« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

576. Andy & DJ CTI: Russell Brand Rape Accusations, Hunter Biden Sues IRS & Migrants Heading Towards US Border

2023-09-19 | 🔗

In today's episode, Andy & DJ talk about Russell Brand being accused of rape and sexual assault, Hunter Biden suing the IRS, alleging IRS whistleblowers improperly disclosed info, and the video showing a train filled with migrants heading towards the US southern border from Mexico.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Sleeping on the floor. Now my jewelry box from the stove counter, millions in the kobe teach buddhist god of all things, rope kang, doesn't know headshot case club. What is up guys? It's handy for selling. This is the show for the realistic about it alive, the faintness and delusions of modern society and welcome to mother fucking reality guys. Today we have already a dj the mother, fucking internet plus we're gonna, do that's what ctr stands for crews the internet? This is where we put up current events on screen. We speculate on watch. True and what's not true, and then we talk about how we, the people, can be the solution as some of the problems going on their ties. We have q and I asked that's like what you heard yesterday. That's where you get the smith questions and we have answers occasionally. I guess come in and help me with, though, shows you could see me your questions a couple of different ways? The first way is, as you can email your questions into ask Andy at Andy for solid icon or you can go on.
You're too, and in the comments section on a culinary episodes of you drop. Your questionnaire and comments will pick some from there is well, don't forget, clicks. dr, when you're over there. the times we have real talk, we'll talk just five twenty minutes. Let me give you some real talk and then other as we have seventy five hard versus seventy five hour versus is where people come on, who have completed. My father, who had changed I'm using seventy five hard and tell you how you can change your life using seventy five. If you didn't know, seventy five heart is the introductory pays to the live hard programme. The end Herr live hard programme is available for free at episode. Two away on the audio feed. We did that show before we on youtube youtube, pre new to us ass. We started this past year. I get serious on it so that It was not up on there. So if you want that program for free, you can go to the audio feed, get it there and fix your shit. And then occasionally were falling full length. Where someone comes sits in and out
much like every other projects were somewhat sits. Then we have a conversation. So we this thing we call the fee the female Please share the show. Now. That's extreme important! Ok, because we get censored everywhere else, We were there post, content for really off get suppressed every single video that is posted on you to get suppressed. All of them. Are you guys don't realize that? So this thing I've always had its called pay. The fee mean share the shell. I put a lot of money into the show. I put a lot of effort into this, show to bring you guys the perspective I think is really going on to try to deliver value to bring you guys up and help make a difference in this world, I don't take ads from outside sources. I don't get hey to save things. I says everything in here that I believe I keep a real that's the point of the show and I ask
do you guys share the shell if you get value out of the show, please share the show it's very important, because the message will not get out organically unless we do that, so don't be a ho show the show. I pay that was added. It is freezing in here, though, that just me is it called yeah. I don't think it's cool, no, yeah getting sick. Now that I don't I mean I do it doesn't help that I got these like who's your daddy shorts on, but like it's cold, he went to cut for him, though who's your daddy, her, oh yeah, yeah three year old. Now I can say that yeah there are shit know what's going on with you, though man, nothing man, just meetings this morning I got a lift in and now doing, the show now and more meetings after the show it's life yeah. That's what, when I sign up for that dude. So so you know we talk about winning here.
the show all the time and that's what all of this is based off right like becoming a successful writer and can continue on that journey, and I love seeing other people when you love seeing other people win. So I thought this was interesting. I wanted to get your take on it and, let's check in with with with a with our boy. Dion Sanders is hot. Right now, oh yeah, and he has always always been hot. Let me rephrase that he's not he's, never not been hot yeah. Okay This is a result. Dionne Sanders doesn't high take on college for balls best coach. Let me see a mirror, so he did this interview. I Deion Sanders answer to whom he thinks is the best coach in college football shootin. Surprise. Anyone quote, let me see a mirror, so I can look at it. Sanders said during an interview on CBS. Sixty minutes hers, here's a clip, Ok, I just want to get your take, how you feel about it right, because I feel like there's a couple of things of people miss.
Underestimate or misunderstand when it comes so how successful people really are Why writing more, while I required as the individual to be successful, I wanted it I take on it and see what you think: here's the clip who's the best coach in college football today I miss it, but let me say a mirror, so I can look at it What you don't go sit up here, you somebody else. you think those well operate- is a mighty got debt owed me, but I data's love and door in our respect.
Every time I do a commercial, we could save him. It's get just sin in his presence in hearing him and in drawn some ass I did so. I could hear his viewpoint on it because he's got more things then I may ever coppers. So I'm a student looking up to this wonderful teachers it? Just just just throw me a crumb of what you know now, but didn't shy away from it. So I mean: what's your: what's your what's your take on this? Well, he said nick saban. Recent luger meta, glow man lowbrow I would be real, but this ok, first of all, ninety nine percent of the people here. Don't know what it takes to win, they have no. Idea what it takes to win, because they everyone right And I'm going to say this before I say what I am about to say about the just, because cause he's one of the things in the past or been great at things in the past, doesn't mean he's going to great, be a great coach. Alright
winning is earned every single day winning a son. you must do every single day in order to win in the long term, and what you do today will manifest itself in the next thirty, sixty ninety days, the next six months the next year. These Things are going to eventually show in your life. Whether that's you invite did everything you could to become a winner today or whether you fucked after they. Eventually that's. What's going to happen are you did today will manifest itself as your wife down the road that already so he has a lot of work. To do. Ok, he's just beginning is coaching career, however, I believe he's an amazing coach and I from a lot and tired of seeing people hate this dude because he has some boldness and some sites. or, and some coffee it's about himself thing. About where we are and society to wear when someone says that they believe in themselves, its
looked at as on yachts, looked out as arrogant, are not humble or not limited. you guys something you're, no good get anywhere without leave in yourself, you're gonna, gay, we're gonna, be just like everybody else, and all these people that are for hate known this. Did you guys? Should Look in the mirror, and you guys should take notes. Instead of hating. You should ask yourself why is he like this and then consider the fact that you being like this. If you just had one tenth of the confidence or one tenth of the boldness to this, and has put out over the course of his life, your life. This would not only be more productive, it will be a more fun but we have all these naysayers and all these people who hate on this dude, because they don't have any swag inside them. They don't have any confidence in this is just referred. This is totally reflective of
all of you guys are going to deal with when you set out to do whatever it is that you want to do. You're gonna have everybody else, which is ninety nine percent of people. Look at you, you in and judge you and they're going to say? Who do you think you are all your Well, you know you're full of yourself, you better, remember where you came from and the reason it's like this is because ninety nine percent of these people had never done anything and they're. Never gonna do anything. So you to ignore them? If you want to become relevant, india is greatest such a great example for this. He sets a great example. what it looks like to believe in yourself to have confidence to have fun doing it. Have swagger, and this is a big This is a big deal that people need to see because the blue first thing and culture right now is this attitude of be horrible, We would all be Then you are dose about align door,
I believe in yourself. Otherwise, you're arrogant, otherwise, you're, not humble otherwise, you're this and this and this and this and this and you know what else you're going to be. With that you're going to be broke. ok, because there's not a regular personnel here that just acts regular out there making it happen. It doesn't happen, go to uk we brought a mixed saving nix havens got more swear. Can you guys know you guys don't get it? How do you think? He commands the respect from his whole team. Why, do leaders have this and he just as open about it and people will like it. Nobody targets exactly those reasons yeah. I think he is awesome. What he's doing man like he took a program? where's. Just last year. They re only one one game, yeah yeah! Since I got, are you like, you know, he is honoured in like listen, that people can kind of criticism criticise. You know certain decisions. He made I think what he's doing is just fucking awesome. I love to see it in like he shaking up this, like you know the the old school mentality of like your approach to to coaching.
Now you see that he brought out lil wayne further opening night. Do that's bad ass, listen Then there is no nobility and playing small at all in your life. Reason you're playing small right now is because the people that you ve grown up with the people that you know have made little com thanks to you over the course of your life, which have made you play small and because you know, these people, your whole life and because you're, good person and because you actually vow, the opinions of the people that you grew up with. You deciding to throw you. entire life all Your dreams, everything We have wanted to beat the wayside further, opinions of people who are legitimately irrelevant in the big scheme of things. This is a problem plasma society and understands this and leads in a way that shows people and gives them permission to actually stand up. Be who they want to be. I love what he does I think these amazing, I think, he's an amazing example. I think
he's gonna learn lessons he's gonna take knacks because This is new to him, but I I think he's going to end up being one of the best coaches out there. I think he's going to end up being out a person who consistently wins because has the winning magic and if he could figure out have the winning magic. The he's always had as a person and move I'd down into the culture of his team? There's a dozen zero. shares are going to lose. Have the answer now. Yes, they're going to lose games, but I'm saying over the course of his coaching career he will end up being one of the greatest coaches of all time. That's my opinion. No, it's exciting to see. I just I just wanted to get to take on that. America has been getting a lotta heat row. I've been seeing all these people fucking criticize him on the internet bro and it really honestly it's a bunch of losers. Now it's Your people with no swag. No confidence who are meet quiet, humble little p, People who don't say shit here, Criticising this dude and it's like broke, you just have one tenth of what this dude had. Do you know how much success will you be like? If you add the key,
we step out and be who it is. You really want to be in front of the world. Do you know how much more successful you would be? How much more fun you would have, how much more grew define fulfilling your wife would be how much more pack for your life- would be people don't your stand this because they're so afraid to step out a line that they now we get out of line and experience it, but I'm telling you it's true ask me how I know albania internet any given day. Fifty percent of the people think I'm shit the elephant sent seem to like me, a whole lot, you sort of samara because ice. I come out here and I do what I do and I do it the way I do and I've always been away and an eye sealed different. Obviously, but I see a lot of what I believe in this matter and I am Expandable endured, dared. I love what he's doing. I was a phantom see. Grew up wash and play. I was a phantom when you play
You know what I mean a lot of these kids nowadays they are. This is their first taste of dion, so they think he's just now like dude. If you think dion is flashy now let me show, oh dear you don't even understand he was like this. Guy was the original like manifest. Hurt me, god of swag in sports ministers. The chains like changed row he's a first gotta, warlike long hearing and like like dude, the gatt dude. he is a new he's, a fucking legend period. You will all understand it, but they don't under and how how legend? this man is and what I really like about him. Is he terrible that he preaches and sets for his young men you're saying like listen to his speeches. Listen worthies teaching, listen to the messages given yeah he's he's got a little flashed whom and you don't like it, because you don't have any this. Do you like taking young men and teach them how to have fun and has swell and win an all
I'll be a good person. Why do you not like that? Why is that bother you so bad? That should be something that you ask yourself. nothing to now like about what he's doing. In my opinion, I agree with your room. I agree with you. We got some vague, like gummy, listen, the three! No right now, you're happy gains not, but you know well, you know I can tell you this. You know they learn it. The only problem I see with them is that they need to work on their despoiled it right, but They could to win the Catania. Go. The Catania shop play hard practice hard they're gonna do real well now we shall we shall see how yankee by reminds me of a more disciplined awe of miami hurricanes team from Michael it is when Jimmy Johnson was our house. Yes, I will see you see a watch broke as nobody likes watching born shit, but you guys this this in this whole conversation translates into like some
you're gonna. Let you guys you're trying to make a name for yourself with content and you're being like this boring little nerd right and like you, I like you How can it be able to do it? You're gonna have to become something that people notice and this Man is highly noticeable. Do not How do I get annoyed that people hate on like it annoys me but there's nothing there hey honour, bro anybody hate on this dude is shown their own insecurities. That's my opinion. One hundred percent say is gonna, be the greatest coach ever I must say, he's gonna be a better coach. Nick saving. I'm sorry, and I like what he's doing. I think it's important what he's doing and I think people should seller. Wait what he's doing instead of like throwing shade on this dude, because you know you don't like his chains, Iraq, you're, saying that's rumor
as of gr stake, you guys a team team sanders. Let us know drop down in the comments, but I s e t. I let's get to a guys, remember if you want to see any of these pictures articles links videos go to any facility dot com, you can find them linked there. You can also check down if you're, watching on youtube in the and below. I find them link there as well. So that means said headline number: one has a number one reads the rustle brian accused of rape sexual assault. I refute these criminal allegations. This is this is an interesting one. This is a very, very interesting story, and I and my hope is that this headline that we can actually you'll give the folks a holistic, ten thousand foot view to tally circumstances surrounding this. Because I actually really really like Russell grandmothers like an actor comedian, but also just
the person right in the things that he's been talking about here recently in the last you know four years I like em, like em lot, Just because you like him over the last four years doesn't mean it. This didn't happen want one percent want hundred percent, but but I think, hey, that's something that he talks about. Let lessons What's? Can we let Layla? We were ok, let's be real. I like them a lot to alight before I liked him, I didn't like him and he would he was he was. He was always drugged up. He was kind of. deviate like the way you handle himself was. I kind of like this burn out dude and it never appealed to me and anna. I never really found him to be funny. But since he has taken this turn, I do enjoy he's content. I think he speaks a lot of truth he's highly into budget there. There's no doubt about it and either I've I learned a really appreciate what he does, so
This is not about like or dislike one hundred percent right, one hundred percent, I dunno, I think, is well to your point. Two he's he's been completely open and honest. He didn't like himself during those times. Well, I think that's called being human. Is growth? There's there's, there's plenty of periods of my life where I look back and am cringe about like. The person I watch here, like that's, call growing as a human and unfortunately, we live in a society where when you grow as a human being and you become a better version of yourself people. Don't let go the past version of yourself because of the internet. You know back before the internet bro like if you just change and became a better person. People then throw your old self in your face, your whole life. Now they weaponize it every single time and we needed we can pull it right back. Alright, exactness yeah now that I'm a big fan of judging people on the shit they
at ten fifteen years ago or five years ago, like that, like I'm, a completely different person, I was in five years ago. Do you know what I mean it's in everybody should be if they're trying that's the point yeah, I dunno, that's really like. Where we are, at his or his counter video that he did yeah, I I now I say all of that, because I haven't looked into this or really heard anything about it. So a little bit about it. So let's hear it investors as diamonds. I got his response. Video in everything slow dive into the so rough the bran this guy. I know them. Russell brand has been accused of rape and sexual assault by multiple women and a joint instigation from the publicly owned channel for news network in the sunday times in britain. Are the british comedian vehemently denied any wrongdoing and pre empted. The publication of the allegations posting a video on friday evening. she said that, although
He has lived a promiscuous life all of his sexual interactions. Work in central brand went on to suggest that the publications of the allegation stemming from between two thousand six and twenty two thousand third, you may have been politically motivated, asserting that there is quote serious and concerted agenda to control independent media personalities in order to silence voices critical of mainstream liberal merit. The investigation in which was published on Saturday by the sunday times claim that for women have come forward with complaints of rape, sexual assault, as well as controlling and abusive behaviour from when he served as a presented on BBC radio too, and the left leaning. publicly owned channel four and then lay during his time as an actor in hollywood. so one woman told me
the news outlets that she had been raped by brain in his then los Angeles home and that she had sought treatment at a rate crisis sensor later that day, the paper claim to us in text messages from the hours after the alleged incident in which she relate to the actor, but she felt that she had been taken advantage of. In writing and quote when a girl says no means no, two which brain is said to have replied that he was quote. On quote very sorry, a second woman claim that he had sexually assaulted her when she was sixteen years old well. She claimed that, during a relationship that lasted three months, he had referred to her, as quote the child in quote, and had once choked her as he quote: forced his penis down her throat, prompting her to punch him in the to stop him. There was couple other allegations. Let's see his response, video, ok,
and while we're the the opinion of the public eye. Here is our response. Video holiday awakening one does now. This isn't the usual type of video we make on this channel where we critique attack and undermine the news in all its corruption. Because in this story I am the news I have received. Two extremely disturbing letters were a letter and an email, one from a mainstream media tv company, one from a newspaper listing a litany of extremely egregious an aggressive attacks as well as some pretty stupid stuff. Like my community festival, should we stop that I shouldn't be able to attack mainstream media narratives on this channel. But amidst this litany of astonishing, rather baroque attacks are very
serious allegations that I absolutely refute. These allegations pertain to the time when I was working in the mainstream when those in the newspapers all the time when I was in the movies as I've written about extensively in my books, I was very, very promiscuous now, during that time of promiscuity, the relationships I had absolutely always consensual. I was always transparent about that, then almost to transparent and I'm being transparent about it now as well, and to see that transparency metastasized into something criminal. That I absolutely deny makes me question. Is there another agenda reply, particularly when we ve seen coordinated media attacks before, like we ve Joe rogan, when he dead
take a medicine that the mainstream media didn't approve of, and we saw a spite of headlines from media outlets across the world using the same language. I'm aware that you guys have been saying in the comments for awhile watch out Russell they're coming for you again too close to the truth. Russell brand did not kill himself. I know that a year ago there was a spate of articles. Russell is a conspiracy, theorist, Russell brand's, right wing, I'm aware of news media making phone calls sending letters to people
for ages and ages. It's been clear to me, or at least it feels to me, like there's a serious and concerted agenda to control these kinds of spaces and these kind of voices anime my voice, along with your voice, I don't mind them using my books and my stand up to talk about my promiscuous, consensual conduct in the past. While I seriously refute, are these very, very serious criminal allegations? Also it's worth mentioning that there are witnesses whose evidence directly contradicts the narratives that these two mainstream media outlets are trying to construct, apparently in what seems to me to be a coordinated attack. Now I don't want to get into this any further because of the serious nature of the allegations, but I feel like I'm being attacked and plainly they are working very closely together. We are obviously going to look into this matter because
very, very serious! In the meantime, I want you to stay close stay awake, but more important than any of that. If you can, please stay free, so that was his response. Video and since then his agents dropped him. His talent agency that he was under, they dropped him no way, oh yeah, very, very, very quickly, I I said it. I mean it's all over him assume some in listen. I need to see evidence and I think that that something that alot people and by evidence like okay. I want the text message. I want whatever truth evidence that they're saying they have. I want to see it because I think too often people tend to jump on these band wagons, and then you know, days later or weeks later the truth comes out. It's like oh well, he I he didn't do that right and I we we sell ourselves when we tied ourselves so vehemently and were willing to just throw people under the bus without seeing any actual truth or to me is innocent until proven guilty
while the man I mean the fact that these two stories come about at the exact same time from the action. media is definitely coordinate. I mean that's what what it looks like I mean that was like he's being polite. He saw that I feel attack now. Did you clearly being attacked, here's a guy that goes on, as you, too, everything good day and talks about the bullshit. Just like we talk about the bullshit, and we know they attack us. They attack us with other things. They attacked my company. They attack seventy five hard. They attack me as a person now with this level of shit yeah, but I'm sure you know that, probably not off the table and they're gonna come around. They're gonna go and they go dig and they find all these people. From the past who made agree with what you doing, or maybe they're just better or maybe they're just jealous or whatever, and they say this shit and that this has been happening. You know this is me to call
where men can be just accused of some sort of sexual misconduct and held accountable when no proof and no you know trial, no, no actual real evidence, whatsoever other than someone's accusation is absurd and it's been happening for years and years and years in ruins, people's lives and men. You know me get their lives ruined every single day by false occasions of sexual misconduct and Well, people get mad when you say that well, some of them are true, so may be true, but they don't have to be true and that's the culture that we live in. We live in a culture where men can be accused of things and be found to be guilty into Your point where you said comes out a few days from now it could come. Three years from now that he actually do this, but by then his shit is all ruined dammit. And they know that- and this is this happens not just to people like Russell win
but this happens. The actual just regular men on a daily basis, a relationship bad bad break Some sort of you know bitter feelings all the sudden, there's these accusations and then all of a sudden the man is fired from his job he's dropped from his contracts. He's you know asked size by his peers and by society as some sir, of sexual predator. When reality do they just broke? but it didn't go the way. Some unwanted right, and no one ever talks about what these women do during these relationships. I know one over time about them getting shit. Is wasted in beating the fuck out of men. No one ever talks about them. You know doing all kinds of crazy shit like we live in a d we'll state society for four were met, are literally at the mercy of accusations, and this is why it's my opinion that if a man is accused of rape. Found to be not guilty of rape. The accuser, I have to serve the sentence of the actual rape.
That's what should happen. There was only way to stop this. It's only Stop incorrect the culture, because it's too easy for women, to accuse and may not be able to do anything about it, a woman can ruin a man's life on it accusation- and that is not? Ok- that's Natalie for me many rats out, ok for him, it's not ok for anybody and until we have accountability for the false accusations that are made. The false accusations working especially against people that are wealthy and famous and have political opinion. So my opinion is the whole rule needs to change and, by the way, I believe that most people see this as bullshit, I believe most, or look at it isn't like yeah. This is bullshit is a political attack. What worms
you know. What's funny is like some of the the libs have like jumped in there as what better way to protect yourself then build a brainwashed network of like minded people to support you, and these allegations come out like they're trying to like yet look in the mirror. Yeah look at the mirror. I'm just like what the fuck does. He do like four years ago does like arguments why the guy's name is he's rich, he's popular girls are gonna. Wanna fuck em like that, its reality: ok, it takes as one girl saying. Oh He was a rapist because she didn't give him or he didn't give her the relationship she wanted or money or whatever didn't, buyer the car didn't show or the love or didn't make her the position of the rank on the team. You know because these dudes all got a team right. They got there tough That's reality like you know, and do the these
like these women go crazy and they make up shit and that's what happens, and I is wrong and it I personally believe that if I was present united states today I would the law that, if you accuse some one of rape and they are found to now have done it and there is no evidence of them doing it, and you on that. We'll have to serve the sense of that accusation or do anything on a deeper level to a woman have to understand. Is that why you know we're getting ourselves into a very dangerous thing? This is no different than what they do with racism. I like the cry racism gladys does is made, is gone, real cases, a row as this is a right me. Nothing. How do I don't like him see? That's already happened. That's already happened like what my first, my first got reaction to this, even though I said that doesn't mean it's not true. My first got reaction, when I heard of it was this is an attack. This is bullshit, no because There's been so much of this that you can't identify. when the actual rapes really occur anymore. Now
the danger of feminism in me to movement we ve accused men lie and now women are complaining that no men will approach him? No shit wonder why, Men are not going to approach women anymore, because you guys have villain eyes, men and all as always, I have cut their dicks off and the other half don't wanna talk. I saw a poll, I saw a poll not too long ago that showed like forty percent of women considered a man junior as assault like crazy stack like dude, so we ve taken these terms and we ve made like like just because someone had sex with you and you like how the outcome went right for whatever reason, that's that rape rape is like forcibly like four. Seeing your fucking penis into the vagina and times being the shit out of the pike. Would when I think of rape, that's what I think you're insane
like the definitions, have been so watered down now and the culture, It's been like that the acceptance and culture of those he's being sure has been so widened that you cannot it fi when someone is actually a victim in that's to your point very unfortunate, for women who actually are victims of rape and vic and actual victims of rape should be one standing up and saying that stuff, I'm saying saying: This has got out of control, there's way too much accusation until stop accusing falsely the real ones will never be identified, an instinctive Why do you want to know how you how you find out? Who the real ones are you make that they make the law? The weight is like do they know, that was gonna be a car. Yes, they wouldn't fuck incorrect there, not be false accusations there, we be real ones and on top of that That's how the law should be on every lawsuit like every lawsuit, if you see someone for something and it
they found out that do not guilty of it. Whatever you requesting is damages, you should have to pay them. If we fix the legal system to that duty cut out. Ninety percent of the bs, but the reason, though, the legal system doesn't get fix like that is because the people who make. The laws are actually the lawyers and they don't want to after all, income stream so its common sense, but they won't do it because It cuts money out of their pocket, no ma'am dude, I want to say this to like real talk like yeah There are cases where men are out of control and beat the fuck out of women in like do those men should be put in the witches were real top like if you re problem. This is why for hard accountability for climb, if you get caught raping a woman like an actual reality bro that should be a death like we that's that's, that's terrible shit, so I won't be real, clear, I'm not I'm not, trying
undermine the severity of this, but let's be real. We shouldn't believe of anybody for anything. We should look at a case by case in the past, Kashmir should be harsh for the conditions that are actually true. That's my take on it, but I mean the into your point during like this is a picture of a do that actually committed a re there. You go very gal. I saw this, two abroad that guy's guilty it sent fucking guy gushers down my zack. I should go into fucking word shepherd there should be. There should be like. While and then the wood or the next day, and if we started dealing with these actual cases like this, that shit would stop this. I'm gonna go to jail, he's gonna, protect, live out or a good thing. Typically, these people get killed and you will not benefit I was going to go to jail and he's going to live out his hard fucking jail fantasy. You know and like look at them in his picture, he thinks some kind of hard ass, like bro, these p or should be eliminated from society. I'm sorry
like them, no role, there's the end so, like I wanna, be real clear, I'm not undermining gentlemen accusations, but there's people have weapon. Ized accusation whether it be racism, whether it be feminism. Whether be me too, whether be anything to point where we no longer know. What's actually true, it's not true, and there has to be a crime. in the law, in order for us to figure out why actually going on anymore no we're in the damage from the allegation is typically ten times worse than especially for a mat. Yeah. That's real shit, not a valid point. Bro! It's real shit wait hold on bro, let's, let's look at this real, quick Ok, let's look at a double standard. I'm a grown man had a grown man. High school teacher had sex with a fifteen year. girl, the internet explodes here. This guy put him in jail, hang on all kinds of shit right. A thirty year old woman has sex with a fifteen year old boy
and the comments are man. Where was she when I was at school, you see what I'm saying bro, that's wrong! That's right! Women have an easy pass when it comes to the shit and life and they get to act. They get to accuse and leverage power over any person, they want with fake accusations and the reality is men. You have to quit bowing to him like when they started. retinue, where they start like insinuate. Tell me shit and I'll see you in court through a shipment does jumping on the cap, station down the comments. Let us note you guys think on this conversation, Russell bread, hashtag allegations without being set, Keep the screws on the road before we get to our second headline, though it is time we got a cruiser mother, fucking comments, cargo before you, today's crews. The comic comes from our youtube section. In this common comes from at trumpet for life, five, twenty four,
He says so you're, the guy with the fao mouth that I hear and motivational videos correct yes meals, route, logger, the life yeah I yeah fuck me. What would you say to that like? What do you say to that? Why do people get like listen? I I get it and we've talked about this as a team we've talked about, you know, but like what is the hang up like? Why do people get their panties in such a bunch when it comes down to falling with out and out, and they don't like the message as a whole. All because it triggers something inside of them, and then they pick on that as the thing that they're, madam, because they can attack, listen message. If you talk to people in real life, if you go to the grocery store, you go to a barbecue, you go,
where you're going to your grandma's using the same language. I hear okay right that I use like that's real talk, okay, so you know, but I mean so he's at like. First of all, Is that supposed to be a question or a statement? I dunno yeah anyway, but yeah. that's nice to meet. You woke up to the show you don't like, I don't to say that we focused around I mean the fact that you're here and me and motivational videos all over the internet for the last decade should probably be an indicator to you. The people resonate with that you're, the one that isn't so we are very, I pay and people to share my stuff. They just do it and you know I do it because it resonates and just be it doesnt resonate with you. I don't know what to do you brought but charging you're still here
we are still here. So that's me. Cool enjoy the show, but I don't even know what to say about this stuff here. Like yes, that's me. Do the famous yeah I mean the show the partial I had was called mother, fucking c o the second one real as fuck like I don't shy away from whatever language I feel like using or not using loving. To, like I mean people get that like you're being authentically, you know what I'm saying you cut off the air to yeah. and I don't listen at this point in time. In my life, you know it is what it is I mean for you it's no big deal either way now now for you plenty other guys, you that could be for you, but I must be sought
What, for you, wouldn't be my comments? Talk shit now, please visa pinkies up. Do you ask, beg you also been a real say you know what I like about. Our there are real ass. Fancier is because usually women, we'll see about off like this. They get destroyed the comments, but I see that Cross, the internet, it's fun. We is a decent sire hornets nest. Yes, I can get him ro. As one of my favorite things is like when I looked when I looked through the internet videos- and I see somebody like whose unfamiliar making some ignorant comment, I mean you're, saying some shit and people just fucking destroy him. A user has deleted their page, yeah yeah yeah way up, but thank you guys. You keep sharing the show and keep not being hose. What am I supposed to always make sure? I was right, stop don't not be a don't be a ho cher show what yeah
like that. I think we got a backwards there for half of the long overdue. Let's get this over with her number two isoude, my own, dad, let's get into it, sues s, alleging agency, whistle blowers, improperly disclosed info to congress. So this is big deal. Apparently, Nobody said them on the fact that no he's technically suing his father and caressing. How that goes, I does he get brought into discovery, like I mean I don't know, I'm so hot. your biden launched a lawsuit against the irs. On monday, alleging IRA, whistleblowers improperly disclosed information to congressional investigators, about the justice department, tax probe into his financial affairs, so basically say: listen, it's not about you d. Well, don't worry about the ship being true or not. How it got out is the problem like like come on man. What are we doing? What are we doing as asked me assure us they are reaching for
in everything, so hunter binds. Lawyers claim when iris agents and fond congress and news organisations of the justice department alleged, missed handling of this tax. Probing, the president son, the IRA's whistleblowers allegedly disclose the damning allegations and properly among the allegations that whistleblowers alleged assisting? U s attorney leslie wolf refuse to LAO investigators to ask about president Joe Biden being the big guy the deal J twice prevented you, you, united states attorney David wiess from bringing stronger charges against centre by an attorney general merit. Garland refuse to name a special on the tax investigation and the irs recommended charges against hunter by there were not approved by darling I'm, so this is long sting of daddy and sign. You know just say in fact everybody else would only the care will leave us law, my dont charges
with anything I can like it's been. It's been proven, that's part of the stuff that the whistleblowers that came came to the table with. So I continued quote this assault on MR binds rights involve the public disclosure of his confidential tax information during more than twenty nationally televised and knocked congressional sanction interviews and numerous public statements. The lawsuit ledges against his father's government, others, disclosures included, quote detailed allegations regarding this specific tax years under investigation, the amounts of deductions, the name. of those deductions. The and allegations of liability regarding specific tax years only amount thereof, that can only be known to them, based on a review of the physical tax returns themselves, a lawsuit claims,
well the house ways and means committee in june voted to publicly to make public the many instances of the alleged political interference, two in which the d o J thwarted, hampered or interfered with the iris tax investigation into hundred binding in turn. Irish commissioner Daniel worthwhile confirm in July the rights of agency whistleblowers to make protected disclosures to congress, so these gosh you work for the ira's. They found the stuff about hunter they're like oh, this is illegal. We should bring this up. They brought the stuff to the d o j, the d o J said: don't touch it, so after this went on five separate times, does deal J? Do that, for everybody for you now over. These guys are all you guys. Listening for the geo, six does not say and, like you know, its interest How nobody else out here this treaty one way, but the deal jail step in and protect these people. I wonder when people are gonna get fed up with us, but boom
And so these two guys saw this, and these are like listen. I like them. I was watching the testimony thing we talked about here, like these aren't like far right activists like this is regular humans. I was doing their job I'll call him a very nice, biased rail, but there seeing these things happen and they're, bringing them forward to your to your as they should and they're being turned away and they're like this is wrong. This is not right arm so, rector while welfare to quote, as in, please, you are the first line of defence to call out issues that raise concerns, and I want to. I wanted to be clear, and we will always encourage a see something say something philosophy: he wrote contraband ah sitting, as the irish comes as his attorneys reportedly pushed the d o J to prosecute the whistleblowers. After the committee voted to approve the public disclosure of iris whistleblower allegations and everybody's talking about it, he you got level
It news, NBC, cnn they're all talking about it, and we also know that this is common. After the hunter Biden was just indicted on federal gun charges, so Andy would have got all this. While I mean it should infuriate people that there's a double Thinner that, if you, if you do the same things, that this man does you're going to jail, one hundred percent, this guy has the entire government stepping in front of him protecting him, because his dad happens to be the president. It's absurd know, and it's absurd that these people, the the Biden family it continues to do all of these illegal things and get away with them. You know who we are needed. King of america. What we're dealing with the royal family of americans, because, in my opinion the binds have always been a fucking joke. Ok, Joe Biden was I hope when he was a senator, he was a joke. We was vice president in these biggest joke he's ever been now. Am I
everybody runs around protecting these people like there's somebody when, in reality do these people are clowns, their trade to america and they deserve. in my opinion, more than jail whomever she is. Why would people protect them cause? I will see a few reasons right. Well, I know muslim. I think the main tool that the government uses to leverage protection against certain people's blackmail I think that I think it's my personal belief that every single phone conversation every single. Conversation held within an electronic devices listening capacity is recorded and kept, and this is what edward Snowden was trying to tell everybody, and then they pay him to be greater right. In reality, our own government has been spying on us, all of our photos. They have all of our talks. They have all of art. All of our conversations.
They are all of our tax at all times. So when they, need something to lever someone. They just acts as the nsf data, whenever agency data is holding this, they find it. and they figure out a way to make it become exposed. They use it to get what they want and sole really what we're dealing with it a country that is blackmailed into compliance. You know maybe not you, maybe not me, maybe not us yet but in reality I think that's what they do to these people are the decision makers in these kinds of situations, and I think they have Oh my shit on all these people that these people are willing to comply and that that's my opinion, you know, so I thought they were. The other possibility is through their complicit in for corruption, with I might like one hundred percent. You know what I'm saying. So I think the blackmail is definitely a massive piece of the puzzle. Yeah. I think also a lot of the People are also giving the same checks from the same fuckin plato. Does I that's why they
bring him up on gun charges as opposed to bring them up on me, no charges of of bribery. extortion trees it among the you name it right. You know I just thought this was interest Men and everybody is talking about it and it still weird if I were in a very, very weird place right now, like specifically within the month, I spend a lot of weird stuff coming up and this Biden stuff it's just like Suh, it's just not not making enough sense to me. You know what I'm saying like all of the stuff that they're throwing all the polls and trying to put out how media. The starting like signal back away from the binds just a little bit is due it's just a very, very, very weird time. I think I saw a tweet on world star, which is a mainly black, mainly urban instagram account the culture account
said the Joe Biden was going to make billionaires, pay twenty five percent of their tax. Ok and it was like its time, the billionaires pay there. Fair share billion air should pay twenty five percent. Something like that and the car seventh EU area. The comments were like tipping the euro three or four years ago, they would have been my yeah make pay their fair share right All of them were like hold on their not so. Yeah right while they go out march to the. but to the narrative put out by the biggest companies and the richest people in the world. Thinking that their fighting the man? Ok, weighty anyway, the comments and in comments section, it was ninety. Five percent to five percent people were fed up with the ship.
they're. Like that's, not work, work anymore. Bureau lie. We all understand what you're doing, and it was was really refreshing to see, especially from the urban black Merely that follows world star, primarily to say: hey would have fallen for this bullshit I could noticed the way that the responses in the comments were written people are starting to feel, insulted and embarrassed that they fell for this in the past. No people pointing out all kinds of things, yeah so basically, on the cost of goods can go through the roof and we can afford less shit, bingo right, like people starting connect, the dots and understand the trickled. from the punishment imposed by the rich. these people in the world to them level richest people, which they call cornwall, unquote billionaires, which is actually just the owners, most of the businesses that make the goods that we consume on a daily basis and people understand those penalties. Will
whoa down to them and they will end up paying. The difference was one common bullseye, you think so you you think billionaires are going to make less money that shit just rolls downhill to us like. I saw a bunch Yes, people are starting to get it. There was like four years ago. Nobody got there. Nobody would have said yeah. No, no, and that was I saw another comment it was like. I was like something like: no, you guys are a joke. If you are, he he's a joke if he thinks those donors are going to go for that too yeah, I'm saying like so people are definitely well awakening. I think that's a great temperature check for sure yeah, but the problem is dude is that you know the media's. Turning on this guy and everybody starting alike, can celebrate the media. Turning on the sky and no he's asking the real questions wire, turning on him and what are they going to do in place of him? and what's that going to mean for us because just but I've been saying for years and years. In my opinion, this guy is the care.
The day, installed into this position, to make the most dramatic moves against the interests The united states, migration, crime in the cities, inflation cost their supply chain problems money going to ukraine right like we go on the dust shut down or domestic oil, the shipping of our weapons to europe. Where we actually have a shortage of ammunition weapons here, the depletion of our strategic gas reserves. We could go on and on and on and on about all, things this man's done and we had a come up and a leader who appeared to be competent right making those decisions there would have been a revolt, but because this guy up is to be seen I'll, because here here's. The now have a mindfulness about him and not be with it. People give passing these old does know he's doing. No, they know exactly what they're doing joe.
While might not be it on the game like heap, he probably thinks yom. Finally, president, this is awesome. Oh I'll, do whatever they tell me, and he probably thinks I pay my days but the jokes on him, because they ruined his legacy, he's gonna be numbered as literally a dictator of a president in a bag. Way he's gonna be written in the history books as a fucking tyrant for ever, and a corrupt human being like didn't, I don't care who you are? You don't want your legacy to be that sort of san, so like dave, well the joke on him that he doesn't understand yet and now they're turning on him and instead being excited. I think people should be really nervous about what comes next. You know those guys tell us what you think comes next. Let us know jumping on this they're gonna, to they're, put Michelle obama in the race? Ok, but that
that's not what I mean by what comes next, I don't mean what comes next, I mean: what are they going to do next, once this other person gets in there right now, there's going to be a fallback, were one thousand per cent more push forward? Yeah. I think I think, to me. It feels like they're all in on the destruction that they can cause between. Now they are afraid if the election, the a little bit otherwise They wouldn't be persecuting trump, the way, the persecuting them so that child member from bad, I can't just steal the election like people say that people are all they could just steal it. They can't just steal it. There's a fudge. there's a percentage in there that they are able to fudge it their way and they're afraid that trump will overcome that ability to fudge there there cheating right so they're afraid of it, which is why the person shooting, which tells me that they might be realising at this point in time that
their little reign of terror, which is what it is, and destruction is coming to an end and they what I see them doing is continuing to move us down. the wrong way as quickly as possible, because by up in alaska, cancelling the oil production, alaska, right, stew, low start back up next month. Okay, that's a squeeze on both ends for the for people who are struggling right now and there's a lot of people struggling a credit card, defaults and and ah A car limit reaches our at the maximum level that they ever been in. The history of the united states are right, so we have all of these actual economic factors and I think between now and the election they're going to trains we as the american public, sir. hard increase, much destruction as they can that way of trump, does get in or someone who ever gets in, they have a hard time cleaning it up. I think now they ve said fuck it. Let's go all in less, destroy everything and will bring
when on them right in those, don't try to run that same play. They ran on trumpet last time where you know they made up stuff. They made up the trump russia collusion. made up the steel dossier. They made this stuff and then made our lives miserable with the constant me the stream media, pat stirring, or this guy who's, not part of their play. You see- and so I think you might be thinking their only chance is try to run the same play again. But you know it's gonna depend on who what someone does who's the next person in office. You know who next in office has a massive amount of cleaning up to do. That is now, gonna be palatable to a lot of people in this country by a lot of people. Are I scream cry and throw fits and we're gonna have to ignore. Yeah. You know they're going to have to deal with it yeah, because it's going to be drastic measures it goes back to baseline wrong. All these migrants, ass from all of these migrants,
should be rounded up and put back in mexico know all of them. I say let us, let's actually get into that. The topic That is our third and final headline have another three. Third and final, her reads: video shows train filled with migrants heading toward u s. Southern border from mexico. This video has gone viral early short term over the regatta here, of course, after you ass a sea. So I was dive into this. A fair expects train out of zaka texas, mexico in heading toward the u s, southern border was packed with migrants. Who can be cheering, while hanging off the sides of the cars. Video shows the train. captured on video on Sunday. Despite the. U s, sending a stern message to migrants do not come well. They're gonna come so border patrols along the southern border have been facing overwhelming numbers of illegal crossing. Here.
As the video of the train for those guys who have not seeing the yet closer to its people. Its single men must be clear this isn't families this is it destitute? You know distressed families that are oppressed, seeking she drew from their oppressive government elsie and these people trying to tell you it's single mill, age males and if you think about what just, happened up in pennsylvania that we covered on the last city. I were took what two weeks to find, single guy who was hiding in the woods
about ten million of those people being here. What do you think is going to happen? People need to wake up. Do we are under attack? We are being invaded. This is real. This is not you know alarm. Is it this is not like yes like what What is the problem here were people cannot recognise what is actually happening, dude most americans are not equipped to deal with what's happening here. Why do you you can see it. You're not gonna, be equipped for it like you're, not gonna be able to walk down the street with your wife you're not going to be able to take you kids to place you're not going to be able to do shit because these motherfucker We're gonna do what they ve been doing over in europe for the last five or six ten years, which is attacking people taking their shit. living in their homes squad in places like dude and you people because you haven't,
You kidding yourself or understand was actually going on don't say: oh well, these people? Are asylum seekers no. They are being sent here for a reason, and the reason is not to come here and play nice What do you think these men are going to do when they come here? Oh they're, going find a woman, and where do you think they're gonna get these women from europe fuckin family bro people will get. It did and I'm not talking about you know falling in love, I'm talking about what's happening in europe. What operating in europe. While why would you go on Google machinist are looking up at the women who were being raped or over europe by these migrants who have won there for the last five or six years. This is a George soros funded invasion to destroy western culture that with this is that it is not a conspiracy theory and something
to be done or we are going to lose our country for ever We will lose our society forever. We will lose the values and all the things that make amerika great for ever they will be gone. Forever? You will not get him back and do so crazy, because you know we ve posted a few times. You ve had the story come up when we talk about these single military age, males coming over by the thousands right just last month, the of migrants and border patrol custody, but that's it the ones that have been able to catch in custody in playing this game of catch and falcon released right. Now, while this is going on in other exclusive report, Daily mail has dropped today and again, this is a topic we bought up. Nobody wants to heed heed. The warning. Look at this this is the seller. Reads: exclusive chinese.
Spies could be using the southern border to get into the? U s: top republican wars So there listen. The shows that we made a year and a half ago exactly agri, but but this was a very interesting. When are you? What are you guys? Gonna start putting us out there like the way desire to be put out their real talk like out. We So far ahead of every single one of these news, organizations is ridiculous and in what you, you guys are afraid to share the show, because I'm so far ahead and what time are we going to cross the chasm from being so far ahead to just be the guy who predicts what the fuck is actually happening. I would appreciate some support there guys. I would appreciate the shares. I would appreciate the love. I don't have to do this. This isn't what I get paid to do. In fact, I pay we need to do is like this. Isn't my leg of a good man, I'm not sitting there running
at the end of all my videos same by my shit, I'm not taken I'm not I'm not beholden or some sort of controlled opposition. To somebody who is telling me to say stuff, I'm an american, regular dude trying to I do care about what's going on in this country, and some of you guys enjoy the content, listen to the content and don't share it because you're afraid of some one might say about a wall if you notice, but things keep getting worse- and I don't know, is this: what have you been listening for years? You, I understand that we talked about this a year and a half two years ago, the they're frustrating they're? Not I get it is frustrating to come in here and do this and take all the heat that I take for doing it which is a lot. You know better than anybody. You run, security too broad, spend millions of dollars a year, a security detail, because I do this. Fuckin show like
when we talk about what it costs to do, the show, but the least people could do is like stand behind me. A share the shit out. There would help me and, if necessary, but this was a very recent saying so so martin mark green, ok, this guy here Guy he sits on is exactly the chairman for the our homeland security committee, ok, which museum adding entail easier nor the report. Rightly, he has access all other stuff right. He told daily mail and exclusive interview either there has been a quote massive increase of china he's nationals tied the people's liberation army or the palais that have gained access to the: u s by crossing over the border into date. There has been over seventeen thousand chinese nationals released into the united states and just almost eighteen hours, the almost eighteen thousand
this year alone, so jack. That's that's! Twenty! Three! That's not! Twenty. Two It's not just not twenty one, whose green, they have an army here already. This is what people do not understand their army is already here. That's actually exactly what he said. How have you see this? But I think that is exactly what he says. So I'm scenarios, but I know its version of the reason I say this because we set a year and a half ago, so we green called the stupidity of the binding ministrations border policies currently in place. Mine blowing because now I'll chinese spies could act as sabots wars in the same manner, russian military men instead residency in ukraine before the invasion? I says quote: look the russians did just that. They infiltrated migration middle aged military man, you know go to, Ukraine is published residency, and then they were the savage wars during the invasion. He said, he's not suggest
dignan china will invade the u s. But if a man a word to defend taiwan against a c c p led attack who say that there isn't the sabotage or in that in that line, I says, continues quote why, we just so willy nilly about this continued green. Who is vowing to get to the bottom of the plants that erectus committee to hold hearings in the future on the threat of the chinese infiltrators using the southern border there? I know I mean look what I don't know what else to say so it all about this have been saying for years: people don't listen, you know, I'm just looking various theory. I don't know what I'm talking about, I'm just the fao mouth motivation, guy, I'm just the dumb ass, whom has upon podcast, doesn't really know what's going on? I saw but the other day, big mouth small brain really. Really.
really a big mouth- small brain okay. Well, then, you could do a hell of a lot with a small brain, your life, because I've done a few things yeah doing pretty good. I'm doing alright. You also like like do. Rather it is what it is man, People go to have learned our wagner and why do we need People come to your home, you're gonna wish you had listened to me. I think that's that non prepare silver lining here. It's like a thing work. I what, where we ve said this before man, but a site where we're going through this time. I now in american history you that all of us get to witness, is nessus erie is necessary for as a country to have to go through some hard. If we survive it yeah I mean what I mean dude were very were very likely. America is very likely, not survive. What's going on very likely to is still sounds so forints even think that man, but the boat
no really, the fuckin true wait. You sitting here every day and you still think that sounds knowing well meaning like it is such a like. Like that that phrase at statement- man, you know it's it sucks above ie that that is the true. Oh, it's definitely surreal. That's what I'm saying yeah, but its reality. The truth man- and this is come from passivity among the americans, citizens its cause. From the shame that people have been in indoctrinated with when it comes to the pride that they should have in this country and being a patriot, stand up great high achieving high worth high value, how DR good, American citizen I citizenship there. There there there used to be like and an unspoken in understanding that if a citizen of america you're supposed the contribute to the betterment of culture and that
has long been removed and has been replaced with I'm free, I am a citizen give a shit and it doesn't matter what I do. I can go, be four hundred pounds and consume chemical food and take the pharmaceuticals and sit on my ass all day, and you can say anything about it, because I'm a free american, while that Free american is the america and it's costing us everything right now and, in reality, were a very weak country with very weak individuals and other countries are very strong with very strong individuals and their common for our shit and people don't get it. And what do you think motherfuckers going down to walmart on the fucking electric cars eaten cocoa ups are gonna, be the ones to stop these people. Bro are true american soldiers, the ones that went fought for the last twenty years. forty years old to fifty five years old right now, what
You think the ages of their military. It ain't that you understand that there are planning to exterminate and take over this country. That's the plan in it haven't for another three or four or five years, but these people are coming and they're gonna they're coming take something from you and that's a real thing. Unless people stand a fuck up and understand that they better start, living what it means to be a high level american right now, because no one coming to save you, you better hidden shape. You better, take care of you I notice you better get off the pharmaceuticals you better, get to your point. We're eating the right foods, your freedom has to be exercised autonomously for it a matter in reality. People don't get that they think that. Freedom is something that is granted by a leader, Well, a leader has to grant you freedom. You never really. Free freedom has to be taken on. Individual basis through how we live this. Why say personal ads,
This is all ultimate rebellion. If they want you fat, you must be fit it. There, What you said you must be healthy if they want you angry, you can't be angry your neighbor. If they want you to hate, you can't hey. If they want you to be dependent, you have to be independent, We have to rise to this. standard of what we want. This country to be as individuals or Will cease to exist, This is the reality of the situation, people, still not understanding that freedom autonomous and it is only granted to us? when we actually step up as individuals and olivia Shipman guys, let us know what you guys think on this conversation jump in on the comments hashtag to two and are less know what you guys think, but would that be, He said we have a final seconds of show. As always, we have thumbs up or dumbest fuck. That's why we bring a headline in we talk about it. I get. One of those two topics are one of those two options. So that being said, our thumbs upward dumbest work have on reach.
its merits and pulls florida man from burning car on this was pretty cool. News out afforded against these? You got some really weird shit. there so yeah, but it's my kind of weird shit, like it's, my kind of weird that that makes their puts the midwest a shame but yeah, but I like it, I like florida. Really yom, afford a man heart like a flash. Eight. The current legumes We all of us here- missouri were actually florimond massey. I've done now. We are at disagree with their whole heartily bro programme liar they were ass. We have seen some the shot you do. What do I do? I'm just saying I can't talk about. Why who who would rather do now is, further on a different level, bear my being honoured Therefore your say so you're saying we're in the matter. Leagues there in a big leagues, I'll, say we're playing through differ. Games are like He also they're playing. What were they player, berkeley and playing by their play? Am I my my
abolish down there? They differ devil, I loved it. but this is some good news for this. I thought this was a pretty cool story. Let's dive into it, florida man is my kind of people be like that's like the crazy cousin that comes over during the barbecue and he says, hold my beer. Jesse recently brought before he does some shit where he like breaks his legs and at last set off for the rest of the night bar he's like? I think I really thought myself opera stood I'm a bit. Yes, that's what a man I love floor demand, blogger blog! family in the midwest. Has a floor demand and we all do you do, there was a your wedding, bro identifiable behold all this So, yes, it is a good story, mass or good, samaritans, quick, actions over the weekend afford a likely saved the live.
Driver who crashed into a consignment store see that's like they have consignment stores. I who the fuck has a like. We have that only No, we don't have stores that actually just consignment stores like we got pawn shops and shit, but like well, isn't that a consignment store now it's a little different. His cause, I'm in your literally just selling your shit, I think we have consignments torture, appraiser, rehab search near me. They're consignments are so we got a ok. bro look. This might be a little late. I know we have them here because I see on the internet where all these hippy young kids shop, so I thought those were just thrift store. They do both. You know they ought to go find the stuff that was like you know, I'm out, I wouldn't want to wear that, like I feel like there's a certain like. There are certain things I just would not buy thrifting. You know I wan like I would agree with like underwear. like underwear shoes like row, I couldn't I may have some people. It is some people s where they gotta. Do. I get that budget
to do it in the name of like being virtual. That's how you know you're, that's it! What what? What? What party do? These people all vote for the british? Okay, the left of people who vote Democrat are people of high privilege who feel guilty about the way they were brought up in that they never face any hardship. So they d. Take that view. Opus, hate, veal and they I d make themselves poor or they try to make themselves. You know the hero virtue, leader of the causes that you know, of the people who, who are less fortunate and that's that's fine, I understand wanting to help people, but the way do. It is a real. It's like this fake virtuous shit where they do actually carrots more by look at me, I'm one of them when you really not! Now you choose yeah readings these these days, tweeting these bull shit out of touch idealistic progressive type positions from their parents mick,
actions basement. I'm saying like from that. The rich suburbs of chicago like this is what we're dealing with these people don't really believe any the shit this Why, whenever you don't like that, dump the democratically this woman other minnesota yahoo for all the migrants should get your ass, be by some migrants. You know and then she's on the internet. Crime. Are you voted for? This is what you wanted. This is what you said: oh thought it was ok for other people to deal with those in our dude. It's these people are hypocrites. Bro, Yes, also, this store in florida not driver lost control of his ass. You re hit a telephone pole. and then slammed into the second time around consignment, boutique in seven all around three thirty, a m Sunday afford a highway patrol, told fox thirteen tip
but here is the video of the rescue trapped in is burning car with seconds despair. Fortunately, a good samaritan stop to help and the daring resky was caught on camera will tonight that man is telling fox teen about how that situation and tat guy like yours, billiards. Second, ten one cannot I'm in settling in seminal and because a real fordham research and that, while airing I've seen this video tells me that it is absolutely incredible linda and that, as you, ve lost control, the driver lost control of his ecevit, hit a telephone call and then corinne into this consignment. Shop you're, not as happened at about three thirty in the morning, and that driver is fortunate that a good samaritan was passing by and pulled over to help you
ty- was running out, maybe twenty thirty seconds later, the whole global and we have to learn. What do we go about it? I might even thirty seconds to way in all you would have been in those flames and tramped. Instead, travis du pont stop to help florida highway patrol says the driver was drunk and crashed into the second time around. Could Simon stored seminal early sunday morning park, my car ran right into drivers, window solace, man unconscious travis, wasted on both in the driver's seat belt and helped free his legs before pulling about and rushing to safety? I just knew. I did act fast special when I heard that car was on fire? I haven t got a fire extinguisher. Stephanie Jerome recorded the hard stopping rescue yeah. He was absolutely and hopeful dash with climate. Look like inside the store. Two days later,
this. Why? With tired of your while she was, I witnessed judge people how they look like burn over the real big it here is our birth, Andy. That's not funny roses. Lugosi words, you start us over time is fat fat. Here. You go. well, Why was it is already a long way to stop it, This was covered on your mail they do this valley. The laughing- I thought you were,
we are with you, what is ok, all farm, for well? Listen you may find people is another body should be on tv it doesn't matter. What is this great? I love this. You know this clearly, why supremacy sky? This is a black man from you know. Car, like you know like do just a good do doing what you should do. You know it. So it's a great thing. And I know this is brings into my conversation. We talked about earlier about the the stringency of the law right Dude, if everybody knew, and by the way, I'm just saying this, like I've driven drunk plenty of times back when I was a drinker, I was a fucking risk, a responsible drinker. Do you know what I'm saying like it's? I when I like when I said I looked back at five years ago, ten years ago and think of how I behaved like that's part of it, I'm like bro. I was a piece of shit and I did a lot of irresponsible things and
Luckily? No one ever got hurt, luckily not never happen, but. This is why don't judge people that have these things in their past because, like I was just lucky that that ever happened to me but here's the reality. I grew up my chain, and now I realize something that you know we could fix this problem. Very simply, very simply, if you made, the law the set? If you drive drunk your automatically going to jail for a year, no matter what questions no matter what no matter, if its point zero to no matter what If you drink beer and you get in the car you go to fucking jail for a year. Do you know how many people would drive drunk fucking zero period? They wouldn't do it, they wouldn't do it. No, it's not yeah! That's real shit man bored collared ober when or they recall cabs and would actually provide jobs but see the lot ever gets written into effect, because the people who
Make the money off of these cases the multiple w eyes the accidents lawsuits. They dont want to cut their own income income stream off so for us to ever get a responsible. Morally. correct society that run smooth. We have to remove the influence of the people who profit from these crimes. from making the loss. You understand no one talks about this, not Natasha thumbs up on this. Yes has amazing one hundred percent, more gas maybe that's all I got gosh, that's the show, don't be a house tradition, sleeping on the floor. Now my jewelry box froze the fucker stole countless millions. In kobe teach Buddhist got a blank row. Kang doesn't know, shot case closed.
Transcript generated on 2023-09-20.