« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

591. Andy & DJ CTI: Dave Chappelle's Pro-Palestinian Rant, Trump Fined $5,000 & SCOTUS Vs. Biden Admin's Censoring

2023-10-24 | 🔗

In today's episodes, Andy & DJ discuss Dave Chappelle's Pro-Palestinian rant as the crowd cheers 'Free Palestine' encouraging Jews to leave, Trump being fined $5,000 for violating gag order, and the SCOTUS to decide if the Biden admin illegally bullied social media into censoring content.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The one number for the countless millions in kobe teach Buddhist got to thank rolph, can't kang, doesn't know headshot case club. What is up guys are changing for selling. This is to show, for the really say goodbye to the wife, the fitness and delusions of modern society. Welcome to the mother fucking reality guys. Today we have Andy and dj cruz, the mother fucking, and that's we're going to do that's what ctr stands for it stands for cruise. The internet is where we put up headlines on the screen. We speculate on. What's true, and what's not true, we talked about we, the people, that's us
Can be the solution to these problems going on in the world other times we have q and a f. That's what you heard yesterday. That's where you submit questions, and we give you the answers now you could submit your questions a few different ways. The first way is guys you can email those questions in to ask Andy at Andy for salah dot com or, if you go on youtube and you go on the q and a episodes which post on monday- and you drop a question in the comments we'll pick some from there as well. Don't forget to subscribe. other times, we have real talk, we'll talk just five twenty minutes of me, giving you some real time. that I think needs to be said. Sometimes we have full light. We actually have a really good full length for you coming up this week. Now we're somebody comes in whose interesting and we have a conversation with them, pretty much like every other podcast you ve ever seen ever and we have seventy five heart versus now. Seventy five har versus is an occasional podcast that we do. We bring someone who has done seventy five hard the programme not to challenge the programme,
and has taken their life from a bucket of shit to a bucket of non shit. Ok, Ah, you get that programme for free at or to await an audio feed is not on youtube or I we were not doing youtube until the beginning of this year. tremendous support on you too. By the way, it's been amazing having a lot of fun with it. Especially on the daily life up soon. I really appreciate the support on that. I was cool, but if you would like get the seventy five hard program? You get it for free episode to await idle. Also tell you about the live. Our programme, which seventy five heart is the first phase, live our program or you gonna website by the book son the five hour, which is that Andy priscilla dot com. So with that being said, we have this thing here that we call the fee. One thing you'll notice about the show is I don't run ads on the show the reason I don't want ads on the shows, because I don't want to answer to a bunch of corporate assholes who are telling me what I can and can't say and I'd rather just give it to you real, which is why we call the show relay F cell. In
I me taking the ape figures that I would earn by running ads on the show. A very simple trade and that's that If you listen, the chauffeur makes you think makes you laugh. It gives you a new perspective feel it's a message that needs to be heard, which is what most of you guys tell me appreciate if you share the shell, right. We call that paying the fee, so if you give value out of the show, recognise that funding the show out of my pocket. I come on here every week, saying very uncomfortable things talking about uncomfortable things. It's not that it's fun for me to do. I do it out of obligation very simply that you share the show. So behold. Shrill show now there is a very important announcement coming up this week that I would like to hit and that is the the bison hat lot of you. Guys is asked about the bison hat, what it means, what it stands for, etc, etc. How can you get one? Well, I have hesitated to make these available to the public, because, quite honestly, I don't feel like a lot of people live up to what I believe that it means. However,
I have come to realise that we have a whole lot of people in this community that are trying very hard to live up to, standard of what we talk about when we talk about personal excellence, you're starting we got more, you started, do more, and I figured it would be a good time to make these available so Wednesday night work special announcement. Seven o clock, I believe at seven clock subjects Wednesday night central to our central time. I won't work were here in the mid west, so central time we will have an announcement and if you want to get on that pay attention to. What's going on pay attention to my instagram stories, looking dj's instagram stories and we'll have the secret to getting in on that. So make those available on Wednesday night with a few other things and in some pretty important messaging. That goes along with it. So I keep that in mind. I I think that's all housekeeping. What's up, the much manual
so we're doing some dj math Magnus your machine added up or yeah, Why doesn't add up you're out there we'll find out about oriana? some stuff for the shutters their summer there. Some numbers I had to put together just to on the back end and make sure got it yeah will see a shrine, but how are you may have everything going man source? really fuckin sore right now yeah. I don't know why. I think it's because I gotta guess away after. You must realise that all this work performed boss possibility I've been trying to harmonise the train, hard, eaten perfect. Trying to get into the trying to finally surpass The place I was when I injure my shoulder mentally and physically, like I'm very close, but I have never been able to cross it yet when I got injure back in september of twenty one eye fell, I was at my best physically and mentally had ever been too
last two years have just been a very very difficult, both physically and mentally. For me, and I'm just now to the point can train with proper intensity again, and some really looking to push pass that point now. On pushing real harm, isn't real, and this is where you bother me, because we just had the cuban either dropped. You talk about mind body, reality rights but like in this situation, You don't mean tied by getting back into the best mental and physical shape. Is Still the same disease physical shape come first as the work come before the belief or like what. What is it First, you have to get your mental right. Is it back in the best shape, and then body comes? I think there you know, I think it's there I give an injury retarget lag. This wasn't like I sought weighing my shoulder correct. I tore every single thing in my shoulder that can be torn even my bicep cannon. So like it was a big injury and at forty two years old You know that's an injury where we question you know: can you come
actual high level function. Functionality with that took him to the barn yeah, Y know shit fuck. How does run along home? You know it's I spent a lot of time. The first I mean a first year, when I didn't know, if I was going to be able to train together, was mentally very mentally challenging because I just didn't know you know and then the, the second year. Ah, what as you know, we're wrapping up the end of that now, because my surgery was actually december thirteenth of two thousand and twenty one. So we're closing in on the two years of the actual surgery I have been able to train, but I just haven't been able to push hard. You know what I'm saying and get back where I was. I have to push really hard, and so I ve it's been able to start pushing somewhat hard again and I you know
I'm starting to believe I can get back to that. If that makes sense, so it's a little of both. You know you you, you have to like have some faith to push, but then you see some result, then the result reinforces the belief which makes me You push a little harder becomes this little machine of work. and belief that add We each other. Now I'm at a good place. Now, where you know I've pushed enough, to where I know I know for sure I can get back there impasse that saw have total belief in it. Now just about the work now. So that's what I'm out side. If we were again, I'm excited to see a man Everything else is good man loyal, baby addison. What's our a chiropractor today really happened. We can do nothing that war jet, like some ass, an ship, but I ve been watching these tik tok really allow. No babies could go to chiropractor like a whole thank and
yeah. Apparently she shut herself. So that's good! Oh! I didn't work it out. Man she's gonna work it out, but like did you know those videos that like have been going around like the chiropractor, like the fake chiropractors, with a fucking skeletons like oh yeah, just pray that that's all I could imagine saw this whole time with my please don't make me hurt this doctor yeah. You know what I'm saying but nah. Apparently it's all good. So that's good and well a bike ride. Yesterday, huh yeah yeah do those are always great yeah yeah I got up pretty early and just drove no road as long as occurred on a full time, lincoln Natasha I'll come back come back when I was there was, but a flower, for, four and a half hour to plough trim so as good You ran seasons coming to a close around to get some in ezekiel of it in you I feel, like I've kind of your messed up. Sometimes, though, as the rhine, seasonal workers, I call my insurance a change of policy,
go to the cheap man's insurance cause. I'm like come. I sit in my garage for five fucking months, I'm not paying this. They don't penalize you for now. That's a smart move; they encourage it. Capitalism baby, that's called being economically responsible as it is it yeah ceviche, it's a yeah, yeah man, I gotta get a good show guys got. I got a lot of good stuff coming up, What does it bring this up? Man because it's kind of been everywhere? I can't even fucking lot like. I can't, like I've, been like off social media for the most part. The last few days like watching people argue like. After all of these things over and over and over again that we ve been through for the last three. half years watching, you fall for it over and over and over again, It drives me insane and when I say you, I mean the whole entire fucking world like if we're going to ever defeat these people, if we're ever going to like be actually free and have a life that isn't like constantly shit as these people are storing up we're gonna.
After realised through the enemy really is, and it's not your fucking neighbour, and it's not some random do on the internet and you do nothing. But their work, when you get wild up an attack, these people an attack each other and do all this shit like so I'm just like it speed like every other thing that we ve cover that we ve been right on right now: covert black square fucking. That's vaccine. Ukraine all this shit, you name it yeah. We ve spoke on it and then like? You, gotta watch people unravel and then finally, yo, now, the windows becoming short right where a covert it was years, and now it's a month, you know people are going to figure out like oh, this is what's happening. No shit dude like it would be nice if you kept if you quit falling for the same play over and over again. There are those like this aha moment of realizing that the jar was shaken,
but now the georgia wasn't. I showed you withdraw this and this has to be rises real, but the dew row like broke blow with people can understand the fundamental reality that these people are willing to kill actual human beings to make these things happen because good people, people like dude, think about most of the people are here in the real world, are really good people. Do they care and like when they see people die or be. Be killed or murdered. Beyond their comprehension to consider that other people have no problem doing so, to advance in agenda at all or or or to or or to relieve themselves of any type of accountability that could come from them doing these, that I don't care dear and people, people because their good and they have good hearts, and they have you know, Common sense in, like there is no way they would actually allow people
die over no that's what these people do and by the way you're on the list of the people that they would allow to die to advance their agenda. A moment's notice, fuck man I like how you guys not get this by now. No, this one's about this real yeah. It's like yeah, it's real, but it's also real bullshit. Here you look at it man. Did you see this old fart, He needed interview, so you guys members freezing episodes rodolfo. He could you did an interview. I was CBS Senator Mcconnell fires back at CBS, hope for bring him with health questions. I hope so he got he got a little pissed off actually today, after he got done the defrost defrosting yeah. This is a. This is a quick video from me. I just I just thought this was funny to share people, wonder bout, your health, how feeling. How are you doing? I'm fine completely covered and just fine, you and your
office felt the need to to share and disclose some of the details about your health because of some of these public incidents in the door, After years said there was no evidence of parkinson's disease or strobe or or a seizure, and I wonder, is there thing the public should now that wasn't disclosed in good shape, complete recovered and back on the job, so That means that you think you are able to continue serving, and you want to continue serving here the time when we are talking about incredible dysfunction in washington, not to be talking about when we talk about earlier. Rather my hell, I'm fine. It keeps like row it you ve got that's associate these people don't want, like, I think, I'd like they don't really the real power, the red, exactly the reason that, wouldn't that woman talking about the incredible
bad situation. The shit show us where she wanted say the washington is because people like this by pro we will not allow this due to drive. Well okay, like if this guy came over to christmas. We'd sit him in the corner and let him suck on weather's original german wool blanket like broke, and then we would, he would speak. He would say dumb shit and we'd like liquor to each other, be like bro, that's just grandpa for minutes, make sure that what he actually does to hey tj you'd be like oh yeah, oh yeah, yeah, oh yeah, grandpa yeah, like bro, did and these people are running the country, yeah yeah no big! It's ok He's like sharp row. You're a thousand years old, you know, had this amazing conspiracy theory to where you now all of these. I viruses from like the eighteen, hundreds and sugar resurfacing this because
like that's. The only should have they been carried. The whole tatters rehearsal that were used two thousand fourteen years ago is due to uttered fifty years old. Talking about how he's a perfect health. Ok here, the obvious Are those areas offended by it? appears, gets put imperfect out. Clearly, we'll see those arteries body let the brute we would not let these people these people could not go to the grocery store they could. handle their own personal business in their house. They were, choir medical aid. This is being serious, ten bucks egg lifelong hold on they couldn't DR weir trust them. The baby sit our kids What we allow them to run a country. There needs to be an upper age limit to anybody who surgeon or government real shit. The age of retirement. Sixty five years old, you shouldn't be able to serving your government over sixty five that, like dude and unlike its like overview
de percent of the people are over that age. You collaborating with our our interests in mind. You don't even know what those interests are you not at all yeah, I I dunno. I just thought that was funny. You liked the memes. I I yeah. I That's a fat. That's got me a few jobs for all users at the glass shop, yeah fuck it up wrong man. I could be weird yeah at least go get some beers, mad Jesus. we want to show how are these thousand? We all did the world series
at the mad, your fucking, it up remember, amen. We got some baddies coming, but that don't do that. Weird shit, but I gotta smile. Look at that guy be new Joe for sure se da ne, pick your head in the game with whose people know who we're talking about how you must stay out, guises get its initial. Remember. As always, the view want to see any of these pictures articles links video zone self, I saw the real bad about issue address to the point where knowledge is bodies is hard not to be men like I also voted for it. Is she tried to tell you dj, try to tell you told you speak out back when they were doing mass shit. You didn't now your whole life's fucked up? So if you want, the change? Here's reality you got
Stand up and join us and speak the fuck up and share the show and share your message, not gonna share the show, show somebody show and speak the fuck up. Otherwise, I'm just going to sit here laugh my ass off. Like I've, been telling you I tried to help. I tried to help you try. Are we ve been trying to help pretty hard yeah and I got all these people hit me. What are we going to do? I'm like bro? Were you talking about I'm telling you this for fucking, three and a half years? what are we gonna do well nobody's gonna happen until we do something so far It's been you letting everybody else carry the water. the consensus of the people- yes, that's it! That's it we're gonna get him with show I remember if you want to see any these pictures articles links videos go to and if seven outcome could find them link there or if you, I on you to jump down in the description below you. Finally, there as well as with that sattler. Students were first headlines. I have. Nevertheless, someone did somebody called. Sadly, he said
one headline because, like five of its context, people, so so yeah there say I have well you're welcome to come run the show asshole, I'm just saying like yes, as I say, I love these mother fuckers to sit on her fucking ass and then point. if the fingers and shit at people actually out here doing shit. Sorry, I didn't add, and by the way I had this dude hit me up on a fucking day in a life and he's like why don't we I, why not disclose your pd usage mother fucker. I talk about it all the time on the show, I'm forty four years old. Of course I use testosterone, fucking love it. It's fucking, amazing bro I eat for breakfast. Lunch and dinner makes me happy as fuck. How about that? Is that good enough? For you like broad, This is called real as far as a call for you why my ass off, like bro like you forget, idiots, don't watch any the shit, we say and you come in the comments it talks of stupid as yet, by the way you What, then, are our team hammer rose? Motherfuckers broke, my hammering? Let him have it don't fuck with our gang fuck me,
Instead, gang will fuck you up with a combat role. He does shit for breakfast lunch and dinner fucker like bro. What do you think I am forty four fucking years old, I'm not fucking twenty four bro fuck holy shit man is that enough, for you it'll the good that checks the boxes for fuckin asshole. I love these people. I think they're gonna get you. Gotcha You got me. You want me some more Other peoples it's stupid, they think that you could just take some sort of hormone and you're going to come out, jacked and tan and ripped, and all this shit are going to work your fucking ass off duty by the way, there's literal biological functions inside your body that stop operating when you were a certain age and if you are of the age of thirty five and you're, not considering testosterone replacement, especially what what's going on in the world and the chemicals in our food, water, etc. You're, a fucking idiot,
How about that new test for everybody? now that we ve got dachau, needs extra. That without me, what are your initiatives yeah? All the men put him on a fucking. Right. It didn t, don't ass here, that's all his problem right now. To fact, man everybody's hearing their feelings when they should be either conquering the fucking world. You know why you're in your feelings, because you ain't got no testosterone in europe, russia. I know you're all full of estrogen you're reading all this bullshit on the internet about how to get in touch with yourself, motherfucker. Take some test. Your conqueror some shit, holy shit rose. The study that was done. They took like some liberal men. I will will side. It will give your hours the the fact checks and sights on it, but they took tasks and they became conservative. Yes, yeah wild interesting, There's always goes back as regards good stuff. So our first, batch of headlines. However, one reads: rob
there's a pale, goes on pro palestinian riot cheers free palestine, juice leaf, doesn't just others whose interests to throw up. Obviously we got some some morris pressing issues going on, but I just wanted to get you take man because Chapelle athlete You can always be applauded as one being a fuck fuck with double. I says wants to say, and he stands on it the whole key to being one fuck with the bull. I can respect that yeah right, like you know these people that are just you know, waving you like plastic bags and win, or whatever issue comes along. They don't actually believe with their with their standing for saddam is magnesia bell just for that simply most onto this been getting some some interesting pushed back. ass a comedian day. Chapelle went on a pro palestinian anti israel ran at a show emboss nor thursday evening and was too by the crowd causing jews present in the audience to walk out. This was a facebook posed by diamond andrew maguire least. This got here.
And he he posted this. I need some test. I'd be a fucking artist. Wait you see what look what he says and is pretty sad, but I can tell you that guys lacking the testosterone. He even put the emoji attached to the I'm feeling disappointed yeah well, he's in his feelings. Just need some test, bro shit or cure everything but are we put this item on facebook? He says quote hello from my friends. This is my first facebook posed to nearly seven years with that said also the only social media platform I have so I hope people still use facebook to share with you an experience I had last night, Alice cohen morleys, once a day. Chapelle stand up calmly, show at tea garden with three other couples. What started out as a funny and enjoy fully evening for the aid of us and it with disgust and fear,
towards the end of his act, chapelle mentioned the worn israel. How he is a muslim denounces, the israel denounces Israel for its treatment of the people in Gaza and started to add and lots of false and unsubstantiated claims. A gentleman toward the front yard out, quote you shut the fuck up. Propel lost it on the man. Yelling quote. You do not tell me to shut the f up at my show. Chapelle them started on a tirade of his beliefs, leaving comedy behind and focusing purely on the politics. While that was awful in itself and may marred sink and started to invoke fear was when the crowd of nearly twenty thousand people started. Yelling out, go palestine, go Hamas and other. Related hateful jarred an audience was cheering chapelle on during his tirade. I was sick. We were sick. I turned my friends and wife- and I said I think, it's time to go- we were
out and met up with many other juice, leaving the show never in my life, have I felt so unsafe and so fearful of what I was witnessing goes on and on about it the wall street journal? They were they. They didn't official article on. It am saying that Chappelle first condemned october seventh attack on Israel by Hamas militants but criticised what he said were war crimes in Gaza according to people in attendance, so it's is what we ve been saying right. The separation of people understand the difference between Hamas and palestinians and there's a difference between the government of Israel and israelis. Right like if the american people and the american government right, he separated that out. Clearly, I didn't see what he said that I mean also the videos having surface just yet. I'm sure that he doesn't allow cameras at his shows for this reason, but I'm sure he'll probably release them footage just so you know we can defend his side of the argument about whether we got on the sofa, we'll lived.
Dude. I think it's a delicate situation and, like I said the beginning of the show, I think a lot of people are falling into the intentional division is being propagated by our media and the reason they're propagating it should be thought about. You know what what is being gained by the division? caused around this issue. Ok, Joe lines out of the news hundred binds out of the news. Crime is out of the news, the borders out of the news, the economies of the news you know. Election integrity is out of the news Trans shit is out of the news pretty much everything that we everybody's been arguing about. That it's been closing in tighter and tighter and tighter over course of the last six or seven months is now out of news. With this thing being the news right. So when we engage in these, device divisive, all or nothing mentality. All doing is playing the part of porn on their behalf, that that's what they're counting on and so
You know this is a delicate situation for a lot of people involved. Air people, jewish people specifically because You know this if there is a direct connection there right and so who is important for us to be able to have a civil discussion around these topics so that we can, on wine the intentional propagation that's happening, and there is a debt for its between the elite is really government and the regular jewish people of Israel or america. There is the difference between the the zionist colt, that's to be behind all of the bad shit in the world at the world economic forum. you know the constant agitation with all of these issues across the globe in old soros, etc, etc, etc.
These guys are all working in unison to achieve an agenda and then a pretending like it's all. You know when you criticise them that it's all jewish people, you criticising, that's not true, okay, so we have to be able to have real conversation. There's a differ. between americans and the IMF or can government theirs difference between regular jewish people and the the jewish class That's running israel. There's a differ, between an innocent, arab palace studying and Hamas and these are all very clear differences, and if there is nothing wrong with saying hey, This doesn't seem right in this I'm not for the slaughter of innocent men and women and children for no reason, no matter who they are and there's this narrative that being pushed out I readily from the conservative side. Now that, if you don't stand with Israel, europe anti semite enough, a true at all. Ok, what the truth is- is that there are some things here that don't add up that we're,
questioning in its absolutely okay to question these things, you know when we look at Israel, we consider what their known for their surveillance. I cover this a couple weeks ago and then They allow and I'm using that word intentionally, allow all these Hamas terrorists to fly in on para and slaughter their own people. You know and then any we look at the response. What's the response by the response has been the flu many of you know. Fuck, due a place where millions of innocent people live, and so you know we want to put this in some- and reliable terms for us, this, would be like the patriotic community here in amerika, being targeted, the threat to russia and in russia saying you know what fuck it will: fuckin kill the entire fuckin country, all the men, women and children and fuckin exterminate an insult
people are upset about about both sides. You know like people can be at. You could be said about the attack. Mass was alive to execute against jewish people in Israel, you can also be upset about the excessive death it's being caused by the excessive response, and all those things do not mean your one side or the other thing. I think it means that, like were critically thinking, were asking questions and we're saying: ok. Well, you know It's not ok for innocent people to die, no matter what country, therefore, and I think the way to think about this more so you know at what point time are we as humans and in let's just collar what we are? The best in class of humans. That's us are that's what they believe we are at. What point are we gonna get smart enough to realise that we are being literally moved across a chess board amongst Different organizations for a purpose were being killed. You promote narratives were being attacked.
we're being divided were being robbed. Rob guy, I mean did ever everything our lives are being made miserable across the board when they don't have to be in. That's a scary thought too, because people are starting to accept the misery, that's being down on us as the reality of life and that's not the reality of life. If we didn't have these elite tyrant, scumbags me if you are wives, extremely difficult, bro, most people are good people. Most people are carrying people. Most people are good neighbours and people of different religions. They care about. You too, like most people have this. This very basic a citizen of humanity, respect for other human beings and that's global. That's not that's! Now. you know- exclusive of jewish people are exclusive of arab he bore exclusive of russian people or american people are chinese people. Most people are like that issue these elite, tyrant governments that have fucking, robbed and pillage and made our lives difficult. That aren't who continue to use us for their own
propagated narratives and you know so like You know. I didn't hear what chapelle sad. I hear what he said, but you I would disagree with people chanting like problem my shit, but I would also agree with people saying hey: we should kill. Palestinians that are innocent. You issue of safe and like that work were falling for these lumped together, are not the yes narrative and its causing us not to be able to dig into the problem of find any real solution. So you know I can understand why that person's upset like that would be of setting right like if I went to a fuckin. If I went to a day, chapelle show- and he said something that was problem in the entire fucking audience started. Yelling like fuck white people- I would be uncomfortable now- You also like, let's put ourselves in that position. I think it's important for us to remember when, by the way I think day chapels actually trying to communicate what I just communicated. I that's where his stances, but I also
I think that, like these people, who are wisp like that, guy, the guy, the the guy who wrote this post, I bet that's the same motherfucker. That's all for flattening, fucking, palestine. You see what I'm saying so. There's all this hip hop We see happening so it's care for you, sir. To say, let's go, kill millions of people for because attacked us what people say that they support that side, its terrorism to you like theirs, double standard here that is ridiculous and it needs to stop, and so you know the only way it's ever going to stop as if we have real conversations about the scenario and to be completely honest, like still stand on what I said two weeks ago in the ship per started happening, I give a fuck. about the people in this country. Ice I care about those issues that are no longer being talked about, because those issues that are no longer being talked about are going to be the issues that sink our country and allow us to be conquered in the long term, maybe even the short term. Okay, so like, when we talk about you know, what's
happened since, as has happened. Well, Joe Biden has been come out. They ve actually have printed checks. Ok, you got in the show you ok, so we are issues that are not forgive here. Really s right, so we have. We still have this border invasion. We still had this crime situation. We still have this economy. We still, of credit card defaults at an all time high. We still have issues with the election. We I still have still have still have here right. We still have oil, our oil reserves all time low. We still have lack of military equipment because it was intentionally left in afghanistan and ukraine. and said to ukraine and now it's being used by Hamas in the Middle EAST. Okay, so we still have twenty four a thousand plus inner city, people who are you He killed inner cities in cold blood. We still have a hundred thousand, you know, overdoses of fetnah, plus here we saw of tens of thousands of homeless batteries in this country we still have more all autumn, we saw a credit card to false autumn. We We have our own pleasure
and just stop worrying aspect start, and so like this, you know. I still stand on what I said. I don't give a fuck. I dont care I kill innocent people are getting killed. Yes, fathers me, but at the end of the day, we should not be doing fucking anything until we take care of our own people here, that's the priority and anybody who says different is a financial they're, not an american, ok, then have interests in other places, either money or loyalty to another country. Ok, as its common to its common sense for us to say, hey this a right here and for us to fix that. Every single fucking american knows this: the The problem is, we are being sold out by people who have their own interests financially mine or loyalty to another country that is in america. And that's out. Ok, it's not ok! For this country,
It is a little diving on this. This middle east issue, real quick before we get to the other issues. Dunno, if you guys saw this, but this came out. Our defense secretary issues prepare to deploy orders for us. Troops to the middle east is getting real quote I have placed an additional number of forces on prepared to deploy orders as part of prudent contingency planning to increase their readiness and abilities, quickly respond as required said in the statement. I that's defence secretary Austin I just made that statement from the pentagon. According to nigger asia, which is a military. They they follow military articles in the press, press responses and stuff the same, is it's about twelve thousand sailors? they listed this out. These are the two striker strike groups carriage by groups that are now moving to the area with their crews.
Guys. Let's sit next to him now. Here's the interesting thanks of lincoln says us is quote ready to get involved in Israel, Hamas war. If line is crossed, we won't hesitate now they just released that today. I blink and say quote: This is not what we want, not what we're looking for. We dont want escalation. Lincoln said we don't To see our forces or our personal come under fire, but if that happens, we're ready for it about. No mother, fucker. How about you be ready for how much you go, find it yeah. I think where I think anybody that supporting this should have to go fight. Their care should be drafted. They should go fight. I agree with that. We will have no mother fucker, you don't hesitate in euro my words really easy to say we don't hesitate. We met when flocking to bother you one bit at all young completely on your kids. Aren't risk your life's, not risk you're willing to volunteer american lives too. Fight some bullshit when we have all these problems here, do fuck you.
you know, is in and again because people have short term memories of the same man who were willing to kick. To hurry members out for not taken this. You know there are of not taking this experimental drug. They were though they were not hesitating at that time either. I just will not trying to get him back with then eat yeah. I wouldn't go back fiery now, you're, don't all it does is happening while boa binds at the beach again. This has a real crisis. What crisis by an enjoys breezy beach, walk as middle east, explodes president Biden has been seen in periods of videos enjoying a weekend of walks at the raw, both beach delaware, as am I Terrorists pushed our campaign of destruction against Israel and the? U s placed additional troops on prepared to deploy. Orders to the middle east is a quick video
so the point that fifty cent is irrelevant chimed in on this. He pushed this honest around with the capture saying: hey Joe get. The fuck up we're in trouble. Man, yeah man, we're in trouble because yankee believe in all this bullshit narrative. we keep fighting intact and each other for four bullshit. That aim and true you know like, for example like George void being suffocated, death which actually just came out that that's not the case at all, natty no, not even a little bit, Not if you don't want that came out that, like the unemployed, ass may have influenced the jury in that cannot know shit, no shit knock
Dude sitting in jail right now probably what I don't know what they said some too in the above or due to those murder. Ok, we're sure! That's what for something that did not happen. Ok, they held him down. He didn't die from that. He, fucking died of a football overdose. That's please, in fact, now ok in all you guys, intimidate screaming yelled in fucking marched in all this shit, and now now we have all this division in the country we have all like bro. When are we going to wake up? Yeah we're not in trouble. Now we've been in fact, we've been in trouble, cause y'all, don't fucking, listen, style heaps. And when I say all, I don't mean black people. I me everybody. You keep followed for the same shit over and over again What are they going to? Are they going to have a retrial or they're going to dismiss what are they gonna? Let this guy rot in prison for the next twenty years, for something that didn't even actually fucking happen the way they said it did
and there's people saying he deserves to be imprisoned for what he did for what for restraining a criminal. The guy fucking died a thin by the way we covered that in june. of twenty twenty so that twenty twenty yeah, so, while member I saw a dense, a math me because I rose what bugger takes more decades, but I've been on one occasion, alas, for content twelve years, one where we live, wow tourism, DJ math. For so because You guys, member. All of the articles come now about trump golfing donald jobs for almost a year playing golf during presidency right, there is even a website that counts total golf count right. And puts an accurate number of how much it actually cost the taxpayer. Hundreds forty four million hours, ok,. Another ass- I found this article.
It was written by hundred forty four million dollars for trunk to play off, but how many billions of dollars and how much damage has been done for the entire presidency, Joe Biden, to meet your body count. A website for that. One. but I thought I found this article to a Biden leaves DC as much as trump did, but there's a difference there, the difference he says a quote: this article says those ships were ones in which Biden state at the homes of donors. His virgin island trip was to a homo by donors. Billing conning neville twice, He stated mothers vineyard compound owned by billion or David Rubinstein. Now this is not an ideal situation. Certainly the president of the united states receiving favours from wealthier allies, but these ships the only twenty four of the two hundred and fifty plus day Biden's, The question that should be asked is being asked: what's he getting
return for those trips. What's what get in return for those relationship Andy's in madison, WI, twenty four days, bro, just twenty four days of the two hundred and fifty plus days right now. I did some added some add some some numbers here and not to check was issued to boot will make sure these are good. Ok according to the republican national committee, and this is just as of august eighteen blindness and three hundred and eighty two days right? That's forty, percent of his presidency. So he is nine hundred and fifty eight days when this article was written three hundred He too has thirty nine point. Eight percent now trot. tromp spent three hundred and eighty days, out of one thousand four hundred and sixty one days so it's twenty six percent of the presidency for trot now, we still got five hundred and three days left of this presidency? I did some other math. Binds already had a vacation days. Do you do you think he's gonna spend the next five hundred and one day straight workin? Now,
but you I see you know nothing about that, bears here's. One thing I thought was interested. The money come out, and they got the proof. Others have reads: coma, raises questions about two hundred thousand dollar direct payment from jail. Inspired to Joe Biden at twenty eighteen or house oversight chairman Commerce at his paddle had uncovered evidence the Joe Biden and twenty eighteen receive a two hundred thousand dollar direct payment from his brother James Biden, sister in law. Sarah binding
demanding the president answer. Questions about financial arrangements with members of his family are here's the video this summer, Joe Biden, said where's the money, but we found so we're still digging in that evidence. Subpoenaed from bank accounts belonging to hunter Biden, the son of president Joe Biden and James and Sarah by the brother and sister in law of the president, a document that we're releasing today raises new questions about how president Biden personally benefited from his family shady influence peddling of his last name and their access to him. Bank records obtained by the house committee on oversight have revealed a two hundred thousand dollar direct payment from James and Sarah Biden to Joe. Why, in the form of a personal chet, here's some important context about this chick? We have obtained an investigation in twenty eight teen James Biden received six hundred thousand dollars in loans from america or a financially distressed and failing
rule hospital operator. According to bankruptcy court documents, James Biden received these loans quote based upon representations that his last name Biden could open doors and that he could obtain a large investment from the middle east based on his political connections. Input on march, first, twenty eighteen america wired a two hundred thousand dollar loan into James and Sarah binds personal bank account, not their business, a bank account and then, on the very same day, James Biden wrote a two hundred thousand dollar check. From this same personal bank account to Joe Biden. James Biden wrote this check to Joe Biden as a quote: loan repayment, america or a distressed company loaned money to James Biden, who then send it to Joe. But even if this was a personal loan repayment, it still troubling Joe biogas ability to be paid back by his brother.
Painted on the success of his family's shady financial dealings. Some immediate questions printed by miss answer for the american people. Does he have documents proving he lent such a large sum of money to his brother and what were the terms of such financial agreement? Did he have similar financial agreements with other family members that led them to make sense? or large payments to him and did he know that the same day, James Biden wrote him a check for two hundred thousand dollars. James Biden had just received a loan for the exact same amount from business dealings with a company that was in financial distress and failing the house oversight committee will soon announcer, next investigative actions and continue to follow her and, of course, let's all there was. There was also another part of it where five or six days after I could be wrong in the exact days, but a few days after that tax mess
which were hunter Biden, basically threatened them jobs, and paid two point: seven million dollars in cash for that beach house that he's out all the time, ok and that was from China. Zero evidence. Wrongdoing go anywhere. Zero evidence. These pay, or piece of shit for stick for fur for all their doing. Do There are intentionally destroying the country from This man is in tat, his co hearts in his accomplices, aren't Ten, surely destroying the united states of america for money? for money for themselves. Think about that could make like what they think about eyebrow Think about your like did think about how big a piece of shit you have to be. To sell your entire country down the fuckin drain, make all these decisions that are destroying it. Hurting everybody making air by his lies, difficult dividing everybody you know, making their them feel, scared frustrated
anxious all the time and as with their fellow citizen, destroying people financially for money, like did thing about that. This dude is a fucking cock, the period in so as anybody, that's fucking with them. That's fucking discussed a man. very big! No- and we ve talked about this- He deserves your respect, for the people. Zero and we and we've talked about this and and- and you know, I think it was right around the block- the the black square time but we call on our own I'd. Like worry bush and these people, the amount of money needed for them to be bought, and paid was very little. Very. Very little very little But the reason that they do these things and they join into politics is because, outside of that, these people, do anything in the real world: and make their money being entrepreneur or being no evil. Like when them
You can do that stuff, He has zero skills, there's nothing to rely on it, so this this is the route that he's left to do in these people. Do it and at the end- and my belief is pretty much all of them do if you the horse, you that's why they cover form because it comes out its It's going to show that they're all guilty in all implicated. All you gotta do is look at the people who are trading on these defense. contracts or stocks that are part. You know the idea the military industrial, complex people who in those stocks or who just recently bought in the list is long They don't know it's about to happen. In this hour of these people are selling us down the drain for financial gain from themselves. They give a single fuck about us at all air. All that, they I think they laugh behind closed doors either they laugh and every one of us who fall For every single one of these narratives everytime, I think I they're sitting there be like look at these balkan idiots, like all we gotta do. Is this stuff and
they fight each other like That is what it is man until people get smarter I continue to win guys. Let us know jumping on this conversation down in the comments. Let us know what you guys think hashtag holy vacation and let us know what you think so the big sentiments keep this cruise movement. For me, it's eleanor too much cruised comments. Gotta go when for any this, is this comments from off two wheel, separation, anxiety, dis to seventy one? He says I went to a birthday party last saturday and I was that guy in the best shape in the room friends I haven't seen a month's were like you, look good, been listening to you guys and working hard since last december. Thanks for all you do that's. What's up man allie by example. That's when we talk about when we talk about personal excellence, being altamont rebellion, all those friends, they said you, a good there's, two or three of them like fuck, I needed. to too he my shit together and right now there are considering how to do that.
this is how it works. This is how the ripple effect starts. This is how we change culture and what happening in this country going you be, surat are solved by violence or doing some bullshit name intentionally road, the culture and because the culture has been eroded, it's going to take a long time to fix. We know how strong men we know how strong leadership we don't have people to give a fuck and because of that we become slaves to their system right. We, there local food and because we- their food we gotta take their medicine. We too, the medicine, because we take their medicine, we become dependent on em right When we talk about the information that we consume. You know look at how they culturally mould us to look at success and winning as some sort of morally inferior quality. Your greedy, your materialistic you're this year that do you think, that's an accident, why do the while, for while for the first hundred and
Maybe two hundred years of this country was success. Celebrated why was is called the american dream? Why was it the thing that they taught us in school. and then all the suddenly switch gears and taught you that all successful people are greedy fox and that you don't eat anything other than you know the bare minimum I mean do we can look at the cultural conditioning right down the commercials that they run on tv. I saw commercial one on tv for some for some short term loan finance programme, this dues athlete. bout counter of of his getting groceries right and it's a do and then there's a girl behind him with a card, fuller groceries and sky is basically he comes up short. He doesn't have the money to pay for his groceries, so he's like taking stuff off the grocery bill right, they said take if the broccoli take off the the whole house or whatever right and the lady behind him says: hey. You know there's this fixed to that if you got this app a cameraman name of it you get to. fifty dollars cash right now, ok and
Guy fuckin looks like like really in on the phone as he checking out. He gets the two hundred fifty dollars in cash and looks at the cashier is, I put the whole. back on my arm. Thing in like winks at the little girl, ok Where are they conditioning you to do their conditioning? You devalue, shitty food, they're conditioning you to be broke as if this is a normal thing. You think it's normal for you to go to the grocery store and be nor to katy, buy groceries. That is not a normal thing, but they have conditioned us to see it as normal through there up again and once you start to see the propaganda, we start to realise that its everywhere. Ok, there should be note like you, there should be. No always, I know, but people dont get it. They don't understand that power. again exists everywhere, especially in marketing so convincing you to accept a reality. We, cannot even barely afford to eat in that no place in the world, and it's normal by the way it's so normal. We have an app for that that can solve it and by the way, the woman behind it. She has the same problem. What is it
condition people to think that conditions Well, the thing man, ok I don't have shit, but they know how should eager. So. It's ok that we don't I'll have shit creates a mass situation of dependency on the government like this. Is bro. This is not what like, if you were to ran that ad thirty years ago. People would be like what the fuck, like a sad duty, bore- we see it every day, look how they may become. None too it. No. You think it's normal and that's the point it is now, normal! These people tax us and oppress us financially and miss educators and steal from us in a way to where we can barely survive and because we can barely survive it's hard for us to notice what bullshit they're pulling on us its intentional it's way deeper than people. Think it's not just propaganda about. A war about a covert or about a thing. It's bro! It's it's If you pay attentions everything they fucking tell us a joke, for black
you have to five trillion dollars and assets really fucked. I got, but you can in afford to get your groceries, the point where you can't choose between broccoli or ho hos, and by the way when you dick, when you can choose that you choose the hallows, you think that's a coincidence and certainly no dude, it's everywhere. It's everywhere people just aren't paying attention because they may conditional believe it's normal so be abnormal standard, be the example for people to look at and say I can do this. I can be better. This way I talk about when I talk about this concept of personal excellence being the ultimate rebellion. If we culture change. We are to be the example what it looks like the changing, so that other people will come along with us. We have to live it, not just talk about it so so good job you rather for doing it- nor does it always. Thank you. Gas would be real s, fancy blocking, keep common and keep subscribing, She guys are supporting the message and not being hose out. There are solutions, back to it headline them. Two.
Helena to obliterates trot, five thousand dollars for violating gag order was judged. Threat jail for future violations. We'll see me in new york now so state judged fine, Donald trump, five thousand dollars friday. After finding that the former presidents campaign website continue to display a social media opposed attacking the judges law clerk in violation of a gag order imposed by the judge earlier this month, justice in Gordon who also indicated that he would consider jailing tromp for future violations of a gag order, in Europe, who is overseeing a two hundred and fifty million dollars, symbol, frog trial against trump and his business empire issued. order on october. Third, tromp used his truth, social platform to attack and orange principle law clerk from quickly took down, post from truth, social that day, but remained on his campaign side until Thursday night
in war and wrote a two page order while trumps lawyers had called the violation of the gag order. In a version, the effect of the post on a subject as unmitigated by how or why remained on donald trump website for seventeen days. So this is off from the actual reading. Our order from the judge army goes through it, I say, like quote: despite Clear order. Last night, I learned that the subject offending posts was never removed from the website dodge tromp, dot com and, in fact, had been on that website. For the past seventeen days. I understand it was removed late last night, but only in response to an email from this court. Today when court council donald trump stated that the violation of the gag order was inadvertent and was an unfortunate part of the process that is built into the campaign structure, giving defend The benefit of the doubt he still violated. The gag order goes answer cite some legal schmidl
I'm saying that, given the defendants position, the that violation was an aversion and given that it is the first time violation, the court will impose a nominal fee. Five thousand dollars payable to the newark lawyers fund for climate protection within ten days of the data this order, and he concludes by saying make no mistake- future violations, whether intentional or unintentional, was about while it is a far more severe sanctions which may include, but I'm not, the two steeper financial penalties holding donald trump in contempt of court. Possibly imprisoning him pursuant to new york judiciary law, something, three now this is the post that pissed em all off rise with judicial protests. Put this out. It's a pitcher, engorge principle, awkward, allison, greenville, passing around with chuck schumann. there was rumours at these who were dated and then chump use that to push out saying. Basically, this was an inside job that was being done,
and this is the only place of drug daggled- is in place. We talk about this in a moment. More recent show also but It is also a dagger ordered and the dc trial and when we got on this, I think all these people who are doing their shit are walking on very thin ice. I think I think this. Egregious, I think it's appalling I think it's disgusting. I think that once this all get sorted out, it's a very important remember who was willing to lie cheat steal to get their narrowed pushed through and although people should be held accountable to the highest degree, all of them every single one of them. Anybody who was willing to lie stipulate and this is gonna, be a big undertaking. But the reality is. This is absurd. It's absurd shit! you clearly have a woman like Like trump said, prowling around who is supposed to be
and partisan in justice is blind. You know the statue of of the Earl of liberty were the fuckin gale, the scales or on there and she's blindfolded. Clearly, that's not the case here and what I see happening is the exposing of how corrupt everything is actual actually is so So when you hear the stately outlet look at this fuckin women. Look I'll fucking like like these. Four piss me to fuck off borough, where he was just fuckin looking at him by looking at and by the way, I don't give a fuck what you think. These are the people who are legal we'd around getting in this country. The president has definitely been set for at so yeah That's the only like to meet us a silver lining, my leg and its Yes, but like everything these people have done. All they have done with set the precedents for the same things happened.
Yeah. But it's gonna be worse, but ten times was gonna be worse because these people have disrupted people's lives in a way you A lot of this is fake. Ok, a lot of the support for these progressive initiatives is botz and they ve been truck. They ve been counting on botz and fake accounts to hold it up and what people are realising. Is that not very many people are here in the real world actually agree with any of the ship. It's happening even The Democrats. People who voted for by now, like holy shit, are republic is crumbling and This is very dangerous and I dont want to be associated with this when the backlash occurs, and so these p, well, who are continuing to push the shit who through the right there. Dangerous territory, because the backlash is gonna be very severe, very severe and there's not a single time in history ever the backlash hasn't come? It always comes in these or walk around with a fuckin fat, assed fuckin faces and are smiles in there. You know
I hate everything about shrub bro you the tech billionaires and in San francisco coming out saying yeah, we fell for the tough truck Dramatic drapery syndrome now you might not like the messenger, but he fucking did a good job and we can see now because its affecting our businesses and like theirs, Do people marching around thinking it's four years ago, where it's cool that, like hate everything about this dude, not understanding that, like bro, the backlash of what's about to happen is welling up and you're going to be right in the fucking crosshairs of it. When it comes back people are going to continue to take this dude. No they're, not gonna, continue to take this now.
And hopefully the transit. There can be a transition of power without violence, but the more and more I watched the smugness of these people and like how brazen they are and how much they. They believe that, like nothing's, going to happen to them confidently. Yet the more I realize the more. I believe that the there there's going to be violence. So that's the scary part for me is like the they're shoving it down. Her fucking throat is that they have like how sure and certain that they are We think that gives remember mad. It me just like remember, you know when we make when they hung that dude from Romania and his wife are shot 'em. You know up until they killed him. He was barking. Orders at him nikolaj a gesture that that's a that video these these people, they are bringing them out to execute them and they were you there were you telling the people to stand down millett these he bore delusional and their self fucking mentally warped that they care! How much damp brought these people don't care that there are about to start a war war because they don't like one single dude.
And what do they not like a bottom? They don't like his fucking tweets, Oh here's! What they like! They don't like that they're fucking wrong! That's a friend it built their identity and anti trump, and now they don't want to. I can ban in it and that's gonna end up black dude honestly, and yeah. I'm just saying I I believe it's going to end up costs a lot of these people their lives. People aren't continue to take this, like the pressure they're not going to continue to take the division. They're not gonna, continue to take the floor. straighten, they're, not gonna, take you take the anxiety they're, not We continue to take the disruption of their lives, the fuck punishing of the like the financial hardship there being put through for this case, and the more. They put these people through it. The more so What this man is getting so put him in jail, see what happens bro you. you're gonna fucking, graham watson, hornets nest. There can going be able to deal with your pardon me that that's ramata with my brother like Fathom had not just stop shown up the corn. I just keep doing what the fuck you do and men come get you.
Because who's gonna do it Now that's what I would like to see honest, why think he's still holding on, I think he's still trying to preserve the system at some way, shape or form Now that's noble, but I don't think it's needed manner. I don't know, I don't I I he knows more than us remember that he knows a lot more or less so We don't actually know we're speculating here. But I can tell you this people going to continue to be punished by the you do like shimmer with this big fuckin stupid, grin on his face, and these people smile and the innate they fought in their smog, unlike bro, people are starting to hate him hate him. because they're feeling the pain, so and then they come out. Why do these people have? No? They fucking hate you because they're tired of you fucking with them, yeah, no shit. And that's gonna go for any class or group by the way So just remember, all of you have been fuckin with people for a long time now, Your days come in you better start,
to russia. Does japan on this conversation? Let us know down the comments hashtag. I said silence this note. You guys think, but I must go onto our third and final him on headline number three and then I'm three reads: this is a way This is a win riah monks, all of distraction goin on their still some solid wins. It are happening. So Helen number, three reads: supreme. court to decide of buying of admin illegally bullied social media into censoring content. Big win right from the state of Missouri. Sprinkle. What a term and whether the bible ministration violated the constitution when it pressured tech companies to remove from their platforms or federal officials said, was false or misleading content about the twenty twenty election and cover nineteen, in an order friday afternoon, the gene justices is agreed to hear the Biden ministrations challenge to a lower court.
a court order blocking it from urging social media companies to remove certain content at the white house claimed was misinformation around cover nineteen vaccines hunter binds laptop and the consumer Between twenty election results may take. The case the justices also blocked the lower courts injunction which have been set too kick in within minutes and would have barred many types of contact between federal officials, and the social media giants. The high court actions means demon. strain officials can keep contacting social media companies for now, while the justices way the case, The conservative district judge and an appellate court had largely sided with the lawsuit from g o p attorneys generals in Missouri and louisiana that accused the administration of violating the first amendment by courting social media platforms to take down the content. They, minister, She doesn't like. Three conservative justices, samuel, Alito clients, thomson yo gore such these since
from the decision to block the injunction joining in a five page opinion by leader, the call the court's actions quote holly. Disturbing and said it threatened curtailed the discussion of unpopular political views. Online quote at this time in the history of our country, what The court has done- I fear, will be seen by some as giving the government a green light to use heavy handed tactics to skew the presentation of views on the medium that increasingly dominates the dissemination of news that leader wrote quote. That is most unfortunate. I'm so it's up debts in the supreme court. The white house did not immediately responds where request for comment a justice when spokesperson decline, the comment I write, his quiet, Senator Eric Schmidt, the previous missouri age, who originally filed the case in twenty two call, to quote one of the most important free speech cases in general no not a generation history and it won't settlements
while both those gentlemen have been our show andrew bailey and air schmidt and they're, the ones pressing this case. So that's cool. I may look. Do These people censored information that got people killed, a guy will win people were talking about either methane and people talking about hydroxychloroquine and they were mentioning effective therapeutics people are being this platform for that yet there were losing their medical licence there being arrested like one of those women from the frontline doktor group. That said, hey, we got a solution here today. let us talk about was put in jail for sixty days right. I wouldn't let people talk about it because the reason they would let people talk about it is because if there was an effective therapeutic solution, they couldn't maintain a state of emergency which allow them to do all this shit. They were doing rights, they couldn't allow any the effect of therapeutic to be talked about, even though they knew they were talked about and as a result,
watch people died. Ok, and this this you know the same thing we're hundred by laptop. You know all this shit that we're talking about today about you. by taking money from china in this two hundred thousand dollars or the two point: seven million dollars and spain All that stuff was on the you buy laptop. That came pre, twenty twenty election, an end was, it was meant, it was was fabricated into this conspiracy theory, which it wasn't and talked about it, you wash your account. You you got censored, you got Your platform taken away- and you know, put on domestic terrorist watch list. Ok, why? Why le happen? Would you like to know those things before you voted for Joe Biden, because what we would have known those things would have made me do any when a major vote somewhere or other way? Ok or you know that, that that these are the large eliciting. These are crimes against humanity. This
treasonous activity. This is not your like bro They made up the russia. Steel dossier, they made it up, they made it up fabricated out of thin air. And for seven years, the country was turned upside down over this. Why ask yourself why? Why is it that important that weak this man out of office. Why that important the ads. Is very obviously they cannot have someone who's, not part of their their incestuous intermingling us back. door deals running country, because that person's going to say hey. This is happening anymore and fuck up all their shit and then, by the way, he's gonna find all the criminal activity that they did. The entire time, which is being expose now? Ok, so this is it's a it's insane! It's inside
our government has a real government. These people are not operating with our intentions in mine, there's a whole bunch of people who have committed treason that need to be held accountable. opinion this is the great Crimes against humanity has ever been orchestrated in history of mankind, because it's been mobile it wasn't. It wasn't. Just one little area was a global conspiracy to execute promoting glowing like how much money was like that's why them that's where it all started in a lot of money that we ve lost, like it was all transfer during this type. Billions dude there's so much here? It will be impossible to cover no because it's just it starts with carbon keeps going keeps going keeps going. Natural it starts with the russian dossier. The steel dossier obey our twenty fifty and then it keeps going it keeps going. It keeps going and the question should be. Why do these people, do that
and why are they doing there not doing it for the peace and prosperity of the american citizens for not doing it to protect us their due and to protect themselves? you guys. The continued support this year. At the point now, where you're becoming complicit in this problem, like at the very least, you should be able to say man, I fucked up- I buy it hook, line and sinker, and I'm not with it anymore, where we do not as yet exactly, and so I do this is this is unprecedented, is very real, and you know this free speech cases a lot bigger What people realize because do the only reason they ve been able to do what they ve done in terms of the We live in a time where the biggest most complicated most power full price, again a machine in the world has been turned on. American citizens and the citizens of humanity at the hands of the governments. I'm not just our government of buncher governments. Look, I am tat collusion and so
I did worsening out here. We don't know. What's true, we don't know, what's not true, were being intentionally manipulated economy, socks. We have all these things going on in the world where people are now get fucked up, and these bore fi with it. They don't care, in turn this weapon against our own, the citizens of humanity. Further, profit protection, other backed ordeals, and indeed this is a real thing. and so, like you, you gotta, remember, Social media that exist twenty five years ago, You know the internet was just a little baby like this was first time they ever got to really unlock this weapon and somewhere between two thousand and Twenty twenty they figured out hey week. We could use this weapon to turn it on our people and get all this shit for ourselves and fuck them and they decided it was a good idea to do and are based on the idea of depopulation. It's incredible dear. It's it's incredible share of what's happened, and it's not this. Isn't this isn't
you know all these guys did a couple things. We should look the other way. No. This is the most important. the most severe crimes against humanity is ever existed in the world because do the people it did was is, and its enslaved humanity to appoint were like, unless something drastic cabins there's no way to escape it. Which leads into r r guess that we are coming on this week goes by showing that does I've been on this conversation hashtag, for there's down on the com is, let us note you guys think and what will keep your bedroom on that had specifically, but I'm Gaza was our three segment three three main headline, so I was going to follow portion of the show, as always thumbs up or dumb as fuck. This is where we bring a headline up and have one of those two options. This is, this is a good one and Like tattoos, don't you like a fair assessment right, I dunno, like them less and less you guys are really not like.
I'm liking them less and less because I I just feel like it's become. I I feel like people, don't respect the art of tattooing any more, and you know I see a lot of twenty year old kids just going out and getting fucking bullshit tattoos, olive laugh, love yeah, like dude, I'm just saying like it's, not it's not! I dunno, there's The way I was taught about tattooing is there's a culture to it and you pay your dues and there's a way to do it in a way not to do it in. You know, I always thought that was cool and, like I just see that being eroded over and over again and now, I'm getting to the point where it's like fuck dude, I'm, maybe I'll just have my shit. Lasered off like cars, like. I don't wanna, be like these people. In others. It's like this instant gratification and yours is definitely different than mine are different because they're fucking real art, but like a duck, it's still it's it's annoying yeah. You know hmm interesting. Why the terms of headline reads blow, it's awful lara croft tattoo cover up is absolutely outrageous,
some people love getting tattoos and develop an addiction forgetting ain't? Admittedly in must be pretty satisfying to look down at your arm and see a work of art across your skin, but what happens when it's I goes wrong how A person meant to react when they realise they haven't. artistic abomination etched to their skin. Well, one man had the scenario play out on video as he got to cast his eyes over his new lar craft, tat, two or cross is many things to many people. She sexy, she's, adventurous, you're, getting a lara croft tattoo deserves this to happen. Yeah, that's my whole point. That's the whole point of what I'm safe, yeah, yeah, she's kick ass. The right like a known by the right artist, she'd make for pretty cool tattoo. Particularly if this tattoo is based on Croft played by Angelina jolie, who was once considered the most beautiful woman in hollywood. However
poor blokes inking, look less jolly and more roger the alien from american debt vow of video postpone read. It shows the moment that the tattoo is revealed with joel he's pouting lips looking rather frog is sheer. Is the video up up up up up up up up up up up he's so excited the fucker you get. What you deserve is booming. Yeah that'd be a saturday when I was younger. People got yup really
yeah. Or is that is he is he shocked? Is that what that is what the fuck did? You think was going to happen. Bro, like did listen good. two's cost a lot of work in money immediately because that's a fuckin, fifty how do you agree that much exam you're insane Do people don't get it they want to have the shit? That's amazing, with at any of the price or any of the work or any of the shit. Now I see all these kids going out getting their shit inked up and they got looks like they got fucking stickers. They got out of a fucking vending machine stuck to them. You're saying like it's just it's it's it's become embarrassing. Do so What it is man made, that's what you get? That's why you wait until you got some money and you get some connections and get some good fortune. Art
because it's no different than a cosmetic procedure. It's no different than a girl going. I it's no different than you getting your teeth done and going to the cheapest motherfucker and expecting it to be perfect. That's not going to happen! It's no different than you know a girl going in to get fake, teddies and goes to the can cheapest by or getting lasik down by the cheapest guy and having to fuck up your vision, but you fucking idiots, don't get it like it's there wait till you got some money into. You could get some good shit and by the way, why you're getting the money you can think about, What you actually want, and maybe you'll be happy with it, so in all my shit, I'm very, I think it's cool. I look at it and I'm way that you are aware how a thirty, five thirty thirty three thirty three yeah. It is what it is. Man, If you're don't like it, you know you should invest the proper amount of money into it. I can fix stupid hosanna right. I really can't I can fix you.
like you, fucking, think, you're going to you know I dunno. What does anything don't be at home, sleeping on the phone number for the countless millions in the bank? Teach buddhist smoke got all kinds of doses, no shot case club.
Transcript generated on 2023-10-26.