« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

How To End Relationships That Impede Your Progress, with Andy Frisella - MFCEO173

2017-09-12 | 🔗

What do you do when you want to be successful, but you've got a relationship in your life that is counterproductive to all your personal and professional goals and dreams? The answer isn't easy, but it is simple: You cut them off. Yes, this kind of thing can be really messy. But you have to do it. In this podcast, I tell you why and how I've done it. If you want to fulfill your potential, you'll need to do it, too.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
What is a guy you The m, f c o project on eighty, I'm your hosting. I am the mother fucking c, o guys today. normal, tuesday podcast. I know we have had one in awhile appreciate guys sticking with us. You know. Sometimes like to do shorter ones. When it's just me. Sometimes you know we get the whole team together and we knock out an in depth. Podcast a day is one of those days and we got a really cool topic that we're going to talk about before we get in there. topic early reduce my team here As always, I'm joined by my co host VON the pastor of disaster. What's up man, things are good hate. Speaking of really cool topics, I gotta tell ya, I mean we're a little biased, but I think that after one hundred episodes we're still keeping it really free
Oh yeah, I think I was a little worried about their weight of. Is that your way to pat rollback back tyler? What is fair enough the pattern is one back, but I think the audience knows that he likes to do that, but yeah maybe, but you know, I knew a guy that thinks. Swag and cockiness is actually a good thing. I'm not I'm just asking undersides yeah, but you while parliament agree that most pie cast, you don't pay your pet europe back. First, though, we also have a patent for us round sitting here on her, and I think we as I think we have the episode on so did you ask me what I was doing before I walked in here? everybody that follows me for the most part understands and knows that I just got the brain. You two thousand seventeen for duty. I got the first customer car. First one delivered outside of fort executives, was the first custom color car very, very historic, important car, ah aurora borealis
No, not launch your boy, Licio borealis ask! So that's all we're gonna color it a particular effort to get them to do that. Just that it's it's kind of like a hammock the mai, because I love lamborghini and you know I love the color. It's a forced age. Golden orange pay looks really amazing in person, but anyhow The cars been really really good. I like it a lot and I'm having this issue with it, where the dash is one of the panels on a dash is actually p wing up. Okay and I've got a couple of other buddies who got two thousand. Seventy four gts and I'm like texts and pictures of the dash and I'm like hey man is: is your dash peeling up here? It's like the panel that holds the airbag down. You know what I'm saying: yeah like it's like it's own panel cut into the dash and one of the corners is like peeling up and I and so are taxed by other body.
who have cars as well, and there suddenly pictures back their dashes. Look normal salt. I I called for the customer, the concierge and I took some. I say you know this go on. I want to get a fixed, its bits. Bother me an ok I'll, get you an answer now I didn't get an answer rack. Ah so I text my my friend dave banister who is also got a for duty and say: hey bro, you know what's going on with these guys. Ah you know I texas I think we all have a got an answer back. I wanna get this car fixed. It's it's annoying me. You know when you pay money for car no like it doesn't affects you. It affects you say, and I wanted to be fuckin perfect, then we're even if you spend twenty
you're gonna go it's brand new, like you like shit, we're right in like do here's the thing like my was the first car. They rushed to get it done. They they worked ass off to give done. For me, I understand that- and I appreciate that brought us one o clock an answer like giving- answer the same to ask the question: don't let me you hang on for like a week, I just wonder what the fuck is going on when you spent half a million hours plus on a car so anyway. So so I called Dave and I'm like, I call him and leave him a voice text and I'm like bro, I'm like this is fucking bullshit and, like I'm getting pissed cause. I haven't heard anything back to literally five minutes later I get a call from the director of for performance Henry ford, the third on my cell phone, oh yeah, called me up on my cellphone five minutes after I left
voice text and his as and and I answer the phone cause. It was an unknown number and I'd never do it henry for the third unit, I'm saying it's like his fucking name is on the car and the title again he's the I forget what he said. I think he's the head marketing director for performance or or operate this direct or something, but I mean he's in line to be the sea. Always is a guy who's, the guy right. So anyway, you know he's I mean over the top apologetic. You know, let me know that thereon it they're taking care of it. I mean it. You could tell me was lit Im really embarrassed that you know what I'm saying yeah and I I just wanted to share that story to all you guys from an entrepreneurship aspect for two reasons: one when your company fucks up and does something wrong,
you, as the ceo are the main guy or the you are not too big ever to pick up the fucking phone and call customer, I was blown away. I couldn't believe it. You know what I mean yeah. Second of all, as a business owner, it is your job to resolve issues like that when neat when when they arise, so I just thought that was fucking amazing that he called up and and basically gave me his word- that it was going to be taken care of immediately, and I I just thought it was an excellent example of how to handle a disgruntled customer customer this pissed off. You know we've talked about this in podcast before but rarely have I had that. Actually I rarely have I ever seen it happen. You know, usually, when you have a big company you're dealing with you know they don't give a fuck about you. You know what I mean they're there. Their above you. They don't care. If you come problem where the fuck, you you don't mean, and
I just thought that was amazing, that he that he picked up the phone and call me personally to talk about it, and I I mean that's what I wanted to tell the story as an example of how the right way to handle shit. Is you know what I mean and, and you know if, if Henry ford, the third is, is not too big enough to call a fucking customer, then you aren't either yeah. You know what I'm saying now and I'm going to guess that he didn't introduce himself as Henry ford. The third did, he say like call me hank now he said Henry ford. is henry for third: did he really yeah? I guess if you have that name yeah, not just Henry ford, that's amazing! So I mean it was a I dunno. I thought it was a great. It was a great example How to handle things when things are going wrong way because dude as pit I was like a thousand percent pissed and with him within in minutes. I was in the opposite. Now I'm telling the story to fucking millions of people that are gonna have an awesome, fucking perception of how they do business right. You know what I'm saying right and I
The reverse Jarvis yeah and that's what you guys have to understand. You know that a lot of questions about how to handle disgruntled customers realise disgruntled customers, their vocal and they're gonna be vocal. If you fix then as well, so that really the biggest opera italy for you to grow your business, because if you make things right with them, they will go out and tell good stories about you and that's that's extremely valuable, and I I don't think that's why he called I didn't get that that it was genuine. You know he was embarrassed and I told him I said: hey there's a couple of things about the car. You guys could change to make it better and he's like dude. Let's set up a time to talk about it, because I I I want to hear cause My application videos was, I want to hear what you think and I said well. The first thing is attraction: We need to be able to go all the way off so buck and burn out and shit people on the internet. How awesome the car, as me like that you can
is that he didn't even know that you couldn't do it, and the point is is like that you get valuable feedback from customers. Absolutely you know what I mean and there's a few other little tweaks about the car. That could be better, that that would be easy fixes. They could fix them in all the cars that are without even having a manager. Programming issues, but the point is that this is a dude who is the main guy in charge of that project and in a basically in charge of the company, and
It is time to call customer personally to find out what the fuck they could do better and that impresses me with a hundred and something euro company, absolutely guys. While we're on that- and you referred to this but episode. Ninety eight is actually called pissed off customers, annoyance or opportunity. There was a good one review if you haven't seen it in and while we are on that, we recently realise didn't notice prior to this, but that if you actually follow a linked directly to itunes, rather than following our m f ceo links, you actually help us a lot in terms of the rankings and in getting visibility. So thank you for doing that. People are doing that in that area.
glad so definitely go back and listen to that one. So, ah we'll talk about the winners of the of the contest here at the end of the podcast. Yes, so let's do that the endless do the podcast and then we'll talk about the winners of the contest sounds good. So anyway, I have no idea what we're offering for your for your insight on that relationships and we're not going to talk about like significant other really well, I guess in a way we are going to talk about significant others, but one of the biggest questions that we get emails all the time are like Andy. What do I do? I've got all these people that bringing me down I'm trying to kill it. I just don't know I don't I don't how to do it. You know
I want to be nice, but all that all the all the questions related to that are covered like ten times yeah. But you know the thing is, though, I think it's an important subject, because I think people have a very hard time dealing with it. You know what I'm saying like you know when when when I say- and I mean this- you have to eat, you have to decide, you have two options, you can either cut them off and remove them from your life or you could become just like them. That's the power of your circle, that's the power of the the people you surround yourself with. You are going to become like those, people it doesn't matter if their billionaires, you're gonna to become billion, urges from association. It's just the way it works. If they're fucking crack smokers, your progress, star, smoke crack and everything in between those two parallel or those two hour polar opposite. point here is that you know people have a hard time making the decision they think they can
whenever you say you know, you have negative people people who mock your dreams, and you have people who are purposely try to make. You feel like shit by calling you guys, your selfish or whatever it is, whether their friends, family or parents, or whoever people think that I say cut him off that that there's some kind of fuckin grey area there and there isn't it, there's no grey area there. If so, I don't care what you fuckin mother mom, is telling you that you're not gonna, be shit, and you your dreams are stupid and your greedy for what to do this and that this, but in your heart, that's what you truly desire. Do you're gonna have a really fucking hard time accomplishing. things with somebody that close to you in your ear about those goals. Putting net if seeds in your brain that are gonna sprout and that the problem with this guy's is that yeah I get it the postal order for commander matter. What, but sometimes you ve got a lot more self first and loving
self is being true to yourself and you have two choices: you could you can go out and cut that relationship, our minimize it to the maximum and have a situation where you do and what fulfils you? What makes you happy or you can just listen to it and do what they think and lived the life that they think you should live which It'll ultimately leave you unfulfilled and unhappy for your whole entire life guys. We only get one crack at this shit, so it makes sense to go out and do the things that are going to make you happy, regardless of what anybody else thinks right. So to clarify my my babbling earlier. What we're talking about guys is how to free yourself from what I would say are distracting dead and dangerous relationships, and so I think one of the things that passes through my mind, Andy is that people really have a hard time understanding the difference between what it means to be from and what it means to be mean. They're. All about
Well, I don't want to be mean, is the difference between being mean and mean and being from right is standing up for your soul mean right? I'm asking you know it's not. I don't think it is either you know what I'm saying. I think that people Will these days have become so soft and delicate that they feel like whenever a person disagrees with their viewpoint, whether no matter how it's presented, whether it can be presented in the most polite way they take offense to it? Like hey, look man I couldn't agree with everything you fucking say you don't like tyler. I just got in a conversation last night about cars and we were disagreeing about something. Don't I'm not coming in here. All pissed off would be like. Oh fuck, you tyler. I can't believe you disagree with me. Andrew stating my point stating his point and we move on you know, but society work like that. I think a lot of it has to do with facebook, because people like it should be called like debate book like no matter what the fuck. You say, you get people that want to post the opposing view and started into a debate.
when that comes down to a whole nother issue, which is a facebook, reminds me of the front of the white house where people set up tables like come come argue with me: yes, dude and like it, it makes no sense like it. It's people who. Try to win conversations versus trying to learn from a conversation or or here so that the skill of listening has become like extinct. You know what I mean like people ought believe what they leave and if we're going to have a conversation about cars or about politics or about whatever we're going to try to beat each other in the car station, verses being like, I love to hear you say right. I guess we use and here's. Why? I don't think that you know like adults like right, it's so rare, but the point of it is. Is that in all that, I think it's created this situation where people do
People have an issue just standing up for themselves or saying their point of view because they see it as a computational and here's the problem with that and ah, when you're going to be successful in life, there's going to be I am in you're in other parts of your life, where you're going to have to stand up for yourself and your and a half disagree and there's value in that. Like no company needs somebody who just says yes to everything, is a meek, little dude in the corner, who doesn't offer his ideas, because he's too afraid like if you want to do this, this goes beyond relationships. Goes into your personal success at your job. Your career and everything you do is your ability to have a conversation and be firm in your stance, and sometimes you know what you're not gonna win that conversation sometimes you're going to Firm, entertained me somebody, you overrules you and says you know what I like. That we're going to do it this way, and you know what that's okay right. That's the way it goes. You know what I mean. I I this is my company and I don't
my way every single time sometimes and how smart recognises, I say, one thing for other people say the other thing and that then guys against me, and I say you know what that's a pretty good idea, we'll try that and if it doesn't work radio. My way sometimes is absent. Sometimes I say no guys. I don't agree. We're gonna try my way. If that doesn't work, will do your way right, yeah. Personally but being and your beliefs is a skill. I too, it's something you have to develop in europe. People think that, like being confrontational, bring from what you say and having your own opinion is somehow mean. It's not fuckin mean it's just the way. It's the way. Shit is supposed to be with like what you always said. Like dude, fifty percent of the people are going to like you. Fifty percent aren't, like you, just have to keep that in your head. Dude
and that usually goes with every fucking opinion you're ever going to have yeah. You know what I mean mark twain said: don't ever explain yourself, because your your friends won't need it and your enemies won't believe it right. And but you know, as you were talking, I was thinking one of the things I think people need to realize about the the the people who are easy to offend and who are easy to piss be pissed off. Is that usually there are two extremes: usually they're, either insecure and so they're threatened. When you assert yourself or they're, just arrogant, they think they're right and they don't want to hear anything different, and I think if, if you begin to understand the It makes it easier to assert yourself cause. You realize the problems not with you to promote them, they're they're, just there does or down the organ of who they are comfortable with. Do they or their priorities to from your priorities. Yap, and that's that's perfectly. Ok. I've always found that the way to coordinate while break up with some in your life, whose being negative not believing in your shit, is just to say, hey, there's. Along with the way they believe, that's the life they choose. I choose this. This
but my thing is, and I don't have any ill feeling towards them. I'm just not going to talk to them anymore about what However it is. I got going on I'm going to do my own thing over here and let them do their own thing. Were there when they fuckin when they put their little since the interval digs ominously, hey look, You know when you say that a makes me not one
become around you be. I will judge you for the way you want to live rises. The way out you re, but do you know why that works? For you, because two things that you talk about all the time number one do the right thing. So you have a clear conscience and number two. You have core values that you know your core values, so it's ok for its you're able to basically say I. I know I know that I'm not a prick, and I know that I'm guided by certain values and because my values are not consistent with their values and there's a clash. I'm ok go in my direction and let them go their direction. You know I'm sand, yeah. I think that you know, I think, that's something this developed over time to write right, but it, but that's that goes back to why you know you ve said both personally professionally. You ve said this on the pod casts a number of times. You gotta know what your core values are right out, a knowing your stand for right. If you don't them, when somebody would, then
when you disagree with somebody. Maybe you won't have the clarity in your mind to say: well, I'm just going to go my way and he's going to go that his. You know what I'm saying. Is there another thing to note to buy what we're saying is like people use what I'm saying here like a cut everybody out, there is negative as a way to like disengage from their responsibilities. You know what I'm saying like dude. did this all the time like I get people who email me and are like dude, I heard you say cut everybody out this negative. Will my fucking wife and kids dragged me, blah blah blah dude, how some fuckin common sense no means. Am I telling you to fucking divorce, you're, fucking, wife and leave you fuckin, kids, dumb ass, I'm telling you to figure out how to I can make it work and communicate on a level to wear them stan and where you understand what the fuck is gonna happen right, so you know you're one of these dumb fox is gonna. Email means I'll, fuck, entire, my wife and kids.
you made that decision, you may that commitment and you better fuck and figure out how to make it work. Economy, sometimes it just doesn't work but some. But what I'm talking about situation where a guy is like just frustrated he's an angry part of his life raised. Doubts for a month, or so you know or whatever they're having a fight fuck. You guys, I'm fucking, you hold me back, no dumb fuck, that's not what I'm talking about I'm talking about the times where you have people that you can realistically eliminate. You know when it comes to your wife and your kids are responsibilities that you fucking creating for yourself and you of
his responsibilities. Your commitment right anytime. You think that something you hear on this podcast gives you the right to shirk your responsibilities. You need go back and listen again. Yeah cause you're not getting it now, they're, not right, let's people who listen to one or two fucking seconds or ten seconds, and then they make a decision based on what they heard right, so walk people through it. Man I mean like what I know. I know you say it's simple and I get it, but you know sometimes people do need some guidelines. You know how would you go about, particularly if it's people that you know that you care about, because I think I think there are people that you can genuinely care about, that you still read is that you need to get out of here. I'll tell you what I do I mean. Basically, I just let them drift away. You know what I'm saying like. I don't respond to every text. Ah, I don't invite him fuckin parties I have, I don't know your phone calls, and you know I my like their shit on instagram, but I sorted is let em drift out of my life. You know I'd stay busy with what I'm doing a focus on what I do I'm not available and
bilbil really much anyway, but in time do they just the way. There's no hard feelings. It's people evolve. People grow relationships, change, friendships, change and I you know. I think both people realize that you know the one thing you're going to get from situations like that as you get people were like, oh, and he thinks he's too good for us now, while I mean yeah, I do if I'm santa so that they can that I'm not offended by it. I do. I actually do think that you know what I mean. I still won't hurt your feelings by saying that, so you know that's that's one of the biggest things that that and that's as much a reflection on their choices as yours, they're, just choosing to be on a certain level that you don't want to be at right. Daily, yeah yeah, so I mean say like dude: if you can avoid them and if you could just let it drift, that's the easiest way to do it, but you think most people just get the hint. Don't you yeah, I think so yeah, I think so. Occasionally you have somebody who
no you'll get people cannot lie in sometimes dude you let people drift on accidents. Sometimes you look good people drift out your life one accident and those people fucking those people. Usually hits you up and be like hey what the fuck man hang out with you in transparent, I'm fuckin still be friends, view those who, usually too people who align with you. You know what I'm saying. Ah so you know I've, never not! I've never deliberately cut somebody out of my life, though, and regretted it now. Fuck now dude always been better. Normally. If it gets to that point, you know I've done it a lot. I'm sure you've done in the way more than me, but it gets easier and easier every time, because you know it's the right decision, yeah, right and exactly the first time you do it. You have like this moral dilemma like it'd, be such a dick but like the reality of it is you're not being a dick man, you're protecting your own interests. You know what I mean: you're, protecting your own energy and there's nothing wrong with that, and maybe it makes them better in the end it absolutely does because, so happier because they're not next. He like do you,
realize that all the negativity you get from other people, all the frustration you get from other people is a reflection of how you're making them feel about themselves. So when you fucking move your way, you are that call no longer are they being like, threatened or pissed off or mad or angry or frustrated. By being so close to you, when you're doing the things that you want to, do you see what I'm saying because they'll have a lot of feelings like? Oh it's, maybe I'm not good enough! Now! It's not that you're, not good enough! It's that you natures of being human and and priorities are different than mine and mine, produced for his hopes than yours parties, and so that's normal and that's ok, there's nothing wrong with that. But people naturally think there's something wrong with it. because we live in this materialistic society, and you know people this really has to do a lot with materialism as they look at your house and look at your car, they you know, and they get upset when you doing anything believe in your life you mean so here you are doing them a favour by taking that day,
perceived negativity out of their life. There's another way, you're doing them a favor, and that's you know. Sometimes there are people that are just going to be slackers their whole life nothing's, going to change that, but some people, if, if they get a wake up, call they do change and so in a way, if you just detach yourself from them, that could be their wake up call. I could be them saying. Oh man, I'm I'm a loser. What friends cause I'm a in india. I've had that happen to me before actually had an old friend call me this morning and leave me a. I still haven't call him back yet, but I'm going to, but I you know he loved me, a fuck Three minute voicemail apologizing for some shit. He did like three years ago and I haven't talked to him since and I you know a I respected that be I will I I you know. I do think that me separating from him probably caused him reevaluate some shit cause. It sounded like that in his voicemail and the point of of the next. The next point I think, like to help these situations is to have a talk with somebody. You'll meet them.
Person. You know don't text out this big long mean text or you know call me even this ignorant, voicemail saying I'll fuck you I'm done with you. Dude have a fucking meeting with him. You know what I mean. Some there's there's multiple situations where this could happen. You know you meet somebody and you just tell them. You say: look bro, I'm not trying to be a dick, but I'm like I'm workin here, I'm trying to do this, my goals or this this in this year. You're, you don't have these goals and your constantly so these things in putting these little examine and putting negativity I don't have energy for that man so like. If that's the way you're gonna be the relationship, you know, I don't want to sound like I'm breaking up with you, but like I'm breaking up with you and like, and sometimes you have to break up with your fucking friends and you have to like. Let them know
and by having a real conversation meeting them in person. Sometimes that can be a wakeup call, because, but most of the time it won't be don't expect that I used to use the business analogy, though I mean I think, you've said on this podcast as some of your best employees are people that at one point you fired yeah fear of them, yeah, yeah, and so, and so that's, if you have to fire people to wake them up and then rehire them later in their great there. They learned our lesson yeah, we always deal like dear it's not about, and you know it's not about attacking them. I think that's like important to know. You know it's not about like glorifying what they lack its. it's more about just explain what your priorities are, what your want and what path you're on and that's the way to have a conversation without a blowing up into an argument. You know you see when you accuse people- and you say, like you, you you you did this, you did that you do this. You do that. You're like this. That starts arguments. You know, that's a that's a thing where people are naturally gonna be defensive. If you say: hey, look man
I know we were friends for a long time. Slash, worked here for a long time, but here's the deal my path as this. This is what I'm doing. I'm I'm dedicated this path of sense. But this pass I'm going to go on this path, and I understand that you don't really believe that's the way it should be, and that's the reason why don't they? good idea. We hang out anymore or that's reason why I don't think it's a good idea that you're here in the company anymore, it's all about straight up conversation, and I think you be happier you know do,
other things and hang around the people, because all I'm doing is irritating you by going and just doing my own thing, you see what I'm saying. I love that you said that it's not attacking. I think people need to understand. There is a huge difference between attacking someone and confronting someone, and you know as well as I do. What kind of crazy is even strong personalities have a hard time confronting people, it's kind of crazy, but the people who are really successful understand that that is just something you have to do. Sometimes, there's no getting round it. I learned it. Personal Yeah we and I think I think you ve gotten brat. I just learned learn how to do it well, but I just know that when you confront someone, if they don't in the context that you're you're trying to help them improve as well. By confronting them, then that's their problem. If they're gonna get, It's that they're going to go home and they're gonna cry and they're going to say: fuck, you Andy! That's down right. I've learned to detach myself from people's reactions,
you know like people's reactions. I really don't care about. Like I, that's not my problem. My my problems are my problems and, if you're influencing whatever my problems, are, then you are my problem right and that's. That's a mature take on that because most people, most people do something based on how somebody's going to respond or they don't do something based on how somebody's going to respond they're miserable at it right, rather than doing something based on whether it's the right thing yeah, I lost my train of thought they were taught about computation yeah. So, like you know to me, I mean I've been doing it so long. I've had a fire, so many people had hard conversations so many people. Now I don't even delay like I don't even fucking delay it as soon as I'm starting to feel it, I just go right up and say it and tyler knows this. I mean that's how I do it here like when somebody has is doing im dumb as terms what the fuck are you doing? Why are you doing this? This is stupid. We do in this this in this and
they or they know, and if they don't, you know in the company wise, then their programme have consequences in friendship wise. You know, usually I mean at this point in time as old as I am. My friends are pretty rock solid. So I have issues like that, but when I was younger, I still didn't hesitate to go. Tell people right. The image that comes to my mind is like dude you're, being a fuck asshole like rain. What's wrong, I'm trying to be successful. What's wrong, we build a business which wrongly spent time doing this sorry, one drink, fucking beer all the time. Sorry right and this could also be applied to your actual business as well like if you're in business with other people or your vendors or whatever have you like. You know, let's save, had a vendor for ten years and they're not willing to budge, but you got to other people offering lower offers. You just tell them yeah, but I think a lot of on that time. Tom look man. I know we ve been doing business for a long time. You help us why we ve got a lot of This is gonna, be here's the reality. I feel
these two vendors, that do these two things and there's this much more that we can make. What can you do to help that situation are are end with so that we can maintain the relationship put it on them? you see I'm saying- and this isn't necessarily a negative thing, but this is a situation that you brought up, so you put it on them right. You say: hey, look, hey steve! You look, we've been working with you for ten years. I love you, man, you're fucking, good dude. I had you know this this product priced out at this. Obviously, that's a saving the x percent, and I realized we have a lot of history here, but at the end of the day, we've got to do what's best for the company and you have to work with us or else we're going to have to go somewhere else. So what do you think we could do here to make that better and if they say how thin. Then, then you know you can go to your other thing at this. Usually of people will say eighty dude I get it. Let me go see what do and you come up with a resolution, but really the reason that the people there
well, that's mostly handled is like people will fucking, they will just switch the business You know what I'm saying and then say: fuck this dude of ten years and burn some bridges and cause all this fuckin bullshit and dude. I can't think of one person that have a burnt bridge with you know what I mean like, because that's what being honest and being able to confront people directly produces it produces situations of respect. That's what people understand when they say being mean. Yes, somebody might interpolate is being mean at the moment. But when they get down the road they get home and its cup weeks later, a month later or even sometimes years later, they will stay. We have enough, usually I have enough fucking self awareness to be like man, that you told me the truth and I didn't fucking listen, you know what I mean and then they respect you for it. They're, like man that due to stand up dude right, you know what I mean That is important because it nowadays days more, never just like we talked about on thursday. Ten
are your brand. You are your product, you are your brand. You, your integrity is on the fuckin lying with everything that you do so standing behind your word and being honest and being a front and telling people exactly the truth. Even if a hurts their feelings is important. It. It defines your integrity as a fuckin human, not always human, but as a business man. You know, and so many people have such a hard time of computation, that they will tell half truths or quarter truce or complete lies.
what do you mean and not only damages their integrity and labels them as a liar labels them as somebody who's weak? You know so dude being able to confront people and have hard conversations is not only important for personal growth. It's it's important for your career. Absolutely you've, you've used the analogy before I mean you've. You've said like the reason that you're so committed to competition, for instance, is because that's literally the way the universe works. It's the survival of the fittest. This is to me this is another one of those examples of of taking it from actual nature, because in real life in the material universe, if something is infected, you neutralize it. Otherwise it infects everything or something. If you get gangrene in your in your toe cut you out on her own toe off the otherwise your whole bodies. Can we destroy right and that's what that's all I hear you saying is basically guys this is. This is the way the world works, Important is like for the business people out there listening the sea, actual business owners and managers to understand its important applies to culture as well, because do when you get one fucking bad,
a boy your culture can literally spoiled bunch. You know you you you don't understand you not see what happens when you're not around I've been in business, we have to know what happens year. One guy of sat he's, pissed off he's in a bad mood. He feels he's in a he's been a you know, some he's the victim of something that you did. He starts talking to his boy and gets him convinced, because everybody wants to feel like they're in a group right, but then I want to be like I'm the only one getting I'm the only one getting you know attacked here that we like fog, dude, your auntie yells at us all the time he's mean and they'll tell the guy next term nelega, we are, you does yo but another, and then the original got any right and then also you got two guys fuckin pissed off right and it's a mutiny right. No, but that's how it happens and so you know when you see when you get some like it's important, see or manager anything anytime. You have a team of people too to be in tune with who the fuck is. What, because
one bad attitude can literally fuck your entire company up for a long time. Dude I've had situations in the past diy situation, two thousand twelve, or to fire eight guys and one fucking day because of it eight people, you know what I mean like I had. Eight people had a fucking. I've had situations where I had three or four dudes quit at the same time. You know it taught me the lesson of trying to keep my thumb on the the temperature not only of the culture but of the individuals in the culture, and that comes down to having har conversations, because usually those people haven't he's an argument as to why there upset it's not that their totally on its invalid, but in the context of business, certain things have to be certain, ways for the business to operate and if you're, a c o backs for those things now: you're, sacrificing your service, integrity or product integrity or customer sear experience integrity because you're giving into their they're fucking unhappiness. Sometimes
people make legitimate rights and you're gonna have to say. Look. I understand that's how you the old. But you have to understand my position and why we do things this way. they all say. While I can't do that that way, then he like, okay. Well, then, it's time to part ways write your name. What what you're saying is exactly the reason back in the sixteen hundreds and seventeen hundreds in in like the english navy, there were lots of different disciplinary procedures, but when somebody mutinied it was swift execution yeah, it was deal with them right. It's like rural, harsh right right, but the principle that's like the one in a lot of ceos operate that way: scare everybody into conforming and and here's the problem with that. When you scared, Nobody in performing, I'm not saying you can't do it because you can block the problem is: is you're not going to get passionate amazing their best work, all the time, you're never going to get it you're going to get it at a resentful level. You know they're going to do the minimum
because you scare him, but do when you make compassionate you make them engaged, and you listen to what they're saying and you you give a voice, and you understand, like hey, look bro, I respect what you're, saying and evaluate but here's why we have to do it and you can actually come to an agreement and everybody you know, gets it and you're polite and you fucking, but years from now you have guys who are fucking respectful of you and are passionate about doing the work which produce is by the way, two three four times the amount of sales that you will ever produce with people who are disgruntled right. You know what I mean, so you can't treat people like the fifteen hundreds and I'll cut your fucking head off. If you voice concerns, and a lot of people think I won't do it that way. I don't you know I mean due to have. I have I done full. Absolutely I may examples of people fork is it was fuckin called for, but at the end of the day my goal is to let like do let people have input. You almost shit
if my employees are having those conversations lot, you know a hard conversation could produce a really good outcome. If you're open to listening and sometimes you're going to be wrong. Sometimes you think this person is being negative and you find out that they actually have a better way of doing it and That's why they want to do it, cause they fucking care and now we're in a situation. That's going to push the company forward. So, like you know, you have to be open, minded to get feedback and have your tough conversations you know. So let me highlight and backtrack something you said because you when you were getting off track, cutting negative people out what I'm really they were providing value, not really because I think when I'm hearing you say just you know yes with the people who are giving genuine feedback and there's a years other line russia to be decisive with the people. Who are just that's why I can.
We have to be aware of, and and and smart enough and perceptive enough to understand the difference between legitimate feedback and fuckin, whining right or negativity right, and there is a fine line there, because due to some people express genuine, feeble in a negative way and it and you perceive it as negative when in reality, the reason they're pissed is because they want the best for you and they think they got a better way. Yeah, you see what I'm saying yeah? So there's a fine line identifying negative or orb some He was actually trying to help you ok, but this is a good point to tease out and before I backtrack, because we talked about this before is a good time to interjected the difference between people who are giving you legitimate criticism and people who are just haters. So some some guiding principles or like I just so you know. Are they giving legitimate feedback? Are they offering things that you could improve on it
Do you have an open mind, enable look at yourself at your product at the way you do things and say you know what that person is telling me True that we are doing this a little bit wrong, we could be better. That's that's constructive criticism being a hater is like slicing your tires and just saying fuck, you Andy. I hope you fucking fail. You're a piece of shit write. Your name, personal, can do cause like there's been a lot of people like I was thinking about this this morning. You know when I was when I was I you know a two. A year and a half ago, when I was three hundred and thirty pounds, I have people on the internet, be like Andy you're, fucking fat. And you know what I used to get pissed and I'd be like dude. That's a fucking hater. There wasn't a hater. That was somebody just telling me the truth. I was fucking fat. I was out of shape and you know what those people fucking got me to a point where I took action because I was fucking, tired here, and you know what our defensive, because of the way they presented it. You know I would have,
I fully be more receptive, someone's ebro, let you know I love you, but you're getting a little fuck, a chubby you know. It's probably time do something about that. I don't think you understand that you're you're looking unhealthy, you don't look good and I you know I back to shit idea, but I just want to be honest with you so that you can do something about it cause cause. I I didn't realize I was fat, you just don't see it on yourself. You know the way other people seizure with yourself. you know and I said I had a lot of people who probably were haters right, but even haters offer real feedback like hey, you're, fuckin, fat, ass, your height, I was like a fat you're insane ya like I was thinking about this warnings are look in the mirror and getting pretty good fuck a shape. Now anna and I was thinking about
all the people who said that I'm like man, I wish I knew their fucking addresses, so I could write them a fucking. Thank you card. He wants ahead, so you gotta, be able to draw you've gotta, be open enough to accept the truth wherever it presents itself. I think that's the bottom line. You know sometimes you're going to get your feelings, hurt and you're going to be like dude, you're, fucking hating on me. I dunno. Are they like? Do they have a real point? Are they making a real point go times they are. You want me to acquire powers. Dude, like what is somewhat fuckin, is hanging on you, but an x poses a chicken, your armor, that you truly no is there and it gives you the opportunity to fix it. That's still constructive criticism, as some people are ridiculous and they give you fucking hate in there haters cry, but the reality is there's a little truth. Everything usually there is, I think, a good exercise or anybody is just to always say. Ok, don't ask, does this offend me, don't ask. Does that make me feel bad?
hey. Is it true exactly it's? Usually, the reason that you get offended by what people say is because there's fucking truth to it right. You know what I mean: you're, not getting mad at somebody if they call you fat, if you're fucking great shape, you're going to laugh right right, you're, not getting mad at somebody. If they call you a fucking scammer, if you're, not scamming people, you're gonna laugh right, you know, like I've, been called those things on the internet and- and you know what we got mad whenever people call me fat because I knew was fucking true, you know I don't give a fuck. If people call me a scammer, because I know it's bullshit one hundred percent yup, you should say absolutely so I do when I so I noticed when you're talkin earlier that so do like if you're mad like, if you hear something or someone in it, makes you angry. It's probably somewhat true your insecure about what exactly
so I noticed you said, don't attack and the other thing you said, and I notice that you said was you you said like will? This is just what I'm doing this is where I'm going so off. Kidding aside, what it sounds like to me is your basically telling people to say to the past, the cut loose- hey, it's not you! It's me. Why do you know class. Do you know russia sending iraqi here's what you break like people always ask. How do you break out with some one hears you motherfuckers out there you want to bring up with you. Check or you do not know how I'm tell you how right now- and this is the same way had a conversation. Look because cause everybody's dude at do you Our people were marian all this shit right. They do. You know all divorces ends up so fucking nasty and why all fucking breakups are so mean why everybody hates each other is because they look at it like this. It's your fucking fault. As opposed to just saying how about this a look,
we had some great times gather. I really like you. You know, I love you, about you but the reality? situations. I have these these goals and mine for myself. This is what men too. This is what I like. This is the kind of shit and I like to do you don't like those things we would you? I can do this in this in this, and I understand that you, like those things there, not what I like and that the meaner mean or wrong with you. It doesn't mean there's something wrong with me. A reason. Eight are incompatible in an that's, ok and Oh, I wouldn't have this conversation with you, because I don't want to end up hating each other. I don't want to be mean to each other. I dont want us to like a boy seeing each other up or talk shit about each other. I want to go separate ways and be cool. Just understand that, like hey, we had some good times. We both grew as people and it's time to you, know it's time to go a different direction and turn a page in a book. You know what I mean, and
and just because you're that chapter three and I'm moving on to chapter four and I'm in your chapter three and you're. Moving on chapter four doesn't mean chapter three is fucking bad and do when you, have a conversation like that with somebody for real. There is no ill feelings when you break up there's no fuckin anger, there's! No madness and a lot of people are less right. Now all whoa she cheated on me. Well, you know what pride cheated on you because of what I'm talking about their nature. You probably grew the natures happen. You know there's no point you hang onto that and you just let it go because all it does is fuck with you and it fucks with you on how you're going to react now how you gonna feel now and how you're gonna feel ever relations from now, so you just have to standard chalk it up like hey, you know what and I think if people honest with themselves. That they'll know a k. You know what things think good for a while. I wanna happy for a while
Oh yeah, there's a jealous part of me that doesn't want the other person to go out and be with anybody else, but that's normal and we all get over that, but but at the the good part is of now I get a fresh start. I get to go be happy. I get to find the people who like to go to the the park could have picked and go on. Fuckin boat rides and hold hands, and and do all the lobby shit and he gets to go on girls fuck in business and workers. And do that shit that he wants to do, and you know we're both can be happier right. What that's all should be absolutely do you know it's amazing, how common sense, a goal that is all that some people do it because they get to emotional and they blame the other person. It comes down to take responsibility for your part, yeah that person asshole yeah person might be a dick yeah. They might be true you bad, but the reason are treating you bad in the way. All this shit happens, and I must say as way but is because you guys have grow apart and the natures are different and having that discussion with a person
personal relationship or a business relationship or whatever, is well same. It's always the same. You know when I have to fire somebody. I you know if they started stealing or if they start, which never happens here, but let's just say they did. Let's say worse, because people can say well what if they stole alright, let's say they fuck stole, while the reason they stalls because they felt like they were getting fucked over the reason they feel like you're, going dollars is something there wasn't right. We were seeing things the right way, so yeah you're fire broke, but I don't hate you like. I hope you realize what you did was wrong, but our our priorities are clearly not on the same fucking path and it's time for you to go. Do something that's going to make you happier you see what I'm saying absolutely like. Dude makes totals yeah and people don't people our dull enough to have those conversations? Do look at the rock man he's a what cool example of of- and it is a personal relation-
not not a business relationship but dude, it's funny, because the rock and his first wife danny we're married for college and she ran all his business, and you know he became so does fall and all this shit right and they decide to get divorced. we usually those situations where there's all kinds of fuckin money involved this in that what happens? There's big, it's an tabloids is this: is that no dude they fuckin separated, went tat? sure they had. A conversation is like a fuckin had they they separated their great fuckin friends. She still runs all his business forum and he she is married to his personal trainer. Ok and his personal trainers, old wife is married, it the rock, so they switched, but
What they seem to be really fucking happening is weird, is that is people are rolling their eyes right now is weird, as that is you can't execute something like that without having a real adult conversation, you know what I mean and do you see you see how well they get all get along like it's. It's ok, yeah! You know what I mean like people, just don't think of it like that they get so fucking engulfed in, like the emotions that they blame people and like it, causes unnecessary drama and hate and anger and fucking money expense right
I hate you because we're breaking up. I hate you because you didn't list me the job. Well, now you quit and it just costs you one hundred thousand dollar your job. You know what I mean cause you angry at want for one fucking day you already named yeah. So let me flip this on its head and throw this out there for you, because I'd love to hear what you have to say to this. So when I was a pastor one of the things that would happen sometimes is I be talking to somebody who you know had and in a relationship and usually was in a marriage. Usually it was just a unit and people would talk as if they were being compassionate like oh there's going to be so disappear You're gonna be so it's there just going to fall apart. Arrogant reacts, that's the flip side of it. That's exactly. What I was gonna say is that people are only when all the air you people have to have a good check and realise that year you know what this person's gonna be fine without you, I think you know. What's funny is like when you have to have those car conversations. Usually the other person knows it's fun. Coming anyway, yeah cause people are perceptive and they're in tune with your energy and are in tune with you know what they're getting back
no nobody diver broke up with our fire or anything ever fuckin didn't suspect it was coming. They know it's coming right, you know any frame that I don't hang out with any more. You know, usually what happened and do not have this happen without even having to conversation with them, like hey, you know, you're being a piece of shit me we're not could be friends, I've just let him go and they come back to me is later me, like you know what dude I wasn't very supportive or understanding about what you were trying to do, and I was a bad friend. You know what I mean and like dude, that shit. That just indicates that, like do they've done some personal growth, and you know what you could open that book back up to them again, you know what I mean? Let them back aim because they understand that they fucked up and it creates operator and if we have a better relationship, because now you know you might have one five years ago when this this this breakup happened with your friend Are you name or your mom or whoever you? Might
have gone one direction and that person when another direction they realise that it was not the right one for them and then they they they switch fucking. You know their compass around and they end up going back Watch where you are and they're like, hey bro, I I get it. You know what I mean like I get it I've I'm my my shit was fucked up. I wasn't a good friend, I didn't say the right things to you, I'm sorry and dude. You know what I have friends that that that's happened to that. Now, I'm really good friends with again, then I lost touch with for years because I didn't want to be around them. You know what I mean employees do that too. Sometimes you fire, somebody like I do. I've had a number of guys that we've had to let go or have left the company that have come back to me later. I'm like bro, I'm sorry. but what I did and this and that- and that is where let you know like you know I get it. I get. You know, and you know what that I respect the fuck out you, I'm not gonna hiram back hire rebut their situate. I have higher people back. You know, there's a blue actually physically, looking at two guys right now that I had a fire that I hire back, Kevin's right out there behind you and warehouse heath as like.
I've been fired and here's tyler here I tell a lot of people are realize. How would I fired looking a hired, a back you know and now now, when When I fired him, he was making fucking seven dollars an hour. Now he's making six figures doing fucking awesome work because he understood like hey. I fucked up. You know what I mean right right, so that that I mean that takes humility on both your part and his part, because it's your humility on the sense of you giving him a chance, but there's also a certain humility of the person who was the offender in saying cause cause if you're really prideful, you really,
go to school. You might just want to say. I want to mess with that. Guy again, I just want to move on with you. I don't want it ain't hate von, and there is a time for that yeah. There is a time for you to say fuck that dude I'm fucking down with a guy named on my what there's a few people- and I was like that right- I go like a knave apologize to mean. I'm still, I fucked mecca, so I mean well, but I'm talk about the opposite ex, because tyler could it just talked his tail between his legs and just never shown his face round here again, but the fact that he's working here again, oh meant that he was willing to put himself out there. You know I'm so yeah yeah, I mean dear tallard, tyler mits when he's wrong, sometimes sometimes when you're wrong right here when I'm wrong, which never but you know I mean dude people admit when they're wrong and that comes down the whole thing like it's having adult communication. It's like saying: do you remember we got that big argument last summer smash and like do him, and I got this huge argument about some shit and you know what some of the shit I was right on.
I was saying to him if somebody was not right, because I didn't understand what he was trying to do, and so there was a compromise made. Oh hey, bro, you know what I'm sorry. I fucking, you know this. Is me hey bro, I'm sorry flipped out on you. I didn't understand, you're doing this and this and this he's like well. You know why I should mutated, that to you so that you didn't flip out and we were able to fucking resolve it and that's being a fucking adult. You know what I mean and dude for two days him and I are both like fuck, you man, I mean this went on for a couple of weeks. We didn't even talk cause. We didn't even feel like talking to anybody, we're both pissed off about it. You know what I mean like, but but you know, gather your fucking. You know pride up and have a conversation and see where the arts the easiest way to let it go, because when you let that shitty, you do too.
Like we always say you only have so much energy in a day when you let that shitty you are but takes that energy that you could be using unproductive things and fuckin just wasted. You know what I mean right well on that note too, I think it's again important to reemphasize to people you. You could have this conversation. You could execute everything as compassionately and decisively as possible and it still going to be messy. There's probably going to be people who still get ticked off, and that doesn't mean that they didn't do it right. Then that doesn't mean that you didn't do it right and I think that's important for people to well that whenever you're dealing with cutting somebody loose, you could do everything right and how you set them to be angry and they still be angry and you don't have to you have to take responsibility for your own actions and you have to let them take responsibility for their actions. You know what I mean like we talked about a minute ago. You have to be
it's let them have their reaction and whatever it is and just say. Well, that's them! That's not me! I did what I knew was right. I did what I had to do and if they're going to react that way, then that's how they're going to react, but you can't let that bother you you can't let that prevent you from making a decision so take that fucking holds most people back in business in their career because they're afraid to make those hard decisions and they agonize over them, and they don't make them quick enough and then it fucking causes more problems. Yeah you know. So what would you do it in a situation where you sat somebody down and just said, hey man, I I mean in so many words the less of cutting you out of my life cause you're.
dead weight and their response was immediate. There, like oh gosh, you're right, I am, would you put them on probation- would receive a caution? Ok, you probably because it's easy to say it's easy to say: yeah, you're right, I'm I'm doing this in this network. Would you still take a little step await them of sure? Ok, for sure it's easy for people to say what they everyone. Whatever they need to on them on the fucking spot right, you know what I mean right, it's hard for them to switch actions in the course of a conference, especially those types of people that you're trying to cut out right. Exactly right, they've been doing shit for years. The same way right, definitely guys kind of off the subject a little bit we are. We are really trying to encourage. We got a lot of new listeners. In fact, our numbers are great. They keep on going up, but we're realizing that a lot of you have not
heard some of our real classic episodes from earlier in, like the one, through the most important episode that they everybody nice list, who is the first one in already mean people, don't listen to that enough, like I have always people being like? Oh my gods was the first podcast. Ah, I can't believe that I can't believe that yeah and I'm like your story, yeah I'm like well, I you know, that's the story, know what I mean. You'll also see how much we improve since episode that well that one and in you know people are sometimes asked like you know, we want to help spread the moment we want to spread the word about the mfc, your project, you guys, have
the recommendations about the ideal episode for like the entry point- and you definitely would say, I think, episode one of seven. I think episode one of seven and episode one. I think those two are the most powerful as far as like getting an idea of what this podcast is about, and you know episode, one hundred, which was the review episode riaa. That was good and we have one called a joint, the mfc m movie, yeah? What do you want one hundred year? I think it is one hundred years. We cannot just that's a good one for summarizing. Basically what the mission is now, but I mean that's the thing guises. This is a project. It is a mission, it is something that we do. We do for free. We do it because we as a group here Been annoy and frustrated and upset with the waste. society teaches people one thing for twenty years
and then set some off in a world that doesn't operate under those values and so on. Our goal here is to get people to see things for what they are become realistic, teach the real core values and principles of success, I teach you some way to Tripoli. You know trade stocks or are you know cell? something or this or that word teaching you the real shit that entrepreneurs need No to be successful. The actual skills by someone who is actually yet on it and the other thing is- is we're teaching you the way to think. Even if you're not alone, newer as an entrepreneur by making yourself the product and making, self, that the item of values so that you can go out within a company thinking with the entrepreneurial mindsets and earn more money. Ok, we dont sugar coat things. We're not gonna. Tell you couldn't
The big secret we're going to tell you the real shit and we do it for free, and you know one thing I think worth mentioning to people is like you know the upcoming entrepreneur academy that we're gonna open. You know it's A very limited enrollment is going to be application. Areas got, though, application. I'm only going to take a certain amount of people. Everybody will be hand selected and take to get into the the the the the academy- and I think you know where expand upon the things that we talk about the podcast in super super micro detail. So you know exactly how to go out and make fucking money how to go out and be successful, how to go out and take your small business and grow it into a fucking empire. Now how to trade penny stocks and not how to fucking You know so info programmes to some somebody. Not how do you know trade for acts, we're talking about building a business for real, and this applies to it fuck, not only entrepreneurs, producers,
all you lawyers, all you. Doctors are you chiropractors who go to school, to learn a specific skill, skill and know and have no fucking clue how to operate a business and there's no one out there teaching that for the way that we teach it and there's no their teaching at the real and assures fuck is no one out their teaching. It does actually built nine figure. Companies were the only one. So keep it, I offer that you know like. I said it's going to be handpicked, it's limited, availability and and will open up application process in the very near future. Now what can I say some real, quick as we're on this issue of of spreading the word joining spreading the movement. So without being said, let's get those winners announced and then we'll come back and wrap up. The podcast ok, so we got five winners, guys thanks to everybody for europe.
it was the first winner is a druze custom. Leather. You that's how he submitted, so I dunno his real name, but he's got kind of a cool thing going on. So that's the first one nother guy is a alexander Hernandez which has got he's, got a company called bookie books, gone cool so out, and then the medical mentors another guy that I don't know his actual real name but looks like he's just killing. It is he's, got an entrepreneur in the healthcare space chris cutts, who is developing like some some nutritional bars like yeah, so good stuff like that, and then at brett knight, who is in the healthcare or not healthcare, but fitness industry, okay, cool cool, yeah, the five winters guys. I definitely am excited to talk to you guys and we'll get. How did they get in touch?
wrong. I am ok, you're down our de emory mail, on which everyone, ok cool cool. Now, let's get back on the path cast any kind of wrath things up. You know. I've got like four points that I want to basically wrap up the idea of cutting negative people loose to help. You guys have these conversations and you know that could be found an employee as well. The bottom line guises this right. It might be messy right, it's not going to be fine hard, Our citizens are never find a go too, but you have to realise that you are doing the right thing and when you're a sea of a company you're doing the right thing for you you're doing the right thing for the company you doing the right thing for everybody else that is dedicated to moving the company forward and putting energy into. When you don't do those things you cheating all those people in it.
What's the relationship instead of cheating, all those people, you're cheating yourself, and you have to realize that doing the right thing requires hard conversations all the time you know like I said a minute ago: it's not always at this, the it's your fault, it's sometimes it's just the fucking it people have gone down different paths and and it's no longer compatible and there's nothing wrong with that number too. If you feel bad about hurting people's feelings that that's okay, it just means you're decent person, it doesn't mean you're being mean, but you have to understand that being
firm, is not equate about being mean. Ok and you being firm is skill. You being meme is a lie, ability or right so be firm, be direct, be factual and move forward. You know, don't hang up and let things faster and become negative negative and become these bad situations, because you can't have a hard conversation. It's not about the others. People's feelings is about you and it's ok to be about. You are right, number three! If it's something at me, be done. You gotta! Do it fast right, the sooner you get it over with the sooner the conflict is over the sooner the drama is over the suit you can move forward and move forward in a productive way and get these negative feelings out of your way right, that's extremely important, brit business. You know dude higher, slow fire fast, that's what I've always fucking to
by right. You guys should do the same not only in your business but in your personal life. Take a long time to let people in that them properly and if they aren't what you think they should be for you than part ways are a number for you know, and I want to remind you guys, one more time that there is a difference between cutting off negative pete. and dropping dead relationships and failing to live up to your obligations. These are the kind of emails I get after these sort of podcast messages. You know if you have a husband or wife for some The family obligation, there's gonna, be sacrificed, there's gonna be compromised. There's gonna be communication and you're gonna have to fuckin manner and an own those obligations. You you can't just say my wife doesn't believe me, my husband was believe me and my kids or a fuckin drag my energy motherfucker. You want to have those kids, it's to you,
your life is really no longer about you anymore. It's about you, helping them in one of the best things you can do to help them by the way has become the the peak of your pretend go on your own. You know that as well. That doesn't mean that you're supposed to cut those relationships out or get rid of them. I don't wanna, be a fucking emails about the. I don't want a dumb ass. His email me saying that if you're too, I don't understand what I'm saying then you pry are too dumb to even listen. This podcast, that's the bottom line. All right, so don't use me as an excuse to to be some douche bag. Who skirts his responsibilities as a normal fucking human? Alright, I get so sick of hearing that it's like I want to punch Ali respond when people say that by the way I just let it go cause, it's just like. There's no talking to them they're fucking retarded! Now that he's listing everything I say yeah so anyhow. That's that guys! Look activity takes away from your ability to function properly, whether in business place, whether in your personal relationships and at the end of the day, it's ok to be selfish value.
energy. It's ok to be selfish, about what you're trying to do and what you're trying to produce and where you trying to go, and sometimes that's going to mean that you, it'll, remove obstacles, and sometimes those obstacles come from people who are very close to you and those conversations are hard to manage. So if you have to have that conversation guys, you don't listen back through the podcast pick up the tips you need to have, you know, take a deep breath and go fucking habit cause. I promise you're going to feel better afterwards, one hundred I guess look if you join the park ass, if you thought it was awesome. If you got value out of it, please leave a review and we know that we, so we do this for free and our fee. That we ask of you is that you refer one like might have friends or if you can make opposed or if you could tell somebody listen or a few, could recommend the pot cast v, we very much appreciate the guys we're going to continue to do the best we can here for you as well as a thank you guys for following it, we always loved you in essen, we're having an time. So thank you guys
Transcript generated on 2023-10-14.