« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

Rest In Peace, Personal Responsibility, with Andy Frisella - MFCEO55

2016-03-22 | 🔗

Pay your respects to personal responsibility, who by all indications, appears to be dead in America.  In this episode of The MFCEO Project, Andy Frisella holds a funeral service for the thing that has built every great life, business, and even the U.S. of A.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Dearly beloved. We are good, Here to remember our dear friend personal responsibility, who was such a pillar of our community, our country and ourselves today, we pay homage with I the pastor disaster officiating, the funeral and mister before Sela the m f c, o offering a memorial and a tribute that today's pot guest. I am right make sure you have you kleenex his mother fuckers, knowing what some guys you listen to the ep, ceo project amity- and I am the mother fuckin ceo guys at this first time. Listening, welcome, Drew listening rendered children probably a good idea. What is the m f c o project? Will the embassy or projects a project that we started a few? Actually
was two year now go to basically bring out, the information needed to people that is not based around fluff rainbows care bears fuzzy little creatures. Thing that makes you feel good and not tell you the truth. What gonna get here. You're gonna get the fuck untruth you're going. The reality you're gonna get information is going to help you improve and take control of your life, but I'm not a c o. Why do I need to listen to your poor girls, because mother fucker, do you not see all of your own life? That's what this is about today, we're going to talk about something. That is in the middle the core values of why we started this podcast personal Responsibility used to be bad the day, everything in our lives was a result of the things that we did, our grip oz, grandma's. They stood that they worked.
they got a result if they planted a crap. They harvested the crap today it's not that way anymore. We're to talk about what the fuck is wrong with people and review one of these people, who can't comprehend. The concept of personal risk its ability going to figure out what the fuck is wrong with you and fixing yeah we're not when I going to talk about it. We're gonna actually hold a funeral service for personal responsibility. I mean: are you game, a man its long overdue. We can, I get a performer past or someone I'm an to officiate at this funeral service and is: can we I swear, we do man well no most funerals start with sharing a word or two about about the daily departed. So I thought I'd get you to talk about this, this great person, personal responsibility, this great entity,
who has made such an impact in our lives such a just such a difference to all of us, and I I want you to share what you believe and the difference that personal impact excuse me. Personal responsibility has made in the lives of well really the whole world war, I mean, let's take a look around and and look at the country which most of us listening here are living in an ok states of america. I know we have a lot of foreign listeners too, but for sake of right now to talk about our country right when people first, in our country, but we know structure. There was no roads, there were no banks, there was a shit was a fuckin forest which the people in it to figure out how to get along with or deal with a create things with, and whether or not you have your opinions on how this was all created. You fuckin live here and if you don't like it, fuck, it move, but here's the reality.
Wouldn't come to america and man it's up to so and so to fuck and build these rose. Oh it's up to so and so to create these buildings. Oh it's up to now we fucking kidding ourselves. Okay, so when you take about personal responsibility that comes down to every single thing that you use your daily life now is based. somebody saying hey, you know what I'm gonna take care of them: or I wouldn't have any more today. Everything is oh, I need to call so and so, and if I you know spill, have you my lab. It's fuckin mcdonald's for no reason. Mcdonald's, for it's your fault for being a fucking idiot. Okay, this this is the, Problem with america right now everything It's everybody else's fault. Everything is the government's fault. Everything is the neighbors fault. Everything is the pier's fault and if I don't like the way, the things are: I'm gonna whine, I'm gonna crime and a bitch on facebook and If ruined alignment of fuckin sue somebody right, that's that's the problem right now. Ok,
every successful business that you look, let every enterprise history of america or on earth that matter. Free foreign listeners that are listening right now has been upon the idea, you know what here's a problem and I want to take- upon myself to create something to solve that problem. access all all you know, every is what we call you see on the road. Every nice house you see the result of personal responsibility, decisions, but he heard it is money. Well did is can dad inheritors money or is blocking grandpa. Did they take personal responsibility, build issue to write so my argument, Can we, as yours loses shut the fuck up right? I built my business personal responsibility. I don't wait around for somebody to fuckin hand me something and say here's this fucking business in a week. We said: hey we're gonna do this, one of the labor stopless wriggle anything stopless and we fuckin did it right quite honest:
You know it's the reason, you're listening this podcast at the end of the day, because you got eyes were listening, come here for a breath of freshness that is now being communicated anywhere, ok, zirk other guys who communicate what we communicate. Yeah sort of, but nobody does like we do it now What made me who I am no, it's way me what I am it's made everything you know. I got a lot of credit, because do I don't feel much anymore? Every fuckin thing I touch goes right. You know why, because Look it upon myself to fuck, it start building. shit when I was eight years old and failing and learning and reading in an experimenting? And now you know what usually make the right decisions? Ok, that's personal response.
Well, everything good everything. Great everything. That's ever been created comes from that space right, okay, so so, obviously I'm having a little fun here where we're conducting a funeral. But let me back up just for a second, because the reason we chose to do this is because this seems to be this. Just this repeated thing again and again in america, it's oppressive nobody taking responsibility for their own actions, always blaming somebody else blaming it on on some factor of their life. I I I'm curious how do you think we got to this point like what? What were the factors that contributed to us being being here when you were actually like
Recognising the demise of personal responsibility in america. You know that's a good question man. I think, there's a lot of contributing factors. I think the ultimate contributing factor comes down to not wanting to. It starts with kids. Right and I feel like, but do you know the last generation of fuckin kids that are now dulls early young adults were brought up in a situation where people try to soften the truth? about what reality was about whose fault things are about how things play out, and you know I always use the the know- participation trophy example, but I mean that's just one of many things. You know- and I think, from. I comes from a place of like a good hearted place like it.
From like hey, no, like Nobody started this. This whole thing with bad intentions are good entrance, you don't hey. I love my kid. I love my son and want them to feel good about themselves. I want them to feel like they accomplished something I want them to. I want to build this self esteem in them, but you can't do that by by building with is it true? You know, and eventually they find out that things are true and the self esteem as a fucking glass house and guess what it breaks my. So I think that it started with with fifteen twenty years ago. I think it started with the idea of fairness and opportunity, and oak is up face it man there has been street in america, where you know when in black, As you know, they have the same opportunities as white had the whole history of
america- and you can argue this all you want and I'm not gonna, get as big deep discussion, but there's a history of america that has has. Not allowed for opportunity, equality right and I think in the search to fix equality and a great opportunity and that are based on. razor generating just everybody. You know every deserves the same. We ve created situation where its nobody's fall right. Where were you know? If you know, if your black and you dont accomplice anything. It's because your ancestors were slaves. If you're a woman, he don't accomplish things because any rights until the sixties, if your white person even accomplish anything. It's because you know you got picked school or some other fuckin excuse right right, there's always a thing to blame the differences, the people who make it in a people who don't
are the people who say you know what that might be true, but am I fucking used as x you someone who follow regardless right so I think the the mentality of trying to fix all these things that are and make an idealistic world is. What's created this situation of it's not my fault yeah, I don't know I mean that's, I think your examined griffin right now it is played out my brain now. I think you're like flash warning that it would be like some fuckin stupid soccer. Mom decided that they're not gonna fuckin give our trophies for winners anymore right, partly true right. So the two things that you said that I thought I totally resonate with was one you said it comes from a good hearted place, and I think the funny thing is is that people, I think, ultimately, what it comes down to it is that they have Really screwed up definition of love, like love, is just like doing everything for somebody. It's it's always it's shielding from any sort of challenge
heartache, is making sure they never fail, and so I think, there's a lot of people to think like. Oh, you know, if he's struggling, I'm going to make excuses for him and and then that's loving somebody or that's that showing them some sort of kindness, but the other thing you said, I love that you used the word. Equality it's that we have a really screwed up. My understanding of the word equality. Equality does not mean the everybody's the same. It may equality as our founding fathers men. It is that they want everybody to have the right at the same access to different opportunities, but it did that does not mean literally everybody on would be exactly the now is that ok. nope, even though the united states and I'll be the first one to admit it has been full of inequality opportunities for a long. You know up until you know some people argue when it stopped, but up until really the sixties. Okay,.
Overcompensating to try to make to make up for the inequalities is not equality. Alright, and that's not going to that's not going to fix anybody. You know what I mean. That's not going to fix anything creates right right now, and I guess what I meant by that was- is that everybody thinks that everybody deserves to be a millionaire or air. But you know equality means that, you're a millionaire and tyler or I am not than somehow that's lack of justice. That is like a justice of secondary. I mean yeah, that's what people think yeah yeah. I think a lot of people think that and I think back in the day I mean when I was a kid you know it wasn't that way, because I can Remember being told by nearly everybody else. Rather with like hey, you know, if we saw somebody who was successful, it was like hey dude. You know that guys that way cause he worked, his ass off
right. You don't owe me now, it's like all other guys. Fuckin cheating system, where he's this or that are so kind of bullshit, excuse right, so as so as as we commemorate the the memory of personal rust responsibility. As I understand you correctly, you say that the way that personal responsibility has affected or impacted our lives, as you said, basically in it made america it build every successful business or enterprise in the history of america. Earner it it build your business, and really I made you who you are. You know that von spill, every strong family, ok think about the families that created the good, strong families you know, leaders of of family, if you're, if you're a leader of a family in your fuckin, blaming, everybody else, for the reason that you you're fucking can afford to put food on the table. Do you're just fucking you're, just creating that cycle over and over and over again and every great family families that thrive and
oh and met the decks generate because, like everybody right, you want your kids do better than you. I would say most people feel that way, and if you want that to happen, you take responsibility for instilling those values of personal responsibility. Not only in your teacher but in your own actions, you know right and people do they sit around they come. If from work they blame the fuckin man about. You know why they have to eat fucking, ramen noodles, you know it. Couldn't it couldn't be that you know you drink fucking, a twelve pack of beer, starting at four thirty every fucking day, instead of actually like working to improve yourself. Since you get off work and move forward in life, it could it be that you spend your whole entire life, watching the fuckin walking dead or whatever you ve. Could it be that you know you go play? Fuckin softball five nights a week, with your bodies. It couldn't be any of those things. It's the fuckin man right, you, serum, saying
absolutely and I should point out to cause. I know we're gonna get emil's about this in your fine. Let us getting mouse later. If you follow us for any length of time we're not saying that it's not appropriate some time to help people out to give I mean you're you're, very active in charity. You help people out you do you do different things? There is a way to help somebody that actually, in empowered there's or with the word that prevention is right. Word like a like it. It empowers them to her themselves and then there's another kind of help that basically just keeps them in the same place immediately it's an over used. Now the bible, smoking. You teach a man to fish or freedom of fish right right, yeah, yes, for then it s a fuckin bible right I know these are the bible, but its inspired by the bible, the difference between this giving just giving somebody a fish. What are his usual artifice,
most people want to get the fish right. You know because it feels good to give the fish. You know. Oh, I saw this person's problem. You know, oh, my my friend is you know five thousand dollars in debt, so I give him five thousand dollars to get them out of there. In these five large and that the next day again right, you know right, you don't solve things like that right, because it is its people to want to help themselves be able to help them exactly so so, obviously, in keeping with this this whole concept of of having a memorial service for personal responsibility, a lot of times memorial services. Have you no special readings from like you know scripture, or something like that. So what I thought I do is a good time to introduce are the newest member of our crew? Do you wanna introduce introducer, or should I know you cared alright, so we have with us
R m F intern, whose name is kelsey, say hi kelsey haggard eyes. So basically, kelsey approached us are your regional point of connecting with the with the show was what I wanted to bring andy to marry, though, and I'm still working on it, because I gonna score their cell. If that was the first connection reach out to vine and but what is the obstacle? to andy speaking cause. You know and he's a very highly sought. After speaker, conservative assholes, don't like the word: yeah, hey man. This is what it is, what it is, but that's, ok, maybe someday said so yeah you're gonna be helping us with some different things. I kelsey is what you are you an forthhere, forthhere? Ok, so your you're killing it you're doing different things, but kelsey's actually going to read. I'm going to have you read for quotes and I'd love to just hear Andy's response to each one of these quotes. So you go ahead, start
first, one, okay! Well, we start with confucius who said attack the evil that is within yourself rather than attacking the evil that is and others yeah. I mean, let's just scroll through facebook, let's pull a facebook on the computer scroll through the percentage of people who can have their own shit together that are working on criticising somebody else or something else about society or themselves. I mean not just become commonplace. You know at this actually with the with the massive role that social media has come to play. You know. I don't know- I don't know if it's actually
accelerated or if it's just that, we see it more, but I mean fuck, you don't have to look very hard for it, yeah! No! Definitely it's it's again. It's always easier to criticize somebody else than the criticize yourself and what you know what Michael Jackson say start with the man in the mirror or woman. I dunno that's a great song. It's actually my favorite song. Everything starts there. Yeah everything yeah yeah next quote kelsey. I have this one as if you could kick the person in the pants responsible for most of your travel, you wouldn't sit for a month, Theodore resume that I don't have anything yeah, that's true, not back just read the final one, one by the former president. I know I skipped ice gets Harry favour. It was an hour. I go ahead renegade. There is expiration date on blaming your parents for steering you in the wrong direction. The moment you are old enough to take the wheel responsibility lies with you. Are that this Actually. This is a good one.
How many JK rowling, by the way, how many p yeah? Who, who, how many shit, how broke? Was she when she decided that she was going to start taking responsibility for herself? I believe she was like super super super poverty situation? Is living in her car broke up for a mom to billionaire status and come on come on? Do everything starts we're taking responsibility and, let's, let's be real, ardent grow up, money in my family, I you know my dad was now call my mom fuckin beat me my mom left my dad left blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. How much do we fuckin here the ship and its accepted as an excuse, its accepted peep. People say that shit and other people are like. Oh, you know what it's it's a you know I that totally makes up for the the the the fact of you being a total piece of shit. That's what people fucking deal oh right, you know an end, they sit there and they say. Oh
You know my dad used to spake me with a bell thought mother, fucker, my daddy's, to beat me with a fuck. Peace while european, Now what about peace? Aware like rome, about a pocket peace wire about an inch across that could not then. you're insane do now for you. I had to pick up my own twig yeah, we do have to use what we will laugh when they did the twigs. So we've got the wire. The point is to your beat, with a piece of fucking wire shut, the fuck up You know I'm tired of this shit a purse fuck you and your parents, it's u pirie. Next week, ronald Reagan said we must reject the idea. Every time a laws broken society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to story, the american precept that each individual is accountable for his actions. You know, I think, because there was like four million shootings. I think we should ban guns. You know, because, because the country,
fucking obese. We should ban fuckin forks and knives you know it's an right right either, we should now Also, I think we should. I think we should ban like you, know russia, bank books because it's an unfair advantage for the people who read them. So don't want anybody to be unequal. So, let's ban the books and by the way who does someone banning books where, where that's a mentality, you and everybody to be fuckin equal. You know, let's, let's take away, let's take away you know, if you take away everything, let's make urban draw the same car you know
let's take away our alcohol, you know so then you know people I dunno how that was going with that. You just want to suck the fun out of everyday, like let's just take away everything yeah yeah, so I hung out with a couple of guys that came to the to the event last week and it was great experience, but one of the things that I learned that I didn't Oh, is that in canada, because a guy from Ghana told me this in Canada. You have to get your meat done well done like. If you go to a restaurant, you have to get it done well done I mean again nothing nothing to all young people in canada, but the idea that governments, the government is going to tell you that you cannot choose to have. rare or meeting medium rare because they deem it as not healthy for you. That's insane
I don't even I there's a lot of things. Canada does really well, but, but I I could read my head around but see I think that's what we're coming to is that people are able to make their healthy decisions selves, so we're just gonna legislated for them. Why would we legislate things to protect people that are too fucking stupid to make it on their own? Why we do that? I have no idea. Why? Wouldn't we let those people just take care, themselves. Yo Minerva, my numbers, that's really mean things say that the way the world was set up by god, the survival of the fittest sitting of the her natural selection, fuckin design that You didn't designer who designed folk in the universe.
and whatever you want to talk about. It's not mean it's a fact. So if that's good enough for the fucking world. How does it mean when I say that and when someone says hey quit making rules for the bottom, percent that the night- eight percent have to live by and live down because of the bottom two percent. It makes no fucking sense. Yeah, ok, and that is where we're going to work the king was based around the bottom two to five percent of the united states intelligence in income. People who don't pay taxes, ok to fix quorum quote fit the country. How does that make sense? This kind three was founded on fucking, smart, intelligent personally, responsible people.
And if we legislate everything for this fuckin group of people, the kit white Ass, for whatever fucking reason, it is. we're all going to bring our whole rest of us to that point, and people can get that because they have this big heart and they have like this bleeding heart. You know. But what are you saying and say what the motherfuckers figure it out Eventually, half of those people we'll figure it out right when you? Do you give em everything and when you can make it a minimum, when you can make enough, money on government assistance now as equals minimum wage. What's the incentive to work. What's the incentive to figure it out, what's the incentive to go to work and do better, there isn't right, but
people want to keep given and given and given and given, because they think it's the right thing said the fuckin. Writing you its assent. Is what we're talking about here, we're people's own kids. You know they want to We want to protect the kid, so they do things keep them from all bad things, world which ultimately keeps them from those things knowing how to deal with them and improving because of them, which makes your kid dependent? Further s was life. You know, and people I don't think it through they, they look at it like there be extra moral by solving everybody shit, no europe! immoral by solving everybody. Shit. I'm the moral mother fucker, because, I'll people actually learning and improving and moving forward, but If I say this shit on a stage for fifty thousand people, you know you peter,
The people walk out of goodies heartless right. hopeless for dinner, partly because I want people to have a sense of independence in value and worth and skill that they have to learn, having to actually expect in the real world, as opposed to hide behind
if the government aid or fucking whatever it is, I mean come the fuck on you mentioned parenting and the connection is absolutely one hundred percent so caution. I started going to some parenting class, which frankly took a little bit of coaxing on my part for me to do that, because there's so much crappy parenting out there, but but was kind of amazing- is that this this thing that we're going through the whole point of it is to teach your kids personal responsibility and not to fix things for them, and they they are the the the ladies that that's teaching it is actually saying like. We want your kids to fail and cheese, the example of most parents if their kid goes to the movies and comes home and says oh mom. I forgot I forgot my my coat well. What do you do that? The parent goes and and goes back, you know cause the movie. Theater goes back to the movie theatre and gets the coat, but
our whole approach is now when your kid says that you say- and this is amazing- because literally it's word for word- what your dad told you to say to like your employees when they couldn't figure this out literally they're they're teaching us to say what are you gonna do about you going to do about it right what what he ended? The first time this lady did this with her kids. She said her kids were like well. What are you talking about where you left the coat? What are you gonna do about it, and so, as the as the gears started, turning the the the kid was like. Well, I guess I'll call the movie theater, alright, how you going to get there? Okay, well, so the the kid a problem solver and not could not. Coincidentally, all their kids are like massive over achievers, very successful, a shocking yeah right. So that's all I think again. People are so bent out of shape because they think, oh you guys don't like poor people or you're, not you're, not sympathetic, no
Not when we're saying we're saying that the loving thing, the the right thing, the good thing is to teach people how to take responsibility. Do that's exactly one hundred percent the truth and people can understand that you need to be wearing a fucking helmet going through your day to day life. Fact, if you can understand, I'll? Send you home it a lot that real gaia now? Did you shouldn't be operating functioning in society because you're not gonna, make it right right? What kind of crazy as that and we ve talked about this before the irony of it is- is that the people who, when all said and done, are the ones who really do need help like they? They need a little support, they're, the ones that are usually not waiting around, for there are the ones who are taken: the bull by the horns and they're making the most of their lives. what the people I love yeah. The people depicted in those are the people. I look forward to try to help yeah the people who are already helping themselves. The people who are, who are
we struggling really really hard, but there also working really really fucking hard. Do those people that they'll never the people that never asked for help or the people that I try to help I'm trying to find out. I try to like Yeah I wash from afar, see what's going on and I try to like, ninja spy on him. You know what I'm saying, because I know they're never going to ask me, but those are the people that deserve the help. Those are the people that are going to tell. Whatever it is, however, you help them as an investment in them and actually there will be a return not to you but to the next generation of people right in order me absolutely, and I love the YAP dude I am all for them. like dude, I'm all for government assistance to by the way. I just think you're certain points, measures that need to be met. I think you need to be fucking you can't be doing this shit where you walk in every fucking location of storing hey. Can I get a job application
and so I can show my officers like a qualify for my fucking aid. No mother fucker. You can't write okay, so so so I think you should know you know, there's a number of things that we can get into this, but I mean you know you should be able to pass a drug test. You should be able to fucking. you know, show that you're that you're trying like for real, not just scamming the system, there's lot more, there's many many more things, but the point is people do need help, but I think the only people that deserve help are the people that fucking are trying to help themselves absolutely right, learn how to control with this shit. You know, let's fucking, help this piece of shit, drug dealer, blue Those who want to work who doesn't know? Oh will they ve got a disease, it's called drug addiction right, mother, fucker that ain't a fucking disease right; ok, I wrote the directions of the armor. I normally get about shit on this, because some people here got family members and all this shit, motherfucker
your family member, I now who's addicted heroin chose to fuckin. Do that. They chose to do the heroin they chose to ah blah blah. And yes, it's a shame. I'm sorry it sucks I've ever members to that have been all drugs are ruin their lives because of drugs. family members go to prison for eleven twelve thirteen years because of drugs. Fucking, nor really well, but I also know he's fucking vaulted is its there's or I am You want to talk enabling look at these mother workers who enable these people and rocks you now want your purse want you little family. Here, oh johnny gets on the fucking, h juice, dude
trying to cut them off period. Absolutely you know, you know it's interesting. You know my wife's, a doctor and and in the medical field, this is like I mean, there's a there's, a ton of frustration and there's a ton of I just like ringing your your hands and just wanting to pull your head out, because there are so many people who continually go to the doctor for lifestyle reasons for lifestyle decisions, and yet we gotten in or in our explain it. In other words, there are not they're not in a bad way, because they have some genetic disease that literally they could not chosen. They have they were because they by seven two leaders of fuckin, regular coke right everyday in there and their smokin six pack today in there, and there come back and here's what kind of crazy is that we live in culture where my wife cannot tell were badly obese person. You're fat like here your problem. Your problem is not that year,
the proud you that's the whole problem here. Ok, right, whole problem here is tooth to full one. We can't tell people the truth without being a jerk. Two people can't hear the truth without their person being a jerk, Wait. You know what I mean right three. If we want to add two, there is no self awareness. You know when you have plans worker to focus stairs or you need a fuckin scooter to drive. fuckin walmart, its primary an idea to be buying for two hundred fifty dollars of foodstuffs where the fuck and regular coke and fucking cadbury eggs. You're insane area like dude, it's just in there just work at what point is is is enough enough right! you're gonna. Do it my way my whole life, but I also have the ability to look at my mere sing: anti europe, fat, mother, fucker. Time to flock and do some work right, which one Thirty five fucking pounds of january fourth report on sand,
I'm fuckin doing the work, because I look in the mirror and I said you're fat fuck. That's it right? I wish some other people told me that, on the way up being a fat fuck, so I wouldn't let it get ok, then you don't say it, but nobody tells you because they're too pussy right. So this this is. This is off off the rails. People are going to think I've completely lost that I like to think of myself. As a very you know, I'm a compassionate guy. We've talked about this. I I really do like to help people but, as I think about the whole situation like with So many people's medical situation, how would our culture be different if, if, if a doktor could say to a patient who comes to see them regularly, I did you do what I told you to do. Last time Did you do any of the exercises? I told you to do? No. Did you take the medicine that I told you to take know all right? Well, I'm not going to see you again until you do that, like literally, you cannot come back for treatment until you show
proof that you ve done this and you know what they're answered. You know a people's eyes, and this is where I'm gonna, I'm probably gonna, get emails to errors. Ok, the answer that a lot is in the answer that a lot of people say is give is No, what's gonna happen that person? What's that they're gonna die, we a lot, may at. Maybe I have all the facts as well. Not now me, I'm not gonna. Go to. What I want to say is that maybe the fear of death will kick them in the You know what I will work and say that I will say that I do my best best friend died a fucking lung cancer for forty years old, ok,. How much that seventy two years or seventy one years old now how much light the dead man miss because he couldn't fuckin take responsibility of not doing those thanks. Mr kids, growin up mrs fuck it
as mrs fame you she'll sandia? No, I totally get it, but that's not cool yeah. No, I agree as a cool. It's not it's just that. I'm not fuck opinion on him. It in you know particularly, but like do I could pick up my. So look at ok. Do I go through immense amounts of stress a man amounts of stress for what for what you don't owe me what do. I should be doing something to fix that I'm addicted lifestyle. I need to fix them. You want to me, but I know I need to fix it right. You know, I don't know man nights, I mean, but but My point is that if people understood if people stir everybody listening sees your point everybody listening is past. Is fucking, amen, Hallelujah, mother fucker, because dude on tone. People are tired of it, reason. People out do the real people,
supporting donald trump like they are a new light. Again, I'm not democratic republic in upper. What's right before all you, mother, fucker start bombarding me was shit. The reason people out supporting him is because he believes and personal responsibility and people are fucking tired of the let's, Make up for all this time that things were wrong or less, let's fuck it take care all these people. Let me my tax dollars to people who fuckin won't work, fuck that I'm sorry, I'm tired of it everybody for town shaking it had yeah. Are you fucking tired of that approach on the part of the one personnel? people who fuckin say oh taxes, blah blah blah for you to pay your foot. motherfucker? I pay more taxes in one year. Your pay, your tie life, so book. Your fair share should not just total but percentage. Why? Exactly? Yes, you know and you people for can think about
You know the reason there and how many people do you employ that honey The other thing about it you get paid last by the way we think are good you're. The first one takes Paco. Ok- and let's talk about this too. On top of that, are I you're talking about all these things that we have a problem with when it comes to personal responsibility and being frustrated be angry, being upset. You know. we wouldn't have a cash flow problems. United states, everybody pay taxes, but you know why we have a casual problem, united states, because now nobody pays for taxes. My goal is to make the rich motherfucker pay more. That's because the fucking people I will pay, you should have more. Returns, half moon, claimant or cash, you know claiming their shit like do everybody? Japan is often political ship. Why should pay the same amount of everybody?
it's in my percentage, wise, let's say flat tax like what what's his face once rubio or who is a rubio or fucking cruz wants it, I think, is Rubio. One of them wants flat tax fifteen percent. If everybody paid fifteen percent we'd have far more fucking money, but they don't think of it like that. Instead Convince people that these rich motherfuckers don't pay taxes when in reality they pay more taxes and one working year dollar, one and then you will fucking pay your entire life, but they gotta pay their fucking fair share. It's a fucking joke. I think that's why I think. That's why america I mean we that's, obviously why the current political scene is so crazy is because people are stuck to the current political scene is so crazy. Because it's what a touch you about and it's a whiplash right. We want to fulfil one way. The last eight years were seen equal and it's an equal fuckin whiplash.
the other way you insane all the people who sat back and fucking didn't agree with a ship for the last eight years. Now there piss and the wild and their, therefore going crazy. That's why we're seeing people to ask be fucking things in all this which, by the way, what happen, if people went a little rallies enormous and re like, you know it's the same mentality of people on facebook, like when you type facebook on your fucking page and somebody I say you know what I disagree with. You and I'm never shop. Would it your company again and fuck you blah blah blah like look motherfuckers, my page right, your page, if you have your views, postpone your page. If you have your views about this, go to this The mother fucker they use support. going somebody else's rally. Re like due to five fuckin blackhawks game were blue shit and fucking scream for the blues, there's a good chance that we are pushing to fucking face, especially if here especially
If you're confrontational too to that's what am I gonna, fucking blackhawks came Chicago and I'm a my blue shit, which I would do it I'm unruly if, I suppose. So They're, like in the blue store at year end, I was a respectful, fair. The fear, will treat you with respect right, but if I go in there and go to everybody fuck you and the blackhawks jerseys mother fuckers, it's no different. You're gonna get your ass punched in the face right. no time. You know, you're, not wrong. You absolutely you're, hopefully were yet now on facebook, everybody's, like all foreign troops, suppose you're trying to kill everybody. The cops rallies motherfucker, They do trial what stage What's going to happen, if you weren't stage a bigger period, I never fucking said I'm what a vote for trump nor do the fuckin bomb for right. But I have to say, has come of four concerns that duties.
We get portion of fuckin face and tackle the guy, the rental stage you know the guy who got smoking face you know he was causing a disturbance. Was it right, the punch, the dude in the face for the old man? Nor was it right, but what do you expect gonna happen? you got a seventeen year old man who is the mortality of most seventy year old man of been around the world, and I pay my dues and I'll do what I wanna fuck. I want right tell me a seven year old man why black, yellow red doesn't matter that doesnt have that majority? I pay my use fuck you, so I just two. Pee, break and and and I'm not gonna lie. Tyler's got me. Let's see, I've got one two, three seven more water to drink. I only drink tea. Yup, which is unusual because usually I drink five or six waters before I have to pee san or else going on now, Maybe if I all this fire, I begin fired up less really backing of real, like I'm not trying to get on here and be all political, but
nobody's got to believe I respect your police, because your police are based around your worldview and perspective that you ve been brought in two were also not anti poor people fuck to look. No look was really backing. Ok,. Whenever you world view or your fuckin perspective, is it's that way for a reason, but if you want to really move forward, is why you're listening you ass, to be able to see why your worldview is what it is and why you think the way that you do and you have to be open to listening and accepting or for evaluating at the very least other world views. Ok- and so when we talk personal responsibility, you know, and you're sitting there. You know, maybe where you want to be in your singing frustrating you're sitting there. You know this and that
you're telling yourself well. I grew up poor, my family's poor, what that's a valid reason? That's valid reason for you to have poor? Think in your brain, but it's up to you personal responsibility to identify that fix it so that you can move forward. And my aunt I poor people know I had a mother fucker on instagram. Try to quote me yesterday said. If you're, not rich, you lazy is put- and I was like- do you like direct quota me these because I believe this is. What are you Could serious you mean no, Who here what they want to hear now and if you listening right now, you're thing think any fuckin hates poor people, not a fucking hate, poor people. I want you to be as wealthy as you wanna, be. I want you to be successful. Is you wanna be that's why I do this ship for fuckin free, ok, now.
you talk about why you are where you are, which is why? I recommend the book third circle. Theory so hard. You know people ask me: is that a real book? Is it a good book yeah, it's a fucking great book because it helps figure out. It helps you identify figure out why you think the way you think you grow up in a household, were people were a fuckin food stamps and you couldn't afford shit and everybody drank doktor pepper all day and fuckin smoke cigarettes guess we are likely to do with your life, because that's all you fucking know, but at some point just like this j K, Rollin quote, which is great. I never heard that before you are that before today, it's good in it favorite yeah, so just like this quote says you know the moment, you're old enough to take the wheel. The responsibility lies with you to fix the problem. Okay, that would be like the next your words on that quote right. So if you
this person that we're talking about you know, I think, ultimately, you have to be able to accept the fact that Every decision that you made to this point and life has gotten you too, where you are you know me all these decisions that you may all these things that you ve done they, you know where you are what you do at night after work matters. What you do on Saturday matters, what you do on Sunday matters just because the rest of the world pick sunday to have sunday funding, fuckin wasted every fuckin sunday and go to Monday hung over and you know, and on tuesday if you are less hung over, so they get a good day at work, Wednesday, they're thinking about thursday night happy hour, so they don't do shit thursday, they're thinking thursday and friday nights. We don't do shit friday, its own out saturday, rather all sunday, there are so really their work one fucking day week. Ok, whose fault is it everything fucking matters.
Everything and people to realise that people think that you know it's about the time the clock in at nine o clock, titanic home five or for what you know and when would in reality what people call out the clock out, not a fuckin five o the clock down a fucking one o'clock, clock lunch, see she will saying absolutely here and in all matters You know, and and and people who have been at work, my sixty hours a week and I'm lucky it's going to take more, it's gonna, take more. It just takes more and may not take more hours, it might take more focus on more productivity or more effectiveness right right. So why? talk about this. You know I want my forty hours, that's what you're fuckin supposed to do, you're supposed to do that Time to celebrate you're forty five hours a week.
So very spot. Anybody, the fucking works. If you work for a living, we are working to forty hours a week and you're happy with where you are in life. That is fucking great, I'm not judging good for you, that's amazing, but the pope, the minute it comes to europe. Think about it. Why why you don't have this? Why you're not here? Why this that, whenever that's when a real problem with it right right. What's real, the ship back in otherwise is going to be talking for some fucking hours. People are going to be like fucking podcast was too long. Well, so so, obviously in funerals, we talk about how the dearly departed impacted us. Let's talk about what we're losing here too, with the with the demise of personal responsibility. I mean we talked about it a little bit, but why did you flush it out? I mean what are we losing dude we're losing fucking america? I mean I everybody knows that I'm I'm I like it. I don't speak much politics on the internet because I don't have time to argue with fucking idiots, okay, but I I do have my views,
Politically, I am more than welcome to share them in a in a proper environment. Why do the revolution tour show willing we, its political hearted talk right, But when I do that with people who show up and want to hear that, because nothing's more annoying than the person who fucking spouse their political shit right up your ass all fucking day long, I don't want that. It's annoying. So I try to keep that off. The shows it's possible. You know, but but the reality is we have lost america. We ve lost the american dream being a fucking, proper and worthy goal for people You know now a days it's not cool,
be successful anymore? It's not cool to have big dreams anymore. It's you know it's cool being average and that's that's! What's cool you know, it's not! Fucking cool right that you know it's it's it's too bad that I have to state the obvious, but I mean people when you go back to their originally no seventeen. Seventy six people always like to focus on all the all the rich white men that founded the country will know but to think about it we must think about this literally the history of our country, literally, the american dream, is poor emigrants who had nothing come over work hard, and something of themselves. I mean that's america. Do I murmured reducing it to one day
that that's a miracle right. I mean, isn't that true dude, my grandpa came to this country with nothing. Okay and my grandpa adopted my dad. Okay, because my dad's biological father was killed in world war, two alright, so my grandmother remarried and the man that we call my grandpa, which was my my dad's adoptive father, came to america. Nineteen, no three with fucking, nothing! Alright, he started a business with nothing. He raised twelve fucking kids with nothing, alright, my dad because he observed that work ethic.
Became an entrepreneur. He went out and started a business. He became successful in business. Okay and my dad was pretty fucking successful in business. Alright. Now here I am third generation. I observe what my dad did, which was predicated off of what my grandfather did with nothing, and here we are still saying absolutely which ties into what you said: okay or so. Some people say, but you grew up with with lots of visual, seeing all this idea, that's my advantage, but that it bears, Predicated also many started with fucking nothing and took responsibility generational responsibility, So while you might be broken shit right now- and you might be thinking- it's not fuck unfair. Why don't you think about three generations down the road and what your name's going to mean? That sure I mean absolutely and yet in the opposite is true too. There are a lot of really hard work.
if you people can't just say. Oh, that was your advantage because friend, there are a lot of really hard working fathers who has who have lazy sites. So it's not that you give them everything. Yeah, there's not automatic transfer, transference yeah. He you know he gave me and south of phuket basics. I'll, tell you what he did give me. He gave me the ability to fuck and figure shit out on my own. You know dude dude, a lot of people will look at my dad and look at the way that we met my brother and I were raised by him and really fucking judge him
partially, like, for example, when we will go to his house on the weekends cause my parents were divorced from very young age was five years old, we will go to his house and there would be nothing to eat. My dad was a bachelor there'd, be nothing to eat his fucking house. There was microwave chicken sandwiches. He would buy him a sandwich like dude. That was it. He didn't make us food or take us to eat or anything. It was like. Alright, you had a choice between saltine crackers, hot sauce, mustard and fucking grilled chicken sandwiches. You know what you'd be amazed at what you could fucking do with those four items. Together, you can make some fucking shit right, but the point is that do we were taught take care of ourselves, you know he let us do whatever we wanted to do. If we we got hurt? You know when we debate should we got trouble, I mean the point: is that. another waiting. You know you didn't he didn't biased book, a video game and sitting down in front of you know, and rape.
No, I mean he goes back media. We have those talks before we go play soccer, we were little and it was like: go fuck out there and kill these our kids, when people like. Oh, my god, I can't believe you taught you that. Well. Why can't you believe that? Because I know what the world's like, do you not get put in a competitive atmosphere, even if you're working at mcdonalds do not need to know how to compete fuckin. When I would say this part most important thing, you need to learn how to fucking do
when you get everybody right now here and is being like, do your fuckin savage your fuckin, heartless? No mother fucker? I have a heart, which is why went away so that my kids have opted for, can see that some of them went to its more more. You have simple minded people think it's about money, some fuckin money spot for winning. We talk about what we ve lost. Let's talk about that because we talk about the new families and ice immeasured families earlier, because nowadays we have these parents not taking responsibility for their own fucking, kids and the kids don't take responsibility for a bang, their parents to vicious circle right. You don't take responsibility for a bang, you're fucking balls
or bama think about these parents who have problems with their kids bad mouth and are talking back? Where do you think they got that they sure as fuck didn't get it from you come home every day and bitch about your boss, saying how your boss is a piece of shit and blah blah blah right? Oh Heaven forbid! No right, you know do other things. You know how about getting along with each other black white grey, you're gay straight, yellow red. It doesn't matter everybody's blaming everybody else for all these different things. You know everybody's a victim. Nobody's fuckin, racist everybody, sexist everybody's homophobic. You know, mother, fucker,. It is just got out of hand. You know you don't want to It is true like how can we possibly all get along if we're blaming everyone do if we're leaving the other person you kid and like all these problems, that we talk about an
The lack of self esteem legitimately feeling good about ourselves. Why do we not Why do we have all these depressions and all these things why do we have people blow of school shooting people for no fucking reason. Why is that Not so much. You know. How can anybody you feel good cap will anything. You know that comes to issues dude. All these problems come from the same point of not taking responsibility for your own actions for your own self. For your own life I mean do we could just beat this to death all fucking day long, but at the end of the day you know, we've lost the personality of america and I would argue that unless something changes drastically and change starts with, you know, you've made a joke about Michael Jackson, the man in the mirror change starts with the fucking man. The mirror.
And unless we fucking change the way we started looking at things and what we celebrate and what we think is cool and what we think is great. Do we're going to lose america we're going to lose the personality of america? You know like thinking about what the personality of this country was growing up. It was hard working americans I think if you try to say that right now, I think people will fucking laugh in your fits. You know what I mean. I know they would. They would say that that's the that's the myth that politicians created over the course of the the last two two hundred years to make our country feel good about the hard working americans fuck
Go look at every fuckin feet. Go. You know. We were fortunate live in MID west, which arabic calls while we're states, but I should think, is one of the most beautiful parts of the whole entire country, absolutely perry and in a lot of people, don't get to experience what we do, but I mean draw take a drive across the river through illinois right now and look at all the fuckin thornfield. I realize it. Every fucking one of those fields used to be a forest cover with trees. Ok, now think about clearing those fields without fuckin equipment without fuckin. You know tractors without fucking heavy excavators. Bulldozers are, I think, about this shit. That's fucking work.
That's man, shit. You see what I'm saying we will have that fucking anymore. Do you think about the first scene of saving private ryan? You know the very first scene. The first time I saw saving private ryan. I was just like shocked it like just the balls of that fucking generation. Everybody knows the scene, you know their own, the fucking their driving. And do start yelling they roll the fucking door down and all of a sudden it's just twenty dudes are fucking just dead. Yeah dudes are jumping off dude. we don't have that anymore. We don't have that fucking courage like that anymore or are there are other people who are fucking I yes, there are in there in the military. We do not. Are average americans they're not willing fucking, do that shit anymore? in word, worried about you know that somebody else's job. I hope I am wrong, but I have often wondered like if a foreign army rolled into america
well like obviously, I still think people will pick up and you think so, don't do it yeah, but the point is that it's definitely not as bad as it used to be. You know, unlike what people think work is, is not I can work you in areas like Andy, you Tom. I worked hard. You work at a fuckin office. Yeah I grew up in a family, a fucking extraction and I know what it's like: the poor, concrete forms or finnish concrete or we're gonna foundation, crew or pain, a fuckin stripes and a parking lot in two hundred fuckin degree hat he. I know it I shit about you know you're part of the reason I am where I am so I don't want to go back to doing and I don't have a fuck college degree. So if shit goes bad here, guess what I'll be doing, I don't want to do that. You know I don't wanna do x, fucking. I like coming to work in their condition. Call me a bitch I like it, you know, I mean.
Brad, took responsibility for myself to fucking, decide that I didn't want to do those things. So I created this new thing that I don't have to do that stuff and there's nothing dude, my favorite people in the world, because it's the people I grew up around are like construction, blue collar people, if the people I grew up with that's my family. If I go to a family event, my family event is all people who work for a living. You know they bust my balls, you know because they all really work and I'm, like you know, always the guy talking about work But I get work, they know they respect me. They know, I know how to fuck work. You don't mean, but you know I don't know man, I am frustrated. I know people are frustrated. You know, and I hope that you know I hope the people will start with themselves, taking
Because we still have we, I would argue right now we have more opportunity to be successful and to take control of our lives than we ever have before. Ok and the speed at which we can succeed in this country right now is definitely at a much faster rate that ever has been before you think about my dad in business. You know when he wrote a letter here to fucking, put it in an envelope and like lick, the motherfucker like closing you know they didn't have they have the fucking sticker? Was you know what I'm saying like dude? yoda tastes like russia, taste anatomy, you no more most, these fuck, you know you know that taste. You know the taste of a block enable go the fuck it up is deep home. Get a mother fucking envelope that yet lick. you know, say no much doing that, is Times as we text or right, What email or communicate? You know what I'm saying and then waiting.
So suddenly, your emails out and then wait five days before you to check your email again, that's the pace at which they had to work. Well, we have the social media which is free. We have the ability to create a brand for ourselves which is free. We have the ability to reach people on a massive scale which is free. They used to have to pay for that right, the ability to communicate. Which is free. We have all these tools, but we have the most excuses of all time. So, if you're somebody right now sitting there say fuck that I'm gonna take charge. Mother fucker, you're, the guy you the guy who's gonna ruin the fucking capitalist earth because most people doing there not do They're talking about doing gary and I had a fuckin car, a real conversation about people who come to our vets.
I can't success zombies, you know what I'm talking about the people who work Hey anything read anything: do everything they can to educate their brain and never actually do it right. That's what we're living with right now, you know and and and you guys, especially you young guys, man young guys. When I say guys, I mean men and women young guys, fuck dude. I would kill to trade places with you. Do twenty nine, seventy eighty, ninety twenty, oh my god dude you can have all my shit figure out how to change back. You know, there's your guarantee you're guaranteed to have all the shit I have and make the money I make.
Most people will be like yeah I'll fucking. Take that right when you're twenty years old, right, fuck dude. I would take the uncertainty over that anytime because there is no real uncertainty. It's the result of just like a cake. You put the shit and you put it in the oven and something comes out yeah. You know what I'm saying: yeah yeah I dunno man like I look. We've got an opportunity, and especially with elections, going I'm going to go a little political here, I'm not going to tell you who to vote for I'll. Tell you who I'm going to fucking vote for I said in the past. I was gonna vote for trump, I'm not sure, I'm a vote for. I'm not sure, because I, like some things, the other guys you're saying, but but what I will say this is be open minded and realise and be aware, Your worldview while you're evaluating these candidates, while
we're evaluating what these people are saying you think about why you think the way you do and think about how you would think if you came from a successful family or you were an entrepreneur because eventually you're going to be in those choices you make now are going to fucking affect you. You see what I'm saying so, don't think about voting on somebody for what they're promising you now think about voted for somebody for the person who you're going to be in five years or ten years right. That's good word right to good word, so let me just wrap it up with this. You know when you give up person.
responsibility and you put everything on somebody else. You lose yourself. Ok, we ve lost our identity as human beings in america right now and then figures temper. I don't think it's. I don't think it's for a rethink its temper, but instead of people who have wills, it can make choices and make impact make a difference. We become these little robots, you say or have no choice. I must automatically respond as a victim to any circumstance that around I must obey my parents, I must be like a peer group. I must like my neighborhood association. I must agree with my political yours and mine. I must abide by my economic class, my race, my gender or whatever, like look we're fuckin people. we have free will in this country we have freedom in this country and people who say we don't you're full of shit. This is the freest fuckin place on earth. Still all we have the most opportunity on earth still.
You have to find the responsibility within yourself to take advantage of that and if you want to sit back and be a victim, a bitch and be a pussy, your entire life and do not create nothing, be nothing and. What that for your children and their next generation that group that that that grows under your tree by all I keep doing what you fucking do but you're not. Are you getting any easier for you or not, creating a worthy legacy and you're not going to be shit because nobody's going to come, give you a damn being a life.
Transcript generated on 2023-10-16.