« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

631. Real Talk: American Consensus

2024-01-13 | 🔗

In today’s episode, Andy discusses the top 10 issues that need to be fixed to make America the best that it has ever been. And why leaders and citizens should focus on Personal Excellence for the cultural revolution that is needed in the United States.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Sleeping on the floor. Now, my german from the county, millions in kobe, teach buddhist, god of all things, rope can't fall, doesn't know headshot case club. What is up guys obtained if this is the show, for the realist, say goodbye to allies, thickness and delusions of modern society and welcome mother motherfucker reality guys. Today we have a special episode. I don't even know what to call this, which we call this real talks. This is a real talk, like a real talks, cause you're here. Okay, it's a real talks with Andy and dj that doesn't sound right man. What do you think Murat. now just a real time. There's a special real talk. Ok is this my last longer than twenty minutes and dj is gonna, be on the show, but You know we always talk about. What's going on in the world, we always talk about what's wrong with the world but
I wanted to talk about a couple things that I think we can all agree on in terms of how things should be Ninety percent of this country understands that things are messed up right. There's ten per cent of people and by the way, are not all in the press of left their arson people on the far right- and I would say that eight percent of whom were on the far right- and two percent more on the far right that are fucking insane. Ok. But if we talk about, the rest of us, the night, percent. I think we all want the same thing. We all know what we want. We all know what we would like. We all know. we're, not getting it. But we cannot we have those conversations, because we're too we shouldn't get along or that we can't talk things or you know, because This person is a democratic, this person's republic. Here this person is from the inner city or this persons from the country, or this person's play.
or white or straight or gay- that we in will not agree, and I dont believe that to be true You know. I just called a lot of things because of the content that we talk about times I get lump them with the far right. I am that right. I am common sense and I believe Most of you are as well, and I think that if we took a minute, maybe a few, it's to talk about some of the issues from a common sense standpoint by what this country should look like. Maybe we could combined common ground. You know I talked about. The situation is going, our child abusers and child traffickers and child molesters now talked about it in my story, and I said can't we all agree. Can we not all agree, no matter who you are no matter, what political affiliation norman? where you come from, no matter the pigment of your skin no matter You ought to have sex with any of these things. Ok. Can we not agree that, no matter what
Children are off limits, you fuck with kids, and if you fuck, with kids these people deserve hush public. sample making punishment. That's it's a standard as a deterrent for us civilised human culture- and I made them story in the least eyes was one hundred percent positive okay. So if we get. Ninety percent of people to agree on that issue, nor you there Possible that we all want some of the same things, so I figured what we do today is we Just go down some of the issues and talk about how we hear believing look in real life, where you think you're one hundred per cent top ten? I mean the not in no particular order. I do think is important too, because a I'm sure you guys watching this listening. You'll notice that there's a couple of issues that are not on this list right and you have addressed
Those are things we we, we call them below the line issues such as abortion, yeah. Okay, a lot of people like to make their whole entire identity around abortion and they liked you about abortion, but what they think the is that abortion, maybe situation that comes up in someone's life, one or two times in their entire life, maybe ok and were willing to make political decisions that affect the entire. of our lives. The rest of our existence allowed this one issue that is below the line. below the line is below the line for everybody based upon the frequency of which this issue comes to the we're front of our existence and theirs? other issues that are below the lie. There's other things. don't necessarily matter every single thing. King day. I'm not saying it's on the porn issue, I'm saying it's not important issue every single day for our society and what he's elite, we quote.
representatives of our people gas into believing, is that these are the most important issues which allows them to destroy all the other things that we would need to have a civil happy productive day to day life and that she thought that was important It's very important because the lot of you guys were so. I believe in this ok, so because you have a say it's on abortion, you're! Ok, I'm taxing you at seventy percent, right, you're, ok with the crime I'm going crazy, you're, ok with things lasting ten times more you're? Ok with you taxing us into book, oblivion and stealing the money you ok with all these other things that affect us. Every single day, you're gonna work the georgian, oh yeah, that makes no sense Doesn't make sense for anyone One saying it's not an important issue, but we have to learn to delineate between
above the wine issues that affect us. Every single and below on issues which are still important, but not necessarily in port enough to change our daily. Existence and environment and I think that most people be because of the state of our country right now realized that that's probably good idea? We should probably look at other things like crime and the economy and what's going on in the world than getting, I stood up by things that you know. We only deal with a few times our life we can. We can We can all you over those things, but let's get the main thing straight for sure. I think that's it. That's a good way to look at it for sure I would ask you to write so for people. Listen, maybe would are they supposed to agree with everything on this list now all this time, shared goals for people. Listening to this, my goals for people listen. This is really a couple different things one. I want peace. understand where I stand.
because there's a lot of you know, there's a lot of clips that get shared of the show that are taken out of context and dude, I'm a fiery guy. So I sound you know something: and so people associate that with wrath. a call- and I am radical- but I'm I'm I'm radical common sense- and so part of it I want people to understand how I think things would be If I were running the show what I would do and how I would run them, you don't have to agree. You know, that's why we have a vote and shit, I'm not running for office, but I think some clarity would be good for people, and I also think that it would be good for people to here, some ideas from someone who isn't donald trump or who isn't vague or who is it Nikki haley, who isn't fucking Joe Biden, because all these people
well seem to be doing the set. Now I will say this while I like the vague a lot I think with aig, stands out amongst those guys as a real guy. But the point is: we need new ideas, we need new thoughts, new strategies and I think. If we started talking about things actual particular issues along the lines of common sense, I think we could find some places of unity, because the reality is guys is that if their whole play divide us and then take everything from us which they ve been doing for fucking fifty years man. How do we stop that? We start that by coming together on common sense issues and getting to a place where we come together and then we dictate what actually happens in politics. We view ass. Most people like who their favorite politician is give your name, but if you say do you agree their policy, they'll say well now really, but I feel like it's too bad.
Still lies with me. I feel like I feel like you it's ok, guys who even know. Sometimes they just know one name. You know, so I think it's important Bobbing should be not just always talk about things are fucked up. That's A kind of one solved today for our audience, like you, you guys all valued ass, you guys support us. You share the things. I think we should get some coffee clarity about what we actually stand for like what this logo stands for, when you were the gear which, by the way we have a drop in the new draft that you all been asking about on a real american freedom here happens this wednesday. The set one of january, we have all new pieces. They are not the same pieces that run the last drop. At seven o clock at night, some pm central standard sunbeams central standard, we will, that really so you know, there's that to know some
You should know what that stands for when you wear it. They don't just go by this like no days, and then this is what you get into again, no particular order with exception of this first work. Has this this is important. First, the first point of the american consensus is personal excellence saga about it will look, we a duty to be the best that we can be. Millions of americans have died and sacrificed for us to have the opportunity to live this life. There was a time in this country when everybody understood there was an obligation of citizen to be an exercise, their freedoms and to be the best they can. Possibly and we have abandoned that- and trade it for this idea that freedom means that we can just do whatever we want and we can just live a lazy life and we can be less than we can. We can over consume, and we can be all these things and what we do. What we failed
understand- is that when we buy into that idea of freedom. We are actually trading it for real freedom because it happens. Is we fall right into what their play has always been there play is to make you fat to make you sick to make you on it. came to keep you poor and the reason they do. These things is because for twofold one, when you eat the food you're consuming food. Then you you get sick because you're fat, so you could soon the medicine while you're fat, sick, you consume their data, consumer information, you become a mega consumer streaming. Ok, you become ultimate consumer, when you act out of living a truly excellent exam since on your own right. So you have to understand the for us to exercise freedom we have delivered in our daily life, and if we don't, exercise, freedom in excellence then- freedom ceases to exist, ok and we What we look around- and we wonder why
Culture is so fucked up. Why is everybody so zombie like? Why is everybody so sick? Why is everybody solver, wait wise everybody so broke? Why is everybody so dumb and then we look at ourselves and we don't ever stop to think- or maybe it's because we're setting a bad example the reality is, there was a time in america were all men, especially really men took this response, its ability seriously There was a sense of pride of being strong american man and a good example in your community, which met Your household saw that your or saw that your commission did. He saw that your peers it works on that and that made other people want that too, and went up people observe winning an excellent, it inspires them to be better and a rising tide of good culture raises all ships it raised is the standard for the american people saw the first,
we have to understand is that we have to become the best versions of ourselves so that people can understand that looks like and also we are at the whim of there. major risks that they have created we have unplugged are as we are now healthy, we are now fit. We are now eating good food. We are putting good information, our brains. We are treating people we are becoming successful. We building a nice financial portfolio, we'll have a nice income. We are setting the standard for american culture, palace ticks is downstream of culture. So, if we want to fix what's going on in politics, we have to fix culture first and that's why I say all the time: personal excellence, is the ultimate rebellion because it unplug you from being dependent on them, which maintains their power structure over all of us, so If you're not living in excellent life, which is ultimately what this logo stands for, you
failing your obligation as an american. That's my belief, love a man for number two of contention, crime crimes up all across country, major cities. You got homicide rates or up out of the roof on robberies, invasion of means anywhere. You look it up where it. What is the common sense plan or crime? The common sense? Plan on crime has to do with one being able to talk about crime in an honest way, part of the way Isn't that we have so much crime. Is we're unable to talk about crime in an honest way, we're not able to talk about who's, committing the crime? Where are the crimes being committed and what kind of crime is being committed? Because if we talk about those things statistically, we are called racist, okay. So, first of all, we have to get away from that and we have to stand that. The reason that the crime is elevated in those areas of our american population- I'm not even gonna, say black american, because these are americans. The reason is because those
areas have been abandoned by the culture that we talked about in the first step. Ok, they have been why too, and convinced that a certain group of people have their best interests in mind which they do not. For the latter, fifty years under the guise of racism. It's the white, guys fault, it's not that guys fall the black people, kill each other and are fucking unpressed. in array unless you consider the white guy being the guy that you voted for, whose setting was going to bring all this shit to your neighborhood, they never did invite the way he did that for fifty years, and it wasn't republicans alright. So, let's, let's define that, so we have to be able to talk about the crime. First of all, second of all We need to take some of the tax dollars that we and over to these foreign aid countries all over the world. foreign aid, which is secret, talk for stealing aright as yet they said no money there. The money comes back to them. They get rich and we got nothing as american citizens, so we
the step that bleeding and start reimbursed our tax allocation into our first. respond or network meaning region. I police from a guy who can make these seventy a hundred grand and they should be making too three hundred thousand dollars that way, We can actually provide them a reasonable income, so they can survive and provide for their family. We make police, an honourable profession. We're trapped, or police officers and then we'll Adam to do our job do their jobs. Ok, it's very simple. As far as punishment for crimes, we stop putting people away you're fuckin twenty years for marijuana. That's ridiculous! ok or mushrooms shit, the gross from the ground. Now, if their trafficking fetnah death. Ok, if there are violent criminal rape, murder d ok, these people, don't deserve a live in our society at all and now women, a situation where violent offenders can be clearly identified through forensic evidence
There is not the gone. Are the days of people saying well that guy was falsely you keep that rarely happens anymore. Ok, it was impossible yet and we have cameras everywhere: brothers, cameras in every fuckin tv set in every computer, every cell phone everywhere, okay, so that the idea that we can mistaken identity. The weight of that has shrunk very much. And the reality is, if we don't have hard how to build for violent crime. Violence. Rape and by the way for those you don't know, I'm a victory, violent crime. That's why the scars of my face stories. books you want to read it. Violent crime has to be punished violently because people then will understand that if I do this thing, this thing will happen to me, and this is not. Maybe oh, really harsh. This is not dick twit, dick Pedro behaviour. This is human nature.
There was a reason that led the impale or put people on sticks in his front yard for, for ever noticed, said said: don't fuck with me. Ok and if violet criminals, who think they can go around raping and killing and fucking people up there. Understand that my dude, if you can't doing that, we're gonna pull your fuckin dick off on national tv and we're gonna. She wide open, we're gonna, get you like brave heart and for an all your the family for paper view and then we'll get it the money went to give to the family of the victim. Ok, that's how shits gaps that We'll stop that immediately. Ok, so we need help. Punishment we re allocation of tax dollars. We need violent crimes, are dealt with, capacity than all other crimes and and also, I believe that we need legal. We
to fix a legal system so that, if somebody makes false accusations about someone and it comes out and they made false accusations, that person then serves the sentence of the accusation they made on the person who is innocent. I think that will clean up a lot of the bullshit give us oral prosecutors our brother to buy that's. That's it. Don't matter, no brainer do yeah, that's thou! That's. that's a whole different discussion. But yes, this is all assuming that those people are removed and we have a just legal system. Point number three: is the big woman really talk about all the time tax, the tax code, the tax system and right now at the stands? Where we're financial slaves, how we fix it was the common. First of all, we have to acknowledge that we are slate. Ok, american people hate that hate when you say
The hay when you say that we are slaves here in amerika, because they ve been told their whole lives that we are the first country in the world. We are not the free his country in the world where action the only country in the world is asked to go to work, then pay more most of our money back to the government. When you add all up some of you might be saying all I only pay. Thirty percent, no, you know add up all the other tax you pay. What's that add up to that's the actual percentage, your time and then for almost all of us. That's over fifty percent, if you pay tax those We have to acknowledge that if we live to work to provide most of our money back to the government and then upon our death, everything we acquire with the amount that we were able to keep then gets taxed, sixty to sixty five percent. Depending on how you structure we have to. I wish that we are Lou legitimately slaves to the government. We exist to fund the government. That is it ok. That is not free. Ok, we have to take this country back and make a free and what
we have to do is we have to unburden the american citizen from this financial tax structure that has. enslaved our culture and our people and made it so that normal people with a normal job have a hard time even existing or surviving, are getting a house there's only so much work harder. You could tell people pay But work very hard in this country. Work ethic actually isn't the problem. The one is that the tax system is so oppressive that average people with an average outcome barely survive that is now free. That is not prosperous. That's not! The point suit of wealth in happiness, that's not anything that were promised! Ok, so we have to quit this shit. Of funding, the largest organization. That's ever existed in human history, which is the united states government. At this time we have to shrink the government. We have to get our tax rate up to ten percent were all of our tax equals ten percent,
and then we have to use that ten percent tax wisely to fund the things that the government should be responsible for such ass. Our first responded at work, teaching and that's debatable by the way. So the same thing I said about about about police officers, replied teachers. We need better quality teachers and tax dollars should be spent, ah more liberally in those areas sought with with higher with high expectations of what we would get as a teacher, but Ultimately, we have to stop sending all this money. We have to stop allowing our politicians to take campaign donations from money that they sent over foreign aid will stop the bleeding of america through taxing we're the only country in the world the sense all this foreign aid to all all these other countries which why the fuck are we do in that. We stop that and if we start all this shit we started spending and on police, military in education and basic infrastructure. We would be able to
a ten percent tax and our country. We look like fuckin dubai brow claimed from access to be clean and be safe. It would be prosperous. The people here wouldn't have problems like poverty, see they want the path. see that they have right now, because power impoverished people easier control. I so We have to take this. We have to cut a bunch out we're Reallocate the money to the affected places that the government should be in the rest of the shit is what it is. So that's my take on taxes, bro major tax reform down to ten percent. How much would you how much better would your life look? If all you pay was ten percent tax shit? Yeah? Do you know a businesses will look like bro businesses are taxed at the business level and the personal level the business owners? Like you, don't understand people say: oh well,
the text him that they just get greedy and take the money? No, if they were actually greedy, they grow their business and employ a whole bunch of motherfuckers and make them make a lot of money. So they keep growing weed it. Would it would create empires of wealth for not just the owners of the business, but the people who contributed in building the business and that's hard to do now. because of the tax structure as well. So there's a lot of change that has to happen with taxes. Appointment before we have a bigger innovation in this country, as immigration was the common sense standard for immigration, what it always has been were we have people to come here. They go through a process they emigrate legally and then they assimilate as american citizen under american culture guidelines, not bring their culture here by the millions coming through cross border and then us funding them, giving them a cell phone, giving them money and letting them come in and take seats in our schools. And several kids home to on the internet, a guy. So all we have
it was enforced, the laws or on immigration. We should have border walls, we should have a border wall on candidate and fuckin mexico, ok and it should be impenetrable and there should be working gunman on the top of it that anybody tries it getting. It's fuckin shot theirs it'd be a single border crossing in the united states. That is even known of of any sort. Ever should never happen, and it's very easy af easy for us to do that and then what we do is we make them go through the the process we make them learning the customs learn the rules learn all the history. The things that these two I said that a learned to become american citizens will make the pass the test and then they get to come in. That's what it's always in the same or we don't need major reform there. We need are forcing the reality of what, when it is that we ve always had and by the way
all the people who have company over the last few years. They all have to be rounded up and sent back reality. People aren't gonna like that real hard pill to swallow that well, it's what's what's going to have to happen, dude it's going to have to happen or we're going to have a third world country people keep talking about. What's going to happen in the world what's going to happen or they're, going to turn out you're right, they're gonna turn the power off the return, the fucking power off bro and you know who's going to fuck live when there's no power, no water, no shit. All these third world motherfuckers the came across the border. Last year's they're not gonna, have a problem, because where they came from it was already like that and so all of you, soft men out there with your fuckin non calloused hands in your fuckin. You old man and by an shit you're the draft be by these people whenever the fuckin shit goes now. Just now that these people, already hard and you're soft. That's why that's that Why I gotta go soon in the later point over five, so big topic, the
well g b, t q, I a what what's the tolerance and limitations on this was the common sense. I I don't. I don't. I think most americans don't care, they don't care. If you're gay, they don't care. If you're a lesbian they don't care, we ve got pass out as a culture. Many years years ago, even most conservatives or not our seeing the rise of the ultra conservative again right, who saying this is wrong we're not allowing us to right, but me. common sense, americans, dont care who you want to live your life with? Who you want to love and who you want to be what they don't care right? So the reality of this situation. Is they only care when you start fuckin, forcing down everybody's, throw You guys got a holiday in a month every other fuckin month. Ok, you force advocate three problems you force everybody to fuck and submit to it other bigots. Ok, you ve pushed on p. But wait you hard and now people are same fuck, you and so gay people do seem to go by
to be in regular citizens. Let's stop with the activism activism step when you were allowed to get married in gaol the same rights as everybody else. Equality does not equate to privilege all right and right now the rainbow community has privilege in this country- and they have said privilege that we have allowed drag queens grown, adult men to go, shake their penis in front of you little children and it's called inclusion, ok. I know that's where the line draw the line, drawn when used or shoving your pronouns shit and kids faces. When you start transition in kids school, not telling your parents, when you start telling it's about your sex life in any way, shape or form any he drew in this country? Who talks about their sexuality would soon should be fired immediately? Ok, the the line is with the
it that's. What a line is in another line is with the privilege we're not going to be called bigots, because we shall be yours fuckin parade where everybody's walk around naked eye. Most Gay people don't even like the shit. I have a budget, gay friends, and you know that all listen to the show bro. You know because we went to one ones, restaurant and he fucking we the biggest hug, goes broke. Thank you so much for not lumping us in with these people. We are not part of that and petrol. yeah perverts, and these discuss it's never women dressed up as men. They are doing it. It's always men dressing up as women doing this shit and they have pedophiles it. Infiltrated the algae, bt, Q movement, and we have a responsibility to protect our actual. normal, gay and lesbian american friends and realise that those people part of that. There should be we're delineation between those two and that's gonna. Take the gay community calling that out as well, which go.
against growers in communities like that are doing so and that's nice, but we need more of that because when we go back to climb pedophiles get instant death, instant death public- I am, I am for liberal use of wood ship, and public execution to reset the standard in the code of conduct in society and pedophile should be first on that list. and pick pedophiles. You know that if they get caught do pedophile shit that within fuckin said days, you're literally going into a wood on live tv and front the world that was, people from doing that shit or that's how societies operated for thousands of years correct it's human nature! That's why vlad the impaler put those people in the front yard. That's why people were public executed and we ve gotten so soft, a society that we do that anymore, because it's it's not fair to the criminal motherfucker. You think about that when they commit all the crimes first, when they were disrupting society? Where else
Civil human beings trying to be normal and live our lives and be productive and be friendly and walked out street, and we can't because these people- We have to remove them from society or convince them that they should behave, and only comments and that they should behave as public executions, real shit. It's been happening for thousands of years. And because we don't do it anymore. Now we have this problem so my take on that long ago. There wasn't that long ago, either knowledge based no, but as long as you how quick chick can fucking it's been long enough for people to forget. That's the problem. Yeah. so am I take it. You know these people are americans unless they are selling books for kids. The subjects preying on kid. Teaching kids fucked up shit, stealing their childhood. Look at all these weirdos, an education system bro, who talked a three year olds about who they were there.
Like do this, do shows up in high heels mix stem mixed smith like There's a fucking kid man like these people, stealing chuck trial good innocence, the ability to discover and age for grooming them under the guise of experience, seeing other relationships know, how are you let them scattered on the road like they discover everything else. So the land is with the fucking kids in echo's for the indoctrination, the grooming. at the drag queen story hour, all the fucking shit that's done, and in my america that has done normal gay people, you have nothing to worry about a drink of a lie which kabam alright. I'm just saying like not, and I think most people feel this way. Let us know that this is what this is worth: Most people feel this way. Most people have no problem with the gay community other than the fuckin kid shit. It's
resting, how, when we say these things, like I'm saying them- that there's gay activists that come out and say that anti gay and I'm a homophobe fall because I criticise profiles, pedophiles. that's fine hold on what does that say about their thought of their own community of children themselves, exactly one hundred per cent there's not a person. It should be as opposed to what I just said, unless they're part of the people predatory preying on kids, the port number six, as this is a bigger, it's been tested time and time again to a second I'm emirates.
I want to ask: does atm need to be abolished? Like I mean I I feel like that's part of it, but what what's your status? I'm very good friends that are eighty of agents and they're good people and I'll hire you, because the a tf should be abolished, yeah, okay and we should be able to have any weapons of any sort that our military is able to have, because the second amendment is not about deer hunting. Like Joe Biden likes to say or like these liberals, you don't need an a r fifteen hunt, no shit bitches, not for hunting. It's for you, that's the point. Okay, and we have to get back to what we ought to a common sense. Understanding of what two a is about to a as to balance the power framework between the people and the government, and if we didn't have
you right now. Where do you think we be? Where do you think we'd be right? Ok, so, in my opinion, americans that are reasonable human beings. That will pass a background check. I dont think you should be able to, and this is an argument that people who don't know gangster understand when go to the gun store here, Missouri, which is a pretty liberal state. When it comes to gun laws. I still have to get a background check. I still have to fill out a piece of paper. It still takes time. People who don't bygones donor stand as they think you can just go in there, And say I want this and this and this and this and this- and they just give it to you- that's not how the fuck it works. If I go in there and I have felonies or have this rad that they don't sell you the guns, so already have a background check framework in place, which I think is necessary. Ok, I also think that, with a reasonable amount of scrutiny on some background. They should be able to buy fully automatic weapons, they should be will the by fuck it
our produce they should be. the by shit that will keep them from getting fuckin kill by the governor, And if you're a real, rich dude, you should be able to buy a tank. The shoots that's my opinion because I like to have one no are wearing winter work, so I guess the counter to that is what keeps the the crazies in check like. Let's say they are, for whatever reason are able to pass the background check. He does this. Just refer back to the crime. important yeah. If you're a violent criminal, you get killed, you'll get handled yeah. So you know that if you go on you, you know that if you somehow find your way into some situation where, by the way, part of the crime situation would be to to take some of that money, that tax money and put armed veteran guards at every single fucking school in this country, okay, so you're not gonna, take some mentally derange moron. That's gonna run up. going with a fully automatic fuckin. You know I m for an
do anything against guys who are trained. It's not going to happen, though. Okay, so we can have these weapons, which gives us more security as humans and citizens of this country responsibly. If we enforce the laws of criminals you're part of the problem with to a is that people don't understand that criminal, break the law. So even if we pulled all the guns out, ok, criminals, we'll still be violent and they will see what happens in london stab mass stabbing. Ok, those people, the way you deter this is by making them. stay and that if you do a mass stabbing in seven days, you're gonna be The big show brother. You should have said, and what I want you cry, and wine and scream and in playing fuckin, throw up sick and then we're gonna watch did get cut off or national tv and shut down your fuckin broke now would fix shit. Ok
We need the arms to defend ourselves from a tyrannical government and by the way, if you wouldn't. Let me out enjoy this, because you guys would also like the people who detract from me. it was say, disguise, fucking, crazy dictator as a cool here's, the guy. Did you go get a call? Here's the gods zero alone me artist, because I know that you're fucking kill go too crazy, yeah, yeah, okay and that's fair jokes about how how how how dichter much of a dictator is someone who gives you the weapons unless you catch the golfing, probably only one year. My father's happened. I have, his motherfuckers today will try to get on. The big show us call are called were called. The big shouted show my show a lawyer guys. Eighty point number seven: it is one of these years. Elections A lot of americans.
Majority of americans believe twenties when we were stolen. There's no doubt about that. There's a lot of evidence is out there to suggest that with twenty twenty four coming in, what's the common sense consensus on elections, paper ballots in person day of election pay taxes to be eligible to vote. If you do not have a current tax return or you're behind on your taxes, you cannot vote now. Remember taxes at this point in time will be ten percent. Okay. If you're sixteen and you pay tax, because you have a part time job, you get to have say now, you might have a stupid say, but I'm going to value because you're commit you're, you're, you're contributing to the country and, if you're, a homeless person. Are you on government aid? You don't get the vote. Ok, people on government I dont get devote because they were. Insistently vote themselves, more aid, which is the problem that we This is in the system by now I and by the way,
The lead goal is to create as much of those people as possible so that they will always win because they their whole campaign strategies, promise shit. They never intend on delivering and then taking the funding putting in their own pocket. And if you don't understand that you're fucking stupid because they've been doing it for fifty fucking years, okay, so so in person paper ballots same day voting and voter variety and taciturn loved to contribute? I love it. I would if that would change that, would fundamentally change the direction of our country. Well, I mean it shouldn't shouldn't the people voting or making decisions in this country be the ones contributing yes, either I don't know. How can you argue that it's hard to argue with its heart? Are you I would somebody who's not contributing, who has no input, lucifer, dove you're in a car, ok and you got two guys in a frenzy and you got to your broke bodies in the back seat
and men, you are in the front door to bodies, earned a bat. and will rather not a street- and I look to you I say where we gonna eat, you say fuck up, you know I will talk about, sounds all right as cheap wikipedia dude. You got no money right, we'll talk about and then they turn around and they say fuck. You take us to contwisted tree man we're gonna fuckin twist a tree in your prayer, for it that's what's happening in this country. Right now, man- that's what's happening right now. Look here, you're, the dominant, Mcdonald, you're lucky you get shit shut the fuck up next time you ve you wanna, go twist tree, you pay for yourself, start work, working or drive and yeah. I love that's another thing that fits into what we're talking about here, which is the welfare problem. Welfare has to be completely reckon radon that same. We don't need it, but people will not work and must are forced to works
There should be a limited amount of time, are able to be on government assistance and they should have to pass drug tests and show that their actively making improvement towards being employable. Ok, his idea, crutch. She had this idea that you're gonna have another kid and get an extra amount of money that should have to stop. Ok, they have to know that if they go, their three years of allotted lifetime on government assistance. our two years. Whatever we decide, you're on the fuckin streets, No, nobody coming that will get people to work his that's the reality for the rest of us. That's my reality. Work. That's right and vital. Work broke I'll get up every day in fucking. Do this shit I'm broke? Why you did I I do this because it's fun fuckin funds- hearts fuck, had been I should someone would take care of me, but it ain't gonna happen I understand that, because I was taught the right things growing up in some of these people are now so we have to change. That is well we'll shoot me in Gaza,
point of contention number eight andy. We need the common sense on congress with rules and regulations when it comes to who can go there, how long they should be there. What? What is the common sense? Pross stop process. Of congress or if Joe Biden was our grandpa and we went over the christmas- and he saw talk and you- and I were in the kitchen and Joe Biden living room here. screaming at you, You and I are gonna elbow each other and be like a fucking grand policies malfunctions because look at random. Ok, but this is the guy running our country, and these are the people running our country, the elderly people there we would literally ignored a family function and say there and we would talk, relax grandpa you do those people are running the country that has to stop okay, so there has to be an upper age limb. There also has to be term limits. There also has to be right.
Rules that says whatever laws that they pass apply to them as well. We have to remove immunity for the things that they do criminally in congress, and it has be seen again as something that is of service and one of the way that we could incentivize people to serve is by giving the who prefer or the successful intelligent human being, and instead to serve by giving them a tax break on their business or their wife. For the time. they are serving okay, so let's say, for example, let's say I ran for president and I went in for eight years. Well, that's eight years I can get to work on my life. Right could collect during those eight years. My business does not get taxed at all, that's a fair deal and I would do it. Other people would do a two. Ok, that's fair, so we have to make it we're for the people who actually intelligent and can run and build and create things to run a country said about them to go, do it
and then obviously term limits. Fear was the what's the deal with the lobbying shit. I don't think there should be lobbies having lobby should be completely eliminated, because when we do anything for anything, yeah. I think we need a representative congress people who have their own ideas, their own boss, their own perspectives that are not skewed by financial gain to make decisions. The idea that our government, because people don't really understand like when you become the chair of a certain committee, in government people don't understand those chairs and those seats on those committees are bought by the pact's that support them. Ok, so What we have in our government is a pay for play situation where, if someone wants to be on this committee there pack than buys that seat for them to sit on
You know if one of these guys best like, for example like if I was, if I own fucking, amazon right and my best friend, was aired schmidt from his or who is a good friend, I'm right- and I do so- hey our lobbies- gonna- contribute to your fun. Fifty million dollars a year, but you ve, got a vote this way on these. If that's the way the government works are put you on the czech bore. Yes, we're gonna put you on the oil board about me. That's the way the government and that's why these big companies dont pay any tax, don't contribute, get a waiver of fuckin everything and create monopolies and put the ass actual entrepreneurs the middle class business owner, which is the fucking backbone of this country. Our business unfairly are so low We should be eliminated completely completely. If you get caught taking money to make a decision of any sort in any way, shape or form that should be considered treason and should be punishable on. The big show, love it yeah. I love it
guys number nine others one is affected Millions of americans at this point are affected by this every single year. Point of a as the drug crisis. Where what what do we differentiate here and drugs and also me, I would love to see two like time, big former bro, like that. That's a part of it. Ok, if the consensus we have to have a conversation about what we want to accept as reality for as american citizens, and we all have different viewpoints here. Okay, I have a different viewpoint than probably a lot of people, but I also believe that my viewpoint is common sense and I'll explain it. I've been drunk okay, I've I've been drunk in my life, I'm not I'm not proud to say that, but I've had alcohol issues in my life. That is why I drink very little. In fact, I haven't had a drink of whiskey since two thousand and eighteen, alright, I know how damaging alcohol can be someone's life the decisions that can be made that are detrimental to someone's life under the
influence of alcohol, because I made them many times and not proud of I've never made a decision like that smoking. We I've never done it, I'm that none of the ban- Should this ever happened to me happened me, smoking. We saw We're going to allow alcohol because, as my body, the alcohol is allowed and pushed in culture the way that it is because it so addictive and so detrimental that it that it keeps people in that place of dependency that we talked about under the personal excellence topic so and by the way, I'm not saying, eliminate alcohol. Okay, I, like I like to drink once in a while, still but I'll drink beer, and I do it responsibly and I usually do it at home. Alright, because I'm wild fucking animal when I drink, that's the truth I so we are deciding what we're gonna allow and, in my opinion, we mushrooms come from the earth there nash,
the things that grow out of the ground and are we going to really make laws in a free country that says you can't eat shit that comes out of the ground. I mean, I don't think that's right. I don't think the mushrooms and wheat, or nearly as detrimental as alcohol, so I think those things fall into a category of legalization completely without ah any sort of restriction, federally. After that we get into you, know, cocaine and we get into crack and we get into heroin. I believe that should be illegal, and I believe that should be thought. The people who deal who create and sell those things should be eliminated just like that, the criminals, because what that creates, is the violence in society. So I the every drug conviction that is merely
I know the mushrooms or anything like that should be overturned. Those people should be freed and there's a lot of people in jail still for marijuana grow a lot a lot. Okay and that's fuckin insane and is fucking insane alright, and I think that's the best answer. I think the answer is to declare war on drugs Breathing outside of that window and allow those things to be utilized at will by the american citizens and and businesses be made around them. What's big farmers role in this because I believe they have the biggest hand- and I believe the big pharma is monopoly at this time needs to be broken up. I believe, there's a number of monopolies. It needs to be broken up. I believe that some of these big financially
institutions need to be broken up. The one too many things, which is why we're seeing initiatives pushed down through the system e s g d I, which are all failing by the way- and this woke culture that is pushed down through these initiatives into corporate america. So all of these big conglomerates need to be broken up, ah you know anybody who has I mean we used to do this in this country. All the time in the a's we deregulated the the phone.
Okay, but we have monopolies in this in this country right now and I we need to eliminate them so informers, one of them and the other ones, tech to big one yeah. To begin and by the way up, because we don't have free speech on here, but we're going to address it, because because people like in section two thirty of these companies are allowed to censor and make decisions based upon their terms and regulations around what's on their platform, and that's that makes sense right twenty years ago, when the internet was pretty new and nobody really knew what was going to happen, but it doesn't make sense anymore, because the entire fuckin town square is on these platforms. So we can't say that freedom of speech is up to the
discretion of three or four of the guys who own these tat platforms. That's not that's, not ok, cause them we're just deferring the sensors to them when, in reality, all of these platform should be, they should be. Not allowed to censor and not allowed to traffic sensor. Ok, because one of the biggest forms of of censorship on the internet is just turning off traffic is not the removal and you no, it is not deplore forming its shadow banning and traffic. Modeling traffic model is the same thing as censorship. We have to eliminate all that
social media platforms and make them operate as if they were a free speech platform. You know, and things are criminal, hard, drugs, child molestation, child porn, etc, etc, etc. Those things should be fuckin, those things should be wiped off the internet and those people arrested. Guys are tenth and last and final point of contention here in his foreign affairs and foreign aid was the consensus here, will look, we shouldn't be funding the rebuilding or the wars or the conflict management anywhere else. Our tax dollars should be spent On americans, america first should be the policy, it should always be the policy, and I am one hundred percent. In favour of us using all of our tax dollars here at home,
And then creating a military presence that is a massive deterrent and letting other people do whatever the fuck. They want. Okay, viagra, not the world's police yeah, we're not I'm tired of seeing in, and we have to be real, this every single generation for the last. I don't even know how many hundred years has seen their strongest most capable men sent off to war to die. Why do you think this happens? This doesn't happen because we need these wars. This happens because these people, who send the people to wars, make a lot of money doing it, while at the same time eliminating the the the highest likelihood segment of the population to resist and revolt against them, and they do this intentionally. So this is why, when you france, France has bunch a little dudes, because all the big strong due to been killed off in wars and all through europe. This is a commonality and we're getting that way here in amerika to that
strong men are not breeding because their not being allowed to breed because or sent off to fuckin die rights. We have to recognise that these tyrants have weapon ized war against our own population, in a way that we don't really see or talk about, it's the fact that they're removing our strongest leaders and getting them killed intentionally so that those leaders won't revolt against them. So that has to stop these these this world policing has to stop This membership in nato, this membership and world economic forum is membership. In all these different things, then he's a okay. We don't ask anybody here. We are us we do the best. We can we're our own fucking team and, yes, we have allies and yes, we work with people, but the biggest deterrent. The people fucking with you is a great fucking military and a great threat of force that they are afraid of. So that's what we need to have a loving man. Well, that was our ten points. Yeah. The two points final thoughts,
yeah, I'm gonna give you my final thoughts. You know you can agree or disagree with everything I said, but I feel like I'm a pretty common sense balance person. I think I understand what it takes to have order in society in order in civilization. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe disagree! Maybe you think I'm crazy. I don't know, but that's ok. We can disagree, but here the reality. We all know that what we have is a working and more of what we have had- pass is going to work any better and for us to come The situation are alive. Time were proud to be, americans again were happy in this country. Again, major realignment is require aright. electing a new president whose not willing to make big changes is not going to change anything right. To continue down this path. We might get a little bit of a break, things might get a little bit easier. Things make it a little bit better, but really what this country needs is told a reformation I as time, because we all know, this isn't working, we all know that hasn't been working and we all
that has been working for most of our lives. Most of our life we ve been abused by the government. That's a fact, and so for us to get to a place where were actually free. We're going to have to have radical change on by somebody who is willing to do it opinion. None of these guys were actually willing to do it, but I can tell you that this is the way I think it should be, and I'm not running for president, but I am working to create a culture you guys who actually believes and common sense and some common sense rules about america. So maybe one day we could actually get it and one thing we have to understand is that We can start on this now, ok personal excellence is the ultimate rebellion. Impersonal excellence takes time. It's not something that you can do today. It takes time it takes commitment. It takes a diligent effort towards a different outcome. Then you have been experiencing so far in your life and for us to actually get Any of these changes. In any way shape or form. We have
to remove their power over us and the only way for ass to remove their power over us is by ass, either revolting, which I don't think so. Heaven or to us coming personally excellent, unplugging ourselves from their control mechanisms. We have to understand what they're doing to us. They are feeding us food that is filled with addictive chemicals that makes us fat, when we get fat, they are filling us we're medication, which are it, makes us more sick long term, we get sick. We consume more their data more their strictly more their information which allows them to put more ridiculous information in our brain and control, our brains are right. We're broke. We don't have any leverage, we don't have any power.
we're demoralize. We don't see any of these things. We don't see any any self improvement and that's the goal of demoralization. So if we really want to change this country into what it could be and what should be, we have to start with our own cells, and we can do that today. That's something you can do. You can start to work to become the example for everybody in this country to look at our eye- and maybe not everybody in the country will look at you. Maybe it's all Your family, but if you start with you way to go to your neighbours when it goes, your neighbours will go to your community when it goes to a community of flow. Beyond that, and that's how we create chain when people see you when they want to win They want to know how you did it be a good name, show him. How teach them how help would be better. These are the cultural changes that we can make now as a pole. To waiting for someone to come in and just make all these logistic We economic policy changes that will fix the rest of the puzzle. If we ever want to chance of fixing this country we have to become personally. Actually we have to stop here
Each other based upon difference is that the media tells us we have. We have to stop town. reading things there intolerable, like the. Molestation and grooming and disgusting too trafficking and shit that's happening with our children in this country, which seems to be more more accepted. We have to make a stand there guy. We have to be vote but we have to use our voices. We have to do the things that we can do. Ok if we do these things now a few years we will have a situation where the government would completely different, because the culture will demand a difference. So if we think about What we can do you can sell. It sounds all nice and good, but still what's gonna change. Nothing will change until you change that's what we have to understand person Excellence is the ultimate rebellion and is the cattle to all the rest of the change that comes and people who like to hear that, because it takes effort and it's hard commitment, but the reality is as without that, none of the rest
The change is possible, so go out there do your fuckin part, and if we all do our part, We have an opportunity to really make a difference in this country. Sleeping on the floor now my jewelry box from the fucker stole countless millions in a kobe teach Buddhist got a rope kang doesn't know his shot case closed.
Transcript generated on 2024-01-15.