« RHLSTP with Richard Herring

Retro RHLSTP 59 - Joel Dommett

2023-07-03 | 🔗

RETRO RHLSTP #59 Lembit Opik Catfish - Richard meets a nuclear physicist impersonator and has a friend who will never be any more than that. This week’s guest is disgraceful self-toucher Joel Dommett.

They chat about the gamble of going into the jungle, the pitfalls of the modern dating scene, running a super marathon with the runs, being defeated at Pointless by someone who doesn’t understand the rules, the perils of proposing with a Spotify play-list and how it’s possible for two comedians never to gig together in 11 years.

Buy Joel’s book here - https://www.amazon.co.uk/Its-Not-Them-Confessions-BESTSELLER/dp/1472251296/


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hello. My finest friends welcome to another podcast. Thank you for downloading. Thanks for listening. Please keep listening to all of the five costs and do tell your friends very I didn't use we're coming onto with royalist about mohammed pursed, up saying that you people over there and we might coming to somewhere near. You were coming all over england, we're going to edinburgh the glasgow as well, but that's not in yet we're going to cardiff, we're going to Belfast we're going to dublin which isn't even in the uk. It's in the year In the union I might stay there forever go to a rigid herring, come slash rather stupor for full details of how to get your tickets. I'm starting guess I'll, let you know, as we put them, we got one exciting one for belfast already, but do
quickly. Some of them are selling out before the guests were announced. I think you re all right and how a couple of other places that are selling very quickly but we would do well. I hope you will come to support us on the road. There are some gigs of square teachers. And remember this a few gigs to come in this season. Very fatigue is left to say. Ghosts and brigitte christie on Monday, the third than a few more tickets for the other two, loves, see soon take care of yourself. Into this podcast now goodbye well hello, my I'm fine friend and all listener who I dont like he could be I dont welcome to another retro royalist apart. We pump in them out of the moment just giving you a job. To catch up on our back catalogue or listen for the first time. You are a newness not to some brilliant punkahs from the past. They so many that need can be overwhelming, so look there,
One's life isn't do next day, go through the back love. Do listen to anyone to think might be exciting, but do remember it is not always the big things that are the best pod costs, so do check out as many as you can. This war, is with job done it again at a point before he really achieved his huge, ideally success. I mean he's a proper big. Celebrity now be interested to him back to talk about that birds, he's very honest, and this is very funny and tells the story of how he was caught fished. still managed to survive turned to his advantage. The comedian, something terrible haven't you like, I don't, I slept say, losing a testicle and you ay make a living again. So Joel has a similar story to that, though, bit more like these tests, could we lost a bit seamen? I suppose I do. I sit back with the facts and enjoyed, is retro. Royalist upper do spread the news about the
your friends. Retweet put it on Tik tok, I don't you do these days, emerson messenger tell your friends on msn messenger about it. If you can all right and Joyce ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Leicester square theatre. Please welcome a man who has committed many crimes, but the police will never catch him. He's rigid aircraft know much about the loss of his audience so as welcome to the show.
well after that, the the at the show this podcast it is cold as you'll know richard herring's, large sized telescope podcast, it's just a podcast is now we change the brief of it. It's just going to be about telescopes, but Large size ones are not interesting. Little telescopes, I don't have to tell size those and the big, though I was talking to some cling on speaking star trek friends, they said, Look back all bush, which means the bathroom when they came back from the bathroom, they said no needed away. Colleagues have asked of us: has gonna catch up, so you get some of our audience whereby chippy baby man in the front row so works in I t wash your names David through. Are you
the man in his I know you are. This is a man, this man who has to pretend to be David through this week, because David Frew, the nuclear physicist, couldn't use his tickets, and so If you look a little different than I remember things, that made is that we had a new thing and what do I would look up? Let's pretend: let's pretend you have an alternate character. Was your actual name is twan, You're at your name was sure was the name this shorten from on all enter via I've. Never quest that we have a communication with quite a lot and over the years, never worked out what you do for a living working. I t. Yes, you can. I see your license your guest here this evening, How did the boy was this? Half this? How do you know a woman, what
is this lady to you just friendless bus ass. I was going to stay. You got your front row. Decades is lovely hits. what's your name sophie, what do you do for a living sophie? you just move my tweets. What were you doing before unified europe, the radio, so I just got fired from running a tv script. The omega very similar, and so things even on such hard times is still a very beautiful woman. You don't have to hang around with this guy, so he says hi, however, lower your self esteem is today your your. more than that. no offense just just re out love. You say you think becoming things. I think what you get five, where you bad you do something wrong! You
This guess we really back to get far from the media surveys that ass Good luck, invite you looking for new job in radio, not weaken it. Would. What ever you gonna move into freelance nice job, though just wait, It is our I'm sorry day I got I got. I know how much it hurts because I cough I was been writing java and I got basically sacked. They told me I was really great, but they didn't want anything I've. I've been there. I just said yeah it's great, but just going to get the other guys to have a look at it and then not. I wouldn't have told me that I was bad. I would just let me find out when they're turned on the telly to watch my episode. So that's. Why did this cruel business is cruel? Business you'll be fine. I'm telling you going to find stick with twan. stick with just one s own, like that. You too, we ve never met by his eyes.
That is it's great greatest greatly differently, so we you're gonna be onto another, weird man. Now I that he's probably pass my next. this being so, it might be guessed merely gave anyways I recovered, He's probably best marie's near here tonight is to see him because he's best known for being on celebrity, like our masters at christmas, not the rest of the year. Oh I do other his. We believe our joint debate makes no that's your that's your pen to night, like you know what a walk away with your pay, my gear by euro, much pleasure, bangor legs, allow. How have you hear what was it the lego masters. I missed that it was all that christmas yeah. I got that from the title is all that chris, all the news all the time and you got given a child just for the episode,
for the whole lobbies that greece was nineteen. Seventy five has been that they say a child is not just a regrettable and and then you got given a child and you to make lego and bark. Basically you, the child is good go to the other idea. Then you guess they get celebrities in to fuck it up. but that's a really bad idea, because the kids take it really seriously. Let you get Jos washed has got other kids like what the fuck you live with this package, some job, so it's it's quite away, a child to be already citizens of angry kids and I haven't celebrities, enjoy themselves away through, but if you win ets and now I think we cape second I still regulated thumb What do you guys know about? It show gloves the rigour. Real
Well, that's great! That's what that was quite a bold decision to go on. I must lead to use because year a word, really one. I just that. That's the boy I went to live as every go beyond that. It wasn't like they got me out of that I became a celebratory aim, is a very odd showed to be able to speak as both a brick and upper coming to the end up and coming the comedian said no, but that's what I really meant is. There is a gamble to take, because that is a massive exposure. Yeah and you know it can go wrong. not at all to be secretly racist as we haven't. Even if you don't know you go way beyond secretly racist, but I think I am but I've been what's or in the jungle. Debates comes out bicycle so are you say glared at I just I dislike, because you don't have that kind of talk. What's gonna happen because you just saw the hungry.
However, what is so vague awaiting my secretly rose? You got really are grey eyes, look levels and which is great yeah I and yeah. So I I was a gamble because I was kind of at a point where I was like people were starting to recognize. My edinburgh shows as being like like like okay and fun and, like so was getting like a really nice britain. Customer from that- and I was like start to get on stuff- and I felt like I was at the start of the I was at the start of the bigger ladder you know, and so this show was either gonna. Make me jump to the top of a bigger lotta fuck, the latter. We have done so I, but I kind of decided to to do it and it kind of turned out all right, yeah very much. So it's mainly because I kind of we realize that it's it was. Basically. I think the only big show like that, where you can you're allowed to be a comedian on it and I think, there's a lot of comedians.
Wouldn't work or and there you know this equally races ones, but like this, where like them for me, I'm quite be nice, and so because there's no no rights or on the show that you just I would go into that bush telegraph. Let's sit as ours hours signed just talk to the person and I try to make up jokes everyday. I try to live right jugs for them and just told them and then show any of it- it's like it's just like I did just showed weights. Secretly racist, but I am yeah, and so they just you know you could just talk to. I just tried to write the show religion. I always thought like. Why am I still in this accomplishments and then I saw one of the other contestants getting interviewed. They trying to split you up, but then I saw one of them being interviewed and they will die like oh. So how do you think the trial is going to go and they were like yeah
it's going to be what I'm doing while cause. I give a funny all that then that's yeah and then, but it's better, that you come second assembly with Emily. I think because then you haven't got that thing of like Google jungle, wherever it is like you haven't, got that hanging over your head. You can just kind of it's like yeah. I said I think it's hopefully off try to transcend a little bit the ass, a sample of what they created. So I've been, I feel I've tried and by not being on it. That was a load that is but it's energy dominates. It's a it's a difficult thing to negotiate because you're, obviously a stand up comedian, you still didn't stand up yeah, but it it sends you into kind of different celebs. well, yeah way, a! U you! Your life, the private life becomes a matter of tabloids as also during a different sort of branch of entertainment as well.
Yeah. So you know it's a it's that reality t v they, but it's interesting cause. That's the only real way to get as a young comedian. That's the only way to get yourself up to tv in any well. I think I kind of opened a new path. You know, because when it's like that show, it was different from you when you were sort of, you you're, the younger commedia decided by but like the unit was when I was young when it's like you, that is Davis. When I was of starting out, there was basically one path and that path was you do magnetize roadshow alive at the apollo mock the week, maglite, not the remote, where you just keep them at the week until you sell out tour and then that basically was kind of the the way here and
hmm, and that would I was kind of starting to get a bit bored and I wasn't on that mock the week of roster, and so I was, and I was I was getting an a few bits and bobs. I was just kind of edgy, went to the melbourne comedy festival and I saw a comedian, Joel creasey and he was in the show, and he then in sobriquet me out here in the australian one and he than hosted the extra show afterwards, the the after I searched they send the australians through the uk, in view of the crisis that the survive, the topics that have If you could make it on the trauma at the yet so I sorta showed it was, it was great, but it was so full. I was like I feel like this is kind of viable for comedian, but I feel that everyone discounts it at kind of just
I have kind of. As you know, I feel, like everyone kind of goes, ooh reality t v and that's fine. I get that people are like that, but actually you can can just bring yourself to an entirely new market, and hopefully I did it without shame myself too much apart from get my dick out, but like like a heart I got on the internet. Everything else was a website yeah thanks pretty good, but even that were less talk rather than seeing that sky come up so to speak. Yeah I've been there, but this is a. This is a very modern garden of cautionary tale, but also it's you know you've. Court, doing something that most young people would have done at some point. Twenty a m as they are. Not you ve not that's the you know you you're the victim of a crime. Really I've known you haven't done anything wrong and I took it to the place. laughter. If he would doubt,
because I know you have to buy this is to have a fair amount, but you so you were catfish. Yet it is that I mean you're quite stupid. Yes, I have to say very diy is, like you know I just you know I was it was a long long time ago and it when some lady on the internet gives you some affection and you're just like well, alright I'll get that yeah, that's literally what it was really funny. There was this documentary that came out recently- and it was like probably like six months ago. Similar is on channel four and it was basically a guy who was investigating the same people that got me and the same girl that got me and he claims. One of my torso is literally banged on the door that stage door and I was like who the who you can I interview you
It was like a real solve, like you, don't fly on the I felt like I was over on one of those building traders, paragraphs and road racing, and it so he comes to. He said: grenades feels like eri and a which apparently saw buy back. My agent is the wrong thing to say that he sat down and we talked about it. He been he been catfishing exactly the same way, but he and he said, was so funny cause he way. Soviet said that are really distressed about it clearly, and he was like also this lady, she contacted me and we we talked for probably back and forth for about eighteen months before I finally got up the car.
which- and I trusted her enough- that I had skype sex with her job? How long did it take you before you, and I were twenty bet- it's not that it's nice revising all day. I love the incredible I like what I mean is this incredible things will go over here right, but also for the person doing right now. It's a huge above commitments that they have to pretend to be this person after chat, you up a chat with you for maybe eighteen months as ridiculous. I'm then the chances of them getting anything out unless they're just could do if they then I came to you. Ve got bigger video. The thing that you should have spotted that out, but the microphone on my computer brokers, which is very similar to james castaway is what he was talking to lembit opec.
they have doing is, as is shuffled, they returned to discover who he's got his ipod shuffle thing and member overturn up set out. My ipod, broken for some reason, so I've got this other ipods, only full of goods everybody a J back ass, the light up target to a person who I think, scott boobs you'll get the labor. It might well, we ll about their hats in advance, but I saw these massive give it another. You acted like watch a man masturbating. We I veered into, maybe not, who knows, and then you're going to have some months later it was. It took a little while for them to get back to you yeah, you would try to contact the girl cause you'd like to wanted to turn again. I presume, and then this area- and we want three thousand pounds- is wherever that one, yes about, I asked Billy, I well know cause you're just put the pictures up anyway. It's me there's no theirs!
wait, there's no way so they're not really going to make much money out of it and then they're investing all this time and I ended up selling it for like fifty pounds I think, to like people to because they wanted to buy the whole video. Okay, it's What about my book is also available, but the baby I got over. That's clapping people most about the but I did not think generally. The last best I said to them was like a baby. I should be a group of fair play. You're really played a hell of a game because it's like yet active dyke. I mean, I suppose they kind of making a living.
cultivate, really ave. I mean this just seems to like go get a job like this is a life was hard work, but you still have to look to dominate masturbate. Unless it's really for me- and I can say oh the time you know like if it was to be a heartbeat, would you listen back to your podcast by voice that may look at bio, Derek I'm like? Oh? I do like that. I like to listen back to base that is too embarrassing imo. It is available online. I haven't seen you masturbating, because I didn't want ruining case atoms in real life. I'm sorry. I just hope we measure the way I take us whether we might- can I ever that's your wagon beanie hat, while you must by us
grady image, but you gotta, post euro, poster behind you re lucky behind you re a maiden now is that they give out I'm just going to help me Are you going out again? I looked around my fourth. Why fake Our view frenetic yeah it was. They is greatly enough that you like, and I haven't, got beard so you could be like all. That's not What have you got? There is a masterpiece of those jobs are still. there's a big. We know that they did released
ask you something: are we going to threaten to release it and then they did release it yeah, when I, when I went to the jungle and realized that they wait until you've a bit more fight, I can fap later, and this is like the knock. This is the amazing thing, and your brother is like a good pr right now, I just know Jack james relate to me, but oh, no, no they're, completely wrong information, but as someone who's glad it is. This is james herring who used to have avalon weirdly a new speed. authority is your brother. Well, because there are widely made, because it is not clear from the site bought the country's me originally weirdly. He would go with it. Jeremy heron, who then directly they. He then suggested to direct my plays a night only gotten in the face because he nearly had the same name as me: he's gone on to be an award winning amazing he's very american. So there's these weird coincidences with that with that name, but yeah he used to work for ambulance. I knew him quite long, but he has his own pr company now and I spoke to him before I went into the junk because the the
yeah, so I sort of I wrote the show about it before I went in to the jungle because I knew it was going to come at some point. So I was like I'll. Do. Is I'll prepare myself a sort of arsenal of have an hour of jokes about it again and then, and at that point it hadn't sort of happened yet so I was sort of come come out yet so I thought okay I'll do but they're not as to why the decision was kind of even bigger for me to go into the jungle, because I was like it's definitely going to happen now, because you know it said there'll be silly to know they're not dead, so I am and then I because the the edinburgh show story was was just because I was trying to trying to find an end to it. It became really mad, so, like I, I ended up cause. I went to the police and there was all that was so crazy and I tried to contact the person and I couldn't really get anywhere trying to find the person, and so I ended up and just as screen grabbing and the picture and then
I put it on Google image search and I found the actual real person who was who's profile, photo they stole and, and I message them and they lived like down the road and so like that they live like a mile away from me in greenwich, and so I was like ok, I saw a message the real person whose real face it was- and I was like I just let you know someone's using a profile and do you like it, when I wake up and down I've already wagons over with you. So you know I've been erected you're onto a definite shag fuel with a bright viewed as one of you either a river. Then we dated four. As such, it is such a those like away its judges like adds, gives a good at it
How was it the data sheet? This is the very thing she ended up. Moving back to russia, where she has lived in russia. She lived in wales and then she moved back to russia and then we actually had skype sex. Alright, so that it went full. So I went full circle. What a beautiful romance it'll lead married her having your book would have been a lot better that way You worried that that might be. The real long can stay. That way. I think this guy will drive on the real girl and nobody does well to now she's a suit double agents going she's gonna go date this one
We don't have shit with serbia, then she moved back to russia. Then it was game to send all the money called. Wouldn't you worried about that? I will I shed a pretty fair, have been caught once I said, probably put my guard up a little bit after that I met by my fiance on the internet. So I just there's no hope of a red light, so how my by character I'd, that's part of the current further. I bet my fills us operate because it is the first move. It's down data, we use that phrase, so I have a name for it I mean it's, it's great for it as a comedian. That kind of thing is sort of great you'd already said, do a show, but I mean it's the I can see when you've talked about it and I've seen interviewed about it, you're genuine. still embarrassed about it. Yet Ella awful thing I have heard of but is very serious because these guys are doing this to people in an kids at again,
go up in this and killing themselves. Sometimes over this does it it's like genuinely like in school. It's like a mad. It's a kind of an epidemic really like as it's obviously an easy way to get money. Are people like it's a daisy light? If you're a kid and you Don'T- you know you're, young and yet embarrassed and the like, I'm lucky the position on I'm not teacher, I'm not in a position where I could lose much the relevant as I like it better than I get more than I can just don't waste. Not you set this up yourself. I got jp watching me on Pornhub masturbate in fifty miles of that of that, so it's like yeah evade it so far, but like it's. Hopefully, if anyone, I did get lots of messages from people saying this happened to me. It was really horrible. You've helped me deal with it
No, it's it's! I'm not saying! Oh, my hair of all the warring king made. No, then I sir robert clanking man, I've ever do anything. I want my priorities, Oh god, I'm sort of wonder whether we'll get to appoint with all this stuff. Where people go fuck, you that proves everything is there. Everyone does. Everything has that people are disgusting freshly men. Probably, by also add that I am that's, that's you know it's just the embarrassing in coal ebeneezer, a viewer, Ebay's kids. I visited that. If we were due to sixteen seventeen year olds, then you can't think they got yet that would be so the eighteen and actually save us since it happened that the law is really tightened and like actually like, there's a whole department fora and all that stuff,
just right for what has been written about Billy had come in. I would guess streets in twitter like cake. The poverty level of aid It's the disk. By the book which often a guide, to bring out reason the dressing room. Maybe I should judge, go find that book. Oh, I'm sorry about that stuff, a set of very little white that might this boat might hit you and the head as it gets thrown in It is a little bit I mean, as I was saying before before it was due to the audience that I read a book that was quite similar about the origin and forty, yes, be very subtle
for people there's nothing? There is what is needed is a phrase, an inch they because again you very honest about your sex life in your failures and successes and so on. They at the idea of the book is its. I use as a child in your diary, wrote that you were a young man. You'd had sex once and yeah were worried. You weren't very good at it and you thought you'd be good at it once you had sex with you people talking to cross it ya, that's very kind of george. That was the most come something very done here. Is it's not me, it's them. So it s kind of it. It's a autobiography via if the women you've shocked yeah is that fact that they are supposed to yeah, and it's like you know, cause for forty. It like it at it's kind of the amount where it's a lot, but it's also by by modern standards, shit they say, but by modern standards. People are fucking mental now and they go out and they just
with tinder. Then they like it's much like, especially with so many people, and so full is actually not that many, but also from a stand up comedians point of view. It's like it's. I also just use it as a framework to like you know, and it's like so it's kind of like it's all. It's all true, but it's like there's, obviously a few fabrications in terms of trying to make it to the right structure to make it work as a book. It's how I put my shows together and basically did you do I'm sure you write your books in the same way, it's basically like writing. Ten edinburgh shows and in fitting those head advertise together. Essentially the united states interesting idea, and it's a nice way of doing it and it's you know, but I think, there's a you know: you've always kept to a record prepare a list of the now which I think a lot of people do yeah. It was not like a queen
they? Why? Why are you? I didn't thought? I thought you weren't masturbating too, that women in a creeping widely here has then arose a romantic teletyped, but here I just added are framed it through did. The idea is that I'm on my first dates with my personal I'm about to marry in september.
I have a currently and it's not good for your back to get married in september. This is a first I walked. You you've subsequently got together, yes are about to get married and it's an it's ice tides right now, but probably wouldn't we'd been together for, like six months, we've been together like almost sort of a two and a half years now, and so it's all still good. It's like writer, and so like the end of the book, as I am too spicy, I proposed to her at the end of the book and as I've ripped out the last page, and I got her to come cover to the flash. He read the whole book. She was on the last page stripped out and I said I'll come home, not really sure about the ending. Yet it was the first draft and
and I just fortunate I put loads but loads of candles in the flat cause. That's what they did on friends, and I think that I put on a site I put on like a classical spotify playlist cause it kind of feels quite sort of nice and and then and I had to eyeball candelabra. did I had no idea just about boycotted. I thought that's what the kind of thing you do and then and then just before she got through the door I was pretty panic is that the music was so depressed. So funereal is ours like ok, it's all right. I quickly changed it to solve the soundtrack, classical playlist and, and so she comes through the door at us, much more barriers up, barbie cut. Then, like I get dollar one day, and I read the last page as well:
got it all his days is a citizen s, thoughts rates. Will you marry me that the jurassic park they think Actually, I was just like well you I was like that is beautifully vlad yeah, so the flowers cause that the book is yeah enzo as as as spoilers and ends with this proposal, I was kinda wondering whether he'd given to the book to cause all my wife its books and I'll, be leaving brook by six months before I readily We write so many now that we just don't like our area area, read the book. I started comedy with your wife yet like right like way back like like eleven years ago, I remember we were like yo is the main case
it was a few that we basically all started as saying that we wrote the same gigs all the time yeah and so it's lovely as it was when you guys go. I was very, very exciting. It's so lovely that it's all still great and it's all like and she looked around. You know the worms Sunday as I did I know I was surprised as anyone. It is really cool lovely you've got kids, there's no escape, there's nowhere, so I'm too old to escape. I know sigh other you let live escape. The high and they re. I love shut up still love. I love her more than I ever did idiot. it's so ruining. My life might make me happy I have if you're you're, where you can say you get married this year, yes in september, but you're going to tips
I. the best buy. Women are means there together and if you do just did not want to get film yeah, probably puts tape over the camera. Yeah fuck off do what they tell you to do that, but I'd have to disagree with the doc. I don't disagree that should work both but apparently not? I only have one child and really look after it. The day of we had a mate, take about the wedding where, because we are getting married abroad, and then we found out that we had to go to like an assault or what what do you call it? What you got
You've got to go to like yourself at the clinic vt that you know you have to go to a ceremony place, but you have to sign the dog before you go cause. Actually, the wedding abroad is not a it's, not a wedding at the old mick jagger yeah yeah, and but I would that then I've now been able to plug us, but I I I just said to us as she's always so we gotta to sign the documents before you go and because it's not it's not proper by doing what it as I also basically we're paying for a play. It was like don't call their play in front of in front of the wedding planner, but we're doing a play that next to it this year. exciting yeah and that'd be celebrated, but is it really so it's a great deal to enjoy the day of even the thing is: is it set? It can be so much pressure. An organization and she's just
they give you going away. That's a great into the shovel laugh yeah, not too many people can come the exact like that, but as we ve only got to twenty seven people coming, ok and because we we picked a beach. The could only holds thirty paper, so we said we would be. I will immediately says: threats are still three places. Events wretched, I would leave it open for you. Okay, that's nice, to look at. Why is it going to be at your beckon us, okay, yeah yeah, and so it's very very exciting, we've kind of had we've? Not we don't really know each other, and that's quite weird because it's like, like, I think, genuinely, I think, you're the only person ever eleven years of being a stand up. Comedian, I think January, I think, you're, the only canadian I've avoided like a pop. It's like it's like, I feel like we've just know, we've never crossed paths. I think maybe it was a cake. I remember meeting you again yeah thinking a bit too good. Looking
and that you are quite I could sense. You are quite ambitious, cant, remember what if no no, but you are, but then that is that that's not a bad thing, and I think because I think you need but now the add or driven you are interests, had louisa win them. At least I'm I'm the best, I'm as well. She was just ask me loads of questions. You know an accountable, ok, yeah, she's gonna do quite well whisked, etc, but hopefully it adjusts. I mean I just I like to think that, hopefully, people think I'm a good enough. Canadians said hauled up my career dinner, mainly you have to say I don't want. You can't do company now and I am not be good. Does it and it's like it, sam yeah.
than the even with the the jungle thing. When I did, I did a huge tour after obviously, and because you have to capitalize on that, and it's like one hundred and thirty dates, and it was it was massive, is so like my wildest dreams and- and it was great because I knew I had loads of stuff- I knew I'd like it was like an amalgamation of five edinburgh shows worth also have put together and what I wanted from it was people do unseen comedy before people who I'd never see me do comedy full, hopefully we'll all leave and be like. Oh that's way better than I thought that, and it's at yeah, I think hopefully more most people the experts who, by companies that are even think, there's better thought. I was gonna put you ve been protuberant brain maps of apollo on you, too yeah. You see it's a big deal, unease the impasse that difficulty now building I wouldn't you. I'd have to build roads very slowly. By going back, and working really hard or I will try and get that bumper. Then there's no gather
I'd say with your less you ve, given them a good night's comedy but they did so there's a hundred comedian, during all the time- and you want- is a lot of racism, goes in situ and spent wherever they spent yet, and it wasn't any good they're not gonna, go. Let's give him for more try that, from my perspective, it was like. I knew that bubble of ridiculousness wasn't going to last. So it's like yeah. It was crazy at that point, but I want to be able to go on another tour and if fifty percent, twenty five thirty percent of those people come back to my next tour, I've still got a tour like it's jan. I don't want to completely three thousand people at that that happens with apollo to walk away like I am not saying that guy can absolutely be quite impressive. Have you managed that that's one way to go I'll, get three thousand people in and piss them off to omar? Sorry about that is literally erase that secretly held that in the title a long time? How did he do that when he was so hungry.
Hey. I want to I want to do. I should have told james- I guess right this couple of years ago and I didn't, but you are on pointless with james. I was yeah. You did quite well to begin with, and then you had the bombed out If we really fucked up robot critics, chances alive? My back yeah, it was sweet, went to rewrite castle, take the we went down. We went down in a bowl of life, Yeah there was and yeah it was really fun because we say it was a comedian special and out, of course, because it was called a comedian special. It's just like it's like a daytime show, of course, that so twitter every was like colombia's. Never kobay advocates voted upon a right that so I bet it was so fun, and so we just cause. I used to be the up on point alright testing. I did that for like two years or something so I felt like I was kinda like it. It's like being back there, ghettos part of the family
still say, was so nice and yeah. We really. We really. I thought we fucked up were like but just because I watch the end and dumb tomorrow in an alley, taylor think if they get through to the final bit and right until the last ten seconds of the last round. Every time I try to get the highest scoring august, so she's nice get to the final into the final bear. go now angelo whoever's, musicals phantom they operate be a good one, whether that be high, so I was going to work by calling people know that guy yeah, that's that's good! That out do we have to get like the lowest was like. Why is this not thought through some of that through to the final? How many annoys me I've been through three times in one hour. if I didn't understand what the game was big fucking point, this answer is right. There are thirty misery. I was there. We played down
game, we sat down over that was fun. Your sat down out has withstood up yesterday. It was very good to know that I always boys this. This is sort of subtle, I'm over So well, let's go. Let's wait till you build that talk about you and nourish chemo, you cut it. If you managed to team up with a lot of different set of these comedians of generation. So you an issue we had and quite recently replayed, where he was replacement for someone who couldn't turn out real athletes wouldn't have Normally iceberg committed and you got your rum you'd you'd gone round the world is that,
any more of those Jolene. This is the world a that yeah. I think so, that's quite a nice job. Isn't it all? It's really fun yeah we and we kind of we started it britain and when, when travelogues weren't being done so frequently and and said, basically, Widodo is like coach on the face of the world and at it we both go to the fittest tribes in the world, communities in the world and try and keep up with them for a week, and that is it's amazing. We like just go to the most insane places, although on the third series, they've told us that the budgetary wise we will not go to be going to such insane places, we baby staying in a crazy europe and had
it's very yeah so that it's about, like you, know, words like mexico, and I had to run this like ultra marathon and it was like, like thirty five miles day, three miles swimming and Stuart sandals and analysis was horrible. Have you tried to do in sandals is because actually they would have done what they did yeah, and so it's like I've cause. I've got this thing where I like really like a lot. I love doing the fitness. He started, really love going for it and doing it, and He loves laughing at me. So, like a perfect, this idea do the run as well. He did while he joined in on the run in the last four miles out is that that was the most amazing upset by that was the most insane up. Sofa bay of all of them is on that
If you want to say it so good, and it's and there's this tribe called the tarahumara and they're just insane incredible runners that naturally amazing long distance runners and to the point where sort of americans have gone, keep going that and that, since the eighties, they sort of found this tribe and they tried to of take, take advantage of them really and like put them in give them sponsorships and try and get them to run race. and that's over a messed up and stuff, and then and then that just incredible is so nice and already cut themselves off from the world, and I they have this drink and things called Panola and it's basically it's like a stereo version of an energy drink and they will drink it before a race and during the race they also handed out to have a sip of it You spoke of a sip and nourish the rays he would solve. did you see where is like John found. You put some Pineau like because it gives me a bottle of it like a ball
must have half of it and I think a rather. We really fun aids down down I thought. I very funny in the seat to be like declaring be like I'll fill a bag yeah. I did that and I was like fine and then we went to sleep In the morning- and I shops myself more than I I shut my inside out. There was no. There was no its sides left. It was like every out leave I'd. Be like all about slowly, and this gives a lot inside I've never had in my life and- and basically I didn't know that it's actually a diuretic- and it's like it's like oil in It- is like like really bad to drink lots of it and the thing was they said that that's sort, the the traditional dress that they he's running it, though these running raises is like a white skirt,
so they give you this white skirt to go it alone, unlike literally standing there, let alone wreck running thirty two miles and I'm like I'm going to shit my wife's girl before the stock like and seven dislike. White skirt level of shit myself. This is just going like brexit and adhesives like laugh so much, and then we restart the race and I've got. All I want to do is just not ship myself by the first corner and the embarrassment of like can I use travelled from joy. Did this rise? They ve. Never, however, for a guy coveted joy is right and I just go. Capillaries got That said, there were luckily, I literally I waddled to the first pillar, the other kind of about, and the doctor gave a loud and stop. This makes you not
of an does, and then I saw conceited running in any kind of there's a few times. I thought I was gonna, do it and I did it and I ran the whole like thirty three miles, they shall pay for the laws and it is a love run. I love run it so much and it's like. If a g, it's such a mad thing like it's some it's something about it cause, it's so repetitive, and that's obviously why it's bad, but it's also something that's so brilliant about it cause. It makes you just think about stuff, and it clears your mind. That is and it's like so wonderful, and it's also so weirdly emotional, what I've done marathons in the past and that and that one I like got to mile twenty five, and I just could not stop crying, and I I bought twenty six and I wanted to shit myself again that I was basically like shit crying for the last four miles is rather beside a and I just was crying my eyes everytime. It will pause like the end
the guy's was so lovely. The whole house that would share remain on and appetite with, sheer be like god it and how we support all everyone, and I added I finish the right- and I was it like. I was it tears for like ours and and then again with annoyingly, because he could be so. Pills that I didn't shit for like three days that go completely the other way and and zipper is it's that was one of the most basic experiences of my life. It's such an amazing thing to be a part of, I wonder, sometimes whether it's just amazing to watch as it is isn't it to think he was the shitting yourself that made it special this year. I think it was. I don't actually think they really are contained in the episode to be honest, fixate, another, basically on every episode. I dunno, where this is interesting, I'll discuss it, but the at every episode somewhat in the crew or cause shits himself profusely.
Obviously the places you go to and we went to peru- and am I just one of the funniest moments I've ever experienced in my life that eta solve every episode niche based goes. I got like we're all we dish and nish tells me as if I'm it's I thought I'd have echoed it's odd, because watts brags just like that, Let's go: where are we going to do? It goes with peru jaw and he just been had this monster like we're just set up the shot is most beautiful. It's beautiful massive crucifix in a back which is over seen its huge like this up, you two fold mountains and they took like ours. They set the shop. and we get. Does we stop work it out? I would get us goes where our way dish- and it goes where peru Joel
ah just run- if that were the first, if you- because there are other bike about it, this day and they had died. This guy is the body as big a body of this issue, the reserve, production. With this baby What will you do when there's lots of bits of new book about this sort of the visibility of flying back from I'm? A celebrity? Initiate your cell phone in business says Jarvis of business because you ate too many cheesecake, because I guess it yet, except that the doctors tell you to not eat dairy and so media logo. Out that two cheesecakes and the ad I just vomited everywhere, but it was so soon after id and the cheesecake I tasted like cheese, kind of nice, the goat, testicles and penises before exact yeah, so you know still that's that's still better than that. Isn't that horrible, but still like ugh MR president,
Is it that body in the animals, testicles decidedly I hate to desire is actually not that, like you, you yourself, Only by applying the you just ability anything does not rise of beans, and this thing to everyone after every for years. Now everyone is like, oh yeah, you could smoke. So do you get stuck till the soil and I'm beat up. You just saw yeah. I think they don't even tell you in the show how they'd like they can't convey how hungry you are like it's insane like how hungry you are, and you just talk about, old. Basically thomas, I beg of you. I have here that you say on television is basically what's left when they met its it out. You talking about food layer. And you get a sweet thou? That's why they are now quite tempted to go on because I've? Actually? sleep. Yes, you flattened view surplus, save. You live your life with the guy from ur diversities. Let between.
Rio is one that, yes, it is just as well have a reliable because it lets you allowed to stay asleep. Does anybody about is? Are you gonna? Do a challenge right slate, evaded these so you just always is massive leg over the fire. Havoc disney began its and it's like it's my mind and I try to not slate because I'll just go into the bush telegraph and talk instead and but the best sleep you'll have argued like like because it I've copied out of sugar you dont have like eat, I love hardly elephants are, is just like completely cleanse. As you have ever fanny, I'm gonna get you come on. We should all do you think I know you do. You would be right that might lead to great. got the stuff governor. Like you know, I think, you're a nice man in a real realizing. Now I should have avoided a paradise for our job. Just I'd like to eat
the insects and the testicles and stuff, but can do that at how to get the most out of them in civic duty I can do is fine. This is true, not a problem, to just order the vegetable to order at some of insects available to the gut every guy, but like have you got testicles that are going to ask a question. This is one I've not got written down he's. I think you might be interesting to you and Jon ronson was on the news. Didn't he's done a podcast about in the port industry now consistent, but then It's money yeah they they are, do they do kind of tailored porn to your yes, your particular fetish. If you could have I mean it doesn't have to be an actual fetish, but if you could get porn stars to do anything. The weirdest fetish that you could think of they will do whatever you say there isn't. Of April needs. Now. What would you choose? What do things located for debate at there's? Not much
porn involving venture dummies. Why? So? I would happily pay some porn actors to do that from now on then watch may just be interested in they happen. It is a fetish that is not if you've got a fetish. That is not okay. For anyone who danced this question, it should be you yes, yeah. Luckily, the fetish of myself: it is already quite easy divides, added being against over. That's it doesn't really. Does it a real Gray was alright yeah we're lonely man. If I just ran up and said, I'm just want to be ranked top of the company yeah yeah yeah, it's a hard question as little as it is an easy question. I think the answer is yes too, and I haven't asked this for a long time at Joe years we have a charge suck your own got. Yes, of course, how did it go for you of an obvious, like any man, the husband, dried
you're a fucking, it's worth thinking. What are you doing with your life like some boys always go like love god but then I wish I had, but the first time I ever tried, I would probably did like I mean if you in order to do it, you wouldn't have gotten all that trouble with that. As a I mean, I probably would have done anything I wouldn't have wouldn't have got a job. I still, I would be doing this. I wouldn't have written a book. I definitely wouldn't have read a book would have got nothing done in my life. I am at a point where you some of its exciting in your life. We found this new toy and like you're suddenly like wa and I'd steer you to you to give. Of course, you, of course you try when I first found masturbation when I was fourteen, I then fell off. My bike broke broke both my wrist and was in a cast so to cost so at an hour, then, was just found. This thing out, I got shit. Just wait here for tasted still do any sort of jewelry
raise it away with the lowly by openly that will be as graphic to the podcast, listen united. We film run as they secretly bill, One fifty pounds- or this is going on the internet- was the worst thing, a teacher emphasis to school or did two hour I'll. Ask you as a man, because I am that died gcc say, mark my words and I was like that's literally your job, the yeah. I like what we think
It's all had teachers that were like, oh, you don't go about doing it and all of that stuff, but I wish like I was think the worst thing it's like I I like I wish I went to school in america because they leave on the bell. You know cause by the bell. Goes they grab their stuff and immediately go cause, that's how they do the movies. But england, you, like you, try like we vote. We all try to leave on the bell. The bell goes: we grab a bag, but a glad always got no. You leave when I say not the best. And you're like well fighting rather fuckin bow. There's a watch, that's what I'm gonna get. You can try man ass a thing about always when you always tried and is always tried, values a signal for me not for you you're his kid. So fuck you signal. Very destructive signal by a group of thirty kid text now
That patience was going to have right. Let's let old schoolmate of the questions I left. My new schoolmates questions was age and While this is a good one, I've never never ass. This was the one one one following a home, why your favorite keyboard shortcut, and, as for That day, all I have no idea yeah. I have absolutely no idea, I don't. I don't really know I don't really. I don't really know who I am I allowed to ask questions. I like locked as well as any other. I was doing that with my hand, those like. What's this work as this one, at that time that they were not delete. Controller like a like the ones. Comparable. They are never there's one that you can get you he acute straight away without having to tunnel through every. Without really
go to another web pages copy and paste any acute from somewhere else, which is what I usually do yeah, but you can go find that, but I think there is a, I think, there's buttons the I love love it when new, you accidentally press the and is it the insert button. That means it sort of goes back on itself and like any typing, and then it won't? I don't really know what is done. That idea, like I'm always outside only about five to ten times in my life, a bit like MIKE appears broken I didn't realize that a breast that were once you got kids, my daughter most to change the pound symbol life. Yeah. I know it's not the other way become the old currency. They will need to go back into the You know the skies vanished without a different button. Cobb work out, so you spent and that now I've gotta do. Why is that
with the hash in bully now makes that yes, pound symbol. Similar got two different computers and they do it differently, and I can't so I feel like they are probably going to actually just make the pilot signal, a hash that that is going to be like the international currency we will get together is going to be like yeah. I reckon I can have that bagel for hash pounds, because that could that could work actually Do you wash your legs when you are having a shower yeah yeah? Probably, and yet not? But yes, I do. I don't be my favorite part of the shower. I don't know whether it's going to be one of those things where a comedian says a thing and then you know at the the mark of a good bit is, but you say and observation of people that have a bad. While this you say something everyone does know. It's just you and I, when I washed myself in the shower and then before I get out, I just get all the water off my legs,
so much comes up and it feels great appeal. I have just done so much. Towels job, that's my baby. I saw a guy like that washes most of my legs. I'm sure that does not in any way store efficient fishing wash yeah. I feel I that's obey. They are trying to save on the tiles more for me and then we're gonna go bad times tonnes moving on labour law as quickly as it did. last week's vote, passwords. Maybe my eyesight, but other little guys. You got quite small fate guess so I sat up Guess I'm sorry, I'm so like sex and another and saw the eight. That's considered that small for tall man small get on its hearts. They still able to win the day. They are just like it's there at a very small like and find quite, like I point like, I think, is absolutely vital. The my fate
very small hands. You got to regulate big men's hands year about small faded and small hands, because no one really knows is the fate of the half through a baby's hands on you We may well, you know you, since we, it. Licence. I know girls Heavens was there, like normal size next to your fate, that's it if you were in the film the cobbler. I knew you had a magical cobbling machine that if you cobbled than fate and then put the shoes on. You became that person what and with size, six or seven choose which you become if you could become oedipus, to this. I understand you do need to know someone else decisive. yeah and I don't like me I'd, say: well mainly women, I beg with isaacs, as that would have made more sites. bit where Adam sandler size, baby eleven failure, the anyway
We get him to be a woman is for him to do quite an offensive. Certainly in the current climate, transects trans vest, I think, maybe what transsexual person, and so he becomes like an amusing man dressed as a woman. It is quite offensive, usually for an Adam sandler, and stiff decline, important issue and then try to cover up again we're all the same though I hate facts now come on. I don't hate them. Just don't want to dig in my mouth, come on that pervades asked, as everyone knows, I'm so glad you could effectively do at home would be women. Yeah. I would yeah it'd be great and I do like me: all girls may have a yes like children, give it to you. If you go a size, six six feet just three, maybe a canadian forgive us! I six weeks, We want to show you a very delicate abiola. Bigeye it's like great, because
My job would be you than themselves, or do we want a better life out? The two of you be honest, now you're wrong? That's usually varieties book is this guy is lit it's disgusting. This doesn't matter that he's settled down now, but not you you could say this is the pot calling the kettle this led to the most disgusting. I've got a champagne. What about my amos discover exact same charming, yeah I'd make it through a very vague. What's the worst was in the most disgusting story in your book there, not all duping disgusting Other people, yet seizure of these data tussle turns around and it's not yet it shows to ban any and all the other people that really that
the girl pissed on the floor, like once that was really horrible. I talked about that stage. Lapa it's like yeah, the people. There was a tinder date and then she came over. She was really drunk and then just too pissed on the floor and I mean accident May I just can't be bothered to go to the toilet. I didn't know you refused to tell whether toilet was yeah yeah. I got one africa that I live at present. and I yeah gg business she pistol to have woke up about six o'clock in the morning and at a cause. I just was like well just go to bed, but you're really here it was weird and adage that go to bed and she went to bed last night from Florida. Up six in the morning. She was pissing very close to my head and then I yeah then then I just thought I dunno what to do and then she cheated she. She just went back to sleep and- and I went back to sleep
I then, and yet this then we politicians too shy cfcs cooked, a breakfast and drive a hub general editor, and then we went on a second date national to combat the. I didn't do that last bit then, but yeah, that's probably the most, the wheelbarrows ike disease or rather again another story way you're like all those is bad, but it's gonna be exit craves barbarity. When I was dating tinder, didn't exist. The ass I was data and like myspace and facebook I just saw of come in my last year. Yeah wonderful freedom, thereby finally fell in love and say: must have rarely changed the yet. You say interlocutor, wait obviously before people, if you're actually happen.
present. These kind of its not saved me nothing! It's like in not that's about. They added some its changed everything, but it's also like, obviously for the better and obviously for the worst like this. So many to nobody like, like ally use anything any more. So you know where you would like to talk to someone across a bar and to get the confidence up to go and speak to them and be like, oh, my god, and that tension and excitement that's gone now because, like if you kind of that, you don't have to do that anymore. You just have to do that with your thumb and that's fine and and now you know You would be like all their eyebrows, a weird, but I love them. So much is amazing. Let because its approval, gonna be another woman ever again, whereas now It's a wall alarmed, I doubt either eyebrows are gap, bear eyebrow and tomorrow and then it's sort of like and hot day it is, and I feel like people do get stuck in that thing and and yeah. So it's not it's not
nobody is still haven't you still one merely for everyone. That kind of lifestyle event chile, way down I've been somebody the waist down bit. You go back to being yet with a man that wage rebecca. You go back to vegas like, but Eventually you you know, eventually you sort of have a point of realization that is yeah. It's not it's like yeah that nope and I mean what you realize. Is rigid nobody's happy died, so it's like yeah, so everyone is kind of you had never the grasses sets like it's always greater for those people like that, like word, and the people who are relations, it's like order to the back of my day and not yet, but like I do you know about being felt like it. I also mean we're out of your mind. You know who I was. It's so much time. I was alone so much of the time my twenties and I was alone all the time and without working
then, I was too shy to tag united to jack people. Have they been like it wait when we were on line up, that would have been ok and I would just been nice for the come. And as much as I didn't think it's good for stand. Ups cause. I can't stand ups on the edge like I think. in that same way, I'm a you know that people assume that you're an outward person and they already confident and that you would go up to someone in a bar, be like hey. What's going on with your life and then something from not the night. It was there the guy it's like when we're not like those people and that's why we're stand up comedians. It's because we're awkward where people, whereas those data gaps, actually kind of gives you it gives you a level playing field from that, because the people who did well he's the fucking annoy me so much that people who would like get the women that you are like he was. Interested in what were the people that, with the fucking decades, the tickets were, the walls are just go over and be like hey what's up and the announcer
I've noticed the same seems out. You could have done that you're, a great of it. The two times you ve got me which go to your well. Why? While I wanna have sex signals I get that guy cool guys, but yeah, it's a and but with comedians. We, it was nice because you can write something funny yeah and then, but also you know what I did it that is show or a date to fifty and fifty days. So I saw detail before tinder and he was just like going out with people who were friends of friends. But actually go. Oh actually. This is a great way to this is a better way of doing it. Yes, right, you know you, lots of people and then eventually we'll go out on you know. I've found someone oh yeah is is: is the blue really seriously or like waiting for the right person along or sitting waiting for in your house working for some have yeah right. If you gathered just have found me people and that is being after the sexes. Everybody just is yes
Maybe you will find someone that you that you like, and you learn stuff about yourself to start a debate on it, but I think the morbid dates, god on the walls of gets people pay sexual people than Yuca ignited bad way. But you kind of that. You kind of a view, you kind of realised what you want. What you do and then you sort of use of crossing of the less you gotta thats, not something I want that. I want that in them, but not that you don't have to pick you, but then I met by doesn't get married to. It also ties that today's everything I wanted a paradise although the best things of anyone I've ever met with another about sex and, like my lover, she's, the best. just wait Maybe that's just get better every day that we gotta find justice. Better now is good, I wouldn't wouldn't
while even if katy died, I wouldn't go back. If you tried Sakharov got together with horror, marginal was Darf is what sets luckily luckily She isn't really have a sense view about stuff. What this mainly by informing, keep on saying more is good of such I'm, just a lovely personal home, so is fine, but I see this as this ban Well, look
I got you are you're going to a utility player in the netflix comedians of the world. Yes, which was? Is that made a big difference? Yeah kinda yeah? It was made a big difference in acts as the netflix half hour specials, which were all over the world, and- and so it was me and three other comedians from the uk. Did it and a knish was one of the other ones and- and it's been great, really is kind of made a difference here, but it's also made Abby has made a difference in the way that people from Brazil go when you come to Brazil. Never I do, but it's a that's kind of the main difference. Really, but again it's like we talked about that thing like you could do projects like that, which kind of hopefully gives you this of it, that you can walk that path well in terms of, then you can then those celebs things they do like have a slab kind of balance.
albany. Go I've got half an hour of comedy of netflix the hope phase of a caliphate, because it's everywhere you can, you know you can go to america down and sell tickets in america, yeah yeah and it's it's only if you do or you don't have you have you been to america before, going to go there soon and I'm going to do a little bit of it or not. I love the comedy circuit here and I love. I just love it here. I think it's so light. It's just such a wonderful petri, dish of brilliant talent and edinburgh is like such an amazing thing. and that the rest of the world doesn't have the other circuits already they just don't have that in it. So it makes everyone so creative that we the day it's just it's so great for us and that's why I love it here. I just love it here and I don't want to go and make go to make it big in this artist. Not gonna, go any interest in that really
ever had an interest in. Luckily they there who has no interest pilot. I was a mutual interest, but I thought it lets crack the uk for yes, You know of seeking to keep trying to critically can better keep husband see how it goes well, there was loads more told. You about. Africa took a look you're after that piece of set fell on your head and oh yeah, yeah. Now, let's look at the scar, it's like mensa, my god. It's like proper big, yeah it's a tv show and are in australia at the after show of themselves, and it was just a windy day and luckily I was sat down. Otherwise I would have fallen over the mice will say that the the the just a of sat that had been there for three years: blew over smash me in the head, and I just today with the look on the crew. Everyone with like, I have a look at me, and I was like I think,
okay, not enough of the blood coming out of my head and my neck, and I was like I'm going to die now. This is the way I'm going to die and I genuinely thought that these were the early in my life, where I was, I thought I was going to die and I have- and it was also it wasn't just me, at everyone else, like you're, going to be okay. Everyone else around me were like. I think this guy's going to debate the other guy's going to die ever he's going to die in front of us at the end and I got went that has went to the doctors and it was kind of okay and then added a soda up, and then I went on live tv, the next activity, any any effects afterwards, and he like superpowers, oh yeah, now you can be out of peace, have set the idea of an incredible towns to coast, live television with select concussion. and now it's a yeah. So that was amazing because, like all of the I mean itv shot themselves, and but everyone was very nice very nice to me, and so
this as a worker or review suit them now the damp from germany's. I think it's just like. Hopefully, they'll get bigger on the channel for that cover your bargaining chip, in fact, like also when I start work, we have a registration for him to do so. So you're gonna be touring the uk as well. This. Next year next year, because I taught all of last year and so yeah- I'm going to go start next year on another tour and yeah, I'm like right now, I'm gonna go to edinburgh to do like a work in progress for two weeks and I just of walked up and yeah. I'm real artist, I'm really having fun right and you show it was pretty fun good. Well, I look forward to
I see an admiral cause, I'm going to be a place to do this. Stupid show as well. So I'd love organ have to say: let's hang out that states that, as hang out I'd make up for the last eleven years. You know that that's really true. This is, I just meet people for an hour and get last enough and it adds right. Yeah, that's enough. Yet ever like have a blog, they can come back a second time by social like there's. Those was torture about so there's every chance haven't talked about sienna miller talk all that took my little brother, but it can hope that the second avail Thank you very well. You it's a jungle, trump just been elected president. He made president he'd just been just been made. President the night before I went in, were you worried that you were going to die in the jungle nuclear war? Yet because it was just a mad thing it's like a reality. Star just become a president and I was just about to go to a reality show, and I was like I'm going to become president
If anything a made like me have lofty ambitions, get it's good. That way that lets less general. Please give us last night was established. Or out of it the.
I should like them skype date. Thank you very much for his name had to reach during dot com for all the details of our becoming gigs, and do tell your friends about the pot cost and de comes your life. If you can write by.
Transcript generated on 2023-07-08.