« Real Time with Bill Maher

Ep. #628: Noa Tishby, Andrew Yang, Rep. Elissa Slotkin

2023-03-18 | 🔗

Bill’s guests are Noa Tishby, Andrew Yang, and Rep. Elissa Slotkin. (Originally aired 03/17/23) 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Welcome to an h b, o podcast from the h b, o latency and real time with bill Maher carpet
I know it's excited saved or, as its for some reason become known, alcoholics christmas. I don't want to be that were being. This is the day they say: everybody's irish, through ice blooded, we're button was poisoning a guy
we put all green die in it. I thought it was a very but ass. I love it because the green. You know why it's greens have big it's three days before a spring. Ok, that's! Why california, green again, because it rained everybody's, like this thousand year, drought and then every budget, so much raid mudslide. So what yes and the good news that the modified evan caused an extensive damage, the bad news they also have not killed any bankers. The see all these banks what's old, is kind of scary right. The silicon valley bank went down and the signature bank and credit suisse, the biggest west bank and first republic needs a bailout. Now,
I did is never been a better time to have no money at all that that signature bank, one that was the one that was way into crypto. when you know you're a bad bank, when you don't, you you want out of imaginary money. They republicans have figured out why the banks, when under they would do work and I think that's what this lever I'm no fan awoke but come on. Even my dog has more than one bark exciting ride, having drag queen deposit, our apropos apropos of this sort of these, it is a five thousand mile long blob of sea weed.
who I know heading four. It's gonna have the beaches in florida and I'm just waiting for dissenters to say the ocean is too woke at it's shocking? What fish are learning in their schools? That country keeps going. So much naughtiness, there's something that I find very interesting today. New also shows that two thirds of republicans republican voters think that their own party, the republicans, work
Secretly, with with the liberals, to make Biden president I mean of all the conspiracy theories, that is the craziest bipartisanship, the album, a lotta laughs and on the other side of crazy. Did you see that with the san Francisco supervisors have done their narrow backing reparations? If you're black person in san francisco of five million dollars I mean nothing, no reaction. Alright, let me keep going fight. You get five million dollars a month, elimination of personal debt of all tax burdens, a guaranteed annual income of ninety seven thousand dollars for two hundred and fifty years wow. It must be some healthcare involved there too, and a hall but you get for one dollar
and they say who's clapping. Their refers to comment on this was george santos, who said as a black man, and you couldn't get any grazer with the virus. you think they know now what caused the origin of the want of the corona virus? First, we heard, of course it was wet markets, then, or not from the lab another saying it's raccoon dogs, which
raises a couple of important questions like what the fuck is a wreck. The do I get to enjoy the bat soup again, the salary of the first Israel's first special envoy for combating, at least as an anti semitism, a deluded musician and the author of Israel, a simple guide to the it's misunderstood country on earth now a taste race. The I did want to get here for a long time, but I was waiting for the time when I really needed to understand. What's going on in Israel area, and here we are and you're the one to explain this. To me, I mean I have read some really disturbing things I mean usually in the past. Okay, it was israel against the people there.
bruce. You are not a big fan of them and now That was the word now its internal. Now since we fighting with itself, I mean I see, protesters in the streets, hundreds of thousands for people, following this please, that that's why the present in Israel said civil war is possible. He said the abyss is within touching distance is ok. This is first of all it slightly dramatic, just be straight here, we're seeing in Israel. It is, has its grady there's a great friend of mine and an incredible human being, it happening in Israel right now receiving is literally democracy and full display its actually quite extraordinary. So, let's backtrack for a little bit. So, a few months ago, Benjamin Netanyahu, you know very well, won the election and because of how the parliamentary system is built in Israel, he started this coalition, which is on the extreme site. It's right wing literary right way as
happens in the: u s when new governments come in, they jump into make sweeping changes quite quickly and that's what this government decided to do. They suggested a judiciary overhaul which is going too far, and the israeli people are basically rebelling against it. Now The sorry? Let me ask you this adieu. I've heard this, the dutch, the the thing that he was somehow make it said that the congress Basically, overruled would be like our congress with with a majority of one good over our supreme court yeah, but I don't oh tell me is your the israeli system, the same as ours, with three forms of government checks and balances between three equal forms of government not entirely, and also the biggest problem within the israeli system, is that there is no constitution. So what right? Right now, we we're seeing is a conflict between the government and the supreme court. The government wants to take too much our basically and overrule the supreme court decision by a simple majority, but the israeli people are rebelling against this. This is
Why do you hear how it has spoken out again? I have a new early spoke out against anything any israeli policy. I never heard- and I was a lot of people like think I would put myself in this camp have been supported. Netanyahu, even when many others warrant and the people meanwhile. He said serve it, I'm like, but we're different country than Israel, It is a country that is perpetually at war in that country not against somebody who was a little more conservative being at the helm, but he's I used to be losing even his supporters, I can think of anybody over sixty and of the israeli public wants to stop this overhaul. Fifty four percent of the crude voters didn't know that this be the first line of item for this new government and I do believe that it's going to stop it's not going to pass in its current form. It shouldn't pass in its current form what we are seeing, though it's incredible happening? Nearly ten percent of the israeli population is out on the street.
and they're no riots. There's no violence is no blood. One person got hurt, but that's about it. So it's extraordinarily creative, station is early people speaking up, they don't listen! More than just a court right I mean, does seem like there at a point where this sort of a battle for the soul of this country, and when you mentioned the cabinet he has, which is extreme We ride and I think it's really all about the settlements. There is their view. The hard right view is that look when Israel was founded, we were willing to share the land. We you every opportunity. All we got was war or we we gave land back, that doesn't happen, they gave Gaza back and what did they get? Four but they use we use gaza staging so they're saying you know what we try. This were very long time. We ve been around three quarters of a century, and now, I said we just want to take it. We're just gonna. Take this. That's for the settlements are and the other. Israel is saying that I'll, never
Where are you on the I'm on the fact that if we knew that we had a partner on the other side, I'm pretty convinced that this would have been solved by now the question of not the question of whether there is no. Why there's? No palestine is a question that shouldn't be laid to the forefront of Israel only because Israel had offered palestinian state over and over and over again. And the other side is engage in refused, refusing consistently fusing, and I would never say that Israel is a perfect country. Obviously, no country is a perfect country by What we're dealing with is a mentality of, for example, pay for sleigh. Ok, So, whenever there is an attack in Israel, there is. The palestinian authority. Is paying martyrs so paying people who kill is ellie children and women and children pay them to the tune of three hundred million dollars. That's something
That is unheard of. So if you live within the israeli borders, you get paid more. If you live in Jerusalem, you get ten paid more. If your mother is willing to come top on tv, you get paid more. This is this is institutional. as terrorism, that we can't live with We can learn a lot of people in american. Don't know things like guardian of grey areas that we don't have time to go under their other people who have been bill. One and you say the other side. There is there's two sides. Every story, and this one is about us- is complicated, gets what drifting here in this country is that your side is losing with the liberals and when there was a pull the came out just. I think this weekend at something like the question was raised or your sympathies more with the palestinians or the israelis for the first time the Democrats are with the palestinians, I think, was like forty nine to thirty eight percent. Now or your sympathies with my simple
certainly with the palestinians. That doesn't mean I don't. I don't agree with you that it's mostly their I Yes, I was simply these me, but I think this means that, yes, you are definitely losing, but right. For right or wrong, I mean, but the fact is, you're you're losing the liberals in this country are losing the younger generation, especially to the palestinians who in consider considered manner the unviable, James elles, extremely woke and extremely liberal, and I would I would say, at this point, one billion gas yeah they would. She would liberal exactly exactly exactly and by and by the way the poor people of Gaza are under siege by Hamas. So here's the thing first and foremost, these two things are not mutually exclusive: pro israeli and am also pro palestinian. Ok, let me just get out that things straight now, what's happening to the democratic party, unfortunately, with this particular Paul. It's not the
ship is in the leadership? I can point out to my friend and yours when she tore us who is an incredible support? of israel- and this is not something It happening with a party, but what's happening with the actual voters, is some sort of awoke, a vacation of the democratic party that started listening to the fringe voices and actually lost the plot, because the fact of the matter is this again: Israel's not a perfect country, but if you're a person who supports democracy, freedom of speech human rights, women's rights, eligible dickie rights, any kind of rights, and you dont support israel within the context of the middle east. Urinating. It go back to your right all along its also the perceived underdog. It's trying to that's what he could, Israel to the risk of intersection knows Julian's or the gear. if they are losing they have been losing. Since the beginning I mean I don't mean that as a put down, they just are they're. You know they have much less power and they're the ones who are occupied and so forth and poor and their browner and to pay
so who only see the world through like this one lens, because that's all their daughter or they can learn about that what is so so Jews or now, like the worst kind of the palestinian people, deserve respect. we'll leadership that the palestinian people deserve and if they are going to be asked and if they're going to do what they want to find a solution which includes a prosperous and safe israel side by side, then we're going to find a solution. But if it's going to continue being this chant, that bella hadid chance and other people from the river The sea, palestine will be free, we're gonna, keep having this problem. Did you see the fable meant I actually did. Thank god. I didn't you, my father. The audience only bring about as it did not do too well what the oscars put it. It was about and these images yards Steven, spielberg life- and you know I didn't realize it until he put it on so like while he had a rough time in high school and of course this is your special saga.
It was an officer of the government. Government is I'm here in my personal capacity, not as an official of the israeli government, anti semitism is why? But I know you we see it all over the world growth more. I feel I guess, the problem, and I think it has increased slightly recently or maybe a great deal. I learned a lot increase a lot. Ok, it still is way better than it was, then I just thinkin, I just didn't. Liberals have a tendency to like forget about progress. They like and you acknowledge progress. You know I. I just know that like when I was a kid you know I'm from a mixed marriage. You know my mother's jewish, that when I was raised catholic- and I just know how people react, today how a rages it was when they got married and nineteen fifty one you know jews used to have their own department stores. Yes front, I mean
We have definitely been, I judge, but have you in a little applied its common values and the problem is that it's a german mad apartments north another department, not to my knowledge at least. I have no idea that is so weird, but not not to not. To that extent, but indefinitely come back. The numbers are staggering of eighty two percent of american people notice and december the american jewish population. The jewish population is two percent of the american public, but we are over fifty percent of religious based hate crime over fifty percent of college kids of jewish college kids, the need to hide their jewish identity. So there's something ruin on yes, absolutely and they feel safe in june spaces and they don't know our ground wearing stars of david and be proud. So there's some about being visibly jewish right now, for example, in europe city you get eaten up like you actually get attacked the fuel jewish in new york, yes
I was thirsty and I thought I I mean it's pretty pretty bad, but we are not alone that this is not happening to a lot of the people in new york. There's a lot of jews in new york. I don't think they're all getting behind not if they are, but the numbers we have emphasised that arise in sixteen percent, rising medic attacks. So not just like harassment and liars with the swastika I mean hid attacks are going up against. Everybody is just we're we're not the time so certain media is not how I I hope your country does as well as my country does in the future
our country? Yes, thank you. The artist we're really great we made our panel is the terrible belittle running forward and hosted the forward progress, andrea, eyeing, democratic congresswomen from Michigan originally announced to run for you, a senate in twenty. Twenty four represent a malicious luck in his back with us. You officer yours. I have here a right, so what's that thanks are failing again, which gets people two things angry right. The money going away in us having to cover it. If that's gonna be the case and scared
I'm a little scared. I've seen this movie before and I hope it doesn't keep going. Maybe they put it and do it, but I don't know so you want to be president, you wanna be senator and I assume present after that so how do you punish the people who recklessly waste or money without taking down the whole system. That always seems to be the case, or do we just have to put up with it? That is always a gun to your head that if we really punish them, no, no, I mean, I think, the silicon valley bank is the perfect moment to take the head of that bank, who was selling off his stock, making millions of dollars in the days before the scandal happened. who was now like scuttled away to hawaii and is in his home in hawaii. It is perfectly reasonable, I think, to have a conversation about
bringing him out and showing the world that you can't just fail and take risks with people's money and throw to the what about the same. But it's right, but I'm talking about old they're, making they're paying one hundred percent one hundred cents on the dollar. For that we're talking about billions, you can take care of this guy. It's when its costs, ten fifteen million dollars, I'm talking about making everybody hall. That's what takes this. yeah I mean that's where the big money is as easy to him in hawaii. We need a new term bill because I says: bail out, bail out, bail out means that the ecb, gives are still there. They're, not their fired. The shareholders are made holder, not theirs, erode out the people there, their money, we're depositors, people who just have their money in the bank. They chose the sixteenth biggest bank in the country, so damn getting their money back. it was necessary for the confidence to continue in the financial system. Even with this backstop there's a lot of fear.
You're, not the only one build our people were drawing their money from regional banks around the country and ploughing them into what jp morgan bank of america. Citibank, though. mega banks are, we all know there too big to fail and all did the lesser banks now have to try and keep the confidence, depositors. So this backstop was the right move. What I do, but it is different. I mean this is different than what we went through in two thousand and eight rate and I'd be home. It's what's not ex pair dollars, I mean, I think, we're not backing we are, the coming into he'll these banks, with: u s, tat, pair dollars? There is a fund hundred million dollar fund that is made out of bank fees and finds when they screw up role, and that is what speck stopping these depositors. That's fundamentally that, unfortunately, where the early earnings of a disaster movie when it stir the financial sector, because you had interest rates, go from essentially zero percent over twelve fourteen years.
Four and a half percent in just a series of months, silicon valley, bang people have to understand. They went Boston buying treasury bills. They do not buy something risky. They bought the movie east risk. thing on the table right and it became risky because interest rate spiked theirs. You're percent chance that a lot of other banks and of the exact same thing, the risk there are land mines all over by balance sheets of the financial sector and interest rate spike right because of inflation. Yes, that's why they had okay. So when sugar was very generous during coven right. That was the result of that. That's what the inflation a lot of what caused the inflation. You cannot put six trillion dollars that you don't have and people's pockets and not expect some inflation. That's would cause. It's right and that's so so it's all connected it's all connected and the last time we were in this kind of bind was the seventies which,
vaguely remember you might be a little bit of a belt, so they had no choice but to jack up interest rates because they're trying to tempt down inflation wherein that movie again The financial sector is a much bigger part of the economy now than it was in the seventies cell. Speaking to the economy, when your big thing, when you ran was you'll, be, I know which is not about proper, it sounds like. I know these branding thing universal basic income right, which is sort of what we did during coded. Ok, So where are you now? I mean I see here? I don't get your third party, because I read your website and it's a bunch of mush I'm not gonna be mean, I'm just saying it's not like specific. It doesn't even mention this and and I started third party, which is a longshot anyway, if you're not going to be bold and what-
I'd love to dig into this map. Please do so the determined was that our current political system is not going to address poverty or climate change or polarization. Unless you actually fix the incentives, and it was Are you a senator who said this to me and I'm really needs to understand this. She said, whereas Point in american life were an issue was worth more to us unaddressed than addressed, because if we import to solve the problem, one happens I get. I get beaten up by my base. My job security goes down. I get a time so we're in a no compromise zone. So if you want till it say alleviate power. We in america, you have to fix our democratic system. This two party system is not designed to deliver a solution. The reason I'm not one hundred percent sure how a different party I mean you have to explain how that is going to change the whole system, but here's the thing if you have senator as someone who's running for sonny
If you're saying you have a senator saying the incentives are wrong, so I cant do the right thing: that's the problem the fact that we do not hurting you people risk. You have people who are going to put their reelection over anything else who, worried from a a primary from their left or for right, yeah, one hundred percent. But if you put people who are brave in those places, if you put people who are saying like look If I don't win my next election, no one dies. I can go on I'll find another job than you. actually see the incentives change because then you'll want to do the right thing. That is part of why our government doesn't work and sometimes the I love what you're saying. But there was a guy in Michigan who bravely voted to impeach donald trump at great personal risk, Peter Meyer, and he lost his seat in part, because democrats boosted his dream is challenger, because that china is gonna be easier to beat in the jail
We have an incentive system right now, if you step up like Peter data or adam kinsey, our lives cheney you're out of there, and so there people, let's see this and say: ok, I get it, but the way out is to do. They did in alaska, which is why last summer caskeys the only republican senator who voted to impeach donald trump, who made it back in upper reelection in twenty two. You know why, because they got rid of the party primaries in alaska. That's why Sarah Palin loss to marry Patola! That's why LISA cowskin beat. Can we should back at the trump endorse loony? Who would have beaten her in a republican primary. You get rid of the primaries you fixed insane and that's what the forward party is designed to do and you say I would just say that I think it's it's one thing to have a conversation at state level and I'm not against having act that had kind of primary right. There's not a different. The different party there, there's not a third party that their part of its a different primary system, but when you're talking about a third party like I like
mass right, and I want to make sure that if we have a third party that if we have a third party, that it's not gonna, be handing the country over to people who are extreme, who have fascist lean. It's like. I want to make sure that we would do I'm the last person to say that the democratic party is perfect, trust me, but concern that a third party means were handing the party that the country over to people who do not have good intentions for democracy. And what about the issue with you? Gonna start the third party dont you at least have to have one major issue, and I thought you had one did you I think universal basic income. Everybody gets free money with believe it or not. It's an idea when you look at the poverty, I have also been some big story. Came at last week on the poverty levels have been changed that much in the years from one there were suddenly. Point five, nineteen, seventy now it's ten point, eight! Oh, I don't know what it it's very close. After we through likes it theme trillion dollars at the problem
it's only going to get worse with jack jack, Jackie, the only listen to this our three jobs they say that were replaced by the new I, financial analysts advisers banker. we think this is that we get a, I is getting smarter while we're getting dumber it's true. We can all see it up. my interest on Harris puts it this way we have primal he'll brains, medieval institutions and godlike technology runs a very. Combination. So if you look at but we can do to alleviate poverty. The biggest thing we did recently bill was the enhanced child tax credit. Twenty twenty one helped lift millions of can kids out of poverty and what happened in elapsed, and that was in part because the two parts-
This could not come together and deliver it. The incentive structure to get rid of poverty is what I'm hell bent on trying to in sixty. Two percent of americans know that this system needs a different. Anaemic, because right now the two sides are just going to go like this. While we wonder what happened to the country to how can it be that we've spent so much? This report says in reagan was present. We spent a thousand fifteen dollars. I guess these are adjusted for inflation for the thirteen biggest anti poverty programs in the country. Now first year and trump we spent three thousand four hundred and nineteen dollars a person. We spend an increase no amount of money, and yet we are still somehow one of the least, tribute in countries to poverty, programmes of all the modern crises in the world. How can we be spending so much?
me coming in last and not solving the problem. That is unreal american and you know what I think you know look. I think that is also about what we're spending on rate, and I think what the to me I mean the most expensive thing we have in our country related to poverty. Is generational? Poverty? Reef? family member after family member, whose born into poverty who lives in poverty, who has kids then in poverty is poverty even the same thing as it was. When I was a kid I feel like when I was poor wow, I didn't have shit, you know really to nickel to wrap against each other and now everybody seems have a cell phone. Nobody starves in america. the problem is the opposite. I dont for small. I do not think it is fair to say that everyone in america, all of our children, are getting enough to eat none
problem. I don't think that's what there are places they can always go to get clear, but even this is the argument that people they don't start the did, so they have a cell phone. How you gonna get a job today, if you don't have a self unto me asking the question I just seems: androids do change, I'm just asking if they have is different to be poor in twenty twenty three that had been a wasn't, this m user rabies, but a lot of the elements of a good middle class life. It is getting more and more expensive housing, education and health care. What americans are getting paid? You know it stay the same. Maybe it's instead a little bit, but inflation has been been eating that up our economy, becomes, winner takes all inhuman mess, and it's why unfortunately, I think we're grappling with some of the extreme ism that we are because people are looking for answers and is the answer- the universal basic income to just people about the money? I a hundred percent em for enhanced cash relief like the child tax credit. It lifted
millions of people out of poverty. I will confess you all I the president on universal basic income, my goal was to try and drag the conversation in a particular direction. I said to my wife: hey baby. If I run for president, I think can accelerate the end of examining poverty in america by a number of decades units, always the goal. I dreamt I feel like you drag the conversation. There are now you're avoiding doing the conversation their bill, but now I figured out that this system does not care what happens to us. Our families are communities, doesn't care. Poverty gets deeper and more in friends. So how do we get it to care again and the way we get?
to kerrigan is to actually reestablish the connection between us and our elected representatives. So what is it? I have to make this a if anybody who works for forbes magazine is watching the show you might want to turn it off now the always picture these poor people who are big fans boy and then I do something that has to make them look bad, but for magazine, I have to say we looked, and this is ripe report this week about the financial knows, because they ve been contracted to the bible nl over the bags ins, I've ever known about financial matters and five days before the silicon valley, bang crashed there look at their there had their markets, as banks list is best by five days before- and this is not the only time the tumor we works, which was valued like forty billy, knowledge is coming at this guy out of newman was the guy who's gonna take those going
biggest thing we works and that crashed elizabeth homes. it's also on the cover of forbes, the tour company that is, she is now going to jail. She was sentenced to eleven years in jail. It's embankment free was on the cover of forbes, I'm not kidding and he's looking at like one hundred years in jail.
Back through the files and I could tell you some of these cupboards or forums over the years. Would you like to see? I mean that dafa they're they're, not the best at prognosticating. I gotta say look at this. One we've seen the future and it spelled sears the restaurant trends. Twenty twenty buffets buffets the age where Prince Harry and meghan the power couple that will save the monarchy, the sky's, the limit for malaysia airlines, the investor's guide, nineteen. Ninety five were all in on c d raft, going places with Jeffrey Epstein all aboard the prince, andrew and donald, the easy street. How can we help identify scapegoats, german paphos and, of course, myspace mobile facebook? Social media has a new boss, laughed and recognize your question
asians. Yes, I am actually people like that If I don't know, why didn't you and if I do, then why did you you can't wait? I gotta say man when I was on the presidential debate stages as always a freak in question about china, china. We mean that one of the biggest issues in the world, but we got a guy repetitive because you're only because I see in the polls that they are asian community as voting block, is moving right. This should concern you very much since the twenty thousand and eighteen new interim, democratic butter. Support down seven points with black voters Ten with latinos and nineteen with asian americans. So your concerns, and why Well, I think I mean I can't speak for the exact numbers, but certainly there is a there's chunks of people that the democratic party has taken for granted for
I think you was this common, commonly understood thing that the democratic party appealed or to minority communities of the united states, and it turns out, if you don't work hard to actually reach out to them, to engage them to speak in spanish, too deal to the concerns that they have their, not an automatic voting black either voting for you or coming out to vote at all, and I think the democratic return. At least. Try had been compared to the other. We think the other side is thing. Are you kidding ignore at them. They cater to that. Well, I think at least I can say in Michigan. The other side is definitely seeing an opportunity for the republican party and the african american and I think our some there is, there is a relationship there that the republicans are trying to build, but I think it's behove its both its behold,
to the democratic party to actually work for the voters. We expect to come out and vote for us and you look at these american voters in the bay area. They were a big part of the recall of a day that that didn't seem to be certain with prosecuting certain crimes and school board. Members were concerned about renaming schools than reopening them and so did you talk to a lot of asian americans. There are very much concerned about crime and public safety, they're getting beaten up targeted in their communities and for better for it. In this two sided system. They think, while the Democrats aren't solving this problem problem, somebody had the other way. Isn't it also the schools that they change since programmes, and I know I know when to blast It was mayor in new york. He tried to do this. The advance placement programmes to make it so, There are more black and latino students in these programmes and it came at the price of asian, too
the same thing. This is why harvard is being sued now. I think it is, The big issues would be public safety, education and the fact that many asian americans, in my experience, are very pragmatic and want some the work better than not very ideological, and what they're doing is their seeing in both parties that there is this idea war that they don't identify with it. This is where merit hits again equity. Is it not? Are we gonna I admit the people who are earned it, did the best or we gonna try to make it so that everybody is equally represented. I'm just not sure it's that simple, I think you arrivals room court case, really go back on the supreme court cases, but I to me I think you have to understand that a being educated in college is not just about your grades and classes and making sure everyone has the right essay t scores. It is about educating yourself about the world and educating yourself about the multiracial, multiethnic country we want to be, and to me that means
there's a whole bunch of reasons why college would look at a whole bunch of factors when they're letting people in, and I have no problem with that it seems like what you described. This is what they do more than anything else in college I mean deduce. I think The racialized zero sum game is exactly the kind of thing we have to to avoid as an asian american who did not get into harvard. And if you look at an institution like harvard even a dominant fifty billion dollars, they should be opening a satellite campus in in Michigan. They should be doubling their class. I like they wanted to be a serious engine of social mobility. They could do much bigger things right now. This is unfortunately this and this this window dressing that doesn't actually solve the nations problems. Gotta borders, the basic question: let me go to the standard story them, because that is
very relevant to what we're talking about. If you haven't seen, what's going on, it's a very big story. This week, stanford law school I think this is very worrying for anybody who cares about free speech or about our future justice system and who are becoming the lawyers? Okay, so stanford like every elite which is very, very, very liberal, but they do have something called federalist society is dickens society- they don't like them, they allow them on campus and they invited a federal judge who trump appointed now this guy is. Is it is a very conservative guy? I mean tat. The countries can ok. He does. I don't agree with his rulings, but he's invited to speak on campus of course, we ve seen this happen many many times before he shut down, screamed at The difference here is he's being yelled at by the students we hate? You you don't belong here. These are law students by the way. So he says. Could somebody help me out and the
they d I write is at the school korean steinbeck. She got up there Did you show the little videoed it's mine it better than I can? what is going on here. I was myself, I'm glad this is going on use these so we didn't see the brought where there were screaming and but that is what she's reacting to and is it worth the pain. This is free speech, worth the pain and really painful to really painful. If, like this guy Gotta was lecture I don't get why everything is about the represent a couple of universities now, including michigan state university. It should be a place of free, beat. It should be a place where all people, conservative, liberal, are allowed to come and speak. I all
I have to say, as someone who is heckled all the time in public speeches, including this week when we were talking about gun safety on the steps of the michigan capital, and we had a second amendment group. You know with bull barnes while you're trying to speak. I mean this There's been a little bit of a fragile flower here like put through man like just keep going impasse from when I was kind of impartial bitten by were they in their students. No one should ever be threatening violence. We that's never allowed. That's not part of your first amendment rights, but I don't. I don't have a clue. One if someone comes and speaks- and I don't have a problem if people in civil and decent way per night. Remember problem: if you officer, if the officer of the university gets up there and defends the hecklers another speaker, because that's what you did, she defended the hecklers not this week. I don't know the circumstances they saw, but it means rightly what you gave the university invited this person or allowed this person to come and europe's than their hosting brother, where they have apologised university. There is a distinct
between being someone running for office and an invited speaker and if you just reverse this situation, if you had a liberal speaker going to a conservative university, getting heckled, you'd hope the administrators would stand up and say, look, there's an invite a guest. We should hear them that's the university of Michigan has, I think, hundred and forty two days, this diversity, equity and inclusion staff. Members. That's a lot, is it not? I don't know what a hundred and forty two means, but I have no problem with organisations having of person who is they are now look at night. I don't lay there but has become a cottage industry. I mean. Is it something were these jobs these people ever gonna wanna give up there. I don't wanna go you know, I don't have any problem with ecologists and listening themselves and hiring people to do that. I have friends who do it for fortune, one hundred companies, it's a good thing
to do that, I don't know about a hundred and forty two jobs, but I don't have a problem with institutions reflecting and trying to do better in in their own way that I don't have a problem with so so, when I do when I was running for president, I was trying to figure out why college has gotten two and a half times more expensive and it is not going to two and a half times better news, flash because they hired two and a half I was more administrators, so there there's bloat in a lot of different directions. What about the reparations ruling in San francisco is not too far five million dollars. I don't know much about I'm not well samara, just go there. Are they going forward with this plan to give reparations I believe I'd set it in the mine, like five million dollars, which that's quite a quite a lot and to individuals, yes to individuals
he said to me because uniting go this bar five million dollars and I'm a house for one dollar, you, the buyer, I made it seem? It seems like you know, when people ask why you talking against the world craziness, because it's crazy, is it crazy? They said it would cost every this course and by the way, sandwiches you're doesn't have a history of slavery or anything like that. That would cost to every It isn't left six hundred thousand dollars each. This is madness. Is it not so that this? the proposal. As unfunded no mean it sounds like more of our political statement. If it's going to cost, you It is. What as if this is really about. The point bell is that we have a lot of people at various stages of like office who are putting out bills and power
sees that are more for the messaging and stoking the fires on social media that actually trying to get something past. That's what we may talk like this is sort of picketing to the center. I mean he. He said when he was painting that he would not drill ever. Never. Alas, and now he said, he's going to grow in alaska it's time to go, get get a little controversial, it should be. I was hoping you would come before the. I think that there should be a competitive primary in the democratic party. I I think that gretchen Whittemore in Michigan should run. I think that govern newsome here in california should run. I think maybe pritzker illinois should run Joe Biden said. twenty twenty. I am here to be a bridge to the next generation. That is what it should be just now. This george washington level statesmen. He gets a tramp. He gets
great things done, and then he says it's time to to give to the next generation, and then we would all be the loving on Joe Joe. Please had this breaks in evian, then we are putting this entire succession. challenge and it could emerge at a very inopportune, timely, nine pinion. There are very, very real risks going down. The road that it seems so you're not only been rooting for that party anymore right, you're, the forward part you're, not the democratic party, I'm pro civilization people that all parties somehow going to enable extremists have not doug into anything. We ve actually done. We ve been doors, good people like frankly, Alyssa against four. Do you wanna wanna? Do the democracy harm pro civilization?
for good things in the audience bad? You know I could find the specifics in your plan to very enlightening, but a sign for new rules and now that luncheon bills a pre packaged lunch consisting of six rich crackers, three pieces of salami and a blockage.
These will be added to school lunch programs. We must double down on cutting costs and just serve the kids dog food, the if you're going to say fuck you to kids, you might as well. Do it right the hide behind rich crackers and mystery maiden. Pretend like you care about them or their health data can have our dump it on the tray and tell them it's the breakfast of champions, the neuro. We must all applaud the pope for starting a conversation about ending celibacy for priests. The many are so excited that they already have an app now where you can meet priests. It's called grinder. The good references were pointing out that the church only demanded celibacy for priests, beginning in the eleventh century,
did it was so that, instead of leaving their money to their own children after they passed priests, give it to the church who I was. likely after all, these centuries wound up giving into jail, you're, all the researchers who say cupboard can cause face. Blindness disorder. That leaves you unable to recognise bases have to admit that it also might have something to do with the fact that we were all wearing masks for three. Also, it doesn't necessarily mean your face blind when someone says you wouldn't of god go, but if you are more careful and you say who the fuck are you neural dean, jays shouldn't talk
tank, grammy wedding, dj diplomats who recently said I'm sure I've gotten a blow job from a guy before I dont know if it's gay, unless you make eye contact it is, she's, I thought bankers got to make their own rules neural now that we know from his texts that Tucker karlsson passionately hates donald trump trump. Rethink their time together, because don If you read those texts, you must know tucker, when he was sitting right next to you
thinking to himself look at this pathetic fat, fuck bottle blog, the no brains and no class, a clueless clownish orange faced jerk off the tub or shit more the mean don. The you know me, I think you're great but are you really going to let tucker girls and talk to you like that and finally neural? Since, in saint Patrick day, let's recognised that is greater country is ireland. Is you can't really think? about the irish without thinking about division, and I can't help thinking Let us right now when I think about that
The irish island is still not hole in northern ireland. The part that is still part of england, despite its majority catholic population, when through a period where political Hatred born of religion turned into something called the troubles which meant the hatred so bad. It could not be contained by the usual means of disagreement. So people live with bombings, being an urban warfare. What tucker com some call sightseeing in america are warring factions, aren't catholics and protestants, but that same level of hatred Other realisation is happening between Democrats and republicans. We ve grown less religious, but that's because politics has become our religion. We use pray for the nation now each side raise the other side. Doesnt destroy the nation.
on one side. The church of woke wants to cleanse us of our past and, on the other, the cult of troy wants to resurrect it. Trump is often depicted as kind of religious warrior and now he's talking like an end times. Religious ninety speaks about an epic battle against centre their forces and says I am your warrior. I am your justice and for those who have been wronged and betrayed, I am your retribution Jesus thanks that and to get any closer to smile, the infidels you had to be standing in a cave with a collision, a coffin, a turban. We will expelled the warm mongers. He says we will drive out the globalist. We will cast out the communists. We will liberate america from these villains and scoundrels once and for all. Big talk from a guy who can't even shot up his girlfriend.
But that's where we are yours a citizen to support the other party? Aren't just wrong. They're heretics. To be destroyed political life. Energies have become stronger than religious ones, stronger, even then racial. Ninety Four percent of adults are now cool with interracial marriage. Its inter party marriage, that's a deal breaker the majority of republicans and Democrats who dont want. Kids marrying seminal belongs to the other men
because national leprechaun marjorie taylor green, the she didn't invent our country's polarization any more than she could spell it, but she's playing with the kind of fire that made northern ireland a living hell for so long when she says we need a national divorce we need to. operate by red states and blue states were done, and then she threw widens things out on the lawn and said I'll be at my mother, but a full third of likely voters agree with her. Approve of a national divorce with texas them. enthusiastic sixty six percent of all voters. There are ready to split, including fifty nine percent of Democrats, but voice voicing this idea is dangerous because it enforces the belief that you can't even talk to those people.
After some out nullified their very existence by creating a country only of your type of people. So he's such a tempting thought, isn't it if we could just the assholes out of where we the good people are. This would be such a great place, but waited are the line to how much someone can disagree with you before therein asshole to Margaret a green and learn bobo seem pretty joined it. They have for a while. They both love god guns
yeah stoves laughed, but they reportedly had a bathroom fight in january, of course, over a guy Kevin Mccarthy laughed but marjorie does this mean that lauren doesn't get to live with? You know in the new free republic of Jesus Zippy, the what about your own state of georgia, which has a republican governor and two democratic senators? What are you going to do with the two and a half million georgia residents who voted for the Democrats, put them on a plane marthas vineyard? What about the forty three percent of republicans were for gay marriage just now, make them rhinos republican in name only and a rhinos get to live with you,
dumb ass, a stand or do they all have to report. The report Oklahoma. What about the eleven percent of conservatives who want strong borders but think the wall is stupid? What about twelve percent of burning voters who listed there second choice as trump sounds like is new red stayed country is gonna, have to itself split into two or maybe more There are many republicans who want to legalize pot What I call the good ones and same on the blue side. Are you abortion would just be legal and newsome land but encourage. But what about the twenty five percent of Democrats who oppose abortions? What I call the bad ones, or the twenty eight percent who have a gun, seems
we're gonna need a lot more new countries than just the two we could just stick with the one the one where everybody gets to disagree on everything, except for one thing you do you want to stay in the marriage? You can't call yourself patriot of the united states and not be for the whole united part, so this so this same parties day, let's take them home, we're all irish unseen, patties day thing and replace it with. we're all americans every day,
I used to like a little started, making some amazing people coming up on the bar. I want to go back in time or cancer. You watch the movie venetian nonaligned each bio dot com.
Transcript generated on 2023-03-26.