,
four levels vibrational way, one of them allows you to fall asleep, feeling great feeling blast having intention about the next morning and so, when you open your eyes, you have a plan, but even more than that. While you were sleeping subconsciously you brain was trying to figure out how to help. You have the day that you said that you wanted to see you up in the morning, and I would say the first thoughts that you have our really essential. Now, most people wake up in the morning and jump into the past, meaning they start thinking about everything that happens all the things that they have to do. The problem what's in front of them, you know Joe to spend a has. Great video where it talks about this. It's a, I think when he talks about your people, wake up in the
first thing they do is get on their phone and look at all the problems, all the promptly in their e mails, their text messages. The problems in world, the problems on social media, so they're just creating this storm of all. The things that are wrong, not just with them and their life and their job, but also the world around them, which means that use are your day holding on the belief that there are problems and that's it the wrong and go it's not to say this is not about ignore reality, but since the reminder that you get to create real. if you want to work on manifesting the key is to out of the past and to get focused on the future, I am creating the life of my dreams. You are creating. The life of your dreams were starting out Just talking about where you are at inside of each and every day, cause yeah
I want to talk to you about high level, manifesting attract all the money, but if I could get you understand you are in control of your experience of this life. I dont know that I can ever teach anything that would be more impact for first thing in the morning. You want to think about what you want to create or what you want to put out there. The second thing that I think you have to do is you have to know what, you want now, since this is beginners work, I really would suggest that you just try and focus in one area of manifesting in your life relationships, finance, completing a project, getting a big car I am making a certain amount of revenue if europe starting out? I think that it really powerful to just focus
on one area of your life. You are not getting the thing that you want. You are not manifesting What you want, because what you are actually obsessing over, what you are actually focusing on is the absence of not having it. That is a huge like hope, someone's brain just exploded right now, you are not focus on the of your life. You are not focus on finding the best partner. You are focus on the fact that you do not have one yet the universe in this we're talking about manifesting. The idea behind it is that the universe, is just going to send you more of what you are focusing on. because what you are focusing on becomes your vibration So when your leg, none of these dating apps work. All men are pegs Everybody. I me is a mature, like that you talk in your girlfriend's, about it you're put down, is what you are going to keep getting you?
to know what you want. What do you want? What do you want financially what do you want in love if you're already in a relationship? How do you want that to be better? What do you want as a mom? Would you want in the home for, your family. What do you want when you graduate college this year. What do you want for your next job? What do you want? It's it's. It is shocking to me. Forty percent of americans, don't have was zero goals, not a goal to get out of it, not a goal to learn how to make a great apple pie, not a goal, to be a better partner. Nothing. Forty percent of americans still have goals that that blows my mind because when you aim at nothing you're gonna get. Working results. You didn't call you shot. You didn't say where you one go. You didn't have a plan. I
modern research is showing. Is the human beings actually spend we more time? Thinking about the future? In the past, we actually think about our own future, at least two to three to pay two to five, more than we think about our password were regularly thinking about the future. That's actually called prospection or were always thinking about our future. Kind of where were wanting to go and then, ultimately, we get committed to that future prospects and is based on an idea that everything we do as a human being is driven by a goal so like. If someone is listening to this conversation, it's because, even if re actively, they had the goal to listen to it, they may be came across her new speed, but they decided. Ok, I want to turn this. you and I at some point had the goal of getting this conversation together, which is how I ended up here in texas, yeah, and so everything we do is driven by a goal, even just me getting up and going to the fridge or me picking this thing up.
like, and so we are driven by a future. But a big challenges is that most people's futures are very short term. Its leg, get to the end of the day, get the kids to school, get the groceries, get the bills paid like it just kind of like an urgent future. That's coming out you like a fire hose, and so there's One of my favorite quotes is from robert green and fifty cent, and I think I put it literally twice in the book, but it's you know. Basically, the idea is that, by our nature is rational, conscious creatures, we cannot help but think of the future, but most people out of fear limit their views of the future to a narrow range thoughts of tomorrow, a few weeks ahead, perhaps a vague plan for the months to come, we're generally dealing with so many immediate battles. That is hard for us to lift our gaze above the moment. It is lost power, however, that the further and deeper we contemplate the future, the greater our capacity to shape it. So one thing: that's real interesting: is your identity as a human being is what you're most committed
do so as humans. Whatever you are most committed to, is your identity, so your identity could be, and you can know your identity by just simply observing your behavior, like meaning who you perceive yourself to be yeah? How you see the world to you, however, you see the world is based on how you identify with the world and so you and then you can see, and then your identity is the thing that funnels you're, behaviors prospect. Shin means that aspect. Well, we're being literal were literally being pulled forward by the future that we're most committed to. But if you observe how most people's behavior is, most people are committed to very short term goals, meaning it's kind of like a hamster wheel. Just it's kind of repetitious. Every week you get to work, pay the bills, get groceries get the gas in the car. Those are all goals like if, if my car is low in gas, like I gotta go, fill it up. Therefore, that's going to drive my behavior to like get to the gas station and fill it up, and so basically, in other words, our our identity is driven
the goals were most committed to to change your identity. It takes getting committed to new goals, essentially getting committed to a new like something for me, like I'm, very committed right now to writing the book. I'm writing, like that's, driving everything, I'm thinking about and doing, but I may my future self may have totally different goals. Do you know I'm? I live even be interested in writing books and the future, like maybe I've, gone through experiences that add value something different in a first. You commit a hundred percent to something specific and then the commitment leads to courage, because europe, above your current capability and skill and knowledge, you know you're committing above that. So, let's say just as a consultant or a young. You know maybe this pot, the ceramics lady, now just raises the prices enormously, which is can be scary for her, and she doesn't know if she can actually sell these pots at this price, and so that leads to courage for stuff, it's just scary, to make a commitment and then to fail figuring out how to fulfill that commitment. That courage, cycle of where you're, trying and failing is your
self that ultimately leads you vengefully developing capability, which is the third c, and, as you develop higher levels of skill, knowledge, expertise or whatever, then you have a new level of confidence, which is the fourth see cell gad and so yeah. It takes committing first and then the commission leads to a mass of courage and courage from like a psychologist and point is the willingness to try something that might not work. I'm your actually trying something that yeah it might not work in a lot of people. They don't want that they want the promise of the result before they'll, try yeah courage! Is I'm gonna? Try this I'm gonna, I'm gonna, adopt him and get fast feedback loops. I'm gonna figure this out along the way and then, as you do, that you develop skills. Your past self didn't have perspectives your passive didn't have, and then you now are producing results that your passive couldn't have, and so the results are what create the confidence one good way to look at. It is if you were to be honest with your vision of your future self say, someone really wants to get into running as an example, and they want to be someone who's super fit and running lots of race
this and no one in their like current life engages think like that, or even supports that you have to ask yourself. You first have to think about the situation. The context like If that was really me, what would my life actually look like a problem more round runner type. People like you know like your life, would actually be different, and so the sooner you can be honest with what you want and be honest with other people about what you want. Often that off it can create tension. I guess, but it proposed and people who just don't want it yeah they because they don't want it, and so one of the reasons why I think it's good to visualize efficiency, but also like what is life actually look like. If that's true, and then the sooner. You start being honest with that to yourself and other people and start creating that are being that person. Now you know getting the friends like a running committing to that kind of thing: it's pretty organic if you just go in for the short term things or even honestly, small goals, that's what you're gonna produce
like in. So it's okay, that you're not there yet, but you are what you're going for, and so I love the idea of James cameron, like he had to figure out how to build all this technology, because his goal was so big. Mister had to figure out how to be really good at a lot of things. Does his goal was so big? It doesn't really matter that you're there. Yet like that's, not even what matters, but whatever you're going for the goal shapes the process, the feed who drives the present at just how we all are in so I guess one one invitation in there's a great quote from albert einstein, said: imagination is more important than knowledge and even Daniel gilbert talks a lot about this he's the one who studied future self is. Most people spend almost no time even imagining their future self like We don't even start. You know to develop the little like like develop the little muscle, and so I think journaling is the thing that continues to help me like. I I, but I think it's good to lake literally
but one thing I like about the doff example. Even I like about your examples like the invisible planes and stuff like imagination in play in places like kids, didn't, have problems thinking about their future self. They were having massive imagination and they were failing even in their imagination, and I think you can practice that like ninety like so many of my goes? Don't occur like because I'm dreaming, big and also, I then end up playing with them I always see it like the draft of a book like that's what I'm going for and then like a week from now, I'm like no, actually it's there. It's it's constantly. Iterating, so I think it's good to just be playful and like think, if you're, starting to like, have a vision like. Maybe you want to run a marathon, maybe one or on auto marathon, who knows maybe
If now know those goals will even matter but just play with, it have fun with it like learn to practice, thinking about the future and imagining the future and ultimately taking little steps. You know like. I just think it's it's just something you have to practice. You have to actually do it like most people, you know, and I'm just talking to the listener right now like how much time in the last week have you actually visualize thought about and journaled about your future self like put yourself in the shoes of your future self and then actually to analyze from the lake the what we talk about before what eighty percent of your life right now is actually honestly like lesser goals or in direct opposition to what you want, that you're still kind of maintaining out of habit or fear, and so it's not about just becoming that person today. But it's about being on
is like this is something you want in starting to communicate that even language like starting to talk about it is in a lot of ways how you start to do it. So if you've been just start to hear yourself say the words, maybe I'll run a marathon, or maybe I wanna write that book or maybe I want to go travel the world that language and starting to talk about it starts to kind of it. Your language in your future are very connected yeah. How how I've kind of learned to think about it is rather than figuring out the how from the current self like, usually because we don't know the path right now we get all clogged up and stuff eat rather than working towards the goal. You actually want to work from the goal right and see, you've think about it. well, what would need to be true like if it was true and if we are doing it, then what and the like a big aspect of hope actually is called pathways. Thinking is finding pathways of getting where you want to go in. There are always a pathway like if you, if you commit to it, you find it you, you will find a path that may be a bit messy path. It'll be a crazy path.
But it I'm learning more and more, it's better to think and act from the future rather than the present stick. If this was true, what would I need to do to get it? You start pulling the future to you. You start strategizing for the future, rather than trying to figure out how to get there from the present, and so that's that's why I think Imagine that its true that you figure it out that he figured out how to live in the mountains. How'd you make that real. You know like how did they make it real? How did you feed yourself, whose already solved it got it like you? Just? You start your strategy from the outcome you want, rather than strategizing, towards the outcome you want, so you just let the future dictate the strategy rather than the present. If you have a trauma, means your measuring your past against what you thought it should have been where you thought you should be in house
would have gone. You know what I mean. You know what I mean yeah. I do yeah years ago, yeah you're still looking at your past in the gap where you're like it should have gone this, where I could have been this much farther blah blah blah. You've got this story about the past and you've put it in the gap where it's not up to the ideal that you have and how dan explains it is that ideals are like the horizon in the desert like it gives direction. Ideals are amazing. It's good to have a vision it's good to have goals, it's good to have your future yourself and it provides direction, does not matter how many steps or how fast you're running towards that horizon. It's going to keep going, and so, if you compare your current self now to that moving horizon and think you should be there, you're always going to be in the gap like you're, always going to feel like a failure, And- and this is why often high achievers are depressed or they are unhappy because they are always measuring themselves against the next ideal, which is that moving target, and then they are always devaluing everything that they've done they've. Never
there never feeling good in error successful, and so this this book was primarily about happiness honestly, along the way, but also counterintuitively. I think that that's actually, what makes you more successful in the long run yeah the gain is the opposite. The gain is when you're measuring yourself against nothing external or even against the ideals in your head. You're. Only measuring yourself against an internal against where you were in the past and so you're just measuring it's. Where was I yesterday, there was a month ago. Where was a year ago. I have no comprehension of you and your path. So why would I compare myself to you like? We have different journeys. We have different future. We have different pass and such like
If I'm measuring myself against you, I'm going to be in the gap, because I can find a million areas where you're doing better than me or I can- and so it's just not relevant. The only thing that's relevant is comparing myself with where I was before, and so now I'm just measuring myself and again I'm seeing my progress. I'm appreciating my progress, I'm valuing my progress. The british rowing team pretty much their objective was to win the gold. Obviously this was like for the olympics and they pretty much just developed a single question filter like a dick in the filter for everything they did. I think this fits honestly really good with the future self as well, but it's like every every opportunity or option that was presented to them. They just ask themselves through the decision. Filter will will just make the boat go faster and if the answer was no, they said no yeah, and so it's just like you know
I stay up late and hit up the party or go to bed for practice. Well, will staying up and stuff you know, will that make the boko faster if the answer's? No, the answer's, no yeah first off. If you look back on anything from your past and you just cancel it out as a failure because it didn't go according to the ideal or what was expected, you've just thrown that away right and even me, for example like not hitting the bestseller list whatever like. If I just toss it away, is a failure not only have I just devalued it, but I'm no longer getting good stuff from it. I've just devalued my own experience, which is just mine, but now I'm getting I'm not getting better because of it, I'm still bitter and, like I think, trauma any form of trauma like so my parents, you know their divorce rate or my dad being a drug addict. If I just say terrible childhood, I just throw it off as a failure or
why me you know and I'm the byproduct of my experience rather than my experience being the right byproduct of me. If you throw anything from your past away- and you say it's no good- I got nothing from that or it wasn't what it was supposed to be. It was a it was a lost cause, then you're still in the gap about it and you're not gaining gaining from it. You've talked very openly about your divorce. Like my wife was divorced before I ever met her and like I could that I first have. I had no opinion of that, obviously, but I'm a receipt really didn't talk about it much for a long time, but I think now I think, she's massively in the game as she wasn't again about it from the beginning, never
yeah, never a failure, never a lost cause, but I actually am still getting gains. Because of that experience I am getting the gains and I think she is too, and so I just think whatever it was. If you throw it down the gutter and said that was not a valuable experience or that wasn't what it was supposed to be, then you're not learning from your own experience and you're, not you're, not actually getting the fruits the benefits of your experience and also it's your choice yet at how you see it, but if you're in a gain about it, you realize you are better, you are better and you can be grateful for it and that's really what post traumatic This is like you're grateful, it happened, you're and you keep getting gains from it. I keep getting gains from my my childhood, like from my dad, and he- and I are so close now. I know he's still getting gains from his experience and keep getting more and more and more benefits and gains from a single experience.
you're a different person analyzing. It now. I'd love to start, with the ten dollars, because I think the response I got most from people is that they were really shocked, that it happened. Layer really shocked it came to them or that they founded? They were so pleasantly surprised and it was really cool but the reason that it's easy for you to attract ten dollars is because it does. It feel like that big of a stretch it does. It feel like that big of a stretch to you, if I had told you all too, Decide that, on this day, you were going to attract I was in dollars. I'm guessing that ninety nine point, nine percent of people would be like check you crazy. What are you talk?
about. You are not one where who am I gonna? How would I that's not a thing like I can't, but every book that exists. On manifesting and the law of attraction says that there is no limit to what we are capable of No limit to what you can pull into your sphere? There is no limit to what you can achieve. So it's important to start by asking yourself if. We believe in this idea, you're even just like mildly interested sort of trying to unpack love attraction, manifesting and what it means you believe wholly crap the universe yeah, I did attract ten dollars. What do you think is the difference between attracting ten dollars and attracting enough to pay off your student loans?
What is the difference between I'm in a fine one person out in the world today who says something nice to me? I'm gonna get a compliment from a stranger to diana track, that into my life and I'm gonna. At the love of my life, the partner of my dreams. What do you think the difference is to the universe? There isn't the only difference between those things like you believe that some of those are small and some of those are big but energetically. The universe is a quantum field like it doesn't. Actually there is no difference, so you believed I I might be able to attract ten dollars today, like I might be able to like find that out in the world, because it's not that much and frankly, if didn't. It wouldn't be the end of the world, it was just cause like a nice thing, that could happen, but it wouldn't devastating to you. If it didn't it's worth asking yourself waters
the bigger dreams and hopes that you have for your life. You have decided are too big for you that you have decided are possible I am not saying that honestly, I would have a hard time. I would never tell you to be like go find a thousand dollars by the end of the day, maybe like super crazy rich gillian areas would be like. I could yeah I'll get a thousand dollars today, no problem, I don't have that In fact, if I have an energetic block that I still work on all the time, it's around money, it's it's just a child, heard of growing up without and then going through a really expensive divorce to be honest and and what that did to my finances. If it still is a place of fear for me sometimes so it's one area that I continue to work on, so I bet there are people who would be like do to you.
Track, ten thousand dollars by next thursday. I'm I'm not that girl I am a believer that you can attract ever, you want, if you believe in it and are willing to work hard for it as long as the thing that you want doesn't hurt, you and doesn't hurt anybody else. I think it absolutely can be yours, but I also don't talk. To put a timeline on when things happen, and maybe I'm not the best manifesting conversationalist ever because maybe some people do maybe some people who are ill really into this. Believe that you should, but I think that You put a timeline on something you are putting pressure on yourself and you're putting pressure on your folk s, which just is going to cause you to focus on the lack, not the thing you want. So all of that to say I just would love if you spend some time
packing for yourself wait. Why did I believe I could attract this thing and not that, and maybe you heard my challenge and last accept said about the ten dollars, and you thought it was silly because Some reason ten dollars feels like too much for you. Maybe you should like I'm, gonna attract a dollar and and if your sure, is: why am I? Why am I making this about? Money doesn't have to be romany, can literally be about anything I'm using money because money as a subjected in, in my opinion, the two most. Loaded area of manifesting our money and love, and so I'm just picking on at random because You may already have love in your life, and so that one feels great to you, but when it comes to money, most people,
now have a lot of big feelings around money and attracting wealth, and so I think that if you could start with something small that doesn't feel wild to you, you could say Stop it, and maybe you did do the ten dollar thing and now you're like ok, I'm gonna check twenty dollars or I'm gonna attract a hundred does it really matter what it is? It's a challenge to yourself to believe in something bigger How do we go from believing that may be a small is possible, but a big thing feels like too much there's this quote a quantum leap, meaning took
Well from the idea of I can attract ten dollars to, I can attract the job of my dreams. I can attract being debt free. I can attract enough abundance to buy my own home says. A quantum leap means that you must really yes like ok hold on. You can whole all of your current beliefs and by into the idea that You might be able to find a dollar today that could find it all around the world that it would be would attracted to you, but to believe something. Massive is a quantum leap and they say a quantum leap me. that you must release your car belief and adopt a new one. It's you can't hold existing beliefs about, let's say finances and make a quantum leap you can't hold. This is true for manifesting. This is true for life
you can't hold the limiting belief that you have around your health and companies lately change. The way that you practice your health or completely Do a one, eighty and sign up for a marathon, and you have change, the structure of Do you believe that you are, you have to change a belief system and an order. Change, a belief system. You have to release or go of an old, limiting belief that no longer serves you. If you have an ever, someone talk about it. A limiting belief is anything that you believe that limb, your growth, that limits or pretend all that limits, your capacity and as wild as it is to understand you don't have to believe every. Idea that you think my brain doctor.
aim and says you dont have to believe every stupid thought that you think it's a war old idea. Most of us grow up leaving that every thought and our mind is true and I would actually most of the things that you think are not true, and if the thought that you have, the belief that you have limits you. ability or capacity your growth potential limb hey shop in the world. You can just check and the belief right. I have to change yourself to accommodate the believe. You change the belief, yeah I believe that you need to live alive and live in a way that gives you energy. That makes you feel, vibrant that gives you lie, fan joy and all of those things, but but leaving that you have to be a certain size in order to have value or believe that you need to look a certain way in order to be beautiful is
limiting belief that we need to change. You want make a quantum leap in your house what are we to believe that you have about what health is the same goal, for anything that you're trying to attract into your life or a manifest into your day. I've! U wanna, make really big drastic like need or moving wives, changing traction. It look like letting go of the thing that doesn't serve you and adopting a new belief system. So why is that so hard to do? fear is not that we can do it whatever it is for you, our fear is that we can again and we don't know how to handle it. That's the thing When it comes to manifesting, I can see some people saying that they don't want to
I or they feel worse, about it because if it doesn't work they'll be disappointed. it'll be another thing that like they didn't get right, but the thing is. I always feel like. If I'm not attracting or cut eating or manifesting the things that I want in my life. It's a sign, that I have some kind of block energetically and if I have a boy energetic energetically, it's just a beautiful opportunity to work on the area of my life, so I dont perceive as a bad thing or as something wrong with me. I'm like I, you haven't been able to do this thing because you don't you have learned all you need to learn evil. Let go of what you need to let go you're still holding onto the limiting beliefs, and so I gotta like dig again and excavate and figure out. What's there and then use that information to develop a practice. help me have better
his thoughts and be a better person and put more goodness out into the world, but I never perceive it as a bad thing if I've manifested yet, I just feel like it's part of the journey. If it's not a fear. Of getting it wrong. Didn't he fear becomes what happens if we get it right. What happens if I achieved this thing and I don't know how to handle it and dude it's over worthwhile fear. You don't know how to handle something that you ve never dealt with before, but how many times in your life have you figure out things that you didn't think you could figure out Like how many of you listen to this, our parents, You first have a baby. You know what the hell you're doing. It's a meal. will any child. is living today, because it is so hard to have a new born and you're, so scared and you're, not sleeping and everything's
say down, and yet we figured out You got had a dry, we figure out how to use computers. We figure out how to do our jobs if there are all sorts of things, and so the dream that you have your figure out that one too. In fact that was the second question. The second comment I got most off last: Zeppa zone was what do I do if people think I'm cool see for wanting to manifest if people think it's ridiculous, that I am talking about the law retraction, if people, while their eyes. When I do my affirmations, if my family Judging me for wanting bigger things for my life, oh well, I guess it's not their journey right. I I guess you get to choose you get to choose if you want to continue the people pleaser, because the only people I said that was love. I am the freaking queen of the people, please I am or covering. I is still slip into a. I still do stupid, crap that I'm just like
cannot believe that I'm still miss people pleasing men. quality, but, like it happens, the only reason you're asking me what to do, if people don't support your view, jan or your practices or whatever is because you try to please other people cause I've a lot and who are not people pleases, and they don't give a clap when anyone thinks. So, if your worried about that. Then it means your aiming at the wrong thing. Your fear to the vision, your adding fear to the manifesting. You will never attract what you want and to your life, because you're still coming from a place of fear, it's impossible to try and manifest your dreams and also be of raid of what your family and friends will think of you for wanting those dreams at you can't hold both of those you can but you'll sabotage yourself every single time. You have to believe that you dreams have value
as you have value as a person, and if people don't get the manifesting law retraction, don't talk to them about it. I know for a fact that, when you put goodness into the world, goodness comes back to you, I know that when you make decisions or have actions from a place of fear or anger or bitterness, that's what comes back I know it. I thought eight years of living, where I can see this happen in my life over and over and over- and I bet you do too I know that this is true. It doesn't. To me of other people. My life believe it this happens time where you have the courage to tell us and or a family member, something that you want to pursue, or maybe you're like been hearing all about the slav attraction. I really want to attract a new car, you know I've been driving. This beat up car for fifteen years. I really want to buy my first new car and then some one that you have the courage to tell speaks in two
how that's a terrible idea. and how it will be so expensive and I'll never make enough money and whatever their things, are they start spinning out give you their fear they it's like this, like it's almost like you painted this beautiful painting of what you want and someone comes in and spray paints graffiti, all over it and the painting still there. And your picture is still there, but now you see it through their graffiti now you see it through scarcity. Now you see it through fear. Instead of thinking, I want a new car and its current so amazing, when I have a new car and then I don't have to worry about driving with the kids at night, and change our families, life, and it I just one have the certainty that I'll be able to get to and from work, and I don't have to worry about. Thing going wrong anymore. Now, you're thinking yeah, but it's so expensive and
But then my insurance is gonna go up and guy do You know, I'm supposed to be doing this thing over here should be worrying about a car. Now you have all of their graffiti in your mind, painting over the vision. You have it's. Why Honestly, I don't like my big dreams. I dont say out loud. I don't it really never worked well for me, I'm trying and to think of a time that I told someone, big dream that I had and they were like yeah, that's awesome, look out for you go hard or dream bigger like no. That is not my experience. My experience, is people believe when they can see it. So I just think I'll stay focused all work hard make the thing happen and then body will believe in the dream, but I don't have
people in my life, they believe in the dream before its reality, and I think that's just human sure. It's really hard for people to see What's in your head, they can't see your vision. They can't see the road map that you can't they can't see how hard you willing to work for it. They can't see your purpose tied to this thing that your warning for yourself for your community. They can't see it and we want to see because we want their support or we want their buying or we want their approval, or maybe we think that if we had it, then it would be easier for our dream to come true. But that's just I just now works when it comes to. Attraction and manifesting be idea Is that, where you're putting your energy into good or bad, who are unintentionally creating oftentimes. If we can reckon
the pattern in ourselves of going to a negative place. Let's say that you have a dream of getting out of debt. Do you focus on getting out of debt, but, honestly, when you think about it, you immediately start focusing on not getting out of debt you start focusing on the lack of finances that make you in debt write. So you dont focus on attracting the love of your life. You focus on the fact that you don't have a partner. You focus on the scarcity. You just keep creating more of that scarcity, you keep manifesting more of the same, and if you find self doing this rather than just tryin, to light force yourself in, You know. I am only going to think about this thing. I filled the harder that you force yourself, trying to focus on just that.
You want not the thing you don't why it ends up backfiring I love this idea, which is to find the next good feeling thought, I'd, try and think of some that's a similar energy of the thing that I'm working towards let's say that you want to make enough money in sales this year to take your kids on vacation next summer. So when you start to focus, It may be start to think about how expensive that will be in how you ve never been able to afford it before and like all the negative thoughts you go to a place of scarcity. What would recommend. Is you find a good feeling thought that's energetically in the same vein, so you can take this two ways, one! You could start to focus on, maybe a vacation you ve had in the past that felt. Really.
and just do a gratitude practice every single morning on not vacation and how far it was and how much you guys loved it and how you were relax like go through every part of it, the meals that you a fun that you had an just be in the gratitude of vacation kay or maybe it was a family trip. Maybe you guys got to go, see grandma for the weekend and it was awesome cause kids had fine and you got a break and find something in this same field energetically and focus on the goodness in that, instead of going like all the money which is gonna freak. You out focused on the experience and grow see that you have for that experience. The other thing that you could Who is abundant so ever, I think of things associated with wealth which can be triggering to me. The like little girl on me here is my fighting about money and, like I sought to freak out and I can go into a place of scarcity and feeling
oh, my gosh, I you know it's so ridiculous and really frustrates me, so I can go to a negative place with their. So instead I focus abundant water areas of my life that I know beyond a shadow of a doubt. I am blessed with an over abundance. My friendships, my relationships with my kids. my, my beautiful home that I'm so lucky to be able to have this safe nest. For my babies to live in with me, like, I focused on the places, my life that have blessing and abundance and I will say, in the gratitude of that so every time that I start to go in a negative direction with my thoughts in a certain area, I'll bring it back to something energetically that feels good and similar and what you, find is that you'll have a handful of things that are he's gonna be triggering not always, but are going to be triggering negative thoughts for use. You start this process, so
You do not have to have a hundred other good feeling thought you probably end up with two or three that you end up using over and over and over as you change that limiting belief as you release the way that used to believe and adopt a new belief. that area. Secondly, I want to make sure and say is to surround yourself with images of things that you want to attract. so I have bought him boards all over my house and pointing you can't just I am pointing to one right now, but I had images Oliver, my house, of the things that I want to have a picture of me What's on board of iceland cause, that's one of the places that I want to travel I've bulletin board in all my kids rooms I keep images around me of the things I'm just constantly reminded of what I want. I also have my big goals, non index cards.
And I usually have them tucked inside of my notebook and I review them a few times a day so differ. View them in the morning and I'll just I just want to remind myself constantly helps me to focus, because your thoughts can get distract. Did you can sort of go in a different direction and it's really helpful to keep reminding yourself nope is where we're heading? This is the way we I feel this is how we gonna show up in the world we're to bring joy we're gonna bring love and that's what's gonna come back to us. I really believe in writing things down when it's. Why have my no car this? Why do start today journal honestly, if you think about started. A journal is, it's a vision board in journal form. It's manifesting in journal form. It's calling your shot every single day, writing down what you're going to achieve where you're gonna go. What you're going to work on first, so you down, don't want me to start today journal. grab any note book that you have a piece of paper and make it a daily practice to reaffirm
what you wanna do sometimes for people. riding down The major goal is too much: it actually filter bring to them and I learned this from a different esther and jerry Hicks book and I loved it. They said just write: wouldn't it be nice? If wouldn't it be nice, if dot dot dot, because then it feels like you're daydreaming. It feels like you're sort of you now playing around. It doesn't feel like something. That's terrifying. It's just like. Ok, I'm I'm just gonna like see What would be fun to imagine and when it be nice, if I got that wouldn't be nice. If I was even closer to my kids and I already em when it be nice. and you're just sort of allowing your mom To run away with you and to kind of come up with ideas and
and maybe something or come out in that process that you had an even had the courage to admit to yourself. You wanted because it felt like too big a deal to actually just call the shots. so I'm cheesy, I literally put on it'd, be nice like that beach boys song, but that hot and I just like write down all kinds of ideas and see what comes up. the last thing is visualization, you Saying I put on some music put on them, adaptation, music ankle. your eyes and just imagine if meditation music feels like too low energy for you put on song. That makes you feel, like things can happen, there's lots of songs that I think sound like manifesting to me like Anything can happen by elly golden, like songs that feel like they're saying like we can. Do it right
you know, firework or roar by katy perry, just songs that hype you up close your eyes and for three minutes visualize. What It look like what will it feel like when you finally get your first new car? What way they're gonna feel to be behind the wheel or when you pull up to a bit I think that's all windows and you get to see yourself like in your nissan murano like well. I dunno what what is like ambition, keep reminding yourself where you're going, how it's gonna feel, making sure that that visualization I was really good. Remember. The energy that you bring to the process is what matters most the rachel Hollis podcast is produced by me, Rachel Hollis, its did by andrew weller and jack noble
right now, someone's listening to songs about parties, travel and get away without ever planning one for themselves, they need. The change of two real visit north carolina, if you look round there are so many ways to make a difference. I capello university, our flex path format, gives you a different way to earn your degree. Take horses at your speed move on whenever you're ready education should fit your life learn more acceptable. don t. You.
Transcript generated on 2023-04-07.