« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

633. Andy & DJ CTI: 2 Navy SEALs Dead, FBI Arrest Transgender Man & Georgia DA Claims Accusations Are Based On Race

2024-01-16 | 🔗

In today's episode, Andy & DJ discuss the two Navy SEALs who are now dead after going missing during a search for weapons near Somalia, the FBI's arrest of a transgender man who threatened to kill 'trans phobes' and Georiga DA Fani Willis blaming 'improper' relationship accusations are based on race.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Sleeping on the floor now, my german from the county, millions in kobe teach buddhist, god of all things, rope can't fall, doesn't know. Headshot case club is up guys. This is the show for the really say goodbye to the lies. The fitness and delusions of modern society and local other fucking reality guys. Today we have Andy and dj who's, the mother fucker as we do we cruise the internet, that's what ctr stands for we put top up on the screen we talk about was true. What's not truths, we speculate and talk about what we think is going on. No it's about! We! The people are the solution to these problems that are being created by all these tyrants in world. So I that's what City eyes about
Other times you tune in, and we have other shows we have shows within the show we have q and a half. That's where you to submit questions, and we give you the answer now you can submit your question. One of a couple of different ways. First way is er, I dj good job shit. Sorry, Secondly, as you can drop your question, the comments on the eu to observe which airs on monday and we'll pick some from there as well. At the times we have real talk. Real talk has just five twenty minutes and we give you some real talk, some shit that you need to that I think you need to hear in and we do that that comes out on thursday, sometimes on saturday, sometimes both and we have full length. That's where people come in showing we haven't interesting conversations, just like all the other podcast that you guys that you got listen to, and then we have seventy five har versus seventy five harbours. Where someone who had a dumps her fire of a life. Use the seventy five hard program to turn it around, and then they come on the show and talk about what they did and how you could do it too. Now you can get the seventy five hard program for free. It's episode, two o eight, an audio feed. Only
you, want the nuts and bolts the ins and outs you'll get there. If you want the in depth, formation on the programme. There's a book on my website called the book, a mental toughness that we just released that we sold out of so it's back on. Pre order and we ve already solved enough pre orders. The sheltered second run so morgan get some more. Are we solve publishes thing and I am the way, I appreciate you guys bylaws up and I appreciate a loving azure were our shared about the book. It's pretty obstinacy. but the book has live our programme in a plus, a bunch of other trappers mental toughness. Why it's important, how to build it and how it can change your life is disease to be a resource that you go back to over and over and over again we find yourself off track because a mental tough This is kind of like taking a shower. You got a sharp in that. Blade every single day in and parishes over time, and if you don't know brush up from time to time it gets pretty weak. So that's what that books designed to do
we have this thing called the fee. The fee is very simple: tell people about the show, your nose? We don't run ads on the show I don't want as Michel, because I don't want anybody. Tell him you wanna cannon, can't say on the show we shall. Then we are trafficked rattled. We have fucked with all the time. It's very important! if you guys think the message is important that you share it out, so I dont be I'll. Show the show I, are you are you back? Are you are you? Are you ready now the curve? So quick? I mean you're you to that you before I got you before you got me borough. I got you before you carefully if you're out of nowhere. I thought I had like an extra thirty seconds. I was doing some last minute checks and yeah fuck missed that boat yep, alright yeah, I didn't miss the first one, that will back me up up up up up up up up started the ratio right up front gotta going with you
now we have come in africa. We have good the twenty five years. that was what the twelve twenty five years of suddenly superstores. The first was two thousand and that yeah just in business of twenty five years ago, at our awards, banquet lots of people came maggot time. I was twelfth one right, twat, with a twelve tour for wimpy, yeah, thirteenth, thirteenth yeah, let's fucking off those goals. Also like me, they say, like you know, hindsight: twenty member, like fuck twenty five years. you imagine that you know a nineteen years old you we put the work in. you're you'll be leading multiple companies, thousands of employees. I was that what was that? The gold? one now man, I just want to make it up money. No fucking party bro Maybe we'll have a lawyer and now look back on hindsight if I'd taken seriously the for twenty five years on, we be fuckin amazon by now, but
I didn't figure that out until I was about fifteen years in yeah, so no I mean everything happens for a reason. Yeah, so good time now, I was cool. It was more fun when I used to drink and get fucked up and have a can do that? No more, we'll bring them back. I think the YAP exclusively for public occasions lange disease where I live I'm just gonna make it a policy. No most people are like I don't drink and public. While I think I'm just going to exclusively drinkin bob, That's the play for me, man, I think that's. I could tolerate being out in the world and this agreement. You do get a prepare yourself right for reality Does we got Elvis oh boy before we get to our and headlines. I wanted to bring something that happened over the week in today's a big day when the shows vehemently you get out just check
see if these little cover agnes face. The railway is mine, I yeah, I notice. I notice it on your side check mine, oh yeah, you look good with Monte, says really f, oh yeah you're supposed to ask which was you know the movie. What's mine say really. If okay do your best, you were in my car with that no yeah yeah, but there was also a scary movie now, as dude where's, my car, they got tattoos and scary movie out. That was due they're making fun of dude where's. My car and gotcha gotcha. A way yet, but this often over the weekend so today is a big day in the twenty twenty four election cycle right at Iowa cocksucker caucus caucasus caucus goin on carcass. Which I think I I'm such a weird thing, but it is a very important
stone, I guess in the election cycle right because this is pretty much it's not like the guaranteed for sure who's, gonna win, but is definitely the guarantee for sure who's, not because their rights typically drops out of this thing. Don't do well in this. It's all over the weekend, dd picked out pull a very, very interesting truth that we talk about. Hello, moods, tromp turned on roma swami disk. As is support for magda in the form of deceitful campaign tricks. This was very, very interesting and I would love to your taught. Thoughts on this was diamonds into little bits. A former Donald trump unloaded on geo be primary competitor, vague mama, swami, ahead of the ilo caucuses on Monday fall apart. who is leading in the final I were carcass pole took a shot at round the swami who sits in fourth place in the republican primary field on social media Saturday evening, so he put out this tweet. I'm sorry, this truth and says vague started his campaign as a great supporter
quote the best president in generations etc and ford they now all he does- is discards as support in the form of deceitful campaign tricks very sly, but a vote from vague as a vote for the corner quota. Other side don't get duped by this vote for tromp, don't waste Wrote vague is not mega. The Biden indictment against his political opponents will now be allowed in this country. They are already beginning to fall mega. Ah, Very recently, the comes out again. This was on Saturday. They do gave a party did give a chance to talk to a vague about this in here. the video on his response, which is what your answered it responsibly trumps truth posted
I one. I think I saw your twitter campaign advisors. Is it bro, I'm gonna put it in the managerial class around him was probably a little bit off the mark with it there on that strategy. I think the truth is friendly. Fire isn't helpful, but I'm not going to be criticizing. Him he's a good president and I respect his accomplishments for this country, and I will continue to respect that as the next president, but we have to open our eyes to the truth and sometimes the truth hurts the system and I've done everything more than anybody else in this race route, oven to push back against these unjust politicized prosecutions. I wrote an abacus brief for the supreme court
I think, maybe better than some of the arguments they're putting up, because I feel an obligation to this country to make sure they do the right thing. But at a certain point, we've got to open our eyes and see these people will stop at nothing. And at this point I mean nothing to keep this man away from office and it's disgusting, but we owe it to this country into our founding fathers to make sure america first doesn't end with drunk it didn't start in two thousand and sixteen it started in seventeen seventy six, and so we have a duty to this country to make sure we see this to another two hundred and fifty years left. That's why I have a duty to this country to sally stay in this to the very end, but I think we're going to be successful in leading this country toward revival. Thank you and variance are basically calls out. Trump's cerebral, which we've talked about plenty of times on the show, and it's interesting because this morning- and there was another, follow up truth, and this is what it said. It said, donald trump
Tweet truth, this obvious, as a vote for vague, is a wasted vote. I like the vague, but he pleaded to court on co cute with us caucus tonight. Loafer nano j tromp build up the numbers and of them, but we must take a very troubled nation, a nation in decline back from crooked Joe Biden in the radical left, democrats and thugs wide assuring it mecca. What was your thought on? This is issues like political play. I mean you know mean, can both be right down, because what I No I've, seen this eruption of vague hate on the internet. You know a lot of people, don't trust him like. There was a first she asked and when you came on the show about being you know republican obama. I think a lot of people. You know this guy comes out of nowhere, no, he looks a little bit like obama. You know he's, he talks obama, moves like obama, Mannerisms there yet for sure and
by the way I like, for me, I'm just gonna say, this, as I dared like, since Come on the show we Ex regularly texts me like a normal human being doesn't dried alike bigley, mayor fuckin, act like a big she shot. Her son he's a normal dude, and I like it, I like em. I I think everything that he said about. them not allowing trump. I agree with that. I don't think I've said this free couple years now. I don't think I think that we. If we believe that they are going to allow Donald trump back into the white house under eight quota. Unquote free, and fair election. I think, that's a delusional belief. Ok, we saw what happened and twenty twenty and a big pour the country by Leaves even people who didn't vote for donald trump believe that she was compromised and they believe the Joe Biden has compromised.
And so on, these are people who don't even necessarily like donald trump. So there is a wider people are here that I understand that the election stolen or manipulated, and I think, to think they're not going to do something like that again, a worse is delusional. You norman. So we have to consider that I think vegas telling the truth there, and I think everything the vague said is is- is correct, People say why yeah good at saying all the right things. yeah. You say why things are no one else satan and by the our vote for my boat, provoking donald. Its reality. If they allowed beyond the ballot. But the reality is he's like dude. I personally think they might cheat tonight. I think they might cheat. Carcass an inferior say. Oh my god, Nicky early supporters showed upper, you know are the same supporters, showed up and mass or even you know,.
There. Their two degrees outside my is mightiest up. They're, not I'm it's two degrees here in Missouri I was north of Missouri, it's my its negative degrees there. It's, freezing cold over more than half the country right now they are stand at civil unrest is highly unlikely when you go outside for ten minutes and in your fuckin base hurts. So like All these things that have my gut feeling that there is- potential that this could be fought with tonight. Instead of the main election. That's just something I don't know like. Maybe I'm over thinking it but trouble he's by a massive amount in the polls and they come out and say you know oh yeah, by the ways people than show up, I mean. I think it's a possibility would be a total sign tat in a couple of things on this duty to your to your point about them not allowing it I mean what you're saying is. We can't take it off the table as that it's I don't, got a raw listen. It could listen
There are so many ways that they could avatars. This guy right in My opinion. for anybody who, like is unhappy, What's going on in the world right now, we you look at how hard they fight to keep this guy. out, and how much due to really mass were him, that's you'd be suddenly at least to me. That's the tell tale indication that this the guy that they are the most afraid of. I don't think anybody could argue that and we have a corrupt system. We have an oppressive system and the way Look out at which isn't awaited everybody looks at it is that that needs to be dismantled and I believe he's all only gotta- has the ability and the motivation to actually dismantle. I think if the scientist goes in, I think he'll do some good things, but I don't think you'll restructure the government. I don't think you lacks the four added he lacks the balls really do it.
Nikki Haley is going to be a Democrat like she's, going to fucking run. She nikki haley will continue to push the globalist agenda the same way. That Biden did in a less in a obvious way Remove the culture progressive in a less obvious way and remember We must work like push. Push push, push push, take a step back method. Push push, push push, take a step back, Their planning on taking a step back, maybe and get one of these other people in, but if they get down trump in, they understand their game is over. So When I hear what the vaguest saying, I agree with the things he saying, but you gotta You still vague as a very intelligent human being he's a dumb ass, now I come you cannot trust him. You could say whatever you want, the guy superfluous smart. the vague understands, math, ok, and by the way there there. Zero, fucking. Percentage of my being there
says that more vague thinks he's going to win the election. Why the awkward. Vegas smart here understand he's pulling a four percent he's not going to win the election. It's fucking not happening so? Why is he campaigning? Why is what is he doing wiser, confident about it to hold on. We have to ask ourselves if this man is, is intelligent We can all see the he's. going to win. He knows he's not going to so that what is he doing? and then so. We have to consider the options pass, that what we He could be who he says he is. He could be a patriotic american who, once the fucking, dismantle this oppressive shit. I mean all the guy said here, we need a ten ten percent tax he's only guy has a the issue that we talk about publicly. so it could be that he could be campaigning for the twenty twenty eight situation.
who knows he could be trying to get popular because he wants to have this cloud to do other things in life. Who knows you could say all of these things. But the reality of the situation is. Hey, what are you saying is true: ok, and I agree what will probably say like Your trump supporter you shouldn't vote from a vague. You should vote for trump hewn american supporting. That's me. That's all! Ok, that's our opinion, and I agree with that. That's our opinion, but there's a lot of americans that have other opinions but the reality is look where their opinions have gotten us, so I'm just Speaking from our perspective, you know I had a row. I back they're both right, I think they're both telling the truth. I think very He is trying to escape in on on the matter ticket but I don't think he's doing so because he thinks he has a chance. I think he's doing so, because maybe he wants to be the guy after trump you don't say
and are withdrawn. Em we could take. but like this to these people,. You know who control the media and in the corruption of the government, all these things they this guy, he could be part of their plan for later to control things. So. We don't know what the fuck and we don't know vague wages down, and I, like em fuck em. I come but a lot of people can identify with them because broad he came from nowhere. its, he does say all the right shit and I think the freaks people, the fuck out but we really do need a candidate that stands for the ship. He stands for now, but I have a chance in this election. It's not gonna happen, so and I think trumps telling the truth. I think, if you vote for vague thinking that somehow going to help trump you're, a fucking idiot sack owing to help him. There- is no division on the left right now there's no division on the right.
If people are for for further santas gorgeous, they hate trump, right they say they're not voting for trump, even if he wins the nomination. Okay, dumb ass, so were you gonna vote for Biden, get right right, people who love trump and fucking hate everybody else. You happy Before vague, you got people for Nicky Hayley, which apparently have never met ones like three yeah, but There's so much division on, Why and I believe, that's intentional. I believe a lot of these candidates have been goaded into running or pushed around, as they want to divide that base that powerful down trump conservative mega america first base into sections and it's working is divine conquered ears noted from what they do the population, and we have all these influencers out here who are so certain about all this shit who are so donald trump dig for fucking, years and years and years and years and now
every bit of their content is just donald trump hate. You know what I'm saying like they become like the left, which is its were to stay Pedro our side of the fucking. The pro freedom regular american. section of the country is. Is there there too dumb they know fucking work together. They don't play together. They say they want to be right, and so getting the right result in all these social media influencers, you came along and twenty twenty during covert who, now all have these influential followings are now you know Forgetting the reason they even started talking about this stuff, you know it's become this thing for white shares? by my shit, you know type content and you know they do. To be controversial and knave. During for selfish reasons and very few of these people You know this is their livelihood. This is how they make money. Now, like This is not how I make money. I make money in real businesses. You know what
like how do the shit, because I want to solve this problem and its very fuckin frustrating to look around and see all these people artificially dividing the right when, in reality, bro for us to actually survive and create the best possible america We need as much unity as possible. I'll, just amongst the centre and the right, but amongst everybody else too, and we can get because so many people are so for their own ego that they made. their brand, you know to be divisive. Around certain candidates. There ro, it's fuckin shit up and What's gonna happen, you know that we shall see move down. We shows I think it's of either gets. I think it's bullshit that alive these people who were a relevant before twenty twenty. Now they have some sort of foul cause dude. I want. I raised my life to do this. I was at the top of this other segment of reality in the entrepreneurs,
business development world How can we whole my whole life to come? Talk about this shit, it was. It was something that I gave up and most of these people haven't given up anything. Most of these people are now relevant because they talked about. They spoke during covered, and now they're, selwyn, shirts and their cell in march, in their sullenness and so breathing. They say instead of it actually mattering anymore and actually being a team player and being for america and for the future of this country a lot what they say it's just so they can get clicks, alikes, inattention to sell shit, and so I do this is this is where we're at, and we can't win like that. We're going to have to fucking unify we're going to have to get together, we're going to have to fucking work together and it's extremely frustrating the watch, because that these people we're: gonna trade, their country for their self. attention you remain saw egos yeah, that's right! Riyos man. There are also soon guys will love a modem night. What, where were you-
while watching this will see you who wins is cogs in ireland. Malta was you added. Snap also happens. I remember if you want to see any of these pictures. Articles links. Videos go to anti fatality, so com, you find them like. There were Gaza. Given these headlines headline, I'm one is better. Since recover. That would give a little just a little insight honour their thoughts and speculations about what's goin on oh in yemen, in with the rhine and let's talk about little bits, Alarm this alarm reads: navy seals missing after going overboard during search for weapons either dad I saw that update them they're dead, so those who are our special operators have Died: an operation trying to recover some weapons off of a ship yet apparently from what and I am probably some inside information there were dead awhile ago? It was
Just this just now him they were that's for sure similar to the submarine thing now that was that Emulous was the you because you know their say, inciting operational security purposes and are releasing any additional information they need. At the moment it happened down into at the moment happened I know, but this is just one piece of what's been going on the last four or five days weeks, really with his you know the the hoodies I ran back to these. In yemen. We know that I believe this was friday. There was a massive straw airstrike on in yemen. The massive escalation january? Twelve? U s in british warplanes ships and submarines launch dozens. of air strikes across human against who the forces in retaliation for months of attacks on red sea shipping. The iran backed backfires, cast as a response to the war in Gaza, winds
Has confirmed explosions of military bases in airports in the capital sooner and Yemen's third city ties the naval base demons and main red sea port au data and military sites in the coastal. Hydra governance quote these target strike. are a clear message that the united states and our partners will not tolerate attacks on personnel nor allow hostile actors to imperil freedom of navigation. You, as president Joe Biden, said I'm a couple of images from that strike I believe all in toto was a hundred and fifty plus munitions ever used. There was a massive protests, just a quick updates mass of massive posts. Has gone on in yemen, I'm a response to that. and then you are buying come out. We defended the strike against them. Here is a clip of his response We will make sure that we respond
Also. He responded about that in the midst of sniffing another young girl. Clearly, this is damage clipped out. He totally fucking creeps out this ten or twelve or yeah It's very reminiscent of the end of the clip of george bush gang. The news about nine eleven risen fronting the kids. And just kind of like risk. You know what I'm saying it reminds me a lot of that hm. they are, Yes, very I dont civilian casualties. That's another reason why, as a double down on, And in the most recent update you got the most recent update yahoo. The rebels strike a: u s own ship off the coast of given in the gulf of aden. Today right. That was the reason,
his intention. So who'd you rebels far fired a missile striking a: u s own ship Monday, just off the coast of yemen. In the gulf of aden. Less than a day after they launched an answer: ship crews, mitchell towards an american destroyer in the red sea. The attack on gibraltar, eagle later claimed by the Hutus further escalates tensions gripping the red sea after american. Let strikes on the rebels Oh geez attacks have royal global shipping amid Israel's war, with mass in the Gaza strip, targeting a crucial corridor leaking asian and many some energy and cargo shipments to the sioux ask now our till you and while we are on this line, They people realize also that the shipping can now they're talking about, doesn't really serve the united states at all. It only serves china in asia and were protecting them with military strikes. So let's do the math here just so, we can understand this
Americans are contractually, through a treaty obligated to protect the shipping lanes globally. That's what they're navies for no other country, including china, has a navy capable of doing that. China's navy is to defend china and taiwan. and all the little islands and shell and there they don't. a global navy. Now they have some modern ships that are nicer than ours. the reality is: is there very ill equipped to do this measure can do both? right, so the united states is shooting missiles and destroying these targets in yemen and Killing pirates in the in the shipping corridor for this of china's economy. Just software murmured, that's what the bats. Okay, so has already feel about that. That's what's happening now, taking into account all the information that we talked about over the years,
Joe Biden. being compromised by china taking money China right four hundred by laptop, it starts to make a little bit more sense as to why this going on so so here. What's interesting is that. We could have a scenario where we are into a world war conflict. Because of this, against china, for defending chinese shipping lanes. Cosmic sansom doesn't so That's the first thing that people need to understand which they don't. They don't understand that so Outside of this, you know, ah,. I think this is right along the lines of of what now, because you like there there's even more evidence to that that can clarify can verify. This is real brow, china. China, has a good relations working relationship with iran
Try to use is pick up. The phone I ran like makes your marcia gets through. Why not? Why not force them the? U S, taxpayers, to suspend hundreds of millions billions of dollars on equipment weapons. no risking lives. Why don't you make them? Do it and said I mean fuck me here: The writing on the wall. No, it's out of war, the fuck a paper in front of you, fucking face but people don't want to emit that's what's going on and people are an educated about. The united states roles, glow the usa's navies role globally. So Yeah! That's how I see what's going on. I see this is us getting drug into a potential conflict protecting a country that will be fighting against us in said conflict. And, ah you know, that's that's as disturbing and
I think this is part of the agenda. I think this war will escalate and I think, by the time election seizing comes around, will be a full fuckin war war. Three probably a bunch other disruptions, holly munch other stuff cyber blackouts power outages sums. What a pandemic again, I still think they're gonna try to do that. They still put out her arms. Every week. Be you know right now, like pfizer's running these. There is accumulating companies that treat heart. Arrhythmia has and then putting our warnings that global health, the world health organization in these other health organizations are putting out warning saying that this new, This new super covered could cause heart attacks, Yeah, I'm sure has nothing to do with the vaccines, young sand salt, so.
So they get you take a vaccine which causes some sort of other This is what people understand about vaccines, either. Vaccines are intended by these arm accompanies to cry eight side. Effects that then have to be treated with more farmer or I'd roads are yet another basis. so dare take this roadbuilding. I take this dramatic to fix the side effects from the first ready you took yeah man. you're not gonna, cause massive ma, am for the next until until troms out the picture one percent was voted through because even going back to our intra conversation I was going to put it in it, put it in the headlines, but NBC actually just wrote. the article yeah about how they're going to take the military and the the house you're talking about how they're going to they are. They are trying to maintain control of the military over if trump gets, if trump gets What did so they are legitimately saying allow in the media. NBC saying
in their presenting it as a good thing. They are saying that if trump gets elected by the people of this country. That there will be a military coup operation to remove him you'll like it for years, it works. I was going to include it, but I was like oh, I don't know how the flows were, but yeah russia. I know I guess Fuckin treason, do they already did that they have already done the coup. And now there try to say the trumps doing a coup. You know there is an article also, retweeted by Alex soros? That said Brazil survived a coup talking about bolsa narrow and how we can avoid the same mistakes that like bro, these people are flocking fox, Harriet balsam arrow had ten million people in the fucking shrieks brow luna had zero nobody voted form they cheated until it.
People of the world rise up and understand. Unities only thing: that's going to stop this from happening there. There you're not going to stop there going to stop pressing they're not going to stop cheating. There is fundamental difference of game that we are playing between these communist people and everybody else. Everybody else all the common sense people understand. like they are like this all work out this or this, sir. but something will happen. It will all be good at all, and then you have the other side. That's like literally standing on a fucking throats waiting for us to die They don't give a fuck. They are now going to relent they're not going to stop they're going to cheat in front of your fucking face, and I dare you to do something about it until The common, the other side, the common people of the world, who think logically and have common sense, come gathering, say we're not gonna fuckin tolerate this there. For dinner. Do that there's fundamental difference between the game. It would be like my brother I know it would be like this. It would be like
If I went on the football field with fuckin, seven guys and we went out and on the future, football field was the universe year Alabama and we're all. I gather not gonna hit us they're, not gonna, fucking, and then a fortune crush us brawny break our backs bats what we're dealing with and by the way were the fucking guys on ethiopia like they're, not going to do that. There are going to do that when they consistently shown that they will do that and so The common pro freedom common sense community of this country and all the countries in the world needs. Come to their senses of what they are dealing with in the game of their playing. They, crush you there I'll kill you. They will ruin your wife there take everything from you and they are not going to stop until they get their way and until p, we understand that and stuff, playing the appropriate game. They will continue loose that's reality to do that. That's the vagueness about we play by the rules, and you don't that's correct
we're pulling a different game and they're playing and they are playing the game of we will do whatever we fucking gotta, do and we're playing the game of were morally better and will take the high road in it. All worked out because god loves us god does reward people who sit on their ass. Ok, God rewards people who to do do shit right up? That's it. there's nobody there's! Nobody will ever want to conflict because better people, how folk accomplished want complex. You're not want business is now one because you're a good person there were because people take action and they execute and right now the communists of the world, the globalist of the world, their executing they're, taking action. They don't give a fuck if you notice, and they will take everything from you. If you don't, if you fucking, let him and that's what we're playing a differ game than they're playing. That's it's that simple,
not been on this conversation down in the comments. Let us know what you guys think on this first headline before we get to our headline number. Two: let's move on over to the comments got some good ones that a couple of them are actually for you, oh yeah, so this first one comes from at nick raising her forty six forty five says. I find it refreshing to know that andy is not for cell, ah ha I may never come on here. I dj jokes about I know you did was when I know you did in this we're comes from a zero gambit seed abbe to hd eight. By the way real mary. the freedom to your has a drop this wednesday at seven. The clock on the website, real american freedom, yoda comp got the fine website, this common, like this common through from a zero gay Id cw, two h t say we should call it that the big show yeah the show, a lot of comments on that yeah a lot of commas,
For those you don't know, the big show is the big shows where we take vial the criminals and pedophiles- and we put him on- paper, view weakly, and we running through where'd shepard dissect among public tv. Given the brave heart treatment cut their, exhaust, Dublin are flocking mouse and then all the money from paper view and give it the families that they hurt. I think that's everything retribution yeah. So that's good! That's how we're going to fix the system. The big show today a it's, not quite as extreme as the purge. The purge comes next or big. Show man, that's going to be all. Do that'd, be great. This final comment. I wanted. I wanted to put this out here because you know Is it really comes down to your share in the show? I'm only definitely appreciate see if another message get not their Armenia is refreshing to get messages like that. My this next week This message comes from at andrew carmona, ten, fifty six, he says
the message is reaching far and wide ya, A brother recently took me to a pizza joy in a city when I overheard gentlemen, a few tables away talking about the show, being me, I said out loud don't be a whole and, to my surprise, as there are multiple people that called back share, the show If there is more than relieving to know the multiple Will just in the pizza shop alone live up to same beliefs and standards that you teach of and speak of. Thank you for what you do know how Peter shop, the love it sakharov, real talk like I was gonna, say this because I don't think people connect the dots. but why would you support a company or supporting individual whose remained silent for the last four years, not said anything about. What's going on, continue to try to sell you shit now. Why would support that person. Why would you support a person who has been fighting for your freedom or your family. Or looking out against the bad things that have been going on. Why do you
support those people in business. Take a good look, the products that we offer take a good look at the products that the other people who are leading this offer their very few of them and by those products, instead of the one you're buying, ok, these other sea, these other people their footing don't give a fuck their showing their true colours by their silence. They don't care what's going on there care about you. They don't care about you fuckin family. They don't care about your kids future and you're still buying their shit? Why? Why are you doing that? shit from companies who actually stand for the right things? These? things that are important if we don't have economic awareness about where we spend hours then. we're missing a big part of the play so that my little pitch, you should be able to connect those dots. I saw dude I saw how did you know, use another companies protein powder, I ask very simply I said What have they done for you where they dump your family? What have we spoke? four What are they done when what were they do? What they do during covered? What they do?
during all this puckery Oh they didn't say shit, sort of sand. What have you want? Leaders bro. You gotta support those people, so I'm just going to say that we gotta be smarter about that. If it ain't me, then, support some someone else whose fuckin doing that by their ship but don't be blindly being customers of people just because you know fucking, you used a product for this matter. This there's plenty People are here were speaking up in using their platform, taking risks that quite honestly deserve your business more than these other people and they may, better products too. Every single product we forget, make a first forms. A hundred ten percent money back guarantee. Show me the company does it show me a single one provided mail. I had to be. I mean we appreciate all you guys really do. Thank you. Forgive me for being real ass fans yep. So, let's get back to the cruise. We have headline number two. This is a very
interesting topic and when I saw this, it reminded me of that leonardo dicaprio meme. Yet, but what I'm saying yeah, let's dive into this this headline, this is a day elite, daily wire headline, reads if we are transgender man who threatened to kill, kill, transpose, suggest ties to outright extreme extremism, a creative and get em up. Why? Yes, you read right, so I dive into the soul, but I don't understand what they're saying. So this they're saying that an fbi arrests are true, in general man be threatened to kill, transfer jobs, but that that man is tied all right, correct, so detroit soldier on the left rags. people on the left, who support trans or actually transphobia right,
Well, that's a mental gymnastics. Some little fucker ya, like like the rubik's cubes of justification there. I am very, very answerest variants- was less dive in the story, a little bit so federal prosecutors on friday, charged and oregon man who believes he has a woman for post into a quote: trans woman support group. we plan to go out in a quote blaze of glory After a surge of his home found twenty seven guns and quote tens of thousands, rounds of ammunition was wrongly deck. Mother with a single white. me: I've, leisure, twenty, eight besides the white man, Elizabeth west was cha. Large, with making interstate threats based on September. Twenty sixth facebook pose to the group quote: trans women supporter
which came as he said. He believed he was about to be fired and was tired of quote trans phobic assholes quote I'm too old to keep looking for jobs and I've had it up to here with being bullied by trans phobic assholes, I am left with no alternative west wrote according to court documents quote have been preparing for this moment for a long time at least then I'll be remembered? Now you out no family, no friends! So there isn't. So there really isn't any point living anymore the f b, I did not arrest west. That's what happens when you cut off your dick rock. That's what happens as well. Having people look at the and they say you're, weird and your head. well friends, and then you end up thinking how my life gets so fucked up. Well, it started with you cutting off your dick. You shouldn't went to the scalp should've done it yet, but but here's the thing so the f b, I did not arrest west after the September interview,
that, was ultimately used to justify the charges instead, The rest, him months later, after checks of his social media, exhibited racial hatred towards black people, friends and Jews, his social media, by according to the court documents, was quote a see dominatrix from hale. Who is tat. of the blackening of america and europe and ready to stand up to the black works and the jewish wizards. Now why do you, while I do not like people is animosity. City have other raises bears to be heavily related to west gender ideology, west hatred of blue people who says in court documents is because they often quote miss gender him a group of black men once physically assaulted him for immigrants It was because he learned of an emigrant organs, public healthcare plain who got free transit industry? three while west would have had to pay for georgia, the surgery
so for months we have been monitored, is also media in question about his rachel, views on january knife, after agents managing him were alerted of gun, perches and executed the search warrant and arrested wes. The affidavit references quote far right: terror white supremacy all right extremism portraying the madman as a conservative chair, so wait, so when he was just a trans dude who hated people because he was trans and he couldn't assimilated your normal population. he was allowed to continue to operate in his extreme viewpoints and pretend really talk about shooting people and murdering people The minute that he started talking about who we all love up until the ok. Now whom you shooters that have done all these shootings these last few years,
well. You got this week. I love you, I love you make the show, so I naturally connect the dots in unison, rural They were ebony and ivory. Listen us right withdrawal, ebony and ivory go to gather and per There are many of us they wrote for us to say eyebrow. like, I know we all now we the act of shooters road. You see this like no left as dominate the fbi. top ten domestic terrorists? So the top ten Basic areas for united states does not one right ring all right. super mega, not one. I brought shit, not one I have worked long and hard to earn a position. Others fucking list not worried. Dale now would not shocking. Now, why don't offer more shocked at
I didn't make it or that it's all fucking lefties, I'm actually not shocked that they're all on it dude! It's not one. Look at these people, then I'll. Do some crazy people on here, yeah they're, all crazy! All of the the the bureau has sounded the alarm to communist three black nationalists. One anti war activists and a vague and eco terrorists sounds like sounds like that What could expendables look at the weird they grow is like a lot of these people. They all fucking like hijack planes booked to cuba like a bunch of them Why George edward right, black men, who was convicted of murder, escaped him first, hijacked playing, you pretended to be a reverend and hid his gun inside of his bible. hispanic man hijacked for a plain find from new york to forty demanded to be flown cuba.
So I all all all of these people are just down in cuba yet because the communist down the expedition was he got there. What is it looks like a scorpion? I don't like those scorpions nor I allowed the bean teased guarantees about the definitely superior alone. Is the sig at the mpx. That's a good yeah! That's a good one, but Bbfc is like being teased up there, yeah that's for us bougie, folks, good. You got sutures a b and t better merrier got some ha ha ha ha ha, I'll. Just say it like. is there? You know it makes sense man, you know just ask him, though, explains he is like it is just so crazy, like it's just Well, that's so they allow these falcon people to go extreme terror in fucking
of schools? Issue is, but then, when the minute they start talking about Jews or blacks are anything else. They arrest them. Others, vertigo strategy of ours in arresting variants, rested does tell us what you guys think when a headline go back to the Heavens, let's take about like, let's take about first house tube First of all, man, transphobia assholes, look beard. You gonna, try to force shit on people that they are not going to be. If you were just polite. Nor for real jerk dude. If they were just polite and didn't can try to jam that, like forcing people to use specific put bro you're a dude, those tuesday. not miss gender, you, you are miss gendering, you, That is the whole problem here. You wow around six foot, fucking, to utter pity for compounds and you
you dress like a little child, your dress, like a woman, guys never dress like women. They dress like little girls. What You think that means. why would you ask grown man where women's our foot, but instead of wearing a woman's outfit you're wearing a little girls outfit for between what is that now or you know, their dress like rainbow. Well, you see what I'm saying were like. they tell themselves if you pay attention, so first of all, you're that asshole, ok, Second of all, they didn't miss gender. You, you miss jenner, you you're a dude wearing women's clothes If you are a normal person who liked aware we, you you're a guy, you want to wear women's clothes. If you, like a normal human being treated like one and yes people who know what are you we're, because your How can we build we're in his work? dude, I'm sorry luggage.
That's its abnormal wheat was the definition of what was the definition aware. What is it you go down past? The peer review human that do to the fund? Kindly thereby jokes about not suggesting something supernatural uncanny Its uncanny, its uncanny, its normal. You don't see it every day. You know see a six foot, breech loader forty pounds. Little girl is one that I unicorn Ok, but we also know, and then you're asking us to fucking pretend that that's not the case. You tellin me I'm like four october or bad. If I am a bad person, because I noticed that europe did you have a dick like? This shit's absurd man. Listen dear! I'm! Sorry, I'm tired of it. I can tell you I'll give a fuck what you think is now homophobic. It's not transfer that is just the reality. Man I have like a normal human, be cool and people will give you less shit of you or, if you like road trips, people will almost enemies.
A very similar in the culture and act like normal people instead of force and everybody in the naming, everybody in college everybody a big it, because the called you the wrong fuckin proto its I situation. Man you're, standing in front of me- and I know, did your man and you know that you're a man and yet you get pissed off. I say blow like My own line here, no I'm just say like that. To me, this is this is just awkward, but we're doing so like. you'll Dave Chapelle as a great fucking joke about this. Did you ever hear his fuckin segment on him, with him meeting Jim carrey, yeah bro, it's fucking great, wise, that's awful about your history, but it's the truth. He met Jim carrey when Jim carrey was playing Andy Kaufman ok and he's up he's up here. I don't know what the collar but he's the kind of act or the immerse themselves or metal end a method, actor. Ok,
walking phoenix is like that to cover these guys are really good piggy peaky, I don't know, but william look dude So we need to encourage him, carries in the middle of this movie and and he's like fuck me not just plug the fuckin clip in here. we will have to watch it just plug it in watching for yourself yeah alright. Here it is, Will the gym carry was plain. Another comedian admire the late, great Andy, kaufman. Yes and Jim carry was so immersed in that role from the moment. He woke up to the time. Were debated, might he would leave his wife is Andy Kaufman. I do know that what is it we're still Andy kaufman so much so that everybody on the crew call remained I'm no any of it, I went there him and when he won into the room. Are we me a screen? Jim carry and it was no,
dick Member states He came over and he was acting weird. I didn't know he was acting like Andy Kaufman, just like hey how you doing- and I was like hello Andy now In hindsight, how far look you mine and I got to see the greatest audits of my time, immersed most challenging process as ever. very lucky to have seen it. But ass, it was happening. It was disappointed because I, one may Jim carry, and I had pretenders nick was Andy Kaufman all afternoon and he was clearly jim carry. I can look at him and I could see was Jim care anyway, I say all that to say that
How trans people make me feel? Ok, you see that this is what this is the truth, though this is the the digital! Nobody laugh! You know why they laughed causes. our control, its awkward? four guys and if you. trans person, you do yourself, some big favours by just being cool man, just be cool realize like dude, I'm not normal. I don't look normal and I can't but the entire world to treat me normal. Don't dress like a little flocking girl. If you. You got it. You know say it like dude mothers, my biggest they make a convincing brow. Why are you going to taiwan or something like that? Both you and I will tell you what I mean. Look so yeah. Well, you know those people are small, and these people here are not small. I like to think it's about, it is about that is, I guess not convince you're, not gonna. Go too far, continual look bro go to taiwan. You see one of these,
They call him. Lady boys. Ok, that's what they call. Lady boys are benny boys, that's what the called talking I was thinking I warrant yet so Without let you know right affront to the less the other thing I they'll, let you know how do you know that damage? Here's the point. The point is this: are you your yours, like fucking, we atomic Michael Thomas, wherever a guy's name. It's because ec southern or some shit. Ok, let me I fucker looking do you look like a woman for real? But do you really think you did you hear, the girl was asking too we are being asked to per ten and then and then, if we don't pretend were being called names, bigots and shit. It's me: it's not bigotry. Bro, you
asking us to lie to ourselves to what we know is true for your well being. That means that we are discrediting ourselves and our own confidence in our own belief in our own integrity to Please you also teach you knew that you get your way through bullying and then, if, if we don't do it, you said that you boys know you're boiling people and, and you'll crossing boundaries, and then you don't like it when people say no, I'm sorry, I'm one of those people and I don't any hatred towards tradespeople unless you're fuckin with little kids and doing a fuckin pervert shit. You could exist, you could be just like everybody else, but giving special treatment. and I'm not giving anyway special treatment? I don't care what race they are. I don't care what europe fucking human being brow. We operate a meritocracy, we operate on content, the character which, by the way, is martin luther king day to day that is. Okay. It's also very oppressive today show the weather. Well, it definitely not
Instead, we now warm had surprised mlk how it go backward. We gotta read a headline: mlk holiday celebrations are planned across the nation, but winter storm is liberating some of that racist weather climate change. Is racist, go watch Why climates? Yes, because it puts up bar luther gig day. Holy shit row here. What did here's the reality in its merit progress is. Are you good at the job? Can you do the job, its content of character? Are you a good person? That's it outside of that. I don't give a fuck. I really don't I don't care. If you go, I don't care of you, lesbian. I don't care I don't care, I don't care, I don't care. If you cut it off, people velcro tunnel can matter but stop g, family down. My throat stopped germany through little kids throats. Stop all this fucking crazy shit and it's going to stab one way or the other I'll tell you that, because americans are done with it, so you know
transforming europe transphobia gas all year. but can you asshole brown, not us you're, an asshole you're, the one I don't, look in your house and tell you what the fuck you say, I walk into your house and tell you the way it's gonna, be that's your fucking! That's place in order. like a mad unified? Imagine if I fucking walked up to someone like, you can really do it now, if I were Got to someone me I'm two hundred sixty four compounds brow and I walked up to some one and they said sir and I said I'm a man. and I looked at him- dead, flock and serious brow and then. and then I pulled out my phone I'd be like what did you call me cause you're ago bro? Let's do it the others say. That's what these people do that's what the fuck they do, so they do. Yes, unlike It's this person's fault. He observes me as a fuckin man and his calling me a man, you think I'm a swell may act
but you tolerate guys on it as a bus, whatever the roads, grey ass, a bus whenever neither the games. I was better. It's because he already retired it was just like now. The best one is that old man like who had the comic store or whatever, and he just talked about. I dunno that's different. Today he's like I don't give a fuck fuck, you he's off. That's the best one he's abroad. Listen man. All for freedom, and you are free to do whatever you want to do as an adult no you're, not free to indoctrinate or kids. You are now to show your dick in front of kids, because you think it's freezing or. Progressive or whatever you fuckin you're, not we'll do that here in this country, and I mean for them yours. You're not free to demand people call you a certain thing. Otherwise there bigots or their moral other piece of shit fuck. You. I'm sorry dude! If that offends you tough shit I'm not playing. You know, nobody's cup of tea man
and it ain't transphobia bro, I'm fucking, I'm just fuckin down with all the crazy shit you're. Not. This is me being a sovereign human being. Has my own opinions of my own standards and my own willingness to observe and The truth and you're nobody is going to interfere with that fuck you and that's what americanese get back to we all got back. Blackness knows crazy. Shit be happening. Boy, yeah, well, variable It's not boy, if you standing on your line, that's what they call it, but he'll be ok with that I have two out of people, their friends, believe it or not. I have people are friends with, I have known for many years that are fuckin trance. I have people my family, there, trans, the lobby, people there are good people, they don't fuck with kids. Fucking. They don't believe any of that. They don't believe that grown men should be shaking their fucking ball sack in front of little kids. It's drag drag story hour, whatever they don't, they don't believe nah shit they're, just like they are different and they want to live different, and I have no problem with that, but this this shit like.
You know, I'm not I'm not doing it. Dude and other people gotta start doing it too, and when they call you transphobic, say fuck. You then I'll give a fuck for come here to fuck. You want that's where I'm at or still do. Listen dude. I get asked all the time. How do you get on the internet and say what the fuck you say, because I don't care. Care sticks since I was raised like this sticks and stones will break your bones, but names will never hurt me in lahti. pussies what raise that way? They call me racist. What are you know? what the fuck are you worried about what I'm a woman I know you are You are a little bit races you didn't say you know dude, it's like for real, do why. Why are people so fuckin weak around this. what the fuck is wrong with you all they fell. I mean because it was like the feeling that it actually have power. No, no, no dude. Exactly all it is exempt tenure. years ago do ten years ago. If you got call racist broke in your life. The uk is what is called for. Kill yourself, If you are white beard and you
call racist and you got a group of fucking, carries on the internet, calling you re you're done. Bro you caught fire from your job and that power It is now exhausted, murmurs exhausted because of of all reuse over use, and now we can even identify real racism, anymore. Everybody's racism, nobody's ratio of everybody's transfer, but nobody's transphobia duchess best just the way it is. ro it listen. I am just to appoint a fuck you. How funny you know. But you are old people that point where they don't give a fuck. You understand my grants: Rita, yes, yeah or like yeah. Exactly like get off my back, fuck him on? Well, that's format. It besieged well it figured out? I was thinking about this because I definitely have that you know I like Like my neighbour, the neighbour guy, was violent. Fuck, you man, fuck off. I figured I why I'm like that at a young age could you
it takes people to work. Seventy to get to that point. We're like fuck you couple of diapers here's. What did it? Well? Here's what it is, I could use some of those be real. Like all my rocks bro, you don't sound like I get. After we get far away, it depends yeah. We can repackage extra underpants all the time. Don't we, it is important yeah, it is important, an ocean. your readiness to be about forty road. You stop trust him. Farts man, s real shit. Ok Joe, is that true. Fuckin true in anybody, listen the show of Europe forty years old, fuckin line if you say that a true trustworthy ever I, but secondly, Especially when you're supplemented with a lot of magnesium scarlet in their right mary It was good for your brains of shit battery behold, you're better! toilet paper right so. finally figured out because I've always wondered like. Why? Do I not give a fuck like an old person, but I'm only like half the rage?
it's, because I've worked that much of my life. I've had enough hours put in because of business in dealing with human beings? Now, where am I give a fuck is exhausted, though it's gone, you don't care you're at that age. I don't carry more like fuck. You. we good to war with them? It feels good to you. the point that attitude with the attitude of you know you're an imperfect person, and you know you made mistakes, and you know You know, everybody else. May mistakes, and you you like say: ok, water is not going to make that mistake anymore and move forward You combined with fuck you too, very liberating fuckin weight of levels, yeah very liberating! You don't feel pressure, you don't feel strasse you don't you don't feel anxiety, you're just kind of like yeah, I'm a fucker. It is what it is. For us europeans once a while said only pressure on Gaza, That's right sometimes that pressure becomes a little too much to bear. If you dont have said sometimes maybe
anyway, yoda fuck. It ass. Well ass! Well! Number three: let's talk about it: let's talk about those outfits, some more man, god I'm just gonna to that every fuckin day, all day I swear to god. This is what I was born to where I was born at the wrong fucking time brow I should have been born so like I should have been born like seventeen like fifty. now for real seventeen, fifty five? Why will fall back any That's a little whore back.
Let's see, I would have been on your side yeah. I never happened. You go back to Missouri yeah bro. When it comes out that trump really is a time traveler we get to use his machine. You ain't going alright cool yeah I'll, be right here when you got the fuck. No, no anyway, that's the point. I was born to weird that shit and cut off tyrants fucking ads. That's it holy shit said here the wrong tat. Maybe I was there then do it's possible like reincarnation yeah. It's possible, It might be a sure, look fucking good in that outfit. I'm just saying that bro you're saying that I was pretty decent. You dude! You look very refined very proper. It looks like you have a british ex wife.
why does is remind me of jangle polo hold on hold hold forget all about J go. Have I got? Did he ever was a blue alfred? Was it others have a seat in the de facto. The doktor s nice to any! That's what I'm saying. however, we still in the same team wrote restoring simply unfailing your fight, bron hoddan! in the end, if we're being irish, do the dock with savage, annette movie, fuckin shot modify broken secure, yeah, ha ha ha ha ha laughed lap. Well, he's got a girl boot. the real there were five It's random movies. I never saw anyway
about the time draft, A vulgar does look like. I have seen this before. What maybe that's why I guess I'll betcha fuck. Maybe I'm his raises is you find, will shoulder below get him a little trees ga da fanny will his claims in proper relationship. Accusations are based on race because only black people cheap I've that were part of the other, this is confusing. So lisbon was a sergeant. Ok, this little Jerusalem must go through it to its awful county georgia, district attorney, fanny willis, who brought argues against former president donald trump an election. appearance claims allegations brought against her of having an improper romantic relationship with a prosecutor were made.
Because they are black, quite document found earlier this month. What can we say that the reason that she file those charged against tromp was because he was white? Yes, yes, documents fouled earlier this month, so willis hired special prosecutor, Nathan wade, her alleged partner to pray cute dress, that sexual partner business part, sexual partners, sexual, Lucien rope. One time I was at a flock of party burrow in may increase were there and we were dressed up nice and I always said as my partner Chris and I could tell they were fucking confused because he could crisp and you gotta stop saying. They were confused. They were like, like my business, farther away. They said they shit now ruined, maybe not maybe the baby I think we would get likes all kinds of government grants and shit if we decide that brow yeah
us, then I could really say whatever I want. You all can say: fuck a shit reality. You fuckin homophobia, f b, I will you know like me, you're fucking hold up. This actually works pretty good. You know what I love dicks. I do especially my own fucking love it a means of gay Ok criticise mere your fuckin. Homophobia have bialy allow for a few months. That's right! Mother fucker should better not I'll fuck. It see you fuckin huh, before but motherfuckers homophobic assholes Oh man why? What you're gonna love your own text. Robots liars, so so so, let's paint the pigeon, click. Ok, so you got fanny willis she's, having issues that this guy Nathan,
a guy who is an outsider, turning does not work for foreign county. Georgia raises a local area, turn he's Mary love, a pike, local pipe layer, local pipe layer. He's married Fanny been getting an own goal, fanny decides Well, let's just say it wasn't a race defending the size nor hate, Donald trump he's guilty right, so she in in order to bypass bypass the whole, you know cause the prosecutor has to be selected in theirs to bypass that whole process. She elects the guy that she's having relationships with right, as a special prosecutor, which means that bypasses all like she has the authority to do that right. She hired him to be the special prosecutor to prosecute trump write. Her boyfriend, her boyfriend got it. And then proceed to pay him. Almost three quarters of a million dollars in one here, that's how the illegal in one year,
it's illegal, but you know what, if you pointed out, you know what you're right, I'm racist for, pointing it out for sure. There's no doubt about it, and you are I am. And went even that bugger meet here is the more sinister part. The really fucked up point about this whole scheme. Then- and this is our bank- is on its own court- bro, it's all in court and that's all carla because made the way Why file for divorce and now fanny willis in the divorce. As far as the rats, how came out that's how I came out just recently has just recently that's what came off right. But all sounds like a mess roads. It's it's a dark blackness here, yeah, but nisi. But here's the really fucked up thing about it right and because stuff is starting to come out to light documents are being know on earth right. There was a couple of invoices there were put out
This invoice is from may twenty third of two thousand twenty two And this is Nathan J way the law offices of Nathan, J wayne there that's the guy, she was walking heat. charged and build fault county and its taxpayers, two thousand dollars go to the white house to me. With the white house council. Now this is money almost a year before any charges were even announced in this I'm going on fulton counties, dime paid by taxpayers To go visit, white house counsel, and it wasn't just one time he did it again in november of twenty two another two thousand dollars go back: okay, nevermind.
There's a good. I thought they submitted the exact same invoiced: wife, no, definite voices. This was just a november. So this this this chick was father. I mean. I mean- and like I mean to me, this actually prove some corroboration. Why would you be meeting with your opponents? Why would you be the guy you're charging. Why you be meeting with his potential opponents for elections, a meeting with our work. because you're trying to sabotage the election and ruin your political opponents violet you there did. You extend the invite, did the white house in my you have work and oh shit out of their work. I think I was on order just one that's called of you. You should be here at this time to say and guess what taxpayers pay for
I'm so she response to all of these allegations. What sushi have to say I appointed special counsel. This is my right to do Paying them all saying, how will we re the way we make. I need someone from savannah jurisdiction in summer I stayed to tell me how to do a job. I've been doing all the no lady. That's that's not while why is it that these people get up and blatantly lie like this, and then black people, for whatever reason just go along with it? I say this ever video because look at their look at all the people's heads here. None of these. People are that dumb. They all know what the fuck she did. They all know she got caught and there yeah racism, one item.
In that, no them so the money, the almost three quarters of a million dollars, was paid out to Nathan way, They then use that money to fund lavish vacations to florida. The deal are the caribbean. That's taxpayers dollars. This is our boyfriend. I was surprised that a team that is similar to china, It can accomplish extraordinary that the attack this boy of impeccable credentials, the blackmailer, tells a judge more than ten years. more than twenty rather than do right behind her yea mine, all now, that's only by special, the same, black
what is acceptable when the pumpkin in another town, higher impact than twice the ring? The black female? Do not I'm so sick of hearing this shit about black, this okay, like oh you're, a fucking criminal, just because your black doesn't mean you got to get away with, would thus now are you impact on various anybody? Do this well all nobody's pie, and this I've seen this clip all over the internet, brow and they're getting destroyed in the com arriving even black people like bro. This is tired. This is causing more racism You are causing gonna, believe you're, making a harder for us, like black p, we're starting to realise that these people are fucking flax and by the way they collect people. These are the people who fuckin instigate and propagate racism in this country because they make breathing about fucking race know. You
criminal? You did criminal shit, you misuse tax dollars, your corrupt, fucking, bitch and fuck you And if you say they back you your homophobia, I don't think I will take this guy was buying it either if that guy now, you know why, because he's old enough to have been through the actual civil rights movement- and he understands this is all bullshit now do- is complete. Bullshit. Speaking of the eyes, because that's what the fuck she is, This effort, a bullshit by alpha is actively rosa. You are serious about getting racist, oh fuck, yeah, fuck, yeah, just a little bit too it's alright every now and then you know what I'm saying when I was like Do presented what you fly yeah. Would you fly on a fork in playing? This is a real question answer and comments. Doesn't matter what you races. Would you fly on a plane because someone was given the job because like to have sex with a certain other,
kind of person or day happen to be a certain gender, or happened to be a certain racial background. Would you fly on the plane if it that way, the criteria for the pilot to meet nope, nobody, what a muffled what about fire to shut the fuck up, we gonna Jane, is black I'm getting off, don't trust him you're such a liar anyway. That's the point: is it shouldn't matter what your gender is or what your race is just don't fucking crash or be as long as you fucking can pilot the mother fucker plane, bro, listen! So let's ask some real questions of the people, and I want some answers in the fucking comments here. Would you fly or to play if that, if the pilot, was chosen based upon their gender or sexual preference. or the race? would you have a surgery if, The surgeon was chosen- author, gender their sexual,
orientation or the race. What would you yes or no Yeah sure peggy sue doesn't problem with this day may, like you know like, as is a thing like you can all be able to say yes to that shit Although live in their own fucking word bro, you guys can have california fucking habit, man, the weather's great. the weather's great because could have it, you can have it. You can walk around the tree with your dirty fuckin drug needles in the fisheries industry. Starbucks extra now to your shit will work because you promote people based upon what, what who they like to fork in what race they arbours is going to do the job you guys can have that you can have California and everybody else that lives in the real world will fucking continue to operate in our bro like it's funny, you know people get on planes. People get on playing the middle man as it helped his playing as they say,
which are now they're gonna, get on there fuck. I hope my piles, not gay, bros, listen dude! I'm gonna tell you this like a dude. This is going to sound this is going to sound totally fuckin. I'm may tell you this. I have a phone walking commercial. Since, like two thousand and thirteen, a guy. If I got your a point had fly commercially. I'm fucking drive yeah. That is real shit anywhere. There's no fuckin way broke her. There's no way. That's that's the bro pro the fact that this become an actual thing now. they're going to have to do something corrective to get the trust the people back, meaning like I have to see your fucking scores. Brow like I would have to know like. Where did you fly like what you know? What your scores like all you do is just look in the cabinet. Okay, we're good
she's very why Gallagher, you know, above our basis, death the robotics that I laugh, but you know laugh it's funny, I'm not I'm not, and it's not that funny. Bro lizard, but Therefore, my father is going to be heck. Forty, when my father's a crash in the fuckin skies bro when people are getting their limbs, you know that their right limits, tender left, limb, fuckin, amputated shit like before again. I fly row humbling, I'm tellin, you yes, female engineering croup and, as you know, that Did you know that? Don't you see the door airplane like a week ago, the motherfuckers that design- it wasn't all female team ugh did make it a matter of fact you going mad at me. All you want is what it is.
I will turn this point around here, I'm just saying I knew the listen I'll say that there is probably a whole bunch of females that are great engineers and could have fought. But if you putting people because their female and then because their skilled in It is crazy now you understanding what companies have had to deal with for the last fourteen fifteen years, because been immense social pressure to promote people. based around things other than are the good for the job. You know dude. I used to post pictures on instagram and it'd be like for, while the in the coma- and this is you know the be- should be. Also only hang our white people, the fuck. Are you talking about dude, so I gotta start thinking about this in every year after we intentional Don't that is exactly do that race is going to take a picture of me real, like scale the picture, so really all that desk racist bro, we shouldn't be,
thinking about right now, molly we of the picture pitcher, because edison eared, listen and and there's a stairs, a segment have to decide what we're gonna do real talk? Ok Are we going to say we are a country of people from all different backgrounds and all different races who unit come together over, the content of their character? How good people, they are and what they believe in terms of american culture. Or are we going to be those people? Are we going to be what amerika was founded to be? Are we going to be is amazingly diverse country that put that as the greatest technology that the industry or the things that we ve been in the past, that we let slip through our hands. Are we gonna be that or I was going to be a country where blue. People one well, sir. I'm proud to be blocked, my greatest asset. Asia people do the same in
do the same. Women do the same and a white man, so I'm fucking proud to be why in fucking fuck you, because I do wild men are the only people who can say that, We can say if you know why you don't understand. I bother I don't give a fucking think that way, because I've never been allowed to think that way. I always believe the message of martin luther king, whether you guys say he was marxist or whatever way if are concerned. I believe. Ok, regardless of what he did, regardless of he was an adult, you're fucking. Whenever you guys all accuse him to be, I don't give a shit. I don't care what the fuck you did. The message is what I believe america should be. That's the truth, We should not be judging each other on our color. We should not be judging each other on anything other than are we fucking good people? Are we not is a good versus evil. And the alternative work. every social movement is taking us nor taking us to a point where white, we're going to have to start saying now,
Fuck you. I am proud to be. Why, if you don't like a fuck you and then we have the situation where, where every What he's fighting like you're insane, That is why people to think that's the way it should be, and I don't agree with that. I don't agree with the black. I think salaries should be. I think we should be able, because what has gotten hold on. I think we should be able to celebrate each other's cultures and say This is really cool. Black people have this. why people have this asian people had this indian people have this and we should be able to celebrate all those things with out. You know taking a two serious where we could teach each other and still get along for the common good of what we're trying to create. You know and people say what that's easy for you to say, cause your white woman, all, I'm part of the only racial dynamic and that in the last four in forty years has been legally able to be discriminated against. skilled white male, skill, blackmail or a skilled black female, or a skilled female
it's all the same, the one guy doesn't get to fucking job and that's legal. That's been legal up until recently, still legal she's, not legal account college campuses. So we'll talk about whose actually been discriminated against. I'm forty four years old, I mean for my whole life. It's been that way. Ok! So let to be fuckin real about where the discrimination is an isn't that discrimination is legal against white people. It's not legal against anybody else. Be illegal for everybody. So, You know we we got, we got a decision to make about where we're going to be as a country. Are we going to let these fuckin communists divide us all up and make us think our greatest asset is the fucking we were born with, which is our skin color, which is ridiculous. That's ridiculous statement like if you, biggest claimed fame. Is your proud of being what you borders. That's a pretty low fuckin standard, bro, we'll talk. You're born of that and that goes for every race,
so we can either be that kind of place where we can all fight and argue about who's this or that and fight for equal rights in this and go through all the shit that we've already figured out or We could go to what martin Luther king message was, regardless of what you thought of ass, a fuckin person and say content of character, different colors, You're celebrate each other's cultures, be friends, tease each other. A little begin along we're on the same team is called the american teen, those The two ways we can go, and only one of those pass produces strong country under are so. system of how we do things here in america, the other path, will eventually be conquered for sure, because we're too busy each other over shit, honestly in my opinion, is irrelevant shit. We are americans. We are fucking human beings if you're, not an american you're, still part of the human race, and we have to Segments of the human race, in my opinion, one is tyrants, to regular people.
and if we start looking like that, the terrorists will cease to exist anyway. Don't fuckin fly with severe intellectual in psychiatric disabilities. Point why that's other higher now widens affair is actively recruiting people with severe intellectual and sat there, drawing destroy the country you were on the street ass. They reached out that no one, lady for higher yeah brought shut. The fuck up here, man is that a real headlong brewer sit on the website. You know that actively, yes, it's part of the d. I inclusion player that it lies from yesterday.
The rattling federal aviation administration places I priority on hiring people with quote so the intellectual disability as part of his firstly and inclusion initiative according to its website the They are claims quote individuals with targeted or severe disabilities are the most under represented segment of the federal workforce, I'm so under its people disability program? The agency says it quote: actively recruits hires promotes retains develops in advance as people with disabilities, the FDA targets, the following: this it is, as a matter of policy quote, hearing vision, missing, extremities, partial paralysis, complete paralysis, epilepsy, severe intellectual disability sack, yet psychiatric dwarfism, now psychiatric, disability and prism, not psychiatric dwarfest mob air, the act of destruction, the united america ancestry,
sure and our ability to travel the fuckin everything how. I'll believe anybody's with this shit now I think I think they ve got us all fooled I don't think anybody with the shit if we, to our real talk and fucking ask any human being. These basic questions like would you do? Would you fly to play with that? Would you get surgery like that? Every single fucking human on the fucking earth is going to say no, I think there have us all fool bro. I think they ve. use, the internet and technology to create a big enough bought network to make. Appear like those far more of them than there are of us. I don't want anybody in real life that would fuckin sate like even but mostly one person. I know- and I know some fuckin pretty words Curiously liberal people die, We do not agree with that now like did. This is built people gotta come together. Do they gotta
all this shit a big deal. Man like real talk like what is this. why are we doing this just to do it like we're we're I want to hear the justification of this idea where, where has At what level? Was it a good idea to do any of this? For what reason Are we doing this is for people's feelings and apparently horn, real, I'm serious. This for people's feeling, so they feel important. What are they like? I'm I'm asking you ass though you like it like early age when they say like real four, intellectually, no fucking dead. people write like really trying to get the first it like, intellectually fucked up here. And be a pilot to be for cleaning purposes or something like not flying a plane? You can fly plain but I'm just saying once where's. The idea is
when they say. Inclusion is like who feels good there, the peat or so What we're doing here were continuing, but pretty so patient trophy mentality from these people's youth is that correct we're taking people who work good enough to get in the fucking game. we'll, probably them up, so they feel better in society. But now we're doing this instead of like with little league fucking t ball. we're doing this with like flying in aeroplanes. That is, they might today, this correctly, as my reader? Ok well, Are you fucking mom? Are you fucking moms that fuckin rooted for this shit fuck you a fucking world now, because only fuckin people brow fucking. My kid deserves to play. You know practice with your kid. You don't fucking play catchword your kid. You put your kid, a fuckin video game that carers there. Why he's back an uncle native encamp. Fucking baseball should relate yeah. we're not giving a he's argument. What's
are we gonna do this measure leagues? What are we? fucking doing so fucking! Are we gonna, take someone with down syndrome and put them on nfl football field can feel good four comply? Lonely killed which would you do that, would you got be ok with that which would You'll, be ok with the fuckin with fucking all the basketball teams are here. Having two fuckin include a five or six. Why do for inclusion I would add, ok gonna play it because, if we're to do those over here, when I do it over here, right mean I'm of equity and inclusion in this country, just as men. Release among fucker you urged equity equity is earned Ok? I've been doing this twenty five fucking years. Nobody gave me fucking shit about for this? In our view, a body out there whose fucking entitlements as you gotta, You have no idea bro. You live in my shoes for one day with fucking crush you, you cry.
Should this idea that somehow certain people have got this what an easy wire this free rider, this fuckin matter, this bullshit, the bullshit idea. Joy rob and put in a gazillion hours in his life. These people, you fucking, admire that you think you're successful they put gazillion hours, while you were fuck off in your fuckin again smoking, clack, fucking it I'll fuck, Fuckin food and for can play video games guys, we're forking dedicated their fucking craft bro I'm sick of this fucking diminishing of people's achievements because of some sort of fucking quarter quote privilege privilege you wanna. Take me twenty five fucking years. Tired of it, it's fucking insulting the people who actually built shit and worked or ass often sacrificed their whole life. You know, dude, I'm I take it personally, I'm sick of my accomplishments being diminished, because other people fucking, we'll get the fuckin fat ass off the fuckin, couch
and then say somehow they got fuck fuck fuck brow. I The things that you are willing to do that I wish there was fucking cameras around my entire life. For the last. twenty five years because the promise you it's a movie that you wouldn't be able to watch. You be able to watch it. That's how fuckin brutal it's been, and if we sit here for concern these People deserve careers because they fucking of this or that now What you want you you're fuckin skill set, you fucking do the work you put in the work you become that skilled. Then, when the apple, godaddy com. You fuckin, take it nobody's. given any opportunities around like that, opportunities, given no opportunities are not given, they are taken and they are not lost their seized by people who are willing to do things that you just are willing to do. That's how opportunities happen they get awarded by some opportunity? A war fairy like these people who fuckin take them
and if you want opportunity in your life, you're gonna have to get skill set and take the fuckin opportunity. Now come and give it to you, because you are wider, valuable in europe. People to do is give valuable shit away, they fuck and take it for themselves. So if you want shit, your wife and you want to return to, you have to be willing to forget the skills necessary and gulf I can take it and if you lose an opportunity, it's because you didn't have the skills and you weren't willing to deal with someone else's willing to do, and that is the way it fucking works. That is natural order. That is reality as way. It's always worked here and I'm tired participation, trophy generation, fuckin bullshit to say? Oh somebody deserves a fucking job because of their fuckin gender, who they like to have sex with the races is insane some say like where what's the history like louder, though, how do those to bid me turn out? How does that work for people poor, new norms and when you just given the four out of the work and we ve found again if we're gonna. Do this, let's make a decision as the collectible, what we're going to do because
just like I'm saying we can either be kind of america where we don't see race and we worked together and we we love each other cultures and appreciate the culture or we can all fight about which ones better and then that case why people get to fight too. so we can all do out. We can all do this, whichever one, let me know, that's what the fuck we should do in this situation. Worse, about you know participation, trophy type shit. Ah, Are we gonna? Do I gotta? Do it like this you should have said. Let me know the rules are fuck Because I'm tired of the rules be one sided bro entire, the rules being fuckin all these dumb. Standards, I'm fuckin, but it's bullshit as I've than this conversation down in the comments, let us case law. Let us know what you guys think that being said, man, let's close it out. We got our final segment the show, as always my thumbs up the the spot this will bring airlines. We talk about one of those two options and our thumbs up or die. most. What her long reads. I try to help people
man on a mission to insulate pipes for seniors disable neighbours. I had a freeze to be honest with you. I don't know I like helping other people ass. Well spring taxes in a world of News is refreshing to meet someone. My Josh, you being the spring. taxes. Man is about as regular as attacks in man can get opting out of his pickup truck and work. Boots and carhartt jacket to the eye. He seems like just another guy. But it's what's beyond the eye and makes Josh anything but a regular person on friday. gosh- made a simple of post on facebook offering to help any elderly neighbours in his neighborhood of spring and summer of spring insulate. There pipes ahead of the big arctic blast coming sat sunday evening. Little did he know that message would have his phone ringing in vibrating ever since he pushed post gauge. How did you come up with this idea? Josh, you said said quote to be. With you. I don't know I like helping other people, and that exact our expenses day and we'll be
spending is weakened josh as a stockpile of pipe insulation that he picked up. Last year after a freeze came through southeast texas quote, so we have a farm when you have a form, you have a lot of pipes and a lot of like waterline said you bank hell, of supplies already said now, sir. Do me no good sitting over. There are dozens of dozens of senior citizens and disable neighbours took Josh up on his offer. A friday alone. He insulated the pipes on five homes. He has a list of forty more to go. Malicious keeps on growing faithfully picked up some help along the way. I quote wanted to go around helping people fixed their fast it. The hose outside, says I said eyes a. Whose better known as the lemonade guy and I was You know what I might as well close out. My lemonade stand come along and help him see who can help, the other. They ve been crisscrossing town to help, make sure seniors who wouldn't have another way to protect their pipes. Have a fighting chance gives the frigid code. Here's the original facebook post,
view bank and are some pictures that posted along with Ayesha Hakeem who's been helping them cool man This was a blue, that's what america's about four can help each other and by the way, if you're listening on audio guess, what one Guys, white. The other. I guess what he is he's black given their signal arguing over whose fuckin ways better are Think they're just working together, gonna fucking job done. Holy shit. This is a complicated and Look like they hit the flock at harvard. Ok, I am just saying this is a simple concept What I'm saying here is sick What we are saying here is simple. fuckin very easy. Did raw fucking people were all trying to begin raw try and do good shit I am so sick. All this shit. Do this race shit this first shit this I get
pass, because on this or that no, and anybody who's with that bro you're fucking wrong. I don't think anybody's, even with it now. This is reality bro. This is the real world. That's what the real world looks like every day and twice on sunday, man so thumbs up on this stripe, yeah for sure, sweet. guys, aid forgotten may not allow bore. folks well with everything you like real, like what is this about how, in saying this shit fuck, it sounds like when we actually talk about it. you notice, Zander but here we are bro how how how what what's the anniversary today of Martin Luther king's death, how many years would you look at me for I I'm not away from it out and look it up for you paranoid. He died at sixty eight. so how long ago, that fifty six years, fifty six years, almost sixty fucking years later- well, no worse
In your time, same shit. how about the same shit? That's what they want us to talk about, to get us off fact that lead, therefore, what it looks like yeah and get us off from the fact of what they're doing to us: This is why they don't want unity. This is why they will divide. They will create much racial tension is possible in any A possible, including blow out of proportion, certain crimes, including Creating resentment amongst the races by giving certain races privilege over other races, That she should not exist in twenty twenty four america, regardless of the race fucking overdue. I think people are
anyway, don't be a home finish up sleeping on the floor now my jewelry box from the stove county museum in kobe teach buddhist smoke got a rope. Kang, doesn't know shot case club.
Transcript generated on 2024-01-17.