« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

617. Andy, Chadd Wright & DJ CTI: Trump Colorado Ballot Ruling, Epstein Client List & Banned Firearms

2023-12-22 | 🔗

In today's episode, Andy & DJ are joined in the studio by Chadd Wright. They discuss California & Maine exploring options to keep former President Donald Trump off the ballots following the Colorado ruling, a federal judge's ruling to unseal 180 previously redacted names from Jeffrey Epstein's client list, and the federal judge that blocked California's law that would have banned carrying firearms in most public places.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Sleeping on the floor now, my german from the county, millions in kobe teach buddhist, god of all things, rope can't fall, doesn't know headshot case club. What is up guys again if we're selling the series to show for the realist say goodbye to the live thing, is delusions of modern society and welcome to the fucking reality guys. Today we have eddie and dj grooves, the mother fucking in america. We're going to do that's what ctr stands for cruise the internet? That's what we're gonna do we're going to put headlines up on the screen. We're gonna talk about them, we're going to split europe is a speculative show very important to understand that. on what is right and true and what is not true, we're gonna, we, the people, can be the solution, the problems going on in the world. Other time we have two and a half. That's where our submit a question. I give you the answers you consume Questions one of a couple of ways
First way is guys email, those questions into ask Andy at eighty four Zella dhaka or if you go on youtube they posted, shows on monday and drop. Your question on the comments will pick some from there as well. times. We have real talk now. I know we risk your problems. But a real talk yesterday, but we're gonna have a very special, real talk for you tomorrow on Saturday a very big announcement. Ok I'm gonna, give you any more than that, but it does have a very big announcement in it that you are going to want to know now come out small morning. So then we full length full length is where we are joined by a gas. We got some good plans for full length. Episodes in twenty four you'll see what that's all about real soon and then we have seventy five hour verses and that's where people who have completed the seventy five. Our programme, which is the world's biggest mental transfer, me The problem is the initial phase of the live hard program. You can get them for free and episode to await okay, so got abso toy audio feed it'll. Give you the programme for free a huge group
starting on january first, which is a monday. So if you're looking for should together a stop me in such a little blob of turd. Ok, you gonna turn ass right out either. By the way. We do have an amazing guess for two days later, but one of my favorite guess of all time recurring. Guess my brother, to chad right what's Aberdeen bro howdy guys man is good to be back to see you, I'm telling you is good to be. We've got to cure the world of these turds man hey. I got some ideas about yeah, alright, so we This thing called the fee for the show. Okay, we say pay to feed. I mean share the shell. We don't take ads for the show. I don't take money from people, because I don't wanna be behold, knew what they tell me. I can't I can't say a prize and be a great relationship. I do the show at my own expense- and I just asked one thing from you guys: that's this share this
I'll make sure they makes you laugh at something that you think needs to be heard, which all of these messages do need to be heard right now, was, I wouldn't be doing them please sure the show don't be whole show up right. Chad was subdued, wholly crap man. I know at a ball and work out this morning. Dude vision with the first form team now somebody told me there was a little low drama amongst the most work out are always is man us, while we train right yeah, that's why we train dude is is to expose our freakin weakness. We train hard, we freaking grind I don't care how good you think. You are andy there some chinks in your armor. That's a fact, and the same with me: do people look at me and they think odd man does joke, are so mentally? Tougher ran two hundred and fifty miles this year and does all this crazy stuff right? their steel chinks in my armor, and the only way that we can. Expose that is by
putting ourselves in this situation where things began to hurt more than we wanted them to hurt, and that's why, what happened out there today the african work out, we did do, doesn't work out I designed about two years ago. I do at once a year. I do it once a year for reason, because do a twice a year would be pretty just insane s, once a year type work out is a crime, and so you know we're getting after me? We got some awesome athletes out there I tell you how amazing it was for me today to be able to give back to the first form. Team because all I have done for the last four years is I I've taken, from four I mean there's andrew conversations may ass natural, but thank you overly humble naturalness listener. I take that they that that you guys talk about, have helped me tremendously and so debate.
But to come here today and leverage my unique gift or back in to the people who make all of this has been. You have no idea how much of honor. It was for me to be able to do that and whole time, I'm watching, because that's what I do bessie, God gave me a unique gift to be to unite people to bring people together to form real. Teams that literally become a single organism that are all mentally unstoppable? That's my unique gift, so I'm watching What are the chinks in this team right here right? So we get toward the very end of this. I call it the car that standards test. And this is where it's getting harder? then any body really wanted it to be. They show raw knowing
it's gonna be whore. We know that. But but this is a little freakin ridiculous man ass when our really start watching right. So some of the the faster team members they finished fur. strike and so on do a moran and I'm Can and I'm noticing. That we're missing. Some people write in those after tea members who finnish first I sit on over them jokers. Aren't they unease back up in the jam. You know we run and I saw that unease back. in a jam you know and that their they white and for everybody else. To finish so, I stop my freakin run. which pisses me off by the way, any you gotta, listen to this that were responsible piss me off that I had to start my freakin run and come into the gym Tell you guys negative negative,
We started this thing as a team and when you start something. As a team unit, freaking go and take care of your own little personal needs until the mission is complete. There's three things that I look for in a team made I the first one is dependability, you Gotta be where you said you were going to be when you said you were gonna, be there, you got that the gas sector this morning: they showed up on time on target ready to train dependable. They checked it. The second thing I lit for is, you must be skin, old. I want a t mate that skilled, whatever purpose that The visual is supposed to serve within that organism. I want him to be able to perform that task, better and anyone else can perform that task. Everybody there
came this morning. They were skilled. I mean We we ran a lot. We did a hundred bertie pull with with a twenty pound vest on bunch a heavy francois their scale does skilled people. May they should. They were able to accomplish all of that without injuring themselves rights. the last one. So we check the box, kill the last one and the hardest one, but the most important one is selflessness and that's what we missed. That's where we missed this morning. If you are part of a team and you guys you're on emission you're trying to accomplish something you you have set an objective for the team. If you finish your job before were you go and take care of your own little needs before you take a shower before you go change your clothes before you go. Take a hit off your water bottle, whatever freakin! Is you
look around you and say is there: anyone else out here that I could potentially help do that. Put your team made before your self. That is the essence of selflessness. it's really hard to become selfless. If you have a team that is composed of selfless individual. And everyone on that team is looking around and thinking about needs of their team made and putting the needs their team made above there personal needs? If everyone's doing that that freaking team is on stop bubble. You can not stop that team or right you what you have to kill them. You would have to kill them it's hard to become selfless. What do you? What do you have to do to become so
office, you know Jesus Christ, the weirdest thing I ever heard in my life, men to joke or sent all kinds. A radical step, don't be offended that I call Jesus Christ, a joker Jesus Christ. My lord and savior are right. We're just haven't conversation here. He said this really, radical thing he said, those who decide to try and keep their keep their life will lose it but he said those who decide to give up there, life or lose their life, for my sake will gain it. Jesus is trying to show you what it looks like to become selfless. You become self, by dying to yourself you're on a team you might to remind yourself every so freakin, often that you are not that important, though, You feel is not that important. If somebody said
some to you that hurt your freakin feelings? That's you not your view, not that important I too yourself and you will gain your life. So that's what happened this morning. That's what happened this morning. I fucking love chat. These are my favorite have bro. What does this number five for hot? It needs to be more duke, here, it is maybe more while a levy run the guys, I'm on tell ya what man how they receive how they respond to debrief because, like No, you told him this lesson like in person. Yes, yes, we talk, talk to this in the after. I should imagine they respond pretty well, so immediately so we're not when I can front when I confronted them about you know their selfishness. They immediately recognized in the end they see the end they roger dead men they are, they are, you could see it in their family out. It was like
may we could do about her yeah yeah in india. They got out there and then it because it became this ain't this this unit, The that news, peace, those people are probably because I know who the best athletes are in building and there are irs here. So I know that that lesson was a valuable lesson from deep on a brochure that we're showing. That was the reason I came here this appointment and I brought my whole team with me. There Obama whole team. Remember cornbread chilling abroad. Chile, rather Little brother, blake, hair and appreciate oh. Let me do that man, because You know where you welcome here any time, so is that why my browser foger home, yet you how to do that, those guys I told him I was coming up here too, to be to hang out and to do this. Work out there, like you know they got the responsibilities within our business back home in and they
you know how we should probably stay here and do the jobs that we need to do, and I might not now. This is pretty much a mandatory trip. Your coming, let me tell you I did that man if I can get the listener to understand this. I dont know if they are, I dont know it. I think that they are going to think that I'm just trying to say something that sounds good, but if I can get them to truly understand this, it is going to change the trajectory of their life. You know how you, when you get a little further along in your journey, you can look back and you can see how things happened a little more clearly. Alright, I'm kind of at that point in my journey, where I'm at now, I'm able to start looking back on the last twenty years of my life and start to see what led me here right right, in one of the main things that has led me to the poor.
Is that I am in today into becoming the person who I am today is the fact that, I have wanted things since I was Eighteen years old, I decided to want things at our seemingly impossible. Do you understand how freaking stupid I felt when I walked into the recruiters office as an ignorant redneck. That barely graduated high school that had no freaking skills whatsoever, Do you understand? How absurd. It was for me. To want to become a navy seal absolutely absurd. Do you understand how stupid I feel
felt when I showed up to take my first physical standards test to get a seal contract, and I we didn't know how to swim, test was a five hundred metres swim and I didn't know how to swim. In what has led me to this point is the the desire to to have things that are seemingly impossible, but it's not enough to war. To have those things, because you can sit around and want to have those things all, Well, you want and nothing's going to happen the way works. Is you figure out what you want. Pure how freakin big it is or how ridiculous it sounds, and then you get your lazy freaking, but up and you walk into environments where you feel like you don't belong. You feel, like the biggest freakin, turd idiot there, everyone Around you is smarter than you, everyone
around. You is looking down on you and you're the area that shows up to take a swimming tasks that can't even freakin swim you keep showing and any in you starter. You start to kind of feel a little bit more come. Trouble in that environment right in very subtle very subtle This is where my whole life spent my whole life. How you think I feel stan and will start line of a frigid first hundred mile rice ivory tower? How do you think no wonder they did on the start line of a two hundred fifty Fujimori's, I felt like an idiot man. I brought my team here for that reason. Because I knew that when my team walked up in here, they were going to see something. My team is seeing something today that is, impossible. When I come to this place, I look at this place and I say I want this.
I dont know as much as I love you and I don't just want to be a part of this man. Want this, but can't get this unless our war. Cup in here, even though I know you have accomplished a hundred times what I have accomplished, but I gonna walk in here and I gotta have a conversation with you like a man, because I will never have this unless I come here and just touch it and thus Roma team up here, women, today, men and my team, leave here and in what they used to believe was poor. Simple: when we leave here in an hour, on the dry back georgia. What they thought was possible. Before they walked into those two double doors right there. You know what that's gonna be different. There's gonna be different, how valuable asset
In all they had to do was show up. That's all they had to do. That's been my life man. There s been my life to borrow every every bit of it You know every every bit of my life, the whole entire way. You know it Twenty five years from business on january, first like a week, rise a lower air I was telling emily last night, oh, my dear it feels like a thousand years, does, does not feel like twenty five years. It feels like a thousand years people arrested You know I've given everything up everything every night, we'll see every convenience everything that everybody has and you know eggs for granted as a normal person's life. I've, given all that shit up to do this one thing and on its own, heart like really really really hard, and I won't take it back to you. Couple things. You said that the first small amount hundred times more successful than you are accomplish
more than you. You went into different things and I did it had you'd put that time, into those things the same things I did, or vice versa. We would have done the same things most likely, but secondly, you know that, first thing you said about cracks in the armor. I want to make this point really clear, because there's a lot of young people that listen, there's a lot of people to hear you talk about run into other fifty miles and the amazing things that you ve done or they may things that we ve done in business and that we will continue to do and they think that that take some sort of that some sort of gift that is, Bestowed upon certain people to other people just don't get and because they didn't get that give they think that these texts, She'll things are impossible and what I don't really understand about me, and this is just re. I was telling alex or mosey this today this morning on. The phone is like I'm legitimately the laziest fucking human on the planet like legitimate
Are you guys don't or saying this? I am the laziness. Fucking human on the planet and people hear me talk about mental toughness and about device being your mind and and becoming more mentally tough, and they think I through the shit is just easy for me: no, its action the reason I know my she is so good and then it so well, for you is because I am you I am that lazy, mother, fucker the can't get a gun and I use certain systems to produce it's the results that I have to keep that in check. Yeah, that's it some guy, I'm smart. I can figure out how to make things and, if I put supporting the system. Just like the navy. He'll training or the navy seal course? You gonna come out a fuckin weapon right in and so like it's a common misconception that people look at people who have it. If things are, are achieving things and to think that those people have gifts, or talents or skills or toughness. They don't have when in reality the entire problem of most peoples that they never put anything they know put the pen paper to actually extracting the potential
it's inside of them, and that's That's the issue with you guys: the issue is an anti has some sort of gift or Organs has some gift or fucking chad's, gotta gift like Yes, it appears that what because women doing things for decades Ok and we are good at those things. If you were to pick things and stuck with them for decades, you would appear too I have the same gifts. They are not gifts, they are skills and we have to practice them on a daily. it we have to find out ways to make them work for us and one of the things I love about chat is quite honestly do like yours, most regular, exceptional human I've ever met my life. You know, I'm saying you are exceptional. Sure. Yes, yeah, like this is a regular man who, like done incredible things he's he's an incredible leader is an incredible speaker. Reasoning. Incredibly, now
module, I mean I just wish we could take that and put it into people's brains. Do like so many people sitting rot because out here dreaming all these dreams, but they never execute which creates this creates this this vacuum of unhappiness where they can escape it like? Do you happy bro, you guys releasing listen, you're dissatisfied with your life. The reason your dissatisfied, because you have all these huge dreams and you have all these goals and any you never execute and select it's this torturous existence that UKIP move through an you did your favorite saying you sent me this amazing painting is hangs in my office at home. Throughout its one thing- is three words on it. What's a sack execute execute, execute, that's all it is, That's all it is guys, that's all it is, and I know a a new year's
a lot you guys, you started seventy five harder, whatever you're doing you're restaurant off the year strong. We all encourage that but just remember did this now about a week is not about a month. It's not about a two month it's over seventy five days and watch fucking life, and this is about acts shooting day in and day out and if you could just figure out in and build the queen ladys within yourself to execute on a casus and basis you will discuss. or gifts within yourself that you never ever ever imagined. You had all these things. That these guys look out and they see all these because dude how many mega personalities have you met now all of em right, the normal they're, just normal people who do the thing every single day, man and that's the mystique about it- is pro it's real. Simple and ever is not magic to it in the region. think there's magic is because there is some people who are a humble enough to admit that just a regular person doing the thing they want to.
Come mystique around and we want to make me feel like I'm, for human and you're, just you it's unfortunate I mean like that's not the case guys. All of us have greatness in us and if we want to talk about for a second that's the purpose like if you had a son, all of you had a son. Would you not? Why the sun, to extract the gift that you gave your son, that's no chance of legitimate biblical obligation, and you living below. What is your potential could be because you're afraid or you're afraid of what could happen people might say to me and I'm not a religious expert, but to me it seems like that would be spitting in the face of of of your creator, and I think it's alone something about a lot man said, I have come that you may have a life more abundantly. that is the standard that has been set the abundant life. That is why Jesus came to give us life more.
ITALY and- and I just got to say so- I just got back you up on this and over in a very practical way out the listeners to understand what an what andy's talking about here I was not supposed to become a seal. I was not supposed to become excessive, successful in business as we have been up to this point and we're just starting. I was not supposed to become this ultra none of these things was I supposed to be able to accomplish their there's, no visible evidence that I had what it took to do those things it is that it is the poor. to application or the execution, and let me give you a very practical example about this: if you guys, listen, Andy so anti european your men towards me and business go you you're a mentor mean and just life. While I appreciate that so
You no longer human yeah. When I listen Andy site things about about business, I listen and I hear what he says. And guess what most people will try to do when I hear you say something that then they is going to require action on their behalf. Guess what the most ninety percent of people do? They, agony, skewed as tell a story is why not of why they can't do it. I might oppose they'll of acid, seek people that are better than you and and get and spend time around them right, an end of every com, it every reply to that. Was how do you find those people how what how to have and look No, I want you to understand us understand some about excuse for your excuses.
nobody believes your stinking excuse, except for you. So when you send me an x excuse of? you can't do something that telling you to apply in your life. Do you understand how stupid that makes you look to me like I read it and I'm just like it? I just laugh mad, because no one believes your excuse, except for you. So what you know Andy says some on a podcast a long time ago he's talked about he's talked about how the car you drive matters, that's a very Eric counter cultural too, how I grew up, but I hear this: I say this in anything: mentor business in innocent since I made up of other, I don't overstep my bounds by calling you that, but that that's that's I do. I tell you with the immense amount of gratitude and respect. So so he he talks about how it's how the car you drive, actually impacts, how you operate
as an operator in business as as a leader and I had never freakin heard that before medicos, though I grew up. It was like cars, a car. It's it's! It's a! U till you! military and type of thing right. But but I said you know what, If he's saying that, I know that that is true with to that. I know that that's gotta be true and I dont understand it, but I am go. Two to actually up why that in my life, So I literally I hand me. I am me some sad money that I've been hoddan. You know four from the wife, you know that happened, Zagat muscle, messiah money, and I thought you know what man this is. This is like my play money in AL cameron that railing by guns with stuff like that. But you know I like
that was signed monies for here, yeah for sure once, but I turned I took every last dollar of my side money, and I said you know what I'm I have this company retro designs build the vehicle of my dreams like if I could have one freakin vehicle, I'm gonna have to build it, and- and I used all of my side money to do that and if sick, if it has any, has indeed affected the way I offer, And that's a lot of you guys are listen. I think that's freakin vanity, look man, I'm not a materialistic person. I dont how it works, but it freaking works. You
go out and get in this thing, and now my trucks, not fast is just as my is an extension of your personal self image there. forces, how you, you and look about yourself and people who say well, that's that major and secured at major, that's bullshit, it really is no different than wearing a nice suit. It's no different than jerry rice used grace. Why receive ever play football used to have this thing that he said, look good plaguing. If you go the field, you look good, you gloves, nice got the right, tell everything's proper, you feel good. May When you guys, when our emissions, you had all your shit in the right places, you know everything was where was it price? save your life cause you're, confident right. the different angle on the same day, yet you know him it reinforces. Our confidence you're gonna, hit on santa real quick. Do that you said about becoming a beast
by exceptional people. Do you know what the quickest way is to be sought a yell say: oh well, who? How do I find these people? Do you know that this way to find those people become one of those people and then they find you that is the fucking game? Ok, you're all wait around and say what this guy's wont. Let me and my circle those guys because you're shitty That's what it is. So you connectivity you get yours. Open shape. You guess things go in for you. You become a person of standards, become a person of of ethics and and character and guess what happens they come to you but do DES uncomfortable, I know, has on it takes work and it takes time and you can do it and day young else people don't like that answer, but that is the truth. Yup yup, it's a process. Now it's a process, yeah I've thought about the suit thing too. You know I have dual. I do a lot of we can engagements might be differ for its differ for everybody its whenever you see yourself it like, when I see myself like outpost, these self
like when I put on one of my suits. Do I always post that you know why cause that's the true image of myself that I've got my head when I think of I self in my head, you guys probably think of me sitting here in a black reenact in front of it. because that's how you see me, it's how I see me how I see me is wearing a fucking three peace. with some sunglasses on looking back says fuck, that's that's! That's what I see when I look at myself in a mere, and you know what, you guys say well. How can you be so confident? Well when you see yourself like that, is pretty easy, rosetting like That's what I see in it makes me feel good and I think if people are honest with themselves and just let go of other people's opinions and Figured out how to reinforce their self image in those kind of ways were much. Api are much more effective but but ultimately aided. The important part is what made their tied together, but.
I think about it. The importing par isn't that it makes you feel good flights that it affects your perform for sure, because I feel good cause you fit the also with with speaking engagement like dude. I have tried this. Because I heard you say it right, and so I did as I did a speech, to a large crowd just a few months ago, and one of my biggest speaking again, as I have done- and I said you know what I'm gonna, where the nicest outfit that I have an eye war that- and it was literally the best speech that I have ever- even in mile, I walked out there, and I was like this: it man, yes, it in. You you you guys listen to this man. If you want to sit around in wine in and say that this is vanity and wine and say that we are materialistic, people who got keep losing because I'm telling you right now this freaking crap theirs,
something to it and I don't understand it But there is something to it, so I just do it and it produces Unbelievable results, sometimes that you don't need to know why just didn't know that. Does it right right, what I'm saying we we get! We get worked up with the. Why and the how something just are the way they are, I mean even there you can get into the technicalities of it and there's there's some answers out there, but innovate as a windsor best. You feel. What's the bet wins, the best of you already know, when's the best that you feel when I'm on my shit. When I got my fucking, well, I'm looking good feeling grow when you put on one those David august suit is over, is flocking over me. One. It's all ends up brow. I gotta get me one. I gotcha its attitude. Listen on me I fuckin gottschalk row a hundred percent because you and all my life, this is executed, oh yeah haven't do factors yes, I'll, be up. So am, I knew I just got an order suits from members shot out is David august.
Chad is my my guy over their chances we try to go with that. with one of those news that I got up, I got it now, it's going to sound weird when I say this because it's actually like it's it's burgundy, but I call it purple like you can't see me wearing a purple suit, but this shit is so in particular, he sent me a fucking. He sent me a tie that, I have those shorts as a fuck you on him that was conor, mcgregor suit. That says fuck you sent me a fuck. You tie for that suit, like this is what you get so bad ass by, like you know, only special people get that shit so anyway I got you on this. I'm hoping you up we're fucked. put no shit on and we're gonna go fuck him we're gonna make sure we go somewhere. We get some get this on camera, their risk straight flex on a whole world nokia, you guys so saves vain or whatever fuck you don't give a shit. We're awesome.
He also like us. I think I think a lot of people are confused light may in chad light. How do you reconcile this with with your faith right like? How do you reconcile this with the with. Well, you know what what Jesus said to the rich young ruler went when he says hey, you know what what what I need to do and Jesus says well well, well, why don't you home and sell everything that you own and in common follow me jack I didn't say that too that rich young roller, because because he wanted that person to be poor and not having things are sustained for everybody. He told him that to see who is god was he taught It was a test interact. Will will you ok, we What are you worshipping on how important it is to your hundred per year may see the lord. The creator of the universe does
I want you to be poor, he does it. I want you to try not to know not have any thing where you also doesn't want you to be a slave and worship those things over all other than exactly everything belongs to the to the creator of the universe, my god, the father s going belongs to him. He's gonna he's gonna blow. His children would that because we know how to wield that's death. As a matter of fact, we are people who are filled with holy spirit of Christ, are pretty much the the only people on earth who can truly wheeled that type of of wealth enriches an influence and leadership with out become completely corrupted line. You have to have two wheeled that stuff. You have to have power.
from a source who is more righteous than you, the because it will destroy you as a human being very easily very easy. Since I know so many people I've. Witnesses and lots of times, and I could name names and you guys recognise but I've seen so many people get enough place where they worked. Work, no good people work work, and I don't want a discouraging body, because this might discours some people, because a lot of people like to hang under their faith as a reason for doing nothing. They all like to say holier than you, because I'm doing nothing and you went out- did something and endured that annoys the shit out of me. Ok, because its false. But I've seen a lot of people who are good. People become success,
full materialistic liam and wealth wise and then let that become their god. So to speak. You know none of the stuff that I have the stuff. I don't give a shit about. You know this is true. Dj knows this because wit me every day, like I'm sure, a lot of people, yeah whatever bridle give to flex, ok, it's not my identity is not who I am it's it's not in it religious stuff, but I also recognise that by me, having stuff other people can inspire and other people decide to do more with their lives, are pursuing other people step out. And say, and you know one of the prayers I always say when I was growing up, do was: God you help me. I promise I'll help other people when the ways I help other peoples by inspiring them to do better and and and do more on one of those people? That means making people man and that, and that's that up against a lot of criticism for those things One of the reasons I dont show my life. The way that I use to which I'm going to get back to you by the way
it's because I start listening to some of those criticisms. Little too much, I started believing so listen to my own knowledge, which, which I knew meaning I know that someone has to be the example for the other people. I started listening to the haters and listen to the critics and I started getting shy and being like fuck dude. You know what an almost a little embarrassed, because I had become so successful that it was like fuck. Nobody deserves this. This is going to piss everybody off. You know what I mean and the truth of the matter is, as you know, I made a promise. Promise was, if you help me I'll help other people- and I got to follow through on it, and that's that that would means standing up to some the criticism for you for someone the things I've done in my life. You know mean. that our that are healthy things, you don't do that you you showing that side of your life, as has literally, I've only been in business for four years now on in his
reckon hoard man's gas and like, but you showing me in so many other people. What is possible? It makes me why, The if I, if I, if I didn't know like if I didn't have That example, like I wouldn't even know what to want to do a gear you ve created. So thing for me that I can see- and I can say I freakin want that media, but without you showing that will then I'm proud. You know I'm probably gonna be wanting. Something it is way way less than what I could actually have right and then be convinced by the rules of society that You probably shouldn't even have that exact, just be a poor little me and take what you get shut up and eat these dude. All this you know everytime. I come in here to do a podcast where you guys use these cats right here. Also
rather the radio's new will cut belka something between the three of us, and now posed to undergo freakin viral all on instagram on you tube and its some little clip n n. You know in the past of wit, and is the sum hateful freaking comments manner hateful. and you know I struggle with that. For a long fought for quite a while, not allowed to you guys manner, struggle with that, because I'm new to all of this in the air and sea and people even people, I know that, are saying things about me and I'm like, but but like you will have whole story. I like let like come, dude in any gets to europe and soap the lord has has the most recent process that I have been going through is
Is literally putting my old self to death and it's like that's a journeyman I'm literally sitting down with it with a good brother, a man and I'm telling him my story no holds barred from start to finish in detail its freaking. Why? The old man and lamentably, was wild about it, which is something you do, and this is how I know who it is about. What, I have? Oh? No! No! No! No! You don't know who this guy, you wouldn't know who this guarantees? No! No! This is a. He he's a yeah, you, you wouldn't know him, but What's wild is man is as I'm going through through my story. You know that things that have happened in my life that I feel like. I liked the big things like a really bad. things like I remember those things and I'm thinking that, like those are the
things that I need to really unpack and talk through, but what I'm realizing, as I'm telling my story to this man, is that their are things in my life, my mind has blacked out so of all ways known there are these large portions of my life that are completely black. I knew where I was- but I don't remember, or any detail of what I was doing as I'll go. My story, man and- and this thing will papa man that I didn't even free can remember, does he know. Was there. And it was a sigh able just hit by hit me like a brick and tone of bricks. Man, like the other day we If the department store where I had to have my heart surgery right, I got kicked out of the navy. I got kicked out of the navy, a part of that story. I never told you guess when they kick me out the navy and told me no, You can not do this job They literally took everything
that I wanted out of life. They took it from me man. I never told him by this when I got back home to tomorrow, small town in georgia. I wanted to wear my uniform out to dinner one time. That's all I wanted to do man. because I wanted to finally feel like I, had done something in my life that I could be proud of our what I wanted aid to wear my uniform to the text. Road house, any dinner. one time and then I would move. I would move on after that, but I couldn't do it because I wasn't in- and I wasn't in, I wasn't associated with the navy anymore and I remember telling people around me. I think I just wanna go out in my view.
the form one time just a kind of put a cap on this and people would say you don't need to do that. Just move on from there right, but I just so badly wanted to be proud of something as nineteen year old man who had never done anything worth doing and when I didn't even remember that I'm tellin YA man in this thing, pops up do and if breaking this hammers me and I'm like you, Having everything that you wanted taken from you, that's why my mind had blocked all that out because it freaking affected me that deeply, but I didn't even know it was there right. Talk about contrast, I went from having everything I wanted taken away being told. No, you can't freakin do this to less than two years later after in elective, open heart surgery being elected as the honor man of my freaking class literal,
literally the example why was I the one man out of three hundred people to be elected as the hard charger the honor man of my free, class? Why why was I that man, because of that time that Told me negative. You can't freaking have this contrast, I can't I'm going through this story and the reason I'm doing this is because, as Bring these things to the surface that my mind has blacked out. That my mind is hidden from me, as Bring these things about my old self. To the surface, can literally put them to death this process is a process that is meant to put. My old self to death. that is my desire and let me tell you when I get done with this. Everyone, a yell, suckers, listen into this episode window
old man that was Chad right, that freakin screwed, so much crap up their freedom, It's so many wrong things that that the data that just didn't have a freak include. When that, oh man, when it went whenever one that old man is put completely to death, better get out of the frequent way son, because that's that's when the party starts. That's what began: that's my mission ran and ass my mission, man alone. What the law not only where landlord allowing bordering on that I've been doing that for about two months now I've been doing it for about months and- and I thought I thought it was gonna- be a fast process, but you do a book. The top secret. No, I mean I I am. I do one you needn't later, others did hamilton
You mean I'm going to tell you what brother. I got a freaking story that you that that will knock your socks off. As a matter of fact, I got a story like no story. you ve ever heard, and you know why you ve never heard a story like my story, because nobody out there not a swing in. No nobody out. There that's got a story like mine. Has courage to tell it that Why? When I finally tell you guys my full store, you're gonna say wholly crap, that was good, bad and ugly, and is because their own, a butcher, other birds as lived a similar life. To me it's not because there is not does my stories unique is because what people p well out there with stories like mine, how'd, you found the courage to tell it now they don't tell
What man, you're gonna, say: penis let's get a gap, Why I love you guys. Speaking of penises dj, we gotta, Well, a lot of old small shriveled ones, yeah, I'm talking about yeah. This is the ad man channel. I just love you man I do love you, let's get into it? There's a of there's. There's some interesting things out there. So, let's share some perspective to see what we got on these these topics. Before we get into our first headline, we gotta draw the line on something That man, this is something that that that's personally bothering me and I feel like It- needs to just be addressed. We have seen this this headline reads: new york bill would force some chick fillet locations open on sundays then crossed the fucking line,
Now, though, we place across a lie, nurtured flies off limits electrically. Yeah I'm in a light a what do, what the company has always stood for- and you know obviously then being on sunday that's a doctor, a representation of their values. They exist freaking mind boggling to me that that that government could could in Fluency anything about a privately owned business and how they are is is freaking, mind boggling did let's insert yeah, that's wrong and louts communism is common cause us actually their explanation river, not their. The argument says a quote: while there is nothing objectionable about a fast, we restaurant closing on a particular day of the week,
service areas dedicated to travellers is an inappropriate location for such a restaurant. The bill justify justification. Reads: quote publicly owned service areas should use their space to maximally benefit the public allowing for retail space ago unused one seventh of the week or more is a disservice and unnecessary inconvenience to travellers. lie on their service areas as communism. What kind of service areas they talking about? Yes, currently there, this restaurant, it's it's new york state through way authority, I'm one of their rest ops. I guess they have law chick fillet location in there and because it on open on sundays, assigned the think of east and travellers in the china forced him to stay open. I say leeches lay the odd that you that they do. This I'll bet you they close those locations hierarchy, these guys don't banned on their style. I really don't know, and I
oh man and and they've they've done well enough, as as an organization to they've got a huge following they've got a lot of very loyal customers, and I believe that that, because they were founded on christian values, they have the creator of the universe on their side. And so you know what man you freakin mess with chick fillet, you're, probably going to lose that battle. Man yeah. I agree one hundred percent. Are you only long? I am with Chad dude, I'm so sick of these people, thinking they can put their hands and everything do like gave up like it's. Fucking, listen, nude people P, well, they don't own businesses. Have no idea like I live in a pretty free state for the most part, Missouri. Okay. It's still in saying it still insane the amount of of. the amount of government regulation need. To be reduced by like ninety percent across the board, its big, the united states?
It's the biggest organization ever exist in the history of humankind. Think about that some millions deep that what- can about twelve thousand years of humans document human history, like the biggest organization ever. That's the united states government, that's insane, but now it's not required and you we need a big. We need a big reconciliation in this country.
It's not only not required, as this is literally not the way it was designed so correct, and you know, as I was riding up here with my with my team yesterday, I have considered in the future potentially running for the governor of my state, osha, because I truly believe that this that a huge part of this solution that needs to happen here in america is returning power back to the states where state sovereignty night, and I was telling my buddies. I dunno if I should say this. One aeronaut- and I said you know if I get elected governor, I'm going to go county by county and I and I'm gonna raise a militia county by county. I'm gonna find every single fighting age, male that I can muster, which, by the way
I won't be many because a we've gotten pretty fat and lazy and frickin weak and stupid around here, which is a big problem, but I'm like I'm going to county by county, muster every man that I can and I'm going to form a nice little militia and then I'm going to tell the federal government to kick rocks and my buddy cornbread said yeah. You know they did one time back in eighteen, sixty five, that was all about states that that was about states. Roy alas, offering a lot of people think that's about. It was exclusively about slavery, which it wasn't did not do you. I do understand that that win win. George Washington was elected as the first president of the united states. Why did they elect George Washington? They elected george Washington, because he was the man who could unite the states They did not like George washington to be
a regular, they they you, they re elected him for the sole purpose of the fact that he was the one person who could unite the states and guess what backing them days when George Washington or the federal government, which, by the way george, was a federalist, he advocated for bigger federal government right but back and then days when george, large his people would would since thing down the pipe to a state like georgia and the state didn't like what oh George was trying to get him to do. Guess what the governor of the state did told him to freaking kick raw, max get like no screw. You man, like your job, is to unify these states not to have authority over the states. That's the way it supposed to work, its least, ensure lies power. If we can take the power from one single organization and weaken diesel,
and to it and split it into fifty different elements that are self governing its the perfect solution, and it is. This is the way it was designed to work. So you know you think about who should be president the interesting thing about george Washington. That people don't realize is that that he had to be convinced to be to run for president like over the course of many years he didn't want to actually do Yes, we have a prisoner in T. he told them no like for years, like I'm not doing that, you should read his bibliography. It's called washington yeah everybody should read day. He was an unbelievable man, and so you know when I think about ok cherry. They think who the appropriate leader is for a country. It's gotta, be someone who really doesn't want to do that. It's gotta be somebody who doesn't want to do that, which is an interesting conversation, but it also needs to be said body with the unique ability to unite people. That is the
day of the issue. Sea weed sit here and say we want the press. And of the united states to be a very shrewd biz this man. We want him to tend to know this- in the laws and all that and in all of that stuff is important. But would go as far as to say. All of that stuff is not necessarily important specifically for the president of the united states. I dont want a president who is a good business man I want a president who can you night, the country who can bring people together and warm this country into a organism that is so looking strong that it can't be stopped just like we did out here on this pt today. I want a person who and that's a unique gift to be able to do that right now that individual needs people around him who are good
at policy. You are good at business, but but that that person, and this is what I look at as if I ran for governor the only reason I would do. That is because I recognise that you need ability that god has given me to unite people now? How do you unite people? Well, the best way is through suffering and let me tell you any by listen this show. If you think we are going, You get out of this situation that we are even without suffering you are choosing to live in an alternate reality. There is time coming where every single one of us as americans are going to have to suffer. Now we that suffering begins if there is someone in place with a voice who in capitalize on that suffering
and use that suffering to unite a nation to you night a state, it's an honor. Believable result now, if somebody's in place who's going to use that suffering to continue to, hair down the a row of the people to continue to hair down people's identity. As American citizens to continue to just tear every because you can you you can wield suffering to tear down or you can wield suffering to unite our as far as to say we are living in a time right now where we are starting to see that suffering happened. It's it's already starting at your door, but as ever
when I, when I think about how am I going to you, how would I unite the state? I would just straight be straight up with them: hey guys, we've got to make some changes and we're going to suffer together. Yes, what we're gonna rise up out of this together, we're gonna be stronger than you could have. Em imagined this state or this united states being it's, they all ultimate ingredient suffering as the ultimate ingredient to unite a people. But it can be wielded either direction and right now, it's being wielded to continuously tear back yet to divide. yeah now, I'm not. I'm not gonna run for president intuit. What twenty twenty eight, because you're gonna do that I'm gonna watch you learn from you and then I think When I came in right behind, you sounds good driver. Seventy
a lot of available guys, it's good to draw headlines. Man remember if you want to see any of these articles, pictures links, videos go to Andy for salah dot com. You find them there. If your watch on youtube makes you guys are liking. Commenting and subscribing appreciate you guys, so that makes it had another one big ticket item. Talk of the town, california, maine, exploring options to keep trump off the ballot following colorado ruling. This was a big deal. Is a big deal so less diamonds in into this little, because a lot of interesting things happening right now is try to make sense of it. So this is a bright boy. Article reading The states of california and main are now exploring options to keep former president trump off their respective state ballots in the wake of colorado's ruling as bribery news
quoted it on tuesday, the colorado supreme court ruled and aid for two three opinion that the constitution's insurrection clause prohibits former president donald trump from appearing on the ballot for the presidency and twenty twenty four quote: the court found by clear and convincing evidence that president Tromp engaged in insurrection, as those terms are used in section three we have the fourteenth amendment. The ruling read. The ruling will partially reverse a previous ruling from colorado district judge. Sarah wallace, who ruled in november that the fourteenth amendment would not apply in the case of farmer price then tromp being that he is not an officer of the united states and was defined at the time of the amendments. Ratification following the civil war So, on Wednesday, main secretary of state sheena bellows this lady right here last ups on reported to be,
seeking options on whether or not to exclude trump from the states primary ballot. In march last week, for instance, attorney seeking to bar trump from the ballot argue with trumps legal team at the state house, quote. The challenges have the burden of providing sufficient evidence to invalidate the petition. Bellows office said in a statement last week. Our quote continues at the hearing. That will be an opportunity for both the challenges and the candidate to present all testimony of witnesses, as well as additional documentary evidence and to make war argument pertaining to challenge. In light of that evidence. So things happen and over in california, in california to the governor laney. Cooler Michael, is this lady spray pitcher is she on Wednesday to say I wrote a letter to the secretary of state, shirley weber to explore options on taking the former president's name off the ballot in california as well. New yorkers are also following suit. New york dems renew push
to ban trump from state ballot is kind of happened a little bit of everywhere and there's been some pushback from from a few notable people, and you wouldn't expect pushback from one of those people. I kind of liked what he had to say. That was a robert f Kennedy and he tweeted out, who are, we all know, he's the independent forerunner, forty, twenty twenty four race. He tweeted this- and this is in order- he says quote it's time to trust the voters. It is up to the people to decide who the best candidate is not the courts, the people, that's democracy, one on one. He then said: if trump is kept out of office, through judiciary fee out, rather than being defeated in a fair election. His supporters will never accept the results this country will become ungovernable. Then he finished
I was saying quote: every american should be troubled by the colorado Supreme court's decision to remove trump from the ballot, and you got guys down in texas, lieutenant governor Patrick he's he starting a conversation. Maybe we should take Biden off the ballot in texas and so he's putting it out now the supreme court, the several liberal judges forward for taking trump all three were against, but they've been receiving death threats and I are taught all sorts of targeting and mornings about being beheaded and shot. Tommy is getting pretty serious, but here's the interesting thing that makes absolutely no sense. We've been seeing the polls we know where trump is he's, killing it in practically every single state and every poll. Out of nowhere from left field, apparently, allegedly more than half of americans approve colorado disqualified from new poll shows a quarter or than how begins here right now. Laugh.
a new post shows a quarter of republicans, also back the bombshell Supreme court decision that assent shockwaves across the country. So That's bullshit, obviously, and nothing more and more importantly, this is nothing like day. They are in fear, they are scared to death of I have losing and they know they're going to lose, and this is what they're doing that try to prevent that andy chat. What do we got on this? I got a lot on offer. all this is the literal end of the republic and the end of democracy when the judges the system, steps in and remove somebody from a ballot without donald trump is not has not been found guilty of insurrection in the aggregate of any. Then fact he was excused of it during the second impeachment. Ok. So now what you have you have a group of people who are in government
deciding that you don't have to be guilty of a crime in order to suffer the repercussions of the crime and If he was found guilty of insurrection, then they could lawfully remove him for sure from a ballot, and this was intended for confederate officers to not hold office after the civil war of whom none of them were convicted or are or where this was used. women are correct. So we have to acknowledge the legal situation. That's happened here, and this is actual reality. The report Wake of the united states of america is over as of it. If the supreme court does not fix this, it is over and in my opinion, people should be ready to take up arms. That's where we're at to russia This is not. anything that america was founded upon, and I
You believe that what you're saying that these, I believe these polls are bullshit one hundred percent I've had democrat family members, people who hate fuckin our trump recognised. Impact of. What's actually going on message you may tax. me telling me, like I hate trump, but this is fuckin. This is crazy. I actually think this is pushing more people to support him. I think the more they push. The more people the support him. I believe people are generally starting to see the narrative what's happening in the hall they work to contain the narrative. The more people start to think outside the narrative. I think reading in a whole new dynamic and a whole new. Segment of the population of potential voters that are going to vote for him. Just because- and I. yeah. If I was one of these supreme court
Justice is making this decision. You should be prepared because what usually happens in third world countries when these things are happening, those people can assassinated, they get killed. The truth it is the truth. I am not advocating I'm calling for that. I'm just saying what has historically happen when the distress The country actually starts to come. People who were patriots, kill those people who hold them accountable and are you know, the next thing we're gonna see if this continues to progress is we're going to see the arrests start to happen for wrong, think and hate speech. And then we are going to see the arrest happen for misinformation and they are going to try remove all dissenters from the. Country in round them up and kill them this. is the mask. In my opinion, this is the mask of communism coming off right in front of your face and Those of you who are approving of this because you don't like donald trump or whatever,
even now, to believe or whatever, you don't understand what you're cheering for, because, the next time around it this week. of you on the other side of this you be terrify at. I think we have a lot of weak people. I think we have a lot of wires. I think we have a lot of corruption. I think we have When I see this pole, fifty four percent of people approved that is fucking bullshit, that's bullshit paul. So I my opinion, you know people should be read if it was common, if this isn't stopped by our supreme court and what's going come in and they could be trying to induce. They could be trying to incite a literal. able to get through it, more civil war civil conflict, or that could be that, Do they could suspend elections that way maintain power? I told you for last couple years that they were gonna find a way not have elections, and this is a way to not have them so intentionally- stir up the yahoo pie,
ro. This is disgusting shit. This is discussed. end of america shit and any you supports it. My opinion is the enemy of the united states of america know just what you get first of all Andy. I want to thank you for it furring to our union here as a republic and nodded democracy, democracy, democracy mob rule, yes yeah. So thank you for for doing that. I want to ask you anybody in here. You know when was the last time that we had states who Abraham lincoln. Thank you. Yes, that was the last time
and that we had states who were removing a presidential candidate from the ballot. What did that result in civil war, civil war or war, because it was the same party? I I think I think a lot of I think a lot of listeners might kind of Are you talking about the seriousness, the dire seriousness of the situation that we are in, and I think that they might just go ahead just kind of rush over that as just political commentary. I want you guys to understand, look back at history and look what happened the last time. This happened, and I. wants you to, hopefully look at that and say you know what oh andy, over there he's not just trot
it get me raised up, I'm naturally not at all. He. He he's he's actually right when he describes the the dire situation that we are facing right now in the united states of america, it is freaking serious man. It is serious. This is not a joke. This is not a oak anymore. Now, ok, you know, you remember back in the in the late nineteenth and early two thousands were you know, political and terry and you watch the debates, and it was just all kind of it was a doll. And pony show rhine. It was you could just gonna, laugh at it and it make you angry. But then you just kind of realize this is just a dog and pony show. You know it is not. Way anymore Gaza's this is This is not a joke anymore. We cannot take things like this lightly because we have specific examples
in the history of our nation that we can look at and then we can watch the result of that. We can look at that in history. and let me tell you right now, man, all these frickin jack legs that are watching this. All you stinkin rednecks, they have your guns and staff and you think will bring bring it on your immediate man. You don't want that to happen. I'm gonna tell you mean if we ever fall to fight, around here. It's gonna be so ugly that you you, you can't even comprehended, children will die, people will starve to death glee ugly, you don't want that man. we have to find a better solution yeah in, but the problem is rome that it this. Isn't reversed by the supreme court in these people continue down this path. These are
a very loud minority people who were here and to be empowered, now her also very weak, physically and unprepared for that kind of situation and what failing this counters that there's millions and millions and millions and millions and millions of patriotic americans that are very quiet. Yet there is an end there waiting and these people They don't reverse this decision like, I actually like what I think you know about this, just being real, Those supreme court justices colorado just sign their own death warrant regardless. If they get the thing slipped over in the supreme court or not, because there are some food, can crazy motherfuckers fuckers year there are going to say you started it. Bro like I, I would be the history books. I would be very uncomfortable if I were those four supreme court, people, an air or any other, people defending them or the police around them away ever they have you better, be Broken higher lurk in it not going to stop, because a supreme court stops it like,
this is a line has been crossed now. is very real and there are elements of the population that are so extreme that they are going to look at these people as targets from now until the end of their lives, and I. it's it's nerve, racking and scary and its disappointing. We ve got into this place, but at the end of the day, the people who are rallying around this, as the right decision are the weakest least equipped least entail Would you resourceful people too, And some sort of disturbance society such as your speaking about and they can't handle it. These people are fat fuckin sick, they're allowed on the internet, and they think big the power and they don't have the power. If they have the power, or the government would have already fucking down what they are trying to do and got rid of all those people I'm tellin you right now, There are more americans in this country. Who you ve never heard of that you ve never seen that
ever seen on the internet that are well prepared for situations like this, and I think these p we are opening up a hornets nest, whether it be on purpose and whether these be there desperate because they understand that accountability come in, that they are not going to be able to contain and control, and I don't like that. I think that I hope the supreme court his job, but do we have a robe media? We have a row government, we have people have taken from foreign adversary adversaries. We the presidency, that is legitimate the intentionally destroying the country by all accounts it every ship huge way possible and then acting like they're just dumb and incompetent And to me this is all part of what I've been telling you guys they're, not gonna. They don't want an election in twenty twenty four and you think what they did. Twenty twenty was like: if what they did Why? Twenty? By creating this public emergency
guiding people along these lines. Shutting our businesses, shutting down society, if you think that that's the and of what their willing to do take two to maintain control. Why? they were willing to do in twenty twenty pale in comparison to what they are willing to do now, because of what they ve done between then and now, and what's on the line yeah. But what I'm saying is entwined twenty was like. Ok, we gotta get back and power. Now it's got for years, of treasonous activity legitimately, ok to cover up for that they're gonna be held accountable for this man get back and power am I eve that there are not. There is nothing off the table for these people in order to get their way, and I think it is cream cork reverses its decision. It will be something else that will be that much more drastic, and we need all be prepared for any real talk dude if we lived in a society that was that our
military was actually holding its oath in our police were actually holding their oath, they ve taken. They would arrest people doing these things, because this is anti the constitution if our, if our military was led by actual people who took that health. and took it seriously. If our three letter agencies, though, if, if those What had taken at all seriously if our police departments had taken at all seriously, though supreme court justice, we'll be in jail right now, right out and so what our administration. And so it's just appointing because I always grew up thinking that, like our military, their stand between us and tyrannical government, and that's just not the case. Right now, standing on the other side and its unfortunate it. it seems to be the case, because I am seen anybody in the military stand up and say: hey now, fuck this and if it and so it's scary, it's scary, dude, and we see all this predict
programming coming out about cyber attacks or civil war or pandemics, and I think the next twenty four or the next the next year is going to be very destructive to our country. That why do honest, I think, it'll be sooner than that, because we're about to get into headline number two guys on the Sadly big. Let us what you guys think hashtag try, don't it matters which take a trump it doesn't matter, should matter what you think, a trump. What you don't think a trump what matters is that they are due something: that's legitimately against the constitution of our country. Right no fuckin faces with you apologies and zero regret- and they don't and you have the mainstream media on the internet. Sharing the shit on you have p but cheering the shit. I've, your cheering the should argued you're a traitor to this country. That's a fact, that's it! it doesn't matter what trumpets and when they say which Nicky Hayley, said recently. I think today, russia or not, trump presidency would destroy democracy. You have to understand what she's talking about
She'S- not- she is a lestat wash my fucking pawn What she's talking about this corruption is exactly what the rest was, what destroyed, ok, which is their corrupt communist. marxist ideology, oppressed, If the government system that will be destroyed if trump gets elected, I one hundred then a greek, but it's not democracy like what their presenting it to be. Its Corrupt system that oppresses us all the time more than half of our money in tax that fuckin and using all allow. I dont pay half my money in tax, the fuck you don't you just can't do math! Ok, you add up all tat you, Taxes, income tax- you talk about the tax you pay me, I should sell shit own shit, the tax you gotta, all these different things ever where you go to philip, your truck or philip. Your car, or do all these things the death taxi pay when they take sixty to sixty five percent. You shit when you die like We are slaves in this country into this, macro see we are
fuckin slaves. I've been, if we're being honest, that does need to be destroyed. So Nikki haley says: oh he's going to destroy democracy, you won't, let me what she's really saying is: are corrupt ability to take it back, should the american citizens will end if trump is elected? present which to me is a pretty fuckin strong endorsement, no sound through gap and I'll take as me tweets in all the shit that you guys don't like about em. Take us shit all day, long. Does this keep this tree removals get to her law number two cause. This is another big one, and this may actually give some context to the timing of it thing. This is another one of those articles. Man that popped up is not lotta. People talked about it, so a song about handling them to learn to read Jeffrey obscene scandal, federal judge to unseal, one hundred and eighty previously rejected names. This is a massive deal. This is a massive. Do, not believe that this is what start this. I can't those two stories came out of the same day within hours,
some drawbacks, yeah, that's it I'm just like I'm not an alarmist, but guess what mamma rear was enormous. That's how I look at it there are some shit going on here His dive into this is a fox news, article reading, a federal Not in new york has ordered the on ceiling of dozens of documents, naming people linked to the disgraced financier and sex trafficking, Jeffrey Epstein, the dock Myths are expected to identify more than one hundred and eighty people, including associates victims, investigators and journalist who covered the case. Some other names, remain under seal, including those belonging to minor victims who never spoke publicly about the case in a person who the judge said was wrongly identified as an alleged perpetrator.
I reported on at least one person acts the court not to release her name, arguing that it could put her at risk of physical harm. This was a victim who did testify under under oath and under seal she's, asking to remain rejected for obvious reasons, because these people have caught out all these people. I'm. So u S. District judge. Loretta prescott outlined the reasoning in a fifty one page order. On monday, the order comes as part of a twenty fifteen lawsuit between Epstein accuser, virginia ray and his former lover an accomplice, delay Maxwell. Now the case was settlements in twenty seventeen, but the judge indicated in hearings in twenty twenty one. and twenty twenty two, that the names would not remain sealed indefinitely so are gray, has alleged that Epstein Maxwell trafficked her when she was seventeen is all she's now in her thirties, I'm some of the names have been withheld in the documents but belonged to people who have either spoken publicly about their connections, to Epstein of
have you been identified, another court documents or were identified in Maxwell's trial, and so the order included a two week delay? Okay, so we're almost why we got seven more days. No ten more days, I think we're looking at two more days before all hell breaks loose alleged. You know so, and people about a similar, marcia blackburn's, you tweet it out. I'm pleased at this court agrees with my calls for transparency and accountability on Epstein and his associates. American people deserve to know who participated in Epstein crime with Virginia refrain respond. back to that same quote. Finally, we are hearing members of the: u s: government, senators, about the need for transparency and a call to arms for accountability. There's going to be a lot of nervous people over christmas and new year. One hundred and seventy, to be exact.
Who's on the novelist, this wouldn't be possible without the honourable george prescott, where we idleness well, seven one hundred and seventy is only a small fraction of the actual names at the half. So that's something that people should recognize it's it's like it's like ten percent or eight percent of the total names. So it's not like a full transparency. That's first thing. Second thing is. This came out the same day as the previous story. Ok, so we have to, we have to like we know room for all these indictments that have happened against trump, which, ah through every single logic, legal expert has said came no real basis in in their process. We even I one of his attorneys parliamentary, on the show to talk about that.
You know they come out with it with it. You know every time something happens, then they come up with something against trump, and you know this is the same in all these people lived in substance case coming out. Ok, look you're, tromp, harder looked. Here's the deal I've seen island was I'm Assad cia up to blackmail it people of influence to control the narrative society, that's what the fuck you, what that they get all these hollywood people to say whatever the fuck they say. How do you think they get people to fuck invent advocate but things they would normally advocate, for how do you get? How do you They get hollywood to do what they do in hollywood and push all this fuckin crazy oh shit, a man and a woman, a woman is a man blob. blah blah blah? All this politically correct nonsense, garbage that isn't based in truth, the reality or fact? How do you think they get so many people to do it? They fuckin blackmail, em, like I've, been telling you for fucking years ok, they go up to him. They say come to my island, I'm a big bawler. I got a plane, you want it
It's gonna be awesome. You go there. They are. Your cameras on every inch of the island, and they invite people like, I these guys, who own these platforms right to come down and then get them getting that massage worse from some under age girl that they don't even know is under age right because, let's be real, do us container sixteen year old girl can very easily look twenty five. Are you give some study a couple drinks you're, not gonna, fuckin, know in a lot of cases, Not gonna know what are you gonna do asked for idea now, they're not ask and variety than bewildered these, your fuckin people who go to A party and hobnob their wealth and show off their fuckin shit. I'm somebody- and they got caught up in this. in this blackmail. Operation enders this one of many blackmail operations that is a cooperative between our government in Israel, which why you have so many of these fuckin government people avenue- for Israel, so fucking heart. Ok, because they understand Israel has on our own people. So when we are when you
think about what this actually is they defend it, and why is protected and why people get killed over it? That's why that's what we're dealing with, and so you you guys you others. ok, conspiracies. You know that this massive pedophilia network and people are being I do who knows how deep the sculls or how big it is, but looked at the very basis. Listen their basic shit. At the very basic shit. It's a blackmail operation to troll society control the world and have their now? It is pushed to create the culture they want, which had been very obviously do we. This is why the social media networks behave the way they do because they're all on these fuckin list, where they're all compromise people and so once they realise that their on the inside of that they volunteer, early, go along because they realize so many other people are too. We can't tell each other, while you think oh shit over you
what exactly? Why do you think these people also the same shit, wise Jimmy, cable, saying the same? She is Oprah, saying the same shit. It's fucking whoopi go work saying the same shit? Is all these actors like? Why that's allegedly by the way I'm alleging, ok, speculate light. We could sobs too many names in for that, but, like those are the names that come to mind right, not saying that they are guilty of san remo, what I'm saying is its possible. Ok, so we, look out wow, this is all played out in the narratives that are put down through society and we look at them. World economic forum, we look at how they read about pushing down culture. You got. You got the biggest most powerful leaders in the world bragging in front of the world about how they force culture through biz. This financing to make businesses Take loans, enforce a certain kind of culture inside their their business. That is that meritocracy. Ok, that has not around who's that, for the job it's more around your meetings,
quota is your things like my brothers and it's all presented as being a good person but it's all bullshit, it's off forced on us, and this is at the centre of which is why they protected so much. That story is the big his fucking story in the history of the union, states of america and probably the world, which is why they defended so much by the way. That's daddy! nation. I gave you about it being a massage cia up. Where do you think Could I made are up my fault? I was told that by people who are in those are organizations directly okay. So there's that why not as I was about to say some, I forgot what about to say
I think I think it's because you know Annie when you break this down like this, I mean. Do your mind. The way your mind works is unbelievable. The way that you can see these situations, the way that you can break em down, I can't that dude so like when you break stuff down like that, It almost leaves you freakin speechless men were brought, maybe I'm wrong, but I think I am not now be ended. It is like it it leaves me speechless because I'm like wow, I. We live in a fucking major, its brow. First of all, I cannot comprehend that level of of not ought not only wickedness but corruption there and
so the whole time you're breaking that down. What am I thinking? I'm thinking, okay, this makes freaking sense because Andy has a very unique gift that is given to him by god to be able to see things like this and break it down. Yeah, that's that's one, your unique gifts. I am when I listen to him. Do that the whole time I am listening to him, unlike dane like ok, what do we do about this? What do we do? how about a little a literal level of of wickedness and corruption that cannot even be comprehended by you know, you're. you're, you're you're you're the mind of a of african A good human being or your purse right would write like what light what the crab do we do about. this man, and then it leaves me with this feeling of light. It's so deep it so entrenched. It's so intertwined that light.
I just can not see. again a way of fixing this without suffering greatly wit without rules. They literally urban aforesaid honesty with it literally being torn down to the file, Dacians and and being rebuilt and I think that's what they intend on doing dude, I think they they intend to instigate destruction of this country so that they can rebuild it. That's why we have these guys who were built bonkers fuckin hawaii for two hundred dollars and shit like that. Well, I I would agree with you on that. I do, but I don't think I want to build back some sort of fucking utopia shit either in georgia. I don't think it's for the reconstruction of, of a vein of a nation. I think it's it's for the reconstruction of a of global warming affordable, gotten totally greater depth, because ass the thing they have to destroy nash, like our nash
no prior to every they destroy all that it and ultimately they were destroy everything, the manufacturer, the high wage systems. They want to complete oh, you destroy this cut like when we say, destroy this country, people think a bit metaphorically, like we think. Oh, they wanna I want to make this country not what it used to be. That's not what I'm talking about what I'm tired about his total, actual destruction of the country, so that it can be rebuilt and figure, money to be made on the reach reconstruction of a country. they have the money like You should have seen like we. If we, u of us three- were the most evil people in the world and we said fuck, do you know we could do we could fucking destroy this? country, we could wipe out the currency, start our own currency, reset it and make a fox Fourchan rebuilding the country. The way we wanted to be. and that's what we're dealing with it. We're dealing with a bunch of super elite super wealthy above in there
mine above the rest of the world type individuals. We are above them, they are peasants there. They look at essen as expendable, Nuisances to their plan, they didn't like you guys, because you have good heart can you believe, like in your neighbour, and you say, may know what that fucking guy he likes you but you know what he still are. I did write like that's americanism, fellow countrymen, for sure its america dared like with with with the accept people who are on the far far far progressive communist side who are its literally point, zero zero one percent of the country. Everybody else is like different, but he still a good person, Julia yeah and know these people are literally ponds of site. That's correct! They these people I actually believe that, actually literally true ivo. Yes, I believe they are literally tongue. The just talked about this in an interview did he was ask about aliens about what aliens actually were because there's
story that eisenhower actually made a pact with a the aliens in the nineteen fifties and it's his working document. If you dig into an ice, our actually like was and one location and then another location over the course of an impossible amount of time, and he is believed to have been, transported by these aliens. Ok, it's it's! It's! No! Do you know that? That's that's biblical, like that. That's a biblical that that fits with a biblical narrative right. Now I didn't know: yeah go, go, go and read, I think a genesis, six, the bible. Actually, so what is an alien defined, its an extra terrestrial being the so the biblical narrative talks about in many places these extra terrestrial beings,
their mentioned as angels eyes as demons as as these other entities that are not human that live outside the realm of earth? The bible actually gives a description of those beings coming to earth and making packs with men and actually get this breeding human women and produce, a race of hybrid, humans called naphthalene, they were giants, they were called there. D driving the bible as the heroes of old. And part of the reason that the lord destroyed the earth in the flood was to destroy this tainted race of humanity. this all fits with the biblical narrative go reed genesis, six about
the son of god, literal extra terrestrial beings coming to earth sharing knowledge with man and then actually reproducing with females in producing this race. This is all in the bible. I know that you're most people don't know it so well, when you talk about aliens, unlike what yeah yeah so Lillian's all day long before Tucker just did TIM, castor one. Another big shows, and I it was like alive shown. You talked about and aliens and in here he was told by some one in our system, apparently that actually aliens, though actually demons and eight these demons? made a pact with the world leaders, but a demon is an alien, yet it isn't, whilst it too, History will never heard that before selecting to me by an I was like fuck, I gotta, How did you know so so. The idea that he's talking
bout is that there is a pact legitimate evil. Pat, amongst people who worship satan who are not of god. Who are legitimately here to destroy the planet and destroy humanity, lies at sight. They data they Don't even realize you! Why do you think all these satan? Is it see. Why do you think all these statues of odd satan are going up? in certain places of the world and and particularly in Our mobility yeah yeah did the best thanks. I never did was convinced the world that he wasn't real he's been deceiver since he was in the garden of Eden, he d c m man, the first two examples of humanity that, wherever created right so this all makes total this all makes total sense to me. I know it sounds crazy to people who are like logical thinkers in there. Maybe not that spiritual or not, but we we have we we have we have to look at things as the way that they are. You know
we have clearly live in a very corrupt aunt. I good invite you're insane like it's, not good for kids too, be exposed to man dressed up as women and have them dance around. There's good and evil yeah I do that's. What I'm saying is a lot of people have lost sight of that brought lawyer. A lot of people really don't believe in that little actual, and that's that as the ultimate objective of saying yes, yes, they allow a lot of people have for, like legitimately, do like I'm saying this in a literal away, a lot of people, do not believe that there are consequences for their actions that they take a while they're here on earth later. So, if you believe most the people that listening this show believe in some sort of higher being ok, when maybe irish workin here dahlia all value most I believe in you know they might be christian or they might be muzzled. but the are to something ok,.
We have to realise that there is a whole lot of people that belief, that this is it. It doesn't matter what they do or not do when they're here in that's, that's it That's a non, relate character, trade for people to believe. Ok. So if you're dealing with people group people who do not believe that the consequences of morality and yet They don't believe that judgment. Yes, they don't believe, like think basic things like thou shalt not kill, ok or whatever right. If you have people who, who just don't believe that there is any consequence for anything. What are those people capable of doing the people that are ok, because because you have what you're very basic you have one team on one side of a football field. You have another team on the outside, and one teams and no rules and the other two play with a whole bunch of rules. Ok, and that means the tina plays. No rules is gonna, be very easily able to happen. Manage over the team play by the rules,
in in the rather mainline in your we need, we need a whole I'm sure good men who are willing to say you know what rules and the rules for a minute, united, also biblical attack. You haven't you no you have no grounds for morality whatsoever without a creator without with without without a light one of the attributes of anything that is true through something that is true, has to come from an outside source right in other words you're just making things up in your head right, so it had. We have to start with saying there is a creator that cares for us, and that has given us this guideline for how we should live this life and treat this earth and treat each other because if you don't have that, what are your grounds for your chaos youtube you, you have no ground of anarchy. Yet that's exactly right. Have you have love distrust
should any civil boundaries you have? You have exactly what the fuck these people are about is You have you got an you got a lot of people listening freak entire to me talking about my faith in all these different. Unlike minutes, it's literally the known nation of civilization yeah, how the guard listeners the foundation of civilization, and so these, visuals that don't have any belief like you said in any repercussions for their actions here on earth, there's no negotiating with those people. None are not are you you cannot negotiate now share with pure evil cannot negotiate with, because those ended jewels and these individuals that we're talking about that are in the upper whatever you call it echelons of society that think they're about everyone else. We say you're being controlled by this e. well being that we name satan wool what end they don't even know it because what's happened, is they have been turned over to what's called a reprobate mind. So
a minute ago, I mentioned they don't even know their. What they're doing is yeah. Well, we all them now in pcs, yeah they internally onto a reprobate mine too, where, if you rebelled against god for long enough? This is wise, dangerous to rebel against god. When that went when you have some inclination of you what man this this Jesus? This might be for real lightweight when when that is god engaging you right and if you re bell against him, for long enough. He, he'll turn you over to our reprobate mind to where you are unsafe, obol at their. This is crazy that you say this. This is crazy that you say this, because I have a totally different abbot. I have a different way of understanding, that's true, but it has do a lot of drugs. Okay, so
I to tell the story is appropriate so I might have done so mushrooms on action, it okay, so One of my buddies owns a mushroom company and he makes these little chocolate bars and he gave me some of 'em for anxiety and I've never done any drugs. Besides smoke weed, that's the only drug I've ever done. Besides mushrooms now and I I was eating these chocolates, which were little squares, and I I mean also people don't understand, I'm in the cannabis business so to make concentrated cannabis like a little cartridge of people smoke on a vape. It takes a lot of marijuana, okay and that's what I know about making drugs.
That's what extent some other the people- I know some others, some other people in this room might know more than that. Ok, but that's what I know swayed all these chocolate bars and I had a friend who who who had access to the actual mushrooms. One day I was in my garage no smoking and I was like you know what I'm out of the chocolate. So many try some of these mushrooms, And I had never eaten the right, the real mushrooms before slide no, how may to eat. So I tell my friends say how many of these do I ate, and he said one gram. Okay now remember, I'm already been smoking. Ok, so I'm not really thinking that Clearly, so I go up to my house- I get a scale and the scale is low food scale, waving mushrooms out and away the mushrooms out,
Come on air and, like it start it'll. Look like a lot like started. Look like forget what allow much like a lot but in my mind I'm thinking like our. I won't that makes sense, because I'm meeting these little chocolates and probably took like a lot of mushrooms to make the chocolates had that much suicide and in it right juice. So a know, it made sense to me, I'm like looking out of my guy well fuck. You too seems like a lot. I eat them. It's like a power like this big did and why I them all and I go up and I sit by my poor, my children and, unlike I'm, look it up the sky them I'm? Just like you. I thought I could feel great star feel pretty good. I looked up in the sky and, unlike the sky, the cloud start to twist and move and my kind of go together and, unlike runners, not before him. Like all flock rap, have enlightened hill. We can really So it's illicit. So I had the mushrooms
So I started thinking about it and I'm like wonderful, eight, too much so went down and check the scale. And I had to sit out is not grams. Okay. So what fuck you and I know it's better watch out. What's coming, grams or else? Ok? Why that much mushrooms newborn children, it's twenty eight grand h one, I taught it's a fucking shit ton bro and he said, eat one gram, one gram and I twenty eight grams okay, I've been headed to the emergence the browser revered aside and am like so now, I'm like freaking to flock out and, like all flock dude, I'm I don't know what's it. So I call emily on the phone and on my hey, I was now by the poorest come outside she's, like I'm making dinner on my now you become a side issue I've been looking all chocolate and shit. So my hey look I promise you, I'm not like. Go off the rails, not turn into drugs. I try these
things from anxiety. They were working, and I think I might have worked up our I started having these like legitimate visual. Hallucinations. Hallucination dared like legitimate, like I was looking at my foam and the fucking screen, went to three screams like. As I see it all this crazy shit. I saw like four distinct visions during like five hours, and I was in outer space, which is where a fuck I was, but the first vision that fuckin show a show me First vision was this: the first vision was me and swimming in a river, ok and then, the river was rapids and on. and showed me swimming in the river brow swimming upstream, ok and when you're, when you're in this state. I dont know how to describe it, but it's like informed she is being downloaded into your brain. It's not like I have to
Comprehend it or think about it or think like is this true or is this not true? I must It's true, I'm saying that's how it was perceived like I'm. Information. This is this is this is what's happening here. Ok and it's an understanding. It's like a different. If you never experienced, it is hard to describe. But what it was telling me was, show me in a river and show me swimming up river. In a show. But your rocks downstream in the river and what is oh me was the reason that I feel so. Fuckin, anxious and angry and frustrate alla time is because denying my true purpose. Ok- and my true purpose which I'm not gonna share, but its very big but show me if I would just when, with the river accord, avoid all the racks- and that was the first thing, but the set the thing is show me, which brings me to the point that you just said was it showed me, lie to people that were clear and when I say it showed me
the reason I say that is because that's what it was. It was like a revelation. It was like not up for debate. It was like someone saying this is the way it is. and show me to imagine it who auto battles that were both shaped, like a human being, ok in their next to each other. and then you don't like a union again, you know, Jeanne, yang symbol, you're, ok, So show me one of those in Yang, like What show me is like good and evil. Ok, like the light in the dark. and so it showed these two silhouettes of these human beings and the That was why the bottom part was blue, Can they both start out like that? Ok, and then it showed the levels gonna go like this and then level of black on this one over here, where all the way to the top and stop going back and forth. Ok, stop going up now, just turn black. And this was the way it is, and this one can you need to go like this, ok and what was telling me was
that once someone is consumed like you're talking about what you call it the money, yet you you weight once you ve rebelled for so long gobbled. Turn you over to a reprobate reprobate my an unsaleable human beings in actual evil human yeah, ok so what does show me was was telling me or when I came to understand, was because I have a big heart for people and my biggest fuckin weakness in my life is, I give people too if I can chances and what it showed me was that there are certain people there are consumed by this darkness than on fucking saved you. They are now. saleable, they won't hurt you. They will kill you, they will fuckin, destroy you if you allow them in in. If you allow them to, they will and die was like an understanding. It was like trying to download so like what it was saying was aided some These people are fucking bad and you need to recognize them is bad and you need deal with them as if they are bad and that's what telling me very strongly held from carefully examined
some brow and they'll destroy you if you allow them more handiwork My vote on the next. The next fucking the other three, whereas for four o clock, the next vision they gave me was imagine a poor vertical like this. Ok, and on the pole, there were discs right at the top there is a very small disk, the next. This was like this big, the biggest disk like this big and then underneath was a smaller disk. Ok about this, as the second, this right and on the big This was most people showed most people in these it. What it was showing me was levels of awareness. Ok, most people are not aware. They don't. Stand was actually going on and then only the people who were on the second disk when it asks. Identified those people, a people that I know so people these refer. most people that you would all know, but I don't want to see their names. Okay. These are people who are sort of
cultural leaders, who may not be like the most powerful people, but they are very influential people that understand what's going on and and they are kind of controlling the messaging for these people right and then top this was like the people who changed the world. The people who ah. Legitimately, like here for a real reason are here, for fucking reason item disk. It showed all those people that were the the black, the the will it were filled with the black thereon bob and ass they relax. They were like below everybody else, and on show me where I sit on that tower, which are not gonna talk about, but the the the last thing you showed me, which was the most like. like reassuring thing. Did I help me the most was that it showed me that there is a there is.
Like when people talk about life and death. There is a very legitimate crossing of all over and It showed me the other side of of like what it looks like it wasn't like what I thought. This is like. It's gonna make me emotional. Probably because, like I saw, I saw all the people that have passed away. That I've note- and there are some people who passed away in my life, who I could have been better to and the. When I went over there it was it was. It was like every
He looked like a football like you to the football Then he turned on his side. Everybody. Look like one of these footballs it, but they were just light. I can see their face and I couldn't hear their voice, but they were telling me things without audibly hearing it, so It was like an understanding. Ok, this was like p. like. I said that, like you know had passed on, and you know how like when someone passes on you sort of like wish, would have done some different or you know, like four exam people. You know my grandpa, who passed away. Call me like a week before he died, asked to come. See him now set nineteen years old, was too busy to go see any fuckin died. Shit like that. Ok and that's something I live with it bothers me, and I knew it was cool because I could hear them talking to me in telling me
like hey man. It's all good like this. Is this we're good, everything's, good, you're, doing a good job you shouldn't! You should feel that way, and I It was just a very like a very good feeling, all at all by it felt super real. Do and like I know, there's gonna. Be people like lie. You guys do shit all the time you think he got it all figured out. none of what I said, beans that that's the way it is. But that was the experience I have and I was very impact for- and I am a thought with mushrooms, a single since then- and I probably never will again- because I got everything I needed to know from it. and I believe I believe that I was being shown real things and anyway the story Is right in line with what you are saying is that once people are consumed with the darkness they are done in theirs oh saving them, and we have to understand a society that there are
evil people out here that will kill you without the and do not care what happens to you or your fuckin family, fucking anybody that you care about, and if you continue to pass by an act passively and let these people do this. They will fuckin harm. You and and do we as a culture as a society have to good people, society have to stand up and dry line that we are not going to tolerate the ship when these people anymore, under the guise of tolerance under the guise of you know what taking the highroad we're not making the high road by tolerating evil. That's not taking the high that being a fuckin coward song. Anyway, I don't mean to get emotional but like it was a very impact for real experience. No man I want of want to honour you, man for for for lay a net vision out for people, others for visions, because I mean
when you get visions like that in your life, like those are pretty sacred things and You got a sit almost for awhile before you bring him out and you tell people about, and you know what I mean and uh. You know it's interesting because. The lord has given me visions in my life on a few occasions, very, very powerful- that change the trajectory of my life in the way that I think in the decisions that are making. So that is real. That is real and I've never experienced what you experienced under the in under the influence of the mushroom. I dont understand what's going on there, but something is going on there who I don't understand it, but something is going on there.
I would say just as friends when you, when you receive these visions, the first thing that debt I do is I go to the word of god, and I say, is what I learned is the message that was portray to me through that vision, is it in alignment with the literal word of god that has been written in the holy bible and if any part of that vision for me personally out of alignment with what is written in scripture. I know that that part of the vision was a lie that was being spent into me so we can go to the word of god. We can check that message with the word of and then we can be confident that it was either are true or that it was false, and so is very interesting man, because
the messages that you received by way of those visions. I know the bible, well, they fit within the context of the word of god and you identified that Actually what I said from the word of god damned did to desire that duty with the exact it was the exact thing, and so so man does can huge dude at an end, and I now, by no means ever use mushrooms, I've, never smote we'd man and I don't advocate for their, but but I cannot discredit what you just said because it fits within the. Context of Roy town- you do it fell so real, like it felt like the way it felt like. I was being legitimately told, this is the way that it is.
Yeah yeah yeah, that's how certain it worth it and I want. I want to encourage the listeners if ur, if you like me,. feel opposed to using these substances I want to incur as the listeners you can receive those same revelations. You can receive that same knowledge. You can see things clearly by you're, standing the word of god now that takes years of seeking in, intentionally seeking. submitting yourself to the lord, but these things and and also actual vis, genes you can receive them without, use of these substances, and they are real and their impact for the so if you're opposed Don't think, I'm not telling you go! Do I need to go out and take mushrooms to receive, because what added
described to us- is right there in in the end, the word of god, it very out its in a very similar manner. So you can under the same conclusion? If you will go and intentionally seek the wisdom, of the lord in his word, and so that's been my path, that's been my path since two thousand and twelve that's been my path. and I just command manna honor, you brother, every time come in here, I just I'm just blown away, I mean yeah, I was doing. Drugs, yeah I really like look dude, I'm not at listen, don't go! Do that like I'm telling you cause it made me sick too. I got sick as fuck and it's so hard for me to comment on man, because, because you know I don't understand. I do know this that people
who are using these substances are tapping into something that is out of this dimension. Do you know that here's the danger, I see in the andrew I see in it, is when you are tapping into a no. your opening your mind up to another dimension where there are beings and you enter act with these beings and you actually receive messages from these beings. I believe that's really happened here that the the fate that danger. Is you d No. If this being is good or evil and evil. Does it mean that this being is going to give you a message that you don't like? Evil is deceptive, so you, can be deceived about something that you perceived as good, but you're being this, feed and that's why you have to go to the word of god in bouncing off what is written in scripture
so for me. I believe it's a really really powerful real thing. Lama bodies do this a lot of bodies are using this as treatment, come to me and they tell me about their experiences, and in my only thing is you don't know the intent tens of that being that you interacted with that's the dangerous part for me So there are two things that happen on top of this ok they're like right. It like during after us all this shit to two things happen one. I wrote something the smart Why have you get a vision that I had a feeling I had Emily tied? It notes Emily sat next to me for like three hours and took all these notes. Eleven pages actually
which I've never read since then, because I don't have to cause. I remember exactly what happened, but another two things happen to me and I'm going to find where to find this picture. This happened like legitimately right after the the the vision part of it so area. I'm also going to read what I wrote and so on my house, those of you that know my house, You know that I live in a house that is a plantation style house. It has a wrap around porch you and some history behind it. Yes, yeah yeah
as did the property belonged to former president united states Ulysses s grant and try to find this picture dj. What you think about oldest man, probably is one hundred per rule. One hundred percent around me. I think the other thing it is two man like you know, we get told all the time are only using ten percent of our brains right, oh yeah. I didn't know that out of the person that told us that know that right and what's the other, ninety so, for you know, I didn't. I think that we are all more connected than than what we believe or understand. We are a collective conscious consciousness, that's a real thing the real thing you know like there there's plenty of things that we have yet to understand, and I think that we have examples of collective consciousness in nature, actual want to pursue three bullets: school, a fish school. A fish trees themselves also happened in business
When you get every single person to believe in the same vision of business, things happen much faster, you know. So. I agree, though, there's there's a lot of things that are out there, that we may not understand how they work, but they work. Let's real things in it and it's it's been documented throughout the history of mankind, and so I think you know, and and will there be side stops and substances that you know could help unlock some of that for sure you know, I think, I think it's ignorant and irresponsible to say. No, so you know so I'm going to show you I'll show you this picture. Okay. This is on my porch of my house and put it up on that, and what this is is that I was standing there like being like what the fuck is going on in this fucking deer walked up on my porch and walked up to me about media. You away, and just I looked at me and like it stood right there.
And I took a picture of it and I said to my buddy Matt, I'm like hey bro, but check this out like this, is what and he's like. That's a sign of good fortune or whatever he had a. He had a reason for it when it, because, like the deer, the the mushrooms are shit hold on. So I took this picture and after I took the picture you could see in the picture it's looking. right at me and after I took the picture at walked up to me about meteor away and looked at me for like thirty seconds and then fucking ran off. Okay, that's the first thing that happened, and then I wrote this thing and I don't even know. Why should read this, but I will this is what I wrote said. Nothing of what I meant to do here on earth is evident to people yet anything of what I've done so far is just the very beginning of what I know I'm here to do, and I will do it.
I've had many signs pointing me and I accept them, and I say this in peace. I love everyone. Humanity is at its neck. we'll state when it is in harmony it it's the way parts of humanity that cause us to live in a perpetual state of war with one another? We don't deserve what we have been being doubt and I will work. to stop this until I'm either dead or it is fixed that I give you my word, I will never stop that's what I wrote. So I just want you to know man that are that, what's happening to you, I'm being caught like life right right now. What's happening to you is, it is not something to be taken lightly at an inn and the. The important part of me saying that is is not
Not that I not I'm not trying to tell you like, don't believe this is coincidence, I'm trying to tell you to be very careful in your interpretation of these things that are happening so that you can sift truth from deception because there is potentially both things present potentially, and so this is said so, and I could tell you for a fact both things at present. It is so important. And what I want to tell you is: is you should seek the lord first for the true interpretation of what is happening to happening to you in a lot of times. We want to message the people and get people's opinions like, like our friends like, like your buddy, that
she texting arrive. We want to get we with this friggin. What the crap is happening right now we want. We want to do that because we want to make sense of it right off the bat, we're hoping that someone someone's opinion is gonna, help help us make sense of this, but ultimately the lord god. Your creator is the one who will reveal the truth of these things too. The hear truth- and now sometimes he may use individuals to do that right, hates. We have examples of that in the bible. We have examples of Daniel, revealing the meaning of these views, regions that were being had by king Nebuchadnezzar and Daniel is used by god. To reveal the meaning of these visions to the king, so god will use people, but just understand that the lord will provide those people to you. You don't have to seek them. The lord will provide those
people to you, almost the icon, given my opinion now, it's all good man like out here is this is my shoes. Quit my way. Man no means I'm telling you what to do, and I am telling you what to do. I'm just tell you just said that made me think of that story, right away you right away and like I could have told them, in July of two twenty two. I could have told that story a million times it's actually pretty funny story like tell it in a funny setting its funniest fuck. Now it's quite honestly raft pursuit. I would definitely was out there but you're out. Spirit roseanne, but yeah fuck, it there you see size that chicken, You don't even know that job, that's the younger ones, baby, that's oji film anyway, measuring piety- and I see a big chicken anyway, what's tumbling over three times: We all want more. I guys. Eighty, a third
Finally, I learned a lot number three elevatory reads: federal job, It blocks california law that would have banned carrying firearms in most public places a massive win. This is a big deal, it's good to see. So, let's dive into this a little bit. This is a p news. Article reading A federal judge on Wednesday blocked a california law that would have banned carrying firearms in most public places, ruling that it that it violates the second amendment of the us constitution and deprives people of their ability to defend themselves. lives and their loved ones on the law signed by governor Gavin, newsome in september, was set to take effect january first, it would have prohibited people from carrying concealed guns. In twenty six places, including public parks and playgrounds, churches, banks in zoos, the exact places that are getting raw,
robbed and looted every single day and that convenient or the ban would apply whether that person has a permit to carry a concealed weapon or not. One exception would be for privately owned. Businesses that put up signs saying people are a lout to bring guns on their premises. So us district judge core mac corny granted a preliminary injunction blocking the long which he wrote was quote sweeping repugnant to the second amendment and openly defiant of the supreme court. The court case against the law will proceed. While the laws block for judge wrote that gun rights groups are likely to succeed, improving it unconstitutional, meaning it would be permanently overturned. The decision is a victory.
For the california rifle and pistol association which suit to block the law, the measure over all the states rules for consult, carry permits. In light of the? U S, Supreme court's decision in new york state rifle in pistol association we bruin, which that several states scrambling to react with their own laws, so chuck, Michael who is the california associations? Presently he said California progressive politicians refuse to accept the supreme court's mandate from the brewing case and the trying every creative ploy they can imagine to get around it quota. we saw through the states gambit I'm. So it's a big when I thought that was also men and unjust on those going conversation,
This year alone were said records in america. So, just in november the gun sales top one point: five million guns were sold in just november. So far twenty twenty three there has been thirteen point: five, seven million gun sold in the? U s, according to an icy s, figures. Look for that number to increase someone. It's worth twenty four due to an interesting anomaly. Cells trends show that gun purchases tick upward during presidential election year and twenty twenty four promises to be yet another contentious season. When we got on this, it's not anomaly the government's legitimately. Removing candidates from ballots and removing the principles that this republic stands for and that's that's out anomaly. This is a direct reaction to decisions that are being made by tyrants, cause and effect the correct the sound anomaly.
ok people are afraid. Crime is at a very high rate. Its being encouraged is being propagated by the, millions and millions and millions of illegal. voters coming across our borders, do not belong in america and are you know it's not an anomaly? That's the natural reaction to people feeling unsafe and uncertain about the future and on site. about the intent of a very small minority group of tyrannical people. Jag image off three were fundamental, carries and person should have you talk, you won't wait. I'm up. We're comes a fire like fundamental I think I will read out the equipment as an important as being able to use the yeah. This is gonna go what I would have. First of all, what is a friggin conceal, carry law, the omelet guess what man I'm an american citizen with the right to keep americans I'm gonna carry my freaking gun. However, I want to ask her. I think I need europe.
Permit to conceal, carry my gun screw you, I will disregard or to any law that goes against. My fee fundamental rights as an american citizen, I carry guns every where I go across the state lines. I don't give a crap, I don't even look at the law and I'm wind up in prison one day I don't freak in no, but I dont care because I will not obey a law that violence it's my right to keep and bear arms are right and here's the second thing for you listeners, if you do not carry a gun as an american citizen, every Single day everywhere you go. You are neglecting your or duty as an american citizen. You are failing to exercise your rights and actually, I would goes too far to say one of your most important rights. So if you carrying a gun leave europe So let us look at yourself right now. If you
not carrying a gun or you are not within arms reach of a gun you. wrong. You are dead wrong. Here's, the third thing fact that so many americans guns is not comforting to me because guess what just because you have a gun, don't mean jack squat,. Unless you know how to use that gun, which requires an investment into training with a legitimate person. I write a legitimate instructor. Eight requires a huge investment, where were we find such a legitimate instructor chad? Will I trained. Yeah. I had to thought that that's not what this is all about after say, you're welcome, yeah. I appreciate that the worst was website while we're on it. We have seven projects. I know this is
This is really key guys like you, you Well, this segment sponsored by three seven it every definitely before you even keep up. No, not before you bygone using obey your gun right, but but you have to prioritize getting legitimate training on how to use that firearm effectively and safe and safely, or else you are just a hazard to yourself and everyone around you. Ok people neglect that, if you- and if you, if you could, come and spend a half a day with a simple,
in a land, more fair trading bloc. It would blow your mind at the level of fitness it actually takes to be combat effective. The test we just took this morning ass the combat standards test. The whole reason for that test is for me to prove to myself that I am fit enough to be combat effective in fighting unit. It's meant to replicate about a half days, work in a lamb warfare. Training block The simple turn right, so I look at these dang rednecks man that liver and down the road did I live of that. I live on and in the area that I live on in there talking about the girls they have in and how you know what I've been shooting? Dear winner, grandaddy sense of self and so when and I'm like blow your dream, the thought of how are you you're not even tradable here, you're, not even tradable you carrying a weapon, is a hazard to yourself the people around you. So
along with with this responsibility that we have as american citizens to keep and bear arms and then, means. Yes, you carrying a gun on your body everywhere that you go so that you can defend yourself and you can defend your fellow. Countrymen, besides you that might become a victim right or a female or a child or whoever it may be part of that. Possibility, is being its personal excellence, the its being physically fit and its being skilled. They have to come together. why the crap aren't you guys willing to freaking. Do that man? It's not that hard make it a price, or tea in your life. To do that, man while- and I think
what we are seeing, what we ve talked about on the show when you see a corrupt disgusting fat, weak, unequipped, tyrants, pulling. Candidates off of the ballot unconstitutionally, it's probably time to start that training its past time. Yes, It spits been waiting for a time. This is definitely like tat. You have to start. Yes, because I mean this is the thing that takes time I mean, if you ve, human. Let yourself go for this long dj. How many million pounds, you lost man, a mosaic that didn't have an overnight. The right that takes work may- and this takes time, train it takes time you its progressive. You have to build upon it right and then its perishable, the most perishable Skill that I have ever learned is shooting a hanger if
you do not issued a hearing on on a monthly basis, you're gonna, pull that joker out and you're gonna fire a whole magazine at a target, or somebody who wants to kill you and is very likely, That you're gonna miss every single one of those shots. It is us an extremely perishable scale. This is our responsibility as american citizens. This is our you know what I'm saying this is our responsibility. This not just something that you have the option to do. This is our responsibility for obligation. Yes, sir Thank you. Dj is becoming more and more of a real obligation to really legitimately yeah. I have here a grown man and you don't have basic skills you're talking about that's your failing. What that that
that's a big reason why we are in the position. We are in, that's a it's a huge contributing factor, yeah right and you don't have to go, be fucking rambo. You don't have to be commit and you're going to move to georgia and live in america. You gotta be fucking, functional and intelligent and prepared you have to be. able to just use your body in a functional way right and you have to understand how to grip, the pistol house alone your sides, how to press the trigger you have understand all those basic fundamentals you're exactly right. I don't expect you to to get in a freak and be able to get a firefly endure in dual movement technique and flank some four
it's on the left and in peel you know. I don't expect you to be able to do all that tactical stuff right that takes years and years and years right, and I won't even teach people those things unless I really know him very well, but but yeah man, it's good topic to talk about what guns, what what should you purchase if you're going to refund them and if you're going to dedicate yourself, like you, talk about fundamental, like weapons to carry yeah? Well, I mean so. I have no affiliation with any weapons company, but glock is hands down the best handgun that you that you can possibly port purchase. Are they actually the gun that I carry every day now? And I just
talked about glock, but in terms of the weapon that I carry concealed is actually called a springfield hellcat and it's grown, and the reason that I'm amusing, that pistol specifically, is because magazine capacity really really matters right, and so the glock forty three x we've got a ten round magazine capacity with mice. Hellcat I've got sixteen rounds and that's a big deal magazine capacity is something that you should really look for. I know you can buy aftermarket magazines for your glock, ah they're, not as good as factory magazines, and they will malfunction we've tested them on the range and so yeah I carry the hellcat. I can hit a silhouette at
eighty yards consistently with a hellcat eighty yards. I liked that gun was pretty good, that's pretty good, yeah and, and then the end and the last thing every person should own. You should own. You should own a a ar fifteen rifle and you should know how to use it's a very effective weapons system. I actually use my a r fifteen to hunt. That's what I hunt with right and I do that because I believe in the concept of training like you fight. So if, if I had ever have to go fight- god forbid, that's the rifle that I'm going to be using. So I use that rifle to hunt with, because it makes me familiar with the rye What makes me comfortable carrying it, I get my sling system worked out. I have my optics all dialed in I know my holdovers. I know all that stuff because I'm using it in a real world application, so every american should have one of those rifles, and I mean I personally have safes full of those rifles, because I want to be able to outfit a a a platoon sized element, but
I'm a little overboard. Our bro you got may pc nodded, also work in jail. So you're all right, I'm jealous you know I have one of only two civilian and wraps. Do we need to talk the only other one is isn't hollywood facility, for movies, Yet, when we always waiting, you fucker seem, I m rapidly. At last, the bad is shit in the world. Goes down. Bro, I'm going down with a smile, and in am an in style good as ass, right, we're going, this good through our final segment of the show that their to follow her lying ass, the sun for final? segment. As always, we have thumbs up or dumb as fuck. This is where we bring a headline up. We talk about it to get one of those two options. So with that being said, a thumbs up or dumb as fuck headline reads: hulk hogan declares his total surrender and dedication.
Jesus greatest day of my life. I thought this was a pretty cool ass, a story they came came out with this happened a few days ago by article three w w e hall of fame are hawk. Organ has declared his total indication that Jesus Christ and video posted to social media, how cold and showed himself and family members getting baptized court. Total surrender a dedication. Jesus is the greatest day of my life now, worries. No hate, no judgment, only love, he wrote. Here's a video there, no audio, I'm his video theo's. First need as hubs. his wife, I'm so hawk hogan, whose real name is terry, eugene valea previous,
we wrote about his faith back in April when he posted a message about accepting Christ as a savior at the age of fourteen and twenty twenty one, the rattlers spoke about his relationship to Jesus, an interview quote once you're a christian you've accepted christ as your savior you're, not gonna, perish but you're gonna have everlasting life. That, I believe, is pretty much the only thing that is real to me. He said what we got the hulk master. Well, I think he seemed behind the curtain for most of his life, so he probably is not lying when he says it's. The only thing, that's real too. That's a good point to an area like that, as both the highest of highs, wealth and fame and is seen all the shit though, so I don't think it's pretty cool man. So obviously, obviously this is really call for me to see well, but I do want to say. We have now. We have a lot of very influential. In fact.
miss people now coming out in talking about faith and talking about Jesus and in reality yeah katmandu and some some other gaza have big podcast, and so it can be. It can be. gave a very, I don't know it can weird situation when you wheeled alot of influence and you decide you want to enter into a relationship of Christ, because You have so many people that want to come in with their with their a pin, and in their in their own personal beliefs in and you're getting hit from all these angles, and it can be hard to really see and comprehend the pure message of the gospel of Christ right one of the things that the hawk said and by the way, my prize, the lord. It wait when
when somebody comes to Christ, man, it's not all made to judge is, is their salvation a real thing right. I can't freakin judge that did Like a lot of people going to see this and say, ah, that's freakin fake. What am I say that is not all needed to salvation is is for the Lord god to judge not me. I can see in this man's into this man, Heart and and so. We want to look for water, the ok. What are the fruits that are going to come out of this? So if you're interested in in in the hawks journey with Christ, look pay attention, what are the fruits of his life fry cause? How we judge a tree or if we want to know if something's, real or not, all we have to do is look for. What are the fruits of this right One thing that hold the hawk said is No, what say no judgment, no hay oh hate only
you're no worries our worries. No judgment know how, It only love. Ah wanna, go and tell you gas, ah, since our following Christ there's been a lotta worries, our go and tell you guys since I've been following Christ there's been a lot of righteous anger, not hate, but righteous anger right, I want to go and tell you guess, since I've been following Christ, many times comes when you speak the truth of the gospel because It is exclusive. The truth of the gospel is an x exclusive message which mean you must believe in this Jesus Christ and if you I believe in this Jesus Christ, you are excluded from this thing that we call salvation, and so many people when you preach the truth of the gospel will take that as judgment that
you are being judgmental right, but truth is truth. Truth is not judgment I only love, yes, that's the guy. It is the commandment of all right- love the lord, your god, with all your heart right in love your neighbour. As you love yourself I won't let you guys know that following Christ is not an easy path you know how you know. You know the lord warned us of that. The lord said take up your cross and follow me take up or cross the cross is a symbol of debt, often angli anguish, in pain and suffering. Right and so, praise the lord that the hawk has decided who were to believe in the name of Jesus Christ agenda a man. I hope the Lord bless him and I hope he grew rose in his faith and I hope
that here he takes this journey submits himself and dies to himself and takes up his cross and in follows. Christ right- and I just want to preach the gospel real, quick in and weaken, shut this down. Yet you guys don't man otmar their gospel across that that we're talking about this exclusive message that leads to salvation that many people sound here as judgmental is the fact that your creator, god the creator of all that- is he's a perfect god right, if you have a perfect being that being cannot tolerate are being the presence of imperfection right. We are imperfect beings because we send in the beginning, we want to be like god. We wanted to have the same knowledge that he had, so we send right
when we say when we were deceived and we send in the very beginning that severed our connection with our perfect creator. Ok,. But our god loves us as his creation so much That he said you know what I am going to provide. A sacrifice for the sins of these beings that I created so that they can be reconciled back unto me and if god would not have provided that sacrifice. If he would have given us a pass. Well then, he would no longer be a perfect god, because that would be imperfect judgment. you guys understand what I'm saying he had to provide some sort of cod? been for our mistakes, if we just gave us a pass, he would be imperfect because he would not have judge and judged us righteously.
And he loved us so much. He said, I'm gonna come to the earth I'm going to live as a human being and I'm gonna live a perfect life. I'm gonna be the only human being in flesh who ever lived a perfect life. He did in the man that we call Jesus Christ, god in flesh- and sacrifice he made was on the cross. He loved us so much he went. the cross. He allowed himself to be marked tortured in all. Mentally killed in a very horrific way, so that he could pay the price for our iniquity and reconcile us back unto him. So now we who eggs, This gift that has been provided to us by our creator. We, who accept this guy, Now, when our creator looks at us because we are cut,
In the sacrificial blood that he provided to us, when he looks set us, he sees us as pure beings. He can no longer see your imperfection. And so you are reconciled back onto your creator by way of that blood and he didn't stop there. He did something that was really really wild. That actually is ultimate thing that proved he was Jesus Christ. Was who he said he was god in flesh. They buy carried him in a tomb, and he did this really wild thing. He rose from the and nobody rose him from the dead. Nobody went and prayed over him in any rose from the deck he literally rose from the dead. By his own power, he
overcame death, no other. Who would make a claim like that, but there's evidence. This is true. He rose from the dead guy, giving us also victory over death and the abyss tea, to receive and inheritance with him that eternal life where we live in a perfect environment with him as the perfect king and all we have to do is received and believe he is who he says he is an repent. Repent means we turn away. Hey from our old selves. We take up our cross and we follow him. and in doing that, you are washed completely pure in the eyes of your creator.
And you receive an eternal inheritance with him and victory over death hell and the grave, which is what you and I'll deserve and that's the gospel of Jesus Christ. Thank you got for. Allow me to share that is the most important message in the world of all of all of human history bro, I appreciate a man. The urban else does well well. Thank you for that. Opportunity I appreciate about school see do good to say you everyone firms that are mounting up on the headline. Yeah, that's right! That's right I got us to show thanks so much for coming on appreciates man, but he did not know much about this dialogue. As you know, the deal we gotta kind does a sharp claws.
Transcript generated on 2023-12-24.