« Real Time with Bill Maher

Ep. #546: Ben Sheehan, Matthew McConaughey

2020-10-24 | 🔗

Bill’s guests are Ben Sheehan, Matthew McConaughey, Heidi Heitkamp and Anthony Scaramucci. (Originally aired 10/23/20)

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Welcome to reach me podcast from HBO Series. Real time Thank you for coming. Thank you a please. I appreciate it. Thank you doing all all the protocols. Thank you. I know I hope you're excited it's eleven days till the election. Are you eleven days? I think what country is focused on one thing: Jeffrey Duben, jerk off one. Did you see that no
Me tell you what happened in a pre, Jeffrey Tuban. He's a big CNN analyst he's, like the legal guy, the Supreme Court said this worth whacking, during a zoom meeting front. of his colleagues, you're gross doubt Jesus Christ he's been a guest on the show. I had to shake his hand how many grows in this week. Trump. Did you see this trump believable? It turns out? Has a secret chinese bank account and he's two hundred thousand dollars in taxes there. I was absolutely shocked. Trumpet ducks well, he's always said I pay taxes in this country. You know. Did you watch the debate last night?
we've really had another. Oh you did I mean. Was it just me, my tv? It looks like the color of Trump's head was even for him. He looked like roast beef. I dislike Biden was debating Arby's, I disconcerting, but we did. Last night we discovered the monsters, weakness but mute button, mute, but just at the right of the cap, jumping Jack, it was like fired a frankenstein or garlic to Rudy, Giuliani, Giuliani, really Giuliani, there's a newborn movie. I think it starts tomorrow and really early unease in it, because it's an actress, you know imported the bore it true. There she's, posing as a conservative rapporteur, luring Rudy
to his hotel room, what she does and he's lying there on the bed. While she flirted with him and he's got his hand reaching into his trousers, Rudy says it's not what it looks like not what it looks like it looks like an Alien autopsy is what it looks, but this accord. I love this because it comes on the heels of last week. Rudy was in the news because he was digging up dirt on Hunter Biden after, of course, the whole Ukraine thing where I was digging up dirt on Joe Biden, because that's who you want looking into high tech corruption in the former over a union, someone who can get fooled by Borat now, Rudy Rudy denies the whole thing he claims. He was tucking in his shirt and Jeffrey Tube and said. Could I
use that now Rudy what a pizza work he claims he works for Trump for free. It never takes any money. He says it's only. Compensation is gets to keep the flies that land, oh and finally, this the pope every once in a while, or the pope comes through, he in heat came out in saved of civil unions for gay couples, which is pretty I put all I have to say, is who's the lucky cardinal all right. We've got a great show. We have Heidi Heitkamp and Anthony scabbard Muse are hearing a little later, we'll be speaking with Matthew, Mcconaghy, but first up he is the author of m J. What the fuck does the cotton? Well, W g up? Does the constitution actually say,
a non boring guide to how our democracy is supposed to work bench in Ben. Don't you get near my own? I promise no I'm just kidding so listen, I'm so glad you're here and I really mispronounced it. I said omg and then I went right to what the fox but it's tf and those letters don't even really correspond to what we think they are, although it works both ways, obviously, Oh god, what the far right! It's also Ohio, Michigan Georgia with constant Texas Florida, because those are the key states roderigo. Ok, so we have a lot in common.
theme lies. We both been on and on for a long time. I have anyway. I don't know about this problem. We have in America that you are such the perfect gift to walk us through, which is where on the honor system, so much that we depend on has not actually been written down in the law or the constitution, and now we have someone who has no honor, but his family and office gets help from foreign countries,
runs a business empire while these present things, we didn't think we had to write down. So my worry now is that the electoral college- it's not actually written down that the electors which really elect the President go to the guy who gets the most votes in the state. Right I mean to start its. You only have you know you ve seventeen states that don't find their electors, including states like cancel vein in Georgia in Texas Zoning buying Mean make makes make them to follow the popular vote in the state. So that's one thing this up and down: they leave it up to the states and that's what the Supreme Court decision earlier this year said that it is constitutional to have faithless electoral laws and also for states to decide not to that. But so The electoral college is, is, is set in the constitution, but a lot of the actual process. That's gonna happen over the next two months is set by federal law and even the federal law that describes it. People could barely understand this section. Fifteen written in eighteen. Eighty seven is is constantly debated
It's almost unintelligible in self. My worry is, if we get to this point, where we have the electoral count that happens on January Sixth, there's going to be disputes and it could go haywire. What is the likelihood, though, that some state at least one state does not send to the electoral College to meet to actually elect the president does not say electors at represent who one that state aid as a high pub, but I dont think its a high probability that I've thought lot of things over the last four years. Didn't have a high probability to that happening. So one thing we know for sure. The one thing we know for sure is that, however much trump loses by and look, I would not sanguine last time and I'm not this time, but this time you know, last time I did not predicted would went right would lose this time. I'm saying he will lose, but that's just the popular vote and probably the electoral college. What I know will not happen is the next day Donald Trump,
saying I congratulate Joe Biden and I've been struck. My staff to make a smooth transition the best man one- and this is our system that will never happen right. Got so it was big and then go ape shit about that. Isn't my prediction: what will option Well, my worry is less that his ape shit and more of the people who are around him who know the system because, what's going to happen over the next few weeks, is you have obviously the election on November? Third, but then you, then you December eighth, if there's a there's, a controversy in a state or there's a recount,
on or claims of male voter fraud or whatever it is. There is an opportunity for states to choose to to decide a different way to appoint the electors and as long as they act on it by December a they could make it go differently from the popular vote. So we have to pay attention or state legislators in that period to make sure that they followed the popular vote in the states that we don't have a popular vote in the state that is different from the electors. They don't make a prediction for me: I don't think the election and we decided November. Third, you don't need now give me a prick the date that you think somebody we'll make a call. I hope it's on I'll, say after the safe harbor date, which is the one I just described so I'll, say December nine. I hope. That's by disseminating if it'll between last November, there the summer. Ninth their region December eight they could, I mean, is it going to court you?
No I mean it could I mean, I think, that in a state like Texas or a state like Georgia, you know because they dont buying their electors like there is that we will room for it to go haywire so so what happens on December nine TH? Do you think somebody will call it provided? Well, the electors will have to be finalized on that date. If they choose a different method, you will know by December nine TH and then the actual vote is on the fourteen TH and then the actual counting of the electoral votes is on January. Six TH and MIKE Pence is overseeing that yeah, but he can't do anything about it unless right, but again the law is super unclear from eighteen. Eighty seven, so you know if it got really close and it's not a vide and blow out, then you could have some complication that happens at that meeting. I don't think it's gonna happen, but I think it's port and know where the guard rails our versus before what it's, ok, so change, shape things go buttons way in December night. They declare he's the winner, but Trump is not going to accept that now right. So what happens when December, ninth and January twentieth? When he's supposed to leave, I mean I've heard Joe Biden
You know the United States government is perfectly equipped to escort of trust, pass or out of the White House, except at that moment he's the government. That's the problem, he's the government until he says different yeah I mean it is we ve never had a situation, we ve gotten close. We had a situation in eighteen, seventy six where it got two days for inauguration and they were literally planning parallel inaugurations. They finally ended up, being viewed the winner rather for behave when by one electoral vote, but we ve never had a situation. Words got into inauguration during the person's refused to leave. So how do we fix this you're a mean. A constitutional amendment takes two thirds right of the two thirds of of the house. senator propose it allows your house and a sudden super majorities and bought and catch a lot sixty seven percent, which never happens for anything. We can agree on right, plus three fours of the state three force of the state, so you need to
thirty eight states to raise to me like we could never really have a constitutional amendment again that that is not really going to happen. Well, there are two ways to work around this with the electoral college, so one is called the national popular vote, intersect, compact and right now you have fifteen states that have signed on for a total of one hundred and ninety six electors. That's not going to happen now. You think enough states to tip the balance two hundred and seventy by this election, but you could in the future the other state. The other thing that you could do in the future is have states not give winner take all electoral notes, because, right now you have states that are just guaranteed to go blue and the people who aren't voting for the people who are voting Republican in California. They're vote for president isn't really going to matter, so you could switch it where every state has the ability. Tomorrow
if they wanted to change their laws so that it's proportional rather than winners. They call all right well I'll, be praying with you be just kidding all right. Thanks, very much Ben. Let's meet our panel good job, hey. How are you doing good all right, good to see everybody very distant, Anthony how you doing? Okay, he's the former White House Communications director under President Trump and host of the podcast salt talks, salt, Org, Anthony Scaramucci is over. Here we get round of applause, because okay she's the former democratic senator from not not an easy thing, a democratic senator from North Dakota, pretty pretty good and cofounder of
the organization, one country project, Heidi hide camp- is back with his princess, you, okay, so there's so much going on there's so many of the week stories I could go into, and I probably should, but you know what I'm at the end of my rope at the end of the year, I'm just going to talk about what I want to talk about, not that I don't really do that every week anyway, but here's the thing I was watching. Sixty minutes Sunday, and then the story on the flight from Hell. Have you seen this story? Let me tell the people what it is guys. I know what I'm talking about, but the question I want to get to is why can't America get its shit together anymore, here's what happened in March, two hundred Americans right when the pandemic was starting, and we when talking about it. For months turn, Americans going on a cruise ships right away? I met Americans are morons,
okay, so they get on the Costa Luminosa Coastal Luminoso Luminoso, which cut to which a petri dish, of course. So then the State Department has to get them off. The ship sends a charted plain get back to Atlanta, because that's where the CDC is the plane, it's of course the flight from how people are literally passing in the aisles everyone on the plains got the so it lands and they radio the tower, and they say nobody told us. You were coming and sets town rack for three hours and they let him in check them a little bit dispersed them out to the busiest airport in the world pit the food court you're connecting flights. I mean you couldn't design a system better to super spread this disease into America, Why are we such a loser country now? What is it with the people of this country? Are they stoned? Are they still
Are they disillusion? Is it all three? You couldn't communicate The plane was coming in you, let them all out. I mean Why are members I requested vodka is what measures are violated? I mean you're a Wall street. superstar. What do you think I mean mean? I mean there's fragmentation of information. You ve got people politicizing mass. The present politicizing has tried to make it into not big that big of a deal you ve got. Forty to fifty percent of the people that I am asking about the people. Why that that even the millennium round can somebody this whole. The bologna grinds evening in nobody can. How did that message? I dont get through under about basic joking, All those political arguments is fundamental. It would just incompetence its incompetent, now the people on the ground, it's fundamentally incompetent department, what the hell's and where does it ain't department doing everybody? Should we
member. This one pale offers himself up to America to be the next president of the United States. She's been incompetence and stay one. This whole thing has been mismanaged since day, one since depriving absolute amene trump, of course, personal beliefs of those people or issued nor stuff, like that, since this is the first, the beliefs of who we are. It is the air traffic controller, the people of bringing alien believe it it's not about a set up to that being below
If this is information, this plane is coming in with these sick passengers be ready forward, handle it like they would in a normal country, but that something is wrong. That beyond Trump there's no question, I was asked to systemic imbalance. I was any Africa during a bowler and they tested you more heavily in Africa when you came in their country and left their country in developing in the developing world, he has never taken this seriously and to stop people and test people. That means your failing, and he would never it it's personal for him, because personal over the president, once again, his fuck ups not
a dispute, but somebody's going to have to answer this question about America at large, also cause it wasn't up to him to just be on the ground and at the CDC and the airlines, and all this shit people are just the biggest domino bill. He's he's the biggest domino tipping into everything else. Yes, but it's a danger to just blame everything on that and not look at this there's no question: we have a system. Maybe this will convince you. Twenty five percent of all Americans now believe, believe, Q, and on I mean it was only two years ago, when I first made fun of it and we were like. Oh, this is hysterical I'll say I am cute. I am because such a rain shipping- and now it's not a fringe thing? It's twenty five percent. There's gonna be Congress. People who work went on. If you don't know what an on is, here's the question the twenty five percent of Americans agree to and by the way, another twenty four percent, not sure. Maybe they said to the question
do you believe top Democrats are involved in elite child sex trafficking rings. This is the Hillary we ran a peace, had a file ring out of a pizza, parlor, twenty five percent of Americans and other twenty four percent, not sure that that might be true Biden has to run for office factoring in that a good part of the populace thinks he's a pedophile. Discuss, ok, so that the main thing about dad is a lotta disenfranchise people they feel the system is not work for them. It complained themselves as they buy into conspiracy theory, and then you have Another group of people that are preying on them and one of them has to be the President United States, and so he lights, people up he's retweeting things about the Bin Laden. So they think that you're saying that people think the fix is in that the system,
rigged, wider rich people get richer, exact, Prince Andrew paid out. He is on sex island region. People do get whatever presents, throw inter flame logs on it. He's retreating false, been lost. raid conspiracies in his retreat, Q and on and then he says it denies it and and there's good twenty five percent of the people but went from economically. Aspirational is blue collar people to economically desperation all three decades and they get ignited by a bill. I I disagree I think that if you add the internet, when I was a kid instead of reaching for the Enquirer reading about aliens are really about some craziness, maybe only five percent of the people saw that story now. Twenty five percent of the people are seeing the story. There's some people who just do not have the ability to use critical thinking
and that's the bigger problem in this country. If it's meals you can too can talk about whether they're different franchise, because it beats being poor, doesn't make you stupid doesn't get you in that spot being rich makes you stupid a lot. More often, that's true, not really rich people don't have to think right, because they're rich to be critical thinking is what we really have to focus on and also how is it that but that you're entering my first question about why the why we fucked up ass, a bed with cost of virus ship will back the beings about any, don't educate anymore. We don't think anymore, we don't. We don't have any
This is the answer, but on the virus sent- and I will stand up for the people at the air traffic controller, the people at the if they were not told here's your protocol when they come off and that was a state departments responsibility. You saw those lineups remember when we brought the planes back from Europe and there were people jammed, waiting to get to customs and they weren't even tested, then so never mind that experience. We continue that experience all long. That's how we spread the virus in this country and to to simply say all we shut down the Chinese. No, you didn't you brought people in here who are contaminated in and tested positive, a good I've never tested, and what, if of the country and half of trump people think that the Democrats or pedophiles and Satanist, by their also sate and some and also they believe in lizard people drinking blood drinking the right either.
Babies, I mean, like you, couldn't inquired Metalogy still alive, though that's the Good NEWS face, so Sheriff Kate, you better. I bet juniors bright. Ok, so I mean, if Biden wins, what are we going to do with these people and of Trump wins? What are they gonna do? because they believe in the storm of you know what, which is a moment when everyone realizes all this stuff and then they arrest hundred hundred thousand people be be definitely in disclosed location. Hopefully what we do into the show. I don't think those are the dangerous people I mean. I know that stupidity is a is a cancer on arts. As an I got, many of you knows no danger. You know who the dangerous people are. The people who stood in the state house in in just again the people who
plotted to you. Don't like these are the same people. I dont you die, you don't. Ngos are few people know I dont think those are militia. Those are passing commentators. Those are there now, there's no no remorse and overall domination in Tibet, but put back, but you gotta remember that these groups, no one and that these groups are not all monolithic, wrote that look at what their belief system is and the poor boys I mean they're. Basically massage monistic people say there there you know their racist, no, they don't like women, and that should worry us too, that you about the willing accomplices, like Mcconnell, Mccarthy and guys, know better cotton. All these guys know better than this that there is willing accomplishes to all of this nonsense, feeding it day in and day out, yeah they're, the most dangerous, because they're, smarter and they're using that system to manipulate people all right. Well, listen, masturbation is in the news.
This week. That's what I have to tell you. I feel bad about constantly making fun of Jeffrey Tube, but when you do what he did, people are going to make fun, especially convenience, and just the name tubing to me. It really lends itself to Us- and I think it will probably be a word in itself in the future, meaning to masturbate during a zoom meeting h as in meeting was so boring. I was tube in the whole time, so where is so? I realize you know. Every year the dictionary they put out like the list of new words uttered neo liberalism. They call it were new words that come into the language and with this year and covert, there's gonna be a whole list that are just related to pandemic living like tube it and we look on some of the elements like the practice of bumping. Elbows instead of shaking hands is funny boning, you see what shot
where's experience when they actually fine clerks wiped, is called a store gas someone during a covid test who says, let me do it myself then gets the q tip stuck in his nose. That's a nast dumb ass. That's not getting air lifted to a hospital for treatment unavailable to the public. That's called wealth care when you're scared to even think about how long you've been wearing the same underwear, that's Friday, why these and when a wife get so drunk on resume happy hours? She even have sex with her husband, that's a short and lay open. Did you watch the debates about the vilest? I thought Trump showed me. At least he can modulate when it be very scared, because
doesn't, but he was trying any. There was part of it that looked almost a normal debate. I this little glimmer of nostalgia likely They talk about minimum wage. It was just like a normal. The Republican said that rap. They've, always had about well, it's going to cause small businesses, and you know the people get fired, and the Democrats and the Democrat shit I was like. Oh, this is so normal. and then I was reading this thing today. Ludwig blood would institute, says the real unemployment rate is twenty six point, one it's listed as seven point nine. because if you take everybody who has a part time, jobs once a full time job everybody who has no job where one has just given up twenty six point: one: that's what it wasn't the depression, that's the real unemployment in America. What are the repercussions of that? What's the remedy for that
I think the repercussions are that all of a sudden, you are going to see a spiral downward. That's that you won't be able to contain, which is why getting this stimulus packages absolutely essential as soon as possible. There is no way we can recover without increase in federal investment, but beyond that it, it has shown the fault lines in our democracy, the inequality you! I could give you a number that overlays that that basically shows that the bottom portal are going to spend that much more time recovering and as the rich people who are the stock market, just fine for them, they can zoom from home there doing ok, they're going to continue to get wealthier and wealthier and those folks at the bottom, never catch up. We need systemic capitalism reform in this country. to stop what's happening right now. We say that Mr Wall Street- well, I would say three things of that Wall: Street's getting its bail,
wow, that's a narcotic of the Federal Reserve in the modern monetary theory of just continue to street loves these covid is this day to get the money to get the money also, but that the second everything that is happening is you, do have a safety net. Today, that's different from the twenty nine thirty three depression, so you have worked compensation, you have unemployment insurance, you have. You have a safe that we need to expand that safety net. Frankly, whether Europe capitalist or social. Is it really is a matter? We have to help those people, because if you don't do that, you're gonna break down the social contract in the system. and I think the senator is ultimately very right about this- that it's going to take a very long time for people that I got hurt in this thing to pull out of it, and so things Andrew Yang's universal base income. We have to look at that because the top down structure bill is not working. You know funneling it through the Federal Reserve into the sky,
more did having the president champion. That is, his pole number is not working because you get forty five percent of the people. There really devastated right now in every low wage war growing America as a subsidy to their employer, you know when you talk about we need of this programme. Are that programme? Guess what you need to pay these folks war? you need to give them real economic opportunity, and so when you, when you say we're going to do this and do that and provide the earned income, tax, credit or universal income, guess that's a subsidy to people who work hiring people at seven, twenty five. Making millions of dollars themselves. How do people live they? Don't they don't they live? They live with housing assistance. They live on food stamps, they live on a Medicaid and the president's. to take that way, working people's health insurance mean It's an atrocity and no wonder people are mad; they just have to get to the polls and
both their good. Will it really change? That's the thing I mean here's the thing that the money that we are He spent. I mean the two point: trillion was the first Covid relief right. Okay, that's an astounding number. I mean even tarp. We were like, oh, that was the two thousand. It was like seven hundred and eighty billion and people were like, oh my god in one swift stroke, and then we went to two like. The new deal all told cost, eight hundred and fifty six billion adjusted. Marsha plan with one hundred and forty four billion, I mean we're into some crazy numbers and it doesn't get to the people. This is our fundamental problem. Besides stupidity greed and that every snout is in the trough. Only twenty percent, only twenty percent went for relief and families. It went too far in Wall Street Tuna, fifty billion and tax rate when D
This is some of which were making more profits during the pandemic. He left a big tech because it's all slanting towards them, because if you look at their through that two yeah that the Pentagon got a billion to prevent, prepared, and respond to corona virus, they spent it on space surveillance, engines and dress, uniform ass, well, just not to send you off the edge here, but North Dakota just took their covert really if money and they're giving it to people so that they can frack frack, that is for drug earlier ridiculous. Now they took an angry, engage racking they're doing that right now. Listen to this. a gas station in needles. I think that's Arizona received one hundred and fifty thousand dollars to the paycheck protection program. They spent it on Trump billboards. You know
How can we even get behind spending money when we know it's not going to go where it supposed to go? That's my point: you could digitized money and drop it in everybody's bank account and it's very clean, administratively clean, but you ve got lobbyists and you ve got politicians that are standing in the way, and you got very few politicians then we'll look into a camera and explain it directly to the american people. Ross perel was right all those years ago. Wasn't he he had the right issues, debt and you got to kill, K Street right. We had the crazy what was his aunt in the basement or yeah yeah now and then he became the guy who was not a great politician, but its he was real. Pretty it's not a swamp bill. It's a gold plated hot tub without terrain and their sittin in their smoke and sell cells. So think about this think about this and then all the hand wringing from people like Linsey, Graham about you, can't get that exercise
Sunday dollars a week if you're on unemployment, who do you think, is going to spend money in it economy. Seventy percent of our economy is consumption. If you don't get the money in the head of the people who need things, you are not going to recover and so the hand, bringing was atrocious, absolutely atrocious that people so conceded that someone's going to get six hundred dollars and then they wouldn't work for minimum wage. They won't go back to a minimum wage job pay them more pay the six hundred dollars more a month yeah. So what are Americans? What are the citizens going to do if Trump doesn't leave or puts up a big fight or if he wins by voter suppression, that's how dictators around the world stay in office. They have elections, they just rigged them he's going, but I'll take the other side of that bed. This guy is a coward he's a keyboard.
Warrior he's ever had a direct confrontation with anybody in his life. He even when Chris, while he was in a room in the summary, put up the tweets of course, while as he started, you know kissing his ass. Ok, he is a keyboard warrior coward and he is going you're. Gonna get okay in the next eleven days, which is a scary MCI. I might add, he's gonna get the short you've got fifty five million people in eleven days, because that's how long you had that job, just one longer than my last name and since eleven now, where we're calling that a Caranford night is two weeks on this Scaramucci is. I wish then there's like a week. Vacation take a Scaramucci. Okay on me all right. but he's going he's going, he's gonna get routed, it's good get routed. I don't know: if he's going he's not gonna go easily, he
kicking and screaming the military. You want to turn a democracy into an autocracy, need the military he's the most hated commander in chief in the modern era. No retired, general or active duty officer likes this guy and go look at the enlisted to women. They dislike him. I hope you're, right over the years- let's be honest, he's been awful to so many people whose somehow stay loyal to him among the meal because he was in power well? Well it also. I was a lifelong republican and I thought it was my duty to try to stay lower, but the people there became a limit Republicans. I understand that bill was Commander in chief at that moment, I got two may, even if they hate him, if he's like Well, I'm your commander in chief- and I say I'm still the present because a irregularities- okay, while I'm here on your show, to help those people with an off ramp to get to reality and to where our democracy needs,
to be, and it's not him and he's got to go, I hope so we're working tirelessly, but I just would like to know if you think that american citizens are capable of a general strike like they have in France too much in France, always Every time I been there, I can. I cannot get a beggar. You out like get either vacation other on on strike, but I mean the whole country, don't like something the whole country just as well we're all stopping is. It is What America do you said that the covert playing at amateurs we don't have that means stopping on per by others in, but we don't have that kind of community we're. So disparate in our country, I don't know if you could unify us like that. If what disparate. I don't know if you can unify us where everybody just universally goes on strike like they do in, but I think I think sixty percent of the country the country wants go for. We we find out out more more than that, but that's a lot of people.
If they got in the street, you I mean we have. After a lively, was elected. We had the leap pussy right now, the pussy hat, the women's mark, the women's Mars right, pussy riot, that band in Russia, pussy hat, is what they had a pussy hat and it wasn't a riot other than that. I'm fine, but you know it in a few days and everybody went home, and that is not fair though, but you know I applaud them. I wasn't there at all, but they went and then they started and organizing- and let me tell you in the in the hundredth anniversary of women's right to vote. Yes, what's gonna happen
women started this movement the day after the inaugural and they're, going to end it on election day and his ass is going out all right, we'll end on that positive note, he is the Oscar and Golden Globe Award Winning actor, whose new book is called green lights, Matthew, Mcconaghy, hey! Are you doing well good to see you on how you doing? Thank you for doing this. Your book is fascinating. I tell you for a guy who, for so long, was known as a beach bum, who didn't own a shirt you're a very deep guy. You really are so Don't you just start off by telling people what that title means, because I think it's an important of the book yeah, so I me keeping a diary, six years and finally get Kirsty. diaries away to go, see what they were. What I found
thirty six years writings were stories. People places prescribes poems prayers and a whole lot of bopper stickers. Then I looked at them those, and I found the central theme of green light. I found that I'd conjuring lights in my life, the green light to things that we we like us freedom they they go, they affirm our way. I found it I've created a lot of those in my life by choices I made. I found that in a lot of ways they were thrown in my lap and I got very fortunate and lucky and did good things with them. I also found that allow the yellow and red light to my life crisis is hardships death. My father year a broad rather lost green light assets in them that revealed themselves later in life. Now, when we realize that there's a green light asset in a red or yellow light in our life is sort of relative, sometimes we notice it in the moment. Sometimes we notice that next week next week, sometimes we notice it aren't death bed, but I do believe that eventually, in the rear view, mail life, all the green, all the yellow and red lights do eventually turn green. Well,
boy. You got that down yeah and so much of the book. Honestly. Do you remember that old doses? Maybe it's still on commercial, the most interesting man in the world yeah I mean so many of the passages are like copy for the next most interesting man in the world He smoked peyote in Mexico in a cage with a mountain lion. If you did that you were black nailed into having sex at fifteen. Even I would have been the blackmailer You wanna tell them, I wrote, as I wrote in the book, and I didn't give a whole lot of details on that. I was raised thinking. I wasn't going to lose my virginity until I was married, and at least, if I did it was going to be with someone that I had a really good relationship with well. neither those happened. This girl was much older and, as I write the book I said I was very sure at the time that I was going to
well for the act and now I really hope hope that that is not the case the real issue that I hope, that's not the case S. Your court, you are a philosopher, that's that's the interesting part and you did something in your career that is very rare, witches you change the perception of yourself. That's the hardest thing to do in show business. You know what you get a label on you, it sticks and you manage to find a way to not be the beach bum with the shirt off. You know to be this. guy. You want to tell the care I want to do that. Well, what happened was was the rom com guy. I was the shirtless guy on the beach. That was fine. Yes, I said it then and I'll say it now: those rom coms, I was doing we're paying the rent for the, houses on the beach rabbit, shortlist shirtless, the value that part, but I did notice that that's all
that I was in the public eye and that's all I was to studio finances in Hollywood there, I want to do dramatic roles that they were not being offered. They were not an option for me, so at a time when I said I I can't do. What I want to do is stop doing what I've been doing. What Harry Proposition such check with my wife check my money, manager and agent said I'm going to stop doing wrong coms? Well, guess what okay? That's all that came in for six months fourteen point five million dollar offer for one, and that was harder to say no to because I got a little relative, I'm not going really you're gonna send not to this, which I, finally and then for fourteen months after that, nothing came in call. My agent goes no, no one's even mentioned your name, so twenty month sabbatical after twenty months of a sabbatical from Hollywood being gone. Not seeing me shirtless on the beach, not seeing me in your living room or in a theater in a rom com. I became a new good idea. Where's Mccanna had been
forgot about it, we'll guess he's a good. I didn't ask for Lincoln Lawyer Killer Joe Paper boy mud to detect. All Firestar MAGIC mine? I just so that movie that one you turned down for fourteen point: five, what was it and who did it. I'm not telling, and it didn't get it made. I write the other reason I beg you were able to do. Is you just have an ape like ability, which is rare, but you know usually carries the dead. It's interesting. You talk about your big breakthrough time to kill the other guy was up, for it was the other jack, I think in your generation who was the only one who has the same amount of likeability, which is a friend from another mother reaffirm another month. Well, know, you're both sons of Texas. You have this weird family history which I'll get into in a minute, but it sure is not area, but we still debatable.
I wish to voice my mom's got a story that makes us both. Think wages might be related. Will ya let's just leave that hanging out there, because this is so interesting. You were born to parents who are on John they're third marriage to each other, heard of people getting married twice? In fact, I googled it lots. It's interesting lots of really prominent interesting good people Larry King Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton Eminem: did it Richard prior? Did it dungeon? Melanie Griffith. Did it Natalie Wooden Robert Wagon Judge, Fuckin Judy? Did it overruled herself and married this twice, but your parents, three times you were married, read after this. So how do you think that affected you great question?
throw this abject Camilla, who I'm now married to her parents did the inverse of what mine did. They were married twice divorced three times they ended. Divorced, so we came into this going hey this little marriage thing that our parents had they they've been really good. Lessons of can't live with you can't live without you we're not rushing into this. You know my parents liked their relationship being a tidal wave in the Pacific Ocean. I don't I didn't. I didn't want to go marry. Someone like as much like my mother who needed that much resistance continually to get along. I want to keep the passion. I have a passion relations, but I like more of a slow moving river was wrapped
along the way, so it really didn't scare us away from marriage, but it made us take our time, maybe a little extra time before we decided hey. This is what we want to do and we want to choose each other to spend our lives together with. Well, it's interesting. You know, reading about your family violence, it's a big theme in your book. Violence followed by love You know you talk about. You know you love your father very much, but he whipped your ass and that you describe a fight in the kitchen between your mother and your father, like a bar fight with a knife in a broken bottle and they wind up fucking. On the floor, I mean you talk about defence, your father at a bar, and he loved you for it, because you got the shit of you there's a lot and then you have these dreams. This recurring streams where you're surrounded by the most violent creatures in nature, the shark right, the python, the crocodile and then you come. It's a wet dream discount.
a nightmare. Well, everything you said, look at what the outcome of each one of us was: they end up with love, winning my mom don't get to fight. They end up, make eleven the floor a moment. I give it get a divorce. twice they end up being married I have dreams that have the elements of absolute nightmares by any practical look at it and they end up being a wet dream, the love in our family and the violence that was in our family and trust me. There was a much much more compassion and good times and hugging and all the along. I tell these stories about our family that have to do with consequences and have some violence and and because Those were the times where the love that we have was tested the most but was never going to get be. So I think that's why adore these stories and tell them as love stories so much because there are times when that love got tested, but the love is never going to being questioned. The love is never going to lose the fight and it never did okay,
Well, listen! I'm looking forward to your third act. Whenever that's going to start because I know you're a seeker and then I'll be seven different. Still, Thank you for doing this key Boston where we'll do a home next to it. Okay, now it's time for new rules, everybody new rules. Okay, your rules, your rule, if you buy the silicone face, slimmer, designed to stretch the mouth muscles, thereby slimming your face, you can't be surprised when your husband leaves you for a blow up doll sophisticated simplistic, neural never buy anything from an ad where a kid at breakfast says dad you rock dad actually rocking the untoward doing blow and dredging hotel rooms
here's how you know he doesn't rock it's six, a m and he's cooking for you neural. The media must stop, trying to scare us with bullshit horror stories about marijuana like this one, and dies after pot plant liquefied his brain nice dry. But where I come from a liquid Your brain is selling point PS. That's not even a pot plant douche bag
The zoom app has to change its name by this poor guy. We fucking hit him at the beginning. We hit him in the middle and we hit him at the end has to change its name. We can see your penis. I realize that's a mouthful, but apparently some people need reminding that if there's one thing nobody likes seeing on their computer, it's unwanted popup someone must tell harmonica players that the reason they always have the blues is because nobody wants to watch someone play harmonica because it sounds like you're, auto tuning, an asthma attack and finally neural an election is meant to eliminate candidates, not voters
in Georgia. Early voting in the wealthier white neighborhoods in Atlanta took just fifteen minutes barely enough time for the poodle in the car to get hot. With voting. some black areas didn't line for up to eight hours in Texas, the governor decreed, let there be only one ballot, dropbox per county, which is fine for loving county population hundred and sixty nine but high risk. which includes the city of Houston and as two point, four million eligible voters spread across an area larger than Rhode Island also got one box, some stage to put your mail and ballot inside an envelope and then put that envelope to us second envelope and then sign the oversight, you're doing a magic trick for people who say both parties. Are basically the same. Voter suppression is the stark example that that's not true This is one hundred percent. A republican thing
They know their policies aren't as popular, so they came up with an effective time tested political called cheating, cheating. I can't make you to vote for maybe, maybe I can keep you from voting for the other guy? That's their credo, the best men lose anyway. The other night. I was watching. One of those obstacle course chose. You know the ones were contestant ass to get across the terrain of giant, bouncy balls and slippery balance. Beams and swing on friggin ropes, like Tarzan, then occurred to me, while watching this watching Ricardo loses on a foam roller? This is exactly what our voting system is turned into. Its american ninja warrior democracy. I try to
go forward without getting knocked off. The voter rolls with and physical prowess in our most challenging steeple chases, like the eliminate or where you show, to vote only to find your polling place has been plidge flash you're taking a bath or then the excruciated, where you finally find your polling place, but the line is hours long, because they've shut down all the other polling places and your precinct has been given the old broken voting machines perp long, The MIS identifier, where you finally get to the front of that line that you've been waiting in for hours and they tell you that you have the wrong id, so you can swim so
monkey wrench, where you say: okay, fine I'll mail in my ballot, only to find they remove the only mailbox in the neighborhood or no and finally, brand new this year, try to stay dry when going up against the obstruct or where you say, fuck it I'll, just Drop off my mail and ballot at a designated draft Bob Box only define there's only one two point: four million It's amazing how how and Republicans have become an owning voter suppression back in March, when Democrats were pushing for by male same day. Registration and early voting tromp because he's a poker Player will always tells you is and said this would result in levels of voting that if you'd ever agree to it, you'd never have a Republican elected in this country again. Well, not quite, but
guess, more people voted for democratic process, known as counting David Louis, is a state rap from North Carolina? He was tasked with redistricting any. gave one of the most honest rationales for partisan, gerrymandering, Mandarin you'll ever here. He said, I think, electing Republic, This is better than electing Democrats, so I drew this map in a way to help. Well must have been such a relief for a cheater like that to stop pretending that they were a good reason for their cheating and just say it like one more finally admit that they had touchy magic wand? Isn't for her back well. Here's my message to the cheaters. I've always preached on this, show that you can hate trump. You can't hate his supporters, I meant it then, and I mean it.
But that goes out the window. If you steal from me, my vote is a thing of value. You steal it I do hate you, because that's not that's not. We see the world differently. Our politics are different. That's your a crook, a thief and a schmuck, elections are supposed to be free and fair, not wet wild and if you wait eight hours to vote when you get out of the booth, you deserved it this all right, that's our show! I want to take my guest Anthony Scaramucci hide hide, can Matthew, Mcconaghy and Ben Shian we'll be back next week. Thank you very much, folks catch all new episodes of real time with Bilmar every Friday night at ten or watch him many times on HBO on demand for more information log on to HBO com.
Transcript generated on 2020-10-25.