« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

66. America: Facts And Takeaways - Part 2

2020-09-04 | 🔗

From outside the United States, we're all the same, so why can't we look at ourselves that way and be united? When the enemy attacks us, they're not concerned about our individual viewpoints or beliefs. They're only concerned with harming us because we're Americans. On today's show, Andy and the crew finish discussing why it's a privilege to live in America and how you can read past the headlines to uncover the truth.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I told my teacher to teach I'm going to give me a project spoken to the walla motion to fit most car. The only one eighty per mile was called to feed. So really this. This goes out to the ceos and charge you have a responsibility to stand for fucking freedom, and let me tell you another thing: Customers and consumers- this is gonna, get into a business that a little business strategy there. Very. Fucking hungry for patriotic companies were sick of the law. rural fucking agenda being shut down our mother fucking throats by every mother, fucking company did you see nike? can quarterly earnings, errands shit. You know why, because they keep trying to push everything on everybody, mother, fucker. You make good shoes, stick to that shit similar to the athlete that's right. So here
in an end, and this goes with so many different companies. Here's the fucking. This is a plan. You got a fucking corporate, amerika donating whoop hundreds of millions of dollars to blow loud matter, which is an act boom. Organization, that's a democratic, propaganda fund, raising organization version abiding and all the other fuckin. This is. This is organised by a dude who has nothing to do with our fucking government he's very wealthy and he cried. added a genius fucking scheme, because it makes people feel morally obligated because of the name lives matter. I have said because we ve this here since two thousand fourteen. Like. I said in june right after George floyd was killed, oh, and by the way now we see the whole story about what and there will be differ
and what they made it. Isn't it ok, let's just say, They ve created a scenario where they gilded every company in every american to support this fuckin pull little organization, this p, political organisation does not give a fuck about black people. It's out using the cause and the saying in the idea lack why matter. As a way to generate money As everybody agrees that black lives matter, I fuckin agreed black lives matter. I know you do. I know you you do as well, but if you don't don't To the cause, and you dont postal black square- and you don't show the in air, your fuckin, racist right, pre genius. Pretty genius plan you don't you know how that's how we know that one hundred percent true try using a different phrase. That means the exacting
The thing is black lives matter. They don't like, if you say, every black life matt, oh yeah, then we're gonna use the term black lives matter. Why? because it's faster and let's talk is ass. Part of the world capitalism movement, as it bob ray money for the Democrats row and their staff For that too? And people don't like it, it's the truth that the truth is the fuckin truth and the facts on the fucking face there are states that back that exact thing up that we're talking about ok,. There are three hundred and seventy five million annual police interact, with citizens two thousand nineteen, nine hundred and ninety nine of them ended in shooting fatalities by police, that's point: zero, ro zero. Three percent. Fourteen of those were unarmed black people point, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, four percent. One of those was now attempting to resist
or evade arrest. One point zero. zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, three percent, but they don't give a fuck about all the black kids and all the black families. We're being disrupted by this violence and being killed and murdered by the defined the police narrative which these mother fucker started. They don't give a shit about it. Just look at the city of its dude And here's the here is the most fucked up thing of DJ was on the shoulder. He'd tell you this black people that stand up to that and say no they're, the ones getting harass the fucking most. You see that Videos on the internet, I mean the black police officer, students bullshit, it's insanity, it's bullshit, and is it in your point back to the bullying side? You know you wanna talk about the same people eight months ago, who were the anti bully crowd right per se in the grand scheme of life. Like that, you know.
Everybody has there my right, my choice, my body, my choice, I'm not fuck! You know no bullying, though the mother What good boy sat there are the people, the hypocrites at its finest like in its funding? What's the any and the situation is like they can never see no wrong in the mere she's me. I was bad english and never see wrong in the mere it's alright. somebody else's fault. It's always my agenda versus urgent and I'm fuckin right, you're fuckin wrong. I will look at you, you're fucking, you! You are the hypocrite. You like you are the fuckin problem, And you're, using with the same tactic that just fuckin six months ago, you were fuckin the activists for us talk about racism. Let's talk about racism for a second: what's happened: this act, the racism in the united states, history, slavery, everybody. We agree slavery.
What's the second biggest act of fuckin racism in nice? It's history! You know, you know, I do it's what's happening, my fucking now, it's not what you think. It's not white trump supporters black people, its white fucking liberals. Utilizing black people as a tool, to generate money for their fucking cause and they are zero intentions of approving wife for black america, That is the second biggest active racism as ever existed in this country, and that's the ironic part. There's people sucked Do it. If you go to a bee alum rally at this point in time, guess what what race most of the people are. There were fuckin white liberals. So let's talk about rate. What's really racism? Is racism, saying hey I believe in unity I believe in it which I do and my fucking company shows it my flock and for facing.
If we show it my brain and shows that in every mother, fucking thing I do, a life shows. I had a hundred sixty fuckin stitches in my face over the ship, almost fuckin die. Nobody wants a quality more than me. We'll tell you, though I now will you. Guys were buying into this shit you're the problem, that's it that's the truth. I know people like that I'll give a fuck Somebody tell you right now we all want real quality. If we're what real peace we want. Real harmony, we're what real. What america stands for that? She has to stop and it's got started. And it will stop in italy or stop by fuckin people waken up, which I think is happening or ill stopped by force. because if you continue to fuck and attack people's businesses- and you continue, to attack people, and you continue to fuck and run
one people when the eating do, you think, when you run up the someone when their eating fucking lunch, restaurant and scream, Fucking yell and make him do shit. Do you think they actually gonna fuckin believe in your cause. You think they're gonna fuckin be anti your cause for ever this this is creating more divide and wait. America has a responsibility to stand up and say I fucking bow with that shit, because what is doing is further the divide, its furthering What we are all trying for which the quality in unity and peace and prosperity- its furthering it away from us and black people listening? you can't be silent about anymore. You just can't be it's gotta, stop. ok and that might be an uncomfortable situation for you. I get it. I bore dj,
almost twenty four hours fuckin day I hear about some of the ship had said to him ass wrong, real wrong as your way Like I said bonci times,. China comes here, they're, not fucking, killing the Democrats or republicans. I rant comes here: they're, not killing. Democrats republicans are killing americans are white americans. Russia comes here. They're, not gonna. Fuck essay were a cure. All the while. motherfucker this is America you're an american live here until you start the fuckin realised that you are an american first before you are some for former sub category, whether that be black white mexican gay straight l, Gee bt q? Doesn't matter your fuckin american first, you just are and whether you want to marry or not now other well see the rest of the world sees it. That way.
and I think it would be really fuckin smart for all of us to wait the fuck up, because we in danger of real problems. If this continues, You think this using you take a couple hundred people, fuckin screamin front yard, problem, a problem when, when we a fucking opposing forces on our feet can ground in america because people are like the current president. The an opposing party has? baton, america- and they call for help, as if there's some sort of victim of the situation, which were whether not most people are of most people stand with their flag and we have. We have Fucking chinese troops on the ground and and and fuckin russian troops. on the ground here to two key piece and shit define our real fucking problems. Are you like it.
And that's what we're headed. I think a lot of people have a lot of shit to think about it. I can't dude I'm so disgusted that I fucking I have been able to see this going on in our country, so discussing me disgusting Our people literally. just going along with shit. Because they won't do any research on their own. They will only read the headline and nothing more. That's you and you ve gone along with this whole time and you're. Listen. You mean you're thinking, I'm crazy, nouvel. Where the headlines motherfucker. That's you marry ain't me. It's you like everything I a fuckin- and this is not about to my own horn, but I paid. Pension the ship. Before I say I've been. for complying with the ship from day one anybody, who's been listening since day. One fucking will tell you by the way,
It's still, there go! Listen to it. I'm sick of this shit man, I'm get mad like real man and those of you who are waken the fuck up now Maybe you should have done something or said something arrays your fucking hand resisted back and fuckin baby Where, when a short telling you about, why don't they need to be mad at those people right, I mean it's all about I mean you have I've got a problem when I got stuck in a grown man from flocking, Saint Louis, was also a business owner. Texting me saying: It's now or never what side of history are you gonna be on to me? Fuck, you buddy, I'm just saying in a grand scheme of things like you know it as long as these people are progressing towards the the understanding that, like him in we ve been duped, You know, and it takes some people longer than other people to identify that- and you know when you before, because a lot of people in
I think this is a societal problem in general, as they want to read it's no different than clickbait ads right. You scroll down the weather channel on that you read the headline, you fucking, that's, ok! Well, that's it! That's how we consume information. How it's done through social, they read the headline they read the first three sentences are at. This must be factual. They move on with their day versus taking the time understand those people are trying to drive their narrative. It hey man of you, you were gonna if you're going to have a stance on something. That's that's of this much importance. You probably want to go do a little homework before you form an opinion, and I think what's happening is at the This goes on. It started two weeks and its four weeks and its face three phase, two in its constantly rolling out its contents, it at the core people elected what the fuck is going on it takes some people longer to identify that what the fuck moment- okay! Well, let's, let's up, let me give you a little prediction by what's about to happen, because I've been right about fucking, all of it
don't give a fuck about bragging about it either because a lot of you motherfuckers dm me fuck, you, you fucking, try to fuck with me know I fucking know. What's going on, you want I'll, tell you what next move is your next move next movie, What do they just do a testing as anybody who knew who know what they just cdc just told told everybody about testing, don't test a symptomatic right down testes? Why does a one huh? in eighty degree reversal why don't they did that I dunno I haven't figured that out of what do you have any idea, what it did it so there they're they're saying in the beginning, their receiving entities that vast areas, if you dont have, is that right in all the mass testing is stopped other. What mass testing got it don't test, just random people, don't test you'll need a task if you're not feel sick this came out said the cdc. Why do they say? Why does.
You know I mean I would. I would think you idea fi as many a symptomatic cases visibly possible and realise that you couldn't Ah, but no matter what a late I got it, I got it s on it. I think I got it if they stop what all of those things were figuring into the percentages so now taken those out of the percentages so that they can inflate the percentage of people that are actually the actually test positive. That makes us yet, but, as I did hear of it, it is. When I just say about the data minute ago, they can tell when they test more people. Yet what more results and where do they get more positive cases wrecked? So, if you don't tell people what happens to the cases, they get cool for it right now. Is it funny? Is it weird anybody that this came along? This came about like right exactly when the poll showed that they were losing. What do you think it is they're going to and they're going to ramp up the pause,
of testing like they didn't florida. So you see the hot spike in results ripe for ballots, so they can drive the mail and voting there. You go hey there, you go ding ding ding there you go We need a second understand, yes, ratio. The next move. The nets move is gonna, be two aggressively task right and drive the positive cases up again, and then I'm going to saying this: I'll make sure you record this clip, as I can't wait to push this through months and tell her by a fuck off. Oh, my god. The circular wave is here with us, We pause of cases good I'll get in trouble. The bulls care about this put out of work in davos and pursue, as was common and its common whenever they start testing again as it. So
Don't cut that up and make it nice and will put it in the future show about six weeks from now, but here's the truth, if you and just stop and think and understand that these people do not have your interests in mind, do not care about. you do not fuck and, like you I dont want they. All you are is a fucking you're the movie, the matrix meal, wakes, some music, that fucking pod, all you are as a mother, fucking pod. For them you are a fuckin taxpayer. you get to go out work and they still have your fuckin money. Then, when they want you to stay home, they bribe you with your own fucking money. then you pay on the talks and you're going back. Oh yeah, that's a whole another thing: yeah! Let's talk about that. How many people who took those took that you know then shut their backs on having their taxes withheld and they took that money, and then
in fucking for more while five months or six months, whenever they gotta start doing their taxes, they're going to find out that they owe tax on their money yup and it's going to fucking bear. he's a whole bunch of more people are refused it well issues like honey. It's I said. No, we have pay their back, while I'm just saying you it, but how many of you will know that they don't know, and that was on purpose to restoring indebtedness, if you saw Chris Como came out last night on a fucking secret phone call talking about how the media hates america, you fuckin heard it they're. Now your friend, he said it like five times right and they're, not You're fuckin for actually agree with Chris come on out there now four confirmed at all, not often no, no, it's not But when someone says something the smart, I will fuckin agree with that, and I agree with him. Well,
it'd make our viewers or excuse me, make our listeners on the coast feel better. I think that the greatest animosity to have the the liberal media and the liberal establishment has is over the over the people that they consider flyover country. They think we're all a bunch of morons we're just in the midway when the heartland wheedle we're not sophisticated. Liberals like they are that's facts I mean they just They'll be under ask all evil mission to people of Kansas people. Missouri gully hate us go, look at. Go, look liberal means. I know what you want to know. liberals, think of fucking conservative people I'm in the middle brow like I'm totally about like social freedoms I'm a more of a libertarian and adjust the fucking like. I believe, Then your freedom and your right to do whatever the fuck you want now. Do we have that taxes? Should everybody possesses yeah should bases pay, taxes, yeah, Should everybody pay the same way? I believe in that variable
We paid the same rate. We wouldn't have a fucking problem with, with with the deficit, what they don't. That's a whole nother discussion that we can talk about when I'm president not fix, but let's think about this Look at the liberal means those fuckin means memes. Those right right wing means. But if you pull up liberal means they will portray us ass people who are from America There are not from california or new york right right, that's it! that's it. Everybody else is not from new york or california. They portray us as redneck no teeth like dumb fucking people, and you could see it in the fuckin means. Because it's always the same kind of dude and me right what they better flag. They that's right, they think were stupid and they think they're superior.
And that's how they get people to go along with it, because why doesn't it feel good to be superior and, if feel good, to be better than people think it feels good? Doesn't it feel good to trust the experts, because the experts are smart, they've spent all this time setting these issues so surrey they, of course they know what, if you were gonna, if you're gonna be a part of a group, would you rather be a part of the smart group, or would you rather be a part of the dumber right and what's ironic about it, is that you can't ask one of those motherfuckers. Why they're voting for fuck Joe Biden, and get an answer. It doesn't involve downturn. Well, I think, the Dnc? I watch both whom I watch both the democratic national convention and the republican national convention. We always we teach. You know about poor sales tactics right, poor sales, tactics are when you all you do is talk about how bad the competition is,
how great you are, or your policies or why you should buy a car from your dealership, but why you shouldn't, buy a car from their dealership and what's interesting when you look when you, when you look at both of the conventions, the entire democratic convention was based around hatred of trump division. They were trying to create division through hatred, tribe and when you look at the entire republican national convention, it was It was about america really was in an I do. I am central, I would say the dangerous and I am very much libertarian in that regard. but I do mean more right from the standpoint, especially what's going on now, but you know that they they they operate there. People up on both sides, no doubt about it, but one was about policy and one was about. You know what we've done and what the republicans have done, or specifically what trump has done over the last four years, which he's been very good for our country from a lot of from a lot of different
perspectives. But when you just look at it from a sales tactic standpoint you think about one guy: he can't they can't come up with anything to stand for other than just simply talk shit and the other person. The salesman talks about. You know why you should buy my car and why you should shop with us and why you should interest. Not hey fuck that got on a street he's a piece of shit, his their ford sucks. You don't look at that and, as you know, and I just thought to myself like a man You know this is what this is the legs you're standing on now, you know you're going to result in and then they come out just few weeks after that. Talking about how you know the the writes are trying to create divide, and it's like you just spent four fucking days on national t v at night creating divide through hatred and not say one thing about any of the violence? Now one thing I fucking one thing, but now they stand now now now, because the pole, the poles post the convey you're coming out now, they're gonna, take it all against the violent. Do they use that kid out there that seventeen year old kid?
Kyle they you him as the fucking right with this. This is why, when violence are you fucking insane, Are you fucking and say how many people been killed in his fucking rights. How many people the been with the fucking, less police presence? new york city is so fucking bad. It may never come back. They never combated it'll be twenty years, it'll be twenty fucking years to get it back because of this one year they fucked up and yet how many of those people in new york and how many of those people in california, with their fucking world, burning the fuck are still going to vote for the same motherfuckers. When are we going to wait? The fuck up do in this again This is not about republican or democrat. This is about fucking America Why is save american? Now? You all know where to fuck we gotta go where the like it or not. That's the truth, and hopefully
in the next four years. We have some new Democrats, and so actual fucking people that have that value that are not far left. Fuckin went job, booker's, You want to eliminate everything and makes fuck in america. we can actually have. A civil society are two party system. Or maybe the whole system just gets bored, the fourth down right now We start over. I don't know, but I'm just saying this. I hope that people are intelligent enough to recognise that if you are a democrat in these democratic cities are burning down. They ve been democrat, run for forty fifty four sixty, sometimes a hundred years you're smart enough to understand whose fucking fault it is that your city is in a shitty spot, fucking donald trump. That's it oh donald trump,
came along and fucking three and a half years and major city suckers set for a hundred years. Man, you big in fact for fucking your whole life. You have a california, you guys have begin fuck forever. I order you are too. Why thing it's interesting? You know about was home state right, and I think everybody here you know we all hid. His charisma was on point. He was a great politician and a great scheme of being a panel, you wanted a roof robot. Yet we we did listen. I don't go for a walk. But I didn't want to lose you. No. I wanted him. I wanted him to be what He said he was gonna be and he wasn't, but that's a red, white and blue mindset right, and I think that they're in, but back to my point, you know you look at chicago's crime right, like you'd, never changed. In fact it is statistically.
Proven. It's gotten worse way worse and it's gotten worse in the inner city neighborhoods. You know where you should create the change, because chicago is a fucking, great city and and and no you think, back to those times. I never once wished bad for that man. No, you don't! think about being part and if you're going to create change, we always say do be the change you want to be, and that means sometimes you gotta fuckin swallow swallow your fucking pride. I didn't vote for the man either doesn't mean I don't like him doesn't mean I wouldn't want to drink a beer with him. I just thought he was weak policy and you know I think, the economy that he proved showed that he didn't really understood. I don't like him now I like them anymore at all. No, no but I'm talking about in the presence right, like I, you know, hey man, but I didn't root against her own mother, fucking team right- and I certainly you know, he's our president. I'm going to respect that man I'm going to fucking, I'm going to hope that I'm fuckin wrong not wish that he's a fuckin that he fails.
That's a different mindset to understand like and sometimes you've got to swallow your shit and fuckin root for the man root for the team. I think what a lot of americans recognize is that. We ve been told by the media about the liberal intelligentsia. The donald trump is a liar, and yet we know that the liberals lie just as much if not more and on what we ve been told that he's a racist, and yet we know that the democratic party and the far left are just as much racists and promote racism in their own way way way way. There fell more alison did the shit that people say about battle. Trumpet Racist is all based in lies, an accurate information, the quote everywhere, likes to fucking use again as a fucking headline, that they say about charlottesville right right, go just watched that the other day, I'm not gonna, tell you the fucking story go research it for yourself and see what the fuck he actually said.
He did not say what they told you and why your repeating itself? Do you want going then they say: will kitchen cages? That's the other fuckin thing they say yeah b, people come in from another country on document. We don't know Any fucking we have no idea if those kids are being trafficked. We all know of those kids. Are being stolen. We don't know we don't know. If the parents are the parents who gets what they do, they take the kids and they take the parents and they dna testing. the figure out who the fuck belongs to who and guess what happens whenever they figured out. They go back together and if they're, not they don't right. I don't think that's a reasonable solution. Not only is it reasonable dude it's standard. Now I do a bomb. I built a mother fucking system, a bomb ability green bell. Would oh god, what was right to build it? He was right.
fucking. Do that. You're saying so what the fuck, so all this shit that people repeat. About the racism and about this, and that is all bullshit, haven't within. Do that's the truth hate them at all. You want but realise the reason you hate me cause you're your fucking eager and you're not willing to look into the facts. That's it like him, because he says fuck and smarter shit. You know like because he Brad's about himself. Well, we you got the whole fuckin media machine hating. I'm guess what he has to do here. tell you what the fuck you did good. Otherwise you won't hear about. Well it most. Importantly, you voted for you didn't vote form in here Winning. I'm tell you this. If I play for a fuckin sports team, ok, like bilbil What check is not a loved coach? Nobody knows Many people, love Bilbil, check play for him now in a golden mobile.
They retire with what they say. It's a fucking hated you fucking hated Amira fuckin was the best I ever was. I got pay eh. I fucking made a career for myself. I fuckin it. I got a second chance. You wanna watch watch what cam newton does cam Newton's going to become the fucking best thing ever you can if people all the fuck you want, but at the end of the day the results tell the fucking story and if you can't accept that you're going to have a difficult time in life, that was my point. The reason the hatred comes into play is they voted for. Somebody opposed to trump, not trump kicking fucking ass, don't like it! you know what I mean. Why not, and I like it, I like kicking ass. No, but that's my point is that that's the ego that comes out in front of them again like for different reasons, and I you hate double hate him, because he makes them smart ass remarks and he's kick. in and ass. You know like yeah, but if everybody would put their fuckin bullshit side and say is mine I better. Now
or worse now, most people wait until february would have said my life is way fucking better. Now your unemployment itself was like three and a half percent, and at that rate, at three and a half percent the lowest. It's ever been that's three and a half percent of america. Doesn't want a job. They don't want to work. That's right! You can't get it to zero, because people don't want to work yeah and that's and that's part of the deal so you'd think about like the opportunity that the stock market at all time high. Jobs are at an all time, high unemployment, an all time low, small businesses, thriving everybody's workin, things, Iraq and like how the fuck. Can you not like that because somebody tells me like it, so you do it just like people tight. They like they tell you that you should fuckin live in a bubble in your basement and people do it. Well, then, I'm here to tell you you should like em
Do that you guys in the grand scheme of things this is probably not the biggest point to make, but can we just not let a moment pass without taking a second to recognised during the democratic primary, when Joe Biden was accused of being a harasser sexually inappropriate. Can somebody please tell me what comma harris's position on that was PAMELA. Will the position was that she believed the victims right and she trusted the victim. and that Joe Biden was a sexual predator? And yet you know rom except yet nobody, except like What I mean letters eurozone? What does that tell you about her care well, and also tells you lot about me to move forward. A flock relates fucking. In an effort to shit where they say, for you got this guy up in in Kenosha that got shot in the fucking back, who raped a woman, and they're, making them into some fucking martyr he's not even that.
we'll making a menace of fucking symbol of fucking oppression. This do to check the whole thing was over back man. Why do we just have a bunch of fucking? weak ass, mother fuckers that are willing, and that say the truth. That's the truth. That is the truth. you don't want to see the truth, because you contributed to society that condemns and everything. In person. Every point this is something that you like, and your part of that and now you'll like it either dude. I'm fucking ready for this to welcome you. I'm ready for america unite, I'm ready for people to but their differences aside, put that fuckin flag first and understand
And that we are so privilege here in this country to have this, if you you mentioned eastern bloc, your friend, we have a number of immigrants at work here for The eastern bloc, Saint Louis, has a huge population of those types of people who come from that area, but ass one of them has got some guy and not ask any of them. What the fuck it's like in america versus What it's like, where the fuck therefrom, then they they're laughing at her laughing at fucking. Natural born americans in you, fucking, dumb fucks, don't realize how good you have. That's. That's embarrassing me. These people on the fucking internet reposted, all this crazy shit, showing up in all black sea Reading the death of a fucking. Person they executed,
This is american. Now, american off we let it and I am I and I think I think that there that's the stance. I think we're lotta people get left him. where they get where they get anxieties? You're, not alone? you know you talk about standing up in the store you take him ask I stand up for yourself like that person dear, I left likely believes same thing. You believe. Unlike the usa view you forget, going the gas station get a soda without a mask. They won't check you up. Here's what you do you go in the future, Can gas station to get you fuck amount? Do you walk The counter you laid out. Five welcome boxing. You walked the fuck out. You mean a story of the day in your fuckin, I, but it starts with one. I did that about a week ago. I want now to go. Fuck wit trip quick trip for, nobody where mask. I want to get a fork and I dont pepper, Thus our demand do so. I fuck away
sir no mask sir sir Sir. I kept walking straight to the fucking cooler. Pick out the fuck amount. Do I won't like a kid check out without a mask? Take them! books on my wall, I put on the fucking thing. I walked out the door, yes weapon, nothing! Nothing! It yes, but they were talking about the rest of the day. What would you do that Motherfucker fucker would got pissed off yeah realised and I was already pissed. No, no, no, but I'm not going to flock and take it out on some employee, that's being forced to do it. Nonsense, yeah about fucking guy quint tribute. Thank you, wanna fuck! Indeed, no shit, it's more. Cover outside my guide, the zoo man. I can promise you right now use they can holy fuck. I guarantee he's going to think twice about an extent that was my whole purpose. My purposes like I'm going to make this guy's butt hole as tight as fucking physically possible, so the next time he has to have that interaction. He remembers, but I mean dude, it's for all of the people out there saying
the euro care about anybody motherfucker go look at the science Oh, look at the data on the cdc website read about high asymptomatic transmission, is a fucking myth in there's. No proof to it go read about them Actual statistical healthy des there's been less than a hundred des under the age of fucking. Thirty years old, hundreds of healthy people, audrey I think it goes back to right if we have ten thousand actual deaths or we give up for that. Yeah no and while the show goes back to we have ten thousand actual deaths of coven, we still get fifty sixty thousand a year flu right right, oh by the way, not this year, though this year, the flu was much much easier ones. Even though last year was a record year oh by the way, all these other seasonal things that kill people are all way down to. Why do you think that is what you think is going to come out in the next twelve months, yeah real data
that's right. Real data shows that these fuckin jackass took all that fuckin a flu. Who does the seasonal sicknesses, all the things and they put em all undercover fuck us, that's all coming out hope. Guy that everybody listening hope speaks up to hold these people accountable. They need to be imprisoned or, worse my opinion, if you're willing to fucking destroy people's livelihoods to keep people from seeing their loved ones to ruin people's careers to ruin people's business. is that they have twenty thirty, forty years it you're insane louis. We have a wonderful tradition of old restaurants. I been around for generations that are run by people there,
ways that we all know how many of those places income we ve been thought. We haven't been kind of thought. We ve been fought in the fact that there are people on fucking tv Going into a fucking business, they closed not abiding by the own, their own rules that they said, in place and then blaming the business for not enforcing issue piss, all of you to fuck off. and you vote for that. Now. To bring light to the situation. That's what he's talking about Nancy Pelosi, shutting down the salon for how many months since march, at seven months,. Our chamber you do san Francisco has been completely shut down: the soul, tat yeah, almost completely shut down like you'd best we're honey. Let's
Why do they can't do shit? Could you shit? I talked to to J and J's always like to wait. You guys can go to a restaurant, yeah yeah, you can you know they. They find that to be ira at you know ironic, but it's like I dunno I it makes it makes me sad to think that they are actually humans on earth. That would do that to another human meaning to completely destroy their lives and livelihoods in generations of work and and sweat and tear Yours and you think about that flag and what it stands for and how many people have died for that flag, standing to make america what it is and there's a small group of people like you, identified earlier small group of powerful people that have a lot of money and a lot of control
all who are willing to sacrifice all that effort and sacrifice in an defame that that american dream, if you will that so many people spent so much time energy and for building and to think that there are actually people like that on earth. Oh that's a hard time. It's a hard thing for me to process, and then you start to see all the pedophilia stuff come to me ground and and Not even correlating soon you start realisable, somebody can do that to a little child. Certainly- Somebody can do this for their own benefit. You, you know, that's part of like. getting older, really seeing what people are capable of right and you start to think it makes me sick. It makes me sad, and one behalf makes me sick and on the other, and then it makes me realize like if we're gonna live by the b.
the change you want to see. That means that we gotta stand a first and when you look at or you think of as a listener, you know because you know it is uncomfortable to be that person. It is uncomfortable to get in that situation. What you think about the people who lay down there lies before us. That was an uncomfortable situation to get us to the situation, and you know we might not have to grab guns and read the beaches of noise. Monday, but we got a stand. The fuck up and we gotta go fight that war on our own turf against people who are willing to fuckin. Take us down and they're here, that enemy is here. It is a realistic. It is a real thing. Is not a fake thing, it's not a kind of thing. It's a fucking thing. It's our obligation as community as people is where sharing and liking and talking about the podcasting, came in like we are not alone. I know we're the only group of fucking, however many people, the fuckin, think this way now and
got a stand up together because our hell out hard fuckin back as a unit than we are as one and I think when you look at team dude, if we're going to be the change and we're going to fucking, set the tone and we're going to fucking go after it, we gotta do that shit together. They're counting on the fact that that that americans won't come together, they're counting on the fact that this racial, this false racial division that they've tried to create, is going to fester and and and provide a bigger gap. That's what they want. What they want is for fucking white people and black people to fucking hate each other so that they have a position to to cater to to vote right. But I got bad news for you: mother fuckers, forty percent of fucking black people, but a voting a voting for tromp and that's getting bigger every fucking day. Why do you think that is because people are starting to realize that This is america. This is a white america. In black america this is a fucking, the rich and the poor. This is america,
And dude, if we ever want to have what america is supposed to be, we cannot do it, killing each other on the fucking streets of this country period how'd, you fuck what your political boy saw and that shits gotta hit. It's gonna stop and you mentioned the pedophilia thing people, don't your people even there to learn about you guys do. Let me tell you. You guys were listening right now, should do a lot of work. Separating your own personal feelings from what you thought was true about everything. get ready to find out a whole bunch of shit. You're gonna have a hard time. Fuckin digesting has its common, the fuck out,
And you guys said all that conspiracy theory; no, it ain't. No, it ain't. This had thirty for something kids found in fucking atlanta. We had fucking over one hundred kids found up in michigan Fox news: that's what spoken scary time on the news, Why is it on the news? It should be the top. Why isn't it so? Why isn't? It is those who control the news? Don't want it on their. What why? Why don't they wanted on? I guess what There either are involved in No somebody involved no mean when you control the media. Is I mean it's a one was one right? I dunno man. You know, I think. No. I got a couple of questions for you because your prediction, trains ruin, is: what's her name
Just gazelle Maxwell de lage. Has lain maxwell right, Maxwell think so that should get to testify. You think she makes it attempted to testify it if she gets. I may if she suddenly like commit suicide. I almost think that that's whatever dark forces are in control of their almost think that that's overplaying their hand, because I do think that that will get people's attention. I don't, I don't think I think she safe. I think they ve been deposing her this whole time. I think that the day I think they ve been proposing her behind the scenes. This whole time.
Oh you mean it. You mean the authorities yet gotcha. If I was trump I'd have her as she be in the white house, be downstairs in a white also and people say well, trump's trump's, trump's associated with Epstein know he's fucking. Nut trump was the motherfucker that kicked him out of his clubs. Trump was the motherfucker that fucking call the f b. I on him, oh and guess what the f b I the epa I knew about it. Here's! Let him do it where to find out about shit, man, people, ain't gonna like it, and it's going to rock their core beliefs. I would suggest this to you if you, if you are a traditional democrat, and you believe all these people that you ve life for years and years and years are fuckin heroes of yours. I knew heroes pretty soon. Because you're going to look silly. When all the shit comes out, you will feel embarrassed. The other thing that I would say is that if you'd been fighting this fight, fighting at fighting it and you know you're losing. You know that
you're, not right! Why are you continuing to fight against it? Why are you continuing to argue? Why are you continuing to post shit on social media and attack people as a fucking, losing it's going to lose. join the winning team. I can give you a hug win. That's why people all that's why people are forgetting that they think that they emit it that no air belong haiti one. I think that's a good lesson. Tat lesson: Mozart, humility there's nothing better than seeing someone come to the truth. I fucking love it well I mean we've all been in that situation right where you draw your line in the fucking sand and I'm fuckin right and fuck blah blah blah blah and you go through it and you know they put it on. Social media for months and they're fucking Sharon, and then he start like fuck man. Well, I can tell you right now
run the others, and I've been on both sides. When you can see a person, man or woman admit that maybe there's some fault in their some wrong, and I didn't see things correctly and have that. dont conversation will respect respecting around here around. He recalled the man conversation to be a female conversation could be a woman conversation, but I'm saying like gotta have that tough difficult conversation admit that you are wrong. You gain a lot more fucking respect for that person. If you just dig your fucking feet in and act like a, asshole, here's some of the best conversations I've had in some of the newest friends. I've had have been people who have been traditionally left who were like fuck man. I ain't down with this shit. I know I'm like Thank you. Thank you for being a reasonable person so that we can potentially preserve this great country. I think there's more more people like that. I just got together with a friend of mine who, like you know, late twenties so from a different generation than we are, and he,
historically socially liberal, politically liberal, a little bit more sympathetic to some of the democratic ideas I hadn't seen him in a long time we sat gathered together the coffee shop. He said I got a surprise for esa. What's that he goes on the most conservative. I've been in a long time. I said: whoa okay do tell he's, like I gotta admit I kind of like trump and I said, ok cause this- if you nervous guy like this, was born my mind- I I bear it explained this. He said Donald trump is a flawed. Dude he's got his issues he said what I find ironic is the number of people that think he's the greatest threat to democracy. He said: there's no way. He said if you look at what's goin on he said greatest threat to our rights and democracy is coming from the left, not the rightness right any, said so. I he said a lot of people that I know they're sort of my my orient nation. My political bent, which again is more
left leaning. He said this. This has got to far the left as overplaying their hands. They ve gotten out of control I think I just think he said I have issues without drop me said he's better. Than the alternative, but I mean I, I think rightly This is this is also an identifying. Are too, we need to make sure were, were clearly explaining, as you can't get down with male in voting like mail in voting. Can happen because them, if we allow mail in voting the habitats, the opportunity for corruption that they would like to have a going back to us, are whole plan nor understand. But we did. We didn't unpacked that piece of shit. You know each asked about why testing will go up, so they get mail and voting. Why mean you have to you have to think about all of the potential of, comes. I can happen with if you have a male and vote who could duplicate the vote? Who could skew the number. how many dead people get bush to IRAN, that, oh by the way, postal services endorsed by the say, no
by the way for, though, that I did not know that had the postal service, the union post, the postal workers endorse your by which is fucking ironic, because our? U s ps driver here, could not be. further from the row. The teamsters did too, and I went on the teamsters page. The teamsters wrote a fuckin posts et said: does the union's or are traditionally pro democratic, irish there. Why right, I get it, but we're not talking to them a crack this year we're talking about fucking, communis. Ok, these p but what they get in power, they want a fucking, a limb. They won't lemonade. People like us, people are, you need. People were patriotic people who fuckin staff were done that, if I can, I will kill you. it will regard. Will you up in fucking, eliminate you that's what communism is you guys get that like and all the people on the street right now, writing a shit you, you know they do to people and companies, countries that do that shit thea they fucking, kill.
You motherfuckers out there you guys you're fuckin, misinform dude, Just tell any man these people, don't like you don't care about you. I don't want you to win they don't want you to be better and if you add, if you have any inkling at all in your soul, to be in a better position in life. Then you are today in five more years or ten more years, twenty more years, you need freedom and you need democracy. He capitalism and or any other fuckin system. There is no chance for improvement. That's a fact go! Do we have a problem? in this country, with understanding history in understanding concepts and understanding real shit and by the way that was done on purpose? I was and for the last twenty fucking years in our education system, where they taught kids all this other fuckin bullshit instead of teaching them real shit, the real history instead of teaching them all the things
is that we learn grown. I mean like taken Jesus out of schools, but making sure that gets know that they have the opportunity for new teaching about transgender rang, but what the thought, when our six years old you look what they fuck man. You know. I have a fundamental issue that has not only do like we have. We have transgender family members, there's nothing to do with what I might stances on that because in my head I don't care if you're, gay straight black white, like that's, not like in my brain that doesn't qualify, but then you can't fucking care. If I want my kid to fucking, learn about Jesus right, what I'm saying? Okay, you can't like that's not fair It was back to their bullying tactic, it's okay! If it's my way, but it's not, I think america's done with this shit. I think america has done with this boy we're seeing the last friday in the death rattle of this shit, which I'm excited about Let's be real, do but I'll give a fuck anymore. Call me all you want a funk.
I'm not gonna live like that. Don't say I did you know sad about this whole thing. these titles and names and enables being thrown around people now like massages, rapist or or are you know, racist? Right everybody, some sort of east: the problem is through the yeah. But the problem is that oh well, what's the problem with that one? Well, if what happens in fucking five more years, what happens in five more years or two more years or one more year or tomorrow you take the value of the name, that's right and what happens when real racism happens? It's almost like a licence. What happens when real rapists is rather no one listens. What happens when real abuse is happening? No one listens and you could take the fucking love for that.
Because they just create a whole bunch of more unheard victims by their overuse of terms that are not appropriate. I think that goes back to one of the lessons we talked about. You know a lot of lessons you learn in life. You learn at a very young age and it's the boy that cries wolf. You know if you're constantly just fucking cry: wolf when wolf comes, nobody listens at net sad, who knows the real victims of things like racism in things like rapists and and massage agnes and discrimination. There's real! That's real! it's. No one saying that's fucking, fake aerial, very real and if you answer that which dude. The conservative image that pay about a media, so fucking mislead. they painted, as if everybody there is wearing some fuckin white, pointy hat and run, round burning crosses in shit, which is the fucking absolute, its absolute garbage.
Is there a one percent or fucking point zero zero one percent or point zero? One percent of racist fucks out there yeah but you're going to find racist black people to a lot of people, don't like to hear that I don't like to say: oh racism, go both ways will know a camp because their prey same races all only want now. That's listen, races. Comments, bigoted comments, welcome biased comments. All this is the same right now an end and an I I saw a fuckin mean data, be alarmist kkk with a tan. I thought I was really creative. I mean if we're gonna be fuckin. Real. Ok right has kkk num lock as that I I think all of you, mother, fuckers, should get fucked. That's what I think you know I'm tired of the shit so like I'm, I'm ready for like america, I don't give a fuck if you're black, I don't care. If you're white, I don't care. If you're gay,
care. If your fuckin used to be a dared, not your check or used to be a check. Now you do, I don't give a fuck, I don't give a fuck, I think most americans yeah, and I will let you were led to think that that we're all at each other's throats snow or not, but I would say a year ago today, that's where we we were closer to much closer year ago that we are today. That's right, I would say that you know when you look at the progression of of man, and if you will like that, maybe a little bit misleading though so, because the I do not think that on the street level that we're any worse than we were a year ago. I don't think that I think we have We do have some like quote, unquote, Karen's right who like Wanna fuck and demand everybody do everything they like in guantanamo stream. It
I like these people who are irrelevant in other areas of life. They want to take it upon themselves to tell you how to fucking live. You know I like the carousel lady at the zoo, yeah. That's the we have more. We are more of those people. I agree and that's causing a little bit of a divine interracial. Do I know I think in terms of like equality, in terms of racial. You know like indication and harmony and also with you now algae bt You and everybody else, and I feel, like honest Rita by get along for the most part. I think it little misleading because I think the media's making it look like a few hundred or a few thousand people are what is reflective of society and- and we all know- that's not true. I am not you know. Around the park here: forest park and mill city, you fuckin lack people, there's why people there's gay people, there's transgender, but I guess whereby does when you go I'm on the trail.
Those are the only way they like it is, I can not what they say it is. We have these outlier groups, left and the right that the the media is making it seem like that's what the right and left is is not true. That's why I'm sympathetic towards traditional democrats you're a lot like a lot of the you know. A lot of the hardcore republicans are like what the fuck. you came. No, no, that's your problem. Your problem is not reasonable and you create the divine. I have sympathy for traditional democrats right now, because it's very high, hard to have those ideals and say you. Those ideals right now, because a lot of a lot of people who work in Serbia have right now, which I am conservative right now with what's going on right now, I am concerned. I don't. I look at those fuckers way out there on the on the end, and, unlike you fuck, you guys you gotta fucking up for us to fuck it up for everybody
I know that's how traditional democrats view what's going on with the fucking marxist blm and antifa shit like dude, what the fuck these people are fucking us up or make us look like this, and this and this and this they're just as pissed I hear it I get. I I this this show is broad reaching politically. sam like, but I hope those people. I hope you guys who are these Democrats? stan its powers, your ideals and what you're trying to what you believe you ve gotta vote for fucking constitution for freedom. You have to otherwise it won't exist in four more years, you won't even have an option of all for it: yeah you're going to have to tip earlier writer use you're gonna have to probably vote we're trapped and additionally in we're hate hearing a dude and its
It'll be a hard thing to digest. I get it and I understand it, but you gotta look at the greater good long term play here right. We always talk about. What's the long term plan, that's a long term plan. I guess you know in in you know, for me, luck, closing thoughts. You know it's like. I think there are a lot more people that love America than being led on right. I totally agree and I think, when you look back the most the most patriotic time in my lifetime, that I have felt was post nine eleven and it took it, took a lot of casualty to kind of create that love or add in that flag, and you know it it does it's it's it's a life is about perspective and understanding you have to. You have to go through lows to appreciate the highs, and I think right now we're going through a very long low and that low is creating perspective for a lot of things. You know like I'll, never take a fucking baseball game for granted. Again, oh shit, you know I'll never take going to the movie theater again. I would pay so much money to take my son to go. Watch a new pixar film. You know to sit down and have popcorn bill data expert,
and you look at perspective. Ok, we have to go through loans in order to appreciate the highs. That's that's. You know, that's my point, as it has been on. All of the situations are all you know on this entire situation, but the positive spin for the for the patriotic side of this. This war, which is you know we are in, is I think we have to learn that there are a lot more people who love this great country than fucking hate this great country and don't buy into that fucking. Media bullshit and we have to go through these things, to appreciate what we have and who we love in the end, the freedoms that we do have black white, gay straight and yet Is it? Is it equal across the board? No, its not, and you know, like, unfortunately, we are that something to work towards yet and we are progressing and have progressed a society that doesn't mean burned a mother fucker to the ground. You know we're not. Nineteen twenty any more right. We had to fight to get where we're at and we're going to continue to fight to get better, and I think when you look at the world,
as these right now, although it seems very shitty, we have a lot of great things coming. You know. I think unity is one of them because through this, you know we're going to really see the true colors of a lot of pieces of shit and we're going to cleanse those pieces of shit. You know let's get em office. Let's get him out of fucking, voting rights. Let's get him out of the media democrats and republicans emmett democratic republic and must take these pieces of shit and let's move them out of the way, and if we the out of the way. Together, we can go back to having our supper views. You have sound like right, but right now we're one motherfucking team. We have looked way like we have to your point. We have to preserve the constitution of america. Because what you realises us from smart motherfuckers, you know it is really it's eerie. When you think, can you talk about
go look at history, history repeats itself and that piece of paper that document was written so that history does not repeat itself and so that we have an opportunity to stand for what it took to build this great country- and so I look at perspective, is the lesson that I've learned is and there's a lot of things that I'm going to take or not take for granted any more being american is one of them good stuff I tell I am. I am at a loss for what his name is, but there's a video going around right now about a black southern democrat he's a representative in, I believe his house representatives in georgia- and he just delivers- is fantastic. They will find his name and will put the link on our page, but he gives this just incredible incredible speech on the floor of the georgia house of representatives and basically says I, I marched with martin luther king, like I'm old enough to remember that and the two things that he pointed out was, he said. You know king was obviously a very powerful, powerful inflow
for civil rights, but he said the distinct difference between the way king waged his war against racism. In the way it's being done now is he said, markets a great country. a merry there's no country like amerika, the problem is the is just not living up to its ideals, and if america lived up to his ideals, we would fight against racial injustice. We would fight against you know all the repercussions of the or the left off negatives of slavery is now it's america sucks marriage, the worst country. We hate america, it's nothing but good, nothing, but bad news? The other thing the guy says. As he says, when I marched, we were very, very, very sensitive to making sure that we conducted ourselves appropriately. We very, very sensitive that we were dressed nicely that we were people who were people of character. He said we ve lost
So I really encourage everybody and I'm not saying all the all protesters are all the all the people involved in in the racial justice fighter or not. You know, conducting them as well? But I really encourage everybody to listen to this guy just I dunno Google, like southern Democrat, a house representatives georgia, your likely to come up with the name but listen to it. We just all as a society need to say markers great. Of course it could be better and less. Let's get back to doing what monolithic kings which is instead of dividing based on race or or whatever, let's all focus on the character over or the content of our character. I think if we do that, we're going to take a huge step forward. I love america and I'll. Never falcon apologise for that. Ever ever am never fucking happen. I'll die before apologize for. The martin Luther king relied day he was march in the way he marcia fuckin march with them. I don't you
would a new word and I think all you guys were too. This is now that and this the problem here is that this is trying to be made to that. That is a different thing and if we want to fucking you through it, we are going to have to unite we're. Gonna, have to look at them, reality that what we want, Not what we wish it was not what how we think it should be. what we have to address the reality of what's going on, Listen to this show or me for any amount of time. You know that the reason This is called relay off is because it stands or real. It. in real ism, stand for fucking facts. The way to make change in the world is not a dream. It it's to address the facts and I think
and we would all be in a much better spot. We are willing to read. pass the headline and do some digging and get uncomfortable and look at the facts then discuss how to change the facts if we don't like them, but the matter of fact is that a lot of the facts, dont back up anything of what's going all right. Nothing now corona not be alarmed movement that well. Let me clarify that. the bill, I'm organization, the idea of bail em like last matter of love as it does matter, and they do matter, but I think all black lives matter, so we're gonna get together we're gonna have to fucking get together and the good news is. I agree with what you said, so I agree that the fact that we ve all went through this together and the fact that we ve had this pain.
And the fact that we were starting to recognise and wake up to what's been happening. I I think that when this is all done, we're gonna have a much more united america where How many more freedoms we're gonna have a lot of the ship bags out of the way, including the big farmer, companies, including people who, with All cures diseases, so they make money on the treatment, gonna have better america when this is done, If your frustrating you're angry, you don't know what to do remember what I says: real simple. Repass the headline. Do your research look at the actual data that parts of the data real? lies at these people? Do not like us, they don't care us. They, then that this is about them. Not you. and also- and this is a big one- understand that we all want the same things And its shouldn't matter, whether your boy or whether you white or whether your asian or whether, your american indian,
or whether your woman or a man or whether you're some version of a woman or a man and change yourself purposefully. I don't give a fuck, But I'm going tell you right now: you guys ever want what we had The freedoms that we had the businesses that we had the economy that we had a chance to improve our lives that we had the ship. Isn't. going away, it's fucking gone, you ever want to back again. I would suggest putting your ego aside and putting your previous book he's aside and taking a real good look at yourself in the mere understanding. Are you saying what you say because it's what you think you're supposed to say and what You're told the say are because you get likes and shares or Are you actually saying what the fuck you believe, because irish
Here's to believe that most people are evil, but I see a lot of evil going on right now, I see a lot of hate going on right now. I see a lot of wise being told right now about the way people are. I see a lot of bad things and I don't that is america, I think it's it's a representation. It's a show, it's a fucking play that were being forced to watch. That makes us believe. That's how we are. We are not that way. So my message is this:. If you wanted to end it end when we ended. I've said this a number of times on a number of shows. This will end when we decide to end. So my close to this whole thing is that if you wanted to change, be that example of change support your fault, your fellow
Americans support your neighbors, you see someone being harassed, don't stand for it stand with them. You want companies to change their policy figure out a way not shop with those companies that are going to put this fuckin shit into play if you're an employee of the companies, you figure out a way to get here. I can see yo and have a real talk with them and say: hey mother fucker. I know you're fucking do in the ship, because this you're gonna hurt. business, because most people are not down with this anymore, we have a lot of companies are making decisions based on how things have been for the last eight nine years politically, the hate misinformation belies the anti american shit peter Were searching for companies and stand for freedom and stand for the ideals people are searching for people to support and believe it, and if you're one of these companies is forcing it
we to abide by this and this and this because you think it's gonna win you some fuckin brownie points just remember the people that you're winning brownie points from our probably know your customers, and I would take that in it. Real serious consideration. I think there's a lot of but right now that have a really bad red on the sole the temperature of the country of origin, bad red on the social temperature of. What's going on a class All genders all races all equally Comic statuses, I think we all the people who are getting their temperature from the liberal media in their misjudging big decisions in their company based upon that misinformation and that will force you to lose. If we're talking about, we could talk about this whole. Another time I actually do have to close it. But just remember whose winning right now where's the money gone where's the business going.
Who is making the most money right now? Who stands to make the most of the people who need to watch out for. I love america. I hope you do too warns you before you listen. This show you might not like it if you can't fucking detach yourself from your boots. So once again I told you I'm going to get a project spoken to from where you are so welcome.
Transcript generated on 2023-10-08.