« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

593. Q&AF Ft. Jon Gordon: High Standards Impacts, Roller Coaster Life & Business & Mentoring Employees

2023-10-30 | 🔗

In today's episode, Andy & DJ are joined in the studio by bestselling author and keynote speaker, Jon Gordon. They answer your questions on how to distinguish between having high standards and being too rigid for those around you, at what point do things start to level off in business and life, and how to find the balance of mentoring your employees while maintaining professional boundaries.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Sleeping on the floor now, my german from the county, millions in kobe teach Buddhist got to thank rolph, can't both doesn't know headshot case club is a guy just for selling. This is the show for the really say goodbye to alive the fitness and delusions of modern society. Welcome to mother fucking reality guys. Today we have fewer and a, We also have a special gas which infringes the moment, be legitimate. Some quest- as for q and a f, and if you don't know what it is, is very self explanatory seats, you submit the questions and we answer him and you could submit those questions. One of a couple of different ways, first ways as emma those questions into ask Andy at eighty zone. I come or you can go on youtube on the coup- and I thought besides, which drop every single monday. Today's monday
and I ask your questions in the comments and we'll pick some from there as well now other times when you listen to really after you're going to have different shows. We have shows, within the show alright today, you're going here, q and a half tomorrow, you're in here see tee. I that stands for crews, the internet, that's where we put tat It's up on the screen. We speculate on. What we think is true. What we think is not true and we why are we? The people need to be the solution to the problems going on in the world at large as we have real talk. Real talk is fine, twenty minutes, a major, giving you some real talk. and then I sometimes we have full length, like you guys heard on friday, for life is just what you're used to say almost other progress where we have an interest in gas come in and we have a conversation, the other times we have seventy five hard versus somebody. our verses. We take some one who whose life was holy shit yo, who did someone five hard and then got their life in order, and we run the show. We talk about how they
a piece of shit, how there no longer a piece of shit and how you can no longer be a piece of shit and would give it to you for free. You can get the programme for absolutely nothing right. It's episode to await the audio feed. If you go, let's do it I'll explain what five heart: is the world's biggest mental toughness programme, its ever been created? I it's for free and if you want to get you should the other girls do it. So, without being said, we have a very special q- and I often I like these culinary ass. We get p to come in and sit on the show with us today. I have The legend in entrepreneurship, author, six, ass, personal development, space, mister John gordon sitting with us. What's opera, any grady with its dared is awesome. Its arsenal Have your man- I will try to do this together for a long time in june shit, I think longer than I think we've been talking about for a couple of years. Now, on and oh yeah, definitely it's good to have you here made the beer. So what's going on man, I'm visiting your place, it's
incredible like this blown away by this place by your customer service, your people like how you do everything is unbelievable man No, we are not very smart ya, do shit right every jack, that's it that's what it comes down to it all people, people give us a lot of credit for being intelligent, but I think I think he'd. Ultimately, lead to success in business is doing things. Other people won't do that. You know where the right thing and am I don't know any other way to do it. You need you, the ordinary things with extraordinary consistency, commit focus and discipline that will have noticed that, with the best of the best are always doing that ordinary stuff, but but they're so focused on it and that's what I'm noticing everywhere. You go. Everything's clean, yeah iran's when the right place and we will have a cleaning like our people clean it well yeah. So so a lot of you ask how we get em right. Do that how to buy into that? No. What I found you pry realises. Do I make you you ve coached, everybody bro, I mean you give talks and I mean every major car.
College, every major professional team in the world, you guys familiar. John Gordon he's an absolute legend when it comes to anything per. development and how he book should be written twenty eight, yet twenty eight looks I mean is like We're talking like one of the most influential people suffer, you guys were young that may not like nodes Gordon, as you should go check him out reading books, because a big reason of you know why people like me, or even doing the things that we do is because of that work. This man has done previously in his life. The? U understand that you know teaching people what they're getting out of the process is is is one of the most effective ways to get people to operate in a high level right, because we all think about what's in it. ross, naturally as human beings and we could Which people you know like people come in here and they look at the sink in the bathroom Iraq man, it looks like no one's ever used the sink while we wiped the sink out after we use it. So it looks that way on purpose, but why do we do that? While we do that? Not because we,
when John Gordon come in and see that the singers wiped out? We do that because we know that every single and that we wipe out the sink were actually attributing. And an accumulating more discipline to our own standard rights, making us better same thing with the weights in the waiting room, lotta people, and how do you do when people We do fire people, don't strain, awaits well yeah, they dont. Do it like three four times, but an issue we usually people buy into it, because they understand that you know that little attention to detail makes them better at what they do and, if they're better at what they do, they have a better life. So I think a big part of coaches miss what people, especially when more talk about performance, is tying it back to how it benefits. the individual, not just hey. We need to do this because this is our standard right. Most people are selfish and that what we all our everybody is we all look out did every single human on the face of the earth. That says you know, I'm completely self. Human being anybody says, are completely selfless, they're fucking gonna. Take some for me
there? There you're money is gonna, go from munich airport right. Yes, the line to be real, careful because the truth is we can be selfless. And we can understand that to be ultimately selfless. We have to be. elfish, get ourselves right first. This is why you know: when airplanes go down, they, don't they don't say put the mask on everybody else as they put on yourself, but you know, I think it's a balance that right, like we gotta we gotta, become aware of our own selfishness and then and then work intentionally to be selfless understanding that that's what ultimately creates the life that we want. Well and how you do. One thing is how you do every yeah, so you go to clemson football work with them work with the rams right. There focused on all the details, your people being focused on the details in the bathroom with the sink also says they're going to do that in their jobs. Yeah you go to a restaurant that has clean bathrooms. Okay, you probably can figure out. The kitchen is probably gonna be clean too yeah, but you're in a restaurant. That is dirty restaurant. You like
and I may not want to eat here, yeah yeah for sure man, though that's for sure gothic draw. I think so we we were talking about this before so sorry, but I think we I first met. You was outed as advent and in north carolina well, fidelity north carolina is my first match. Oh shit, I forgot about that yeah yeah. That was right. After my shoulder yeah right out right after I was right to our brought the axe area equally. Well, now more than let us on to play with there are those who offers measures, as it's been awesome good to see again. This is this. Is awesome culture yeah, I'm a student of culture yeah, I teach culture, but I'm always looking at culture. I work with in and out burger one of my clients. They've got a great culture. You can't make a hamburger unless you worked there for a year, yeah you're really there for a year before you can make a hamburger, and then you have to be chosen to be a hamburger maker. So it's like an honor,
say I want you to be an hamburger maker and even apprentice. Honour may think it'd be unloaded at right. Well, that makes sense as the product man you know like, it makes sense that you would be would bill value around the the the process of making the most important thing right. It makes little sense to me. us would you got going on what's new worthy man, so I just wrote a book called the one truth. Speaking about that, you know oneness and separateness. Everything comes down to oneness and separateness. Are we divided in separate you get weak when you're divide and separate, or we one connected and strong? So it's all about that. I've been speed In a ton like going nonstop from place to place, do a lot of events speaking at number coming up, but it it's been crazy. Just the amount events, I've been doing spear yeah. So well, that's that's! appropriate message effort, especially now you re now do what do you think a culture I now. I think I agree with you. One hundred percent by the way-
Every day everyone has everything they realize was well you I loved. There was the time, maybe about a year ago, when we were, we were talking. We we met. We were talking- and I said you know during covert. I stood up against the mandate and I stood up against cancel culture. Then you know it was a big risk for me, and you said now. The fact that you believe it was a risk is wrong. You believe that it as power. That's wrong that really stood out to me. That made me really think. Cancel culture only has power if you give it pass correct, and that was a huge lesson for me that you taught me in that momentum now it can affect you unless you believe the cat brightens eagerly bold yeah. Yeah, take a stand, so I'm huge on principle huge on integrity arm. You John leading the right way doing right thing, and so will we see now with culture we see it people doing the wrong things. We see a lot of misinformed
and we see a lot of lies there- is evil and evil will always lie to you and then make you feel like you're the lion yeah, and that's it's happening right now, so they were standing for truth or being told there, the liar know we're not the liars. We are speaking truth seller. I love that you're. Taking a stand. I think more people need to fear to address what kind of culture do we want to create in this country where we have to get back to what we stand for That's a maid amerika great everyone knew we stand for, and I think today people don't really know what america stands for, you have to get so diluted. Freedom like we stand for freedom, and if you stand for freedom and everything we should do should be about freedom and individual responsibility and your individual rights. So when things happen, where they try take away those rights where we more more see those rights eroded. That's a big deal in culture today, thyself so for me, I'm a big on individual responsibility
individual ownership, but also leaders doing the right things that is in the best interest of people. So I don't see that happening a lot today. Where do you think on tour? Like I agree with you on cancel culture, you know the cancel. Culture can only hurt you. If you stop, that's where it hurts you, you know, like people come to attack you and then you just stop doing whatever the thing is that you were doing or apologize or do that's. Where cancel culture will get you guys, have you to shore up the next day and start saying the same shit. Again there are come at you again. The next time they camacho is it's less and less. Then he show the next day and then they Matthew. Again, it's less last because brought these people want. These people come at people further reaction. They want the apology they want. They were the the crying video they want- the oh, my god, I'm so sorry for saying what I actually believe. That's what that's what is for
Okay, so if you never give it to them eventually, they're gonna find people that are going to give it to them. Where did you call them racist shit that didn't work out? I can defend my argument and I think that's a big part of it too. Is that a lot of fuller, so uncomfortable defending their positions, because they don't understand their positions that they can't find any sort of criticism, I am aware that not everybody I gotta, spectre audience to agree with everything I say when it comes to what's going on in the world, but I am very comfortable stay. In in front of someone whoever it is having a conversation about, why, I believe what I believe- and if you make a great point- and I say well- I've done. good point about. It like this is called being like a good communicator all and if you just communicate with the intense of solving the problem versus the intent of being right. now you're in a situation where I think conversations can be had, and so that's I'm trying to show people man, I'm trying to show people that, like hey, you could have stances,
but you can also be open other ideas and when people come at you that's ok, That's the way the world is right now, but if you, if you start that's where it hurts, you and I think a lot of people on you know date. They think that like oh, my god. They came for me and they ruined my life. No, you ruined your life because you stop doing whatever it was that you were trying to do and the reason why they are afraid yeah. So you asked me about culture. What do I see? I see fear yeah people are really struggling with fear, anxiety, chronic worry, chronic stress and we're not meant to go through life that way living that way, and you can see how people feel more and more separate when it comes to that. You know the route for the greek word of anxious means to separate and divide, and so, when you feel angry
if she feel separate and divided so these people feel divided, they feel anxious, so fear is taken over their life. We ending get them back to that wholeness healing that wonders that power. I discover the power that you have a when you look at the world. If you believe that the world has power over, you, then actually lower your state, a mine, nan, you s approaches, wilna very timid, weak way when you realise that you have the power to change a circumstance to define reality to create the future, then that oblivious state of mind and allows you to actually approach this world in a much more powerful way. I think I think you know most people out here and you travel the world bro you're, all replace I mean when I go when I go in public, which is rare, I really don't go in public that much, but when I do I don't see this division in real life, like I don't feel it in real life like when I go. When I do go out and to an event or the art or see people
all or even go to a sporting event occasionally or whenever, like this shit exist in reality only exist on this phone in its continuing to be so and stirred and stirred so that everybody can be at high levels of emotion and then re. tat, whatever the distraction might be, and it's very clear to me, the manipulations going on, but man like dijon. I we talk about this all the time do like winter. When do you think people are gonna, wait got too, like oh shit being made to feel this way intentionally like when? Is that going to happen, because that's what's gonna be required for us to really get things back on track? They even have a conversation of what america stands for. You know if workers instantly reacting to every single crisis that happens, and these crises are happening every three or four fucking days. Now. Ok, we just had you know we have the middle east situation. Now we have this shooter situation would like that. As anybody else notice, this is twenty twenty. The amount of crisis is has in
these tremendously at at at the rate of speed, the lag is yes road. This wasn't like is pre twenty twenty, like we have a situation where you know Some memory single three days: We had this national divisions, divisive crisis on the inner. Am I do a lot of it comes from like, and I ve no look. recall how I see it a lot of it. From you know not just a progressive left, a lot of it. From the conservative influencers too, because their sullen fucking shit on the views and the lot. That's the whole purpose right: they don't have a business, they don't have a career, they weren't relevant before twenty twenty and now they see it as their way too monetize themselves in they sensationalize the propaganda, think look under the under the preacher so they actually care pete people to start getting real like these people who
every single headline that comes down the pipe and say holy shit, look what's happening, oh my god, and then they I can tell you Bob. I should leave people do that these people are just manipulating you in a different way. they're getting you all hyped around something that you care about and then trying to monetize it when in reality broke the the The manipulation mechanism is the same emotions relations stirred high emotion and then a call to action. An actual recognizes, because I'm a fucking business guy right but, like most people can't see this answer indeed when I see like what's going on in the world man, it's just a massive marketing campaign geared towards us, but the marketing that their selling us his misery in anxious and depression and and finance hardship and you I'll be on healthy in our no man like I did the internet like
we'll talk, like, I think, the internet as a net negative for humanity. I think the world was better before the internet completely better and I think there's been a lot of good things, I think you know, there's money to be mad. There's connections to be mad, there's some good, Things are messy and or some good things, but I would say- and I will be here what your opinion is on this- as somebody who's lived, pre and post internet era. I one hundred percent would give away. Breathing. I fuckin have everything I own everything to go back to that life before the in every bit of recognition. I've gotten from it every six everything it was a better life. my computer was the cost broke. You don't even know what it's like While I do like that, I'm not working or now you'd know who can for the internet dull enough. Totally different people were different. It was a different thing like this whole
thing where people go on the internet and just berate people and and trust that ever happened in the real world do like these. growing up in high school right now, we're they're getting called out on the internet and bullied on the internet from the indifferent or weirder whatever that shit like dude, when I was in high school that sought right like you, you, you have to after school, and you know there's people turban and talking to shit. Now this it's all over. The internet browser like everybody seas Your parents see a dope currency. It. Oh school teacher, see it like really think about this. What that does the people by growing up as hardened man you're what was the last time you went somewhere and had a real? conversation with someone that actually meant something made. You feel good about people. You know like I just I dunno and I know it's never going to go backwards, but it just it's like I'm mourning for it cause. I'm like morning the way of life before the technology and, like I dunno part of me, wants to like I. I really think I will get to this point where I completely unplug everything and disappear from the fucking internet.
Where what's your take on the media, is the bible of the fearful and too many worship it nasser problem the thing? Is social media just magnifies and reinforces the separation and the division that they're like there's, always been binnacle division and there's always been comparison, is always been jealousy like when you, kid grown up and your neighbor got a new car. You were jealous of the neighbour that god new or the kid who was, the cool get in school got the new outfit. You know the new clothes and there was jealousy now, there's a thousand cool kids online and using it every single there. So the jealousy was there: the division was there. The bully Was there? It was just in person thought my neighbour it all the time. Look really I do for you. It may be stronger that was beat up for a while, then eventually he started doing the piano, and then I was able to beat up my neighbor and never beat me up again yeah. But I do that. My dad was in new york, city, police officer, undercover narcotics in our neighborhood. We we battled, we fought
so those are challenging times like that is not happening today. In that way. Now it's online now it's bullying. Now it's rumours and gossip and all the other stuff, but with also media. We often blamed social media, but it's really not social me and actually wrote about this in the one truth, its effect, they were we're looking outside. Instead of insight, and there is an evil? There's a force always trying to make it look outside of inside. To look at your circumstances, to look at others to look at the opinions of others and to actually look and think that that has power over you. This. I cancel culture. So the key as you should be able to look at social media there at times you pie, look at it and you in a great high state of my you're. You feel great your posit and it has no effect on you whatsoever. You. I got a bunch of move move forward at other days, weird the state of mind now feel it's a great doves coming your way, get alot of clutter. You look at that. So
the media and a really bothers you, what you say yeah, and so the key is to recognize it, and we have to teach kids this, because kids are always looking outside. Is why so many of them are stressed. An anxious, because they're not living their life from their purpose, their passion with their meant to do there looking at every one else and their life, and then they feel it. I quit and the more they feel inadequate. They then retreat from life and they don't have the boldness in the faith. Actually take on life, so this is as a great point where you're teaching. What I'm teaching, I think, is the same thing like you have the power to take on this life that you're not meant to go through like fearful anxious distress. Now you're meant to go We wait with power and peace and joy and confidence and courage, and this is how you need to go through life, so we can assure with kids the truth that this media crap has no power over you and I think that's where we have to get to where people recognise this media is a bunch of liars and when the media lies, democracy dies and when the media lies, it affects every one. And when we look at me, look at social me too. I actually think it's a good thing.
Because if we just had the media and not social media, we would never have the dissenting voices ya. Think It would be literally like pop again russian t vague yet which we have now, but at least we have the voices that keller right now so are so I agree with that point, but here so that that brings up the argument of is ignorance, bliss right right because we ask because we have all woken up to the amount of propaganda yet because the propaganda has become stronger because there has been dissenting voices so when went before you know, the internet was really a thing that they kind of. Let us live our lives in peace rights and, yes, you know they. They did all this dirty shit, but we'll get it pushed down our throats all the time we were, how'd, you like function in society properly, and since the internet's come along, it has created dissenting voices which has forced them to create new techniques to control those dissenting voice, which we end up with a situation where
yeah. Now I mean had of the discussion of like. Is it better to? Nor is it better to not now happy. When I don't know, that's why I have here when I didn't know what was happening is with you at a family gathering in talking about this. For those you dont know, they're just happy going about their life. They have no yeah understanding or realisation that their rights being taken away. I have no understand being lied to. They don't see what can come to the future that they haven't. Studied history than other had other countries like doing we know we can come here and I'm very concerned what can and may come here. If we don't take a stand. That's right! I agree with you one hundred per cent on that, and I think most people are waking up to that fact that a lot of people, some are still in denial, stem some don't see it, but you're right. Ignorance is blessed Gaza. I was a lot happier when I didn't know, but it's about finding the joy with the courage
to take it out and say, you know what I do know, this is evil. But how do we beat evil? Always with truth, and good, you see, I don't have any help join. You know mean like for me. This is total obligation at people have both have a hard time. Understanding that the reason I do really f the way I do it specifically the city I stuff is not because I like doing it, it's not because it's fine, it's because no one else has fucking balls to do it? Ok, and also, I recognise that you know my boss can't really fire me right, like you guys who have bosses in you, gotta keep quiet, I'm speaking for those people and its it's very falcon. It's a very large burden. Do like its view bert, it's very tiresome. It where's you out its emotionally draining and
I often find myself in this situation, where I'm asking myself is it worth doing, and it goes into the discussion that we're having right now like? Is it better to be ignorant and live in the dark and let these people just do what they do as long as we get the live somewhat peacefully or is it better or or is our time and in our our historical relevance. Okay, this is gonna sound, probably arrogant, neo testicle but, like I often times, think like fuck broken is what you are meant to do. You know you were meant to fight these fuckin people and their asses and get everybody straight on. What's goin on society and No, I have a lot of things that would make me to say why that's how Let me know when I look back over the course of my life and I think about you- know, meeting stabbed and what I learned through that and then my bit this journey and then like they're, just weird things that have happened. Like I end up living at a press, formal presents property. You know shit like that right. I don't. I can have come
it's you know like there's all these things and like people say well, how does that play into well? Like you know, if I had kids, I probably wouldn't have the courage to do what I do. You know what I'm saying. So it's a it's. This constant battle of like Is this? Why the fuck, I'm here or should I just go- live my life and let these fuckin idiot sort. The fuck out like it's just a hard disk you can t be easy route out of you. I did not deal with any of the year. This is the thing I don't love. You cited a day and a life up a sewn on you to rush out my life because I come on all the time guys. I don't think you understand what I don't have to do this. You know I'm sand and ever since the day in the life episode, which has been a week and a day, I've gotten thousands of messages from people like holy shit. You really don't have to do this yeah I've been trying to say that guy's, like that, I care about this shit. I care about you, I care about your fuckin family and I ask is very simply that you share the message or speak up or stand with me.
No, it is it's just like for three Half years man we ve been getting beat by these by these manipulate techniques in the media and these these criminals, and it's like four countries waiting for everybody to I get so tired of it stand fuck up. Man like we can beat these people very simply without violence by just standing together saying I know, but we of so many of these little people inside the move who are willing to like. capitalize on it for their own self gain, as opposed to like working towards a real solution than nothing ever get solve, because we're always infighting it's like look at, the situation between trump into santas right trumpet, santas the people, the people who, like the santas, hate the people who, like trump and vice versa, they hate him and up until the santa society he was going to run. For president, there was not that division. Everybody was like trump and the santas, and now you have this part of the of the community like legit.
Early eating each other up and like guys for why, like now understand like if you don't Stand that whoever wins that primary? You need a vote for to get us Out of this mess. So you're telling me you hate the other guy, so much of gonna fucking, this guy, You should have said like? We have to have some more common sense thinking in conversations and
and by the way, I'm a political I'm voting for the better out possible outcome. I don't give a shit about trump or santas. I care about fucking us. I dunno man. I think a lot of things. It's just you know it's interesting as I was walking around your place and going on the tour that actually came to me. That thought came to me like Andy's build. This he's had the skill, the ability, the persona, the boldness, the faith, the confidence, the courage everything you have. I said he's been brought to this moment to be a voice for our future. Like I had that thought as I was walking out- and you just said that which is really cool like I have no doubt that god will choose people along the way that will fight for freedom and individual responsibility, because there will always be a force trying to oppress. You want to hear some crazy dude. So when I pray and I always drew when I was a kid
I always told god I said: if you, if you help me, I promise I'll help other people and what I think is happening now is like I'm having to repay that debt now's your time to help him. That was my prayer to god, god provide for my family and I will do your work and for me that was a impacting people positive.
Many people thought that it would only for me to write articles. I hate how to show what I know and help you guys win and all this stuff, and now it's become this all other thing, but who can do what you do? That's a thing like I add a lot of people could know, but in the nba coach had a star plant come to them. The goat and constantly complain about the other members of the team there. Not this they're, not that they're, not this in the coach said if they were that they'd, be you and that's why you stand out and that's why you're superstar, and so we wish other people would do it, but not everyone can. I believe they can all be bold, be reduced, but they also can do what you do in the way that you do. I can't do it the way you do it, I'm a fighter, but not the way, you're a fighter. So it's it's different, but I have also made the sand
my wife and I have talked about this like as the future comes depending on what happens in the future like we will take a stand like we will take a stand for others. It may mean we lose everything, but we will take a stand for the future of this country. We do have kids but for their future, and they, like my son, loves your stuff. They they I think that wag like there. We know that we're in a fight for the future of this country and also for the moral fabric of this country and what we need to create going forward together. So so, but it can be done again, I'm all about positively, like positively doesn't mean weak. Positivity actually is strong because you believe the best is yet to come. You gonna take the action necessary to create the best outcome and you can be positive and fierce. So, like I've looked on positive, but I'm competitive a mere scale, so I believe this is the way
it should be so, let's make itself so sometimes we get data reminds me of a like some of the coaches that work with at the top level. He's like these guys allow the burden of the jobs there to bring them down, but would I remind them of is that love casts out fear so anytime? You start to get fear or down you're, allowing the weight of everything to take hold. That's actually what the enemies trying to do to keep you from your destiny have you from being courageous this out. Just give up the screw it outside of our late in everyday life, but no one knew when you love the battle, and you love the competition and you love the ability to tend to take on this challenge. Just every time you started like get fresh re, just remember I'm going to love this bout and love that I get to do this dude. It's such as gonna say that's going to get you to a higher standard, that's so sick dude, because I cannot quit right like I can't quit anything like it's
it's so good in some areas and in some areas it makes my life fucking torture bro invite. I feel what you're saying man and I I take it to heart, and I appreciate your sharing that, because that's helpful for me to think about it, helped me for helpful for me to know that that other people feel that way. You know what I mean big time so anyway, you know how the show works brother. So we we get quite. it's from the audience and then we try to answer him so you're not going to a secret. What yeah I got some groans I always get into it my guys, eighty giant crush on. I appreciate that bro like that talk and I'm glad I'm glad, I'm actually glad we had it on the show for people to hear yeah. I really am glad to yeah that's real shit. Man. Thank you that will John eighty questionable. recently, I was told that I am not spontaneous is enough and that I require a rigid timeline for myself, which impacts others
as our self reflected. I suppose that's an accurate assessment. I raised. My four children. I've been a teacher for seventeen years so to say function well with strictness in time. Management is an understatement. My question is, how do I know if what I thought was strength, may act. We be a weakness. How can, distinguish between having high standards for myself very
it's being too rigid for those around me as what have I've got on this? Is it keeping you from what matters most to you and what will make you be your best self? It's keeping you from that. If you're being rigid, if you're not making time for relationships because you're focusing on your routine more than your relationships, then you're probably being too rigid, but if it's helping you get better helping you improve eh. If it gives you the freedom to actually do what you love and also to be your best, then that routine and that richness is actually a good thing. I have found on my journey, though I have allowed the routine the schedule to get in the way of what as most and so at times I can allow that to get the best for me and I don't bring out the best in me for others. So that's how you would know. What would you call me? Would you say that there is like a period, though, like you, because I think logarithm the conversation of balance. While I got a big one, especially for young people, but like would you
though, that there is a phase of your life that you have to go through were there is now, gonna, be this corner eco balance that expect to have like there's gonna be working using your life were hey, like listen, some things that do matter on the grand scheme of things can't really matter right now, in this moment or in this phase of your life, yet of believe in balance in life. I believe, a rhythm, you'll, never mind bout, anybody was pursuing greatness or a company like There's an building, something amazing will not have doubtless in their life. There's a season for everything for the keys, define the rhythm in your life of the seasons, so my family, we, a rhythm where July, in December things slow down and naturally find time to really spend together, but on that. Having thousand the course in my day, everybody, my wife about seven days. You you you and I both do that so well, you bought you guys are brave friends by the argo, france, people, people who know and john a great friends and am tom. I am. I lit
you guys, do that so well, and I that about both of you I feel like when it comes to the balance. Think I think it depends on when you ask someone what they will say, what answer they will give like. If you asked me my first ten years of business, if there was balance, I would laugh in your fucking face. I would be like bro you're insane and honestly, if you ask me that right now, because we're in a position where we're leveling from a mid sized company into a you know a small large company, and I will laugh in your face. So I think it's important for people to recognise that, if you're in the beginning of the journey and you're talking about balance, brow you're not gonna, make it it's impossible. It takes too much to get something started. What, if you're starting something in and by the way this could be your career? It could be your europe Two hundred pounds of way it could be a business. it could be an organization it could be. A charity doesn't matter of its new balances guy.
If you want to be competitive, real talk, guy, you're, going to have to put that time in you're going to have to put the wraps in you're going to have to put in the struggle. That is a requirement now, if you ask, let's say you know, let's just take a famous athlete right like a if you asked kobe bryant, kobe right: okay, well, caress bad example, because he never got to live his other part of his life. Now, that's actually a good example, because how I look at balance is over the course of a life right like how I break down balance and how I break down my life is so different than what like most people. Think of when I think of it. I think of life in twenty or chunks, and then I think, of inside those twenty or chunks. I think three to four year, like spurts, and then inside the three or four years I think of one year s, we're quarters of a game, ok and
and I pray you live hard might live our programme to operate, took to produce the most during that one year. So when I break down how I frame out, how I look at life, it's I don't think people look at it like that. I think most people kind of like look at their balance. As a day super micro ya. Like do I do I do I spent enough time my kids today, or did I do get some time for me to day and do you're gonna go years. Without that time I mean not just reality. If you're trying to build something great, so we think about balance I found a more realistic way to look at balances over the course of life, where You're gonna have seasons where you're gonna have to go all in and it's not for a week and not for a month. Brown is four years This is real shit like if you wanna, be anything it's for years that creates some financial freedom. You get a little bit more. You get a little bit more freedom, and you get a little bit more balance and then they might become.
Time where you have to go again, and you know, then it's all in again right, and so when we look at balance, especially from a beginner standpoint, I think is a very, very, very bad add thing to do, to expect that you're going to have it at all it's reality and when we see all these go on the internet, saying that that's what thereafter wilder what you're after and you're trying to be greatest? Something? That's a no win situation. It just is so. no, I think it's I you stick it's important to have the proper expectations No, if you wanna be a reg, a person, a reg. joe and on a regular income and by the way, I'm not judging the shows predicated on people at one of the great things If that's what you want to do then balances We achieve on a daily basis that something that you could probably do, but the rest of you guys you trying to. It that way
it's not reality is only going to make. You feel bad about yourself. It's only going to make you have less confidence, you're going to feel like shit, you're, going to feel extra guilty because you're not giving yourself to these other people. That probably would like to habit, and to have the success that you want to create that it takes times of of of actual selfishness. We're like I am. this is what I'm doing, and this is my priority, and this is why I'm going to go after an area he s kind of like, is what it is in those the sacrifices that it takes to get to get. I mean, do like we're in a competition. This is where people fail to realise that this is a walking competition like there's all issued on the internet about Oh my god, I'm competing against me. Yes, that's true! That is true. You are your biggest competitor eleven inside right behind right, yeah, right outside that competition is a real competition. We are competing us real human beings who are trying to do this things that you're trying to do and there's only so much room for the winners, so this
idea that there's endless abundance in an endless winning an endless being. The best is not actually true. Ok, now Is there abundance? Yes, but you have to compete very hard to have it, and these are just two things that, like twitter five years ago, dude were common sense, common sense bro, but I was taught growing up and like I said this young kids are twenty years all right. What do you mean? What do you mean that everybody can I broke out? is your ball winners other year, there's one home. The mvps on a team of suitable there's one, how many piece of elite there's one sports It's so bizarre to me. That society has gotten so off track All these other areas of life in terms of understanding reality of how they work, but yet every sunday they were to end I, and then they this new image of how life really works, which means the
who put in the most work who the hardest, who become the basket the biggest fuckin paychecks and are the champions They're, watching this exact metaphor for her, Wife actually works every sunday. Turning round and pretending like saw how that our two, how many of these nfl guys that these guys are balanced. Bro These are young men who are literally warriors brother, putting our armor every sunday in going on trying to kill each other. These do for now ballots grow these guys. Lord Kelvin I'll, say everything. I do everything. I e everything. I train everything I read. Every single thing in my life is geared towards this battle. I'm trying to win. That's your life dude and that's what people can understand. They want to believe it's like this flaw. The nice thing internet you know when I say what I just said that is so pissed off, and it's like okay well show me you,
piss shout pissed off show me what the fuck you achieved. Show me because I know I'm right, I've seen it a thousand times this man, coaches, some, the best coaches in the world. Some of the biggest fucking, names in the world do to my right? Yes, ok, This is how it works. Man like there's no other recipe to its credit, actual order, its the already man it's. This is why big lions who were or the tablet applied, eventually by the younger alliance. This is how it works. There is not You can do. Well, you get old. You can't do this shit, no more than a killer that the psycho life man darling. All that you can do is to be too bad as mother fucker, for as long as you can be. Until someone takes you out, that's what the game is
Oh, I don't know when your success. Will you take care of those who can take care of you and you have the old lie in nice. If you try to do the same, whereas what well? That's why the goal, if you're in business, is to become so big that it's late you from that, you know, otherwise they will take your shit in also that's, why rhythm is so important, nine hours, because What any sane is so true, because if you see that and you try to achieve balanced and you're, not you now feeling guilt, in shame, and I mean a lot of women out there who work in the working world and they have this gilding chamber. They have kids and they're not doing enough at home. Then they're not doing enough at work, and so they have a double dose of guilt. Which is a double dose of misery, grow idea your life. When you have that right, I get too, because I can. I watch all these people on the internet, who aren't me who are doing what I do about how balanced they aren't, how perfect they are, and then go over and you don't. We
there's mean Emily and everybody I care about, like paddle in the boat, is harvest for cuplike holy shit brow, I'm a fucking tyrant like that europe say like, but but I gotta remember word a different path and those people are on and we and you can't feel guilty for joy the path that you're trying to be the best at it? It's what you're, focused on what your mission is. Where do I asked my dog my daughter's twenty five. Now that I travelled to much cause. I was gonna lot when might give three young speaking all over building the business building. My name you. She said that I remember you gone. I remember when you were home, because when you were home you were so engaged with me and with with com. My son, you engage were present and I would but her lacrosse ornaments against July December november, slow times, but that's where they remember so our listen in the Know
everything any scene is true. You didn't, even if you don't brushed her ass, to be successful, but at the same time rhythm might be. I work six days and I have that one day that I engage with the family. Take that time for them. It might mean I would two weeks straight and then I had that day it might mean a month where you know what hey family, who is right? Now we get a product launch on that could be around, but after this month after the launch, let's make time to do this this in this, and then you do that. That's how you can actually make it work for you, but the greatness of the great they call it a dark side of success. Could this be truly great? You have to sacrifice, and there has to be a cost- that you're willing to pay to actually be great at what you're doing I mean I was writing. Every morning when I was running my twenty books and I still write that the morning costs every morning to write that on that spending with my family and I'm writing, but my kid saw that, and now they have a different spend a different understanding than others.
It's who grew up in a different way. It's not really a sacrifice here, though dude, because you get something out the other end guy. That's what people this is not immediately yet? I know yes something We're gonna have to I'll be done or you're not going to be at the thing or whatever it is, but there is something that comes out the other side, and you have to remember that that's coming and that's going to happen. If you continue- and I did, the guilt thing is a big deal for me cause I've I get caught up in that sometimes right the internet, become so touchy. Feely and cultures become so touchy, billy that even like somebody like me, can get like in my field. Too much and start feeling guilty but every time I do I remind myself do not want a different path. I want a different path, I'm on a different path. And that person ass a question you're on a different path. So don't feel guilty for that one because you got some friend or some friends saying you more balanced, look broke real talk in this discussion
some feelings, but every mother. fuck you I never known. My entire life told me: I need a more balanced and half those motherfuckers asked me for jobs. Ok, so real talk. So there is good things that come of being on your own path and being committed to it and just because you're, not you, know, sitting on the internet, with your meditating and touching the grass for seven hours a day drifted fucking, you know, kombucha like a now showering like just because you're like actually being a productive human beings that something you should feel guilty about in all its rush it. I love it. Man guys giants, number two guys. I quit my job in April I started my landscaping company and things are going rate with That being said, I keep having days where I feel like. On top of the world and then every day. I feel like a total market value to than it might take years before. I can say that I am getting a going, but Michael
She is at what point do things our two level off, and how do I get myself to that point quicker? No man. and the wrong person. You know I'd be lying. If I put here and dj knows these, you're no two, if I were to sit here and answer this question, sale, yeah right here? This time this is when you figured out everything works are great and you know I never had a problem ro, I be lying you're. Your fucking face like this our days where I feel like I could fucking legit run into the white house in pale these motherfuckers and conquer the world bro. and then there are days where I have to say rate myself out of bed like that. in those days usually are back to back. I don't know, maybe we're bipolar brow. I don't know. I haven't solve the puzzle to that. That hasn't that I am not I entered that season of figuring that out about me. I
I am very hot and cold. I am very streaky. Here's what I figured out the I have been able to manage. That about myself is to be committed to a structure. where I know on building momentum, even if I don't feel like I'm building momentum. This why I love the live hard programme so much because even those days I wake up and I feel like I've, had a scrape myself out of bed and I start to have negative self talk or I'm like fuck. You know in our european shit, which I have to say about that too, but. Even on those days, I can look back and back what are you talking about dude for the last sixty eight days, you were fucking literally perfect, like nobody's doing that so like that, having, like actual evidence to back up what I'm I've been doing in taking action in my life when I feel those low days really helps a lot. That's a big thing for me, it is? Also important that doesn't ebb and flow to thought till they ll be is that you feel very positive and everyday. You feel negative. I caught high state of mind and low state of mind, and so
I see to mine is characterized by a lot of clarity. Let us focus lotta positivity a low state of mind, a lot of clutter, a lot of anxiety, a lot of stress, a lot of worry one day you in traffic and a the next year in the same traffic, and it doesn't, is the traffic that's making. You feel a certain way. Yes, We know that this is more than anything is a tragic than the trap that would make you feel the same way all the time the pandemic, some people struggled and the pandemic. Other people thrived people blame the pandemic. It wasn't a pandemic, it's our state of mind, when you state of mind his high, the circumstance happens in your rise above you move forward. When you state of mind is low, seem circumstance happens and a really bothers you it. If that's you in sports, you make a bad play low state of mind. You think our man, what I do revved up thinking and then now you think something's wrong, something's broken and they try to fix it high state of my
you make a badly like like. Let's go next flight to wichita state of mine and I would say you have these highs and lows states of mind which defined how we respond to the situations. So the key is for that person is stay. The course. That's part of roma business. There are some days. You figured out building anything and even now, when you have success, you still feel like you're, not doing enough. You still like you could do more Bessie always realise that they ve never arrived at the door of greatness like like now, I'm never arrived. I gotta keep guy dominion, I give a ride to get slammed in your face, yeah, and so that high state of mind is so helpful for people, because the key is to realize you're on a rollercoaster and when you feel like the roller coasters going down But if you want to jump off the roller coaster, you gonna give up, don't jump off, don't escaped to make people scape, they do drugs, they drink. They play video games. Why, They tried to avoid the low state of mind that they have this feeling they have to discomfort a lot of discomfort. So what you do is you stay on the rollercoaster and then what happens? Is you write it back up?
we're going to have this for most of your life, yeah hi states in low states, and then, when you realize this, though- and you realize it's not the circumstance- it's not the traffic, it's not my company, it's not my status. What happens is instead of these highs and lows that are very steep. It actually becomes it's more more. You know equal more, you know leveled out yeah more leveled out and then that allows you to move forward and more powerful. Why were these events these circumstances, the situation my business doesn't affect? I stay the course working with the miami heat one year. They start out eleven and thirty. They finish thirty eleven. What happened? They stayed the course they stayed positive. They stayed connected. They didn't allow this circumstance. to define their mindset. They kept their mindset going and then their circumstance basically was the result of their mindset, love them. I I I think life routine. I did. I explain a little bit different way. You know I feel like.
When times are the hardest is when you learn the most and I feel like when people opt out of the hard times what What are actually doing is denying an opportunity for growth and a skill acquire acquiring a scale that they wouldn't would not other hat. I should just didn't instruments to run this yesterday, where I was talking about how the ultimate Skill set to have is grit and and the ability to knock wit, because. While in my life the only way out acquire these skills has come through the depths right of its come through the hard times where I wanted to quit and ever time we pushed through one of these times where we want to quit now Why do we and acquire new skill, but other people who are on the same path as us: they do quit aright sold them more times you can push through the hard shit, the more skills you acquire, the less competition there is.
So you end up in a position where you more and more more skill and you less and less and less competition- and this is what they did- the importance of endurance and pay She threw actually is a strategic tactical, great play to run because, after twenty years of that, you end up on some mountain that you climb in there's. Nobody else around and not only is nobody else, climbed it. You have all wisdom and all these skills that none of them were able to acquire because they quit, so I do. When I look at entrepreneurship, and I talk about you- know, about the most successful people. I know dude that people think they make up these hard, stories rightly call you: gotta have a hard story to tell on the internet no The reason their successful, if because of those hard, stories that actually happened to them and and I've had millions. A conversations about this like over the years were business. going up and down and up and down in up and down and and here's the
thing that I think, makes your point yours. in a different way, but I agree with it. A hundred percent is that you know, I don't think it over. For me- I never saw it as like it gets. It gets more levelled out. But my Ability to handle things that would normally mess other people up becomes. Much more much stronger right so like the bombs that do come like like, where I'm at in life right now, right like these calls from people I know in their freaking out about so. Unlike what what's the problem do sound, a real say: Roeder just do this, it is less than a real problem right. So just someone is a mountain, but you see that you're here, because here, as you ve been through so much of it right, so you become condition to the normal. Jobs and flows, the happen and even woods, moderately bumpy feels pretty smooth. It doesn't really feel out of order until it gets real bad. You know and so that's part of the
Until conditioning that you have two halves and cheaper. You have to be able to push through these hard times, but you also have to realise that there is a legitimate tactical advantage to grow. It. There is a legitimate tactful advantage to being mentally resilient and tough and showing up and giving everything you have especially on the days were everybody else? Quits like those are the biggest winds? Everybody thinks the is winds. Are the the trophy? here the money or the house or the lifestyle that's out of is when bro the biggest win. Is that time where you almost quit, but didn't without those wins, the other winds are impossible to achieve and so like give ourselves in credit about the real winds here. The real winds is when you'd rather do anything, worse than what it is you're supposed to do, and you still do it. That's the biggest win could ever have a human being least that's my experience as so good that is so good is inversely is your partner and growth, and I
back to my life, you know I opened up restaurants. I second movies my home, twenty thousand thousand credit cards to open up this first most southwest grill franchise. We were the first most health was go in florida, fifth, mose indians. our country, we have everything on the line and we were barely hanging on by a thread, but that taught me that made me stronger it did meagre out there. When I became a writer speaker, the energy bus was rejected over thirty publishers near my first book. That book is now sold over three million copies but rejected by thirty publishers, but I had the great I didn't except projection. I kept going kept believing everything you ve been through in your, past makes you stronger for your future, and I love you said because you don't see the mountain you see the hill because you ve been through met that at one point I would like now, but another hillside, yeah, and so you see up later, firstly, is reporting, growth and also adversaries are two rivals are
negative people. Are we often to realise that we should give it a negative people when you face somebody's negative, when you face a rival, I was just what you have a rival in high school power. yeah game. Everyone had a rival cause. Your arrival made you stronger. We all need a worthy opponent. My good friend has a book coming out about the. The worthy opponent helps you grow it. If you don't and the worthy opponent you're not going to be who you're meant to be, and god gives you worthy opponents in your life to sharpen you and to make you stronger throughout your life dude at our our laughin because, like you, ve heard, the story that grover tells about about Michael Jordan kind of making up here enemies. Oh yeah, you know so like you. I don't talk about this publicly anymore, because it was just too fuckin ruthless and it got to the point where, like people like legitimately didn't want to be around me because I thought I like a fucking crazy person, but I have a list of people in my head that I fucking hate I fucking and and they might be great people.
be the nicest people, the best people in my mind, I falkland hate them, and I wanted to crush them. I want to in fucking house down. I want to eat their fuckin food at their fucking table. Brow, like I fucking hate. them and that drives me so much as a human being, but like a kid hawk about no, it gets to say it like. Why didn't you just like sweden will grandmama fidget I don't really hate that like if I saw him in person it would be all good and it's just like I I operate in that space. So well, it drives me so well, it's such a good driver for me because I'm just an ultra competitor so like when I get to a certain space where I'm feeling complacent I have to start and the list, unlike our russian is, and they don't. You know, They don't even know they don't even know they're on the list. I didn't you know, I'm like alright one, two, three four, I'm going to fucking annihilate all of these people, and I dont,
by attacking them I do it by going out in winning in my own way, I, like you know It's funny cause like. I never talk about it anymore, because people think it's crazy, but you know tim told me that tim him grover hook, who was Michael Jordan's trainer and had been a mental culture of many many high level people, a great friend of mine, on huge mentor, mine too. You know he told me that story about Michael, like making up shit that people were saying to him like he. He he be in the game, dude and somebody would be like coming up to to defend him and he bet what the fuck did. You say, what did you say: and the guys like what is like, I fucking heard that but like now show the same does not apply here. Do that in most every level minister dark side, energy brown, unlike certain people, are wired for eight hundred to me. For me,. personally that is the most powerful energy like the most
the worst thing you could do to me. As someone who competes with me is talk shit about me say one fucking word brow like I'm the guy like you hang the headline in the locker room, and I will literally destroy myself to two fucking win. My guess is what it is, and I I've here's that DJ almost every super high itchy right ever met. My wife is the exact same way. They can say all this: positive image of women as they allow that's right. They might not saying a person. They may now we'd be willing to admit it, but every single killer that I've ever met, even the ones smile- and you know you think are the night bro. These people will slit your fucking throat in their mind that they will dude. I love it yeah. I love it. Man doing what I do, and he has such a great case study mean that is fascinating to me as as a mental coach, yeah and works on mindset, I'm just as I'm saying that I'm thinking yes, that's true killers, yeah killers,
but is Michael Jordan happy in his personal life, now know that that's what I'm saying you have to draw a box around and you can't be real right. You know what I mean like it's gotta, be this thing that you kind of comp compartmentalize when I was younger. It was real like it was real shit, now it's like this thing that I build in my mind to fuel me- you know like, feel like doing some about us, Are you gonna, let in fill in the name of a demo. Further win now we'll get fucked up it's just what it is I love when they do. The documentary and Andy is going to be. I took it personal for that and that's a good job. That's true That is what it is there. how going to sit here pretends it's not fucking love, but here's the thing in real real talk, I'm thankful for those people. I respect those people. I am thankful for because of what they provide me in fuel and there's been a number People are not gonna, namely names who, over the years, I've actually become really close friends with whom,
at one time on that list. For me, the only mean because, like I, I value what they ve provided me and then we'd be and are becoming free. where you rivals yes and you competing in many ways against we really competing for ya. Could they may you better in the area, and you may done better by running heart? You know them Gaza? Eighty, our third and final question question number three. hey guys in a management role, how you find the balance of mentoring, your subordinates or employees, while maintaining professional boundaries. Context, We have made it a priority to cultivate a company culture. What everyone feels supported and is family. Like I know there is a balance of being interested and knowledgeable about each staff. Members, personal life to it agree, but I at times there.
Personal draw more struggles a boiling over into my lad, but when they say that something in their lives is affecting their mental state, which in turn affects the productivity and an urgency and work. I feel confused as to what to do. Please advise on the table, you're in love and accountability. You gotta have both and you gotta set this day. This is our standard for our company for team are department. We have the standard and ominous support you. if you encourage you and love you along the way, but we have a job to do like we're here and we're getting paid and we exist because we have a business, we have a company whatever. It is a police department. We have a role and responsibility for what we are to do and we can't let outside forces get in the way of that so We know- and we set the clear expectation that this is what we're about like we're here to work together. Again, it fell players.
they become friends but are also on jobs, ripe and have a job to do, but difference, coaches and a player coach love that player, but guess what the players to perform willingly a cut, so you gotta before me have a responsibility to that job and do their role. I'm gonna! Let me alone way, so you made that very clear up front and carry about someone and being Thus in their life, doesn't mean that they should be bringing their drama to you. That's where the boundaries get cross, because your job is to come to work every single day and beer best and ringing. Best no view of personal things going on your personal life and so forth. Sorts effect. Your mental health, obviously you and have services, and you want to be able to provide solutions for that's on that thing. You not carry on that person, but at the same time, when that process, complaining or constantly bringing their personal german not your role as the manager or the leader to be dealing? that might my knows, like don't bring me drama, bring me
What's going on your personal life just had a baby. If a loved one were going to we're going to support you, we're going to be there for you, but don't bring me your drama. That is off limits and that's is not allowed because that hurts our performance. It hurts our mission and we're here to do a job. I don't think a lot of people realize. First of all, I agree with everything said. I think culture as a whole has somehow made people feel I like that? Every single person in their life must accommodate every single ebb and flow of their life, and that should not reality. Reality is Exactly what you said we're here. We have a mission, we're here be great at it and whatever is going on in your life that fuck set up. I'm gonna put someone else in their because if I don't I'm letting down the other four hundred people here right, so That's a reality that the workforce has to come to terms with For the last ten years we ve had this situation, where everybody's touchy
really in everybody's extra. You know, carrying. And kind, and this is the thing and they ve forgotten wild. That's a good thing performer, is the thing that drives everything else, and so we think about you know. Let's just say in somebody with a career. If you're someone who brings every single thing to the office that happens to you, no matter how good you are your job, you will be passed over over and over and over again for opportunities, because your leadership clearly understands that you are cultural issue: ok, you're, a distraction to everybody else, insult for practicality purposes I think it very important that people realise that, while your leadership and while your managers, you know at any level, may accommodate and deal with, because we care about you, your issues right.
that will actually cost you opportunity without you realising it, because when it comes time for that, promotion or the advancement or the opportunity that part it will be taken in a place even if they don't say anything to you about it at the time you know so like if you have three people that are equal candidates for a opportunity that you have an organization and you have two of them consistently bring their drama or the gossip or their problems or any of the shit, those people we'll stay right where they are, regardless of their performance in the people who don't have that baggage will continue to move up, and this is the reality of any organization. If let us talk, we talk a lot about the nfl. Let's talk about the nfl combine Ok, then, it's all combine is a little display of your actual physical skills, hau fat, sk in IRAN. How jobs. Are you how stronger you how? tall, are you how much do you weigh? Do you have any injuries and then
had this other thing- basically like a character, tat. ok, and then they evaluate what were all the things that this person it did when they are in college. What kind of drama did they have with girls? What kind of crimes did they commit? What kind of distractions were they for the team? and every single nfl draft there are players that are amazing, like this highly talented maybe the most talented players that do not get drafted because of the excess baggage that come with him, because team understand what that damage can do to the organization and your period in your team, no matter where you work, they understand that too- and this is unwritten unspoken thing that people should be aware if you have to create boundary not only as the manager and the leader, but also as the the team member like you like when you want that and you want to bring that she's. The scabbard ask: ok, is
bringing this stuff gonna come up later, as it's gonna hurt me later, because if it is it's probably best handle it and that bring it now John says, like we're giants, says like events, a death or it's a real thing or something I was born down are facing tragic! That's different! We're talking about gossip and drama gossip and roma, or for the weakest? the visuals in society knows. people never win in the reason they never win in spite of what skills they might offers, because the people who are the gatekeepers to their opportunities, understand that lateral damages created with that baggage. So this is something that, like all of you, guys, were entrepreneurialism her in a career. You should really examine, because a lot of people get past up over and over and over and over again for opportunities, and I can't figure out why they have great statistical numbers. They They do everything are supposed to do and more and they didn't, but you didn't realize their three other people doing that and those are two of them are bringing the other stuff
so this is super important for you to be aware of, and it is reality. It's not bullshit is not just the way. I think this is the way any leadership thanks, even if they're not transparent with you, at which, usually, they aren't because they're trying to be carrying an with that situation, so yeah I mean, do you just can't? Do it like it's not reality. love, tough right, you love team, you love your people, but then you earn them I d challenge them and if I love you, I'm not going to let you set over anything, but your best. I got to hold you accountable to our standards, our culture, our values, our principles and how we do things and if you are performance, is suffering from our standard, then we have to talk about and after coach you up or maybe at times let you off the bus gone back to I would like in today's, where we're seeing kids get upset, what a coach, coaches and heart, but these great coaches, like that's, how they coach and it's how they get the most out of some of these kids. Now the best coaches love their plans,
They do love em, but they also challenge them and so you're watching the aim at home, and you see a coach be harder to playing all. Oh. What's going on that player knows that coat loves him, but now that coach is being hard because that player is doing something. That's hurting the team, so you gotta make sure that you're not hurting the team and again if that one person is actually the everyone else. It doesn't mean you don't care about them. You care about everyone else, We are constantly acquiescing to the person. Who is the problem? then that means you're actually allow and that person to sabotage everybody on the team in the organization. What signal are you sending to the people? Who are your actual winners? What what what signal as a leader. Are you sending to your team to all these great people on your team who shop every day and do it we think are supposed to do without causing any problems when you're giving the attention to the person that does what does that tell you? What does that tell them? It tells them that if they want to should we knew? What are they gonna? Do
MR bring my okay. That's how they're going to get your attention, and now you have a problem that replicates itself through a culture of cancer. Exactly so this is the the these. Are the Intricacies of leadership that people don't think about, you know a lot of people they get cut from a team or fire from a job, and there like. Well, you know: that's not fair well from europe push that did it feels that affair, but from the leadership respected there looking at the four hundred other people that they have to look out for their families, their kids, their futures and europe. you're you're standing in the way of that right and so like dude. There should be some. That's not fair. It's not exactly always two sides to what point you put in leadership positions after two I'm there to deal with abortion or effect like that's, really bad about them. They never think about that brow and then, when they get fired, a cut or moved on the water do. They go on the internet and fuckin boo hoo without
well the other side of the story that they were a fucking problem here? You know what I'm saying like dude this is. This is a big problem. Going back to the first topic of conversation and culture, we have moved from We have moved so far away from reality that we now operate in this make believe land that that is so worked that if you just lose to operate your wife in the real structure in the framework of how things work, which is natural order? Ok, the best win, the they win the most. They get the most they fucking around them. To eat the best and the best fuckin lives. If you're, the best that is reality bro, that's reality. If you rate was inside that framework you're gonna, be fine? you operate in this other framework, whereby you think everybody cares about your shit, do real talk. Most people are waiting for you to shut I fuck up and get out of their office because they got real shit to worry about that's real shit and like do to it
People who have set when they say that, because they think that work has become some sort of therapy session, as I do well, team were that were worth we're. Fucking, clemson bro we're trying to win a national championship every day. Like just does Dabble sweeney, allow people to come in and disrupt his team culture, or does he cut em? There's mixed saving allow people who come to practice because Drove broke up with them and dropped seven passes and road say on the team. No this is reality. Performance dictates success, your feelings do not so can you performed The face of your feelings: can you perform in the face of hardship? Can you perform in the face of tragedy? Can you performed when the law Ask that you want to do is perform. If you could build yours, of into that person, you will have no proof, succeeding if you're anything else, it's gonna be rough, simple rule no complaints, Earl, you not allowed to complain about you come with a solution yet so get rid of all toxic complaining, complaining rule. I love that that is a great role.
I love it may will does eighty john and those three yet John thanks so much for common on the show man, forward this for a long time now we got. Do it again here, love that with us yonder Tom reassures us all of your rob s growing a brother working. Everybody support you like. What's your biggest thing that you got going on right now, they could read the one truth which I they will help them live with more power. Instead of feeling powerless the once you get one truth that come get once you that time they could find we on social media at jungle and eleven jail, Gordon eleven, and this is ass. We are just eating Yang in some ways, but also so a line, and so many where I was really it's a different perspective. Look man, you ve been doing this for a long time. I appreciate the I appreciate the different perspectives, How to see these things? It's it's not every day that I get the sit with someone. Who's who's been generally doing this longer than I've been doing it. Who can This is why I have such a great friendship say I learn everything
we'll time I talked to add. I fucking learn something and it's no different with you, we should. Rather, maybe I guys that's the show don't forget to pay the fee, don't be a hell of a show sleeping on the floor. Now my jewelry box frozen the fucker, still counted million in the kobe teach Buddhist got a rope. Kang doesn't know headshot case club.
Transcript generated on 2023-10-31.