« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

626. Andy, Matt Graham & DJ CTI: Epstein Files Released, Claudine Gay's Plagiarism & Chicago Turning Red

2024-01-05 | 🔗

In today's episode, Andy & DJ are joined in the studio by content creator and influencer Matt Graham. They discuss the full list of names being revealed in Jeffrey Epstein's court documents, Harvard President Claudine Gay resigning amid a plagiarism scandal, and the migrant crisis happening in Chicago, causing citizens to vow to flip Chicago red for the 2024 election.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Sleeping on the floor. Now, my german from the county, millions in kobe teach buddhist god of all things, rope can't fall, doesn't know. Headshot case club is up guys. It's eighty for selling sees the show for the really say goodbye to the life. The famous illusions of modern society woke up mother fucking reality guys. Today we have Andy and dj crews. The editor that was so nice yeah, it was very nice very- were to keep it calm today. Right, now when the draft I go out there now, while a lot to talk about you say it Well, this is city I see tee. I don't stand for crews. The internet is where we put topics on the screen we talk about, and speculate on what we think is true. What we think is not true, and then we are
about how we, the people, are the solution to these problems and that's becoming more and more important. We talk about that today. at other times you to name? We have real talk. Real talk is just part of twenty minutes of me, giving you some real talk. That's what you heard yesterday. If you didn't listen yesterday, go back and listen! Sometimes we have q and- and I ask you, submit questions not give you the answers. You could submit your questions a couple different, The first way is god's email, those questions and to ask any at eighty, four seven aka or you go on You two under the queue- and I have observed, says one episode is right: there no lower left hand, corner and drop it. In the comments will pick some from there is well. Sometimes we have a full length. Apathy which is typical of what most progress are than other times. We have seventy five hour versus seventy five harbours were people who have completed a seventy five year programme, which is the world's most popular mental recalibration programme. come on. The show they talk about what their life was before they talk about how it is now they talk about how you can change your dumpster fire into air pleasant experience.
guy seventy five hard as the initial phase of the live hard programme which you can get for free at, so to await on If feed only go to episode, two eight get the program for free or you can go to my website and I buy this book. There's a book on. There called the book a mental toughness, and it will explain this program in detail plus a whole bunch of other. Things in terms of mental tardiness and why we need it and how to use it and how to develop it and how to make it work. Force in your life and we have this thing on the show we call the fee fears, not monetary. I'm not going to ask you to buy anything unless First, warm products should by first one products. Very good products but outside of that we have simply you're going to notice that we do not run ads on the show, I'm not going to bend over four advertiser money and after what I can and can't say which I'm pretty sure you guys notice compared to everybody else's show
We have this little deal that we make with the audience is very simple. If you get value out of the show, we ask that you pay the fee. That means, if you'd like it, if it makes you laugh, it makes you think if it gives you a new perspective, give some tactical information how to be better and if you think it's perspective, or sharing. We get traffic rattle national ban at every corner for obvious reasons, so we don't get the message out there unless you sheriff So that's what we mean we say pay the fee and we had this little thing. We like to say here, and it goes like this- don't be a ho sure the show I was a man is going on nah module special rooney. Here today we ask especial ready special rudy because we got one of my favorite, guess that we ve ever had also good friend of mine, not mac, ram. What's up buddy What's goin on how area very good very good is very cold here, though yeah, I'm not used to that. I'm a florida man. Yet you are a florida man, florida man, that's right, but happy to be back
we back in the studio, the guy zealots. Let's talk about some share. There is a lot of shit to talk about our. How there is a powerful you things that came out there's a lot of it may Lizzie guys like inroads real shit. This is gonna, be one of those episodes. Were you really go to want to make sure you pay attention and stay with us and, let's get into it, before we get to our main headlines, I thought this was worth bringing up and worth seeing sure I know you ve seen a man, I don't know if you ve seen this headline reads: watch the vagrant the swami destroys why PO reporter after she asked him to condemn white supremacist, during an event which Steve king, endorsed with ache rama, swami reported from the washington post, asked the republican presidential candidate Who is not why whether he would publicly denounce white supremacy, while around the swami, refuse to fall into her too MR delivered a master class in dealing with dishonest.
members of the media who desperately try embayed politicians into court on foot gotcha moment? So here's video and Alice talk about it and say that you can download I'm not I'm not gonna recite some catechist. for you, I'm against vicious racial discrimination, this country, so I'm not pledging elite. to your new religion of modern woken and which actually feats fits the test, I'm not gonna been the media. Religion, I'm sorry, I'm not asking you, then the need of mine and I'm not gonna been in eighty years, but do I condemn vicious racial discrimination? Yes, I do. Am I going to play your silly game of gotcha? No, I'm not! And frankly, this is why people have lost trust- and I know you going to print the headlights tomorrow- already know this weird. You know your game works. They promised lemon refuses to condemn white supremacy because you asked a stupid question. The reality is, I condemn vicious racial discrimination in this country, but the kind of vicious and systematic racial discrimination we see today, is discrimination on the basis of race in a very different direction. You know what
best way is to end discrimination on the basis of race, stop discriminating on the basis of race. Do that we're gonna move this country forward and care, whether your black or white or brown, or anything in between that's how we're going to unite this country. You people, in responsible for dividing this country to breaking point creating a projection of national division. I meet people from the south side of chicago two meetings like this one of every kind of melanin. Multiple forms and a woman doesn't make a difference who are hungry for reviving unity in this country, and you with your catechism that you try to get this politicians to whatever fake headline you're going to print on the base of this conversation tomorrow. That's what's dividing this country for a break to a breaking point: shame on you, look people in the eye and tell them what you actually failed to tell them for the last five years on the account. Billy for your own failures as the media. That's how we rebuild trust in this country. and until then I will have a lot of patients to play games
raw materials is solid cells. Familiar you! I couldn't do that at any better myself. Yeah, not of the normal. I do too What will shoot married because I like they try? So what do you indeed denounce it. But do you denounce it? do announce it, but do black lives matter, but do they out, they always looked like a shoulder our one day for sure they're always why definitely to say that shit. First of all its talk about the white supremacy going on, You mean like how widely right people happens. You're, like literally like three months ago, when I was revoked affirmative action at supreme court level, can literally be denied jobs because of their race. Even their more qualified mean that lie supremacy What why supremacy we talking about? We talk about not cool, to be white enough, say why you get called why tee on the internet and its openly
kate, is discriminate against. Why people and say Don't you want to guess why people, but the many why people say anything, but Against the other side, there, their rights of premises and racist arena What about the white supremacy or why people can't even point out basic facts like the crime rate amongst black males in this country who thought that was what are we talking about? What white supremacy we're talking about? I think what you're referring to is anti racism, but I do yeah, like it's the language game man it's like, but, like I said we got, is the good news man is people are over he's a hundred percent right bro. These people are just working every way that they possibly can to creative luck. These people are stupid. Okay, we have to like legit, let's take a step back and let's not get sucked into the outrage, because it'd be very easy for me to go on at a forty five minute rant about how this white supremacy is the big
Fuckin lie in the whole entire country. Ok, and it has been my whole life. I haven't been able to say you know hey, why wise? ok for them to have black entertainment television. But if we are white entertain television people were free to fuck out and by the way why people don't want. Why entertainment television like with theirs double standards in society of around race and they're. Here has been my entire life and there's things you can, you can't say as white person and if you're not why you can say whatever the fuck you want. Nobody says shit right. That's all I supremacy. That's actually opposite of white supremacy now means that one people are the ones that are actually being censored. discriminate against based on their race? But let's, let's tossed aside, because if you have an eye q over eighty, which everybody in this fucking group does you know, that's obvious shit, so how fuckin stupid? to be like what level of I q. Do you have to have to legit judge people based around how ten they get when the sun comes out,
fuck em, all it's absurd shit but, like I mean people have to realize too late, you make a great point not getting emotionally involved in it, but like there is a serious like there is a dangerous thing about this narrative that they're trying to prop up into like a legitimate conflict in this country that they want to have. Of course, we can't allow that to have co. Listen. Why do you think that they may want black people, and why people to fight like this, because if we're fighting like this than we don't notice all this shit there doing this one of their only cards and it's not working anymore. Now it's not working anymore, but these people are trying to press this out and it doesn't work now What is by doing most black people are sick of it.
You know what I'm saying regalo later, but a large majority of them are like that, but the people that are buying it are infant on and are, unfortunately, the most mobilized. People like there are the least intelligent, but they're are also the most willing to do something, and so what you have is a bunch of people who don't buy it, who think it's bullshit, who are willing to say things on the internet, but they're not actually willing to do anything in real life. to make sure that we don't have this perpetuating in the future. So why think? That's an example of real life like in the front of the cameras, the world, we have to come back out. Yes, but it's, but it's it's gonna be as can take a lot more than him. Yeah agree is going a lot more than one guy saying that well bro. You know as well as I do that white people have been have been shamed and guilty and condition, and not even be able to talk about race at all, oh apps like it's not even allowed conversation until
recently, when people like me have just gone, fed opposite fuck. It now talk about anyway for sure I've seen many videos on the internet of like somebody going around interviewing with one of those little microphones in the street, asking in indian person a black person a mexican person. Are you proud to be mexican and proud, proud to be pat sure, yeah, of course, until they get to white person there like? Oh, no, no, I'm not proud to be right. you know it's, but it's because they haven't tied their whole identity to their color. Now they don't care it's more than that. It's way more than that, it's way more than that white people in this country grow up being told that there's something wrong with being white since they're little bitty kits and that started when I was a kid and I'm forty four now it's way worse now, you're only allowed to shit on white people accept, as the only conversation that you are allowed to have you're not allowed to say any of the cool things that white people have done in history. Just the horrible thing language build the entire western civilization off thousand per cent. Let's
read the greatest architecture all through europe in the history of modern humanity can say that when we say that that you know what they say back will actually, that was black people or actually that was women are actually that was minorities from somewhere else was tradespeople. Yes, exactly every single statement that is made is, to remove any sort of credit, relevancy or contribution of the white race in humanity, and that's just not true, but it's also not that everybody else was worthless like there's like do you you go to china. The chinese people bill? Amazing things if you go to them, least middle eastern people have done amazing thing. Wait, you're, saying humans. cool thing yeah. Now it's an absurd state, its actually races of that amendment
and all over the world, every race, gender, whatever they have all done cool things, and they have also done horrible things throughout history. You can point to any race any jen any sexual orientation, whatever there's been some cool people, have done some really cool things and others who have done some really horrible things, yeah and and good people in bad people of any race at this is basic. This is basic common sense and which we, as americans have to stop identifying, are pride based upon what we were bought, your as a white guy, was never allowed labs. Just like you pointed out. I was never allowed so yeah yeah, I'm proud to be white, The truth is, I really don't give a fuck like. I don't care about being why what they'll say to you? Is that the reason that you don't feel the pride is because you haven't been marginalized and you haven't been, you know, condemned or shamed for being a certain,
but that's actually the opposite of the truth. The truth is was the case. It's ok could come back listen, listen I understand we had. I haven't you some on the show when he said that he's like will everything's, for you got no its not. We came and state simple facts without being called racist or getting people to cancel us. and the truth of the matter is, is that identity as american should be built in what we are as a person, not what we were both like how weak are you to build your entire identity around something that you were born with weak you're on sand very weak. Yet, but I'm just saying like if that's all you have and that's what your sense of identity and pride comes from his what race you happen to be or what you're heritage is you you failed as a human being. They have nothing going on correct so like people that are above of lose your level all understand this. Like people,
we're successful people, they don't care about race, they don't talk, they don't think about these things and they think, like what have I built? What have I done? What have I contributed? What have I accomplished? What have I created with my family at the Y for my living and they build their identity around those things. The media and the propaganda that we have, especially here in the united states that is in line with global, is culture that comes from the head of the snake, world economic form they put down racial them? John intentionally so that people won't. Even about a crab, pushing and there's a mock, there's death to this. It's not just fight fight fire So we can steal and pillage and take everything, and have no repercussions? It's also, If we convince you that your identity in the greatest thing, Bout, she was what you were born with than what incentive do you have to create anything good europe, So there it's a weapon, do that were not fully
apprehending as a society, and if you simply want to understand what the solution of the problem to all these things are it is unity ever does know that implies spoken him. I speak to him frequently. he's, telling the truth and and The reason that you don't anybody in the government we are saying unity is because community happens, they lose their power, and so Why do we have to get smarter than what these people on? I think people are getting smarter goodness, but smaller requires uncomfortable conversations about actual data. What's so this my question right because, obviously I was in the show, and you talk about unity alot. What does that in your mind? Actually, look like right as we could all we could all sit in the same room and agree on everything everything. But what is that?
is that mean to me it means us building our identity base. Now the shows global, but I'm gonna talk about america, when I look at the american flag. I believe in the american flag the way that it will. I believe it was intended to be believed in which is that is a flag that represents all of us here in amerika, no matter what Sure what race you come from before they come to this land. That is rich in resources and opportunities, and we work together to create an american culture. Ok, which is eight, which is a big problem that is never conversation but a big problem with the migrant crisis. Right now those people are bringing a different culture to america. Not coming here to be part of american culture, and so when I think of american culture, I think of one of the greatest cultures- that's ever exist. Suddenly humanity in the history of humanity because
It's not one race has. It has diversity, because people can come here and they can be black or they can be. Why are they can be asian, and they could still be american. You know that's something that people don't understand. Didn't exist anywhere, until america existed right, but they have the subject themselves to a certain set of value. Yes, like not touching little kids, having also gasping, the truth row now you got leave to exercise your rights have to show the july when use when there is somebody whether on mine or like physically, in your face right and they are speeding bullshit, then you know it's bullshit call them out. Yes, the bullshit. You cannot so that when you were talking earlier, I was thinking this. You know the blue, the album and how this has gotten out of hand is because for the last Ten years, smart people have been like this person's an idiot. Nobody believes
from let him say whatever they're gonna say: who fuckin cares there a loser anyway and we ve all deferred and deflected that shit and ignored it too long too long, and it's become a thing now and I know, can you believe that let me share with you expect august. So, tired of never do you I guess so tired here from conservative influencers here This is happening yes, bro. You ve been saying Saint they for four years now you ve run like seventy differ, runs a t, shirt and made all want your money. How about you so
organizing your your little tribe in some solutions, so this isn't so. This is why I asked the question right because I think unity when people think of unity. I think people imagine just like everybody like agreeing that this is all crazy and whatnot. It's like okay! Well, that's cool! We can all agree- and I think I think, all the people that we would want to unify with, apart from the progressive left, all the people that we would want to unify with we're all kind of already on the same page like yeah like if, if most, if, if you're not woken up to, what's going on in the world by now, then You'Re- probably not going to be you're you're done right, you're, probably not going to figure it out, and so it sounds like we have the people. We have the numbers. Okay, what do we do? Well, I can't give away the plan, while I'm not saying to give
but that's just a rhetorical question right: it's just we have to listen. We first thing we have to do is what we talk about here on the show all the time and what you talk about in your content. All the time, which is amazing for not following Matt, should follow him he's not matt, graham, I think everywhere everywhere. Okay, some of the best content on the internet. You- and I talk about the same things the the solution to this problem outside of what it's going to take this year in terms of some other things, and I'm not talking about violence just to clarify but the real solution? Long term is personal responsibility to live the values that you believe represent what america should be and look like an If we don't, as individuals accept the responsibility that we have as a citizen of this country to live at the highest standards possible, an exercise, our rights at them maximum capacity that we can do
things like rights. and freedoms. These things don't exist unless we exercise them so where we start to get america back on track. is by living what we believe. A real american should be every single day match, on our instagram now, just in our content, but in our life, and so It does include things like when people are doing some crazy shit you gotta say something when people are saying crazy, shit. We gotta say something: these people have been given a pass for far too long because we don't want to get annoyed, are frustrated with dealing with them or we don't want to hurt their feelings, will they have no problem? Hurt your feelings, in fact, They have no problem doing a lot more than that, and if we want to look back at the history of where this comes from rudy, marxism and me exist over the history of time have been the most brutal vicious violet. killing machine in the history of humanity. So You think they're, gonna, stop and just
because you leave them alone, you're completely wrong, eventually, they're going to come and take everything from you they're going to take your property from you, they're going to take your wife from you, and this is reality, this is what the alternative is. The The choices are stand up being met. Can exercise their rights as an american live the example that you can or deferred that Example of america to be built by people who are of a complete different mindset and if we're being completely honest These are the losers. Are the world these the non creators these early on fortunately unattractive people. These are the nerds. These are that these are that unattractive people. These are there. the people who cannot get control of their own discipline and they're all wise or create anything, and they hate you because you're able to- and if you Let them because you're being polite incur john, you any further. They will end up killing you and that's what happen in history, so it's we. This is the time we- can either stand up and limit or we can become
whereby by people who literally couldn't fight their way out of a wet paper bag- and all they have done is call you names. I think if, if, if you're listening to this- and you are observing the craziness in the world- and you acknowledge that it's crazy- that's not enough, and if you tell all your friends that it's crazy, that's not enough, and if you like, you have to actually be the antithesis of what these people want you to be. They want you to be scared, they want you to be a demoralized. They they want you to be connected liked it like in they want you to be plugged in. They want you to to watch their news and be afraid of what they say and indeed, if I mean you say it all the time, I'm basically and basically go it's the same key role now I've same thing. Data is the same as they want to sick. They want to say that they want us, maybe consuming there like this? Is this? This is not just a couple look. What this is is this is the very richest most elite
powerful people in the world, manipulating the unfortunate class to believe that they are somehow live in some wealth utopia and they are going. have all the things that the people there jealous of and that they have have if they suffer this crazy shit and so like. We have I understand there is no limit to what their willing to take from us the limit will be we draw the line in the sand. We say no which I have no problem doing. I actually fuckin enjoy it by one, the greatest parts my days everyday company or talk a ship to these fuckin pussies. I care can't love it anymore, because dude and what you say about me no matter, what you say about me on the internet. You can, let me hate me, you could talk shit whatever I'm, not a bitch and that's on record and if every american had that attitude like fuck you that's what I like to refer to it as the kid rock attitude. Okay cause like when I think a kid rock, I think of like fuck, you right
like everybody, had that american attitude of like fuck off bro what are. We really would be a right, but we make them. they will try to negotiate with these people and reason with these people do not want to reason with you how they do now we negotiate with you. You would they want that in its shit they can never have because they're not willing to stand up and actually take responsibility for themselves, and this is when you go on. This is what migration crisis is about? This is class warfare. This is about, Have nots versus the haves and they are trying to flood the and try to make the point to make population, so overwhelmingly unfortunate class and have not that they want to kill the elite ruling class and if you want to an end by the way, that's not the actual ruling class at their perceive routes,
I would the bmw and the nice house down the street from you like. That's who they want people to see the problem as well as the only threat, because there they demonstrate enough ambitious enough ambition and enough taking action that if they were to take that skill of taking action and pointed in their direction, they would be uproar one broke one of the cool things. If you really flip dishonest sign, like look at it, is at their side, People are building amazing lives. There are still people too, American dream is on life support, and there are still people are here winning at man. scale, which is a testament to how amazing this country, actually is this Thirdly, so amazing that, for the last twenty years. These people have done every single thing that they fucking can to villain. As winning, create victim culture. Diem, nice people who have ambition and want to go out achieve things and people still dominating like there are still people all year there just rushing and
It may not be you. You should take that as indicator that the opportunity is there regardless of the noise. Then imagine what is it? What would that opportunity will like if we didn't have all these issues that do exactly as it leads to get its the it's the cost of entry? The loss of entry to having a better life requires a hundred times the work. Then it would in a car everywhere you now, things are hyperinflated net and now having a family and a single income home can can own home and have money left over. Like you know the way it was fifty sixty years ago It could be so much easier and better to have the american dream, but people people just the system is so confusing to most people. You don't remember. Most people know how to balance a bank account they don't how did you basic budgeting? They don't know how to likes I account spending this much money. I make this much. They don't want to do that intentionally. their intentionally propagated with.
consumerism by the way, I'm a extreme capitalist, but in time, there's responsible away, to consume in your life, and these well don't even understand those basic skills of life. So how can you expect them to understand? You know the intricacies of our system in the way it works. The king can't do it right, so we're dealing with low intelligence people who have been bred to believe that intelligent, because they the wild. A doctor needed education system whose whole goal is to me. Little worker robots that are ignorant to the waiting actually works, or they can continue to manipulate the system and the people country over and over and over again for as long as it takes the dumbest people think that the smartest and the smartest people dont think that smart, ass, correct, ass, correct dining, krueger effect. Will Gaza's give this group movement. We got some good headlines like Matt when you come on the shelves, he makes me smarter,
You sure you don't do that brought that's races, I'll, do better, that's race! I will do better. Eighty do better. Hey guys, remember if you want to see any of these pictures headlines, videos, articles links, go to eighty for selling, dotcom and gas to find them like there are. That being said, let's get home and be funny funnier, either warming problem we're going to myself here, sam trying to you, know somebody's excellence new years new me personal success can be what would easily be selfless selfish to be selfless. What's true, that is true, and so am still trying to get over your selfish face. I'm trying I got it, I'm trying man, I got it but of course we gotta talk about it. We're gonna headline number, one guys, let's just admire these graphics that will take couples. I heard a guy named steve. Did that yeah steve? Did it in steve amazing? That field looks familiar.
Yeah moving on the fuck outta here we gotta do mayor. Let's talk about stainless comes out this headline reads: first cause we got a little shameless plug. Our daily madain mail has been doing a great job on these articles. Ready. They have been on a really really good job on that now. Those are the europe guys, ready guys, man, yeah, oh they're in the uk, isn't it in their bangers and mash bangers mash a low wall bottle of water yeah, that's pretty good. That was second part was good. The first part was just a little bow they will lose. Their jobs will be real, like I know you guys
over there in england. You guys made up the language, but you suck school, you get back to the basics, brother, isn't it yeah? I can do a pretty good british accent, though, why they're? Okay, no, not really I'll, read the whole. I will do the entire ctr in a british accent. That is actually pretty that's pretty solid. It's alright. are you a bear, no matter how much you know my strength, the imitation of language is not my strength everything they lack access. Everything comes out about that sounds like some mexican shit. You try. Nieces maximum hundreds were here.
You can speak spanish, a little bit right little bit. Yeah yeah, that's a little fun fact about Andy, though yeah he do it also spooky, though Djs people do just as he was a fact check on it yeah. You fact check that it works on all that I was getting to these airlines me. Epstein shit, we have thought about it. The alias stars, politicians and leading figures named in the Jeffrey Epstein files prince andrew bill Clinton, naomi Campbell, leonardo, dicaprio, more our among famous faces and bombshell. One thousand page doc, I know there's a couple of disclaimers you gotta put out, will put them out and I'm just a rollins same page and a couple of interesting things happen. So so yesterday, around six pm central time when they tried to upload this, I guess to the main website. Court listener website crash,
lotta, where things going around, but at the end of the day, I would say that you're out of a hundred and seventy plus names- or so you know, a lot of them were actually kinda recused, almost right, like they were kind of like excused from the bull shit right, but also that we should focus on. We should it's rough when you mean how, like you, are you talking about how the the the left keeps saying, Donald trump's on the list and every single headline and he's on the list where the woman is confirming that he was not part of the fucker The correct yeah yeah well hundred percent- or you mean like how there's a I photographs this morning, being put out about donald trump and Jeffrey Epstein, with these girls on him or sore yeah like that one right there that's exactly the one I was thinking about. So this is this is the shit that but this is the shit these. What people are doing so instead of saying holy shit p. What are we believe on our side are down
are doing all this shit and then manipulating all these things. There Can I out of this man so that they can say he was in on it? I saw a club yesterday or an article handling actually from on africa, which one of these disgusting trash new sites. It was They were like trump trumps supporters in a knelt down because Epstein list now, actually anybody who's been following. It knows that to the trump connection to Epstein was he was trying to fight under age, girls and trumps club and trump kicked him out the fucking club? and the former and that's how a lot of this shit started to come to light. So you know what's fascinating to me. This is the difference between the right and the left is that if Donald trump was involved They'd stop supporting him yeah for sure, but quickly, but the left will not what I'm trying to paint the opposite picture right now, but
that's one of those lines there saying so what they're saying is their show This photo and a couple headlines are going around saying that you know try, was on the list when in reality, if you read the fuckin transcripts, it says you ever see doubt yes, thou trumps, it was in the transcript right in the can contact. Are you going to do you? Have the contact? Okay just go, I don't have to tell a story that did do his job. This. Let us talk about some of the names that that our own here prince andrew this hidden read the final nail in the coffin for prince Andrew bombs. Epstein file under age orgy revelations will torpedo any hope. Scandal I hit duke of york has of returning to royal duty says experts, so part of this release, how the release of? U s? Core documents, accusing prince Andrew of taking part in quote, under age. Orgy end quote on Jeffrey Epstein,
In the caribbean, island and groping, the corner go boobs of an alleged sex slave. In any hope he has a returns to royal duties. Experts told daily mail online today pause one. Second, I saw a interpretation of that situate im from a liberal new source. That said yes, heat and prince Andrew, add the boobs of underage girl, but it was a joke. How are these people? That's what? sending their literally justify how they do mad they have to. This is the difference between, like, like people who have moral objectivity will like this is right. This is wrong and we dont budge on it regardless of who, who who it is, who it is, whereas the progressive liberals think that morality is just subjective where it's like. Oh well, you know it's it's more alleys. Just up The person you now its citizens on the subject. It depends on the contacts and the subject in the in the situation. There's no situation where participating in and
age orgy is ok or rabbit grabbing the boobs, I'm an under age female as it, but it's a jew because it's ok, I'm trying to find them out article renew it is, nor does it doesn't Of course, you know what I mean so, like you know he, he had his his titles and stuff removed by queen Victoria back in twenty two twenty nineteen. You know but they've declined to comment as this. This articles come to light now, but we knew that David copperfield. Apparently he was performing magic tricks, perhaps steam victims. on CNN documents contain exerts a deposition. Taken a Maxwell edward virginia defray there. Also a deposition from Joanna soldier who, in the document, describe pinch prince andrew touching her breast in a joking manner,. This is I see in it, and these are also the same. People that will meet to you.
listen, listen, listen, schober! Story has been public, but this is the first time. deposition has been unsealed. Now, listen this next lines on cnn. Ok, she works. Sometimes Ramstein has said that he pressure her to go beyond her. For level at times in giving sir she massages like. How, like this is how they treat their trying to justify or soft in the truth of. What's going on, this is fucking cnn. This is where most of these dumb ass is get their fucking information. Man had it said David copperfield properly he was performed. Imagine tricks, you know what it was only at times it was sometimes whose measures under the old europe. These are the same people that if you make a comment at the water cooler
They will try to send you to jail. Yet if we had a deal, call ajar for same boobs right in office, rare yakima suits, it is ok and it is through. This is the hypocrisy of their whole. Entire worldview likes his fallen apart no borough. These people are low, iq, dumb fox, let's it's time to start calling them what the fuck they are that like, if you are still with us, if you are not I'm not gonna jump, generalised, liberal people, because, by definition I am a liberal person. Ok, I like we'd a fucking. I knew it look I'm a fucking liberal from twenty years ago, brow and just common sense, but the point is that, if you not to say democratic, this is not democrats, most democratic, fuckin, appalled by the show with us now that they should be fully like that's the
why you should be fully with us on the other side. Now at this point, at least for this point in time, and then after this we clean up all these predators who have infiltrated your worldview can go back. We can go back to this. Okay as a priority. Go it's it's disgusting, they've gone so far down the rabbit, hole and they've, probably severed, so many relationships that saying you're wrong and trying to redeem yourself is is not as worth it as just doubling down and saying yep. I believe this nonsense or like bill Clinton. You know we felt you know without the the the president or office was bad. This guy likes them younger, like some young, and that's not my words and bill Clinton got brought up in there and you know things are often long as we're actually getting some real yeah. I'm sorry.
I mean rumors, say this real quick. So she was deposed judge. Bert was deposed and asked if Epstein had ever talked about the former president, she said quote: he said one time that Clinton likes them young, referring to girls. waking italy do did you do it did you to do whatever breaking the law reads: colorado supreme court votes to remove bill Clinton from Epstein client yeah is: is the colorado supreme court on and on his payroll I refer here now but not like, but but not other people, but they are you get. You know those are the guys it removed from from about. I am I not top riskier he's easily hydro tales, yeah, that's the brother of the island, where governor and there's also
well connection, because his the illinois governor who's, allowing these migrants to take police positions and buy arms at the gun store then also did the safety act, which removed a bunch of crimes from being priorities. Are you know, rape Things like that would include in there and then her cousin just happens to his cousin just happens to be also on the board behind that cloud, engage it or the cousin of the other governor, not brother, yeah, well get to that, though, in a minute, bia he's on their, but likewise there's somebody that was you know that is also on the boat was cleared, ddt, trot man, big donny. Big, don dime, dom Y yeah how'd. You get here, One thinks it I'm not the one not yeah, I
Jeffrey Epstein, victim, johannes aubert, denies massaging donald trump reveals how predator financier boasted of being able to call on the president before trip to his can see. No poor outpost claimed. I don't love. You had this in the in the transcripts. When I read them. Did you read them so massaging that was the code word out of myself in the transcripts they kept asking this these people- and this is only to women by the west. The biggest problem. Yes, like you, all of this information. There are a hundred of these women. All of this information coming from two women right, So we should understand that, first of all and second of all in the transcripts, the attorney was like trying to lead the the the deposition, a certain way and grew fray stab someone says: hey it's very important for you to understand a couple things and paraphrasing one jeffrey obscene,
and going Maxwell both gave the orders to massage and You need to understand that when we say massage we mean sex so that but when you guys here them talking about massages, it was just must have you read. The deposition they what their acts. Really saying is abstained, told them? or gawayne told them to go, give them a massage, which meant, and she clarify later, what ever he wanted, whenever they wanted sexually and then to report back on the sexual act to Epstein angolan. So this is a point. If you want to go
go. Read the transcripts and you'll see what I'm saying, but I'm paraphrasing the context. Exactly that's exactly and here's the important thing because, like I mean on a more serious note, I dunno we've covered this in the past and he you and I both know the people directly who have knowledge of the situation. Ah man, we were told exactly what this was from. The get go, we've talked about it on c t I write more. This is something that I was also revealed during these documents and as the the mossad connection and how this was used as a blackmailing
operation. Epstein list reignite, suspension, suspicion of the veto. Financier was working for saddam blackmailing the elite. With help of useful idiot prince Andrew after meeting israeli prime minister eat brok at least thirty six times. Ok, Israel's former prime minister you'd brok was identified in the bombshell dossiers Wednesday night. He served as primary. Her from ninety ninety one to two thousand one after serving in the idea for thirty five years, rising to chief of general staff, brought met with Epstein some thirty six times and was pictured entering his men, hatton townhouse, with the scarf around his face and twenty sixteen here's, the pitcher,
Ok, that's a pitcher the same day that a lot of young women were seen coming in and out of the residents. That same day now, there has been a bunch of former israeli spies and have come out openly and taught blatantly about how yes, this was one giant honey pot. Entrapment operation gaining valuable compromise, which is blackmail less, are compromising material,
Okay, alright to blackmail political and business elites. Here's a video of one of those farmer spies, saying this himself. Well, ain't heard about it. I was at some point head of military intelligence in Israel and- and he apparently was very friendly with Epstein and yeah yeah. You probably would have known about the problem area with your accusations and allegations are that you're not providing any evidence that Israel was part of running Jeffrey Epstein? Well again, Maxwell was working for Israel. The Epstein was working for maxwell at the time and he was introduced to Maxwell's daughter, and they were
introduced as well. Intelligent is referred so so so delay maxwell who acted as Epstein. Madam, is also closely in iran in the alleged honey trap operation, her father Robert Maxwell, a british newspaper, magnet is alleged to have been a massage agent and may have provided the link between Epstein and Jerusalem's intelligence agency, like Epstein alleged hanging while awaiting trial maxwell. This is Robert Maxwell, okay, his death on his yacht, the lady galena off the coast of spain. Ninety ninety one has attracted suspicions of assassinations, so there's that now with all of the stuff going on what is the left's response is not just you know, oh well, you know here's an ai picture of trump, no, no! No. That was something deeper. I don't know if you guys have
in it. This headline comes out. Trop got seven point. Eight million from twenty foreign governments, while he was president china, tops list with five and a half million dollars at its hotels or saudi arabia in qatar, also fort for stays had property Democrat report claims. This is their response. This is their response, Apparently the. Let me just read the article a little bit after a years. Long investigation by house democrats have has concluded that donald trump raked in seven point: eight million dollars as president from countries including,
china and saudi arabia, despite the fury over the constitution's emoluments clause during his tenure, the funds came through trump organization, real estate holdings, even at a time when trump stepped back from management of his financial empire, which is now the subject of a civil fraud trial in new york. Okay and it's everywhere, this is new york times trump received millions for former government. As president report finds house, democrats really released evidence that he took in seven point: eight million, but here's the good part engaging the what kind of conduct the g o p is grasping to pin on president Biden. This is their response. No that's not the same contact. It's not! What they're saying is that chinese diplomats and agents of a of other governments stayed at his hotels, okay. So when they he was not even managing correct behave, he was present.
And they didn't do- sulphur free they paid as paying customers and pay monkeys man's. This would be like if I was president in the chair, These military, who I didn't like, was buying first form supplements and having them ship to them, exactly not paying more for those upwards not paying less for the largest buying them up. I website you not send them to him for free all that wouldn't be the exact same thing, because, based on the quality of first forms, products doubt give them a tactical advantage militarily. I concede idle that that's affair argument, thanks for pointing that out now, they're all going to be yoked that would be treasonous. They will be jacked and juicy as fuck. That's a fact anyhow and definitely much much more attractive so this is not the same thing at all. Correct, isn't it is not the same why why they're right? What they're trying to pin on biting is what they have been trying to hide, which was formation on a hundred by laptop and from other sources that show that this man
is operating a pay for play situation with whereby companies yeah real business is not real. Fucking physical business correct it's a different thing, entirely ass, the response in Austria, the trump allies fixate on Jeffrey upstream documents by few revelations yeah that was no big deal, but tromp got millions from china. Like that's their response, yeah for right now I dunno what's to come and what's going to be a you know what what the next gut punches, but I think it's just interesting that, after a years long investigation that nobody knew about somehow the report just comes out the same day as one of the biggest news stories of this year. So far, that's a massive coincidence. If you ask me well. with all of this. I think it's important point out a few different things. One this is too women out of hundreds of women are going to. This is how they can
roll everything a you guys wonder how they control everything? This is how they control everything like I've explain many times lot. If you don't know what a honey pot is this is this would be man you us three sitting at las vegas airport and saw a casino? agnes and some dude walking up it looks like Jeffrey Epstein behave. I was a man you wanna go to my island like I got my own play, we gotta right now and we go to this. deeds island we get there give us drinks flag in your search. Yeah Naturally, in these girls who are sixteen but look like or twenty six are all around us, they film at all. And you have whatever time you think you're having and then, by the way, when you leave this area by the way that girl was fuckin, sixteen o and on top of it you're going to do everything we. Why you're going make every move. We want you're going to say everything. We want you're going to run your business. The way we want- and if you don't we're going to publish all this footage that we have you the
This footage exists, ok and then, on top of it we have I have many many many people who would know these things saying that This was a massage cia collaboration to control the narrative which has had a could draw. Why are all the hollywood movies making woke movie woke agenda shit, Why are they all say the same things? Why that after say the same things? Why, when what was going on. Did all the actors say the exact same thing verbatim as if I got an email to say this because they did all right so we have to understand like when you look at that, the matrix so to speak, This is how they ve leverage control over the matrix. That's something that people need. understand. But, most importantly, in my opinion, what people need to understand is that you, should be asking other questions around this Epstein situation. You should be asking Who are the other names? You should be asking what did these,
but really do you be saying, whereas the footage of this You should be saying: why do they do this you should be saying by the way what the fuck out of you bookkeeper from us and we, as american people should be asking those questions not just who the rest of the names, because we want to be the little puppy dog is. They gave us some treats you. Oh I see people celebrating this information, but in reality this is just confirmation that all of these other things have been going on. So What else are they keeping from us? What else so they lying to us about those. The things american should be asking those the things that they should be demanding, because the reality is. If we are ever going to have trust in our government or both. leave in this country ever again, there is going to have to be a full disk, What was of information and accountability for the people have committed these crimes. We have we.
drifted into a place where we are literally talking about the president of the united states bill Clinton with under age girls. We are talking about with a mile. Long of hollywood influencers, the richest most powerful people in the eu- Earl media, magnets, social media creators, Go down the list, bro anchors actors, people of influence, people at the head of banks etc. Cetera, etc, etc? Then all guilty appear allegedly possibly depending on what the truth actually is of being pedophiles. god that's where we are as a country and we said this a while I have been saying this for a long time. There's people there have been talking about this, twenty plus years, and so now it finally comes out and people instead of saying holy shit, these
conspiracy theories- were actually white well sure they write about they're, saying well sometimes he made them do sexual stuff region, Can it was actually a joke when he grabbed her boob You see what I'm saying like this is what we're dealing like. We are dealing with this lasting corrupt criminality that beyond the comprehension of a morally decent human being and they're going to want this? Is it asked what what's going on here is a test they are. They are floating out a few selected names to see what we're gonna do. They know. If we don't do anything about this, it doesn't matter what they do and it doesn't matter if they steal the next election. It doesn't matter if they flip the game table over it doesn't matter if they, you know side to eliminate trump. Somehow, like bro wouldn't be supplies that if these, these people don't start, but we
The people, don't our standing up in mass in unity, it would be it's a very reasonable acts. adaptation in my mind the baker judges, drone strike more logo and be like. We drone strike them for the good of the country. What are you gonna do about it? What are you gonna? Do I'm out you guys caught binds new political add without that of ok cool. Well, we'll talk about that. But my point is This is a test and your performance outrage on the internet is not enough. It's not enough to real shit, and if you want to know that if this situation is true, look at the the movements of the world and the way things that have been going and then like. Let's just assume that it's true while then the whole israel situation makes a lot of sense right,
U s backing Israel for no particular reason them Nicky Hayley shilling for israel wrote they have the whole government of the united states on a fuckin blackmail list by the ball. Yes, That's the reason these politicians Israel is not so bad is, is not just because there jewish or have dual citizenship. It's because the in towers. Really government has fucking info trade in the united states system has blackmail dirt on every single one of these modern blockers, guys things which you guys think let us no doubt of the commons cells diagnostic on this. Conversely, we folded- roger people call for full disclosure. This is not enough. This is now ok, it is now Ok for for anybody, I don't care if they're the president care, for your neighbor to fucking, fuck, little kids and fuck with little kay and that's that's being normalized across the global normalizing do know
lit the ass. Nothing happens, we're sure normalization. A hundred percent did you ve, Politicians like we cover that politicians, spain, who was freaking out screaming at tat, were lungs, saying that children had a right. Just like you, have a right to sleep with her. wherever they want, regardless of what the ages they in trying to normalize pedophilia for the last number of years and they ve They ve made it. So it's like actually a conversation. There's actual terms about this like there's a correct term minor, attracted peep know these people are fucking, pedophiles brow and there's no difference between now or twenty years. ago, when we will put these motherfuckers in a wood, real shit, ok out, we are deal This has been happening. This is their system. This is how they have operated, and now we are in a situation where it's coming out, which is why-
They ve tried so hard normalize because they ve they're all guilty of it. All these elite, rapture fuckers, due to view go back in history to the roman times and beyond that these powers, well we're pedophiles at the top of the game row that its cultural yes and these people are, they still are and they're doing it, face now and mortar Do a shit, we're gonna jump down on a common set of such a gas. Think. Let us note which gastric on this topic, but we keep this cruise move, must keep this cruise movers straight to the comments whose come at this week's comes from. My cousin in idaho They say who's down has grown for lanes. Comment We're cowardly talk about arrow
this one I got yeah, yeah, no or atlanta. We couldn't find you listen. We hope you, you know Elaine lee lee Lee one two three four headline number two they're coming to the bedroom, then put your seatbelts on. Their seats and far back her love to routes harvard president gay resigns amid deepening plagiarism scandal. sounds like racism me rather lose Yes, a harder president clotting gay. She resigned on tuesday following anti semitism scandals at the ivy league universe, The disaster is congressional testimony and scores of plagiarism allegations, being on earth in recent months. Her six month ten year marks the shortest tenure and harm its history. So she was the
first black president to be hired at harvard and the first black president get refused getting fired, major fuck, it is or yogurt I like it. so it was gaze resignation just six months and two days in our presidency makes continue to harvard the shortest in history. According to a letter released by the harvard corporation, provost and chief academic officer, Alan m barber we'll take over as interim president gay informed the harvard unity of her resignation and email says it has been quote frightening to be subjected to personal attacks and threat. It's fueled by racial animus. This is just a couple of scripts from her weak ass resignation letter. You know, but what's all this emma from recovered a lot of this on ctr before I was about this plagiarism thing, like honestly, freedom of speech, I don't really care about. You know the
when she made the testimony. That's not the problem. The problem is, is that her entire academic career has been plagiarized, and this is supposed to be the person or one of the most prestigious institutions in this country, leading the charge being the first and she's fuckin cheating great example. I think if you guys want to check out the fool all of the the comparisons Christopher UFO, he he has a whole website. You guys can check it out. I'm sure we'll link it for you. If you guys, wanna, find all of the action well cases, but all in all it over forty cases of alleged plagiarism or with some new ones that just came out this past monday, but yeah. So what does she do and get all fashion pulls out the blackheart he pulled it out and it also sahara did do an investigation. But you know they tried to keep that under the cover of the rug, even saying that quota must not be published.
So and then that pritzker gabbert Amelia as cousins on the board of this harvard harvard whole whole deal and b yeah and like and again you have the mainstream media and the left trying to protect her. This a p on a p news article, the headline reads: play regime charges down harvard president a conservative attacked helped to fan the outrage right and just the intro I mean it makes me sick says. American higher education is long. Viewed plagiarism as a cardinal sin, accusations of academic dishonesty have ruined the careers of faculty and undergraduates alike. The latest target is harvard,
president clotting gay, who resigned tuesday in her case the outrage came not from her academic peers but her political foes led by conservatives who put her career under intense scrutiny. So now it's only true depending on what comes from like who comes from and who it doesn't come from, can make it less true It doesn't make sense, but yes, also reviews by harvard found more. This is this is AP news assessment use by harvard found multiple shortcomings and gaze academic citations included several instances of duplicative language, the university concluded, the errors quote, were not considered intention or reckless and didn't rise to misconduct by the allegation. continued with new ones, as recently as men and areas, one example I wanted to pull out. This is one example. Ok, This is a reason, is twenty? Seventy? Okay! This is not like that.
But this goes all the way back to ninety ninety nine okay. So what gay road was? I also gummy mean if I can see it, also construct a county level. Measured that captures the financial incentives developers have build a rehash, rehabilitate, affordable housing in the most impoverished places, and then this was pulled straight from what free men and omens wrote in their article on we as it was, she wrote was what dj saddened and what they wrote was Mr Mann, for low income housing development, we construct a county level measure the capture the incentive developers have to build or rehabilitate affordable housing. In certain tracks, it's the same exact thing now at a luxuriant even tried, aside from the appropriate fuckin authors. Well, that's that's That's the way people do things anymore, I mean, like everybody, makes their own seventy five hardship and it doesnt, but that
article. The good news is that article did get fact checked on on on on thanks yeah, with the context the readers add, a context session, saying plagiarism as a breach of rules for harvard university. They link the source to that harm its own policies. Ok, clotting. Gay was ultimately forced to resign for series of breaches of this policy plagiarism or application of the rules around plagiarism therefore cannot be considered a weapon and and yeah she's a she's crying, but here's the crazy thing, so she resigned from president. She still bought to keep a million dollar salary they're still going to hire on as a professor or adjunct. Professor she'll still get paid she still get paid so disgraced former president get plodding gay, resign or tuesday and we'll stay stay on the ivy league universities fabric.
The professor with a salary of at least nine hundred thousand dollars a year well edit, it doesn't make sense, but it made me think you know that this situation. This is not like a new situation, because this stuff happens all the time You guys, remember: marilyn moby ride the attorney, the freddy pretty gay case right she's The prosecutor, all the officers they're pretty good case- did a fictitious investigations of the death of ready gay lied on these offices. All the officers got often acquitted because of her. She was nominated. As time magazine, lady of I mean they did all the extra stuff and then when it came out that she lied about it as she cried racism right or even her locally Kim gardner, it's the same story. I do fucked up shit, but because I'm black, I'm fine, it's bullshit.
We're going to get us, this is standard operating procedure for anybody in a position of power who has been put in power because a D in affirmative action standards. This is what happen the only you're not good enough to have the fucking job you got. The job is it the color of your skin? And now, when you don't get the job, because you're not qualified, because you lied about every mother, fucking thing that you ever. Did you blame white people right to racism, white people? The only reason you got the job. That was the only racism occurring as the fucking other races, the didn't get the job, because you happen to be black. My boy, I am so sick asean is shit where we gotta have a very good thing that we gotta be able to have these conversations like this is where we talk about. It's about. You cannot criticise, dude, listen for them. after ten years. This is a common thing. You cannot criticise the people in any way shape or form otherwise
its racism isn't what I was talking about during the intro. How can we fucking get any work done, create any real progress? Real progress? Not your fault! Can progress talking about actually improving things, surely being the best? Actually having a society that is based on meritocracy and who the best qualified candidates is. This This shit is what creates racism. This is what creates it. This is what gives people resentful because certain races give preference an immunity from any sort. Criticism whatsoever. Ok and guess they use these people these. these. People in positions of power will always defer. Spiles ability and blame racism as the cause. It's a tap going on for twenty years. This is nothing new, listen, bitch! You, confess your whole career. Anybody
and become the president harvard if there are good enough faker, you know like like dude, What are the seal ride? All this shit? I didn't write and plug in all these things. Like say all these things I didn't do and dude is disgusting, but me too, I think it also points to I mean this is another conversation revolved have on the show, all all the time it's like. Okay, so, like I mean look at harvard's response, this is supposed to be a prestigious ivy league school right, vicious furthers. The narrative like
ecologists these universities and colleges they're not doing they're, not teaching you anything, they're, not they're, not giving you any real, valuable skills. They're they're, making you pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for a very nice fancy piece of paper and they push you onto the real world where you've got no real expectations. You have no real standards. You have no real understanding of how the world actually fucking works. You know, because you never did anything, your entire life, that's exactly what I was going to say, and it means nothing, the the harvard degree or any ivy league school the degree. The reason it's valuable is because of the perception of value. You know it's it's the credibility of
of the university look who went here right. They don't harvard, doesn't realize how badly they are, ruining their credibility and therefore devaluing their their diplomas. And now less people are going to go to your school. Your your that's going to ruin your income as a as an institution care. They got a fifty billion dollar and almagro. They don't give a shit, they don't require. They don't work on cash well here, here's what pierce the fuckin problem with this. The real ivy league situation is not about education at all. It's a fucking, rich kids club that they're trying to get into the reason people send their kids to fuckin harvard and yale and Cornell is not because of the quality of education, because all the other rich kids go there and they all get to know each other, and then they all jerk each other off the rest of their lives do business together and fucking colluding. hence the common person We way shape or form that's the truth of legal felicia from love or not
Preparing anybody for fucking anything it's about cultural will allow. I met in relationship building of the halves too. Mood against the have nots and that's what the fuck this is. These people are fuck it assholes that's what they are their elite, rich, blue blood, fuck it assholes and because they feel the white guilt and the guilt of you. Oh, they created all these d. I shit in now they are in a situation where they have to prop up. people who are minorities in june situation of power to look virtuous to everybody else, because, as politically appropriate this these people don't give a fuck about the girl. They get. I don't care about knowledge, they by looking a certain way to certain people. So if those people will work with them and give them fuckin money, that's what the fuck this is about. It's always been about that and ended your correct. The. Smartest people in the world are actually
the dumbest people in the world because they assume they know everything. People who go. Like do you guys know any, but I know a lot of people who went to harvard and a lot of p g. went to harbour she smartest fuck, who Gina, whose on shall be abundant myopia budget, will be the first person to say that that what I'm saying is true there and broke, but I'll tell you this night ten people. I know the went to an ivy league score: fuckin, assholes, they're, fucking, cocky, food x, and they don't know shit about ship. They think they know everything. That's the reality! True, and if you weren't there and that's you, I'm sorry about bro you're, not a genius cause. You got a piece of paper, you weren't, follow directions of your mother assholes and which got you awarded this little gold star that you fuckin, hang your dick on and think that you're better and everybody about so fuck. You that's how I think
I'd rather hang out with fucking plumbers. Those are my kind of people yup. True this russia issue I mean like below and, like I said, it's very fucking hate these people, bro. That's the thing man, it's like it's very easy to get like you know, sucked into that emotional manipulation that they want. You guys to get into. You just have to understand like listen. This is the she dares. Woman is not represent. the pooling of this country, poland, she's a piece of shit hole on how the fuck is racism. you lied about your entire academic career nor credentials, and then you get called out for it now. It's a conservative attack or its racial. Ah, you know what I mean. The animals. What but bro that This is bullshit, ok and any fucking black
person that says yeah this is race in your photo shoot to know. Now the only thing I will say on this plagiarism, I think we actually covered it. We did. We did cover it here. Here's the thing, unlike me, I'm not saying that this is okay right, but wrong is to fuck wrong, but this is also the the game they play when it comes to this wagoner, oh yeah, we'll let you be the pret, like you, don't think harvard knew twenty five years ago this woman was pedraza stuff, yielding they knew no, they knew they were hungry. I welcome our new, yet are even just that they knew like go yeah go ahead of me. Sure you push for these different agendas and narratives, and you know de I initiated yeah. Maybe you can help to play the merit it lets. You can look at this limitless ladys fucking face the same role on looking to fuckin fit luria. Her fucking face they're, all smugglers, fuck bro! You know either so smug, because they know that they can do and say fucking anything and nappy the accountable. They do not give a fuck.
and this is not just because their black, if you go, watch bill his interview where the interviewer asked him about his associated with Epstein any fucking, screens and smiles and duties people or out of fucking control. Do they are not shut? with reality, they are now subject to the laws that you and I are all subject to, or the rules or any of the fucking cultural standards they get to live in their own world. That can do whatever they want and they dare you to fucking, say or do anything about it. That's where we are, and this is why it goes back to personal excellence, because you know, if they're daring us, then you know we have to be the types of people that could do something about it and if we're not, then they're just going to keep getting away with it and we're going to sit here talking on instagram about how annoyed we are by it and that's going to be the extent of it it's going to get worse. I agree dollars. I agree with.
And I may might some I fucking decade trip to the grocery store and ain't. Looking good now tell you that I saw much People faddish shit they fuckin would not be capable of holding anybody accountable whatsoever and their kids are going to be even worse. Yes, even worse, because it's a lifetime of It- and I mean I've gone into restaurants, I dunno how many times and seen kids with their ipads in their headphones. You know not interacting with anybody just in their little world, because they're trying to their parents are trying to get him to shut up so that they can go. Watch their netflix or whatever they want to do it's just a perpetual cycle of just mediocrity and consumerism, and if it does, the buck stops with us like. If it doesn't stop with us, then it's just going to be a slave generation after slave generation. The Well, let's ignore what drives you know. Address cultural change, cool, what's cool, what's cool people to do it's cool they want to be cool and wanted for, for the laugh
this time last. Twenty years they tried to make all this shit cool, it's cool to be a feminist. It's called a fuckin. You know me to its call to be with You're the propping up of one race of the country and the dead slandering over another, no matter what its call to be aunt, I can brutalism, it's cool to hate on the rich people, it's cool to hate people that want to achieve. They made this cool ok. Now the result is what we're seeing in society. We have people, we have the most mediocre disgusting, unhealthy society, that I believe we probably ever had in this country and probably Supper exist in the world, but I doubt people in the history of earth have ever been his fat and his fucking laziness, useless as as a law large percentage of the humans on this planet right now, you're! Ok, while history is impossible, you because you have
we had to fucking work to survive right, we're just having this conversation in the locker room. Talking about the the concept of cool, because there are two reasons why people weren't pieces of shit back in the day, one you couldn't be because you die and then two you had like the reason that people would sacrifice for others and be selfless and all that other thing things is because of religion. You know they, the fear of god, would force you to do things that you other, I otherwise would nobody's afraid of god, anymore right, nobody's afraid of god anymore. So the only way to convince people to like when we're talking about like branding and trying to get people to to you know, do the right thing for the right reasons right cause. We talk about personal development right, but you don't getting money for the sake of getting money, isn't cool getting things for the sake of getting things, isn't cool, getting it getting the biggest muscles for the sake of getting
the biggest muscles. Isn't that cool, while it is cool to people now, but to me to me and you who are trying to save the fucking world is not that cool cries, an accomplished writer you you've got the right thing for the roles are byproducts of the mission right. Exactly you've got the right thing for the wrong reasons, so we are having this conversation, the locker room. How do we get people to do the right thing for the right reason and the answer is: make it cool because they don't have to anymore and they don't have the fear and god making them do the right thing. So how do we do what we have to make it cool? This is. This is why this is why, when people say pornography as a weapon- and it goes over people's heads like pi, it goes over people's listen, dude men have gone to war, they have built civilizations and burn them down. Naked women, real talk, so most motivating fuckin factor to a testosterone filled. Man is the approval the appreciation and though the the
admiral admiration of women, that is a huge scene, three hundred yeah marijuana or take when he kicks him into the yeah to the pit, was the first thing he does before he kicks him. He asks his wife. He turns to his wife and looks yards yeah, ro listen pornography. This is why pornography is a part of them. Is a part of the flock and power in a railway like it's real, talk, if you go back and listen to me talk about and by the way, I didn't give a fuck about this for most of my life most of my life was like bro, who foreign carries, don't fuck a matter like you watching porn? Who cares? Although black When you really understand what the fuck they're doing with the chemicals in the water and the chemicals in the food, and the removal of testosterone from men and then the over availability of being able to see any kind of woman, you won't make it literally. In ten seconds of scarcity took yes, there is google of naked women on the internet browser
and now it's past, it's gone past that and it's you, could see naked women that you know for five hours. Okay, so We all we all sit here. A lot of us who are because I am live and let live person I'm a person like do you know whatever do that's, then let him do them. The problem with that? is. Is that we're not realising what that's doing two men in terms of suppressing their greatness in terms of suppressing their ability to be driven and create, and build and conquer and do all the things that men are built to fucking do in the world and that's all intent surely being weeded out of us for the purpose of control? And that's not conspiracy, theory, that's an actual conspiracy, its common sense right, like what do one of men historically done, reproduced and fight? So what do they do? They put you in front of a video game where you fight and become the greatest character that you can become, which is what your actually supposed to do in real life by the way, and then they give you poor.
which is taking your sexual, a pro drives the drive to rebuke or put them in a sack and per pet right and perpetuate the species, and then you right into a sock in it. It takes the the inherent things that are within men who, by the way, are the only real threat to a tyranny to to tyranny and redirecting that in a direction that was empty, these motherfuckers in seventeen, seventy four, seventy, seventy five something semi six can pick up the phone and look at naked girls. You know I'm saying they could they listen? Do we I live in a very and then you a name for on top of that. Okay, let's draw on top of that is something else that didn't exist. Then It has existed ever, which is the self glorified patient of social media right now dead of living for a cause or or a culture or a code. People live for themselves right. They lived for likes, I for shares? They live for attention and they spend most
their time. figuring out how to permit themselves, to get more of it all right you're so focused on yourself. How can you be focused on any cause? How can you be focused on anything? That's actually import. You see what I'm saying so like we have all all of these things that people get confused. Whenever I said This is a weapon or that's a weapon like cancel cultures, a weapon, political weakness as an ideology is a weapon silent majority, that's a weapon, ized concept in specifically introduced by the people who are not on the side of donald trump. Ok, these are all weapons porn is a fucking part of the weapon. The move of testosterone, that's another part of the weapon. Social media and self glorification is part of weapon. Video games. Video games in cheap entertain that's part of the weapon, the the removal of god in
family unit intentionally is part of the weapon and why do we have to understand that we have to come to an understanding as a mere cons right now, that's the end and the people of the world of what we are. Actually, what is actually happening to us. It is not an accident. This is not just a random shit. That andy is tat. together as some sort of conspiracy. No, this is actual intentional removal of threats. the people who are pressing question you on a daily This is why you can't afford used anything This is why you can't get ahead. This is why you pay so much tax and you can't do shit about it. This is why, because you're participating in the foot- major expression, you unaware, you know Why are you so hard on these people? Because brother, not listening or thinking at all, they are completely
you know that part in the matrix were the dude go. back in the matrix because he's like focused too hard outside equally right, like the most of these people the old saying, she's doing shit or that guy I have those moments, and a hundred percent like it it sounds. It is because I used to live there, Well, you understand what I'm saying: that's what I'm saying is people are choosing ignorance on purpose, because it's easy ahead of her son s, eyes and percent. I I've lived on both sides, but I've been the. I have been the plugged in matrix guy in every way, shape and form.
And yet out we all were. We grew in. We were born into it, and so now that I now that I'm outside of it and we're we're doing what we're doing trying to make things actually better like there are times where you know I sit there and I'm like fuck. It was a lot easier when I was just playing video games while they seen what they say about. Ignorance is bliss, writes right right, but it's not easier. It's not easier, because your entire every everything around you burns. You know it feels easier because you're doing whatever you want to do and you're. You know distracting yourself with all these different things, but in reality your life is burning. It's very easy to sit there and play video games. When you take your headset off your life still sucks, you know as soon as the dopamine stuff goes away, your life still sucks yeah. All your relationship sucks, you don't have an any money in your bank account your
completely out of shape? Is it actually bliss? It's not now it's not much worship. My gosh tell us what you guys think jumping on this conversation. Let us know down in the comments. Let me just say this to cause you deserve this. I appreciate that as a cause, one of the things of mass much younger than me. How old are you twenty seven and your howled he ate. It makes me have hope, hearing that from people like you, that's why I'm like fuck Yarborough and I know there's we ve talked about some of the other other young. Influencers that are out here that we both respect and I'm gonna make a better. I want to do a better job of including some of these younger people to to share this platform with this next year. It's one of my main goals. You know like I'm, not I'm, I'm done with the fucking entrepreneur crowd like if you're, not out, quote unquote entrepreneur coat, youth thunder fuck, not coming I'm just burial, ok, you're, not coming out of your young man,
whose living it whose culturally trying to fix the other young men open, invite brow the poor common idea and tell me who the fuck you are, but you better we are following and you better be doing shit yeah, I mean it goes back to right thing for the wrong reason: vs right thing for the right reason I have a following other guys have followings yet, but we're doing it for two entirely different reflect some people are personal developed people I may culture person? Yes, you are. This is the reason we connect because there's actual mission at hand, yep ritual shit man. I just appreciate you man thanks, so you know your duties, yeah! Oh yeah. I appreciate your ear, see you later alright headline number three: let's bring this cruise to a close atlanta. Three. This is just more. I guess we can almost do. This is like a final thoughts will just the whole show. I wanted to just say this, because I've been seeing this uptick in trends. Right is twenty.
Twenty four guys, I've, I'm starting to feel like that big red button, a man- maybe this is my just be the start of it, but this ratio divide they are trying so hard. I don't think it's gonna work this time I don't think so. I got. I got some stuff to say in all reasons, organ the past brows, because most why people are fuckin scared to death everything that's different now, what's the amateurs a cobbler resulting in I think. I also think that the majority of black america these are realising what's going on in there now with it either that that that's the thing is, I m were feeling the pains of our decisions were wearing nothing. That's it. That's really really big wakened, but there is so much bs they. They are pushing right. Now, it's twenty twenty four we got election season coming up. They did the exact same play in twenty twenty right. It's important. We are aware of the attempts. and we we call them out again speak the truth. When we see the bullshit our hold on before you move on,
It is also important to notice how fucking handsome we both look in the slide. I like I'm just say: no, we look. Maybe we should get back to this shit. This is what the fuck I'm talking about fucking term year, let off let's august coup. Close. Let's go around. cutting the heads off of vulcan tyrants and putting them on sticks and having a good fucking time. The powder wigs were a no go, though, when I do it, now I am happy with the no weeks. I'm I'm sorry! I, like my gray, a little bit with a week just to see like this. This shit over here, like this I'm starting to like this salt and pepper, started like this. Like it's a good look and we look like a couple of bad mother. Fuckers are about to fucking cut the heads off you motherfucker domestic yeah, very domestic central, like I want you're saying like I can feel it only if they fear a man, where's that do speak her. I can't see anything whereas others,
there is about is a great outfit manner it out for you. how the fuck you you would have thought were two guys we're not she. I got like my train columbo. If two dues walked a bar dress. I gotta pull on all our bureau, we already will laugh at first until they realized they weren't fuckin around and then everybody like fuck this global excited, we're gonna start covered only take pictures, didn't drinks, yeah monitoring us right, we're gonna. You know what That sounds like a nice experiment. Let's see how people treat certain people that are dressed a certain way, ou kind of like social experts. Do it yeah, I think your outfit nationally mine, I think, manages the chamber see you got. No, it's a tidy privacy are like the chester, we could switch, I mean where you're they both good. That's what we're about the same size grow like that. I like how you're a guy like that, the taco me I kind of idea. Unbutton. Look too here! That's deftly more pimp.
Saying there are now three reads: that's couple of mississippi: This shows just showing the images of what we got. Black americans would feel the staging of republican budget cut proposals. This is more than just well, I, like they haven't, been feeling the staying for sixty fucking years. They've been voting Democrat. I mean that's a fact or like this, this fucking, I think, he's like the new. You really want to say about him. Oh this guy yeah fuck this fuck, all the only I can yeah. We have to hit the cameras for that. One yeah just goes to go to commercial break room but Mr Abraham ex candy, his thought taught you motherfuckers name henry rogers. Yes, Henry rogers, ok, ok, This raises mob of being behind clotting gaze resignation know why they I'll pick these names were. Why do all the activists, which is as easy one?
yeah names methodically malcolm x y. You ask me how long cause there's your your people grievances europe now don't know. Henry yes prefers right. Erie grew up. Let me tell you a little as the most racist thing ever said in the show. Those are your people, you know, but mobile, graduating he's not bow, because what is a thing these people don't come from where I come from now that this country, alas, too, per household there white birds, you other they're still Mary. They love each other deeply right, and not only that he went to one of the best high schools in the country, roads, which are one of the lists colleges, its performative, feared. there's more funding alone struggles, performative theatre, its wider dude from Kentucky see that senator to state senator who have a dream: god, yes, who they all its? I do They believe there in the real civil rights movement. They don't understand. This has already happened. Bro we already had the
civil rights movement. They ve convinced all these young people and do you know they convinced unless they stab diesel, aggregation programmes. When I was in high school, they had desegregation, which much met they brought in. kids from the city and from the county, they put him in schools together, which was also because bro. I like real talk, I've never seen a black person, my whole life until I went to fuck it school so like how nice, post to know and like operate our or be friends with whither, learn the culturally and these cultural bs? And how do you know if you never see it so then they ended intentionally my senior year of high school. They stop that shit here in ST louis intentionally I dunno they're doing it again or not. They should, but they stopped that and due to a whole generation of kids grow up without ever learning how to interact with people that we're different than them. You know And so now you have all these these dude, who think they're fucking
Malcolm x, out your browser that all black schoolyard bidding oppressed by who, though the white man no, I didn't go to high school like if I may say broke. I know it. Doesn't it doesn't make sense and like him, I guess so we got headlines, but I won't shit dude. Grace shit is low, iq level shit like do you really think about race when you're talking to someone, I mean someone like this, why they call the jokes that we make on each other races, and so they try to make all the comedy and all the human binding in relationships that we have fucking offensive, soda We can't even bond with each other, but we can't even like I do take one of these fuckin twenty something white kids that never was Unlike interview, him on the street, like about black, that no, I would shut down from the right same thing, you're, saying about why people being like You probably why now,
worse? Not do you love projects like they shut down while Adele I'm just saying: dude like racist stupid. We do legit but to try to bring out. We talk about it, a lot on the show, but we talk about it because we're identifying the problem. But a real life do you shit is stupid. It doesn't fucking ro. I don't give a fuck if you know My group, when I say I now make fond of each other and make we'll make if I make affordable energy, I hate sire, but that has nothing to do with that. But that's what I'm saying is brought. This is when we talk about weapons. This is part of the web, the moon, part of them. happen, is don't let people by don't let people joke round. Let people be friendly, otherwise, its racism, you see what I'm saying this is. Why do this? Is why if chapels so good for the world and commit comedians are so good for the world because do they
save the shit. Everybody thinks that's why they laugh their fucking ass off the one hundred percent man, but, like I said that the the but also go into this big push and we just can't fall for it. You mentioned a few times Biden's new campaign. Video. Have you seen it yet now? It's sickening, it's it's it's late at at sick, so this was the tweet. The tweet reads: all of us are being asked right now. What will we do to maintain our democracy and remember? The answer is they'll, do anything right, one she's commercial and then think about what they are. really willing to do. To stop donald trump from being present now video. This is insane. They are just when you watch this dude. They are justifying the level of fuck that they about to bestow on this country. They always tell you first yahoo the explosive video? ray you're, really efforts clip
I made you preservation, emerging democracies, central issue. My presence, I believe free and fair elections and the right to vote fairly and have your vote counting
the dangerous happened when american version extremist movement does not share the basic beliefs in our democracy? All of us are being asked right now. What will we do to maintain our democracy histories watch worlds. Watch most support our children and grandchildren hold us responsible, the vice president. I have supported voting rights since day. One of this administration- and I ask every american to join me in this cause. America is still a place of possibilities where the power resides. We the people, that's our soul. We are the united states of america. There is nothing beyond our capacity. We act together. I'm Joe biden- and I approve this message. movement grown in this country. People do not share our beliefs. He says democracy? He means communism, that's what people don't understand
If you can read solid whiskeys rules, radicals which is a book, the Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. all of these pieces of shit, fucking love it we'll talk. how they use deceptive language to convince people of things that are actually true: democracy, means communism in these peoples. Languages may use yes, Margaret? She does not mean what you think it means a mean my rule. It mean Communism does not mean. Taxation without representation? It does not mean the basic fundamental realities. This country was founded upon. These people are flocking tyrants. They are the exact people, then our constitution warned us about these. These people are the exact people. That is the good news. One will follow a piece of contacts here. The counter all this nonsense, the seller,
reads? The democrat party is down in Chicago and that's a fact, black chicago and vowed a flip chicago read for twenty four election over migrate crisis want to meet tromp. Here's the video the last couple of weeks or months. We ve been hearing a lot from the black residents of chicago, as specifically that of mark carter, Who has been very instrumental and speaking out against the migrants going into the continent. One issue up all the resources: ryanair guys, I'm on away from the black community now recently I did a video about human others saying that they want to have a conversation with trump. They invited the republicans to go and speak with them. Now this video, I'm about to show you. It was actually three black gentlemen on their mark carter. I'm going to show you his segment where You know he in the other. Men were at a homeless and cap, and they were talking about the issues that black chicago is
facing a course homelessness and all that and then it basically saying we are paying to be harmless because out of war, you know people pay, tat, is right and so you're paying taxes, but the money I'm going to help. You is actually going to help other people or helping other people that are going into chicago. It is said that by the end, this year, not more. It's a be about three hundred million dollars allocated towards helping helping might was in chicago alone, right and sole mark said, This check it out she'll do, who are already struggling academically. You can bring in bringing robot children, a new people take them
was resources away from americans to accommodate this new group of people that is going to make the children fall fall further. Behind unemployment is going through the roof poverty crime. This is going to impact our communities across the city to the point where violence murder robbery is going to spike. Not just would America's, but also with these people coming here, three thousand illegal immigrants living in this factory. Almost what would I have a blog and this is going to transcend into public housing. They keep saying that there will be no public housing for illegal aliens. That's not true, so we pay to be homeless. Basically now, as united states citizens, we gonna grip, Chicago rid of democratic party is done in Chicago and that's a fact by summer. You think it's a lot of them. Coming in. You watch the uprising.
Here's another clip just follow up. This was him being interviewed by the war rooms. What he had to say so. We sent a direct message that we asked trot the company chicago come here and what these three to us and we will thousands behind him ass. He walked the streets in essex, it's a fact: that's the promise phantasm we're going to pitch that what we got guys. I think it's great to see In our view, it is said that three years ago you be called a racist, you're when I said that they're gonna import all these migrants to replace the black voters, I was called fuckin, wiser premises. Fuck him by everybody. Ok, this it's great to see
I love to have her gowns shown talk to him about what he's doing there will be other, I'm a reach out to me. I'm gonna! That's! When we talk about earlier in the show when I asked any you know what does unity? Look like it's not more than just a green things is doing with this guy's doing there is actually going on in the world and informing these people and letting them know no cause, not spewing. Your rhetoric on on the internet does not accomplish anything because we've become accustomed to to seeing it oh another day in america, but when you do it, this guy is doing and go out and actually physically try to make a difference it will. It will make a difference. So men like this are are what they fear, the most, the the guys that are willing to walk away from there.
computers and our phones and actually go out in the world and make something happen and put themselves at rest, because you know they're watching this. Guy now knows more about. You speak about mom all the right issues. There are many blows This guy august I mean with so much going on. I think they, the the best thing about all of this is that we are starting to get a real, genuine temperature check on where americans are staying, and this is where americans are staying. where all the people that are forbidden message, I've never wear it. Where are those people Where are the people at his rallies where the people even have when you that's correct, I'm just point something out: Where are the people rallying for Joe Biden? Where are the people no showing up to see him speak were like every are you see Joe Biden going through anywhere its literally trump supporters heckling, I'm ok they're they're trying to manufacture a quota unquote following
still doing it and they're going to get worse about it. on social media, but no his bite. It anymore, like. There is no real following for these people and do their going. if I can do whatever they gotta do to fuckin maintain power because they understand what accountability looks like for them and that's what people should be worried about. Twenty twenty four is what if this guy gets reelected if he's, even if it even gets to that point, but this is this- is a. If you have questions about the last election. You know I can understand how you could have questions about it, but if this guy gets reelected, there's no question any more yeah, there's no way this guy is popular enough to get any number of votes. That's going to get to know they're going to cheat row right. we're going to cheat in front of your face and if they don't cheat in front of your face, what they'll do is they'll, probably kill trump and then let one of these other people in what one of their approve people nikki, haley, yeah right, exactly that's where they're all positioning behind guys. Jumping on this conversation, Donald,
Let us note gas think: do people got a really rally behind? put away this, this shit, all this shit that we ve been in doctor where, in condition to and told and property added to that. the other side is out there. Look near nurses one side that I can see- and I don't I don't see the only people- I see still with this shit are legit delusional people can be worked or p. people and we don't even know the real, because I don't know anybody in real life. Bro I've talked to my demographic change, all of them. I've talked and people who are legitimately progressive and who like would not talk anything going on in the world with me because of our our differences were so far apart and they all agree, Joe Biden, fuckin trash. Then they understand he's corrupt and they are stand that he's causing all these problems intentionally? So if all of those people
Then why are we not getting together? Why are we not working together because it's always followed by, but your guys worse now? Well, it's it's not true right. It's not endeared these! These I'd, these images that they try to paint of you, know, mobs and and racists and cake k in all this shit. They tell you, that's all bullshit, that's bullshit! We could take images from black lives matter and make a commercial the other way, and it would look way worse. It will look way worse, know what I'm saying like dude this and I'm sure trump's going to fucking. Do that knows how to handle that I mean the the problem is bro is that we have people like you said who are there they're so into their own position that they refuse to admit that they ve been food. or been manipulator, been lied to
when all of us have been full manipulate, allied to there's just a certain percentage of population, its unwilling to face it until they decided is. It is going to be very little opportunity for us to come together because do we have to come together- and this is a this is a this- is a legit american and human problem across the world. That has to be resolved through unity and and discussion understanding that those people that date, whoever they tell you yeah me as is now your enemy. It's it's them, that's the enemy, the people who are telling you who the enemy is the enemy, that's the enemy, and we have all come to understand that That's reality. Brody the enemy is not white. People is not black people. It's not Democrats is not republicans. It's now this or that or whatever it's not gay straight like it. It is literally the people we, the people, verse a very fucking, rich, very powerful
very corrupt mechanism that apparently likes to four kids. Ok, we're. Who are preaching us moral points of discussion telling us who we are in the quality of people that we have. Hillary Clinton column people deplorable. Love is Hillary Clinton known the bill. Clinton liked him young his him a long time. That's right and in ensuring, as the audacity to stand in front of the united states of america as people and call the rest of us to portals gosh up, and on this conversation let us know down the comments which you guys think without being set. Us gets one final segment of the show. As always, we have come up with dumbest workplaces where we bring the headline up to get one of those who options over there
He said our thumbs up or dumbstruck have on reach moms video of her husband in a two two daughters, dance recital hits all the right notes. This was diamond to it. So fox news. Article reading, when it was quantum quote strongly suggested to tony pal that he wear it you too, to accompany his three year old, daughter, new and her very first dance recital he was hesitant quote at first. I didn't want to already a big guy and didn't want to bring more attention to myself tone of a power of glimmer Illinois told fox news digital, while also did What my daughter to be confused as to why I was wearing, the encouragement of his wife, his daughters, dances, doctor and, ultimately, his daughter, willow tone of, went along with the plant is video. Bryn.
You don t. When you die. But when the waste stream
a new way those they do what I mean it's a big, do these six five yeah was somewhere. I don't think anybody's going to say shit, bro, you're, going to say shit, but any samoan yeah, you definitely don't fuck with moons come on man. That's all that was cool as fuck across the boss, like look dude. Tore at this is acceptable. Cross, dress, tell you, as you already put them to do, it looks good argument.
We do a good job. I like to draw the line. Let's draw the line there. No, he kept the change. Mama fuck is so hard. I still got it yeah. I do this exact same thing, So what we got on those guys I mean what food for saving his sister who's, this guy does whatever the fuck he wandered about. This new takes your fuckin french rise, and your do shit hereafter That is right to me: there's nothing more masculine the mate than making a fool of yourself for your family. I think it's cruelty by real talk, like I mean that video was cool and and at that look how happy that little girl is now she'll. Remember that for the rest of her life, so he lived on the internet, that was cool, we're guys, the man, that's all. I got yet Ass, maddening scramble, showman, absolutely see, guys ally, because man on a monday, schooner, kyoto and a q as well? So,
I don't the whole show sleeping on the floor. Now my jewelry box frozen the fuck are still countless millions in the kobe teach Buddhist got a rope. Kang doesn't know his shot case. Club.
Transcript generated on 2024-01-06.