« Real Time with Bill Maher

Ep. #620: Matthew Perry, Laura Coates, Jonathan Haidt

2022-11-19 | 🔗

Bill’s guests are Matthew Perry, Laura Coates, and Jonathan Haidt (Originally aired 11/18/22)

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Welcome to an h b, o podcast from the h b, o latency real time with bill Maher start, the clock.
This is a very nice. You know its last season. I'm gonna miss you a lot, but I feel like we are leaving on a high note. We go
democracy survive trumpets humiliated is getting his ass kicked in the ukraine. I feel, like I'm, a star of a home, or holiday movie called the christmas surprised now that we are humans and also good news. We were going to have world war three and now we're nuts. So that's the way a missile from the ukrainian moral ended in poland, which is a nato country, never been like. Oh, my god, is this going to escalate into robots. We, fortunately Biden on the farm above party settled down, not nothing's, going to happen now, and that is too. its episode of thank god, trumpets and president. That's not gonna stop improv dry and again he made
big announcement, while not that big did you see that he announced he's running for president now rely very low, key, very low energy. Sad, I thought I'd really. Did you see him? He looked like a gigolo on its tenth call of the day it was six americans lags behind him. He didn't hump any that maybe with rules there I mean one. Louis's evasion he's so two thousand late. yesterday's news, like watching eighty anti announced a new land line. Restaurant owners anymore right, but the
and, of course, had to go through his greatest hits about american carnage, and he set literally our cities are rotting. He said there cesspools of blood and half of africa was like what and where this shithole countries the election there still counting some places, but basically the Democrats kept. This entered the Republicans one, the house representative, there will be a new speaker policy is deafening aside, a question ass to the cabin mccarthy for my in california, will be the new bigger the house, Kevin Kevin
currently a couple years ago. He said I want you to watch when Nancy policy hand me the gavel it'll be hard not to hinder with it. He said that the commission is just a joke. Nobody thinks someone would really go to a policy family member and hit them with a hammer, but that politics at that. What america guys we're all america cares about. Is they can't get taylor swift jacket and twitter is in chaos and crypto is tagging, which I think is fair. it's the oh yeah, oh yeah, we're going talk about. Millions of people have lost millions of dollars on crypto and a lot of them are blaming the celebrities who hyped it. Yet now
married people are having sex they're, both thinking about getting screwed by matt, Damon, laughed and twitter omega twitters in a twitter idea, the elon musk, the garber. First of all, he fired. I kept the people who get outta your nap pods and go home. You love it and then the people who are remaining he said either resign or I want you to give an exceptional performance exception on this is a break in building the millennials. The parents me exceptional meant existing what the media, of course, we're just all onto their their their panic and they're like what is it falling apart? Twitter is bullet and how could it fall apart? It's a website, not a condo in miami. The three quarters of the people are gone. It's still up and running
an hour ago. There are five people telling me to kill myself. It's the same as it may be. The biggest story intact, slash billionaire news, give basis mid Get out for this week, bigger than trompe said, he's going to give away my this fortune during his lifetime.
If it's not clear whether that's a charity thing over the weather is planning to marian divorce again a great shout, we have large company as an actor playwright. Now, author of any, I sell our friends lovers in the big, durable thing, Matthew, perry still obvious. They should first working regulations. I heard you broke amazon, your books sold so many copies that they couldn't handle. It you'll like that, ehlers who writing like. I am I'm ahead of her book. That's the amazing thing is
say I want to say, was the amazing part. Is I be borne out in ireland Yeah, that's kind of weird well, I mean it's a compelling book I've I mean I could not put it down feel like one of the big take away from the book as you like drug. I got that here today and I just want to say, but that doesn't mean you read all book. I noticed it as its theme were before we get to where I just want to say. Firstly, that you look fantastic me so it's amazing, to me. First, so glad you're here hugging, a lot of people did have you in the dead or maybe you yet
yeah, I you know. I had a horrible accident about seven years ago I was given a percent chance to survive the night there. Then tell me that, obviously, as I wasn't really, they are, but they told my family, and I was put on a thing called an act machine. Which you having read the book. He would know what that is as it stands now. It's I underline that say no, I believe you But they call that a hail mary, that's what they're doing when they put it in that function when it's a hail mary and five. People were on Acta that night near for died, and I somehow managed well what god, is a fan Yeah I mean I know you're feeling about that I know, I'm a fan, maybe I'm ok. I know that once you referred to it as a force- and you know it
I believe I believe that I believe that our paths there is I or readily the very close relationship with them. The tell me alone and somebody's on your time here. Everybody's I'm glad you're here and I must say, the human reading that book and I did it's amazing to me the paradox that it's so far, John you and also so resilient its it so easy to die and also its kind of hard what you approved, hard to die can be yeah. You tried now didn't I I never. I never tried, but I it's so many drugs at certain times. They knew that it could kill me, but I would do a banana. I never wanted to die, but the real thing for me and the troubles that I've had is there
reality is an acquired taste I have had a great deal of time and great deal problems requiring rent and It wasn't until I became I've I became really safe. I felt really my sobriety and really strong in mine sobriety and to tell you the truth. With. I am resilient and I am strong. Oh my god, you look healthy laughs. No, I feel very lucky that I'm someone who could do drugs and still does drugs. have any on your dear look and it doesnt have back me that way, but I mean you're stats. I mean unbelievable thousand a meetings took fifty,
I bucket into the day. This is like Joe dimaggio with the fifty six game hitting streak. I mean no one's going to come up with these that no one's going to beat you on some of this yeah and some of the things that I went through to get that many else a day. You know my whole life was math. I mean you know the story about the iron house. Yeah. We talk about gender yeah. This is because I remember the David Bowe s song, like waiting for the man right where four, A teenage first learned the concept of what addiction I think from that song like this- is this big rock star, but waiting for the man eater, you're just said this and doesn't matter how big you are, how famous you are the DRC? dealer, you are his bitch you're waiting for the man, but You didn't wait for the man, you weren't, you open houses and stole drugs from people's medicine cabinets such a better plan,
right. I was left in the paper and look at open housings on sundays and I will go and I wouldn't go upstairs to the room. If there was an elderly couple, I knew I'd hit it on the and then you look at the dates you know and if the dates are old and there's still a lot of pills, you can take a lot of them and and John. It's a horror story and I'm telling you any kind of a funny way, but not less drove off, I was like nobody's gonna, say channels, stole drugs. I am what kind of drugs will be looking for, that they would have in this house any kind. I was in opiate right guys doing of opiates through what I wanted my quit.
People be surprised. Surprise. I haven't had a drink since two thousand and five and that's because it just stopped working. I couldn't I couldn't get drunk anymore rather, like a turn, up and went to something than usual, but you did do say that after year, colon problem, I'm in your call, unexploded, and you were in the hospital for five months even after you wanted in get at him to come out of experience like that anyone doesn't understand how strong addiction is, adding that, is it all that you have been found? once in the hospital lose your column and still first thing the hospital as let's get out of the hospital, it happened in oz I was. I was told that opiates done this to me and I literally said I'd like smoke. So saw. This promise
and you know, and got and got, and then got home and was on a certain man about this, because I was lying about comic banner was in right and bennet didn't become enough and they said no can't have any more the drug. Yours said yes and I happen to live on forty a floor of a building. So I have to go down forty floors The guy on the street come back up and I had a nurse sober companion and they caught me every time. It is literally every and they like give us the drugs that you just got married up to the ban and the. The thing is: when you have something like a heart attack and have spoken, many people about this, you ever hearted where you have some horrible that defying accident that I have. You would think you he filled with gratitude, but that's not you're pissed, you're angry and at the things that you have to do future to get back to where you normally were you
filled with gratitude. Your life. Whenever I gotta be here for five months, you can't, The things inside my stomach or so broken up that you can do surgery for a year and a half and you're going to have. Have a class me bag, which is you know? Well leave you with a couple. If you want to know now you don't you see, you had it, but you ve had it. I had a removed in there. I want your collins working again, yes, aren't we talking about your ass. Let's talk about your dick we bring this up because you say you started in high school drinking heavily and you couldn't where you thought you were embodied in high school. I couldn't keep it down and I ran that's gonna me now I'm sorry well well again, human bodies resilient yeah. You know
the colon. You got that back. I'm sure the deck is on the way. Yeah, I'm not sure. If you're hitting on me, I dunno what I'm going to make a prediction about you, but I think you are about to enter a very, very productive the period of your acting career, because I mean we know you from the past. Okay, we love that it's still on. It's biggest hit still on television friends, but like now, you're you're, the mature guy you're at that age, when, like actors, get really great Because they had all this experience- and you ve had all this pain, which is bad in life, but good in art and I just see people using you in the next twenty years. In a lot of really great roles,
I think you're going to do. The couple of good friends of mine had said your your best work is to come. I do I really believe that, because you have all this experience or you're going to use yeah- and it's just you know, it's not going to be chandler- is not going to be there, but it's going to you better staff and more mature stuff and great I've found that in there, just to talk, sure chuck showed tour. I've been on has been much more adult and I used to come on these things and right, jokes and, like you, re a moment's silence and I'm so awkward right, and this hasn't in that one I've been quieter, have waited to really think about what I want to say and and then all of a sudden. You know I mean telling us everything and when you telling us more than most people, know about other people, yeah and you're doing it in a way that you know hopefully will help some other people, and I think it has yeah and it's helped. It's helped me yeah. You know and getting to a point where I was I was
dave, because you can't give away. We don't have so, if I'm afraid that I'm gonna use in three weeks. I can start helping people right now, but now I feel and use this dude, I'm still you still feel the urge, no I really Don'T- oh god- yeah, will the goat under the party you very rightly raised our anger and the various examines the laura torture, laura gouts social psychologist lawyers, stern, school of business and co, author of the college of the american mine. How good intentions and better days are setting up again.
Erosion for failure. Jonathan height the alright! Before I get into the news, I want to get well wishes to my friend. Jay Leno had a little accident this week, but he's iron J and I know he'll be okay. I just wanted to say power thinking about the ok, as they say in cable news, they're breaking news breaking very exciting happens. A lot on our show. The utter no winners but friday afternoon came darlin? I guess he did this on a friday because he was maybe afraid. I don't know he faced two years thinking about whether he should appoint a special council, what he should do about donald trump being a criminal.
And now he has made up his mind. He is going to give it to somebody else to do. It is going to appoint a special counsel to look into the two crimes would be overturning or trying to overturn the two thousand and twenty election that little thing that trump did and then bringing the classified documents down tomorrow, logo and putting them in the shed with the croquet equipment this guy jack smith, he is the chief prosecutor, he will be. Was the chief prosecutor at the hague? That's a pretty urge the world court. Going to be now, the the prosecutor here he's gonna, be the special prosecutor, His is investigated. War crimes in Kosovo, so he's a serious guy with the serious job, but it doesn't matter who it doesn't matter how it doesnt matter when the right is just going to say its political. So what Gonna happen: why do it.
I think I should do other out. He is knowest, have long dying your correct, but you know there is a need in some respects for the deal aid to counter what you know is coming donald he's going to say this is a political which hide their only gonna go after mayberry shouted. He said it and I will say it again and I ll save another time, but now, declared that he's gonna run again to now. He is because Biden has eddies intending to run again. They are local rivals, so there is this moment of that a time when the? U s does not necessarily trust our institutions, our supreme court, our court system, broadly and they're. Saying: look I'm going ahead this off having I bet I was secure, we were actually be perfect, we never had time to be. I never had the time that merit garland in the team have right now to be able to take all the time to investigate and look at issues, but the stakes, are really high, and so you can do one little thing to undercut the
given that this is all politics, why not try you gotta can't let a guy get away with it. He that Mr president, I know what I know. There's a bad sides are doing very well. I will just that we are we kind of new era. That is, we. I've intuitions about what's proper and how things should work and those are based on living in the twentieth century when things weren't completely knots. since about its at some point, the twenty tens. Everything got completely knots and I've been arguing that, because rifle media rewired the way we share information, irascibility of a sort of a shared, a shared understanding of what happened or who we are. So I think this is difficult Second guess her or game things that I hope that Merrick arlene was was at least thinking about how how this prosecution could actually work come to a proper conclusion and
I applaud the country I mean the problem. Is everyone thinks that he's reactive and indeed might very well be right? The idea of he's having us so council who's going to have the day to day operations of everything it's not going to merrick garland? Who is going to look at everything every day and decide what's going on, and so now you'll have the appearance of not having impropriety. Problem is the american people. justified in many respects, and thinking are you'd just now getting too it whatever it might be. Are you will you waiting for him to announce a ban. Have the special council be in place? If that's the case backs, cut. It in turns people getting being more confident and and you're right bill. People our having that mahler effect there's a long time. We should establish a girl. He, the special council in time means nothing with the pandemic. Sober things is mahler part too many round, there is a delineation do you think it would have been different and I think you're, probably right if they'd right after january six, they had moved because I kept saying on this issue of what the fuck is going on.
If only we had somebody department of Justice- justice. I want to ask about this new asked all on the black move over this mammoth sam bank. Men freed move over martens. Currently, this is if you seen the story this week, this one of these good areas the calling him the millennial made off, this is the crypto guy at it's amazing to me the things you don't know that are going on in this world until they explode this guy in the caribbean, I'm not in crypto, because I think it's a ponzi scheme and I'm rooting for it's failure. The rent, a crypto exchange where you can, I guess, buy and sell crypto called fdx. he's known as F beef as bf and after yes- and I say
the idea, but unlike banks, which had the f D, I c, which ensures you have there can't be a run on them. There's nothing here! In the crypto world, it's the wild west. I mean every month billions stolen, korea, does a lot of it. Ok, so this now collapsed like it was like a bank run in the meadow verse, like thirty two billion dollars evaporate, and it turns out he's a crook and a hence the name millennium made off. So now there the point where they're calling him twitter, which is no more and yet I read it where an hour ago so now if appointed this guy. Who was what John ray the third was appointed after n. Remember, enron, collapse! Ok, what was that two thousand one bush was president was to that
I guess it's before nine eleven. Ok, that was the last seventy four billion in enron. So they appointed god John re. Back then too, I guess take over the company clean it up bring it back. He's gotta run after ex. He said I've never seen such a complete failure of corporate control and again he ran Enron. Really, he said the situation is unprecedented. He said the FDA ex group did not keep appropriate books or records security girls. It was so disorganized there unable to prepare a complete list of who work there. At knows who is firing? I mean these so and then the plot thickens because this guy s be of the same bank men free this millennium, made of the second biggest donor to the damage
product party after George soros veil, just ass. He was always with Clinton and those types he was davos you know, and it just so, Should you your point about we're in our silos? Is like the thing that was as long as you're on our team. We don't care, we not look at it has Epstein, feel you know Jeffrey Epstein, this kind of smells of bat when it is. One of us is on our side. He had done to our causes without they look to the house, entered the fact that he's a con man, I mean he's sure look so fast, why you wouldn't give him? Do you better now? I just feel like the apartment
u I we may do is call I dont understand. Crypto is the name crypto me when I'm not supposed to understand one another sign that right, appoint descriptive its cryptic right, but the idea that you know I think money just feels many private works for she day world. It just feel it's not tangible to people. It feels like I money, you think these idea of that phrase, Fredo fortune rivers, the brick very volatile debris, whatever it might be. Five zero have if I didn't give it to the quote right, but the idea of thinking think about that. That must be me. There are startups that I can do that. I can drop out of college. I can do this. I can. I can rub elbows I can have a miami euro stadium and arena after these letters, and I think people but miss delusional world. Where you don't act, you have to show anything besides bravado and that gets you in every door. That's right and people to people,
in always falling for get rich, quick schemes, and that's why we have government agencies is to sort of put a lid on areas where lots and lots of people get her, and I understand that the knee for innovation and different spaces, especially when you have ordinary people investing your money, investing their fortune, betting, their retirement. I think, this kind of showing us there. There is a need, for regulation for institutions, part of what so much about concerns me now, but where we are a country is that is that liberalism. Piracy and the free market system that we have are a kind of natural and unstable, and they only work because over decades in centuries, we built up institutions that allow in a sense live like way above what we're design for and now that everything is speeding up. So fast change can happen. We don't know
what's happening and all around us people losing faith in our institutions in part, because our institutions are behaving badly and so what we have to get a grip on this. We have to understand what's happening to us, and then I am hopeful that this collapse will will bring us back to our senses and our reality about you know. social media, but of making a mess of our social lives. Have we bring made into our economies? Are banking systems that a good idea problem I find so disturbing about it is, it seems like they knew it was a scam. He did. bread, they just an interview with box in this kind of admitting that guy now and his he had a girlfriend who wound up with about. I think a billion dollars of the money is. There was so much about washing around the flower isabel. She said: here's your quote! I didn't get into this group. There was a true believer. It's mostly
scams, and my name is when you get down to it like this. What they're saying out loud, you know, is not thoughts in your head? That's so. I also think this is interesting. Action here with academia because of reading about his mother s, beehives mother What a lot of money came through this group called effective, altruism, uzi, social movement. This is listen to this. I love this regeneration when they think they've discovered something new, a sociable, a social movement dedicated to using evidence and reason to figure out how to benefit others as much as possible. Yes, why didn't? We think of the effective altruism cell, onto something ok, so it turns out both his parents were, were professor at Stanford, I'm bringing up because you're into this area,
and the mother wrote an essay and twenty thirteen beyond blame. She said the philosophy of personal responsibility has ruined criminal justice and economic policy. It's time to move past lame. Yeah, this is a personal responsibilities, bad and blame. That's a thing of the past. No wonder this guy's, a fuckin crook! You will raise you re wrong, asshole. I study moral psychology and now you do and There are. Some really interesting studies done by floss, renamed eric sweets, cable, who looked at our philosophers, who study ethics, more ethical and he looked at what books get taken from the library and never returned spoke. Some are likely to return. He looked right, he didn't, he did all kinds of these calls their mother on mother's day. You know, philosophers and more
last week, a little bit less likely to so at very low, very least. There's no sign that in reasoning and studying ethics, makes him more ethical, and one thing it does is: it makes you very, very good at post hoc justifications of whatever the hell you want to do. The religion is also when you think god is on your side. You can do anything. I mean the people who are after nine eleven did thought they were doing god's work. You know it was a a faith based initiative that that's right now, genocides, most of the yeah. You got large scale, ireland, if you mobilizing people to do something up most likely that they feel, if there's a strong moral justification behind and we ve gotta watch those, especially in a liberal democracy where there's a new research paper just came out of a couple months ago, showing that in the countries that are backsliding the most to countries that are our getting becoming less stable democracies. Those
cisely the countries where polarization is rising, in other words, the more you hate, the other side were more. You can just about anything because it's in there an existential threat to the country and if we to invade the capital. To turn over the election will do that or whatever bizarre uses it on both sides- and so I think one of the central things we got to keep our eye on is the polarization the more we hate each other, the more we're going to do crazy things that are going to make it not sustainable. I think have a liberal democracy right. Maybe it's the prosecutor in me, but I had to call bs on her statement. I mean the idea that we have moved blame, or that rightly mr problems- I mean, if it it's like the cousin of the sixteenth place rebellion asked of sixteen where you know there are, it is right and wrong. There is the eighth punishment, their lydia of actual gain, and there is the idea of if somebody Has done the wrong thing. You don't have to look. we were asked to assign blame. Sometimes the person who did the deed should
he blamed audio held accountable. For I mean we talk about people not being above the law and what that means, where society, the idea that aids deflect and on society. That is society's problem that you see what I have done as wrong as opposed to what I've done as wrong and to think bad that, and it was it was written years ago before her son obviously was involved in all these doing right now, but a fact maybe insight into how she feels her son ought to be treated from out. Then that is really telling about deficiency. That's why I brought up, because I really think look we are, I think, when historians look back in our time, they will not divided into red and blue and republican democrat. They, like, the things that were wrong with us were wrong with both sides in different ways. I do think they manifest anymore dangerous way on the right, but on the left there is a right and it comes from academia, and
and its filters now am. I am I wrong about that's all coming. I just think this is a better way of it is what the mother said and then the good rob your money I think part part of what's happening here- is that we have certain institutions in our society that you can call them at the steam. institutions which just means knowledge generating and the academy is from your one that the medical establishment, the courts or another- and these only work- if you have you point diversity there only work, if I say something, and then people going challenged me right and dick Adam has always leaned left and it's not necessarily a problem. The police lean right, it's not necessarily a problem, it's just people choose different careers. What's happened and I've been collecting data on this. I start an organization called heterodox academy. Twenty fifteen and we've been arguing that maybe we should have some viewpoint: diversity
the orthodox academy, because when everyone's on the same side, someone says something crazy like habit. If we stop punishing people and other people are afraid to object, because that would seem to put to you again certain retain ability, that's right correctly carry and when that happens, what we get is is what what are the call structural stupidity it is to get ass. We see it all the time you get really smart people, but you put it together and they can't think straightened. Essay strides things from the left
just play really well and lives of tiktok and give them lots of ammunition, and you get onion headlines as policy. That's exactly the show. Before our winter break. We will be back on january twentieth. I forget what day that is, but it's an important one in my life, the inauguration, anyone anywhere we're always before we go. We do a future headlines for the people who get the survive, because we love you the audio. We will provide for you the headlines that will be there when we're gone so you're. Not these are the future headlines. You will see a chemical in my pillow stuffing found to make people stupid the bitcoin now worth less than coin coin: laughs, hershel walker, inc, seven figure deal to read book: the paris hilton end, marriage, after catching husband with another manica, the ted cruz, to open museum of all the things thrown at the rp blm and magicians union. All call for a boycott of that old, black man, haft and iris questions, trump tax deduction for giving away typically laughed. So I saw you on sixty minutes last sunday and I want to get into that because it was so fascinating and you know
number. Twenty years ago, people were talking about paint ships and the fact that no one kids a paint chips back in the day fuck their brain. And they thought that when we got the way out of the paint, actually affected crime. Twenty years later, because people who had paid ships in their brain we're like committing times when they grow up emulous, probably true. So, ok, we got rid of the painters, but now we have tik tok brain what's really- and porn when you're eight years old, on your phone and and smartphones, which make people stupid and all this stuff, which is really fucking up, kids' brains, there's no other way to say it. I mean, I guess the way that show that's fucking up, kids brains and nobody seems to care or be doing anything about it. We you'd be doing something massive right now I can say in a different way, because I'm writing a book on what the hell happened to Genji. Why is
when you look at the mental health stats, if you look at rates of depression, anxiety, self harm and suicide, they're pretty flat and the early tooth, dozens and then right at twenty twelve for girls it goes way way up because I propose to but not as much something happened right around twenty twelve. Well, let's see the the front facing camera comes out. The iphone four in two thousand and ten instagram has founded all everyone goes on instagram in two thousand and twelve, so at least, that social media fit the bill, but what I think people really need to understand. It is not just kids going on social me, it's the complete! We why of childhood so that kid's used to be out having experiences. That's what you need to grow up between two while your brain up and then they had puberty, which actually a period of heightened brain plasticity. Our brains are really open to experience when we're zero to two. So little less and then right around each eleven or twelve. The brain.
I was looking for more input from the environment. That's exactly the age at which we say two girls. Here you go once you, your brain up to a fire was a garden and they will see how you are on the other side. So yes, we're really. It was your word I don't want my kid. Social media have an eight year old and assumed to be ten year old and when I think of what I have them, I mean I I have a watch. I can. I can contact by making them, but the idea, of handing over to my kids, a machine that tells them compare yourself to everyone else. I want that somebody who even like to go on social media, because it's kind of like walk, not yours, Andorra, saying hey any one thing, Damn cute today, like I'm here, for you just don't start until my kids and they're trying to think about picking themselves out. I cannot imagine going through puberty going through
insecurity is going through life and not just having wherever bullying whatever. Security issues in your own little circle, but it's there for ever and it those like everyone seeing it and it goes from point eight. Point z. In a matter of seconds I mean you, have people filling insect. or into their into their adulthood. I'm you should see we're talking about our air. You know some only comment as a in and the commercial birthday and he would like it, anyone like anyone like it when they say where they sang comedies reality exactly as these are people who are grown ups, who have lived a life before social media I join those who have never latency kids now and you wanted the two year olds who the same people en masse for most of their lives at this point. How does that shape their view? now seeing a mouth Wendy. Imagine now seeing real mirror, not a filter. It's always a fine house, and I just I try. Stay away from my king? Withdraw your kids complain to you that the other its have this. We don't
part is apparent to do that when all the other kids of it for me now You can add it to the bare araby in twenty years. Mommy did so many are you had a bad? You had a house all point you can I give you an air first bump on that one is or what aid and I hated nine yeah, ok, so their ceiling of elementary skin when they go to middle school. My kids go to new york city, public schools. They seriously hit sixth grade. They say that everybody is on instagram conniving instagram, again we're all faced with this trap. No parent wants their kids on instagram, but we're faced with this trap because the other kids are on it's the it's, the it's the we don't want the kids to be excluded, because that is where things are happening. So this is what called and social sciences, a collective action problem, each one of us. Might and be even worse off. If we take our kid often everyone else's on on, but ve all be better off. If everything was off. So we,
to do as a starting move. Mrs something we I'll, do get the phones social media, the hell out of middle school. Let's just protect you watching. You actually talk to the principle of your parents middle school, and they can you help us believe me, I've spoken mills. Was they hate this too that so so as a starting move. Just haven't, have the norm be known, in school? You, when you come to school, put him enough locker or or yonder pouch. The kids must not have access to their phones in school. Usually the pilot is well, you know we don't let them take them out like yeah. You know Tell her when attics you can just just leaving her pocket, don't shoot up leaving the hospital. So we have to. We have to get out of middle school and we also have to keep the kids off of social media until at least highschool. I think age needs to be. Sixteen after brain is mostly developed, but we've got to get it out
for the past, why some of that some other middle school kids, their parents, remember the introduction of instagram and they love it. I mean look at the average middle school picture. Southie with the mother and daughter or a father inciting movement daughter. They both got the duck lips going. They're both doing them together, I mean they they're, not they're, doing it because they like it, and you have that and so I hear you- and I agree that part of the collective action I think has to end The buying from a group of people love. The keeping up with the joneses till he saw those people instagram flourishes run a new You mention the girls who said that a more yeah them so they can. they have dug into all of the all the published studies. I've gotta googled up with hundreds of study and what I can show is that the correlations between
time on social media and mental health problems, are they're not huge, but they're they're, pretty solid for girls and for boys. It's not so much boys, because what happened around twenty twelve, when all the kids got got smartphones right around, then the boys mostly went for youtube and video games and those are not particularly harmful, because what boys need to grow up it's been part of a pack competing with, or hunting and killing other groups of boys, and that funds, not only for has not been sports, is but then I fear that women will be the ones to maybe leaders out of this, because I feel like social media is by women because it takes away the things that they need the most from men, one you don't, have the balls to go up to a girl which they want. They want you to do straight, that I'm willing to risk rejection, and you know do that over the phone and also They want to be talk to women like talking boy, do
They like new talking with them and then to organise their communicated preachers. Men can by without that, but women cannot and the phone is robbing. So I think if anybody is going to lead us out of this world, it's just going to be women who are fed up. Women cannot really like gender, that is not something that concerns. with their biological imperative, it's perfect for a man. Oh, what's up my nobody here I mean, except for the same reasons you don't want say to have to demonstrate kids, he's away some of the insecurity
dear having to deal with the man who would say what's up my deck and just wiping left or right, a better answer, if I say, is a distant thing of that as well, but I do think that the larger point actually correct women can do everything better and will lead us out of every thanks. That's good says it is time for a beggar. My cars that dr themselves, pork themselves, monitor, obliged bog sense rain, keep you know lame telling. retired and you're, drunk, and see you at night they can
one that changes its own. Damn clock the daylight savings time when your smart car gets stupid again the world someone has to during a movie where superglue fides crazy glue the and then they realize they should be friends and beat the shit out of gorilla, glue the then twenty five sequels from a new movie studio. That's all about the adhesive cinematic universe, so hey it's not stupid! Then four movies about lego, raffles neural used to have shot the eleven year old. British kid with an I q, higher than einstein, has to explain the fascination with rubik's cubes
as normal people they're the most boring toy ever made, but for the for the immense crowd, they're endlessly fascinating. Look, I can solve it in three seconds. Nobody cares genius, go to your room and solve global warming. The neuroscience heinz ketchup just reported that the design for their bottles wheeze cap involved.
One hundred and eighty five thousand hours of product development over nine years and went through forty five iterations. Someone asked to asked them if all that time and all that tinkering included perfecting the fart noise, the neural, if you don't want americans to think you're, calling us fat cows, you can call your agent noodle company, momo fuck, you, the meal that says: hey, wait a minute: the don't get killed with asian food. Just give us a simple name that tells us what's in it like panda, express the and finally new role since this is our last show of the season, and our thanksgiving show I'd like to start tonight by giving thanks this year to donald trump and all the loons karen's kool aid, drinkers, d list celebrities and unqualified weirdos he put up for office who scared some sense into america on election day. The us made this holiday season so much writer for me and millions of other americans. Thank you, republican douchebags classroom, twenty two, the thank you doug mastery, auto and tutor dixon and Kerry lake and blake masters, and all the other election deniers who ran for secretary of state and governor in swing, states and lost, which was almost all of them.
thanks to these and republicans like brad robson burger, who define trump and one? Yes. Twenty twenty two against everybody's predictions, except Michael, more, The deniers lost and the defier is won? And america showed the world that the reports of our death were slightly exaggerated to how we went from god? Damn America to god, damn america, the maybe we're not quite as crazy as we look. What can show they can dump their baggage and independence showed they could actually be independent.
Usually there just closet republicans, but this year they did what they never do in men terms, they came out and drugs for the party in power and told the party that ran on a platform of fuck elections go fuck yourself. Some times this country surprises you with it billowy to revert back to same. We saw but when we elected the first black president, we saw it with the acceptance of gay marriage and with the end of disco,
as we saw it when we ended prohibition and segregation and stopped allowing doctors to smoke during surgery. So one day we may even stop making comic book movies, the sure we're a country that chose to deliberately eat tide pods, but how about some credit for when we eventually stopped? But this year this year was something special. Better angels have put up a wind like that in a long time turns out we're not by reason of insanity and right now I feel, we're? Having a not is crazy we thought moment, let's keep it going
People go, let's rally the normal, which we now realise are still most diverse and bullied the bullies on the stream ends who are such a. Part of us and yet thanks to social media and partisan politics or able to hug the microphone and make everything sock a friend Jonathan here noted on sixty minutes at the extremists only about seventy eight percent on both sides, and yet they get ninety percent of the media attention, nine Percent of all tweets in this country come from Ten percent of the users Why are we letting fifteen percent of the population?
It is all miserable. It's like we're, letting the crying baby fly the playing all the normal republicans who stepped up last week great beginning. Let's keep it going Don't stay silent about insanity, just figures It's coming from your team call out conspiracy, stuff marginalize the people who believe in crisis actors and lizard and using Democrats eat babies or run pedophile rings. Jewish his lasers,
I don't even know what a jewish space laser is, the one I know even kyrie irving, doesn't believe in it. The we all need to call out the people of bad faith on both sides, who pretend things they know are not true. Voter fraud. It's spinster a million times it doesn't exist there just aren't hordes of people showing I've been gray, haired, wigs, pretending to be dead, people risking prison to vote for patrick lay. He voting twice its hard enough to vote once. Ok, you admit that Girls will admit that getting a picture. I d is not
peculium burden that minorities can manage like everybody else and which most even objective we need more grand bargains like that, everyone's always talking about other tired of the extremists. No they longed for compromise then do it make deals stop flirting with authoritarianism and we'll stop flirting with communism. Stop saying, democrats, eat babies and we'll stop saying men can have them stop denying the ice. Caps are melting and we'll stop asking this band ice
then stop saying: there's a war on christmas and will admit: kwanzaa is completely made up the keep a lid on the proud boys and we'll see what we can do about kanye, the former psycho yeah. Alright, that's our show her off until january twentieth, but you can see me at the mirage in vegas to remember twenty five and twenty six, the maui cultural center December three and the white kinky shall. On new year's eve. I want to thank
I guess laura coach, Jonathan hi Harry wait a second. I also want to say thank you to my brilliant staff and their brilliant insights and incredible competent that they lend me all year, long and h, b, o twenty years together, the next tear down and join us on our exciting. Thank you. The more information log on to h, b, o dot com,
Transcript generated on 2022-11-25.