« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

90. The Tin Foil Show Ft. Tommy Vext

2020-12-12 | 🔗

We've been programmed into believing things that are not reality. On today's episode, Andy and the crew talk with Tommy Vext from "Bad Wolves" about cancel culture, rejecting socialism and what the future looks like for America if we don't stand up for what we know is right.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The ongoing project spoken to the existing law to fit most cars. The only way one was called to feed the guys at the eighty per seller- and this is this show for the realists, say goodbye to the lies that fake and delusions of modern society luck, there's a whole lot of them. Read! Welcome to mother fucking reality guys they were full length show in is gonna, be a banker But before you enter the shell, you must Others believe me, but should be real, I started telling you about all this shit go around the world two thousand nineteen and I've gone step by step by step by step, and every step. I've tried to open your eyes a little bit too. I've been met with a mediocre sort, response like y'all are too afraid stand up for yourselves or something. Ok. in the shit right now they are
trying to do exactly what I ve been telling you that they're trying to do. They are trying to remove the middle class business owner and they are I'm going to stop until that fuckin part of the economy is destroyed, ok, that's the reality so alive. you guys you own businesses, listen to me and you're sitting there and you're afraid You're gonna get fuckin written up fraid. You're gonna get a ticket near afraid that somebody from health departments gonna fuck with you, well guess what That's the lesser of two evils. They are trying to kill your fucking business and I've been hesitant to go. is direct with you guys, because I try to be reasonable, but we're we're in the fuckin shit right now. This is the game, and it matters right now what you do. If you own accompany right now, if you want a business that right now fuckin matters and if you hedgerows businesses if go to restaurants. If you go to entertainment and you go support,
these companies, it's time to demand that they open, ok because, if they don't, we won't have shit. like, I said in episode. Eighty eight, the Zuckerberg in the bases and all these fucking people they don't give a fuck about. You were gonna on everything and you're gonna. Have nothing in you I think this is some sort of conspiracy. His theory shit I don't know what it's gonna take to commence you I'll always Four can take man what, if no I'll be your business. This point you are choosing to fuckin, go to poverty, You are choosing to lose your business, and you might want to blame the governor, are you governor, YU city council manner, this matter this about? You know all they closed my business and I couldn't make it through twenty twenty, no mother, fucker, you close your fuckin business, you closed. Your fuckin based
and cautious employees, jobs because you're a week fuckin leader, that's the truth, these fat boudoirs fines all these fines, we'll be thrown out in court over them two to three years, and you better be willing to fight for your mother, fucking livelihood or you, better, be willing to go work at a company like amazon or facebook or fucking companies. over the hump of size that are going to still exist. And most of you that isn't you I would think long and fucking hard if you're a restaurant owner, if you're a small business owner, if you're someone who's dealing these restrictions, if you like customer. Who was sitting there and thinking were fought. Do close places. I hope they don't go out of business. You better start talking with your fuckin while it right now, because this this is our dying and they dying, because our people that you
I believe like you, then I'm not like you. These are people who, you believe has a good intention. Heart, like you, do, and they do not ok If it's not appeal to you to what's going on right now. I don't, help you anymore. I cannot I left the curtain anymore. I can't eat you into it anymore. I can't this is the forceful implementation of socialism and communism in the united states. This is fuck in play and you better fuck it resisted or you're gun, part of it and you ain't gonna like it and all you people out there. I think I'm fucking you know with a tin, foil, her around paranoid or this, or that what fuck you bill. what have you done in life where what choices of you made that were the right ones. I made a fuckin lot of them and you think that's khakis fuck, but it's a fucking matter of fact.
So if you listen to the show and you're a business owner and you but your mother fucking business right now. It's on you, that's it. Now. That being said, we have a good show. we're a I why things going on in the world? But if you want these people that she's gonna fuck bitch and moaning cry about everything that you hear that you don't like this show, fr. You ok go go over there and listen to the shit that you know it exactly what you want to hear, which is why you're in this position in the first place, because you guys only look for shit to list to that. You're fucking agree with and you wonder why you can't fucking get anywhere and you can't learn anything. Ok, it's Confirmation bias you out there seeking information that makes you feel smart because it agrees with what the fuck you ve been trained to think and you like that. Little cookie, I feel smart.
This is the whole fuckin trick bro. This is the whole fucking game. They been play with your head and you better wait before copper, it's gonna! Caution is going to cost you a lot more than your fuckin business without Sorry guys, I have great show, for you got my co host my brother salary, so it was all so what's going on, everybody got special guess lead brought man By wolves, good body, Ahmad Tommy vexed with sub row with great you, madam I walked in and he was had a sweet little voice saying in a transparent, Amy broke. I was on a one time when a treadmill, that's it. You know. I saw this whole world speakers serenading. I do have dj dj dj here. As we know, how did you without he'd. Just these I was ass it and each I liked to surname. May we were got to keep he's pretty rude
tat. He might have competence and he now yeah he's. I don't you like said that you know Kenny. G andrus, yeah man, so yeah. So what is the pain? So why are we talking about today? Man are so much shit going on in the world and like dude. I know that rant at the beginning, guys have lotta you're like holy fuck, well, yeah, but though, the ways while is because on frustrated with you guys, I'm fuckin frustrated. Putting this shit out there for you to hopefully connect the dots and it's like nobody's penalize not wanting to like saying anything woolfolk. I don't know what to do. Like you know So, as I told me, I can't open my business. So what should I do you? you open your business man. This is how you fuckin feed your families is how you feed your employees. This is how you contribute to the fucking capitalist. Economy that we live in an do you have to wake up man. You have to wait
up and you have to wake up soon or virgin of theirs gonna be anything like it to be any its reality and the last thing I mean, I, I think the what's your being in the entertainment industry and and having come out for early on this year with some my more conservative leaning ideology. The backlash is insane to me that this you know, there's been a weapon isolation of of a health crisis, to leverage an assault on small businesses. This is Another version of cancel culture right so like if you in the entertainment industry of europe actor you're, an artist, you know you see things I've I've had incredible backlash. I've lost, you know I had a. I had a book deal with a with the sorry for a lot of money. I lost a book. The ilo, I've lost endorsements because I've come out and simple
the candidate, I been like, you know block that radio stations because of my political views and and cancel cultures, ike out daylight really run an emmy and a lot of people have had to do But as you know, it's like you see somebody like ice cube. He comes out. He sends to bills, to both political parties and the left or like here now. Whatever will deal does another time and the writer like well, let's take these into account duration immediately and let's see how we can help african american community, you know, and then he gets he gets reamed out yeah, because he's cooperating with the with a party who wants to actually help and put into effect, change that will change change society, doing change the urban environment. This is fucking. insane what's going on it's insane? What's going on? I'm am one hundred percent sure the show right now we'll get some sort of fuck
censorship on it, because I'll give a fuck we're talk by law. The fact that you cannot posts things things that have actual fucking like do the actual happenings on of the world like like, for example, there. You know they did Joe Biden laptop thing Can we talk about politics for a minute that shit was over available for consumption before the election All the son you seen on cnn after the election and why why, they have. Why are they talking about it now? Well, maybe because they were fuck. It save that bullet for four fuckin Joe Biden himself, so they could get him off There are already trying to move this motherfucker out. the commodity and behind them like it could be there. I've, I re, I think them finally going to the hunter Biden laptop and leaving
these amounts of of whatever here is a pivot. To avoid the fact that texas has taken the the election fraud to the supreme court alone yeah. So it's your psych bake they have to an hour. They won't report on. What's going on with the election broad, are they gonna they just like this? Instead of a bird would eliminate this ill squirrel right for the dogs. I don't wanna desk world, but am By eliminating the current events, they bring up a passive and allows and is still have airtime on something or alone unquote relevant, even though its not truly relevant. They are flocked, that's what it comes down to their fucked. They lost a complete trust. The least fucking, a huge majority of the people who, like if I really wanted to. Oh man, I'd, like I said an episode. Eighty eight,
there's gonna, be some people that have their entire world view. Just fucking yanks right honour need them, and that is being done on purpose. It's being done on purpose being done a purpose and I think tommy brought a great point up. Like you look at ice cube right, I think ice cube to me, like one of my childhood great iconic. He is arguably yeah, I don't know who would be a better representation or or a figure had for the black culture in general. There is a man who has met the bridge, why be black? We want a highly highly racial time of his life. You know from compton. Excuse me he's! some of the best movies on the best music, a fucking love the guy. He did his action. He sent to both parties- he's trying to figure out he's trying to be the spear right and the mother following its black did for me in the spirit of trying to figure out. What's what's right and what's right by the people and I think that's their lives
I like the the the struggle or the real problem that exists. It's like. Why can't the mother fuck can't we find out the truth as a guy, who I think everybody respects in some way, shape or form you can at least fucking, say man that guy's fucking done it. So you try that and he's done it. He come from fucking. Nothing he's put himself on the fucking map totally on the map got respect from black people. why people will people young people these a fucking, great centre for what it is in the news in latin america and locking amplifies like like everyone, This room, he exemplifies the american dream, they get all right how to do it himself. Didn't have much came up to what he had to do. transitions from being a gangster rubber into acting, his son became an actor right. He father to his children. He raised them right, businessperson, re, business guy, you know, and so, but that doesn't matter, now another doesn't accurately I get rid of what came to her at the window where time now, because I think what we are seeing is this trend.
Fishing of this castle, culture getting hansel notion, I think it's a beautiful things. I don't know you guys know the fight between Jake Paul in an era alison right? They paused why No, they already are fuck it. Naturally, I am not against Nate Robinson. But oh, we just start listening. You win some. You lose some right and sometimes the fuck out that he's so so they they have Jake Paul on this talk show okay and the two coat the the two hosts of the show to black women, and they ask jake Paul what was it races, the knockout, a black man, the handle that perfect authority out of it briefly respond bodyguard. He goes right too, because that is a stupid fuck. In my life I was ass, a bite and nothing to do with various, and then she was like. What do you mean it's stupid, yeah he's like it's stupid, and she's, like that's a very fine question.
As I woke roller, did this bullshit of of that shit were didn't. Listen there a fucking agenda at play too fuckin make everybody hey everybody. So we don't know what the fuck They are doing right. Will this? Is it that's a really? This is a war tactic and ask why this line macabre, while he visit, will our greatest strength in this nation? Is our mold, Why culturalism you're right we're a nation that was built on immigration? There are people here that are from all over the world and and some came from slavery and some are answers- came came over from slavery, some people immigrated here We been emancipated were quite a long time and you know that's being exploited, right this socio this! This,
social engineering ideology of separatism is makes is unable to unite. Like I miss the america onset Amber twelve yeah me too bright the day after nine eleven there no race, there was, it was over. You know- and I like I remember, watching this- a pastor talk about this thing and that was years ago and he was like there, no race in god's kingdom and for one time I would like for the first time I was like there really is no difference and we really all became american. and that was too long ago for the kid for paint a they are in a way that they know understand, violation that we as a nation went through and then tragedy in the laws? We also forget one of my biggest arguments are defended law enforcement all year, an ice we so much as a ban. We support law enforcement and people idea like
you know they lose their mind over it like where you're, how could you you're black and white because I'm not an idiot right? I guess I understand that in every job do has voted by somebody who can do their job road, look I'll look how fuckin misguided that eat. That assumption is that, because your black you're supposed to believe x or this or that that due to me in my mind racism, you know- and people I'm looking over here and all these fuckin. Why people call in fucking black conservatives uncle times and all this shit and I'm like like what fuck, that's what I said about the one I actually can't take the credit for, but I had somebody dm me about the the the jake Paul fight and they're like well. We didn't technically be racist if he didn't knock,
because of the color of his skin. I'm like well, no shit yeah yeah. We threw the fight because he didn't wanna know what I mean, but that's the thing it's like now. We can't even engage in gladiatorial sport like it it's so ridiculous? You know it and someone like me. You know I have the same experiences somebody like lil wayne right, look, you lil wayne. He they asked him. How do you think there's a problem, a reasonable and he said I I don't believe it. You think I came out on stage and I remember this and there was only white people and I was like cool yeah, you know an amendment low in a bar in a ban, mouldy platinum, internationally, successful rock band and little white kids to make me hugs at so saw blockades like people. Don't care now
You know what I mean, and so I do remember there was a time like in the eighties and the nineties. Race still was an issue yeah, I think after nine eleven it was a significant psychological shift in the unification of americans and people need to understand too. I grew up in new york, but I've been touring for twenty years. In this country, I've gone to all the places I've gone to all the the back. Country, the teeny tiny, you know venues in alabama or mississippi or wherever Louisiana texas is like you know, just like, and I've lived in all the big cities I lived in new york, I've lived in San francisco, I've lived in vegas, I've been in los angeles, I'm hunting a beach. Now, like I experienced this country and especially after obama, was elected president to me, as as of as a at africa, america man, whose innate white dominated industry, that was probably the last ponderings. That was the last embers asked
and I dont know urine- maybe I'm not having this experience, but I think that is a component of self victimization to believe you know to insist that you being mistreated, because it comes at a time when it's not happened. It's taught in school. It's written critical race, theory dude. It's been taught for twenty years. When you remove yourself from you and say? Ok what I was told the things that they were taught for the last twenty years, what the fuck, what I believe it easy to understand why people believe that shit. You know what, in view of all this. the way it is an all why people are fuckin races, because their white and black people are victims because their black but do- let's just think about this, for real work it just no seriously. Bro like I want to point something out. Nobody ever talks about what, a disservice to the EU. black children, who are,
have ambitions of being great and Ambitions are building something to be told by people then, no matter how large you try, no matter How large you fight, no matter how smart you get? No matter, how accomplish you get? You will always be looked at differently. because of your skin and you always have a much harder tat. How demoralising they used to hear your entire life wife, but think about the faint. This is another to counteract that to be told, something, that's an outright lie and then live in it, culture, where Abraham and dominate sports yeah. Look a basketball! You see that people in the nba taking me and saying there oppressed somewhat only in america, I'll tell Listen to what you say when I fucking look, we weren't room yesterday, and they were shown some mba guy, and at this they showed his salaries for the last six years, it is like.
Eighteen million twenty billion, as I heard very seven may I was that I look out a good dude go. It's got a good kid. Atomic goes yea, so oppressed, nba money here, like an mba money. It's like it! Look this something's my life. Where is pretty out, thereby allow people don't know. There's like my mother was a crackhead, and Was abandoned in a hospital elements I of a twin brother me, my brother, my mama, abandoned spurrier twin, and I was adopted and like I Then I got adopted into all into a white family a night in nineteen, eighty two, so my parents were racist. Then they didn't care. They adopted two kids. who didn't look like them and raise them as our brother, which they have white savior yeah. Why save there wasn't there wasn't any of that and now there was. I grew up in an enlightened irish, italian qana, gangster neighbourhood and there was some racism there, but people
Eventually, you know the you get there get over it or you will you be people up and the noise respect? Do you look at how it is you centres, fuck, assholes, yeah, but there's assholes everywhere, but the thing is what it comes down to for me. As you know, I I was born predisposed to addiction. By the time I was fourteen years old. I was heavily drinking and experimenting. drugs by the time I was in my twenties out. You know what I said I had to like. I had no, I came from nothing. My dad was a janitor and a vietnam veteran and my mom was a stay at home mom and you know I had to figure it out. It was college plan. None of that was going to happen for me and I figured
Dowd and I want to getting a record deal, I moved to l a house, and I took my addiction with me and you know I wound up getting sober. I turned my life around and now I have a yo, I'm in a successful band, I'm in one of the fastest growing rock bands in the past fifteen years, and it's all it's been a lot of hard work and that's the american dream it we live. This is why capitalism is so important, because in a capitalist society, the system is created that if you have integrity and tenacity and willing to grow and you can take their slings and arrows and you keep going you can become what ever you want? That's why it's the american dream! That's why everyone comes here right if you and implement Socialism, that's cool zero chance, that's all I got older people I understand that there are all these people educate, look
you ve heard for twenty five years that this is a good thing? It's it's like How do you even to look like? that's where I met right, like do you and I This is how we met you him and I became friends, twenty twenty early on its way, twenty, because the loud. Does we, once shared like yo, nobody else. Do you like almah s? First, talking on my brow? Is this for real and you're like I dunno. I think it is rather like. I think it is too for the last four In eight months, we like every day when they call for a whole year, we right, motherfuckers. We were right to and that's the truth and and but I've taken so many states that taken so many blows this year. Because I know you have to, and so is even smith and a lot of other guys who have stood up. We ve taken blue well after fucking blow but dude at the end of the day.
I feel an obligation to keep saying shit because dude people like. This is going to ruin america forever like forever. Never ever it's not gonna make it this this place. Where you guys, They pay a real sweet picture of socialism, ask any emigrating came from a country where there was those kind of ideologies and do we look It's all ten from five anger, death lunches, manager, Riah he's born in hungary. He was born in hungary and grow up. Hungary under communist russia right and eventually he fled Go to new york, didn't speak english, learned english by watching tv and listening to the radio and got a job in a record shortly and he's had it he is the american dream. I may misdeeds, kill it like he's killing he does more service for for police officers and military and and other bands he's taken on
people under his wing in these, like you know heap he super patriot. He ll this country- and he came here because of the dream- all this is where we don't realises americans or over the world there are on. your procures. There are men, the women all over the world who want who like, if I could just get to america, and if that ever be american dream dies under the glass ceiling of socialism, which is a precursor to communism. It's done for everybody, there's no place left to go, we all like it's on a statue of liberty, its. I send us send me a week, your broken your huddled masses where else as everyone gonna go. Do let me ask you a question: do for you. I am of the opinion that the people who actually support this This is a controversial opinion. I think what we're going to find out the truth. I could be wrong and, like
breathing. I say: if I'm wrong, look, it's I'm wrong. I have a problem with that in this some of you are going to this is going to twist your mind up a little bit. You and I have talked about this a little bit. I am of the opinion that big tech media, how political they I've I feel like they have all. Aligned to create the illusion that people that support that agenda are far bigger than what they actually are through, that the use of bats, the use of. Ah, you know there tonight g to send a message: the narrative on mass media. You know. Now we're dealing with like this potential election fraud of millions of votes. he bore say all that's. real mother fucker. You are watching the wrong shit. You are watching the narrative that they have used to create the perception That you believe and hope
we're here the shit. Let's have it, you know I do while I'm at it, for my tinfoil hat are either. So the idea you're not gonna, meet again, let alone. Madam you look man. I shall put alone for west or the shell, my father, the tinfoil show. So so dude. point is Well, you know what is actually aluminum foil, guys because aluminum foil actually receptor. That's where I'm get my info can sell it's not a reflector. if somebody like that yeah yeah, oh we'll get to that, we will get to that shit so dude, but How? How do you know is? Basically, how do you fucking know? How do you know? How do you know How do you know what you guys out who believe that What they say on cnn is true about no fraud, How do you fucking know? How do you know you don't know so,
I mean I have? I guess I have it by it bears any such thing is privilege. I am rockstar privilege right, which means When this thing came or like I have until an I have. I have family members in the military. I I have fans at work at the pentagon and I have fans who are virologists and editor a epidemiologists said. Thank you came and say it, but just because you know, because of music or philanthropy or whatever these These are the people in my wheel, house of association, so it an emergency is going on. There are some people call for certain things. I dont ask people directions to someplace I've, not there, never been. No, she s all. I want to know my hey. What yo hey? I'm scared. What is this this? Is that hey? What are you? What is this? Oh, this is at an end. I know you have some people I get too so so in a way through?
the whole course of this thing, as I would get it as I always get information weeks in advance before things would happen, I have to find ways to put it into social media, so people will be forthcoming. Oh and then I sum up as a sort of call me baxter dogmas, but I will sit really. I just kind of a tip and and You know, I don't know how much it should be said are like how crazy it sounds, but there is definitely you know, there's a lot of evidence that what you're talking about these kind of super packs he's political superpower, acts that are working with these corporations? it's like there's, there is a lot of evidence that says, would suggest that these people are colluding with foreign interference. Do you want to know? I know this one? you want to know what, how I think that why I think this is true, because when you are the real world where, if fuck are these people were forgotten not just on us
I'm I'm up for the financing and where are these crazy motherfuckers, because I don't fuck and oil, and now the people I meet and realized or nor people. You know how you what else makes me think that the more should I post the better business does the more american shit I post mortem, following grows. The more these motherfuckers come at me. Guess what the bigger shit it's in your mother fuckers out there that think you're gonna attack everybody. We realise all you're doing is building them, and this is the point I want to get it. also the business owners to you guys- are scared because they created a perception for you to be scared of the ash. He doesn't operate that way in the real world in the real world when you get cancelled and you get four hundred dumb fox, saying they're not gonna shop with you. You realize that could be fuckin botch right. You realize that that at the very least, those are people that probably never bought your product. In the first place. They never listened to your music, oh yeah. They never went to your restaurant. They never went here or there. They're. All
do by stirring up the hornets nest is get people to look at you and a percentage of those people? Gonna? Look you and they're going say a guy not that what this person said is actually a pretty reasonable dude actually lobes america, I love america. Ah, he does exactly what I think, but and then to guess what happens they start supporting you So all of you guys out there that only small businesses- you don't have the luxury of having been cancelled before I've been here. What about fifty four can times, I don't give a fuck. Ok, because every time I do are shit grows, that's the truth! so you guys out there who are scared, realise what you're scared of is not reality. It's a perception is created on purpose so that it's coming. Why bullied yeah charted, it is no use of relationship, a digitally bully you into believing that you know it's a pack it up. You know it's
just intimidation, ya, know and its, and they want to suppress anybody who speaking up- and this has been effective but it starting to come to a point where people people are resisting and challenging like overcoming it, I mean, like you, look it up what will friends of nickel arbour she's they try to chancellor too, you're does, and she just keeps growing guys. Reality of the situation have same thing happened. Nagoya, right, I'm goin over a thousand percent right. Maybe he will see the employee of the month that guy's fucking savage bros. When you look at the numbers that the analytics on this stuff, that's the the data that I look at it, because we can't trust, media and social media and and and pop culture to to get a of a temperature on where people are at it's in sales, so all these companies that are defying this there's some political will. It's not even political correctness. Now they use them
a political correctness and they just keep writing the scripture. The box gets narrow, narrow, narrowing narrower. If you'd, think like us anything else. You want to destroy you, so we're not allowed to have diversity of thought. So when people, who are standing up, saying, hey like I don't buy this? Am I doing will your cancelled than then the consumers alike were tired of this cancel culture at it you know member. Then it becomes like all. Oh for black rifle company. What's black rifle why go check it out here? You're right, I love you yeah, you know what what does that mean you don't want to do right. What are you what do say it in the box by that's right, dude people, arts listen. It does the complete our real evidence of that. So real evidence of this ok people are starting to support companies that stand for true american values. I must say in far right crazy shit. I'm saying
every time saying america values, traditional values, do the people who are be american people who believe in equal opportunity the people who work hard to achieve things. There's peoples starving to support that. That's what Are you guys you own business, as you are that all you have to do is be that visa and people will support you in dude. There's no real evidence of this ok, you mentioned goya black white for company, guarantee their sales or fuck up. Those guys are good. lose their american dude, who built a company from fucking, nothing and are doing and you weren't you drink coffee, I'm over some of them are for coffee right. Do that's the power of the ship, and you want to see that you want to see the evidence were pantry looks like I say I can inform you that a go! Look at em I'll be go! Look at all these fuckin companies who pander and then- and then you know
always like you have fought them, jumpstart, yeah! Well, we know whatever uninstall coming on social media, and you see like this was it this was such owes. You know you look at someone who is everywhere. Do things like everybody, love or just? Let me finish. This point gas thing about this one happens in the real world. When you get cancel you get more. people do you get more business? You get me our growth So what is it? What it why? Why is it? Is it because, though, the cancel people worse as powerful as they say, or is it because there that is powerful as they pretend to be at all we gotta do say we're goin an open. Oh shit, we sure goya's about this. This is wagon gas. It is broken off here, while I mean like like four, for example, on I deal with this stuff, like will I've been
ban from radio stations right. This has been going on all year. It's like over. I posted a picture with a mega, had been banned from radio station Do I reposted just introduce saying that he is working to help the twenty? thirty agenda and the great reset- and I'm like these- are conspiracy theories and euro world leader of a first world nation on camera. Talking about communist agenda. That's supposed to be a conspiracy theory canadian radio stations we can have this year, I heart radio, they they have me at? What point can conspiracy theory become a conspiracy? Well, it's a theory anymore. No horse comes a reality saying, but that's the backlash as it is. I think an when I try to understand why I'm I don't ever really get mad and I I analyze, analyzes this stuff and a lot of these programme directors. They have to go through collegiate indoctrination to get the positions that they have
and I think this you know I think around two thousand and four this was implemented and there were. been a lot of really good schools. It took a lot of money from foreign nations to implement these kinds of liberal arts ideology. jeez gender stays in our re, stairs that all these things that you know you can get. You can get a degree in this, but you can't get a job with it right, no, but that that whole undaunted grasses. the grand and indoctrinate you to some bullshit, you can imagine, I m sure view. So when someone is saying urine and what like, when you're in college, that's a very pivotal point in a person's life whether deciding who they are and what they believe in what they stand for so there being targeted at that point even before and even earlier now but when somebody who is at the end. These are people who are nice people they believe in being good and doing this but
air their perception is that the truth is europe's you want here. My theory brought her. There is my theory, all all you conservative women knew you need to stand up and inlet. guys know that you're attracted to conservative men with values because of men, knew how attractive women our two men with conservative values. They would start their fuckin playing along because do. This is what happens what sucks amended you guys are over like a laugh. Well, let's be real. There when your college age guy. What the fuck you care about you care about can alcohol you care smokes when we you care about fucking pussy mills are things you care about. Ok that's very true, and so, when you the college and all the girls are like. Oh yeah socialism lily is: do is play along because they're just trying to get laid chunk of those who think yeah row
it talks about that? Why is a white nightingale like they pretend they're beetham? The debate is pretend to care about social issues to gain favor, with women who are outside their genetic, their genetic, are you able to agree with the I'd say it's who Larry s boy arise because I live in the I've lived in a labour boards in years. I see this stuff. I see that you know. How am I gonna? Do you no rule out my theory, let alone you conservative women out there. If you know you could get some day The line up with you? If you would just let him know, it'd, be real spiritual guy now speak up. Man, listen! Listen! I in twenty twenty I've shot off my mouth about my values and what I think is important is been most amount of attention. I run from women in my entire life, and this is ike. Despite having
Six number one hit song a wide. Is we know why why? Why do you think it is? I think it's because of integrity. I think it is I think it's because no matter what you stand for, no matter what your leaves- are standing for something passionately as attractive, and I think that when you're going along with the mainstream narrative and you think you're some sort of revolutionary you're fucking clown brow. Everybody knows it everybody fuck knows it. Nobody wants to say to you, it's fun, can clown shit. where you goin out in the fuckin street, with a fuckin rubber made trash can cut in half fuck it umbrella you're, some sort of fucking, bad mother fucker due to your fuckin clown, and you do you out there trying to win the attention some fucking idiot that don't know. From shine off. That's a fuckin truth, but I think there's both great points. I I think, there's some correlation, though, to Tommy's point of being a man
integrity and also succeeding against cancel culture right and when you look at the american dream or america or people in general are trying to attract checks as the same really equation is trying to attract businesses. What we're trying to do we're trying to help these people through, because your honor, is a lot of young entrepreneurs who are now listen, it's scary to be that you've got to go stand out net when it's fucking jagged naked, it's cold man's nerve, wracking, like a fuck nervous, you don't know, what's going to happen and I think, being a person and or business of integrity, is what shines and when you start thinking about the amount of of courage that it takes a stand against that that fear that stands within your brain and in your heart it's hard. It's not easy
you know and I think you know we look at us. We're it's another example of taking the harder path is always the biggest are all type a guys and like it's easy to kind of make your stance and kind of do your thing, but if you're, a restaurant owner right like understanding and Andrew hit this, but it's important for you to hear this insane like there are people like, gas that are extremely thirsty to support people like you, yes and I look at a map. Ivy out more in the last nine months miles, to try to support every small restaurant that I can in our local community Mackey. I cannot fucking tell you how many times I've driven my ass up to a restaurant, to pick kerry up just to try to keep them on their feet. Nah I can tell you been in eaten like that, could get into good shape, I'm in good shape, and if the aim of cheat as a home and as an obstacle but an understanding that you know it's kind of like feel too dreams. I give you build a day will come if you stand for they will come, and I think that's the important thing about the american narrative that you need to never forget and understand that, no matter how
much noises in the fuckin playing field. There are still a bunch of peace, well who stand behind your stand beside you are willing to fight for you, and I look at that. Like bodily, no south right, here's a blood, we talked about them early in the summer and we, supported all these restaurants. We did thirty days thousand dollars each night, no way to sixty two sixty days, a thousand dollars each night. As soon as I canceled restaurants, I do we sponsored restaurant nights out of the gate, standing You know we want to stand for certain stand for small business and I Bartley, no south, ok nor restaurant here and ST louis county, they ve, been a family own business were last. However, many your fifty sixty years, great people very well I respect, very well respected unbelievable restaurant. You know what when it when the infraction came down and said no indoor dining, they said fuck off we're going to dine. That's why it is. I call him. I order that night and I got four hundred kids, so it's fucking hard. I have twins by the way, and so I I have four hundred fucking kid. So to get a reservation there you know pack up. Everything is a little bit interesting to show up. side thursday night place, fuckin jamming it one
It wasn't like busy, it was fucking jamming and if you will You were lit a listener and you're on the fence and you're scared. Understand man like there are thousands and thousands and thousands of people just like us who are willing to support you and, like but understand weren't in together. You support us, will support you. It's a team. It goes back to the american goes back to where we are in the same boat and if we spite for the same fucking we can roll this motherfucker in the same direction of fucking fuck them dude is time it's fucking time, ok, if you are still scared of this shit, if you are a meal compromise it, this is a real What do you state of four ok you have been ruining, although people lives who are not. as sensitive to it as other people. This is all people this a mule disorders. This is overweight people if you're, overweight, loose fuckin way. Ok, that's the truth Nobody wants is not
problem here and a whole years that nobody wants to set a goddamn truth. The fucker, who does this? This is america, where free country, if you're go to the shit, handle it like. We handle every other mother fucking pandemic in the face of fucking industry worth instead I mean this is now whore and because you guys, don't want to go out and look at people in the face when they say where's, your mask you should ask him. What have you scare why? The fuck are you out of your house because they're not really scared. They are not really scared. If you are really fucking scared of this fucking virus, you wouldn't leave your mother fucking house to go to dinner with a fucking mask. That's the truth. and you know what to say the truth, because you're fucked school. I still shit. Ok, that's two fuckin truth: sick stay home. If you were me compromise stay home if you're fat gore working diet lose weight because
help you saw you now is a new compromise. Outside of that, we should be going all with our fucking lights. And there I had to go to that. Yesterday I went to a doctor to get an mri and this is fuckin rad. So I'm sitting there and got all you can't sit in this chair there, like all taped off and I'm looking around just like Jesus Christ with the phuket living in mars, you know here's is all fucking. Greedy old man get wielded in a wheelchair he's got his fuckin he's got his vietnam had on his daughters, we own a man imposes mass down the stairs. Your daughter's daddy go, put your mask on and fuck that masks. I've fought in two wars. You didn't give a fuck about this mask across the room, yeah dude. It takes a little personal courage. Okay, I love the. I know it's not comfortable for you all. I know is According to the wall, to have fallen, todd or fucking current. Ask you where you are
fuckin mask is, or I know this. I know its not phone as a business owner to have people say rude, disappointed in you, for who foot can be, supporting me. Not. You know what and got. The reason is the wine, this fuckin masses, because nobody will stand up and say this is fucking bullshit. I dog, agree. Equality, trump and everybody else. This I've been here, although I would have fourteen march, we wouldn't be here, but people want to play politics instead of merely motherfucking business, europe think I'll fuckin shot. terms not nor do what I tell you the whole you I told you ve been a bitch. Been handled the way from the beginning and steady wanted to play politics. So I don't piss
everybody off when in reality we need a fucking hero and he didn't follow through that's the truth. So I'm thinking I'm going to the people. I know I've had a few situations of like having to stand up and say you know what fuck it right, but I made me think: god have you guys, read the book, the print it's. My nico, Machiavelli, yeah, really good book. It's a classic! It's a very good, it's a classic book, but it talks about in their knowing your enemy right in the eye, is behind, is I wash you wash you put a face and a name, and you know what they're doing? Why must you know what your enemies capable of and the differences in is not underestimating Don't overestimate your enemy, where a lot of is going on right. Now, people are afraid to have those those those questions. Well situations right and and we're over estimating with enemy is well elisa Well, I got it. I got. It had asked her to what I said something about it without being said.
Tromp knows more shit and I know he's way more intelligent than I am he's way more experience, and I am ok and, like I said on episode. Eighty eight, if you didn't hear it I believe his whole mission is to drain the swamp it's possible. the reason he let this shit go on was to expose the amount of fucking bullshit that we're seeing and its possible that He will come through and fucking clean the fuck up, but it is also possible that completely fucked up and we'll find out but I'm just telling you do. We should never got in this place. We should I'll? Be here right now should now be here right now, I'll get you know one of the downfall of family would put it. Would you say the indoctrination of education or would you would use of college education? Collegiate study is our tolerance. You know you look like we are. We have. We have been raised
to be more tolerant of wanted one another's feelings and due to hold our feelings at bay. There's nothing wrong with that to appoint whining and I want it destroys will now we see the implementation of the psychological weaponry of over tolerance too much torrents. Now you have a people, you can't go outside grew two weeks. Bookoo, it's gonna be a month. Hooker we care go here. Ok, mask boogie. We continue to tolerate the an and Israel is imperceptible compliance. Think about this, for real think of. Scab for one. Second, if you listen to show think about, what you thought the first time they, you heard. Now we we're gonna shut down for two weeks. I know for me. I was like wholly fucking
shit and now I knew It- was going to be a long time. No, no, no quick, very quickly. I was like okay this is a chance sheer why I went out where's realize they were actually doing this like grants in at home, and I'm gettin text saying where this shit. I was thinking of my head. Whole fucking shit like this. This cannot happen this. Never this never happened before now. All you model workers are just like what you say in like a big issue, an inch the issue: it and watched shocked you in march. Now perceived as normal because you're not fucking able to, yeah, broadly resetting the baseline row, its This has nothing to do with fucking health, not allow this.
Thing to do anything. You want to talk about health, let's roll, let's rattle out! Some statistics is my favorite argument. Point people like two hundred thousand people died and, like I don't give a shit, we don't even know it's not that I don't care. I dont know visual ride, but we all know people die every day. And now I'm gonna talk about that seven point: two: two million people die every year from cigarettes, asia Tommy, that's voluntary, it's not the same o, eight hundred thousand. People die of second hand smoke. They didn't you. Is too. They just lived with were in an environment where they were. Smoking. Ok We don't outlaw cigarettes genomic erica that two thousand three hundred in about seventy. Eight people a day die of heart disease in america every day.
A hundred and twenty three people commit suicide by years. The problem with all that shit, those Fuckers are still dying of all that shit and are being categorize of dying of covert correct. That's the problem and an you people listening or not willing to. if you really look at it with the cdc announced it this way. dude all this shit you see websites in was in august. They release They were led us study now undergoing yeah. I was nine thousand three hundred people, one percent of total died of covert period, and then and then everyone else it else died with cold. yeah, they had cancer, they had heart disease, they had loved pneumonia, they had you know influence, co, two point: six comorbidities, which means the average person was dying of two other two and a half other things. That means half of the People were dying, a more shit. My house,
His back in April on what episode episode seventy two, but you know that the only way we can time time is the is the true bare of truth in the sense were we're in libya. Had twenty twenty in compare twenty twenty debt data to twenty nineteen, that data they are only eighteen targeting. Don't worry, I'm still behind where behind which is mathematically impossible was not because people are moving right when people, no move, there's no acts and ain't. Oh yeah, think there's nobody travelling movies on highways know. Given the all mass is last nasty me, there was only about seventy this about seventy thousand fatalities from corexit a year, so who you want a white that out it still there, and change the fact this should be. At least there should be, at least core of a million deaths deficit in this country on the other side, from two thousand nineteen at this just math. I have something in addressing this issue: it may be a what? If you can't, I mean
I dunno one of the biggest headlines. Right now is genetic altering of chinese troops. one of the other headlines is by the way. This is all fuckin verified, shit. One of the other one of the other headlines. That's out there that you are seeing is the repositioning of the united states navy off the coast of our east coast and west coast right now, so so, let's, let's think about the bigger picture here. Let's just talk I mean I got my fucking head on dude. This is just pure speculation, let's just about the falcon bigger picture worst case scenario, worst case scenario. Could let me ask you something? What would it be easier to fight a hot, an entire country or half a country, air be half the country Now would be easier to fight population that is healthy or a population.
And that has been sitting inside eating fucking bullshit for the last nine months. A weaker population- hmm, hmm! I dunno. That's just all weird things to me: right. When we hear about china getting fuckin genetic alterations to make their soldiers stronger and fucking better and then what are allowed to go to the gym or train or go to a bar to talk about what the fuck is going on. Like did we, I am not a fucking genius I can connect the fuckin circumstances and evidence of all of these things and, if you guys doing so you're missing the big picture. I believe let's, the doomsday scenario right, I'm just I'm gonna, I don't have a tin, foil hat, but I'm going to just let's just pretend our tell you another with this informal, as I can share with you, you're not gonna shoot. My son has me the server
oh yeah, that saran wrap. That's not the sasha's! No, no! No! No! A simple I'll go to the cavs around! Here we go here. We go. Everybody put the fucking tit their aluminum foil out out. Okay, I know alright, I don't want it to be too pointy. I want to be like a clue. Klux, your black row, it's good land Here we go so now now that we all have our fucking hats. So this is, I think, even pretty fucking, not your first cipher got you baby. I guess Alright, here we go wave row the example of the booty guy. Now with this fucking. Why me up? Yet? Alright, you got it
I want to turn our railway days is legitimate, bro you're, at the view, at the tinfoil at school. This book and a leader has even has like a thin on the back roads, multi directional this. What is happening right now, ass, we gotta keep a real They show you my actual tall sorting out the x arise here? Simple heads for and around the front area. Not so very go the good I as uses king tinfoil, neither baron as you know, is already coming years is actually filling theory
It probably was you're so small that why you make my bigger than yours, bro yours is everybody yeah he's a good alright. So here we are. I didn't get enough what you're crazy than others? Crazy, ok, tinfoil scenario, fuckin, art. The democratic has not let this log in my blog and they in our lab, sending it to use a crank so crazy scenario, let his sledge. You say that the Democrats, fraud at the election completely and there There's two ways about going about doing this: they either try to block the law, suits right and shut out transit illegal team so that there can be no investigation, they utilise the mainstream media and they utilise the entertainment industry to promote a fall
the winner of an election that they can actually prove one and it gets contested now two things that can happen. Tromp can refuse to leave office, because there's no legitimacy to the election from the data and the information that has been gathered and now, as we know, texas and several forty two percent of the states- are now suing three percent. The states is right in its gone to the supreme court. which would mean if the supreme court rules that the that the election is fraudulent. Tire election will get thrown out new law, or we will have to be made and will have to re vote. None at all will actually go automatically to congressional Oh well. I guess they will not be a river scenarios, a hundred percent accurate or check this out and effort that what this is The doomsday end of this is the media, the Democrats
or their whole all their cronies. They they put up the You know that I called the wizard of oz. I pay no attention to remember a curtain they put on the big, show convince everybody. What's going on? Oh tromp, is dictator, and then nato and china. his troops that had been set in canada, in iran so being altered wherever too, invade to overthrow from out of the white house, that's exactly what their plans, because, have zero everyone. This is a tinfoil had yet. I know just conspiracy harry. So when the hats are on just on this air. Anybody watching keg man were just talking about the potential outcomes hypothetical. If we were living in a michael bay film as right here, I saw your wages good for the whole, not over here ears worker yeah, Well, here's where the fuckin, the big The big issue is ok.
The first scenario came. The first scenario is that they they cause the those states to not be certified or be thrown that brings the electoral vote below to seventy four everybody. Then it goes the congress each state, has a vote and there's more trump votes than there are bottom up. They have vote by party last right, so that's one scenario. Second scenario is that trump couldn't Tromp can act as executive order that you put in two thousand eighteen when it comes to for an election interference if he has evidence that means they can arrest fucking. Everybody who is involved in putting out this scheme now. That would take martial law. It would include the media, that's right in the less. When was the last time that that happened in this connection, sixty three and who, in the neighborhood lincoln s right yeah
sire noses now just guessing, apparently there was a good deserts invite. Had. I see I received your signals that I see that it is right now. What am I think about me, yeah do so I so so, though, Listen guys in listen, those are the Only two scenarios did you out there, believing that fuckin bide won the election. I told you this and you're gonna be of selling me. I told you this the day they announced on that, if falcon No matter what the media said in your god, man You will be real, fucking man and that's the point they are trying to get you man, trying to make you mad, and there are also doing it with fox news news, is trying to get you conservatives mad,
and why are they trying to get the conservatives mad because we were not election either? Fox news was not a conservative channel, rupert murdoch fees and with them that's all so we learn where they live on election night, I saw them. They call fuckin arizona two hours before the fucking poles, even was sixty percent of votes, india so- Ok, I know shit we're all like what salt it's a alert the whole election. I was one bad episode of curb your enthusiasm. She takes luck and I knew some shit was going to happen. I said no, it was going to be what it was, but here's where we are. This is the truth. Those are the would you legal scenarios, man we're trump being president, though Fuckin third scenarios, Biden becoming president, is an actual coup by Biden to overthrow trop. That's the fuck em way that I believe are making, because they would to be an invasion, that's right and what their trial
and do here as in this is what they want. They want the when this is announced. They want the people on the left in the people on the right to go out in the streets and fight each other, and they want the people on the right to the shrewd, the people on the left with fought with guns, that's right, because they want to use that as leverage to call in but if we have, a civil war. billion civil war, and all the guns are owned by the right. At least ninety percent yo. That's not gonna go No and the message I want to get out to you guys is this regardless of what happens, I think we shall be really fucking cool. You mean honest, not only in situ, because they are trying to get us the people that they don't give a fuck about in this.
reed's hurting each other s right and if you're, the middle of the ground. Most of you that are on left, you left by now, but tell your fucking law. Friends like this a I believe this is a purposeful, intact, and all antagonism, zation or instigation of violence and I also believe someone I see, I believe, that's the left's plan. That's there! That's the media's plan. I believe, trumps plan is too and he already has done this. He has placed the national guard in many cities under in the military, under the guise of vaccine distribution than that actual garden, militaries mobilized, it's all over the country right now in a lot of these cities. You have seen violence over the summer. It's there. Ok, it's a fucking factors,
made of shit to help distribute the vaccine. That. Seventy percent of the people are going to take so, let's Think about why that is. Maybe he understands that they know what they are trying to do and maybe his goal is to squash immediately when it happens, which me and if you're one of these left right or people- and you think you're gonna go out and fight like reg the americans were guns now you're actually gonna be fighting the military? Why so like a one thing that I tell people right- and this is, we the whole long line and that and sometimes you know it's like: what's the saying it takes a man to suffer ignorance and smile, we have the hold the line, because we Watching, oh- and I say this like this will, but it's
what about the left or the right we're watching our fellow countrymen go insane. Yeah I heard things downright allude. Hurt people kill people and we cannot meet that with hate. No, we can't meet there their these people are not soldiers there, not militants. These are the these are people who are those lad and allowed to have their confuse knives in abuse to the victims of this same system. The same, system. That's trying to destroy us, more businesses in and you know,
it's the hunger games society they want to create. So what happens when you have a peer of you? Have a pyramid- and you have all the at the top- is the one percent and then it trickles down the people who serve them and the people protect them, and the politicians and de and the big tech and most of the people, whoever who her or get to that after this. So if you take those the self employed, americans and the business owners- and you just cut them out, they fall into the bottom tier, the people in the bottom tier the people who earn the the least amount of the easier to control and manipulate because they then they may not be educated, they may be misled their generally, really good hearted people and they can be appealed to with good huh. lies sure a budget meeting their needs, its idealistic lies: brow, you're, you're, you're, poor, you're, oppressed,
you're, a victim and we're here to save you should vote for us? You, don't you don't have the reason why you don't have stuff is now because you don't know how to get it or you and you don't have the f the work ethic. It's me as they did those guys over there. So it's like I posted that thing. The other day it's like the left are just like it's it's. Basically, american politics is a bunch of really rich white people convince trying to convince everyone that the other white people who have money who have less money money. There are the reason why they don't have money at all it s like the bills. Crazies snubs a basis for an I'm not saying is awesome. Just use example: that's like basis fucking, pointing to the poorest population are the most struck, the beast: the lowest economics standard of society, socio economic, and saying reason that you to kill
get a job and the reason that nobody wants to pay you in the reason. This is because of me me so it's him Telling them it's us, you guys were being played its people selling to tax the written and selling you a sixty dollars sweater. tat? No shit I'll see. You know, what's really what this is, The really funniest things to me, my my friends who are liberal- and there is a good. These are not our enemies now they're, just they just, they believe a lie down. They think We are crazy idea for having diversity of thought and questioning a researching and inner understanding manipulation dude, I was and so far I just wanted. I want to put this either. These alot of these people think that there, the resistance
right right. I give bear in star wars and therefore again, luke skywalker enhance solo and they gotta fight the evil empire, but what they? realize is academia? The mainstream media, big tech, all social networks, hollywood, the democratic party, the c c, p. the corporations yet and and these trillion dollar corporations, and these bit these billionaire super packs. They are the once driving a narrative against one dude yeah? Why so because he's a threat not get it, but but so there you. If you think you're the resistance euro, misguided storm trooper for the empire, your loss layer on yeah and just like
in just like in the force, awakens fin realizes. What is happening is wrong. it takes his helmet off and walks away. And a lot of us have done that. Guy was a Democrat. Most of my life I identify it. Is like when you know, and then it's been it its business six year journey of realizing it's bullshit and malcolm warned us of that shit, you know what I mean It's like it's funny to watch. You know lebron James well, obviously he didn't read Malcolm x's book no, but he just changed his whole. Look, try, look like 'em yeah any, and it's just like you, gotta open it and read the pages yeah. You know what I mean and stop taking money from china, although that quote- nike like people like. Why did they do is, unlike because they get there shit may for fucking. Do you
It's ok to get your shit made for free by fucking slaves and children, watson, of being. That's that's people here. all. I need you, I'm a brass right were present. You believe you would be a fuckin billionaire and you would a billion earn. You all be billionaires. If you could fucking create your priorities for fucking, nothing. You ve, whose me fuck Why do when? Are we going to be honest about? What's going on? It's it's not allowed. You know god forbid him. The truth said the stomach is actually is a real talker boreal talk, we switch
it's not at all. I just think from you know. You brought up a really good point about holding the line and we talk about. You know from a leadership standpoint of holding the line and because I want to try, I want to try to tie some things together, her because it you know, you think, in a lot of of drinking out of a firehose right there right and talked about the indoctrinate indoctrination of tolerance, essentially, is what we're talking about being able to tolerate other people's feelings in a weird cross. That was like integrity and character holding the line, and I think it's really important that we, the people as a unit, not democrat, not republican. We, the people, you have to we. We have to stand for something and that that something is our freedom of choice and it's our freedoms to be able to to have the freedoms that we have and to be able to support small business and to be able to you know, send our kids to school. We're we're we're giving up that choice by not standing
together were allowed out. So we got a fucking politicians. Look, we got politics, we are elsie we got. There was a lady's name from new from four michigan dj, the white leaving no the fucking crazy. Let you make him he's videos about rise. The johns we got a o c and we got cynthia johnson of elected fucking officials telling people to put mother fuckers on a fucking list. Do you not think that that has a what? What do? You not think that that has something to do with, with the reason that people don't stand up? People are, Can terrified tell why do you know? I have still not because I know I'm already on a list of fog it the fuck you do to me. Where are we do for, can do it, but, like average business owner bureau. There are looking at that.
We have a million fucking, they don't have millions of ours and people to people. Even in all this, they don't have millions of fans and all this shit like they're scared for fucking scared. These fuckers, like take those videos that woman said and replace them with a fuck everybody else, anybody else, everybody. Will the council do you? revenge you yeah, they allow you ruin you they'd barkie there like do. This is the problem with. What's going on, then, you have a democratic governor of michigan of fucking idiot, telling people that she she got punish too hard to work. What what what fucking reality or we will I live in a state with a governor, tells people they can't go outside. Was shutting everything down restaurant. reclose, no indoor, no outdoor, and then
goes to the french laundry and eats a six hundred dollar a plate meal with his eight guess, with no mass on sitting on top of each other and only apologizes, because he got caught ban has done fucking nerve, any arrogance to post on small business. king saturday, oh yeah, just charlotte, small businesses that this mother fucker quotes it's crazy, but his his is one or is open. Well lit a these people are out of control. That's it one! I think that comes when you start talking about like what is what is integrity and what can't be scared of them. That's my point. My point is: stop being fucking scared, while now and I, when you look at integrity, is walking character right, it's living breathing characters when integrity, the definition of it is Think about, I would much rather go outstanding for something then fuck and go down fucking believing when standing for nothing
and if you are a small business- and you know it in and we ve taken our stance here in our company and we ve taken our heat and we have dealt with we ve gone through, and I know it's a lot of times as you know, we get all these calls, and I know Andrew does and you you feel like. Oh, but you guys are different and I I do have news like no we're. Not it's not different, it's not different, we just don't waver just stand for it and understand that there are millions and millions of people who stand for you and believe in the same thing in it's yeah as it fuckin lonely to go out there first and it's lonely to stand out there and get shot at. However, when you stand out there, you create grit, you create, and you create characteristic skills stand for something and people will support you and they live with you and will be with you for ever and ever and ever, and I challenge small business right now, specifically restaurants, because their being fuckin targeted, meagre thinkin these poor waiters and waitresses they'll make thirty five percent of the revenue in them in the back ass for the forty five days before christmas and
This is their livelihood. It's even bigger than I had a waitress while the other night and she wants. You know she's not going to pay for her daughter's braces, because that she was planning on doing it with this. With this bonus that comes out- and you know in bubble- and you think about the ripping these people his dreams right out from underneath Una, and I challenge you to. Let me finish real quick. I challenge you to fold open your doors and the second fold. If you don't have doors, to open support those doors, there's only two answers here: dude. You have to understand that these people. Wants you to close forever yet and if you start understanding that that's their intent, if you, if you stop thinking This is about health and start thinking that this is about, destroying a mess can small business so that they can create eight more fun, worse for their agenda or their their ideology,
out of necessity. If you stop and question the intent, it makes perfect sense are doing a fucking great job at what they're doing will look at what's. What also is going to happen is like, if you get rid of, why is there an attack on rent on restaurants? Why is it so crazy? if you're cutting people don't want us to talk. While you don't want people to talk, you don't want people to be at a bar. They don't want thanksgiving because what's happening here is after the election approved. There's like eighty five. Eighty million people are awake, yeah million. People are awake. So of use. And those people home to their families, and they go talk with their families and their like. No, like look here. Look at this this is why didn't they trot came all fuckin tv at five p m or thanksgiving day like do they're, trying to wake you look up here and they don't want you to wake up. I wanted to target date a week ago. No mass wait! Let me hit this real quick, because at this is about
fuck and point to make in you guys were listening this like we joke round we're fuck it talks of share for continued blah, blah blah, Give me some real talk about somebody who knows a couple things by grown a fucking company from nothing which is most of you guys listening. There is a huge opportunity right now that you're, not there's a huge land grab opportunity for fucking customers. Customers are hungry, they flock and want to support people that have a backbone. They want to support. People that bet stand for america. They want to support people who are gonna, say fuck. This were free, we're do with fuck we're going to do, and I told him I left arrived home. I was right, ok and if you're a business person and you sleep on this opportunity, because your fearful, you don't deserve to be a business. That's it. so I would think real hard about that, because the companies that are going to be set up for the next ten years they are flocking full fledged land grab in right now,.
and you are sitting there with your fuckin hands in your under your ass- cause- you're scared. They can fuck with all of us guys care fuck with all of this guy. so you're a small business. Stay and not only is there I told you, I told you use for seven years. The biggest opportunities are when fucking people think there are no opera What is more in one right now that you can lead and grab the way- a huge percentages, the last time last time there was this much redistribution of wealth was during the great depression yeah, so we're not.
We're in a time where there is an opportunity for people who are willing to take risks and calculated risks to expand on, but it's good, but it's about understanding the temperature of the of the population and that people have been so traumatized all you with fear that they need Courage and courage is not the absence of fear. It doesn't me and not afraid, but it me that's something else, is more important. Courage is not the absence of fear. It's the judgment that something else that is more important. thing that is more important right now- is that people stand up That is the most important thing that we can do. We we defeated the american revolution, or it took three percent of the population fighting to win our independence as a nation. It doesn't take everybody
three percent, and will one man or woman can do another, can do so stand up stairs. This is your right. Our forefathers, our grandparents are great pimp, grandparents, the people who for it. died to ensure that we could live in a country, and a nation, a republic free of irani whether it be domestic or external. They did not give their lives for nothing. For you to sit on your fucking asses right now, so I don't care what the concert like you and I'm going to. Let me let me I'm going to prefer I'm going to explain where I'm coming from with this will you have to learn to manage fear
I I'm in them any to misery. I've been cancelled, like I'm, cancel right now, I'm cat, like they ve, been trying to get rid of me because I supported tromp publicly. they're trying to get rid of me because I asked people. Questions are trying to get rid of me because my following is growing because we're having these conversations in engaging in diversity of thought. I'm somebody I got murdered. I was murdered into. Doesn't it ok, that I survived. Those revived- and I testified against my twin brother who tried to kill me who's a gangster here, I someone a murder me after he failed to do So so I couldn't testify against, and I lived in a witness protection programme for eleven months, cancel culture. You No, it doesn't scare me that time was One of the hardest times in my life, but at the end of the day it was a gift
because I learned how to survive. I lived off three. Hundred dollars a month which is like back to back to be in that, but poor and I lost everything. But I every day I was determined to survive. everyone- adopts this attitude as a nation as small business owners as thought leaders as the inspirational people that we are going to win, determine to preserve everything, that's great about this country and reject these false ideological bullshit mentalities that they're trying to poison our brothers and sisters with we have a chance. We have a chance, but.
in our hands of us did. Martin Luther king said man. It's our obligation is our responsibility to disobey unjust laws is also our responsibility to obey. Just laws, I'm not saying run around and burn shit, I'm saying when they say you can't make a living for your family tom, get fucked us round say and do we. We are in a situation where I now of desperation, because if we don't stand up right, the fuck now in income about ever again and a lot of people here this morning, wait, wait for the vaccine, you know when you said brothers and sisters. You reminded me of your every boy. Oh
haven't I vow gee. That's what he said. He was like my every an american brokers in these later glister, your microphone, just just now, which your microphone of the speaker played a club me like this. My did. Does anybody know this guy anymore, I mean like it's. This minds. We avoid nazi eugenics, its example you I hate you trying to pander a vaccine. There hasn't been tested adequately and your pantry. to the african emerged committee like what, it reminds me of south park when they like operation, get behind the darkies like what the fuck are. You talking to appropriate is insist is. Is that debate? see that you're gonna be take in yup and hopefully an african american woman might play it again, because this clip is not getting pushed out say to my african american brothers and sisters is that the vaccine that you're going to be take in was developed,
by an african american woman, and that is just a bad. That is a fact that I think that some of the things the period do you want me, I hope got style. Bro to these cruel brow come home. I am no shit is layers, I'm serious about pillars: doktor called the angel of death, these dudes on deck bro, you I'm doctor death, no shit. We got think when you hear that it makes me sick. my stomach. It's disgusting Its insulting, like first of all, my willingness to take a vaccine is not predicated on the fucking race of the doktor, who invented the value in its based on the scientific data for a period of time. The thunder worked year like so It say no, Would you you would have to be a fucking idiot to focus
the vaccine, because it was developed by a certain person, a person of certain skin color, but that's what the left is about its vulcan identity, politics, and now try no wrong way: she's trying to run the identity. Politics ball on health, on a health crisis. That's not, health great we're, not even in a crisis now it's crisis? Not it isn't it all? Now I went the hospital twice in the last few days. I didn't see and caution you want to see her run any violent analyzes. How I am what brought home. I wanna stay on its sole objective. We thinking woollen becomes cross. My hat Why were put on you guys know? How do you find my nine
the bigger one in anyway, comically incorrect yeah he's just those racist that stuff back. So it must be the italian motherfucker we're all italian here. So look dude. Here's the day, you're going to use the whole fucking role, yeah. It's always going to make a tin foil suit from here you're. Alright! So do next time you go out on a on on a concert. You gotta you gotta fucking, go out and see tin, foil failure like ninety. Ninety nine repeatedly shit The ones automatically go. What I'm saying around the island that more money, more problems, music, video, where it's all shiny and flashy. That's what my favorite holes, music, video- that was music videos from the nineties, but here, let's be real, though let's be real, because here in the united states they are discussing.
Among many other things that the first people to get this vaccine our inmates and homeless people. Now that's interesting so we're gonna give work to give them the vaccine it now because we, care about them, the most satellite, what's going What are you guys? Okay, but let's listless it one step further to go one step further. If now now correct me, if I'm wrong, I'm wrong, I have no problem saying number. Bill gates his entire initiative and his his tax
besides bring water to africa has been what and for what reason. What does he talk about? In that reason, global population control, because if we had to many people, the planet will die right. So if you were to create, I don't know something to inject into people that will Kill them or create them, make them sick or make them die faster than they normally. What am I saying, you're going to take the shot and you're going to kill you I'm saying: maybe you get cancer. Maybe you get. Sick. Maybe you get this, maybe you know who fucking knows we don't know, maybe maybe you become sterile there you go and that's actually something that they ve been talking about? If you,
it is claimed em. If you get the vaccine, they say not to not to be pregnant and or not to try to get pregnant for two months after because of stability, side effect, yeah and so less think, about that. So who do we not want reproducing, while I don't care who rupert nano who'd if you're, that what are we want? Not? Who wouldn't we give it to the people who are the rejects, a society first, that the prisoners and the homeless, people the people who don't contribute anything. The old alone, and I know this sounds crazy spot. What about all people too? Well, they already listen. Odin, since the tinfoil hats, IRAN. I would go as far as to say that in this Michael bay movie scenario, what if covered nineteen was a. Biologically engineered weapon from a communist state that was meant to kill
generation of people with the last living descendants who survived fighting the last communist take over This is just an idea. It's amounts and that's what happened understand what what if that were? Well? What does your intelligence level seems to us, spike when you have had on them? You do, and this is a really work, had really worried that young you even present better, I'm dr able to try this law would have an easy, but I wonder how many people are watching this gonna kittens pernicious. Our social experiment we noted is the tinfoil had as its like, the? U because you're wearing it. It's not that serious and scary. So you can kind of say, scenarios that might be true. They might be not that's! What theories are we shouldn't have a bar against theoretical conversations, because there is no it's like
it's, not my wife, maybe one or there's no thought police the push checkers or the thought police phase one. One aim, bro ashamed. Shame on me being a person who is a well known. Bigger and entrepreneurs and has people that look up from shame on muse, reduce your platform like Dennis example, my favorite. So shame on me because I'm can concerned, for the well being of the entire? fucking world. Shame on the right. You think a fork in life Talking about this shit, you think I like, Upsetting you are making you scared. No, the only reason, I'm saying things because I'm legitimately fucking concern and no one else seems to fuckin have not sack to say it. I mean it was a shares. Conspiracy theory at one point out at the world that the world that the earth is round you married star, fought, usually went crazy. I mean it will never crazy was that you fall off the edge by them,
Fucker I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go find out. There is people that kill people for thinking the world was round. You know that about that yeah. That's pretty crazy! Your hat, though that's actually false. Oh okay! Sorry, that's a a bad turn I will readily can. I can. I am totally in this- is because its interest- in a manner in it. It's its counterpart, because I'm one of my dear friends went through it Oh your bottom, you said your ear. Your recovering attic and everybody. You know you most people don't know this about addicts but their attics for life. It's not like a it's, not a slight switch on lightswitch off type thing. It's an attic for life. They always talk about the moment, a bottom and air, and- and we went through this because one of my best friends struggle with crack addiction- and you know your ego talked to everybody and because you know you want to fix him right, you wanna help know say you can't fix them, they got it or you're going to die or they're going to hit bottom when they hit bottom.
no and they'll make they have to make the choice on her own and I'm. So I'm just I'm curious on what that was for you, ah well, I I had several failed attempts to like white knuckle it and do it on my own without getting help although I had become homeless still, but I can get it together. And I remember I went out my last drank- was may seventeenth of two thousand and nine, and I went out with my best friend who is like enorme and had beers and a scored blow, and I got too high and too drunk and we went back to his place and I I I asked him to take me to hospital. He thought I was playing around and went to bed and I blacked out and I woke up- on his bathroom floor and I pistol myself. I should all myself and throw up all over myself, and this was the first time this has happened and I've I've overdose before on different drugs and
It was crazy. I literally woke up and I looked around and I and that shame- and I was like I can't do this any war and I literally heard gods voice was like you don't have to, and that was it and I was like. And I called a buddy, I cleaned up everything and like left before my friend woke up, and I I call the a guy to give me a ride and he was sober and I was like hey. I need a place to stay and he was like yeah. I got a. I got a spare room, he could sleep dog dogmas and the next day I went to I went to a twelve step. Meeting an ice heard- a bunch of deeds in a room. Tell him the truth.
Why this is like this. Is I'm accustomed to this man going in the in a room and telling the complete truth about themselves? And it was okay and I didn't know, I didn't know what they had, but I wanted that and now I understand what that is, is peace. It's purpose, it's integrity and I didn't know how to be a man until I got sober, and these men taught me about responsibility about accountability. and you know, and I've had other kinds of bottoms have had financial bottoms are where I I I got so tired of being broke, that the same thing. I can't do this any more. You don't have to, and that's kind of been. You know it's kind of been the
in my life, I've had you know, women are women is like if it's pink or green, it's dislike it'll, give you problems, it's like money and possess. You know what I mean and, and and I you know, I'm somebody who, like you know, despite my appearances, I get a lot of itches from women mostly gives my voice, and yet like I have I because I come from a broken home because I come from a dysfunctional family. I have had I've had a few relationships with very damaged women, like I find the broken birds, and I was captain save a ho for a long time and I hit rock bottom with that and again the voice comes. You have to. and every single time in my life I have them I'm the kind of person I have made. My own mistakes could be crucial.
If I'd be like okay, everybody, ok, okay, like jokes I'll, take me down off the cross. I can't do this anymore yeah and I tuck my tail between my legs and I'm like good mean, and you know, and then I have to change. You know. I think that I think everybody's going through that at some extent right sure sure, but twenty one is like. Do you have the courage to make the change that? That's the that's that When will the serenity prayers is interesting. It's, like you, know their courage, change the things I can you know me. I can only change I can only you know I have to. I can be responsible for my actions and my attitudes what I do, but that reverberates, and that goes back to we're talking about about standing up. You know you got all stand up. I stood up. We took a couple bullwhips but you know what for somebody who's been murdered. I am I you know,
like: okay, like I've, been shadow banned or like oh they're, not going to play me on a streaming site, I'm like I, don't give a fuck yeah. I'm also the kind of musician where, like I have, multiple streams of revenue so via cancelled as as an artist lose something no one, I'm actually like I. Actually it cost so much money to be an abandoned, go onto our knowledge of its like a burning- it's a money pit yeah, but there are saying, is, though, is that work? Do we gonna take some fuckin lapse, if you lose some shit, a little bit you're going to lose. You lose a couple of customers, but That's over here again focus fifty four every fuckin one words also about quality, not quantity and an inherent must be real dude, even if you, lost all your customers over there. something there's some things that are more important. There are some, even if you there are things that are more important than you bid.
this and you making an income in this, and I understand that that's fucking heart the debate on the dude. If we, if we don't come together And I'm talking about everybody, I'm talking about why people, black people round people, gay people fucking everybody every by every group, although other fucking groups can someone miss mall, ok because I see americans do that's what I see. I see fucking americans, I don't see black americans and white americans are fucking, don't all the things. I don't give a fuck unseen People do. I see americans if we can't find that common ground, amongst each other and stand up together and tell these people to stop fucking with us, we're in for some deep shit, It's not good for any of us. It's not good for anyone sudden none of you are going to win if we don't get together with no answer,
one of them one. So before I flew out This is one of the most beautiful things so huntington beach. They have, and anti locked down an anti curfew. Who answer lockdown rally like whatever thousands of people. So I went What's he Tito Ortiz, my body lee a couple of social media influences who are or patriots my gay friends with their yeah, my story, friends. Were there my black friends, yeah, my latino friends were there and, and then the trans for trump showed up and I will end we and everybody hugged- and ours- we're all here. It's right we're here this. is what america is now and that's what happening, and people need to understand that the right, it's not just conservatives,
What has happened is if we're all in this long pool the Democrats have in the water over there and the moderates and the libertarian and everybody else will. I grew like I want to get away from this. As far as I possibly can, and so everyone on aside this sum misconception, You know like I go. I go outside. These can see mega hawk and will be. I may well yeah yeah yeah, I like you. I got a dogma he's great there and just all these people from all this different walks of life. In the end, the you know that the police and orange counting the sheriffs deportment. They told the governor fuck. Are you ooh yeah dude? I saw staying open because they know that the police are on their side, saw a video today of those same officers were talking about escorting, a business owner against the the the crazy mob, into their business, opened today now for you what business I was a restaurant, but it was also
jewish out, a mac pub thousands of that island got those guy. I manner a paragon. Much went down there to see them spoke here. He barked ended our duty. Our question now yeah, where the excess of tommy for trump they're, all european governments, now having come together and hugging called you down. Yeah spoiler for that topic. Afterwards, this is going to be like. It was the end of that yeah. I don't give a shit, I mean look. This is pointless like this is a good example of cancel culture, and you know why I'm currently like many My friends who are who are professionals in the public figures are wealthy. I'm currently engage in an attempted me to campaign. You know: I've been I've, been going through an extortion attempt for ten months. I dated I dated a girl.
I didn't know a lot of things about her. She had a history of doing certain things. You know she was not well shoes, physically violent and our relations with toxic, and I I was like see later- and this actually happen. I'll break up happened on the heels of a girlfriend of my Was murdered by her ex boyfriend, so she so my friend aiming to call her what she was a doktor. She was she had a stalker. Was I heard about this yet outdated, this guy Amy and our friends for fourteen years, and you know he ceased to eat they had a toxic relation. She broke up with them how to get restraining orders moved on found out where she lived nine years later and murdered her on valentine's day, and I on stage- and I was in europe- and I was beside myself and Amy- was friends with a lot of people. She her ex husband, was a drummer, so she knew all the musicians, and so
more tour with five mayor death bunch of negative. This is a lot of people crime. I mean it was she was a wonderful wonderful person and I printed out picture and I went on stage- and I gave this speech about domestic violence and that you know if you're in a domestic violence situation you have to leave, and I came home and molly punch. You shit out of me for posting a picture with another woman who was my dead friend, and that was pretty much the end of it. And we try to be friends after that. It was not possible, and once I you know, I just moved on and I like most guys, I can't move, and I started seeing somebody else and that's when the craziness started and then it was like armed get police reports fate, police reports in this that the other in you know the d a looked at all that there was no evidence, so they threw it out. So she went and got a restraining order than said. If I give her twenty thousand dollars shall walk away. Then it was forty thousand dollars to walk away, then it was sixty thousand
walk away and where we are engaged in a civil do dispute right now, so we ve been in trial. We have one more day and it's not looking good for her, so she went to the press. and I mean the things and I'm accused of his. Like you know it's like attempted murder, shed light. eating and strangulation and do the things that, like I'm, I'm to sixty and I'm six one well like if you're a guy- and I and I did this to you- you die yeah. I employment has a bug, put this oil. Do that what you just talked about in, obviously you know, I don't want you, I'm not going against the particulars of that. It's there's a course will handle he'll, be handled nets that, but you you brought something up, do that is up that is relevant to what we're talking about. Is you know? Domestic violence calls both. Ways who people understand that and a lot of a young
Well, how can I go on stage and say that with integrity and then stay I get in a relationship. What I'm saying is like dude, I listen. a lotta dude. Go home on a regular basis and give fuckin attacked either their female partner and there's this thing No, they talk about toxic masculinity. There is this thing: in society that says No, never ever touch a woman ever ever. Ok, I I agree with that. If people should touch each other. My father raised me like that yeah, that's how I was raised to. I agree with that. But does a man do when he's on the receiving end of a fucking beating from a woman? will you leave, but the problem is that an abusing woman, women fight with poison. So if she can
destroy you physically, she tries to destroy you financially, shall try to destroy a relation they'll use the court systems to get you to don't waste your money, one at a time when these were time or abuse of women. But this is a fact, a form of re use is to not just like Amy, where her ex did not allow her to me on and leave her life. This is a different lesser version. Unless I want I'm getting killed by my eggs, which nor am I what actually happened brought. I'm saying is that like do their pro athlete these are. These are all fit physically imposing men happens all the time it never gets talked about what this woman did, this to a wrapper and two thousand sixteen that I had my private investigative dug up a bunch of dirt and found out all these core and I talked to him- and he told me whole story, they my mothers to do, but I'm what I'm How to get out is that she should be tolerated either way. You know like we. We should not be hitting men mention
it'll hearing women, that's very simple and this thing in society of you know, because, because, along with that teaching of men. She never had a woman there's the implied part of it It's ok for a woman had a man. So ok, it's not fucking. Okay, and He has never, while no, it Isn'T- and I know a lot of men successful men who are pro athletes, business men, people of of stature, ok to the public, here's, where an abusive relationship and won't say shit because of what you're talking about yeah. I know cause they don't want to sound like a pussy and they don't want to sound like they just delay, don't want to get laughed at too. I mean how do you you know if you're a big guy and you you care, what are you gonna call the police and then the the boys are going to come over and you're like guys, you hit me and like row like yeah and it's as I handle your shit, I know, but so
the solution is leaving, of course, but sometimes you're not allowed to leave, in writing and in that case there you're always allowed leave yeah you are. You should always Lena was at my own, my own, where he saying is that cost you a whole bunch of other shit till he right here, because I think what happens is that I think women who are abused this children Especially if it's the opposite, the opposite, gender parity of abuse of fathers, they a queen love with a loving, and am, and loving and hating and loving and hating, and so if they are in a relationship that doesn't have abuse, they need to be created, and so, during the course of our eye, and I stay in therapy regularly so and so during the course of this relation. As these behaviors started to exhibit themselves, it was very apparent that there was it. There is a desperate need to retreat
the daughter, father relationship within the romantic relationship, confines and because I know a lot about this stuff it. Despite how much I love this person I was like. I can't do this ride. I have too much to lose I'm not about this, and this is not the trajectory of where I'm going is not this. These are the things like it'd, be. We all have issues. I've got issues everyone's got issues, but guess what it's your responsibility to though in your own corner and you saw our own shit out, so you bring the best of yourself to the person that you love and adele. Your partner doesn't want to do that in mind. Another partner that what it comes down to ask and that's what I learn you know. Can I know where we're coming up on our little time, but I want to ask you to talk about it, you're, the brothers in the murder you yeah yeah. I didn't know that I didn't know you were a twin. I have twins so like to me. This is extremely like kind of yeah it's an I yeah
in its two here. It is one thing you know in the sense of like you see it on the news were desensitize too You gotta have a relationship with somebody then understand that's an underlying truth or something that you ve gone through right. well. So so this my relationship with my twin brother, directly correlates with the broken bird syndrome right. My first primary relationship in life was with my twin. My brother, had mental health issues were fraternal, were not identical, so he has some things. Some effects side effects from you know our genetic parents that I didn't get. I got alcoholism and drug addiction. He did too, but he also got severe mental health issues, so he's been mentally institutionalized since we were ten or eleven and he you know he, it started out with bipolar behave.
Euro patterns, then it's like. Is it developed in the schizophrenia that could be from extreme drug abuse? On top of you know is, is a a d h d and is and bipolar two and and Do you know, I mean the lost the way this all culminated was. I had moved to California I didn't see him for a long time. I got sober. He stayed on the same path and as his his wife deteriorated so did his is, you know, meadow capacity, and he just became this extremely violent criminal person and I moved back to new york and he in old he invaded my home. I came home being on a date. He was supposed to be there. He asked me to help him murder somebody he was clearly high. I told him no, and I told him the leave.
He left and I went outside to mice, sister actually live five blocks away, and I was I I was like he's going to go to her house cause he's like looking for something he was like trying to rob the house or something and he had me for my with a crowbar fraction, my school, I fought him broke my left arm and then he beat me until my spleen. captured and by some act of god. Like everything in slow motion, I guess up and I like got out of the way and I got directions like go left or right, and I ran and I got rushed to the hospital you know it was like a you know. It was a big drama was brutal and I I my spleen started emptying out all my blood flow into in between my organs. I forgot cavities called end yet, like my mom europe to the hospital where, like my sister, was air, my friendly were-
girl. I was dating and it was this intends me I I held my most have urged my my poor mother. You know who's lake had to knucklehead sons and in her alcoholic husband that she had to leave and her to forget. easy as drug crackheads zones once on finally gets issue together, the other one tries to kill, spoil eighty and what is essential biological mom? No, so I met, my biological parents is the woman that raised me since I was two weeks old and so yeah and I I had a I died and I had this near death experience and it was. We talked about the other night. The house knows it was it was pretty intense, so I went I crossed over. I had a whole experience and that's another reason that experience and we are talking about is another reason why I dont have the fear any more of what will people. Think of me. None of that
real, an end. What is real is this. This, like love, is real and what is right is real and what is real can never be destroyed, and so we might take slings and arrows in this dimension, but do this ain't? It is, can we not it now. I am convinced, convinced just out of curiosity from a personal standpoint. Was it a bigger struggle for you to overcome addiction, or is it for a bigger struggle for you to overcome your brother's attempted murder of you, meaning like to mentally digest it? I guess in that sense. well, I went I'm pretty amazon, violets survivalist mentally, so, like I compartmentalize a lot of this stuff. As so, the trauma got compacted and so I went, and then I got place in the witness protection programme about six or seven months later so I never really had a chance to process. I was always on survival mode, and of this is that the
interesting thing that happened. I happen. I was talking to a about this last night about pushing trauma down and why dont do it anymore? I testified against my brother. He got seventeen years in jail for attempted murder and then next day I was, I was dating an alcoholic woman. She was it and she said this. too much like. I can't do this, but it was really cause she wanted to drink in the house, and I had now number may have a problem with it. And then I call my boss, cheating on his wife, with one of the servers that how where I worked and I lost my job, This should happen, one two three and three days and hours, and I was that was it and I remember, sitting on a port bench, and I was I was like. If I take one step, you like, I'm gonna shatter like glass at two hundred dollars to my name. I had no place to go. If I was sleeping on my sister's couch and I felt like
Maybe the reason why I came back to life was so. I guess my brother away and my mother can live the rest of her life in peace and not cause. He used to abuser easy is an elder abuse or an. I just decided that was it, so I too, through my suit. I had one black suit and I put it on my motor spare bed and I went to the train station and I was like I'm just going to kill myself and and I'm at the junction in brooklyn at the J train, it's above ground platform, and I I picked this, because if the train hit me and I didn't die from the head, I would fall, and now I cause I was like I'm not trying to be. You know paralyzed. so I get a running start? I can see the train coming by phone sorted rain. I like looked at united,
picked up. Look at the number I didn't know recognise a number, and I just answer it. I don't. I have no idea why. Oh he's is tommy like yeah, I'm kind of in the middle of the city yeah. Who is this and he Didn'T- I didn't say anything he said he was you get. I heard he was crying. He was like. I need help. I was like: where are you in the train? I was supposed to kill me pulled into the station. I got on the train, I met this kid Eric and he was a heroin addict and he had just come off an o d. He was a singer in a punk band and he knew I was from being in bands, and I had no money and no nothin, but I had a new
purpose and I was like I'm going to get this fucking kid sober and then I'm gonna kill myself, and I was like every day I was like I'll just kill myself tomorrow. That's how I dealt with the the suicidal depression. I was like I'll just do it in tomorrow morning. Just do it tomorrow, can't lead is kinane, and then I sponsored him and I took him to the twelve steps and- he's a very I mean. Is he so successful? It's like I'm almost jealous haze like one great and he's got in a panel support man and ease they killed on the stock market and, as Emma may in like such a great human. These I any like my little brother and on his couple years ago here third or fourth year sober he flew to California. I was living out there at the time.
I always told them about the room with the guys who told the truth and they called on me. They called him he shared, and then they called me- and I said- and I told my story and I he never knew that by calling me and asking for help, he saved my life, and so The most important things to me, the most important words I will ever receive or say is I don't know, and I need help and sometimes what we're too proud to ask people for help. We gotta get to work, help and somebody else and its with right now a lot of people, suicide,
I know, a lot of people are losing stuff. I got a lot of men and women. I got police officers, people who are sick people who have lost everything all because the twenty twenty and that thinking about committing Suicide- and I'm like listen only thing that you can control, is your actions and your attitudes and your actions will determine your attitude and if you find someone who's in a worse position than you help them. If you want to have better self esteem, you have to do esteem, a blast and that's the way things change. We need one Inherently its within almost were not meant to carry this low by ourselves and you're, not alone, you don't have to be ashamed. Does Make you less of a man or a woman to feel this way, but we've all felt these feelings, especially this year, of course, yeah
we need each other. We have- and this is a part of standing up- that ending up for life standing up for what's right, for what's good for that, for if we work for it, it will get better. That's an awesome story. Do super powerful, yeah man, You know it's really sombre the motion. I have bad god. Listen those assets, real shit, like a look dude, I'm getting hit up, indians non, stop from people who are just they don't know what to do and. Talking about these things that we're talking about you know, You guys have to understand the most people in the world who ve built something and that you probably think you look up to they had all this shit from you date. They have, their struggle from you because they want to be seen as better they.
Want be seen as the hero they want, play into their own narrative that they tell about themselves. To themselves as opposed to relating to you and an endured every thing. go six every single successful person than I Consider successful, am I talking just financially I'm talking theirs lots of ways that I consider people successful. every single one of them will then. I personally know struggles very very hard with certain situations and we go through periods and absent flows where things are hard and you have to understand that you are alone and because of the ego of so many people, I'll say, ego in a bad way right. I just it's just me egos ego, it's like anything.
They have to beg of an ego and they carry too much. fear of judgment to be real, dude and say. things that you just said Anne every single person that I know personally, why did they say soap bubble? we or not struggles, and you is out there who are struggling right now. You don't know where to go. You don't know what to do. You don't know anything. You just completely confused. I would say two things. One, that's were they want you to be now, ok, and to the only way to get out of it is to control what you can control. Ok and those are things very simply what you eat What you drink, what you put in your head is information. Ok, how you move those four things you can control those things right now you can control those things start there
And move and get in touch with people who are willing to be honest, get in touch with people or groups like you're talking about where people are it. You know, working to be better versions of themselves? You know, Not everybody is like that. Not everybody wants to be better. Not everybody wants to have a better life, for you have to separate from the from those people and move into groups where people are focused on a positive das action, and doing so is going to require are some uncomfortable decisions to be made like sober or like This associating with people that contribute to you in a net in way that you don't I the will or the power or the strength, to resist, We ve all been that week before. What do you do not get to be three hundred fifty four compounds? Without being pretty fuckin week, I'm sorry ashes reality and we have to stick together. We have to
stand up together and we have to look out for each other, because dude, apparently the people who we elect shit, no matter what our goals, for us at all. So what are we gonna do now they'll? Do we can do? No, I dunno man can I add, before we close out, because I was a banker cause. I was, I think, out of all the shows that we've done, I think the best the best qualities or advice you get from somebody, especially another man, is vulnerability and humility and when you get to know what I think this goes to kind of coincide. Both your points as we all strive well known! I think struggle is the true bond of humanity and understanding like dude you're, not alone. I hear hers hers for alpha males right. Oh gosh, it's gathered blah blah blah, do like man being able to connect with another man on the phone,
ability, unlike insecurity, that's where bond happens, and that's where understanding of of of how you can help other people, because dude, where I struggle another person succeeds and you can seat that help in somebody else and were and where I might gracefully move through life and so and things somebody else completely struggles and inside my duty- and we talk about this like our mission here. First form is that's not about protein powders by helping people change their lives, whether its physically, financially emotionally and understanding like we have a mission in order to help people change their lives, and you have to connect your struggle and struggles. Ok in securities are ok. You must learn to create the humility within the mere to be able to reach out for that help and to be able to actually seek some
another man's advice. It doesn't make you weak. In fact, it makes you stronger because that that inherent ability to check down your faults to go seek help to become better, is step one and step one is the hardest mother fuckin step you're ever going to take whether it's changing your life from emotional trauma from physical trauma and just simply making change step. One is the hardest fucking change and it's what looks back you in the mirror, digesting that and making progress in one simple move to progress out of that, and so I I that story to me was was awesome: it's fuckin rad as fuck, but to hear it to experience it. I'm proud of you, that's a great movement and it's that there's a lot of people who are going to experience a great deal of emotion and strength through it. So that was that was awesome. I appreciate their contribution. Thank you for inviting me to a platform where I could share that, because that's what we're here to do, yeah, that's! What's what's most real, we talk about
It's true, that's right. What is the most thing? What is the thing that is most real is the truth. Yeah same thing the same thing I'm thinking of here did when you, when you're, when you guys are talking, is that lit trying to like run down the list of people. I know who who other people would look up to. I look up to. Every single one of those people, every fucking, one of them, has built all of their strength, all of their power, all of their discipline, all of their qualities that people look out and admire. You ve all been built off a base of very, very dark, difficult struggles, all of them and so maybe this is your struggle. Maybe this is your time to set the foundation for what you're supposed to be You know we had a guy come down yesterday. We saw that you in town, one of my friends here, Patrick Mckenna, the golden
real called. You have known for a long time runs. I answer tat. He saw them. Tommy was here sends me a text he's like dude Like I didn't know, tommy vex was here he's a huge fan of his music, but, more importantly, he's helped me get sober its help me get my life together. That's fucking, real shit. That's the ripple effect that sometimes we never see from what we build. You guys out there who are thinking. Nobody cares. People do fucking care. People are watching you, your story that you can build off of where you are and what struggles that you are going through. can potentially save people's working lives and answered if you kill yourself today, you begin on the wrong guy
yeah right, because you don't know your stealing from yourself the opportunity to become the man or woman they. You truly meant to be right. No matter how far down the scale we go when we change direction. We will see how our experience will benefit. Others, just like your friend in that becomes the bright spot of my life. Yeah is those relationships, and you know, as somebody who like I don't really have a family, I built one and might my network, my community, my friends is: becomes my family, I'm not anybody's kid. I'm like everybody's on a brother, Fortuna hooker, and that's how I like it, what a gift do a privilege to be an opposition it at the fame money, huge Dreaming crowds all of this shit that people think is really fucking cool, doesn't hair to what happened yesterday.
as I had those things happen mean a similar wavered, no different reasons not to yet another way, another challenge: oh yeah, yeah, horrible car, lost her memory of ten years ago. Memories yeah couldn't even walk, but do those things and that's what miss out on guys when you decide to go down that whole all the way and that come back out nor I'm talking about. you're missing out on the best part of life do which are that the other people that you inspire to improve. There's nothing, there's no amount of money that someone could give me to trade. That, for, you're insane, like its literally the purpose that drives every fucking single thing that I do in my life and you have to think about. You know what is the purpose of your life what are you supposed to become? Who are you supposed to be? No that little little version of yourself,
you? Imagine that you think of that. You wish you were that you're afraid to tell everybody. That is what you're supposed to become and if you quit, if you, if you give up because things are hard or you feel alone feel like nobody understands. That's you selling, you a story, that just simply isn't true and you are taking, not only yourself out of the game. You are taking the ripple effect of many other people down the line who could have benefited from who you were supposed to become, and you are taking them off the table to and that's something to think about, because when its when its there's, nobody look at, and it's all about you and it's about your pain and it's all about your struggle. You care at sea. actual mission of what your support to do and where you're supposed to contribute- and I hope you guys
hearing tommy story today and you know the other crazy shit. We talked about wilson, and remember that there is ripple effect on your actions, and people do care about and there's people that you haven't even met yet then we're gonna to em change, their entire fucking wives, because of things that you do when you beside the chase- that little vision a little thing- that's the little body thing that you think about before you go to bed when you say do this is what I could beat I get you know I could be this, and this would be up. That's what the fuck you're supposed to be you're supposed to be that you're supposed to so after that and when you go after that, other people would be inspired to go after their thing. Ok and only good things come of that only only great things
four or for our country for the world for humanity come from people willing to stand up in the hardest darkest most painful times in the most difficult struggles and say: do you a fucking women you now when it out fuckin when I'm gonna press on and I want to create something that is worthy of sharing to other people and sometimes that's just the truth. It's usually just who you are what you want to be what you believe in what you stand for you guys out there listening right now, twenty twenty is fuckin, bullshit, ok, all the things we said, then wrong in the world right now. Those are people instigating those things. We have to remember that before you play into it. So we were this it's not twenty twenty!
that this or that this it's you. What can you do? How can you build? How can you improved What can you stand for in right? Now,
Transcript generated on 2023-10-08.