« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

630. Andy & DJ CTI: GOP Lawmakers Confront Hunter Biden, NYC Schools Accommodating Migrants Kids & Fauci's Social Distancing Not Based On Science

2024-01-12 | 🔗

On today's episode, Andy & DJ discuss GOP Lawmakers confronting Hunter Biden in Wednesday's hearing, NYC throwing students out of school to accommodate migrant kids, and Dr. Facui admitting that social distancing was not based on science.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Sleeping on the floor now, my german from the county, millions in kobe teach Buddhist got a rope, can't kang doesn't know headshot case club. What is up guys? This is the show for the real to say goodbye to the lives of greatness and delusions a matter of society and welcome to mother fucking reality guys. Today we had eddie and dj crews, the mother fucking. Then we're going to do that's what ctr stands for it stands for cruise. The internet is where we put topics on the screen. We speculate on it's true. What's not true, when we talk about how we, people on the solution to these problems that are being created in our society. other times we have real talk, real talk, spider, twenty minutes of me giving you some real talk. Sometimes is twenty two minutes like it was yesterday? If you wanna know what real talk is: go back and listen to what we posted yesterday, otherwise we have two and a half, that's resubmit. The cares and we give you the loves. You can submit your car
It should be answer on the show which airs every monday, one of a few different ways. The first way is guys email, those questions into ask Andy at eighty four, salah dot com or you go on. You do honour the cute. I thought so. In the comments you can drop your question. The comments will pick some from there is well other times forelegs full light does your style what you're used to seeing on most other podcast. We have really cool concept there. We re drop on you guys for full length this year. We also have seventy five harbours and seventy five hour verses where people who come in, I have complete seventy five our programme talk about how they were before how they are after and how you can The changes in your life familiar with live hard. Seventy five hard to get the programme for freed episode to await you, and also by the book my website. The book is called the book on mental toughness which
eliza programme in its entirety, plus a whole bunch of other chapters and content geared towards mental toughness. Mental toughness is the premier skill that you need to be successful in life in anything. So I We want to get that program for free, go ahead to episode two or wait on the audio feed only and or you could buy the book on the website needed for salad. I come we do have a fee for the show. The fear is very simple and we say pay the fee. We don't mean, send us money, although we do like it, we like it. you send us money since money by supporting our brands. What we do here and Are we really ask is that you share the show your notice? I don't run out on the show. I don't take happened show to do these long ads, and have to answer these people. Tell me what I can't I can't say I don't do that here honours thanks for that, I ask very simply that you share the shelf, makes you think that makes you laugh. It gives you new perspective. It's something you think needs to be heard. Please share it is the most important time ever to be sharings messages.
And although I have to remind any of you that we have how about you traffic ronald? I have a hard time getting the messages out the way they need to get out without your help. So if you evaluate show, please share the shall pay the fee don't be a whole show. The show was on in its cornel own much. After oh you know just my daily two hundred milligrams of caffeine and mental focus, will hydration blend the flavor? Oh, you want the best flavor out there right now, it's tropic lightning, as definitely the flavor. Now it's a solid choice like that one yeah, what's going with you nodded Hence our man gay with today, the eleventh, the eleventh fear
eleven of seventy five hard, a twelve. When you guys list yeah fucking, crushing to crush you know it's funny, because that's actually what I wanted to kind of bring up. So I mean you, you have a what some are calling a great track record of just winning success right and obviously there's an equation there and it's not unique to you. I, like I mean you and you talk about this, there's a lot of other winners out there, and I want to bring up a few winters because there's been some changes going on and just get your tax bill. Belichick he's out left the patriots yeah So after twenty four seasons, new england, patriotic coach, barbaric acts out and then another shake up next avian alabama heat he's out after seventeen seasons.
Now these guys have a phenomenal philomel track record like say been two hundred and ninety two wins. Seventy one losses says he learned about a hundred and twenty one million dollars and basic annual compensations seventeen year, seven national title: seven nationals idols bill belichick, I mean again. These are just too high lead twenty four years of basically dominating the nfl with one I mean didn't he have a couple of almost like perfect seasons. I mean yeah. They had that perfect season. I think they lost the giants at your super bowl here. and we are mere beyond simple, like I'm in gaza, will understand the equation. Gas ass may be careful to be curled in ankara is left to see Alex. I am all in all the same twelve hours, interesting area in a basket, I would say, p carols enact below those other two were Piero, he's still stay in honor. You stand on this. I can advise always he will look alike p care august. He doesn't have a track where the other two guys monotonous, but
I mean next, aiming to bilbil check a fucking legends. Ok, those guys away anything that they do right because they understand if the fundamental reality of winning, which is focusing on the tiniest minute detail and doing it with perfection. You know the best quote. The nick saban has, in my opinion, is we practice not until we can't or we not now until we get the play right, but until we cannot get it wrong and that's the level of focus and discipline and expertise needed to actually win. You know, I think, a fundamental point What the world right now is that the expectation of what it takes to win and build and create an amazing existence is far out of whack, with the reality of what. It takes, meaning it takes much longer it's much harder. It takes much more effort, it takes them. much higher skill set, then pretty much the
higher internet understands when it comes to winning most people. I think they underestimated by tenfold. I think most people underestimate what it takes my tenfold, and you know it's not profitable to go out there and tell that message right, as in the personal development world, you know, I've been very successful in that in that world, and you know, had I been here going to tell people that this shit was a little easier than actually is. A prior would have been a lot bigger, but the truth of the matter, is it's fuckin hard and you have to be good and it still takes a long time and it still takes everything you got and people underestimate dared and because of that they get frustrated in that they think that they're doing, something wrong when in reality, you just gotta keep going? You know, and I think these two guys exemplify in the way that they coach their team in their players What it takes to win anything, so it's
You know I don't see any other coaches like these guys out there right now, like not even close dude now so no I mean there's talks about so I mean so nick saban's. He he's he's seventy two bill belichick. Seventy one there's some talks about bill headed to arizona and coaching the cardinals out there, but not not any real news coming out from from sabre, but like this is my question for you right like I mean guys that are like that, like guys who have you know built themselves into these winning machines by like There is no real there's, no such thing as real retirement. Right now that there's not an off switch for people like that yeah. That sounds like excited. I just got my my I'm just into as like what what is what a saber gonna do like? Does he go back to the? the nfl he's gonna have to find a way to contribute and compete now he might. take some time off, but like bro, I promise you it he ain't gonna like it. It ain't gonna, be long now and won't. You know, he'll help this these guys
These guys play the game until there in the ground, and this is why like do this, is this is what I talking about. The expectation right like people do not understand the level of competitor that some of these people are that your observing from the outside as winners that you want to be like But you want to do so with balance, and you want to do so with time a convenience and comfort and what you don't understand about comfort. Is that the pursuit of comfort, is a lie anyway, because All are your here. Pursuing this comfortable existence, Realising that comfort doesn't actually exist in the more that you chase comfort, the more that you pursue comfort, the more problems, creates in your life, because you're not addressing the real ship needs to be addressed, which creates more stress, more anxiety, more problems to solve. So when you pursue comfort, you're, actually creating problems in your life that mean you'll, never have it. You'll ever actually get to a place of comfort s. Now. What happens, what happens is you act
make to the path you acclimate to the journey. The things that were hard for me ten years ago twenty years ago are now something I don't even think about anymore and because of that, its perceived as comfort, because you become acclimated till the path to the journey rightness this seventy five hard all about some by hard and live here is about mentally liberating your brain to become accustomed to the past all you are you're trying to make the path easier. This is why these fuckin idiots out here that try to make their own. program, it's easier and more sustainable in this and that they don't even recognize that the whole reason that their life sucks is because every single path they try to get on. They try to make easier for themselves. They try to make better for themselves. They try to make it more convenient. That's most people's entire problem. Do when the reality is the best way to prepare yourself for the journey of life is to build yourself into somebody's uncompromising, who is dead to the path who, because men,
really tough, mentally harden discipline and how skilled to where the path doesn't feel hard. Anymore feels easy. That's the whole key! That's what the programmes about that's? Why you're? So annoyed with all these people who decide to take it, who really have no platform, to stand on for mental toughness. They have a really achieved anything in life and the region they haven't tv they live is because they do that. every member, so should they lack so much awareness bro that they take every mother fucking thing and they tried. Make it more convenient for them, and you don't people do not realize that's. What's costing you everything you don't get to bend the path to your will bro, it's not the way it works. You get to become a bad mother fucker that can handle the path and then the path feels easy. That's the actual comfort in reality, and people like that, because that You're always gonna be in a fight, you're always gonna, be in in the struggle, and you know that
What was to become so bad ass struggle, fewer to struggle you know and on they wait. I love these two dudes I would love to pay. For these dudes and love to be around these guys because they undermine and the fundamentals of what it takes to actually when consistently over and over and over and over again, which is focusing on doing things perfectly every single time. And you know I will if there was more people like this see when I was growing up dude, what I'm too the thing about here was known. People understood this now gives us a choice of whether or not you're going to do it Now they think that they hear what I'm saying row dude if we look at people say when they see like a fire clip of my where I'm talking about way, things really are and you go redo com still at all that looks like trauma to me. I forgot with your little boy. You always do. I try to go visit. Everything you are. I am working to be the opposite. So
sense that it doesn't make sense to you. You don't turn away. Look how tired Look you motherfucker, that's what happens when you get up everyday, kick ass in fucking care about everything when you care about every mother, fucking detail you care about winning, so bad. It's everything it's inside of you! That's what the fuck you end up. Look like when you're seventy years old, but you know what history will remember him forever down since of men who play for him, will remember him and credit him for being the inspiration to the greatness of their life. So when I look at that I'll see like people would look down. Will again that's what you get when you only focus blah blah blah blah. They don't think about the great this man is created both of these men so like dude. I can appreciate looking like that, because that's the fuck. I feel like on the inside every single day. You like that. You know some right well well, my goal is they should look like that and have people say holy shit. Look at that fucking guy.
want to be the old lion bro with the fucking scars and the fuck shit and everybody's, like fuck, yeah, don't mess with that dude! You know what I'm saying. dude. Would you thought with a guy seventy years old, but I will forget rip you, Adams, apple, autograph that guy is screaming, grown men who are six nine three hundred fucking pounds and they are sitting the fuck down? Yes, that's a fact: okay, so this dude these dudes are these. Are these two guys are fucking it? In my opinion, though, a great congratulations on an amazing career. You those two due to inspire me more than a lot of other people. Is there a big reason why we have the life that we have around here? So true, shit man? I just thought that was an interesting little little conversation. I bring up man, two two great religions. I wonder why
The conversation was, you know like cause, you know their buddies. They probably call each other and be like yeah you done. Apparently they did. They did like a sit down interview together, like they interviewed each other. I've seen the clip like I want to. I want to watch the whole thing, but I guarantee that fucking phenomenal, hey you wanna go fishing yeah me too. Let's tell these guys to Gothic refer. You say like they figure something out I was a coordinated effort nearby, but yeah definitely interesting. Well guys, geysers get into our crews. Remember if you want to see any of these pictures articles links videos go to edit seller dot com, you can find them link there. That being said, as I'm one, let's get into it her london one reads: g p lawmakers confront hunter Biden, contempt. Hearing I have no
You say that it is worded early great. There was this dialogue and to do so republican lawmakers, confronted hunter by wednesdays hearing to hold him in contempt of congress for defining a congressional subpoena in what appeared to be a public relations stunt hunter Biden, along with his lawyer, a blau and so called quote. Unquote sugar brother, Kevin Moore, showed up at the hearing. Congressional leaders could have sent the house sergeant at arms to arrest and detain hunter for failing to come, fly with a subpoena quote. You are the epitome of white privilege. You have no balls Hunter Biden should be arrested right here right now and go to jail. Representative Nancy mace said directing her gaze towards the president's son. Here's the clip. I believe that hunter Biden should be held completely and content. I think he should be called after jail right now, because it wasn't long ago to my friends on the other side of the isle that you also believe in the power of a congressional supply-
not long ago. It all you believe in holding those who refused to comply with congressional pete subpoena accountable, but yeah, and then so then they walked out and hunter buttoning his policy immediately. Left the hearing when representative marjorie taylor green began to speak and here's the clip from that subject. Bag chair recognized, miss grain from georgia. For five minutes Mt, thank you, MR chairman. Excuse me hunter apparently you're afraid of my work Oh, Ah, like to reiterate my time, mr chairman, first, while it's because you know she's like shown, pictures and stuff on the on the stand but yeah he he just stepped out of there, it remind me of like an episode of maury. You know and like they say you are not the father. What am I just takes off running, but you got out of their quick now. The pre quick, but here is very interesting.
I think so when he was leaving out, you know he got swarmed by reporters and shit right. They caught this. I dunno. If you've seen this clip check this out, but you please I'll, have to your question. Why and let me make a stable always cited as a private citizen, brody, sir. Those local look younger, cried, be your, nor with the abbot arthur did recurrence of resources are like eggs, mommy strawberry like a smoky snored, it ok, I don't fucking know anything about that. You know yeah, I'm not a adult. I know about weed know how a couple of things on my crack. It just reminded me of that movie lean on me. You know what I'm saying is that if you see that movie
as classic as going beyond. Of course, you know like NJ is a weird thing, so he didn't tell anybody that he was actually showing up that day. I made a bunch of commotion in the hallway, and apparently nobody in the white house knew that he was gonna, go there as well. But surely then, after oh mama jill, she says what look into doing a hunter is cruel. Here's the clip first, lady Joe Biden, is speaking out against donald trump and house republicans and also coming to the defense of her son hunter in a new interview. She did not hold back when it comes to the efforts under way to hold hunter Biden in contempt of congress. Listen in what they are doing to hunter is crucial and I'm really proud of how hunter has revealed his life after addiction. Here I'm I love my son and its head. It's hurt my grandchildren and that's what I'm
so concerned about that. It's affecting their lives as well. Her rare What comments about her son come as hundred right and is set to appear in a federal court, in California. Today, renew got on this, you know everybody- has an opinion on this, including me and I'm glad that I have this opportunity to express it, but all of you, smooth brains out here, arguing that you're missing the point of what this is. The point of this was a very public demonstration to show the world that they are them and we are us they are people that you cannot touch and can do anything they want, and we are the peasants and can do nothing about it. That's what this! all entire thing was about this was about hit. This was about these people. Rubbing our faces in the way
I already that we are under their control and there is nothing we can do and that's what this is about, and I think they're going to be surprised, because I think americans do know that they can do a few things yeah. So I mean like do think about I mean he. He definitely is my take on what I saw one hundred zero, you don't listen, you show up announced yet my father walked straight to security and they didn't even check 'em now they're young and they try to chug them while they don't want to check so many more because they know everytime they do to mother fuckers got an eight ball in his pocket. The news that he's like the crazy cousin who shows up at fucking thanksgiving, bro out of his mind and you don't even ask any questions: you're, just like hey, yonder, every family has one right. If you've got a real family the day every family has a hunter, buy they destroy fucking. Do I got they got a total fuck up in her family. That shows up all fucked up out of the you know what you're gonna watch them cause those couple of couple of seat couple of years of my life. It was me alright. So, like you know, people to show up there fucking,
broncos are fucking fucked up and there you just look at them. Your life and you're. Talking to your cousins, you're like what the fuck is wrong with him actually Malone locked the bedroom door. this is the guy, that's the guy and so yeah they're, not gonna search him do because they know it's bad pr. What I mean? Look man, that's what I saw when I watch this and I see all the conservative talking heads tried it do you believe? Yes, I can't believe it just like can believe everything there doing as a signal to us that they are asked and we are them, and there is nothing can do about the things that they do. This is this is what we're talking about. When we talk about the mask of communism coming off, we are trying to play the victims bro. Then they try to put the victims yeah. Of course I do like so that the relevant mother clip here this more that's a tip typical, fucking, progressive mentality
Oh, oh, you can't use these words against us when you're saying exactly what the fuck they're doing through your call it out yeah. So there is not equipped for my lady jail, who they say, don't do media appearances, but she controls every appearance with her Joe Biden. I'm here is no clip from same interview with MSNBC. What do you think when you hear trump republicans? Colleagues, Haydn crime? Can only our one congresswoman for fighting crime family saw about america? Aren't you a green he's, a liar he's mentally incompetent Unless not even talk about what let's Brandon means, but you have you have senators holding signs that say that fighting hard to realise our country, isn't it I mean to look at it. What we use? to have and why the other side, the extremists have turned this country into, I mean we would never see things like that say ten years ago
the fuck we didn't see it. Ten years ago we saw with obama's the same shit same, do call the plays secular you're, the extremists. Well, all the people that are like well, two thousand five and all certain people cutler fuck index off. Ok there. The extreme, as they are or gaslighting. They are projecting and they are playing the victim they are abusers. They are, abusing the citizenship of this country, you and me, and the rest of us peasants are being abused by these people. They do these things, then they stand up on national television, say I've believe how crazy this country's got. Our country has become ruin when they said our country think mean you, they think them when they say mac receives failing beetles, Does it mean? Are republic, democracy that we fucking? govern with when america it's the power centre, their control their ability to manipulate and fucking abuse
what is crumbling? That's what they're, saying and they're trying to do European sherry foresee vote forum will be Goldberg no differently, big olbers sits on tv everyday talk in all these crazy shit when she's fuckin One of the most protect she's lit the privilege life she's, better working areas, hollywood, celebrities, mother, fucking, eighties, ok, now You probably have some regular people stopped before that, but this woman sitting on view talking about how trumps gonna do all this shit. these people have already tried to do or done every day will do. She said She said they're to remove all the journalists you're gonna, to take all the gay people where the fuck is tromp said anything about it. people. He stood on the stage with a fuckin rainbow flag talking about energy bt q, which, by the way I purse, we believe it shouldn't even done, because that way more floods, represent the basic normal
Would a gay american anymore? It represents a progressive communist ideology, where teaching teach kids suck dicks and take hormones and cut the fucking dixon while people in china are teaching kids to assemble fuckin, a forty seven and broken rivals do exercising grade school, but have you you see what's happening. Bro, your brain is not functioning properly. This is the key going of american. This man and his family have been paid to do this. They have been pay handsomely. to allow all these things to happen that are happening in our country. We have people new york city of chicago in the urban areas, who are one hundred years, three years ago, fucking hated donald trump, who are now saying they're going to vote for trouble because they have done exactly what I got a call and you got called fucking racist per saying was going to happen, which they were going to. replace the black vote with totally illegal fuckin migrants,
well sending these black children home from school, housing we would you got this in high noise at their core la montaigne today saying like bro lady, you are, but you didn't listen she not delusional she's a fucking criminal she's, a fucking criminal. She is with them. He is too they should have fallen lockers s right there, listen if any of our fucking government officials had fucking balls at all they be calling, for the arrests of these people. These people are fucking traders but we do not have the balls nessus. Look. I think it's. This is what I think I think it's funny when they talk about how extreme tromp is when I actually believe that the heart of amerika is further extremely large room yeah. I think people want legit. I think these p
or so behind the curve of what the people are actually wanting. We need a fucking person in that office who is willing to deconstruct the established completely not play their games not play there. Games, walk in there sign. can executives orders to dismantle the fuckin guy the way they used to be dismantled in the way fire. Hundreds of thousands of government employees change all kinds of shit on one fucking day, and we don't have that because trump ain't going to do that either no trump is the one trump is the bridge to the person. Who will do that? Ok, that's that's! That's it! It's like one people say oh trump's going to do this and that now you're too early his solitary, No that's coming later guys will bid on this conversation download it's real talk. do you guys want someone who's going to come in and clean the fucking house? Or do you want someone who's going to tiptoe down the line with the
all of these establishment, corrupt criminals. What do you want because I believe from what I can tell p, Want someone that's going to go in there and do the fucking job and say fuck. You set the government back on the right course and go the fuck away. That's what the that's, what the country needs and it ain't trump either, and it trumps just the best option. Right now, my opinion they're trying hardest what the push mickey hayley out there and get all these women on mickey Hayley so that she has a chance to win. Nicky Haley's, they're fucking controlled up this time. Ok, she's. There obama she's there Joe Biden. They understand that they Not the Democrats cannot win the election because people are like someone away they have realised. The democratic party is fucking. Now for us, one he'll marilla, yeah they're, a brilliant michelle obama
One hundred percent, your mic one hundred percent. They are bring a career it's coming in. Okay, and I said that before fucking anybody, though okay and that's on record, we got fuckin record of that. I said that before fuck it anyway that is happening. These people. In that year, who knows man because, like you, do we got here's? How I see a plain up, they got shall obama gonna bring in the race and their voters I had a pill who, I believe, they're, like you guys, might not agree, but I think they're gonna per with fuckin camille with kemal right. and then they're gonna divide everybody on race, they're gonna, say. If you dont support me racist, to say if you dont supporting sexist and if you think about those two lines of division, they're gonna, divide people amongst race and they're gonna divide people amongst gender, which is there to main lines of powder going to try to divide people and those.
to get all the white brunch yours to vote. Way again and again try to get all the black people to vote that way again, because their black new yeah an end quote If it's gonna work row, I don't know, but I know this that's gonna be there play. If I was on their team. That will be the play. I am because it's not a chance for us to actually when and if you think about it. Little more deeply than what we're tat right now. It actually does I the household, because you ve been having. Yes, you're gonna have husband and wife arguing over this, and I think they're gonna try to divide everybody down to dividing households over this men, women thing and over this racing either. That's what's gonna happen. They can not unite and that's another thing. P, what people want. Someone is gonna, come in greenhouse ray structure. Shit get us sat remove While this ridiculous spending get our taxes right, be
forced the laws get our streets clean up and united people not divide people this this flock and these people are all about division, because that's the only way they can maintain any power centre. Because they have no budget policies a service. So this is what they're going to do. I, I think, that's the one, I am convinced, that's what they're gonna do and then, on top of it they're going to throw all this extra shit on top of us another cobit another another thing I dunno what the thing is yet. It's gonna be a combination of war. Cyber shot down power shut down panda, whatever they try. You know that there are trotted create mass chaos and division? I do all of it. Yeah too yeah no they're not going to let donald trump winded, like people think that they and I I think their backup plan is Nikki haley like if they, if they don't. If they can't get,
democrat party to win. They want Nikki haley to win hmm. They know they can get all the women to vote for a woman because she's a woman. Well, that's why women shouldn't vote. I well! I I I don't I don't say that I think women they don't contribute But I also believe the men don't contribution, vote right. Nobody, there does nobody that that lives without a current tax return should have the ability to vote period. Nothing! That's where you get if you're sixteen, and you pay taxes, because you have a job. You can say what, the problem. Is we have a lot of these people are here both men and women, of all different? issues of all different you, no fucking parts of society classes they get to say and they vote either. they vote for shit. Really, they have no right to say anything about, because they contribute gosh
been on this conversation down in the comments. Let us know what you guys think that being said as crews. Over to the comments, this comment comes from at drew putnam. Eighty three as I have gone through a lot of fucked up shit in my life, and I have never thought that cutting my dick off would be the solution to any of my problems. I have one Asian wish. It was a little bit bigger though a hardware outside Let us have this all grounds either. Well, that lizzie that's going to create a whole new sent a proper might be broke. monday me. You know there has as okay there.
While your bugbear being broke with a small dick like that is terrible. You can't even the only fans bro and you got real problems. I still I still stand by my statement. Bro like why the fuck would you coffee with like? Why would you do that? That's gotta, be the dumbest shit. I've ever heard my entire fucking life for any reason whatsoever, I'm not accepted by society. So let me let me cut it off, so they accept me know: bro, you fucking, weird forgot it Well, if you went like a decade and you still thought it was a good idea cut it off at you know, whatever man, I cut it off for you, but I'm just saying like it's, it's real. Disturbing watching this trend unfold, because these kids don't recognize its a trend, because they're, not they have a grin it. Yeah bro they haven't been a while longer. Not lies at european. Was a fuckin big thing: twenty five and thirty as rang and realize
I understand that they understand the basque pro trucker. Hats was fuckin two in two thousand They don't understand that everything comes and goes they don't understand whether gath trend is a bill bottom. Yeah, and they don't understand that all those people that twenty years ago that were gas and fucking work, they all looked like we call a job like bro. You grow through these trends and and do now we have a trend where these people are like irreversibly, strain or bodies like broke down try to because we are all you gotta regret it No one say: do you know where we're those you black, yeah, because when you old then you're not going to be happy like like dude, it's it's it's insane. It's fucking insane man, it's insane, that is it's insanity,
we'll drew regime to comment and I hope of their works out there. I think that what ok are, I believe me out. There is apparently, obviously not from personal experience a nervous, I'm just from crews in the internet, but I look it updates on the internet, all those there, sir, are you looking to mix there are diary, know where you're going with our pay. Now enlargement, surgeries and process, Inga Botox, you dig. How do you know this? bro, our cruise, isn't it. I look for this shit up, be not that you know I'm looking at. How do I get a bigger dick? You know it's. It's wakes up with the more he's like fuck, a black bra supposed to get this oppression.
What the fuck is this real racism on all wallet down on black? I promise but yeah. We appreciated you hope everything wallet down like fuck down bro waist down on black. You start keep that wallet up here bro. I might. I might give me like a fanny pack. I still don't you know you gotta put up here, yeah hm hm yeah. True, we appreciate you. Thank you, sorry about your dick, I just don't ever cut it off, don't cut it off. I cut it up guys just keep those crews moving man. Let's move over to atlanta to headline, The two reads: explosive sure blackburn new york city, throwing students out of school to accommodate migrants, something from Babylon b so sen, Marsha blackburn out of tennessee says new york city mayor, Eric Adams, forcing high school students into virtual classes to accommodate
border crosses and illegal aliens quote, is something from Babylon. Being the fake new satire website is bright. Bar news reported laid on Tuesday Adams announced. A newly two thousand border crossing in illegal aliens would be moved in through the gym. James Madison, high school in mid would neighbourhood of brooklyn this faculty were told were then so they would be going virtual on wednesday to accommodate the migrant staying at the schools Jim an interview with serious exxon patriots, bright bar news, daily blackburn, said. When she first heard about Adams, though we students out of their schools outboard across recently wailings she thought of as fake news. quote. You know, I heard the story, and I thought this is some thing from Babylon, be certainly a school system. My local government, when not shut down a school, a high school and send the kids home. That means they terminated their sports activities and other things.
and place them on remote learning and turn the school over for use for shelter. Blackburn said quote: We don't know how long the people will be there. We don't know how long it will be used as a shelter blackburn set you don't know how long it takes to put the school back in school order to move back into a classroom setting from a shelter set shed setting. I thought this cannot be possible, but yet we're learning that indeed it is she continued, which are why parents and elected officials protested outside the high school on Wednesday. The new york times portrayed any objections to turning schools into margaret camps, as quote hate fuelled by conservatives the city, schools principle, principles, union joined outrage. It is hey we working held it fuck we fuck inherited these. people are coming across our fucking borders. You shouldn't be here: we hate that were paying for it. We hate it. Causing all this crime. We hate that they're fucking, taking our kids schools,
urban environments and push them away from americans. You are correct, it is fucking hate and its natural conservatives is from everybody. Through the other says school principles. You enjoyed outrage, parents and blasting items for using high schools to shelter migrants and thus forcing students out of in person learn. in a letter to school leaders, the city's principle junior wrote that quote well we recognise the safety concerns brought on by the storm schools should now ever be used to temporarily house non student populations quote. We urge the city to consider. or viable alternatives. Union official said adding that some migrant students for food bennett field would be likely to need quote additional support in the coming days as they navigate through this unsettling experience. A viable alternative means your home.
But there's a lot of things going on in new york, and I wasn't there a time on this. Wasn't podcast or some shit and said I don't know like fuck, in a long ass time ago, that eventually I'd be trying to put these people in your homes and it was false as yeah yeah that was called domestic extremist conspiracy, theorist more on angry youtube: ariane, Pakistan! Yes, yes, keep this cruise move and get headline number three. How the number three reads found: she admits social distancing not based on science, sort of just appeared genus, so he's been in the two day, testimony on private hearing and there's been some revelations coming out of this. So this is a fox news: article reading doktor anthony value, the public face of the: u s: corona virus pandemic response, told law makers. This week
I think that the social distancing recommendations, forced on americans quote sorta just happened and were likely not based on scientific data, so you guys know the whole. Oh, we got a socially distant state stay sixty feet apart, because kobe can't go within six feet right yet bullshit as we all knew, you mean how they you know they they thought stickers on the floor of the grocery.
That said, go this way and that way because gain or we're only go in a certain. In you mean how like, when they did the debate for Joe Biden, they drew these six foot circles around her body because they only had nine people that would actually sharp as bait my boat, writin yeah or the best ones like that. You know the place he glass at the stones craze, yes, because it can't go straight: ass, a covert law law. When you walk in a restaurant, you gotta wear your mask. Why you're walking through to russia? Wants you sit down and take it off because another flag at lowbrow, you got trust origin shows you how fuckin stupid people actually are actor so fucking stupid. They cannot fucking think for themselves at all at all, not at all like imagine like dude. This is like say when we were in the height of this. It still sounded that absurd to me sounds crazy. Yeah.
Probably everybody, but the problem is people show weak and so cowardly and so unable to stand on their own to fucking fee. Better use went along with this it must play by the rules and we're here to go outside de listeners brow. Do you listen to yourself, you think that's out of free, like you live in a free country,. Fourteen days play by the rules just get to go outside. That sounds like what's a sound like you, prison that size like fucking, prison man or my elementary school or we're or catalogue also prison yeah like you guys, did it without questioning anything. How many of you actually told people to fuck would that you say it now But we know it wasn't the case because so y'all motherfuckers flying all over the country, you won't. Last. I gotta go here. Now to go there.
It's, like you all, say you're about ship, jane about it and now we're here and others, mother, fuckers reversing course, and here's the thing like they they mentioned in the article to you, know the shitty saying well, I hope I hope I hope we live long enough to see this man executed legitimately legitimately hung. He deserves to be hung. It's crimes against humanity or the person is for that if they take the top twenty fucking perpetrators of this voucher, Klaus schwab a few other people and fuck and hung them. This would never happen. yeah hm hm yeah, so I mean he's reversing course, fallaci. Eighty three made the startling revelation that a closed surprised nobody's fucking like I'm surprised, nobody lost their business or had their loved ones, fucking die over Zoom or any of the shit have like. I'm surprised this guy still has air in his mother. Fucking lungs. Dude is a counter. I mean. How do we know that there hasn't
already been in tips, but they, you know like like genuine real fuckin attempts like bro. If you are not going to air that outro they will. They can't put that out there because it'll fucking make more of it. Rather it's crazy to me that, like it's, it's I dunno man are fun. If you guys think our government's going to hold these people accountable, you're fucking insane burn their fucking pussies. These people that you elected to they go there. They play the game and hope that that's going to benefit their their own fucking pocket book know, there's very few people that are actually serving the american public and our government very few very few. You know the craziest thing is like they have his testimony and, like it's all out there right, there are a lot of people have been talking about it.
their steel, mainstream media is still trying to la directly to our face. No shetlands like this foul. You get like they say the truth and say that is still feeding conspiracy. Theory. Of course. Quite so you mean to tell me that the guy that you guys all loved what are they gonna say right What do you like them to say? Hey, we live hey. We were poor, this fuckin conspiracy, hey, we we we could a situation where hundreds of thousands as a business is closed. We re situation,
loved ones had to dial resume calls. We create a situation where actual therapeutics were up that were denied so that we can maintain a state of emergency and continues to transfer wealth from the middle class to the upper class. What do you expect them to say? What do you expect them to say? Let's not talk about the seventeen million mother fucking people that fucking died from the fucking complications of the vaccine according to a number of scientists and the data which is processed by insurance companies. That basically shows the overall amount of deaths. Now, eighty that's just from shoveling snow.
right all cause. Mortality shows that we are. We are in vaccinated people. We have had seventeen million people die across the globe because of this, and that's just the start, bro just the start. There were whatever whatever the whatever the punishment is for the for for crimes against humanity. I mean each like we're winning Two point: it s like fucking, guinea pigs were canal. Now they get it. They try to eliminate a large popular, a large amount of the population which they successfully did they try.
I to transfer the money before they eliminated him from them to that from from us to them, which they successfully did brother, the rate of fucking, stillbirths or up miscarriages are up. I'm aware, I'm I'm afraid to see in fucking ten fifteen years that they deleted already been deleted: an entire generation of people irl, of course, that's the goal, and I I bet I I predict that in ten to fifteen years, everybody who got vaccinate will have will be either dead or seasick has fought and not a but make sure you guys are notorious people out there, because the shovel and snow I wrote it If this is happening, because people won't stand up and speak up, man, I'm sick of this shit, no, I do when are people going to come together? Row like when are people going to come together?
He bore not extra written them. The majority of americans in the majority of people on this earth are not extreme progressive, left people they just make it appear to be on the media, because those people are who controls the media. Most of the population in the real world is not people who are thinking about cutting off their penises. They are not these people who are literally fucking insane like they, like the conservatives, love to show these people as like. That's how they all are: that's not how they are. Okay. Most of the people to the left of center are still common sense. People who just are not extremists, they have big hearts. They believe in, like giving some grace for peace. well, but unfortunately, those people's big hearts have been attacked and taken advantage of and used against them. Then a lot of them don't realize that some are starting to realize it. But then we have this other side of the far extreme right, which is fucking justice. Say most of the people in the ninety percent of the middle, whereas a ninety
second, the middle going to come together and we like fuck. These people are destroying our country, their destroying our wives, are destroying everything we ve alike. we should have gotten or were promised in this country, they're destroying it, and until those people come together until we come together and have unity which they are doing, every single thing they I simply can to ensure that we do not have, but until that happens they will continue to destroy us. That's reality so we have to have unity and we have to have mass noncompliance. What that means is when they, I d, do shit. We tell them fuck off, that's what has to happen, and until that happens, we will continue to lose so I don't. I don't know what it's going to take to get people to understand, we're all on the same team, we're all on the same boat and we got a couple of knuckleheads at the back of the well drilling holes in the bottom of the boat and we should throw the most fuckers on overboard. These people have no powers perceived power, its perceive.
power. These are the weakest sickest unhappiness oldest, incapable human beings physically on the planet. That is a frail old man. Look at him. If that old man was fucking up your neighborhood. What we do that old man- oh we put them in a fucking crook, I'm so fucking pissed off dude we'd put him in a fucking hole. We would put them in a hole that is a weak. Those people are weak, look at them, they're, weird, They are not healthy, they're, not smart, they are not intelligent, they were born into a system that they were controlling ass in It would be so easy. Four million. of americans to show up a washing DC, ten million in strong brow and say Your days are fucking over there's nothing. I can do about that, I'm so I'm sick of it did.
many common man, its unity and non compliances needed. We need mass levels of that these people are ruining our lives there, ruining our country, the ruining our food. sure there are ruining your kids future. They are safe, go past. They give to fox about you and I ve got you can this. They have your best interests of my are due to you crazy. Are you pay. Attention. Are you really going to let your ego like dude most people? Can you tell You why they don't like dollar trot that can you and tell you they came to tell you By the way, I don't think trumps, the answer I think we need someone who's going to do more damage in terms of can you re doing? We shouldn't be pay a fifty percent. Fuckin tax always more these take this this Was spending in the supply should have people on this financial puckery that
You have to live in every single day. Has the end we're not free this? Isn't a free country we're not free, There are more people in prison in this country than any other country on the planet. Bro short of saying we we are, we are. We are not free one big prison, it is we pay what explained if you work. Okay right now, the average american works until august to pay. Government, so if you work eight months from january to august, so if you weren't from january to august to pay your tax all in not just your income tax, but all your tax, what does that make you a slave? We need he. How is that so hard to understand How is it so hard to understand that we work for them and then the end of our lives. After we ve
humiliated all of these things, apparently that they tell us we can get which almost impassable again. Unless you give everything to it, they take sixty to sixty five percent of it. When you die. So so, along the way, you're paying them all your money more You have your money and then, when you die, you give them a majority of what you were able to accumulate with the money that you were actually able to keep yourself and have the crumbs they gave you. What is that? What is that? It's? Not american! That's not. Fucking freedom, bro? No that's fucking slavery and we need a leader who is going to go in and correct that we would. This country would be the cleanest, most efficient, most powerful, most prestigious richest wealthiest healthiest country. If these people were doing the shit that they're doing for their own benefit for all,
wealth. How the fuck can someone going to washington DC worth a million dollars come out we're two hundred million should be illegal. It shouldn't be legal to do that, you really want to fix shit bro. You start taking some of these rich by the fuckers hey we're getting zero taxes for the next eight years. If you serbian government for four years however long you serve, you get a tax abatement completely. Now we start having some smart motherfuckers going to serve. People are not run things and build eventually create this. That's right not going into a cobra, listen. There's? No saving this without dramatic action, there's no saving this without. seventeen. Seventy six heart and mentality, there's no bring in a bat row. We have to have some sort of turnover in our system and whoever we elect should be willing to do that
and right now. I don't see any candidates willing to do that. None of them are willing to do that, though, not even trump. A lot of people love trout, I like to think trump's the best option we have currently as you'd think the vehicle be the best option, but he'll have a chance to win. And an end by the way I'll, don't you either one of a more aggressive enough of what needs to happen, a correct, the shit? No, I a lot luggage
I don't understand the amount of wreckage that has to happen to clean out the corruption man. Well, that's what I'm saying like I mean that that's the devil's advocate part of it. Maybe they do, maybe they just can't put it all out there, because it's not palatable, I mean guys like it. It will not be palatable like it's going to be some hard fucking truth since we're not an election row and a lot of people are going be able to handle that if people don't start participating and speaking up and standing for the right shit publicly unapologetically, we have no chance, no chance, no guys jumping on this conversation down in the comments. Let us know what you guys think and with that being said, let's get to our final segment of the show. As always, we have thumbs up or dumb as fuck. This is where we begin
atlanta, we talk about it, it'll get one of those two options, and so, with that being said, our thumbs up or dumb as fuck headline reads: dog shocks, pennsylvania, family by chowing, down on four thousand dollars in cash shredded all over the room he gotta go. You gotta go for this ten gallons of milk right there, yeah passion, vines, america, yeah, a pennsylvania, couple's home improvement funds nearly went to the dogs when their pup made a Snap, out of a large sum of cash, they poured out to pay for the job quote was shredded all over the room: carry law of pittsburgh till fox news digital about the money.
Well, there was one area that was pretty decently covered in bills, some that had little puncture marks from him biting into it. She said of the dog, and a lot were a lot of it was missing, so we kind of figured out that he probably swallowed a good chunk of this money. See saw a seven year old. Goldendoodle had never done anything like this before last. That quote, that's why it was kind of shocking loss it. He is just such a goofy dog and such a sweetie. He is one hundred pounds and he's kind of a lap dog. He loves, leaning on people and getting belly scratches a lot of people describe him as having like a Human side, or human inside of them didn't even register like the dog sick or like a dog. That's what it is really really easy, just stuff that that's right. Dell masses, this guy works for the government. As the couple cobbler just taken out four thousand miles out of their bank account and have been sitting on our kitchen count for about thirty minutes.
We were planning on paying for a landscape in project in cash loss. It now we know, as the government now beverly was now we fuck it now you're gonna get their peace on earth, working at the other end of the house and all of a sudden I hear my husband clayton yelling that cecil had eaten the money. It just didn't even register because he's never done anything remotely like that in his life. She said it was not making sense, but it was obvious what happened? Here's a few pictures, so they they tried to collect as much as they could, and I guess they're like putting pieces of the puzzle back together, but there's he says go go go, go now, ass, happy ass ages, when they fought dove when they said when they said cell phone distance, they were gonna pay for the project can raise aggregate the sixty percent, and then they turned her
and then they turn on the five g to activate the chip inside little chewy there to get the money. That's what happened row he's a he's. A fed bro doesn't work for foods. That looks like a good boy. He's gotta go broke. Nah he's gotta go, look at him, he doesn't know There's ten dollars of milgrain him a year later, he doesn't even know what he did he's like what the fuck man I abroad be pissed I'd be pissed course I'd be pissed. Yeah will be given on this and him
I know this. The minute you say you're going to pay for a job and cash in the fucking press, the iris gonna come fucking, look at your shit or they're going to come, examine the dog's poop for sure. No, I'm just saying like what would it why you paid in cash were differences and make there's only one reason: a paper shouldn't cash like four thousand dollars in cash bro when you say that in the press I'm giving this thumbs down because you're so fucking stupid hearing me know what the fuck are saying. Who is the landscape and company? I wouldn't say that all these guys, Caesar above the gaze has locked up having these people. Are these people have watched the anomaly that fog me or any of these media channels? Bro? Did you catch the republican debate on CNN?
now they are nikki haley and rodney. Santas on there were cnn themselves, yeah anderson cooper doing the interview. It was weird dared. It looked weird yeah. It was weird- and this is why I know that they're putting nikki haley as their backup plan because, like dude, they were trying to like prop nikki haley up real hard and she just can't swing the bat though bro I think, you're a little soft pitches dunno shit, I dunno she did pretty good in this debate. Does she yeah yeah? She did get shot. She I think she did better than the Sanderson debate really yeah. I mean she fucked, but I mean, but yeah? They gave her. The last word on every question: they let her finish. They let her talk over him. The whole time, equality, yeah, it's the same shit they do to trump. It seems you know what I'm saying reality and but then they had a panel afterwards, where they like brought down the republican debate, and it was so weird to see them cause like they. Never even like pretend, like republicans exist,
now you know what I mean, and this is why I came up with what I was saying earlier in the show where I said you know, their plan is to have Nikki haley, because I think they believe they understand that the damage to the party on the democrat side has been done, where I don't know that they think they can recover so they're trying to position like now that they're they're a little more common sense like you, like the all the commentary, was very We, like quote fair, you know what it wasn't like that, how they usually are. It was like the these people are becoming defeated and now.
are understanding that if they don't fucking like shift over a little bit they're going to get or lose it all yeah yeah all two hundred of their viewers- yeah no shit. I don't! I don't think the trust in the media is going to come back dude now now I don't think it will be. It will be a row because here's the proper reason that the reason- why is because nobody knows how long it's been like this? The media probably could have been like this for fifty fucking years and if that's the case, it'll take fifty years to get back. I think for us to trust the united states government again and for us to trust the media. Again, it's going to take four
full disclosure, ok, and I think the way we get full disclosure is through complete unity, meaning everybody whose common sense everybody who wants to live in a free country for real everybody who doesn't want to pay. You know more than what they get to keep and taxes everybody who wants peace, who, once safety, who wants a good economy? Who wants a good life? Who want? To build the american dream, we left the fuck alone. Every single one of those people needs to come together, whether you voted Democrat, your whole life or whether you vote republic in your whole life, and you guys you gonna, have to realise that for us to get where we're trying go. There's gonna have to base of seventeen seventy six mentality, I'm not in violence. I'm saying demand, change. I am saying mass unity and non compliance of change. That has to happen in the less that happens there
Nothing will change, it won't matter, who's, elected and won't matter, because I don't believe that any of these candidates that are that are electable will make the changes necessary to actually fix. What's going on, I don't believe they'll do it. I believe whoever wins we're still going to be paying all this tax? We're still going to be getting, you know, being the slaves of america, we're still going to be the iron fist enforcers for nato across the globe. Right, like I might do. This is not what america was founded on. America was founded on peace, prosperity, common culture, the pursuit of happiness and wealth and success the opposite of oppression, freedom. These things this country was founded upon and we have long law
wanna go left those things in the past and that that that goes for both Democrats and republicans, and they want us to argue over the color of our skin or who we like to have sex with or who blah blah blah all the while they take all the things that actually flocking matter and they they make a harder and harder and harder and harder and harder survive. You know, like, I think people at this point. A lot of people have. What can we do and that's a bet? That's. That is the question. What can you You there's a lot you can you you're just passing the responsibility of doing anything off to everybody else, because its heart, it's hard to speak up it's hard to stand at its heart of set your friends and family, it's hard to be first, one to say some truth when everybody else's going along with the lie. These are hard things to do, but you know what I believe that the path is worth those things
Would you like things to continue the way they are because if you do continue to behave the way you have behaved, the last five ten fifteen years or we can all come together? We could all get a revolutionary mentality, demanding some real fucking radical change in this country. That's what needs to happen! That's what we need to do, and the next time they roll out the big thing we have to say no we're not doing that. And anybody who goes along with that. They need to be ridiculed, an embarrassed and may follow up and made a joke immediately. Yeah, like this idea of not bullying, people needs to end People need to be fuckin boyd That's reality. They boy ass, their milk Stop bullying us. There is the twice about it, in fact, thus are preferred method of getting. What they want well over here commenced. We mean Normanby mean because I don't want my country to burn, and I want my my brother's kids and your kids.
And you're you guys who have kids. I want them to grow up in a real america, not this fuckin, bullshit that we have now so You should think long and hard about what your part in that is and start participating, because if we do this, they will burn them. Down and you will have shit. Your kids will never even have a shot at anything and whether that you ve taken advantage of your opportunities that you ve had this country, let's say: you're an adult person and you live a shitty life that you're a happy with you had the. Opportunity, you just didn't, take it. So maybe it's time to flip- what were the mentality and say you know what I fucked up, but my kids are not going to fuck up, and I am going to make my life mean for something like if you're searching for meaning in life right now, there's never been a better opportunity for your wife to matter than right. Now in this country ever the decisions that we make us. A collector group of people right now will define the future of human. It is not just america, so we think about like what can we do
We can do a lot and by the way, if you ve lived a life that you're disappointed with your frustrated with, and that you regret here. Your chest to make it matter right now that's my message? Do we need a real bad and we need everybody to participate and if we don't. I think we all know what's gonna happen, guys. Eighty don't be home. She'll show sleeping on the floor. Now my jewelry box frozen the fucker stole countless millions in a kobe teach buddhist smoke got a rope. Kang doesn't know, shot case closed.
Transcript generated on 2024-01-15.