« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

74. Strange Times In America

2020-10-03 | 🔗

Where do your beliefs come from? Our need to be socially accepted can alter our belief system and cause us to believe things we know not to be true. On today’s episode, Andy and the full crew talk about the current climate of America during the election, what’s in store for America, and much more!

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The ongoing project spoken to the walla motion to fit most, the only one eighty mile was called to feed. What does this mean for stella, and this is the show for them really say goodbye to the lies. The vagueness and delusions of modern society welcomes mother fucking reality, Today we have a full length episode She was gonna, be one or two other so's, we'll see what we do have. As used to be always. Most of the show the old We call hosted the show Bonn the pastor a disaster in the house, what subdued odp jody Oji, Purely dj did your god. I love being here. Man. cited bro, we miss you. It has I say that they were sinner office, said miss bond ere. I did
then he said I just around his edge values. You did you do. I did I. I concur now I'd like I'm regular, more more frequently fun and you guys can send like it learjet or some. or their debt is a large at an eighty thing. Is that a new thing ass, a man who has now they're just your story, flora coupled to pursue. Well, I'm a j other dj, the other than the other dj dj dj activities, and now we got MR sal sell their. Today's episode is on fire. My people did a very good people are like an easy. These these little brother real talk. thursday thunders. When we're gonna call. Are you Would I fires thursday value call sour? No, I dont, like zune angels yeah I'll do natural dangerous way. I told him I said I'd, give it your best shot, but we shall address shy, just got and tell him I don't get.
nervous is not my lots of guys you're. Listening south for sullenness got home haller once I got back home at all over that, I'm going to beat be bought in the background, for it can do that. yeah did you? Did you fucking you? We we got that on film right there, yeah tj is the fucking face. What's up guys, this is sound for selling you're. Listening to the show, for the really say goodbye to the lies, the faintness and delusions of modern society and welcome to mother fuck in reality, but it's not as good as it enters got like the strip club boys nowadays does good do debate. You gotta you have no one to breathe through. I thought I don't have the birds like they're like on screen. I can fuck. I can't say that any louder, it's a fucking it it's got to come from the soul. You shouldn't you should do it like, like, like it's like a a calm. called com like enshrine. It would be more liar. You know, delilah offer salads welcome.
we're here with your overnight. Andy has his in his voice is not technically for those of us who have studied these kinds of things. It's not a base, it's what's called tambora. So it's kind of a mixture of richness and roughness a sound sexy out there, I'm your very so you agree. I find the idea I'm have table over. How do you research that Well, I mean my my degree in college was speech communications. So you know it's not like certain nation. Yet this is the real thing. I'm not your sexiest prevent exit. hackers scientifically proven? I will probably a frequency if you were to look it up in some sort of you know, tat lady, thereby throughout history, affright energy right there in the soul, s right and we're gonna sambre. We also have one of our good. We got the full production crew here jelly gel, which is no longer jelly, Joe, it's more like jack Joe juicy jones. You see judges, Joe ass. You know we are key, what's our key,
and we got Medina as always, but ask are coming with someone liners, I'm sure. Now we also have a good body of ours quit lovejoy, who is Another Missouri boy from from north, north of kansas city and for the visit here is a microphone buddies here. So second best city missouri, I could see you know those are so good we gotta get cities in Missouri, springfield key insidiously lose august cities. Are you related? Anybody in Hutchinson cares or was it there was a pastor. I know I there's a pastoral hundred one as hate and his name and carbon in their own that might we're in a plugin member his name was richard loved, Why you are acquainted with your eyes are literally dick lovejoy, which I thought was ec. Lovejoy tickle have toy for christmas. That is long dead, so I don't feel bad about. I thought you were gonna say he's long, dick yeah, hey, listen! If you've got that name, you better hope, you're packing some fucking. He grin where you from bro.
Nobody from one city as nor hastily. Oh, she was that I agree with that. He's sure mister Asher, I was awesome. passage, and he was here a couple weeks ago now- will train it and good, really good. It is a man so guys What are we talking about today? Von we're just gonna go way back. Tell lotta. First, tell a story. I talk about all the ship owner like our right to do that, but that's gonna boring. Let's start, I may do I've been getting hit up. I've been hit. People want to know what I think about the rock like. I am. I have to drastic as people are like not they wanted me to fuck alone. You know. and I feel like people use. well? What I saw I saw a post that I I mean. I wasn't surprised. I know where a lot of those people stand politically, which is kind of it's hard to wrap your mind around. That can be that cool and be that messed up. But if we are to me that people well, you know you. You know that.
opinion right like it's weird me that, like guys, You realize that, like I like friends. They dont. Think like me, politically yon sand like so we're like it's a bigger issue. I don't I've kind of avoided addressing it, because you know, I think people are ex to me to be like fuck, you dwayne, like you know, first when I saw it. I was like a kind of work and stung little because I don't believe that clarity. What did whose I don't think we ve actually said what did he do for those of the who is a couple videos. You know that was like officially taking a position of supporting Joe Biden in ireland and people like our and were like outraged and I think, a lot of people. You know he got fucking bad hate but like do, the thing is, is dude, you know,
I think the problem was wasn't that he endorse Biden. I don't think that's what the problem was. I I I, the problem was that it wasn't very genuine and it felt produced and it felt like he was being forced to I say that I don't. Maybe maybe that was just my when I watched it didn't seem real didn't seem comfortable. didn't seem we're and then the fact that, like the ex day. You know he paused, like thirteen posts or fifteen post to like push away down as feed like do. Did you shows me that you know- maybe that's not why, where he really Well, in into me, in on speculating, do I don't know the truth and maybe that it, but like do I have observed the sky for fucking years. you know- and he seems pretty reasonable guy like now there were that different, politically I was a little surprised to see that video, if our just felt like it fell, somebody's cash in a chip or something. But what brow? I honestly like I've,
see the rock is probably one of white, like top five influencers and united states right now, but I will say miss personally LEO's famous person, and yet I think we really underestimate the fact that in hollywood he's not the most powerful personnel, the powerful people are executives and producers, and that kind of thing, and in that culture. If you don't hold the party line your gun I don't care who you are you like, but do here's what I see me and like dude look. I still think like I've been saying this whole time. A lot of shit is going to come out that we never knew and never understood, and we're gonna, be like holy fuck, and I think I don't know to me and broke look. If you really want to vote for buying a natural light in europe, good person, you think that's little legitimately the best. I don't agree with that right now. You know, but that doesn't mean I flock and hate somebody for it: and it was just weird to me because, like one I felt like it was not genuine.
I could just me that could just be where I met watching him. An end like you know, a bias right, we'll have biases, you know, and anybody who says they don't try to not have them. But I had them and I'm looking at that moment, first reactions, I'm being honest, was like do fuck that I'm never. combining in Iraq. I my first reaction and then I thought well fuck. That's what those guys do. That's what the left us. They fuck my people when talking to tat people in this and that that was put wrong with this country, and so then I thought about it. For a minute. I'm like I'm not like that. No, that's not who I am, and then I thought there's a lot of things. We don't know just like there's a lot of things that you guys. Don't know that that we deal with privately, and it is what it is. That's how I see I didn't come across as genuine to me. I feel like I've you like. That was a force play by some one in his organization and
Maybe I'm wrong, maybe that's really how he feels and to the core of whenever, but like ah I think the lesson that I'm getting across here is like. Do we have to stop fucking sitting people because they think differently than us? this country, was founded on that. On that principle, we, so much artificial division in so much anger and so much hate so much manipulation going on and I think the big the The reason he got so much hate on that situation was because people felt like that was just part of the manipulation I felt I feel like most people. I've talked to that's what they feel like what'd, you think yeah I mean I might If I initial reaction back to turn it off cause. Once I saw him reading from a script like off to the side, you got it That's not it either need as you could I mean. Listen it. The guy's, a professional I mean he's a fucking best of the best of the best I mean you should be able to read. Script hammered out at best case and you so he think about his level of professionalism and if he was really truly intent, full with his
and how he felt he would need to be read from elegant. I've told you my political views. I don't have to freedom, not sell, it would have been like he does everything else like from the heart. His appeal, I think that's what makes him such a reliable person. You know it's a fucking ease the mega star mega stars right, but he has This way this this is characteristic or this. This trait about him. That makes him feel like the average guy. Is the working class got ma fucker in a working class guy is a fucking rock yeah. That was nobody who stands for all of us are idealized. Why I mean his genuineness is what makes him so special? His disingenuousness was white men It was hard to watch. It was brutal anderson and not just that he's genuine sal he's. Also, I think, from what I've seen of the rock he's actually cut a kind classy guy? The photo, not, alas, so not only did that video seem disingenuous but, like I think he was wearing assured. I d J showed it to me that it basically said flushed deterred on november. Third, am I really did
yeah seriously, like you, you are in this position like this is what frustrates the crap out of me about hollywood. Is that there'll be the first people to go after trump and say: oh you're, so rude? so abrasive. You so mean spirited and then their their influencers. out there were in that kind of crap on their shirts and its dislike Well, you look like they get off. Well, it's it's! It's the party of acceptance in time. learned and kindness, but yet there, celebrating an assent? before your man getting fuckin covert. I promise you that I fucked up while driving on highly usinor. You think about interim brown, but then I start thinking. I wonder if those people are happy, we got it in an internally. You like Have you not seen the internet today, every learn is like every fucking. You left, First on the internet is like celebrating the scout, this ended to me: that's fucking.
Discussed by having real careful your internal? What this is, I mean it's a great lesson right, your internal voice. This is how carmody created your intern a voice like you have to learn to have a conversation with a shell like just like you. You just said this in regard to the rock fuck. You run out of the gate and he said you know what I want to stand for. No one. I believe the truth of the matter is if he is genuine and what his thoughts or mess, I can respect that we can sit down, have a conversation. That problem is on the other side, when, when they they want him to have covert they want, they don't want him to have coven, they want him to die, they want him to fucking, have covert yeah, and you know, and and I I believe I can bad karma man it's. This is it's a good lesson and understanding like hey man, he starts you gotta, be real careful with how you think what happens because shit does happen, but better be if you wish bad in the world b. Expect bad come back to you. I agree bad bad policy. Man,
well we're place out. Fucking weird. We are people I guess further what what what what's disturbing me is that the when, dig into those conversations were people who are like doing that and you ask them like. Why? Why are you so happy that this is that why you Why do you hate this person so much the shit that they site isn't enough? Actually true, I've talked to people and you would have thought that trump went into their house herded their entire family and shot their puppy. The way they talk about this. I know- and this is where we talk about the other day- brought any problem but you have in your life, is not transform a girls here. It's yours, this. Ultimately, what it comes down our joke. Like people, oh no argued by our joke all day, long like Keziah, then they pretty much all day. You know something gets fucked up.
Why do we always say? I do in fact far down from fuck that, like that's our joke, you knows and it causes It is ridiculous. Like the shit, they say they side. All. This shit like what he said in charlottesville mother fucker, go watch to clip, go watch the clip you know now this thing on the debates which, by the way, I was fucking terrible on both parts like let's have some respect, the office of the president, the united states, you both of them act like fuckin idiot yeah and I'm sorry like I can report that shit. We got a big problem with respect of the office of the united states of america. The press like that. I think it's been compounded by the media's bias. You know they basically made this where you were, you have a grown man whose supposed to be a role model risen representing united states. and then you have his competitor response. to be a role model. Presenting the united states potentially next year and has rubber and you got him
their arguing like fucking children, like I'm, sorry, do thou hast on both their parts. I thought it was unacceptable and I think that's that's it indication of where we are as a society ray. I read a restart, starts talking about respect. You know, respect used to be a we would. We would have respect for each other. Even I didn't know you, there was respectful things that would hold the door for you. I wouldn't you know I would I had some self awareness like I wasn't going to let my conversation bleed into your conversation. We are two tables next to each other, that's gone at the window, there's no self, there's, no self respect or or to community respect for the other person. It's always about what I have or what I need, or what my once honour and and its Unfortunately, blood. It's way all the way up to the fucking office or the present yeah. It's terrible. I mean do I can understand it right like like I sort of understand where trumps coming from when he gets like aggressive, because I do the guy totally misrepresented the media like if you, if you take anything
Do here's what they're saying all do He caused covert fucker. You too, what do you guys know remember eight months ago, when he closed the country nearby called him racist and said he was xenophobia in this and that until people don't know, don't know, go home, go out chinatown that was that was ballin yeah telling him now and then and then they're calling trump racist for puckish shut. The country down look dude if you let's go back and look at this. What actually happened? It's all there it's. What I said was from fucking bad. Then it is a key issue. conspiracy, amongst left side to create situation where they can, if we, the people, are suffering, doing so much that they the blame it on club, so they can win the motherfucker election, others falconry dude like we as americans deserve better than that, like we we got a whole without aid most of our lives stolen without fuckin milk,
is the company's closing for good and ain't over it ain't over. It's like dude. It ain't even started to be honest, because next year it's gonna be the year where you know people really start feeling you know what I'm saying and I do this is trickle effect. That's gonna happen is going to be really bad and in we have grown adults. Think about this. We have grown adults, no matter put aside whatever your political beliefs are. We have grown adults. colluding together to take out, situation. That was bad pandemic. Real pandemic where people are gonna get sick. Some people are gonna die increase, He ate it to be the worst possible thing. Then it possibly can be so they have something to blame this other person that they don't like? Four, who does such a. that's such a moral travesty. Like it so wrong, if you really
think about what it is like do we have people celebrating these these people, I don't know man like. If you go back and look at every single thing that the media narrative entails about our trump and this is now me say I love donald trump like do I wash the bait, he's a fucking idiot, that's what I'm my opinion was, but opinion also is that the media so misrepresents the facts that an every person is so oh unwilling to read pass the headline that we ve created, they ve, created a monster out of this fucking guy and none of its based, in fact very little. If any of you I can't find any of it is based. In fact, it's all fuckin bullshit hey, you know, he's a racist? why. Why is the oasis Why is he a racist workpeople why What does he done for blackmail as well as the lowest unemployment of of blacks ever? Is that
we block colleges dude. He didn't. while supremacy fifty four can times on on tv. They never show it. He fucking make a k, a fucking hate, group do that now? download and do the? What confronted and why do we have these people that are just so that this is my opinion there so sold on this here? of this man, No matter what facts you presented: they're gonna, just fuckin, ignored and just keep hating and dude, it's it's sad to watch. I got a question: do you guys think lenient? So, like you know when, when Donald trump made, the decision that are you know, I'm gonna run for president right? Do you think that he accounted for all of like how Try this shit is really really gone. Why do they not now not a chance? Now? I don't think he'd want to donate I'll. Tell you what's really amazing is that there really isn't a president in dirt. Certainly during my lifetime, who has been beaten to a pulp like donald trump house and yet
I still has fifty two percent approval rating and harmony, amazing. Think of all the shit he's gotten down in the last four years. In spite of this fellow came of it fake this fee, treasonous russian cool. Version story. It's fuckin made up the fuckers, Well, it's for racism, bash, it was made up, go watch the video fuck and wash your colluding. That was made up in its the fucking people who accused and there were actually doing it. Wasn't Would you just come out, as fact that just came out the other day it came out dude, it's it. These people are all going to get found out there. It's going to be a huge order, due to this, is so much was bigger deal and what people actually realise it is. This. Is the present of the united states The person running for president united states and the vice president and the fbi and the cia all fucking working together to get this money. Fuck you not elected or kicked out of office under
something that was not even true. That's fucking treason, oh yeah, that's true! reason I know or where the word about cobra at this goddamn streets, I'd be more worried about the guy, get assassinated. I don't want it, they were. They want nothing to do with that. Motherfucker I can offer us. I was wondering do like if he ain't, even just taken, haven't covert so that he could be hidden for a minute yeah little election. I mean it after that. Came out this past week. You start thinking man, the fbi the cia, the fuckin all did the entire democratically in all? These motherfuckers are poor land on him, oh and by the way Just while I'm on it, remember that sound clip? I said a few weeks ago, Joe of that we're going to replay, let's go ahead and replay that Joe make sure you record this clip cause. I can't wait to post this in two months and tell her buy a fuck off. Overall, the thirty one of us here What was the causes good I'll die again. He'll about evolves care about this.
One out of four gospels, a bushel, as was common. And its common, whenever they start testing again as it so joke that up and make a nice and will put in the future. about six weeks from now I told you they stop testing so that they can fuck a test now and shut ship out, rather Of course, a male in both honestly mom. The question that I really want to know that about the case is gonna happen. people? Are you actually testing now? So, like other people, you test it. Some percentage of positive right I am a little release net and saying that that's the beauty at the bottom. Whose care whose fucking double checking that these people are actual real people would pause. Why do they fucking put it? They they fucking put dead? people's fucking ballots in a mother, fucking elections. Do you not think the big an answer? Some fake fuckin, pat guys, we're
I played this whole fucking year and I don't give a shit who you fucking, like for president issued piss you to fuck off that grown All that we trust represent us in government are too looking away or flock and social freedoms are. Civil rights are I can humanity there dividing families there creating failures of businesses there, making people faddle Dahmer. more dependent on the government government for their own benefit, that, should make you mad whether europe republican or a fuckin democrat. Of warm due to latin america. It in I will tell you man, I allude people. I feel that way for the most part, I think you know efforts We started talking about this earlier year. There's lotta people be elected fuck you early fuck, fuck, you and you you didn't you. Idle, donald trump. It's like the wrong. What the fuck like all I'm doing, is called how I look and see an opinion
in our opinion and all. But that's what also do that's, why I'm not gonna bust the rack up too bad, like he's, got a fucking opinion. You be just as bad rights bands. I do like people like like flower and I'm like well at a low like he's, fire me for the last ten years because he has applied. nicole opinion. I'm sorry, that's not enough to get me. Outta unfollow him You know. I don't know I mean for comes out. The he's eaten babies in fucking part of this human trafficking shit. You know I could probably change that but like fuck me. I got faith in Iraq. He ain't in there. That's gonna, say: oh nathan, you know what I think. I think I think a man in a suit went to his house and gave him a little yellow envelope and said, say this or this yeah, and I agree with that. For me, as army are alike, the regret our new small with Iraq programme. That was me. Granada radio, like
lumps eyelike now asylum in a place now was okay. I can't I lost respect right and in the what does The data is one of the reasons why I lost it, but either way goes you stuff up be the one. You have no integrity and you stand for absolutely not and if you were able to be traded away for some piece of paper or two you actually do something really really terrible and asked cameras becky than either. Europe's answer I dunno bro europe will not do here's the problem. I have with this too So this is another point I didn't bring up people, oh no, this shit, but like what you say You know on your phone and what you speak on social media are your dear. in your emails, knowledge, shit, brothers. Could abolish it all goes and infirm fora for aunt terrorism reasons they keep it all for a certain amount of time and do did it. Every human on earth has focused shit, they don't want other people know about our right and when you fuck and famous like that, and you built this.
His career and this man, this inspired, you know many people what if what if they found something? What, if you know, let's just say he has fuckin some other girlfriends, or he has this or he did. He avoided acts on this or something I do They know all that shit, whatever the fuck. He did a hand like his look things that like You know all of you. Listening have those things you don't want. Nobody to know about ever. They know those things and what if it was you that got approached, Said: hey you better, go ahead and say this or what If I can make your life this right, I mean do, and so I think you know we don't the story, and I say it s what happened, but we don't fuckin know and even if they don't have anything on you, they create stuff. That's waken fabric.
Now that's look. If you're going to stay up here. I think yesterday for music, we arrow- I had a friend in we'd. Sat in our put his name in orbit is a medical he's up medical director of a large hospital system in the midwest very large, very large and now we asked him about urban hemingway thoughts uncovered you after the political is like fuck. Yet is so as the second. I heard that alone ass mass mouth and he was more. He was more aggressive
I call, but then he was pissed man yeah, and this is a guy who, when I was in early medical, buy sales. He was a very influential person in the community and how he helped onboard me. Blah blah blah blah blah great guy came down saw facility. How he's a bigwig in the hospital world, specifically in the midwest, and I sitting there and and it's the second it came up. You saw him light up and I felt good. I was like alright good, not that I had anything to worry about, but the men. I trust this man has a great deal. Medical experience is a man who just solidified in my brain that everything we've been talking about, correct the stature there. Nobody wants a look at him ass, the prom, an analogy. Other problem is one: nobody wants to look at him to nobody. Wants to admit that day, They believe this shit, but, alas, fuckin eight months now, three they want to pretend they believe it, so they fuck and win their election. They their way. That's why I'm goin on here right to do as the selection go endless elections over your fuckin coal, we're gonna go in,
we're all gonna be going back to normal. you know in a nobody's, gonna give a fuck and its is what pisses me off man. All these Local politicians, like you know like let's get blamed for four covert right. what the fuck do you not do you guys? I remember that, like the governors and the marriage and the family city councils are the ones that made the rules during this time he cannot legally in and do anything they ask him to fuckin aids and we have all these government mistaken, elements and local governments, then imposing these tyrannical orders on the people. You know shutting them down man mandate everywhere you go outside kit, doing all this shit. You guys not download from doing that's the local that's. Why Florida is open. That's why Tennessee is now open. That's why we you go to these places they are free. And wherever you are is not free, not sat down,
trot guys. That's your look! we'll city council, your mayors, that's your state government, That's why it's important to pay attention in those elections and not just the presidential election, which do we're all guilty of fuck dude guilty of it when I, Do you know the pull ass time? I remember clicking the clicking a box for trot and then going through the rest will be like aright. What would your poet role for clicked my life? That's what we do, but that was ignorant of me to do I learned a lesson so low we can't do that anymore. We can't just vote people in without knowing what the fuck is going on, because these local people actually have way more power than what we want. We realise, and- the lesson here for all of us is to pay attention to those things, because we talk most of us all you know did you did you really pay attention before this house? I didn't I didn't, did you know? Did you get
We want what I think is interesting to you know. It is again renate, highway thoughts. You know my brain is this, though, is the biggest fucking. Section of that's ever happen in our history is this is what happens when you get to be about thirty? Eight, you start to like really fucking. You know if you think, you're talking to the twenty one year old, so they run around like advocate what I think it actually is do because I think that though the left is, trojan horse in a new style of government into place? where they're moving us from capitalism into a socialistic state, and so the plan what I can see on the book game board. Right now is to really fuck. Do bad and say now put our national mass mandate in if he wins but shut the country now completely. If he wins, wasn't it What are we going to shut the country down every fucking time, there's a cold or fly? until we have zero cases of the question is: why did they do it with each one in one? Why do any fucking thing ever before, because it I have to
This is the only chance to win so what get out here is we have to you're saying that, if we wanna be free? This is what this election comes to. If we want free you got a bolt. You got a vote, not. You know, loo and if you forget one or not be free than you go? Do your version signalling bullshit about that way. Where you been, I like it when it comes in because I'm I tell you this, you don't have rights lawyer freedom, you guys Why the lockdown? Now you sure, as fuck ain't going to lock it like it, every fucking winter cause. That's what's going to happen! Alright, I was in florida last week and the governor opened up the one hundred percent capacity restaurant. So I went from fifty to one hundred. I was like that thing and it happened on whatever friday night I don't know which night you re literally went from one restaurant where it was like. You know you go in, and there's like table and in fucking eighteen feet later is another table and you could put two tables gathers. Ten of us could have more than six. In fact, it was a fucking. Jitchu is hilarious, so at twelve fifteen
I e m it or whatever eleven fifty nine p m turns the next day. The next day we went to the restaurant, we could put ten fucking tables together, fucking people everywhere crawling on top of each other masker gone and I'm sitting and thinking like a fucking stupid. Are we I know where we're like it. We're focused stupid organs of an ok here today is the day sunshine and its eighty eight that's right, dude, it's it's absurd. We can't be the stupid andrew I mean like it. We were, it went from lights, going placement like stay over. There was there we are. The tape on the floor going to fucking college party man that I bet everybody celebrated. It was awesome. Nobody actually gave me hope from the standpoint of like there's a lot of people who feel right back. I mean like hey: let's go that's what a concern of mine! Let's but that is on the road. Like my concern has been like how weird is going to be to go back. I want How do I get a prison where you're hiding places like ford in places like Missouri? I think we just why we should have done
Maybe dumb ass zones like you, can move to California Jonah Veinlike places like other, for you don't have the beach I'll go to the beach in California. We give florida. We did. We get these co speech. You get the west go speech, we understand the west coast pieces, it's earth, but you can have it, but you can have it all. Have it visor thats how much we we would like you to go over there. The sense that it's over there's nicer, you can have it! Mother! Fucker will go over here. Your electric car audio yeah will go down. It will have no gas mileage over an east coast yeah. You know what we'll do we'll know, we'll fucking will have an electrical shortage and then we'll make all the cars be electric yeah, my work, as I just moved here is the last budget dogma, the fuckers of Missouri, like I would say right now. Yesterday I was on the way to work and again brown, not a highway, and I have said
So I got a leak. I got highly tune. Diesel vehicle, I might have turned it on tune five There's a guy probably had abiden sticker may or may not just roll call all over that. That's all neutrals. I am. I do still the the inner kid in me still comes out rolling coal. Is it's the big fuckin hoosier guy who just dumps black smoke everywhere? I happen to roll call and the guy you're going to get hated for that. That's all right, but hey it is what it is. I smiled party started this morning coming into work, so I drove I drive one kinda live right by your house. I've seen you before right and no shit, there's a prius right and it's driving. What's the speed limit? Thirty five, thirty five, the prius is driving like ninety miles an hour. I kitchen and I'm really fucking really as a is a double down. We allocate go around and look on a bumper and that chump sticker thing.
I could slow down yeah she's doing great. You know as my third time dude. You know what I meant like I'm just brave rare by get back I'll, get along again for the most part. But like did you know that What people are missing and in oz, can re essay on the socialism thing is when you destroy the middle class business owner, which is what they die. that's what they're trying to do and that's what they're attempting to still do. Ok, if he wins and they put that in they were shut down. That's gonna kill a lot more business, and so what you guys may or may not see is that they're, trying to move in shoe. situation where there is basically two classes of people. There's the upper class and above and then there's everybody else is dependent on the government. Ok, they get. Everybody else depend on the government. You are forced to continue to take that check as you to eat right you gotta, live you gotta pay your bills, bob law! Well, there
It becomes a situation for them in power where bacon really do anything they want, because they know that you're gonna have to be on that money so what they're doing here guys? Is there there attempting to push through A socialistic listing socialism social risen regime, you're, the guise of you, no Democrat rowdy, one two hundred dollars a month, extremity one six hundred and sixty you got about for me, there is right. If you often I am you'll, never deal get nothing, that's right, now. Now, anyway, if you ve got a few of republican they'll, take your shit, that's it! That's! No overblown! Can you probably whereby there? The truth is: The truth is right now the state of the democratic party this in this is due. This is a hard thing for a lot of people swallow. But right now anything that they say on the media and it's all bad is. Can you should not be this way? Man used to be at least somewhat fair but it's got so bad now, where
literally everything. They say everything King thing, they say is, is the opposite of that is true. oh yeah. So when they're saying like oh. from the oasis? No mother fucker there, the racists, because dude what they're doing they're, trying to handicap and entire race of people, so that lack people by the way, so that the boy people become dependent on that party and ended What they're doing now is even more racists and that, because what they're doing is there there having be a lamb, go out burn all this shit. Do all the ship blah blah blah a cradle. this chaos and say well, that's black lives matter, but the plan is that really isn't even black people do in its forgive what Why do enable girls matter the father? That's right? that is. Why do we we see it happening and do what's more racist than like barton, entire foreign country, up
blaming it on a certain group of people like us, pretty fuckin racist here and so, if you're rooster and think about it. Who is who Nah yo, like I Dude I laughed at him now rights or when trot brought his platinum plan of the last week. It did you make the fox news for us aw, obviously right on my this is fucking amazing. I asked Do you immediately brown I bit by this is done by the school I two days later Biden release, as is our normal affected, fix it out. You are, you are the second person in charge of this country for eight years, yeah you've been in office for forty seven, where the fuck was this plan, then yeah as vegas. But without my point is I brought like the length that they go to to try to prove how how
ingest they are is absurd. Is this the start, and it's like bro like at this point like if you you're buying that shit, I feel really bad for you now. Due to offer a really bad idea too. I feel bad for anybody whose still who still defence, that position, because it's not true and I see some very smart people that I know of pre. Smart. Defending that shit, you know I'm sand and. What I see when I see that as an ego issue like it's a it's like hey, they have the the they don't have the ability to say you know why I'm got fucking played y'all sad and that's that's a fucking, Oh, we do whole fuckin show on that, like in fact we have. We shows on we. To show a little. They go about their about how it's how liberating. It is to say you know what I'm afraid. you know I was wrong. It was with no fault of my or I just didn't. You know I pressed as the information the wrong way. I didn't we, where I look dude.
Everybody makes wrong decisions, but the plan is whenever you can't recognizes the wrong decision, and you decide. He flow with it. Exactly where the thing is you on that road? At that time, set to correct yourself is running out because I personally believe that good always somebody will write em, there's gonna get to appoint we're both of you. If you don't know in the sand years you all without going around side european are forever, has no redeeming yourself at all. There's! No, I'm sorry! I didn't no! No! No! Now that time's running out yeah and it's I think it's now yeah I may do loaded You gotta do what you were. You think is right, but I may tell you this: when you attack someone, you don't know the fuckin facts and you're on your celebrate and that they gonna fuckin. potentially serious disease. For someone about age. You know Why do you know all about it? You know the stats or the stats underneath the fuckin year sixty nine those robbery is ninety nine percent. Above it's less than that. We.
You know this is a real pandemic. It's like what we said. The whole fuckin time has been blown out proportion, but for those people in that age range is a serious issue, If you are celebrating that clapping and jumping up and down your piece of shit, that's right, yeah! You know what I did. The thing that I was I thought about lately is just you know, going back to the racism thing with the democratic party. You literally have the candidate for president of the democratic party say that your identity, as a black person, is tied to whether you vote for me or not, but that's part of the trick. that's just insane if you really think about. As you know, a lot about like that of your boat, vote for me you are a black, but the other thing that I thought of that. I I just wondered like why? Doesn't this get more press I mean, I think we all know. you also literally have a democratic ticket, a vice president and president together, a team in which the vice president pick at one point during the campaign prior prior to her getting pictures.
As the vp. She literally said this man has been accused of sexual harassment and assault, maybe not assault by the nazis, They set us all, but his queues of sexual harassment, and I believe him. So you literally have a vice president has to leave her. I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Yes, thank you. I believe her back then arap my mind around those act. It is women who claim to be me to thereon. There on the Biden train. You literally are telling the entire world that actually all that stuff Does it really matter to me as long as it is? here's. What we're sorry! This doesn't interfere with my polity. Sadly, what we see in rural is a lot of people work. A lot of people are being bows for what they truly believe. That they're, not I mean if our on the trump campaign and ours is a part of his ad team. I would literally pull that.
And I would run it on recycling. I would take an ad on every mother, fucking tv station or radio ad and plant on planet fucking earth. I wouldn't let it go away. Yeah they choose the it's. It's it's almost like they're trying to win the next battle. The next battle, the next battle, it's kind of like what, with there there's a lot of good information that we fucking left back over here and the whole. You know, and that is a one of those gems that it's like holy shit. Man like how can you not see the fact that here's the potential vice president. We literally just called her running, made a racist, a big it and a predator, a predator right on sexual assault. Irksomeness sexual harassment accusation. You believe you constantly thinking now they're best friends and how did it go arafat country, right, I don't I don't like the reason I don't like camel, or why me she's, a fucking she's she's, an idiot, but but too she's a horrible fucking person she's a horrible person I don't like just hurt her career as that of every prosecuting california. In the amount of
if you wanna talk about really like real injustice, go look at her her fucking history, look at all the the the black people issues locked up display are you gonna find about real, like that's what that guy? Are you ok, let's not talk about that, but I have a track record doesn't come up at all for the fact that her grandfather, own slaves or the fact that she's not even truly a black woman tutsis, she she's not black eyes and happy, though, does not talk about others brought
I don't listen for both of them on you, you you brought up earlier. You said that there aren't our show today is going to have some questions about what her celebrate lawyer's. Oh, I just was hoping. We know we didn't go that direction, but I was hoping we could get some uh her cela family reminiscing, going on so funny when we do an instructive. I was one of the best one of the best episodes, but I mean here's the thing I think we've we've kind of like we've. We filled this coffin right in regards to covert fake is kidding near if I can shoot fucking kidding. How many you know by the Biden trump debate was terrible, fucking, the rock who knows what the fox going on we're not going to fucking dissect this thing and in his hour. I can promise you that, because it's only going to get better in the next thirty or forty days or worse, however, you wanna look at it. I mean I can always talk about something else. I request for yourself up how many sticky two socks you have on your bed or not
tube socks yeah, I did wear tube socks. I dunno, I think one of the back to vons point. I think the one of the best episodes we ever did was when it was me you and dad, and we did the christmas episode you've done to the first one as an economic leader dawn, that's a derisory. I we ve already established that the rocks fuckin a pussy. I second its vague, but I was joking example, get blasted I'm just fucking kidding the the debate was a god in the debacle budget Jesus show central there. You know you know the fight they let you say this is worth saying. Is that, like that fuckin hour of the debate and the two out, that's the most united countries banning fucking. That is the only thing everybody agreed on was a shit show my buddies. I don't agree with politically I'm looking at their story and they're like fuck. This look it up looking at everybody else's to even the most pro trump dudes that I'm friends with they're like yeah fuck. There was also a mean I
ever. But let me note, let me say one more thing on uncovered: if I can I regret for another hour. Well, so I you guys I mean. Can you spend more time researching it? You were far more intentional. What about like unpacking all the things you know related to this whole kobe thing I started out super super sympathetic I was like here, where mass whatever, but the longer things went. One of the things that just was crazy to me is just the inconsistency of the guidelines- and I ought to know how much you guys- I've been watching college football, but I just I'm I'm love and that were back in the season. It's not true. ITALY, normal right is the fans are packed in it So there is a little bit of a field to that, but but I am watch it. Isn't I'm watching the case data you game, I knew you were going to do that at all, but I knew that was cargo state, but but in all seriousness, I'm looking at this and I'm looking at and you have all these guys in the
field and not a single one of them is mare wearing a mask and of course they in close contact, their tackling each other run by shudder and right in the middle of that you have these officials, unaware are masks and then one of the coupled with players that I now they tell me oh yeah, where we come off the field, we're being told you had better mask on right away like this makes no sense like the whole guided fines for when the wearer mask and we're not where mass. When you go into a restaurant and yet the way mass when you're standing up the long journey? My humble no ok when you knocked the fuck out of somebody guess what happens you. The fucking snot all over you by guess what, whenever you land on your face mask the face mask is what I do. Did you abby talking shit that motherfucker the whole time I just knocked your fucking suck and are spitting all over him
right, that's what the fuck is that that, but the coach gotta mask, aren't you only. I know why I'm fine fucking picture or running about dollar two million. If I am wrong there are now you got shit, he's fine people, new york city, fine people thousand dollars for fucking, no mass that the revenue generator now right. Like do, providing for lose. My point is that if you can, we do to fork and agree like hey. Let's vote out all these fuckin old motherfuckers, all these people like the blog and fuck in these old guard, fuckin, oh progressive mayors, and do it. these all conservative, not jobs, have been there for fucking. The winners were falcon. Youth we In about how crazy ass you, like yo, see omar I'm talking about some reasonable motherfuckers, my word fucker you all I like
you're saying I vote for that. By the way, I think they listen to us hope I do it all you guys out there like that, a reasonable. You should be thinking about this shit. Man, thinking about it You know we need some real leadership and do what I see more anything, an avatar, welcome to R Ian smith. up until his Jim in there is, you know, he's gettin is fucked with by murphy up there and anna outward we're talking about all these few we talk and which are about them real problem. As you know, the real problem is that the real problem, real fucking plan of this whole situation is the men from the age of thirty to fifty are we gas leaders. That's a real fucking problem, the men from thirty to fifty are weakest fuck and that's. She heard a little bit. Hurts me a little bit. I'm in that group areas. As we haven't done a good job, we haven't we we still, they were kids.
We still think it's their their responsibilities, not their responsibility, more fuckin arts, tar responsibility and do we gotta get some leadership. We ve gotta get some some bring back some strong values and men so that, knowledge is constantly pandering because they're afraid they're gonna get its act together, We tell you guys something. People are sick of this fuckin shit. Like smiled. Shit is going around, especially on the internet. It started flip over. You start like people, the silent majority, because this what's happened What really happened? The avenues that group of information. Thirty to fifty has basically seen all this shit kind of going on and we all also the same thing. I'm guilty over too listen, I'm more important things to do than argue with this fucker. I got more. Porn things do not concern. My time with this person It clearly wrong and nobody gonna. Take em serious. Well guess what people take them serious?
and we have to start being willing to put the effort in to have relations that are more difficult so that we I'll just give this country away to people who quite honestly, don't know anything about any. And when it comes to reality, they ve never built anything. They ve never accomplish anything. They ve never done anything except things on the internet that get a whole bunch of fuckin likes because they say what you want to hear and they post and say that the going to do things that are literally impossible in real life, but they said it so that they can be popular at the moment, and we have a big problem right now, with the men between thirty and fifty you brought up the me to movement, you brought dude, don't know what they can do and not do anymore. They don't know what stance as they can make and not make anymore and I want to tell you right now: you all all you men listening right now. You all know what the fuck and right thing is. You know and you're, just not saying you're make
you're making it oh well. Oh that's just yet those conversations that happened at the barbecue pistres where'd, you and she say some dumb, fuckin shit and you're sitting there drinking your beer and you're like I'm. Not even I get into a with this lady. Could she so fuckin stupid conversations, have you to avoid it like that bond. how many about you or how many of you do you do you know why you avoid them, though dude, because it's so fucking, stupid and annoying it causes you such a headache to even address with people look out and somewhat wasting my time with a year, but that this is the with society, and today is twenty years ago. That wasn't the case twenty years ago you could, when it was, I don't second date, milan always started getting called names like do your email chauvinist do what some kind of racist or what- this was already in its fight? It's fuckin place! If, before, I don't agree to the same thing. I can you said the same house, cancer, the same table, you're fuckin. I will start initiate discreetly wild. You know that
the people and lastly, the people were the people that are fucking, causing a bullshit on a news right enshrined people, but when you go in, I mean at least when I was a kid, is how I remember it when it was like, I dunno old Clinton. I forget who who ran against fuckin bill Clinton, though still young and foolish and dull pushing do you know I'm saying like he? Okay, so I don't remember: people fuckin hate each other, because they are democrat Republican back. Then I don't I don't. I physically don't know like this. Now, Let me now it's like. If you don't fuckin agree with me, fuck you, you don't say anything done it on purpose that have been was fully ingrained in our society? Worse, it's been it's been. We ve been coach to be that way. That now is going to everything. Bring every fucking topic like fuck. You know even the mass thing now it's now, it's it's the mass first, no mass the left him, ugly, whereas the mass, when they arrive
you know I don't like it says I dont want to ask permission to breed the falconer right. You know like its weak everything net. that's an identifier now now you ve got So what you see someone DR another of the fuck, a mask in the car by themselves. You know who the fuck the road for that cause. They got a Biden sticker on the back of the car, they don't even know. What the point is is that yeah dude we've been we've been artificially divided for one purpose by the media for a reason- and till we wise up and realized, and that's what I'm trying to you know be a graceful about what I think of the rock like I dont want. I want to it is. I think we can be bone, supporting important that all of you be better than that. I think it's important that Instead of getting to appoint, we just call motherfuckers names because we don't like what they think they believe we realise what that person has a right to believe that that's what They believe I don't have to do. like them on every case, like they're, pretty cool like a scoop kaldu iraq does, I think the right
You know, if you look at it like deposits and withdrawal situation, he's made a lot more deposits in the good and than which rules into bad. I'm an attorney since your last night, even fuckin terrible movie item we raised it is brutal, but you know I got a deep rooted love for the guy. I don't start or handsome guy. I wouldn't want around my wife. But he would want me around here you. What they're all saying is this man, like you, know, If you guys want to what things to get better, we gonna be better, and that goes for all. So you to change. You want to see, and you know maybe, when people do things that you appreciate or approve of you now have two fuckin blast of. Maybe it's just like you kind of. Let it be that yvonne! You opened up the guard. In fact, I am now you doorway one of the twenty minutes. I d have receded. I dont know they're, like maybe that's mentality this gardeners here alone, bump. Listen up! I'm passage that shit just had a conversation with a guy that posted workers.
I was trying to say about the about how we got here right now, but then You know I dunno I'm kind of thinking out loud brom over it bro. I just had a conversation with a guy on facebook cause. I posted this video about trump denouncing all the white supremacy. All it does is like fucking, like four minutes, yeah sure today today, following the sec, like second clips of. Racism is mad. Rare com is on the like road. Do you have a life? I do just push, at this pro trump stuff like do you have a life, and I look, I said well no, no check this out. I have a great fucking life yeah, my wife, fiance she's, fucking hot. I'm a beautiful the baby than a beautiful falcon out. I think I'm too, reform of the rio as if listen, I'm not gonna sit down with the shit fuck you you're a graphic ominously just on it, though I argued that for sure you know, I'm just saying, like you know as well, as man. You know. I think that my point
whole conversation is really could be so fuckin passive about shit. You know a member, honestly, I think I may mean the day to day calmness. I admire your mother about do this should happen on the internet. Do this happened where I saw to happen at all because at our dinners and our fuckin get togethers, were you don't the one person's wound up all the other people and you kind of sit there in your like tat of either the cuba grow. Is that in order to judge and not be passive, You have to know what you're standing for afghanistan the problem that lot log out you don't know. There's therefore, get. This is where the hippy comes out of me. I got I in my brain as I see it both sides. I see that, obviously, that the toxic masculine desirable we stand about, which I do I mean I m ready. You know that striking invite. You know your shit that well, but I mean if, if, if I don't feel right about something, I will speak my peace, not I don't try to embarrass people or what
But whilst I would you know where I stand and I try to do it in a tasteful manner, but also there's like the hippy sodomy words. You know a man the world? Is a little bit more love right now, but Matthew Mcconaughey. Does man like a lincoln commercial? You know what I'm saying it needs more love in a sense like you, gotta learn to respect others opinion. I think that's where the hey, when you lead with that hate is maybe a little bit of understanding like hey where's, that invite the understanding of the conversation bring it in, like hey man, I'll listen to you another aim of you. Listen to me alison and others, but right now we won't listen. You know like when you, when you get to fight without some a promise you right now to communication problem. When you have a problem in business,
in life with your customers, no matter what it is. You're, not you're, not you're, not speaking the same language right now, because we're not willing to listen rain ever going to solve the motherfucker problem, withdrew the people just really. I especially men in these days, dude, I texted Andy the other day cause I've. Seen like your influence on my life, for you guys is that I used it. I used to be passive because I wanted to be liked. I wanted people to like me. I didn't want to actually speak the truth that might upset somebody, even though it was the truth, and I might have a legitimate position to afford and I will just in india day, because this guy who's he's a great guy was he's but he's build nor new house, and there are still some stupid things. They they drop the ball, and having all von would have been like wow eyes will be nice. You know I was like no mana pan. A certain amount of money to buy this house is for my family. This is for my Y life. This is we're going to be in this.
Now for a while, and so he really motivated me to cut be confrontational. It turned out really well, he handled it really well, but the reality is that we, your right andy, like last twenty years, we ve gotten men who think that being confrontational. Being forthright is toxic masculinity, whether that sad a supply gas? Will we ve been taught that if you assert yourself for a year, if you're aggressive in in sharing your views it somehow you hate the other birds accurate or your attacking, and it's it's. It's god deployment Literally we have a whole generation or maybe a couple generations of men who see injustice. They see things going on that are just screwed up with delight, our delight, I want the women no I mean I want all the highlands and islands to think. I'm awesome no or should I just don't want to be annoyed for an hour. While I discuss right with so so ill care enough, they don't care enough to actually get into a fight. Yeah yeah, it's a dude, it's a problem it's a problem that we need to get hold of. You know, be
Let's do there's a lot of younger men here there are like looking and be like well again. This is my role. My roles just sit here and fucking. Take it right. You know, I mean that's one of the things I try to instill in our guys here, like our up, I like confrontation on the flip side, you know I'm a man. I want you to you're, going to go, learn you're, going to go, walk out there and I'm gonna make you fucking. Have that conversation and it's not like it's, because it's an understanding like in order to be able to grow the and develop young men or young women into like strong, strong people with character like annotations, one of them you've gotta, learn to it's, not about standing your ground, so you can be a dick. It's about stand your ground. Some people don't walk on you like your builder, you know, and we have that a lot, especially like you know, with communication inside the inside of the team, it's like, oh so, and so
Then I'm going to bring so and so in here and we're going to fucking. Have this right, fuckin atlas for that right now you cannot now people don't even bring me problems because they know what's going to happen, but you watch that squirmy easy just and I'll be like tell him what you just told me and your sit there. I love doing tell him what you just told me and you're just like Alright, let's, let's go, you know what I mean, but you have to learn that now you know you do it so many times that it's not it's not. I mean you still get. Maybe a little nervous like that, because you're, not catholic, I'd, say this but hey here it is. I think the difference is that we're original having we're we're still have a confrontation. It's just there's no consequences to the conversation, because it's all here. I can punch you in the face over the phone yeah, no shit. I think that that's really what it is. We still have a conversation. People tell you, all day, long, how how how much of a piece of shit you think it's funny that not none of the people who type that shit would ever say that shit. They would never do it. No, never do it. It's their way to fuckin. you know, say the shit.
That they've never been able to say in real life and get away with whatever you what I'm saying yeah I fell as I got a piece out cause I gotta go lead. If a wedding rehearsal, we gotta, leave us with something. I was going to ask you this. Are you going to cause you? You actually brought this up in the autumn ahead on how long you been around here, I guess not here how long you been around two thousand and fourteen since you wrote the article with without us in it now fourteen fifty thousand martina. What's the thing that you're most thankful for meaning since we ve all been in our little circle, what's a thing you most thank gosh, I say to the erika: is up or something? That's? U nobody's! That's a beginning. They get wanting to be liked. What you realises like I do not really want to be like you'd, rather be loved by a few than act by all right. So, but I mean I'm just curious cause you're good and I could see very much in yemen. I appreciate what you know, though I were my emotions on my slaves
I want to get lower on the right omalu, its way that you guys ever see now home improvement, now no. You know. Sometimes famous thing is or power. I see it's a normal everyday mmo arena turns it into some sort of high tech. You know nuclear powered push or you know riding mower or well. I was thinking about this. The other day cause. Somebody asked me out: it's like. What's the influence of the frisell brothers in your life, I said I think andean south know how to get more power out of you. I assume you up to date idle. I dont think I think you guys have to have people that are willing to work because you No. Nobody on the planet can force another person to work just doesn't happen. You have to that some. Each individual person has to find that desire to improve I think that, where I'm better now than I was five years ago,
as I had all these dormant abilities, and I had all this stuff that I was to sort of half asking- and I think you guys are really excellent at like getting individuals to just put on more power to give more themselves and get more out of their add of their talents, their abilities, their opportunities, and I and I'm I'm I'm super grateful for that night. In fact, even put that into a book that I'm writing. That will come out january, but you know that you're invited to come on the pakistan rightly You two had this whole monologue about like yes and the like. In all seriousness, like, I think when we look at the united states of america and we look at the different problems that we all face. I think the problem is that we are now on the third fourth fifth generation of people who, just under chief, like they're, ok with mediocrity, somehow it's because
yeah. You want something you know the true systemic problem is in this country, the other pretty accurate and push for non radicalism. It's me out is the push for mediocrity, this the push for you. I could hear outside media pretty your fuckin weirdo right, you are you're a ship bag or your greedy are you're an asshole ear, immoral, ass, the probable young. when I was growing up due to america. When I like that Do you guys were listening right now? You're thinking like well thought out what was alike well, it was. You were encouraged to win you Courage to do good you're occur. to try and go out like do well in life I mean. Oh it's like I know like this. was passive shit on the internet? Oh well! You help the happiness. Is the new success motherfucker success? Success in having this part of europe Nor did I mean there is a major major push to enshrine the victim mentality as some sort of new american ethos.
I mean that's that all were all come on. Man like, let's, let's be real, like the new first place, is in first place. You wine in first place you you, you ve, got no shit round with you, my victim, who has become a competition, etc? it is no longer a like. Oh do you know that sucks You got that bubu on your knee It's no longer that they get back in a fucking guy, everyone has now now it's Are you gonna be behind? You need dj. Taboos about needs sales god we was on his knee and is what I've got. L. I got three days cell sell your self he's right. Oh yeah, yeah mamma. She re exact. actually classy bitch up but dude all say it is like we are. People do avatar the time without seeing that they're doing like I'm, I observe that even amongst driven people in a month's successful people, and people who are on the path. I observe that, like ice
people trying to glorify their struggle to appoint or it's like to celebrate my victim this and what I'm trying to overcome. How this. How about you talk about how you overcame it, not how much you're dealing with Vulnerability has become a marketing concept, it's no longer being real or authentic. being vulnerable. It's it's I'm trying to sell you. How hard and how bad, how strong my struggle is and there's no way you can possibly have as much struggle or hardship. Is me moving. We call it. You know, there's tommy, topper, right, tommy chopper tells a better story or has a. But now we just it's not tommy topper any more. It's it's like Vinnie, the victim yeah. Knowing just transferring just moved in behind his eyes at it that you're competing to see how miserable you are like. I'm
miserable, I'm not I'm not sure. I know you're, not I'm just saying I'm saying outlook on life, like those men are my head. I'm tiger woods like two thousand to our red sunday. Mother five year could be for second place that's. I think I never win fuck you that's why it's gonna be That mentality is- and this goes to, like all our young bucks out there on the business side, trying to get out there and get it done. You guys, have to realise man. You guys are in a good position, because when I was twenty years old or ninety. yours all, just starting our company. Everybody wanted to win, everybody wanted to be wealthy. Everybody wants to be successful. Everybody was out there copying now. People are buying into this shit that they see in these means on instagram about you know this flood, then this lobby Debbie shit, that's ok, there's a place for now, and I must say, nor is it like there's a place for fucking that comes stuff, in the real world. There is competition, and you know you eyes were young, a lot of,
a lot of your people, who would be your competition are not even trying so put you in a position of of opportunity trauma. This lack of you out there I now and europe, but just started your business, your entrepreneur journey or this that you're a fucking awesome spot because there's way way less of the grit nasty dirty competition that they used to be. That's. Where I see guys you got, I know, you're, both readers, you gotta check out a book called the splendid in the vile, and I think it's I forget about it. I think it's Eric Larsen but it's a splendid and the vile. It's about Winston churchill's leadership during the time that london was getting bombed like every day by the nazis. There's a part in that where it talks about how, when churchill got basically its install the new prime minister, there were all these
people that thought all this guy's crazy he's going to lead us to our ruin because he's so he like, he cetera, are a hawk he so militaristic and yet like what england was facing was overwhelming. I mean like the nazis, basically had just rolled over every other a nation and when he was installed, somebody came to him and said winston I mean do you really think we can win and he got super pissed at him and he was like yes, he starts costume out and everything and and like he was arrogant in his level of believing that they were gonna win, even though they face completely like from a certain perspective, just insurmountable odds and his wife was exactly the same way. His wife went to attend church where the pastor was given some sermon, where he kind of indicated that these are dark days and we're not going to survive and she literally stood up in the middle. The churches said we're gonna win. You fn bastard, like that was,
attitude and I feel like what what we all need to realise is that, yes, we talk about how bad things are in amerika from time to time, and you know we talk about covert stuff and all the different things that are going on our culture and those are all bad. But, like I said everybody in this room, I think I would say the confidence if we're gonna win, we're gonna win. to make sure that we win, because we're gonna do what is necessary for the good guys to win, wrote reciting. I got that from you guys, like you guys put that fire in me a sumptuous Just whirlwind: we're, not win, whether for combined windsor trouble right, that's what I mean like I'm, not like a lot of people like. well what my father, don't matter put me anywhere, I'm a fucking throughout our win as it so that's attitude. You have had a lot of people. Don't have that like dude, I see people burying their companies right now because their tariff due to act. I've so many people reach out to me talking about you know
what they're trying to do and how they're trying to do this and that and this this this and then they preface it with well, you know as long as trump wins I'm going to do what the fuck do you mean as long as from winds, you're fucking, do this you're fuckin. Do you ear? Do it or you're not to do it? You know, like this something to keep in mind. I think guys like if you're you like waiting you know, and this is what I've been trying to do with seventy five hard all year is I been trying to use this time to get better, But I knew that this was going to suck the whole year the minute this fucking cope in. Do you guys know? I knew that I told you. I put it in the fucking email got fucking destroyed by the by you You are now all believers. Thank you, but the point is that you know I dedicated his time you're, making myself better, hopefully inspiring others. Lots of people who have worked during this time got a lot better there. At place of their life personally and professionally and physically and mentally to those people.
can kudos, but you know what I like to those you guys were like waiting for this to be over two or get your shit together. You're not shit together. You when all because you that's the that's your hopes, You're fuckin waiting? waiting. A weighty was on one lastly, election or you know why. So most thanks giving after thanks giving all you know what do you do? avenue yours. Ah, I didn't that's your whole life and you know it quit lying to yourself. But what can do it doesn't matter that the yeah Chaos yards hard, yes, frustrated, yeah, maybe it's gotta be more difficult, yeah, yeah yeah. So what what's the alternative The alternative is, do what like a loser right. have a she life, I'd taken that I look at it whose annette championship game on a basketball tournaments dj. You are right the father or a basketball, this terrible night
championship. Game bottom impress us rybody friday. I guide a fuckin when you can't leave yet I stood up more for you our I go ahead. You aren't you got me trouble there were you trying to go anyway. I gotta I'm I'm industry out of that farmers this far as it by the worthy man. What's up you gotta, be there are three clock you sorry for clock, origami, therefore yeah baby, I get your dream for violence. It is in defiance. You know that right, I know for me: okay, yeah, you better go what else you got for me I was going to. I was going to give you a compliment. You can take off now you stay silent. Subtle is as well to settle the basis laid back. I was thirsty
I thought you said you wanted the ourselves put his hair in a ponytail, yeah yeah. You got it that can give you a compliment for sal, sherry where he taught me right. Here's! My here's! My compliment. Your wife is better looking than the rocks wife. Oh, I agree with that wholeheartedly hundred percent. I watched smoke thousand percent smoke yeah, but that's a Madame's coverlids me as it was a compliment, your game idea. We all knew that I too late or sunday read this. Isn't my god he was it. I was going to say I hear the thing one, almost think of where our aid for those books by time you re done tom, strive for books on where we live in a great fuckin world eyes on it fucking insane right secondarily, I think what the show in general in those five years has taught me that voice matters. Now, though, you thank you it doesn't matter your voice does matter either when you started. That goes back. We start talking about. The first episode was brutal,
right, bernal border brutal, but you look like we're a little timeline wall out there, the mfc, your project's. Like a thing, it's like a re like your voice, yeah as little as it may be, fucking matters and it starts with on yugoslavia. Those everything starts with a drop of a drop in the ocean. Man, a you know, you don't philip a fuckin euro, philip fucking ocean by just hoping that it gets falling. I could just one drawback renault drawbacks notre, but my man, you get better at having those conversations you take that lesson. Parlay into the conversation you don't want to. Have Well then, I sound like Joe Biden just then I tried to make an analogy. I didn't really go that well. You're a fucking clown yeah the thing like dropping a one drop in the ocean. and for the sand yeah, you know the marketing well, I saw hobbs get ready for you, not you already gone on about giving. Ok if you start to have those.
Conversations your voice matters and before long, you never know people might listen to you right when I was going to say, you're ready, hey man, any of your great modern item to be in the crowd That's not really what I was going to say well, as I've earned and plan on you guys to laugh at my jokes. Are faux, don't count on that? Ok, don't count on that. It's like you better not altogether better Viana do dates are now writes about whereby minding digital digital, slow, my thing bond- and I can tell you how you ve grown as a human. While you ve been around us, is more impressive than anything from the standpoint of not only do I our respective shit out of me, I look up to you. I think you're, a great human. I think it's great you're a great influence on the world. and I call you a friend and the time when are you told me to fuck off and yelled at me for challenging? It would be better to get more horsepower out. If you will, the watch you go that is now I'm extremely I'm extremely proud of you, and I am glad that the law evolution of the embassy or project. Really, I've came into existence about things happening.
javert- means leyden. I've had a lot of not just email sure, and psychological and mental improvements have also had some physical improvements? So, ladies, you want to check out the youtube version of a really obsolete You can check out my guns, their eyes ulysses our hour, my emotions on my sleeve, unlike better than others, Lula's ruthless. We notorious like one of you been workin out said: do you need to ask listen to this guy, this guy, pretty sure monsters going to get to see you tomorrow, sleep zebra, the sleeve. Austria is a real thing. It is. It is making a huge come back in my house. I see we're. The drawer where's the java Emily. I need you cut this Do it the value of their economies, not hear you need somebody to cut yeah. I know, but did Emily actually cut a better than your girls, like my substitute at three way,.
you just got dropped on Monday did the bond just did does after he has dropped to drop the microphone. I thought you guys. I wish this chair. I didn't think that another you think about bomb grown as a human right. You're gonna talk about von grown in five years of budapest, as bans are needed. That he's gonna. Do that now able guys guys guys guys guys here this whole shows been funded. It's it's been the evolution of it has been superfine like I like this, format of the show, because we have to talk like this. You know it's more, such as the fuckin lecture. Well, and I think in today's world you don't get to talk like this. I know what I'm saying what you realize about our environment and quinton you're involved in our environment. Allah in this world, right, like environments, really unique, because most people go to work and it's like man fuck.
im head down, I'm just going to go to work, I'm a punch, my nine to five and then we'll go home, and then I'm gonna go hang out my friends right, but we of get to do that all the time and that's a very blessed thing to start thinking about life like panvel and maybe we're fucked up cause we're the only ones, maybe we're the only people that act like this nobody's like those as a fuckin asshole da. They add, listen like our vessel I know man like you know. I think this whole. This whole situation. Society is very disappointing for me too. stand by and watch you know I I feel I do feel like that. The the people between the age of fifty and and specifically Morton the people, but more specifically the man of the age between thirty and forty, five or fifty have to start. You know having difficult conversation with people man. We can't just keep passing the buck because we're too lazy to have the conversation.
It's gotten us into a we're place. You know where everybody fuckin hates everybody in and everybody's you know competing for who's got them. Biggest fucking handicap to overcome in life and you know are the real issues that need to be dealt with. The other always is real issues that need to be dealt with, but I mean like what we're doing now, even up to the level of the president is not solving issues and. You know I'm serious, like I hope you guys take take serious. You know. We need some youth in running and start electors, starting at your city council on sand like I don't know man I wish
I snapped my fingers and fixed it, but it's just going to take a minute. You know I mean that's minced, it's a good lesson right. There are different than the podcast no different than anything else in life like one needed to understand life's difficult, yet fucking tough problems are tough. That's why they're called fucking problems and how you're going to fix problems addressing if we're not willing to address them, we're not really don't ex, don't be willing to or don't even fantasize about the opportunity of change. Ankle fucking happen, well, and I think a lot of people are still afraid to talk right. Like you know, the left, the left has monopolize the internet in terms of narrative and its being supported clearly by the people who own these platforms to censor out anything, that's not in those narratives and you know I can remember two thousand sixteen. I posted a pretty reasonable posts. I thought was an you know, Five minutes I had ten pound. And comments on the post, all from some bought farm that
Hillary Clinton was running that fucking, you know, destroyed my opinion and that was the way they did their now. They ve just graduated to removing your shit, deleting your account and backtracking Yarborough, and that's in those fact truckers are not anybody special you some do they fuck and put in place and. You know we're gonna healthy right. Now is a country like terms more social dynamics, communication skills and it's hard to people, understand, like you guys out there who are, who are you well trying to avoid the heat right like you're you're, like fuck. If I say that airways will say this, and this and this then you're so you're, not saying shit, that's the plan, that's what they want! You to do and what you've shut the fuck up so that they just get their way, and if you continue to shit, the fuck up so the day just get their way, you can't be mad about what their way it's because you just pat you you
passively went along with it. I had this conversation the day with a guy. God is in man, I'm so thankful that you guys all stand for us at night. Will the word of fucker you, but I said I said: will you know you know it takes us means like we all have to do. This is how it works. That so many times dude and he go in he's like he's like yeah, but it's different for you guys and now else, not. How is it different because? Well because this is where the the fish, while the camps cause you gotta work cause you guys are all together. All the time. Wait I go out in public, like you know what I mean like, I believe it or not. The people at starbucks know how'd it go to their starbucks. You know, I mean like believe it or not. You know, and I this is a pretty fuckin, sir, Visible shop is not even that you're going to school. I guess what I know is that the principles
well. Now knows you know that you know so like they understand and that's how it works like when I tried to equate it to getting into cold water yeah. That's what co waters really fucking cold. The first time you getting cold water, fucking cold is so mother, fucking cold, and you realize that next time, it's not as cold and the next not ass, cold. The next I'm calhoun is all right. I kind of like indonesia, little boy you don't give a flood of esa can't wait to get no mother fucking water. Now that's in that comes with just a tolerance assessment of understanding. Like hey man, you your net. It's never going to be the right time to do combat is just get in you not be an asshole and start fucking women or dude. Look man. You know the ties. This was the thing I want to get across. You know the tides have turned guys like if you, stand for america and face of american shit. You're gonna do a way more support than you we'll get hate. You know this. This is for its also fund for me watching the liberal liberal mob like try to fucking
do what they did for the last ten years right now, because it's not working and like I like, for example, I love you I saw. I know you saw where I got like tat. Seventy five target bash by this fuckin dietician chick. You see that shit yeah, so she called it. A pyramids I saw so I posted in my story. I say we normally do. Look. You fuck, you say what everyone about me I'll, give a fuck about the guy that, like What's people on blast alla time, you know casually, I gotcha life like those ninety nine percent of the time I'm going to let things slide, kosovo you for what you think of me. What they want, and ass. I was I one percent, so I took this girl's posed an end. because what happens every time. I do this as they become the victim right like the victim. That's right, they fuckin they take a big poker
The bear the bare by some fucking. They act like one of us. It is a well known fact around here. You don't like the dull pulled the bearable endued over did well, that's what they call me you. Why don't you know that they call me that they call me the bare that's what they call me around here and in our view, that literally we do not have to bear. the deadlock over. So so. Sometimes you know people poke and I foggy bottom last. I was one of those times and you know I dont want to have drama I'm not a fucking shit talker! I don't get. Arguments were people. If you don't agree with me, that's ok! I respect you don't agree with me. We hate each other at all. I feel, but these people have this. This this social, The left internet fuckin warrior social justice war. You fuckin tribe, shit where they try to get everybody. What this person,
try to do that last night to seventy five heart and she posted this. Why dietician will never support and there give her dietician support. Mother fucker. I've got a whole starting to work for me right, you got it, I didn't ask for their support for pulling out even this ain't, a fucking diet programme, so I post she said. With a reminder fan which, by the way I people fuckin say Pham. You know you home, I'm you fuckin sound when you say I am so like the dumbest mother fucker, on the face of the earth Pham yeah right so for the second dumbest mother yeah. So the sword Most I us hey. Everybody go we call worried about my free pyramids. That's all I said because I was in a good mood on my guy will fucking out his fucking ro. This lady got dash roy. I mean it, with five hundred comments. I left the fuckin thing up at my story for one hour I went by
the one. I was five hundred some comments. I like sit down right up my trying to ruin nobody, my trying it, but my guys with when people for no reason like a quick trot you there, a lot of people other than before if differently than what the fuck you think that have just been quiet. The left is learning that right now and which is fuckin beautiful thing for me, because they're getting back what they put out for the last ten years. That internet boy that fucking gang up on people that cancelled all your bullshit. Now it's switching over to where people are getting look at due to whack, just got cancelled by the fuckin light he lost when he saw a million dollars. What I heard your san like in Fuckin not a long time I'm just saying that if you somebody has to say, and it conservative and you ve been afraid to say it now. The time to say both whose cause the dude people
all about america right now and it's beautiful thing for me to watch these people on the left, get it taste of their own medicine. Now I'm gonna to rooney by, like I sat up, took shit down she d, interposed, ouch, we shall have something else to say later. You know these people get me like all now, it's our fall. We attack them. No mother, fucker use. You said this shit that you know what that's like that like coming to someone you know talking shouldn't. Seventy five heart is like going to someone. and you never got an iron man and then you go to someone who has done an iron man or may be done through reform as he sate as fuckin bullshit? bullshit. I don't do that anybody can fuckin do that. shit, that's what it's like, and so, when you fuckin attack that shit and people have it's been one of the biggest too, judgments of their life. You can expect them to say good things back what what the fuck would? Someone said like yeah
You know you didn't man, you're you're, fucking bitch, like what do you think you're gonna say they're going get mad at those people whose people who said that never even did it. I know as rosecrans I know the homelessness last night. It did feel good you know, and I appreciate you, people to stick up for the programme is stuck up for me. You know I don't ask for that very often, but I do appreciate it because it matters because now next time. That person will think briefly. time, for they say some dumb ship. They don't about awfully well, maybe not. Maybe it's how people got such touch. Toaster, stove yeah! Do you know what a lot of the latter people who are very, let's just say, moderate or conservative american right by because our centre in the same group now moderates conservatives have been lumped into one the people are afraid to say, like they're afraid to say: hey I've fucked
In stand for america, stamford a constitution, a stand for freedom, I stand for equality. I stay for all men being created equal stand for this and they are afraid to say that shit because they know that you're gonna get that one or two fucking. people that are going to say, they're gonna, when you're thinking or say: oh you're, fucking, racist and then they're going to tag their ten friends to come in and gang up on you, Why does shooting happening right now because, like do people stay enough up for america, which I think is fucking beautiful, and this is this is the thing and we gotta just got off subject. I was talking about the water in regards to it's like the yeah, the water's, cold motherfucker, but guess what you get two or three people in water, lily warmer
yeah, we get regular, bodied sceptical everybody get pain in the palm of our going to be hot. We all pissing on her shit like we, then we got a little momentum into watery, so bad we're all here together. He thinks it's even make this water war campaign, as far less than I at your house this summer, smash that our water is like. Ninety eight point: six now that I dunno what you're talking about I can to get out of the pool for eight hours. Me yeah well figure yeah! Now I do come on. I know what you're talking about come on come on My man, I hope you guys? First of all, I do want to save real legitimate. Like I appreciate you guys, listen, a show and support us and support, and you know when I say things and stick enough for me people attack because dude I do get attacked a lot. People do like They hate me and bro, decided. try and do what I think is right for for everybody else.
I don't have a you know. I don't have it will tourists people you know I'd, you have an opinion and I got a. I got a voice and I use it, and I say, but I mean do that's what miracles about some are saying and live in, what you will to be the right thing and what you believe in and I hope that allow people in america will use this opportunity for the next you from the last eight or nine months to realise the co man like I'm know about this. about all this shit. Like I'm not about being told I can't go out of my house now about being told this man in this and all this crazy shit like We got to stand up in an and stop letting, though you know two or three hundred elite people in this fuckin country losses. The fucker I must say we need a fuckin rise up and go do some Sort of thing, but I'm just say like we are sadly people walk all over america? Like I'm sorry, we do. You know any.
and the people were walking all over the people who we fuckin elected, to take care of it as a problem as a problem for me. So fight will do final thoughts quit I'm gonna. Let you do some final thoughts to a young had much to say, because we have had We haven't had a working microphone, so we'll start with sal and then we'll go to quinn now we'll go to DJ and then we'll wrap up what what was the final thoughts? what kind of rent we kind of rambled you know we went all over the place. We think why would I mean I you know I I have to keep coming back to you know you. You can only control what's in your realm, but you can't control. That you know and so understanding that the decisions that you make every single day do matter and they can progress your life and I think, all too often we get wrapped up in this. This government guidance where, if the government doesn't allow it, then I can't do it and it's like no, that's not really how the world works and we we talked about. Will my mindset, whether trump's in office
as or binds in office is no different. My life is still my life and my legacy is still my legacy and how many raise my kids still Hama raise my fucking kids, I'm not going to. Let them impede that on who I am, and I think you know, being a man of character or trying to leave a light legacy built around character starts with being the person of character, and I think what we see in society right now is just a lack of character, no lack of people who don't respect each other. There is no integrity in trying to be a good human. It's trying to be loud, kicky screaming. You know person who read me for attention yeah for attention and up in
and not attention for doing the right thing- is just attention to get attention, and you know when you look at you want to make change. It starts with putting one foot in front of the other, but if you're unwilling to to kind of go first, be very supportive of people who are and try to get and be allowed. You know, because not everybody can be quarterback, not obey can play. You know, play on the field, but may not say what to make a great culture, great team or have a winning campaign like who do you need water? Boys need cheerleaders, need fans in the stands, and you know it. If you're not willing to go. Do it, maybe by yourself or for yourself, like its support to people, to do because I know we're committed, or you know why not
personally. In a way, we as a unit are, are committed to making this world a better place, and we understand it starts with us and we're gonna fuckin, I'm I'm going to until my fuckin done. Breathing I'm gonna fuckin play to win it's just. How I'm wired is what we're going to do, but it's gonna, be winning with integrity, can be winning with characters, be good, being a good fucking human respecting one another. I think the world's missing arena and if we're going to impact or if you're, going to take a lesson away from my closing thought as a man, we could all do a little bit better than we're doing right now, and that goes for me too. In respecting the other side. Do I think he Joe binds a fucking ask on ya wholeheartedly? Do I think the whole covert situations have fuckin blown on portion wholeheartedly? That doesn't mean that I can't be compassionate, that doesn't that I can't listen. That doesn't mean that I can't help make the world a better place for having those good conversations. That's that's my thought. The good shit good shit queen, where you think man we haven't, got a whole lot from you today, because we've we actually had a microphone malfunction or a man, came out of the house to the house today and eager south bill who built his house.
the answer we build house it there for cell is not yet an ironic boxing match going wrong. I know what you're doing yeah the last one we got and we both got injured. We agreed we had agreement as it the last one, so you got some roles I I would rub Bobby marine resources, sushi roles, yeah. Where do they grow and so yeah this was cool. You know I didn't expect to sit in on your podcast. You know I didn't want to rapper style or anything, but you know pick up on what sal said. No as far as what's missing in america, he wants men. there's no new ought to everybody's a binary thinker, wonder zero that aser bees einer tromp this or that you know the rock endorse Biden. Ok, yeah! I mean. Son came up unease this morning and a movie stars illiberal shock. You know gimme a break, so I think if everybody would just
have a little more nuance in their thinking a little more now that you know. a little less, either or a little more and plus. You know and it'd be a lot better off, but two things can be true at once. It's one of my favorite things, yeah! No, you can go by ear at the rock like Joe Biden, and I can like the rock that's right and so, and I just wish there was more that in America today. I think you know, first of all its awesome shit. I really appreciate that. I just want to add to that man like, I think I think we as people, whether your left or right can do much better job of of of of powers and x. since in understanding- and you know it starts not ganging up on on someone for one little thing.
it said, or did that might have been? You know not what you liked. I dunno, where you think I think ignore what I got from this whole thing, You talked a lot about, like you know, standing up and no standing up for us is collective idea right, but I think a lot of people are missing, bro but in order to do that in order to get to that place, gotta stand up for yourself first, and that means you gotta know what you're standing for right, I mean think a lot of people are just you know: they're they're they're, I think they're standing up for what they think is right, but as not truly what they believe, because they just don't know right. Having given that consistently. Like me, a broader, warm ass. Nowhere where I go out with the caveat right in the hospital cause, I was going to see my baby born, can't give me you know get between that, but I don't you know and and because that's something that I firmly believe in. I firmly believe this.
Well, you can't question that, like nobody, I don't care who you are you can you you won't change my mind on that right, and so I think you know, in order for us to get us to get to a collective place and where we need to be estrace with you, you gotta you gotta, be able to stand up on your own and stand santos down and not worry about the karen's or the vinnies or the whoever does just focus on you and and santa for yourself, in which We believe, is right and understand that there's more people out there that will follow suit yeah. It's interesting what you said about the mass thing, because one of the comments I keep seeing against trump today is: no that's karma for not ever allowed a mask way way way way, so because someone does it agree that master affected because their science, the shows that actual science that you go out and vote can look at on your own, and you don't agree that the government should
how you that you have asked permission to breed the fucking air and you're standing up for that, so that we are all. You know, told that the next thing we need is a fucking backseat. That's the ironic thing about this. Is that the mother, Cars that are wearing the mass in our like judging people like that saying, that's fucking karma, get covert and die right right, those motherfuckers! Don't you realize that the people not wearing a mass for trying to protect them from being fucking given, fake vaccine or or some sort of dangerous shit tool. Their rights right, the glass. Let concept at all. You know what point: do we draw the line where the government can tell us What the fuck do they Still no evidence when I'm I mean. Do we have to have evidence like? What's the fucking evidence, the mass work?
I'm pretty sure that this shit would be. You know, got here and, as its aim has been plenty of people that have gotten over and they we're mass of die. So do you. We all know, what's goin on it's, a fucking manufacturing fuckin shit to amplify the severity blah blah blah. but like the point is that you know the nuance right right, but I'm gonna take the nuance and in what you said. Ah, we are on the same t, people you're standing up for america are trying to protect you too you're. Just now reading beyond Europe, in the ten minutes or the fifty minutes for the fucking two hours, Of your life to truly understand what's going on, you know and we have to be better than have you got we have a free country. If you want to have a place where you know, you're fucking, free.
we have to start learning what actually going on and looking at science and data and fax and. Right now on, the left are trying to say, while all the matters, what the backdoor saying science says: fuck it until I'm on foreigners. It's all bullshit, like you, you go and look at the silent now saying cobras bullshit they're saying, is bullshit we'll pandemic causing real issues is hurting people that would normally not get sick absolutely, but the thing about how transmitted the cases they does the fate this this going back and forth backing for the back and forth for stretch this out. Well, this political shit in you guys. You don't believe that your fuckin sleep it, and so the question you need to ask yourself is at what at what level or you ok being manipulated for someone else's fucking game, What level are you accepting of?
a small group of people who are at the top of the fuckin food chain in this country, dictating to the rest of the people. What the fuck can and can't do with no supporting data accountability, no checks, no balances I made. You are no doubt with that. I'm sorry, that's fucking mix You think, weird or whatever. it is what it is, but this country was based around some basic fuck untruths, so basic concepts being free. Being able to express yourself owning guns. people being equal. We there's all kinds of things it's been this way for two hundred and forty plus fucking years and were in danger of losing were in danger of losing the power that we have of the constitution soon to regulate the laws and giving it up, because we're scared that we're going get sick or we're gonna get this or that. Well
Would you rather live in a country where people can just tell you to do whatever the fuck you feel like doing at all times, because I would it. I wouldn't and that's one danger of becoming. You know in these local politicians can just mandate these shot thousand these mass in the community's violate the numbers, and it can do all these things and then You come our report, saying oh by the way we fucked up and nobody who gives a shit. What what do we do it? What do we do. I'm worried about the future of america like for real and gonna saying that all year, but like I think you know most cap, This is going to change the social media posts guys. This isn't like hey make a cop opposed, And you did your part, this is while living in standing for what you believe in and when people around. You start go in on that you have to stand around again.
It was saying you ve got to stand up and tell the truth. You gotta hey. No, I don't agree with that. want to. We mean europe. fuckin angry you ought to tell you you ain't that you should get the fuck out of your house. you could say I don't agree without here's. Why, in this that and those the tread ways in the pathways for us to make a change. of awakening said to me Your job, it's not my job. It's not sounds job, look at all of our jobs oliver jobs, to tell the truth and to stand up for what oh do. Otherwise we will lose every we're. Gonna lose the ability, we're gonna, be people that are actually ruled, as opposed to represent it in actual fact, scare people, that's what I'm against do, I think, what donald trump says, some dumb shit, fuck yeah, I do Joe Biden system, dumb shit yeah most of it do. I think that I,
vote because of somebody. I liked your personality or not. No, I don't I fucking vote on? Who could do the mother fucking job? I vote who could forget, should not I go on. Who is going to get us where we need to go or who is going to give us the best? chance of getting where we need to go and Do you guys know mother, tell you double for I'm going to tell you that you should do the research in death learned the actual facts in the actual truth before you decide because dude in this election, fuckin matters and if you your vote to count boat in person. That's the truth!. If you value vote you value, what it's worth. If you, you know their push for these melons and all this shit. What do you think they're doing why the fuck do you guys think they're doing? Why are they trying force people to go home and shut up. System down and your mail will vote. Why? Why would I do that? I wouldn't do that.
If you want your vote to call you gotta vote person, if you want america to be great, you gotta have uncomfortable conversations in your household win, win There is a time and we all gotta to be better about that's true. So that's my final thoughts, much easier to solve Joe, has some really good should the size of Joe what your final thought I counted they have an opinion when they don't know. I think that people look to other people. fuck I to say no dude for the wrong reasons. I know what you're getting at you know. Well. I think that's the question right. I think that's the question the show watching. The show is due you believe what it is you're saying you believe. Really or are you just saying that because that's what you're expected to say and believe because the people there
use your with that's what they believe that we we got a lot of. I agree agree, don't you get a one percent? Well, she think about that. That's pretty much nails it man I mean I just I I look at people like just take. Social media is like no. They live vicariously through somebody else and they don't really have their own opinion and our morals or standards. You know they when people grow up as far as political aspect goes, is that you know they lean towards what their people I voted for. You know like stand up for yourself. Be independent figure out. What did you think? I now believe Craig right, because powerful shiro thank you you're not apply agree and that's how we should stop the show. The question is: it You know who will vote for the question is: do you really believe what you think you believe or you believe in it, because you think you're supposed to believe it and that's. The question we all have to ask ourselves is because anti believes it or
Are you sure just go along with me because you listen to me, you think there are big sexy young saying should a while ago. I did it, for you know, thatcher, fact, bra Do you have your own more to true thing, that's right outside other to this house that you do not. So does that's a show man? If you got it, you gotta laugh. If you got a smile, if you learn some stuff, you know oppression, everything you guys do man for real. I appreciate when you stand up for what's right and what you think, and I love you guys- pressure you guys. I know we talk. Lot of politics right now, but that's what's going on in the world, so it is what it is see you guys next time, I'm going to get a project spoken to so welcome.
Transcript generated on 2023-10-08.