« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

583. Andy, Rocco Vargas & DJ CTI: Trump's Fraud Trial Day 4, Biden Admin Allows Border Constructions & Women Conference Overrun By 'Non-Binary' Men

2023-10-06 | 🔗

In today's episode, Andy & DJ are joined in the studio by entrepreneur, actor, and author Vincent Rocco Vargas. They discuss Trump's Manhattan fraud trial entering day 4, the Biden Admin waiving federal laws to allow border wall construction in Texas, and a women's tech conference being overrun by men claiming to be 'non-binary' men.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The bonus number for the county, millions in the kobe teach buddhist god of all things, rope kang, doesn't know headshot case club is up, guys is JD for seller. This is to show, for the religious say, goodbye to live the faintness and delusions of modern society and welcome mother fucking reality guys. Today we have Andy a dj who loves candy, corn crews, the mother, fucking internet, and no, I don't fuck with candy corn man I know for you, you know you will never catch me ever one of these days, I'm gonna bring you to the dark side I do. Heart, daddy deirdre closed the mother volume. As we're gonna do it s will see tee. I stands for crew. The internet, we put tablets onscreen, we talk about which one true, which ones are probably not true, and then we
about we, the people can be the solution to the prom going on in the world around them. I'm culinary off. That's where you some questions and we certain could submit your questions. One of a couple. Their ways first way is gradually You those questions to didn't, ask any at eighty four solid aka or you go on youtube, under the cure, and I thought besides and you can leave. Your comment as a question will pick some from there is well other times. We have real talk, we'll talk just five twenty minutes, giving you some real talk. Other tasks. A full length, that's pretty subjects, I'm that's where out. Somebody comes on the show we have a conversation, we also Seventy five har verses. This is where people who I, seventy five are come on the show. They talk about how they were before how they are now and how you could be They are now with your get together as opposed to having your should not together and being in your parents, basement making pass regressive comments on the internet to people who don't know So it's episode to obey.
It's free audio feed or I don't charge for it. Because I look at you guys and I look at the world. I say holy shit. We all these four can help or I'd some good. The programme for free, galicia to it. It's called live hard. I stopped being a piece of shit about that. We have this thing called the free and the fees. This you can either sandy j a bag of candy corn more. Why would you say if or You could tell someone about the show business It's scary, going right now, you're going to eat it, you're going to eat it, I'm going to make a liar out of you, bro nah, bro! Listen, you could not pay me to eat. Candy corn brought candy corn is just the jelly bean of halloween bro. I have so much now. I feel, like I don't know honest, I don't know any any amid this may sound kind of races. Were
I don't know any black people that actually you can't really. I don't think it's a thing. I don't think it's a thing in the black community. Oh, do they jellybeans. I dunno it's fair about that either. I don't either barricades it's not that like what it doesn't do anything for me. You, like nickel back out all mine, say mind, saying, like normal back milburgh regards hit; ok, well, nickel, back and candy corner very similar answer, because candy corn is like the nickel back of kid. Right. In suddenly everybody likes to hate nickel back airbases article that sucks blah blah blah. Be? U turn us shit on malfunction, singing majuba you put this candy corn, especially these pumpkin, once in a bull in a room, with some human beings, every single human being will eat at least one pumpkin. And then they'll smile afterwards. This is real science. I got for fouch after bitter
anyway enough about that We do have a fee for the show the show The fee is very simple. Please share the shell put a lot of time, energy and the show we try to help you guys This whole thing, it's called, don't be a whole term. Show I now we do. Very special show today that a good friend of mine, Mr Vincent vargas, veteran hollywood after author who was written this new book borderline based upon him. Seven years. Is a border patrol agent I recognize him from the mayans he's telling a very, very lucky humorous story. About how you killed, someone on the mines and the internet started hating, you yeah, that's it. Arrests Interestingly, we live in these times as net no man yeah, so you so let me get this straight. This is something that captures my curiosity, so
You're on the show right in the tv show, your character kills another character, a system kill him yeah and the internet the size. They're going to hate you for it. Oh absolutely I give you death threats. Oh everything, yeah, so you're, a fat piece of shit fuck. You logan room alive. You on easy, had a heart row. I thought I got it. Bad wrote the tsh dude on my way here said the same. Like bro why'd. You have to do that shit, yeah, I'm an actor, is fine. Yeah, he's good. We can facetime of easy, tell them you're, okay, yeah everywhere everywhere, I'm going now, we've been friends for I dunno what probably ten years some of them. I met you through derrick, wider yup. We think we we end up getting pretty drunk at my house. Yes, we did
nah it's been a while, since I didn't see they thanks me yeah. So roll out tell us a little bit about your book. Why'd you right What's what was going on with you right now again, and you know it has been in the years of
during the whole show in hollywood thing and watching what's happening with the border and watching kind of the the students happen for border patrol agents. She knows fucking, frustrating man watching all the shit, talk that that the agency of the career gets for people that don't even fucking understand what the career is yeah and so are you know I I thought like I have a little bit of a platform. I know what my career was, and so what I did was pretty much write my career in this book to hopefully humanize the the the agency to humanize the career field and explain it to mother fuckers, don't really get what it is day in and day out. Honestly, I believe that career is the is the first line of defense against any kind of terrorists, organizations or anyone trying to come through the border that drugs that's terrace, that's the list goes on and on and people fucking tend to think that the border patrol is the ones who make the make the fucking policies like no, absolutely not the ones who, like all the fuckin shit, that they wanna blame on them. It's genuinely has nothing to do with them, and so I want to do it
I best to hopefully write this in a way that is digestible for the average person who doesn't understand the career field. To read this like oh fuck, what they do is actually dope as fuck. They stopped more drugs in any agency. They fucking save more lives than any other agency like they should be someone that is held on a pedestal. Like. Thank you for doing what you do. Do you think that people now. Normally I would say brother, there's no way that people actually blame the actual border patrol agents for what's going on the border. But after hearing the story, you just told me about somebody wanted to kill you because a sunday they watch tv, that was literal fiction. I guess It makes sense. Do I guess there's, probably has a lot of people who are looking at what's going on right now, and there said the boy four patrols, not doing their job. Now, understanding that there completely,
handcuffed by the administrations that they serve to eat, to do what is required by those administrations. Absolute is at the truth, its absolute truths alike. I don't care who you are in the border patrols, someone else's paying that right signed those
checks, the border patrol- it's just like a sheriff, doesn't determine what the speed limit is. The state does right in the policies. Yeah portal doesn't make any kind of policy changes or doesn't update them or change them. They just continue to follow what is put into law and that's all they do so like. When you see all this stuff happening right now, abortions getting hit all day long, like all the portrait, so that there was a picture of the border agent on video they're, cutting the barbed wire and they're they're, helping them come across right. What most people don't understand is the border patrol career field is an aggressive posture. It's actually more of a humanitarian posture. If you've already made way and land onto america, it is our job to make sure that they're safe and we apprehend them and bring them in for processing. That is the job. At no point you see is plotted on by hey get back to mexico. That's not the job! It's never going to be the job. If there's a threat where it deems. I need to pull my rifle my pistol at that time. Then. Yes, that we're still law enforcement, but the first job we had
I have is to apprehend these individuals and once they've made landfall once they've came to america, it is our job to keep them safe until we can get them through the process or what is the responsibility, though, like for example, because I I understand all this right but like when I've and this is going to be a little bit of a you know connecting of dots here so follow me, but like when I watch during twenty twenty, how they tried- and this goes what I'm talking about police officers raped, and I watched how police officers were enforcing things that were unconstitutional mandates that weren't laws. You know owing to the beach arresting someone on the beach because of a mask because they want learn a mask or they weren't supposed to be there. You know that the paddle border guy right, like they, flew out on the boat and they got the sky like a what
point? Do the men and women of are service sector in which I would consider like police, bore retrial in all military, like all these guys that the united states taxpayer is paying their salaries at what point should these people. Take it upon themselves to say you know this is a right. I don't either. This is happening in ireland, stay in the point completely that you know very well. Jobs are on the line when they speak up right, there's, probably a whole lot of guys in the border patrol relax, holy shit, we're being evaded, but they can't do anything about it because the minute they do or say anything about it. They just get replaced by some other robot absolute. So like what is the solution here, because I have always supported the police, you know are: are one of our biggest charities that we donate to hear at first form is back stoppers, which is a charity that takes care of a fallen officers,
Families were very passionate about. In fact, we have a vet here tomorrow, nine to honour a friend of ours who was killed, the line of duty blake schneider that we ve done every year. Since that's happened, and I, like I love these people, these people have you know I respect them? They have one of the hardest jobs in the world. They get paid shit for what they do, but at what point in time, because you know we're we're we're dealing with people who are doing things that are on american and are like hurting our country. So at what point in time what's the solution for the men and women to like hold that line, as opposed to
just kind of go along because they're afraid for their own their own income. I mean it's a difficult situation, it's tough, because everyone wants to keep the lights on the crew for the what and why did they join in the first place, because they're very patriotic for this country right? That is one of the most patriotic careers you can find in america for sure and it's hard because all they can do is what they're told them to do, and so like right now I'll say this: the more out for the border patrol is the lowest it's ever been. They actually have the highest suicide rate per capita for law enforcement. Right now it's sad and it's because, like the demonizing, the the politicising of the career field that people are looking at them saying. Why are you doing this? Why are you doing this or why you are not doing this? Both sides of the fence right you've got the left and right giving them shit from no matter what else, and so it is tough.
The one thing that they do their best of his be a deterrence, be there and be a person on the line to hopefully deter, go somewhere else. If you do it, you're not doing it here, and a lot of guys are taking that position of being very active on the board or being actively putting their truck they're. Putting the lights on like you come here, you're getting stopped. The unfortunate part of it is that even that alone gives them like walnuts, go straight to him and say: hey, I'm here, and so it's like almost even if you're trying to do your job. What is the job of the the It is to stop people from entering to america outside of the port of entry rights from anywhere else of a port view, enter their job to try and stop that or deter that they can sit there with the lights on that and the vehicle as a deterrent which usually used to work in
it doesn't happen anymore, so well, because these people have learned that they're not going to be hired back or sent back, because there's no fear because they've been incentivized right right and so now, even you do your job to the most. What if I did that in two thousand and ten they would never come. There was like fuck that that guy's going to stop me he's going to arrest me and there's gonna be time in jail right, because that's what was in place at the time as administration during obama, right who, who was very strict his his policies, were very strict. People were going to jail right, and so the fact that his incentivize now, even if you're doing your job to the full capacity, it doesn't matter and that's what's hard because guys who still try and do the job it is. Elephant as hard as they want to do the job there's. No, I can't see how come all these guys, like the police, the border patrol cars- I I know these guys right like and I agree with you. These are made up of veteran in people who care about the country, and you know most police officers
border patrol guys they're not doing the job because of the pay their doing the job, because they believe it's important that somebody needs to do it. It's a job of service that they happen to get paid. In my opinion, probably you know. Twenty five percent of what they should get paid in reality, but how when these guys don't get together and say you know what this is. This is hurting our country. This is not ok like how how come that like? What's stopping that from happening, while, I think, is their pay, you what's going to happen with the governor, could easily just fire them and go find someone else to fill that role right and that's the sad truth of that like it's, there they're generally handcuffed yeah, that's the there's! No okay, someone who's patriotic! Does the job? Okay! Well, you don't want to do the job more fun will find someone else who's, not patriot, good yeah, but they can't do that if everybody acts together,
It's true like what, if the entire border border patrol and the entire police force in the entire military said we're not doing any of the shit for these people yeah. What happens when those people are fucked is what happens You know in our our last line of defence as citizens that we count on. Are these people? It's it's? The police, like in twenty two when he brow? When I saw the police doing some of the shit, they were doing like arresting people who were trinity, the business open, so they can eat or arrest People who were in public places it disgusted me brung absolute. There was disgusting and I always felt like a sense of safety in this country, knowing that. The veterans and the military community in the police. If it came to it. They would stand up for us because that's what but that didn't happen.
You know what I'm saying and it didn't happen, the way that it should have happened and still not happening. The way that it's supposed to happen, and you know I I think that that's more of the frustration that we're feeling, at least for me personally, maybe it is different for everybody. But I don't blame the border patrol ages for the border being open. I blame the image straight in the government and these old elite tyrants up in Washington DC. But where are you problem. Is that like they're, not stop there not trying to stop this or you don't insane, and maybe maybe maybe it saw rewarming day it's impossible for them to even think about it. A lot like it is that way, but at some point in time we have to be real about. That's our money. We pay you guys, we pay you guys were police officers, we pay, you guys, are aborted role. We pay, you guys were military and you guys look out the interests of the governor, and these elite tyrants and not the interests of our people and its becoming a very
dangerous situation. To be in the middle of for those people, that's kind of what's happening like I said if you watch it social media right now, and you watch like just the comments of everything. That's what you have you have you know the liberal side of it is very liberal, so I will be talking more like all. Let them in you know, you're, like oh fuck, that's we're right in the more conservatives like we'll fuck, was helping him. It's like man is really hard. Don't I ever heard anybody say that I have a lot of guys that say why they just letting them in why there's lentils cause they're, they're handcuffed. Eighty, it is, is a really shitty situation cause. That's the pressure. Also portal feels the whole. They
It seemed like trust me dog. I want to do more, but if I step out of line I lose my job, then my kids don't eat, and so that's a challenging thing to put them through. They asked the stress that why there's so much so said why the morality super low, why they want guys, like you and other people to show them just say: hey, I see you and I get it yeah. It's tough and I think we're now. The the best thing we have is that there's an election coming that could potentially put someone in place that would actually see them what they're doing and allow them to do their fucking job, and I think that's what everyone's kind of waiting for there is, these kind of waves of the bourgeois and how policies, change and shift and and and stuff and you know they're trying right out that way because men look, I respect him so much, and I know what it's like to. Did you live paycheck paycheck as more force? Oh yeah, there's no doubt, and so I left it there. That's fucking bullshit by the were absolutely and data want to risk the fact of losing their house, the family, the kids in Sofia they're going to sit through and they keep those people
it's just like they do with most citizens, with the tax rates and the way they tax, the the the companies and the says they tax people right to a point. Where they make it like extremely hard to operate. But but you can operate and that's how they pay these police officers and military and border patrol guys they pay, I'm just enough, but a penny more two worlds. There like almost a slave to it. There is no room for absolute allows, ever able to walk away that I had a successful business that wasn't, that was make media money, or else I would have a slave that beyond that's wrong, it should read. I love it out. It's our police are we should reallocate alot of that tax money that these politicians, steel and a lot of them money that we send overseas to places like ukraine or africa that should be reallocated towards the salaries, of our police and border patrol and military yonder.
Yeah issue should be dude, it's real shit, but anyway I mean I feel for these guys. Do you know I get it I'm just playing devils advocated that as we have an invasion happening ran like did you. That story up in pennsylvania, where that dude we covered it that guided killed. He killed somebody and they went on a man over fourteen days on the cortex nine to ran right, my dad's yeah so broke, but here's holding knob they took asperity dared two weeks. It took thirty guys, two weeks to catch her. Ok, now got six mid. Six million of these dude like people like that no man, maybe I'm hyper. Maybe I'm hyper aware. To it or I'm alarmist to it. But to me it, sure does feel I can assure does look like they're sending their their military capital to our country right now, we're like you
come on man sit here and like we're, going to look the other way and we have a fucking knife in our throat yeah. I think there's going to be definitely a repercussion that we gotta look out for in the near future and what's what's what's crazy? Is that some people, I guess the administration, doesn't see it the same way right? They see it almost in this, like oh humanity, You know my do who now I like that, and I think they sell it as humanitarian, but they know exactly what there do. You know. That's my anti communism brianna, it's crazy communist brow and they're trying to do the american eyes are united states of america with all of these migrants so that we have less of an identity to fight for how much ass american. Do you guys feel now than you did? Ten years ago, because I feel a lot less, I think that a society fills a yacht and that's that's the intent of the democratization. You know if we take a country, that's fill with a certain kind of people, not race, but
Reality, ryan and then we flooded with millions of millions and millions and millions of people who have a differ, ideology or different world view now, we're talking about diluting the culture yeah that makes a marriage what america is an and everywhere I go like just be real It feels less american than that it has at any point. In my life you see that in the masses which is the american flag, we're talking about at at launch is that just the american flag now to some people is like, as is a threat down like wait, hold on. That's actually that that american flag should constitute everything that america stands for every color, every race, every every culture. It is the sign of freedom and then, when you turn it into like no that's a sign of racism. Europe who the fuck is starting, this rumour yeah, you know me, those are those are people that have an agenda dared. It's not it's, not the accident these are just these arduous people who are you, know, hyper, left or progressive. These are commune.
Who legitimately want to kill america and they stand that the way you kill a man guys not by. Bounds and missiles and guns its by destroying the key, sure that america has always had, and so what work? You know it's demoralization in the next step is destabilization and then the next step is literal conquering and we ve already work. Rudy moralists, we all just admitted the three of us now we're there that we feel less american than we did ten years ago, and then, if we look at the migration coming across the border or the I'm in most of the city's right or the pie. Poverty that's happening or the homeless situation. That's that's happening at scale at some of these democratic states. You know why entering destabilization. Now, or at least we know partially through that process, because.
When we consider, like the financial implications, the average cost of living, be the employers, in the buying power of dollar versus just three years ago. You know we're nafta off from one or two things that will legitimately send our country down the tubes now and so You know. When I look at this, I don't I don't look at it any other way like I did I did a long time ago that I believe that this was a communist insurgency subversion It's very real and it's in we're in the late stages of it and it's a rat. It's a communist revolution when they write about what's going on one hundred years from now, they're going to either say it was an attack, the communists, revolution or was a successful communist revolution. And were in the middle of it and they're, not gonna. Mt say: yeah guess what were were installing communism, the united states, but if you take away the name, communism and you look at all the elements that are happening very clear: is the same thing, and so, when I look at the boy,
situation in most people may look at the border patrol and say, while border patrols do a bad job. That's not! I never think someone. I think what I do think is: why aren't the border patrol in the police and the military standing up for this country like they took an oath? but I don't blame them for being in the situation. I blame or government, which I think is But I don't know like that's me. You know, I don't think most people are, I think most people still aren't seeing it the way. I see it yeah, I think a lot of people. We're still seeing at service level, and you know what Maybe I'm wrong, maybe I'm Maybe we have an election and a new leader actually gets elected and things change, but I actually believe the election is so compromised, I don't think there's any chance that anybody, but Biden is going to be president. I don't, I don't think there. I don't think I don't think Donald trump just listen he's gonna, be the candidate. And and he's gaining more and more and more steam he's ten points ahead of Biden. He was never ever ever ahead of Biden in the same exact poll.
Ten points ahead now and I still think they're gonna fuckin cheat the election, all wars, pursuit and I think they're gonna put this due back in an americans are gonna. Have a real gut check moment like our Are we going to tolerate that is this is what happened in these communist countries, like venezuela and El Salvador, and these other places were there was a long lines I mean broadcast. In brazil adjustment. But in Brazil the ball scenario and Luna ball, snow. Has two million people at his rallies? Luna has zero and then Luna wins the election, and then they have well, the same fuckin kind of thing they had here and now, instead of january six january, eighth, its that same play their running in fuckin, Brazil, that the running here in the united states right now and so on, next election will, I think a lot of people are looking right now. There's a yak trumps gonna win because he's too, and points ahead, and you know
We bodies behind him, I mean bro, even the even the black. Inner city voters who were like fuck, trump now coming around. If you go on a world star post and they talk about trust, ro, it's like all pro trump, okay, so all these people are now looking at the sky in their saint. Are you coming back, but what happened if he doesn't what happens if they fly our steel. The election right in our faces which, by the way, that's the all, Amid the moral asean to dinner writing your fiancee doing that's what they ve been doing. That's why goes up on tv and smirks everything he does like. These guys know that their doing this stuff right in our faces and there's nothing, it's going to happen to them, and so My opinion is that over the course of the next year and a half trump is going, continue to gain momentum. Momentum, momentum, because people have decided that they don't care what he's done now. They don't care if they persecute them, they don't care if they bring them into court they,
they don't care. If he whatever they say you don't care. Whenever they say, they're going to assume was a lie and it's gonna add power to him. But what no one of its true or lie- and he's that far ahead in the election cycle, and then he loses. You sure of san that's all mental moral asean in there, and indeed dirt, we're gonna, have a real got check as American citizens, especially the men as to what the fuck you're actually made of what we do. Is your brother there, some interesting stuff we're not gonna, know if you have seen this right, but this past Tuesday kevin without karthi former speaker thou sees out right and that mostly and thanks to the work that met gates has been doing here's the thing a couple people been partner there, the names and the hat, for there is no more than a couple more than a couple right and slightly, those for example Jim Jordan, right armies,
opt his name in their steve school ease. He dropped his name in there, but on a left feel sal. I feel now chosen in the run up right and megan. Then they've been talking about it, and this is actually an MSNBC article. He he is expected to announce that he is putting his name in officially on tuesday. Here he is, and so, and so does this is MSNBC article reading does Donald. Drop one to be speaker of the house. It's a question that has emerged in the chaotic afterglow of a collection of house conservatives seceding in ousting how speaker Kevin Mccarthy, so The farther the president has done little to downplay the political intrigue watch, this video others cleared. This is from when he left the court built in armenia ass, the news came as a see what he had to say required the people
If the lot of people have asked me about it, I'm focused on relieving the focus is totally help the process. I would do the people of the republican party, the other, whatever it is The president said when making america great again. So then, even the white house responded right, so so kg be sure
to say her name should be, there should be kgb. Agent knows we should be there. So, let's see what she had to say from the white house, any of the meetings about that in the last twenty four hours has anybody in the west wing heard anybody talking about the possibility of speaker trump? This is something for house republicans to figure out. This is something for them to fix, we're not going to get involved in the speakership. We don't care who they who is in the race or who is out the race. Not for us to figure out, the president doesn't have a vote. No one here has a vote. They have to figure this out thanks for your nervous and scared shit This without telling me you nervous scared, shitless bro. That was crazy. You responded that considering all the clips that we ve wash your response,
brought light broke. She's nervous is not now that was fear one at all. Not only did the rate the reason, the reason she and I say anything with her normal smart ass mouth is because she's afraid he might get it or do we want the speaker I will give him well. I got starting line of secession. They already are open indictments our open impeachment inquiries, goin on august Biden brow. It will not be very difficult to. I can clean house as easy round to the fucking presidency varies and then think about, given that that there were given five years. If you ran for letting your continued is run for election. I got five years. It's a wire seems like way far outside the realm of of of reality, but You know this has been tossed around over. Over and over again here for years- and I am the first to see kind of far fetched, but now like do this is a real possibility to real possibility. I thought it was crazy to hear that they're they're, starting to build the wall.
Again, while nobody wants to talk about that, but I like brody that day a thing there. You got that hell yeah. I will wait to that. I got lots, save yeah, that's insane You're not saying I'm glad you're doing it yet by like the hypocrisy, yeah, definitely do you know, look and here's the thing people on understand the structure right, if house, if he becomes speaker the house, they could impeach byron. And potentially impeach kemal right after him, and then he would be present. That's what I'm guy. I know that. But what I'm saying is: there's people listening that are you an me over me opinions about politics, but of my business advice, and then you know, I love my. Politics and hate my business advice like there's very few people
I actually understand how this works. Yeah. I was going to add there's a lot of people here that think that Vincent actually killed a guy on ok, so I have to explain it right explained it to me explained to me cause I'm not too clear how this works is a very powerful position. If trump is voted speaker of the house by congress, which they have the power to do like if all the republicans who were members of congress voted for trot to become speaker of the house. He would becomes. The house and there's nothing. The Democrats can do because they don't have enough votes to stop it wrongly, that there's no requirements that you actually have to be but you don't have to be a member of government become ok, you can be a problem, they could. Let me I so if they that lets. You say they did that tromp, then sides over congress. The representatives they can then peach Biden and if they then impeach camara,
he's the third in line to become president Jesus? Yes, So answer the houses, like I mean, do like some of the checks and balances of our government. The house they're a position they have makes them. I mean it's an extremely powerful position, like all of the investigative the committees at all in the house represent, so there's a lot of power and sway, we already have the senate for the most part, so I'd say it'd, be I this is a very, very realistic I said it's also one way to get around what I was just saying before, which is the gut check moment. That's going to come around because look, dude and- and I say this not because I wanted to happen, because it's it's real if it is very clear that this man is, you know one. The vote, one the people over and steel. The election it's gonna require violence area. It is going require violence and all these border patrol people and all police officers and all the veterans there.
We gonna, have to decide. What team IRAN now. That's words can in that. That is the precipice point of view, I once that I see in in the near future when countries who have dealt with this sort of awe. Tyranny, tyranny or or or rebel. Hundred coup cause. That's what this is. Okay, if you think how successful you, what well Take the coup actually happened in the sixtys, but the point is, I believe, personally that the election was already highly manipulated. Just like it was I mean if you washed arizona election at just confirmed what happened so and we can argue that all day like we can argue that trunk Did thirty rallies with thirty days in an election where he had no less than seventy five thousand people at each rally and Biden was in his basement smiling because they knew that he was going to win alright, We can argue this all day, but
I personally believe that it was already stolen and ass, the belief of a lot of people, a lot of people feel that way right because every fucking person. They know voted for him like every single person that I know, with the exception of like few, like far left wing ass motherfuckers that I happened to be friends with and europe, still weird. I love you, but you were fuck em, by listen your cousin eighty, a little bit right, real talk, but the point is: is that everybody fucking voted for the first time with the, with the exception of the hollywood elite types or the far left, progressive communist bluer people and and even so the people who did involve form who vote for buying are now shifting, because they're, like holy shit, look it's going on this crazy in the waking up at mass and solve all people are looking round were like oh yeah, that's our guide It's our guy, our guy and they steal it again.
This is where those other countries like Venezuela and El Salvador failed in. This is the point of of tension where they legitimately failed as citizens to defend their own? country against this communist movement and so on, opinion. I believe that if the action is blatantly stolen. It's going to the time to decide for american men and american battery and police and military do you believe in american freedom, or are you willing to let communist take over and That's going to require violence no and broke, I'm all while cultural revolution, because without a cultural revolution we never have american culture that he's been frank that do you know when we talked about not feeling less american reason we feel less. American is because when you and I were growing up where the same age we we were taught you know, that people who want in life and the good things and build things. Those were people were like celebrated
Oh, it's the opposite right, and so we have this cultural ideology of no excuses bad ass american fuck you? If you don't like it right- and it's been- replaced with I'm a victim, I'm sick ah I'm tired I don't wanna work, gimme, your shit, it's totally dick mentality, and so the ideology. Difference is massive and if we We don't restore that culture won't exist anyway, but there is gonna be a point in time that comes in my opinion were very. It is highly likely and if its not executed. There's a good chance that we go the way of of venice. Ella or El Salvador, or one of these other countries where they judge go total communist, you know in El Salvador is back on the right track and yank as they got somebody in who was willing to fuck unclean house No, I didn't that gives me hope, as they seem to be real afraid of the elections because of the
their persecuting, the man could look politically, but now it's dead, it's a it's going to be an interesting time. Dude and like I'm, just going to be real, like I think it's a good idea for Many of you guys who were patriots like for real too, like get your shit together. Man, because, like I don't I don't I don't think they're gonna not steal the election. I think they're gonna steal, in front of our fuckin faces- and I think there's gonna be problems, and I think these millions and millions and millions of fuckin migrants come across the border. Have them tension to be militarized against us. The people in defence of them sound doing about how bad you know when or how not to do it. Will you mean they're, letting their letting the illegal migrants police officers in illinois, isis ro, sherry weapons and arrest american citizens. They just pass a law pritzker past it who is the governor of there in yes right? So what's the next step? There already asking you to pull him in your homes, yeah, ok, so the next
I was gonna, be they take your they're gonna fucking gone emerged, the alert they just alerted yesterday and say work. What what else did they do? Oh, you. I have this and in the topics, but they do categorized mega now as an extremist groups as you have that mugabe. Ok, we'll talk about it. But the point is the these people will come on the alert system and they'll say we're on tat by rebels word tat by people who want a tear, country down and if you believe in america you ve gotta, pick up arms and defend it, and it's gonna be all these migrants bro your. They also give all these migrants forgave him them. What bones money more more benefits and are giving our own veterans from the have served me. How many that do you know personally not not what names but are struggling? They have been struggling that are struggling,
far far more than they ever should struggle for what they given in this country. Moving as right, it's wrong to get the benefits they deserve. Well, dear got a file form? And then you got these dudes coming to class being handed a stack of cash in the cell phone say, see and an years now you know, go away by women like broad it's fucking real shit. It's happening to assume Is this going into this cruise? So remember. If you want to see any of these pitches articles links, videos go to Andy for salah dot com to find them there after watch on youtube check down in the description below and you'll find the links there is. One of them is em in the skin and offers headline first headline rates manhattan, fraud, trial and she's day for I will follow up on this system interesting stuff going on, and so everybody knows how trump is he talks a lot of shit? It's great.
He recently showed a club of aid eulogies james, calling him an illegitimate president. Now that's a good clear but is actually one is better it has been circulating around and on. Out of the gag order that the judge gave him. I thought this was a really really interesting clip just to show the people exactly what we're talking about you so as wash this clever, the president of the united states has complained that I'm engaging in some sort of political witch hunt that I've got some personal vendetta against him, that I campaigned against him. That is not true, because you cannot- fire we gotta get ready to mobilize and we've got to get ready to agitate and irritate until the morning
the legitimate president, I'm going to give you the same level of respect, the jew gig to president obama, and that is absolutely no respect. Let's fucking beyond honest obama, didn't reserving respect. A mammal was actually a very hopeful candidate. When obama got when I'm got inaugurated in two thousand eight when they actually announced that he won the election and he was in Chicago and it was all over tv bro. I mean getting goosebumps about how I felt then, like I, I didn't vote for him, but like dude, like I felt very hopeful for america, I said bro. This is great, like it's our first black president, it's going to unify
people pete like disk. If this guy comes in says what is actually about. It's gonna be amazing, and what do you do came? for eight years. In fact, our shit up, and now he still fuck it up with this all. At his shit, Joe Biden. Okay, so like, let's be real, Obama started with a very high level of respect and he quickly did right. I had nothing to do with donald trump and me american citizens- feel that way. One hundred percent but with with all of this going on, I mean this clip right here. You remember that bro. When he got elected yeah it was it was. I think it was a good unifying feel for a lot of units. Dared? I felt that way too, and I remember our data girl at the time who was. Very pro obama- and I was not and at the end of it I wasn't. It was different time than to do you imagine like dating at one of these fucking people now. Shit, bro, everything's weapon
It must be hard time for me Look I'll say it. Is this of saying! Is we hate each other? I just looked over and I say, hey I'll, be right I'll, be right! like this looks good. It sounds good. It feels good. I hope you are right. I hope I'm wrong, but I was right. You know what I mean. It's real shit man, you don't remember, do cause you're pretty young girls. Do you always over? or even an eighth grade, I mean we're your full I mean I thought- was cool and I even just seeing the videos like I mean millions of working people like shit. This is pretty cool I want my lawyers blood president I'd be black Normanby president, when dad, I didn't feel like that, will make it that way. I may add anything like I don't really like. That was the tone. I think there was a way less racial contention. Engine is now absolutely like. Like do when a young people are like these twenty euro, kids, they don't get that back into thousand- was five bro walk everybody's walking round cool like we're, making jokes
bodies rather we're having fun were celebrating each other's cultures like were black dude, when a country shows why do you're going to web shows worth book and hanging out. Nobody gives a fuck avenue yet broke. Nobody can do little talk like these young kids don't work. They were around during their knives. They understand. You're too solve applied majority been fuckin solve the context of work of the time before now, don't you are, but I want to bring up something. That's really really crazy man in any kind of alluded to it, but we got a song about it. So news weak magazine. They did this, exclusive report this headline reads: exclusive donald trump: followers targeted by F twenty twenty four electioneered. This a real it's an absolute, unlike listen guys like we've all joked about it. Right like I got my f b, I agent who targets us while I talked to him he's cool you know, but we always joke about it again, and this is real, this is a real thing that there are no longer hiding rights of yours.
Associate his intimidation to one hundred percent? They they're just leaking the truth. Bro! That's all it is so that so this has been going on for a long time, but they're leaking the truth, because they want people to be afraid. His support, Donald trump yup. That's what this is about. One hundred per cent this is no different than whenever during twenty twenty one, when it came, lemme we up in miss Jim and it was like twenty august twenty one. I think And they have none of event, and I was a fool: this time they release the domestic terrorism watch list no remedy. We were there and all of us because, like that was where all of more than that mass, like we're all their like we're like we're all kind of secretly like. Do you like her? They come for us now like we got a little nervous right, but a couple days when buying we're, like you know what fuck these people, but like do that. What this is this is because the silent majority threat
Gee isn't gonna work anymore right, the first time They try to make everybody feel like those virtuous to say silent there. How going to work any more people realise that they fuck themselves by doing that so now all people are getting loud and you even have the black communities coming out supportive donald trump, which do like I love seeing that, but What I believe this is this is this is like hey you better, not publicly say you support tromp, it's a way for them to control them. Energy yeah a dangerous thing to do, because where people have to understand the moment that they say something is qualifies as a domestic terrorists, the amount of resources that that open up Maybe it is a fine words in army newt, it's insane just by labeling. This as domestic terror is right. If you followed,
certain the amount of of invasion into your life that you will be completely unaware of which, where it's already at a mass scale, but this allows them to take it. One hundred thousand steps further like it's dangerous yeah, the other. The other scary part, is that people that are that are easily swayed and easily convinced. Read that, like oh shit, is that in in the the believe that it's not like, they don't have a thought process right. It's all the people that read the title and believe everything that now is like and confirmed their own beliefs that that were now concreted to them and say people like, I want to say my mother per se, but people in that age, demographic who just like reading It reads the the headline and goes: oh shoot now, they're going to believe it. It's part of that psychological operations right that they do yeah bro. That's a really good point. I hadn't thought about that. Like a lot of people, we're still in that place. Or if they read a headline and comes from news. Weaker comes from a mess, em the das, proceeds all the other headlines, and it's actually the opposite right. There arrow was re whose was real.
It now, it's not and there's a reasonable expectation by them and everybody else that what news weak or what new york times or the new york post or the. Why and imposed or any of these places. Cnn fox they're all guilty of it and they become, a propaganda machine verses, and actual news, but when we were growing up broke it there wasn't like this, and if it was, we didn't notice it right like now, It's overtly like why in our faces and there's a people, man who still haven't unplugged themselves to realise that, like your this is the news anymore and ran this is an agenda that you're being fed, and that's a really good point. I did that a long long time for me to convince my dad mama, hey, stop, stop reading these right start doing that. It's like reading the account.
Are we working here when you you're, the guy was bullshit, lay ass, they stood up and you have to tell my stop like. Like really start educating out all these talks, starting your own decisions ray. I don't do that yeah, because just consider. I think a good way to interpret. Most of the amazon or when it comes to trump, especially because they hate him so much is that literally, almost everything they say about the dirt ends up being opposite, and so like, we when we interpret and by the way, That's no like plug on donald trump, like donald trump, and do himself any favours by the way that he carries himself. You know like down and trumpet came out effort for four years and you know? Instead of like jousting with the media present, and himself with a message of unity like hey and so saying yeah you know whoever jake tapir your piece of shit like your fat this might. Instead of that shit, had he come out and said now guys
I know that there is a lot of buzz around these policy decisions. Let me take a minute to explain them to you this Why decided this? I decide this, because I think it's gonna bring us all together so that we can move forward as this annie actually like took the time to like be a real leader in that way, because I think policies, everybody agrees times were better, but I, but you know he he he fucks himself with his communication alot of tyres, illegal professionalism, which was, I think, it's funny. So like. We have all of these misunderstandings, I'm I'm no stranger to them. I like, when I see truck, come out on the on the stage and he just start rip it on these fuckin media outlets. Am I get home? I love it and I laugh but I think it's funny, but I can also did patch myself from that, because I experience that right.
To understand how that comes across to someone who's who's not experienced it's the first time in our time that we seen a president going to step outside of the professionalism say out in just kind of addressed, biblioll humans, and I think it through a lot of people. Often that's why he had so much sustained toward them because they are like, as our president act like yeah get it would like a mean law. The should he said was like on point. No, it's a service is also important, for I know you're. My boy like like you just an idea, but you know, is one of those things and I do want to have a president has a little bit more protect In his office of the president, it's important to have that because we have to understand that there's people that hundred listening. You there's people that are eighty there's people that are six on the country's people. That are forty there's other countries and these people all have differ world views so like this is why as much as a joke about being present. Like I like a joke about it all the time, I wouldn't make a good president, because I will
go out there and tell you to suck on my fucking balls. Okay, like real talk, I can't help it it's who I am now I be a great strategic guy. I'd be a great personality on the internet, but like being actual president, I probably have the same problem. The trumpets. Ok, though, I'm just being honest, it's just real shit so, but, like I, I loved it. But I love the way he is because, unlike fucked, you disguise awesome like a bit like do. I would love to hang out with them in fucking talk shit. That we would roast each other be fucking hilarious and a limited, road I met his family to in their fucking great people. Their great people do an arm. So I really I get it and I like em, but I also understand why people don't like that and I think strategic mistake. The he's been making here, you want me. I agree. I agree, maybe not like the guys, the guys
so hyper intelligent. I mean he might see a bunch of shit that I'm not even seeing I mean the guy's twice as old with all this experience. I mean fuck him Had this shit all figured out, we all know shit I'm just saying that's my take now. I love what he says. I love what he does. I think it's hilarious, but I understand why, like you know, maybe your ma. Am I not right railway among how like right? I like that, like tat lady from last night, we had a deal like you know, Jesus rally for that's a story for after the shell do What does job on this guy says you? Let us know what you guys think down in the comments has checked mean view you, let no gas thanks That being said, we keep this crew. I say, come and get it coming here s. What I say come again brought I'm I'm looking at this like, like that that, like I am looking at this next year and a half kind of like this could be it.
Now. This is like I'm, DR at all, my now shit, we're in all my shit, I'm fucking going the nicest shit. What must be reminded that anyway, what the truth is like ours? wanting to think like oh man. This could be it. It's like it's making me appreciate everything else, a little bit more. It's definitely a scary time and kids, I'm always like. Oh fuck, did I fuck up and bring them into this crazy shit, you like I've tried. These are the only ones you don't even sailing army platoon over there. I do and I'll be there working commode max somebody did. I say that because I made a comment on the show: just the other day base, equally saying like dirt if your fifty five we're sixty in older, like you guys, fuckin failed, your generation failed, and so many people got pissed off about me yeah. But you know what pro here's the thing: that's no good, front and me saying wilma generation has failed by allowing this discussion of mutilation of generals to happen to great schoolers, but I,
We have been more vocal, five or ten years ago about. When is this shit started to come around and I wasn't and sought that an attack on an individual. I'm ensure that a lot of you guys listen to show. You did exact. What you were supposed to do, but I'm sorry as a people as a group as a team, we have failed and not only has your generation fail, but my generation has failed to so I have responsibility in that as well, so that, the view that fuckin hate me, because I said that that's what I'm communicate. Like I'm not sitting here, saying I'm doing it perfect, because I'm so we fought out now and that's that something that we have to address before we can collect it right and that's all I'm saying I was reassured. Because we're fucked you guys did fuck up up up. I was before we get to our second headline, we'll take a time nor crews common awry, sort of an early death threats
policies of this com it is coming from at definite. Not Medina shit funny. But dj jane I many trophies is buying, has accomplishments and his entire political career, this guy's hilarious has got your overall aim. Vesta says devilry, not Madame duval, for the rest I forgot It says it right there. It says not without right of the nine right now that guy's voted a reverie if but that was here I'll, give it drove up, but I don't see it everywhere who forget? You know that yeah, so guys pressure, girls, common guys use our common section engage. All I gotta get like communist are picking up all this was a real person. We are you ok, we'll defiling on Basle. Definitely not medina
strawberry alike. I liked the original name actually at bug nasty back. That's reflective of our listeners highlight that. Well I with it horrible's career, guys headlong number two parliamentary seats by never ways federal laws to allow boardwalk restructuring taxes, another NBC article, which I thought I thought it was racist. It was racists, I thought they were putting people in cages. They were it's crazy I'll, speak a little bit on on, like it's crazy, that people would argue the wall when they don't understand how valuable the wall can be right. So, like I just put into perspective, you get twenty thousand board of trade. It's just about right in, but you have three shifts aboard the agents, and so you get the morning shift. Mischief night shift right, yep you're an admin, so you you at all times
We have some around three thousand five hundred guarding our borders. That's all the way from north thirty, five hunter. Yet that's not enough. No, no! Not at all so you have about so just one sector say eagle pass you got about. Maybe twenty people on a shift spread out there? two hundred something miles written so why the border was valuable, is because what it did is at least funnel traffic to go to areas that are probably easier access right, the the path of least resistance, and so it helps in some of these areas that are indeed sometimes I'm two hours two and a half three hours. From my actual, station. That's how deep you have the drive just to get to your point, and it's only you and maybe one other dude. So if you have bodies coming across in like twenty of them, it's like I'm not going to appearance when dudes alone in the middle of the night, I'm gonna call the home, there's nothing, you can do it right. It's such a hard thing. So when you add a wall at least it creates the funnel affected areas that you can actually kind of guard better. So there's value to it. If you want to help it that the wall was important, and so when they stopped construction, the wall, it was kind of like
confusing for a lot of the ages. To like do. This shit makes it hard for yeah, because they're they're, assuming that the people that they work for, have the interests of this country at heart and they do not yeah. It was a mistake there, Let us take everybody's make out, wrote a mile. America bro. We have a wall with, like literally like a cat lock on the top, like just like prison row like dude. Guns like I'd, have some of them automatic, like heat censored like many guns below the rotate around like shit. The partnership urine china's bro, they would beast he'd activated, it would be so well fears that people wouldn't come within range of the wall like we would only the two miles into the wall like because it would be so hard core. That's what we would do. I like You would only take a day of that operating for people stop now we, we would only take a day. It will be over there would be nobody coming here. I am all for people coming here like
this guy came here. It comes here from bosnia. Does all the classes does all the paperwork, does everything the right way, I'm all for that, but when for being invaded by migrants now, but by the way, I'm not talking about people from mexico. I found time us about the chinese military age. Males I'm talking about the african males, I'm talking about the de people from these countries that are fifty countries away from us or on the other side of the planet there being shipped here. That's what I'm talking I actually I actually, I think the point says for actual next skins to come near me. I should be expedited because cultures are July. We all in autumn say like as it's a good thing. So I mean I want to clarify that. But like do if you know, I don't know like nothing on this We're wall. Bro though, like I won't, I mean if you, if you have no comment. What do you think what your opinion
No, I think, like I said earlier, I think the wall was valuable. I think the wall is very valued like. Why? Wouldn't we have a strong like? Doesn't that? Why? Wouldn't we have that? It helps the the lack of individuals I have actually doing the job. Why would we have any gaps in it? Rather, I don't understand it either. You know the argument, the argument, those crazy was when, when trump said it like in, like, I don't even give a shit but a waitress when trump said and people argue was like the money. It's like that's a crazy argument that the money in in in why I think it's crazy is that what we're spending currently right now and just I'll give you just one example: there's one processing center in eagle pass texas current
right now that spends twenty four million a day, processing illegal immigrants right when you process them. Someone comes across and just to understand the process they come across and get apprehended to come in. We do fingerprints. Would you identify the right with you all? The things you would do almost in going into prison, so there's a database of everyone that comes across that we actually apprehend and for the most part, they're just walking up to a sandwich. So it's an apprehension, and so twenty four million dollars a day- and this is only one processing center- there's probably about five or six of them, and so just the money alone. Just then maintain that is crazy, and then you talk about how much it would have cost to do. The the warlike like shit? We could have built that wall many times over and which would actually have helped the influx, not be so bad, so it was just it was acquired. I think the the amount, if I'm not mistaken- and I could be you guys- can google this up, but I think the amount to finish the wall was like five billion.
Right, and so, when we spent over, we spent sent over one hundred billion dollars to ukraine when I'm that that one process- central loan, if you do them, do the math on that one he's come down to something like eight billion sounds like that. So, like you, you've already paid the wall once the one year and you would have actually deterred with a good amount just on the fact that it just makes him. The only logical conclusion here is that they want those people here is accurate and I think, The thing I think this is actually a sign that it will not change and tactics on missing the policy along the southern deeper, and I think that with them. Changing plainly donna one. Eighty on this topic How I see this is that the people that they wanted in this country to destroy it already here, like the damage, is done If you can close the border wall now, all you're doing is just locking us in you know what I'm saying I think damages already done now. Does that's an excellent point? man? I don't. I don't know that I can disagree with that, like they could be saying. Ok, we have enough for these people here. To do we need data, must lock about it.
Yeah and I didn't get some pull some of our motorways back because we will appear to be handling the problem. It's gonna be interesting to hear what all these Democrats, who you know it thanksgiving dinner, and I have to say about it. The wall being racist and is a wall still racist, mere ray is, whilst all races is it still kids in cages. Is a yo see still go under the boarded, a cry for help I follow up and ok is at work. Our data. We movement on some else now like at what point, I'm or the american citizens going to wake up and realise that you're getting played by all of the shit. It's all theatre I want an event I want to I'm going to check in with you on something to like me, what your experience borscht our age, I mean you guys got to do some really really heavy heavy cool. It. Ah, what your? What was your express like dealing with the cartel down there?
because actually this is, I bring it up to say there was a daily mail article that came out Todd Benjamin and he just did eye witness report about the battle between the mexican cartel and border agents down there. Where was that add- and this is insane yes or article reads- in the early dawns orange glow, a texas rangers commander briefs a heavily armed evasion force their parents. Cs I remote one hundred and seventy acre mexican cartel controlled island in the of the rio Grande river overlooked by I furnace and potentially booby trapped. So bringing the sombre by front in texas Apparently those is like hundreds of seventy agar island that deserve a stronghold were max cartel. They found weapons cash, they got you little boulders river digging holes under and hiding magazine, ammunition
all along they're, interesting, well, I'll, say this and yeah it's. I would see all the trafficking that's happening in the borders is is controlled by some some corto. Another writer like there's someone in charge of every area, has a specific cartel. The kind of runs that lane and everything you see from human trafficking to drug smuggling is controlled by someone. I don't know much about this story at all, but it's not uncommon. Every apprehension you make every kind of like all the intel that we gather and we start doing specific hits on on on targeted houses is because you know we know, there's some informant or someone who's flipped for the da and what not given us the information to go ahead and apprehend him, and it's all connected to some kind of cartel, and it's, I think, that's just the that's just the facts of it. It's I think it's totally ingrained into arguments some worse in some way, shape or form, because how much money is involved in smuggling, and so it's a big bird port au. It's a very, very shady
gary kind of environment and that's what you do down the border if you're apprehending dope bundles, it is the task of some kind of cartel, while its also attached to our own three letter. Agencies must be real. Fucking do not say that a cia pretty much put fuckin pablo escobar in business and then decided he was a problem. They got rid of them. And we can go on and on and on about a bunch of shit like that. So I I would build a bigger wall, so I'm gonna start this thing. If I the present after an ever segment. There were me we would the wall there was at least forty I'm their high and ten times that thick with our best automatic heat. Sensing people annihilating people, vapor rising many guns either were automatically on the top of the wall. And then I would give all the border agents they can maintain it. Now where we can
maintain that whole structure with the the little manpower that we have, that would work. Alright, that's what I think: that's why we do a vote for me yeah, I'm all for immigrants, I'm all for people come here. I love cultures. I think it's great. I love the bosnian culture. I love the in culture I love you know the asian culture. I love the black culture. I love the white culture. I love all the culture that they all have things offer ally figures. What makes america amazing yeah you know, I'm all for it, but like when we're bringing people here by the millions that do not want to partake in that culture and want to bring their culture here. That's a problem for us Is it dilutes the entire soul of american a very real way, so you know: ask you guys do you feel more american or less american now than you did five ten fifteen years ago, and given honest answer, gaza given to our third and final headline of show. Number three three reads: women's tat,
conference overrun by men, claiming to be non binary, draws amused reaction. I love this very soon this now I have. Man is in these these people a while, but this is like a backfire right like it is what it is. So a turk conference for women and not by mary workers and in the field last week was overrun by men and organizer said some unwelcome guess, falsely claim to be quote non binary to make it in and um onlookers watch the ensuing outcry or for with amusement and a lack of sympathy quote You have to admit it's pretty funny, watching a dude yelling about due to being dudes said outnumbered gus. Ben ferguson on Wednesday. Indeed, call in white chief impact officer of the group that organised a seminar anita, be chastised attendees for having lied about the gender related judge, someone's gender
I assume that they were nice out on binary in them. Monetary binary system. I mean who are data assume some was general. That's what I'm saying it was all very, maybe they're gender fluid, and today they felt like just for the seminar they felt like switching it. Yeah yeah, hey, it's weird: it's wild! It's weird! How they don't want us to judge them, but they they're so quick to judge it could thus called yesterday. It became clear that there are, far greater number of sis gender men than we anticipated. Simply put some of you lied about your gender when you registered wide set at the conference. Morocco has only by before you go. The lying, that what are you doing? The right path? What makes you the the judge jury, Executioner on gender identity
They're lying and they're saying that they are some they are not how do you know that they actually aren't that what makes a person like what makes them while here like bro the converse like that This whole situation is so fuckin. Good is great like this is what needs to happen more of it yeah you go. Do it yes, Yes, I do there. Yes, I do indonesia, though Andy when I was in my laptop So I can say this out now, because Emily companion said she didn't feel any sympathy for any one. At the conference who complained about men, gaming system quote, what do you expect? She asked? where's you're going to have the whole camel eventually get into the tent, because you have been totally fine with has no was going in that, as there is a club from the seminar
we should set a dixon. There is amazing that would have meant what why are they all wise everybody from india? The thing was a second, I'm that's out short on being neighbours must have more balls and actual americans row, I think it was some sort of tech event, so so this actually tweet here from avc, barman. She waited quote shocking to see how many men showed up to a women intact career conference claiming non binary on their journey see registration status shoving bullying and bribing the women there. Yet. I still get comments. All the time call. I thought we solve the women and take issue a long time ago. Sad to see how low people are willing to go in a tough job market? What do you think we should do this? You treated this picture. I guess she got a message from another woman that was at the conference saying june the messages,
red it's crazy this year, I got shoved by die into a door frame. A guys is one on one spot to this girl four thousand dollars. I was talking to a recruiter, recruiter, H, p e, he he whipped around me and started asking questions because he didn't want to wait in line yeah, I mean listen. Where do we start here? I mean, let's be real. Okay, like this is feminist and as a result, feminists, what you want it ok, this is what the fuck you guys wanted. Alright, you wanted a villain eyes, man forever we single thing that they've ever done in every single place. They've ever exist in society, and we have all every time the men said: hey, we want to only man event. We were called misogynistic and fuckin all these. Names right, so you do a women only event and people Women show up at their young and you get mad about This is absurd shit where manner man
Women are women. It is what fuck it is their it's ok, The handle men only events, its k to have women only events. Better in the workforce. You get the job, That's. How should be if you're, a woman- and you happen to have a vagina because you're, a woman and you happen to be more skilled than the dude, who is has a penis, no matter how small? Yes, you can get paid more than that person have that job like this, like This shit has gone so far overboard, and this is what we're resulted with, and this is what's going to bring it back to reality. I hope spam. Here's, how many of these dudes just use the non, buy binary thing to try and get ahead in the in the career field. Right like one While there is a yawning gap, will therefore have to write areas. Listen it's bigger than that because free years and years and years- and nobody wants to admit this, but I will say it is that men have been skilled at a position who had been higher skilled than women.
Have not gone jobs because they are trying to do diversity. Inclusion inside these companies, ok and soldiers. All there's these differing points of view. You know women can't get the same pay as men. That's now that's, been shown to research multiple times and not be true. Ok, so we the situation of hyper feminism. We have a situation of men who are living in particularly white men who have been denied jobs, even if they're the high skilled applicant in favour of women or other races. Ok, you're gonna have people start to cheat the system because they got a fucking eat, no right. So that's what we're talking about here. This is real shit and this idea of diversity, equity and inclusion and giving people jobs because they have a certain skin tone? Is bullshit? That's animal
organ in america and their legs or whatever are who you like the fog. Or any of the shy you like to fuck yeah bro its. It should be meritocracy who is the best person for the job who could do the job the best? If you happen to be black and you have to be a female fucking, great man. Can you do the job right like that's what the fuck america's built on america is not built on giving people shit because they were born a certain way. That's like. I can't control when I was born, did did you did you? Gotta have a meeting before you came here. Instead choose fuck. You are because Mr Monti fuckin reading it does you here why Ok, why don't get with these guys must all got one so, like you know now it's their fault because They were born a certain way Ok, it's nobody's fault there born a certain way and war living in a society that punishes people many different ways for being different than other people, and so we
have to have a scale on which we judge people, which is called meritocracy. How skill are you if you want to know a meritocracy, looks like look at a football game. Look at a baseball game: ok, who's on the field, the best mother fucker. In the world. I there's no women on the field, one no shit, because women can't play fuckin nfl football cause, you're fucking, killed. Ok, this debt for that so the job, those are the best people for the job and by the way, the nfl as much already black, okay, so It's still the best tools that could do the job, not just meritocracy, but none of that shit matters be the best evade the best, stop fucking bitch and get better dude is it man, like that's the whole entire game of everything, its natural ordered and by the way important society like theirs of theirs.
Jobs that are important sided depend on strong men to do the right thing to me. People are afraid of competitive nature and I think that's so valuable to have that's why you re. I raise my kids in sports. Could your life? You fucking, compete the best winds and that's everything in life. You know what I'm saying, but when you start doing this thing like was not the passage just the person that fits the bill, then you start having you know: sub average people doing jobs that are supposed to be, like high experts during world, it's a big problem and certain scenarios internet. Like problem, I understand that goodwill, atlas and accusations. I understand why people think it's a good thing, but I understand Do I really do I understand why people think ok? Will we need to work to get some of these people who may have lagged behind in other places into these few? I understand that and I actually You know, there's nobility in that thought that I mean, I think, that's a good thought, but when we're talking about that in reality there just so
jobs that have to be handled by people of certain skill set at like, if we're going to apply, diversity, equity, inclusion to, let's say, being an airline pilot it's probably not really good for everybody flying on the plane. I'm saying like in surgery. I gotta have open heart surgery, tat really give a fog. I don't wanta get her d, I want the eight plus guy levant Noah, answering the reviews, and you know this surgeon heap he got straight asian? Was tablets class and but this guy's, but this other guys now binary binary here, three pronouns, three pronouns, you probably the guy. You know what I mean the ma'am sire and want to expose the hypocrisy of gender ideology, asked someone who like to have operate on their fucking brain. You like someone who was the best. Would you, like someone who scored the best and who had the best track record
you like the person who has pronouns and graduated seventy fifth out of a hundred top right on your brain, which would you, rather anybody who says the person who is skilled is telling the ruth enable you says otherwise is a hypocrite, their wine for war, they deserve. It is actual laboratory, where I want the best- and even if that best has three four components: are you the best within you get there you go and that's the other side of the coin problem is not all The cap is now. You know why that's happening because motherfucker so worried about their fuck engender. I didn't you can't put in the work to actually become skilled at what they do. That's why they rely on the gender analysis, so they don't have to rely on the island. Worry about this shit like who you have sex with or what you think you are actually work, on gain some real skills. You wouldn't have to hack at a conference to get an opportunity right: do these things. This is obvious.
Stuff, and it's like almost painful to the societies likeness now like it's just like a measuring teenager soon have rolling dish into them down. Do it. Why do you think I come in your man? Half? Why do you think I do this? I don't come in here because it's fuckin fun brow. But you ve known me for a long time. My life is pretty cool like it. If you which you guys are going to see I'm posting day in the life, starting on what sunday you're going to see some of my life. It's awesome, but you look at it. Stay and then I'm sacrificing a lot of that cool shit that I could be doing to come on. You do this show so that your kids don't grow up in a fucking shit hole and they actually grow up we're having the opportunities that we had do we make them First of all opportunities, I don't know, I tried pretty hard. You ve tried pretty hard with you, don't say nation. They serve that opportunity and that opportunity has to be preserved by people like us so it's not just you. A terribly like people have come up with this idea that preserving our country only applies
When we go over to a rack right, when we go to afghanistan. Preserving the country actually comes from within, because with how we live on every single day basis, are we leaving the wife of an actual american citizen or are we not all living a free, autonomous life in deciding that we are free humans? Are we make? in ourselves healthy. Are we making ourselves intellij? Are we making the best of our opportunities or are we taking it for granted in letting it disappear because of its? with the american dream is not actually lived. There going to cease to exist for the next generation and that's why I come in here every single day, I'm fuckin say this shit. I both want to go on the internet and same opinions about all this stuff and have half the unity legitimately every single day like dude I can. I can make the most beautiful us motivational saying and it goes mega viral and I have for fucking ten years now. Ok,
and You'Ll- have comments in there. I love this product as a peace. Shit, like you know, it's like fuck man like one I'm a piece of shit? Why? Because I am I doing what I believe to be right you're insane of standing for all of us like dude. If we don't live the american dream, it's not going to exist and you guys out here who are thinking my walk, can't do anything because I'm just the poor little me? That's what they want you to think they watch I think, you're powerless. They want. You think nothing that you do matters and if they want you to think, that's so bad. What are you the truth actually is is. Actually that is the thing or most afraid of that's. Why the convince you that you're a relevant. They know, that you're relevant if you start to believe that irrelevant things were is really fuckin fast through my guys over Third and finally learn your. Come down on the commons. Let us note you gotta think in using hashtag its may now and let us know
You guys think. Well, I want to do that. It would do a man. Lump did I'm down I'm gender fluid raw sometimes, I feel sometimes I feel a little bit feminine, I'm not going a man there were eight, you know. It's always been in me. You know our area with an eye. That's right I feel it coming out man I'm starting to like of all I could feel are happening now We get a better job to row. Nobody was a shit because I like how intimidating you look your birthday. We revert. Ok, Did he come this way this dude? I do message me on the internet yesterday, who knows me in real life and he's like bro. These mother fuckers have no idea how big of a human being you are in real life, and I'm like thanks, but what will have a low bow was, I would say to your fuckin faint, no, they fucking what bro! That's, because the internet duty- and I would say now Amy. Nine percent of the ship had set on the internet would not be sudden purse.
Do. We were younger. You say some you get smack now. You don't get smacks of the the boy say well as our age smack each other like? If you do, you will could be sitting at my house smoking a cigar but hey fuck, you fuck you and I we could find and then ten minutes later, I'm like bro. That was stupid. That's what the generation that we grew up in, like my best friends, that I'm like the best fucking friends within the world are literally the human beings that I have fought, the most physics, in my entire life, how fucked up is that yeah, but I some fucking therapy brown. My best friend is my brother and my business partner and we ve gotten fuckin, probably two thousand fistfights, as fight closure. But like bro, that's how you bond man. That was like the real respect this bill is here Well, this whole pussy ass shit of guns and knives and thinking you're, hard and shooting people out in the street bro y'all a bunch of bitches like for real, real people, real men go out and fuck and box it out and drink a beer. Afterwards, that's real man, shit, okay, because respect is
that way. You know what I better not say that events in next time. I value atlanta, I don't want to. She doesn't like to fuck a city called gorilla, bro I'd, rather not I'd, probably get a whole. My tongue, we should start hosting boxing brought us. What I'm saying- and I had this amazing idea for this business concept- I can't say on the air, because so fuckin good, but is solved this problem, but real talk, dude like cake of your best. And ships that you ve had over your life. These are people at some point time you ve like really got into it. Won't they fought with you and about yeah you to write it down. You know they're down a fuckin, throw down dude and it's like it's it's it's sad. Like a lot. You know, a lot of people are bitching about the young men in society. What's wrong with him, I think a lot of what's wrong with them. Is it there never even able to protest? Peyton male rights of passages such as this fight like, it's not a real thing. Anyway, they got as far as your size, violence or the violence went away like a dealer raise wrestlers throughout the closest thing you get without getting in trouble of engagement,
I have one on one engagement and am feeling the fear learn a lot yeah. You learn a lot from it and it's the one way of doing it legally, where there's nowhere to hide right. If my son going to find school right now, he'd be kicked out of that fucking school, he loses opportunities in sports and it's a whole the world frosty again. If I get sent home and two days later, you're back at school now be well bro and culture anymore. These kids camp, this fight anymore, because the dude one kid brings a gun to shoot them because, in cloud on the internet. Oh my sunday fight and right away. I called a lawyer, I think I'm assuming because I was like. Oh it's also culture, then the other side of it. You know what I mean like fuck that bro and if you think about that, like, if you think about that it's scale and just think about that or your thing. It's closing in our freedoms in many different direction, because all of our laws are made by these lawyers. Everything is over litigious everything is being sued, for and nobody wants to stop it, because the people that can stop but are also lawyers benefit from back rattling soldiers. That's a big correction.
If I were present right, I throw these motherfuckers in jail. The whichever and we would ease up a little bit thrush more for me, not I really do were at stop graduating new attorneys. I put a stay on it for like ten years, so you wouldn't you would you would lessen the amount of, inter it is okay, because many would retire. The ones in the middle will grow their careers. They have less competition, they would love it because they're like okay, we don't have to fight with all these young guys and it would remove this over litigious nature that we have from too many lawyers. Seed I just figure that out in like three seconds, you think I can figure this shit out. You actually voted for me while for me, so a downwards in his thumbs up gaza, thumbs up or dumbest forget alone reads: cuba: iron man beats himself with a sledgehammer and survives unscathed, wow just just off
I'll have. My guess is run off the cuff man source assets go over to Havana leafy boulevard in downtown a man. A man is beating himself with a sledgehammer on his risk elbow those informs drawing a crowd of pass buyers who gathered to film spectacle with their cell phones. I was shocked. The crowd is not the apparent self mutilation, but rather the fact that he appears to come away unscathed. Given our man lino thomas and said once aspired to be the next mike tyson training to become a professional boxer by subjecting himself to millions of blows with the hammer and eventually moving the caribbean islands. A fight in mexico city quote I had twenty seven matches, one by knock out, but I retired, because in the last of them I fractured the skull, my opponent, any that instantly stocky thomas. I recalled an interview with reuters in havana, quote gave away all the money I made my fights to his family. He said estimating this
to be over a hundred thousand dollars a huge amount of money for most residents of cuba. I quote avowed. Never to fight again my time is in his since written off, fame and fortune and makes a far more modest living on the streets of havana and nearby beach communities. Collecting tips from impromptu shows. A recent soldiery summer morning, the squat lean thirty two year old, shewed on a half smoke cigar and wild a crowd by doing pushups on his bit wrist with a full grown man on his back and then return a beating himself with his sledge hammer, Asturias, We pounding every joint in his on on the wine swallowed assure the video he's jack Egypt, ah
but I do did works of pupils. I believe. I mean I'd. Imagine a lot of that is just like callous build up right, this guy yeah, but well I mean, when you're, hitting a hammer like out here in the open. It's not like it's like here now The thing is on street magic to that there is for sure, but I will say it doesn't look like it would not hurt at all know that dude looks tough as big Napo bro, that's a brass local! His hands are all mass you ever notice. I like. Why is it that all the guy, like the fighters and staff, have huge hands like that is like a thing that happens because they think it's because they fight or is that a thing that happened or is that what makes them a good fight but yeah, I dunno it's like the chicken or the egg. Really I dunno, but everybody I know like personally anime guys like they they're fucking, like they're different, like they're, like they're, different dudes. Like you shake their hand, I'm a big fucking dude, you shake like. I should
he'd ortiz hand broke, he ass. He was here hands so do the whole mother fucking unit, like you just a different size, human being like why you said unit you, I met, whole unit. We all hold not, though unit at all, about everything it does everything right. I wouldn't as a unit I wouldn't know am I found out, though, now that I'm not by others, I'm just saying: well, you shake this motherfuckers hen and you like instantly. No ok! I would not want to get punch with that hand. Now and so lichens is a thing like let us now and the comments I don't know did hands get big after they start fighting or do they is that will make some ugly fighter school question the fuck dos hen august style to that that that one you knows
trapped on the overall, your outlets, all school, criss cross the road. That is, and will you now, if we now before you know it, I get that she has been coming back to I've been seeing these do not thinking they invented that shit. It's like no doubt didn't you and I were like eleven the sheer burrow, we ran around like that. Like that, Oh, does one strap once rather unstrapped dropped dude as real shit now the stuff we we fuck and we find it. I think we started them. I great clearly we started all earlier, but he's got a sponsor and everything the radicals bosnia boy, you know, that's, that's a pretty serious modular got him a car, you guys doing all right yeah, I'm sure, there's like some copyright issues. There I don't know he looks like the jamaican. Mr clean well
the cuban mr clean, whenever like was like, he looks like a character yo. No, I'm just saying like look at his pose, like look at the whole thing like he, he looks like a I dunno. He like there's there's a marketing there that he there's something there. I will go finalize the era. This gather some here broader. Look that cigarettes. Aren't you going to make movies? I am sad to say is tat guy some method. Will we get the gun down These are some there now that's. What are these guys guys? Eighty brits, that's all I got I thank vince. It be on the show brow working people find your book. You can preorder right now at anywhere. It's the same that your amazon or barnes and noble. You can get an audio audiobook, it's my voice. Actually I actually read it so yeah, it's anywhere you anywhere, you buy books. You can snag it cole. So, ok, guys!
support about events in here you know he's a good deities, been I've been frozen for a long while that's too bad will weaken our europe now just get me one of the best use. I know our real time, genuine grey human beings, support him, go check out his book find out. What's Are they going on at the border? was written by Jocker, willing you guys all love and know and respect so go check it out, but appreciate you come in. Beyond the show me. I think it's really good to see you you do. Are you in town non drama, gonna catch? My flight I now make art while walking out another time, I'm going come back up. I enjoyed working out yeah we're going to get some scars too yeah, absolutely absolutely
My brother will thank you so much. Thank you from our guys. That's the show. There'll be a whole. The show sleeping on the floor number from the book are still countless millions. In the kobe teach buddhist smoke got a rope can't both doesn't know his shop case closed.
Transcript generated on 2023-10-07.