« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

Setting and Surpassing Your Goals, with Andy Frisella - MFCEO38

2016-01-12 | 🔗

Already failing your New Year's goals? Don't sweat it. Take the sheet of paper with your old goals, wipe your a** with it, and flush it down the toilet. The MFCEO is going to help you set bigger, better goals. The kind that people laugh at.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hey guys, you're! Listening to the m f. Ceo project were Andy. For us, A chases away, rainbows dines on unicorn meat and tramples on wilting flowers pay he'd, all you who have joined us. You are entering the real world, Breaking in the new year, certainly there's still time to set big goals for two thousand. Sixteen setting and Surpassing your goals is the topic of today's podcast brace yourself, guys what's up elicited the m f c o project amity, and I am the mother fucking ceo. one who does not
two thousand and sixteen wu, which still has a little kermit the frog in the air man we had to get it's. It's got a dj khaled in it yeah it's it's it's raspy. I kinda like it or or can back to a little older one tonne. Look yeah tone looks like young funky com edina, but here's the thing man. I'm excited. We have been recorded. You know I know. Last week we played sean wailing number two, which was dinner, conversational translation, sean, you know, which is always a good time. But we have an actual recorder new pakistan a few weeks because I actually lost my voice completely for literally two weeks. So. I'm excited me back. I know you know yvonne. You excited to be here tellers. To be here all the time. Oh no salmon, shorts coz its forty degrees, but look I'm still wear shorts designer pussy, so Here's the deal guys, you know
The second week of two thousand sixteen he'll ninety Eight percent of you, let's be realistic and already failed you're fucking goals for this year, so we, wanted to give you some time to fail percent of goals? And today we can talk about a set goals that you're gonna keep right. So No, it were two weeks in and you know you're down in your already fuckin bombards again. No doubt now called same bad words. Whatever was you swore off you, weren't gonna do but you're actually still doing we're going to show you how to keep your goals today and why setting goals. The right way is important. because the way most people set goals, most insinuates that they're going to fail from the get go were to get into that a minute. But first before I do broach that topic of goal setting read talked about a few things we have same.
big, big, big stuff. Coming in forty thousand sixteen huge, huge stuff like viagra mega boner announced zealous. Yes, like hide your boner at chalkboard. Whenever you I can seventh grade type announcements radically vanunu, I still do in Australia, yeah so. what's that what you want told my first man, what's the first announced and we think the biggest one is so far v the vague the coming These are the vizier, the beast, her eye, guys first of all,. Huge event. In saint louis on march, eight gary v, vain or chalk, you guys know really. Is it crush it? jack jack right hook. Thank you economy based Equally the number one entrepreneurial.
Thought leader in the world at this time, social media, expert content, expert influence or marketing expert arright disguise to fuck man will be watching his book he's called hashtag ass gary. We, in saint louis march, eight with me, Ok, so we're gonna, be. I am honoured, I'm hobble. I don't even know why I deserve the opportunity, but Gary hit me up and invited me to help him launched a book to up to speak at an event that we're gonna do for the book launch, which the book comes out more and we're going to launch the book, we're understanding of the fucking stratosphere, we're going to do a live event, we're going to do q and a we're going to burn the fucking house down and I've got a text here. Eerie theories, like I'm answered every mother fucking question about fire on re to go over to kill it like do. He is fucking height, like he com
I should like to minutes to kill it. On march, eight, I'm like yeah bro in January like ready to kill margie good, I mean. Did the guy's intense? So if you're a fan show you haven't Gary speak your info, something great, and I hope that you guys will make trip to Saint louis, because I dont know when the next time I'm gonna get to speak with Gary is an I'm super excited because our mentalities is or so parallel and our attitudes are parallel. Sympathetic, oh, and those complicated work. Zono young I met MR education down there. I'm just a blue collar guy down here. Simpatico means brothers from another mother. There you go. You know yeah. That kind of thing yeah sounds like raging viagra, chalkboard found herself to me. We we'll be announcing the tickets sometime. Next week work it's gonna be four hundred tickets. we will sell out. I mean it also
probably the first five minutes, so you gonna want to pay attention to win. These tickets come available. It's going be a it's gotta, be awesome event, so I hope you guys wherever you're from whether you're driving distance or you know you could take a day, for whatever from work a guarantee. If you come to this event, you will leave with More value, then you paid out for the money. I promise you. If you don't I'll, give you fuckin money back so make the trip, will shake hands with kiss a baby's, I'm right, Do this. I know Gary's ready. It's gonna be a fucking good time, so that is the first big announcement VON. You know we think biggest thing is here how about the fact that he and VON the impaler impaled his wife and now is having a baby? Oh yeah? Well, I'm not having a baby. Your wife is yes yeah. We are having a baby. Yes, congratulations! Dude! Thank you. Yeah number, two! All that
I, like all you guys thought it was just a nickname. It's fucking limit. It's legit von the fucking impaler anyway, my wife's going to kill me for saying this. But when we went to your christmas party the other day, she was going to wear a shirt that said Kasha the impaled I refer to the theater, don't you speaking to that party man I got drunk you did you hugged me, like maybe twelve times, yeah dude, yeah man, I loved it, Alright man, I dunno that I was hung over the next day, and that was fun though yeah, oh yeah, I figured you were yeah kind of hurting the next day, but it was there was a lot of fun. So next big announcement, my book, yes, kill, kill, kill. Coming out. Our goal is beginning a summer to bring it out. I'm gonna be a good book. It's to be something that I don't think I've never read a book like
before and I think it's going to be a new fresh, I'm not going to brag about my fucking book, but you know anyway, my book you brag about now. I think it's so you goin brag about me. Well, I mean Let me put it this way. I love Gary, later jack said about you. He said that you have a gift for transferring enthusiasm, and I think that book in this book that enthusiasm for killing it for conquering everything for over achieving is really gonna come through, and my hope is that people I responded the book kind of like you know I dunno ecstasy or low man. They just get there's going to be like crystal meth yeah, there's going to be fifty percent of the people that read that book and they're going to say holy shit, this guy's fucking, awesome and there's gonna be fifty. and people are gonna. Fuckin cops, that's pretty much. What is going to be so So I look forward to that
you're not going to take this opportunity because you're not going to do it, but I want to take this opportunity because I I discovered this on Emily, your wife, Emily. I discovered this on her facebook because I didn't hear it from but for those of you who don't know entrepreneur magazine, actually did feature little little story on the top seven instagram accounts. To motivate the entrepreneurial journey and Annie for Zella? Was one of them leave your number three? I remember for bulgaria was number three: that's right area with which we work. very good here. Both of us speak on march, eighth, very closely you guys, are interested in reading that article, you couldn't, you can go to entrepreneur, dot com or you can just go to the m f c: o dot com, ford, slash, entrepreneur, mag and I've. I've made a custom link, so you can go right to our website.
And be able to read that are to do the following one. The funny thing is about, as, like anyone contact me or say anything, it was just just showed up so, like tat, unlike like sky, going through the names like I'm like I'm reading article and I'm like thinking for sure I'm not going to be in it right, I'm like looking at it, I'm like alright yeah, alright I never heard that guy before and like usually when I reach it like that, unlike who the fuck are these people? Now, when I saw my name I like all, they must have done their home. That's great! No, I beg you. I've been humble about an hour. I hardly think it's because of me, but I will tell you that I emailed them a long time ago telling them about you. You did I did a long time ago, Where is rumoured saying are we not? so so turn announcement. If you follow me and you follow my company first I'm ok, which is doubly w. We got the new
one s, t p h, o r m we make the world's most. premium sport supplements and supplements. We are doing a contest. based on transformations physical transformations, met transformations live transformations that we given away to utter in one thousand dollars in two thousand. Sixteen people who want to participate. I am doing the court. Lack of transformation is that this contest it's not a new idea? People have done transformation contest for twenty years, but. There has never been one where the ceo of the company has. dedicated himself and put himself out there in a way that he's going to do with you so guys, look right! now I've got seventy fucking pounds. I need to lose in order to lose it, but the point is- is that if you have a goal, if you have a goal to improve whether it be gain muscle, get better shape lose weight?
whatever you do. You check this just out or I because it's for everybody in the website, is www dot. My transformation starts today: dot, com, okay, so go A dead out were given away monthly prizes and monthly progress and and Do some big, big shit. We we the video out yesterday or two days ago, we already had like we're forth Some people sign up in the first fuckin our and shut the west now while so it's gonna, be a lot if I gotta admit the first time. I saw that the videos like dude that gerard butler three hundred tat s who I thought it was only. Nobody wants a hundred pounds. Yeah man, you know like dude, I'm not comfortable with my physical condition. right now. Clearly I mean I've got a lot of progress to make, but the thing is: in the message of the video you gotta facebook and watch on first forms. Facebook is that
man, no matter how much you think somebody has their shit together. There's things about their life that are now. You you mean, so we have to be careful to look. You know and an idle people, because due to everybody's, got their struggles. You know a lot of you guys right now, struggling financially lahti guy. are struggling with emotional issues are relationship issues later you guys struggling with you, no physical, She's, like I am, but the reality of the situation as it were all fuckin fighting a battle and that bell might be obvious- or am I not be, but the case of the video that we made for that which went went viral. It. It was. You know I wanted to make my struggle fucking very obvious what it was, and so, if you watch a video due to shows me get out of bed when my shirt off and staring at the mere at my big fat body and in that's not for me. I don't want to shoot. In order minos, fucking very hard for me to put out.
they are for everybody, but the reality is is like dude, I'm committed to making a change. So what's it going to make a difference in six months, you know what I mean. So, bracer flaws, emblazon embrace weaknesses and an them and fucking. Let's make your happen so much information, dot, com, check it out if you are a little more inside, if you just know me from the msc or project into like what are companies about what we do- and I guess quote unquote my day job so yeah check it out awesome. So today, goals goals, goals like like: what are your goals yeah like how to how to determine whether a goal is worth pursuing and that sort of stuff. Is that what you're talking about you know, I think the biggest thing that you know when we're little man, everybody tells us that the shit like? Oh you gotta have goals and you got to write him down and you know what You're gonna deserves a study in the fifties. They, like you, know the three percent. People that acute
the most wealth were the ones that re wrote the goals down I could be totally wrong on that, but I've read that much times you know and the astra holes out there are going to fuck correct me on it. So you guys do the fucking research and sent it to me. The reality is: there's been studies that show that people that write down their goals succeed. They have a better chance of succeeding, but the reality of that pity- is that most people that still wrecked on their goals never achieve them. Ok, so why is that because we ve been tolerable life. Oh, if you write down your goal, you're gonna have better chance mature, that's true, but your chances are still the chances. Are you still want to fail? Why. and it has to do with the way that we think about goals. The way we set goals and the way that we act upon those goals, so today we're gonna address a number of different issues.
We're gonna talk about setting goals were attacked by keeping goals. We're going on my support, surpassing the goals that you set so guys. The thing is that when most people set goals were taught were little or in high school? And I've heard this a trillion times and connect disagree with it more and you're going to hear this upright disagree with it. I have arguments with this with people in my company all the time they say set obtainable goals set obtainable goals, set goals that are real listing bullshit. You should be setting goals that are so fucking big That nobody else that that your round is going to believe you ok shutting goals that do I demand that you raise your level of greatness, but not big. Ok you are the measure of your success and if a goals hard for someone else but easy for you you're sucks in also
You'll take these amid these little these they take these little betty goals. Like oh, you know I want to get a one percent raising my paycheck this year will do. The reality is, is that if you're aiming for a one percent, raise you're, probably going to get like a one tenth of one percent raise okay. So it's important that you set goals that are big that way do you even fall short you're still gaining much more than you would if you set small obtainable goals? You know the ultimate goal. Every one of your goals is for you to be a fucking. more life and to be great sofa golden. The man that of you. Why do you even setting it? Why are you setting these small goals like? Oh I'm going to you know, be a better dude or I'm gonna be a better this or that or that
it will be the greatest for can do to ever live in the face of the fucking earth. What would you say to people who say that if you set those high gulls you're just setting yourself up for failure? I think that here's, the thing people need to think about goals differently right. When you set small obtainable goals, the chances of you taking the action for you chief those goals, because it's simple actions- and you know that in its obtainable actions- and you know that is less ok, if you set gigantic fucking goals- and you know do for me to ever hit that go. I've got to take these massive actions, I'm gonna. Take these massive moves are gonna. Do me ass if things and you make that part of who you are doing massive things, taking massive actions, you're going. she far more than you ever would be as you know, you have to act so like you're running on a small goal.
And you know that you know it doesn't take up much free. I don't want to lose five pounds in this in two thousand sixteen or factor You can lose five pounds in a week, so you're going to wait until, like December sixteenth of two thousand and sixteen to start your goal, you know what about I got to lose. Seventy fucking how's or a hundred pounds. Those goals are easier to obtain because they create mass of action. You know they did. They demand massive ash on your part. To achieve so is that the same phenomenon is what happens in sports? Were teams play to the level of their opponents yeah? Exactly that's exactly what it is. You know, and people do you know they play to the level of the goals they set. You know it's the exact same thing, that's a great great comparison and I've seen it I've seen it personally. I seen a professionally I've seen it with Please I seen it with with you know. My father as I see it with other successful people and the most, several people on earth consistently set goals
so big that everybody, fuckin last item, because whenever bodies, after you, you First of all, that adds a little extra pressure and fire to your to your ass, which is great, but the reality of it is. As you know, in your heart, the kind of action is going to take to get there, and that is not going to be something that you take for granted like. If you want to be a fucking billionaire, you know you gotta get your shit together at a young age nearest are working now, where you know, if you sell, My goal is to be a millionaire. Now days. You know most people think, while one day, if I just stick with a long enough, I have the opportunity to make a million bucks. Well, that's not the cakes first, while number one million dollars left for her anything. Second of all. Why that make you're going to be a billinger? if you did that the million dollars will come a lot easier, you know what I mean, but it's a throws. The whole way you think about goals, kind of flies in the face of what most people teach you know the tissues small obtainable increases in mean which require a little battalion
actions require minimal commitment which require animal thought or minimal focus in the region of all. Those minerals is minimal, issuance an absolutely so you have to train you're mine to think max Lashing maximum thought maximum focus maximum. You know, move maximum move forward and the way you do that is by setting gigantic fucking goals. So, I challenge you to take your goals and when I speak publicly always since my job is to ruin your fuckin goal,
I challenge you to take a look at your goals and tell me that they aren't fucking that they're big enough, because right now I guarantee your goals are fuckin goals for pussies you're, not a pussy, and if you set goals for pussy or be a pussy period, you know that's the way it works. Did you and I talk about seth, curry and what he said read recently about somebody said: what's your purpose at as as an n b a player and his answer was well, my purpose is to replace Michael Jordan as the greatest player, who has ever played the game, and a lot of people were like. Oh, I can't believe he. He would say that why? Why would he ever say that and his his quick reply was basically shouldn't that be the purpose of literally every player, in the n b, a and because that's his quote, unquote unattainable, unreasonable, big goal that makes people laugh, look at the level he's playing at right now exactly and he may never replace him, but even if he doesn't like you asked a minute ago, isn't your chance of failing.
greater, I would say: yeah probably is, but would you rather fail at being the greatest? player, mba history and come up short end up in the hall of fame or you're rather fail and making the fucking raster, and then a wash out nobody working to welcome a doubt suited me. yeah. It's the same thing you can say same while making a billion dollars or making a million dollars. You know what I mean rather fall short of making a billion dollars and have four hundred million hours in your account and say fuck, I feel my goal or sure to make it a million dollars. the most you ever make in your life is like sixty grand a year. She earns an absolutely. I mean, though, that you just said so. That made me think that a good way to state it is you're, saying it's better to fall, just short of greatness than to succeed fully at mediocrity. Yes, exactly and you're, always gonna be better for that. So You know, if you, if you do, you could train your mind. I think you're right away, you know your chance of success are much greater.
Reality is a lot of people. You know they like. We have a you'll, never hit your goals, Fuck. You know your goals anyway, you know and you're, hitting him anyway, you're, not even hitting your small goals. So whatever is fucking make some big fucking goals. Take big fucking action. I, like it yeah, that's what it takes. You know. and yeah people are going to laugh and yell people are gonna, make fun of you and yeah people are going to say shit. That's a good indicator that your goals are big enough. You know what I mean when I tell people were going grow first form into a billion, our brain, I get fucking. I roles every fuckin, how my say from people that for people who have witnessed where we came from and seen it grow from where started me right, nobody's ever gonna believe nobody's gonna believe until it's fucking done so you're saying first, you and then those people were laughing at you. come to you and they're gonna be like
dude. I always knew you could do it man, I always believed in you, and I worked for you. Yeah yeah, yeah, dude it it's it's just the way people think man and I'm not really worried about the way quote. Unquote, they think we're worried about what your outcome is. If you want a big, how come you're so beagles, that's it. You know so point number one. Is choose a goal that that everyone is rip out. The goals you wrote on January first go to the bathroom take a shit and wipe your asked, what the goals and flush another toilet This point number one ok point or to take a fresh sheet of paper, and write down goals that are one million times bigger than that goal. This is why I like great cardon greco, don't put ten acts of you haven't read it is a fucking some book, and the reason that I personally do not read the book and in there
lots of things that I read in that that, like yeah, let's go, let's go. This gives us good the one party a that is so fucking great about the tax theory that he's talking about is your gun Rules should be ten times what your initial goal should be your because it's gotta required For even hit your initial goal require ten times the action you think it is you're gonna ten times the money you think you're gonna need so set ten times as big take actually ten times ass, big and you'd I can't say it any better than that, because I agree with him: one thousand percent: you know. I could see your reward. This cells eighty says it, but if you do that as a veteran. He I it's one of the few instances. I've read somebody's book and I've been like fuck. Yes that right there is what goal setting is about so dude
soon as we get off this podcast. If you have read ten ex go return acts. If you want skip it, a chapter on coal saying you're, fucking watch: you don't do that because explains the theory of tax. But the point is the guy's nailed it in the book and you know: It's the way successful people think you don't ever see. Somebody with you know tat Million our hearing calmer twenty million dollar, your your income, that has goals of like. Oh I'm, going to raise my income by four percent this year, no they're like I'm, going to fucking triple my income this year, you don't even to do that by tripoli. My action by tripling the amount phone calls them by tripoli. Romano means I take my troubling the emails I sent by tripling amount of effort. I the Take the amount of hands. I shake everything and that's how you do it. You know if you set of gold, percent increase you're gonna. Do you call for more fuckin four percent? More shit? It just doesn't equate to greatness, which is what you fucking want because of you.
Why why else would you me listen right now, so young. The goal setting on on terms of like how big you should be setting your goals is like. If you some Also read your goals, you, you should feel a little bit embarrassed. You know what I mean like a little silly. That's all! That's! When you're on the right track, yeah! So. On your new sheet of goals that you're going right after you get your ass with your old, she everytime. I write these goals out guys you Gonna have to write our goals. Queerly shot please precisely with exactly what you want we're talking about, I'm going to try to be better at sales. That's not an absolute statement! That's a pussy statement. Okay, it's not clear, it's vague! It allows you to get off the hook. You know what is even better mean. What does it mean? better, I'm a fucking dress better. When I'm selling shit, I'm gonna fuckin shake.
Pans I'm going to keep my fingernails better. I mean what the fuck does it mean I want to be. A better salesman How about this I'm going to sell ten times the amount of shit that I saw last year and I'm going to fucking go buy a lamborghini for that. That's a fucking goal: okay, not fucking, be better. Let it be a better piece of shit. Now we'll be fucking also might be a wild animal voltaire, people's fuckin heads off debts, the attitude you have to have when you're setting goals not going to be better that's for pussies. So I love the statement that I read the other day. Vague beginnings, invite chaotic endings words if you're kind of unclear where you're starting do that's the way you do not rely on what young people go through life like that they swim with the fuckin stream right they let the fuckin stream dictate where they're gonna go. They get in the way and they swim with the stream, because you know what, when you swim with the stream at first use,
he'll live your moving a lot faster. It's easy right, swim with the stream. Most women do a little fuck it. doggy paddle what the strings on lazy alright, and then, where do you end up? You end up in a bear's fucking mouse somewhere down the re river. Some big bears wait at the river and he catches you in his fucking mouth guess was game over. He didn't. Do shit, we go any anywhere you wanted to go. You can do anything you want to do you live life on life's terms. Instead of your terms, you know what I mean. So, let's fucking stop swimming with the stream, take control of your goals and move the fuck forward with precision with action and with dedication, origin, not even a daily basis, fucking minute by minute basis. You know what I mean it has to be that kind of folk, so don't dip your toe into the pool. Fuck, no cannonball, no just write big mother fucking cannibals yeah. You know, I mean dude it's
and the I mean the other thing about being being go on and on dude what I mean, but then the other thing- and I I know you'll agree with this- is the other thing is about being clear and sharp. Is that you're able to measure that if you're, if you're, if you're vague, if you're hesitant, how can you measure whether you've actually completed your goal or not, but you're saying make sure your goal has a point, make sure it's sharp razor chess cause? Then you can measure it? do you have a way to to to know. Do some people set those bad goals so that they can let themselves off the hook? They can look at themselves in six months and be like like okay, for example, I want to lose weight or I'll know why? I'm six months later, I lost three pounds. I couch my goal, I want to be better well, you know myself numbers the same, but on a mac sure everybody that comes in right. They let themselves off the hook with the fucking better. How bush dude vague goals are for fucking weak minded people, that's the bottom line.
You know what I mean like it's it's for people who want to pretend they're, ambitious and pretend that they're going to accomplish shit, but don't really want it. You know what I mean right. There's a lot of people out there, like being vague, gives you wiggle room. Exactly it yeah cause, you give yourself no wiggle room at c Y, a right, exactly yeah. That means cover your ass. If you, if you're, not a threat, you know. In a language that I knew, I really can say that, because I mean that's a word that that's in the bible: asses yeah, no king, James, theirs is ass. All over the place. It has all over the place. I'm going to read the other pictures. That sounds like a bar ass all over the place. But you know I go on and on man, because it's really the mentality, you know you either want it or you don't you either want to do this shit or you don't and pete a lot of people like to pretend that they're ambitious and they want big goals and they want things, but
I really don't want them. You know they just want to say they want them. They want to set up your goals, blah blah blah, but they don't want to do the fucking work that comes with it, so they set these books the goals that they wriggle out of initiatives to live there comfortable little life that you know If that's, you do quit trying to protect your ambitious and just Be you and be happy with where you're at you're gonna be a lot happier? You know what I mean cause you're just be happy and say you know what I'm happy, where I'm at there's nothing wrong with that. There really isn't like. This is not a podcast for people who. Want to stain, save spat, but there's people to do. I don't judge them for that, because that's what makes some fucking happy. I dont problem with it, but don't be one of these motherfuckers that pretends to ambitious and how these goals and pretend, like you, want this shit when in reality, you're not gonna act on it, you're not gonna, follow directions, and then, at the end of the year, you're fucking life. You know,
believe hit me hard this year. May I fucked life hit life back, you know people their victims, dude in and if you're fuckin victim, doubtless the show Go go: go let yourself permanently sam, maybe an average dude and be there and jude not wrong with you, and I absolutely right, all lotta deirdre average dude, not that I know that I there so my fair people, the world and their happy being where they are, and there's part of me that sometimes- and is that, like I wish, I could think that way. I can't I'm a fucking now. Why are wired that way? I've
well forward. I get depressed, you know and might feel worthless. So you know this is for you, mother, fuckers. Like me, the crazy people exactly so. Obviously, when we talk about goals, I think the natural tendency is to focus on results, but I know that a big way that you approach goals is is to sort of bake into those goals and emphasis on the process right. Yet you know thinking about them, because I do both alright there's people who do one usually what people do is they focus on the end result and that's all they focus on, and some people will tell you that's the way to do it, and I agree with that to an extent alright, I agree that there needs to be a major amount of time focused on the end. Result
You have to focus. You know if you're an athlete, you know what you want to achieve as an athlete and think about that on a daily basis. Alright, but what a lot it if some people can get away with just doing that, I'm not one of them. I you know I I I'm an analytical person. I have to break down the process that is going to take for me to get to a goal, so you in all their tears tube we're trying to talk about your autonomous, focusing on the end result you what we're tyler, breaking verse engineering, the process from the goal, And the end result that you want back to work you are now and then analyzing that process making that process part of your daily routine and then executing on it? process daily understanding that that's taking you to your goals. So I do this a little bit in a different way than most, because I would say most
people do one or the other or recommend one of the other. I would say you need to spend equal time on both You know what I do is like before I go to bed always practice visualization on my goals. I see myself living the end result. I have a vision. Or that shows were quoted quote my end. Result is, and what's funny about your end result always moves But I see myself living the wife, then I want Well, you know, I literally see myself, you know doing things that I want to do and before I go to bed, I spend ten minutes. You know until I you know really until I fall asleep thinking about when my eyes closed, visualizing myself living life. You know for a long time when I was broke his fuck you
I used to visualize myself, you know driving up to an airport getting out of a lamborghini and I would like see the door go up and like I'll get out and I will walk up to the airplane and the stairs will be down and like it would have like the chrome. I know handle and I would go in and it'd be all nice and I could see like all the finishes- and I visualize that for years and years and years- and I also visualize me speaking to people and people clapping and getting excited- and that was back when I was. making. You know I'll make a six hundred ninety five dollars a month now, that's regular shit to me. I'm going to fly to new york. While getting ready to fly in new york on a private jet and fucking two days. You know that the that's my life it's become. What my life is so like. I've always take that time to focus on what I want at night before I go to bed and then what I do is I break the
assets down, you know and if you haven't listen to the episode, kill it everyday retirement the power list, you go back and listen to it, but then I use my powerless to break down the tasks that are required on a daily basis. To get to that point, so I like that, I don't think I've ever heard. You say that the where you take the individual goals and then each goal has this: who has kind of a corresponding powerless? Is that what you're talking about. however, you have a goal and then you have an action francs, but I break it down in daily actions. Ok,. Bringing all the way down. If I want, you know a goal that five years from now, I have you billy sort of break it down, and I don't mean like do there. people here listening. They are going to be like well, how do you break down a goal? Dude you do the best you can you know, being an entrepreneur being somebody who wants to Successful there is never a solid game plan moving forward, you break the goal down the best you think
You know I mean I do it's an art, not a science sort of yet your adjusting. You know, I mean, as you go, and you know people well like, for example, like if your goal is to be a millionaire you're not going to fucking, put your your date daily actions. You know to sit on the couch for and watch you know making of a murderer for ten hours straight a day like everybody's. Doing right now cause he on the fucking facebook all the time he remained right, it's gotta be a core spawning action in like you sometimes will not know that what actions need to be taken, but you have to make your best gas in your best adjustment forward and that will be a successful about. There's no sure fire plan you're gonna have to like. guess and then, when you figure out, if that's working well or not, you know you adjust and that's how you go so and so yeah you have to
down. You know where you want to be a reverse engineer in the daily actions, and we talk about that on on the kill, everyday podcast So I mean, if you haven't, listened to that, go back and listen to that, because it's very, very thorough and exact stuff. I'm talking about right now. The thing is guys is that you know. Ultimately it's just going to come down to your daily actions and the habits you develop over the course of time, So while it's important to you know like we talked about the beginning, the podcast, your dream, and write down your goals and all the shit you're, some great teacher told you do if you're, not folk on the daily actions in the process and starting to make the process work for you, you never gonna get it's like it's like stone in a road map and san saint louis Missouri and I want to be in new york and media you're like just staring at it doesn't make bucket sense. Well, what if I started in new york and then I started looking at the roads that start in new york and work myself all the way back:
saint Louis I will. This is what I'm gonna do. I've got travel seven miles a day on foot on this road, oh and eventually dude you have you figured out and you get there. You know what I mean so you've got to focus on the daily actions. You've got to focus on the daily steps and you gotta reverse engineer the best you can to get to your goal so in guys go back and listen to the podcast about the powerless, which is kill it every day. Yeah it's worth killing it yeah it's one of our most popular cause. It's because dude once you utilize the power list, you cannot fucking fail. It's a failsafe dummy proof way of achieving your goals. You cannot fail if you execute the powerless properly, it's impossible, so yeah guys view and listen to the episode with the powerless on it. It's called kill it every day. It's.
the imf, ceo, dot com forward, slash, p, nine and that'll. Take it directly to the ear to that episode. Some guys! Let's talk about the obstacles. on the road. Okay,. Everybody, looks for the smoothest possible ride urban, which makes I mean there's no reason you shouldn't. You should always look for the easiest possible way. I am not going to sit here and say: hey look for the hardest way possible. Does it doesn't make sense, but here the reality of of of whatever it is you're trying to accomplish you, you looking for the easiest way, is gonna get away. Ok, you have to look at realistically have to look at it as something is going to require work requiring a tremendous amount of work, tremendous amount of thought, a tremendous amount of focus and when you trying to you know,
talk your way out of it, which are your excuses, you're going to fail, you're not going to get to where you want to be. So when we think about like what the biggest obstacles are, you have The first win the battle. In your own mind, you know when Accounting yourself make an excuse you to actively take control retail price. and murder that fucking skill, to the point where it does not. would exist for a figment of a second in your mind. Ok, we talked about Our correcting you're negativity in past pad podcast has to be done again and again and again until the first time the negativity creeps into your brain. It's gone that quickly. Ok, it has to become a habit getting out of your own way getting out of your own excuses getting out of the habitual nature of EU wine crying pitching moaning in your own brain has to stop, and if it doesn't stop, you will never get where the fuck. You want to go just
happen. So we talk about you know, obstacles along the way. Ninety nine percent of the obstacles that you're gonna hit a long way are planted, grow and harvested in your own brain. They come from yourself, so you have to train your brain to think differently and when these things start to sprout, you gotta pull him out and throwing the fuckin garbage that's it in the most successful people on earth understand how to do. This is doing it's not even in right now you might you're not gonna, be at that point. You're not gonna, be be at the point of you know. All am I got this negative thought and I've already figured out how to fucking used my benefit. You know that's what the great ones do. The great ones take their negative, Returning to positive action. The wreckage all their emotions, so much that when the negative thought or the next the impact of the negative emotion comes into play, they'll autumn ethically using that to move flower. They are turning that negative frustration.
and excuse whenever it is and taking The inverted it in a positive action and move forward. That's what great people do in that's what your goal should be internally, so the next time you think all her laugh and I'm here all this is harder. Oh, this is that you should meet stop get up from you're doing a go, do something that takes you toward your goal. Ok, another physically! If got your goals lose way, and you about how hard fucking cardio is hard. You hard your weightlifting session, is you should stop get up off the couch? Go Jim go outside and fucking do something you rivers for five minutes. that's how you gonna train your mind to get out of these habits of your thinking. This is a war. related thing. It would be like Oh man, I got send seventy emails. Tonight I get up a fucking. couch and go send ten right now, it'll make you feel better. The action of moving forward cures
you're negativity, long term solution, in all events, that what happens is you get season? You get an assault, the old fucking seat on this stuff in, like negativity, comes in, you automatically react with positive action That is something that is going to take you from being an Average, Joe, Struggling to being a fuckin unstuck will force of nature that gets whenever to fuck. You want Or whenever she wants anytime every time for the rest, your life and its work, the investment to return, your brain in that way guys view and listen to this podcast or check out. The show notes for this episode just go to the emerald city o duck. forward- slash p, thirty, seven! If you can believe that we honor thirty seventh episode. Yes, so your biggest obstacles to success are your own excuse.
It is why we said everything we talk about here is about achievement. It's about goal, setting it's about how to get what it is. You want out of your life, how to achieve the potential that you have in your life? Okay, that's. What success really is success. Is not a fucking dollar amount. It's a goal! You achieve it's, not a fucking car and a house. You know what it is, is the fulfillment of one's true potential and that true potential is going to always be expanding, because the more you learn, the more experience you have, the more resources you have, the more connections you have, the more your potential grows. So when you define it like that, you know fulfilling your true potential is a very hard thing to do right, but it's important that you define success in a way similar to that, because if you don't what will happen? Is you'll get the car you get the house, you get. The bank account you'll get the fucking whatever.
Is your fill in the blank and you'll stop and when you stop you'll lose how many times do we do we see this in in you know daily life on instagram or or facebook. You know rappers who focus all the time on making a million dollars or ten million dollars. They make the money and then they never hear from again, and then you see them on fucking. T two weeks later in our two years later in their underwear on drugs and street I mean look. Life is about constant progression, it's not about a thing right. So when you think about you know, What we're talking about here. I want you to realize some things. You know the shittiest day in a struggle for success is better than the best day of not doing shit. Okay, so many people go through life and they think that life is about doing the least amount possible. That is not what life is about, Ok, why this, while being a fucking animal running through the walls,
occurring shit dominating shit, internal out the same fuck here. Where do the shit together? Ok, that's where the fucking good shit is. That's where the jew of life. Is the juice of life is not in doing the least Now, it's not in you know doing the. No swimming with the three like we talked about it's not what it is. What it is is it's about setting where you're potential is in achieving that potential and the resetting it again and again and again and again, because let me remind you of something guys, you are not just about you, you are about. Everybody knows you you haven't obligation for the people around cause you to see you succeed for your kids. You succeed for your fuckin wife husband see you succeed, you are example worthy realize it or not, and I take that possibility seriously and you sure too so quick.
working order, while you know doing least amount of shit and realise that the worst possible day road to accomplishing your potential is still better than the best day. the sitting on your ass and watching fucking netflix period. Ok, so The next thing I would say to is you know. be weary of your emotions, you know your emotions are not relevant to your execution. No, I would say the most successful people on earth have become experts doing shit when they don't feel like it. I think that's the x factor that separates p from average to two mega mega mega successes. Is that the people who do things when I don't feel like doing them. Versus the people who just do shit when it feels like
The reality is you're not going to feel like most of the time. You'll remain it's it's about doing things when you don't feel like doing it. It's about executing even when it's not easy to execute or not convenient or not. You know fun. on or you're sick or you ve got these other things going on in all executing when you don't feel like it is what separates the elite illegally from the fuckin. What could have been average Joe blow? I would even argue that ninety percent of the people in our country probably are driven by their emotions both positively and negatively. Like I couldn't get, they feel good about themselves, even though they ve accomplish nothing, but then the flip side of that is sometimes people beat. Themselves up, but objectively, if you look at what they ve accomplished, they ve accomplished a lot. They're just beaten themselves up so well, that's because those people there the people would beat themselves up. Those people understand that success, a moving target. That's why they weren't at yes, your zambia. Why did you people
like people say all your new so successful. I feel like a fuckin loser, an act that I, when I tell him that way I really don't tell people that allowed because they think I'm like joking, but it's the truth. You know I feel I should be so much further ahead in so much more. Successful in knowledge is business, but in other areas of my life that you know, I feel like fuckin bomb in order I? I could do way more than what I'm doing and I should be doing it well. I think it's because you know you, you recognize something. You've told me before that success. Isn't this one time thing it's dynamic, I mean you, you, you don't get to a point and then for the rest of your life continue to be successful. It's I mean if, if you were lazy, if, if you are hardworking on monday, but lazy,
tuesday you weren't successful on tuesday s right. You know right so baby will hang on hang on to that one time they had success in her life mean dude. How many guys you see talking about their fucking highschool football right right right, I mean well regardless you know, you've got to you've got to execute when you don't feel like it. I mean I think that is the defining. That is the defining point, the separate success from average or failure executing consistently. Even when you don't feel like it and sometimes execute more when you feel like an attorney like I said a minute ago, turning that negative energy of not feeling like it into productive action. You know what I mean. That is the key man. It really is successful. People ask you where they feel like it or not. You know it's easy to do shit when you feel like doing it so and third, you know, I guess the third point to wrap this all up is like look, is good.
an ok and right to feel good. When you fucking kill you know, society has groomed us or the last fifteen years to almost feel bad about when no winnings fucking awesome. If you're fuckin winning good for you fuck, you win, that's what this is about and if you, if you win fuck, you feel good about it. You know me don't settle, and so I want that we talked about second ago, but do it's? Ok, feel, go when you win, there's nothing wrong with that. You know. I know emotions, don't matter but dont mean. Is that it's not ok to feel good. When, when you, when you win, you know, I just feel like Society is like beaten out of people like all you, you fuckin you're, winning, that's bad! No, mother, fucker, that's awesome, and I want you guys. feel go. When you accomplish, you know
It's little things long way, take a minute and say fuck, yeah dude. I dominate that shit. You know, that's! What's going to end up building your confidence to the point of unstoppable force of nature anyway, you know celebrate your successes quickly, feel good about them quickly and get back to work. You know, and another thing you know that goes along with this two guises. You need to. celebrate other people's successes. I mean when you celebrate other people's successes. It's like we talk about what thank you. You know it's a powerful thing to say. Congratulations! You know when people do well, do good, credit in all because the here's the reality when they see you do well you'll get the credit back in We all know fields better to give credit anyway. There does take it. So I don't know guys. Don't let's society beat down, you will win You know when you started accomplishing your goals and you start winning. Like you know, the funny thing is I I like I like hockey, people like a lot. It was cool to be cocky
like what was his face? Macgregor, the fighter airways talk a shit on m due to guys awesome. You know why greece, in good. He knows he's good and he puts into worked bigger any talk. Shit good now. If you're, can it be that kind of person you gotta be prepared, eat some humble pie whenever you lose, but do you know how if he loses or when he loses he's gonna be gracious about it. You don't mean well the wrong having a little swagger man? Nobody wants that guy when he's on the other team. But when he's on your talk, yeah man love it. I want him on my team yeah cause. He raises the level of the whole team dude, I'm gonna get him on the podcast man. That is the guy? I know man on the octave, maybe I'm different most people august when people talk shit. when their went in and in that I love it. Mean a lot of people were like oh you're, fucking, blah blah blah. Well, yeah, that's cause! You sit on the couch being a bitch. Now you know what I mean you don't like that talk, because you're not doing anything.
But, but when they, when they do something to reverse, wants to talk about how fucking awesome they are they're insecure, so they take yeah nah dude, I shit talking is a fucking. Unlike Conor mcgregor he's like the fucking ceo shit talking like. Did you see his press conference by the way? Did you see it? Tyler said shaking his head: yeah dude, that was fucking, awesome, yeah, but anyway yeah so dude. When you win celebrate your win, get a little. You know this. Isn't the mother fucking ceo show for nothing. Man have a little fucking attitude. Has some swagger feel good about yourself for a minute but get refocus quickly and get back Workers remember you're, always goes you last fucking bad. That's the reality. The.
Transcript generated on 2023-10-16.