« Real Time with Bill Maher

Overtime – Episode #628: Noa Tishby, Andrew Yang, and Rep. Elissa Slotkin

2023-03-18 | 🔗

Bill Maher and his guests answer viewer questions after the show. (Originally aired 03/17/23)

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Welcome to an h b, o podcast from the h b, o latency and real time with bill Maher the culture of the foreign political party, Andrew Yang and michigan congresswoman, soon to be senator representing the should there be the first question very brief: should there be a primary for vice president? Oh then we're going back to the beginning of the row. Ago. When we were at the beginning, didn't didn't device pressure was not due to ran with the guy. You will ever came in second place. Second choice: can you imagine
and today, but I I said during the show that I thought that there should be a competitive primary. The democratic party which I do but if Joe were to run again, I think there should be a primary for who his running mate should be because the the fact is that person could wind up stepping into the choose and the people should have a say now. You don't care Why? Why waste political? I don't think it should be primary for because I think that is as a candidate. That's your first choice as a possible president. That shows a lot for your written were now I do. I don't think so. It's the first choice of the appalling president. Ok, what does the tunnel think of the new upgrades to chat? Jpg? Oh, you must money. They know. This is not just the chechen BT is very recent itself and now
found a way to make something that we all find creepy even creepier. Is there any benefit to this technology getting more advanced while it can read college essays in about thirty seconds. So if that's too slow for you, then you can just turn it up, and then you can get it done in ten or fifteen seconds. In all seriousness, I have friends who run firms and they're saying to me in private. Look I'm going to let go of forty percent of my staff, because I can now get more done with fewer people. That's happening to a lot of repetitive white collar jobs. Forty four percent of us jobs are either repetitive manual or repetitive, cognitive, and it turns out the repetitive cognitive might be the first to go yeah, but this is also at a moment when we cannot get enough people to.
in the jobs that we have so while we may be trending in that direction, we have a massive problem. Getting our current jobs filled, so I don't feel like you're right unless they're both happening at the same time. The fact is, the labor force has shrunken by two and a half million american workers post vid, now they're at home, we're trying to get them back into the workforce and then simultaneously there's text going to come in and wipe out. Let's say as one example, two million americans work in call centers right now, making seventeen bucks an hour like how long do you think that I don't know you're. The least dutch is probably right. I want a meaningful today. I just read the question was the online criticism of musician thames extravagant ask her dress was obstructed the view of audio. I saw the picture which obstructed the view of audience
birds. Fare of you didn't see this. Yes, somebody had on a big white ruffled thing in the committee there, all like five people behind her. like the oscars. What do you think I feel like the actress should probably yeah yeah, I haven't acted in years. Listen it was a little stream, but I don't think it calls for an overtime question. There are bigger thing online. I thought it was not right. somebody's were passing or something they know you gonna be an audience. I knew you know that the people behind in shit- you don't even collapsible likes you- should have been able, but I would like to mention some other medical setting down and put it in my hands and also the skylight knew that will be talking about it. So that way
was entirely aren't talking about her data wags. He fell into the trap of not just maybe that's, then. This is what this game show is. I just read the questions from the people, and so winters are you know what the people are thinking, what they want right and that is important to know. What can this is for you? How can people distinguish between legitimate criticism of israel and anti semitism good question? question requested? Okay, so anti zionism is anti semitism? First of all it. thank you so much and I'll show you what the difference is: there's nothing while with criticising israeli government. I just did that on the show. I think that the overhaul the judiciary overhaul is extremes. It's nothing, nothing wrong with criticising israeli government's policies, politicians that west bank, whatever it is it you want, if you have something against, if you're, trying to dismantle the jewish state, if you're trying to go against the existence of the state of it That's where the line and draw is drawn, and sadly there are a lot of people
I criticizing Israel and that's totally fine, but there are a lot of people that are saying that Israel is not a legitimate country, and that is unacceptable. Yeah? I mean it on the other side of the coin. I dont think its anti semitism. If you care deeply about the state of the palestinian affairs, I mean, if you care about people, that's not anti semitism or if you care I mean, and I think that sometimes people go too far and they say any criticism of Israel is anti semitism. Every concern about the palestinians were is anti semitism in that's also Yes hundred percent, the politicians is our political governor, spencer Cox was signed a bill that bans abortion clinics across the state by the end of the year. Is abortion under threat nationwide
I mean yeah, I'm gonna, say big, but this so this is actually closing yeah. I mean well and also this week I see there's a federal judge in Texas who is looking to somehow rig it so that you can get the abortion pill. Medication Not just in texas, puts nationwide? I don't even understand how that would work, but the fact that their drawing up a little scared yeah. I I just, I think we- I'll, be very, very clear that the right to have an abortion in the united states is deeply deeply under threat. They overturned row already and already in thirty two states in the in the country, it's very very hard, if not impossible, to get an abortion and the constant onslaught now on medication so that, even in a state like Michigan, where we voted as as a state to allow abortion to continue under rose standards, it's gonna potentially threatens our ability for a sea vs or a walgreens or whatever, to prescribe the medication that many many women use safely
prescribed by their doctor, it is, it is deeply disturbing, and everyone should be involved in this. If you care about this issue, the man is a lot of hours where he mentioned it in the editor. This is something that twenty five percent of Democrats are still pro. My district is life. Your district is, my district is pro life, and this is how you know the country has shifted, and people are thinking differently, particularly pro life women. They will pull me aside in an event and say: look I'm pro life, I'm deeply catholic, or this is something I feel in my faith. I could never have an abortion. I could never advise my children.
I have an abortion, but I have never walked in another woman's shoes, and I would never tell her how to live her life, and that is all the vast majority of americans actually can find common ground even outside of their own personal beliefs. It's our dysfunctional political system that is whipsawing us toward one extreme or the other on this one is having terrible consequences around the country for women's group. The road by the way in Israel, abortion is paid for by the government in Japan. I religious want you, religious, religious religion, believes in judaism, life begins and first breath right, whether you're into it or not, and religion, in Israel and a brass: What what does the panel think of youtube lifting its ban on donald trump?
oh no yeah, the really they need so he's been allowed back on meta and twitter and hasn't taken advantage because he's trying to prop up truth, social. But I think that, Going to change. I think he's going to arrive on all of these platforms and, while be collectively a little bit dumb for it: the it's difficult because of your social media platform. You're like wait, a minute he's right now with a putative front runner or one of the two major parties, so you know banning him might consist of actually like taking away someone's political speech and that that's the that these company? Exactly? Can I just say that there is a really interesting supreme court case? It's being heard right now, there's gonna be decided
in whether social media companies can be held accountable for extreme content. That appears on their sites and it's actually not about whether donald trump or anyone else gets on facebook or gets on anywhere, where it says these extreme things it's whether they have designed algorithms to monetize hate where they know that stuff is click bait re know that extreme content gets more views more light, more advertising dollars, so their monetizing, the spread of extremism. That is what the supreme court cases about. I don't know which way they're gonna go, but I think it's a super interesting case The future of technology who is responsible should be making money off of extreme control donald trump, but they can control how they make their money. Alright will have ended there. I don't want to have cnn laid on their neck. Thank you guys. Tell me representative, with every friday night watch him any time for more information, not ninety hbo dot com.
Transcript generated on 2023-03-26.