« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

What Does It Really Mean To Be Woke?, with Andy Frisella - MFCEO315

2019-09-25 | 🔗

Are you "woke?" That's a phrase that's thrown around a lot these days. Sometimes it's used in politics to talk about people who say they really care about racism & injustice & sometimes it's used for dudes who think they've uncovered a worldwide conspiracy that nobody else knows about! But what does it really mean to be "woke," to have your eyes opened to what life is all about & what it takes to be happy & successful?

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I guess that the money is totally wrong, flies dogmatize, that's what I mean my family wouldn't have food. Anybody know what he's got used to the end of your project on eighty, I'm, your host, the motherfucker, see oh gosh. Today we can afford. podcast ready for you're enjoyment, but before I get into that, like remind you that we do have a fee for this podcast fee. Is this if you like it share it if give value out of its share it? If you don't like it, don't share. If you didn't you value don't share, that's the fee, as always enjoyed by my handsome good looking. Extremely jack self and my michael host
one color? I don't think it's an f, it's a win when they get value out of this podcast to share it. You know, yeah, I mean you're rubbing off on me a little bit. You know that cockiness and everything- oh that's just confidence, bro yeah, backed by action. You know how dare you, how dare you, how dare you mock my cockiness, we're taking away my opportunity to be cocky by making in front of me ahead of time? How dare you, rob me of my download numbers, rob me of my ipod quest swagger. You should be ashamed. I do wonder how many people know where alluding to fuck it everybody on the internet as the air
I gotta say I was little out of it. Somebody shared it with me and I was like what is clear is the most ridiculous should ever fuckin seen yet like knowing only talk politics or whatever, but let's be fuckin real, hiring a fuckin. Twelve year old girl were to fuck? She is the whose use Sixteen, whose clear an actress, clearly an actress to get up there and pander for your political views as an adult, pretty fuckin low yeah, you don't say yeah, so yeah that's just a new law like like I'm not even this is not me being favour towards a party or not like the political game as a whole has become a fucking. It's become a torch issue, yet on both sides on all sides. At all, it's just a fucking is now it's not even real shoe anymore. It's like what can we do
That's more outrage in this society. Now. What can we do that or outrageous and more out there and more ridiculous to get people to talk. What can we do? I ran across a fucking influence guerrilla quorum quote louis, your last I like. Every photo of this chick has put her nipple, showing like that's your thing like her nipples like sticking out and is just like dude. What are we getting to you don't say like: where are we going like? We are willing to do literally anything to give fuckin attention You know as a society and then you weren't look around and wonder why soggy so fucked up, you know you a grown adults, makings, checks, tapes on purpose and making them weak on purpose them. Sucking someone's dick on a video on purpose so that people can become more famous like it's just It's like and then you're.
The plan is that we have the fork and problems that we have like dude you, mother out there right now, listening needest realize This is this: is our fault, europe. We have it just disgusting to me at this point, but he's just discussed the attic. What is next like every fucking person on the internet, it it's like why can I do to make people talk. Any aid starts from fuckin young king all the way, the fucking, half of the world's strongest leaders. It's like we ve openness box of. zero content. Zero substance or flash no fun, I can you know what saying and adjust its absurd I get it so absurd like, and then people have asked me.
Why don't you have kids yahoo, I think, is pretty fucking obvious. Why don't have fucking kids, because I don't want out Explain to them why every single for in person on the internet has their dick or their pussy or their ass or their tits hanging out I don't want to explain to them why people should have fuck and schools. I don't want to explain to them. Why grown adults higher young kids too, to pay no the causes to get attention? I don't want to explain to them all this shit. I don't wanna splitting to them how others seventy thousand different genders. Now, when I grew up with fuckin man and woman, I don't explain to him you're saying like you got it. I've done enough work in my life, not ready to do all that extra work. You know yeah we're bringing people in this world who are fucking the dude. I feel before what were they going to have to look to? What are they going to? Have you say really going. I absolutely get what you're saying and what one
the things that I think makes it even more. Demoralising. Is that in addressing all of those issues, almost every single issue that you ever that you just mentioned when good people, when people of goodwill who are not hate, who are not out trying to hurt anybody start. raising very legitimate questions? Your currently silenced. You, like oh you're, triggering me or you're being offensive or oh You have your missouri redneck from his area will not for Missouri, doesn't understand anything nine, while the fucker. I know for sure that if I had Two little girls are three like you do or, like my brother does then I wouldn't explain to them. Why people that day, I can see on the internet or with the with the fuckin nipple not all the time she liking do like I'm not saying I like nipples are fucking love, em, but then it forever by you fuck, you say you're insane, people come on here. Do you fuck it up there for yeah,
You know why I'm sick of siena dude, like do you're gonna, be jacket after fuckin like. bugs body and should eventually because her so desensitized till I skin. Now, it's like what the fuck you're an absolute like. I shouldn't be able to fucking open up my phone and see seventy five percent of the post, some sort of like bragging. You don't have san like now. I tell you beauty, man and I I one of the greatest things on the planet was the invention of the mute. Oh yeah chosen mute, functional, instagram agendas. Tell you. People like I fall out of people and if you start, if you start to pretty much post, nothing but half naked pictures and just stupid stuff and by the way includes due to high, followed this dear. He was constantly posting pictures of himself bear justice. Like did. I want to see that
let me let me guess he prime made his own supplement brand now to fifty upright, This was a great about me. I presume you simply do not all eyes when I get it back in lies. Now I gotta us over it. You know who What are you guys trying to do right? You know what I mean my dude we've sat here, fucking literally given away how to build a real company for the last five years on this podcast, how to build a real company and still people they'd rather become some sort of you know Do people get what they fucking they're gonna durno they're, going to read the seas. I saw on sand that's issues I see you see it the world. the people see it, but a lot of these younger motherfuckers. They don't get it. You know and they're gonna be these especially in business. You know these these kids, who have figured out how to it. You know.
Tat the system on let's say some, sort of online marketing right and then their cause? only filling it back with a new product, new progress, yeah bro you and I bought a hurricane. You stood in front of it and fucking and your bawler kuwait. What now? What for now the old saying easy come easy go right! That's that's not different! Today, it's not it's! Not it's! think people realise that there are no. No, twenty years, there are professional athletes to have made enormous amounts of money money anymore for managing and they blow through on. You know how many mothers occurs out there. Mrs notch is not exaggeration either, who are in entrepreneur space that I know- and I know well enough to have regular conversation with that- have asked me for money. And they're out there frighten, like they're fucking, fallen by I'm talking about people that people know have been like ebro are needed Oh hey, I need this and you know what no disrespect to anybody he's asked me that, because dude, I appreciate the fact that you trust me
to do that, I would never violate that trust, but people that are fucking out front and then ask him for alone, on the back in from you, don't say, like your some wrong with that. Yeah, like you got your priorities straight, you know an issue dude all in all it is these young guys getting caught up young guy girls getting caught up, because for guys it's more like the material shit right and do not contribute to this. Two, because I show my shit, but the truth is I on my shit, I fucking. Do I got home, of people around me that make great livings because of sheep then I endured for years when nobody was fucking around our drive fuck I want I'll say whatever the fuck I want and I'll do whatever the fuck I want, and you know what, if you'll like it, you have to follow me, but the truth is if you're fucking twont in your twenties and you're trying to hang with somebody who's? My age or somebody you know who's been doing a real company bro you
we go broke. Trying to fucking impress somebody and it's not worth it absolutely. You know and these girls, who are doing a friend whose who's got a little sister who seventeen years old and I see her little sister online with her fucking boobies hanging out. You know what I'm saying and her fucking her swimmers who pulled up or an I'm just like weirdo, flock. Is society go in rural? You don't say like I'm just so: it's so ridiculous- is and, like you remember, you know, people think argued. What do you hate non like I've? I say right while people are saying, oh while you're just hating on women's bot. No, I'm not fucking love women's bodies. Awesome, I just think, there's a place for it. You know what I'm saying now at your right and and but see, that's the thing people should run run out there, like, I feel, like people are out there doing shit to throw their fucking. Viewpoint in your face and then try to get you to get you to say something in response, so they can attack you right
you, like that I fuck a show my nipples on instagram. Don't follow me Bobby out again look one day, you're right, explain that shit, someone right, you know I'm sand right, One day you're gonna have to explain why mom did this or why dad did this like shit doesn't even cross these motherfuckers mines right, you don't what I mean, but that's it that's a perfect example, because the minute you raise a question like you know, you might listen, I'm not judging you, I'm just I assure you might want to consider not wearing you know a piece of ass. You know right in Immediately, it becomes role. I urged me, your body, shaming me. No, I'm not! I'm just raising the question just saying do let our I roll into a fuckin strip club. I expect that shit, I'm paying customer I'm assembly which child you don't sound like do I get it but like what are we? What are we doing here?
there's no context. People don't have no wise, it's the same people, they don't like here's. I think this is related. Its peak you don't have a common sense to know that when they ask you to come, speak to some cause, you done this before you. Spoken alike, junior high. Football teams. Stuff, like that, it's the people that think that they need to tell you. Ok, you watch the language. Oh shit, no kidding yeah, like no kids, no order. They treat me like I'm some neanderthal dumber right. That's not aware of that, but it's the that same kind of mrs Halonen longer spoken, email, Emily and say what I live with Andy idiot. I bet is really motivate you. If I can think stand on my kitchen counter. Fuckin, maybe you can fuck doing like do what the fuck are you guys thinking like those burgers dude. I yeah real love but dude
like it's just so it's just so absurd. Now you know, and then you have like this is going to make some people mad, but it's the truth. You got these fucking women who think that they're so fucking smart because they're hot, they think they're outsmart in all these dudes right now, and I think that I get all these dudes to pay their bills and shit. You know that my word for right now, but what happens when you're fuckin forty and there's twenty five year old? Guess what you're off the fuckin roster and therein you're out our right. You know, and those people don't think that shit is gonna happen to him. Reduce out there. That does that shit, that the girls think they're fucking elsewhere when, in reality, the guys, the ones? That's that's, the smart one by law take us a step further than what, if what if they are successful, what if they get to be fifty and sixty in that system, still works for them. you gotta. Ask yourself if I know that this Dude is literally just with me because my physical,
Am I really can be happy like? Am I gonna? If I just have this system, that's based on my appearance and based on whenever I give him and that's a sort of contractual thing, it's not really based on love or friendship or me, your appreciation by really gonna be happy people just don't understand they understand the short cuts are not going to give them long term happiness is this is not an that's that's what our whole our whole cultures, like that short cut, short cut short cut, what I want fame. I wanna. I don't want to do anything. I went crazy. I wanted make my own rules and if I get it, I've been around short term results. Some justify high fuckin flower, instagram and youtube folks did their whole day is geared around how many likes. How many views on how many comments are going to get on the content of the unseen is crazy and anxious. It's become an obsession. It's become
like that is not life. I'm sorry, she's, not like people get mad and they're like oh andy. Why don't you put out more content? Womp, I'm pretty sure I put out a lot of content. That's free. I don't really futures obsessive with whether people are. I I don't you speak in my language. I haven't. I, don't you the need to do that. You know why cause I actually own real companies that really matter yeah. You know and that's another value, doing something real yeah. I know where I'm going. With all this to be honest, lacks lad. Thought I want to just you know: early on, obviously were poked fun it that I don't even know what her name is. Armed groups gretta somebody's gonna make a sixteen year old, girl, you're fucking right. I am now but we are talking about that now, this race, or so I make fun of her parents for allowing the b there you know life, I Should we feel very strongly is apparent cause? Might you know my wifi network were strong catholics and were pro life, but I actually have I ever I have credible
hesitation about ever bring in my girls to those kinds of things, because there they don't know, that's not what they believe. There too young so in other words, I'm not gonna like I'm, not gonna, bring judges, collapse. kids to whatever political rally I'm coming to, because that's what I believe, because I That's using your kids raids. That's what I think. That's what I think these people did. They use this little sixteen year old girl for their own. Political purposes, because she doesn't know, I don't care how smart she is. She doesn't know she's. Lived long enough to really understand all the issues and consider all the different sides, I don't believe it they used to. but anyway, regardless. What? What are you you post about this couple days? Go it got me thinking about this term woke? you were woke and here s a locust, the weakest motherfuckers that are woke are the ones we are talking about here, too I regret that their walk around fuckin sleeping well, Exactly will do the thing.
The main issue that I have with is the primary way that used is usually wouldn't somebody says: you're woke, it mean that you suddenly open your eyes to like the seriousness of racism and and inequality and injustice? and I got to say in this case. I am personally offended by that, because I actually think I do care about those things but when somebody says they're woke what that really means is used we bought into all the far left politically Fact solutions, as are things right, you're only walker, only work if you actually agree with our solution, that's right and as I'm? So I thought I was saying dude. I guess ain't that people are only woke to the amount to wear their weakness, aligns with there the idea of what they think the world should be right, and if it's not that, it's not that then you're slit your sleep, yeah, you're, fuckin, cheap you're, fucking, mother, fucker,.
These these people have no fucking clue. Nuttin did most of these people haven't done a god. Damn thing I know you hate that term, but that's the fuckin try area they haven't done shit, ok and they're out there. Fuckin, given their life advice and their belief advice with no fucking evidence to back it up other than I got some likes on my fucking instagram pipe with my boobies right now. I'm sand gray, if I had fuckin big teddy's and a big ass. You normally fuckin powers that have an instagram I'd, have fucking all of them right, that's true, it is true, so I thought maybe we fun to talk about like what does it mean to be woke according the mfc, oh project, and I the honestly the very first thing I thought because to me, when you think of you know, fuck you. You know you waking up your you're, for if we really want to talk about what woke is woke is, understanding.
being a realist verses living in ideal. A situation like waking up from a dream or yes right, like rats so, like my most people that fucking you as the term are avoiding dealing with reality, there there saying they would not woke as we're not buying into the ideal. Is shit, doesn't even exist right. I mean sure it's easy to say. Oh, All these things should be this way. There should be no racism, there should be no fucking. Gender us morphia, yet this war you're fuckin discrimination. Theirs, would be no hate there, but the eyes. Sort of fuck we're gonna do about it you don't say and limits the actual resolution do and the solutions that are being presented are so fucking absurd that it's like ok, well you're, not even you're, not even reality. You don't mean salt. What's, disappointing to me, is that we as a
people as a society. Are more concerned with having our opinion, be right. There We concerned with actually solving the plan and that cultural, social media we put an idea, social media. We wanted to polarizing. We wanted to because we know that if its polarizing guess what we get, we get eyeballs we get traffic, we get buzz. Which is ultimately self serving? Which means I can sell shit. It means I get. Aid more to sell more fuckin teeth, whitening right, that's what this is about its about money and people, fuckin, stupid, came and understand it like dude we're not going to is any the problems in this fucking country or in this world until people stop doing shit. That is completely self serving right. So how what's going to happen now how it's gonna happen.
I know how it's going to happen. You're going to have to could take your fuckin shit on a daily basis. But people who want to do that they want they want to pick up the phone, because there oh by all the experts pick up your phone and say some shoot your phone. You know what they're some shit, you prize shouldn't say in your fuckin phone, not because it doesn't get likes or views are fucking comments, but because it's wrong You don't have San absolute, absolutely just wrong. Like people forget like for me, I've been trying to not use as much language, and sometimes I fail. that, because dude, that's Why am it's, how I speak right, but trying to improve on that, because no there's kids that are eleven twelve thirteen watching me who are going to say that's how.
Need to talk to be successful, which is completely wrong. Ok, it's and I feel guilty about that, but I do in a big scheme of things that such a little thing compared to the other shit I'm talking about like, if I may, dress over how many times I say the word back but of a twelve year old kid verses like tea, you then that they gotta go out and sell their bodies to fucking, make something to themselves or, if you're not good, a king or if your not this, you're, nothing. You know what I mean google that's what's goin on here is just it's got a point: just absurd. You know: and the wind blown off on the ship. I think, is a video that chick like night, like dude, I'm watching this video and seeing an actress europe, like an actress reading like what our first watched I thought it was of It was somebody reading for a part. One
how should the video again go? Watch it again she's looks like somebody auditioning for a fucking part in romeo and juliet yours and yeah mean fuck. She's good she's got a future in that I'm not kidding, no serious that that girl, nor name don't care. but she's got a future and acting now was great, but I'm just saying the point of the point of it. You know is the real problem flock. I don't know. They're probably is its power probably bad, that we were ever. but he drives a fuckin car. It's probably bad that there's pollution and all these things, I am sure that there is a real problem here, but the problem on that? We really have is you make. It is so ridiculous that the people who can actually saw that warning that pay attention, because you it a fucking joke right, You see, I'm saying no absolutely, and I actually think where the biggest issues is that I do
I'm sure you run into you go. Did he get it's hard to take someone serious when there dressed up like a mother, fucking clown and they ve got their entire, Emily dressed up like a fucking clown as some sort of fuckin parade as well. listen to that shit. It's hot! You can't take that shit. Serious, like dude, is there a problem between be between the races? Fuck? Yes, there's a problem: how do we fix that? We don't fix it by standing up for our foot, in power and make it an annex. do. The media is taking things and people are taking things they're, making the walls bigger, not smaller. Which is what we need there's no way the old dialect happening, there's no real fucking diets. Our dialogue happening? You only mean this. Is it's bullshit? How did you build your company? one fucking customer at a time, one person at a time how sexy is that it's terrible precisely. Why so
How do you change society, one person, hours time and all that movements at all love on is the problem? Is people not fucking? Listen, they don't listen. How many people do you know that? Don't agree with you politically, ok. Could you a real conversation with back and forth. You know I don't know, I mean I've. I've done a pretty good job editing my I'm now around people that, even when they disagree with me, they're, usually quality people who can have some some good conversation, but on balance like and I'm hardly ever on facebook- and when I am on facebook, is just to say stupid. I know one person. I know one person, I know lots people that don't agree with how I see things politically: ok, blots. I know one person I can have a real conversation with that, actually is more rooted in the other the other way yearningly gaia. That's all, knock on them that that's a knock on the way we communicate humans,
you're. Don't are saying the same shit. I see these fuckin do too unlike middle of the road dude right like I don't give a fuck about social stuff. I care about the economy so like do go out. They're fucking, if you're gay gay, if you, if you would ever be, would have everybody should be equal. I totally agree with all that shit. a million percent. But I want the economy to work. I don't agree with giving shit out to everybody in spreading the well that's bullshit. I never gonna work, it's for the economy and not always it never gonna work. It never has its work. That's what I'm saying it's, but do you know what you can I have that conversation with people, because they're so fucking want to be. There will be right, exceeds their will to fix the problem and that's the problem that you know what's funny about what we're talking about this disposed to be a business podcast, probably a lot of people thinking right now, this
the entrepreneur podcast on listening to idiots talk about politics here, no shit, you're right, maybe don't know shit, but I tell you this thinking Well, everything is working in business too. You know what I mean and we got a big fucking problem with it here in this country. Big, absolutely like people on the fucking coasts think that everybody in MID west some fucking gun, toting mass murder, fucking gun freak who wants to like? They know your need, a our fifteen for hunting, no fucking shit. You know, that's not the purpose, the purpose of fucking second amendment is the fuck and protect the people from a government right like the truth, is The way the fucking thing was written. We should be able to buy fuckin tanks and aircraft carriers and all the other shit to so the point point of having a nail fifteen years almost pointless, because that the whole The second amendment has been shit on already, so people are just fucking but their absurd about it. You know
we're gonna, fuck and calm, and take your shit we're too Do you live like How are you going to do that? The people there our were taking. The shit believe and keeping their own shit. You girls, like issues, absurd argument that we're like hearing all these fuckin ridiculous things like there are the right of a possible. You don't mean, like you do, I believe there should be strict regulations. Fuckin right there should be. I shouldn't be able walk into a gun, store in fuckin, missouri and walk out the fucking thirty round magazine high capacity. Today And I can do that. I should not be able to do that. It should issue as least as hard is getting a driver's license. I know right there should be some shit that goes into getting one, but you should still be able to get the shit. That's the truth. Ok now. Do we have a problem for sure we have a problem, why
all these shootings happening, why they happening apple, refused to take responsibility for what the real reason is, because if you take the guns away, gonna be shooting. It's gonna, be stabbing. you, take the nice away. It's gonna be fuckin driving people with car, The cars away, it's gonna, be bombs, take the bombs or what what's the real platinum here real problem here is that we got a fucking culture problem at the core of america. That is not good resolved in any way, because every mother fucker this trying to resolve. It is doing so with the idea that they are going to get something out of it. They want to be the person who passed gun reform. They want to be the person who created this amazing fucking law that fuckin did this? It's not about What's best for the country anymore, it's about what's best for the individual, on their fucking social media and that a right and percent, I think the whole
we're gonna issue and really every issued america. People are trying to address the symptoms rather than the root cause, and you just you just said it. It's a cultural thing guns or not. The problem the culture, the reality is. guns have always been this available. There, we ve been the norville? Do you know that I grew up with people who, like the adults in my like when I was a little kid kansas, they dont used to tell me stories and taken the rifles to school like they used to do it all the time and people never got shot station. It was not the guns. The issue is what is happening or erika, though we ve had a cultural breakdown in what's right, I'll tell you, wait and see but it's me, you agree fuckin right. Yet we got killed, it's now who grew up for fuck twelve years or eight years, believing that every he's going to win, we have an entire generation of people to actually believe that we have an attack? a new generation of people to believe that the world is a fair place. We
italian generation of people that believe they deserve to have a fuckin mic mansion. We have an entire generation of people that think they deserve to make a thousand dollars a year out of fucking college or high school matter. and you can't, but you don't deserve it right. We tower generation, I believe, all this shit who is TAT all this shit from the time they were fucking, eight years old till the time they pocket. Sixteen eighteen and you scale plus or two years. Ok all people are now fuck. Twenty one. Twenty two, twenty three, twenty four. Ok now we're getting a taste of the real fucking world which is fuck you, I'm gonna win and you're gonna fucking loose and that's reality Ok, the nature of fucking world is, if you're good you win. If you're bad, you won't. That's the truth. So now we have a situation where, because of selfish gain, and because of popularity. We have assessed
situation where people are completely missing, and about the way the world works, because all these people time tired shit. What shit wanted beat their choice. asked about how great they are. Look at me, I'm so progressive. I'm such a good person, I'm teaching my kids, the red shit, yeah you're, teaching your kids the idealistic way the world should be, but the truth is you job is not to teach them the way the world should be your job, to teach and the way the world can be. to teach the world the way it is, teaching them how to reform it. That's what should have been fuckin too, and so now we have a situation where these motherfuckers they come out. school, the color college. They got a hundred grand and debt. They got you. absolute pay. Thirty, six thousand dollars a year and If I can see no hope, no future, they get boy which you know do when I was a kid. I boyd my whole life nor I learned punch while the fucking of foot and mouth do that anymore. Otherwise, you got. What can jail ok, so we got this far
Idealistic fucking culture clash with the reality of real world, and people are coming out and their extremely desperate, because they can't pay. Therefore can bills do they have? No future. They realise that the world's socks and there's like fuck do I was twenty two years or will not be so mother, fucking pissed off my parents, for what they fuckin taught me. It be insane because their parents it up and those are the same and now and now they're like oh, I dunno why they turned out that way. They turned out that way. because that's what you fucking tolerated, that's what you talk and there's no accountability for this. No it's coming out, saying hey! You know what we re fuck a mistake which you did At another layer onto that, not only do they come out, they get a shock to their system because they realise that, though, that the world is not a playground but David
he's been taught that their special and their great. They don't have to do anything about it and deep inside they know. I don't really feel at about myself. So it's not my fault it. Let's be your fault or his fault or it must be, because, I'm being oppressed for being, you know, fill in the blank instead of being taught, listen you do have intrinsic value before god? But if you want to feel good about yourself, you gotta do something you gotta do something Did you gotta be contributing member of society, gonna, fuck and self esteem? You ve got a confidence. You gotta earn self belief. You, ve gotta earn happiness. Just like you would earn a good body just like you will earn a good income just like you were, earn a great relationship with by the way you have two fucking motherfuckers, you aren't, I I don't look a relationship if you're a piece of shit, you're gonna, do a piece of shit I just did a whole story on this. My instagram about this yesterday tat everybody, talking about how
everybody else is a hate, her mother fucker, he was wearing a by all these people, a hate on you, it's because you're Haider is because- you're, the friend whose telling people oh just had that wonder. If it's not a big deal, you know what just skipper. one work, I'm not a big deal. You know, fuck work do call in sick, you think you're. Being a great friend you're, actually being a hate or because you got this other person that you're supposed to care about and you're putting your fucking once you want them to drink with you want them to go to the restaurant with you, you want. We call on sick to work you're, putting again your phone being selfish desires ahead of someone else whose lying to butter themselves, and then you have the nerve to say openly hates or new york motherfucker anchor, you know of san. Did it's brilliant. Do I hear it
the matter is, and this is the fucking truth, nobody fucking cares. Nobody gives a, Fuck, what triggers your anxiety? Nobody gives a fuck. What triggers you emotionally knowing here's! How much money you make or don't make you after care, no one cares what kind of shape hearing you after care, and dude all these motherfuckers out there. They do take out a completely backwards. You know they think, do my parents told me. I should always love myself. No, you shouldn't always love yourself. If you do, when things that you know are in line with what the fuck you're supposed to do than guess what love your site, that's the truly were there oh fuck in saying that shit, because everybody's too scared to say it's the truth, the truth is when you look in the mirror, and you see a fat mother fucker, it's time to go on a diet and satire
the client about so fucking acceptance on instagram Your applause and a cop erika change your life right. You know what I've been working fat No fuck, it told me I was fat when I was fat. I knew I was fat. You we are told me eyebrow, you look. Ok, you look decent. You know what so that big deal motherfucker, It's a huge deal. especially for me? because you motherfuckers depend on you see once in a while. I do the truth, has become such an offensive thing to stand for that people cannot grasp it anymore. Its becoming something that she's itself oh unrecognizable, that when people see it, they see it as threatening they see it as invasive. They see it as a fence, they see as an assault on their police. The truth is neither for your beliefs or against.
your beliefs. The truth is, nine buys fuckin situation, meaning it's a fact. It's the truth. Oh well, that's your perspective. Well, there's always so many mother fucking perspective. You can look at something and usually there's two main ones and went on going to produce a favourable result and the other one. Is it other situations that are dichotomy where they're both going to produce favourable results. Absolutely, but there are absolutes, and I think that I I think that what you're saying people need to really embraced. The truth is, it is a really precious thing: they can transform people's lives and that there is an old saying that you know the truth hurts, but the truce at hurt are also the truth that tend to heal people that, when you are willing. accept things even if it really you know, even if it's tough, even if it hurts, even if they know it's true, that's how you know it's true and if you can accept that and embrace it, that's when you're on your way to growth, like all these people out there, that like
they. You know when someone says something online: they get all pissed off about it. Now that I'll go fuck rebate, motherfucker you care the most to whatever. I think, that's what you say and I don't give a fuck. You won't talk about woke year, despite you're in securities for the world to see you. You're shown your nipple you're sure your buttonhole you're doing it right, an open used to realizing. I don't care people fuck provocative You care the most. What people think otherwise, it warning be somewhere on the weight. Are you some really amazing it we're talking about this because I just happen to come across as video and he was so powerful was on youtube? I don't even know how I came across it, but do you ever Margaret thatcher she was the prime minister. Some of the eight are different margaret thatcher, Margaret thatcher, prime minister of england, woman, like in the eighties, like I'm a little older, yeah, yeah. Well she's.
dead? I don't feel like I'm dead, that's offensive on Zaire. You should still be alive, but she was and she was on a sam show and it was in the netherlands, but they had it was in english, but they had it like subtitled, and I saw this was a little clip and basically at one towards the end of the interview, the the danish, I think, or the danish from the netherlands. What are they dutch? The dutch host says? Oh well, we did. This special thing is just kind of a gimmick and what I do is at the end of the interview I have my guest stand up and just jump up and down and and thatcher's like. While I can't imagine that I'm going to do that, there's no way I'm going to do that and she has she's, as is really dignified way of you know, expressing herself and she's like no. No, it's just a gimmick, and he because he says she and so Thatcher says young lady I'll, tell you exactly what that is. What that is is an attempt to show everybody that I'm normal and I'm human and I'm just like you and I
laugh of myself in everything he she says and she goes on to say. I know who I am, and I don't have to do anything clownish or stupid, to prove to you or to anybody else that I'm a human being and that I have fun it's a great like she just totally. Drops the hammer honor. But it's how many people live like that where it's like you know it and you and I we obviously have fun or social media. We do find things I post pictures of myself from you know, my ball in days in in high school and you through yea, but but you through, pin yeah exactly, but there there is a limit to that and I think people are so obsessed with like proving that their somehow likeable, there's somehow authentic or their somehow real and I'm just a human just like you, and it's got to the point of this obsession. Where were we kind of one up each other on showing Joe What were capable of doing to get shot value and attention europe's attitude yeah and now that now it's become, who got the bigger sab story.
Who's the most vulnerable. Yet I was talent, what he said to me. Andy you're so vulnerable, no mother fucker. I just tell the truth. You insane. I like dude, like we're dealing honest around with a fuckin fifty billion fucking tommy tapirs about, who wants to compete about who, the hardest time to get where they are, the real most. You motherfuckers tell in these fuckin sad stories and accomplished shit. So What are you telling the story about Ah, you basically justifying why you haven't done a goddamn thing: you're saying. Ah, my fucking parents beat me all blob fuck. Do that but even I can't even share half the shit that happened to me. I can only share because it embarrassment I'll fuckin family. You know that, unlike dude p oh fuck, you not of san like they don't even fucking, get it dude like it's. It's
now how bad your shit was. It's about what you're doing now it? Only matters how bad you shit was, if you overcame it right, you don't say, and you know what I think. I honestly think that when we talk about this, there are people who hear us talking about this, and I think they really believe that that's part of our script. We need to convince people that we struggle just like they do to form some sort of bond with them, but in reality things come easy for you like that four days ago you know you you, and I were texas, noisy and tyler right so fucking this tell tale They want me for five years how long you been around seven thousand eleven seventy eight, How can this be uneasy? Bro habit? he's just singing my life yeah. Well, and it is like I texted you the other day cause. We were texting about different things and I text you I was like bro. I think I seriously have legitimate emotional issues and I loved your text. Baggies like there's no way you're more fdic than I am, but I think people think we're
that I really think people think. Oh, you know what that's that's part of the drama here. If Andy has struggle and we talk about how hard it is that it makes the overcoming that much more, Oh it's reality, life. Is not easy. It's hard! No bro we heard everybody listen born, we have fucking antidepressants commercials on television that have a fucking woman. pretending like she doesn't want to do her laundry and saying that she's depressed, like their showing the situation like, oh well, if you don't feel like yours of the newly shore sitting on the bed with a bow, I could have laundry and like like huffing in it. What would you do already like the last fucking thing? Everybody was due ever is laundry no worse, nobody likes it. Nobody, nobody likes it and their make
That's the world we live in now, if you don't like something take a fuckin pill, if you don't agree but something very fucked up right. If you kid, What could cut it? The system is broke like dude, where the fuck are we going. By like we need some real fucking leadership, man, some real leadership and the real sad thing about all of that is that every but he has a problem everybody's oppress. So what happens? Is that the people who really do have legitimate to pegasus dagestan They think I'm getting it lies it is they don't get taken. Here is a pretty little real fucking thing, anymore, brow, depression, everybody has depression, but every mother fucker out there. You ask them Oh yeah, I got a little bit. Oppression, you'll have what you're, you're, fucking, depressed or you're, not ok, and let me tell you something: if you ain't, shit, no fucking on it. Daily basis, thinkin about blown your mother, fucking brains out, you ain't got it
having a bad run, your figured out ahead, depression row. I think I said this pretty you before If I were said the sun on the show ever since I can remember my entire life, my entire fucking life, those antidepressant- motion will come on tv. and I would hear them say. You have thought to suicide doctor immediately blah blah right and I used to sit there. You know who else by thirteen or fourteen years old, when I first fuckin heard that I'm like how fuckin week is this shit. I'm, like everybody, thinks that, because I didn't the perspective to know that not everybody thought that I just always thought that act. remember thinking that one! I was this sixth grade, dude you on santa like having It's weird like dreams, almost glorification of suicide like people,
understand what that means. That means you're actually having like he's these these visions. Of you, fucking, shooting yourself or hanging yourself, like, I thought that was normal. You don't say an absolute so badly, my so that do that's fucking real depression, you're insane like and because we have of everybody depressed now, the people who really have it are getting for treatment. All every mother, fucker right now, mental health or real fucking thing and entrepreneurship. No, it isn't Health is a real thing in of the world and some apple just don't cut out to be entrepreneurs. My foot, Mental health has almost no nothing to do with how stressed I am or what I can handle that shit. That's it uncontrollable! Fuckin chemical deal, my brain
people will say: wow you could do fucking this or you could do this therapy or that mother fucker, you don't get it. You know what I'm saying and people think get it and they don't it's just another example of people doing shipper attention. You know I used to more vocal about it, because I thought a hell people, but you know what I did it make everybody if I can say the same shit, you know we are we I'm sorry hundred percent of the population is that suffer from fucking depression, I'm sorry. You had a bad day, but there's money in it did that exact, there's money! That's it! I'm! I'm Tellin YA, nominate satellite boy. So my wife, as a doctor I have. I am not against doctors, I love doctors. I I think I just went to went good earth goodbye reactors, good and bad ones. I just I just went to a doctor is he's my favorite doctor. I've ever had my life and I'm so thankful, for, I think, with all the,
is that we complained about in america with our health care system. We still have the absolute number one healthcare system in the world. That said, something has happened in all areas of medicine, psychological, I logical whatever to where we path apologize everything. So it's not all I'm just having a bad day. There's some things. But in my life, they're gonna get me down suddenly, no, it's pathological, you have depression or or why ever we make diseases out of things are actually results of lifestyle. Why the hell you there's huge money in that. Don't ask either way bro here's a fuckin pill that you could take right there secure that shit for you, then I'll get money off right right, like my wife, very rarely salespeople. You know what I think you know it's very possible that you could be diagnosis, is clinically depressed, but a couple of things you want to make sure to get an order. You're eating your ear,
assuming exercise ass. You know, could there These some sources of stress he is a man like you know, just like interpersonal tat type of things go through all those things, instead of just rushing to appeal now, my wife's none that emissions it ro, it's amazing recently and I warn you actually take carry on yet, like your spoke out, you're supposed to drink water. Why, here? Is the primary fucking life source of humanity you're supposed to eat good food, You're supposed to move rats were built for We all do those things. Guess what happens things don't work properly. it's amazing what will fix itself by you just getting your fucking shit together and stop being lazy, fucking piece of shit like I was sitting on a couch weighing three hundred fifty fuckin pounds watching reruns of pacific rim. until I was jerking off to my fucking robots? Ok, like dude, we await the fuck up. You know not morally woke to be truly for us to see life as a battlefield? Not
by ground, to realise that the end of the day you have to earn happiness. You have to earn your right to feel good about yourself to realize that not everything is some sort of pathology or you're not being victimized, but that you could actually be suffering from some as a result of your own choices of your all thousand anniversaries, dabs to being truly woke, dude dude. just because I'm not cool with someone sexual rising they're, fucking, nine year old child at a fucking pride parade or whatever. I don't think that's right right. Ok,. just because I'm a coup that- and I mean I'm not woke and by the way, I'll fuck ton of gay friends- and I fuckin love a lot more than just because you cannot call But that doesn't mean that you hate the person you going out. No, the motherfuckers conference. I don't agree that should either you know, and you really What it comes down to is that you have a media who was in place that is feeding us information base.
Upon ratings that they can get because they can- Should then charge more money for the eyeballs that they get on the fuckin stories? They run like that's absurd songs you so you're telling me that entire message that humanity is delivered is depressed, and upon a fucking dollar. And it doesn't matter if the measures just delivered is hurting the culture, the very fibre of this country is made of it doesn't matter. That's absurd, do you mean absolutely? I cried. People want to know why don't have kids listeners cast about thirty fuckin times yeah, but there's another way to look at it. I know either way, but you know our bureau, I'm fuckin tire nine. Well, hey man, I'm tired! You know, I'm the other way. I know you're going to say. The other way is people like you, and people like us, have our duty to raise blah blah blah.
I don't know, I don't wanna use the word duty, I'm just saying you tell me what now I'm not. I don't wanna use our duty. I just to me it is like, like people trying to kill you in like now here's what they now, you tell me they're like well brow if you don't fuckin how the next innovation. What's gonna be like, unlike well. Our own that once you figured had now, you should never bring a child in the world at a gilt. What I am saying, though, is that if more people like us and I'll do say it does I don't feel bad about santa. If more people like us raise good kids that influences culture, does it because I think I don't know if it does, because I'm pretty sure I'm sure that was, I think that's the way it used to be yeah. I think it as I like. I don't know of on them and I still think the family is really it's a school yeah yeah they started Ok argent nervous about what the fuck these people engagement, school, mum, knots, super nervous anymore? I am. I got my getting approach. Because what I very much better at me, I went to private school now I looked, I know, but
The point remains that your your bring it up, but it's it's a it's a crisis. You know, and I mean, I say to you. I know I do. I know you and I have had lots of great conversations about this and I'm not trying to necessarily like browbeat anybody with as burma but will what I'm saying is like I don't Why look around in humanity? And I I don't see the solution, human. I do believe people have to get back to just gonna humbling themselves in it, and in a relationship with god and- and I know a lot of really bad stuff has been done in the in the name of religion. I get that I totally do, but for me like it comes down to like I know that I'm screwed up. I know that I need the mercy and the power of god in my life and I need- and I needed to flow through me to help other people. So to me, that's where I'm coming, from like I don't look any political party, I don't look to any sort of movement ultimately, to save the world. I have, I believe, in the power of god working hard human heart.
yeah. That's that's what I believe is a place where I like. I truly. I truly do agree with Gary Gary v. Like you know, I I love gary. We don't always agree and, as you guys know, but he does says he has favorite word essays, empathy yeah, I'm saying yeah. And as much as I'm talking like aggressively here, whatever like it's cause, I'm passionate dude, like I just am so frustrated with all the progress again, I'm a fucking, I'm a fucking creator entrepreneur, I'm not a I'm, not happy someone else, entrepreneurs but I'll. I try to like actually create solutions, and when you built like that. It's very hard not to be passionate about literally every problems out there. You don't mean, but one thing he does talk about a lot, but I get a lot of respect about his empathy. I wish he would talk about it more in terms of giving a context, but you know when people do fucked up shit, you know I used to just attack. This is why dont do like these. These
political, rants and shit, that other people do online easily do them and I think I'd probably be the best in the fucking world at it. But the truth is, is I don't do that because I do feel like your discounting someone's upbringing in the world view and and all the things that contributed to them becoming that way and I think, a more productive conversation instead of two to attack and just like, black people and make these videos like do nothing at all. Nothing. As someone my respect more than put someone else on fucking blast, I cannot stand. I think it's the shittiest lowest discuss didn't fuck form of trying to get attention that exists in all mean, because dude everybody's got crap in their and glass in arms and and so when, when I think about it and I think of a term empathy
The real way to think about it is time to think about k. I believe what I believe I was brought up like this. I have these experiences this person had, these other set of experiences. They have literally no relation of what I've been through. They they were told this a people that they loved overnight, I know you know what I'm saying so you have to like try to understand where the fuck people are coming from and there's just a huge lack of that going on people. Just don't do that they judge people, they point in they point blame when in reality, man, the world fuckin sucks, because you am I talking to you of my talk, I'm not talking you listening, I'm talking all of you and I'm talking to myself, because we're not living but right example for other people to follow. That's the problem. That's the fucking problem for all this shit and all this conversation and all drama and
The end of the day do people pretty much want the same shit you and they want freedom. They want. They want safety, they want the ability to have the opportunity to be somewhat successful. They want to be able to make enough money to pay their bills and eat some food and has some good times with the friends. That's what people want, They're, not able to have it right now, because do greed is completely destroying the fucking earth and that's coming from a fucking entrepreneurs. capitalist, you suzanne S, man and so do I. What people are listening right now and they're thinking? Well, fuck dude, you're, all over the place with your beliefs cause. I am, I don't fit into one box right. You know what I'm saying I don't think Why did the pharmaceutical companies can charge seven hundred dollars for appeal that I know costs less than an hour? I know that's what a great example, you gonna say, and he has not apparently do my sister.
brother largest had a huge tragedy with their kid like that we ve all been going through as a family. They're fucking bills are stood up, sir, and that's why my standards right look. I've got some money and their absurd. I like what would happen To a normal person that gets you nor of sand, saying like it will clearly ruin their fucking life forever. That's that ok. That is not fucking. Ok, you know but yet what do we have? We have a government that serves further own fucking, well being They make laws that are special for them. They have people their lives. to take money from organizations that dont benefit the greater good right. They're allowed to do things that regular people aren't allowed to do dude we ve got this whole thing.
We got going on here needs to be fuckin cleaned up. You know you you, you got you, the fucking internet, who still the internet by people like the fucking, the economy, so fucked up no she's fucked up. You got a fucking some, like seventy percent of the fuckin sales, are now on line, but you don't charge him fuckin tax, where the fuck is. Where do you think the fao it has gone for all the state governments earns the brick and mortar buzz. Who employ more people. You can't figure in your fuckin supposed to be in office. Serving us, you can't figure out that you're giving you're gonna ten percent damage by letting the internet not charge tax? They can they control ten percent less than the fuckin brick and more the companies that have the door employ most of amerika and you care figure out why the fuck people will have jobs. And why and why you got. The government doesn't have like how
I see this shit. I may do two issues. It should be obvious, Do that everybody fucking notices, but but why isn't it it's because the big companies in the world are fucking buying john q fuckin politician, oh yeah,. You know what I'm saying: fuckin raw. On bro throng now I agree man it, sir it's bigger than any one of us individually, can do anything about, and I liked what you're saying about just recognising that life is hard and we need if we need to be there for each other and not like that, would not let the groups, you know not liked the special interest groups in the end, the politicians and the news agencies, not that and let them create divisions that really don't do it do you have a profit yeah. I do it for profit, their hurting all of us and do we need, as a people do equal buy into the shit you want fuckin you. What do you want to really saw the planet with buying in all the bullshit? That's putting your
fucking ears and eyes. True, but each of us do a lot to do in our culture what great service, if we just knew the difference between someone saying that we were wrong and someone saying that we were bad. Those are two different things and just need to learn to to to agree and disagree and not like hate each other. I've read studies lately that say that, and one of the biggest differences in american culture is that there's always been. I mean politics has always been fiery and and there's always been a lot of passion. But there's a lot of studies show that more and more americans are not just seeing americans who disagree with them as see them as the enemy they're, not just seeing them as wrong or the other side they're, seeing them as like evil hate on there and they hate up dude house where'd that come from yeah that came from politician right well, and I would argue that it also came from politicians whose whose basic playbook is trained muddling aware: is not just a muslim but to pit classes against each other and genders
each other and races against each other, and I think, there's a whole playbook coming mean. Don't get me start about that, but there's a whole socialist. Marxist playbook, that sounds good about it. We get yeah ya rules for radicals by Saul, Alinsky and and that's a far left book and the ideas that you create discontent between people and then you come in and you create a solution. This will be the savior yeah. But I love a quote, but why is that the tactic? Because it comes down to personal gain right? It comes down to me wanting to be orton or me wanting to make more money or me want to be somebody or me wanted to be listen who broke the story and so not worried about telling the truth were worried about telling its insatiable version at something that could or could not be true. In order for people to watch it to argue about it because there we could say, look at all people watching you
pay more money to advertise your fuckin dishwashing at yup. That's right! That's the problem! You right you're, absolutely right! Fucking disgusting dude! It is, but if people, this was due. Our show everything will be better and we don't have advertisements fucker people all share. My shit They don't share my shit, they aren't they. They say I can listen to him because he fucking causes too much or they say something like you know like dude, it's just it's ridiculous. Sorry, I hurt your little fucking your bed or your drums where the fuck you got that he do have little balls in your ears, don't yeah! I dunno I dunno. I was going to say eyeballs, then, besides the ears in the words mended
came into work era. I like it, I like it so well, I dunno man. I think we covered a lot of stuff yeah man, it's just you know, people would do themselves a have a service by actually being woke to reality. Not what they want to believe is reality as well being what is being woke. You see a ship what it is, and you want to fuck out there saying you woke because your definition of woke matches your beliefs, your fuckin puppet, just like what the shit you think that you're not you're that you mean woke- is assessing the situation as a fact what is going on and on, and you know what most people s use that term its slang term, they like to talk about, I'm so woke blah blah blah, because I got some fucking conspiracy theory about some fucking bullshit. You know like well,
is. Is I'm a realist? I see the way things are. I see the way things are and I'm operating in that world you are mother, fuckers can operate in other world and I'm going to take responsibility for my baggage and my issues and might the way that I contribute negatively to the world, and I'm do gonna do my best to take all my actions to make the world a better place instead of saying that I'm a victim or that I'm going to blame this this and this you know, that's that's what it means to be woke. I think so yeah I mean I think it's a I dunno man. We got a long way to go yet you know what I'm saying like a long way to go, and I know this is supposed to be business related all the time and this and that, but this is just shit- that's been on my mind, man yeah man, and I it it disturbs me because, like I've made a lot of money dude, I continue to make a lot of money and, like you know, I'm not saying that to brag. I'm just saying as a matter of fact,
and once you once you've gotten to a point where I mean you literally, don't have to worry about money forever and you're thinking, sorta changes. You know what I'm saying move on a new problems. Yeah, you know what I mean yeah, and this is something that you know. People people always say will do you should fucking run for office. I ain't doing that shit either. Now, that's not my game. I am not. Let's fuckin schmooze, you know mother fuckers to get anything from him, although I have to say it would be kind of cool, I mean, and I'm assuming I might
I be able to give the prayer at at your inauguration. I heard the funniest story. I heard the funniest story about some dudes that went to the white house recently met with trump. Yes, I was meeting with this guy who's. A big he's a big time sound our meeting with him he's a big, I'm, not gonna, say what company but he's a buyer with one of the world's largest companies and he was wanting to buy a product from us, and I think you know it may or may not happen, but anyway we were talking about. They had all the heads of like these big travel companies, enterprise. You know, fuckin food, all all the big car rentals and the big hotel companies, all the sea coast and trump walks into the room and goes hey all you motherfuckers here, you're all rich. If you think that we're out there we're gonna just
Subsidized by the growth of your company you're in the wrong place. Now, if you need money, your town for infrastructure and new airports and things we can help to increase travel. that's what we can do, but if you think you're gonna sponge us for money, and you think we're going to do this in a fucking happening, but said it's just like that. That's all, and then he goes. It goes. You guys understand me. You're all rich anyway, they also yes, sir. He goes. He clapped his hands, Who was seen of office dude, you don't like it better, be eyes: oh if. I was sent over forty years. We still do not so bad. That is, as you know, what I don't agree. everything you motherfucker says and does but the guy's funny it. You can I'm telling you. I nearly else was funny as president fucking Clinton was funniest via: u s now I'll tell you right now.
I just got I'm so over apologizing like if I think MR trumped up something good I'll say it. I can't stop doing that because you you get, some people, you say anything nice about that shit for now and they go. They go nuts and they're all in california, no offense californians, but man, hey they're, not all california, civil war. I don't I'm not such a sheep that I don't look at people for who they are and what they do, not what party they represent. Yeah. I've talked about it. Did the conservative wackos on the articles, but others. Yet it goes back to what I said. People are worried about being right right instead of action, we being right, you know it's it's like ass, there is a business lesson here. Yeah, here's the business lesson, The business lesson is like of wanting to be right and embrace. Actually learning what is right and if you fucking do that that should a fortune could yeah well, if you and do that you're ahead of the game, you know what
detached yourself emotionally from any, You have the result. and you just see it as yes. This works. No, this doesn't work That's what successful people do I don't give up like the guy. you guys all tease me shit about every It was my idea. I don't care. If it comes from me, So are you guys tease me, you know, I don't really care. I don't fucking give a shit if the right idea comes from the newest guy that just started here. Fuck an hour ago you have said, and my job is to recognise, though the way that's gonna work, Anyone might want to pick the way it doesnt work it does it guess what I get to say. Well fuck wrong about that? Maybe I try the other way round you say that horror mess that people want to be right. Successful people just went to discover the truth. Did I I truly see that I see that dude every single dude. I know who I am I personally know there will, I would consider wealthy okay. This is not you,
on a fuckin used hurricane on instagram. This is wealthy, mother fuckers. every single one of them all of them obey what I just said: they're not trying to win the conversation they're, not trying to argue for their point there stating their point they might pick their point, but when they see that their point working, you know what they do. They cut the mother off as fast as possible. You gonna be wrong as quick as you possibly can, you see what I'm she's a differ. Mentality, but if the whole world would just think like this in their social issues or their their beliefs, about the way that world is We would have an actual product. We be able to have a productive conversation, you know, but the problem is that people are indoctrinate. It would believe from the time their two years old until their thirty and then they have to make a decision about well
was my mammy, my pappy right is the rest of the world right now, our decision people to make it is it's hard, look and say well mammy and pappy denoted fucked. What the talking about san, but it's also. It's also hard because people don't understand that you can say your parents are completely wrong about something and still recognise that they loved you now and then they did a good job. Rowers is wrong. That's that's! That's it you ought to hate people, they fucking that did dude. Can we just saw all the world proud and pleased with this it'd be fucking easy to do if you guys were just. Read the shoe loud. read the message and you know not even my message is fuck and take the message and unmatured worse I mean Jesus. The truth, dude is just the truth. It's just that. True you don't of sand and people just want to argue and argue and argue, and at the end of the day
The truth stands dude, the true state. It's not my boy shown wayland says lighthouse, you don't say: and his last analogy with the truth is a fucking. My house is now fuckin moving, doesn't matter if it's a hurricane doesn't matter if it's a fucking earthquake does matter. If it's a tidal wave doesn't matter. The lighthouse is fuckin there. God you and decide you can decide. If I want to the house, guess what happens if you don't you end up in a fuckin rocks, And right now, every other mother fucker out there trying to figure out how they can get her through life without whip bout, while ignoring the lighthouse when a lighthouse, a shining right, they're, fucking, eyes, north anna, like that's the thing that confuses me. Like you, ve got this year. This all this evidence in the world that things are fucked up, but you can see the true still. Instead, you fight for the fucked up this of the world.
I mean I'm making a weird s face right now, like like the like that you know that what face wasted. I'm making like your purse, you're perplexed, not like that, makes no fucking let's face it, what I'm saying I seem to be making that more and more yeah yeah. I could tell because it's making me have wrinkles I used to fucking botox or some shit. I know tyler, where you get your botox I know you get some mother fucker, I know you ve had botox I've had I knew it. I didn't even know it, but I knew it because I'm debts, like some shit, you do. You know what that's all cast a like. You do you I'll go fuck yourself I'm wearing short shorts. Now its awesome right, I am. I know I adopted the fuckin they're, not short there, like nine inches, seems short every. Then she said order than what I was were there. That's what I would call a normal shorts us. We went to vegas a tailor made sure to enforce that the shores look good, the whole time. Ok,
that's a lease expertise, lisa yeah, but it made me feel good, that's good! ah, my dear what else got what else can we fixed? I don't know. I think this is kind of a launch pad positive. I dunno seems long affected. It is long. How long is it our food, Oh shit, I'm sorry. Now it was a good start. A girl has figured it be outside. I was fuck a wiki ether pull their reconcile. Now three hours long now I like you but it must not be. I like these kind of podcast- and I think you know, judging by our numbers, most people do too as you know why I just here's what I will say the big invent through you, but here's what I want to say to like you guys listening, look. You don't have to fuck and agree with what I'm saying by your say like like. But you wrong ourselves? We, you could disagree with me right to be wrong dog just play,
regular dude, unlike occurs I'd, do don't take what I say to the fuckin extreme. Ok, I'm I'm giving you my purse, active on my life experience and where I've been now I've seen a lot of shit man. I've did all the shit that you, guys could fuckin. Imagine like just a man. In the bad shit outside of being murdered. I've had all of you have and like dude. I dont show that shook sounding a fuckin sab story. Bullshit. You know I share my assured. I got stab coz its relevant to business because it made me a memorable figure. You know what I mean but outside of the need to focus sabah like I know she has hard fought hard for all of us man. And we're not in a race to see which one the worst life experience. You know right now thought dude,
It'd be honest. No one gives a fuck unless you overcame it anyway. Yeah. That's true. You know good stuff man. So I'm not running for president that people are going to fucking because that's where people are going to say it doesn't pay enough yeah. No, it definitely doesn't pay enough and I already got all this fucking grey, hair and shit. Why would I want more than that yeah no kidding I got like a good plan. Like the I got that bland you know yeah neck now, next year, it's going to be that fuckin, most interesting man, that's going to be all white. What how do you get sixty in one day. Yeah. Well, you know. If I go, can we do to my off based on this young man? But you know if I go completely bald or that completely ball, but completely gray and white. You know, what's going to happen, I'm gonna be on connery, if vodka I like that, yes is on that note going, are you gotta get going in.
Good talk yeah, it was. It was a good talk, I'm enjoying these more conversational yaks, and I like I like the fact that we we don't feel that compulsion just create for this. The dude, was for the sake of public. It just hurt it just produces shitty content, he does, and it's not good for you guys listening. It's not good for it's not good. For us. It's just not good for anybody know is it it's got to come from the heart man, yep totally! Look, I'm not! I want people understand to like. I want to be clear about this. Like dude, I don't give a fuck what your beliefs are like. It's not that I don't care, but I'm not going to discriminate upon you, because you believe a certain thing. That's what I'm saying when I say don't give a fuck what your beliefs are right. You've got a place in my fucking table man. Just let's have a talk yeah. You know what I'm saying like. Let's have a: let's have an intelligent conversation. Vs fuck you you're fuckin this in this next, you dont know motherfucker. I know you're insane.
I don't know what you know, because I've been where you been. I you know yeah, let's, let's, let's, let's talk that way, I dunno, maybe I am getting More mature now I dont think I think, are: I think our podcast has done a good job on always amazed by the diversity, and I don't mean like ethnic diversity. I mean the different kinds of people that listen to our pod cure and their united with we ve kind of and a common core of people who might look very different. They might have different backgrounds and might speak differently, but they have mean even just the last hour in the last forty years they are abroad. What they're fucking awesome americans there and you? what you might be listening in russia. You might be listening, fuckin, china, we have people over the world? We have somebody. We have somebody who listens from the isle of man. I know which has got the coolest fans ever yeah, the isle of man TT, which has the balls he has raced ever fucking put on. If you ever wanna watch something cool go on.
our man tt on youtube. What do we got? People in Australia? We got taught at berlin, do an event in australia. Here sooner think awesome. But you know you guys are fucking need. You may not be americans quota quote, but, like you still represent that same thing, that I'm trying to say, a united stance and I feel left out ass to love you guys it's so american ago. You may not be. You may not actually be america, but you are but you're awesome. So, therefore you are american girl. What I'm trying to say, you know what you might not be american, but you're Work is solidarity. I have gelati. I still want to have that that that series america- a f- you know god do america as good as fuck, but it could also be america, We will do a series of starting homey largesse calls you be like cars in all sorts of cut, popular culture, type, stuff, air, fucking, lars cars guns, fucking, nick,
chicks apparently brierly us where america right right, Ask anybody else's we're America's yeah yeah I meant I'm so fucking lost right now all right! Well, I think we better a wrap up yeah go ahead so guys. Thank you so much for listening. This has been a special production of the pbs broadcasting system, a real actually postings. Yes, yes, a guy seriously thanks for listening and I will catch you later the.
Transcript generated on 2023-10-11.