« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

605. Andy, Timothy Parlatore & DJ CTI: Donald's Gag Order Reinstated, White Lung Pneumonia & Fake Facebook Accounts Shut Down

2023-12-01 | 🔗

In today's episode, Andy & DJ are joined in the studio by the founder and managing partner of Parlatore Law Group, Timothy Parlatore. They discuss Donald's gag order reinstated by the appeals court in his NY civil fraud trial, Massachusetts saying that it's been hit with a wave of pneumonia in children, and the thousands of fake Facebook accounts that were shut down by Meta.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Sleeping on the floor now, my german from the county, millions in kobe teach buddhist god of all things, rope can't fall, doesn't know headshot case club, guys at the end for selling. This is the show, for the realist, say goodbye to realize the fitness and delusions of modern society envelope. Mother fucking reality dramatic sauce anyway, Do we have any dj crews? Motherfucking has we're gonna. Do that's what city I stand for its crews, the internet. We put topics, while the screen we talk about what we think is true. What we think is not true: it is a speculative show and try to figure what's going on in the world that we try to figure out what we, the people can do to make the situation better other. Tyres? U turn in of q and a yeah. That's where you get some questions, questions could be it
everything I am a twenty five year entrepreneur. Most of the questions that we do, our personal development, entrepreneurship, business, tat questions, but if you have questions about, what's going on, the war were happy to answer them as well or anything else. You can submit your questions for that show which usually airs every monday, one of a few different ways: the first is guys emo those questions and to ask any at any for solid icon or you can go on you too in the common section of the queue, and I have shows and rob yahoo and in the comments will pick some from there is well other time. As we have real talk. We'll talk is just five to twenty It's me giving you some real talk. You might call it a rat. I just call it talkin And then we are full length. Full length is where we give me the full length and the girth to be realised what she almost other progress, where an inner in person comes enjoins and we have a conversation, and then we have seventy five hard verses and seventy five hard verses is where people
Have completed, seventy five hard have taken their life from a lesson desirable place and rediscover their own power and taken back their life, come on the show and talked about how they how you could do it as well, familiar. Seventy five hardware. Fuck, have you been because it's everywhere right and the reason everywhere, because its awesome it changes your life and you want to get it. You can get a free, the reasons Greece, because I'm awesome and I care about getting you awesome without spending any money tar enough as it is about making reaching a wallet. Ok, you get it so to await the audio feed to await its free go get it, Now, if you want to give me some money, I take it, you could buy the book it's at Annie. solid outcome called seventy five. I do have a new book. That's getting re drop on january first, so keep an eye out, for that is well now We don't take ads on the show you're going to notice that I'm not going to talk about a bunch of shit that I don't use. So I can get some extra money, I'm a successful entrepreneur. I built real companies myself. I've been at this for twenty five years,
I don't need their money and I don't want to take their bullshit. But when I say so in action, and for not ruining your day with forty seven minutes of ads. I ask them simply that you help us get the message out because of the nature of things that we talk about, we don't give favourable. Traffic algorithms. We have fought with weak as shadow ban, we attract ronald and we need your help to get the message out. So we say: pay the fee that very simply mean share the shelf. It makes you laugh at me should thank the gives new perspective. If something you didn't know before please share the shell, the import. The message is important, which they all are please share the shell right, don't be a howl should show, I will submit hey how's it going hey nice hat thanks. Yeah looks familiar well, I know a guy yeah No, I mean that looks like the hat. Oh yeah wait. Is this like the first one though yeah do you know? That's not the first one, the first ones in my office at home, it's like all sweated out I'm going to heavily sexual because other power report, I felt a little bit more domestic
you. Rather he went up the list, a couple nachos who notches that we got it goes to migrate. So we have a guest today you have guessed once you introduce our guest, as we got. We got a great I've actually been following them for a minute. We've got tim politburo who is in on the studio today, ten how's it going good good good. Now TIM is an attorney he's idea why she tell us a little bit about what you do and where you came from temps, the audience gets a little scope of your experience so far sure so I started off in the navy was a surface. warfare officer got out of that and when the law school. I started my career in new york city on. Do lot of organised crime work work for of the air. The great to have been part of john gaudy trials me a real learn how to try cases their ultimate lee. I got involved then a really big case, sir. The eighty gallagher navy seal war crimes case a few years back, which which we won the big not guilty verdict
yeah and then that we are kind of catapulted may through a whole bunch of other things? Some? No, I recently represented donald trump. I was representing him. Through the arm. The investigative phases for both January sixth, as well as the moral law go kr, so you're on the list with us, too yeah man right and I and I have my own from predatory law group. I have a sixteen attorneys- or for me, I tied in entirely cloud based platform. So you all my people work remotely It is very near milton friendly. I have a few veterans on staff and then also bought. A third of my people are actually military spouses, because, because of who they're married two d o d keeps moving them around. The country and attorneys are licensed by the state, so that always don't always live where they're licensed and with me they can telecommute and so gives them good opportunity container work, so
yeah, my personal specialty. I do civil and criminal cases I always say you, I don't specialise in a one type, a case. I specializing in weird in big ugly fights and that's that's where I'm comfortable Nobody else wants the exactly. I got it, that's cool man. What what made you get into law? My work was there, something, like I mean, did you watch was. Was it a show? Was it not one? I cart back in I dunno. That is it. It was actually my best friend I went to the naval academy undergrad and my aspirin gotten trouble when we were juniors and he was facing separation. He came to me and he said you know TIM. I need your help, and so he and I just sat there- went through all the regulations and I figured out.
what they were charging them with didn't really match, but there are some moussa match a lot more, and I said you go tell him. This is liked him. I don't understand what you just said. I need you to do it, so I went up to the commons on new jag off sir explained the whole thing. He got drop down to obtain level discipline. Sewed saved his career. He just finished a tour of commanding the newest, guided missiles ashore in the navy gets as selected for captain. and yet he is these real hard charging. It asset to the navy who would have been thrown away over twenty years ago, but for that net that experience here really to make kind lit the fire, because I realised this something I have a passion for before that. Second, am I wanted to be an ma marine corps in four draft, sir, but I realized
This is something I have a passion for. I can help people and- and I'm good at this, like that- this is my yeah. This is my talent, the key to greatness man. Most people can never get those things aligned, yeah, and so, with that a kind of it shifted to trajectory unite. I tried to I tried to get into the navy jag corps. They they didn't accept me I applied like four times and so instead I came back as a civilian defense counsel and just beat the crap out of all the jags muslims as cool man. That's awesome now I think so. So. Obviously, your most recent as big as noted, no notable notable case was was the trump case. I can I talk a little bit about the eddie gallagher case. Oh yeah yeah saw me. Ideally I mean yeah. I talked to the cases saying yeah a few times a real instagram talked about this. We what we saw me because you didn't know about it, though I never knew about it till I talked to him. So isn't it kate is insane since anchors here either
historically about. Thirdly, where work, what was already thing in that case for further chemist, it must give the basics for for those that have not heard about this case like what start to finish, and he was a he was a navy seal and he was he and the potential safe arm over fighting in the battle of Mosul, I in twenty seventeen and they and now they were accompanying the iraqi forces in retaking. Most So from the iraqi from the ices and about a year later, he was accused of war crimes. They said that he had to I stabbed and isis prisoner in the neck gillingham. They said that he had as a sniper shot at innocent civilians, child yeah exactly child, an old man and so
Oh, he was serious allegation of a very serious serious war crimes allegations. He was. He was residues, putting pretrial confinement and I came into the case on the several months after being arrested when they come. They were dissatisfied with their legal representation and wanted to trade hmm? And so I was I honestly only in that case for about three and a half just less than four months, and in that time yeah we had him released from jail. We had the prosecutor kicked off the case because of a because of violations. We took it to trial, we got a not guilty verdict and it was. It was a wild thing in the middle of trial, one of the witnesses confessed during my cross examination to being the actual killer, it's insane so there was a it was a very wild case. There was a lot of shit that went on there too, while he was trying to get help and people were Four can tell him they were help alone and they were.
Actually not open whom they were doing the opposite. Like very, very famous certain points. Go figure was at the head of that It was a lot of politics going on and on and a lot of dirty games going on. At one point, I actually discovered that the prosecutors in ncs had launched an illegal spying, operation, surveilling me and- and so I obviously brought that to the judge's attention that created a whole separate fiasco. He had, he has several days of hearings on that which ultimately resulted in the
prosecutor getting removed the halfway through the hearing. It ended early because the agency I asked director sent a letter from quantico invoking privilege and refusing to allow any of the agents to testify and the judges sittin there ridden the thanks, and I don't think I've ever seen. A law enforcement agency invoke their fifth member rights, but I'm gonna have to interpret this letter as an emission of criminality by and see I ass shit ass crazy. Do it when the case was override, I sat with the judge and he he kind of looked at me, and he said you know TIM. You read about these things. You know summon newspaper summon John grisham novels and you think, maybe in my career I'll see one of these things we just had all of them. In one case, yeah
Is it a gas while so what's it like to work with trump there? I must say that I gotta have that guy that guy's huge I enjoyed it it's it's very, it's a different client kind of client, and yet I enjoyed it because it's very consequential case. You know the the issues that we were litigating. I felt they were very important shoes and had to be handled right. I got along well with client and look I've been very public about this. The reason I left has nothing to do with him or the cases it was the people around him that I felt prevented me from being able to defend him to the best of my how many times have we said that broke? I talk about all the time in asia on my, why is he doing this in it and in due time, and then I meet the people around them, and I might that's why it's crazy is
If you want to bring me into a case, she got a yet take the handcuffs. Often let me win your case. Young adults have me saddled with the campaign that, on the other is gonna hold me back, and that means that the first person I have represented with a campaign data that may represent a new one of our mutual friends, our greatest yeah yeah, and he right from day. One said tim you're here to help me out with this thing: campaign you're here to get me elected, you guys stare in his way TIM. If you ne thing, you guys give it to him yeah, and that worked great, but here was kind of the reverse, where the campaign is trying to dictate strategy in a way that they, in my opinion, were trying to use these criminal cases and investigations as more of a campaign right to your tool than an actual litigation thing and Emmy look. I love. I love the biggest case out there
but at the same time I don't want to be used for campaign purposes right. The app and also you don't want to be making your strategic moves based around how the public's going to percent perceive it when you're I naturally win something or how. I think the public know that It's the aggro, I already know the conversations these dudes are telling them all. You can't do that, because this is how it'll look do this, because this is how it'll look now as I always say, in in a criminal trial. There are only twelve opinions that matter, and yours is not one yeah, no shit. If you're not a germ. I don't care So what do you think about? What's going on in the world? Man? It's crazy yeah. I agree that it's crazy. I mean I, I kind of have a unique perspective on things, because I get to see a lotta stuff behind the curtain and.
It. It's a situation where legitimate problems have overreactions and overreaching solutions being implemented, which causes bigger problem plums and- and I think that a lot of this know people you know they loved overreact and love to take advantage of any tragedy for their own political gain. And if we were to take a step back and look at these things,. Little bit more carefully, analytically, focusing more on the facts, the evidence in the law. You come to a different conclusion What do you think it is now I want to know first wall It seems to me that The law is being heavily twisted and manipulated by a certain political. Already be known of sand. Like
We're very we're very much so applying the law, people there's a there's, a double standards of double standards. When I observe what's happening and how the law is being applied to, let's say a conservative, but not be. Applied to, let's say people who are left of centre. What do you? How do you correct that over the course of time, because I've never witnessed that in my life before or maybe it's always been that way, and I didn't notice it, but it's become, heavily weapon eyes at this point in time and its very obvious one. things, you know that I struggle with is like one about how we can rebuild the country and sort of restore what needs to happen. I mean. What do we do with people who are willing to take the law and basically make it applicable certain cases where d apply blatantly without
regard for, for what they're supposed to do, because I feel like things like what the teeth Letitia. James is doing like this. What's what's this up here and I, the skeleton that fuckin at old myth that all. Why do that looks like skeleton old white, which now bro he's he's the judge and oh yeah in goran yeah, that guy I actually happen. It's idea morgan dive into what is it? What we Is it going to take to correct this problem? In my opinion, this is not something this risk ok. We have always had a weapon association of the criminal justice system, I see it a little bit differently. Not so much that is being weapon ized against one party or be, as other people would argue, is being weapons used against certain ethnic groups, and things like that, I see it. personally, as the criminal justice system, is weapon ized against everybody. The difference is whose, in
charge in the political figures that will protect their own and protect their favorite. and so yeah. That's that's the problem and I think it a lot of it is a lot more public now and people are starting to see things that thing there were obvious to me years ago, just in the new york city criminal system, of how it is weapons used against people on its now much republican public opinion of the years of where we thought the federal prosecutors where these it's in white shining, armor, india like, things you see on the anti you ve, no jack, mccoy type characters led. That's all affection and to me the way the effects this is he to change the career path of these prosecutors to make it something where their incentivize to do justice, as opposed to racking up their stats em to racking
the biggest names, the biggest scalps on the wall and also to remove the politics from the process I mean to me. An elected prosecutor is a recipe for design master at a Latisha James and I'm gonna to address both the names you brought up. The tissue this is an elected, democratic, attorney general who was who can campaigned on a platform of I'm going to get donald trump m, because she in a largely one party, jurisdiction they bought into that, because really, all you have to do is aid. As a prosecutor, In a single party, jurisdiction, bread or blue, is you have to win your primary to keep your job to get or keep your, and so because you're can run essentially an elected in general, so that's what she did. Yes, she she campaign on that, and now she he's doing what she needs to do to win them
primary election to keep her job and the judge, not now. I people know this, but in new york, judges are elected and when have a one party jurisdiction like that new york city. Judges are all for the most part elected on a, first, the way that they get on the ballot? Is they go over to the democratic party and they they do- the beauty pageant there and the party select who they want on the ballot and so just but every job, in the state system in new york is selected by the political party to that position and then rubber stamped by the electric, as in a really have another choice, and they you serve you like a ten year term, and so, if they want to keep their judge they're going to keep the party happy. The federal judges aren't like that. Federal judges are appointed for life, and it is a
Not a perfect system, it is more a more perfect system where their appointed by the president, but with the advice and incentive this It and ordinarily vader even get advanced the president's desk without the senator from that jurisdiction. So really any federal in new york doesn't get to that position without for the ones who were elected, they were appointed during trumps era. They don't get to that position unless both chuck humor and donald trump agreed. This person should be a federal judge and then their appointed for life, and they don't have to worry about reelection who so that that's one of the many reasons why I preferred be in federal court, but when you have a state system like that everything I'd just described also applies to georgia. yeah. If you have a situation like fulton county words, one party jurisdiction, I certainly the manhattan district attorney's office. All of those are politics infecting the criminal justice system.
And then, on the federal side, the attorney general is appointed by the president and when they are given their marching. Orders of these are what your priorities are going to be when that trickles down the prosecutors, even if nobody says you're, even if Joe Biden never actually calls up man, garland says I would like you to prosecute my political opponents, merit garland the people under him and jack Smith. They all know I want to please my boss, and the best way that I'm gonna, please my boss, is by bringing the cases that they like to see. Which is now in today's day and age things they get attention right and one question I have is necessarily what's wrong or what's wrong just but in it interesting thing is you have a situation like Bob Menendez indicted right in the middle of all this, What do you think I was gratified that was like her? You, ok, talk about in terms of like you know,
when you are in these positions. You're you're dominant. As your democrat senator right you to play ball because the committee chairs that you sit on like that's all. That's all pay for play. You gotta, you know, there's things, there's rules and regulations that you gotta play by and it may not be a direct conversation. You know the rules and if you want to stay in this game, you gonna player. Now I'm to the opinion that I feel like. I was just one of those situations where bob either did something that they didn't want him to do or didn't do something they want him to do and- we got chicken or he took it a little bit too far I mean once you get to the stage of having yes stacks of gold bars in your house yeah, and they are one. One problem, thereby having a tank in your house yeah, that's a different issue. We might need to talk about. We can talk about that yeah once you get to that point, yeah one one.
problem that the d o J has in keeping things politically aligned is that they do have agents to go out there and bring cases, and then, if the agents you know try to bring a case, you know they. They now have to worry about. Whistleblowers. Have oh we're going all of a sudden get all these iris agents that you know go talk to congress about how you know we wouldn't let them prosecute hunter Biden and things like that, so there there is an element of that word. Yet the line agents are out there trying to do the right thing the end. Then that's one thing: if you look at the fbi, the line Agents by and large are out there trying to do the right thing I've noticed we have a lot of we have we welcome. They tell us- and indeed even you, the fbi, does have a large cadre of people that are not agents
and those are the more the political appoint days. I am one of the thing: it drives me out of my mind, yeah one of my good clients and close friends is Bernie kerik, yeah, I'm on my period I love Bernie yeah yeah and he- and I are always talking about like look at the fbi director one. last time we ve had an fbi director who has person experience carrying a badge and a gun. It's been probably decades right, yeah right who Well, maybe I do under threw away the I'll do like yeah, but this is look This is the same problem and business. This is when businesses get too big a pirate people who are fucking. They come from harvard yale, as opposed to people actually pack boxes and went through the whole system.
and you can't get the same outcome so I don't know- I mean the debate going back to your question was the best way to fix it, rip the politics out It literally yeah literally find a way to depoliticize the criminal justice system and whether it's having kind of a bipartisan oversight, commissioner, or something if you rip the politic. Side of it, and then you start to actually hold prosecutors accountable for misconduct, cassettes. The other thing is they. They have immunity, and so when A scooter goes and does something this outright illegal and unethical to try to put somebody innocent in jail. Nothing happens to them. Let's just say I came gardener. She she got what I find hundred dollar five, exactly that's insane ro kim gardener. Literally, I mean gap, people fucking murdered in Saint louis,
legitimately like their families right now without love ones, because of her that she made right intentionally into sure decisions she made great. Wouldn't stop dirty exactly sheep. our ties she used taxpayer dollars to go after removing a popular and effective governor from an opposite point of a marketing he, as opposed to focusing on murders who gave her her marching, orders songs. I know that I am that is, that is what it seems to be because who funds it right. Now again, no as a lawyer, I don't like to speculate too much. Rather it was the facts- are rather get her under oath and ever admit it yeah yeah, However, this is a speculative shell this regulation shows or its fine here
anyway, I normally objecting to speculation, we stay these pollyanna. My comfort does right sustained, was at the right choice. Yes, what we got the good stuff man. I want to bring this up. You know, I think I think if there is any proof that's some one listens to the show. I found it because someone were almost show. because you guys remember this is probably like maybe two city eyes ago and Andy had a famous line. He said no, it's time to get back to just saying, fuck, you, Oh yeah, you got you out the next day, saying shit. Rarely later you see them now, Well, let's just watch it for those. Oh, why doesn't elon just have like? Why? Doesn't he just come on show maryland just hit us up just come on in we'll gotcha yeah,
We wish to argue with. You immediately were more impact. This worry we welcome all so this was so you almost did. Is this line antagonist gazillion times and I'm just like boy, you visited the shell latter, nobody dies but he's on the right path. I'm just saying that show comes out. You tell me what to do. add to it what I say we need more kid rock and less dylan mulvaney epoch, I see it. This was the clubs are that he was alive and a view. I believe, with unseen CNBC MR alive interviewing. The interviewer is asking him about the advertised on x come. I often leave in the program leaving the platform. This was elon musk, a response. You don't want them to know what he meant. If somebody to try to blackmail me with advertising blackmailing with money, go fuck yourself
problem, the red line of thought, here. Yeah, hope it is a former ta tires- is fucking great. You don't want them to have to know what you mean if somebody to try to blackmail me with advertising blackmailing with money, go fuck yourself, Go fuck open it He forgot really daedalus ratings. I was just for our brave, or this is the for living in a fucking simulation road. The solar three treated out there. He trees out this solitary this after I started my drivers and their eyes
I can listen it loaded. You I'm real taught rome I've been save fuck you advertisers before they even try to advertise on my show. for me, my own show you take a dollar from these motherfuckers, because I am not going to Listen a shit some with you now, but feel free. You can advertise you should advertise some eggs. dollars on the show the reality We do not really do that platform. Blot. Take some free money from somebody things fuck you I like X, X, NASA we back I'll, buy a tesla, know you by a tassel. I won't drive it about your by one I'll do some with it. I'm just sayin. she's, not my cup of tea brown. Well, what you say go you I I like him a lot. He's an interesting guy as one way of describing.
These social media networks, yeah that that try to shadow banned and and sensor people as much as people I like the reality is they're allowed to do it there, because when you try to sue them fort, yet the constitution. First, amendment then only place of the government and to restrict their ability to censor actually implicates there first, memorize. What I like about him is that he went in and he he kind of made a business decision of hey. You know what ever people don't like censorship. Maybe we can increase user ship by getting rid of it, and- and I think that he's done a lot of great things with that, and also I love that attitude were yeah he's not gonna just catered everybody knew the way that yes, Zuckerberg and these other people do. Let me ask you a question about regarding like the internet right, so I hear what you're saying- and I know it
technically correct right, like it infringes on their right by telling them they cannot sensor right. So we have section two, thirty right so At some point in time, right when we talk about the public conversation wind the first amendment was created. There was no technology like this. It's probably was canadian, be thought of liner monotonous, fathoms, but what we have in this is real. Is we move, public conversation from in person to a digital format that is privately owned So if public conversation me from here to aunt. This electronic device, this electronic platform They can't sensor shouldn't we reconsider if people like that
are allowed to censor since they now on the public. Conversation in that technology was never considered. When we first came up with the first amendment rights of people in this country. You know the. it's it's similar to a right like like a wise. This new thing, everybody. about it right but nobody's thinking like oh maybe we should not do this thank goodness safeguards and when the year old enough to know with the internet, already nobody thought about these things like so that's what I'm gonna do you think the issue, because when you have become so large as facebook has become too, where its essential a monopoly right and they dominate they, they own the entire. Base in, and so there is where you may want to,
as say, if you have become that big, that you are a monopoly, then some of these protections should apply, but as far as you know, these these types of entities that will only put out one, you know one point of view that actually did exist back when they wrote the constitution in what way are because newspapers at the time most newspapers were actually For one or the other of the parties and yeah so but that's how it was from the beginning, Alexander Hamilton started the new york post. Abc news called something different, but was specifically, he had to put out your federalist propaganda and then there was the democratic republican newspaper and so people would you know they would write these essays attacking the other side. But if you read just the one paper you're only going to see that one side, you know the near post will never published anything written by thomas jefferson and- and so it did
kind of exist at the time, but the people had access to multiple papers, so they read the one that they want or they could read em all and get all sides out of it, but when it does because isn't this single hegemonic thing right, yeah, like mehta vented that pointed up it does become must it cause I governmental agency, where they really do control the public conversation of everybody? Ought I actually kind of look at it from a slightly different perspective of its kind of fraud? when you build a platform like this and say that it's gonna be all about your free speech and in public discourse in everything. And then you have p will they go on there and they build a huge following they build this whole community all based justifiable reliance upon the promises that were made by Zuckerberg back when they started and they
for all of their money and effort into this thing, and then all of a sudden facebook turns and says: okay. Well guess what? Now, even though we promised you this, we have decided now we're going to exercise our first memory rights to only have people that we agree with I have those kind of platform said I'm going to start suspending all these accounts, and I- and so I think, for me, you know from a essentially fraudulent inducement perspective. There's there's a different legal argument to be made as to why they can't do it rather than just simply a first amendment should apply to matter. I'm I'm! Ok, I'm only if that was the case, I'm fine with me! has guess like there are other options. You can go to write that that's fine, but I think that day europe's thing in what's come to light, nor within the law a year or two years were no like the meadow files or arms. Are the twitter files with exposed that it was not. These private companies is acting on their own right, these direct
it of censorship and shadow banning and the use of bought. It was all at the direction of the federal government and riots, that's when you get into being even more so government action brows, because if the government is directing you to do something or you're doing something at the government's behest, even those if it's a request or otherwise, it is initiated by the government and so the near then that's just constellation absolutely girl. What do you think about the idea, so something that we never hear, and I you know Eric Schmidt's, a good buddy of mine. It's funny cause. I was friends with schmidt and greitens, so low, but we are sufficiently endorsed Eric to actually the truth lies in no problem saying this: I've been friends with guidance? I supported him first and then, when they see bottom in the in the primary with those fuckin fall allegations. Ah, I agreed
to me with Eric schmidt, because Eric Schmidt asked to reach and I'm actually friends with his cousin. So. arrogant, Eric Schmidt and I met, and I ended up really like in them and we become friends after the facts. Friends of both of them and it's a little awkward. But I don't like you know. I don't think I think areas don't invite them together. I dont even know that's what it is. You know I I think I think Eric brightens feels very sour about what happened and I think he deserves to feel that way. But in reality I think he also knows that Schmidt's a tea. player, he's up they're, trying to good work and any wasn't behind. Now he wasn't and- and I you know- and that's been a really cool friendship, Eric schmidt night air, starting to lead the charge on what we're talking about here, Things have now we're talking about what How d you know traffic throttling people, don't talk, but that in terms of censorship, the algorithm right like it's not just getting your plan
warm taken away or getting your postal leader getting fat chattering. It's the way, did, they naturally must thus have comes later yeah, it's the way they naturally change flow of the algorithm. When you start to talk about things that they don't want you talking about, and that's censorship is well in that something that you know. Encourage those guys to really start to talk about some more. I seen him say some things about it, but I, Hopefully you know we have some resolution on that as well, because the truth of the matter is that these as one and, if the like this, I look at it. Look at tik, tok, right, tik, tok, crushing everybody the reason it's crushing. Everybody is because it's pretty open algorithm aright solve these guys were operating in good faith like they say They do saying we're a business. We hear them. build a business Would open the algorithm because it would create more money for their business, but that's not what's happening what's happening. Is they have a big business
making a lot of money and their using that business too. Retail and craft public discourse, The way they wanted to be- and we see this from donations of the people. who run these operations and the money The money goes that they know night, and so my argument when, when I think of life What's actually happening is that there are not even operating in good faith. Is a business in the first place, their operating as a literal conversation manipulator public discourse, and so you know we think not. I think that that's true I I don't know that I would be so kind to tick tock on this because of this I think that they are well there pushing that the harmful cultural shit correct by four, everybody else there not like, like my shit that gives posts there they're not censoring it, because I'm saying stopping alike, but they are pushing out the the
mentally damaging things for the youth right right. We can agree on that, I'm not being kind, but what I am saying. Is there not trying suppress everybody else, which is why they ve gotten so popular any good. Back to to me? It's it's a fraud. If you are holding yourself out to be one thing and your actually engaging in something else right, if you, if you want to make everybody, think hey we're a free speech by form. And then you are throttling the content so that people are led to believe that the free speech pie form shows that such the majority of people think this one way in the new. Don't get to hear the other side of things, then that is a fraud. No, because you you ve, induce people into the space with the promise of free sport goes further and look at what they were: deja vu, up in the twitter files. They haven't millions of accounts that are not even real accounts that they used to put traffic on the political narratives.
they believe in right and then use the same fake accounts. Those bought accounts to attack the political narrative They disagree within inside the corporation like do what the fuck. Like us. These are not even real people and their using their internal resources to prop up and then suppress at an end, create committee. Fusion, in that this is why so many people that have regular common sense views feel so alone. This is why people think, like road damage there too, and how many people died, because I respect and drugs corcoran were censored lock having People didn't take those therapeutics because they were although they were in a whore, stop him like how many people like there's, ruled that this physical damage you're in there they're trying to create as much distance between then and now as they can, so that people forget what they actually did, and so we can do what they actually do, as they fucking killed people by propping up truths that we're not true
and suppressing the actually true shit in rome. Its allowed to regard because crimes against humanity, that is it is and anyway yeah. Let's get into it cause. We got some guitar lines here. So, let's get into it, we kind of touched a little bit of subs some stuff. We touch some stuff. Ah, he types of stuff I didn't know you guys touched some stuff. I might Now, what has been a lot of guys river? If you want to see any of these pictures articles links videos go to eighty four, seven, our common to fathom link there. I've watching in on you to shut down the description below defined in there is well with having sat manner. Get into our first headline in my number one. Have another one reads:. drop their order reinstated by appeals, court new york, civil fraud trial. So this just came out today so the new development as a couple of new developments, in this case arms less does, I think now we have an attorney who actually represent I represent a drum, not nexus.
They're, not gonna, let loose what do we see and hear so much damsel bit? So a new york appeals court thursday reinstated a gag order that barred former president donald trump from commenting by court personnel after he disparaged a law clerk in his new york civil fraud trial. The decision from afford judge panel came two weeks after an individual apollo judge. I put the order, hold. While the appeals process played out the truth, judge, art and warren imposed gag order october. Third, after trot posted in Iraq, tori comment about the judges law, clerk to social media? The post was included a baseless allegation about the clerks personal life came on the second day of the trial in new york attorney general Latisha, James lawsuit. James allegest, tromp, exaggerated his wealth on financial statements, used secure loans and make deals trot. A Republican denies any wrongdoing and
there's a couple of other big loss I guess it happening right now. her line also comes out same day, judge chuck kid, denies tromp motions to subpoena for missing J six record so Joe, Tanya, you and canoes presiding over special council jack's myths case against former president Al Tromp for twenty twenty election interference. This We deny the motion by the former president to seek materials. He said house committee investigating january six, twenty twenty one had not and over to the national archives, nature can reject did trumps motion accusing him of going on a quote fishing expedition ass. She, she said quote the broad scope of the records that defend it seeks and his vague, description of their potential relevance, resembles less a good faith effort to obtain identified evidence than I do a general court? Unquote quote fishing expedition that attempts to use the rule seventeen see subpoena as this every evidence. She wrote in her denial.
Long term interests of things happening, but there are some wins. Some interesting things to happen inside the courtroom, so they put this this? This banker from dutch deutsche bank, an untried one to testify in this court case in He kind of blows the whole thing wide open. How baseless This claim is when it comes to exaggerating wealthy he's a bow anchor was at the bank of one of the bank's alone. Trump money right. sorry and he's an executive there, he gave testimony that could bolster down trumps defence in a civil fraud trial telling a new york judge that perspective clients can get loans eaved even after reporting and worth far higher than the lenders own calculations, so David Williams, who worked on, least one of three loans deutsche bank made to trump in the years before he was elected president testify tuesday, that its quote a typical
not entirely unusual for the bank to cut a client stated asset value by fifty percent and approve alone. Anyway, as it did, I don't believe. That's even a typical, I feel pretty standard. That's pretty fuckin standard if you ever had actually get alone for anything, just san jose, every bank, does that in more people, our stand because it never filed any personal financial statements- are done. Anything financially in the fuckin lives, but they have a fuckin. A viewpoint on this is that the network stated is up for debate. so there's no certification process of what you say your network is and why they say your network is it's it's what the market will pay. I think my house is worth fifteen million, but them It says it's only were five. It's worth five, even though Think fifteen, and just because I put fifteen on a fuckin financial statement, doesn't mean it combating fraud, it means
I'm doing math, it doesn't agree with what that mass s threat so and I'm not even saying that he did that because The reality is that same orlando's worth eighteen million dollars when it's worth the fucking billion hours. Okay, so there's a whole bunch to this. They fuck you sent yet after this there playing on people's ignorance in their own financial ignorance. This is why the same reasoning teach people basic finance in high school, so Well, as this issue is responsible, so quote, is the incapable of reaching its own judgement based on the evaluation and makes of the guarantors financial condition. Trop atari hazel suarez act Williams, a managing director of the german bank quote sir, Willie, yes, William, said under questioning by suarez. William said, the bank always reviews perspective client, stated network and adjust it as needed quote: Is he saying when I just said? No, he sang always always yes,.
quote as part of our due diligence. We subject to clients, asset value, to adjustments. William said quote its power. Of our underwriting process, we apply to every client. Regardless of what report it says quote. is a difference of opinion and asset values between the client and the bank. A disqualifying factor to extend credit suarez ex Williams Williams said no suarez there. Why not william said quote it's just a difference of opinion. Williams testified quote. I think we expect and to provide information to be accurate, but why He added that such financial statements are made quote largely relying on the use of estimates, and it's almost like I've done this before. we almost, but here's where gets weird ripe. This is what this is work. It's fucked up. Ok, so The documents show the trump cured the breaches and
instead testified father. There was nothing particularly unusual about the way trumps company got back into compliance. Deutsche bank quote was satisfied with the resolution. They got their money, everything's, fine everything's, good after Williams. The article says was accused as a witness chop attorney christopher keys acts the judge to issue an immediate verdict in favour of the former president arguing the testimony from the deutsche bank executive had refuted states claim that any asset inflation was material to the lenders. Decision quote the bay had no problem with the two billion dollar difference of three billion dollar difference. Large just a network are not unusual. Kai, said quote there, there's been no demonstration of any materiality issues at all. more in the judge, said he'd rule on cases requests at a later time, but suggested he wasn't can and by the argument quote the mere fact,
and that lenders were happy, doesn't mean the statute wasn't violated yeah. So I get that but used to broke the law he's that's a technicality. What what do you think they're? Well, first of all, chris cases making emotion at a time when he does never mechanism to make it. So the idea that the judge wouldn't rule on it at that point means that in this case the judge is actually following. The law Chris is just showing that he doesn't know what he's doing ah by the way- and I did not get along with us ruth yeah I'm this testimony really does gonna go to the heart of of what this case is and should the it's interesting in a fraud case that you would have the defence put.
victim on the stand to say that the victim was aware of all this and that the victim ended, the victim doesn't yeah. Not only doesn't care is not about whether they care the the what happens is. Did they do it anyway, because fraud requires that you mean, a false statement and through your false statement, you actually induce something so gain from it right right right. So again of if I'm gonna sell you a car, and I I tell you this car. Has it hasn't eight cylinder engine in it and you say: ok, great, I'm gonna buy it, and then you pay me and then I give you the car and you look under the hood knit how oil six cylinders I've committed fraud If I take it as a cylinders, you Look under the hood need to man's got six islanders, but I still like the car. Then you pay me and then knowing that you buy, far from me. Anyway, it's not fraud, it's just bullshit right
exact. When you refer to the bush right, it's it's not how I would sell a car personally, but you know that's that's the thing is it there has to be, there has to be a plausibility element to the fraud, and it has to be something that somebody relies upon, and if the bank didn't rely upon it, Maybe at best you could get an attempted fraud. you wouldn't get the substantive fraud you get an attempted brought. My question is: why like grow, listen, look good! the the hundreds of millions of laundered? Listen this this case. It apply to any single fucking human being is ever even apply to a mortgage. every single person. How here listening the show who has written their network down on a per so financial statement to get a mortgage and has me calculated by a dollar could be found guilty it with the argument that they're making australian
give in others andella by one of our mutual friends who made a morgan at mortgage application on it. He wrote that he had received a gift from a friend, a cash gift. He later came in More money decide to pay that cash. Give back, pay them with John time. There are no issues like that. He went to jail because the o J said when you said that that was a gift. We think it was really a loan because you ultimately did pay the guy back. That's crazy Bernie cleric, that's fucking clays. I was one of the things that he was convicted of her we share. The accident say that's like say: that's likes tim, that's like used! That's like me being in a spot right like a financial pitch which fucking since the everybody at some point, probably multiple points in it. life no matter how damage almost lost all this money. Like seven times like broke. This happened. Yes, So that would be like one of donald trump rich bodies saying.
Highbrow hears fuckin thirty million box steward don't worry about it. We're billionaires, you're gonna get back no big deal. I love you. Man love everything you ve done for me and then down, Tromp later saying. Ah, back on my feet: highbrow thanks for the thirty! appreciate, I gave it back to you and then them in fucking jail for it. That's insane, but while it's one of the reasons why to me the governments couldn't be him. They shouldn't be getting involved than they say out. If deutsche bank called Latisha jameson says we ve been wronged. that's a different day defrauded us, he that'll what I'm saying where a bit right: I've. If I'm happy bro he inflated his income, he claimed the own three buildings that we found out later. He didn't even own if it somehow like that, and then they didn't get paid back, yeah any defaulted on it, and ran away from it then oak yet now it makes sense to go the federal government to this agency and say: hey we're victim of a crime, but
the age he goes Hunting for a crime- and they start going through financial statements. Are they decide this? Is crime and they don't the victim. Has come to them saying: hey, we ve been defrauded. Why are you even getting involved because its political hit right do that it? Will peopled erst, listen, pete debt that you notice? the political? The? What they're doing Is there creating cases that people do not have the capacity to understand intricacies up because their finance truly illiterate. Okay, so there Reading these things that are naturally confusing for people so that they can give me people that this guy's a fucking liar and a piece of shit and fraud here. Let's take that one step further had Donald trucks Who said I own these three buildings. Anyhow, known them, and they still on the money and he paid the money back in the
said everything was satisfied. It still my fuckin fraud because they would have done due diligence to know that he didn't on the fucking buildings. Actually, yes, they like this. not me offering to sell your car, they, u dont, bother to look on your door, locked door nature, but especially as I kind of dollar value ass, they do. due diligence brody go all the way up, your ass all the way back with a fuckin beer Sport from about due to lead, so what they're doing that's? What people dollar stand like that? You know in the internet, culture everything's a fraud, everybody's, a fraud, everything's a fraud, everybody's, a fuckin, scammer The reality is people, don't know. The reality of the law are an end when we took when we talk of the specifics of the law. Would it be ok for him? Is it ethics yeah. Ok for him to say that he owns things that he does it know, but the reality is as they did their due diligence and they knew that he didn't own the buildings and he had just stated the owner buildings, and they say you know what, by the way, he's worth eczema
You qualifies for alone. Let's get maloney pays a back. There's no fucking crime it was so does that make sense, nor makes sense. Yeah I didn't was the building thing like. Is that a real thing, like you said so he did say he thought that was an example. I made that up as an example. I'll give you another example. I I have a case right now. It's a securities fraud case where it's a three hundred million dollars and yup publicly traded company that was taken, private and the go private. The due diligence revealed that half of the subsidiary porsche subsidiaries dim really exist, and the buyer use that, in a negotiation, to get an advantage and get a much better price on the thing to take a private And then, as soon as he took a private, he pretend The doll the sudden find these things and yet to try get the guy out, I'm recourse bright anyhow. So now we're gonna go through a federal criminal trials.
For this thing, for a go private that was sold for under fair market value, because they knew that there were certain subsidiaries that were empty and is it the things of like why Are we doing this yeah the the victim new yeah, but now, but we but the Several governments still gets involved in these things. It isn't over criminalization young that kind of thing. Yet, fine deal with it in a civil suit deal with it in a bankruptcy proceedings. We don't need to put people in jail for that yeah yeah I mean look, there's a differ! between a flawed and a bullshitter right, there's a fucking different secure ya and due diligence by banks like deutsche bank and it. If I get a fire, the difference to heat active here, you gotta be really good to get past yeah successfully. I wrote you, listen man didn't we ve been through due diligence in our companies because, like you know we'd, we do.
with financial institutions and things like that and light broke date. Fucking go to your credit card, though you liked it like, people understand a go through your credit cards like what's that for our semi to set quick trip. I that you have every morning. What's that about like this What's he do listen like day now like day no an end in this whole cases based upon the idea you all. These smart, intelligent people in this courtroom know exactly what the fuck is going on and then they too get to the media and the media makes it into something because they don't know what the correct the average person is not taught any kind of financial literacy for the reason that our debt- is their assets, so they want financially illiterate people out in the world, making stupid financial decisions, because the more money that you all the more profitable they are and this this is the game, and so they weapon eyes this ignorance to make this man
look like he's done some highly critical criminal shit when, in reality, these. And this is where the fuckin rob is here like this- is the thing that should concern you as an effort when it to him. They can it's you because of filled out alone for a car, and you overstated your income by two grand or you figured out you. but on a mortgage statement that, even though you made all your payments, you calculate your net worth or bro. This is what I'm saying: dangerous shit and people don't understand this. So if you guys get behind so many people are like fuck. Look, criminal he's this he's that, like dude, you do that? You look They can do the same thing you ve found out in the sun we're gonna go because we gotta move on. But when asked what do? What do you think? I know you don't like to speculate, but what do you think is the outcome of this? I love this one specific cases, others three others. But what do you think happens in this case? Oh this case, the judge is going to rule against them. Yeah he's a he he's going to have he's going to have a verdict against him, and then it will go up on appeal, and I think I think
just about all these are gonna, be trial losses and a pellet once got it, I'm quite well here first on really I will stay tuned on them and maybe it's funny in guys of you. If you want to jump in on this conversation, hashtag bring them down cause. I I agree with you. I and I think they're going to try to gentlemen. Some of these cases there so we got shows what you guys think. Hashtag bring up down down in the com is, let us note, you guys think that the harder they push on this do debate that this is what these guys are failing to understand because they live in an echo chamber. Do they I understand it or do they not care, while I think they know her any time you have a political candidate, that's not planning on debating or campaigning, I'm not talking about trumped arma bag. I knew that should scare you scary, you that this highly unpopular elderly man who most poor fucking hate because he's ruining their lives legitimately.
Is literally not planning on campaigning. Why do you think that is the worst form last I sit in the basement, That should worry people that should be highly concerning. Anyway, russia man, but We get our second southern dialogue, as always, let's crews, the comment, so we had a big day yesterday We, we dropped episode. Number two: episode number two day the life, and we had a lot of really really great comments, guys at first robin the commute. You guys are amazing, you guys really are. That super who is really really awesome if you're what I like about the like people, people. Let us do our thing without fucking make training It gets to be like yeah, everybody out. You guys should do that. She I'm a fucker, we're trying to entertain you and make you laugh. If you laugh, you laugh yeah right. If you don't something's wrong with you, yeah fuck, you musk, you don't like it fuck.
But I know I know we have a lot of really really great comments, but I like this one, the best. It was very, very simple right to the point so to screw the comet comes from nowhere regress over others on me. ok, no know rodriguez. Seventy eight, seventy two air can dream will not die because of you Andy. Thank you for leading now I die because of you? That's what you have to understand, just because I'm out here I am too I've been doing this for twenty five years. The rest, come on here and talk. This shit is so that you have the fraternity to go, live your dream This is the other thing I saw you comments like all andy's, trying to show off his lifestyle. Yeah motherfucker you write about that. I wrote it. in two minutes for twenty five fucking years- and I want to show the young men and women out there that are out there grinding- that there's a fucking reward for that right at some point it's an obligation, if your winning, if you're a winner of you, built something to lead people see some of the spoils share some of that reward. Let him know that
on the other side of this fuckin bullshit that their work and drew there's something to actually be had and we will see that enough because we got all these knuckle heads on the internet crying about people show him the fuck off, I'm not showing bro. Do you know how hard I dim my shine so that you guys don't fucking die like if I'm being real? If I went around here and I showed off and flexed you I know your qualities, James, you have for our life, like I'm too, I'm legitimately being considered. inconsiderate of europe, fragile little feelings were guided, so you know- if I was flaxen and it did it isn't showing. twenty minutes of my life- is not a place. I can point to smile fuckin phone, unfounded and flex for most people. I've earned that, and I've done for twenty five years- and you can too So when I show you some of the cool shit in my life, it's not bragging its into racial for you
If you see it, I hate or whatever the fuck off my page will be a fuckin loser. You have pocket what you're fuckin mom, give a shit why I love it. Bro, I'm dead serious. I know you're right, I love it. I love remember that guys. We do appreciate you guys, the ones that are real not be in the hose. We appreciate you guys all blogger, mom now in reality, this time now I know the defence I'll tell deutsch. Andy is underestimated, far larger, lower lowered it down for people at a lower cost, Reburial asked Franz replied, trot demoralized people like I don't want people to look at shitting me. I thought I could never have like to have it now. You can have your yes exactly so you know windows are inspired by that shit. Losers are hate, become haters, that's reality. People who hate broke the hate themselves, they don't a limited man. That's no! It's not it's a literal statement.
if you hate on someone else, your hating yourself, because what you're telling god and what you're telling the world's I'm like winning- and I mean You'Re- never gonna get it so remember when you hate on someone, you talk, show someone if you even think big, shit about. Someone is winning that hating on yourself, because you'll never win you'll, not europe. Not long energy, you put out the wrong lives and what you're saying is idle. waiting. I don't want winning and winning will never come to you, So when you hate you hate yourself, brow love it We're gonna get baggage or airlines have headline number two now we're not been dead horse is here with us some developments here we gotta cover it then there is also some interest in backstory on why the stories coming out so recovered last show, I believe about what's going on in china, you didn't say. Gonna have even seen that well, This headline reads: story wave of pneumonia hits america nor saying that it's here
Ohio county records, one hundred and forty two cases of white long syndrome, which says which it says meets the definition of an outbreak. As china and europe grapple with crisis, like recover. This thing well covered in all of you guys do some research you go back to october. I believe twenty third of twenty twenty two where they ran a second tabletop expire experiment They planned out something just like this now I was like. Why did this I come out why? Why this article right? Why now right it took me will the minutes, and then I found this hell. I found. He said to be grilled by house g o p majority for first time now. That's why they gotta come. What's the distract nothing. I the important thing to remember here, guys theirs always this, this shale game they try to play. Look over.
don't look over here and I would like to explore the here at her laugh so time to this adapter anthony foul, she is facing the house to european majority, for the first time in a man thought to day session, behind closed doors to the sky, the: u s: government, handling of cove and ninety five. How'd, the former long term, director of the national institute of algae and infectious diseases, we'll be interviewed by the house oversight committee select subcommittee on the corona I pandemic in second place across to is on january, eighth and ninth, which each day set to last seven hours without accounting for break the committee, announced on thursday she also agree to public to testify in a public hearing at a later date, the committee said the imminent colleges was the most public facing federal health official during the cove nineteen pandemic. Under both the tromp am Biden, administrations and binding ended up elevating faulty to his top
medical adviser position. He laughed when you, his other role at the end of twenty twenty two I'm taking a large share of blame for the negative impact on the public health measure. At the time, with his endorsement of loch downs and school closures. Since blame for significant learning loss among students across the states, then just that that's not as being easy, but that's being very nice chairman, brad, wins, drop out of ohio set fancies. Testimony was critical to his panels. Investigation on the origin of cover nineteen course of mandates gain a function, type, research, science, ec censorship, and more quote: it is time for doktor felt to confront the facts. ass. The numerous controversies that have arisen during and after the pandemic, lynched upsetting a statement quote a merry His deserve trusted public health leaders who priority as the well being of our people over any personal or political gains.
and at the same time is gonna run this. This fear tactic of the This new outbreak, as we just saw my good buddy Eric schmidt ease. in a republican senator Eric Schmidt, vows to encode the tyranny of cbc. Teresa he's gonna build together. There is about to get past senate similar Eric schmidt introduced a bill thursday. That would give Congress greater oversight. of the centre for disease control and prevention, or the cdc and the national institutes of health following the coordinated the pandemic. According to a copy of the measure exclusively obtained by the post, the bill known as the quote inchoate tyranny act with Mandate, congressional appointment and term limits for the directors of both agencies, as well as require a majority vote by both chambers to approve a public health emergency lasting longer than ninety days got anywhere. We got on this.
look man. I think we need to build a more aggressive and they People ruin lives. I think these people cause death. I think these people coordinated things that created the destruction of many american families, not just their family. Business is, but also their lives have ruined. You know, They ruin the lives of millions of people and they did it. our opinion for reasons that have nothing to do with health and everything to do with control. and I think anybody has been paying attention for the last few years- can see that an till. I continue to you, you know pretend These guys were acting in any guard, with the health of general public in mind is an absurdity, and I think we need politicians, including earth schmidt to get a little bit more aggressive, maybe a lot more aggressive and actually holding people accountable. The committed these crimes there are real, consequences to them, people we died. As you noted a minute ago, there were people
many people who didn't take Ivermectin hydroxyl, corcoran or strict, on the basis of the narrative they were spent, not all our own federal agencies, the efta, put out a tweet with a picture of a horse. They made fun of anybody that actually took this ok and we have now come to realise that guess what it is actually effective. What's happening is no one has actually tied together the idea that The reason that they wouldn't allow discussion of effective therapeutics is because- They actually would have had an emergency order so that they would had any emergency order. They would have lost control and lost their ability to do a lot of things that they did, and so we think about why they did what they did not. they do with health, we're gonna? Do a control man population of an election and population while transfer from them middle class to the upper class and that's reality. They need a very dependent population to
to create a universal basic income type society where people are dependent on the government. Were they to evoke these guys have figured out People will vote for the free It started back with obama with his free cellphone. Ok, I'm a campaign or giving a free cell phone out to a homo your people in a fuckin worked So we have a society that is literally willing to give up their fuckin freedoms for a guaranteed check. From the government and their forcing the hand of businesses by creating scenarios where people have to close? for businesses or people. Actually get fired and we talk about you these people have fire for not taking the shot. That was part of that. You know like work. this happened, a lot of military brought. This is this is part. This is They play to created dependency class and to get people enough. those people on one side of the situation where they continue to vote for these people. This is their play, and we're in a situation. Now, where you know these people
are not being held accountable. We are in danger of them doing it again, so until These people are literally fucking, hung there continued the shit over again and I'm tired politicians. Floating around the issue, that's my opinion, well, which will take on the cooperatives. Man's did should be an end of a fucking spike. You know the em there's a couple of things this to me. Is you look it throughout our history? The government is, is always growing and it's always finding ways yet too free more and more into our lives and what was intended to originally be is a relatively limited government instead become very, you know, overwhelming and every time that there is a situation like this, that they can use that to further their own power, they do that. One thing that we need about how how bad all these measures were. Something
I deal with near relative We frequently is indeed o d when they had a kovacs mandate which was clearly erroneous and they kicked out all these people. They did a terrible things to their records. To try and get rid of anybody who wooden comply. And not enough. He saw this, but not only are we now that they now opening up? but reversing all of those me a bad bad debt charges here, but the army's actually sent a letter saying we missed our work and go so here's the process to reverse your discharge, and please see recruiter because we'd like it back? Why do they like you back Why do they want you back because they they lost so many people and they ve missed all the recruiting goals while having they can't get the mission that this admission, brow they learn a senate. Listen now. Have enough warriors anymore. They fucking
get down all the warriors warriors have and mentality has a certain level fuck. You too right right Ok and they were musk him yeah exactly so they took all the fuckin warriors brow set of military because they want a compliant military. and now we are in danger of actually being real war and they need them back and that's the problem. so in most of these dudes aren't going back. So what's the problem as you can the mountain. They have to find a way to you know to restart their lives in a different way, and so they get into business to get new jobs and so yeah Many of them are going to say, ok, yeah yeah. I e very rose? You really bad take some of this money just over two fuckin ukraine and from a year extra salary as a bonus rejoined Then we'll do that. Shit though not manage. It is so much as it turns out something, yes, so much of it for veteran cr, our relationship with the military is kind of like
a romantic relationship where it's better wife syndrome and no matter how bad they abuse ye keep gone back? Began the navy Why does love me and but the reality is here. You know the d o d broke up with them know broke their heart and said you know we don't want you any more and now is like yeah. I know I used you, but please come back. There will see how I see the hour, and I see this from a different perspective than those people. when I look at it as ok. I'm trying to do some very evil shit as a government. I can't have my people in the military not going along what I'm doing so. How do I get the people It would be the least compliant out of my system, so that can now do what I need to do and get the full support of our military behind it.
That's how I see what's been going on. I don't see as they took it too far, because now they have people who are compliant but are not capable to do rats and guess who guess where all the capable warriors are: oh they're on the side of the fucking people where they should be. They fucked up with that, and I think they do to my yeah badge I because a stupid, I don't think they expected that many people to hold firm, I think than they expected but it well. You guys are welcome for days, Given that I thought very common response was, I may listen not today, anthrax stuff, I you know, we're guinea pigs. no big deal right, but it just like year. I get that blood. This is different. you know there was a lot of people. There stood up hymns again now we're not doing it, I'm not doing it. That's a fortune of forging not just I too there's so much time has passed since those discharges, because that was what twenty twenty twenty twenty Wine is rosy monopoly onawandah, twenty one. When you got going like every eye bargain,
As a result, it was all twenty one because the mandates didn't come in until after trump left exactly exactly. It was all twenty one, twenty two yeah, but still so we're talking two years now we fought like again, I use every business have been started. They moved on with alive nature. politicians to come back and do what I I see a lot of people say an I'll come back in the reserves now, but I can give up my job of of restarted my life over here yeah. I don't think they wanted people look dude. I believe I fully believe I fully believe in my heart that these people planned, like you, said, TIM on very little resistance very little, and I believe that their plan for the very little resistance was too remove those people from society completely if you look at what they did with the facts, mandates the pressure they, on private institutions. You know they were threatening to sue companies like mine, who wouldn't enforce and make making my employees take this shit or no fuckin way, and they were
companies like my with fines of hundreds of thousands of dollars per employee, so, like we're talking about what they were trying to do that I too, will agree. They did not count on the level of resistance that actually occurred, and I think the plan their plan was to take the people who resisted the small amount and put them into fuckin fema camps or dispose of them in some way and they needed imply a military to do the orders and enough military said: no it brought wise. Why? Why are there? Why was the state of washing and billing coded camps? Why were they building camps in Australia? You know like do we were this close like? Had it not been the resistance that actually occurred. We were talking this close to a large part of the most the strongest, most resistant citizens in every single country on the planet being killed, being killed and I would make slaves out of everybody else. That's how I see it and you know maybe I'm wrong, but I'm pretty good.
recognizing patterns and Why would you not want? Why would you want a more comply military? Why would you need a more comply military to blindly follow orders? Only reason you would need that is it we're going to do something that requires blind obedience and what kind of thing require blind obedience, doing something that was inherently evil to everybody disagreed with, and so I think the fact that you know there was resistance. literally saved the world because dude if they would have eliminated the people who are resisting those are your fighters? Those are your warriors. Those people were backbone. The rest of human- fuck is women, slaves forever, and I think that it is. try again I appeal for looks like man. It's logan like that. opinion, but I got tinfoil hat right here, real nice one. Maybe I'm not going wrong. I always think what If I were the enemy, what would I do If I were them? What would I do if I wanted to? control. How would I do it if I were?
to create a situation where wasn't heavily an resistance. How would I remove the resist worse right? How would you do it well, if you are only planning on one percent of the people say, no, I'm not doing it. You get everybody else to go along with that. Remember the language they were using. Remember remember trudeau, saying on tv, What we're gonna do with these people? What do we do with these people? It's a genocidal language that saying We all know the way. This is the way more life. Jaso yes like brought this is that the plan they had was much worse than when actually unrolled my pinning new gus. What you guys think jumping on this conversation, donald comments, hashtag finding fault she, let us note, you guys think That being said, let's get to our third and final headline, guys headline number three again: touched on a little bit: four motions come on. Let's talk about, it
hello reads: thousands of fake facebook accounts shut down by matter were prime to polarized voters ahead of twenty twenty four This is a big deal, so the big big big deal, and nobody's talking about it. So, let's talk about it. this is a happy news. Article reads: someone in china created thousands of fakes she'll media accounts designed to appear to be from americans and use them to polarizing political content and an apparent efforts by the? U s ahead of its next year's elections, medicine thursday, the network of nearly forty eight hundred fake accounts was attempted to build an audience when it was identified and eliminated by the tech company which owns facebook in instagram. The accounts, sportive fake photos, nay he and locations as a way to appear like everyday american facebook users weighing in on political issues. Instead,
spreading fake content, as other networks have done, the accounts were used to reach our post from ex the platform, formerly known as twitter, that were created by politicians, news outlets and others. The interconnected accounts pulled content from both liberal and conservative sources. An indication Let us goal was not, support one side or the other, but to exaggerate partisan divisions and further info impala polarization The newly identified network shows how americans foreign adversaries exploit. U S, base tech platforms to sow discord and distrust and enhance athens, serious threats. by all mindless information next year, were national actions will occur in the? U S, india, mexico, ukraine, pakistan, taiwan, they're, not gonna exist in ukraine, have already counselor luxury breakdown and another nations quote lee network still struggled to build audiences, but they a morning said:
ben Nemo, who leads investigations into off inauthentic all senses behaviour. Ominous platforms quote for threat actors are attempting to reach people across the internet ahead of the next year's elections, and we now to remain alert met a platforms. Based in menlo park, California, did not publicly link the chinese network. To the chinese government, but a day determine the network originated in that country. The country spread by the accounts broadly accounts other chinese government propaganda and disinformation and disapprobation sought to inflate. partisan and ideological divisions within the united states, And while this is happening right, it's all about what's happening in the background, and I think the important the the reason to have these articles here is because people should be aware. America is weak right now, right where we're weak fundamentally physically funny essentially america's militaries. We were weak right now. Right were mean. We are citizens at a demoralized and The thing is that we see it
internally, but other people see another country to see in the end there acting on those weaknesses right So the second country how long I've here as well as this is our common out this my comes out federal government investigating multiple hacks of? U s. Water utilities as vicious came, The federal government is investigating multiple hack suspected to have been launched by an iranian government linked cyber group. Against. U S, water facilities there were using israeli maids working year ago. They would say russia linked govern like right view ukrainian water facility, ass recorded, The two individuals familiar with probes or one of the branches made headway Saturday, after the two links, cyber avenger group claim response. Ready for heading a water authority in pennsylvania. total. The government is aware of an examining quote single digit number facilities that have been affected across the country according
the two people were granted anonymity to discuss details. They had not yet been made. Public, I'm the hacks cause significant disruption. According to the individuals, while cyber experts familiar with the pennsylvania incident, say the activity appear. designed to stoke fears about using israeli devices, but we got on this gas? Ok, here's what I am They're fucking bill says one hacker away. That's matter here so so let's talk this through. A year ago it was russia. There was doing all this shit. Ok now, who is it? China all acknowledge our wine china and its it's always the people that they tell us are mortal enemies and I'm just saying
I'm not sure I believe that should in all. Ok, that's that's where I come from. I think, there's a there's. A high probability that members of our own government who want to create support for. certain situations are we to literally damage the the structure of the united states or do so things to create that support, and so I think it's they got out of the realm of possibilities? I don't care unreasonable to consider after what we witnessed. So when I see news like this, I look at it from ok yeah. I could be around who could be. Russia could be this. It could be that so be, our own people doing it to gain support to create a war, So they make a lot of money and get what they're trying to get in it's hard to tell because these people are all fuckin lying. They lied so much that we I forgot what truth and was actually not truth, so when I
what's going on, I see multiple scenarios of what the truth could be, and I don't any more and that article that's what I think somebody got europe. A lot of this year, I look, it may the time that I spent doing the january six investigations and, you start with twenty. Sixteen were russia tried to tipp theme? Did the election in favour of donald trump and then into a twenty year, then the other side near thinks that that there is fraud. Two's near help Joe Biden, and really with you, take a step back from it? Look at me of what do our enemies want? They want destabilization, By the way the Chinese wrote this down, they were then hundreds of you years ago, son sues the art of war and it it says it right in there, but these stabilizing the enemy to win the fight before you have to enter the battlefield, and The ideal thing would be for one election to think that it
been destabilized with one political party. Complicit with a foreign government to commit fraud and still the election one way, four years later, to do at the exact opposite way: and so it was in. Instinct Emmy, where it talks about how this Chinese grow pre. I wasn't really necessarily supporting one party or the other that the goal is simply destabilization, because that's what I say when I look at a lot of the things you in twenty twenty die, I have no idea whether there is fraud and that elections, whether the outcome was was, are not the reason for that is because I've never seen a full and complete investigation either direction on that what I have seen is that the people that were doing this at the time saw indicators that they believed would show that there is fraud and that
pursued those leads and that they were stymied from being able to fully investigate those because of tat I'm resources and so they went to the oj and ask them and the state agencies to take it over, and they were few, used, and so there wasn't really that full investigation, whether there was fraud or not, of course, leading up to and then january six, but if you're a foreign government. If I'm china, I don't actually have to swing the election for Joe Biden. All I have to do. manipulate some of the public data, so the people on the right think that there has been fraud and in fact the most brilliant thing china could have done in twenty. Twenty was too take? The trump side believe that fraud have been committed without chinese fingerprints on it and instead, so that they stop blaming the Democrats
That's an see. Have both sides are continuing to fight one another which causes that these stabilization, which makes us much easier to need to conquer from the outside, and then, when you add, on top of that, what we're just talking about with d o d, getting rid of all the best warriors with you know with cove iD vaccinate. dates. Doesn't this all really fit perfectly into the chinese playbook that they ve been following for hundreds of years? What does They fit perfectly that we have a commander in chief, that is under investigation for taking funds on behalf of china for certain political favours. The end family that, since that man has been in office, he has drain are sure. Did you call reserve he has left a large percentage or military equipment in europe. He has created an inn asian crisis and our southern border and his he's crime were into instigate a crime run, rabbit in the inner cities of this country.
Etc, etc, etc, etc. We could go down the list, so isn't it convenient that also have a president. Who is you know allegedly. by the data that's been proposed, been shown that he is taking money from other countries and pay for play schemes Doing these things that make our country weaker, what does that actually mean? What that means is the people who are at the top of our country or actually fucking trade, ok, okay, their selling, the american people on the drain by making literally setting us up on a platter for us to be conquered, so Why doesn't that make sense with what would that same strategy? Absolutely yeah so like abs, because that's also part of the chinese strategy is if they can then infiltrate our people, and you know and have some of our high government officials yeah eric. Well well. Yeah like that again fang, yet exactly was killed there.
crash ass, I would weigh unreported. I saw that interesting, very interests its All of this is consistent with what their playbook is. and it's all about creating division. And then, if you can So bribes from government officials and gets him get some people at the top that are old to them. Then it just makes it all the much easier. So two to me I'd. I certainly respect how you look at it. You say this looks like it could be our own people. I will. That's what I look at it, and I say this all very clearly could be our own people doing it for the better have money that they ve been parrot. Yeah absolute for both kind of agreeing I agree with you, I mean the division. That's been created, as is insanity like and I can remember saying many times- four years ago, like eight other Countries don't look at us black and white in asian and american indian, and all these things they look at us as the united to america and worldwide
your arguing over the color of the pigment in our fucking skin, when their licking, though chopsticks moment to all of us that doesn't make any fuckin sense them that's our brother opportunists was how I see it. I mean, did James right all the opportunities tit. Whatever saying is correct, like this has been thousand year plan for them, and they this we're, not the first country this happen to know We have to have the most important people in office in our media in some the most powerful discourse platforms going along with it to created for money which bro think about that. What is that? What is that called? What does that call when someone takes money and sells out their countrymen? What is called they use be punishable by death, said sedition reason, treason. Dude were as a group back in the day how can the damage was can commit treason benedict Arnold knobs aid, but if it's a group is consideration,
sedition is. Is it is when you're trying to overthrow your own government dodger my men. They saw a fuckin election and my, we treat treason is where you go. How do you have sedition? Ok, here's a question. I have So how do you have sedition way where these bilbil our That is a real question, so we're is the line with sedition when our own constitution says that our citizens have a duty to remove corrupt officials from due process. In what way the did the due process would be. The issue is that we were the losses that difference is in removing those corrupt bub public officials through impeachment indictment, etc versus, is the the armed mob with me. I would take a torch and damage to our mob winds and there's no way accuse you of sedition.
yeah. She loves all I'm always. My problem is its absurd, who defines corruption, ones, people that people who win? That's what I'm saying, but the price that's the only reason, they're able to say jay sykes was wrong. Dude is always written by the winners yeah, you know how different is that from what we did to the british right. You know, the differences we want. They say we did a coup right, look brow we say fires that he might here's the prom with it This is a made. This is when I saw that do you use your price. All the release footage that just came out with generally six were the guys were fist bumping into all that stuff. courageous, second, badges out your take on that. January six was such ass. The. politicized event that we've lost I have a lot of the facts: There was a lot of bad behaviour on that day, but at this,
time. There were a lot of people that are in jail right now that I don't think you're really engaged in bad behaviour. when I saw some of these videos, people look like they were. They were tourists The causes are opening. The viewers are walking in there looking around and I personally believe that a more large percentage of those people probably thought you know what I just watched. A whole bunch of people disrupt the kavanaugh hearings they go into the hearing they make their voices heard the capital police drags a map put some back out on the street, and they have, they have exercised their first member rights and they move on. and I wouldn't be surprised if a large percentage of those people walk up, see the cops opening the doors and think that We're going to do the exact same thing, they're going to go in they're, going to make their voices heard, they're going to say yet we don't agree with you certifying this election. Unless you investigate the fraud, the capitol police, will
scored them out, and then that's gonna be the end of the day, not that they're going be charged with all this stuff and go to jail for ten years. Yes, there were some bad actors there. There were definitely sidney smaller group that your head had darker designs, but to try to take. Take that same brush and paid them all with. It is not accurate, It always drives me nuts, when they call it an insurrection, because in sir action is in the u s criminal code and nobody's been charged with it. Well, it's a hockey possibly call that an insurrection how you call it an insurrection when we have literally more guns in the citizenship of the united states than almost every other military has in their fucking armies combined. And nobody brought him to the insurrection, the fuck out of here
by this fact, but right now they wanted to disrupt they wanted to disrupt the proceeding because they did not believe that the elected officials were taking into account the the will of their electorate crux of their constituents again said they wanted to make their voices heard, yet that I understand and so on, but that's not a crime dude also, let's be fuckin real, ok what better way- and this is my own opinion, but what better way, if you actually did manipulating election to deflect the judging from the manipulated election than to create an inn. insurrection, there wasn't actually an insurrection and then take the insurrection and prosecute the former president, For the insurrection there was actually created by bad actors in the family. were any three letter agents or any sort of police dressed up. As that shoot me,
everybody is fucking out of jail control the other piece of our what it is legally but due to strong entrapment here's the other piece of it is when you down so hard on these people. Let's say that there is claims of fraud in the next election who's. Gonna go down to the capital and protest like do we're we're talking about real shit. Ok, like these guys or making them I agree with you, the the entire What part of prosecuting all these people was to create situation where people are intimidated shall public disapproval of what actually going on so how many protests, the patriotic americans, where are the fuckin red wine, blue fourth of July have done real and beer drinkin, mother, fucking man, americans there there they didn't disappear, they're all out there. They all listen to this show they fuckin they they- what's going on, but their quiet and there are under the fucking ripples of the water. Why?
as they want that people to be caught Because they know that those voices matter, so they don't want people speaking up your standing up or going out and protesting that are patron. americans, because it it shows the amount of fucking flawed and where the public actually stands. Ok, when you see, for Well, how many people were at J? Six bro? Is a million people? Isn't it? There are a lot yeah when you see a million people with em, eric flags like that, like regular, everyday americans. Hurrah and by the way, there's some cause people on the planet: there, not dumb ass the terrorists. These are just fucking people that love america, man and there out there to gather and everything like they don't want because when you see that it inspires more people to join that, you do that. Yes, oh do this is a societal, cultural manipulation and in here The problem that I have with it.
now there are using this insurrection quota quote that they planted people in two, create a scenario where. Their prosecuting donald trump. the honest situation they created. So what better way to get what they're, trying, get, which is the maintain power, then too, wigan election run off, fucking, insurrection and prosecute the dude who they say is responsible for it you see what I'm saying and then and then and by the way, scare everybody who has any threat of patriotic lloyd in their system from saying shit or doing shit and then in railway. Remember now that to use that to have stayed, take him off the ballot, so we can't run again. The nets are being rejected from those payment, but, as you just put up earlier, They are denying them the ability to subpoena for the full files exaggerated Like the memory found every file.
It will be found it just won't be found till these people are out, I do this is insane what's happening. This is historic times. This is real and I agree with you, man, the hold the biggest part of jason was to intimidate the page. American into silence. They did it peacefully with the branding of silent majority before that right, like that's a cultural movement that they intentionally create. It's not like that What people to say? Oh men, are part of the silent majority bro, there's no nobility in that, like that means you're a fucking pussy ok silence equals don't get what we want ever that's one of equals and they Oh that so they branded this pete this. This big swaths of americans the silent majority. Ok I have to speak up. I don't have because I'm in the majority and we're going to win anyway and it's funny cause. I see that regularly the the silent majority, where you know people come up to me in the gym and yeah. I live right outside of washington dc people come up to me.
Jim look around love. What you doing exact, I know exactly they do it all the time I know burrow, I get it everywhere. I can't would you do but man its awesome? What you do, I'm I'm looking at this motherfucker am, I brought you got no fucking backbone, where's your fuck. dick and balls, yeah, I'm saying you wearing your wife's tampon right now, I'm real taught, and are you fucking what what the fuck is wrong with you? What you mean you can't speak up. What do you mean you, join in. What do you mean you? can't share the message. What you mean, That's why we're losing you'll know when an insurrection happens bro, because a million people show up with weapons and kid out? And it'll be real shit. That would be a real insurrection now that's. A real insurrection in insurrection is not a bunch of patriotic people who feel like something bad Happening in their country and they get invited into a fucking a building with We stand right. There come on man you, but the thing is the people, the book, the
freedom, loving americans aren't going to want to do that because the reality is they want the constitutional system that we have right in the play just want to be enforced right that the people that want to overthrow our constitutional system. Are We are not going to be the one showing up a gun yeah, but there are going to be the ones scattering the moment that there is a counter offensive. Yeah, listen, dude, here's! our opinion and in great, is of the same opinion. There is no, Going back, you guys think we're gonna go back to two thousand nineteen or two thousand eighteen or two thousand if it happening we're gonna have to what's happening, we're gonna have to rebuild forward. It has to be new creation, who has to be, and by the way that could be just cause a system that enforces the rules that were laid out two hundred and forty seven years ago. Ok but the reality is, as those rules have been highly deluded and highly promised, and we are. We
far away from what our founding fathers and what this country was supposed to be about, and for us to get back to that, it's going to take some There is no magic to this like it's going to take action, and what I mean Actually, I don't mean violence What I mean those everybody participating in the public rally to push us into the boundaries of what this country is supposed to be and that's something that not enough people. Understand the day. have a role in that every single day. They have a role in that and what they say how they live, what their stay, Words are how they behave in their community, how they behave at their job, how they run or companies it's the personal excellence is the ultimate rebellion, because when we see from cultural standpoint demand that the government back in the waves of the constitution through will our voices. It will eventually happen if the voices are strong enough and what require violence a lot of people want. The reality is of people, don't join in what will get his violence and it won't be a spring. It's there.
we'll be them, bring it ass, an that's. What people should be afraid of. You know what they you're more than a violent insurrection. Is it the next primary will get rid of every incumbent yeah? What should happen a single once the downright all sides? Dear absolutely, that would be a much more effective revolution. yes is. If both sides vote out every incumbent- and we put new blood and bingo- you do that that's that's a, but the problem be harmless and legal revolution. The problem becomes brother. Is that the lot of people I believe the elections are real anymore. So a lot of people like what we can vote our way to wet you're insane. I agree with you that that is what needs to happen, along with the realignment of culture too, to a higher standard of living citizens. Understanding that hey man we haven't, legation to live a certain way here. Certain things happen here. Certain things are not ok. Here, it's not ok for a grown man dressed up as womanish eggs dig in front a kids were not.
The tolerate that? Ok, it's not for our governments and all military equipment to europe and leave it there. It's not ok for are government to send our grown men to war every generation because they want to send out the herd of strong, capable, independent free thinking warriors. It's not ok, for them to leave the border open where millions and millions and millions of people who shouldn't beer come here. Like these things are not acceptable, crack crimes, not exe, like an that's, a cultural not acceptance that you as a listener and you as a citizen, saying this is unacceptable to me in open, in front of your friends and now fucking apologizing, for it and then leaving the way that You think an american is supposed to live. like we know it when I was a kid and when you are kid there things where, like huge I knew what you could and couldn't do my brow. If you did, if you behave a certain way broke your neighbour I come out of his house smack the shit out of you. You know what I'm saying like
you you ve. U standpoint american flag like when I was a kid broke. your neighbor who serve vietnam, can kick your fuckin ass, your twelve years old, real talk? And nobody says shit because airbus, you deserved it day, another way at the risk of open a can of worms. Another way to fix it is just a break up the two political parties if he got rid of those political parties and allowed americans to realign based on there. Actual values, the opposite of what the parties demand, I mean it had been people ways yeah they they call me yeah, I love when they say: oh you're, a republican lawyer lagoon on a yeah. I don't identify with any. I don't either I don't either. I think it's dangerous right. I don't agree with everything that either party says some things. I agree with wanted some things I agree with another, and so therefore I refuse to identify with either party, and I think that the best way to resolve lot of these things would be to break up those two parties. m realign based on what americans action values are
and the idea that these two parties are monolith that they can never be broken is silly. I mean how many different political parties have. We had throughout the history of this country. Lots exactly. It has not always been these two. Whatever, jos into major, but it's It's not always been these two. What about part of the responsibility of responsible citizens of this country? Being not make their identity with a political party reich we'd like peoples that cultural side of that's right. These the media and these people have been so good convincing people you have to be this or that my you're either that's him or you're on this team in the if team is us, the people verses them, the fucking tyrants, that's the teams, okay and in. And we have to get to a point where we as citizens cannot say: I'm a republican because that's saying I blindly agree with what the republicans do and I download it yeah and you and most people don't eat it most people or actually in the middle, my most,
bore in the middle. They have some more liberal views and I have some more conservative views and those was very amongst where people from or what they ve been around their social environment, whether geographically located or their life experience, and we have to get back to as individuals voting for people who represent what it is. We believe in Not saying oh, that guy's and are that guy's, a d and That's why we vote. You know, like part of the problem. Is people go in and they go, I down one side of the ticket and they walked to fork out. They have no idea what those people stand for and that's it the majority of voters to prouder yeah, it's a big problem. Does job. He gets a valid point you guys But on this conversation let us know down the comments which you guys think hashtag shaking the jar. Let us know that was a third file headline sound for a final segment of the show. As always, we have thumbs up or dumbest fuck. Will bring a headline up. It'll get one of those two options
that being said, I thumbs up or dumbest fuck him on reach. cardinals linebacker jesse la scores- rides sundays game with phoenix family after blown attire. He's rewarding them with tickets. Others is global, store, so the arizona cardinals jesse lucida got a free ride to his weak twelve game against the los angeles rams and made a few. friends along the way, I could have been disastrous sunday, for the special teams play is the key to it when for euro canadian, and only thirty minutes remaining in its drive to state form stadium, england dale, when you but I told Aisy family that time he stopped nor think sky station try to pump air back into it, but when that failed try to considering his options, pressed to make it in time,
I am for pregame warmups lucky to approached a family all dressed in cardinals. Jerseys and acts were right. Here's the video, that's awesome! So honestly, I left the team hotel reasonably early. Think I'm going to make it to the stadium, get their warm up and hit on the highway. All of a sudden, I get a notification tire her. She have some are cool. I think it's a situation where I put some air make it to the gas station, wasn't working. So as I'm sitting there, I looked at my right. I see a family there in cardinals gear. It looks like they're going to the stadium, so I'm like, I have absolutely nothing to lose. Pomona down, I'd, see, yellow ones at the stadium. He looks at me a little crazy life he's like yeah, I'm a player. I got a flat tire. He has helped me. I need a ride through the stadium walks back to the car and talks to his wife he's like ikea.
more and they got me there all the time. I had a blast talking to these kids who either made their own time and that's all she wrote. That's awesome yeah, so the article continues. It says, although large at six foot three and two hundred and fifty two pounds katy did not initially come off as a her fell, player quota first aid and believe I was a player I was, I give I'm a play. I need to get to the stage of the film family made room in its car for him, the fellow is we're able to watch their new friend. Make attack, tackle recover fumble during their thirty seven fourteen loss to the rams. Was appreciation which it has given the family tickets to the cardinals December, seventeenth home game against the san francisco. Forty niners What we got on this guy's his thumbs. I was dumb as fuck, but we got. I love it now. I do too, my wife would have googled them. First,
make sure you are guarantee, that's what they did not derive yeah, I guarantee you bro, they checked them out yeah! That's awesome, though I thought that was pretty cool. I thought was real cool. Good people still exist that do most. people are good people, that's the point. Most people are like that. Most people are great people. The actual give a fuck about other people. We do the right thing and we ve been made believe and condition I believe and propagated, believe that's, not the truth, and that is the truth. Have to remember that I love this down her mother Yeah thumbs up earlier that for sure alright, sweet man well guys. Eighty two, that's all I got temptation. Criminal show. Man thanks been great, I really enjoyed your insides. I think you provide a more reasonable taken. I might add that I am happy that I appreciate it. I know you're very, very, very intelligent, experienced man, so they should bring. In that perspective, the show a thing of the criminal,
alright, guys, as show don't be a whole transfer. Sleeping on the floor. Now my german wrote: the book are still counted in the code that teach Buddhist got a rope kind of doesn't know his shot case. Club.
Transcript generated on 2023-12-04.