« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

602. Andy & DJ CTI: Dublin Incident, Sick children In China & Mayor Adams Responds To Accusations

2023-11-25 | 🔗

In today's episode, Andy & DJ discuss the Dublin incident that left children hurt, Chinese hospitals overwhelmed with sick children after a surge in respiratory illness, and Mayor Adams's response to assault accusations.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Sleeping on the floor now, my german from the county museum in kobe teach buddhist. God of all things, rope can't both doesn't know headshot case club. What is up guys? This is the show for the real to say goodbye to the lies. The faintness and illusions of modern society welcome mother fucking reality guys. Today we have your listening pleasure Andy. This caused the mother fucking us we're gonna, do that will see the eyes danced for crews, the internet. We put up help with some screen we talk about was true. What we think is not true by we, the people can be the solution to the problems that create in society. Other times route. You know we have culinary f q and a laugh is where you get to submit questions, and we give you the answers it is a major questions. Forty renee F
a few different ways. The first way is your guys emma those questions and to ask any at eighty percent. When I come second way as you can go on youtube in the comments on the q and a half episodes and drop your question in the comments and will choose some from there as well other times. We have real talk, real talk, just five to twenty minutes of me, giving you some real talk, some people, I call it a writ we call it awesome other times. We have full length full length is what you see almost most podcasts somebody comes here. We have a conversation. No, we have seventy five hard verses. Five are verses where we take someone who in pretty bad shape before seventy five hard. They got their shit together. Three, seventy five hard they come on the show they talk about it and talk about how they did it and how you can do as well. If you're, unfamiliar with seventy five hundred. Seventy five heart is the world's most famous mental reach. Calibration tool that has ever existed and you get it for free at episode,
away on the audio feed only it is the initial phase of what is called the live hard programme and it's free. So if you ve got some shit go and on the great way to fix it right I have sought to await, go, get it. It's free. There is a book available to this now free of the book, walking the ins and outs of what's going on, detail you're one of those people has to know the act. for details of things like I am inquisitive person, but he's a good option for you? You get that on the website, Andy for solid outcome, we do. Have a new book coming out january, first, so you're ready for that is fucking. Awesome too, Ah, with all that being said, we had this thing on the show called the fees. Are you going to notice that run ads on the show. I don't take add money from other people, because I don't want to listen to them. Tell me what they I think I can, and answer. Shewn shouldn't say so I s prayer, to we tell them to fuck off and
I ask you, in return to just share the show right wing about uncomfortable things. Here we talk about things that are controversial here and we, very simply to help us get the mess. Just so That makes you laugh. He thinks is an important topic. Please share. The show are always battling the internet, the censorship, the throttling, the shadow bands, and we rely on you guys to stand behind us to get these messages out. So don't be a whole, should show right If the neighbors thing I had in there, we get some yeah like a day in life. So too, are less right, Dana life up so to come in this wednesday. the date to reunite the twenty. Ninth. Yes, Twenty nine, the twenty ninth of november, of november at eight central Dana I've number two. what announcement within national very important so keep your eyes appeal for that. I'd like to stay in a lifestyle
no he's gotta its funded yoga. And it's only gonna get funner what I know their word, your word where we as rob excited for the eu to content that we had a lot of stuff cover. We do we have some shit come on. You guys have like listen. it's been a while, since I've done social media has actually been for years right, but are we and working and we ve been building with creating some things. That are you're going to love I know you're eleven. We love it so cool we have no by lives there still find solemn and so on. They want. They were going to do the fuckin now that that think, that's it that's to be funny What you're talking about tell you, there's gotta, be fucking great, very way. Yes, I do
I stay tuned man, it's all gonna be revealed in the day and the life as they progress solid. keep an eye on that anyway, We are keeping entertainment trend. you guys have beer for We also have fun. We can do both give added to the list as right get up. it's not about being on brought list being a capitalist cause. I'm trying to get prestige The domestic terrorist list personally excellent and very Yes, like I'm, not trying to provoke a participated, I'm trying to be number one. I should join me. Yeah man, I look it's a lot going on in the world man. This is a new saturday, few guys watch and friday when we recorded there's a lot going on man yeah a lot of stuff's delicious. Get into it right ball on how is thanksgiving. I was good, it was good. Would you do you know? so are you been hitting hard on your diet? Lately most serious I've seen you so I sent you my two week pic. Look how you look. It's going yeah a lot of work to do, but it's going.
I know it was good. Man went to my family's house and then I went to Alex aside and it was called yeah, nice and easy and then crazy, yeah, I saw you smoke. One of them are plenty I did have one of those plants used. I like those plenty malicious. They are good man really good man, and I have discovered more and more about cigars a little bit in my face. Which are now the patrols. Does it go? but drone sixty force in the plenary well? That was just something about you know. So I was at my I my mom, my mom, my family sat and there's just something smoking a cigar in MR poverty adjusts You feel like that much better of a boss. I got a car, but if I would have zoomed out just a little bit like you guys would have understood where I was feeling. Oh, so it was like. A therapy was great yeah. I felt great fucking great. well, you know what I can't believe how much I like the cigar thing.
Like I really like it, I'm gonna is so well, but does a fucking kill me man like do not was just one guy, I think he's like he's like one hundred and three or he may have died. At this point, I was like one hundred like your national. What's your secret he's like I, I drink like three fingers of scotch a day and I smoke cigar row every single day row I I'll three years like earlier. In my life, like I tried cigars a few different times I just never like. I never got it. I never got into it, but as I've got an older. And I've been around, like other guys, do it in like a kind of seeing the dynamic. Is it's not about the suggest about the cigars about the conversation around the cigar and that's why I'm starting to really enjoy the Their open, a cigar club here in Saint louis, called carbon nodded. it opens December fifteenth and I am a founding member of it. So so so going to go. It's like members only, but I'm sure they'll, let you in, but you have to come your way. will it be as part of the team, this asylum, I'm excited,
At that time, for ya do out. how dunno I'm sounded I used like I used to be really big into it. Actually, a membership, a cigar barbarians who are- and I used to go to all the time at a low, locker and everything. But then was we moved its eye. Because other really close out there, but I'm building myself a little shop. Diana basement ass, nice there where my scorning mingle, yeah, It comes over one day off, however, toys a little alone, whether it is with me as long as I know when I come over and we spoke some good shit, I always yeah the only the best. That's right, yeah, very well, let's get into the crews, got a lot of stuff going on. Let's, let's knock this out man, it's a training. but right now, so, let's cover briefly, you know: we ve covered the palestine, Israel, thing I'm the last minute a development that's important, bring up
but his bring a lot of interesting feed I got it right. So the headline reads: hamas releases, thirteen israeli hostages, alive and others to cease fire holds so that the There group Hamas moss release their first wave of hostages beginning a four day exchange. This pause, the violet in Gaza, twenty four, hostages were transported out of Gaza via the rough, a border crossing on friday, according the times of Israel, citing israeli officials. Now least ten tie nationals and thirteen israelis were released into the care recross personnel, who were so carry on those rescued via ambulance from Gaza into Egypt. The israeli hostage were then expected to be transported to Israel to receive There are various hospitals, qatar, a key player in the cease fire. The negotiations said. Twenty four hostages
have been released and total, including tintype citizens and filipino citizen. Earlier now, the thai foreign ministry said that twelve tie citizens hat I've been released by Hamas. Now Israel moss and agree to afford a ceasefire during which the two this group will release at fifty one. The children taking in the october seventh attack on Israel in exchange for a hundred and fifty palestinians in prison by Israel. thus the gist of it. Now this is where no here's the cap, narrative, and what this has to do with us here in amerika right, This is a training topic. On twitter right now and the top there is no americans I have some right, but they have at least two in love and then this guy car come in serbia. He treated this outfit president Joe Biden, is said to have brokered the deal for the hostages with israel and Hamas, and somehow
No americans were included this man see. Now over the not included Biden guys Did you say you? He was gratified by the change by the deal in the cease fire. I quote in a direct quote: Joanne I've been keeping all those held hostage in their loved ones, close to our hearts. These many weeks- and I am extraordinarily gratified that some of these brave souls We have endured weeks of captivity an unspeakable Ordeal will be reunited with their families wants. This deal is fully implemented. I may say the statement thanking the leaders of qatar, egypt and israel for their efforts to secure the agreement. Now it should be noted. This is the first wave. But I do have a problem with how we are funding this taxpayers, american taxpayers of funding this right. We can't even get a couple.
Right anybody we any anything on this well, I think in these situations we have to like think as if we were them. Why why? It would be this way right and so, if I was thinking as the leader of Hamas, we're getting our asses beaten, sure. Ok, all of our citizens, our children, are being murdered in the fucking streets bombings. Yes, like I, don't think a lot of people have really. taking a look at these civilian casualties and the seville, jean valjean, these are made up of its own, Children dude and it's fucking horrible. and so when we think about it from Hamas as perspective its. Yeah, ok, will release these prisoners from me. Other countries will really some of your prisoners, but I, on the world stage there bigger. poker chip are those american hostages,
so so, for example, what they're probably thinking is. If we give them every body, bro, there's gonna kill the rest of us, because the overwhelming amount of force that been applied, which has been now. This is why we're seeing protests all over the world. This is why were even seen, orthodox jewish people protest in favour of Hamas. Ok,. Like the recent total unity amongst the Israel citizenship regarding the actions of Israel and people on our stand. So. If you're Hamas, you kind of think of it like this, ok, we give him this. We given that and we can these guys because if we keep these guys- because I think about it- still leverage way that Israel has behaved. I think most people can agree that it's been extremely fucking brutal. Ok, We can argue all day about justification and all that nobody has their own opinions about that the reality is that there that's the
seventh has been set. Okay, so. If that's, the presence has been set and you're. The team has been getting their asses beat why would you give them every body, and then they like? Here's? What my fear, would be if I was them. They're gonna give us back our palestinian civilian citizens, we're gonna, give them the men gains in and the other citizens and then they're just going to continue to kill all of us, because now they know that the house these in danger- ok, so that's. I assume that probably what's going on here and I also probably bet that there's a two stage. or three stage. Plan here to try and de escalate Situation right because It's like dude, like like whatever you get a fight with somebody who stronger than you and you happen to fucking, get him on the ground and you're like. Bro, you call, we do recall, redone ray you happen to get him and then you let them up forgive me beat the shit out of you in that
That's kind of what we're dealing with here and, in my opinion, girl, and that's all from the the assertiveness envy aggression retaliation israel on onto palestine, amass, ok, but all in all dude I mean real talk. It's fun super tragic that so many children have been killed and You know for the lives of what how many hashes total to injure forward. Okay, so there's been wise to me how many casualties since, like over ten thousand thousand yeah, it's just, Fuckin terrible situation dared, and I hope they find a way to deescalate it. The reality is idols That happened and I think I think what were more likely to see is Israel, do exactly what the fuck they ve been doing in the minute. Those hostages are fucking out and their safe, they go back.
the bombing it, and I think that triggers a could pretend they trigger a massive worldwide effort against Israel. because of the brutality and am now. This is what I've been saying for four years since it started as we have a problem here, because there's fourteen in people that are considered jewish six million people worldwide right. So. There's three billion. muslims that are up in arms, and this has had their having riots and protests in every country. Mean those numbers aren't good and if those people decided that they wanted to like remove Israel from the fucking planet they easily could it could happen easily and that's where we get a situation where the americans you know drug into a situation that honestly ike, do we know that we can win? You norman so there's lot going on there, but I don't see it as Biden being senile is much as I'd love to
I see it as their problem, I'll die stage agreement this happening here to try de escalate, but I dont think that the escalation will happen. I think I think, because the nature of twenty twenty four and, what's going to happen, there go, to try to create as much disruption as possible for the elections and ask I've been saying, for I don't know the last. Three and a half years I built, you they're, going to try to play, a pandemic play and a war at the same time to completely fucking shut down? The possibility of donald trump coming into power, because Donald trump comes back into power. Global situation, the party immediately so and all of these people are globalists. Some ah there's a lot to look out here, but that's that's my take on large groups like great other thing I tried to pull out before they could not confirm it, but I saw some in that year, the new, the newly elected president of argentina mealy,
For them out of the world bank, the central banking says: yeah That means that they're going assassinated immunity goes so that, any any leader. That's ever try to pull off the federal reserve since the beginning of time has ended up being killed or so, and that goes for hitler it goes for. Could it calls for saddam Hussein it for John Kennedy, ok and we go down the list. any leader. That's ever try to pull off the world of shit, the federal or the federal reserve bank system. They ve all been Well then killed somewhere or another. So you know I mean How we can do it now be that'd, be granted only to their economy. Shit right, yeah cause of it yeah but I mean I also feel like this. Guy is. I don't I'm not sold on this guy. You know we talked about him the other day and I was kind of like. you know, I don't know. I love. I love. I live. I love his presentation, you know, but you know
we're gonna have to see what he does cause there's a lot of affiliations that don't make sense for what he sang right now, so a lot of the atom. Yeah. Well guys it's a let's. Headlines. Remember if you want to see any of these pictures, articles links, videos, gotta, and if so, how come you sign in there? Have you watching it on to tube down the description blog fun there as well. So that being said, the one headline number one reads:. Dublin mass stabbing children. The injured Well, this is a tough one, so five people were injured in central dublin, ireland on thursday, two of them seriously injured in a mass stabbing described by police. As a quote, serious public order incident A man was arrested after multiple stabbing attacks on Parnell street dublin on thursday. Among the people injured are three young children and one of those children in an adult women are said to be in serious condition.
The irish independent described a quote scene of terror as pedestrians fled on foot from the attacks. The reports of the mouse male suspect, arrested in relation to the incident has also been injured. I wouldn't cited by the paper said the stabbings took place nursery school and that quote the kids out walking all of a sudden. One of them fell to the ground than another fell to the ground and another falls on the ground. Then this guy started running pass. A passer buyers help wrestled Didier suspected knife men to the ground and jumped on others intervene to prevent the suspect being attacked, it was said. reports, the irish justice minister, said police are following a definite line of inquiry. Not seeking any other individuals over the attacks? He added quote. My thoughts now are with the innocent children and the woman who had been attacked their families and those who are caring for them at this time. You have the stabbing take place, one kind of houston, so it saying
There are some passer bys had intervened, prevent from the suspect, being attacked retaliation. I guess you're what the fuck kill their mother fucker on the spot, near spot. We need on the spot justice because these we'll have to learn that when you do shit like this, its immediate into the media, Yeah and strong hands agreed man. So have this attack happened thursday and then directly. Following that dublin robson protests, thirty, where people arrested in ireland riots after child establish doubling around five hundred people ride in doubling after the knife attack. police in ireland arrested thirty four people in relation to riots that swept through dublin on thursday, when car cars and a bus were burned following establish earlier in the day five hundred people republic on the streets- What about a dozen stores looted, while rocks and bottles were thrown at a crowd, control officers equipped with helmets and shields?
The violence began after rumours circulating that a foreign national was responsible for stabbing outside the school on thursday afternoon the sauce. Back to his understood to be of algerian descent. as a naturalised irish citizens, Three children with the knife outside an elementary school the city center, just after one, thirty p m, a quick video of some of the hour. It's like those are mostly peace. Peace arise we had here is one twenty different said these ones are far right now. What do you say that it is exactly where the call for I protest bird and loot and always two steps ahead of mail. You always on a mere words in decades far right right ring protesters angered so way hall on, so so people that anger
stabbing attack are now far right immediately people who believed that a man as a man and a woman is a woman are far right for it people who believe that criminals be prosecuted for the laws that they break our far right for it, people who believe that elections, shouldn't be stolen, are far right and tourist interest it's weird, how anything other than the figure you you, it's ok to cut kids dicks off. That's Normal yeah. That's disagree with that. That's all right for you know it You know if you won't be a nice little compliant. And pc sheep guess what ya? okay, so eventually you have to get over that and say well fuck it. If that's what you think I am and just whatever the fuck it is. I am whatever you say: I yeah that's right: it wasn't the wildwood, that's a good song yeah! It is it's appropriate. Here too I mean so I mean duchess does does a lot going on here. Man,
no- and I think you know what one could say you know I haven't seen a lot of people like all. I should approach ST right, but then you go back to like may have twenty twenty on their lines and you know on their timeline. Stuff is justified. conversely re and is just interests, and now you know this migrant issue. Has been an issue all that that point alone How do you think that we other received on that's? Why do you think it is that, People are so comfortable, saying one thing and then the other thing. Why do you think that is Cause they don't believe any, they don't believe any of it and they're just doing in repeating imperative what their told they're, not thinking at all. Exactly and they're going on the internet for white shares views. However, the creative way to say whatever the thing is and gets celebrated for right, so When you guy see these people who say one thing and then another thing you have to we're steelers a couple things at play here, one they don't know what there talking about, but two
A lot of these people are professional manipulators and they get their power from. Pressing their viewpoint onto you. could because it's the powerful narrowed frighten me. If, if the powerful narrative, there was backed by they understood at the far right was actually the more powerful side which it is there, stood that they be on twitter. Saying that shit right you're insane was about these people. Have they don't operate with logic? They don't think like you and me, these are what called an pcs. They are non pliable characters. These are people like when you pay grand theft auto when you were younger? If he still play there people walking up and down the street bro them no idea. There even talked to yes, that's your family here once again it is what it is there are many, but I mean that that there's a bunch goin on here with this with the situation you know, and then this is not Ireland's first first I'm having a problem with this.
You know that this anime reads use politely jailed for life, for murder of aden, Moffit and Michael sneaking, Sligo, he was arrested after going on a a l. B t rage of killing, killed a couple of gay guys within the four day, killing spree use of polonius a he looks. Irish sounds irish tale sounds were irish, yeah. You know this person, ashley murphy man, sentenced to life for irish teacher's murder and I yosef pushkar who's. Thirty three and killed a twenty three year old teacher stabbed in the neck let times you know, he's not he's not. Irish, not my own way and then you see things like this. They come up. You know since russia. Mohammed was the most popular boys name in irish. City and twenty twenty two muhammad is irish. Irishers, ok, you know, and so you
its interests, there's a lot of stuff going on, but here's the thing that that that I'm saying is that the people of ireland there with it. They're done with it, see. Have this video you, let's see if they're done love, you this video here without doubt clip for you, Is the fact that I was walking around dollar for the last eight months, cod of people fire really raises found the artist times. He is here, look at him all over them Alpha program are going to everybody. Remember I have a few months ago calling people five million raises. You gonna! Let you gonna write the times the model cliff but was it was a cry help. Working hours. We look at all the november. Ah them look at those. pretty good story. The additive laid hold back on the artist people. Look, look, look in his gloves, average media
It has not listed any open today, we're not going to be intimidated, any more artist can be done. You know what I'm talking about Hooman down on the poster boy. He goes to get the star. You know what are you gonna say about the orders people now? What? If I really idea to erase the study at erase this already yeah, you are laughing at them eight months ago anyway, I tell you this is going to happen. molly is obvious, spoken hacks, yet glum pilgrim. But look on your boy. It's on your focus boy go up to watch streaming, video on your bike on your bike and I even list any my other spouse jack, Where are you focus now yeah he's saying that we all seen it on a boy, good boy, hack, hack polite. There's very polite, and then your responsive that actual video conor mcgregor is now jumping in on the conversation he tweeted, this out shut shall read it I love irish access. Isn't that something now that sided is it
Our military, this out Oh, isn't that some than the absolute pitcher of weak and feeble them divisive of all? Is the weak man, one of them sir. If crimes as nation ever seen has occurred, we not care anymore. What you said case he's got shit man, the far east, be types in irish fuck, it takes time time should hours rocker, foggy weed care anymore. What you sad cases have got to say in a war. You are nothing, we are not I came down we are only warming up. There will be no backing down until real changes implemented for the safety of our nation We are not losing any more of our women and children to second twisted people who should now even be in ireland in the first place called what you want. We do now care. May god help us all ireland for victory?
and when we get on this, are these right? I think it's time to stand up. I think it's time to say these people don't belong in our country. I think that goes for here goes for there, and it goes for all of europe and everywhere else that has had these people force. in other countries with now oh approval from the citizenship who have come in taken new resources and committed when crimes by the way who the other kids for these people to come into these countries. Politically, generally, oh, it's every boy! He bought the far right, which is a very small percentage. The far left right, only too far left in far right. So it's the leftist who advocate for this and did you notice who this guy fucking killed. Oh he went on I gay killing spree. Now. Why? If you are They left is an energy bt. Q is a priority for you. Ok, It is something that you claimed
four and by the way, if you algae, bt, q and you are advocating, migration. Why would you might advocate for people? traditionally fucking hate you we're going to cause you harm. Ok, like this. This reality its because these people and pcs. They do not know what they are doing. Ok, we do. Intelligent members of society, whether we think me lie or more central or even democrat type, linking the intention people society. When we point this out, we are called names, we call racist, we are called bigot. We were called, you know These things, and the reality is, is that's how they got in the way they ve no way because people have. Been afraid to speak up because they feel like being labelled. Those things is now ok, to understand those labels do not mean anything anymore. They do I mean anything
some call you whatever they want The reality is, if we don't stand up now talking about the citizens of ireland, the citizens of france, the citizens of ITALY, the citizens, of germany. There, be no more germany, italy, france, ireland, in the united states. The way tat we know it every then this is reality. Every Culture is being intentionally it'll twine with these migrants for the purpose. Of removing the national identity of that culture. This as part of the destabilization process, which is comes after the demoralization process right? So what trying to do is for the next in a hundred years. They don't want any white irish people I don't want any germans, they don't want any italians. They don't want any french, they want a single race of, x rays of them. Between caucasian and milk.
Stern and black to become this like no one. I didn't get to become this same race of humanity and on the other, on the surface that sounds ok, you like ok, well, ask who were on the same. What difference does make? I agree what that also means is there is no irish culture. There is no french culture, there is no italian culture, there is no american culture and what they do Is there try just like I tell you, every single fucking show politics is downstream of culture. So where are they attacking their attack? in culture, because they know if they can make everybody the same race and everybody the same culture. That a world government makes perfect sense. Ok- and this is this- is fat this is? What they're doing and anyone whose one of the south for the last fifteen years has been called a bigger racist. Is not races to what ireland to be made up of irish people who have lived there for five thousand fucking years. That's racist! Okay, this is called the way it is.
when you go to france now should be for french people. When you go to ITALY, that should be for italians when you go to germany, don't you want to see germans like this is the reality that people do not understand and they're afraid to talk about it because they're afraid be called names, but this is happening here in amerika to and people will say, will America's a melting pot. It is, but the mine, I these people they are invading our country they're, not black americans they're, not latino americans they're, not why europeans they are people who believe different, that things that we all believe and what I believe there are going to try to do and the new future, and I think this clip or very well as they are going to try and create a big divisive device between the migrant culture and the american culture and they're going to try. all the blacks and all eighteen americans, in with the migrants saying people of color try to make this a white supremacy. You know issue,
Yes, when it's not it's a fucking american issue versus people were not americans and an that's. What we're with and if you do not see that, you're either not intelligent enough to understand. What's going on or you have been paying attention or urine and pc because that is exactly what's happening. This is what's happening and by the way if you go, read anything that these people write about in the global the economic forum and what they believe they will flat out. Tell you to your face faces. What they're doing is their goal and people are afraid to stand up to it because they're afraid to be called racist or afraid to be called like bad news broke the biggest thing that america has to understand right now is that americans, whether they black, why latino Or anything else native, Him. We are on the same team ok and when these people stir up the shit and they try to Everybody else on the magter inside we you remember what the people Chicago we're dealing with right now, the black communities of chicago on sale,
stand. This stay and those are not americans and we can now by into over the next twelve months for the next, however, many years as might into being idea, that this is some sort of identity I would take issue. This is not that this is americans versus not americans. This is irish. versus not irish. This is for, in french versus non french people, and this is the europe is years ahead of us so much happening in europe will begin to happen here and here's the reality and people hate this, but it's the truth. We're gonna have to run a mass of deportation operation, in real life that involve the checkpoints and involves like real shit for a look but the time to get all these people out here. Ok, these we'll have to go. They can stay here I'll, ask talking about our mexican friends. You come across in come here, but for the better way of life, I'm talking about the fucking criminals that are being flow
Into south america and central america and told the walk into america, while all these other countries empty other fuckin prisons- and we have to take him- dollar when we ve got fuck, tens of thousands of homeless veterans and fucking up a seven thousand murders in the inner cities happening already or hundred thousand in fentanyl overdose, like we are Problems do these people. I'll be here. And the reality is like it: we're gonna have to do something very drastic to remove them. It's gonna be I'm comfortable. It's gonna be hard to watch me. The media is going to show all kids crime in all this shit and people are going to have you there, their sympathies for why it's going to be hard, dudes will be done, it's gonna be fucking hard and it's not racist. No, no I'll tell you if it was that way your job on this conversation tell us what you guys think about this is real issue. Hash.
like. Let us know you guys ass with a big sentinels. Keep this cruise moveth got crews comments a check this out, so this one's coming from us dig miss one. He says When are you all restock in more bison real american freedom, where I was legit working late at night, the time I got online and make my order everything sought out any other. They ve all we had to wash our daily life. I've come this wednesday. P m central, but that's the big announcement on talking about just so. We know what that will that they will be in there. where they go stakes, yup just wait on vitiate your brow. If there is overtaking pissed off, there was over ten thousand people in check out and we sold out there so like it was there's big demand for years.
We we didn't anticipate that level of demand we we knew people were going to want it. We didn't know that many people were going to win so I'm sure a lot of people buying multiples, yeah, I'm saying yeah. Well, it's! It was yeah, it's really cool, seeing everybody wear it and then tag us in it. Yeah nah, it's fucking great. That's why we are so stay has come at just went on I appreciate you guys, but I think you guys should be a real ass fans. As always, remember we don't misinformation as another firewall yep. That's right! Everything you say was it miss me on this. Every on this information So if you don't wanna, miss information, listen show sooner, do them about their task. Ha ha ha ha. gus about you, gotta have a number two. lloyd, damas action Come and say I can't wait for eddies ten, our history lesson, so we can explain rather corruption. My words,
that from a man well,. I could do in about an hour if we really want to. Why is it that you describe ass if it was up there and then being three its I'll get ten our history lesson her. It only takes about an hour just people like the turn out the first one. rules and excited for the idea of a ten our history lesson from india, Today's corruption, a word stem from well, apparently, a lot of people actually well it's! It's not hard to figure out he's gotta the attention and if you ve, been paying attention for the last three years have set it about four thousand, fuckin times, but you're just don't pick it up my goal here is not to give you a fish, is to teach you to fish and look at it that way. Some would we can't win without people
We critically think and look into think that'd be able to do that. The reason that we're losing right now is because even you guys dependent on What you hear from the internet, including for me as you are always source of fucking information, and that's why we're here and that net goes or even you guys that only Listen to what I say and don't go look into it. You should go look into everything I fucking. So that's why we give you guys article that's right, Look at the absolutely most important it's important. We have to learn to critically think for a better america future absolutely We've got keep this cruise movie got headline number to google and dogmas, It's pretty much every day now here I know, I don't think I guess you mentioned it see if here dynamic. Oh me: ok, well behind or number two.
chinese hospitals overwhelmed with sick children after sir, you guys It's you gonna, stop doubting me surprised by the forest s right. I continue to serve great Let us build a sick children after surge in respiratory illnesses. now: these are a few amazon articles, for you guys used to see how its being played out So this article reads spills in northern china appear. to be equal overwhelmed with sick children as the country grappled with a surge in respiratory illnesses. Clusters of pneumonia price. In the world health organization to Beijing for more data at the beijing children's hospital in the capital. Long lines of people were waiting to register
during a visit by NBC news on thursday waiting rooms were crowded with parents and children, some of them on ivy drips. and a review of china's data. The world health organization said that the increase in cases came earlier in the season quote, but not unexpected. Given the lifting of current ninety restrictions. Similarly, experience in other countries, a court to the who chinese huh If the authorities did not detect new or unusual pathogens and the rise in respiratory illnesses has not resulted in patient loads, exceed hospital capacities you got the who in their ok? it's ok, guys, because guess what mainstream news media they have all your answers right to china's child pneumonia outbreak spread. We have everything you need to know on it now, how would you have everything that you need to know on something that just now get no one? I think that's a
very well. However, I been talking about this for a year and a half two years about this actually being a pandemic for children. I mean there's only probably twenty thirty fuckin fit the eclipse me saying this exactly our anti now brow, listen AP fact check that there was a fictional virus that were created for training exercise not for the pain a so nay peace, credible? It was just for that yeah. So you like that training event. They call catastrophic It's where they had that thing called seers right that the exercise simulated? A series of world health organization, emergency health advisory board meetings addressing a fictional pandemic that was set in the near future, that ah disproportion, only affecting children and young people that one the one that actually said there will be twenty million plus child deaths who said this, who said that we're going to run a pandemic that affected children. That, then,
was going to actually killed children, so today the blame, all the people that they are saying caused, problems. Last time version was grandma killers, yeah now kid killers. But here's the problem, my opinion when I and I've said this plenty of times in the show. In fact, we should probably go find a couple of the clips and throw them in here. So if you're on their team, you can't lose If you lose your life and if we're trying to figure out a plan on how to not lose here's, how you do it, you get your test, everybody like we write like what they're doing right now say will where we are with people, Are going to wear, masks again or they're going to line up to get this vaccine again? Where are they going to do scared. Are they still are? Then we take the temperature? That's what I believe this is. Then we release something that actually kills
people? Now they ran one called sears and in the sears pandemic, twenty billion kids die right now, if you are trying to control the population- and you were talking about this in public like bill gates, does Do you think they would advance your agenda if twenty billion kids died a whole generation of kids in certain places without advance, it sure would now? What do we do with the people who are calling bullshit, where we can make them then because if we release this thing- and these people are saying- hey resist, do not comply, then it's their fault that the kids die. Then they criminalize those people remove them from society, they put them in camps or they execute them. and then they run the world, because there is no resistance anymore. That's what I see their plan to be it actually kills children? Their plan might work in that the fucking danger, like. I think these people would killed twenty million children to keep from what what happened to them if they, if they were met, they lose power from happening.
I mean? Does anybody think that I'm here I think that I absolutely do it, I'm here now now what What would that due to the parents of the people who have been calling bullshit on the pandemic for twenty two, Twenty twenty one twenty two and who are now saying do not comply? Do now? let them do this again. What would that do to those people were created such wage and where they were legitimately. Try to around those people up and fucking, kill them, and you would have public support, because people's kids are dying, any people, would realise that these people killed. kids to remove this just to remove the only obstacle between them. And total control, which is the people who were going to say no one can qualify. Gonna be here we want to pursue Now so that these real these people, these penis the fuckin same old villains,. They should be rounded up. The fucking dealt with now now before us
for yahoo release the shit you, I'll, say those, though, because following this after the last couple of years, we have. You know it's important. to understand where we are in this process. Right now. What I believe that this is this, civic story, the tabula nothing this is there the temperature check, rather just without there see with the reactions, are the something. Are they not worried about this, because that's what I get Typically, a play for them why they do a couple of small little like testers right, fear a decent, but your gauge honesty, where the where, where everybody that no I mean they they try to use for your first right area, the holiday time your families are home. I mean I dunno man. people sure resisted the first time because now it's gonna get worse and you know these people already made.
Pregnant moms get the vaccine day day. They brought the death rate, is higher than has been what eighty years we looked at and almost every country in almost every country save them The amount of child das around a high, ok. It is because of these forced vaccinations, biology, I mean that's, that's what most people are saying and it seems to be accurate, I mean I actually think, there's a whole lot more death, that's that happening, the people just are not kind of to shower the kind of got used to it. You know- and Brok is seen as a mile life like I've. I've known a number of young people who have died suddenly or died unexpectedly and and and I mean do when we talk about this, we get tons and tons and tons of feedback from people were like there's. No doubt this people are fucking dying and they're not talking about it at all, and so What do you think the people are willing to do to go past that, like
my opinion. How I see this is very simply they needed to. Maintain power. If you were guilty of the things that they are being accused of. That means the punishment would be to life imprisonment or probably, death. Ok, what are you willing to do to avoid death. While you are willing to do whatever you have to do, and these people no different, except they have all the money and all the power and all the control and media and so were a situation where this is pretty dangerous, because these people manipulate the narrative. Quicker and harder and faster than than anybody else on the planet with total unity which makes it appear credible, but People have gone, smart people have learned you know, the cdc and the w h o and thought she and all these people. The media gates people are not listening to these people anymore right, so How do they get the power back while they get the power
by creating a scenario where they can legitimately remove the people who are calling them on their bullshit from society which, What better way to do that, then, to a pandemic: the action we killed people at mass and then turn the people, the fair. these are the people who were killed all of the people We ve been saying: do not why trust these assholes. Don't the port them, don't listen to them. Keep your business open, stop doing this so this to me, is strategy to remove the resistance globally from there. ability to maintaining control of what they're trying to do and so my personal opinion, and you know I've got a pretty good track record so it's gonna be a very difficult situation. If this is true, this is a real pandemic. Now you could be right, you got it is, could be proud. this, but this is a real one and kids are gonna die. This
gonna present some very difficult times you in mean and I think it's important for everybody to recognise right now who the fuck is responsible for the shit and then act or does it that's the The bother me the most they tell you gotta go from it. They tell you exactly who's responsible yeah, we don't listen. We don't fucking my while they they run on this into practice. We did the same ship were covered with at around the tabletop exercises months later bone They run this exercise in october, twenty three october, twenty third of twenty twenty two yeah- and here we are you're right before luncheon season, right, salt, pepper time. Dear, listen, man, it's! This is a big problem. I it's a big fucking problem these pete. If you guys would have spoke up and held these people accountable after what they did in two thousand and twenty instead of protecting them are protests like they didn't know what they
we're doing these most fuckers knew exactly what they're doing there is. There is like thousands of ours, a videotape of every single news outlets. Parroting the exact same phrases like the same phrases that they're supposed to say this a coordinated attack and it was global and its headed by the people of the world economic forum, those are the people in charge of this. They talk about Hopefully, they written books about it, clash I bet a mother fucking book called agenda: twenty thirty, the great reset covert a team like literally in fact two thousand twenty has started happening. Ok, goats and his organization append other exercise in conjunction with the world economic forum in october. fucking two thousand nineteen and you all know what happened in twenty twenty right. You know that dude, it's a sick, the part the piss me off his light, nor china. Those though there they're coming out saying that neither the salary, china blames weak immunity,
corona virus, lockdown respiratory outbreak and children. That I know I mean are you telling me, sir, so the lockdown whereby we we do admit that? But without wanting to lock a back down, let's go back to her to get right like yeah or isolation doesn't know like it. I remember the euro that video there came a crew talk about like yours. when, when their stuff like this, it actually helps your immune system by being around. people and expose. You need bacteria floor on your. Body mover argue, that's how you now there was. There was only like. thousands of doctors, SAM remsen digging up this, and they all got fuckin them. is fucked with and labelled a quacking fired and remove from you know. Never do I'm never fucking doing it again. Never they make me anybody else, regardless of what they unleash. You can now fucking benda needed these people. They it's not your people, The people were saying stand not speak out
these people I hold them accountable doing this do not comply their trust. Protect you and you are not following their lead and because you're not following their lead. These poor remain in a position to continue to fucking. Do this to people I still don't you guys think. The snow down the calm attached tag while to let us know that being said, most gets. My third and final headline headline number three. Like when I see the left in their own right airline them theories about anonymously. Reads: mayor Adams response a sexual assault accusation after reporter reveal suspicious detail about accuser. He is he's going down where the halving the nome with them. that's what is looking like! Ok! Well, that's what he's looking like so So new york city mayor Eric Adam spoke to report is a response to allegations of sexual assault on Thursday Adams was accused
Of sexually assaulted, woman and ninety ninety three in a bomb show legal filing the Cuba is not identified by the messenger, filed a summons Wednesday night under the adult survivors act, the same law that allows asia jean karel de grafter, trump. Thirty years later, the plaintive- Accused our gardens of sexually assaulted her when they both were for the city of new york, the messenger report, here's the video of his response.
As I stated. I want to respond to the lawsuit that was just brought to my attention. It absolutely did not happen. I don't recall ever meeting this person and I will never harm anyone in that bag into it did not happen and was going to go with costs going to take his process, but it did not happen, and that is not who I am, and that is not who I have ever been in my professional life, and you know it's just something that never took never took place. The name of the person by the same name has filed quite a number of lawsuits and has even written a book that appears to be on sale on amazon, about how to file a lawsuit, and how does that make you question the credibility separate from the fact that you're saying it's never happened. As I should know, I've been in public life for almost forty years and have people know my character. They they see how. I am. I carry myself and I could just radically state that while this never took place- and I do not recall ever meeting the accuser and it's just not- who I am- and I would never do anything to harm so no. I did not know
seriousness, though, is not just a long before you get into these. What do you think he's lying about ways down the truth about. I think he is, I think, he's telling the truth that. Seattle, oh no man, I don't know all of them alone. I think he knew her, but I don't think happened to your other yeah, that's how I felt because when he said I don't recall, meaning, if you didn't mean me, sam falconer, this person guys so he's trying to dance that line about does, he know, does not know his head he's thinking. Do. I have some sort of connection. Can they can expose me on right, but I think I don't think he did What what they're saying he did you are very similar. Look, I don't know another guy from new york We are guided. The gallows presidency was trop wrong, we're rob robinson skin. They rarely drop. If my up, like this do this gets accused issued everyday any know. What's in arresting its interestingly Eric atoms has chow
these things, this whole life in here there's a state. Word for this phenomenon calls calling mama rounds with trauma, trauma, clump karma karma. karma? That's what it is. Yeah yeah see. I think it might be something a little bit deeper than just plain. Karma too, though bro because you are right before the sexual saw act. that comes out fbi, either their searching, is fundraiser campaign manager consultant, whose even the most critical of last few fumes, I mean and and here's the thing that we see this happen in other places, to write like remember, far from bob Bobby than men and ass and just got charged with with bribe before a foreign government right, don't remember remember our other buddy chromo. Now he had sexual allegations and what were they covering up with that one that they were trying to get him because of what happened with the pandemic response in the nursing home scandal right? So what What did Adams do not make them
to the side that that is a great questioning, the o n n. The very, very simple, simple ass. It he's been extremely extremely vocal and critical of biden and migrant response, and what's going on in new york, so resist a thing of like you're. Talking too much you get into loud. We have to get this guy out, yes, Undoubtedly, yes, that's. What's happening Do you guys ever wonder how they come up? listen. This is how they get everybody out of the way that they don't want. They come up with some bullshit sex scandal from thirty fucking years ago, brow and break in the forefront, make a big deal, discredit the person and make the person try to resign or various bear. Some of the points in a credible anymore accusation alone. Do should be a red flag. Everybody. Yes, Accusation alone is damaged, valued and will do the damages knee whether it actually happen, and I the accusation alone,
It's so much damage is done. Is done well, daddy's change! Not your fault! culture. We need to change. We need to start realising that one p get close to the truth. they get made to be the bad guy. Look with it, love. You ass, you say whatever the fuck. You want to buy and rotate right Look what they did! Fuck and agitate. Ok, look what they ve done to anybody who speaks up enough and stands up enough. Look what they're doing it's wrong! Look! What they're doing this menendez guys, wanna! There's! Ok, these people have weapons eyes. This tactic and when I say these people I mean Joe Biden, I mean the three letter they are working together create a scenario where they they can fucking, create anything. It doesn't even have to be true and it's always a sex scandal. It's always abuse scandal. It's always a you know, arrive, the situation, because that,
the one that people will carry the most about, do or What does the other one? They always figure out the people always in a being. What's that thing may be, and what a file edify yeah right and all that pictures of child porn on their computer, like I'm not standing up for any of those people, but you know the cia and the f b I and these people who are very powerful. They do have The ability to put those images on your appears like there's that right so like we have to start understanding that, like when people say to stand up for the actual reality. Like I dont like, Eric and I must nodded. This is out where I met a vein of his politics, like his attitude. He's full full shit he's fucking rude. Sometimes what saying but like wrongly so wrong. Wrong is wrong and I also say when people do thing right like earlier in the show when they said by sea now, set aside by the tsar now who is really fuck, you yeah you're right?
I want to call it how it is on both sides- and I don't like Eric atoms- he's, not my cup of tea, but here the reality. He stands that new york is being fucking, destroy any courage enough to release speak out or something it's unpopular within his bullet, who affiliation- and this is how they get up now. This This will happen. Everybody bro do too. we don't change the direction and twenty four politically this will start happening, that anybody who speaks out they will figure out a way to fuck and prosecute, destroy or ruin. anybody who speaks out until culture changes, meaning we don't Roy people, just because the media says this, are these random accusations and we see abiding by the than the assumption that they are innocent until proven guilty? Because very rarely do these people get found guilty and just accusation piled on maybe that and if that doesn't work, they'll do another one and not make another one come out and then to make another one come out: that's how
do this and we ve seen in over and over and over again and when you say who's doing it. Well, I wrote you should probably you ll got who the part the people are there in criticized when these things happen. No ok it's always consistent. It's always constant and you are correct. they are eating their own right and so Aragon and, like you, too, you he's sitting there right now he's like holy fuck. I pick the right. for I can t go right now they'll kill him just as much as they kill the people. They say: hey. These people are fucking ruthless bro, there's a loyalty amongst these people and honestly, you know like, if, I'm being honest, those people this this shit because they done it to other people thousand tat, because there on the tv right right they know what is going on is nice and easy and is comfortable when the team- yes, but see ya
Eric atoms, knows that they ve been doing this for the last thirty fucking layer. I'm sam amend as didn't he, whether you're not doing anything that other motherfucking I'll do it and because they didn't stand up and speak the truth and say this is wrong. This shit be happening now, what's happening real talk like the time accusations come out between, especially like sexual allegations or rate things. I don't fucking believe many more until their proven Because do we had such a change in culture with the meat to shit where every fucking, Man was an abuser in every single and broke almost say, women are now complaining, because no men will fucking data round. No men will date you because men were afraid that if they even like talk to you certain way, they're gonna have focused well with some sort of fuckin allegations broken. Why it's the truth, the bullshit bullshit so we need to get smarter is a culture. You know something else. I think we need to change culturally
totally unrelated text thing, people on fucking thanksgiving specific, but I gotta be real. What does that? This is fucking real, ok it used to be that thanksgiving and christmas in certain holidays, easter, These times were made for our families. They were made for us to have family time away from work. and now most people they have a pretty high attachment to their cell phone and regards of maybe just in their social life, some people do it for their professional life to and be Technology has never been talked about in ethics of technology have never really been talked about. It see to be appropriate for everybody to text or mass text and say we thank skidding on pocket. It's getting we're trying to fuckin shill bro you're, I'm like you guys have to start realising that this is rude behaviour, its rude. Ok, close family member if your friend, maybe but just random people that you haven't talked to and
How can you talk to him if you going, phone and everytime you talk to someone is on a holiday or their birthday stop fucking doing You're saying like do for me, like listen for me, the last ten years of my life, because I've been on social media and I've had somewhat of a following. Every holiday in every birthday has been completely fucking wasted by people. Texting me You think that I want to sit. There are my fucking birthday and give four thousand, I can text messages from ran random people like do you think I want for thousand dams from random people to say half the? I don't want that nobody wants that and like brothers does it have to do which is me has to do with anybody culture, cultural correction, that we need in terms of what is deemed appropriate behaviour. Technology is changed things. We know how it is anymore. We don't get breaks anymore, like how many
you guys, have work on your cell phone or have massive time on your cell phone and, like you, I just want to fucking chill on these days and you can't because you've got every moron that you know texting your fucking, the turkey emoji. You know what I'm saying like get the fuck outta here, bro, it's true, we should ever it should be, could see it should be seen as rude to do that with radio. Unless it's like, you know, like close friends like real, close, you're. The truth of the matter is people. Do that for the person they do it for themselves because remember it's always like the same fuckin. Not joining people that you know that? Do it then doing that, so they can be seen as the person whose thoughtful or you know more carrying or whatever bro you're, not fool in anybody every time, someone who only tax me three times a year on those days tax me I just Furthermore, my fuckin, my my perspective, that they're fucking, dumb
right. It makes me want than last time round, and it makes me value them less, because I see how they actually are sort of size, russia dude. I absolutely every by visiting arise like that. Why By this I mean, I would say, most people get that you. What I'm saying absolutely feel the same way I brought staff. There start start sooner it as dont do it, but its rude is like you, like you, wouldn't go to someone's house on thanksgiving. Just stop on that. Fucking knock on the door. Unannounced is a have you going out with everyday gone and then the next guy shows up and then the next guy, and it goes on for hundreds of people there. You don't ever get to spend your day with your family. Your friends do the things that you want to do accommodating all these people who are being thoughtful. What I want thoughtful too, and I'm to get the fuck out. a brow, I'm so over it dear I'm, gonna get rid of technology eventually like the.
This is real shit, presents order. Listen wife was better. there's a lot of good things have happened, but with the internet there's lots. Good things have happened, social media, but I Telling you as someone Who grew up for twenty years? Twenty one years before the shit really took over, I'm telling you, If you understood how much life, how much better life was without it, you would give it away in a second it's. Stolen so much from us, and we for so long now. The people on understand what is even stolen. It steals everything. It still is all ability to live presently in reality, all the time like it's completely different life. It's completely different in and not for the better regard. So the economic success that I've had I've had my whole life for the most part that has been built through the internet. Ok, give them all away one fuckin second tonight, that's how much better what I would give it away, fucking
hundred times as euro over how much better it was without it This is ruining our lives. Its ruining our relationships is ruining our ability more human experience. Yes, it's ruining keep going more and more and more and more and more into it. It's fucked up do so at least give us a couple days. You know like the holidays, we can like chill like spending. our families and fuckin, relax I'll go argue with your aunt or something yeah. It's all Just don't answer you tax, while it's kind of horror when it happens every fuckin two minutes you know like real talk, like all you guys, who have my cell phone number, I'm getting a new number, I'm not giving it to you. I'm not given its anybody, You guys in this room will have the people here. Keep people had it in my five Closest friends will have it outside here, not as it were, that is fucking. It. So that's coming soon. I love it. Yeah you ain't getting it. I love it. So don't ask me the worst is just that.
what the fuck are. You just meet new look I'll get your number absolutely not. Now, no fuckin way how the fuck you are, we want these people to pocket text every fuckin, thirty seconds you now now my habit, the guy is jumping on this conversation. Let us know what you guys think down in the comments. Hashtag time is up and let us know your thoughts so. Let me someone. There was a third and final have on their guard. It's a little shocked there any like he's a little taken, nah he he he was just about to go off on a reporter. He should have you shouldn't but he could remember he just from its optional he can't remember if you actually knew this person and what I was that he could remember. Fuck do I know this person or not. He didn't want to say no fuck a herd of this person because you know use that against right. He was being careful with his words. Now he's not sure so guys, let's go through our final segment of the show
up- and I gotta go before you- this is a really go. I like this one, a this guy's, realising the don't know our new, maybe there's your first episode thumbs, stop or dumbstruck. This is where we bring a headline up. We talk about it and we get one of those who are two options so our thumbs up. or dumbest fog headline reads: A teacher of the year creates mock vacations and mexico for students and even gets them sustain a mind for their passport applications. Now, happened about a month ago, but as a follow up here that I thought was pretty awesome, so a first grey A teacher has gone above and beyond for her students by putting together an elaborate simulated trip to mexico, and now viral footage on tik tok song, you. Why was seeing creating foe passport boarding pass is at an end, higher air travel simulation for a classroom to bring awareness of hispanic heritage month prove their money handling scales oh, come along with further first grade to mexico white said and video here
we're taking passport pitches, I'm going to lemonade. Some boarding passes, I'm going to live some ate some some so make them are placements- are here cultural preparation, for that is no doubt that the less watts let's watch video we had its view come along with fresh, creating next the call here were taken passport pitchers, I'm gonna laminate. Some boarding passes can eliminate our sombrero and make them our placements excited where we're going to let the goal Are you going to mexico? good morning money where you going now turning to suit. woman? I'm gonna change my classroom into an airplane. I found Video on you, too, that they're gonna watch to make us feel like we're in the air they have passed today have boarding pass his own. Of course we are flying southwest airline.
I'm gonna get each young adults their passport. And their airline ticket, because no mommy's are allowed to go and I'm gonna match their little passports up to their faces, to make sure they are who they say. They are so now, I'm a t, essay agent. They are gonna board the aircraft and get ready for take off. They can see anywhere. They like on my play, learner he s age, that nice now afford now search their lama. it's cool man, as is spoken all right The news will simulated nurseries, teacher real skills rescue violence had to. I actually think this is amazing, adds a black nearly budgeted their money. Like it's fuckin cool out, I was walking all sorts of legs at this story about a month all right, but there's been a new development, rightly so I'm at her father, Now, that's also in her classroom. She simply there were fly with southwest right well, south, rest reached out,
the salaried southwest, helps teacher turn my trip into reality after viral video. So after that. Video The first great teacher you down in texas south rests. reached out to her so by now he's got millions of views is authorised, decided to play a film for all the first grade, students at the school the students started, their trip at the southwest, dallas maintenance, hangar for behind the scenes, tour of how real aeroplanes work. They then boarded a south west boeing, seven, thirty, seven max eight. for some was the first time they have even seen a real play southwest said just like, with the mock set up in the class, the students interacted with flight attendants took their seats in the reserved especial snack big. Also got to do some fun activities like constructing a southwest plane, playmate of paper act. a pilot happed on the plane with suited to teach the more about aviation Damn inspiring messages like always follow your dreams and stay true to your heart. On, after
which students were able to see real planes taking off into the skies from Dallas fort worth international. Author said as a thank you to opening shape future leaders, the company gifted all the first great teachers and the school principle with two round trip tickets to anywhere with that airline. Quote south was an to have the opportunity to create a unique aviation experience for the first great students just as mrs White did for her class. Who knows maybe there's a future southwest employee in this group of sweet kids company said here's a few pictures from their filtered mascot. Well. Does not do that super who is cool? That's supercool, like that's exam, I noticed the southwest brought him the nice plain. I say there are good and arms around me. I with saw this as players, somebody on south- was it really good. A pr and like I will get a nice display, will do this thing, mass oppressed everybody? Fortunately, I believe
that's what this is. This is a pr move, but it's a given its ago still covered a kid ceremonies went, and I don't have a problem with what I'm cool. They would figure out a way to actually like take those kids somewhere mexico, like as group for like a couple days. Hopefully our how you do that. That's why the hindu exam logistical nightmare, but I think this is awesome and really like mass. I, like we give teachers a lot of heat in here right like battery. Most of them are teach them the game. Most of them are pool full of shit, but reality is. There are some really good teachers that really become responsible for any success or have. I don't know winning you're good thing in these kids lives in ireland, this woman is clearly one of em, if you teach them real skills, they're having fun a good life experience we have all teachers like that. This whole country will a completely different now. No doubt me, no doubt at all that woman
that woman though she's prague and paid you no fucking. What six fifty sixty grand, maybe like the death, This is why teacher if we could correct correct the pay scale with teachers and stop spending our tax dollars on ukraine and, like all this useless, woke shit in all this bullshit. and we actually increase teacher salary to a level where they can, actually live a mortal trouble, existence issue. It would attract better quality teachers and get rich of all of these people who are just there pushed her own agenda on children, so Our present it now, happen immediately immediately. I would say fuck and executive order, like increase basement on paper teachers and ain't issues that had any these other flags besides, the american flag will be fired immediately, trumps talking about some like that. He funding those schools, but.
We have to. We have to reward and make the clear positions that are most important to the future of this country. Lucrative, If the make or break fuckin possess, because this wouldn't take people who would otherwise go be something the more money they would mean. We have interests and say you know what. I'm going to go. Do this. Instead, I'm going to pour into these kids, I'm gonna teach these kids real skills and dude. We have to have that like it's, a must have an interesting idea. This idea pop up, I feel like that, needs to be some type of programme and sensitive right reach about given back to your community rights. Like let's say you were like you're, a halo the artist writing you retire from an art one like in order to lighten the party, your fuckin community pay back, you have to go to teach for two years, europe, I can entrepreneur in business, you killed. He had a successful time with you, retired died. You go, teach
you want to. Have there be something you could do that yeah? You could do that by simply giving tax advantages to those people, so those yeah, I think, That'D- be individual people like if you said to those people. Okay like go, build your companies, yes, it. Let's just say this, and I must say you the company and you retire. Could you sold it said: ok, you, gotta be taxed at fifteen percent. capital gains on business, sale or you're gonna be taxed at eight percent, if you agree, go teach for four years for years and drag You know this salary we're going to pay you, but you, if you agree to go, do we have a totally different country? Bro yeah? That's all be some path and you actually being taught by people who get That's the exact way. Some so I'm sure some form of that, though broke out right. Every funding, just kind of thing. Right now, but the reality is If we don't incentivize high skilled people to go, do these jobs hike air people to go? Do these jobs, because it's not to back. The curing is also about
skills for sure this woman cares. Anne S, skills cease She cares but all his effort for these caves. But she also has the skill set to understand the dose you're going to learn in a fund environment, not a lecturer in sure- and so those the kind of people we must have teaching our kids. We must have people that are high care and high skill and right now I think, We had a lack of both. I think we have a culture where a lot of teachers are there because they get three or four months or a year, and they can do whatever they want, and Weiler there they don't care about the kids they care about, pushing their own personal agenda. their political lane who happens to be onto these kids were seeing more and more more of that, but out the aisles, on the flip side of that, we have to remember that. That's now, all teachers and that's pretty. we're, not the majority of teachers, but those Just do those things should not be. Teachers agreed, those teachers who do things like this woman, you guys
be the ones they were standing up saying we can have this, we gotta do this right. A massive they're afraid of their own teachers, union they're, afraid to speak, they're afraid they speak up. Look at blackball out their own john, that this is What we're dealing with we're dealing with oppression, tyranny on multiple different levels and intimidation tactics, no different than Eric Adam, being accused of this thing is art, teachers, afraid to speak up because they're afraid I'll be punished by teachers. Unions, that's wrong! That's up The teachers unit should be abolished. I think all union. Well, that's a discussion for another day now, but I mean unions serve a particular point Up until the point of when they become more worried about that union, strategic partnerships and less about the actual union members who was supposed to work. ok, and we have that situation going on across all the unions in this country, where a lot of the unions are powdered. Up with these, big funds in these big political initiatives, and they
tell their members to vote a certain. Where do certain things? the reality is the interest that union is advocating for do not represent the interests of the Earl of the worker. They represent the interests of the bosses who are getting a cut of whatever rob deals. Blown may liberal, so, like we have to be honest. It's not like it's, not unions are a terrible thing if they were actually operated appropriately. But they become so corrupt over the course Of history that now we have a situation where even the union and a lot of cases does it serve the workers. It's a bad thing, no roma the thumbs up on the story. Obviously a great job. Mrs White That being said, many guys it's all. I have yeah, don't forget Next wednesday, eight p m central.
dane alive episode two and don't be a whole treasure sleeping on the floor. Now my jewelry box frozen the fucker stole countless millions in the kobe teach Buddhist got a blank row kind of doesn't know his shot case club.
Transcript generated on 2023-11-26.