« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

594. Andy & DJ CTI: Fauci's Experiments Before COVID, Big City Mayors Heading To D.C. & Ballot Stuffing Surveillance

2023-11-03 | 🔗

In today's episode, Andy & DJ discuss Dr. Anthony Fauci experimenting with coronavirus strains a year before the COVID pandemic began, a coalition of big city mayors heading to Washington to urge the federal government to offer more help with the surge of migrants in their cities, and the Connecticut judge ordering a new mayoral primary after surveillance videos show possible ballot stuffing.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Sleeping on the floor now my thoughts from the stove counter, millions in the kobe teach Buddhist got to thank rolph, can't both doesn't know headshot case club. What is up guys you take for settling this is the show for the really say goodbye to the lies. The fitness and illusions of modern society and local mother fucking reality guys. Today we have eddie, DJ cruz, the mother fucking internet, that we're going to do that's what ctr stands for it stands for cruise the internet, we're going to put topics up on the screen, we're going to make fun of them we're going to speculate on. What's true, was not true programme for you guys, not finally getting what's going on in the world, because we're gonna do other times you to name. We have q and a half. It's where you submit questions, and we answer them now. You could submit your questions at one of a couple of different ways. The first way is yazzie mother, Questions into ask Andy at eighty four solid icon
and then also. If you go on youtube on our cue, nay up ourselves, which drop on mondays. You can. I ask your question in their common section there as well Forget to click subscribe, then we have real talk. Real talk is just five twenty minutes of me, giving you some real talk, a full length, that's where you get the full length and girth right just drop that in there. I think today's going to be spicy. No, nothing is going to be spicy. Spicy and girthy, so that's where somebody comes in and sits in on the show and we have a conversation and then we have seventy five har verses. That's where somebody who was you know. Not living to their potential, who discovered some five hard and is now living to their potential, comes on the show and tells us how they transformed their life from dumpster fire and something that their actually proud of what you can do as well. For free you get the programme. An episode to await the audio feed
give me the whole live are hard programme for free. I wish semi. Five heart is the first phase of that, so Ah, if you're interested in that which you should be in your address and not having a dumpster fire for a life which you should be go, listen to episode to oh wait and get your shit together. It's free about that right now, we have this thing on, the show we call the fee, the fee means share the fuckin show right, that's what it means I come in here I paid millions of dollars put on the show. Every year and I passed millions of dollars in advertising to put on the show and why pass millions of dollars advertising to do the show well, because I don't want to answer to anybody. That's my whole thing, I'm not answering to these fucking corporate assholes, right. So many come on here. I'm gonna talk about things. The way I think they need to be talked about If you find value in them, which If you listen to that, you might think I'm a total idiot, that's cool, but if you are as secure as you're going to get real value because I built a number of businesses are going to teach, you build yours as well
Let's just say you liked. shall make you laugh makes you think. It's good perspective. You think people need to hear it we ask very simply that you share the show right so I share the show. Don't be a ho and shut. Show alright, they're, simple, hey! What's up what's going on right now, then I'm ready to get the full girth to hear any length very, very girthy. yeah also. I saw this thing I wanted to to get your take on it right because there's this thing that happens generation to generation right we're broke. We stop move porter to fucking heat up in your holy shit man. I can't fuckin fifteen fucking degrees in here. Alright, keep going That's crazy! Bro! You! I call now mom. Freeze of your call is called spoken here. I thought you guys refined with this type of rather dull holy shit.
he got DJ thought all those white people were immune to the cold. So I thought yeah I'll. Just try not to be the oddball dude. You know, but shit now he was show Joe theirs. nah missiles, I was thinking about these matters is thing, happens, other fuckers loved this shit, it's the truth. There's no one, please I'm only partly minimum shivered now but of soul. So there is this thing that happens generation to generation right we're like the generation before the current generation thinks that they had it harder and so on and so forth right. So, like? I was as you like how many miles it you ought to school. You say why I didn't work. okay right, but if you ask your dad yeah he'll say he walked uphill. Both ways bro one hundred miles right, okay! Well, While I saw this immediately made me think of this man come on
you know I really had to walk to screw, took buses and shit, but the this factor. I hated the schools, I loved, I hated the school bus. I I hated the way smell I hated everybody on it. Wouldn't smell like fuckin school bus man is the worst school bus is the worst thing ever do carry by satellite minded. Really I didn't know now I they did not like to sit in the back. That's what I thought yeah. Why not That's where I turn a temperature back down. What that's, where the cool gas knob, that is it is when people say cool people still send it back. Yes, all right now, I I believe shit you're, not a little back see was the course either little railways that russia too, the label out it s, easier isolated! blah blah, saw this wagoner radical man, I'm like shit man like these kids. My
my actually have a pretty pretty bad? You see this so the hemorrhage. Your thought you thought european. was bad. Kids have to walk on rope over alaric hated, half alligator infested river to school. This is the new york postman what citizens the same people who wrote an article? Let's not forget how if the seller was killing people because he's making them drink water? So, let's, in all fairness, various right, but I got a video fuckin terrorist. Eighty, four shelter, people drink water, they got. They got videos of these kids down in colombia right. And sent a martyr. Colombia answer gets a school Children must cross a makeshift bridge across the owl. Gator, infested gotta river, whose video I dunno the music rather well
with more funds enable I like to have my high school football team row. You know that you're fuckin they got majority Could you imagine I like it? I mean it is what fucking is don't fall ill? the way you lose your bag burglary report. It is the alligator ate. My backpack is what it is. How many kids have gotten in on this? I don't I dunno I dunno they put that in the article but Adam hygiene, at least why my broilers, when I crawled out, I can tell you this There is for sure urban legend of of somebody. Somebody Kid fell in that water, no doubt no doubt yeah, but like yeah, I dunno man. I just thought it was fucking crazy. You know: hey world's toughie, I get of brown.
Oh yeah, you walk to school yeah. These motherfuckers going to be on, like ninja warriors, show in like ten years. I just thought that was insane man yeah. I also to make, as you know, is very rarely got himself. Some eggs. It's probably wise able to do it There are a lot of meal to it also remind me to like how grateful we have at hearing like how good well we'll talk. How do we know? This is a real. Ok, like you like just use this as an example of the current state of affairs. How do we know that these kids aren't just doing this for fun after school or my reasons ro in the media. Issues like I am kids have to go over the they pit alligator infestation in order to get the school system your billions of dollars, sure I'm sam, it's real, I know so like drew nigh, money you're fuckin folly and bird after I give a shit. That's real talk, I don't just in america. Now
ok! Well, I don't care, judge, try yeah, that's right! there had white and dont fallen alligator pit, the fucker. I don't care, really, I don't care like I'm so tired of protected like I care about she it other than what's going on here ray I dont care, I dont care that you trees of third world shithole bro. You should have fuckin done better shit. You should have a tartar, your family, A vote is smarter. You should have far I don't fuck, you know I don't know, but I don't care because when I walked down the street here, all I see is bullshit. So don't care, no, that's real, don't getting eaten by the alligators homie like I don't fucking care that was real man, a true that Israel, but let's give it to a man we gotta get show. I got some good stuff coming up cause. This is just like the Would you want a new thing now mean almost just a little bit more interactive, okay, yeah. Alright, we also give
like a little sneak, peek, okay, a little sneaker roux. Alright, we'll sneak snake yeah, you know so yeah. So so, let's get into the time that you just sneaked need for more kids, got him sent em. All your tax money sent him all yours money. You too, I think that you know what collective you guys just pay me to everybody who feel sorry for that kid. Send me the money that you want to send him see. Other guy. This other government works. Then we have just send me the money now I'll be the gatekeeper and no kids will fall in and get out, evil alex. We have to send you the money or we'll go to jail. If we don't yeah, that's that's yeah. Exactly. Yeah fuck those people, but those guys just get into these outlines. Remember if you want to see any of these pictures articles links videos go to eddie for salah dot com. You can find them like they're watching us in joining us in on the to check down an inscription below you find them link there when I
world gets better here, I'll start caring about what what, when our. when our world gets better here. I'll start caring about little kids, getting him alligators real talk elsewhere, yeah, I think that's fair yeah. It is fair, that's how it should be. I don't care so those goods you guys are first learn, learn noble talking, don't like I go on, tell dude, I'm so tired. Tell him I got home notions are worse wrote, I'm tired of pretending, like I gotta care about everything. Mother forgot, how about us. You're saying oh europe, Bilbil Kizil argues you piece of shit. Maybe so maybe maybe you're right no care about this morning that, through the house, a beer hierarchy here, you know tat like you gotta. Take care of this fundamental need here. First yeah! That's why they tell you to put on your fuckin auction mask first before you put it on your kid.
I'll, see, don't love your kid will now, but if I pass above gonna. Go. I don't love you kid. Spares no value Well, we'll get into a guy's headline number one and london one reads revealed anthony found she run lab in montana, experiments it with corona virus strain shipped in from on a year before kova pandemic began. not shocking at all, but there there's this some interesting stuff in this matter. It's all coming out, and I think the timing of this is also very interesting. I'd love to get your take on that. But let's dive into this soap- or you know, you're gonna get my take I know that so so that the daily mail article. By the way. Guys reads: u s expire money was used to experiment with corona viruses from the chinese lap thought to be the source of the covert pandemic.
More than a year before the global outbreak and investigation is found. The national institutes of health or an age of doktor anthony fallacies leadership infected twelve egyptian fruit bats with a sars like virus called w ivy. One at a lab in montana in twenty eighteen, Debbie ivy one corona virus was shipped from the wound, lab the fbi believes cause the covert pandemic and was tested on bats acquired from a roadside. marylin zoo. The research reveal, This week by a campaign group determine the novel virus could not cause a robust infection, but The latter. The research is more evidence of ties between the, u S, government and the war on land, as well as the funding of dangerous virus research across the globe. So the paper are like corona virus w ivy one cove does not replicate in egyptian fruit bats.
was published in the journal, viruses and twenty eighteen, the study was first flag by drastic, a group of in an active, is to investigate the origins of cover nineteen in the lab leak theory. The group white coat waste Project is now using the freedom of information act to request more details about the experiment. The white coat waste project is a watchdog that has been fighting to stop sending americans tax dollars overseas to fund dangerous virus research by the twenty eighteen experiment was carried out by the innate in ages, rocky mountain, the boar tour. he's in Montana. Here's the insurrection thing so all these bats they had there was about. They confirm it was about five hundred and twenty three federally regulated animals as of April twenty. Twenty three, this stuff is still going on, nor shocked anybody about. Half of those are bats,
but just last week it also came out this. This have on also reported by daily mail the seller reads: chinese scientists discover eight, never bc, never before seen viruses and now they plan to experiment with those as well. In this little body, island that nobody's gonna ever go to or get off of. Finding these new viruses in the struggle to experiment with those as well read. This will follow. Statement for you? So in a statement from the president and found or w see w anthony Bela toddy said, are investing Asian has uncovered the real life horror story of how a shady roadside zoo, whose curator was in an age animal experiments as shipped off bats, to a deadly governments, virus lap, overseen by doktor, faulty to be effective, the corona virus
obtained directly from the who hung lab that experts believe caused covert? Anyone who goes where you got on this. address I'm shot. How like nobody's arrested this guy, I'm shocked to help people of the world have rallied and then just fuckin drug, this mother fucker through the streets like he lied to compel us repeatedly did listen where's the sky worries he like. Where is this dude like? ever notice? You never see him. You can't find em, you know Don't see him in public Where is this guy? Is here oh god, it's he actually, a real human being. Does he have an address? Does he have a wife? Does he have a real family like? Where is this dude, because the only time you ever seen a smaller fuckers when they're talking about these people taking dead, viruses and basically playing with them in any
let's be real, there's another side of this narrative right. The other side of this narrative is what their, though, actually doing verses. What they're telling us these exe Parents are not experiments. These are how to weapons. These viruses against people like you and me, and because, We didn't wake up and we didn't stand up and we didn't resist. We hold these people accountable. Now there in a position to do what they did again only this time with a much more deadly virus, which I have been saying for a number of years. I thought the play was you're gonna be a world war which my way out. Fucking right or another virus which actually kills people at scale which appears to be you know this appears to me be the framework of that narrative coming to life in the not too distant future, and because you guys continue to worry about. What's going on with the kardashians continue to worry about all this bull shit that you don't fucking doesn't even matter what an dealing with something that this problem
legitimately going to kill. You know that Millions of people were probably hundreds of millions, maybe even billions of people, and when that happens, all of you stood by and didn't share the shown in speak up and then stand up and just do what you were told europe. implicit in that whatever happens in and I'm not so sure at the end of the day, room how tired of fighting for people there were five for themselves. I'm kind of tired of like china lights on things and then have people just kind of go on with their life, like I'm, like it's my responsibility to continue to do this, like a saw, my responsibility, it's all of our responsibilities. You know, and- and people are realising you know like I saw bright, some more posts but of fucking world series. Yesterday then have seen from fucking anybody's people about this. You know dude or pussies, and you know a pussy
get what they deserve? Heart hard, dicks? Well, they're gonna get one am delighted as and they're, not gonna like it? And now, when I do it as you there's miracles, I was thinking there is ever what he's gonna be like deja vu don't be like we are not here believe this is happening. But how do we let this? Have you? Let it happen you let it happen by because you are a coward and you want stand up or speak up this entire time. There's number of you listening and by the way when we say that there's a number of you listening the share of show every single time. I love you guys now. Ok, but there's a number of you. That is the greater listener ship that do not You come in use in a show and you're afraid to share it, you're afraid to speak up. You're afraid to stand up cause you're, afraid you might be wrong. Mother fucker I missed. Where have I missed I'm not leaving you wrong, I'm posing you what's actually happening? cause you're silent and because you are afraid and because you won't stand up there
some of us are getting our asses beat. First of all, and second of all this is going to happen. It's gonna be much worse. Okay, so you thought would have would cover, was gonna, be bad. You have no idea what they're going to do brow and I'm Is there going to do it now? I did for I think it was a war or this, but now starting think it's and namibia, both here Well, actually, this man so so think thing back to to new covert one point: all right I'll shun alike, think about this in Tirana, really like understand. Why didn't they just released the real deal? Vince. You know what I'm saying like well, how I, how I that's a good question, but how I reckon sal. That question for me is I believe they thought that Everybody was going to fall in line with covered. I believe they thought we're, were in get much more compliance than they did and
You know when you break down the data you no less than fifty percent of the people actually went got that seen now, they'll tell you seventy percent, but that's not actual number. The actual number is less than fifty percent. I mean they got less than fifty percent by and to do what they wanted people to do, and I dont think they were counting on the resistance being as big as it was, which Wasn't enough, because we're being honest. How we stood up with the mask thing. We wouldn't be here right. We were to set none of this shit. What happen? Ok, everything would have followed up. Right there and we would have been back on track. The economy would be killing it. We wouldn't be dealing with this too, vision. We wouldn't be dealing with this war Or we will be dealing with any of the shit, had people actually stood up and here's the part that bothers me. Most of you knew that it was wrong. You know, I've been alive, longs within a reasonable. Yes, and you went along with it anyway and on
so how I see this is they thought we're gonna get total compliance in that situation, and they thought that the amount of resistance was gonna, be much smaller and their what they on doing, which has in mind in evidence by like the things that trudeau, sad or the things, australia data, the things that new zealand did. I believed that the small amount of resistance they anticipated, which was drastic. We underestimated them on their part. They were just going to dispose of their we're. Gonna pudding kay They were gonna get everybody to agree like like when trudeau said. What are we to do with these people, and you have Biden non tv saying this. A pandemic, odium, backdated, which clearly wasn't true, of that was narrative to villain eyes, people who are resisting- and I believe that had they got their way, the small amount of resistance. They would have put those people in camps indefinitely removed. The rights
maybe even execute them in saying these people are dead, menace to society that didn't happen and so what I see now is there moved on a plan b, plan b is ok, we're not going to depopulate, drew back, see like bill gates, says right, multiple says he says it is not me making things up, bill gates talks about this openly in these people? Talk about these things openly and instead of do in that way, now they have just come to the conclusion: will fuck we're just gonna have to kill all these people and I think they're gonna accomplished through this war- that there's that there in time- Surely, starting in middle east, that none of you actually know is actually about your think. It's about. You know, sign in Israel is not about that at all. It's about a fuckin, it's about a trade pathway, it's about a gas port and it's about depopulation, and nobody is talking about those things and if you were to
shall we go? Do your research should understand that you're, a fucking fool for taking this about palestine verses, Israel and every argument you make about it? You sound dumb. Dumber dahmer, because you're not understanding these people have a completely different. They should know that you're gonna get upset and argue about that. One or more, your focused on that they're gonna keep pull on the fucking real estate away from us. New gives us a pervert play my magic, a job as a perfect play, though, because you got the war is gonna, take out the strongest re bravest most bay periodic and then the disease go and take care of the bottom portion of society, the sick is the healthiest and then your left with this population that is too scared to fight, but healthy enough to work, do you know what the average age of ukrainian soldier is. Even after you asked forty three forty three years. That means eva effectively wiped out all the fighting age, men from the age of eighteen to forty three, In fact, in a year and a half two years thing about that, she's, ok,
that this is why, when you go to europe like people will realise this do you know why when you come to america, all the men are like big and, like you know, like I'm, not talking about the fat fucks at walmart, I'm talking about I'm, not I'm talking about like like people. I me ok or people like Emily's, dad like whose five and you know he's he's a grown man. May we have grown men here, an american right. You got a europe you'll have that and if you, There are many europeans understand this when you go to if everybody's five fuck and six and two hundred sixty pounds- and you wonder why will the reason? Why is because in war to all the fucking fighting stock was remove from society continually move the fighting stock from society every single generation of men across the globe, so that elite tyrants, across the we can maintain control right and that this is this is the reality of these life, these wars every.
generation. This is what's happening, and so we look at what they're trying to do. You know you ask the ridge the question was: why didn't they? just go all out during twenty twenty. I think because they thought they would. able to ease this in an hour. They realize they can't ease it any more. So now its violence, and now it's gonna be force and this goes into the line of thinking that I brought up to you guys many many times over the years which is if you knew that, if you gave up your power your position of power that your currently in let's just say it's your job right now, let's you at your job! Let's say you knew that if you, about your position at your job that it that you are either gonna go to jail. Are you to be executed. What you be willing to do to the people behind you in order maintain your position of power, not tell them all out, ok, so when you think
about this from a very logical standpoint, and you put yourself in that position, it becomes very obvious that these people are willing to do whatever they need to do to maintain avoidance of accountability, which we all want right. Soap, We look at what is actually happening here work. When I could be wrong- and I hope I am because if I'm right there's really not a whole lot, that can be done. but how I see it you know is: is there they're moving into the mask of communism kind of coming off and then this going into force in may, look what's going on in the world right now. This is no. for them. What's happened with the black square? This is no, different than what tat would ukraine it's different. What's happened with cold in here we ve got situation now were no reasonable discussion can be had about. Going on in the middle east, because never saw you say you stand for your you're, the worst possible scenario of a human being. If you stand with them right, like if you say men, I don't think it's right that
All these palestinians are getting why the fuck out of here you're fuckin terrorist, so you're a terrorist. Some of your tears, anti semite! Ok, if you say hey, you know I don't. I don't agree with jewish people. Being taken advantage of by their government and being attacked by terrorists and allowed to be attacked by terrorist. You know, you're, a conspiracy theories are you're a fucking flake or your fraud. like there's, no position that you can take in society where other people aren't gonna just attack. You and because we can have an honest conversation, the wound. Reality in reality is very simple: states government does not represent usa people. israeli government does not represent jewish people. Hamas does not represent all of palestine, ok, and if you can't I understand that and have a discussion like you're you're Q is very low and that's the point
album that we have in america. We have a very low standard. I q, where people highly emotional about things and cannot have a real discussion. This is no. is that why you can't talk about the black crime rate in this country? Can't talk about it. If you talk about your fucking This is why I'm sorry, I met a racist and pro american. I would like to cure this problem that that actually hurts a lot of. Are our fellow americans, which happened to be black people right sly with, to address this issue and until can have open conversations and be people that can actually say things and have a little courage. None of these problems- can be solved, but because they pray forget the courage out of us by using societal weapons like cancer, culture and a bunch of other ones, to political correctness, etc. We have a much cowards. We have much people can't solve problems and they know yeah. No, I got a horse, that's the intent! Thus a movie you think Nor am I wrong
Now, how do we solve? How do we solve you can't? Okay, how do we solve the problem of black crime? Can't talk about black crime or who's committing it? Ok, it was called black crime or, as I call fucking, maybe crime. I wonder why we know who's committing. Ok, it's a college testicle reality you can talk about, but like we also can't talk about you know and then Can you say that they say well, we're want the white people, yes, the white people commit crimes as well. They just commit them at a far less red tape. We have two fuckin be honest about what the fuck is going on in, like by the way, that's not a knock on black people. That's a mac on the way black people have been treated in this country by the people they ve been lie, to vote for over and over and over again for sixty fucking years. Okay, which is the democratic party, all the switched back in the day to fuck. They did. Ok, that's a lie But how can we solve what's going on when these people are running all these plays? If every time they throw us something at us? All we do is attack each other because we want
pick sides, and we want to be right and let's be honest, how do these consumers conservative influencers are part of the problem. There are big party either rob, I think, they're two biggest part of them Everybody says it's, these people better shone on lives of tik tok and all these crazy. No, it's actually not that the people who are causing this to continue art and two categories of people. One it's the people who see what's going on that, refuse to speak up and still comply it's the number one offender of what's going on with this country, and those are the people that are costing us. you guys who listened a show and never speak up, never stand out, never get engaged and just listen to it and don't you shit. you're the number one problem locate number two and by the way for those of you who do try, we see you too. How is it? I'm? Not. I'm not knocking a group. Ok number two These conservative influencers, who, before three and a half years ago, where nobody aright Who had now?
build some sort of platform around you know being apart of, quoting quote the solution, have gone on from resisting tyranny and standing up for what they think is right into this whole new system of being a pawn for the media outlets to circular if the information right these media outlets and these people who put these narratives out, they understand that the that these conservative influencers are going to sensationalize their point of view and basically I'll people up over and over and over in a highly emotional state, and when you get people in a highly emotional state. They can't think- and if we look, some of these guys and by the way, I'm friends with somebody's guy. Some of these guys, I as a person, I really liked them a lot as a bit. this person they're stupid is fuck because they don't stand. What they're doing is actually serve themselves, instead of serving the cause and if you actually serve the cause, they're probably a place for you to actually make more money. But all you
what to do with sensationalize all this crazy shit, because you are relevant before twenty twenty and you want to sell your gear, whatever the fuck, it is you're doing and you're all you do. Is perpetuating the problem because we can't ever get to an agreement and its really weird me that after all of these things, the masks, the black square, the vaccine, you ukraine fucking now the middle EAST. We have these. These people continue to fall for the same price. Began to play over over and over again and cannot see their own role, in in there in the chest game that they are a part of their card and the approach report in, like view, can freely think and just think basic Human thoughts like have you lost the ability to critically think like these are innocent people brow these. These people in palestine are innocent people. These people in Israel that were attack. These are innocent people, and if you can see that,
the governments and the organisations positioning for power and wealth and control over humanity, you ve. You ve lost your perspective, like you're you're out of touch bro like these, people these are normal human beings and, like you know, when I came two three weeks ago, whatever when the ship start- and I say fuck, I give a fuck about america. That's a fact. I don't care, I don't care what they do You should care what they do and they should care more about what they do and this idea that We are somehow the world police and have to go fix, everybody's problem on our time, six dollars. This is what I was talking about. You guys of all seeing that clip or heard me say on the show about how america is the biggest slays its guy like hundred million views on Tik tok. Ok, it's everywhere. You know what I'm talking about the one where I say: hey we're the biggest slaves in the world where, where is it, where all these other countries paying their tax dollars to help us. It doesn't exist. That's a fact
not only are we the biggest slaves in the world? Not only do we work on entire lives to have our tax dollars taken from us and sent to these third already causes halfway around the globe. Then, when a military conflict comes to us we're, rallied up into this quorum, quote patriotic frenzy for freedom and democracy to go over there and kill are generation of of of men who are wires every single generation, and why do when I look at what is happening here? I see the big picture. I don't see the little picture and any that, may be for me being a business that might be for me being an entrepreneur. My whole life- I don't know, but when I look at the higher package here. It's very obvious to me, and I apparently isn't everybody else now, then, on top of that too, it's aggro that war that we send those people to go fight. You know the kids of both of those people that are involved in this generation, the kids of those people
I know that secures the next. By and now they were allowed to be. The next slave warriors of the elite class kill my grandfather. If you're my dad right, like german bro, they kill people. My fancy- My fucking dead in a room mother's dead by you I don't understand, I, like you wonder why does the anti care so much here's? Why care so much, because my mother fucking grandfather who was twenty fucking years all went to fucking, nor ready for some bullshit war fought his ass off on utah beach, only a shot in the back exactly six months later, never medicine walking debt never met his own son. Ok, I've got to see what is oh sunday, never not see what sound I've done. that's not right for nothin, so I about this, and I don't care about it. Like you know, like people get confused, they're like will europe europe, patriot yeah? I am, but I am also not a mindless robot of pay criticism. I actually think the entire idea of patriotism needs to be rethought. We, the people, okay, what's good for us, we the people not
were the patriots of america and we go fight for these elite. Corrupt, elderly people who have contra acts and obligations in bribes and all these like you're, not going to fool us anymore. Brow, like you, motherfucker sub washing DC should take this as your notice you're not fooling us anymore. We are stand that you are asking us to go fight these wars, so that you can get sure, get power for get your deal and also take the warrior class of americans off the table? So you I worry about any accountability. We see it bro, it's the truth, yeah I'm not buying it anymore. So when I post that flag- and I say I'm proud of that flag- I'm proud of the flag because of people like my grandfather, and people like your guises, family or friends who have gone and died for that, the actual Well, bravery of this the men and women in this country I am proud of that. I'm prop are proud of what our flag could represent
it's all fuckin flag. That's not these tyrants flag! That's all flag of these elite corrupt. You know it gusting elderly fox, who have fifty years of backdoor handshakes and secret deals? While they from us and ruin our lives, that's out their flag, that's fucking our flag and we're asshole fight for that flag on their behalf, no more that shit, I'm now with it bro, I'm now with it now job on this conversation. Let us know what you guys think down in the comments hashtag, who knew and tell us what you guys thing. So, let's keep the shah movement. We gotta crews, comments. Does it owes grooves com? It comes from Daniel beer, vip, ill He says as a younger guy from a small. We'll town, I'm extremely grateful for the media, as provided in the sense that it's an outlet for people such as anti, indeed dj, to voice these messages. Without you guys,
I wouldn't be on the path of personal excellence. I'm on the guidance that you provided has helped me escape the traditional route. People from my area lead. So I thank you guys for bless me with a more beneficial side of media bison american flag. That pro that's, why we do this that this is what you guys, by the way I love this comment, but for all of you guys out there. This is why we do the show, You young men and you young women, who are thirty years old right now. You have to realise that what the fuck you do and how you decide to live is literally pray european. we, the most important generation- that's ever lived in this country and if you choose the path, These people in the media wants you to tag of being banned. sickly less than mediocre example of what you say, being you know, let's, let's just be real: okay, they want you fat, they want you sick, they want you dependent. They want you stupid. They want your poor. and you guys are resisting that in your lives, yours you're,
acknowledging the propaganda that has been laid down in front of your face then has to to convince you that there is some sort of moral nobility of being poor or being lazy or having last for being less, and you rejected it, and rejection of their culture is, what's ultimately going to turn this country around. So when I the comment like this: these The comments that meet the most these rules does that mean the most and an you as I hope, Daniel real talk. I hope you live in it no because it doesn't matter. If you just comment on the page, it doesn't matter if you just listen to the show. These are things that we have to go out and live and the reason that people, the idea of somebody on a white horse coming in saving the day. You know you is lot trump. People is because it's very hard to actually live very hard to take responsive Nobody for yourself in your actions and understand that our lives are an actual example of what we want this country to look like and be like that takes work. You know it's very
Well, it's not easy to live in a high standards are easy to do. No put the right thing in your body is not easy to consume. The right information is not easy to have discipline. You know to filter out the bs it's not easy to like you, don't cut ties? people who are negative influence on you. It's not easy to live up a higher standard life do and I until you guys understand. That's always solution that we ever have work that we're gonna have and you actually start to go, do it- you know nothing's going to change now. So I I hope I love this comment, but I hope you're, following up with some action. Brother, absolutely man, I'm sure he is by the way yeah. It looks like a like a pretty pimp, pimp sooner, the all thou. Why it's a good look! Look here. Why that is not racist, that's! Ok! What does racist now? I was gonna alchemists ask what there was like a matching hat that guy look there
I'm just saying small rural town, even a pointy hat- I a danube barbara guys. We appreciate all of you guys. We preach edge, Kommeni Sharon's show that people are cool. Man could be a real ass vans guys, as always so that basis Well, let's get back to our headlines. We got headline number two. Nobody reads big city mayors, heads dc with a message for buying on migrants. use more taxpayer dollars ago here to comply. Didn't you could send a fuckin text message? but there's a murderous issue with this man. I've always samothrace, shuffle annoying heretofore so so this is. This is a p news
york, a coalition of big city. Mayors is headed to washington on thursday to urge the federal government to offer more help with the surge in migrants at our overwhelming their cities, budgets and services, the dim crowded entourage will include the mayors of new york city. I go along with dimmer mayor, Michael Johnston. According to a press release from his office, Johnston is apparently leading the group. Ahead of the trip several mayors weighed and on the crisis facing their cities, including the mayors, from los angeles and Houston, They wrote a letter to the administration earlier in the day to plead their case, asking for a meeting with the president more aid, nuclear, a quicker path to work, authorization for the migrants quote This is not sustainable. What you're seeing in Chicago where children are sleeping and police. sinks, and this is not sustainable. What we are attempting to do in floyd bennett feel new york city, mayor erica
I'm said during a television television, appearance, wednesday night, referring to a new ten facility in Brooklyn quote. We need to have the same voice. The group is expected to meet with the bite. ministration officials, overseeing various parts of the immigration process and members of congress, though it has not as whether the mayor's will talk with the president. Now here's the thing so that meeting was today right I'm so Eric Adams was flying into DC right out of you saw the shit within this headline- comes out: fbi raids, home of top mayor, Eric Adams, fundraiser brianna, suggs right so the home of a top summaries of for new york city mayor aired, Adams was rated by the Feds thursday morning, just as his owner build on a slow of white house immigration meetings returned to the big apple almost as soon as he landed in d c, the post ass confirmed so
he's on a flight. He lands in DC. Feds kick in this ladys home. He gets right back on the plane, heads back to new york city to Lhasa spectre, says federal agents busted into the the home of brianna saga, close consultant, whose firm has earned more than a hundred and fifty thousand dollars for the mayor's campaign team. Since two twenty twenty one suggs ourselves, has also received more than sixteen thousand five hundred hours in personal payments from ams accounts. According to the campaign, finance filings, her company sucks solution, elbows, he is registered to a family owned brownstone at ninety nine lincoln place and crown heights according to properly records. Oh I heard screaming, maybe two or three hours ago, when they were told the post, I heard helicopters. Also, the house's boarded up
so city records show. Suggs is also on a monthly retainer for his owner's political work. Songs did not pick up the phone when the post called and has not returned the call she's, probably in jail. While I'll tell you this. The post lies about them, trying to call people and fucking meat pie. That's a fact yeah. So, let's be honest since affect every single mother. Fucking time they've run a story on me. We tried to reach him the fuck. You did no, you did yeah didn't care much liars anyway, yeah I just like, keep it fair. I just thought that was interesting man, so so this guy goes to dc soon, as he lands a kick in the door he's right back home. I get right back on That sounds like oh shit. That sounds like like I wanna go ship. Oh shit, yeah, as with the age in their homes. Yup yup, but another news of this migration issue. I don't know if you haven't got a chance to see this. This headline reads huge, five thousand migrant caravan starts walking to u S from mexico so this is this is coming. Status Monday apparently saw huge caravan about,
five thousand migrants started moving north towards? U s on foot for mexico south border. The enormous group started making its way north on monday, according to organise and officials walking in a long line along highway migrants in the caravan hail from cuba, El Saba, door, Guatemala, Haiti, honduras and Venezuela, one organizer said and anyone we got on this. Oh, and this also at the same time that he got into F b. I director are warning americans to stay vigilant and for attacks, inspire back moss, Moving on this needs an invasion spittle invasion in ireland. it's interesting to me that all those cities, you mention dollars. Mayors are far left mayors who for fucking, the last four years before this administration took office, called tromp a racist and big it anybody who said we needed a wall there, whether in yeah there
their rate yet eo see down there at the border. Staging photo shoots like these but you're getting what the fuck. You voted for I am sorry to say this, but this is the truth. I see the black inner city, people in chicago, throwing a fit well. You're fuckin voted for this report, Ok, because you believe something someone on tv told you about somebody being quote: on quote racist: what's war racist somebody said the old bullshit a tweet. somebody legitimately allowing millions of peace. Well to come to your country, that makes your vote irrelevant and pushes you out of the community that that is yours. I mean that's, reality threatens receive so so, like you know, honestly, I actually think this is a great thing, especially for the black communities and inner cities now to mass awaken because you're realizing that you ve been fuckin lied to, like a lot of us have been trying to tell you massive wake up. So it is what I would say out of the art like no like I'm because, like let's be honest like that,
critical game that you know. Places like texas are playing with. Are bussing these fuckin migrants further into inside our country? Like that's a game and it's fucked up? But I would say that that that is one massive positive is that you know the awakening. That's happening in those communities that you're waking up like oh shit, okay, yeah Well, I wish you guys would woken up when the rest of us said we're not fucking racist, bro, we're trying to address facts. You know and be has the victimization around the term racist has been so powerful for so long in this country. You know people have realized Is that, like you get your way when you call someone a racist or you call someone a name and eventually people don't give a shit anymore. and so now you're observing real racism. Now you have the government that you voted for him. During all these people from different countries. Putting them in your neighborhoods displacing, you from your community, which, by the way, I agree,
neglected for sixty years, because you continue to vote for these same people and now your experiencing what real racism racism looks like it, discrimination against the inner city, black people, in favour people who already with citizens of this country, and so I I hope is- is that the black community, will finally wake up in aren't to realize you know holy shit. This is this is bullshit and start to see what real racism is, because, in my opinion, real racism doesn't look like somebody making a tweet or saying something not even a word any other words by the way, real racism mistaking actual action to handicap, an entire culture of americans black americans over the last sixty fucking years by convincing, the vote for people who every single in four year cycle, come to the black communities and say vote for us and will fix it. We'll stop these guys over there from taking ever thing from you when in reality, though,
guys over there are taking ship from you, they ve been fighting for you your whole time, but you continue these people and these people and go to washington d c, and they entail surely pass laws pass regulations and take positions that make your life ok and when they pass money for community, ask education things and- inner cities of this country figure out a way to steal it, and we'll racism Railway system is not some dude from ten years ago saying an inward brow issues, not you could say whatever the fuck. You want I'll give a shit is the reality. The reality is actual racism is taking actions that actually hurt array of people and that then going on very attentively here for a while, sixty years here in the united states against the black communities, and I would be, I hope that The black communities will start to wake up. I think they are when I go and look at some of the more traditional black pages
such as like rap or we'll star, you know what they talk about. This woke shit like no is buying it anymore, but then again You still have the quota quo, black acted! is that every single time something's posted there crying racism like bro. That dog has left the race. Ok, that that shit doesn't have nowhere horse and no one fucking cares brow. No one! cares about about being hold a name anymore now like it's over, and the member we talked about this, we said eventually It's gonna get all used to a point where it means nothing and the people who are using it aren't going we're not going to be able identify real racism or, if you want, and if I real racism, it's real simple. What are they? actions. People are taking them intentionally hold a race back or make their lives more difficult. And if we define racism as discrimination in that sense than there is only one class of racist in this country? And that is a democrat party and that's reality.
Ok, because they're the ones making the rules that are actually holding these people back in Seoul we'll talk. How do we? read this plan. Well, every he's. Gonna have to get on board with the fact that we're gonna have to do things that are not there, pleasant to look at to go round up every single one of these people and dump them back over the border. Mexico. Let mexico deal with him. Ok he's a map- my opinion max coastline. And by you in allowing this, and I love my mexican american friends who have come here and made a life and contribute to life, but Mexico has fucked us, and they are no longer our friend. Those people are not our friends. Separation. Mexico makes can govern, that those are not our friends there intentionally aiding eruption of our country, not not at all, make it say whatever they want that, Ten all they want max compete oh! I love you borrow your go with me, a la mexico to by the way it's fucking some, but your government is aiding and destroy
actually, this country, which has been a place, that a lot of those people have aspire to go to over the course of history, which is half the reason or prior to strain it. Okay, so ah You know, I hope people wake up. I dont know that they will, but it isn't there's a little part of me. You think funny that all of these far left people are now the ones like screaming about how fuckin bullshit this is when you guys voted for the shit and champion it for so long. Saw somebody would patrol boys to build a wall. fourchan racist xenophobic. What do you think now right now If you bought a city right, that's ask: how listen listen, keep people people are going to have hard time with what going to be required to remove this from our country. You also see the other world leaders started and get on that then the same native to like mccrone in france, yeah he's on the same thing I know, is I regularly bladder yeah. You know this grand seeing what
yeah. But I don't know that my liberal, less we're liberalism fails. Liberalism veils because it's made by a bunch of dumb fox, like you, do not work? No, there dumb as fuck. Ok, these people there's only two classes of those kind of people, one people who do not know any better. I who are very poor they dont know so it sounds good to them. These policies all sound good and they sound. Good hearted to what are you not a humanitarian? No mother, fucker, I'm not just so you know, None of your works on Galva, like your big. Yes, never to fuck. You say I am I'm america first these people need to be rounded up and they may be shipped back toward a fuck that came from and that's being nice, Ok, then I'll belong in our country, cause major problems and you're gonna see this with the terrorists alerts. Ok, you don't think that these people do you not think what do you think
he's palestinian, slash, arab muslims, are going to start doing to the jewish community centres or that are or Jews and general here in amerika. What do you think? what happened, what what do you think, though, that we start doing to the algae, bt q population who fights for them who fights for them like these, people are going to terrorize us here in this country, working to see terror attacks that we never senior before things we ve never had to worry about here- we're gonna have start worrying about you're going to have to look around when you go to the farmers market on fuckin, saturdays and sundays? Well, because you Intentionally woman equality in allowing these things to happen, and so my opinion. If I were present, right now, all of these people there, be checkpoints in every city I be were, I mean, shut, I'm talking chuck I'm to go to blocks ok and yes, you would have to show your fucking papers and yes, if you did
fuck and have them you're out? Ok. That's real shit that is going to have to happen. If we want to correct this country and a lot of people are with it. They're not able to like stomach that kind of thing, even if it means their own personal demise. Sarah just two weeks to stop the spread yeah, I listen bro, these people hat, listen, these people have to be rounded up and sent back to where they come from, and that's the only way this can be fixed to russia to jump. Jumping on this conversation, let us know what you guys think down in the comments: hashtag open the floodgates. Let us know so. That being said, let's get to our third and final third and final headline headline number: three hello. Number three reads: connecticut judge orders, new mayoral primary f, If the surveillance videos show possible ballot stuffing, this is a pretty big deal. I haven't seen any of this. It's a pretty
big deal for those really don't know. I've been sick, fuck phylactery as yet. That's that's. Why We too have city, I that I was basically shitting, my brains out and puking my brains out, and so I am seen much than is nonsense been great, I would rather shit my brains out people raise out than what than good and consume the shit lot now going on, is this. Is this is a win as the big deal? size. The apc look at my rockstar now, just for the record. Now, let's go. So busy. Yes, this is a happy news. Article three a judge on Wednesday, tossed out the results of a democratic mayoral primary in connecticut largest city and ordered that a new and beheld citing surveillance, video, showing people stuffing multiple absence, he ballots in outdoor collection boxes, the rolling came just six days before the general election, creating a perplexing scenario in which vote
this will decide the outcomes of bridge ports marrow election on november seventh then be axed to return to. The pole at a later undetermined date to choose the rightful democratic nominee in that very same race is ruling wednesday superior court judge william clog addressed the and congruity by saying he lack the authority to postpone or cancel the general action. However, he said had seen enough evidence about visas. To a re run of september. the primary in which incumbent mayor Joe Ganum, defeated challenger, got John gomes by two hundred and fifty one votes out of eight thousand one hundred and seventy three cats. Quote: the volume of ballad, so mishandled is such that it caused the result of the primary elation into serious doubt and leaves the court unable to determine the legitimate result of the primary clark wrote in his room.
are. They just cited statistics showing that abnormally large numbers of absence he ballots were cast in certain voting districts and video with evidence showing multiple people shoving stacks of ballots into dropbox's. In violation of state law, quote the videos are shocking to the court and should be shocking to all parties. Clarke, wrote here's a couple of videos of this stuff going on so here's one. This was august. Twenty, seventh, okay, really nice beer with a bmw pulls up yet because, because these people that do this come from
classes, which is the part that I was trying to say a minute ago. They either come from very poor people who don't know any better or very rich people to get richer by manipulating those poor people. That's the entire democrat party, so no shit, they got a nice car. These people should be hung by the way as enemies that anybody who does this should be fuckin hung without fucking reservation.
Right, along with the covert people, you know what I'm saying the covenant in the cupboard organizers, the election steelers. Those people should be treated as treasonous people and and dealt with traitors accountability. There's another one: the look at these fucking people they high five, each other after doing it, this guy, just putting valid after ballot boxes and half of each other Ok, ok, that's enough! That's enough! That's enough! That's not fast enough! You going get caught your yeah! That's what they're saying I know look at this and then high five gijon. We secured undermine yeah those People should be hung and then that say: listen you, I'm talking while any level election government, those are traders will because they fuck up the city. Don't those people
have cost us all our entire fucking. I believe, herds in our lives and all this disruption in this country. People who think that it's okay for them to fuck with the systems that keep this country segwit, should should fucking be dealt with like traitors. Our traders. These are traders. The same way came back at five forty two in the morning and kept doing you have done. now gonna hurt. That is an interesting thing. So politico put out this article yesterday had I reads prompt reply. The way, if republic is do this, they should be hung to anybody anybody this isn't a once! It's it's anybody, but thought this was interest. Sarah, some political put out this this headline says republicans claw back control of elections in key states. you're saying the republican officials in key bad around states are moving to assert more count more control over elections ahead of twenty twenty four efforts that could disrupt
racial already under way for the presidential contest. Unlike prior pushes that are focused on pole, access and voting requirements, a current focuses on offices or agencies that have oversight of actual actions and that ten to operate in obscurity so recently, republican law makers of trotted out wisconsin's elections chief years of empowering baseless conspiracy theories about the two thousand and twenty election notice. How they're talking in this right is not a real thing right. You can interfere with elections, elections aren't stolen, there's just so scary right. Basically, mayors, yes right, the crazy thing is just a couple hours before they wrote that I they write this article fellow prosecutor raises alarmed by chinese election interference. Weight, so kind of donna kenema law can only be done by communion enemy can be done by them. Is out Ok, we didn't know we didn't our own working people.
With an election and maintain control so that we avoid accountability for crimes against humanity that we could now would never happen now, I would never happen that this man right here, they're showing on the sly, gavin newsome or these other people who are fine, abstaining citizens of the world, such as Hillary Clinton. It could ever be true that she will legitimately make up an entire document called the. Steel dossier, for seven years divide america for our own greed and good no ill will towards american people and upside of her? But she would never do that nor would ever do that. There would be no way that all these people will go along with it. there'll be no way that all these people would continue to. You know do these things, that's not theirs now, but china yeah for sure and russia yeah. You know, there's people these people are scum, dude.
There is a world where do you see this election as this? This next will also be a man. I don't. I dunno, though I I don't think they're going to allow it to happen. No, I don't think I think what I've been saying for the last few years, is there going to try to disrupt the world such away where the election is an afterthought or even not even like that We back to what I said: bro like when we talk about the. count ability that will be had by them, giving up power, we're talking about life or death, accountability, and when you think about life or death, accountability. And you think about what you are due to avoid life or death accountability. Very few of you, we stand on your principles of morals and take the death. You would try to life cheat steal your way, intellects arriving and that's what I that's what I see here I see I see I see very bad things for the future. I see
I dont think that what happened in twenty twenty is even gonna be comparable to what they have to do. This time, I think it can be way worse. I think it's gonna have real damaging effects. I think there's a potential that it could destroy our culture. we completely in terms of our entire economy. I think it's very very plausible, then every single entrepreneur or listening to the show right now does not have a business and twelve months like I think, that's how bad it could get. I think they could cause the power. I think they could cut off technology. And I think they can put us in a stone age and say it was fuckin china who did a cyber attack for the neck. for seven months and let the world just fucking, destroys health, while they get away with what they did. I think all kinds of options, but I don't think the smallest option. Is that we actually have a free and fair election and get somebody in who act, we got the boats and they got. This wallace option- and I think We are in a position now where its do or die in terms are you going to engage in this or are you going to bitch out, and I think if you
down engage in this. we very well could be were being I just so we would be at that literally nothing zero and You know this all comes from the inability for people One speak up and to look at right in the face of say: no, it's that simple. You know I've had you looked at people whose who told you to put a mask on said? No, I'm not doing it that the ship would have been flipped right away, But you had to fly to do this and you all had to do that. So you just did it, and here we are, and so you know. I don't have an optimistic out outlook and I really know an end. I'm not saying that scary body, I'm not saying that the doom and gloom, I'm not saying that to be a dick. I just think, the wind, the window of opportunity is closing at such a fast rate. Now, where I don't, I don't know not only thing does gimme some help. Is that
We do have people that are starting stand up. We do have people, you're, starting to wake up? We do have people who are willing to use their voice that starting to happen, but dude you're year behind the game. You guys media real loud real fuckin fast and the one thing, though piece of like observation. That gives me some help and like do there's a lot of people. I hear my so my friends included here. And you're overreacting. It's not that bad. Bro. You don't understand you I understand what these people are willing to do. Ok, it's just because you been over here in your world, do in your thing and you are sceptical of thing. Like broke, go back and listen to the last three years of my show. I'm pretty confident dude. I the best track record a fucking anybody out there better than anybody. I don't think there's I have. There is someone who the fuck there. and I must say that brad abstain as a matter of actual fact, but I will say this one thing: That gives me some hope is
They seem to be afraid of the election that the media, the far left the all democratic establishment they seem to be afraid of the election, because if they were afraid of the election, they wouldn't be doing this witch hunt you know, I'm removed off them in trying to get him off the ballot like train. They wouldn't be doing these things, these things and be happening if there wasn't elena in fact yes right, and so I think they have the a bit like you know. We ve talked about twenty times. I think they have the ability to. sheet, but I don't think they have the ability to cheat path. I think there's a. There is an error zone in their like. Maybe it's ten percent right, maybe can budget like ten percent and if you more than that you decamp budget anymore I actually think that's what happened in two thousand. Sixteen, I think they ve been fixed, elections in fudging elections. For you know because we ve been alive and
I think two thousand sixteen. What happened was they? they were fudging. The election with x amount of votes for Hillary Clinton and There was so popular the he overcame map and that's why they were so surprised. I could ever so confident yeah well Look, I don't you remember. The magazine came up, the time magazine or news we said she won't. Madam president became out like they were they knew she was when she was when they were walking, shocked and then they In straight up, it was fraud. Right remember: action was stole yes vacant, our russia stole it and then what happened then hilary. Clayton made up a document with christopher steel called stew, the dossier which implicated trump inclusion with russia to steal an election which has been since proven to be completely fabricated. by Hillary Clinton and this dude There's been no accountability for whatsoever, none how much effort the twenty twenty election
one does just that alone, not not talking about the belajar. Oh you mean like people, thinking that was tourists. What I'm saying yeah for sure these people are fucked. Not. I think that's also too I'd quite like this case that that just happened and netiquette like. How did they know that that was a sure way to win. I think of they're still in the fucking local action. You don't think that they did that shit and twenty election. To this. I think, they've been doing it for as long as I've been alive. That's what I'm saying like like this is proof like they are only they did that because they knew the shit worked and I don't think we've had a. I don't think. We've had a fair election since John F Kennedy was assassinated using it was that far back yeah. I do. I think Robert f k I think Robert Kennedy, like you, can say what everyone by Robert Kennedy I would vote for him he's he's way his way to fuckin level. For me, it's especially, I think, he's smart. I then you make some great points. But like where he stands on the second amendment, to show your fucking in saying that the arguments that are the way you're not getting the guns,
Doesn't matter if you do a mass shooting bite Where did you see the mass shooting happen that didn't happen out and that theme park where the dude flocking killed himself and then wrote on the wall. I'm not a killer I did see that yeah. Then you know what doug! You know that you know what the fucking story, they ve been telling these people is, is that you have to go, kill these people the world's going to end, and if you do kill. These people were going to deny you access to the fuckin underground cities. So there tell yes, they're telling me fucking derange mental people, less the trigger that yes, cheese so they're telling these mountain derange mental people who are fucked up, who were Pratt your price, of these manipulation techniques like em k, alter and all these things that they do are promising them admittance into them. underground cities based upon the idea that they know the world's going to end, and these people,
I say for you to go in it. You have to go, kill all these people and I guess that's what they're doing to get people to do this. That's what that's! What what what I've dug into and seen with that story? That's wild yeah, there's a whole bunch about that story that that isn't being talked about that you act like dignan. bond must exert de recrossing, I'm so sorry about that. What what at the national manifesto roulette when it was, I say, is real thought that you says some stuff by tradespeople what it says, something about that similar framework yeah what if it says something about exactly what the fuck's mean going on, but anyway, back to my thing? I don't care how many fuckin shootings do you guys do we're not giving up our because we understand what the purpose of the guns are exactly what will happen. The moment we hand them yeah Like everybody, everybody pretty much understands. You know the government, the government has overplayed their hand and god, The and gun purchase an all time high by people. Left satellite. What's I tell you
there was even they know. Even they know that this so like we kemal Harris, comes on tv and says we're going to ban weapons everybody's laughing at these people fucking get a motherfucker, you get them. That's just reality, you can't. How are you going to take? How are you going to take them? Oh you're gonna make a law nobody's gonna. Do it fell what we saw that should here with the wording that is the play, though I think that Well, they gonna turn everybody into a felon and then try to make them not be able to vote can vote. If your hangs, correct, absolutely that's what they will do with a brace shit now the damage? That was a big push anyway. I dunno man does mean what you think bro yeah. No, no. I agree. I think I dunno how long they've been stealing the elections, but it didn't start in twenty twenty, no you. Don't think they have no, we weak from what avenue the sea? They have a couple of different ways. I can get away with it now, mcnerney they don't do
same exact way every place. I didn't neither about five key states and twenty they had three or four different means of actually taken the election and on I think two thousand sixteen that I think two thousand. Sixteen the reason that the world's like falling apart is because, that was the one they didn't. They didn't write things up and up to the us and the guy out vote, the guy was so popular. Well. He out voted the cheat ability and they were surprised and now will say I think, the that that little fudge percentage, I think now it's like, I would say it's power, maybe two percent of this. We don't know but but the point we don't we don't know, but the point of it is bro is, if that's the case, and they were surprised, it would make sense why they reacted the way they did in two thousand and twenty and why they shut the world down and why they let Biden campaign from his basement and why they you know made it so you know hunter binds laptop. appeared from the news why they
answered people, the entire. You know leading up to ten twenty, Twenty twenty election- you know they were d, platforming people for speaking things that were clearly true none and now been proven to be true. So if you really think about you know that theory that two thousand and sixteen was the first election that they they weren't able to ex then it explains why the reactor in the way they are now there are no real shipment, does tell us what you guys think drop in on this conversation has executed the vote. Let us note you guys think when it comes to this man, so what that means that man, that was our three headlines, let's get to our final segment of the show, as always thumbs up or thumbs foggers, where we bring a headliner talk about to get one of those who options. But I want to ask me any Take me back to to twenty one year old anti super suave cut our letter. Did you so that are you going to date with the girl? Did you paper late? Did you guys go down
sure and I always paid even hours broke his flock. Will I want you to remember that answer their interests. The same on this obvious say it s. What I did usually what I did was the way to go. What idea was I could that's right? It be jerky. Now girl, I'm fucking very good cook. You know, I'm a very good cook cause cookies, really fucking easy. If you can AL simple directions, the guy's various alike, smart enough to follow directions like miles betty foreign crocker, net, motherfucker, bro, I know how to make sure. Ok because, like you, following directions like anybody, can be a great kirk. If you can follow simple directions, it's as simple so like it doesn't take you not some sort of fuckin sandwich artist. Bro you, you may the recipe seventeen times you memorize the fuckin, not another. Whole game rob fuck it. in the game up bro. That was my game. Oh you like to eat me to. Let me make you something: go call him Andy, Michelin, yeah! You made the Michelin star bro, but you know and then
when I met Emily Emily's? Like no more cooking on the cook and unlike cool poyser, yet Oh she's, amazing younger than this is traditionally do you know you think the guy should be paid for it. Yeah, I personally at birth. I think it depends. Ok, like I think it a pet there's. Different kinds of dates are right The dates were your meat, not, for I mean brawler. Think it depends on who, on the guy, like my father, everywhere, I would have you ever see me not pay now. You're, always I don't care if it's two twenty or to other people, mah fucker, I pay it's a thing of my I can't stick, I'm so uncomfortable when people when I, when people start arguing over the bill like cause. I grew up that way yet and the not my family, but just observing you know people do that.
general yeah. I I just am it made me so I when I say I grew up that way. I grew up where the head of the household pay the bill right. So, like that's what I was used to know when I saw like one got older, and I started our people when they started like bickering over the bill. Brow like em we highly uncomfortable in solar still like that. Still like a thing for me like eve, even if it's a party here were as for, can pay it, because I don't want to have any of that. Weird energy round all documents It is always awkward I had I had to. Dollars, but the seventh sense of this, and only had one bro shut, the fuck up man, it all evens out. In the end, it all evens out over the course of your life. You know what I'm saying Why not just pick up the tab for can be the man like you should be. Enough money to pick up the fucking tab. Ralph, you ain't your failing our original idea. I like this, as I do agree with you, but but let's give it to a thumbs up or dumb as fuck Well, there they're saying their situations where I may
pay them in a hooker dobbs operate all this work, nobody reads: Tik tok rubbed her for eating. Forty eight oysters on a date. Restaurant manager says, is nothing new. That's the him! Unless dive into this fuckin ho Ho Ho dash very happen at this fuckin visit. What's her dashboard, how are you find out or a woman who sloped down for a dozen oysters and lana seafood. Restaurant am recorded. The whole meal for tik tok has sparked new debates about dating etiquette. But the either is general manager says it was just business. As usual, so in the video which are circulating widely on twitter, it appeared on the massively popular instagram account the shade room, tiktok user, at a corner which not to be confused with iguana red flag right there.
but she documents her visitor fontaine's oyster house was. She claims serves the best fucking oysters in atlanta to explain, she's meeting a man who had been trying to take her out for some time. and see the proceeds to order the tuesday special, a dozen oysters for fifteen dollars. Then she gets another out and another and another whole time retreated to call. Sub shots of at a quantum addressing the oysters with lemon juice and tabasco saw is forty, it or through the law, should took it out or eat oysters issues. Megan assumptions here. I could be wrong about it's a decent amount as a decent amount and on the other. Does she not on my return for you dogs. I would know what that's like a standard of blue ranks. It's rather reports of melodious rights or a girl
use video. How did you whatever brow she had? Forty, some big frightened, subordinating are ha ha ha ha watch this video google. I want on the shelf, do she's pretty streets story. It's me he assaults the bay at lake. With me, a few weeks ago, out with my friends, this nigga been texting me for weeks talking to you and why I didn't block him beach, I dunno, but today I was bored and I at times, while he takes me like killing me a drink, and unless you make me here, I got a very worrying oysters in a land now sunlight. Yes, I'm guessing cleansing among first of all, these fucking women are so fucking ungrateful like nightmare fuck. You ok like bro
We don't owe you taking you out to eat shit now, mother, fucker, happy! I work should anyway it's a privilege right. It's like this. This for good ok, this attitude this woman has like does outlets little girl, shin assigning, a woman, she loved landfolk entire, that she and policy This is worth like the fuckin red pull pill community really whatever the fuck. I read pill. Whenever fuck, it is that's worth that's the things they get right alive. You fuckin the average women think that you're fucking queen, because you have a pussy, ok, we'll talk, You shit, alright, that that's that's fucking bullshit to take two to take another human being out. Dinner and then no you're wasting your time and then try to The advantage of right talked up. It's fuckin dude, it's evil shit. This is why called ho daiquiri, ok so dash she is fucker. She gets are as good as good.
She deserves. Where fuck she gets ro. This one is gonna, be fuckin, sit in our house, five hundred fuckin pals, disgusting as flock at thirty five years old and wonder why she got shit, when least, shows respect for people now show resolving all fuckin oysters, If I were everywhere to e with a human being and they slope like something out of the euro one, it is, I believe it I'm getting a fuck up and leaving just rgp gadget you can, you can in here the trash in this human. By the way they stuck on the oyster,
no. It's not me. It's disgusting pig behaviour, fucking pig, is her the ro. I tell you this ya want I think I am I looking at me crazy. I don't give a fuck unlike arriving I'm going to eat. This is a fucking joke right now. This is real. No way, there's no way was a joke. Keep it. It's real bro. We knew we deserved to be nuked yeah, I'm gonna start praying for it or for real. need. We need a. We told a recent poll. Flair I get to the next level man. This is disgusting. Shit do
the That's nice. yeah one for some time. I will look at me crazy. I don't give a fuck Unlike my review, inviting me and I'll come anyway glass. I love now barely understand how nice this sounds like it was so so at today you got three poisoning her my way or with me. isn't about to eat these potatoes, and I was so good in the crab cakes. Everything was so good. Tenants can What bothers me to make is that you go to the bathroom and never come back
no How can this part, meaning the wind blows real in the family, tabby megalith me with low one fucking drawing bates fog levies. Keep me some money could well why this me and ass there. you were not on the therapy, fucking offer you drink the fuck. Are you talking about beach? Rollin real road? This is this: is people mega shit up for Adam? this is your class- they do that This happens, though. Brouhaha know how this is idle. This is no different than these people prank and people in the parking lot. Like, did you see that video that dude pretend to poor gas on people's car Then he pours gas on the old man's car and the guy pulls a gun in his face and says bra. I almost fucking killed you the this. This
tension community? That has become our norm? I mean I'm not put new pass. Any there's no way is, you think, is real. Having is real is room. You think is. Is this what's going on out here? This happens quite a bit all on my foggers that if she's that this whole out, I left You you guys you're, allow younger than me now been mary for a long time. Israel, This was happening on your real weapons in the real world. Everything is ya. You too, Is this really what's going on? As is the state of affairs, where were at risk? the way in a row row I might as well just retired. This whole show is pointless. I can fix this. U turn away. I can fix. This is why I can fix this at this. Is the last really offer would you have walked out to do? I walked up what our nerve inner world
dont people do the research on who the fuck they're going out with any more these gall, whoever Are you guys? Don't you got dating culture? Coloma fucker, like you guys, are that hard up for some tedious and some fuckin p p that, like you, you're gonna like deal or whatever people got well that he was expected to run up. You're drama tokay will. You could clearly tell from her promise you anybody who talks? That acts like that. You could clearly older ratchet flock from their instagram. Whenever, like you guys like me, and like you need to have some fuckin respect brown like how some flock and standards But these kind of women all deserve anything. You got like real talk like let them fuckin starve ok, let them be so alone and so miserable they stop. Treating people like this yup resources on food stamps now brought this is bullshit. Amnesty do you know that I wrote I mean.
There's so much you don't even have to. I don't. Have we not time this week has started next episode off on the same topic. We do. The whole thing on will bring about more like this is the whole, the whole dynamic years. What's wrong, lack of standard, the lack of appreciation, the lack of respect for human being, the lack of respect, one self, like imagine, like you feeling going out with someone like this is your only option is a human being, like imagine what you Give yourself. Are you guys, You're, just gonna go out there and like take out any sack of meat, because you want to stick your dick in it. Like that's fucking, eighty percent of the problem going on in the world. You know like those better out. There were, oh, my god,. And if the lake fuck being offered here rather better their holy shit he's been real brow? Israel's jergens I'd rather be alone to be around some like that you'd be around like a man,
dodge the boy though oh yeah, he don't that's right. Memorialize wrote that help that right, I move roundness vulgar one whole holler. I want to go by his ears and look at him in the face, and you know what we learn here. How did you like what we heard? What we were yeah, that's bro, no dodge the boy! Yes, not imagine works like this are mario, prolonging mean real talk like real talk. Do this person clearly doesn't give a fuck about anything ok, so how many falcon random flogging dixons woman had in her and what she fucking carrying. What's she like? Do you guys care anymore. What if she would, if she had a dick It is a land of demographic down there. You know I'll be real. Every time I've been new atlanta, the people have been amazing. I can't be no hate island region
well, my bro, I'm telling you I've been there. You know hardwick lives down there. I've been down there. I I think the people in atlanta are awesome. You know what I liked about atlanta that I thought was cool. That's different than most cities is when you go out Ah, like at night, I notice that, like all the young man dressed la nicer, like they dress like men, they were like suits and they were like nice, close and when you go to any other city, it's not like that, like being a part of the limb. Why me downtown bro another some hood areas, dune shit here, I'm fog, but bro, that's everywhere, I we can judge a whole city based upon that. I think, generally, you know I've always enjoyed in vienna and they are good people. People are nice to the southern values that yes, sir, yes ma, am broken. Shake your hand, look in the I you know I gotta get there bullshit nervous about oysters other. This like a bit aid of all? I just can't believe it.
You guys are pocketing gnaws rule reserves in the railway. This is fucking thing. It's real now This is, I believe, a railroad housing we have seen is our lonesome. This comment it said ass. She sat in that man faces sloped down forty eight oysters to crap, cakes, potatoes and three lemon drops, while recording barometer left her ass to she first streets me: that's how dashboard so this is how dash isn't? Is this a thing you if you like you, knew this before today area whoa, whoa dasher, have you ever heard of that I've never heard. Neither is a thing. Yeah, oh, it isn't an original. So how do you know a dj so we went to explain to me the whole dashaway the hardest. there you have it out ass reed is, is basically just how's being hose I try to take advantage of men closer mastery,
I can tell you know why does video this video makes me thankful for all the decent human beings out there you, you may not be perfect, but fuck brow. You re there's. Nobody here is perfect. there must be real man, we're all kind of like a piece of shit in some way the reality is not your. Do an ash fuck feel good about yourself. given this ah thumbs up, his part browser, I move, could save me as a right made a dash, the house yeah alone. it really does yeah jody whoa sure the show was sleeping on the floor. No mature response from the book of stole countless millions in the kobe teach Buddhist got a rope. Kang doesn't know shot case closed.
Transcript generated on 2023-11-06.