« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

63. All About The Benjamins

2020-08-20 | 🔗

It's hard to make progress in chaos. Local businesses remain shut down and face fines if opening while the big chains get to keep their doors open. Convinced? It's all about the upcoming elections and benjamins. On today's show, Andy and the guys talk about what we as Americans MUST DO to fight these unconstitutional laws we are facing.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I told my teacher to teach I'm going to give me a project spoken to the walla motion to fit most car, the only one eighty per mile was called to feed the guys seller. This is the show for the realistic apply to the lies, the fate and delusions of modern society and welcome to mother fucking reality. Guys today is a very special episode of really f. We actual believe it or not, have an actual studio now, like an actual studio, why do you guys have hit me? up a lot of young bucks, and you talk about having to start your podcast and what did you do and what do you do? What you just gotta do it and if you stick with it long enough. one day you probably won't have a studio this coup, but you still,
have a good time doing less material. So I didn't realize. I got the guys in here Joe Madonna and Keith. Others want to recognize these guys real, quick for making the studio a beautiful place make me real happy. I feel like a professional professional, her professional they want. This is the first episode ever hero of. If I'm happy to school? How is pretty cool and if you guys don't know that is the voice of maya brown sexy aroused deeds. officially dj yeah, what's goin on brother, whose bomber much just trying to survive. This little injury and I've got here. Yeah you're I am yeah. Urban with digit I've had a real hard. On seventy five har programme, and then you know phase one, the phases and all that and we behind it literally everything
good day since March, you know the things I talk to you guys about when started, seventy five hard this year was. I wanted to help people work. through the chaos is happening in the world right now. You know when there's chaos happening in our lives, it's very difficult for us to make progress. I like when you are overly stressed or you're going through a divorce or you're going through a breakup or you're going through. You know a job change, you know. but generally have a hard time during those times, and they let their physical fitness go off. They left their mental fitness. olive and they find themselves in a place that just is ten times worse than what it needs to be. And so dj, I've been hit hard Quite honestly, we had a talk at the beginning of this and said: hey man, we're gonna, use this time to get the best that we can and so that way whenever it starts to clear up we're we're in a better spy.
And I've been super happy with with the results so far. One hundred So now you have a one on one hundred percent year on year, where you down six seventy pounds or so yeah yeah. Now, overall, could I know we ve been left on the scale right here, but emma you put on it on a muscle to so. Delays have inheritance So, where do not finish? Seventy five? What this probably like a week and a half ago and our. No! No! I wasn't like a real big big like build up right now, I'm off! Ok! I saw you say you ve been in jail for. the fuckin fifty years and you get out yeah yeah. What I'm saying like? What do you do? You know, but like none of the temptations that I thought were there were there, but then I'm fucking sitting and I'm like whoa it just goes off I'd like it. It's just like And men soldiers like that that voices in my head selling it ok you're not done as right now
a lot more to go, so I mean I made the decision. This is day three of phase one just get right back on it cause. I mean that there's not a big difference. I I do most of the shit with you any day. everyday anywhere, I write so I sacrament, I know just hold myself more accountable because I'm not gonna lie. I got. I got a lot more to lose lot more to gain and while bro young buck in this year, and at you been a mean, even though you been an athlete, your whole life there are now. the different exactly so Prouder now has, but also I want to mention Joe Joe, how much you down hydro. Thirty miles Joe as beautiful as looking just super sexy man I just gotta, I gotta be real. Now you are always sexy. So don't take that away. You are just big sexy. Now your media Secondly, I write so These guys are all of us. We worked really hard. Somehow I fucked up my ribs and I have no idea what I did
it hurts here. I could barely fuckin breathe. Ok, Would you look you in the car a long time this morning? Oh yeah, yeah all when we are here yet on a phone in within smith: oh yeah, yeah. rose you guys. You have followed in smith, I've posts in quite a bit of my instagram he's a small business. honor, a gym owner out a bell mar new jersey- and I man they're just hammer in these small businesses up there when you know I've got to talk to them and meet them and- and not you know, talk a lot about. What's going on, it's just really a really sad situation up there, man yeah, I got couldn't imagine yeah I mean you know, means thirty, three, I'm not sure. If he's thirty three is young. Well,
I know this. I know that the government right now is treading on very dangerous waters, You know, and before I even start talking about any of this, I I want to sort of put a disclaimer out there. Okay and I'm an american man, I'm fucking, proud to be an american, I don't necessarily ever think of me. I self, as a republican or a Democrat, I tried it see people without looking at what race they are with. What you know sexual, orientation. They are you I feel like we ve way. What ourselves into so many quarters and then we can, pushed a label ourselves in so many quarters that you know we sort of lost all train of of reasonable, conversations enormously
oh yeah, and we see it every day. Social social media in india makes me fuckin, like super mad, but you know, as you guys listen to this, I keep getting people that are saying you know they think, because you don't want to vote for Joe Biden that down Tromp is your hero yeah? I I have a problem with how people do that, because I try to look at situations for what they are on a one to one basis I mean the truth is as if we had a mother, fucking democratic right now that was standing up for a fuckin freedoms and on constitutional rights and against these mandates, and all this bullshit what honest guess what eu I'd be forgiven for yeah? You know what I'm saying so we have to we. We have a problem right now and the problem that we have is. It is deeper than just like that
tyrannical shit. That's been going on and if you guys don't agree, this tyrannical, not understanding the data right the day is out there for you to see. We don't need to go through it. I've said everything number: hands on the podcast all over the last six months or sell what I believe, it is going on, again. That is my opinion of what's going on and what the data is there and it I feel like so many people are just hang on old ideas or old stereotypes or old. Bullshit, you hurt me looking there now looking at what the situation is. Naturally curly you're saying oh, like do. Do you feel that way you gonna exactly, I just read it much longer got somebody asked me. Medea like Nobody'D, ever listen to you on the package, downgrade bullet just but question so like have you always been like
Did you change for me in a Democrat and maybe think because Why won't woman shit like. I I feel like really have been like that. It's about my morals, morale. You right. My mom was values, have never jack Think it's sad because we are in a society where you have to choose. You have to pick black or white. And there's so much in the grand assembly bore a loss because I know you have people who are their life, their family this vote in one way and get it you know I am always how these values I just I told her. I got a just decided to. I just realized what the label will not put it in quotes. The label is you know two years ago, when I label and myself as this area, but like I'm always have these values are morals and zambia thing. That's it's amazing. I do like. I don't care whose office are they a good person? doing good work, the masses for the country for me and that's it it is a matter of a republican democrat. Are they the fuckin person? You know,
dude, and do they stand for the right things and then do they match the things that they say with their actual action? One hundred percent- that's somethin! You know I feel like our labels in terms of our society. We started to put these labels in front of actually who the fuck we are. You know even to the point, where alike. If you tell someone right now, hey man, you need a really think for yourself This issue is an important right because this issue this issue of what's going on right now in the world, and I must say it like. I say this issue like it's one issue, but the combination of the issues going on right now are very disturbing and unnerving. Especially to me. I feel, like I'm pretty good at seeing the big picture. And seeing what's going on- and I see These plays getting made by people who don't give a fuck about us.
Now that the real american people now at you, you actually say, deprived me about we are, is what they're saying there's an alarm. What actually doing the same page is actually just came out today are, the county executive was yeah he just remove like the minority chairperson for Saint Louis county board. Why? Because as she was trying to hold him accountable to speak, know cause I can count. I think it's like twenty three percent of all contracts. Ex reconstruction whatever it is. It has to be represented by a minority on businesses on business, and so she like champion there. that bill job, you, the basque, and he does removed because he was pushing that so there so that she was rough on the feathers, right, but here is a Democrat right that is supposed to be all this inclusion. Suppose we follow this, and he's literally dismantling everything that was put in place to make sure that no, he is taken to that yeah,
does that person really stand for what you think he stands for? Well, I think dude, I think, before being honest here, you know the democratic ideology which I dont really necessarily agree with? Most of it, especially we not what's going on right now that tell me what's going on right now is radical leftist social, the socialists to marxist communist blend of jet, ok, you're, fired! people of all of those spectrums in in the left right and right, and their bearing themselves. As a democrat, but dude, I could tell you for real. I've spoken to hundreds and hundreds of people, because this show, traditionally before this covert thing started happening. I have always been very middle of the road politically, and I know we secured more conservative over the last six months or so, but that's not because of trumpets, because it's what the fuck I see it right right
so you know I have we have a lot of. Moderate listeners. You know, I think most people honestly, like I think most people identify towards the middle. Most people want to make as much money as they can. Most people want to pay as little taxes as they can. Most people want to be left the fuck alone right. Most people believe I think that you know every segment of society where the race or sexual orientation, with the exception of the pedophile, the pedophiles right, deserved equal treatment and to be equal in the law and in culture yeah, and I think everybody agrees with that shit. You know and then on the abortion issue. You know, obviously that's a polarizing issue that people have personal beliefs about and that can I can see both sides of it, two man I could see where people would say it's completely wrong- should never be allowed. Never ever ever ever a fuckin understand where they come from
but I also understand people who lets say someone rapes, a woman right and she doesn't want that sheep and goats, a health risk. I mean there's a bunch of their stores exceptions. Now. Do I think that people should be given abortions like it's. You know the birth control in all, like that's, not what do we say in our the agnes? That's that's! That's breeding, irresponsible culture in that's a budget item in the mess opposition right insult, so I can sort of have that conversation with anybody and understand where they're coming from sure. You know what I mean- most people more people outside the far right in the far left, a pretty we agree with all of the agree,
like I'm. What I'm saying here is like all the same people that I talk to, whether they be poured unquote, republicans or trump supporters, or quote, unquote the kratz and by the way, eighty percent of Democrats are not providing their anti trump right. That's a stat that just came out the other day I saw yeah, you know, that's that's kind of weird, too like if you just aunt, I someone you're gonna vote for someone who's. Clearly I mean- Do you guys see the shit? He also had to tell anybody like you see it saw its when I think about what's going on here, is just a very. I think it's a very difficult situation for people to unlabelled themselves and right in the way I see. What's going on right now This is obviously just my opinion, but the way I see the the situation, america right now- and people are gonna like this and that
ok. I have a right to an opinion just like you own rights and opinion, but you know I see even- and I heard this too by the way I was get. This is the party I was trying to make for you know I've had does. Is it doesn't hundreds of democrats in our message me and say What did I don't believe in anything you motherfucker slander, way authorised? creation they get a democratic, bad name. I'm embarrassed to say I what was a democrat and this is gonna, be my first time voting republican, because I understand that if we want the democratic party to ever be what is supposed to be ever again, then we have to preserve. Freedom first, and so I'm hearing that a lot. I'm hearing a lot of people who are saying, look dude. I can't believe I'm saying this but yeah this is, I can't be down with that. That's awesome, yeah Will you been telling me you can get it right? I mean I think what it is do is that you got a lot of these, lower and, I say low level, local level leaders.
But a londoner egos who's, gonna pay. All young people are saying that young people are I can call that a spade and say well that you know your thanks bro. I think it's one their egos getting out of control. One hundred percent agree with that. They've got some real power, and do you guys have to understand these people are not the pinnacle of excellence in the world. Lucknow know the regular people, regular people that ran for office dude, and they got a sincere City council see we're not talking about like. For some reason, people have this justification in their brain for this idea picture in the brain that politicians are like real smart people and and do there are some right. There's some that are geniuses. There's some better social business people were all kinds of success stories. I did a lot of most emotion, especially when you get into the mayor level. In the city council level. These are just regular people, men and So you know we do have a lot of that. Where I see people are there egos or get crazy right,
the gas from real power like the inn situation, oh yeah, that's that's ego! Oh yeah, yeah ego at state level because that's governor murphy, jersey and and he's just he's failing that state for menacingly, oh yeah, but think about this. So it's ego. True, I, like you, give somebody a little power and that, if they're not responsible enough to have the power, they abuse it and and that's what we see bad cops to write. That's what that's, where back It's come from a kid that was picked on, or you know bullied or whatever becomes a cop. Now it's time for fucking, payback, yeah and dude. There's all kinds of cops like that yeah, I would say: that's a small minority, very small minority of cops, I'm talking like who percent death rate yeah right, exactly yeah, I I would say there yeah,
fucking. Go there. Jesus but yeah your eyebrow at all, laugh rowe, a fucking. So, but when we're talking about the the real problem, the other problem who, I think, with a lot of these state an arm, city level, politicians in we have to realise, like these large towns in this mask mandate in these things, that you hate holes, handed down through the federal government that sustain local government so like when you see these cities burn him. You know minneapolis, portland, seattle, etc. Blah blah, when used, we all this crime going crazy in chicago in new york, and you see all this you, you cannot.
Go and say: that's trump's fault, because it isn't it's the state and local governments fault and a lot of these people have gotten together and said, and you can see it right now, if you're watching the Dnc, which I've watched every speech in the Dnc the last few days- and you can see it in their message, which is what I said back in march bro. I said they were going to try to turn this into a our position in politics so that they can make trump look bad. Indeed, I saw one of the yacht. I think one of the binding ads and he was like oh yeah, look at trumps economy now in like blaming them for the crime rate, crime rates are up. Forty set our four hundred percent since trumped up mother fucker before march and in february That also lower. We will kick it ass right, dude. We can't, as americans be so ignorant, to buy that line of shit just for their benefit? These people have taken a year basically of our fuckin wives, away
Well the floor and fuck. Am I not in what my point is. Is that I think a lot at least the city and state level Politicians are also enforcing these mandates because the media is so focused on that very small percentage of radical left that they make seem like that's most people, but also about you broke, but when I walked down the street and I go anywhere, I go I'll see motherfuckers like that I always see him on tv. And I always see, em eclipse online. But what I'm saying? What I'm saying here is that the media has made the shit. We look way worse right when have ferguson here, like back and fourteen. So a lot of people guys we're a saint louis ferguson's right here. Man and ah you know- I number of ferguson I had all my friends from all over the country. Texted me an endeavour, talk dude
Are you ok come stay with me for what like I like? They legitimately thought all of saint Louis was like on higher right and you know what was it like: six walks, not even there. Ok, I mean you know like ferguson's, a small city diary, small, it's crazy. To my scenarios for great people, their most holes people boy she wanted some there now know. That's why I started a load about how black lives matter operate. Right so and we did here say louis you guys be from saint louis. We kind of had a heads up on what the fuck's mingle in all areas we dealt with ferguson did. I called bullshit on that when, when so, when they did the special report on board, isn't writing release navvies things all those they was sixty hours. I like sixty three percent. of arrests that were made during the protests. Sixty two percent of old people had out estate driver's license yeah right. And sixty three percent in solitude. So what the media is done as they state, but you do I mean: did you get text
your friends, our townish lawyer, large regula. I got no sargassum family how to stay. yeah! Ok! Now I am. I I'm fine. I know when I was in forest park almost every day during that stuff. So I started thinking so I texted one of my buddies up in portland and I said- How bad is it really up there about is a really- and I explained because when ferguson was here, we are like forty six blocks that were pretty rough it was really mainly one or two blocks that was real bad up, and they made it look like he was the whole city burning down in an I'm just tony broke from here now being in portland. It looks like the whole city for and he's like no dude, it's right around the courthouse and that's it. It's like two blocks, yeah, that's it, and so so I started putting it together right then, the media made such a big deal by ferguson and it was fucking. It was a bad situation. Oh yeah, but made, it seem like he was so big remember were packed off after that. Then you had
the civil unrest you had the situation, Dallas wallace cops got shot and then we had bunch of other small riots and other place in the country because of how they cover that situation right. So I start put it together and, unlike fucked, It looks like the common noon same thing right now, so I think, what's going all with some of the city council. Men in some of these. These Democrats is it gradually drink in their own coolly. Right, like there see day day, they fought for and how the media operators and the media creates this huge fucking. You know display of all this shit and then acts like it. Acts like it's the whole whirl when in reality, it's very, very small percentage of people right and I think, what's happened in some of these city, because the city council people, like I said a regular people, do when they get their fuck. There is no secret news, place
There is no secret news channel that there have access to. So, I think, what's happening is a lot of these people all the way up to binding have been watching the media and actually fuckin believing everything that they're saying the way they ve been saying it, and that's why you see them enforcing these ridiculous. You off law It's not gonna take even longer alimony there and you know you see, stores you know taken the red by trying to have. Force mass some people I know about you guys, but I am going to remember every single store that try to force me to wear, we're a fucking mask when this is over. Guess what they're not going to get my business? Alright, that's just personal choice: I'm not fucking calling for that. I'm just saying that's my personal choice I because I don't believe that any man should have the right to say you can't breathe the mother fucking air well and another thing like It's a same the same people that are their yellow. It like yelling at people, sometimes even assaulting people too, where mass are the same p.
for now reality for trying to say anything on abortion, the same people this, as you know my body, my choice, while small body method, george, I'm your body, because, as you can hear me, it's so crazy, I know by so credit asia. The real problem is here: is theirs fucking, no data to support any than none of it, and you know we If I saw a statistic a few days ago said that want one out of every four people under the age of thirty have considered committing suicide during this time. That's fucking. Tear bro bro, no, no, no, that that's a that's a real thing that that's actually coming up in a lot of places. I think I sound like texas and california. The suicide rates are way up right. when our way our way of life as americans is very in a very real way in jeopardy, never returning and a lot of people they they hear that and they think well you're fucking over exaggerating you're this year, that one
lobo, because, right now we have the situation up here in new jersey, where governor murphy has find ian smith and his his partner hundred forty thousand dollars, plus fifteen thousand dollars per day to day remain open in this is august number fifteen days slow, spread. Remember all the shit. They told us Remember how I went out and said hey! This is bad. We shouldn't do this now here we fucking are. We have Oh how how many million unemployed right now it, but it fuck crazy amount that we should have. We have kinds of restaurants? There,
I'm going to reopen and we're talking a big percentage, I believe thirty percent or so of all restaurants. They have closed plan not to reopen ok. So we have these tyrannical situations where the government, the state governments, have imposed these mandates quorum quote and then forced the local businesses under the social pressure the fuckin enforce them. So, like you know, if you your walmart, are you going to hear and saint Louis you got in order grocery stores. I dont want neighbour name names because I actually haven't been to one. If I want to say who is doing what, but. Ok, so what we have a situation where, if you go to the gas station you go to a store they make. You wear masks right a lot of these places that work they make their where mass. What is look like from outside. It looks like everybody's onboard board wearing a mask
all these city council people don't think it's real big issue. They think I'll do what did not to mention one other relation. There's euro science. The shows that if I can helps you in fact, there is science shows a can actually increase your chance of getting sick you can read about it on my friend sean models. Instagram page, he added did a whole video. There was cited all the scientific studies. Well, I dunno, where we'll put the link, but if we put a link somewhere here where you attach the episode you can check it out on the website. The link will put the link during the episode on the website to the video that you can want I urge that they made about to say that the reality of mass wearing. What my point is we this like morale, shabbily right like every year walmart elbows worth welcome. Ask you go into! Ah, you know, let's say chick fillet there, everybody's wearing a mask right. Alright, you go to most of these places where these people were, they have to wear, masks
right and so the whole. The whole thing with the city council is there are seeing it as like we're fucked you people are really mind. I guess oh, really alarming. Those people, I would say motionless people like what the fuck, but did they have to survive. They have to go to the store desire to have to go to work, that they can't say anything about it on the internet or they get fired because dude like we just saw a good year yesterday, no good! You got caught basically saying that you couldn't be a conservative in their company, so to speak whoa you, you couldn't wear maga hats and maga hat. You can't say anything about blue lives matter, okay, you can't support blue lives matter, sp, yeah, no police, okay, but, but you are allowed to support left is organizations since right. So we have all these different people trying to enforce their own beliefs on the people, and that appears to the city, council and the Democrats,
oh man, is, must be what our boys want. Serbia's doing it right, but I think what we're going to see is that these Democrats, who keep it for a little republicans. Let's be fair, the report because there been some republicans that have done this too we ve got a governor here, who you know. regardless of what I say it's the truth. He hasn't stood up for the people when it comes to these shut down or the mask wearing, and a lot of people say was, harm weren't a mask mother fucker, this is america. We shouldn't be you haven't to do this, it's not effective. It was effective in their size behind I just what I fucking do it? Would you just like in the beginning where we just didn't know we were on you know what I'm saying but like at this point, there's so much at this point. If you cannot look at even just look at the the the the guidelines they have out, it just does not make sense right. I can walk into a restaurant. I have to have a mask on, but walk five feet to my fucking table.
We cannot do that. Did it thought it? That's who you are you're not. really scared of the virus, now well, then you know I'm a number of serious dude. So if you have the fucking, if you're ok go into a restaurant and then going through you putting the mask on walking to the table, and then you know taking off to eat your food. You're, not truly scared of the virus. Otherwise you would have fucking stayed home well and then you know you got Biden. He literally, I think in my opinion, he gave you kind of gave the cards out when he made the statement that, if He would only make mass man that he would make mass mandatory for only the next night right, I can't do the math, what's in three months, the freakin elections on wednesday after he wins, is over, but don't walk around as it doesn't make sense. It's a strategy to make us so fucking uncomfortable that will vote any way to make it in right and do like a promise you if trump wins the election. This shit is going to keep they're going to keep trying
I do this shit, oh yeah, it's just not going to go away just because trump wins the election. Now they're going to keep pushing and keep pushing and keep pushing it now and you know what were in danger of here real what about the next? What about in the neck next year and the year? I then I mean: are they these people? Had the ability to shut us down shudder, restaurants, thou shalt businesses doubt make us wear masks now for food. Being ever whenever they want one member! Here's a scary thought what, Happened, my mount australia, that's crazy, coming back, see that they are making this vaccine mandatory in Australia. You have to have it if you want to work, if you want to get a paycheck, if you when I travel like, basically, there's no way around met all and the thing about a story is that they don't have any guns nine, so they had a bible.
Program a number of years ago after mass shooting, which is what are you trying to do here, and there are many guns which means they can't fucking. Do anything about the physical powers go row think about this year. You are being forced to take a fucking medicine that has not been researched and has not been ran through the proper trials, rushed rush to market right, there's, no data, the support that even says, if you take it and actually I'm gonna fuckin work, does not do This is crazy shit, but you can go to work if you don't have, when a me now and that they take the removing children the parents line on this, was a conversation that happened about in California arrived, but it was was a meme was just talked about right away. I was I told her that they have the power to do that now. Australia. you're right now. It's actually happening parents like dirt, their child,
you are being removed from their home by force if your parents of the paris as deposit pass one great. It is ridiculous that show that the policy has come in here. This is that the next thing he ordered is really hard because, as a hundred and twenty guns per one hundred citizens here anymore- harder? I understand that, but the problem is they divided everybody already. So like we're, not united right now, you're, that's the problem. Ok, an end, if you start to think of it like that now a sort of makes sense why they, whenever by hate each other right now, because there's no legitimate force against the government and whatsoever yeah. I agree dude, I'm getting it honestly, and this is a thought like. I haven't even shared this with Alex, though, but I've got a baby due in five weeks
Africans go nowhere where having the birth of the hospital. Like dude, I mean I'm thinking like no do. We need to go back to fucking primal ancestral days and just have the baby in the backyard type shit, because fuck that's a thing now people do they do that. You know, but, like I mean like like seriously, though not that's, what like rich, woke white people do It ain't going be a ridge robot. Why person? Because I mean it's scary, thought you're, like white, will shit. What are they gonna make make us test test for it in he brought baby foods as partner. I'm saying I like do not all that Cyprus is one of the main role in, but people don't even think about this. You know and then let's look at this, you did you fuck and see the picture. I posted last night of the kid the school year separated there were. Do these kids, you don't think about this. For a second one about these kids, they have never been schools were right. I d never been to school.
I do I don't know about you guys, but I can kind of remember when I started going to school. I was scared. Shitless yeah I mean now. I read that some school districts are using a fucking. Four foot stick to actually keep kids away from you. So like the kid comes, and you would stick the stick out like a like a fucking lord at a distance like what the fuck is going on. Do I mean like this is a serious when we think about how to help Its role is to start right. School listen unnerving nervous was a crowd. My thursday, eyebrows gear in Seoul. So now, you're gonna take these kids and I'm gonna go to in school, they're not going to they're, not they'll, play they're not going to be able to talk to each other. They can't give each other hugs or nothing like the shit. Kids do and what's the psychological effects of that going to be, because, like from one or notice, most at all,
have social issues. Anyway, that's a big army. Do look like that. You really love young guys are working in the world out. There so train for this? That is hard for them to have an in person. Conversation yeah. You go get one of those nineteen eighteen year old, kids in the house bring them here. They will be able to have this conversation like I know so how is french asking, and is he got me? I would not like like burst so many negative impacts that we don't even we're not even aware of south just popped into joined. The show Mitchell house urban, oh yeah that was never good one. I was digesting the internet same time, do doing! Listen you, no one first day right there and was they one and it is important- and I actually knows the above is on the weird dad. Because I'll ask all the questions that nobody wants to ask I'll, make it uncomfortable. I don't I don't care those are my kids yeah right. That's how I look at my fucking kids. It's my responsibility and obligation to the fucking world to stand up for them. They don't know the difference between right and wrong. They don't even know what the fuck the. Why are they
in a mask. They just think it's like part of the uniform and part of life like they don't know any different. So it's an obligation is apparent to fucking stand up for your goddamn kids and you don't have to be an asshole about it, but I'm going to ask questions you know, and so the question I asked: I listen so when all the teachers get cold, this shit all runs through the school. What's the plan of action is wrong and get it right gets coming this on one article, kids, don't transmit the next. The article kids are going to fucking get it while we don't transmit it wanted to go to fucking school. We don't even know that. That's my point. We don't know that everybody's even going to get it like, because a lot of the stuff that they've said about the whole thing has just been total bullshit science. You guys have to understand like sight and sound. You know this and, and we've been around scientific studies forever. You have to first of all look who's funding the study yeah because dude, whoever funds people don't understand.
Those studies or pay for play. So you so you can just look at a study and say: oh yeah, even if they were to come out with a study that said if the vaccine is fucking safe, well, dude, think about this. You you, you pay a fucking study hundred grand, do the study, but you you stand again Two hundred billion dollars on selling your drug czar worth is that worthy investment to makes a big studies. That's what the fuck these people do. That's why you see on tv year after year after year, you have, these last few commercials. All if you are, alas, when exactly like this you better lasted longer. Therefore, but we see this this
all these are no do, and you know that miracle you know the united states of america is only where it's not it's. Only one of two countries that can actually advertise direct the pharmaceutical companies can advertise drugs directly to the consumer what one of two countries in the fucking wasn't. I lived in a space man before I came here S. Why did I sold met devices? in every company, imagining a we sell, hernia mesh, ironically, whether soon everybody for now. Let me you're welcome This is our home of the night. I don't wanna be said I was just sell, initiate based off the information they gave us. Well guess what every company agnes had a study. we put their mash in front of everybody else's mash ass right imagined. whose doctors, where did the study you know like guys who are heavy j J, guys, guess guess who's mesh happened. Maybe that's the same thing in all of the zone should do what we have here is this
easy manipulation game going on and people really a lot of people. Now a lot of people started wake up to it now, but a lot of people this entire time have been like nah, that's not real as you're crazy. Your conspiracy, theorist you're, just saying this or fuck man. I told you guys what I thought was going to happen multiple times. It's really happen exactly, as I told you, and what I'm telling you now is. You might want to wake up because, especially with this fact See do we have some major issues right now is forced vaccine, these locked down in the mandates and destruction of small business and potentially the consistent ability for them shuts down any time they choose and the name public health is a switch in his turn was right and do we you can't operate like that, all these hundreds of thousands in and millions of fuckin small businesses out there that rely on people to be actually present in there.
Restaurants, reimer theatres. Those models were not designed to run on twenty one percent capacity like do you're ruining the economy. and you guys haven't even started to see the fall out from it yet. But that was my point in regard to the teachers right, because I think everybody's by nature, your humanist, your humanist instincts are too is I've even a fuckin phrase: humanistic humanistic, we're gonna, go with the shore back check. Your instincts are to look at, doesn't matter if we fact check it. It's gotta be true. Checkers on the internet, yeah yeah. Salad. Thank you fact: checks in the mail humanistic know, but understanding this. It is a thank you. I'm intelligent, sometimes stayed at holiday inn restless, how she says according to bite it never happened, you guys are racist, my boy,
thing is, I wanted to. You know the teachers they think about their little economy and their little world right, we're going to do what's best for us. Well, what about the rest of the world like I go with my kids. Go to private school or private schools funded by money means our income is generated by small business where small business we operate, we're just on the internet, but we're small business yeah, and you know- and I wanted to have the conversation with MIKE hey, you start shutting schools down. You know these. These parents, who have jobs as they're, going back to work more turn its economy back online, like if you just shut the school down, because it's scared because of the fact who's gonna watch for kids. That means the parents can't go to work like there are repercussions to just bad
im down from every situation. The bucking makes me feel damn proud about where my kids go to school, because the president schools, like now rowan, were going yeah and he's like we're going to do everything we can wear stay on line as long as can our kids are going to school leave, our kids need to be around kids and if the teachers get it, we have protocols in place If the state shut us down we're fucking gone, I was like girl, I'm so thankful for people like nick saban did that shit with football like there are people out there fighting for normalcy in fighting for freedom, who would ever thought we'd have to fuckin fight right now and argue we're to have our way of life that we had just one month ago. That's insane, and it's gone little by little by little, but guys, like the guys, like nick saving people, I give smith up in new jersey who were standing I would say, no we're not fucking doing it. Those people are the only chance we have is america to ever have back, and I it scares the fuck out of me. I don't
I don't want the governing. I argue that is gonna. Take people in those positions like normal regular people react. I consent myself have a normal regulatory people, I'm at all, I'm mass amounts of responsibility for the world, for families right, but are people who do have those possibilities, jargon fucked with people like it, smith are going to have to start feeling the the boot they're going to feel the pressure, because if they don't the implications of not doing anything and not saying anything, is way worse, dude! That's the thing, though, and like people aren't seeing there there they're saying. Well, this isn't my fight. This isn't my things say this is a mite. What do I? What am I gonna do exactly? No mother fucker? Don't because everybody thinks like you is around the shit's happening exactly so. We I have to be willing to resist this shit. Okay, how? How could I do it? I've been asked a million times what the fuck you mean, how you do it's real, simple. Just do your fucking regular person don't wear a fucking mask open your business if you're police
I don't have forced the shit right. We gotta have both those things to happen before we ever get back to normal. We don't have the fucking you seen all these guys been fuckin time to sit up and fuckin kill, motherfuckers. Oh, we gotta do is real simple. Should its companies are going too far, We should work mass, no fucking go there. I do too. In a week, they'll change forget bossy. Nonetheless the biggest thing it is just that has got a knot of force. They got my duties can in fact, with the smith. Every time like this dude, you has invested tens. of thousands of dollars. Creating a safe environment, training area even do in fucking covert testing before you could come in a mother, fucking door, ok, and by the way there's fuckin thousands of gems, just like you and smith, and nobody knows about these guys of been fucked harder than anybody. It's the restaurant people and then the gym owners and guys these are the people that employ
and serve our economies in a massive way. It's not that can amazon's and Google is in the end, these vehicles As you see on on the new york stock exchange, these companies the most of the majority of people that are employed are employed by small businesses. So you can look at the ticker on on and this is something the trump does- a piss me off all fuckin time- you know he- he notes the economic stock market. Its up exists that model. That is not the economy. That's the bats snapshot of, but the biggest cuts but he's a fucking world who have all that way more rich for comply, because our mama businesses and our restaurants and our fuckin, you know rick it more. Store. Retail stores had been issued what so everybody ship, did their buying habits onto under these notions.
economies gonna, look good! If you consider the stock with the economy. The roma stated that, while I just took up well then I I watched so everywhere. I won't say at all: why didn't you guys? This is the biggest redistribution of wealth is ever happen like these guys I didn't say, we thought the bells were bad this far, and not only that these companies do not pay the same taxes as what these small cups Please pay most of the time ex burden is fuckin is paid by the smaller companies in the midst size companies in these giant companies that are getting falcon, bigger a bigger by the minute, these motherfuckers, employ less people. Pay less tax like, What the fuck are we? What is going on right and in an end, always all while the economy, mother father, the economy right, that's all
It's little bitty segment of the of the world's gotten exponentially richer, and not only that it's only four or five stocks that are driving that trade anyway, so I mean it. Every morning I wake I wake up. I watch fox business because fox business to me is much more insightful than just fox news and or cnn as it does. It talks about the economic effects of what's going on in politics, and it had walmart ceo ceo on this morning and it was interesting because they are doing extremely well their earnings rep. One hundred and six per cent quarter of a quarter from you know from last year. Well I bet they were Sally. You can't shop nowhere else right right, no, no and he you know, and his biggest his biggest fear was. Probably recovered, so fucking people go another other places. It's is interesting. His biggest fear is all the small businesses that are going out of business because they employ the majority. The economy if that goes away, their business goes away. His business goes way any like people don't understand that kind of flow is dynamic.
Truman, excited we're doing well or adaptive, but that is huge, fucking concern for me. If I am no fuckin customers, my hundred six percent uptake isn't great role: but you do next year, no look like shit yeah, because nobody can fucking II as written and and do now we had these people. You know like in standing, sandy. You know I'm not doing it and what are they doing their fucking arresting him right. They hit him with a hundred this list. I want you guys, understand this is not like global, Jim, five thousand right, my big chain, gold, Jim, don't ya! with like a thirty thousand workmanship. this is a nice small, Jim small business owned by to do its work. The fucking ass is off to keep it open. These guys are not super wealth and only the wealthy, not wealthy, guys the regular blue collar fuckin, hard working on producers and this guy
governor slaps him with a hundred forty k, falcon, I'm plus fifteen granted day what the fuck is going on, and people act like that. Ok, it's not ok! Man and you know we will. We have to really we've got to really start asking ourselves like what, Much of this are we gonna fuck and take you. You know, because. I don't really care what the reason is. I don't care. If you know What we said earlier: people's egos are big now or, if their misinterpret, the data or, if their misjudging, the temperature of society. I don't give a fuck, I'm fucking, tired of it like this. One question for you guys are I mean this is a fitness and health, an attack on the fit and is now finished. I'll do or miss that I mean that's. One of the curious is just be friggin healthy. We have also you taken an opportunity away. What message is a sin in white
Why me? What message does this send to allow these fast food companies to make shit? It's basically just a big ball of chemicals and sell it to people. I mean what what message? Does it sound too try to mandate a vaccine that hasn't been tested. Now you have no idea what the long term effects are. You don't know if it's going to make you grow a fucking third ear or if it's going to kill you or cause cancer, you have no fucking idea what you have no idea. If it's going to cause you or your future kids, birth defects like I'm gonna, try and scare people, but how the fuck? You know you don't. You don't know, and you have a guy who stands to make? hundreds of billions of dollars. You think he gives a fuck if it actually does that. I would if I was in high oil, like our answer, questions with a question like well everything else seems to be? Ok, when always seems to be ok to incite violence and riots against our own police officers when there's
actually no data the backs of the fuck up. That seems to be ok we have a massive of manipulation of data and hygiene king of ideals, that's going on and the like. evil situation contributes to it. Like we talked about earlier and because everybody identifies themselves with the label and the people doing this, no, that right, This is why you have so many democrats saying dude, I'm not vote democrat, because I don't fucking believe what they're doing right now, but what you now that some people who hijacked things that most people think are good things like most democrats, they believe in the democratic party, but but we have a small group of people. Across the country country's city state, and you know national level have hijacked the party who are extreme power left marxist with the intention of communism.
Okay, this is not a communist country, yeah we're going to fucking, be it's never going to be no, and so we have this. This label democrat that's been hijacked by some shit. Fuckin people. Ok, we have another label, the alarm, That's been hijacked by a fuckin guy george soros who funds it bears prying to create this urban amongst our race relations, so that they can implement a political agenda easier as fuckin wrong. You know and like I can't think of one white person. I know one fuckin black person. I know that. Would that says applies, don't matter right right, like we, what we Is this manipulation of people going on in all these different areas? You know in the media's, manipulating voters for manipulating. Ah you know, race
relations is manipulate. All the shit like will ask your self. Why they're doing why? Why do we have this situation? What what is really the motive behind. Disturbing and stealing our entire livelihood, our entire peace, our entire, like I understand there injustices and I understand that they need to be addressed, it also in all categories, there's injustices, they're just always is, and they should be looked at in particular scenarios and dealt with in particular scenarios, and we will have that right now. We have you know, do this, for lack of our term is just a bunch of fuckin bullshit And I dont know if most people can identify. I do like you said on your thing yesterday, you ceta, hey man. I hope what would you say you said something about. I hope most people understand that not all black people
are in support of be allowed, powered innovation, organizations move right and that there is it. So do you ve got a really think about that. Like. who do you know who said in real life. Well, who do you know that says black lives? Don't matter, I know no one. I don't do know anyone, no one. I don't know when you write what they ve created this creative title and this ideology. That is really their ideology and they ve rally all this. It up, and then they sent their people then teeth of people into it. To make it look violent. Opinion is, population of black race you soon, and like hey, let's create a bunch of destruction and a bunch of bullshit and let's blame it on fuckin black people like us, do too That's where I see goin on every time. I see this violence in this.
It burning down. You know eight times out of fucking ten dude motherfuckers doing it are white, so I mean what are we what the fuck are we doing? It's a scary thought because I know you are you use in an area since you ve, multiple videos, other we we ve seen it you have. people that are out there that I starting say hey? I, with that, You know what I'm saying like yeah that happened in Chicago. It was like a group, a group of real black lives matter protesters. I would like to call them right It seemed like no. We were not with that. You know about to go burn down the store. That's not that's! Not what I've seen! Videos like that, you know yeah, it's cool cause like that reaffirms it's not everybody! Yeah and a lot of people that look like me. Don't feel like that, you know, and and and they understand that they're they're beginning to understand that as yeah yeah and they're beginning to understand that woman and I'll now follow really seo. News is like a local news
and I really, like you, know: mainstream of the non mainstream at all. like the other, go live at the smaller protest that we have here and it's like fucking thirteen, why people yeah so as hydrogen, if they are doing what the fucking media painted them to do as it was not even that it's that you know what. Why do we have these? What I would call pesofied white people speaking for the black people of a brokers you have to like. Why do we have to give me his house yeah yeah? What happened because he's not capable of doing? so and I my reparations yeah, you got it the government's albert. Do you gotta understand it that whole fucking even fucking around like that dumb bout it. What are you talking to each other every day? Nobody in my brain on my what, where we will look people that you're talking about they can't you recognize how fuckin racist therefore cannot how'd you actually is.
because the irony of the whole situation, you that's what I'm saying like their thinking. Like Did I gotta speak for these people cause? These people are not. You know, we came Before I start I speak for themselves. I guy, like you, sir, the racists northern ireland. I am point that should have me like a mere thought. Do this just a fucking weird is it's odd, is my problem with the entire situation all boils down to the publication of fact in men. I really want to be honest like now. That is the whole entire problem. Yeah, like guys. I had this conversation this morning with one of our family members and it's like dude. It's not my place to stand up, I'm not the professional in the situation. I'm like Those are your kids yeah. You know like right. You're, fucking, kids man like
over and maybe an l whatever. I don't give a fuck. If you don't like me, I'm not sitting here trying to comply to your rules and I'm not going to go through and be the raging. Asshole. You know what I'm saying like I I can be, but I can't be, but I'm not- and I won't. I won't fucking step on your shit. Don't step on my shit. I'm not asking you to not wear masks, but don't fucking flip out on me when I'm not going to wear a mask or that's fair. That's fuckin, fair If you are aware want to go, I want you to have it at the bottom line of this is that dude we ve gone so far. We ve gone so far with this fuckin political, correct, bullshit! sure that we started twenty fucking years ago. that now the mass, the majority of the fucking world of ours I'll. The united states that our country, ok, is having their freedoms, stripped smaller minority, much smaller, that is scared, because
the media made them fucking scared with data, do you know remembered so this yesterday do remember the ship for start coming out and will on they were shown. Video from others spoke a body stacked up a shit body like everyone is dying guys on history, every man so like do guess what you remember that whenever seven and we had a We can say they know each other while shit, No, just like all fought this look, serious guess what we went down to see. this building and it was. Time this whole time. I want to ask our welcome ass, you know why warm ask just fucked skirt ebay. Jimmy's rest right, I'm like forty. We were walking on its eyes about an entire palette of ammo yeah, they have bought more like more palace. I asked the other day said: hey. We were young yeah
the library roger. But I remember the arrow down I road. Are we walk in with fucking handstand, the town? I remember that we were still solicitous so ass. Well say so: I will I understand writer. I didn't fuck a terrified because the media's made of terror fire and now they ve taken this whole thing is blown up into this reading It was a situation where the majority of people to suffer because a few people bought into some shit that isn't even true. Ok, you can Are you and me all you want. When this is over, and all these fake desk give out of the data, all these false positives, get back Down to the data, all of these things that are better lies a manipulation backed out of the data. We are going to see that this was nothing. more than a seasonal flu, and if you go look at the data from last year. See how many less feats of flu deaths there
and how many more cobra dust guys these people are completely lying to us right, there's no other way to say They are lying to us. They are marking people who die from anything as covert desk. they're putting in the stat are throwing anti I need to scare the fuck out of you, so they can win a mother fucking election. I think that, that's probably I was just thinking to myself. I was thinking Like scary movies, right, why do you get scare when you watch a scary movie was because the director wanted you to be scared us right right is alive. No we're not scared, because the data not like we did not wear were scared, because somebody legitimately wanted us to be scared. they wanted us to have that fear, because ass, the most powerful tool of manipulation, the strikers, you listen right away when you're fucked, scaring say brought. You know what it don't worry about where mask numerous. Our message very wide ran up gay rights, but everybody dude, I'm
at our old place, I made the fuckin the list to getting a bit. It was like bigger work. Yoga commandment like if you had been anywhere, I was killing yeah, I was wash you. Would you with bleach you in like us to know that they went straight from work to hold crazy shit? Ok, but the point is: is that They are fuckin lying to us in their lie to us for the original ways, and I said so baker win a fucking election and now they just. I think they got to the point now. Where they realize there- probably not gonna win and they said fuck it. Gotta go all in one go. burn shit down craze, much fuckin shit as we can and you can hear their fuckin black image around that's it, this is trumps fault trumps economy trumps panel of the crowd virus, blah blah blah blah blah blah about mother fucker. If you go up until the day before the shut down the day before
america was as prosperous as it has ever been in history of amerika the day before the shutdown. So you can't tell me all this is for control, because it is right, That's the that's the truth, and this thought that doesn't make me a trump not rider some sort of fucking pan man, I'm saying it objectively, it's what the fuck is. The truth and I think we're seeing more people see that dude man, like wit, When people gonna have enough you don't say when is it enough? When is it enough? When is when is enough when you can't pay your bills? I mean it's like I go back to. You know why why we make those rules minnows rules, because I was scared, fucking shitless, I thought man were losing
I've got got guys were responsible for wherever for forever lamaze before stimulus before the fucking parachute, it was like dude we're going into fucking operational fact. We sat down had a meeting here if we don't get paid for the next six months to keep all our guys employees, what the fuck we're gonna do: go the fuck home you're going to wash the fucking servers every fucking ten minute. I don't give a fuck what we gotta do we're all in this together, yeah and and we did and no! No, that's what I'm like, but you know everybody has to treat that situation of fear of losing your fucking job because can pay your goddamn. Feels like right, and the thing is is right: now they want to cover it up with the stimulus and it's like the fear factor hasn't set in yet know like dude. You can't pay your mother, fucking bills or feed foot feed your fucking kid. Just stop deals bullshit honour! I now given you enough to fuckin tolerate the abbot, did. So then we have these like conspiracy theories right son, can bring this up to. We have all these different spheres there is going around the internet. We have left wing conspiracy theories like you know
our trump steel and all the mailboxes. So you can't beforehand like this now for control is not even a coup as the real ones like I must be yeah, but do then you have you know you have q, which is a big conspiracy theory on the right. We ve talked about a few times. You know, and it seems like they ve been correct and a lot of shit. They said I'll be fair, but I also feel like a lot of people who I ended that in their their supporters of that movement, that they're just waiting around for shit magically get better. They think that with this one big thing or two things are going to happen and we're gonna be free and like due to that's cool, I hope you're right. But what, if you are? and everybody sitting here, waiting for this to happen, and it never happens and we given away all fuckin freedom because, because waited at that best scares me. There scares you. This is the. This is the problem that I have with a lot of people in my circle they just assume. Well drums gonna win!
And what once drama we already back? That's right in assuming huddled mother bugger, don't read into the poles us read into fuckin reality here there are these people like when you go. What When I go to my kids on saturday, we're walk in the park and nine out of ten fuck people outside ever fuckin mask on you, you, I think, lock. You know yeah fuck me yeah, but the thing is, though, is less you say, trump does win, the only way that this fucker she's gonna stop on november. Third is abiding, wins that's a lie. The winds it'll stop here, but if trot wins, these far left people are going to continue to press and create I asked- and I told you guys, data and I've told you guys a number of times they charge these guys and george floyd? Those guys are not going to go to jail. Ok, they're gonna get off and I think, they're in a really set information live free elections. Will this mass wyatt I do we have to be so?
not by internet shit. You know I mean, but All that aside, its is very difficult for people to know what the fuck. The truth is like. What is the truth, and we see all of these different things, and all this in that and you know, put the could spin see theories aside, and you know when we gonna stop latin. These people shut it's down. When are we going stop letting these people arrest us in fine us when going to stand up and say: hey mother, fucker, the say america. This is fucking, not what the constitution says. not within your rights to take our rights, don't you know we have. A lot of people have been saying this for years and years and years now we all the people who were. Well, the pro to a advocates which, by the way, I'm very pro to a but I don't base. my identity, honoured online. We have a lot of people who base for it
your line of approach to asia. Just wait till you fought the people who Don't want to get involved, start to get involved. Well, when, when the fuck that happening It is not to say like I did it when a fox, happening because unless people need to go up in an you know for sure people, but I have seen like hey. We, associated up for ourselves because I don't believe anyways come to save us I believe that these politicians are going to conflict and fix any these problems now. But I think, if you look at a historically In any in any volatile situation throughout the history of mankind, civically three percent, but actually yet shit, yeah boss departing from the whole? That's really or less ten million fucking people here in the united states, I'll see ten million motherfuckers right now then stand up? for the shit. Why would you want with people? I learned a lot of people post things than right right or the closet talk.
You're damn right, but if you want, my dams are full of people here, but you know when they go, yes, miss german fuck and taken the jail sticking, would get where are you guys were because. I'm not seen it and like this in a criticism, I'm just asking a general question, I what point and workers No, I'm saying what point do we got to say I am not willing to fucking live like this for ever it goes back to what I was saying. It's not going to happen until it starts affecting the people. Now it's not going to fucking empty, can't pay your fucking bills problem is. Is that situation? If you let it go that same if we let it go along, so you guys think that people, just don't le, had the foresight to understand what the fuck is happening coming down the road. Now I mean I have this conversation problem salaries. It that's true. If you right, then worth were fought
we can all by the time they were god, because it will be too late, but no it isn't that the purpose of this conversation I came in like hey, we ve gotta, be talking about this for a few months now and you start to watch the package on rap and you start to see oh fuck, maybe this stuff's true in a new kind of listen to the message today. Like hey, you got a fuckin stand up for somethin in you're, gonna go on some type of data, the data, it should be like hey at least these guys have been somewhere in the landing zone. While I just look like that, I look at it like this dude. Like I said in the very beginning of the show, I don't give a fuck about Democrats. I don't give a fuck about republicans. I don't fucking care about black versus white or fucking. All this division shit, you Look at every mother fucker in this country is fuckin america at I see people
Look at you and say I didn't your fuckin black american. I gonna fuckin thing you like that. I just don't know and like we have this, these false labels of people. They have convinced People, because it is a false label. You are not a fucking black american, I'm, not a white american mother fucker because of a country comes here and tries to fucking, kill us. Yes, what you're going to kill I myself spoke in america jaguar that an end our biggest handicap in our country. Is there we can't fucking unite and she passed the labels that our bestowed upon us now to create this situation and weaken us in the first place. You know and people I won't. You know I can't get with you because of this, and those be why why can it would you either because of this war fought dude? If we don't figure at the fuck out, though they were all begin as a lot of shit from everybody right and you know, like I've, always subscribed to the colorblind culture, blind we're
the fuckin same in some way. You don't mean and Andy I think america needs to really get back to that or at least try. You know People are you. Will we never were that? I agree. We know where that, but when I think back, let me get back to working to be trying to achieve yes because dude we, we are all going to fuck lose if we don't fuckin come together and we don't unite and we all start protecting people like the inn smith. of the world or the lot in everybody's got any smith in their town right now. Somebody couple of matter, many elam you, you ve, got indeed rural america, too, like rural america, in a lot of you guys, were live, not real america. Listen the shit and you guys aren't taste in this. Yet it serious, stood serious shit and. I'm legitimately afraid that if we don't fucking come together, dude. We re in a real bass bought you don't I mean, are also.
we identified there's a problem. I fix it as it As a person, people got a southern egos aside. Ok, everybody's got away, There you go in the situation, you can't you cannot. You cannot keep identifying as democratic republic in or this or that or this that dude you have to identify yourself base level as a citizen of the fucking america right and what what, if a system of america and what our culture should stand for, I believe, is the constitution, the united states, that was written for a reason. Ok, though it wasn't written to change, it wasn't with those guys, did a shit. They ve already various what we're experience right now, many times in their life right. I don't give a fuck if your democratic or your republic the more you stand for that fucking piece of paper and those ideals and though I must support that and right
now. We don't seem to have anybody really out there, besides, maybe shrimp, whose a complete outsider to this. This is why The media hates- and this is why democrats ate him in this Why most republicans fucking hate him do is because he's out in the shit like this is all you know that the political system has gone so corrupt. It's all secret, handshake, fuckin band ordeal, bullshit amateur, ass this law- and I know it's a It's your law, but I gonna kick back for you come from this Guy wrote me a fucking favour over there right I was a girl, go fuck, it and they allow this shit to go through and fuck with everybody, and we get it scenario where you know. We're not being served our best interests as people of america are not being served currently and that's a big fucking problem, because if it can you imagine if the current situation continues to escalate, where it's going to take us
we're where? Where do you see that going man? Where do you think that's gonna? Take us that sucker take us any place good now It's not gonna make us more united. It's not going to create the equality. It's not going to create prosperity is certainly not going to create peace, You know: do you go out in the real world? I talk to real people and in the street there isn't this fucking christ, if you hate were shown the crazy hate and as if it's normal, We're shown the extreme versions f, as if that's the way for everybody. We have to start getting smarter than what we're being show. That's really what it comes down to it. We have to get smarter about what information we consume and what we believe is true, and we cannot just keep taken these people for their fuckin word because they ve shown this year as if they
didn't, show up for the last twenty, but they've shown this year. They don't give a fuck about anybody, but themselves. I think everybody can agree with that. So I dunno man like people are gonna have to speaking up is not a meme, it's not a fucker. You know it as jeep. Oh, no, that's not what it is bro it's when you go to fuckin walmart and they they put on a mask. You say fuck, no, you know it's like when you when a business in your community get shut down and is being No doubt you go shop there intentionally toward it. but this is what resisting looks like now. He doesn't have to go to you or we fucking Bob go to bed. Well involve apply. It's very simple and the police have to get on board. You guys can't you know a lot of police officers. Listen to this. You guys can't enforce this kind of shit. When you know what's wrong, you gotta focused stand up
We all stand up. What we're gonna do fiery you all who to first go to protect them, enforcing mandates. Exactly reminds me of I posted my story. A bunch of times reminds me of the movie a bug's life I see seen that there's a part in there where the like, because you had the ants and then you've got the grasshoppers right and there's a a part in their the grasshoppers I'd, run the shit rather the big insects. Rather they got the power. apart in there and that the lead grasshoppers. He's talking to the grasshoppers in his eye. We need tat. We need to make sure we get and check because they outnumber us ten, the one they all stand up our way of life is over this right and that's it we would have been in here, we all number or we are number we outnumber money should but we have no basis for a moment, but it is. More is more of us than it is basic. That's right, you know and so if we all stand up here, but they got it, tools and the megaphone too, to make us believe that we should run that's the problem
let's go in order, not only to have made us believe that we should stand up for ourselves. They made us believe that were immoral humans. If we do nothing about that young, and, unlike dude, I want you guys who are out there like a lot of people. Every time we talk about cobra there like will, my grandmother died and my fuckin. This person died and fuck you for saying this. Do you guys got my position all wrong we have a real pandemic, no one santa fe, No one san! All this is made up shit, it's a scam, it's this or that The scam is the hoaxes is that they made us tree it like it's some fucking one thousand percent fatal fuck. In the flesh. Eating super painful virus is going to kill your whole fucking going to pass out in the street yeah and that's the word hopes in the scam comes from you know before do this is like it is like any other pandemic. We ve had you go back and list.
It is not like the spanish flu or fuckin. Fifty million people fuckin died the right to demand fifty million people. This is not the kind of thing and it just now and you know so. I m sorry, for you know the people who have been affected by this terrible it sucks? It's really. It's horrible. Do one of my best friends, so you know what I'm talking about his father passed away right at the beginning, early yeah from kobe one of the first guys he's from San Francisco his his dad. He didn't get the bear, he didn't get to bury his dad and get their funeral like you know he he now going through this mental mine game with himself on. If he would have taken him to the hospital and they wouldn't put him on a ventilator. Would he have survived like it's? Just, do that's a fuckin lots of put on people man and So I understand that there is real loss. I dont want that to be taken out of context because I believe you know in the past
they'll be an honest approach. Our little emotional people think, I think it's totally fake, as now would have ever set have always told you guys was real endemic fuck man, We can't be shutting down our world every time we have a bug, we'll be shutting down. All the time you know mask will become a normal thing. Six feet apart will become a normal thing, all the time really bothers me that corporate amerika, for the most part, has just jump try. in this boat mean all we see all these commercials with masked song. We see commercials with the social distancing, and it's like so so you're going to capitalize on people's fucking fear. Now, you're going to show that you're, you see what I'm saying I really it really bothers me like. So, whenever going back to fucking what you going to do that. I've said it multiple times. I said. No, there are two type of people in every situation. There's people who take advantage of the situation that people get taken advantage of yeah. That's it yeah.
I know this, I know my company. What are our company here will never fucking be a part of that. I'm sorry, you know that makes people now shop with us this far combined better but I'm telling you this what I'm not gonna be part of normalizing that behavior by mean I I I I gave this meeting two weeks ago and it comes back to you are what you tolerate and as goes for relationships, as goes for, if you're a leader in your organization, if you allow your employees to stand in the gray area, new constantly allow at the grey areas. Now the new black and white, they they they reestablish the norm right and if you don't stand up for it and let them know like- and this is my thing like a small infraction and big infraction- are still the same they're an infraction. You have to identify no, it's fucking wrong as right and wrong, and until you identify that line in the sand that you're not willing to tolerate anything past that people by nature will continue to throttle that threshold. That's just what people do and you have to fucking say.
No, no beating like people. I don't know what to do will stand up for your fuckin self, nor its uncomfortable to say no, it's uncomfortable to fuckin, say I'm not doing their duty to take. It takes mental fuckin toughness stood. It takes a mental discipline, toughness something that a lot you listening claimed to have to stand up for yourself. I got a whore the thing to do, especially when you know you're gonna get shit on these people who are used to being loudest people in the room just know that those or the minority most people want a fuckin minority. Everybody they ve got the media's got her body, believing that those people, the majority and they're, not The problem is to be your people. Have this idea of stick stand up for themselves, austin for myself and stand up for yourself at each other, but must up for yourself off the phone yeah. I got the problem, you I'm say like I'm sure a lot of people is now you got yeah. You said yourself, no, you refer back to a comment.
while huh yeah fuck you standing up for no, no, no, no so I mean do we could go round and round round round and say the same shit over and over again, which you know it seems like. We are like. I said last time we were doing a podcast dude everything's felt like do It shows feel like like there there's are else go and all we ve actually not aired two of them. Yeah because well, I thought I am sure we all research so like is annoying as you guys are we're. Why is no- and I want to talk about other- should right, you know, but I think you know what what So how do we move forward from here? You know, that's the real question: how do we move? we're gonna, wait another focus sixty days or seventy five days. For this to happen, only fur. Let's just say it trump wines and I have more violence, more riots and more fucking shut downs and more this and this and this to make shit so fucking miserable for the united states that that we do what I mean. What are we,
what the fuck are. We doing we gotta move forward. Now I don't want to wait until november. We need to set the example, and you know yeah, I'm all about like hey, you don't have to wear masks, don't wear masks. global business like that you have to play a role in helping keep those people who are willing to jeopardize everything they got stand on that last part of you have to be a part of that movement. You can't just fuckin ray post, a meme, you gotta go out and shows all support that shit. Like you, that's the thing. That's one thing about these this castle culture. These far left crazy. You know fuckin ultra radical liberty. but they all supporters of shit. Now there people, though, and so like, do you know, that's a great point like we have to start on supporting american companies like we can support these Beneath that just ignore the constitution and shit on everything american neck, like you know, being american is somehow offensive. I wear de facto
get to a point where the american flag is some. sort of offensive Well, I'm sorry I'll buy it no more. Or what your reason is. But I think that's that that goes back to the toleration thing like if you fucking care about this country and you care about your family and you care about like what makes you happy in life like we got to. You've got say no yeah and you ve got a support, the ones who are on your side. You know like I wait. We started the thirty restaurants for thirty days or one thousand dollars, and I are we did for forty five days but like personally, I've continued every single night that we order out, which we order a lot more than we ever have the time and everything else. But I choose locally owned restaurants, the ones who are trying to stay afloat, ones who are fucking, who had dug their fucking heels in and play the game like dude. I know that I have a role to play in is to support those little guys: who've lost their jobs or their waitstaff or whatever and they're due they're just trying to keep their third generation family fuck
restaurant or lie like you write the nominal, continue to shop with you. It's not it's a hell of a lot more expensive for me. If I can go to local italian restaurant in order chicken and broccoli, and it is for me to fuck and get it from far here there grocery store, but that guy's fightin first family, you know tat s a huge part of our. the local economy, and I want to support them and yet do we know we ve done a good. I feel like we ve done a really good job collectively here doing that I hope that's the case everywhere else. I'm not sure that it is. I don't know that it isn't what I think most people are really confused on how to end this situation without, like either someone you know like. I don't see those politicians ever coming out and said I again we have a mass ever ever again and we have a laptop ever those things an example to america, I'm sorry whatever reason we are a country that is founded upon certain rights,
and one of those things that we are founded upon his personal responsibility, meaning we have to think for ourselves to dangerous to go outside than we thought Can stay inside, otherwise you stupid, you walk outside mentor, nato, no, well me neither I'll walk out there in a rainstorm. That's right! So we have to be given. The discretion to me our own choices and not have the government thinking for us. making every decision for us. What medicines we take about. What you know Businesses are allowed open, which ones are not essential about. You know all of this shit, Why do we have like it's this? he's gone past, the point of like I said in march, in April and then I'm gonna may june, were I think, losing our fruit? No mother, fucker, they're, fucking loss, and now we have to fight to get him back.
So how do we do that without arming ourselves in fucking going in and storm in and killing people, and not in political? often which, by the way, what happens in other countries when these kind of things happen look at bay route bro they got, they got freaking at the. I can say, because I'm black they got news, uses, hay and open and made a go aid for those politicians. Do they know that what happened in the inner city was wrong, that historic, his history will show you what happens to tyrants I can never ends, wolf, never does, and a lot of the tyrants in this country have forgotten that and I'm not saying that we need to go in and fucking do this shit? That's not what I'm saying dude, I'm not saying crazy shit. We can do that without that's right. That is what I'm saying and what, but people have to recognize. There are certain things that we have to do, that we have to vote and we have to vote heavily against any person
of any party that mandated these. These things that take away our freedom closing businesses holding schools, wearing a mask can't do. This can't do that here, go here, what you can go there right. The serious, and how do we end? That is real fucking, easy, don't listen to him do what they tell you to do. If your business owner open you fuckin business your wife's on the line they're not going to allow you to open it, fucking open it. I mean what do you have to lose at this point? nothin, you don't worry, I'm saying my women out much worse, can really get a cat. That's the point, It's gotta go away and you're out its actual. We speak for myself. and like I'm not sitting here telling everybody you have to agree with me or not, but I am not willing to accept this as a new normal for the rest of our lives. I'm sorry, I'm not! I'm not gonna to wear a fucking mask time. I gotta go on public, I'm not gonna! Fuckin shit,
my company down every time, some fuckin so and so says that we need to I'm not doing so. How do we start this from happening? What I can promise you just fucking a certain person is going to change the we need top to bottom. Please we! anybody, whether the republican or democratic or fucking, anything and they went along with this and they contributed to it and made him do their own homework to learn what six really were and understood. how they were being manipulated, even if they didn't do themselves their complicit in that behaviour, in my opinion, agree, and we should vote them out. That means that a lot of incumbent people, a lot of these politicians were of wives, time. Politicians like if your democratic What does that say? More public? It understood What I'm saying your demo- and you want to vote democrat. Then you need a vote for the Democrat that doesn't rep
that that shit and wasn't in office during this time. We pick our people more wisely, the reason why, in this situation is because we as Culture of america now admit it. Me too, I have attention to fuckin local politics, I have a pay attention Until the mayors were the city, councilman or that in fact the governor, What most time I've just pay attention like most people to the fucking present. Ok, We can't do that anymore because look worse gotten us, it's gotten us where we had these people. who don't serve us or the constitution. Our freedom, both sides of the ilo. destroying a fuckin lot. We ve been at this. Now, since march, ok was at a february. There were march April may June July. That is fuckin seven months so far, then our freedoms have been restricted. One day is to watch
and we cannot allow these people to continue to live these things down on us. Out of you know that, aramis information or their misunderstanding or their unwillingness to know. What's actually going on or Their loyalty to a political agenda that doesn't serve us fuck were the ones that got to live in the real world right, we're the ones that got to get up everyday and go to fucking work we're the ones that had to go the grocery store or have to send somebody at the gas. They should try to tell us to put a mask on these holy fuck. We are doing that and they live in their own bubble. They do whatever they want, because a who they argued in this fuckin wrong. So how do we Stop it without doing what other countries do where they has burned. shit. Now, it's real, simple one no matter what your party preferences are no matter. What You're allegiance is no matter what label you think you belong to first, identify that you don't belong any of labels, your belong to.
Those labels represent an ideal ideal listing. That of ideals and thoughts and and theories. You may or may not agree with, they are not you, So when you say I'm a Democrat know you're not a guarantee. You there's conservative things that you like. Do you like Heaven, money like paler, taxes. Most he's going to raise your hand on that's a conservative ideal. Are you for or freedom or less most people are for more comes from the conservative side of the hour. I know she's reality some people are social, that does the social aspects of power there are more important. So going to tend lean towards Democrat in order to make their decision based on that that's, ok, no one saying it is, but we have to protect our freedom first, before we decide who were going to vote for, My opinion.
Right now we are in we're is close, is as we have ever been cut. tree to legitimately losing our real freedom and becoming a country that is dictated to by a group of people who want this country to be socialists and communists in nature? And I know that. You guys were young. You might think that our real good went on. you stand there once that system is in place. You we'll. Never ever ever had the opportunity to be any better than what you are right now. That's the nature of those systems. So if you're young person and you go with the flow, your gold, what you think is popular right now. I would consider the question Do you want more for your life? Do you want your pay. Do you want career advancement? Do you wanna be success? and if so you need to see
and up and say that's what the fuck you stand for and be about it. Ok, You don't go screamin about it, but the point is the more we go along with these mandates and the more we go along. This was true I said earlier in the show it here's that everybody's going along right. go to the store than all wearing masks, you go, the gas station, our bass, This is a voluntary shut down. It appears that people just don't have a problem with the, but that's not actually the truth. The truth is that you can't go anywhere. I now without being enforced, for we have food. Ok, files fired. Job because we were mask workplaces are making it happen, the store? or make it happen. Ok, these guys this situation is being Created a word appears: everybody's comply because people are complying
Does it mean that they agree with it? And so on Are you guys out there who feel like? Oh man, I'm alone? Oh man, on the whole, we want no you're, not all those people, there, you see where master be a fucking made. Do it remember them, So when you stand up- and you say no, I'm not doing that and you educate yourself. If on the data- and you realize how manipulated the data is and what the actual data is, and you realize the data behind mask and you start doing all these homeworks and you connect the dot and when you finally come to the realization, which will that this is complete fucking. Ridiculous shit, you had to say and obviously emma doing and that's it in these companies that are forcing it you can't shop there, these companies that are making you you know do all these things don't go. There spend your ma elsewhere. We have the power she's nobody fuckin understands how to exercise right. So. What else can we do? Well?
we need. The police is help right now, like I know, Police officers feel like they got abandoned a little bit right. Well, you guys, to stop abusing your fuckin powers. You gotta, stop killing me both, because we see these videos once or twice a year where somebody gets killed, a should never been fuckin kill inaccurate. It's a perception that so really hard to support. That's the facts, the facts of the matter and I said this episode- forty four and forty five Police have an obligation to police their own culture and improve it because ninety nine point, nine percent of police are great fucking people do a great fucking job when we have this point, one percent of people that are fuck it up for everybody else. and you guys gotta get those motherfuckers out of the police. Please tell it fucking less funny than me more fucking funny that he better tools, I need a better paycheck and they need to attract better fucking talent. That's the facts! Okay, so if we want the problem to fit
Ass, you please, you gotta, be it on the problem to or on the solution to you care be taken, smith, up in an belmont new jersey to fucking jail because he's trying to open his goddamn store. You can't do it. till we have those things happen everybody works together, we're going to be in a fucking we're going to be in the same shit. It's going to get worse if trump gets elected because people and by the way, that doesn't mean that you should vote for tromp by the way, because I believe the trump represents actual freedom in this country and the only chance we ever have ever again. I don't care if you dont like trump. I don't care if you think he's a fucking, douche I don't agree with most of the shit that he says and does anyway he's kind of arrogant. He gets on my fucking nerves. Sometimes sometimes I think fuckin laureates, it just depends. Ok, but don't just cause, I say to you that that I believe- it doesn't make miss you also. supervision of this fuckin do I don't think we have a great deal either way to be completely fucking arcs, because the dude
definitely lacks the ability of uniting the fucking country together, happening. You should have already happen so anthony like. Ok, well, did you guys should all consider this as a thought, if Buying would win the election and socialist communist you say it's implemented. Words You think you are going to be there, because all the shit that you do When this protesting and this this and all this shit out there, under those regimes. You know they do those people. If I can kill a shooting with guns, you don't have the freedom to go out and fucking say anything against the government. Have the for its america's freedom is actually eating itself right now. That's the problem. We don't have people waking up enough to say: ok, we'll. How can I be part of the solution were fuck? Do stop do what the fuck I tell you to do it.
a simple with someone says: hey put on a mass, they know. Thank you. He moving relations do you do when I tell you to do, as I say now, hugging he walkin yeah. and, and it well think its cleared. Identify you, you noted there's three things you can do. Yeah you can vote yeah, you can use your voice and you can fletcher dollars as it spent on what we want. Three things are the powerful tool like a dj. So the fourth thing do, which is due in real life. No of course needed change. One wanna see Ratan Mama palm example that, due to move out of the city they are not really start, but none of my like do. I've had conversations with a bunch of people because are moving out the city limits of getting away from the Democrats right but light I know that my life, my daughter's life, is not going to thrive in the city, a just war, look at the crime and look at how my potholes look on mystery street ass? You all the time
warm ass soon ass? They listen he's been democratic for our ever. How many decades forever ever ok, so wherever they ve been democrat Y y. All these problems exist. currently exist in s mother, and I do this I mean, if they're going they really if they really gave a fuck about us, why the fuck are problems there after forty fucking years, you know, but I'm gonna go somewhere where I, where I don't, have to look at powells, and I don't have to look at trash mastery. You know that. That's what I'm going to do None of this abbess move formulating. Another thing I think about tumor is out there just so many people who are so scared of being wrong, but not even interested in actually being right and that's a problem. What way by like they so scared of being wrong right, like I'm, going pushes because a moment to push all these little agendas, because I know I'm right ma. Am I wrong, so scared of being
enrol are attaching their identity, are not even interested in being got it got it yeah. It's ego. It's crazy, ebru, ego man, I'm gonna, do what I can be my changes. I can see my family's life to make sure my daughter gets a real good shot right. Get away from it who might take here is is dude if you, if you enjoy freedom, you know you've got a vote for freedom, and that's it and you've got to stand for freedom, and you gotta be about it in real life, because there is not a falcon announcement coming to say: oh guess, what guys today is the day we no longer have to wear masks. It's awful can come in. I guess what as all the gems get open? a common eater. They want a sick, they want is infected. They want these fuckin death rates to go up these infection rates to go up. This is why they switched from rip holding the DES to reporting the positive tests, which I said a moment ago they went, from reporting the dust to report
The positive test now they're moving to reporting the fucking infection rates rights. they keep changing stats aright Let me tell you something guys if you're wrong: back in the beginning, there was no covert us, so we have no way to know. We couldn't test people there. all of a sudden, we could test people now we have enough covered test today. As everybody, why have we tested everybody, because if we test everybody we're going to find out, that its run its course we're screwed america and there will be no fucking covered left. Ok, Well, we don't do that. So why not because We would be able to scare them with a statistic of oh, my god,. positive cases, one of four hundred percent, sure everything back down and if you You have a problem, waking up to what is actually happening here, guys we're being completely fucking, lied to complete it's a little bit, not twisted,
not sort allied to we're being completely fucking wide to, and it's very apparent, and now to the point where we're punishing american citizens for opening their business to try to survive its unacceptable, its unacceptable, and that should, if you don't think, that's acceptable, then you probably shouldn't even live in america. This is a free country. We ve now become the country that we be and to people. who represent a minority of the americans minorities as race, but the minority of their belief, ok and the people were scared, have made us turn the world into something. It's ok for them. it's made. Everybody else fought it doesn't make any sense if you scared, the shit stay home. If you,
Scared of this shit Your job is stay home of yours that scared, but you're, not you're going to restaurants and you put in the fucking ask on and you walk into the fuckin table. You're taking it off to eat No you're not really scared the shit you're fucked in going along with what they tell you to go along with until you stop doing that. Freedom will not come back. No one is Coming back with the magic freedom one say here we go freedom reverie by that happened. Two hundred and forty four fucking years. Happening again right now,. The good news is we're not to a point where we have to focus all up and kill people. That's good news! the great news is all we have to do is say: fuck you and what the fuck are they going to do. If we all say are they gonna do all the sun sudden dude, you saw gonna use, you stop going to fuck in walmart because they make, you put a mask on or sub go to your local place cause you guys
step. I do. The policy, will change one working day dirty because do this It is all about money from top to bottom, all the way from the vaccine to fuckin attesting to the fucking, Closing of the economy is shifting the wealth to the most richest people in the world. This is all about fuckin money, and so, if you, hurt them where their money is this shit. we'll go away, but until then it is- and you guys are put entirely too much faith in people's good heart, because you have a good heart. But every someone's gonna come along. Do the right thing: war if they were would not have happened already. If trump was gonna save us from the shit would he have already stopped it or that he would have were being played were being pawn. That's that should be very clear to you right now and if it's not I'm sorry but you're going to find out, we work in the truth is, if you listen this right now in use in your fucking hating me for what I am saying it.
because you know deep down. your heart, I'm telling the truth and your is it letting you understand what's going on? That's the truth, because otherwise, why would you hate me? Just my opinion is my pain. And while it is my opinion, so understand in a lot of you guys struggling right now, You truly feel like what you do. You know they feel eyebrow. Most people feel like right now when they first Get out like w w e wrestling with fuck of atmospheric arrive. Rosanna clause was faint. I was devastated. Fuckin piss their devastate. You feel stupid for believing it right, but guys what What you understand is we focus bought into it, you don't have keep buying into it, just because you don't to keep believing it just because you have keep going along with it just because you bought into a six months ago when they were shown piles of fuckin body stacked in the street. Where the fuck is I've been over here, never happen, we have fought and we'd have.
look out of seven months were fuckin lights. It will never get back and now, in a situation where the willing to her our kids development to get the whole political agenda and play This shit has to stop. It will not stop until we fucking stop to teach at the beach I'm going to get in the project spoken to.
Transcript generated on 2023-10-08.