« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

The 5-Digit Number That Guarantees 7-Figure Success, with Andy Frisella - MFCEO282

2019-01-30 | 🔗

What's the "magic number?" That's the question they ask on lottery commercials. If you get the "magic number" on Powerball or whatever, you are guaranteed millions. Well...I've got a 5-digit number for you that will guarantee success. It will guarantee you will create wealth - & a lot of it. What am I talking about? What's this so-called "magic number?" Take a listen & find out.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I guess that eleven suddenly horrifies dogmatize title alone. Without my family wouldn't have food anybody going what is our guys, your this to the annex ii project, painting on your post, and I am the mother fucking c, o guys today I have an awesome magical, mystical podcast for you is going to make you overnight success. It's that easy! I'm gonna give you a five digit. Now That is going to make you millions. And millions and millions of dollars, just like you go when and punchy and five numbers, and just the limited amounts of money will come out. If I could do that. For you, would you take it fuckin right you would, but before I give that to you, I want to remind you guys, first off, thank you guys for all the support
of em at sea or project of this. Your first time listening, welcome. This is The world's premier success entrepreneurship person development pad cast. It is run by a dumb ass any for seller who all he does, is curse and yell and scream, but he happens to own some pretty successful companies and guess what he also talks oneself and third fuckin person sort of like Ricky Henderson. I think, there's a few other successful people to talk about themselves in the third person. That's how you know your truly successful by the way when you start talking about yourself and third person you ve crossed the line from you know, average success to complete douche bag success and I am proud to say. I will do back, but that is neither here nor there. What we talk
by her guys and and be in serious, is fundamental skills that you will need to be successful, whether that's in business, whether rats in you, relationship, whether that's as an employer accompany it doesn't matter. The principles are the same. So if you have a goal, if it's, these goals, business, go it doesn't matter whatever it is you going to learn how to be calm, achieving person by law? Turning to the show now the coup Think about the show is we don't want a bunch of ads, even though I could make litter they two to five million dollars a year running adds I don't run them, because I want to bring you eyes as much value is possible and it's free, but I do ask one thing in return. And what I ask is this: if you listen as podcast and you get real benefit,
for every episode, the usa too, that you say, while men really helped me or while that was core. While that got me thinking a different way or while that's gonna something that I can use, Which you will have in every single episode, I ask that you tell one friend: you'll have to go. Tell a million friend, which would be awesome, but. at least, do me a sound and tell one per person we don't advertisers podcast, we don't market this package, as this is a movement to help people understand what it takes to succeed outside of the bull shit, taught in school, told by their friends by their. Families. This is the real stuff guys. This is the real stuff, and, unlike most of the quota quote in entrepreneurs that are out there. I've done this from the ground. Up I started a ninety nine I've been doing for twenty years. I've done are out got a long way to go, but
I can show you how to navigate the hardest part of success, which is the zero to one million dollar mark better than anybody else out there and that's a fuck in fact, and I stand by it so guys with all of that being said, get onto the five digit atm code. It's gonna make you fuck enrich our right. What is that magic number that's the question, they ask you on a lottery commercials. If you get the quote unquote magic number, empower ball or whatever you're gonna win mill dollars. Will today, I thought I tell you what the real magic! number is for achieving success and massive amounts of wealth. It's a number that Lacks millions and millions and millions of dollars over the course of your life and its only five digits anomaly.
Ever to you right now, are you ready get out a pencil get out a pen, gotta crayon, well that's what some of you guys know how to use and write this shit down right here. It is the seat. Or to your entire existence when it comes to success, the first number is one. The second number is zero. The third number is zero. The fort number is, zero? The fifth number is zero. Did you get all that one zero, zero, zero, zero! That is the magic five digit number that's going to unlock. your more million dollar success story. Ten thousand, if you know basic math, which I struggle, and I know now you're saying eddie what the fuck are. You talk it might solid, you smoke some fucking cracked. Today. Why didn't I didn't small crack today?
but I'll tell you what I'm talking about I'm talking about how to be successful, how to make tons- Money is a numbers game, it is math. I've told you that over over and over again, the last For years, ok, swinging for the fence over and over and over until you hit a home run, its contacting prospects over and over again until you get a sale, it's asking out every single hot chicken, your town until the prom queen the supermodel, goes on a date with you there's a saying most people know, and it came from a british teacher named william in back in eighteen hundreds, and it goes like this It's a lesson: you should heed: try try again, if that first, you dont succeed. Try
try again, you ve all heard it and it's a great saying, but it's not totally accurate. It's not just try, try again, it's try, try trot and then try again nine thousand nine hundred and ninety seven fucking times until you get it, you got it. You want You know for success, and well it's ten thousand. It's doing things over and over and over again ten I was in tears and by the way that the minimum times, that's not the maximum times, and you have to try whore, apply the lessons you weren't along the way of those ten thousand times. talking about ten thousand mindless boost. Swings success. I'm talking about one swing. Learning the lessons to swing, learning the lesson three swings. Learning the lessons. all the way up to ten thousand ok, six says and wealth is a numbers game, and if you are really
to run the numbers up to ten thousand times. I can fuck guarantee You will make some figures in your lifetime in not me, relax I'm a year k. This is a numbers game. It's not magic! It's fucking, math now notice I didn't guarantee and make eight or nine or ten figures, because that's that guaranteed to get into that range. It takes more than just. Repay, running the numbers. It takes learning for me, rustics. It takes titanic commitment to self include it takes reaching linking up with other billion dollar minded people. It takes two extra two percent twenty four hours a day. Seven days a week, and that ninety nine percent of the population are not willing to invest to get to that ten figure that nine figure that eight figure range for early seven figures. Only six figures, which is probably better than what you're doing now is absolutely a straight up number.
this game and if you're willing to try and try and try again taking each little lesson and applying each retry up to ten thousand times you are going to it, beast become a millionaire, and I mean a millionaire we're out upon a millionaire lots people have all these crazy ways to find a million know how to find a millionaire. You make a million dollars in a fucking here, ok not real smart, That's a millionaire to me: did you make a million dollars a year, fuckin right, ear, millionaire, ok A lot of you guys like two over complicate things right you like to analyze and analyze and analyze instead trying and let me tell you I talked about this on the last pat guess. I know a guy who is work too. one plus million dollars who literally didn't know the difference between r, a r e in our oh? You are ok, but what he understood was the ten thousand times.
He over analyze, he understood it. It's an equation, it's the equation of success, most of you guys, don't believe that you think it's hocus pocus. You think it's magic when a real already ten times When is the magic it's ten thousand. Ok now nine thousand nine hundred and ninety nine dude. I got this guy in our group. Artists indicate he's in relatively why successful and a super bad, ass and business makes a lot of money very helpful. Very good guy, but he is super literal and if you tell him reach for the stars literally, look at you be like dude, I'm only five turn. I can't reach the stars, I'm not tall enough. Like I'm being serious, that's how literally is in if he's listening right now. He knows I love em, but did that's. The truth are right. Some of you guys are so literal europe,
I email me and you're gonna, be like I tried ten thousand one hundred and fourteen times, and I still don't make seven figures. First off. No, you fucking, didn't. I know it and you know it all right. Second, I am obviously trying to make a point. Try ten thousand times be relentless. Don't quit don't stop waiver, because success is a numbers game. But if you want to be literal, let's be literal for a second, you guys probably heard Malcolm Gladwell. He wrote a book called outliers. He talks about People became really great at something best at a minimum of ten thousand hours, practicing literally ten thousand hours or ten years. And a bunch of people jumped all over him, some of them college professors, guys who really you know
same guys. You know she had been actually did it. Nascent has is really true yet to figure in natural talent and opportunities and resources and privilege and blah blah blah I will say: hey, listen, do not get it, of course, actual tell is a factor, no matter how often I practice playing chess Now we're going to be a grand master like Bobby fisher. The point I'm trying to make here is that there is a direct correlation between the sheer number of hours. You work towards a goal, whether or not you successfully achieve it. In fact, he said there such the close connection between repetition, can success that there is actually scientific information about it. There's something scientific about its science tippit, which means is that ok, it's cause and effect one plus one was too, and I agree it is a fact, a scientific that Annie
literal fact and here's something else. I don't have you ever heard of something called the infinite monkey. Fear em right and what this says is actually really incredible and- and I think to me it's hard to let my mind around and I'm sure it will be for you too, but I want you to wrap your mind around this concept for a minute Some of the smartest scientists in the world from the smartest reese workers in the world. Some of the smartest mathematicians in the world came up with this theory. Okay, and it says that if you sit a monkey down with a typewriter and he hits random keys for an infinite amount of time. Ok, that means for infinity that might be ten lifetimes. It might be a hundred life But if you could sit a monkey dollar a typewriter, he would eventually end typing the entire text for work,
one of william shakespeare's famous, plays and when you think about that, because it sounds fucking crazy and it sounds impossible, but it's not not in theory. It's math is to sticks. Ok, why is this pass? Will because infinity is a long long time and eventually that much. key to trial and error and massive repetition is going to end up hitting the keys in the exact sequence that will produce a script for shakespeare's play, and I know that sounds crazy guys. But here's the truth. Business is not tat. located success is not to complicate nest, news. We don't mean infinity. We ten thousand hours we ten thousand tries, we need ten years and it doesnt matter where you are what do you know how foreign debt you are how far away you are? This is a numbers game, literally it's math. It's hitting
he's over and over again until you get the right sink with, and if a fuckin monkey can write a fuckin shakespeare play. If he's given enough time, what do you think You can do if you're, given enough time, becoming a millionaire? Isn't that hard? If you put in the time and effort and your committee to learning each and every time you fail, you just have to make the effort again and again and again and You will be successful. Sign typically proven to be fact, you just have to repeat them. It's over and over again until you get them right and you're going to generate wealth and not just a little bit. a lot of it. How do I know that? How could I see here with so much confidence and so much energy? And so much
duty, asthma and tell you that this is a fact, because I fucking done it myself. The the.
Transcript generated on 2023-10-10.