« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

65. America: Facts And Takeaways - Part 1

2020-09-03 | 🔗

We all want the same things, and it doesn't matter if you're black, white, gay, straight, etc. Our freedom is being suppressed based on false information due to the upcoming elections. Now it's time to put our egos aside, look ourselves in the mirror, and be honest. On today's show, Andy and the crew discuss the recent statistical changes the CDC has made and how you can critically think about the information the mainstream media is giving us.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I told my teacher to pitch I'm going to give me a project spoken to the walla motion to fit most car. The only one eighty per mile was called to feed the seller, and this is the show, for the realist, say goodbye to live status and delusions of modern society and welcome the mother fuckin reality guys today got a full length show for you, but before even get and the full length show and bring it on beer. the co house of the show to put out this little p s Where were you want to call it? If you Somebody who is so rigid in your thinking that you can't even consider another thought and the first time that anybody ever says anything that you might not agree with. You're gonna get pissed off and fuckin wine. I am proud about. It turn a fuckin podcast off now. Ok, because there's a lot of other fuckers, listen the show that
I understand what the fuck it's about its about seeking the truth. It's called real f for a reason, not fucking political, correct day, ass. not make you feel good. I have not powder your fuckin ass EF. I dont really give a fuck what you fuckin feelings are to be completely honest and I'm tired. people who don't agree with the shell. You know throne. goddamn temper tantrums about don't fucking, listen, there's, fuck and plenty of other shows that, tell you what it is! You want to fuck and hear what and when a bad. That's your entire issue in your whole life. You look, for information that agrees with what it is you believe. That's called confirmation bias, you should google it and try to figure out why it is your life keeps repeating it of over and over and over again and again To you, if your honor with yourself and you go google confirmation. Bias urine,
figure out that the reason your life never fucking improves and the reason that you have the same issues and the same frustrations and the same arguments and the same. paying off. The time and it pizza self has nothing to do with the world, it has to do with your inability to accept or consider different view use. So if you're one of these people who are you know? the light to hear things that might be alive conservative or doesn't like to hear things that might be anti, what the media saying you're, just gonna give get mad listings. it's gonna be real and as much as I like make people that don't like me, mad, which I do try do you a service, and you know not ruin your fuckin day. That's my little disclaimer without being said We do have a full showed their got. My rather in here story,
informed that I can say on the air. So, what's up so what's goin on tell us the up, and we got out just talking. I figured you were just talking to the other person in the room of work in I've known our stock, we're at those is on board and, as is his first time in the in the studio, Yeah dude, like you, know, vonn used to get the first intro. Now he gets last century because I've been demoted yeah. So we do airs time. We first time it is it's a weed popsicle. well jerry. I feel like they're about it I would hurt. I was saying feels like first what where was? It feels like the first time itself told me my voices amerika s. Never good idea would not repeat it. I say what man it, but every time I come back here is like think about how girlfriend. Maybe things were Oh dear, I know that's happening that zander. Yes, I did. He say
If that's happening to a lot of motherfuckers right now, yeah a lot of most fuckers that used to fucking kick it here. They went and did other things. They hear no more they're, saying yeah, but I've moved on with your blessing burning bright na rob just giving you shit yeah, no, I know look man you're doing what you were supposed to do. Well, so it's going to be back though this is pretty cool. This is this is like we're a long way from the you know. in book interviews, yeah, you know it's! It's actually pretty interesting because about three weeks ago I walk in the morning. I walk for an hour every morning around or watch fox business or whatever, and the market was closed for some reason. So I was digging through and I went back and listened to the original episode, one of them se, oh yeah, it's actually it's pretty nostalgic to like Well, you should go, listen to it because it's I'm afraid to listen to it, because I know how fucking bad it is. It is. I know the stories good cause. I got a great idea. We should have clips from the first nfc,
yo as a real f episode and then there's just like comment on the cliffs, I doubt that get. What will the contents never change right? The delivery has changed. Well, that's like anything that Why leave it up to you the reason I leave peep, because it's bad luck. If you want to call this a too like it's, not it's kind of fun, it's like the watching our old warehouse Believe me, I thought I was asked back then, but here let's be real, did your alley? their podcast up, because in all the Emma seal episodes up- because I want you know I I I we did for a purpose- the purpose was We wanted people to have a library to learn how to win and succeed it whatever it is they're trying to do, and we happened to use the eggs. ample business. Why? Because we're business people here and I but it translates to every area and an answer what I really think is cool about their first. You know let's say fifty episodes that were there were just you know we are trying to figure it out. Is that you
No, if you're a guy right now or girl, and you're listening and you're thinking cause. I get this question all the time in the artists syndicate. I get it. You know. In the end, I get an email man, I'm thinking about starting a podcast, I'm thinking about starting a podcast, but I don't know if I have go back and listen to me. I have with the fuck it takes either you don't say like we just we just started doing and I think reality of any success that you're gonna have in any area of life becomes. I found that man and we have so many people that it is willing to. You know over consumer information and I think that paralyzes people right, I don't one of our. Why? Because I know it's gonna be bad. I was talking My good buddy the party robot he's good buddy of mine. Started his own pockets just recently, and he stood for fuckin five months. Stared. Indeed, this is like one of my best friends. I talked him every fuckin day. He's lying and indeed super now like super flock and knowledgeable, Super well spoken like
but he's got a lobby any good, unlike what If you ain't going to be good, nobody's going to be good brow like everybody's gonna, fucking suck, and he does this- he does it so fine for like a month, am I did you recorded it? Does you recall? today is not debar. Due to bar argued. Do it tomorrow, yeah we did and then he got to the point. It's like yeah. We did it, but it was shitty swirl. We do it. Eventually, He got done endured, are proud to say you did a fox awesome job, it was an from podcast and like guys, that's a testament to you as you you, you guys as well Should we say about checking yourself and holding high standards in all that. That's important, but it's also important to understand that, no matter what you do are beginning to fuck sock like we're gonna forget it Oh and some people who are good shit are gonna, be better at it than you, but you can practice, and I love that old shit is still up, so people know that now bullshit, it's real shit. I fucking did it. You did yvonne,
yes now you do it this is something that you do all the time you get better. Every fuckin show so like this is it's it's a good like exam well for people that, even still I see it, you know what I'm saying. I think that the lesson is most people never start because they're afraid veil yeah, no matter what it is, the business, the diet. The relationship. You know you want to ask the hot girl out in a corner of the room because she might say no which realizes what she says know who gives a fuck. You know what I mean like. If you fail. Who cares? That's all part of the process. You learn, move forward, get better, but most people because they're so worried about consuming all of the information that he got to have the perfect plan to fucking move and you realize like no, no, you don't dude listen man? It's I hit baseball's like how many baseball you in your life, fucking millions or baseball's legitimately I mean sound. I grew up fuck how much baseball player on as much as you can play everyday than ever
we fucking day from the time we were what I mean literally arrive. We use the air conditioners back as as the backstop, and I remember getting our ass root cause. We one day we went out there with real baseballs vs wiffle balls. We used the air commissioner, is the backdrop we beat the fight, then, in all the fence, on behind closed up their own up their conditions of life. But do we play baseball I would play baseball fucking snow. Do we play baseball every fucking day, growing up, and obviously sal is much better at baseball than I was. What the point is the first time, what do you remember how bad? I was a hit baseball's my started, I couldn't the model for can basically, I think I want a whole season like two hits for a whole. Fuckin sees it, you don't say What I mean is in everybody yeah, but that's the point. The point is it's not just: do it the first time it's the first time and be an ok that you shot and shown up tomorrow doing again colleague, Vaughan
sex life, yeah fuck he's got four kids it's doing something that just makes me just keep showing up he's like our friend miguel and he's just real effect that you know what I laugh about when I think about the first couple of years of the nfc. Oh, is that literally remember reading some article about you, no good listening when you listen to somebody, you should like make little verbal affirmations like I am right. Yeah the early, but like a girl like life, yet exactly the first. Fifty ones is basically andy talking, Amigo and yeah. I have it so annoying. Well, let's do all this guy's. This is the truth in this union. this example get into the real show here, but I think this is a good top yeah. That's like you got, should take this Sample and not just applied the pad casting what it could be applied to fucking anything right. You remember what von no bullshit you
our googling had a job and not only that we went from fucking. add to being the number one show in all categories for fucking on, it two years not too in that I mean I'm kind, sad that there is no evidence of this, but I love you remember like the first year two, maybe three years our website was bad. Feeling I was responsible for putting it together I like it was like. I think it's like what I mean you'd, you anti priscilla website, it's pretty good, but I mean the original one like some like word, press site that some high school,
Fuck you need it. I know I was just trying to figure out what to do. You know, but it did you like, but but to our point, though, the content eventually became so good people didn't care that the website site well know there s a good boy, you know so not there. We shouldn't, you know, try your best it to have a good website, but really, at the end of the day, you put some good out there. Are you going to care in the real world websites of the real world practical application areas like we get were obviously a social media company and you know in some way shape or form, and we everybody always wants to know we get somebody new. You got my first form. First format when's the right time to post what should a post? What what time should I post? How should I engage like what color should I in it now is, if you make great content I'll, give you a secret people, fucking like it and they'll comment on it. Nor did make shitty content tell the fucking truth yeah. I tell the fucking truth like what's going on with you
I got. A cinema had announced what he spoke. I did. I argue I gotta says I archive this instagram posts, but if you scroll down like the very beginning of my instagram post, there's a post on their irma ischemic, there's opposed on their where I might make in this huge I feel that we hit ten thousand downloads. Oh yeah. I remember here like home, chow weaver, we ve ryan thousand hours in thirty days, you're right, we thought we were weaken our allison yeah but hey man. You know what, though, like that's a testament to the people. Listening right, you know, are fan base in our listen ship is so loyal and so good ass. You know they do. Exactly what we say. You know they they if they get a ghost nowadays, they share it and you know oh man, you know I just oppression everybody that that does you know and amazing console be good people there?
It's good to reject the world could actually use that. That's yeah, no shit dude and that's what worry actually going to get get into talking about savant on that on that article, you read: did you know that was a transition? I did see that planet? It was a very good that was so. You are a very sorry. This is like a wholesale way. Bonds got weaknesses but give the transitions pretty. I'm sorry well. He's been rest. The aim been here rusty, yeah moves to you earlier, point about us having to get better within a c ceo. I mean to some extent when you start with relay after it was kind of like starting over again. You know what it is and we're still still figuring it. Oh yeah, I'm fine man, you know I'm excited for I'm excited for twenty twenty two fucking in You're all must be real. I mean that I may do not like personally I've crushed twenty twenty like this best shape, I've ever been all the
Companies that I'm involved in are doing great because we're forcing them to do great, I don't know, complaints, but watching the world go through. This is very disheartening. For me, I'm ready to be done with it. So we could talk about regular shit again and, like I get tired of talking about the ship tat but like what the fuck else, is going on. Like this. shut the world down completely. So I dunno man up by the way I've run into a couple of people in coffee shops in manhattan, kansas reading, seventy five heart: oh that's cool yeah, so we got our new order that comes of this friday. Awesome yeah, dude great. The other thing too, like that it's starting to light this has been bother me. I just want to say this, like a lot of people are starting to wake up and finally see what what's goin on. Are starting to see that this virus, is not really what the fuck people said. It was restarted,
We ve been manipulated that we ve been lied to that we ve been fearmongering and here is a louis, We have a got our local county exact has a man asked mandate in place and then he is making business, is force their customers to wear masks guy, which is fucking impossible by the way, dumb ass. Ok, what he's also forcing five year old, kids to wear fuckin mass school. Your fibre of your five or over now some people pissed off and I've got These guys who I talked to on line that are from saint. listen now. I know them now, all of a sudden there hit me up. I got one of an fuckin hit me arioch. They ask me what side a history am I gonna be on motherfucker grab and tell him you motherfuckers this whole fuckin time. What been going on since four in february and march. So common me. With you fucking bullshit, because you pay attention for eight months and now find
Well, you're, pissed off, ok, you can expect someone to be asked, just as you when I piss this whole time, so, let's just set that record straight. all about fucking, get everything corrected, but when you fucking, come at me in your life. we're read now worked, I told you what the fuck, Did I tell you, what's gonna happen, ok and now here we are- could have all been prevented. We ve never had a shut down in the history of the united states is never fucking happen. Ok, The statistical data has never been anywhere near what it would be to justify a shut down for this period. Their call? In the very beginning they say. Oh there's, a three four percent death rate, four percent. That means four out of fucking. Ten people are, what is it? Four out of one hundred people are going to fucking die, okay,.
What is it now its point: zero, zero, zero, zero! Three they showed us. Fucking people fall, over in the streets in china body stacked up their useful this from all kinds of other things to scare the fuck out, everybody if you remember and I'm sure we can go back, find the audio. I told you guys, If you don't know how many people have it, you can't simply no death rate. How do you know that. If you don't know how many falkiner batch you haven't baseball, how do you know you batting average? Ok, that's should be a stat that all of you, fuckin simpletons out. There should understand. If you don't know how many times you you know, fucking done any then, how do you know what the result is? Statistically you? Don't you? Don't you can't fuck? No it so I'll tell everybody this whole time. Then we would be a fuckin why
To employ I got emailed I set out to prove it on December, march flock and fourteenth african blasted, I have people all my customer service mother fucking me personally, say and then I thought you wanted to kill grandma's this man. This no, All I said was the data doesn't fuck and make sense, and now I got motherfuckers locally rallied up. Tell me what I need to fuck. It stand up. Fuck you man. I was standing up this whole fuckin time. Ok, Guys all fuckin, what is this thing and you are its end. Let me tell you how to end us stop put on your fuckin mask when you go in store opening. The business. That's. It is fortunate. how do I stop? Everybody they're, not gonna! And for all you guys who are going to fucking say: oh you being responsible blah blah blah. No, I'm not go. Look at the data
Six per cent of the fucking hoddan, fifty thousand motherfuckers that died from the shit. Ok,. six percent were killed by colbert alone mean they were healthy individuals, that's lessened, thousand individuals, but what are they? could seem like on the news they made it seem like, oh dear, if you get the shit, you're gonna fuckin die and I told you I was about trot to begin with and then and he started accusing me being some trap: ball, sucker! No, I'm not I'm a moderate! work and political figure, but now I'm definitely leaning that way because no we can accept any ideas that are outside the realm of their current thought process and is disgusting. Is fucking disgusting, You guys out. There stand for this shit non on your mass dr. Would you fuckin mask on posted on social media? You motherfuckers and the problem with this country period you're, you're, you're, creating a scenario you're being responsible. You're being
extremely irresponsible, because what you're doing I heard someone someone on on our fucking instagram, they say well, I'm getting It's on my face because I wear a mask because I do I'm willing to do the right thing for everybody. You want to do. The right thing. Take fuckin mask off because what they're doing and how their using it is too fuckin remove our freedom from this country and two demoralize us and to subvert us into a polluter cole ideology that this country, does not represent. This is a mark or see. This is, capitalism? This is not fuck. marxism this will never be socialism and it will never be fuckin communism and if that's what you want, get the fuck out of usa. That's what I think and I'm done fuck and beating around the bush on it. So if you don't, Why does shit in it hurt your fuckin feelings? Then fuckin
well way. Will listen to someone else who fuckin do whatever, but this fucking tape on this fucking rafik about showed so fuckin society? It doesn't say fuck in business. What does it say in the interim fuckin lies the faintness, and delusions and a lot of you motherfuckers, are under delusions right now in europe, and for the laws in your fallen for the vagueness and your being the faintness and ass, the full control so for you think your moral you're, some sort of moral high ground. Ok or your some sort of like anti establishment. Let me explain something else to you: you're not et. I establishment, because you agree with everything The fucking media says that the corporation says that fuckin. Ah you know that democrats say you're you're, a fucking anti. These people are run away. Like therefore, can taken into the man motherfucker. You are the man you
was aunt established right now to be a fuckin american and be proud of the fuckin flag and stand up for a fuckin freedoms? Thus, at thy me right now,. and we're seeing all this shit pushed on us from every mother fucking celebrity an athlete and what what and you wonder why the ratings are down. I mean I'm just saying like do? Do you want to get your political information from fucking lebron James Asher spoke? No, I don't you Not only do I not only do I not want to get my political information from you have to think pass the service level, like that doesn't have a fucking clue. What it's like to be in your regular person broke that motherfucker has been an elite athletes, since he was fucking said, Eight years old he's been on he, since he was an fucking seventh grade, he's worth a billion fucking dollars and he's talking about being fucking oppressed. Not I'm sorry I'm not buying and neither is most of america and that is why, statistically
their ratings are down, I don't know, what's the percentage rating god around twenty one percent won't leave is what the why were set, the statistics are women weeks, while you something to you, MR lebron, James and the fucking nba, when you speak the face of every mother fucker, the fuckin buys your tickets and where's your shit there Watch it anymore. I give my poor by politics from some fuckin. Some fucking athlete dude not like espaa supposed must be about sports. Not about
politics, you know political, the political sensation of sports as it's going to fuck sports. I think it already has fox yeah, but I mean forever yeah I mean yeah. Unfortunately, I dunno that that's true, nothing. I think people love sports and I think sports will make a comeback in that sense. I do think basketball's going to hurt that so the article that you were referring to there, the ratings are definitely down so the opening playoff game with the lakers. This most recent opening playoff game with the lakers featured. Arguably one of the greats.
greatest players in the history of the game with Lebron James, and yet it was a historically the lowest rated game in history, the nbs yeah. You know why cause he does not fucking appreciative of what the fuck he has. Okay, I watched the last dance for the first time this week, you wash Michael Jordan that falcon that's a fucking man. I said that's a fuckin athlete and that's a classy human being who wants the best for fucking everybody Andy. I you know I don't want to put any words or positions in Michael Jordan's mouth but he's been strangely quiet in all this wait. What do you make of that? I think you pry recognizes that like most people, he pride as have the fucking answer for everything, and I think these athletes to him, who are these we are politicians and actors who have made all this money. They all think, because
made money that they're, fucking, smarter or their better or their above the humans look at nancy Pelosi. Yesterday she a fuckin held on a business is that she shut down. not abiding by any other rules, then it's called out on it. Then she blow the business for that force will mask. Oh, my god, I think, is amazing about that is who who does know I'm a serious yeah who the fuck vote for that? That's my the whack jobs in san fran this girl. Now I'm into these rational, there's a lot of whack jobs around the entire world. Who support that, and I do you know if our because You have a moderate sense right back, as I think the fact that I wonder ratted her out and submitted the video is the greatest fucking thing ever. Now it is almost lost your business because I know what I mean is the greatest thing, It's almost like fire. You yeah fuck, you bitch
come on you mess of my life. I'm all make a mess of yours, but you know you look at the last at the twist in the last four or five days, the left is completely change. Their views on the entire structure of their campaign and air, which is wishy washy. They ve ever been an entire campaign. Like you know anything maize, ass Joe Biden in regards to any stance that he had whether was fracturing weathers defending the police. He said I'm not defending the police are going to reallocate the funds and then he goes out on his campaign door and he says no. No. No. I never said I wasn't going to def. I was going to defend the police and it's like well yeah you, you have audio of it. then he went in and said we're can eliminate. I can now say, and not at I never said that said it's its like. There's audio open all over the place, and then you take in this is not me being right there. me, I get a fine, hey man like you guys before you go vote left. We need to look at some of these things. They won't let him take any questions from the media and then the only
The press piece they put out is an edited video where they can control, where he's reading off a teleprompter and and him and camilla are talking back and forth or what's your name Kamala Kamala and everybody gets in trouble for pronouncing it wrong. So I want to make sure I pronounce it correctly that they're going back and forth he's just scripted reading Democrats and the left they. I have this message and it's like well wait. A minute. This motherfucker has not condemned. Rioting is not condemning them. Nobody fucking loves that message. This is all bullshit we're getting the fuck in microcosm little. This is what's going on, and I'll give a fuck. You think I'm right or wrong. I know I'm right this. What's going on the media, has focused on this little betty, tiny segment of society. When you go to portland, when we watch portland on the news, we think portland burn the fog down. Portland's got like a two block area and that's fucked up just like when we had ferguson here they made it look like the whole city, was on fucking fire me like when people would text you and be like dude. You guys saved yes, thats twenty eight miles from your math yeah. So so we have
scenario where the media has created this fucking vision on the news, alright, those mother fuckers are the only people supporting fucking fighting I so he could not come out and say: hey Black lives matter and antigua, please I'm doing that shit, because they're gonna fuck now vote for him. You understand it's all. These got no most people, even Democrats, who I know, They are telling me what do I believe the democratic values, I believe in the democratic ideals, and I or stand up to preserve those. I'm gonna have to vote republican this time just to get these fuckin crazy, fuckers off the table Indeed, it is what it is at this point man, but like I want to tell you. This people are met and people are getting matter by the minute, and these politicians have
like our local politicians here that are doing all this stupid shit. These people have they are watching the news and mistakenly thinking that the news represents all of america, and so what now? What happened? Is the poles have gone down so they look at the polls now and there, like all thought, you'd we're losing we're losing everything so now how you got como and and down lemon on cnn, saying: hey, stop burdens, shit down there are often those broken the poles. Are. You worry about the fucking olive oil or die, the have been older. People are getting fucking kill. all people losing their foot livelihoods. These bother fuckers, often that we're little peasants the date the fuckin boswell dude, I'm sick of it man, and if you agree with that- and I don't give a fuck no most of them are sure. Don't fuckin. Do anything, don't be a part of this in this in about race either, because your leisure
you have your head in the sand. You stand. A black lives matter is a fucking terrorist, organization that is funded by echo george soros, who they ship people around all over the country to clause while the shit. This is not the law we'll communities burning their old shit. This is people better hey the show up burn your shit? Why think it's they came out of this. that international, when it's mostly while people, young black people, So when you sit when I say, oh, I don't like it. politics from the brown james because he so fuckin this aside, a race thing, that's a fucking anti america thing, because the truth is and, if your black listed in this absence This is the truth. The truth is the fuckin. Why Democrats, are trying to blame this fucking destruction on the black race of america and
caning, as if it's the black america burning the country down about fucking discrimination. Talk about you know, Ah fuck up- soon I mean, let's just pick a whole culture, people and let's fuckin, make em. like they're doing all this shit. Tell the whole world are doing all this shit and I just thought that just some farther away from where they want to be. Which is a united, equal american, yeah, so you said he united equal america. They don't want that. In fact, the narrative that were divided and that were tearing each other apart at the seams actually place to their advantage, because then they can blame try. As well as very interesting the whole plan right exactly we america is falling apart. hitting each other world clawing at each other's throats, and it's all donald trump fault, very interesting. New rasmussen. Reports survey says that right now
now. A plurality of americans now believes that america will become more divided if trump is defeated by Joe Biden in the twenty two twenty election. Think about that that, in spite of all of the all of the the press that we ve seen, that shown are in our greatest cities being burned to the ground and people hating, each other and racial strife more people, now more than ever think that a trump loses the nations gonna be even more divided, which tells me that the average american has the savvy to say you know what I think Biden and his ilk make their living by causing division bro you her what I just said up what I just say. I just said I are better than yeah. They think we're a bunch of dumb fuck minions that they could fuckin tell us anything. We'll do, and apparently they cannot partially true because people shut, the company's down claw? west lance fucking.
change, their lives. Miss dude, think about this think about what they took from people. Think about this just for a second okay, think about all the people who were sick with cancer that had to die alone because of this shit. Think of all the fucking people who had careers and had jobs. I was talking to one of our friends this morning craig and he was too tell me about a friend his that is very successful. Restaurant entrepreneur, restaurant you're, ok, that guy eight months ago, was kill in life. Now you can barely pays fucking bills, pickaback think about row, It gets there. So many graduations what seasons fuckin. Do that the development that these kids, at your kid sal in your kids, bognor they're gonna have problems because when they
go to school, though that could understand how to socialize properly with other humans do row. I think the thing that so infuriating is how inconsistent the guidelines have been my mom's. Now by her husband, literally serve this country into wars and when he was dying so I'm gettin choked up like she literally could not visit him of his sincerity and yet so I'm gettin sorry and he Yet. If it's it's ok to everybody, come together in protest. You don't do that, but you can't, but you can't be it. The widow of I use dot whose serve this country and hold. his hand. Whites died like its insanity and and the people that claim special privileges for themselves are like the night. What Nancy PLO suggested that these are the politicians on the left, who think that they can just play hard and fast with the with the rules? And I think for me, I I you know
as this whole thing has unfolded, you know me dude, I'm I'm a middle child. I try to see both sides like. I started out really really sympathetic to this whole like well. Ok, may we shall murmansk? Why? where we want to do, I'm not sure yeah, everybody thought everybody thought. When they are showing you pictures on the fucking tv of people like you guys all think back to february, they were showing picture, of people in work on walking down the street and falling over dead. That's broken sky. I can remember us, we were the collateral. Remember we were. in colorado and we were talking about this fuckin virus. It was like the beginning of march, ok and we're no talking and ended up I remember I watched it with Derek wider and my coon ahead and the reason I remember is because we start drinking how can eight thirty in the morning that that's the truth in it
Derek has no legs. He had a shot, often erech. This is actually a funny story, so we went to breakfast. and dude. I knew I had to start seventy five hard in a couple of days, so I'm like getting like I'm getting my fat on. You know what I'm saying so. I ordered chicken fried steak. Fuck bashed, potatoes, a two beers high do too to beers. I'll go run back this derek's across the table and with his crutches about guys guy derricks. His leg is not there. So it's pretty obvious that so this lady, this lady she's, like a god, bless her man. She did mean anything by it, but she comes up the table, if she's, like? Oh you haven't a day on the slopes yesterday, today, earth adele pulls out and stop because it has stopped. He pulls it above the tables like oh yeah. It was real yeah dude, her fucking face read it. I felt bad, but it was so funny, and you know how he is he's got a knack for making the uncomfortable most uncomfortable, but dude. It was one of us
outta hand, it was one of the funniest fucking things and by the way cootie had new york city cop yup, we're talking about him in a minute. But the point is ah fuck. I forgot the point. Well, when we were talking about stopping about calonna, yeah and know showing people fucking falling over dead booed. I remember showing the video looking at the shit, guys you'd think the shits gonna come here and we're all like fuck. I hope not You know right and, as you know, there's like Wasn't just you and it wasn't are you listening? I suggest you sell route. Fear for your kids. Are you guys in here, but what it was What you always warlike holy shit and what should make you mad and even more mad than you are is that they did it on fucking purpose. While that was crazy to me is that you know like I said I started out sympathetic to it, but the longer it went on and the just the just you. On the one hand, the smugness about don't question any of our stats earn were interpreted stats perfectly, but on the other hand, it's like
what point. Does the solution become worse than the problem like at what point do that do the measures that were taking too to contain the corona virus. At what point are they more devastating than the viruses? self and, like I'm literally seeing culture like we ve all experience you, we ve been talking about it. People devastated economically as their businesses, the teachers that I've talked to are just like. What are we do. How is this? How is this going to? How are we ever going to overcome this in the education system? It's crazy, like I, the longest running a restaurant, the nicest restaurant in manta manhattan. The one that was the most financially solvent is gone. It's gone like the one in not in boom town in which I live. It's just gone, there's probably like three or four. sort of staple worrier, four hundred thousand yeah of places just like that right and wrong
by the way, the entire economy of of the the almost the entire economy of the town revolves around college football? Let's talk about that. Let's talk about all of the all of the economies that are affected and the lives that are affected, and even the young, ah african american lives who who to some extent find a you know. This is what trevor Lawrence said: the players, the football players, find refuge in the sport and now they're going to have to go home and they're going to be, and in many cases not great situations and they're going to be moored more there's gonna be a greater threat to their lives than if they were actually playing football and in in part of a you know, a system that was We make sure that they were safe so like it is absolutely wreaked havoc with our with our culture and yet your question it the status of the stag. That's what happens when you remove logic from a situation it, but that's what so insidious. How is the day while aimed at their being logical and we're just be
they did Andy on purpose. Why do you think they want the bars clocks? Why do you think they want the mask over people's faces? Why do you think they don't want any fuckin sport? Why? Why why? Why why? Why do you think it is about it. We're only one happens. What happens sporting. What happens in a locker room? What happens on the feel camaraderie? What happens when it unity? Ok, their age, That's the fucking word, I'm looking for what happens. What what does a football team meda made of all different kinds of people from the racist river backgrounds in it now airport a team that I know is what do we do a bars that are all shut down. What do we do a hair salons that are all shut down when we do when we do talk, hang out talk when we talk about sports things, we have in common. What else talk about. What's going on in the fucking world, they
We want to talk about what's really going on in the world right now. I don't think so. We can look at a fucking internet and new posts a little statistic off the cdc website. I posted a little way. from cdc website and they market as fucking fake? What do you think is going on here? This is beyond speculation, didn't these people they could Everybody who doesn't go along with it a conspiracy theories, know you're, just fuckin idiot. You can see the fuckin facts, That makes you not like me forever, then fuck know like me I'll give a shit he's, I'm I'm tired of light dancing like I've been dancing around it. You know what I'm saying like: oh, I don't want to make these people too mad and this and that- and this look at this point, if you're following the shit you some road wrong with your mother, fuckin brain me, wait the fuck up not doing any fuckin favours you, you're you're, do
I think like if you, if you have donald trump, that bad Now you would rather fucking give up your fuckin freedoms. can well mask for do Joe Biden already studies now shut country I'll fuckin. Ninety days, they say or not as where I her up. what a mass mandate for ninety fuckin days- ok, you're, won't like you want to give up your income. You want to give up here for why All this has been a big fucking guilt trip. Audit You know what you on a business and you're still running it you're a piece of shit in smith, up in new jersey, your piece of shit because you're trying to survive you're bad human, you're this year. That is why we have an unemployment in place this. Yet this is your own, a boy now fuck em, all I'm done with a dude. I know I did honour on a funny note. I don't care what anybody thinks about our president. He could be
Pretty funny sometimes well look. This is now to be made about donald trump. At this point, this is about the preservation of the freedoms of our country, not at it. But I love when he was asked about Joe Biden, pushing the hope, hand emmett thing, and he said here on asleep. I think the press is more behind them by Biden. That doesn't even know is alive. I heard while I go and look dude, he is full funny. It sometimes is inappropriate for guys in a pro ray sometimes sometimes as for you should be to tell you this morning, from the forty. I think he is, but it's mean in my regard like at least respect of humour. In a sense, I think it's more inappropriate to just totally disregard somebody's fucking natural right to fucking live,
Through trying to provide for their family and being able to you know row, we have to ask permission to breathe the air yeah fuck that and oh shit. I got in trouble at the zoo share a story with the listeners, so I was walking through the zoo and you know there's there's it's like a catch. Twenty two. You know, because in order to do certain things, you got to kind of play the game right. So in order to get Nazir, you gotta put a mask on so I put a mask on walking zoo, walk past the guy. Take my mask off, I'm holding a starbucks, I gotta drink. You can't get mad at me. walking around the whole time holding starbucks? You know pushing the kids or push my girls around for the birthday, and you know I was holding starbucks. Finally, you know were there for a couple hours walking out and that I get a call: hey hey sal na it's, my it's my buddy comicon, and so I go over and see him and it's him and his wife and his kids and me, and my wife, and and and our daughters and we're sitting there talking and
Previously, when we're on the carousel, I had a a young woman, eighteen years old, she was overweight and its relevance is situation for a different reason, but she was the mask police. She was sir put your mass gone. So you can't sit on you is on animals marked red. Sorry.
need to pull your mask over your nose. I mean she is. She is just the policeman and I'm sitting there, thinking like man, I'm now I'm taking health advice or health direction from somebody who I would never take any type of health direction from a my entire life and I'm wearing the health and wellness space and here's a lady telling me what I need to do and she's younger than me, and on my center thing I, like men, like just really what we're coming to like. I gotta take direction from a a nineteen year old little girl who doesn't really know shit about life and probably has never read a article or journal in her entire life, I'm taking direction from her and then at that point in time, get real pissed off. So you know, do my little thing walking to the zoo and I'm a mikael. At this point, column, bridges, why sorry fact back backtrack to the story, and I see this guy's beeline line me having why guy fifty the sixty years old? Some like that sure you need to put your mask on. I looked at him dead, the fuckin and I said so. You need to worry about yourself. He looked at me back and he thought holy fuck and I said
he's like it's the roles in the zoo, and I said, sir, I give a shit about your rules in a zoo, I'm fine, you keep walkin will be ok. Thank you and you look. I looked at him in a face ass. He could tell he pissed in the wind, and I was going to make sure I was delivering that wind in that sense, and you know- and I and I think, for a lot of people- you know it's uncomfortable to not follow the rules, because I think, as the majority of americans. We do want to get along, and I think you know wearing the mask is the. Is that what we were doing? What we think makes everybody happy- and I you know in in to take the mask off and put yourself in an uncomfortable situation- is uncomfortable kind of like the beginning of the podcast, like you're, you're, afraid you're, that fear of of you know having that confrontation, and you know tanner's point about breathing air. Listen
We don't need that permission, debris there you know, and and if somebody's scared, then you need to stay home, but we as americans like if we're going to, we gotta, think about all the blood that was shed for that fuckin flag. We're going to give it up over fuckin mask no fuck you not only that. Not only do the people who are this is how a quarantine fucking works. You quarantine people who are susceptible quarantine, people who are sick. You quarantine people who are prone to getting sick. Ok, our dad should have been quarantine. Okay, he was cause. We are alright, but that's who you quarantine You know, quarantine, the entire world. This is a total fuck job period and everybody knows it now. Everybody knows it when I told you motherfucker. whose eight months ago we could a fucking avoided. So now, I'm tellin, you is, if you wanted to fucking in stop worrying, fuckin, mask and stop closing your bid. Listen if yoda business open at the fuck up. That's what I'm telling you
otherwise we're gonna fuck could be fighting for our freedoms back and I went on me like are you about online. I mean, kill a motherfucker and here I don't want that- to happen- we're seeing happened. It's happening now. Look at that look! What happened up their canosa, ok, yeah and people like the blame in this kid and say well, well, what about the school was open you when you fuck him in there. We will talk about that. Ok, we'll talk about the fucking, do who were attacking him and try Kill him and he defended himself- we were talking about that is being made into some fucking right for light, there nobody's buying this shit row noble. is buying it anymore and immediate the more they talk, the more people, the switch to fuckin over trump, because they do to our people. The people of this country on a fucking, stupid. We see it. We see what's being done to us, we see now.
Time to stop letting them do that to us I coming together and backing each other up. If you see is someone in the store not wearing a mask, and you decided to wear masks that day? Why don't you fucking? Join him instead of yelling at him. You see someone getting yelled at. Why? Don't you fucking guy, spine and stand up for I wore mass one fucking day of this whole thing, and I know exactly what they was. It was the second or third when we came down here to visit h Q was like in march that come in a worm asking I walk out, and I might nobody in arizona flung him ask like what the fuck is going on right and they now just like two weeks ago, we have our are our city. I want to see the county executive put a fuck these guys were doing this. This is why their doings. They see the media, creating
narrative and they because they're fucking stupid, and they can do. our own deductive reasoning on the facts. People by the way, they're not like these successful business people or like super geniuses. These are people. well who wanted to be relevant, so they ran for local office who's running the world right now I sat from it making you where to fuckin, mask or keep your business shutdown youth that you may think but that's all because you watching fucking CNN The reality is, he has no jurisdiction over the fucking states and over the towns whatever it is going on, wherever you are having trouble, that's who the fuck you loud to be elected in those offices and I'm is guilty as anybody else of not paying attention to who was elected at city council. Ok, at county levels, executive levels at mayor levels- I don't pay
pensioners shit, I think most people don't want it time that we have to start paying attention as we see what happens when they get a little bit of power and what happening? Is these people who are normal people, like any other end, the other person like us there, watching the news and because the Democrats there watching what is cnn and MSNBC that's, what I'm saying on those channels, they're saying the majority of america is scared. It wants to do that, and this is the right thing in this and that these people are too fuckin. Dumb to understand. That's why and there may decisions that are based. on that lie there? Actually in? Ah, you know there a counter, what the actual mature he believes in What they're doing is their destroying their fuckin political, quick careers right in front of a fuckin faces, because I've talk to so many democrats do so many people who listen. This show you guys
We have listened to me for years and years and years and years you know I'm not some right wing fuckin nut job this a special scenario that, when I will be from this guy, we are being bought. Why are all government and the people we elected, and to fix this, I hope everybody understands we have to stop complying, and then we have to vote on. every single person who is at these places whenever their voting comes up, whether it's this year, where there's next year, whether this or that these people Went along with the mainstream narrative, which was a: why need to be voted on, whether they're democratic republic, it isn't about democratic republic guy or fuckin. governor here. Missouri should be. Standing up for us and he's not guess what he is he's a republican, I so every fuckin person, refused to stand up for that red white and blue shit get my fucking about period
the sugar yours either? We have two fuckin think about this from bottom up, not top down. It has to be addressed bottom up, not top down. So if you ever want you fuckin freedoms back and you ever want to have a normal life back it was a year ago today, You better really think about whether your loyal to a party or whether or not you are loyal to a fucking constitution that entitles us to be free, americans, We're not going over. My fuckin loyalty lies not with no fuckin man, not even trump its constitution. and whoever represents that. The best is who the fuck I'm boatful. I don't give a fuck up his democratic republic in right now it's a republican republican that used to be a democrat Up until two thousand six, who used to be a supporter of Hillary Clinton up until two thousand and six was a lifelong democrat up until that point
you wanna! Why switched most people who know that? Why did you switch maybe he got a good look at how much they fucking hate us a mare, kids and maybe the he got a good look at how they Look at us like we're, fucking ants and there, the fuckin aunt farmer, Maybe you don't like that Now, I'm willing to bet that's exactly what happened so If your democratic out there you actually care about the democratic values. Like you act I really believe like this. Is this an entire look, the democrats theirs? good democrats out there who have good ideas. That's not bullshit! They are not far left crazy people, their traditional democrats, guys who are traditional Democrats have to. Your understand that this is not about voting, how you normally vote. This is about our model
in the I have to vote blue. This is about if you want the the values and the points in the systems and the ideas that that democratic, promote. If you want that, you ve got a vote for fuckin freedom, this time or you'll, never have it again, you'll never have it again, never happen, that's the truth, and so have you guys think that that's whatever the fuck? You think I don't give a shit. I don't care because I'm tired of seeing people's livelihoods totally fought, I'm tired of seeing people, being fined incessantly for trying to survive. I'm tired of seeing people yell at other people where the mother fucking mask when zero data support it absolutely fucking zero. If you go on the cdc website from June there's a toy, That shows that ace. symptomatic transmission, isn't even a real fucking thing.
So why are we worry mass, it's bullshit and those of you of attached, your emotional identity and you're I'm a good purse. an identity to mask leader, we evaluate what a good person does have good persons? stands what's right now goes along with the flow and guess what that takes. Fucking courage that takes a spine. It's easy to go along with everything else. It's easy to be the sheep, and I hate to use that term because it's over used. But it's easy to do what the fuck. You told it's hard to do. What's right, almost every fucking time and everybody listening. The show every mother fuck your listing. The show knows that this is bullshit in their hearts. They know it they're, just not ready to fuckin, not do what their told. I feel sorry for those people
Because if we want our lives back, you and me- and these men in here we're going have to not do what these people are telling as to do and guess what, for a day or two, that's gonna the uncomfortable, what would it- everybody fork and stabbed doing it. Yes, what happens? I don't have any fuckin power at all and this is what we see in what the Democrats right What we see is your stand at what they try to do blew up in their fuckin face. They thought that they were going to create chaos. Burned down shit ruined, economy, which, by the way, who said that on December seventeenth, somebody remind me who said it you did. Oh that's right, I fucking said it. We could plug the audio clip right in here Joe. applauded in right here here it is for you to listen to am I tell you what can happen in the next number? One I told you. She was gonna win a year and a half before we. Finally one on embassy or project. Am I tell you this too?
you can see this you're gonna, see the media come out and try to create a recession they're going to try to create it through their stories I tell you how bad the economy is. They're gonna use our influence to get people to stop spending a start, saving and pour money off the table so that they have some sort of recession, economic crisis during the election campaign, which creates a loss for the Republican it's coming I'd. There was I fuckin told you what they were trying to do now. I didn't know that they were gonna fuckin Do this but I knew they were gonna. Try to ruin the shit because up until This happened. We weren't ass. We ve never been economically and fuckin foreign policy. Maybe they don't like us, but guess what I'm for america first fuck you fuck and china axis. I don't care, I don't care fuckin iraq. likes us. I don't care of north korea like since they are like a fuck em.
Words to this, about you about your neighbour and about their kids and about your fucking kids. People so caught up in trying to feel good and pretend there good person, because Canada, motherfuckers fuckers the globe, there will catch you fucking head off for being book a christian you'd, its focus for thought we have to realise ourselves and guess what that's gonna come down. in the do you're not like that seed? That's come down to most EU men out their standing, a fuck up and be in men. That's the truth you allowed this culture Two neuter your mouth and keep you from saying what the fuck me set, and you rely on people like me and a select few others to fuck. You speak for you. And you too, that's gonna change from shit. It's not the chase shit.
It's! Eleven everybody starts fuckin talk in its. Everybody starts non complying until everyone, The gets on the same fucking page, nothing, will change. So if you sit here listening you like yeah fuck, here you don't put, you're, fuckin mass. When you go into fuck grocery store today period, we'll see how about it? You are. Oh, I'm ready I could take up like dude. I have these these. What these guys, I talk about the beginning of show telling me about how they're all man I'm way he'll, go bombs, This, I am, I know you're not does Well, fuck admires when you got a fucking deal, birds
the shoot people to get our freedom back, but you're going to put. Aren't you going to follow the rules? You're full of shit, so you're willing to grab a gun loaded up and you want to go for? But if people just talking they just want to talk. That's that's the world we live in. So I had an interesting conversation with a international student from a former soviet. You know eastern bloc country, and he made a good point and I think it ties into what you're saying he said. You know there's a lot of shaming of america, because people are saying well like look at all these countries, all across the world that have contained this, and yet it's spread all over america. And his point was one: you know it's it's terrible to compare that, because in many cases those countries are either run by dictators which had talent sharing governments or the countries that, at the very least, that
Don't have anywhere near the civil rights that we do in our country and he said so yeah they can contain stuff because those people are used to being told what to do. They don't question anything. There is an old saying that goes. The most efficient form of government is a dictatorship, because what they that persons, as goes in use, do it no question, so I said regardless of how we feel about whether the pandemic and serious or not serious or legit or not village. It did Joe. Let the media, shame you by comparing you two other countries, because our freedom does come with a price, our freedom. You know we do have more violence in our country than some other. Some other countries do why? Because we have civil rights because we have the second amendment, but the the opposite of that is sure we can. We can clamp down on on the pandemic or weaken, clamp down on on gun violence, but we may also be clamping down on the constitution,
liberty. I dunno go look at australia right now. I just saw a video today of a woman being arrested in her house for making a post on fucking facebook that was anti shut down right. So that's what happens when you give up your guns. Think about that too. my eyes, over the guy yesterday, we were speaking with a marketing agency. Again use in sweden is wise, swedish, and so they were there during the lockdown. You know why they went there. There are no rules in Sweden, no mask no guidelines. Run of irish ran its course. They went. They took the herd, mentality approach and thereby to businesses use not even fucking? It's nothing. What they're saying, ok to say it, like. I was gonna, stop you, but I'm working very hard because some very good fans of this, thank you very much have let me that I interrupt people consistently and I can't help it, but I'm working on and I was going to blocking, interrupt you born and talk about containment
It is contained here. The reason it's not contain here is because they keep switching the data so I have a little fuckin data lesson for you, motherfuckers it dont get it here is at first it was the death, Once they start testing people in the realize the death rate was actually inconsequential. Now It was banned. When I say inconsequential, I mean it wasn't over what any other fuckin pandemic we ve had. Pandemic is very real. It's a real thing. It could easily kill. Our parents are people who are sick or people who are fucking. Overweight, have diabetes or probabilities. most of the people who have died from Computer virus have two point six other. Co morbidities. That means two point: six on average that there's more people there's a whole bunch of people at risk, it have. There have more than two point: six other como relatives so they already have these other serious issues right.
Those most of the people. Ninety percent of the humans they have died died with that statistic, healthy people, ninety two hundred people, ten thousand people- let's call it for four: that's terrible, fuckin, terrible, ten thousand people. I agree but that's a pandemic. That's what we deal with that's what happened when we had one in one, that's what happened, when we had. Fucking all the other shit that happened before that back to the spanish flu, which was an actual threat and killed fifty million fucking people. But if this was going to kill fifty million people, don't you think they'd be fucking dead by now, we'd at least have some type of indication that it was spiking. Okay, you know, but they moved the fucking stats right when they figured out that the death rate was not going to carry the weight. They were trying to say what are they moved to remove the cases so now they want to cases now. Let me explain the data gathered like we covered early,
I can't figure out a death rate without knowing how many people have it right, yeah, we all agree, can do it now When you move to new cases, when you go from death rate to new case is when they realise that deathray wasn't gonna get it done, terms the fear and support their fucking? Gender of shutting everything down. Then they moved a new cases. While let me explain something to you about the new cases. I am let's. Let's just forget the fact that, in the death rate, their reporting people who have the anti body in their bloodstream when they, die of a fucking motorcycle accident as a covert death and there's tens of thousands of that kind of shit. Heart attacks, ah suicides car accidents. They got covered oracle. but anyway I guess what I discovered that and they get paid for that. So let's just forget that for a minute
because that's all gonna come out over the next year, I figure out who the fuck did you did it? Then? When they get out that wasn't scaring people enough. Then move to new cases, where is it thing about new cases you can't per this as many new cases as you want do? How do you do that by testing Do you guys not remember for the first time once three months, there was no tests available who can't test kit tests can't test bullshit. They knew they could fuck a test. That test was patented in two thousand fucking. Ten go! Look it up! Why do they do that, while they did it? So in this was play. They did it so that whenever the death rate was exposed, they can move on to new cases and so real simply if we went out and by the way, They count the new cases with the antibodies as well all right. So, if you ve had
carbon and you have antibodies or you after we have it. The countdown has a flock of new positive test. Now doesn't take a fuckin rocket scientist to figure out. That, if you want more positive test, what are you gonna? Do just more people, s war, p, And now, all of a sudden, when that phase started happening, what do we have? We have fucking basically like mobile testing stations all over the country going out and testing people as they're walking down the street okay here here. Here's a free tests come in get a free test. You'll know blah blah blah person goes in, they fill out their info. They get a test. In two weeks week, two days they get the fuckin results. How do you know what the results are because I've seen a whole bunch of people and actually heard from
people. I know that went to one of these mobile testing stations fill out the paperwork. Refused away in line and left and got a lotta? Look. There were positive. So, let's, let's talk. Ok, That's data, the dessert fucked up now the fucking we we, the people, are starting to figure out that the that the positive the positive rate of covert is locked up and if so, what they moved to nets infection rates right. This is a fuckin shell game. and dirty. I'm. Sorry, if you can't see this, I'm sorry. It is what it is. It's there it's when for your fuckin face and if you can't see it it's, because you emotionally attached to something else that you want to be. You wanted to be something else and I think that's kind of fucked up the fact that you wanted to be worse than what it is. What I said,
about you. I just think know if you do want it to be that way. It's a pure sense! When we talk about you, know, dude your egos out and forget the fuck get over yourself he goes out in front of the in front of logic, right, you're, you're, more worried about being right than you are about dealing with the facts, and I I can tell you you know your ego is the enemy. It's a great book if you've never read it, but when you start to to use your personal emotion in in in the decision making process versus the actual facts have to make the decision making process you're, ultimately going to lose. You make bad decision, that's correct. Every time, that's correct every time, a new car, and I think- and I think that's the thing you know I knew decisions. Yeah Sometimes I get you something you ve got a few buyers remorses inner alerted it's ok to make an emotional decision as long as you are aware that its emotional decision. Why? But I I
but it's not emotional anymore. When statistics stats can tell the story a choice, not an emotional decision, it's a it's! Your choosing to ignore the facts is right and when you choose to ignore the facts of the situation, you at that point, your call and ask Well, at least you're aware that you're the problem or you're an egomaniac yeah, no and in your do these people sal they want to be. They want to be seen as good people who do the right thing. Everybody wants that. I have a question for a vaughan I'll, let you handle the situation because I already know hi andres going to answer it, but in his defense he doesn't have this real world sense of knowledge. Like this person right, I got somebody asked me a steak. They sent me a message on dm and instagram and said: hey man. I listened to the last podcast and I'm fucking down, but I'm in a bad spot, because my work requires me to wear a mask. I don't want to go on unemployment, because I want to make sure that I'm a hard working man and I want to raise my family the right way, but I'm stuck because do I go in and tell my employer to fuck
from that we're in a mask and get fired. Where do I put the mask on and still stand by, police outside of work? And I I strive bubbled up bubble down there. I don't rotation about, but two hundred fuckin times, and I came to the conclusion that man I can make that decision for you, because I felt like you and I said: I, as a as a man like I can't make that decision for you and your family and I'm not in your situation, and it makes it really difficult. Now I can make decisions around here. Where are you know, men and women but for somebody else in her own home, like you know, hey man, that's a tough fucking spot and I think, there's a lot of people that are in that spot and they don't know how to act. In the end, and quite honestly I don't know how to give you the advice and that's not that's a rarity for me. In that sense, I loved to give people direction, but there
The fear mongering has happened so far where it is affecting people in their livelihood in their homes. You know, and it is it I mean think about the emotional distress that is going on in that person's brain day. In and day out, he walking into work a job that he he enjoys, but he's walking in cause. He you know he he works in environment was gonna, wear fuck a mask, he was, he was waiter and he makes good money writing tips, as I fucking feeds his family and he's like you're, not gonna, wear mask like there's nothing, nothing I could do about it. but I believe in you guys, and what what should I do and how dude it's so fucking, tough spot me. I don't I honestly I mean this is my take. I don't think it's a one size fits all because my wife, which say to you she doesn't really have an issue in her profession. For those of you who don't know my wife's a doctor, she's works in urgent care in her profession. It it's just a part of a natural extra layer of protection for for what she does what her issue is is the is the paranoia that has caused in time. you're sororities to show up and urgent care, because one
person who knows somebody else has covered, and now they all want twenty four hour in a twenty four hour tests and, of course, when you're, overloaded with people who don't really need to be going to the doktor, how does that hurt the system keeps care from people who really need it so caught Akasha would say I mean I think her point is yet sure fun as a doctor. It it it kind of makes sense to wear a mask just like if you're a you know, working in construction. You wear a hat right, but it's just the whole way that things have been handled in this country. The cdc and all the people in positions of authority were I have just like it's been, and I don't I I dunno you tell me if the government is it the I'm asking you yet you are the man you, I wear a mask. Do you wear the mask? If you're this gentleman, do you wear the mask and he's a waiter, the waiter he provides for his family more than more than unemployment willing to pay him.
what you do to me. That's a pretty worded iron different spot because we control the domain out. We live long period is this. Is this? Is it this brings up a whole? Another problem right is not corporate america's fucking responsibility to side with an agenda or not, and they ve been we ve been boyd, attacked so hard by the left. For not going along with their fuckin agenda that all these seals are just trying to get through it, and so they do the fuckin thing. It's like you're doing a little dance, they gotta do just to get through nobody. None of that doesn't mean you motherfuckers, believe it. What the people who planned this shit understood and if they got them to do it they have ongoing projects spoke. It welcome.
Transcript generated on 2023-10-08.