« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

609. Andy & DJ CTI: Vivek Ramaswamy's Message To Chris Christie, UNLV's 15-Page Zodiac Killer Theory & Epstein's Sex Trafficking Client List

2023-12-08 | 🔗

In today's episode, Andy & DJ discuss Vivek Ramaswamy telling Chris Christie to 'Have a Nice Meal' during the Republican debates, Anthony Polito's 15-page Zodiac killer theory on his website that also listed out powerful organizations bent on global domination, and the FBI director getting cornered about Epstein's sex trafficking client list.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Sleeping on the floor now, my german from the county, millions in kobe teach buddhist, got a rope, can't kang doesn't know headshot case club. What is that guy's attorney for selling series the show for the real say goodbye to the live, the fitness and delusions of modern society and welcome to another fucking reality guys today we have Andy or dj who's, the mother fucking and that's what we're gonna do we're going to cruise the internet? That's what ctr stands for guys. It means cruise the internet. This is where we put topics up screen. We talk about speculate on what's true, and what's not true pure speculation, of course, and nothing. I've ever speculated on our desires and respect the ira's actually happen ever when speculation and our we talk about If we talk about how we, the people can be the solution to these problems go around the world and that's what cts
is now other times you to name you're gonna have q. that usually comes out on Monday. That's where you get submit questions. We answer him on the show. Most of the questions have do a business entrepreneurship, success pr on development, but they can be about anything. Okay. If you want to the questions for the show, there's a couple of different ways to do that. The first way is guy's email questions into to ask any at any facilities or you can go. And you too, on the cure. Nay, I thought too, and in the common section drop a question there will answer some from there as well other times. We have real talk, real talk. She has fired a twenty minutes from me, giving you some real talk. Those usually come out on saturdays or thursdays, and I were going to make those a regular thing, a more regular thing than we have in the past full length sure when someone comes in systems like every other podcast out they're pretty much except cooler and then we have up some. five hard verses and that's where people who have the seventy five. Our programme, which the initial phase of the live hard programme whose life was in tat ass before
comes on the show and talks about a got their shit together- how to use a seventy five year programme to do so familiar seventy five hard. It is the world's largest and the recalibration programme ever invented and it's available for free and you get in to await on audio feed. So if you go to episode to await on the audio fee to get the programme for free. If you want to buy a book, there's a got it on my website. Andover priscilla com called seventy five heart you'll have to the book, but it's a more in depth. Look at it and then I have a new book it's coming out on January so keep an eye out for that as well. now you're too noticed something we don't want ads on the show k, I pass up on eight figures a year of ad revenue. Because I don't want to answer to anybody about what I can't, I can't say right so very simply one thing, because finance assure ourselves, it cost me money to do the show one thing than supply is by lee share in the show you know, support the companies that I own ottawa, part of, but- and we appreciate that
You know, show shell! Ok, the message is constantly getting. Throttled were kind, We deal with traffic issues and have you guys don't share. It doesn't really get out so it'll be a whole show to show all right. What's up man and what's going on brother one at much yeah you saw that we talk about quite a bit like- were definitely starting to see culture change right. we seeing these these moments, these, like little sprinkles, How do you know how to describe it but should change right- and I thought it was interesting. I got. I got this topic that I just saw when I was put this outline together and This may be the end, all be all of the bullshit. So well. I wanted you to dodge unless it guys remember, if you want to see any of these pictures headlines, videos gonna end its four seven. I come to find them, link there if you want you to track down the description essential,
albert man, hell, I read billionaire bill. Lackman claims harvard president was hired because of de I initiative. yeah. I get it. Oh, it gets better than that, but no shit yeah right by a billion are hedge fund manager, bill admin has accused harvard of hiring president claudian gay solely because of its diversity, equity and inclusion of new initiative. Instead of quote identifying the best leaders for Jesus universities, the fit Its do is weird man alot sage. Keep, though it may be, that a trot I'm tryin to be about. Rea is an article continues new york post contagious as the fifty seven year old, who has made a name for himself by publicly announcing that he would refuse to hire students who express anti israel views made the claim as he blasted gay
as well as the president's of university of pennsylvania and the massachusetts institute of technology, or am I t for refusing to condemn calls for genocide on their campuses. Eta. Congressional hearing quote: I've learned from someone with first person, knowledge of the harvard president search that the committee would not consider a candidate who do not meet the de offices criteria. Akron wrote postal next thursday of the university president. Who is black the same was likely true for other elite universities, doing searches at the same time, creating an even more limited universe of de I eligible presidential candidates quote shrinking the pool of candidates based on required race, gender and or sexual orientation criteria is now the right approach to identify the best leaders for our most procedures, universities, acme argued- and it is also not good for those awarded the office of president who find themselves in a row that they will I not have obtain were not for a fee.
finger on the scale. No shit, oh shit, man issues is weird. It's because implying is, he is listen. Now I don't want to make any accusations accusation. I would never do that. I would never do that. I wouldn't I would never ever make an accusation, but his. It sounds like he saying that we should put the best most qualified people in positions of power and influence and success. So it sounds like like meritocracy sounded set now hold on don't take us too far, less not get crazy, listen and always say meritocracy, but it's like this. Does sound acquired a bit like that it does do this has come from left field may, because this is the same guy. Do we begin yeah did
the whole world's bigot, yell yelled by this mother fucker in his bodies for the last twenty mother fucking years about this bullshit and now the sun. He say in it now you're wrong, come on man that's. What I'm saying is these guys are all exposing themselves. The emperor has no clothes in their eating their own gas, beautiful, crazy thing, because I mean do just a couple of years ago. I mean he was all about it. Hiring only minority on a very big served to lead a four billion dollar deal. I mean it It's so utterly saw my coming. Ok, we're! Who is this guy? I, who whose bill acme right and The democratic political notaries of massive investor hedge fund manager he's Woodstock's it's insane money on it. I mean really successful. If you look at it in that lets, please astonished critic of trump weirdly enough, though he did support the coward now stuff that were announced was also not guilty.
And believe in his innocency. He don't think there zero critical thought. I added, I think, there's look it's not that it's not these people of immense power in and financed. Wealth and control and influence, can't think. They think very well there very smart, that's why they are who they are they just are very selective and don't care if you notice, when their being hypocritical They pick and choose what they get to say when they get to say it, because there are and it's the same reason. The girl fly to Egypt or davos on their private jets and lecture us about eating meat and in a non farming too much right, saying, like this is. This is what we're dealing with our rights. We're dealing with a class of humans who believe they're so powerful and so strong that it doesn't matter if their hypocritical and it doesn't if we notice, because there's nothing we're gonna do about it, and so it's not
so surprised, timidity selectively, you know their picks and chooses people have spent the last twenty years trying to convince everybody that are there anti racist and you So virtuous with oliver de I yes g, green energy, fuckin bullshit, in the removal meritocracy and Know they've profited greatly from it. You know what I'm saying when, when they force companies in the grand scheme of things, yes, absolutely bro, and you know what here's the flip side of that coin and the websites like of coin is- is that somebody's that never bought into the shit ranch women. samantha, because they ve been operating the entire time with the best people in the best seats in the best places to win right. So If you run a small business warning to cross over here into business, if you want a small business in your an entrepreneur, and you ve been following these people at the. I don't you ve my advice: ok,
about not doing this now you're. Just now. You see why ok, so you fuck you self did I have conferences, and I talked ouch entrepreneurs. Inner, like I heard this per, and because of this or a how that person. Because of that in it and if its not because of the best you're dumb ass, because you just head at your company new handicap, everybody that relies on you and every every family that relies on you and that's not the right thing. It's not moral. It's not rise, not okay and its collapse, is to see the people who actually put these policies and play the should suffer from them now boom boom wrong, he's not like enron and that wrong at all, but he's a site. I would like to go. I can see- is tweets around june of when in twenty and the previous ten years regarding you know, is policies on that, like the idea, the whole idea bureau to take some listen, no
what do you mean people talking about it now? Finally, but for twenty years nobody talked about it. I nobody talked about the reality. That is this. The only People in this country that can be racially discriminate against legally are actually white men. Ok, if a white man is qualified for a job and I black man is qualified for a job, and an asian is qualified for the job The white man is not getting the job because of these d. I regulations that are, people understand that there enforced through the financial institutions, because financial institutions will not lend unless you have certain policies in place: okay, so it's not about having the best and regret correct. So we we have been told this lie that you cannot be racist No, if you, if you are discriminated against white people, it's not racism, that's bullshit Judging anybody by any care?
risk of their race, their skin tone there. I differences. There facial features different, that's fucking, racism smoked goes to every single fuckin category of human, be raw human beings bro its kind, care to equality of skill, and this is a beautiful thing, ok, this a beautiful thing, because what this means is that. What I've been telling you guys for a number of years regarding how the pendulum swings back. if swing back and we're gonna get To the real world, the natural order, where there is buddy recognizes actual competition, and everybody recognizes that you have to have actual skills and produce high quality result to be the person who calls shot or gets paid or gets the spot on the team or whatever the best most skilled that helps the team when the best deserve the highest pay playing time in any scenario: business sports, fuckin life, anything and we're getting back to in its cool, see. Now
the scammer fan of him. What I'm glad to see that the people created. This nonsense are now saying, while this is wrong and its I think that it took literally racism against themselves to create that you're, saying like you're insane like how can understand. I cannot stay and how a jewish person right now would feel very uncomfortable about the sentiments of of a lot of people in the world, but you know there are not immune from criticism, and the reality is that, in this is unfortunate, is that the people at the time but the food chain, like we ve been saying for years and years and years are being regular wife good normal, our friends that are jewish everybody at risk, operating unethically at the top ok and then saying. You guys are all with me most of these regular good jewish people have no idea
some of the shit going on at the world economic forum and things like that or even happening, You see what I'm saying so there to be like some towers just like people have be smarter brochure to stop thinking that, like every day. You know those broad. yeah bro, like your everyday white guys, the fuckin cake they came amber your every day, black eyes, a criminal you're every day, why you laughing shut. The fuck up their everyday jewish person is something right. We can. We can stop this shit now. because what did were all regular people? I'm your man we're all here, trying to do the best we can and of truth. This is. We have a bond of criminal, tyrants and it doesn't matter if their black white or jewish, or anything that, populating the fucking world and therefore we're against stars and making life hard for us and because their exports what they do. They created the scenario where we all are you back and forth and blame each other,
as humans when, in reality, bro, while on the same team and they know, were on the same team and they only win by convincing us that we're not on the same team, and so we have to stop with this. You know jew! whose whites blacks, didn't you shit like bro row, human beings, man and most of us reflect and good. We want the same thing. We want to be left fuck alone. We want to have a good life want to make. Some money would have the opportunity to excel. If we choose to go down, path unencumbered by No ridiculous amount of tax and financial oppression like these are things we all want. You remain what I and the more that we argue with each other and say it's the blacks, it's the whites, it's the Jews stay fucking mexicans its everybody brothel the further away. We are from achieving that that's reality, man and so like we after chill the fuck out on his shit Y and the more we do that, the the the longer the the actual people who are committing these and you know, abuses against humanity.
yeah, you know the longer we can examine visible can makes them are they are hidden away? Roads were so busy I'll. Here now look did look man. I understood You guys understand I've. I've done well in my life, so, but when I say we wish we ok, we work on it they are coming. You know what my fucking ass off What I do is very hard. What you guys do is very her when everybody does is very hard, so hard that we, if they make it so hard intentionally, saddam We can't pay attention to the amount of fuckin bullshit their put now ass. You like dude, I'm so sick of seeing this fucking argument in society. Around low level points like you, race like or you know, like the shit. This is stupid super from anybody. Like you know, real talk like I like a lot of guys out here now say like it's. Ok, it's cool it's good to have white pride. I look. Man come on, we'll talk,
make a real case at the roma alone. There is a real case and it's not. it, doesn't sound right because it's been marketed wrong for so many years right, but ok to have prior to be black. It's ok to have probably mascot. It's ok to have proved to be a jewish person. It's ok! To be brief, to be not really anything irish or anything outside of a white american and and the truth of the matter is. While I agree with the argument that it is okay, if you want to have pride in being that it does anything less of other people, first of all, and second of all, the reality is. I actually think the answer to that is that everybody should lose the the pride in their racial identity. You, like you, didn't you anything to be black brown, you didn't do anything to be But you know you do anything to be jewish, like what the fuck you Yo you're deriving your identity, based upon some that you were born with, which makes no sense and honestly its anti american ok, it's like
anti american type concept, so we talk about like having it okay to be white, I actually think why people are doing it right, because most white people don't give a fuck that they're white. You know what I'm saying they're like I don't give a fuck value myself on what what I achieve or what I do or how are you? tribute and what adele ok at the kind of person. I like. That's. What I think and I I think that if we all thought like that, instead of thinking like instead to say, ok, we'll just because everybody else's I'm proud to be this- like I actually all of us should say- were proud to be american and we readily and these kind of values in america you know mean and because I dude. I had a gal yesterday. Tell me it's really bother me. He said something to the effect of our you know you're like leading there, the Republicans side of the congress, it no I'm not I'm not republican fucking pro freedom and there is a big difference. I'm pro everybody and pro fucking human. I'm anti tyranny
oppression, I'm not I'm not republican or democrat like or fucking like we're Stop attaching identities to these things, so we can have an actual conversation is productive. You know one percent between the american revolution room- that's all it is that segment was brought you this delicious screaming freedom, first form energy, drink stumbling on nato, This is because of europe. Russia and China has a law that is good. I ll just show guys we're gonna get these deliver to you directly from first one back on the drums. No, we got. We got some groups of special thanks to our sponsors. Students were offers into our first me headline yeah. I never want her manner more reads: we got round for the gnp debates.
Yes, he's governs, our man has goods to avoid but it s not an inordinate, though I dislike I'm, not I listen, he's he's doing it. Here's amateur Yeah, you say whatever the fuck, you want to go home to your segment. Yup, I'm been better where'd. You go to work with you talk to you. I know I've just been analyzed a coach myself, brow coach, you myself No man can only seven hours to get started. An army brow start that the black friday You know I learned a really interesting morning routine, to like forty seven steps. Alright, I woke up at three thirty. Am I meditation for seventeen minutes a journal for forty seven minutes and I noticed engines here, the gravity of the moon, yes, yeah, yeah and then, and then meditated again, then, I call plunged on a sounder than a coal plunge. Then I saw again there are. we're doll awaits donated cardio. Then I then I work out its again
by seven? I am. I did everything you everyone now does a loner was gonna. Do a geo be around for a while vague rama swami tell Chris Christie to have a nice meal, I heard on the air that you can't be successful without that honor. You that's why bonnet knowledge needed my dear disk out those normally ten thousand dollars. I paid nine hundred. Ninety seven dollars lots do a deal. Twinning scabbard was a baby. there was this video vessel, so the geo presidential primary debate got slightly heated. Always they night, when I prefer vague rama swami appeared to fats. Former new jersey, Chris Christie, no, not appear to fetch him or he did he fucking bad shape, and it's ok yeah cause he's that this is the truth The moment occur during the discussion about foreign policy when Chris Kirsty pounced on rama swami, calling whom the most quote
of noxious blowhard in america, both for for knocking Nikki, Haley's, more interventionist stance, so is video of exchange will never put ukraine in russia and that trust could we not have a relationship with china? Let me tell you something that's, not my bagel! Yes, it's exactly what you're going to do this at every to are stolen, interrupt you! Ok, you say you have you got there. Every debate you go out stop it. You say something off of a seat on video. We can front you on the debate stage. You say you didn't say it and then you back away- and I want to say I'm not done yet what this now look. Also, the like would tell the fucking waiters at oh god, georgia, sorry, I'm not done yet
have you ever see the grid outdoors. I know you have seen now, but there's a seat in the great outdoors, we're like two fuckin john k. indeed, you know, or I will go the great outdoors you pry won't! Even if I can get you seen. Iraqis. Ok, the part I'm talking about where he goes, needs all ninety six, her and it gives with all ninety six, sir. Can chef stand and there he goes? I'm done. The chef goes. Because there's nothin on paper gristle effect, because very thought could eat it right. Chris curse, Chris Christie does not have known how to be told to eat it. Not at all. I ain't. No, that's a fucking fact. He's drinking the juice off the plate, get build of his like that, without the kind of work bro row, takes worried away. Were you think there's really ready this like? Oh, you, gotta, listen, takes wanna, know ma, am I'm a big guy? I know that shit is man yeah, you see how much you've gotta eat to be big. Oh yeah, a lot yeah and you ain't done yet that's right, the fucking fat fucker. I know because I'm still fat I just happen to like not be as fat.
This could pony inside bro. I am Chris Christie I understand at now. I have different political views, but I understand what is like to struggle with that and, like you just now conquered struggling, that's real talk. The truth is some people You know what you know of change. We bro. You know why. I went from fucking fifty pound andy two fuckin, two hundred fifty pound fuckin fit annie. No, I because people fucking told me I was fat. I got tired of it crisscross. Demand a little fat. Fuck gonna die out and no seventy five hard change. Your fucking might also be we're gonna be out here to see you, people it or fat like that, need to be told her flock and fat and I'm not saying to be. To be an asshole about it, but you can be. If needs be, I mean the truth as you do him a favour, one, things I resent the most. When I was big fuckin fat. Is it nobody, fucking told me I was back. Nobody said: hey bro, you're, fuckin fat like you're fat. the fucker. You know told me that people on the internet,
No at first I thought and got pissed off about it and after a while, I'm like fly their correct. know what a change my life and my life is a million times better. So me The truth is that bad, Maybe if you just listen to the truth, recognize it you would fix the thing about your wife so a big believer in truth and to go along with the first point that we have here a culture, is swinging that way where people are no longer there. Just like I'm not playing. you're, fuckin, bullshit up guy would result so yeah chris Christie, sorry bro you fat motherfucker and you need to do some about no, I'm being dead, serious, you need to do some about our it's going to cost you your life at this point time, you're older man, you're, not healthy. You no sound healthy. You don't look healthy, the you're not healthy, and brothers, no fucking chance, the united states of america at this point in time and culture as voting for someone like that ever like you're fuckin dead in the water broke. If you are a fit,
How do I wholly is late. Fifties. Sixties If you are fit man that then broke His will be completely different. Sixty one sixty one guess fifty sixty his if he, if he was a shave right now people be listen. What he said now, let's, more than he is theirs open. are of cases, what seventy most walkers, yeah people listen what he says here. No now seven good, whose is the video. The fourth debate that you'd be voted in the first twenty minutes, as the most obnoxious blowhard america would say something else. We are now twenty five minutes of this debate.
and he has insulted He Haley's basic intelligence good, not her positions, her basic intelligence she doesn't know region. She wouldn't be able to find something on a map that his three european value way out of the kitchen mickey, and I disagree on some issues, but I'll tell you this. I for twelve years which, longer than these, even starting to vote in a republican primary movie disagreements emissions we disagree about who should be present united states. What we don't. agree on is this is a smart accomplished woman? You should stop insult desire to take this one a gentleman what a gym but then but then arose to rewrite.
The best comeback of it all three things right there. First of all, Chris Christie also doesn't know what provinces in eastern ukraine he actually us to fight. The foreign policy experience was closing a bridge from new jersey to new york. So do everybody, a favor, just walked herself off that stage, enjoy a nice meal and get the hell out of this sounds good. Where did in their bad apparently in an interview post the debate. Chris Christie called him a jack s in aid of you The maiden kelly is the hour with one of the scene in correspondence with video. I mean look I'm a truth, teller, Dana and look nicky I disagree. I don't think Nicky should be pressing united states, but I'll tell you that she's a smart woman and she's an accomplished woman and she's working incredibly hard. Both I've carolina and in the u n, and I think the vague does have a woman problem. I do
a he insults, women's basic intelligence he's done it over and over and over again- and I guess tonight- I just had had enough after listening garbage and, as I said, his smart ass, harvard mouth cosette what it is when he's dictated to me and Nikki, you have committed ourselves to public service while he's off stealing from seniors to make his fortune yeah put up with him anymore felt you call yourself, it show but you are also a very savvy politician, but you you're welcome and I the wind up. There is about new Hampshire and it was very ill sing to watch you and Nicky hailing. Certainly, as you said, you disagree about a lot of things, but seemed as though you were forming a of an alliance with her place like now. Look on the truth, teller them and I'm to tell the truth if someone's insulting the key health in a way that was personal. There is nothing about issues he would say: she's, not smart enough to know we're things or on the map that somehow
three year old son is smarter than a woman who service the two terms, diameter and the? U n in basle, he's. She did not know what she did. She didn't know the map didn't, so it looks like the he wait. What vague said is factually accurate and not a person well. That knows the true heap he asked her you're you're, trying to vote an advocate for sending hundreds of billions of dollars toilet patient. You have the houses a mouse away and you don't even know where the fuck it is on a map. Yes, and you want to send our young men die there. You, you know. fucking name neighbourhood is named three like on the need to do. How that part where he destroyed her on that. I think so. I think you skip past. It may not be in this video but here he annihilated her down on that question. Basically, he said. I think this is her. Ok that simeon distort
So vague harry, do we have the clear a component? It's fucking great. I mean he did not. He absolutely did not. He asked her very simply, The provinces were in eastern ukraine and that we were gonna fight for The she did not know the answer: that's you should know that if you're gonna send billions of dollars and, more importantly, our young men and women to die and fight foreign land. I think you should know what you're doing that's a reasonable response and honestly, I think he fucking destroyed her like either she's done after that video. If we can find it, I got it yeah, whose video foreign policy experience is not the same as foreign policy wisdom. I want every. at home to know that I was the first person to say we need a reasonable peace, dealing ukraine
now a lot of the neo cons or quietly coming along to that position, with the exceptions of Nicky hayley in Joe Biden who still support this. What I leave is pointless war in ukraine and I think those foreign Paul experience. One thing the Joe Biden and Nikki have in common is that neither then could even state for you three. Often says in eastern ukraine that they want to send our troops to actually fight for look it up. this then. I want people to understand these people have em. She has no idea what the hell the names of those promises, but you wants to send our sons and daughters and ultimately going home military equipment to go, find out she's a bit reject this myth that they ve been selling you that somebody had a cup of coffee stinted that you went in and makes eight million bucks. After has real foreign policy. Experience, it takes an outside
proceeded to look at the blank expression. He doesn't know the names of the progress made is right there that so that's worth Christy's talking about he's talking to that exchange saying the vague is making or seem unintelligent know she is. Not intelligent enough to know the provinces that we are sending our resources and are purse. now are american citizens are young net. Generation leaders; ok, our citizenship to die, for, I think that is a relative especially for the families of those soldiers. Okay, so vague, listen, man, here's what I think of it! airbus, like all you ve, not women, did ok I'm gonna win the nomination. That's the reality for pursuing a gap of dissent.
Now the santis is fucking, those Chris Christie. It's not mickey Hayley. Ok, it's! Now the vague it's it's fuckin, Donald trump period. Mother get even been there saying it now by a little by what are its donald trump airway everybody with a critical thinking. Brain knows that right. So what's going on here, well what think is going on is that we are seeing jockeying for the relevancy- maybe the next action- and I think you know you guys can argue and say when everyone above a vague. This is not an endorsement, but how saying all this shit, that all the real people in this country believe and see and observe, and he is gaining a fan base because of it. Now, I see that my thing I dont know if he understands like how important what are you doing is now
you know he's very small when it weighs really really really now is for the public narrative, if he's a very smart man and might be some weird shit and his background anna fuck, you know it's like there's so much I mean bro, honestly, I don't know this. You know I don't know the details of whatever, but I mean have to stop expecting are leaders to be have a perfect past, because what happening, is there being such there is no such thing as an this is. This is how we. Cancel culture was intentionally invented so that. they could remove any relative threat to the system in any way shape or form, whether being media, whether be in politics, whether being called sure they can remove the most powerful people. there will be just examining their past and cancelling So, if you don't fall in the room social norm,
Is the way to flex power and control whose influence and whose not in for this too really change we the people concerned in the content have to stop destroying people because they made some fuckin mistakes in their past. We have stop that. Gay because that eliminates anybody of quality getting retraction cause. That's how the attack. Those people saw. we have to come to terms that everybody's going to have something right. An imperfect nation needs an imperfect leader. Well, that's just how I look at it I'm just trying to find a pervert leader will we will never felt we will know, and what we are left with is a bunch of fake perfectly ears that are on the payroll of all these big people. So it's It's very are its Something culture. Controls is very controllable. If we, as people in culture, would stop react
to the way that we have in the past, and I think that's happening- I bid cobbler recognising it like, like you, know, Russell bran with that shit. a few months ago, whatever, like nobody, gets a flock yeah right like The people are starting to realise that, like this, this is all orchestrated bullshit, and I see that the whole. again a machine, the media, these corrupt people. Losing power at a very quick rate. An animal? That's what I'm absorbing when we can, like you said at the beginning of the show, I think, there's a lot of honest index. authors of of that. You got you on mosque san, you fuck, you ve to everybody right. You got down the rise of donald trump right, yeah macgregor talk is shit. You got Dana wide talking shit, you got a bunch what people talk now you know I talk a lot of shit, but I'm not on the level of those people. Those people are on a different level. They get more attention, but
there's more of the bigger the biggest kind of guys doing this now and I think people are observing that it's like that, the way Things are going and that means more people in a trickle in trickle ensure equal in this is what we ve been taught. You and I ve been talking about this for years. We need some big influential people to tell the truth and stop fucking with this cancer culture. nonsense, and other people, I name and a few other people have led the way and that right, has done a really cool thing recently, you now and you can it your disagree What he said or not, you have the right to do that, but the guy's funniest fuck he got called offers for so culture shit and they we. So you know what fuck off, if you don't like it and guess why, he made a bigger, so people are stopped. It's only a matter of time now I want to notice in this way, for my whole life. Okay, this is not a marketing strategy for me, but what's going to happen is people recognized that by being that way, they are We become more popular than we need
at the habit. Okay talked about this on a show many times like pro freedom, america, fuck, you kid rock type shit. That's gonna become the the shit. The people support in business and in personal brands, and so by them doing this they're kind of starting that process with, like the I guess I would say like, though the normal people right arm soldier really beautiful thing. I think awesome. It's long overdue, got some answers you as the job on this conversation down the comments. Most, don't you Lastly, her shirt, and now you are, but what am I I think it's important to guys like in this- is real shit. You know it's important that we support those people that are behaving that way with our money. You know like of work to spend money with with companies It should be with companies that are willing. You know too, to not bow to this. culture either way, ok, meaning
the right as well- and I think, that's important, because the next big thing we see yes, while it's already happening, because if you dont bout of the conservatives, you say you're pro america, they fucking get all over. You and and a good either. Ok, I can understand the knee jerk reaction because, like the conservatives have been on the receiving end of that so long that now there the powers they never had before. It feels good luck. You, like fucker, who the fuck me anymore now like there's this we're not. Yes, shoulders is like new power that has formed. That's that people are not yet responsible with, because what we really need to happen as we needed to end. We need to stop. We need to go back to the thing, were I support who the fuck I want to support for the reason I want to support them and whatever else I don't fucking care. Ok, Is attaching. Cancellation to someone you know Using a certain product or driving a certain this her doing us
that or autumn. No drinking a certain drink whatever broke. I should have to stop. We have to stop it because Essentially what that opens up liquidity do. Is one side kills? The other side are right. That's how we ask wait, so you know, I think, that the people you don't like, if you'll be ok like the real talk like if you were a fuckin, a years person. Let's say you came home from work every day and you beat you got your ass beat for ten years kay everywhere. Every day your wife abused you, your husband, abuse, you ve, ten fucking, you so go. You you get out of that relationship. and now you're in relation with someone. You know Joe start beaten, and because you happy You see what I'm saying like you just don't start beating their ass, because some will beat your ass for the last ten years. That's not how the fuck you do it. Ok, you used the opportunity to break the cycle and be a better human and I think, that's very important.
Now. I think there's some lessons that needed to be learned, for example, the what happened about light. as on fourchan as it is, and I eight that it was by light, because I fucking love and has a bush and they ve been there from saint louis we're we're from here. They ve been up I counted brand and in our eyes for a whole as it sought seeing happen, but that's it. They very clear message to a lot of people like hey man. People are done. What's happened to target what's happening disney. These are things the kind of had happened to show people but now. People are starting to learn and company when come when those company start just because, they don't have to come all the way, but we have to get back to the centre place where it's like yeah. What it is man- and you don't have to go. There. You'll have to do this you're insane. Just because we have this power. Doesn't this avenue should always it's very important role? Its very important. Otherwise we can't hear the culture and we can have
unity in only way for us to win. What we're trying to do here is to unity, absolutely man absolutely guys offers headline. Let's get into our cruised comments as always repay your comment. She will be got me I'll, be honest. We got a problem, a problem, a problem. you know I am you guys, gave me a bunch. A shit about the I was going online, making make em all comments into yet another one. I tell ourselves, but somebody in this room it's me looking laughin. He pocketed it You gotta, be the judge. Look at this one. Now asia noodle First of all, who's in charge of your thumb, they need a raise now love that or there are those one. John DOE we're that's great, John doe, you guys,
the best damn thumbnails on the planet. Whoever makes them deserve a raise another great one. The room. love. The thumbnails lately awesome jobs, whoever is in charge of created, but that you know what hey this is believable I don't get our older than you did it How did you get it? Ok, this, I believe, not asia, noodle tank, the thumbnails are fucking awesome. I don't think he did it. That's wild, it's crazy, how all three of them came from. When accounts, do yeah yeah. Definitely John doe, literally John doe yeah. I don't think it's him, that's what you get for being black yeah. fuck you you haven't, got now run all roosted, though the thumbnails, our fire
I want to take this opportunity. Your dress, something! Ok! I added. I had an issue today How to bother me a little bit arrive at some reach out to me, my dams in kind of like was upset. Very upset about it. number of times that they attacked me? I didn't respond, ok and guys please understand, first of all, logistically impossible for me to acknowledge the the amount of people that share content when we talk about first form as too seventy five hour live hard, fuck him seal viral clip cigarette like come on It's not reasonable thing. I can't do it, man, I'm giving you guys all. I got come on here. For the show. I don't take sponsors. I stand up for what I believe. I risk a lot of shit. I have to legitimate security people. Break into my house, my fears,
gets. Who asked my companies get her ass. These are real things. Ok, now our business grows because we're standing for the right thing, but there's a lot of flak that comes with it and on No, I do the best. I can guys, like I'm tired, liver stuff. Do you guys for free? I do ask that you share the show, because I do it for free, but please don't take it as a sign of like disrespect or I don't know a single person. There will be operating. That level that could do that and if I did do that. That will mean I'm hiring people, to run my dms and message you guys back, which I don't feel like is an authentic way to be. You know what I mean like, not only that, but you guys Yes, go remember to you not share in the chauffeur ice How to fix share. Are you should be sharing like that? Should not be. Your intention almost show the social, so any sees it like mustn't blessing is a lesser leave. I am very grateful for all of you and even those of you that that don't like me that listen, I'm very grateful for you, because it shows that you're not
close minded enough to tune it out, and I I do what I can man, I'm I'm runnin real shit realise still I'm not just of podcast her that just comes in does a show and the rest, Today I go servant. Man like that's not like. I have real responsibilities. Just like you guys do, and my responsibilities are heavy. I have a lot of people here would depend on me. I try to give the best that can everywhere I go quite honestly, like I, I kind of ruin my fucking quality of life a lot of times to do that, and you know that have you guys feel upset or anything up that bothers me, because I'm giving the best effort that I can so I just know that you know like try and do everything I can, and I do for you appreciate It- and I appreciate the fact that people are getting more aligned and more aggressive about sharing the shown. I think it's making a real difference in the culture. maybe not a massive difference, but it's big enough difference. I mean we see a lot of people kind of following
what we say a few weeks after we say it, so I you know, as as ripple yeah, I think you guys are making a big difference. I think we're all make a big difference together and if I dont acknowledge at her, you know, like you know, I I don't know, just look away from me to do that and if I could, I fuckin would One of the reasons I stop posting on my static feed was because the way that I got to the step to the success. I've had on social was by interacting with everybody, and it got to the point Why couldn't do it and I thought I should remain guilty so eventually my solution was wound, was gonna, stop and I'll. Just do what I can appeal could do what they want with it, and I am that's something that weighs heavy on me. A lot like, I really believe, and if you guys I put my companies or port us in any way. You know this, I read we believe and giving the best effort possible to the people that support you. People pay you. Money for shit or support you. You owe them the best effort, and I tried it.
do that matches to my companies. What, with the show in my life and. just don't want you guys feel a certain way. If I can't you know, I can't first of all, when I share people shit in my story, his usually get attack pretty heavily by bought networks and for control walls and people to just fucking hate I think that we all believe. Ok, second of all, All I share one and I am sure other ones, people get pissed. I mean there's all kinds of Reasons than I do, with the way. I do a guys, and it's not that I don't care it's not that I am of some big time. Fuckin person doesn't like If that was the way I was. I wouldn't come in here and do this I'd I I would do something else I'd be doing. what most people do which live in their life after a life, as a wife of a lot of large time, investment nor be twenty five years for me january, first, And thus, in my whole life my whole life in this, like I would not that I don't enjoy my life, but.
it would be nice if the world wasn't falling apart. I didn't have to do this. I mean I would like to have my whole goal was. To live a normal life like become six as for build some shit. You know maybe have a house on the beach somewhere and I don't get to do those things you don't I'm I'm still in this shit and I I've given. La for it, so I do not like I just want you guys know man like real talk. I appreciate the file. god you guys, I care a lot about you guys and care a lot about what we do here and please. Don't take it as did inspector not appreciating, and if I can't like communicate with you, that's one of the biggest things that bothers me and you know that cause everytime. We do a meet and greet what do I say we leave I'm like fuck dude. Those people are out and get the fuck until ardor give enough time right it like its rise crazy doing so like up its That's what it is and is what it is. So I I do love you guys, and I appreciate the fuck out of you guys, and I know it I it is what it's the most I'm given the most? I can now that's real shit, we're bridge
I see yeah mercy, guys are liking and commenting and make sure you subscribe. So you get the hit the notification bell, so you gotta see when the next episode to come and so have. That being said, Let us keep this cruise move and we gotta have another two heads: number two reads:. I personally believe that sixty seven who killed three staff at you and I ve before being shot dead by cops, had fifteen page zodiac killer theory on website. That also listed powerful organisations bent on global domination. I think got one of us, I think others might have been won. very, very little, somewhere shit out of this own, seen it you're saying guy one of us who actually he you're saying this time he actually lions, not just wreck how they try to make it that way, and even still there are still some some some issues that perceval anybody that just goes and shoots innocent people ain't. One of us does fact: okay. So, let's, let's clarify that as a fact,
yeah, you know, but I mean we have to shoot people it's going to be because they deserved it, yeah yeah for sure just saying. If, if it happen, gotta qualify. It would be remiss of me everybody's besieged, it's it's a big big him on out there, professor, who was shot dead, shot the three way because of the university of nevada, las vegas, ruddy. Fifteen page theory on the zodiac killer, imposed posted about powerful organisations bit Global domination or have polio, This german here. Who is sixty seven died in a confrontation with police after you open, fired on the fourth floor of the Lee business school at eleven forty, five: a prompting a massive response from all foresman official. still looking into the motive but said, polina was rejected from a teaching position at the school at some point: but not recently, however, he may have known some of their police are currently surging, plato's home and Henry nevada, polluter,
used to hang in the massacre, had connections to the school in other states and was on staff. At east carolina university, north carolina between two thousand and one and two thousand and seventeen and two hundred since the three staff members killed in the rampage, another person was wounded remains in critical condition lot of its russian things about this We know that there is a section on his website called powerful organizations bent on global domination, so long organizations listed are the child family, the build a bird group and the international money phone in economic terms of mit armed men, resting organizations. I've heard the first here, but not second there, and so then, you're. In that section, political posted a link to a website created by far right conspiracy theories algae. So it's alex jones fault yep. It. but he also is this musical taste, which range
krueger, such as frank sinatra, dean Martin to folk musician such as willie, nelson and John John mitchell In section dedicated to his favorite movies, pluto stay that each selected film quote our use a truth, would powerful eloquence some of the movies, our grew michael, moors, roger in me, oliver stones, conspiracy, laden, J, f k and the film of an rance conservative, epic, the fountainhead chirac atlas shred. Now, ok, gotcha and he also lists some over is accurate by the way so he also lists the quote the minds of the twentieth century released, nicholas testa, tesla alba sign and george soros. Oh he's! No! So that's why it gets weird man it is good we allow along. who actually ok Some people are upset with how not saying, if your surely a critical thinker, ok,.
And you take your emotional feelings out of how you may feel about george soros. The reality is when says great minds: the twentieth century. He is a very intelligent, calculate human being to be able to do the things that he's done so it could be under. He could be stating that, under that contacts and under that context I would agree here Very intelligent, strategic financial, capable human being, who. In his ideas are very complicated and that doesn't mean the right right. That's just means he sees like you play moral, moral compass is not there. But he's a very intelligent human being I mean you know that. That's that man and. accept that this loss of life here, obviously it sad number make make to no one surprise. Of course, another gun push
right. There are buying, pushes assault weapons ban after the? U n El handgun hang on there's that so like like that said, it's a sad situation he's dead. It is what it is right, but here is something that I that that that happened, Did I dunno not like it just makes zero since have you seen this? Have you seen this James yo man linked once in house explosion in virginia now, that's james yo. He said in did it was data, that's a james yo, yo yo james yo, So what does that racist as bad, not yo, motherfucker like there's a racist? That's all you fucking say it, but like the inclination to like that,
rising. How would you say yeah? How would you say when someone tat show your phone says yo, how the fuck do you say what I say you all know. I say: yo yo, yo, yo, James yo yo, see what I'm saying go ahead, shaker yo, you don't raised, so that's all that matters We are so so. This is a crazy story. My job to get a decent amount of context. darling developments or virginia man with a history. A rambling social media posts and colonel. oh frivolous lawsuits has been linked to the islands and how's that exploded Monday night after please, her arrive to investing, claims? As someone inside was shooting flares in through the neighbourhood, ok public, I could show the james go. Fifty six lived in a duplex house on the block shown
cloning an eyewitness, video police, confirmed his identity at a news. Briefing tuesday afternoon said that human remains had been recovered from the site. They are believed to belong to yo but an autopsy was pending so please said there, We prior interactions with yo at the address, where a pair of noise complaints in the past few years now He bore yo yo, so his late. I've been disable right yeah, but you did preserves some of his postman youtube page, along with the silent video showing court filings from some of his failed lawsuits. Two to the video showing his recent linked imposed apparent have been removed tuesday morning Police said that they were aware of his quote concerning social media post at the briefing now lot of this stuff has been leaked out on the internet.
links on James yogi. What anti white asian former fed linked to the in Virginia home explosion. So bad Stone is online, pose this article reads its clear: but MR yo was a cordon quote. Anti white, racist who harboured a strong hatred and discuss distrust towards the? U S, government and social media conveyed a definite sense of extreme paranoia. what college rocco found or turning politics had to say about this aspect in a post on x. Visas are here is what we know about James elles, demanding two hours of virginia home explosion: police, respond, After the reports of a flare gun fired from the home, James yo was listed on public records as living as the one that was living on the property yo was raised. Just a guess why people in linked in post climate, they had been stocking him. Since the ninety nineties quote says how white people operate a when I tell you, while wiping you said that you did say that no you did.
Yo posted wild linked in posts, showed he hated the guy. police and thought his neighbors were spying on em. yo covered, is windows with aluminum foil at a new one. I know about the hats at in due to your windows. I know, but I might have maybe you know so we dollars over observes onto it really rapport, like me word like, were no fucking foil. Reynolds rap is the clear she oh, address that shit is annoying. I cannot stand that cling wraps. Yeah. I've not mastered that life skill at all. I cannot even fucking. Do it really? Your problem with the two are a good man It makes me feel damas shit. I can't do it. Man.
So just regular alone, and for a moment for you, no matter what I guess that's a work of art is the best tinfoil had ever spread. Ever there's not a lot. I wanted one though I know you do out to them, but this like this is the best. There is now a better one: there's isn't powerful round. Not long, and you guys, I know someone I hears gonna go try to make a better one. Cabin is no it's the best ever it is really nice yeah. One of you guys made this for me. Tito made it for me. That's right incentives to me. This is amazing, really costume for aluminum foil highway.
The rules really all over your video of way the holy fuck I saw I saw a kind of scrolling, brightens gotta watch, always in virginia missing. They felt that of the white house. Really, I bet they did, was massive a price on their blood, ps. I we apparently as history of mental illness. Is they always like say mechanism. We're spies talked about this trust in the government. I'm here some of his post, it's it's written very cryptically right, like what he says. My memory serves Jamie rosemary, attended, a higher university, Jamie, rosemary lance and her to chose
her spies and actors, buffers collecting my information and then delivering to their handlers, this is how the ruling class days anonymous using buffers in handlers to absorb digital. I d just some wild. This is how why people operate and have the luxury of outnumbering all other races by almost seven to one in america I mean just wild stuff man. If I'm being fucking honest, I like, where the fuck are you from buddy the fuck out of here. I thought you were going on. There were not a hooker like limitless, and this is where the stuff kids we rights or ignore, seen as reported on this, We are assisting the investigation. That's great problem is We have known about them for years yeah. Well, call deities written letters Armenia's for how are they bloomer? You know it's like allegedly allegedly hurts,
This is what do we always get the late jump on this shit, see. Later we were supposed to have a pretty decent entitled. this community. It would be a reasonable thought that our intelligence community be sophisticated enough to stop people from doing things. when they know and have them watching them and know their habits and the things that they do for literally years before the things happened to me. I think that's a I remember being sarcastic, reasonable expectation and confident competent organization of any kind. You're right, I just don't get it, but instead they go after fuckin catholics is. Is we don't really, even though this guy's, who they're making them out to be? We have no idea, guy could be someone else he could be. You know tinfoil, like this guy? Who, who knows who this guy you know who the fuck? This is news media. This is all corrupt. These people around europe,
we all know this guy there till we don't even know if he got blown up, maybe they thought maybe he was killed and then they blew it up again yourself. If we've learned anything over the last few years, the like there's, really no, limitations. What people are willing to do if someone is some sort of? threat. Maybe maybe he knew something he wasn't supposed to know. Who knows, but the issue they presented to be forgotten. Nor does what you does. The job in on this commerce, and another thing to say to dude is like these: like listen man yeah, we know the world's fucked up at any of you, guys, go and thinking. You're gonna go out like just shoot random people that ain't the fuckin way now stupid as shit you're, fuckin hurtin everybody by doing stuff like that, and it's fucking disgusting like Now I can understand people being frustrated. The point when I'm like fuck somebody's got to do something. I understand that but like that's, where you have to be discipline powerful- and you know not do things like that- do something that that
we need listen row, we need unity, we need fucking, you people have to organise. We like minded people people have never been more like minded than they already know. So this, like this revenge, type shit. Allegedly, Any situation is not the way to fix. What's goin on does not the jumping on this conversation, let us know down of comments which gas think hashtag. Who is you and let us note you guys think of you that little little rush hour exercise during some of this freedom, it's fun and I feel more free yeah. It was a little rush hour. You know the the scene yeah, I am new yeah, he is me, this is a great movie? Gotta keep this cruise movie. We gotta have our number three. Our third and final headline reads: f b, I director it gets cornerstone, Epstein, Epstein's, trafficking, check, pilots,
This was he not the internet right now? Is it out it is today this came out, I believe, winced tuesday his when this came out And in the end, the interesting thing man ignore search. You know there was only one. there's literally, this is the only article other this governance. Without coming it's bullshit, knowledge. I got video mutual shit, ok rush it so publican, senator marcia, blackburn cornered fbi director Christopher re Monday afternoon about the failure of the bureau to release the client list of convicted sex trafficking, abuser, Jeffrey upstate, ray was also pressed about why the fbi ignored accounts of victims. The exchange too it was during a senate, judiciary committee hearing on oversight of the fbi. Here's the first video In looking at some of the survivors from the Epstein, shoes
There are disturbing allegations that the f b I failed to invest gate the sex trafficking allegations and indeed one survivor says that fbi even after she brought forward repeatedly content about his conduct. The f b, I refuse to an best, gave her planes, even though she said the allegations were there on both the sex trafficking and the child. Sexual abuse material, and I want to know Why or what you want awareness you have of the fbi, as failure to investigate these claims and I want to get you on the record. numerous survivors, have said the f b. I did not show up to help them what specific
has the f b. I done to investigate the claims that Epstein and others participated in produced, possessed and distributed, see sam. well. First, let me say I recall very well that you have a very specific and long standing interest, not just in child sexual exploitation but in human trafficking, as well as a cousin of that and, We appreciate your focus on it and your support of the importance of that part of our mission. As the Epstein case, specifically, I will it's been a while, since I looked at that case, obviously, we worked together with prosecutors to bring charges before he I realise that you about what we Aid from you is a complete investigation of why the f b, I did not take this out.
And then getting to the bottom of what is appearing to be an enormous sex trafficking rings and listening to these survive. first you know and, as I said, I've tried to get the ah a subpoena on the flight logs, which I think is important to this. I I think people need to know who were on who was on those planes. and how often they were on those planes. I think people who invest in companies would want to know if their people from there see sweet, and as we go through this It goes this be made public, they ve been heavily rejected well this has been a while. Since I looked at specific case, I can tell you that we ve been increasing year over a year
the number of agents focus on these kinds of cases, the number of victims, grass gas, as and so on. To this specific case, let me offer to have might get give up my team and figure out if there's more information we can provide to, that would be great. We have never- even The shore line maxwell trial. We never got to the bottom of this and we have these. Drivers who say: oh there is so much more, they swept under the rock, and that is wrong and you need to write wrong, very brave, very, very, very I am familiar with who she is and what state she's from, but. They killed people for less than that. I'm only large people yeah. We need we need, allegedly. We need people like that at scale up there, that's winning
like I'm tellin, ya, gonna search this topic there was literally. This is the only article that's out there. They are allowed to be seen. tweeted about it. Also a couple of tweets, senator durban blocked my request to subpoena Jeffrey Epstein, slight logs, what are democrats trying to hide its interest they bring up center. durban is what else is he to whom I feel like we have a little bit of anti damas happening. I have been a culture clip. You have the floor, but here he said this thing the other day that that this guy. I remember, and what's that guy's name randy ready, rainy consular yeah, that guy randy. He said this before he talked about something that,
was the durban was tat. I can't remember, though, can you find clip, but we needed the labour we needed. The workers has happened many times before. What troubles me about the debate now with the southern border is one half of the immigration equation. Yes, we need order at the border
We need to have changes in the laws that reflect the reality of the overwhelming numbers from all over the world who are coming to her of shores and our border, but there is also an incredible demand for legal immigration into this country. Even now, the presiding off sir, my colleague from state of illinois, has legislation which addresses one aspect that her bill and I hope I describe it accurately says that if you were in a document that person in this country and you can pass the physical and the requirement test background test, the like you can serve in our military and if you do it honourably, we will make you citizens the ad states. Do we need that? You know what the recruiting numbers are at the army in the night,
it'd be in the air force. They can't reach their quarters each month. They can't find enough people to join our military forces and there are those who are undocumented, who want the chance to serve and risk their lives for this country? Should we give them the chance? I think we should. Let me tell you about other that we need in my state of illinois in inner city in chicago, so just to clarify, That sounds a lot. Like you saying,. The millions of military age migrants coming across the border right now. could join our military, be I'll fitted with, bones and serve our military honourably, as he says what that means? Damn honourably, we don't know And earn their citizens their citizenship through service, so.
What does that sound? Like? Does that sound like something that maybe I said of a while back talked about how you gonna end up. Losing all of your shit, because your allowing these people to come over here and at durban actually end up, arming these people and then turn these bill against the landowners and the people who are now if this country, and basically let him know like have you- handle the shit one And in an uprising would have If there's a civil uprising and the military is packed full of illegals. People are shouldn't fucking beer and those people know that you know it they kill. The writ the actual americans who were here that are going to take their place. What happens wham? Is there some sand They're already starting, who do the stronger with police officers and eleanor? How I read this is that the government no
and recognizes very clearly that they are in deep fucking shit because but his waking up. and their solution of this is to reply. the military stock of peace, people who have an incentive to legitimately were the people who are already here, you're in society, anxious clip right. There should scared the shit out of everybody. In my opinion, scaring me twice: Man, it's a confusing clip for people to watch because, in the beginning already says legal immigration, so p I've seen this clip online and people were on not talking about that's right they're, getting confused. What he's actually saying is all the military aid chinese, all the military age middle eastern thoud, tens of thousands of our common millions and millions. It's like seventy eight million lillian's guy.
that they are eligible to gain legal citizenship through service in a military. Think about that. You don't know me, I heard at just take their one more step. Further toll on take. Take that five steps further. Who's been caught, contributing all this money to the Biden family, china, ok, now if they were going to conquer the united states, do you think that Legitimately conqueror by flying, Planes over here or flying boats up to the short no, they would get fuckin destroyed. Ok, we have the best. Strategic operating location and on the planet, your grow, defence or geography yes. Sir Would you do it from the inside? Ok and how would you get your people in your life, I'm coming unabated and the next step would be we arm them.
I think that you know when you look at the fact that we have stripped our military over most patriotic strongest man by the vaccine. Kick in the matter, military for that in our numbers, absolutely low, right, yeah, This is very dangerous. This should be Aggressively rejected by all of you and everybody else does. did you guys think down on the comments hashtag went to sea and tell us which gusting a third and final headline: let's get to our final segment of the show, as always, we have thumbs up or dumb swagger. Where women have the headline talk about it to get one of those two options. Think you're like this one, eighty think alike. This, though some faith in the justice system here here we go here. I am worried rosemary haines, thirty nine, who hurled burrito bowl in face of to partly worker Emily Russell after she got her order. Wrong is ordered to work at fast food joint for two months to avoid prison sentence is
I think it's pretty cool recall was done and an unsatisfied ohio woman has been ordered to work at a fast food chain for two months in lieu of a prison sentence? After throwing a readable and interpol, employers rose Mary Hain, whose thirty nine was catch. I don't care my hurling a bowl of chicken burrito at Emily Russell's. Twenty six. The store manager at a chipotle in parma ohio in September have pleaded guilty to. one count of the salt last week and was initially sentenced to three once in jail, judge Timothy gilligan ordered her to serve two months through employment working at least twenty hours per week at a fast food restaurant quote and get your burrito ball, the way alike It- and this is how you respond. He said during sentencing This is not real housewives upon this behaviour. Is not acceptable that so avow video shows hanging confronting Russell angrily when she brought her order to the counting she forcibly
throughout the entire ball in the workers face, leaving her drenched in a mix of food and sauce and k so casey fabrication it's so good! It's chainsaw sauce, oh the dip! I mean they call it a sauce yeah. No, it's a dip! Chipotle! Don't have any money. To fact check on that, I had a fat check for ya. Tell you that the dip in cases the debt. Bro of. Is that a fact that shadows you're gonna Chris Christie, approved We set up. Yeah. I'm full circle. Jerk right there, buddy, it doesn't so hey, then exited the store continuing to shout at the workers. Bystanders were left in shock by the unexpected attack she apologized to in court, but says she was not happy with the way her food was prepared. Fox eight reported his clip. The
This video shows a thirty nine year old, parma woman, throwing her heart dinner order in the face of a fast food. Worker worker on twenty three zero, be thirty. Two forty two city of power, vs rosemary hangar for the purpose of south, said on tuesday. The fox eight I team was in the courtroom when that woman, who was found guilty of assault faced a job which you didn't get your burrito all the way liking. This is how you respond they're. Looking for a fight a week later from that same restaurant, you would you would it's disgusting, looking I would be disgusted by that food. Well, it's not that you're not going to be happy with the food you're about to get into jail. Certainly turn two hundred and eighty days in jail and suspended ninety of those days and said he would give her sixty days jail credit.
Worse at least twenty hours per week at a fast food restaurant. For two months, do you want away so she's going to serve thirty days jail third, as jail sixty days, a fast food now, industry, now complete mercer, rochelle sorry. Now she sorry not wormy below the problem lies in how to fix I'll, say this row. Lizzie fast we work is an organ. Fucking lazy broke well, The truth, I think that's like how do you know what I mean. I thought you were on ebro know. I am wrong, I'm just saying, but like just search customer service in general, about it, it's slackened, Fuck around me, man, between a fuckin lines. Well, fuck. You know that is not, and this is not nothing new. I'm fucking Those who do they do say nothin, you, ok, No customer service has been declined. Bro you fucked, my food. Have them get a little piss, you don't get your
Do you want you? Don't pay you haven't you sound guilty grows rugby! yeah, you don't get pissed when they fuck your food up. I don't eat fast food, just food in general, they don't fuck my food up. I am very grateful to have any food. I am I'm very grave, and because I'm am gravely no fog it up here, Well, the truth is I asked, listen man when you treat people right, they treat you right. Like I've worked in restaurants, I've worked in bars. I know what the fuck happens behind the scenes when you're an asshole, bro you're, going to asshole shit, that's the reality. You know, like if your nose in china to be this a man I go out of my listen, this is a good rule for everybody. go out of your way to be extra, courteous, a nice to the people who are your food good policy lie life. Lessons TAT, you should never fuck with people. First of all, its It's hard work, it takes.
You are constantly being fought, complain to yell that you're not sure Do it respect you not paid well, ok and. It's a hard job to do. I've done it for a long time, that's how I find it the first. few years of the business. I think people you know how little more respect for everybody they would. These kind of things wouldn't happen as much personally my opinion. I now make it a point like you, been to eat me a million times man. I am very, very nice to the people in a restaurant now for sure overly nice for sure, because, like bro like these people are working hard and if they think that you're overly nice bro you come out, you get a nice meal. That's why I really think that that's been my case. I mean yeah people, fucked up your food before cups happen man now you know what I'm saying just don't do it again. That's right! Yeah,.
I look dude, I'm areas being being re, honest keeping a real man like young quit. She quit jukes credit jobs really should proposed out. She said I guess the south update on all my life, I told her if I had to I quit my four and a half years that Japan they was mentally or physically getting hard on me working sixty five hour weeks. No raises no appreciation I just had enough- took a week off to heal, apply to keynes, raising keynes yeah, they want a great. They went to great model. Brother food is that I don't know, but for food, I used or food. I know their food, but I'm telling you they got a great business model. They do very well. needs and the guy who run the guy who runs their shit knows what the fuck is doing. Penny some seasons. At least at least not all eleven herbs and spices, but at least like three of them bitches. You know what I'm saying I think maybe he's eligible that's just I've never had it rather than a flavor. Is the fucking? Do everybody out to everybody? I've ever heard talk about, says great they're all why attend and they're all white well
there do. You heard the stats earlier braille, fifty percent of the country's foggy white as real shit, like that's a good market, fried chicken for why people a thousand a great fucking idea, exact who do well. I mean our priority? Then you probably like it too bitch nah yeah, see that's your problem. You, like all the wife, food and a black for her brother. All right, I don't does dj hold dear good. Certain places acts, bees, zack species, bats, as these are using another big like fifteen herbs and spices, the seas in time. You yours acts. We started were in south relations, so. why people can have chicken to broke her. There's the a thought what money get hates us man, we got some shit, What do we do this? In a you know, I think it's
I think it's dumbest fought row like like at actually august, I love the sensing lapse, stands out as we're talking about that stands out. We more that shit. People should be humble right now, stop treating people I want my biggest pet. Please do something that, like I will legitimately stop fucking doing business where people or relate having any sort of relationship with them is how they treat wait. Staff because I worked in an environment for so long, and I witnessed so much bull shit there I do I just I. It tells a lot about a person you can tell a lot about a person how they act and how they behave courteous. They are the people that do weighing type jobs tables drinks service. they strasser you can tell a lot man and Actually, I think you could tell all you need to know by the way that those people treated want to preserve, and maybe we treat them better. Maybe we
Have such a problem getting people to do the work. we all do better. Everything gets better. I think that's the bottom line, so large percent man guys eighty target, are guys as show don't be a ho for the show, no sleeping on the floor. No mature response from the book of stole countless millions in the kobe teach Buddhist got a rope can't both doesn't know his shot case closed.
Transcript generated on 2023-12-10.