« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

595. Q&AF: Deep Government Corruption, 2nd Generation Business Owner & Teaching Kids About Earning

2023-11-06 | 🔗

In today's episode, Andy answers your questions on how deep he believes the corruption in government goes, how to be successful as a 2nd generation business owner, and the best way to teach your kids about earning the things they want.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Sleeping on the floor. Now, my german from the county, millions in kobe teach buddhist, god of all things, rope can't fall, doesn't know headshot case club. What is up guys in jail for selling? This is the show for the really say goodbye to the lives that vagueness and illusions, a motorcycle, welcome to the motherfucker reality guys. Today we have cute and as that's where you submit the quote, since we give you the answers, you can submit your questions a couple different ways. The first way is god's email, those questions and to ask Andy at eighty four solid icon or you go on youtube on this very episode, the queue- and I thought besides, which drop every single monday, and ask your question comments there don't forget to click subscribe, now questions they can be about anything they can be about what's going on in the world, but on this
particular show. We like to keep more so how the fuck we can make you better. Ok, personal development business out newer ship how to improve your life right. This show If you weren't aware used to be called the mfc Oprah, jack and Emma ceo project was the number one entrepreneurial podcast of all time, hosted by yours, truly and the reason people listen is because I'm one of the few people here who doesn't speculate on the things that they tee but actually has a stack of proof to show you what I've actually built. So like to do on this- shows help you win. So if you have questions lobbies,
this personal development, how to get better, how to build things. This would be the place to ask those shows okay, entrepreneurship. Success personally, vellum is the backbone of the content that we provide here, even with the popularity of city I, and by the way, if you dont know what city I is that stands for crews, the internet, that's what we do every tuesday and friday. That's where we put up topics on the screen. We talk, and speculate. What we think is true what we think is bullshit, and then we talk about how we, the people are responsible for fixing these problems in society, and you might be asking Why do we have city? I and human hey I've, slash entrepreneur, content. Why do we do that? Well, because it's very simple: without freedom, we can't win without freedom. We can't bill businesses without freedom. We can't bill success without freedom. We can't be entrepreneurs, so we have to pay attention to this.
Soil, which is the freedom and also what we plan and the soil which are our lives right. so that's how these things go together. It's kind of like peanut butter and jelly solution two main shows that we do and then, if we have, these other shows that we do as well one on call we'll talk real talk, just five twenty minutes of medium use, real talk, then we have full length which is very similar to what you see on every other podcast on the internet, where we bring in someone who's got something to offer and we have a conversation with them. A cuddle what we did with the kurdish bowers, which we talked about communism in the united states has dedicated his life to it and we just have a conversation. The analysts that episode, I think it's one of the best we've ever done by the way, and then we do this thing called seventy five. Versus seventy five hard verses is where we bring people who have completed the seventy five hard programme. We have transform their lies with the sum five hard programme. We bring him here alive and studio. We talk about how they were before. We talk about how they are now, and then we too
wow you as well can change your life with seventy five hard programme, which you could give her free. Ok, it's the world's most. popular biggest whenever you want to say mental toughness transformation programme, ok mega viral and the reason that you ve probably heard about it is because it actually works and its also free. So if you want that programme got episode to await, you can listen do it ah there's also a book on my website, which is unnecessary because they give you the whole programme an episode to await which is on the audio feeds only. But if you like, the book If you like to know the ins and outs and wise like I do for me, I can't get into something. Unless I understand it completely, I did write a book. The book is available on my website. Anti priscilla, dotcom totally unnecessary, look at the programme for free. So that's the run down on the show now special thing that we have here on the shows we tell you to pay a fee
the fears and then mo it's not subscribe to my shit. It's very simple. Show the shop share the shell right. If you give value from the show, share the shop, that's what we call pay defeat, so I may states makes you laugh it gives me from nation.
If you learn some things which are going to all we ask, is that you don't be a ho and you actually go treasure all right. So what's up man, hey how's it going good yeah yeah, it was over. You or you know just thinking about that, peanut butter, jelly, you you alluded to peanut butter and jelly. You said: that's all. I've been focusing on oh and andrew shit, peanut butter, jellies, good row, it's the classic, it's a classic, but it's one of those things. When you can. I, like I get pretty fence where my pb PB and J's maga fancy women. I will out pb and j you any day of the week. Bro prove it I fucking out we can hold on online. We can invite listeners to come. Do alive, taste us I'll, make my sandwich. You make your sandwich. Isis will invite some specialists. Yes, a blind taste test, one vice of special listeners to come and we will see who makes the better
PB and J, and I am one hundred per cent certain you will lose or they're going to know who's who, who sandwiches ouzo or how her, because you're going to use white burmese with yeah, her father, you're more likely to use white. Rather me brow don't tell me, I got a pretty gamester fog amphibians. How you do it I'll tell you? Ok, I was Tell because then people will not less rooms, but I'll tell you right now it is light changed yet I what we're doing it I don't know how we're gonna do this, but stay too because we're doing a summer, you guys are coming to saint louis, I might be judge our period jays we're doing eyebrow, where do you weren't wherein is out and I'm there I'm gonna be the champion. As I always am you know it's gonna, be awesome. I'm gonna get a crown.
Peanut butter and jelly crown is going to be fucking. Amazing yeah, I'm gonna put my foot in mind. As that's saying. What's that mean you know you put your foot in it? You know that black thing, yeah, okay, is it. I don't fuck, never heard of that's a foot yeah, that's a that! A it is. Is it like when the food is alright Joe's, my fish that geez, oh man, I just thought people understood how, while that just words, while the movement the whole world was here pop recording argus producer and make it beats the guy's bit the guy's been around the biggest hip hop names in the world. Bro he's way more black any way or waymore reward is a true. Yet we see,
I had a phase I just had to let it go you had to fire it bro whip it out. That's all. I said you had to rip it out. Alright, listen to this guy. You heard that everybody, His quiet wrap up up up up now. We've got a good show, though man let let's set a pb j up, though, or if real I mean I'm down, yeah, I'm down, but outside of PB and J's man. I got some good ones, for you are good. Let's get into this. Eighty guys question the number wort eighty or eighty I'm a fairly new listener, or your show was recommended to me by a friend of mine. I would love to get your take on something that I've been wondering about for awhile. We talk about this obvious corruption in our government and it's becoming clear who the head of the snake is. My question is: how deep does it actually go? I do believe our government is bloated to no end, but how deep down the chain
Do you think it goes? Is it just a bunch of mindless npc, his work in fax machines in these government organizations, or are they indirectly or directly involved and culpable as well? I would love to hear your thoughts and input on this. Oh dude, I think most government employees had no idea what's actually, going on having more, I think, most of the police don't know, I think most of militaries unaware, I think, most of the three letter, agencies are unaware. I think I think they're all just doing a job and that's why I would agree with that yeah. I don't. I don't feel like your average, you know a t, F agent, Average fbi person is like their real again reflect the american people like or male lady. I'm here, yeah, are you don't like? I don't. I think they get a bad rep, because you know there's all there, a few ways that this needs to be talked about. Ok, they get a bad rap because people stand that the police yes and the military,
and these agencies have taken out to protect the people. And when they see that those people protecting the people, such as when they arrest people on beach when there alone and during covered right right and capps, were resting business owners for trying to keep their business open, which, where there were fully within their rights to do and end. You know zooming back now. That's all been proven correct right when they see these agencies do these things, they start to believe that the average officer or the average member of the military. The average three letter person is part of the quantum quote in o corruption. which I don't see it that when all I actually think most of those people are just people who have a job probably are in debt hoop We are leverage just like you guys are leverage who had been
the pay, who are afraid to stand up because they're afraid it's going to cost them their own ability to do their thing? You know pay their bills take care of their family, but the problem with that is. Is that when these people just go along and they say well. This is my job. That's how the most incredibly horrible horrific you know things in human history have happened, you know people who were in a position to stand up and say this is not right refused to do well, because their own individual situation dependent on it So that's what I see happening here and that's all sk using that behaviour, because I believe that even my purse, so opinion is you guys can say whatever you want. I know we have a lot of police and a lot of you guys. Listen to the show, especially you know you guys are assigned to listen. The show derives from that like shout out to you guys. You guys are being fucking cowards, man and
because you're being cowards, people are to think you're evil You guys have an obligation to stand up for the oath that you took You know for years and years and years and years and years for decades, that didn't really mean anything because there was no there wasn't this kind of disruption happening in our seas, quality. But now we are in a position where People are seeing the direction of the corruption in the evil that could potentially lead to and is leading to, and not enough of these people are speaking up. Not enough for these people are making a stand and here's the thing if all the police- and all the three letter people just stood together and said now this is bullshit. This would be over tomorrow. This show we over tomorrow. So, as far as how deep it goes, I don't believe those people are court unquote in on it, but a number of them are becoming complicit in it with them silence and their passivity and in their desired
protect their own lives and what you guys, who are listening You know in your listening right now, you're saying yeah. Well, fuck, you, you know, bro, I'm risking shit to raw risking shit to talk about this ok and real talk single one of you that I'm talking to arm risking much more than you a much much much more. So it's hard and yet sucks and yet scary, but also at the end of our lives. We're gonna have to come to a point where we have to analyze the actions that we took during our lives and for me being. able to look myself in the mirror and say bro, you did the right thing you did. What you knew was right is the most important thing, and I you know, I think, that's where people gotta get to but I do think that if we don't see some sort of awakening whistle blowing at a mass scale amongst the people who we, the people, pay
their salaries with our taxes to protect us. We're we're gonna, have big problems here in the country and on you know. So how far does it go? Are they in on it? No, I don't think they're in on the planning of it, but it's becoming up to a point where they're complicit in it because they're passive in the situation so who's behind it well. Those are the people we talk about on the show all the time. These are these people who are you know mega mega mega mega the wealthiest people in the world who meet once you're in Davos, and you know too, to discuss the dry action of the entire western world and that is in all the world economic forum, the builder group and these people who have been in power our for generations and on generations on generations, and they they may deal with each other in an damn in us, they are clear on that. Why were not invited to those parties? That's why we're not invited to take place. That's. Why would you,
gotta go to download when the world economic forum, unless you're part of their club you're not allowed in it. So they I understand very clearly that it's them and us, but we don't understand that and that's the biggest problem. The biggest problem is is that we all have good hearts. We have good intentions and we care about people they know and there's not a single one of us listening here. That would say: hey, let's start a group and lets. Meet once a year and then pool our resources and let's make all these rules to make life harder on the rest of the fucking world like we would never do that? What would you do that? And how would you would you guys, do I wouldn't do that either, and I know none of you listening when we're all good people, but there's people. I hear they do this. This is why there is good and evil and I think The biggest problem that we have in this country is that we have. We had been so condition to be passive and give people the benefit of the doubt.
And to say you know. Well, you know, I'm sure, it's a coincidence or I'm sure it's incompetence, and so looking at the reality of their good and evil. And these people doing this stuff to us are evil and they don't care about us and They'Re- willing to sacrifice us they're willing to kill us their willing to make our lives incredibly hard like when you guys think about what you learn in high school and you think about what what you learn now now look at what their teaching today, which has many times less valuable than what we ve learned, but even more when I was in high school, and I went to her at the time what what what was a view very, very, very high rank academic high school day in teach me about. You know tat. They didn t we about how to balance finances? They didn't teach me how to protect myself from. You know, these things that we deal with as a human being, once we're kicked out in the real world. Like an that's, because
our debt is their asset in struggle is their win and they want to struggle, and they want us to be indicted and they want us to struggle in a way where it's hard for us to get ahead, because if we're in debt we're in debt that makes them rich, and if we struggle to get ahead, that means were less powerful to provide any sort of resistance to anything that they do, and so when we really like break this down have to understand that our entire system is corrupted even down The way that the things that they teach us at a basic level and so when you guys think about where's start where's it in what it is it, what he's doing it this net? It's not us simple, a saying. Oh, it's Joe Biden like bro this has been going on for a hundred years. This is our systems. This is our way: r r r like when you really like a few. You guys were business owners out here like if you were average person
an you actually understood how small and medium sized businesses get taxed and you actually understood how they tax you exact the white way, so that you can barely get ahead and they they had the biggest companies in the world, pay zero tax, and then these bigger companies in the world then put our propaganda to you to get you fired up, saying tax, the rich dyke that tax the rich message that you see from a yo see that comes from the rich? people in the world, and they want you to look at your neighbour or your local, per and burn. Business down, because they you know they're there, the rich to you right. They know that you're not going to look at them and think they're, the rich you're gonna, look at your neighbor driving a bmw, say fuck that guy in this all psychological societal propaganda that we ve been dealing with for a long time so like where
who's in charge. Where's ago I mean do that's a history lesson that would take me literally ten fucking hours to unpack, but at the end of the day,. the world economic forum as the centre for it. In my opinion, along with, all the governments, the line with them along with really that's it all the time Hence there lie with the world economic forum and the people of the world economic forum are causing ninety Eight percent of the disruption in society, and that's why
when trump was in office he went in there and fucking fucked with them and pulled out- and I you know we shouldn't be a part of that know. No boundaries pulled off some of these federal tax rates on some of these companies. Man. That shit is sickening like there's. There's companies that are operating on a negative tax rate don't even know how the fuck that's possible. Yeah they're, getting tax grants from our guts so like this is what people don't understand when they say tax, the rich. They want you to yell at me: okay, while the biggest companies in the world get government funding for their projects. Shouldn't saying I know bro people don't understand it, they don't teach you they don't teach you. The shell game like like you know like you, walked down the street new york and you see to do with the three cups in the ball. They're not going to teach you the trick now. but I can promise you the trick is to keep struggling to keep you unhealthy to keep you sick to keep you dependent to keep you confused,
so that they can maintain control and power and and prestige over us an end and bro. It's us forces them, they understand very clearly. We don't. I stand that we're not smart enough to understand it. They don't allow us to be smart enough to understand it like if you were operating from this place, and you would you and now you're them now real talk. I know you're a good in it you wouldn't really do this, but let's say you're them, ok and you have everything in the world, though you been brought up to believe the world is yours and that these people do not matter then these are no different than you or I would look at an end people get mad. When I say this, but this is true have any more care for us. Then we would have care for a cockroach enough infestation inauguration. Okay, so if you were them Why would you teach us how to win? Why would you too
just how to be healthy. Why would you teach us how to make money? Why would you teach us how to become independent? Why would you teach us any of the things that are required to actually become better human beings, there's no, innovation there to do so, because all those things threaten opposite rat. So we have to understand the position to understand why things are the way they are and when we unload the educational system is a load of shit which we all know it is in. since as the why it's a load of shit right They want us to be incapable of any sort of resistance and at the same time they need us to produce their taxable income that they can do oh spin and use and steal that's what the fuck it is, That's the system we live in and if we paid a ten percent tax, you know as it as like This country was truly patriotic and truly cared about its people and truly stood for the things that they people
as it stands for that, we ve been led to believe it stands for then we would acts the citizens, the minimum amount it would need to make this country safe. and and and powerful enough to protect itself, and then you know prominent in terms of financial success, but that's not what happens. Ok, cause could do that on a ten percent tax rate right, if everybody pay. Ten percent those those global corporations- you're googling your neighbour, the all the fucking people, don't pay any taxes. If everybody pay ten per cent. we have more than enough money to make this country exactly what is supposed to be and enough left. Over to make it even better than that. But but do like you eyes, or not understanding like that. Fifty sixty seventy percent of tax. You pay. When you add up all the taxes, you pay right, not just income tax, but it also fails to sales tax, you're, we're property tax. All these things that you stack up, you're, paying plus fifty per.
Add that to the government and they're stealing that, and that makes you a slave you're a slave. you pay more tax to the government, when you add it all up, then you get to take home means you exist to provide for them, and that is the fucking dot. The connecting of the dots tat is not connect for people, people understanding it because their costly distracting us for propaganda, saying tax. The rich but the really talking about the middle class business owner or the successful middle sized business owner like me right and not too big. Companies in the world that are worth fuckin a hundred billion fifty billion falcon hours. Ok, they. Let those guys off the hook. Why do they not attack those guys? Why did they not alone? Why? Why do they not go after those guys? Why do they make it? The middle will guys because they need the societal disruption, the class warfare to divide for their agenda and they
I want a piss off the people who actually fund their shit. This is why you have such aid disparity amongst people who vote for the Democrats democratic, two kinds of people to vote. What kind are they there broke soup broke super poor, super destitute or there, sir for wealthy and don't have a care in the world and the suit well wealthy once why straight up to get the broke was above all, and then make laws to make those people suffer more and they profit off that suffering and that That's what we're dealing with with the left. The writing much but they're not as bad as left. The right has its own problems: they're cowards, you're, not standing for what this country supposed to be therein on that two in certain ways, but they're not in on the hey like these guys on the progressive left are these people are still up on ethical crooks. So we could talk about this and talk about this and talk about this, but at the end of the day, we're peasants their them. They hate us and we
have to learn that there are enemy and we're order to make any progress, and we have to stop in fact with stop arguing, step you're picking each other apart. We have to start realizing that it's us versus them just like. They understand that its them is us. They very clearly understand that I try to go to a builder bird party, try to Go to the fucking world economic forum. Try to go to one of these try to go talk to these people who got their own police row. They don't give a fuck they'll spit in your fucking face bro. You are a cop crouched in them and until we start understanding this at scale, nothing can ever change because the division, the definitely, politics. The arguments over abortion in the arguments over raised the arguments over class warfare, the it's over the black, square, the vaccine, the mask ukraine now the middle EAST. These are all surface level arguments that they put, that they prop up. in society, for people to fucking, divide divide over which allow
them to maintain control so that we're getting hit from all these different places right we're getting hit from our education system, we're getting hit from our fight. Actual structure we're getting hit from the media and the propaganda and because we're getting hit these places and were always fucking being over well either she, how do we ever sit down and have a conversation like how bro well well People are flogging us all. That's what they're afraid there! If that's, why they banned fucking bars during covert brow because the seeds of revolution were sown in taverns. That's that famous saying, has been around for two hundred fifty fucking years, like restricted Everybody balance over a beer doesn't matter what you're fucking politics are like bro, you sitting across your arms. in a bar and there's a budget due to overturn it. You know, maybe they Look a little differently me in whatever way, might be driven by law. Again they do whatever and and you yo eventually, you look at me like: what's our gas and there like
Naw man was so would you were good, brody figures bullshit, while flog ma am, think this is bullshit fuck we do too and they don't want to find out that everybody thinks it's bullshit so like doing, hill, and this is what I was getting on with on city. I last week with the concern rid of influencers like you pro freedom full answers that continue to propagate for these people. You're a fucking pod in their machine, without even understanding like we need fucking, real unity, brow. We need people to get along three level, we need people to commit to personal excellence and the only thing We have right now that we are in control of it own individual commitment to break free of the matrix by becoming personally excellent. If they want to see that you can't be a fat ass, if they want you broke, you gotta turn out to be well if they want you consuming. All these pills do your best to fucking we hope to see you don't need em if they want to Stream at all this bullshit data and scroll your phone go touching fucking, ass man and create some
shit, real life like on. Log yourself. By becoming personally excellent. That's the only thing we can. do besides, unite as a as a people, which I don't think we're, to do yet. I still see these people falling for this thing over and over and over again and real talk you guys the millions of you to listen to the show you be yelling at those people in same bro. You fuckin guys are part of the fuckin problem. Man, You guys, you're on your everyday dividing everybody hyping everybody up you're not trying to solve anything how bout! Let's hear it you're solutions are because A thing in my business is its real, simple you're not allowed bring me a problem unless you bring me fuckin solution, and we are lots, people your crying about the problems, everybody knows the problems, everybody open their wallets airborne and go to the gas pump. urban go to fucking grocery store arabic and look at their fuckin adjustable mortgage rate air, we can look at where we know others a fuckin problem where going to do about it
That's what I want to hear. That's what I would like to see where's the solutions because, as far as I know, there's me and like maybe three people out there providing actual solutions. What are the solutions? solutions. I know, besides lit legitimately, creating violence which do This is a bad idea. I we lose. That battle is too far can become personally excellent, if that as individuals bring. That is apple home changed. Hold and our communities and then also work to unite people those are the only two things I can think that will for conflicts what's goin on, because if you weren't did violent revolution? Do you think they're not going to do what they did a j six? Do you think they're not like that? Everybody's I've asked time for violence. Well, ok, so you get to the the most violent people together to go, do this violence and they drove straight. The entire
a group, and then you have no leaders now what you're fucking geyser you guys are fucking idiots, like you can't think bruce shit you need. We need people to have the track record, of critically thinking their way through life, I happened to be one of those people. I've been very fucking, successful in real life, and I'm telling you I've thought about this. dedicate a major part of my life to this, I understand exactly what the fuck is going on. Within my capacity understand it in origin, solutions we have here are to take individuality, possibility for ourselves to become unplugged from the matrix, meaning don't be. Fat don't be broke, don't be lazy, don't be stupid and work to be a great eggs if all the human being and then work to unite people. Those rules- wait you things that we have the capacity to actually do and control, and those happened to be the two things that will restore greatness to america in a real way. Not,
what comes in as a new president or fuckin, whoever right, that's me or anybody bro. Even if you guys elected me, is present, which you know I can't fix your fuckin shit. I give fix your life, can't make you not fat, I can't make a smarter. I can make you wealthy only you can do that, and it tell everybody takes control that says Roma delivered a high standard, regardless of what the fuck is going on in the world. We don't want to talk about it: ain't gonna, to fixed in the way if the people shy away from this as a solution, is because it takes personal effort to execute it's not easy. Now it's hard to do throw shit man, but we've got a big problem and I can tell you this as hard as that will be to do it. to be easier than what that's what they're going to do to us, which is making a z bugs and starve, and had nothing and you'll be happy. I may tell you write your face: twenty thirty, you'll, oh nothing and be happy there did I have you commence? That's a good idea! If you know oh shit anyway, fuck me, you know they go to these generally them.
I would Algeria bro they golden these. They go to these Genji kids, who have it and by the way, there's a lot of good gnc. Kids too, I'm not going to sit around and I'm not going to be one of these douchebags that throws them onto the bus cause ain't. True, there's a lot of great ones, but they go to these kids of any age. They did it, and they did it to fucking millennials. They did it. Have they done at every generation, though the the I left goes to the kids who had it had any time in real life to build anything real and then they like, Tell em on this idea of how fair. It is that the broad you're seventeen or are supposed to have shit. you know like you're fucking, twenty five you're supposed to not have shit yet just because You don't have shit, your wife yet doesn't mean you're getting fuck. It means you're. Twenty four and five are forgetting: yes, The first quarter like bros, so they this idea
They sell in this idea that the world is not a fair place, but the reality is, if you go out there and talk to anybody who is actually build, anything they're going to tell you, yeah. It's really focused hard, but you'll get out what you put in. Why do you think every successful person says that? Why do you think that it, you think they're all just got together on a story? No mother, fucker! That's how it works like it's hard. But if you do the work it produces a result, but that's it like me, in the glass July, when it's a hundred fifteen fucking degrees outside guess what that's hard. But if you do it, the grass bill gets caught. You see all of them like this, is This is a fallacy that is sold to our youth that doesn't have the wife perspective to understand that their knots post to have anything. Yet you want him
while they mobilize these young kids, but like a lot of these young kids, are getting smart enough to where they're realizing like fuck. If I buy into this I'll, never have anything, that's refreshing to see as well. Absolutely absolutely love them guys. Ain't. The question number two: eighty: I am currently working for my father, who owns a very successful business, which is continuously growing. My father built the business from the ground up which puts tons of pressure on me to continue his success. I know stuff strictly speaking, second generation businesses typically don't arrive. I use this as motivation to not only maintain what my father has built but to continue to grow and prove that I can do what he did and more what advice do you have for second generation business owners like myself? Who refuse to be another failed? business statistics is the fact that you are aware of this and that this drive You already is really what you need. Okay, so here is as follows.
No, that's the reason. You're not gonna, be that person awareness is the key who dared. This is why seventy five hard work so well, because it's not because it's a diet program or it fought like bro, brings you to a level of awareness that you can now discern between two distinct influence. It says in your life, your boss, voice, which tells you to do all the shit you know you're supposed to do and your bitch voice, which works at tara tirelessly to talk you out of doing those things and when you become aware of those and then all of a sudden, it's a different game, because you don't wanna, be a fuckin loser. So you tell the bitch voice shut the fuck up and you become aware, but now you have the skills that your whole life called awareness right. Most people live there, when no awareness in the room, the most second general businesses fail, isn't because there's some like disadvantage to second generation businesses They lack the awareness to what this individual just described in his question arena question, which is this. I understood
and that second generation businesses fail I'd want to be one of those people. I have again it upon myself to prove to myself and everybody around me that this second businessperson isn't going to fucking tank like all those other pussies. Ok, You are already aware of this, which gives you a huge competitive advantage, because the people who kill their parents, businesses, they kill them because they they don't have what you have in your brain in your heart right now. They have a totally different set of programming which goes like this. I'm right My dad was rich, my parents, rich now, I'm rich and I did to keep me enrich and because I grew up because I grew up with money and because that means we're gonna. Have these things are really doesn't matter. What I do look at my bag counter looks great I'd rather mercedes. That's awesome! I haven't nice I have a low house and they don't work, about a mother fucking thing until the sheet is burned to the ground and then there like a book in there,
where they learn their awareness. They they're going to learn the awareness eventually, but because there not a word on the french side. They get the awareness on the backside, which is in the form of failed business. So a lot of times guys in this calls for any problem in your life. If you are you aware enough to to be understanding. of the position that you're in a real way. This is why the shows called relay asked by the way the welcome to reality. That's why we say welcome to react. This is fucking. Reality, ok, you are aware of reality and where you sit in it, it makes it very easy to navigate its you tell yourself stories that aren't true, that that gets you impositions you don't want to be in, so you know You think about like yourself right now, this person who asked the question I would personally that- and I would bet this free- that that person will go on to take the business to multiple levels above their parents. because dang happens a lot too there's a lot of
cogeneration, business people who took what their parents bill and fucking hundred exit right That's how you should look at that the mentality you should have what your parents did. They set you up for a good, a good base and that's ok. Some people are gonna talk, shit and nigger. You get they're dirty game with silver spoon, and all this other fuckin loser shit. Ok here's how you shouted down their fuckin throats by taken, what the fuck your parents bill and beyond it to a hundred acts that level and then what people going to say. nothing. What they're going to say the same shit but you're going to look at and be like suck my dick and fuck. You know what I'm saying so does dig for silver spoon, I'm going to go how the fuck I dad get me here. My dad didn't even get here. You're gonna fucking get here. You see what I'm saying like that's the story so like you know how you it's kind of funny, because that's for p who were born into their parents, Isn't this that's their biggest insecurity right people saying you are
or with a silver spoon or daddy, gave you somethin, or this rat, and- and I know this because So the question I get all the time from people who are in this situation I get people to stop saying that, like this is all about go build, something that so undeniable Lee massively more powerful and bigger than what your parents bill and shove it down a fuckin brutes. So that's my answer. The fact that you, Where is what's going to save you from becoming that, and I think you're thinking about it, the right way. That should be your mission and I think any who finds himself in a position where they were taught things by their parents. They should ask those things many times over, that's the why your parents taught you that you know my dad was an entrepreneur and now you know gave me anything. You never wrote me a shocking ever hear me shit, but I didn't want a lot of shit right. was around his business. I've got to see our ran. I learned a lot of things and you know an inquiry honestly, this is just real shit. I've taken it to about a whole
we're working times the level that he did not actually mathematically more than right, so What you say: that's my dad's, proud of that over there he's got an office he's all my payroll and could seize see him he's right. There see if I go without ask him if he's proud, that we went out and built some more many multiple times bigger than what he's going to say, yeah. That's why the fuck! I taught you that was a point yes and so an obligation to think about it. The way you think about it and I and the reason that people fail is because they're not afraid of what you're afraid of. I wanna ask you this because and correct me if I'm wrong, you know but like when I was thinking about this question. I imagined, like you, know: you're nineteen, seventy chevelle right, yep, that's chevy when it was made nineteen. Seventy was a beautiful, beautiful vehicle runs great right. No, but it's twenty twenty three lets. You know that it's a different time, there's new tires that have come out new or maybe newsome
Is that a goal? How do you know what to change on that nineteen? Seventy to keep it right? It's already raw! You mean in terms of the business interests of the business, the road, that's the greatest thing. So so you know once you get, Seen in this is a great. This is that's a fucking great question. Ok, so I'm glad you asset a lot of these younger people, they stay in the world and such a different way than what like somebody who's the sea. I'm lucky bureau but I'm in that very flocking like and very very rarely will I say: I'm lucky you will never hear me say, but I going say: here's where I got lucky. I was lucky to be born at the exact flocking right time, where I built a fucking, very successful business pre internet and then I was able to fuckin build another. One posting You see what I'm saying both yes and that's what me understand what we do and wild successful attic a lot of these other brain and the reason they struggle so hard because they only have been around for five.
Seven, ten years in a post internet world, they don't understand how business was done before, because there too young to understand it. That's what my advantages like do? That's a gift by just a fucking blessed, dude. I do not say I got lucky, but I got lucky about that. I can't control it when I got fucking moore, alright. Well I mean: wasn't it wasn't lucky or did you make the the? Did you make the right pivots? Who has an entrepreneur new play? I was born, went two thousand and one happened. I was twenty one years old, ok, That's when the internet started going the next. So eight years, social media wasn't really a thing. That's when I made my first built my first eight figure business that was successful right, a pivotal, those same principles into the technology that we have. My point saying all this is that the world continues to evolve, and so, if your parent, like in this scenario where the parents have built a good base, this young person, whom I have a different perspective, because they ve grown up in an entire differ,
world might be able to come in and we like. Why don't we do this? For that? Why don't we try to do that and as long as there's open discussion where you're just discount the parents, because you think they're old and you don't just you know run with your ideas, because you think this is the way it's supposed to be now you're. Come to this. peanut butter and jelly sandwich right. The taste really fuckin guy much better than yours. My case like mine, ok, but you're gonna come to this level of of of of coming together, that's going to be together. The things that you did write the old way and the things that can be done to improve upon them with the new technology, and now you something that other people, not half. So what this person.
As as an opportunity to sort of do what I've done in a different way by leveraging their parents' knowledge of their business. You see what I'm saying so ah, and I think that's the game, I think the game. I think that- and I don't think this I have like stacks and stacks of stacks, of undeniable fucking track record and evidence over the last twenty four and a half years. Twenty Bobby ambitious twenty five years and Jane refers borough. While so, knowing what I know in her standing. What I understand this point: this situation is almost perfectly line with my situation, if their ability to understand the way business was done before is translated into the way technology is now and what I was given a point out here. Is that my opinion, which isn't really opinion, it's a fact, because we can look at all the evidence. Is it that's the game?
The game is to take old, school business and then utilize technology to do the business trisha guys Andy. Our third and final question question number three: eighty and yeah I got a five year old and I wanted to ask you: how would you teach the concept of earning the things? I'd beat him yeah sure the pm feature? Kids, a lesson. I would make a tick tock out of that shit. I turned out just fine to hate him, but how? How would you? How would you go about teaching the concept of earning the things that they want? For example, she's got a long list of toys, dolls, dresses, etc that she wants us to buy, but because there are not now those aren't needs, I don't feel comfortable just buying her whatever she wants
the question from you know drew it's not for me. I I knew the answer. I'd be the I'm like yeah, no surprise really ones that I know traditionally parents. I know you guys got a little princess over there. Bro yeah yeah, two of them it is hard to say no, but I mean how do you do it say fucking now, I will answer my mind that all our lives ass, the question she still afraid like I just knew you can get it right now, so you, oh young, got it there yet eyes Our big shit talker in house outside hi. There is er, let's let's in the fucking cold, we'll get to that in a second. I keep interrupting your visas are not. Traditionally. Parents use things like completing chores,
getting a grades and school work to accomplish this, but these days of her that bribing kids can actually backfire, because, ultimately we want them to learn to be internally motivated instead of externally motivated and thoughts on this, the ally. But let's get back to, we were taught. First saw him I peanut butter. Jellies been yours all day, my second off edible. How do you handle this in your house? I mean, like, I said I think I think for me, will there let my daughter might not like she's three years old, there Ike, it's very hard to say no beanery, yet known as a threat, Well, I'm sure you're going to get there. Man cause she's getting a little sassy yeah she's sassy as shit she's, a star bro man, listen she's a so you wrote this question. You want me to answer, nor I will be approaching this for sure. But I mean that is a dj submit his own questions. How questions you do buy body
this by women is actually Joe Joe. I do is what are you guys, I'd so winning right, like most internal motivation, like earning principle basics. So it's very important that you understand the kids can understand reality. Very, very simply when I was a young kid, my dad took me to the graveyard and where his his adopted father is barry, and I was only like I dunno three or four. We went and he's like see that or is that your grandpa he's in the ground there and guess what he ain't coming back and I'm like? What do you mean he said once you're dead, you're dead? You can't come back, so that's why you can't do anything stupid. That's why you don't run in the street. That's why
not, because once it happens, you're in the ground forever. I and dude, I'm fuckin, I'm forty four years old. I still remember shit, I got it right away like, but can be careful that now here so so we have to understand the kids. Have the capacity to understand this, if we explain them- and we also have to understand that we have an obligation to tee she's kids, the way things actually work in real life from a very young age. And where I see parents getting a lot of trouble- and this is perpetuated- school system in the way that these values have been taught over the last twenty, plus years. You know if you got a person who went to high school, in their coming. I now broke like real talk. You guys have been fought like you been taught the wrong things, and if you want to look at the what the wrong things are versus what the right things are. We can look at all the things society says, which is everything support. to be fair everything supposed to be equal, everybody!
Would they want everybody's superstar if their loyal to themselves, I'm not incompetent? with anyone? I'm only competition myself participate. The trophies matter, people's feelings matter. We can, we can screwball add over here and probably a whole bunch of other stuff right, I'm missing, but in real life, let's go watch a football game and, let's think about what goes into the football game football game? These views are on the verge of a physical fight to the point of injuring themselves and sometimes even killing themselves to win it. They practise their entire lives, they practice hard, they lift waits, they eat the right foods and they did it for twenty fucking years before you ever saw him on a college football saturday in most cases. Now what do that? What does that example show us? It shows us that work in equals results. It shows us that work must be done over the
of a long time. It shows us that competition is very real and it shows us the winners are rewarded for winning the competition at a very exponentially high rate? Ok, like nobody, give a fuck about who lost a suitable ash yoke is a fuck in? What nobody cares about? Who fuckin fucking lost them? rural series, the other day like people, are talking about the tina one. That's that's life. Ok, so we have to very stink. Ideologies in society were both are valued, which is super interesting right like how do you convinced the population that real life is this I deal idealistic nonsense where there is no petition and people and for showing up in life just takes. How do you and then still get them to pay for football like that? Doesn't make any fuckin sense, at least to me. So when we think about it, We want our kids to win. We have to show them the model that wins in them
early winds is the game of football or in a game of athletics that we observe in real life. It's called natural order, the basque people win and they get rewarded. In all these other shit, that they teach. That's fucking, hit that your handicapping your fucking child. Okay. So when your kid, what say you know I'll fuckin bike, You know I would do something like what might added my dad, We all know my shit right and my dad had the means to buy me a bike or you know whatever, fuck. You wanted to buy me, but when I went to When I was like seven or eight, I said daddy, I want a bike I wanted a mongoose mongoose back in the general mongers is good. Still the monkeys used to be the shit she's all right, sir I wanted a mongoose four can be max bike, so I could be cool right and do bunny hops. But the reality was. Is but I was lying now. Look in your fuckin bike like you're gonna go earned the bike. Because that's the way the world works, and you know
I did I went door to door and I sold fucking white bulbs until I earn enough money to buy the bike. Now, where do I get the light bulbs? Why I got them from my dad? He helped me out. That's what's called good parents right. You gave me a vessel to do the work. I learned the lesson it stuck with me and here the fuck. I am ok but like that's those thing stuck with me since I was a kid right like when I, when I talk when I first saw the limber guinea ass Adele What's that he's, like that's lamborghini unhomelike holy shit, the next Then he followed up with was I not a really hard to have a car like that. You know margaret no yeah he's. I look, and do you know where most parents would look at that guy? We, like you, dont, want to be that guy that guy's, a greedy fuck my dad did opposite. My dad said: hey, you know what, if that's, what we want. This is what is going to take when we would wow down the street and us a look at a black eye. While, if you want that this is what that's going to take, and that was a constant reinforce
meant that sound. I both got from our debt, so wanted to be a professional baseball player and so you know my dad told him is that what you're at the fuckin practice ever motherfucking day in you know I saw, was a fucking. You know that while player that he was because he act as every mother fucking day. You know. I he's ten times better than me a baseball because while he was proud, since I was playing fuckin video games. You understand so like I, you we learn these things practical lessons as apparent you just have to be brave enough to teach them. This is also why I write the children's books. I write. The children books, lahti, guys, don't know. I write children's books and has this two thousand, sixteen in the hall, entire reason that we fucking produce. These books is to provide a tool for parents like this person who may not understand exactly what to teach or maybe they haven't been able to find success yet in their life. And how do you expect. someone who's, never found.
Success to teach their children the principles of success confidently. Well, we have to give them tools, and so this, sort of children's books which are available on my website, basically per. I the tools for the parents to teach the values that apply to the football model of life, which is parallel real life. Though okay, can you touch on real, quick on on cause? You know she mentioned. I know this being internally motivated, vs extra motivated, you know and- and I feel like the like, there's a certain point or or segment of society that, like they're, they're, still kind of like looking down on on materialistic goals, and you know the way I would gather. As you know, it must be recalled losers. That's what I'm saying but its activity should listen if not the raw material goals, especially not always or not the wrong with it material goals actually lead to a tremendous amount of good things. Let me explain this year: ok, so Gary these to bust my balls about material.
Shit and I love gary- I wouldn't be here without airy, ok This is not a knock on Gary gary's, one of the, where's guys, I've ever known, but Gary also from new york right he's taking cabin where his whole fucking life. He doesn't understand cars, I'm a cargo. Other players have we, since I was fuckin five, four years old and machines and our she cars. I fucking love cars, brow and so an income in all fairness, his argument is don't get the car just show off. Ok liked and that's a fair argument, but gary have to have this conversation so many times over the years, and I always explain this to people you know, people who should all material success there is, it time in your life, when you have nothing we're material success could pretend should be the only thing that will put you through the hard times, and so, when we villain eyes material success, we're taking away people's dream. aims and saying you immoral for having those dreams and when we tell people there,
morally inferior for having dreams of personal success when they have nothing. taking away may be the only thing that these people will have that will pull them through our right. So there is the first problem with it. The second problem with is it nobody thinks of the big picture implications of what material things can actually provide by having those goals, when I started a business at an ocean about business. But here's what I did know I wanted to be rich and I wanted to have cool cause and I wanted to cool shit, my friends or so the first fucking through years. Why didn't get paid shit? All I thought about was hey man. This is going gonna, be worth it because I'm gonna get to hear ok and then the next step, seven years rather pace. Wouldn't and five hours month. You, I thought about I thought man. You know what this is really hard, but three years in that means on three years closer to my lamborghini than ever was before right in these thoughts pulled me through because there's gonna be this gap between
Where are you are correct? and where you want to be that's going to have that you're gonna have to have something to look forward to two points, Otherwise, you have no hope right and we you're young and you have nothing. The hope is hopefully always have nothing right. So so you you these pictures in your head of like driving, to the restaurant and the lamborghini and getting out and everybody being like. Damn and like you know that shits great, like it's fucking one of the coolest things ever. I hope you get to experience it. It's awesome! but the reality is that eventually, what happens? Is you mature and you get it? little bit older and you start to value other things an end. So without the material things you can ever get to the point to actually value, the real things, which is the people that you doing things with, and the people you're trying to provide value for. Ok, so you you go from your ambition, things selfish to your ambition. Being self lists with over overlooked,
for some time, especially after you ve experienced some of these things right like what, I mean to me now: are not us thing they meant to me. Ten years ago, like I don't walk my garage like everybody, else does it walks my garages like holy shit to me, I'm just can through the garage I don't give a fuck ray. I could do with without any of those things, I passion now has grown into this bigger mission that I care about, which is providing careers for the people there. go to war with me every day and doing so in a way that actually benefits other people and though that mission be comes the passion, whereas for the first ten years It was about what the fuck I could get in here. ironic thing in this the best lesson of the whole thing. What do you actually make that switch? You actually do a better business, because business has to do with you, trading something of value for money. So when you become more focused on the value that your creating for you Poison, your customers, those people go out and do a better job and they get better benefit,
and then all of a sudden, your business does better. So you action. We become way more successful by making it about other people, but you can't get to that point. Without the selfish desires, whatever that may be, and so on people should on success and material things there not thinking about that, because they idle experience, which goes back to my fucking point of motherfuckers talkative. shit they never been through, which is the entire fucking internet now Gary has a fair perspective, because his perspective is. Don't buy the shit and put yourself in negative, situation to you, know financially and hold up your success to show off. That's also true, but that's a yak reasonable. Yes, so and you know so, there's nuance to the discussion, but ultimately no there's nothing wrong with material things. In fact, material things are uncertain. I often times very necessary for people to pull through the hardest times of their lives so that they can succeed through that
and you can listen to any fucking loser on here, but we have so much loser talk on the internet, its ninety sent losers like now, maybe percent of what you consume on the internet is from fucking losers and you let that you cannot shouldn't you every single person you should fuck it on. every single person, all of them who- spew that user that loser shit real talk like its here's? What is its people. Cause here's. What people do and I've been alive long after notices they stop now with ambitions. Those people want a material success too. They wanted the shit to they wanted a bank account to they wanted all that shit, but here's what they found out. They weren't able to actually cut it. Ok, They adjust their whole dream and then they come out in the end, the social media- and they say I've reevaluated my priorities in life and you know The shit that I used to think was cool. I think is for losers now and what I actually think cool is what
I was calling a loser just a year ago, and really what it is they ve given up their hopes on their dreams on their success and they have adopted. new persona to fit what they're doing now so that their embarrassing, they can save face and that's what you have to know what you're looking at and people with armenia our people be rules are always what it is tat. It is that's what the fuck it is. You can fuckin caught it, you did it for long enough. They have some sort of fuckin decision to make and use well instead of me, fighting hard or through the time to get right ultimately wanted to go, I'm just going to accept my reality and I'm going to ten. What is it What it's always wanted to start with, which is even true just gracefully by So you have to understand what you're looking at and who loser language comes from. That's it comes from. People of literally given up on themselves. That's whose telling you this shit so pay no and these people don't know anything that not more enlightened they're, not morally.
Superior to you, because, because that's where they try to taken, they always try to take it as an enlightened in a morally superior than you, because I dont like material things. Ok, cool man, rep myself, lavender and smote dial ask that's all you got a hold on a pull on. What else do they got? What how can they talk about? What else can they say? That's all they buck insane. If that's all, they can say that opinion doesn't mean anything because they have no option to have a relevant opinion outside of the only thing they there they have available to say so. Why would you give them any wit in anything, you do you shouldn't, like those people are losers. Twenty years ago, when they speak that shit, we call those people losers. In fact, the internet should bring that back like it. The loser talk out here. Loser like these forget losers. They're fucking lose first row and they're going to lose and if you hang around with them, you'll lose too. If you listen to him, you'll lose too guys. Eighty three,
hope a fee for sleeping on the floor. Now my jewelry box from target, but still counted in the kobe teach Buddhist got a rope. Kang, doesn't know shah case closed.
Transcript generated on 2023-11-08.