« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

91. $600? Ft. Will Grimes & Eli Schmidt

2020-12-23 | 🔗

How do you feel about other countries getting a stimulus check from our tax dollars while suffering Americans only receive $600? On today's podcast, Andy and the crew are joined by Will Grimes & Eli Schmidt from Day One Dollar Zero Podcast as they discuss the stimulus check, what it takes to be a man, and why small businesses are crucial to America's economy.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The ongoing project spoken to the to fit most cars. The only way one was called to feed the guys at any priscilla and you're. Listening to the show, for the realise say goodbye to the lies, the vagueness and delusions a modern society and welcome the mother fucking reality guys. Today, we've got one. Like show with a couple a goodbye he's mine, eli, and will these guys we're gonna, bring along here in a minute, are tell tell us all about their stuff, but basic, The biggest thing they got going on right now is they are the close podcast than I was a guest on. all day, one dollar zero entrepreneur, podcast and the reason there here days, because, typically of the plethora of had than I do
most of them just are great, and you know that's that's my professional assessment, it's truth and these guys did such a good job and had such an interesting story that I invited him to come out and join us to to to beyond our show. Just how What is to be right in the middle of all this ridiculous bullshit. That's going on in the world and when I'm, when I'm talking about ridiculous bullshit talking about us having a government that, Collect taxes from us all, your long and the figures and fights and bitches with each other about to help the economy? and when it comes time to pass a bill the kennedy centre. Yet, twenty six Two million dollars,
smithsonian gets a billion dollars. The national art gallery, because that's extremely flock important right. Now, it's a hundred fifty four million mars, national, aren't humanity's gives hundreds Thirty, seven million Woodrow Wilson centre gets fourteen million. Egypt gets one point: three billion sudan, and its seven hundred million ukraine claim its foreign and fifty three million real its five hundred million nepal, it's a hundred and thirty million. Burma gets a hunter, thirty: five million cambodia. Eighty five million pakistan, twenty five million in asia, asia a one point: four billion dollars.
after all, that. The american citizens get six hundred dollars. Now. I've been very go with you guys, all your long, I've been every patient with you guys all your long I've explain to you been going on over over and over again- and I get these masters and say. Thank you for speaking up. Thank you for standing up for us. Thank you. Motherfucker. You got a stand up for you. Ok, I don't know what to tell you you you, you guys wanna, be fuckin pussies and get your fucking your tax payers This is so fucking discussing to me and I can't believe it. Anybody fought in this fucking country is ok with this at all and all for any reason.
We have people who have had their whole fucking Business is shut down in the name of health and the name fucking virus It has a ninety nine point: nine eight In survival rate that doesn't even count, if you catch it, and all you motherfuckers. What busy preserve this year? You went, you yourself into a fucking corner. And you allow these fuckin tyrants to closure businesses. You allowed these these fuck people to literally take your fucking tax money that they shouldn't even be collecting at this point in time anyway, and giving it to places like ukraine and fuck in egypt and fuck in nepal and burma in Cambodia in pakistan oh and buying art for the national art gallery.
I read a text this morning from a seventy plus your old man who served a country in vietnam in the text really falcon short and it made me sit text basically went on about how. Our generation of people. My generation of people, Your generation of people are weakest fuck and you guys keep talking Wait around for someone else to come for can do it. You can wait Well we're someone else to come. Save you, the waiter! for someone else to come and fuckin fix things. you motherfuckers are the ones. Now you ve been waiting for. Do you know get there yet it's you did you. No one else is coming not theirs
I'm, gonna be the switch and then all of a sudden, all the patriots come running out. The fuckin hills to fuckin fixes vertical shit. It's you. neither trying to get the word out for a fucking. You know I've got my ass blistered for it by but while the fuckers, the cave and fuck, pay attention. What's goin on in news people want a fuckin make we think about race and everything about color and everything about your sexual or station that we can all fight about all these things, while they fucking rob ass, a rule a fucking livelihoods tell us that we can go to thanksgiving. Tell us that we go to christmas. Tell us that we, We're gonna motherfucking dinner. They can. we see a fucking laughing at us Working mask on right before they go on camera. Talking about how
ah here you know, he's gonna put aside for a little our political theater and used for could take it. You these motherfuckers have any interest in you. You did that about you at all. You're fucking delusional These people are like you, these people We do not have this hope you have they do not have the there's no guilt They don't feel bad. What they're doing the laughing. they're taking your shit. They ruining your life Forgive me about it. are you doing what books Andy for speaking up space? nobody's gonna, get it done. Motherfuckers. It gonna get it done. If you're, if you're so uncomfortable speaking up against that is fucking wrong, then you deserve to get your fuckin ass blasted by these fuckin idiots
You deserve to have your business closed, fit it's it's! it's beyond my comprehension. That some of you have allowed these motherfuckers to come to completely closure business, and you just sit there. It's beyond my comprehension, ikea fucking. I cannot comprehend it. I can't what the fuck are you afraid of. They're taking everything and they intend to keep taking until you have nothing acts See you in the beginning of the last show and then for can show before that but you're all shows before the whole fucking year. What show me while I belong, show me because I haven't been. Now he's going to take more than a few motherfuckers like EU smith and fucking a couple other people with big fuckin, sources of courage to four
stand up and fuck him. Do it. Will you motherfucker have? This? Is just gonna fucking trash tad hashtag turned its way hidden fix. It is that these butterfly, Goes hate you They fucking love them and they loved each other and their using you and taking your whole fucking life. Your foot kids lives in the future. Generations of this country's was away so that they can fuckin sit back with their fuckin feet in the air and live this fucking It is wrong. I'm disgusted, this ain't, no fuckin act for me, I'm game, Disgusted, am disgusted with the latter. You people who, while fucking even people, goddamn word you or your pay. Before I could work. Oh see what happens always know, we could see what's happening.
Are you afraid of you're afraid of some fucking idiot online sales you're, a fucking massage missed, do what the fuck that's. My fucking interim begins at appropriate intra of your fucking. Do this shit? Do you think you know it's interesting about it night? You know you look at the green energy bills. They ve been trying to jam through the stimulus package the whole time, and you know that they couldn't they couldn't get a past can get a past because of all the fluff that was put in for the city centre for the national, our gallery, the bill of dollars that they put in that bill on the front side for stimulus it wouldn't let it get through. They wouldn't let it get there and get past, and now on the back end when the Those balls are hang in as far as it can their backs against the wall. They sign off, let all the hundred hours six hundred fuckin dollars six hundred allow and the sad part of that is like. Even if the american people were getting all of the money,
printing. More money is not the solution to this problem, printing, more money in creating inflation and inflation effect, and we get into the housing market. But it's going to create a trickle down effect in the x for years that is going to affect all of us and for us not to receive that money on american soils. Fucking do that's that's fucking treason in and of itself stealing this. This is not allowed anymore. Not this. Is now all you fucking listening right now. This shit needs to fuckin in in any mother fucker, things that affect countries should be given a fucking hundreds of millions of dollars from us when our p, bore starving and they can't but became an opening. fucking businesses employ the schmuck, meant middle class, america, europe fuck, you man, you're Can peace, a ship and he's been forgotten here? Ok, standard. Do you guys think this shit when you think I'm overreacting consume This then I don't give a fuck what you
It is look at my life. Look up my what I've built! Look in a cup these I built repeatedly over and over and over again pretty smart mother fucker and if you there wonder why the fuck, I'm so upset you should be asking yourself why the fuck you are so so upset, because I motherfuckers Udall, deep shit, you keep allowing people take all fuckin money dj your money, you fucking pay taxes. You are paying taxes. How about how about a foregone billion dollars for some fuckin, our rural, about that How about you know now for your daughter lion now for you fuck, kid so now for your mother, fucking kids, billion dollars for some fuckin art It makes you feel like me for luxury honestly, I was talking to you about this work out a mapping. I think germany's we view this
He just thought, as he needs to shake a million percent degree. And my thing is, you know the leg that he was standing on a few few months ago. He was, I bring me a stand alone. Bill stimulus not help outside it. Well, that's not what the fuck that is so that means that we shall write back down the other ass mapping. Do these guys were created? This whole fuckin scenario for fucking couple differ reasons. One they want to win the election to this. Establishing a global, globalist, socialist fuck, a communist. One world order. That's fucking facts! If that's that You cannot fucking see that right now then, Your brain is not working properly. About his nice. Like a fuckin say: ok, oh good could piracy theory, all those who conspiracy theory. Oh no modify it's called a conspiracy and I'm sure the holocaust was a conspiracy theory it before I got no one location.
I mean yes, your arms and Stalin seven themselves about stuck into this is when shaping the now was in town, MR, but I don't know about about Stalin, about poland, competitors are the rooster. Yes, yes, yes and end is incredibly, I tell a different perspective on the soil and water with the frog right. But these are. These are crumbs, he's a crumbs of people just keep taken on the table. sorry, I was also stolen. He took a chicken and he ripped all the fences often object chickens. Losing his management is outrageous, I ran a short distance away and then stolen rob. Some food now voted this chicken forgot about all about the pain or about the struggle and star crawling back Stalin, and they took the floor. and then he said this is how easy it is to govern stupid people. Follow you no matter how much pain you caused in his long, you told them alone, lifeless, worthless, treatments and so on and so on.
You think about stuff like the holocaust, how I got started. This is what it is this is basing only had some politicians like that history. It I they get their fucking head cut off. and I ve got surrounded by. I think our focus on politicians have forgotten a lot. Like a real history, robbing a lot of americans of that role. Here, I'm just be an honest, but no fucking, no fucking, The city council, executive, oh, you can run your fuckin restaurant about this about fuck. You. and until arrest you motherfuckers out there get this attitude going. We fucking changes shit because, like said? Do we are the people that you are waiting for? You all the people you're waiting for others fuck insane is what I say over the summer. This week start when what we stop we live,
four can stop it long, disgusted man got you got this fucking old lady of fuckin tv was ever done a few. Containing their entire life. You got her district in san Francisco looks like a fuckin war zone. I s population of almost at that. its population of fucking, homelessness, artistic and she's? fuck him tell us what the we have six hundred dollars. She fucking. Said there on the news yesterday well I wish you would have been better, but it was significant Six hundred hours significant for what in a twenty million dollar house- and you think about We like her that her district me walk down the street, san francisco mood. I could walk out here and give six hundred bucks to any one of these guys and they're going to say. Thank you
but aig got changed on fucking laws. No, why you didn't you you do when you decapitate our entire need. Just take the restaurant industry because it seems to be the one in always comes back to the forefront. Six hundred thousand dollars mean those people make six hundred dollars a night during holiday season. You know they're, making fuckin three four we're five six hundred dollars a night and that's how they pay. I mean I, I had a lady at at at the restaurant that we pick up from all I'm you came out and she said are all goal was to to raise enough money for her daughter, so she yet Ices and her whole ball was to make, that money during holiday season, that's like her entire fucking year, was wrapped up in that into the whole issue. This can be worked to earn the right to give her daughter. Fuckin braces needs, assholes, six hundred thousand dollars you live in a twenty million dollar fuckin house, six hundred fuckin dollars, but you think about it like, on top of that, like you walk down the street san francisco, their shit, human shit but they tolerate in these villages in europe- and I assure you talkin about the highest rent
district in the entire fucking world and there's humans outside shitting and pissing on the street. They tolerate that. That's what we're getting ready to to to be to tolerate as a society we tolerate and nancy Pelosi in her little fucking her little friends agenda and how they what they accept What they allow like! That's gonna, be us! No! It ain't nobody, nor do I wish to take on this. So let's take in I think, first, that deep sexy voices will will want to why. Don't you introduce yourself real quick? We have a will and eli introduction. My name's will grams. I've got a deep sexy voice we got extra announcer have passion. doesn't argument that was you hard time hours a week and drew his story. If we didn't data day shift lie
What I would dance of the nile hook get there another day went on. yeah. I got a lot of a lotta time. I'll do a little bit of pro baseball. My my bus, one of my best friends, died in iraq on his first deployment. Oliver super short- and you know not and not impressive career on that in em, marine cordon start, oftener on the backbone man of the marine corps of marine corps infantry wowzer? I spent some time indoors operations command In addition, I was able to arm to to be afforded the privilege of being an instructor for the ah first marine division as a counter sniper instructor for division. Schools are a course called urban assault. Leaders course puts all of your arm. Just urban combine arm span of just you know, training guys up in and getting them ready for 'em for deployments and from there did some governor
work. You guys probably call it mercenary work and, and then from there back home to to my home town, to be a police officer after awhile in them and had a good time with that and got back to the community and into the streets and and from there, of all things got back into fitness and in my store at a buddy that was building a company and he gave an opportunity be number two: in his company that probably didn't warrant that, but I put a lot of passion and story behind it, and I started realising myself as entrepreneur, and so am. I met this guy decided to em, the price or more of the story, but to start again the real estate and on and we crush. I will do the job in very powerful of what we have accomplished, can be more soccer moment. It is, I guess, by a lot. A lot of qualities in o apply in, but you know I guess, longs belong here before we get to detail on stories. Is I've seen it? I seen it have seen it in our enforced Well us I've seen in america from a police officer perspective, and I have seen people hurts not jist start.
yes to fund shootings in the man, the chase and bad guys in the car chases. It's the verbal domestics at turn of it that turned to physical domestic. At its it seen good people make bad news, pigeons. You know during harsh times in an aba sale was not a cop during kobe, but I can only imagine you know and a couple things to take away from the intros just won't be born speaking up at I've got two thanks for that. Righteous people don't change until it's too painful not to ride. So I have a when I talk to people. The big thing on stop worrying about your Y it's your wire. What's your wag, I think that's hard as fuck man, I think I'm still figuring mine out, if I can't figure mine out to be able to pinpoint how how do I expect others to, but I think trying to understand who you're not versus trying to figure out who you are you know and and your breaking point you know,
perspective. You know, because if you don't even know how to resonate with that pain, it's never going to be too painful to change right and I think a lot of things that you guys are talking about. The majority are uneducated and they're they're good enough, and I think we see this in fitness. We see it in business, we see it in a lotta different, realms people are getting enough and they just haven't felt enough pain. Second point I have to that is: camaraderie is forged in adversity. So, in order for people to come together right, like let's use a marine corps, for example, different races, different religions for music choice, different personalities he got, my back will have to be best friends in drink beer, every nine! You can have marines at a great friend that you have a good time with marines that it is neither maybe they're innocent. If the things in you are- and it's all good and maybe a butt heads in on the field when you're training and have it and that's all good but we're going somewhere, whether you like it or not, but I got your back right.
not a commodity, that you get in adversity. You know it is big and I think America an opportunity right now for everybody. That's does not appreciate. What's going on to really come together, Another big pinnacle people like yourselves at a really taken the lead that are the the cavaliers on all of this really, on board and just understand that the camaraderie and the come together, you know and then being a force to be reckoned with? A movements is what It's change. If we're going to be wendy's and tuesdays right. If there's one restaurant opening up, for example, it's real easy to shut that place down, but if, if cities get just as busy as a riots were with small business. This, and not only small businesses owning people going to the small businesses. You knock and have a police force at one. They can't man would have everybody in those city. Secondly, I bent over half those police officers choose not to enforce in the first place right, but it's gotta be that type of movement, and I and I
more people would understand the ceiling of robbery and just a brother in right of not having to be the same but just having the same goal right, we're all working toward a common goal may be from different directions in life, but just back in each other up and just making someone or something bigger than yourself important right now and just understanding whether you're, a consumer or a small business owner. You both have roles, cars or small businesses can open, but if no It's coming. Incomes are too scared, so whether you are small business owner or you support small business like breathe and you have a mouth and you wipe your ass. You could probably go to small business for something you've got to support their initial open up, and you've got to make that stand and create change in that you know, and you see it in riots relic, as in in police work. What do they like to do? What are we to do an end in a ripe leaders right head whatever's in charge. They go for. That was right. Believe,
split the riot they'll, even our police right like what will create the flying v. I would dive into the air and will create space to grab someone, that's taken. Let s take an initiative and he trotted made the cancer right away now completely appropriate for this, Take politics out, it was you say: the rights should not be there and its vice in its inappropriate right. We ve gotta, take those how can eliminate cancer right now and when that happened. It takes a window, the sale, the entire right people see what happened to that person. A liar and under no longer there no longer about about it, would guess what those same tactics are being used. When it comes to me, relation what's going on with america and its not leadership. They ve agenda behind agenda behind which makes it an emulation right, but I just mandatory the calm in adversity, is so important right now. America has an opportunity to create some change had taken back in
leaving as reward on the other side, if you're courageous enough to either stand up for yourself or go stand up for someone else and support what they're doing while and I think, there's a great example with that and we've been able to not only for us befriend stand behind next to turn our community onto like look at Ian smith. You know nine months ago, we didn't know who Ian was right in the grand scheme of things, but he had the courage to stand alone and it took I know Andrew befriended him first, you know in a sense, hey look at this guy. We need to support him and- and you know and returns a light onto them, then guess what I'm turning my line onto our guys are eternal. You do too. Yes, maybe made me. It was really collapsed. I wanted to get a picture. There was a fourteen or fifteen people training at about six thirty at night last night. I think ten of them had fuck in belarus.
Well, why shirts on right, like in some way, shape or form that support Enola. Here's a guy who's, go his ease. The guy right in these been locked up, take him away, shut the doors down and the momentum people or supporting his action, but there needs to be more. chiefs in that world. You know and understanding like hey. This is gonna happen not only to national level, which can happen at a regional level. It's going to happen at state level, city level, a county level, but you need balls of courage and an understanding dude, but there's two roll, so the obligation is well talked about, like there are blocking the leaders and there are the the patrons you act, you see somebody, and I know we ve had a huge initiative as a company to support those small businesses since the fuckin jump, but you got our mother fucking role to play like you might, it's not my job or I dont have none at all. You have a fucking role in your role is to support those small businesses and before
or they open, like you need when you're having those conversations, black, hey man, I support you, hey man, I got you and that's that camaraderie peace, that you know a courage is there, but your role. You might not have a business, but you got a fucking dollars to spend in your workmen and you have that operate We build, engage in a small business. Let those people know I came in. I got your fuckin back. That's the unsaid part of that forge relationship that have whether it's a locker room, whether it's on the battlefield, whether it's whatever it's like, hey, we, we might not be the same in a sense but we're going to go. Fucking fight that you and I are in the same fucking team and back in his start, sir, this is not a. This is not as an idea or a problem. It's outside of your graphs. Rather, we talk about presidential elects talk about policy, dixon, it's hard to learn it's hard to understand and like man, that's so far out of my reach, why? Why am I even in the conversation? It's not true right, and this is where we get back to like marine corps infantry fighting like that's, where my it is seen know what I'll always call myself. No matter like so commerce is financed,
I have met some amazing guys. Marine corps infantry is bull riding right, that's where the inward that's, where the entertainment is right, as the bull riding people come for, that show. Well, that's the backbone that sustain but am rink warm. Please understand, no matter how high you are in command staff or what crazy cool stuff. We got dice can endorse bringing the fight to the fight, that's what does what windows balance right? It's the same thing here like it's gotta start with you in sky start with your neighbour and if, if if he doesn't seem big too, you know that is big and as a d, domino effect to that you know it's mainly talked about in the bible, man taking care of your neighbor right and in loving, loving your neighbor, it's okay to start there and it's okay. If, like man, what's my influence- and where am I added this whole thing, I ve neighbor able to carry your neighbor. I like I can't it's ok to start right. If you end up getting if europe becoming bigger and having more influence that's phenomenal, but please understand majority of us at her still china work and provide for our kids we got.
Well, we got enough of our own shit. Go on true. I understand that you can still how far you still find time to to love your neighbour and please understand, like the power of that of that behaviour consistently at scale winds worse. When one thing I think about I think the problem a requirement, as is his everything in this, is not my problem. you don't say like bonanno eighty. This is just your shit you only gotta worry about this. Not that's! Not! First of all, let's be fucking real. I don't have to worry about fucking shit, okay, let's just get so all motherfuckers out there listen, and we talk about this. I own a budgeting companies and they all do well they've all done well, we've been blessed. We've pivoted, we've done good. I've taken care of our people, There's not one mother fucker in this building is mr fucking dollar during this whole time. Ok, so I've done my part. I let's get therefore constraint
here's the problem. The problem is all the more the fuckers who were letting their businesses be, fucking, flattened, by these no dear cabin for concern. because women box, ok, you're fucking placating the liberal agenda because they think it's the fucking thing to do hey they're, trying to be gathered, newsome or they're. Trying to you're not going to like what happens. The gave a new some years now and an end. You know what we need, sitting there, trying to pretend to be like em, you they're here it's the same shit that he gets dealt and it ain't going to be good. So, but here's where I'm confused, I. What about all the businesses that have the people have fucking lost everything people have lost thirty. Forty generation a forty year, generational businesses, weren't learn a word. You'll go just go home
say what you do is well every night. I fucking time on a flock of news here and say louis it's enough. chronic restaurant closed for good men, genus, ok, fucking well, their manager is one of the four arrow they call it yeah at the trial? Is you know, you're jealous you to downtown just fucking staple staples inside saint Louis? I close it their dinner there there closed until further notice. That's closed. So all all of these people, with the local restaurants and shit where the fuck are you guys years led an enclosure. Shit now do shit cause! I'm tell you right now that wouldn't be how? I react I'm all your risk in my fucking reputation.
it should my livelihood for people like you and you won't even stand up for your fucking self. That disgusts me. I think that's that their therein lies like the lesson that you know and- and you have to understand- you know to Anders point- you know, there's zero benefit for for you to have that those thoughts and opinion. Right up, no zero like there's, not a there's, not a monetary benefit in any way, shape or form, and I think that's the thing that you know tenders born earlier is like being able to see those things is a lot different when you're out of the woods looking down on the forest versus when you're in the woods looking through the forest when you're in the woods looking through the force is very hard to do, differentiate what's in front of you or how far it is out front but like when you have a different perspective and that's too wills point in regards to prospective shift that perspective shift is like looking at
they will. Let's, let's talk about this trillion dollar deal where the fox money go on the fucking body? So that's my point but like. Why is that money? Why that money not going to small? Why suit wiser one mother, fucking dollar one hour anything other than the american people here, why don't you tell you right now if I was fucking president be it at all of you motherfuckers. If I can take you cedar hears weeny, we need a complete fuckin wash of all of you fuckin old school falcon. secret, handshake, blue blood motherfuckers and they all need to be fuckin swept They all need to go to jail and we need to start to fuck over and that's what we fuck me gotta. Think just Nuclear relegate just to be clear with what you're saying it's, not that your against, given what Other countries and help out its eddie. What is this thing for what it is as for right in this to be integrity behind that right, so well, right now, right under the current
circumstances. I am one million percent against giving a fucking penny to anybody because I can lie or flock and flat idea behind that you're on airplane right, you know they give a safety speech you, the cabin loses pressure. What do you do? First, which mascot, but do you put it on Firstly, when you put it all, you yourself, don't If we want to help these other countries, that's fine, but gotta make sure that we still have a country to fundamental rights, Why not take care of ourselves? First we're not about what our night, I don't think yeah and I think, that's very valid argument and you're saying I agree with you I do agree with that, but we want a younger under yes, we have to be healthy, we're not healthy right. Now, I am all for helping us, countries, and you know places that are you know struggling I'm offered in Why won't when it's like this for us and we are in danger of losing our entire fuckin economy, see some of you are, or so miss educated about
What the economy is that you don't? You came apprehend a conversation, you think the economies the dow jones or the fucking? Nasdaq? Does not the economy? That is not the people. That's the fucking stock market. That's measuring the richest. Come companies in the fucking planet. Yes, there do well. You know why they're doing well, because they ve completely stolen market share, all the middle companies that aren't listed on, so if we are fuckin middle index, that you could fucking cancer hauser by e mail. Doing it would say zero there be no criminal warrior. I know it, do they don't fucking people, people don't get that. I don't get it like do we are. We are suffering as a country because of the. Lives and apathy of alone citizens. I am actually curious. Will any line to get to get your guys viewpoints on on this particular situation? Because I love, I love the market right, that's!
I don't like I'm, not very educated, I'm not an economist in any way shape or form, but I do understand. I understand small business really well and I can understand a consumer and so like in my brain right. You see you were looking at this huge influx of past due mortgages right yeah late payments were looking at the middle class. Looking at all these people, who are starving, to go to work. Housing prizes are an all time. High interest rates an all time low, bow buying powers out the fucking roof bro. The roof analysis on a house on a fuckin shoot out in something I never thought I'd better fuckin even being issued out on this one, oh and issued a rope ladder. Nothing. I buy a yawn front that house bidding war is lost here and I'm senor thick into Anders point like these. Like dude, even with regard to handle my money, since I got put all my money on this, well. I'm very conservative specifically Now because, like wanna, one is not too, and I see
two thousand six in my brain all over again from the standpoint of the of the tumble, because the american people not and I'm not saying that smart in general, but specifically when it comes to money, money seems the struggle was. Our knowledge is not taught just I tied up just like dieting. Why is that What do they want to control can be no sheer yeah you you guys all out there! Think! Oh well, why didn't they peaches, anything that we needed to know in school. How come they didn t just how to balance our personal silences. How committed teaches about credit scores have cause they Want you to be in that they want to have a shooting credit score and they want you to be dependent on them, are but very similar to wait and are right. Yeah, and when you look at the co morbidity that talk you to talk Drivers and farmer market naomi dude even look a covert in general overview. people seem to be the backbone of this entire of that entire pinnacle of bullshit. Right, there's a mean you look at how many
will die of obesity every year. It's ten times out of coven, then you look at fucking heart disease. You look at any type of cardio disease in any way, shape or form that fucking thing in the morning went into your point right not to cut you off. Oh god, what are your big? Frustrations is like hey, we're losing because of the ignorance of our own people, like so flipped out you're talking about with, like just health and fitness right, like you, obese, any know it and you're still letting yourself be that knowing its going to kill you know it's the same aver they're, not even new in this no, not even willing to say. Oh it's my fault. I'm obese? They say exactly this fucking car, sure thing now, where its outcome, fold about anything. So sorry, forty four, the union fuckin two thousand three thousand extra calories than should everyday because I know when I was three hundred fifty pounds asked what the fuck I was doing. I was intended thousand calories day drinking fuckin makers mark and I was fat- is fuck See my fucking did us truth. Ok
adding walker out for the point in other people say it's your fault, it's you know why you're fuckin fault on fat down what the fuck the flip side of that I'm sure you had some people. They had almost conversations with ray and get you shit together. People like body, positivity body positively share one iota. You look actually that's what most people do I'm! So what does the same thing? We have borne out it's. A big problem is just a lot of integrity behind. Like you talk about the market, you know it and you ass, you look in the mirror and you think you're fuckin fat, guess what you're fat ass one yeah, that's the truth, No, your friends, your ma, your girlfriend, you fucking dat, your girl friend, does not like fucking. U fatty, that's a fork! In fact: ok you! I think that she does because she's a Person in this, and that, of course, obsession, exceptions here, but your fat, you baby, really funny.
yeah gotta? Stuffed him yeah, so I got a mentor dj round or around the way, sometimes yeah. My key lesson. I've taught DJ and in the last fucking year go ahead. Tell her a joke, then pull out a bit. As it is a distraction another's I'm not surprised by the general populations response to call them, I'm not in not to call people cheap, yeah for the most by people by yeah. I'm not eyes by that what I am prizes men shop owners and business owners were entrepreneurs. This is something that were bred for were made resourceful and provide for ourselves and question authority in level the greater you know just managing shit, making things work, I'm not by the way the general population has reacted, but businesses in entrepreneurs starting fuckin restaurant man- s not easy
not in a restaurant, not easy manages to roll over. Someone says some shit to you about this. That's the part that pistol no! No, no. now, all you don't ask me right: ok, right now, rescued more ok, oh, oh the next day to ok, I'm so me certain fuck attack, ozma fucker. Entrepreneurs are bad bread for this, but this is where this is where in, unlike anything else before entrepreneurs, eve always had. If you weren't good enough to get better as an entrepreneur right, you ve always had a consumer to go to if your product suck, you decided how to get better or be or be different, but doors can consume. Where's, the right now these entrepreneurs restaurant owners, they're kind of relying on on on consumers coming in new look kind of like complete data, fact right and I think it's still a little a little twofold with it. These motherfuckers don't deserve to be in business that they won't open their business period and here's the good here's, the fucking good part of that whole thing happening.
When when it comes to ahead, which it will and it's going to soon when it comes to a head. All the weak and producers are weeded out and, although all the fuckin strong entrepreneurs who are willing to stand up and fight for fucking livelihood in their family and their employees. They will gain tremendous market share because they'll be allowed to open market share agree. So that's that's a positive too. It's and if you're listening this and you ve been why these people that has closed their business. I know you're going write me a letter say I had to close my business. No, you fuckin. Didn't you closed your business close? Oh man, that's the the foundation of our pockets like our, namely a literal name day, one dollar zero. It talks about. Just This man like and even after you found success. How do you still operate every single day? I get your day, one dollars euro. How do you still operate like your backs against the wall, literally where people are right now
Not only are you still operate, but men had you are you fucking thrive in it? It was literally. in a way it was literally literal may like like day one dollar. Zero is a hashtag I use on my instagram and I'm not that cool when it ever use before right am, I think, you're right, I'm I'm just not that decorated, like it wasn't cool enough, but not when I did when I walked away from that this company I decided. I can ask you know I wanted to make a change as you some different and my wife was just like it ever, you ever thought legally work, sixteen seventeen hours a day for yourself like what that would be. An acid said knowledge I haven't. You know, and- and I was an entrepreneur or entrepreneur late in the game. You know I learn a lot of skills from from my background, but I was new to that and she said uh have you have you thought a real estate? I just looked at myself: Like are you following me around? I like, I guess I m ideology of reverse. It was in a moms
dress nice and those you guys isn't. It is about tuna sixty pounds and fatted lying on the side of what the fuck you know and she's like now, you're good with people in and you ve gotta, be around people enough to really build Are you an n b? I learned some stuff because of of you know us looking for for commercial spots, for for the stores and in ireland, but man I had to. I had through fear before I gone through unknown before why new, like I needed friction in also my so she then what your parents are dark when her parents- and I sleep in my book- he's moms still has it. Why do you keep Andrew? It was just big enough for a twin size, mattress next, to figure out now it's a covert pinnacle the nasa colored pantry, fig noons, distilled water and just weird shit. If you're in aviation olefin newton's narrow she tune those attic news from ninety nine still good, though they were good, and here is a problem that if europe stress eater, fell asleep enough,
Henry. I like these, but you're, just like our, but may I got was. That was my thing you can go to my instagram right now will underscore grimes. You can go there right now, you'll see you know, video I mean driving uber and lyft at night just to just to make a buck to to feel good about. Providing for my daughter a little bit while I was going through this man. I'd wake up. I get my mind right. I woke up and I went to the gym mind right. You know that I spent all day sudden from a brokers. Licence at night had gone for a couple of hours that lead people not value me very much cause I'm driving uber and I'm driving lift. By needed. A field ashes she met a man is, go, don't be romantic. How you make your money just do what you gotta do for the next opportunity. You know how many people I meet that are fucking. They there. They don't even grasped that that's like better than that kind of work like what the fuck do. You talk I did. I will shovel fucking shit I'll, do whatever to eat shit No! I'm serious under water. Like do you got you almost sure that a union last twenty five years doing a lot.
That's the commonality right when you, when you have successful people on upon cast that that piece of humility, that is, it is literally ingrained in every single person that we meet in that thorough way. If it's all the same and our men are so afraid, because I you know I had this. This success as a marine corps guy right in and I love it Accolades there, and in a lot of success and a pride of accomplishment in some government, work and police work and- and you know the the fire department when I was a cop had had given me their their medal of honor, it's called the guardian angel award. It says Sarah medal of honor award, you know, and- and I fell for for- for a an explosion- yaffe a semi explosion that blew up to the entire highway, but we were able to to get a guy out and lived in fucking orson, their master that some scars from it in I had a bright ro, this fuckin three hundred pounds, so my truck driver out of his cab,
man. It was, and I had that they met salted, and here I am going to be a broker. He known you d, which, as much as you're, afraid out there right now to start something is just as scary as if you feel like you've been accomplished before and you're giving it all up for, like the unknown, you know, and and I'm doing it man I'm flat, I'm flying flat broke my mind, you know driving a car in her name side, no income and my mom buys nino gets a car for me. so it network we're trading in a truck with bad equity. By the way, so we had the car that can hold about equity can get a fifteen thousand our car, I d get admin. mama cadillac. We got a camera and my mom sign for add no income Yonah and I'm first get into real. said some? Am I the pantry by weak, my wife, if says, hey we gotta get a town or something I can afford it, and just
pride of a man, god may like it. I didn't want to go home, I just couldn't contribute had it is pushed through and I'd I'd been in those places before, but never like this, never without an identity and am not mourn. Tie that ain't mine and I'm I'm driving car off the dealership- that's not mine. No he's, not mine. We also took two thousand our rebate slackened have money in my checking count for gas that put the car even more under your bath equity right in driving back to work man. I gotta call a good buddy bar sovereign corps in combat better in that hit on his more cycle by necessity. In No marines passed away like alina. Let's unfortunate when guys come home, it's car accident it's suicide is a lot. You know it s, not tat. I was ever none too. It's not true, but just for some reason. This guy, passed away when I heard it at that point, my life. It was signed Almost I almost I wasn't trying to feel
bad for myself, but just I literally looked down at tie, I was wearing the car. I was driving and dislike what the fuck am. I doing man and I go to work, not trotted just do the best. I can some calls and just get a couple more hours in in Yom headed home, and no my wife called It was a momma way home a couple of hours later, and I tell her and she's kind of upset and mackay like. Please don't feel bad for me. Like he had closer friends and me in California that they were doing business with another hack in the load for those businesses and he's got family. Like don't make this about me and I get home and when she still kind of crying- and I was like no- it's okay and she's like no. We gotta talk right and then you I'm not that good. Looking right, like I like to think I do good some realm number.
as fuck right and like super insecure about myself or that one of my great he cheated on me. Were you not happy with me right, of course, no I'm an idiot and I'm sure envelope for me on the counter and she's. I got really hate to do this to you, like, I notice a rough deva pregnant. Like ours hours, just after hearing that met and Alice, did us beat us, not the wind out of me and one I browse better neil teargas, it was, you know, perspective yeah perspective, but it got me Donald NG says you know we just we found out. We were having a little boy, you know, and this is important for everybody listen. This is the point I'm trying to get out right now is like I stopped trying to fit in to real estate. I made real estate fit me with just remembering that as a father like what ought to be remembered for what are the stories, I want to tell this little boy. What am I built from you know, and it was like still: a marine
still a cop still father, there's a lot that goes and how can I? What does that mean like in and when I'm out doing work you known as being of a person of integrity and standing for something in not worried about getting a tunnel lead and marking myself, just worry about being a practitioner and doing a good fuckin job in understanding how many referrals come from doing a good job in stop trying to reach round are gonna handle. Gotta, learn how to help yourself- and I know your brains clicking right now, cause your ear, we're thinking about right now how people should be helping himself, but I got back to the fundamentals of who I was and understanding like. Oh man like there's so many things about you that built this tool belt. Why would you ever take that off and I had to dig deep and do that in and within were three years to the weak right. I've been in business man, it was from a pantry three years ago, two we built a team that was not only top one per cent the world but top point five per cent in the world for Berkshire Hathaway, and you know, and that wasn't big enough-
for us that wasn't successful now, if you want a branch off and do our own thing in india with some big eaters an hour, we ve got a different business model and with ex be you know about great big model where we can grow our brand nationwide and we can start educating for building an online. course for realtors kind of like really f. Here's an oh bullshit. I take if client, here's an old bullshit how to market yourself, here's an old bullshit of forgetting, don't forget, you're walking with a box of long johns and no look like a fucking ters, a lot of real estate rice in our building, that course out and we're bringing people around us. You know through the model b x, p, and just not only being you know, a person who wants. front and take the lead but giving them tools that they can take with them and start taking action with being better and its import man- and it's so important right now, unlike debts, that lesson about my son and have in that way,
not downy, first and foremost, a gift from god right like an if you, if you and it I'd, be blind to not see that. But I am also be personal, might just opportunity nor their lot active. I was god saying you got some shit to take her grow together. that's what it was now reject. I was at that story to me resonates, obviously that in its own manner knows it's like you know, playing business is something I was good at right in until about five and a half years ago, issue but same know. We were doing well, and you know the company was doing well, but I never really like ours. He took my life, serious gazettes, not it's unfair but like when it's just you, you kind of figure out how to make it at work. You know you figure out how to still going to
We deny you know, even if it's back down to the ten dollars, like you figure it out, and you know when I found out my wife was pregnant with enzo. It was different for me because of the what you were talking about on for me like in, and I I would challenge on your. Why? Because you say it's a figure who you're not but who you are, and I think for me that It will be the first peak of who I am you know like, or what do you want to be? What do you? What do you want? What do you want them to say about enzo's dad? Would he want enzo to say about you
how do you want to be remembered? How do you want to be thought of and then every action from that point forward and every action to that to this days? But you do not have the girls, and I learned to the to to your pointless- is a fabulous point, and I think this where, as an audience, you should take no tears about fitting in by figuring out who the fuck you are, and sometimes to figure out who the fuck you're not and for me, was most important to figuring out how the fuck I was going to be remembered and how the fuck these kids were to look at me and how the fuck it was. My name was, can be spoken when I'm not around and that's the important thing about realizing that we're up. You know we're all a lot more alike than we think and is active playing life in this false sense of like hey, let's all get along in a sense like dude fuck, that man like faulkner shift in Oviedo all you'll, get along with core values. You'll get along! That's right within two. If you're all have integrity loaded, I have zero interests and get along fucking. Anybody who is it like.
willing to stand for the fucking truth, and that's what I mean so celebrating diversity I like, if everybody is, is on emission rights were part of something bigger than ourselves. We all do. like the same things, but a far if our core values are similar, where we have integrity in character- and u s writings? We can be completely different s right and celebrate. The diverse has right understanding we're all in the same mission in, and I appreciate what you are saying, and I would like your Y know, gentlemen, a marine corps commander of mine by the name of Brian shant. She actually worthy shirt friend us because people are duplicating is content right now, just piss him. You know, and I thought why these eyes a great guy. You know it said: hey man, you're it doesn't sound like we did last, oh yeah. I know how people copy you should all the time I told him I said: hey man is a saying: can I done world and he knows a man he's a marine corps commander. Unease of is deasey, does ultra marathon and in short about waters too crazy shit, acid amen,
the gun world. Rather a call your copy people understand like who fought comanche, indian, those texas rangers and it was with a cold ryanair. Hey man, you're goddamn cold, you're an original anybody trying to. Are you exposes himself but something I hit me True, as I was actually looking at him, I was crying out for help and I wasn't tellin him. I I linked up with him after him republican in, and we were having lunch together and I was Alice output on a smile not like faking about this, I'm in a good mood. I want to see me again. I didn't see him in a long time and I some great big, success. You know it was great to talk about an hour. Often in this new venture now super scared about it. almost feeling bad for myself and we know we meant we had a great time in any compliment of ease. Hey man like it's, no disrespect, any marines or anybody else member I get so many people call me and reach out to me he's a pretty big deal, the marine corps world and arm that need help or needed something for me er and he's like man like
you're out during your doing it your successful when you're just man, your breath of fresh air like, I'm so excited to like see someone succeed, and that gave me all of you I wanted to be. It was like you know a man like, even if I haven't quite found myself right in this moment and attack. I still believes in me if arms something to that guy. If I'm a breath of fresh air- and I can be- I can be something for him- I need to go out there and be that that I need to be with that. Guy thinks I am not not change myself, not change who I am, but just hey man make this bigger than yourself right. This isn't about this, isn't about you and what you're going through this was about everybody else, and this is about how can bring value and be in be that value for others at lights, him up and man. I think over time I find myself trying to do that being that light being that direction being that some just sat
I can give folks jazzed up and only just get them jazzed up or just help them with some of the direction and being successful yeah and for like minds similar but different right, and I- and I am only sharing this not to I Don'T- want to be the tommy two guy or tommy topper. I like I'm, not an I'm sharing it because I think there's a perspective from an audience thing like for me. I had to stop figuring out. You know like in this, as tough man like this was really tough like I I had this situation happen twice once when I left my career J to come here away from making a whole lot of money for one of the best companies whole world to come, and here in arizona, you're, fucking, crazy and, like that's an uncomfortable place, to be like when your friends won't accept you right yeah. But when I realized like that in life, because being a father for me of it, it should open a bunch of doors of being of being. A man of integrity was more important than being like by my peers or people around me, and because
and then, when I realize is by being a man of integrity and by its amplifying character, you know, because now in my brain, like the thought process goes, there is everything that I'd use him be story is told to my kids, everything that I do and I try to replicate that in what what what what has happened is its Its allowed me to have deeper connections with other people. You know, instead of it's figuring out like hey, let's figure out how to get this guy to like me, I'm just fucking unequivocally me and some people aren't going to like me and that's okay, like I'm, not bad, I'm like dude, I'm sometimes like for some people, I'm very easy to like like we. We can have a really great religion. Some people, don't like me ok with that, but I'm not gonna, be ok with not being me, do you like you that's the yes, okay and it's an earned cause, then that's it, and I don't like myself all the time for that. But but here's many years in I'll? Let you lie down and people by the like. I get all these fucking. Because do you know all I get a lot of the do gooders right, they fuckin eddie you're, here you're fuckin raging
person, ass where's as part of the fucking me with a girl on Monday. You know what I mean with the fucking the khartoum with the flat face and says health. Eighty LP, like that's, that's that's and they send you that, no that's what I hear. That's what I see set and hey if there and if they're not for you, though, that's ok, nobody does a thing is like I'm fuckin like that. I'm like this. I worked pretty hard three people, nice yeah? I try to do the right thing. be friends. Were me? That's that's all you got to look at it like do too easy self evaluation. Here's your alot of people fuck up, though, when you find out, like you mentioned, who you found out, we
war, or rather you decided he wanted to be, and then your actions started falling and he wanted to be right to become that person wants. Used establish like who you are staying true to that is where a lot of people go off the rails. Because then they start. You know once you start feeling the easy to go off the rails, restart always about people's invalids man. People like Andy people like will, whatever that cloth is you guys are both fuckin cut from it? And the thing I love about that the most is that it gives the rest of us permission will be It's not. It's not listen just because I say like that like. While I like me I'd. I do the right thing I you know I'd. Try to help people that need it. I tried it use my skills, the best of my abilities, I treat people with respect. I care about peep ice list. All these things, those or not,
ok so like I don't get to say that once and then be like thought, I'm great mercer, perishable right, scientists, so so, why? I might say that today, maybe tomorrow, go through, and I say I am I like me. I thought this up pretty bad. I should correct that guy you do pretty good here, even though you Does this I'd still be boys with you? You're still cause fuck like it's internal conversation, you gotta be able to audit yourself and then what to do. when some motherfucker. Then, behind a figures profile and a fake name says some no shit you gotta remember, like you gonna take it like. It your above yourself like like it be like if one of those people they the shit to me, but actually set it to you right now, like
for them at all events happened before arrives nobody's. I thought your guy. I remember one time you totally fucked up. I forgot what do they do that you yourself you're much more free view you are because you're living with integrity to a standard that you believe in and they You believe is important and dude it you're doing that. Even if you don't do it a hundred percent of the time, because we fuck up right all humans is s yours. not only do you fuck up you're supposed to flock up part of the process. Read the bible dude one. When you talk about like how things are perishable right, like you, gotta run that after action report with yourself, every data, like figure out where you stand with yourself and are you adhering to two things- are important. He hears what also great about that. If you're not happy with yourself right now, if you could be a better person, you can start I now like it's not who you are it's just where you're at we were talking about this in the gym today and as I came in this, this doesn't have to be. Who you are. This can be just where you're at
but you can make the decision right now to start being who you want to be and emulate that and just as quickly as it can go away. If you'll maintain it, it can also quickly start right now. If you just make that decision, what life is in solving equation? You don't sound like you just one plus one is to what the problem. So the problem is the most people will see it that way. You're a hundred percent right it is an evolving equation and it is a consistent evaluation of our own personal qualities right. I did good here to get here to get here. They good here, I'm doing good. Alright the first time most people ever get this thing we're there like far from doing good here, I'm doing here, I'm do good here do get here. They take this and they put it in their fucking pocket and then they run around the whole rest of their lives, saying how good of a person they are and the problem is you're a piece of shit because well that, while on December twenty, First, twenty twenty! You had all these things december, twenty seven,
twenty twenty seven you're completely opposite that any it's like the dude. You know it's like this. Controlling the border matters right uncle rico. Guy auguries on her makers would mean ago. We wouldn't want state, that's what people do with their own lives like dude. That's why you lose what maybe this fraid to evolve. To write like we can talk about this in business of jist. We see a lot with veterans man like they love veterans and they loved better in community of activity in all community, but you can't just where your high school letterman jacket like you're out now, you ve made a decision to get out and you ve got a final. later we ve off right in a lot of time. As you know, they allow you to act above
Yeah we were going to. I just got this fucking visual of, like fucking trans am out with his fucking labour cadillac bro yeah. It was about to put dan bailey's jersey on and be like that guy in the locker room. Next time you talked to Dana call. I refer to Dan as a half size, human yeah. I will send him videos of those who don't know Dan bailey is one of our athletes he's really rather one planet earth. These is a role model from us in point of how you should operate as a human, but we have a great relationship, and so I might have had a few drinks in me one night and I kept fucking the crops in a decent picture. You dick than mere everybody, likes him. We sense when I tell him well, I, like I like it their legs pictures. I cried. I was cried out sitting our citizens locker today, just taken selfies, I crying and
When you tell him, he was actually going to call me his balls all over his shit. I thought we were coming next week and he was going to come down and hang. It has some workouts with us and he can become synonymous gilding him for the entire week and but but a good guy, but back to involving it's like men is a lot of fear behind that in a lot of guys and I've got the aim, and I got a finnish murali, I'm sorry about this and I let you throw those plug scenario: good, those very good incognito plugs well, you're you're, you behind raw material. Why did it was only come from again? I will fuck stop your mother, fucker story, and start a new story. I thought I and others. I rang the bell ass. He not myself Certainly came back on me so weird, I'm going, I was drunk you to drink and act. I was in here talk about my literary lama is on its core grimy your time, but then I was cross. It isn't a sport, as far as I know, ball Zob, all about like a child is born cross with people like that, and I suppose
you know any sort of muslims in this steering and listen, you're half size, human, it doesnt fucking count Abdullah measures to underpin battle. We want them that fact legit and It's certainly a bitch so about three or four weeks goes by, and you know that I always send him videos from enzo. You know and be like hey man, you basil, It was meant for a relationship. Next time you tell umbrella, he's just half size, human yeah. Now your story, guy dead, stop evolving. Where evolving. When you see it, you see it a lot. We talked about it in your office a little bit. Man like it that the veteran there is great and a lot of them are super anti. Nobody psych, we and to stay in that shell, while we tend to like fall back on accolades or what we used to be in it just we can be a lot more productive with ourselves
we could find a way to locate. How did those skill sets that you came from help you build something now versus just talking about old times or what it used to be or how society is not what it should be an inside man. I don't, I don't agree, agree with you, but and we've got to find wait: a costly evolve and figure out how these tools pusher Or did you see it man? You see a lot of the high? school, letterman, jacket, behaviour inside man like you, I don't want to let's talk about the marine corps, man, I don't want to just talk about what we like. I want to talk about what we're doing now and but again I think when you come from an identity and in a prideful one at you know, it's almost hard to think that your letting it I'll go in, I think par when I figured out, have yes on and not having a choice like you, better, be better roger up cowboy up right now, figured out start realized something time. Nobody gives a shit you'll learn. That was hard for me with baseball like out of the gates, but I never really talk about it. I don't know I don't talk about it, not because I don't love it or because I don't appreciate her, because I didn't learn a fucking, millie things in life from it on top
about it, because I realized, like that person, don't give a fuck that I played minor league baseball. I give a fuck bought it examples and doesn't give a fuck that you know that person gives a fuck. How can I help them? right now, unless that involves fucking me teach them how to hit baseballs, which obviously wasn't good enough. That's why I'm here yeah and it's not gonna, fall the work, and you talk about baseball days, not can help this company girl rice, but you also have to let go of it to an extent and understand like where those converse. Patients who were those memories lie, but then what I gotta do to get offered every day and what a what about baseball and what was I good about it? Where'd I put the work in what about the makes me good here in know its minutes. We just got to evolve gotta, be better in right now to your point with: what's going on with was covered in the elections and everything else, it's ok are we doing right now to improvise, adapt and overcome and get us get ourselves back?
where it needs to be, and if we're not a restaurant, if we've got to do something else, hey that's fine too. That you're! If that's your decision, but what are we doing versus land on our back and pointing fingers or just not helping each other like we've got to evolve? We've got to get better while people think that. We, like you, guys, think there's gonna be some day where they come now become ansel lockdown sell a lockdowns rover happening now fuckin happening, although don't move in Angola s right in our luck and now the goal line is being moved to environmental locked out, o the we invite It did so well over twenty twenty because lockdown word and keep living this way so that we that's the next thing. They forget. What were the environment two: oh yeah yeah know don't get you started. He is a look of airy
and spear see I've ever been, and I then this model has. Therefore that's that's, not a conspiracy. I know it well. I must say, like fake, I'm just saying, like matisse ease on it with us up in an open your mind in, this question was you're going with desire. I will all day handy Sure female. When you talk about you know when looking inside right in europe. No self evaluations, like I learned about, from as after action reports. I'm curious has for nor civilian, is I suddenly, you just learned and I'm always curious about that stuff cause. I do think, there's a lot of cool stuff. We can learn from veterans and military in. The David goggins, the jockers, the wills having these veterans that council our articulate and talk in and speak to the things that help them and how that can in great work. Civilian life is. I sought me just learned yourselves as I just sutton the wraps over the years and years of doing business is awesome. That was
taught to you by somebody. Does that certainty. if a lot of people and what most people looked in terms or what just be intrinsic and doing the self evaluations in us with so fuck man. I was fat. My whole life, would you guys a minute ago? No one tells you when you're fuckin fat, so I to figure out a lot on real truth. Why are you here some of them the truth when you're fat cats have sex. so you've got a real big problem whenever you're fat as fuck, and you like good looking women, the fringing. I tell you you're fat mama until you're fat, your dad might tell your fat. Maybe So all I realised through my life growing up that a lot of the things that I was being toll, we're not the things that actually were true.
And saw a lot of those things had to do with with just life in general, and so I stopped listen. to what other people were telling me was true, and I started running experiments on things that I thought might be true right, for example, are growing up, every fuckin mom out their tells their fucking kids same shit, new new take girl on a date You pull out the chair for new buyer flowers, and you do this and do all these nice things in every mother for were you doing those things. Tell you exactly where the fucking gotcha, where to get you got your home, fucking jerking, your own, dick, that's the fucking truth your salaries for renewal, I must honest, there's always that outlined in any idea of this sweet
loving relationship that people think happens when you act like that knife, happens is yourself. Allocating to that person you're submitting to that person and that's not even attractive female dna. Okay, so female dna. Is they want a leader region? you have all these girls out there that fuck, indeed, assholes isn't, because their assholes, it's because there, much closer to our leader than you are when you're fucking kissing her ass when everything she fucking does k, so these are things I discovered through observation as just one of them. I so all the maps out there that are telling their sons all fuckin shit about how to get your you know, basically, What the moms do is they? hell, they're signs the shit. They are missing in their romantic life and they tell their sons to go on do that when it's not appropriate to do, and then their kids give fuckin friend zone
and they grow up thinking. Why do why does none of this should work? What strongly me. My mom told me that this in this and this works, it doesn't work, it's a lie and its flock and selfish lie because it's what they want, not what Actually true? Ok, just one dimensional, that's one example you one example economy like it's. It's hey you want to. You want to buy your your girl, flowers, cool you want to. You want to do good or cool, but the problem is like if that's all you're given it is one dimensional did not behaviour bleeds into everything versus lie in the understanding. I too have a backbone to be a man, and this is why I have all these all. You have, as this advice is why you have all these do saying shit like this well it's our inverse region. I am taken my girl, while to a nice dinner, although law, hopefully I'll, get lucky ok, first of all my fucker, if you're hoping to get lucky, you got an ah fuck around my girlfriend and what yeah and none of your the girl you ever mentality that that girl is is
going to make you lucky by having sex with you. What you fucking know have shit dude like you fucking lost You listen to these fucking goody goody stories that they put out fucking world, to make her by seem like its appropriate What I'm saying, which is the truth, is called masculinity now now this attacks. So I can't tell the truth about the male female dynamic, because it's it's it's just not right thing, but yet every fucking mail, or I'm sorry most females. What's their biggest complaint right now, there's no man I suppose it there's. No man now, there's no will the reason there is no man is. Can you keep fucking line to him about what the fuck you want and then keep going after something that is the complete opposite of what the fuck you say you want, and so you ass, like how do I figure this out by that shit like that trainer? Guess
observe situations. I look that then logically, I figure on the fuck out Then those things are no longer confusing to me and and that's that's pretty much and that goes for business. It goes with everything and it goes with fuck in politics in the fact that these motherfuckers kid see what is being done to them. Do I would say by really know so now I I don't know anyone ever taught me that I, I think I just got sick of losing know enemy. It's hard for people to look inside man allotted to an that's. Why it's like I'm so glad to people like you talkin about this shit, because you know for me I swear to god, I like conjured up, will or gods the angel sent this fucking guy down to me like I,
always has rather dark? Eight elegant annabelle have battled. I had it been eyes. I wanna reinserting some more here because I don't want people see here. Take all that means treat women like shit cause it does what it means, confident who the fuck you are and if she does should. I doubt you then, working order? The next one? you're, not your job to continually so you'd. Somebody else! That's that's do that is I will destroy your self esteem. It'll, destroy your fucking carbon Is it almost sure your life and you end up with some abuse? of crazy woman because she gives you suppose he wants the wanton. How many what do you guys know, I've got all ok alone in and around the same time women arse, screaming for men to be men screaming men to be man. Are you Listen before canoes battle
coming from that. I'm glad you're like andrew areas where this again feel like I'm Are you gonna give you my two cents, an enthusiasm? I have a similar different for me because I gander said, like you start to realize, like as you start to go through your chapters of life, and maybe you have a little successor. You have a lot more failures. You start to realize. Maybe that's just not true. I've learned that, like man deep down in my soul. I know the difference between right and wrong and I went at the second I started like living by the truth, like my code, like the second, I started understanding like if I need to speak the truth, if I'm gonna actually play this game like I got up, speak the truth and I gotta live by the truth and to Anders pour like, I tell my wife all time you won the fucking powerful. I think about myself. I swear, you know- and I know it's nothing wrong with it now and it's fine like an actor. You know like in dude like when I want to like when I'm on a fucking get fucking laid like we're. Having a real conversation, I don't I don't try to dance around that conversation like I have the mother fucking conversation you know like, like you, should
but I also learned to be not only to be effective at home, but should gain issues. A police fuck me you know when I buy my wife flowers afterwards, now, when I found out, how did she tell you where at all? But when I feel like it, you don't say big on big on there, I'm a big gift. Buyer like if I'm going to the store. I see something even little it's may like a like an apron. She her mom had an apron one day and she's like oh man. I need one of those bows that I was at walmer we're grabbing groceries, and I saw a really cool one from chip and Joanna Gaines and I'm like articulate, don't the mascot like I tried, you know what things are: top of mind: there's just a consistency there that, We still do anniversary stuff in its far by man, I'm so on point with your with you're you're. Sweet words right now is just like those decisions, but that it Will you help me out to help may become a better business person and better leader cause? I learn to start communicating more effectively. Instead,
dancing around, like the employee, comes in its all about all. Well you're, not doing it quite aware of what the fuck do. You want. That's an army units is this: the best. Get me one of the best goes. I've learned manner is this like when everyone like that, call with an employer influences sky guy today and you know we're going through, he tell me I say: hey man, listen, I got a tight skin Do they luscious cut all bullshit? You were here you like the building has to offer you love our brand. How do you see it working for your ram? Let's just get to this. You know like. to fuck around, like I want to tell you gotta, have long call my going but can take back. You know for me right dude, I can't balkan stand motherfuckers come up to me in your life and I look at em now say what the fuck do. You want and they're they're like the first time it happens, it'll be like oh and he's such a dick and everybody else around here will be like no, that's just how he gets to the point
but it also means, but even though he saying what the fuck do you want, it's not condescending its. I know about what like less solve this crack entered. I have one literally one business conversation a week. I have list on my desk is actually tuesday, therefore regulated, but it's like I have a list of things at any desk met it I didn't answer on a beach. See dna seer, just give me the floor. Answer. You know what I mean like it's real easy. Let's talk about it like. I just need to ask him like what is fucking thoughts are going in, for we get the coffee and the doughnuts, and you know what this is to the point to your point right. There's this unreal ideology that says we have to do all things. No doubt with. We learn to communicate, effectively at home in the bedroom at work. don't just speak the truth and how you fuckin feel you can go. To where you want to go a hell of a lot faster than dancing around a goddamn fuck. An issue in this see we're out. Where I failed is. I was too,
was a terrible communicator early in relationships. Right like were, I would make lie to them from her often, Yeah, that's iron familiarly. I wouldn't tell them the truth, but I blame it on them. You know, like we re ass men have that problem do but, like I learned it was me was fucking me. I wasn't communicating clearly in our colleagues, belt and what I wanted and like do now- and I learned this relationships- good, bad or ugly, like if I didn't like it guess what I'll fucking like it. Not only that, like dude, how can you be, how can you fucking live with another human doesn't knowing shit and you just take like five vision I must go. I've stopped there, shit don't do that. What what? What? because our working dollar nine me. Yes, it s, okay, but your equally. Ok to have somebody say that you can be sure that something all Emily's fuckin thing she just pissed off and I'll get it do sometimes when I'm fucking, mrs, like our little thing so
sometimes reforge flip my socks off. I don't fuck afloat mouth so then she has the fucking in luxury like palm oil right, then good life me gotta, go life will ya, know shit, that's funny! two percent, so that the fuckin thing is is like. You know sure ass. We must shit but for I months ago, she's like hey, can you flip your acts like a normal human, and I like she talk like that and my thought. It must piss her about about river sakharov tell you right. Now is a dad volume of laundry gaga, three kids under four right. Oh man turned, saxons out is the worst walking laying in it's fucking. Six fair. Every gun, latvia upper Urso little. You know with therein right as colleagues,
here's a bad bad, Emily Joe there was there's a lot of guys out there that are probably somewhere to me. That list to you guys for this exact reason- and this is why I said like will- was a godsend earlier, because I always have that nagging thing my mind. Your microsoft was just questioning myself. If I'm a bitch, you know kind of like think. If you've never been in a street fight, you don't know, what's going to happen right, you don't know how you're going to take a punch. You don't know and I always had that in the back of my mind. In guys it is so critical if you don't have a will in your life, you're fucking, Andy and that's what these podcasts are for, because it's when are you going to give it yeah, but given given guys permission to realise on by do we know? Man like you're here thing about you fail to panic you're, probably trying to be a good communicator, which is why you failed at being a good communicator or that, and I think it and not to cut you off your by think, especially when you're gone relationships, and is everybody haven't thick skin or look when you're asking people what the fuck you up on this
therefore sounds like you're cussing about if we get more to intention with people for ever stop being so, if we're an effort, would being so strict on herself for being so critical and strict on others for like a delivery in getting to the end, tension of like where something coming from a guess. It coming from a good place suit us a grape versus will use up, give her. What are you want and, like you say, the f word and not the whole arguments about the fact that you casino or casino it's not about the actual problem. That happened is like a reagan versus like hey it's coming from a good place. My intention is to be productive and fix something or hate what the fuck do you want and that's actually the I love hey, I'm busy for me. They told me right now what you want, because I'm going to give it to you, but what the fuck do you want give it to me and stop give me the fucking, dog and pony show it so about intention with relationships not zapper special delivery that people are sometimes subjectively good or good if we give up and just think for one fucking, second and understand context intention
all this shit that we see on social media with black and stop to receive. You got a grateful You must listen to my episode. An unintentional verse transactional have been stopped. you ve been. I stopped your brother. Just like me, you're pretty face you remind me of my private dams. Locked in loaded, but I want to know, is being scared. same feeling. You have before you fight where you get like the butterflies and nervousness, and it it draws a lot of guys out to get into it right. That's the same threshold to go through when you start telling the truth like when you got that when you gotta like those isn't it's only the first couple of times it's like the waters fucking call. I felt that I was going to be fucking gold, no matter how you, whether you jump in to an fucking elbow in it's cold, but that scary feeling like when you get through it water's nice. You know what I mean like. I don't get that, but like dude, you don't give a fuck who walks him office asked
question. I will give you like if you're asking you want my advice or you asking for my opinion, or you want to answer, I'm going to give it to you. I don't get nervous anymore. I hear it is like, a great point. You don't know the blue ridge, like I dunno, it's not light blue and I've kind of blue, it's blue fucking pen and something that comes. I think, right after that. I'd love to hear your guy's opinion on its and something else you and I add the I've had prior that I think, are realised first illness, productive confrontation just because we disagree and I don't like what you have to say or I'm just not quite on board with what you have said and let's debate, let's let's, let's have some of that productive friction, productive confrontation, because There is a lot of solution. There is a lot If you mean hazard, knows this fuck you, but you know it yeah. I know why you you can. You have a conversation on the internet on more because it's no there's. None of that. it's not, as I hate it. I know what I like what, whilst most of what you said, but this point you know I don't know if I agree with that, our then you're a piece of shit.
What are you talking about? I am your fucking die terry focus only on edge in we, even when you get into like if, if anyone's lucy S in business, we have a business partner like understand, you know: acumen, r, r, r very similar and a lot of ways. If you don't see on the surface, were very different. You know I guess on the surface, but there's a lot of core values at him and I share, but what the things that we had, especially when you're not learn, each other but growing accompany it meant it. It was the confrontation but is productive. It wasn't insulting. It was like men. If I'm not pick up what you're putting down. I say so and Does it mean that I'm gonna always disagree with? It means I just need more for you'd articulate to explain so make since in years bill, if you can't articulate unexplained more, maybe you haven't thought out your thought and then maybe it's good that I brought it up and let s think about at least get through it, and I'm probably and up on your side and then hate your welcome that we got through that because now it solidified your own belief in Europe
isn't or it brings you to an it sounds good now haven't thought disservice. Blitzed, let's recheck dismay a week later. If you got a good idea for marketing and then I question it and you have nothing up backs the ideology behind. Why you want to do it? Hey? Maybe you should give that more thought before you bring it to the table. Write big deal and those things can be super productive when you're growing and decisions fuckin matter, and something to him and I have always done really well out be m slamming my door and avoid sometimes you know, I think, poor door there you have it. Would we ve lost few doors, elisa, eliza eliza closet, bully Eli has done some some shit. Well. I think it's important to understand too, though. No situations like you wanna be right, but is as you both want to win. The island is not really you want. Oh you wanna be rights that you win its that everybody wants to fuckin win,
what you want to be right, because you just want to fuck and win, and it's really hard when the ego clashes inside that realm, because due to top it it's hard to know that your team is on the fuckin five, our line and no, like you know in your fuckin heart, that you can carry the ball across the fucking, the fuckin go line. So does he yeah right? It's like. I want the fuckin rock nano I want to fuck Iraq, no, no! I want to fuck, but it's gotta be about the team first and you gotta learn to check that down, and I think that's where a lot of people they misconstrue that as like hey bro, I don't give a fuck who scores the touchdown lets you score. I want to fuck when I went to superbowl ring and I think tat, you know knowing your role in being able to identify where your strengths weaknesses are and being. Check because as tough dude like in a lot of times, you dont check your ego instantly. You know I mean you check here you go twelve hours later two hours later, today's eight or ten days later. You know that and that understanding
within this is where a. Why will challenge that? You have to be able to communicate? Imagine out we're back in this topic, yet we communicate why you felt that way. If it continues to fresh you, you know like in this can go back into a relationship setting like you'd. If you go home and something's bothering you you have to you, can't just be pissed off at that person Why? Because that person's going throughout their daily actions- and you Haven'T- played your role being able to communicate why you're pissed off so for you to just be pissed off fat and for no reason it's pretty fuckin stats, selfish stupid. Exceedingly it selfish because you're week to have that conversation that that that tough conversation, whereas if you can explain that to them. and then maybe we end up on the same day. Maybe you and are being wrong, dude, I don't you use the amazed at what you can accomplish when nobody's gonna. Take the credit out. I was thing is, I don't give a fuck about being right,
when you enter just say that unless there's no enter just went out to take me, this will talk about the who scores it doesn't matter as long as we don't fucking care. As long as we went like you, I give zero fucks about. If I'm riding I would join us. It rings always pay homage points is Michael. Jordan, haven't funnels game games like nobody, fuckin charismatic six I like when other people are smarter than me, and they come up with the heart ideas about if the problem is when people aren't able to be honest with yourself, writes that that that a goal line situation of you say you will carry this rock cross, the goal line you better fucking. Do it you understand my foot, Creation with you, and now you understand my frustration when you reach a glass dues on these worries about hanging. Here's where we talk about like here here like, for example, like a lot of people, are like right now. I guarantee you, as I just said, a lot of people all you talked about all years. How right you were well! Mother fucker does because I have been- and you know what the more you go, listen and my shit, the latter. It gets
it's scary listen to the old podcast bro. It is it's real scary. Listen to a podcast from this year, yeah yeah yeah. I thought you go way back four started talking about this time that time goes by the writer if working gets. You know what I didn't tell you all that shit. So, like a flux, my fucking, I told you so muscle I told you all this shit, so you could prepare. yourselves and get you. Fucking mind right, but but instead you stood alone, and you didn't do shit and now here we are in an opportunity for these fucking piece of shit to bankrupt our entire mother, fucking country, and you And your family and the generations of your family, there are even fucking ideas yet because you didn't fucking, listen you had your head up. The car dashi spoken show in instagram in all these other distractions, as opposed to caring about what actually going on in
able people conspiracy theories, that don't agree with what you think mother fucker. Let me ask you something. If the fuckin mainstream media- and I mean all abc MSNBC cnn fox news for an hour, raw stay in the same shit. Ok and you think that anything outside of that is a conspiracy theory there something wrong with with your ability to fucking, compute information, you're being programme. Ok and I dont know how to get people to understand this. I don't fucking on. I cannot I kin, I dont know what to do and what the forty huh, I'm sitting here, trying to keep america and wait people up from being fucking derail for fucking good, and these motherfucker that that's disinformation, multiple
or discipline measured exist until twenty twenty. It was It's called a difference of fucking opinion, your perspective. Now it's dead information, this everything it doesn't go along with cnn MSNBC facts fuckin. instagram basic fact, checkers its disinformation. an enemy. This information is you mean alternative perspective to the one you're fucking jamming down everybody's throats. You mean you mean. Information is followed up your plan to completely for copies for people over that's disinformation, then! Yes, I am the king, a fucking disinformation, but I think that's, like you, just bring up a great point right like being right. And we're gonna be right now, not don't want to spend this whole year, dude the art, a thousands of business owners in this fucking group you to go
just spent my whole year on the phone motherfucker crying because we're losing her goddamn guardian businesses, we are fully like that. No and so my area. Can everyone upon you. I got every fucking person out there that wants to virtue signal and tell her body how great they are and how good a person like these people posting pictures in the back seem like the fucking got there first shot when they're fucking, three acting like or taken the vaccines do, and we are in your you, you fucking people care, understand and can't get behind like ads. its argument that the media wine to be right right and pushing the narrative. I just think it's you know like it's. Everybody from a mindset want, you want to be right like when you vote, you want to be right. You want your team to win and like it, the corona virus situation, but you want to be right so badly. You hope he's fucking raw as right, but all eager. But when he's right, you me you have it
its of age to anger. It's it's an ego issue where you can learn. It goes back to who who scores of touchdown. It doesn't fuckin matter what we Jimmy mattered about is americans and that's where the shell game goes on its the frustrating pieces as americans, fighting over here, so they can slide the money over here and that's what we wake up too, because I think I think, when this first came out, some of us had the thought of like cool, not cool, corona, a cool. This is bigger than politics. Let's get it right. Not are you right where you right? Let's get this right and I think when people were first quarantining and were feet people are first being proactive. A lot of it was good natured of like we just want to get this right then, and then what happened? I agree the problem is you've got these everything gets snuck Back door and nobody's answering there's, nobody saw listen there you'd. Never ever ever ever ever ever be a fucking shut down of any businesses for health concerns should never fucking happen,
people who are scared, just like every other pandemic in the face of the fucking earth. should stay home people were are compromise, stay home. We fought there should never have been shut down should never happen. It should never be allowed to happen again. We ve done it. We never did it. Nobody fucking did it. You know why, because people had to fucking and people had to survive, and people had to harvest their fucking craps in people, to go run their markets to feed people and because now you'll have to do that and if you just call fucking, amazon or whoever now We have this fucking bullshit foot you don't care about people. I'm sorry! You are a fucking moron I care more about people than you could possibly comprehend. You are a virtue, signalling, fucking sheep that wants to take a picture
posted on instagram with your fucking ask on, so that you could pretend that you, a better person than your neighbor. That's the mentality that's destroying this country and until we fucking stop. giving plays to these fucking people? And so the narrative to hey fuck. You shut the fuck up, sid down and we're gonna run this country. The way should be run. We're gonna, continue to see. for the damage is done by the lowest common denominator of society's intelligence level, and that's a fucking problem, She's scare, all of the days of all good a person. I am blah. Blah blah should be replaced with looking this fucking idiot, whose first up our entire world because they fuckin little egos measly to this is these? Are the people They go onto the science when science is ok with you right sides wins look at the data,
Are you won't wait? I fucking game, you gotta be able to look at it. Ok after this, we ask or touchdowns in the fucking time punches the fuckin clock. What's a score, the game. The game right now as we, the people got, have and we can boost, and all these people are talking about the virtues signalled their fuckin whole year way. You're the reason these people are fucking losing their businesses. You're the reason these people are killed themselves you're. The reason sure suicides, you're, you're, the fucking reason so sleep with that mother fucker sleep with that shit truth and just finding a way out, I think, is important, especially at the individual level relic. As things we talk being relevant right. Just your own integrity with who you are as a person, what you stand, foreign and having a backbone being well but like, where can you go? What can you do every day to just happen in fact not be irrelevant when you're, when you don't think that things affect human. Short term, so you want wanna virtues, ignored you some other things and think that it's not it's her.
Unless, whatever may be, like you're just you're. One domino in this entire stack, the more that that does the more time that brings. But more importantly, is you are relevant and what are you doing with your actions? You know, I think super important. I think we all have to ask ourselves that on an individual level, it's tough to ask yourself those questions I mean cause, you gotta be real. You gotta be real honest with what stares back at you and when you're not willing to stand for those things. If you're not willing to start the fight, your neighbor? It's not you know like and unfortunately like we have as a society learn to be very tolerant, and I think you know the toleration hassle. You have to learn to stop when it starts attacking your moral structure, your core values, not something that you know we talk about being on com. Well, that's something for me. You knows twentieth challenge that, because you know like listen, I get it. You know in the front side to wills point like we as a company. We did everything we could do. We took it like the fuck intent degree operation we come in. You know we were as
who had on as we possibly fucking could from the standpoint of luck in art of our obligation at that point, was our dad we're making sure our dad stayed online line and he was healthy and we could keep the saint Chris. You know like this scared, the fuck out of us, but at some point in time we got to like open up your fucking eyeballs start to realize like when you go, I gave benefit of doubt. Intentions were good. You gave benefit of doubt you backed what was being recommended. We all thought it was bigger than politics, but then at some point when patterns show you when the data are one pattern, show you that it's no longer that that's when we ve gotta start There are certain wild there. They say look at the science yeah about. Perfectly calendar magnanimous shown science, that's disinformation, favorite things that, as a result, what's on the cdc website plans this information other what counts is information? Oh you right
the alleged end only the information that goes along with what you previously already believe is not disinformation. sounds real, intelligent you motherfuckers out there think like this, that are struggling in your life in all areas. This is why this is why this is why you, I do not understand the idea confirmation bias, you do not. Stand that you don't know fucking shit still real data is, and even if you are poor They were real data, you won't be able to fuckin, read it and your ignorance your inability to learn the truth and learn facts, because you're too busy playing call of duty is the reason that you're fucking kids they're fucking aids and their fucking kids will not happen? future in america. More importantly, why will speaking fuckin chinese no or mooing like tat, maybe the vaccine now I'm in
it it's absurd. I think the numbers I mean, that's that's a perfect thing. I love to have that argument with people all the fucking time, because it's just like alright. Well, what the number say about this our work, I know, there's a mean one around site like a mass person reservations. I mass person, like some other, flew numbers. I will weather. the other war there's no food because thereby stay at home. I m no flew her, just none zero dawn, but the mass present report accidents. That does not seem likely Jimmy abused here, and I think that there are. There lies another situation, whether diego we're just plain. Stupidity like let's start looking at This like, why are we not allowed to go to restaurants? Lotta go to home depot? Your lot of I tell you this dude, I'm about to fucking. Just stop everything and move to focus somewhere else like in the country and you'll, never hear from me again, like that's how fuckin sick of the fuck
stupidity in a lack of critical thinking. I am I've tried as far as I can and all fuckin year to try to get people to fuck and wake the fuck up. You know what I get Why are you speaking more? What wires We grow more. Why do not fucking over? Why do I see what's happening. and a lot of you. A lot of you are going to be really fucking. Pissed off, come january, twentieth a whole lot of you, a lot of you and it's all gonna be because you couldn't fuckin paid mention what was actually going on. An enclosing workin here, so you you ve, been around, will you lie. You guys been around the podcast, slash slash our world for how long do you think about today's podcast? You think about the podcast in general. What's the best lesson that you can leave with you?
idiots. You know you at it. I mean you seem to be it used to be pretty in tune. You have been listened. How long you can listen to the back ass long time and was it I find out here, for it is probably not long after guy started and it yet started with them, have ceo in and I've just men. There is a point in in my business career as a personal trainer for a long time to wear switch. flipped in my head. I real. I learned how to learn, and I discovered podcast and your books and all that shit in my life, literally change discovered all that your guises, one of them first ones, that I came across this being in the fitness world, personal training and it gave me a voice. Man in it taught me to eight. first of all you can build, who you are we are, I now doesn't have to be, who you are you know and listening to you, men and how unapologetic authentically you and that's why you were as successful as as you became Hannah gave
your voice and that's what I said I conjured up. Will you know this alter ego of mine over here, yet a good end. It was like and then seeing the similarities between you guys him and see him run a company and then see how your company runs here. The attention to detail the biggest I took away from today is you go in the first one, Jim every logo, was up. Every pinned on the weight stack goes back to the top when you're done with that the attention to detail even at the smaller scale. It's you me in addition to that everyone's come up to us, everyone saying hi We yeah shit man, but people make us feel like we're shit here and that culture that you ve read men that comes do so when you left it did you put the shipwreck, I'd be they helped me her her husband, Roy or not, or about out of labianca, now do if I haven't made earlier and they fucking can't see ya, we keep our shit enough in a fucking. Put it like that will put it it plans to finish. I never had, but yeah
it's my little litmus test. They went on my story. Man, though, that literally of everything today that as I I respect that lotta germs, and I respect the hell out of other people's jobs. See in that little detail today? That's almost all the things you ve built here, everything at this facility. That's the thing the stood out to me, the most and arm it is this fucking cool man? It's it's been, who you are and been unapologetic about it and more people need to be. Ok. Do ya, think it some everything matters all the time? I've thanks matter Jim at an incremental level,. because they matter at a big level it comes all way down to like when we we showed up. You wanted Jim to look a certain way, so my experience as a new guy here unable to absorb and had to say, experience to others. I try not wise, like that's a solemn day, there's a guy got every maldonado, then I'll. Tell you why we do that. That way, we do it that way,
every time you have a chance to correct something and make a perfect you building your attention detail and your discipline muscle, and so has nothing to do with what just think when they come in here has every we do with how attentive I staff and our staff, our company, is to the attention of detail everything that we do so it's not about making an impression that just about what it does. Aside from my from my perspective, it's about commitment to fucking excellence as a company. Everything matters all the time. But again it's like it's. It's everything matters all the time right. It's like hey! If we're not going to do the it's the same way like when you when you're training, you know like when you're training, the military, and now we have a saying into schoolhouse. High speed is being brilliant. The basics rang like that. But but don't you realize how hard it is to be brilliant at the basics beyond report without falter out circumstances. Your high speed is fuck no, but the bottom line was men. If I'm not doing property things and if I'm not here at an incremental level on on things and when
when our low stress rub a level of the weights right. How are we ever can execute here, but your rights of its building, a pattern of behaviors excellence, but they ve gotta everything, a cell incremental and you ve gotta, have em thrall thrall all sides of it needed a super, important noticed that I think the biggest thing for me is some he'll just taking action and asthma as you guys, take action and then just paying it forward. You know like a monkey separate we're, not a big deal but appreciate a we were now, you came up podcast. You say you are good fuckers and I love and and guess what men we gotta take a trip here to meet you guys and hopefully be around longer and build relationships do guys in and just at the the action you guys stake and your your heart for the people who want to help themselves is huge. You know, and if you're not, I think that's the biggest takeaway for me. So tell tell everybody where they can find you an answer.
Or can find me now, my personal will underscore grimes finance facebook. If you want we ve gotta, you tube channel, nor he's probably already setting the eminent superpower, we really will have all the pretty Y Y, you eli schmidt here and where's. Where can your progress be found and everywhere itunes spotify should be an anagram one day. I think and he's going to have his own platform. We would love to be a dedicated to that one dollar zero and you guys can find that anywhere. You can find podcast. You guys can guys. I brought these guys on, like I said the beginning of the show, because I I, blown away with the converse station that we all had when I met them and You know I do a lot of podcast and some are ok. Some some. You know that starting, I know they're gonna be better, but these guys have a lot of good real world info, asian is share. I had a great conversation with them one expose good people to do
audience in our family here with our show. So I, well said, thanks for making the trip to come out, I know I know everybody listening is gonna love supporting guys, and I just really appreciate the contributions today to the show and I'll bring you to do this again. Sooner waiter yeah. Likewise, however, we cannot just pay for enough I guess I gonna leave anybody with this understanding. Sponsa billy, with relationships. It's not always, and if you got a girl, here are some great friends that in your life it's not only so much. I grant. You lie so good to me in integrating what, my responsibility as a business partner as a friend brother? What's my responsibility makes a number in value here and obviously wherever we can do for you guys to bring value to your platform, because what we're doing is what were on board for and no questions asked gossip have given us An amazing experience and value to ourselves, but, more importantly, is our responsibility to you to just just keep. Do you guys doing because What you guys do is important. Alright,
there is not enough men out their speed. The truth of what it means to be a leader what it means to be a man, and what am I he's a struggle and overcome and its there's too much of this. You know flash in the pan. This is what it's all about and then there's all, too much of the other side of that I'm a virtue and you guys tell the truth and that's that I appreciate about you guys so just keep telling the truth. Man, it's all gonna fuck. It happened three. Thus, so That's a show guys appreciate guys, listen, bologna, your bundles,
Transcript generated on 2023-10-08.