« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

574. Andy, Nick Jones & DJ CTI: Escaped Murdered Caught, Kim Jong Un Meets With Putin & Hunter Biden Indicted

2023-09-15 | 🔗

In today's episode, Andy & DJ are joined in the studio by Navy Cross Recipient Nick Jones, Staff Sgt. USMC Ret. They discuss how escaped murderer Danelo Cavalcante was able to survive two weeks only on watermelon, North Korea's Kim Jong Un staying in Russia for several days and meeting with Vladimir Putin, and Hunter Biden suing an ex-Trump staffer tied to laptop's dissemination.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Sleeping on the floor. Now my box from the stove counter, millions in kobe teach buddhist god of all things, rope kang, doesn't know headshot case club. What is up guys? It's handy for selling. This is the show for the real to say goodbye, realized the faintness and delusions of modern society and welcome to mother fucking reality guys. Today we have any dues, your grows, the mother, fucking internet. Now we're going to do we're going to cruise the internet. That's what ctr stands for it stands for cruise the internet if you're a little slow, we'll help you out you caught up what we do during the shows we put up topics on the screen- they're going on in the world, and then we break him. Now we speculate on what's true on what's not true and then which While we, the people, can the solution to the problems going on in the world times. When you to know we have a note of variety, a plethora of shows to choose from we have few, and I
that's a personal development show where you get asked questions, and I will give you the answers. So you could submit your questions to be answered, live on. The show in the questions could be about anything could be our business life personal, develop, what's going on in the world, what do I think of grimace? I dont care. You asked me whatever the fuck. You want right You can submit your questions a couple different ways. The first way is guys you can. Now those questions and to ask eighty at eighty four. So I got this a good way is if you go on youtube and you go in the q and a episodes, and you drop your questions right there in the comment section will pick some from there to answer. Is well other times, you're gonna hear real talk, We'll talk is similar. What we just posted yesterday, vehement check that out go check. That out is as follows: we minutes of to me given use real talk, and then we have what's called seventy five hard versus seventy five. Our versus is based on the seventy five hard programme and the seventy five the programme is the initial phase of the live hard programme, a lot
people don't really understand what live art is. But if you go listen up, so to await- and you are it's on the audio fees by the waves out on youtube by episode to await you'll get the programme for free boss we five hard and live hard to explain to you what it does, it is the world's only transformative mental toughness programme, its highly successful, you probably heard about it. It spread all we're and people call it a trend, but you know trends don't typically grow year after year for four and a half years straight, that's called something that works, and if you want to fix your shit nothing better to do it so go check out episode, a sword to await an audio feed and get your shit straight, not eyes. We do have as we occasionally do a very special guest joining us for the city. I go body mine
been a friend of mine for a long time. Mr nick Jones, what's happening brother thrown on any thought of me. I'm dead man her you good now. You guys think this is just my body, but in reality, nick has a crazy story to tell and he's a navy cross recipient, and if you know what the navy crosses, the navy cross is the metal that is right below the medal of honor and the way that he earned. That cross is something that we talk about a little bit before we get the show going. So let's talk about that as where do you want to start well, do man? I mean we're just aware:
Where did it? Where did you begin your military career? What made you decide? You wanted to join the military, so I mean considering the date three days ago to twenty two years. When nine eleven happened, I was very young. I was probably fourth grade fifth grade and As soon as that happened in my life, I started to follow the iraq and afghanistan invasion. My sisters nine years older than me so bunch of her friend sort of joining, and I was watching following them and then, growing up in kansas city, just write down the road from you guys. I mean I thought I'd expire. Minted with all sorts of other drugs. I'll call at a younger age- and I was just thinking over the typical midwestern upbringing- arise, not after half an hour. I like
I'm already live in that war path, and you know I want to go fight for this country and that's just what was like in my blood, and so I joined I actually, I ended up. Go into this alternative school thy almost dropped out. I school browser. I need my my degree, so I can go into the marine corps and am As soon as I graduated december or not, I left it january of twenty tend to go to boot camp so soon ass, I turned eighteen, I went shipped off. I started my career in camp pendleton as ay. Infantry marine. My was a mortar men at the beginning, so basically just dropping bombs in tubes and patent people from far distances, I I did it to point as mormon, and then I saw these snipers run around in their ghillie suits and I was like add. I want to try out for that. Like that's what I gotta go in, soon. We got back, I tried out for the sizeable tune and, we're running around all over can't pendleton and start.
To do a workshop for the next deployment to afghanistan and I start seeing all of these signs around the base for marseille canals like what is more sock. I knew what recon was, which is like what started marseille back in the day More sock. Is the marine special operations command? So if you think about most people still Don't know who we are, I think, were ears. In two thousand six, so it's very new but its end up and coming special operations community. Basically, so this would be equivalent to like green berets or navy seals and air force pjs things like that. yes, a wee wee mere pretty much identically fer, a green bray team. So, Now it's evolved into something that pretty amazing, there's all sorts of different teams in there all regionally aligned to different different areas.
I was specifically in a jump team, so we did a lot of like advance, freefall, stuff, jumpin from twenty nine thousand feet and every I have a everytime I'm up in a commercial plane, I'm looking down, I'm like man, I have jumped from the size yeah like us mask on every year we we breathe on oxygen, the whole way up and then get ready suited in the plane and then put an oxygen on before we jump out, it's really cool presented ass. By the time you jump out like we, it's been really highs well and you're you're, so Their floatin under this parachute, seeing the curvature of the earth and just hang now, it's freezing cold, how you gonna have all the at orators mad about three years. You're, yes, so anyways like I'd, know basically wanted. I continued to search for more in my career
once I made it to the sniper community as like. This is great, but I I know that there's more, I want to go. Try out for the the next best thing, so I tried out from our sock and twenty thirteen. I moved really quick. I tried to move as fast as I could, because I was like I. I just felt the potential. I felt the grill it's happening, and I I knew I had this psych leadership mentality that I I needed to let like eat, and so I I took selection in two thousand and thirteen thou six weeks, lawyers pretty gruesome lots of rock running lots of running lots of carrying heavy way in just moving through the woods in. What's the rock running, like I don't know about this It's so we have forty five pound rocks with out her before food and water, and then, If you like me, I drink a lot of water when I'm moving and I don't like to be without exorcism mission. in afghanistan. Where I writ where my team ran out of water, then we got extended
you more days, and it was just a fuckin rough rough day rough couple days, and I am sorry, but I will move with a lot of water on me and basically we do a timed for eight ten and twelve mile ruck run and the twelve miler is what normally gets people, especially because we start so late, and then we end when it's still dark and it's like dudes are just going, and it's like the super long like dreadful trail that you're on and it's just like now, never ending, but you know that's when that mental mental fortitude kicks in and it's just like, I gotta keep going and time on it while our ruck run a year to complete it in under two and a half hours soy, shit, yeah, so you're really right you gotta, move yeah you have to move yeah and not to act, would run the connivance secretly. Guy I've been you don't know this, but I have actually been trying to run with my rock yeah. I guess
so tired. All these people are your brand and by all the running, I've determine that I'm going to learn how to run like properly yeah. And so I'm like fuck it. I learned around my record and then it'll it'll be that much cooler. I have been doing it and it's really fucking hard to do. Bro yeah cause the shits bouncer on you the whole time. It's really it's a it's like an uncomfortable thing. What do you just get used to that? you do I like a rhythm, yeah yeah, I'm just like a twelve and have meant a mile, your crews, and here, like red yeah, that's fair yeah you care. If europe What can your you have to speed walk? I mean it's, it's a it's, a hot oven, yeah yeah Fif, so it is duty like. I would say that you get used to it, but it sucks every time you do it. I don't know I mean you, gotta be a psychopath. If you think that its psych no yeah, I mean there are some deeds, it will book it. I am like running faster than I run without bro. My son will issue a welder out there
now so will did a hundred pounds mile and didn't like eight was. Eight minutes like, like us, it's like a little ass yeah. I couldn't run an eight minute mile with with another know what I really couldn't. Do it yeah, I'm totally green when it comes to that, but that's crazy! It's wild! Well, I got a new goal: yeah yeah there yeah real. So so so you joined mar soc so more socks. I will How do we get to this picture and so for those areas at home? This is this is when you receive yeah. You know you caught. How do we get to this picture so. January twenty twenty the suit it'll, be my third deployment with my my rater team. So when get in there. You called a marine rater. I was element leader, which basically in charge of like four
other guys and my team, but I was one of the more senior combat like veteran guys and my team so whenever we got to Iraq, we are still hung isis, and you know it's it's twenty twenty at the beginning of it. When I got there, the world was still somewhat put together. The team that we had just replaced there. Actually last one of their behest, unlisted guys on a mission in order ist. So when we are getting ready for our turnover, we are like came in like their shit still happening, there's still combat happening overseas, no matter what you see on the news like there, there's dudes fighting and there's dudes that are dying in a lot of my guys had never been in combat yeah and at this point they're not even talking yeah right, oh yeah, and so you know it was. It was a real thing. and getting into it and what I said now come down to is basically, like I mean they're dead,
near getting close to a conventional force. They were running. They had like whole governance, the establish and in all this stuff they started his and insurgency in the way that they move up will now they're back. They were basically back downturn insurgency so now their hiding out in caves theirs in these little sleep, little cells, all over the big cities, and so our task, when we're were there, was to hunt them and find them and kill them, take care of them. However, we we can. We found ourselves being tasked with a lot of like cave and tunnel clearances, that's not something that we've really even messed with since vietnam, like all the tunnel rats and things like that, was. It was interesting, especially in as a special operations team. Like we work in a very small capacity with we have we have assets but based, if only we had to get creative with explosives, with the way that we enter with the way that we engage with our partner force. So now we're teaching them to be able to crawl into these tunnels and clearly
out, so we have done several of them at this point and it was late February and my team gets tasked with this really large cave claire's operation. We ve been watching this thing, for I think weeks This point, all they ve seen, was seven isis fighters coming now. These caves, they seemed seven entrances and it looked, A pretty straightforward mission bay was on the side of the mountain, and I I had a pretty pretty good plan. I think We had it all set up. We are going to drop two thousand pound bombs on every cave entrance stretch where we entered. So it's like alright cool, like the grounds going to be softened up. dude you're, probably going to be concussed. We aren't. We already knew that it wasn't going to kill them. We've been in caves before, like you strike it with a with a bomb. It's only going to hit the surface, it's not going to penetrate in there and actually like kill the dudes, but we had ciphers in place. We had machine gunners in place.
My team flies in the sar dropping bombs. I just hope money back up because it so I told you that they had only seen seven guys the beginning, while twenty four hours before we're about to leave. We tell our partner force what we're gonna do do they knew that we'd been doing rehearsals for something they didn't know where we were going so within that twenty four hours before we were about to leave the intelligence starts coming back like hey now, there's ten guys there now there's eleven others. Twelve were about two hours before we're going to leave. There's nineteen motherfuckers on the ground know how many here we have a lot. We had no brother numbers about him yeah I mean yes, so and in the past anything. You basically have these go, a no go criteria is and a No go criteria is like if they reinforce to double their size, will there over double and there like we're, still gowan, which
as killers. You know we're like: let's fuckin go, I'm ready like I'm ready to go, do my job, but now it's real and we know that we're going to get into a fight and so once we land their hidden. shit, their real. This often enough for us bombs. You're, making good impact, snipers engaged in deeds kill some guys machine gunners, let loose, nay, kill some guys as well, but now there's, no real, like headcount. We don't know how many guys are still alive. We don't know what still out there. and I'm leading the the patrol down we liner helicopters. I think I have like fifty iraqis with me and then there's probably twenty: u s, and so
If we start walking down the mountain, and you can still see the plumes of smoke from the bombs that had just been dropped is pretty pretty wild. Once we reached a certain point, I call up to the support by fire, which is like the the machine gunners and the snipers gnaws. Okay. When I reached this point, I need you guys to just start shooting, because I'm going to start, make a noise and walk up to where I need to go, so they do. They actually engaged couple more bad guys in that movement, which was pretty cool ice dice. There are some smokes and and pop up on these rocks and as soon as we get up there, we start seeing the first caves. But at this point people in the backward starting to get kind of antsy they wanna go do work is well. We got a lot of fuckin guys, so my team chief, which is the highest enlisted guy in my team- and he was a gunnery sergeant, so one rank higher than me, but still like a very senior guy in in the team and said hey. I I see something over here. I want to split off and go take care of this real, quick
I tried to tell no like just way we're almost done clearness came out. I was literally had hands on this dead isis fighter by pulling all of this stuff out of his pocket. Skidding is fingerprints and what not whatever we do did to the sensitive legislative process processing exactly so Once he continues to go, do what he thought he needed to go. Do he breaks off and takes about half of the patrol and the reason why you don't really do that is like you start getting sucked in you, see more and more things and then basically, like now he's got a
other assault force, that's completely detached from the original plan, and they start getting further sucked down and down into this mountain will now the support by fire can't see them anymore. I can't see them any more, their basically in the middle of us and I was like okay like they. They can do this rod trained for this. We all know to do. Let's just keep fuckin going. I go up to this next cave I had just thrown in this this grenade and inside it's kind of like r, R s, o p or standard operating procedure. Let's just throw something in there soften it up peek our head in there and see and see what we got and when with that huge explosion, it's called and a sm round and anti structural munition. It's almost a full pound of c four, which is a fucking. It's a pretty big bang in this little little grenade.
but it covers everything in dust and I pick up- and I look at him and there's this dead isis fighter in there completely white covered in dust and I'm this guy's face is going to be forever ingrained in my in my memory because, as I'm staring at him he's fully kitted out, he's still got his rifle like right. There he's got an m. Sixteen there's an AK. There there's a a p km, which is a belt fed machine gun that is mounted into the wall. It's looking down into the valley like they were ready for us. They are ready for a fuckin fight, but as I'm staring at the sky, I'm like okay, I'm going to make entry into this cave. I just hear this fuckin hell break loose behind me. Machine guns, grenades like all of this psych chaos- and I was like holy crap, like these guys, are in contact and they're, calling it in contact five meters, twenty meters, five meters
Then it's, u psych, there's a casualty, and I first I didn't know no, who was if it was part or force if it was one of us if it was a, we had some french guys with us. And then a couple seconds later, there's an eagle down in an egos, a, u s, service number and are frequent, got drops, lousy dome. god it's fine, they got it, they got it under control and then not even a second later there's another eagle down and I was to stop. The goose was like oh shit and yeah. I turned around and I look at my iraqis and I was like hey you guys stay here. You need to watch this cave, I gotta go and I just ran as fast as I could. They call these. I mean it is probably the most untapped form way that I can get there. As I ran up and over this finger of this mountain. I ran by like two other caves that I didn't know if they'd been cleared
I have blankets and there's like little heidi positions in there. So I just shoot a couple of rounds through reach. One thousand undressed, like I got a fuckin mission. I gotta get to these guys as fast as I can. Then I get down there and everybody is frozen. Nobody knew what to do, but there's a flock tonic, gunfire goin off still- and I was like your where the casualties like what's goin on, tell me something and it just like you do like ghosts cycle, I know what the fuck to do so I throw my rock off and I jump in to where I hear the fire coming from and there's one guy in there fighting and it's a french guy. I start What what the deal is? He can't even speak english mike okay guns pointed this way, bad guys you this. Why so I mean the walls are close their closer than these walls here in theirs, boulders rocks everything.
I get a wild hair up my ass and I start crawling up these rocks and still have my like in bee gees up on my head, and I pop up over this rock in it see this massive cave entrance that is just stacked with rocks like a big ass bunker, as soon as it sees. I see it, it's they see me in immediate machine gun. Fire like makes me get my head. And I see, as I part my head up, I saw body right up. There was like well there's no way the studio if they're shooting this much me like. There's no fuckin way. There's one of our ass. I didn't know and so this and sky starts. Yelling he's yelling something, and I later I found out he's telling this person to roll he's, saying it branch, but whatever you saying he's your site role, role role and all of a sudden I see these legs fly up in the air and my first instinct was like I need to go grab him, so I just chicken wing my gun, basically just put my butt sock under my my armpit and run
up there, and I see shooting with one hand, and I grabbed the stood with the other, just shooting as fast as I could. pull him down and like push him down off of these rocks and then get him down to this other french guy and he grabs him and I'm dumping rounds. I have to reload. where can still shootin. And. Finally, like deeds woke up, they fuckin pulled him out and he was shot, during and in the left leg and shot in the top of the head. Luckily, he was alive. He was a french operator fresh operator. and I was like, ok, you said there's Whether casually as you said, there's two americans, where the fuck are the other guys- and this is after I had gotten out of that situation and they're like I think that they're up there in front of the cave, I was like well, there's no fucking way I can get there from here, so I basically got out of that situation. I went and I walked on top of the cave now like they're like in this site, nasty cut, ravine thing And basically, I'm on top of the roof now
and how far below below you are there. It was probably four feet ok like right. I am right on top like they could hear everything I was doing so. when I got there. I'd buy talked to my snipers and they were like walking me onto exactly where the walks than I didn't like have to like come over unlike look around the edge and do this site, I wanted to be right on top and they walked me right up to it. As I get closer and closer, I see I start to see the the aftermath down there and I see one body in the first body that I see him like there's no fuckin way the seeds alive. Just by the looks of it I can. I can confirm right he's dead. and then I move up just a little bit more, and I see my other teammate and
It was almost convincing that he was alive, so I said his name a few times he was sitting upright. His eyes were still open somos in the position that he was pushing back because he was still fighting and yeah. That's a yeah. That's it right there, so yeah I see Heaven and basically when I confirm that they're both dead, I was like fuck I put back or call over the radio said, hey, sir. This is what and happened: mon, diego argon they're dead and he's like. What do you mean cited? I just told you like they're gone he's like you need go back and confirm, as I'm telling you right now, sir, they are dead in it. Hardest thing that I've had to do. You know what it was like. I need to make a new plan. mike. It's no longer black hunting, isis! It's now recovery mission, so
add a bunch of grenades. Me still, and I was like I'm just going to go back up there, I'm going to do. Everything I can't I'm a jump down there and pulleys out it'll be done I go up and I basically lay on top of the roof, and I start leaning over, like you're gonna, look underneath the desk and I search aachen, grenades and, unlike- I could literally see the whites of their eyes when I would fuckin looked down there and chuck these grenades in their desperate to be shooting up at me Now we start taking shots from the other side of the valley and we find out that they ve got fighting positions all over like looking at this one main trap this one main bunker and so I throw a few grenades and there still getting shot Adam. I did I can't get down here, so I call an apache an attack helicopter. Basically, I said hey light.
I first called the J tack and the joint terminal air controller knows I was. I need you to help me like thread some bombs through this fuckin cave and he's like a cable You need to talk to this guy. I dont know exactly where you need me to put it in size. I was like God you see me I'm standing on the cave right now. Here's your grid balking shoot this please and is likely to be low. Yeah yeah, I don't know, I guess you're right yeah, sir he's like a cable, you need to move and ass. I call you anna shit and I go to movies like I can still see you, you need to move farther. I was like dude. I am low on water, I'm low on ammunition, I'm tired as fuck. I'm not moving any more I'll hide behind this rock and he's like ok I let it rip so they shot two hundred and twenty thirty millimeter rounds in there and the snipers ciphers like there's no effect roxette move nothin falcon happened. I was like thread a hellfire in there. Please
with all due respect to fuckin. Do it and they did and still nothing man. I went back up there. I tried again I threw some more grenades in there and was still getting some gnarly fuckin feedback like they are still shooting at us from every angle. How? How was it that that missile didn't do anything? if you could see a photo this cave like they have These rocks and like it was such a small cut out. I don't I don't know I personally didn't get to enter the cave later, that night, a a few dude stead from delta for some guys came in that night and actually got to recover our guys so super thankful for them and what they do and how fuckin hard they train like yeah.
So, basically I went back up there. I tried a couple more times and I was almost at point we're outside man? I I don't know what else to do. If I tell him to go down there he's got two kids he's got a kid like: I'm gonna get other people killed like I'd, rather keep trying this for myself and I went back up there for the last time. we're shoot nor throwing more grenades and there in the next thing you know it's. A second am sick, holy fuck. What is that I got shot. I had like no other, I get down. I like kind of roll back, and I was like I, my leg is burning. It's on fire right now now, where they hit you right in the in the shin and my right shin and I didn't see a bunch of blood at the beginning and I looked my man I feel like I'll, be ok, I try to walk over to my medic and I resign. My leg was burning their like. I didn't
If I broke something or what happened, and I get over there and he looks at it, and it's already super swollen and just a little tiny trickle of blood coming out it almost looked like I got like shot by a bb like oh something was lodged in my leg. Swartz like made it super swollen right off the bat, but I couldn't put any way on it and so he's eyes when America's allocated, I think I just got shies, including me, I think you got shot as a guy. My leg hurts it's fucking bleeding yeah he's alright. Let me check it out, so he looks he's like yeah sure shit. So I I basically called up to the commander and ass. I came here like we need a new plan. Their plan was to fuckin drop, a bomb on it and I'm like did know you have to americans sitting at the base this cave. You cannot do that. Like did not not gonna happen. We need another plan and I'm a staff sergeant telling high ranking officers what
do yeah. There's other high ranking individuals out there that were really taking command in it was your site dude, I'm I'm an eye capable, but I mike I'm alone, ranking guy there's a command structure for a reason. Why am I the one fuckin stepping up to make these calls and telling officers? No on certain things, it's interesting how people respond to those type situations it a real really now until you yeah invited site, do can respond one way and training, and then it cycle and the real things are happening. That's where Yes, some deeds will just shut down, but so they they basically made the call they're gonna wait for the quick reaction
ssh command the cure eth and once they showed up, they were like okay. Well, let's just watch the cave for a while make sure that nobody fucks with our guys and wait for the special mission unit to come in so that the delta force unit came in that night they got into a gnarly firefight killed like form, or bad guys inside the cave, they made. Entry in there and then a suicide vest cranked, oftener blown Luckily, no other. U s dudes got injured. I think a couple dude did take. Maybe a couple cuts in scratches or whatever, but the only in those suicide vast like feel what like shrapnel unaware that, but just like you see on tv yeah yeah, it's wild man like beads. I don't know burying marbles, yeah, all bering sea nails, psych, all sorts of nasty shit, depending on my coat. What who the maker is they'll have their own, like
based on what they want to put in their way. Working with like tat, you d tax like the explosive ordinance disposal guys. I got two variants, alot of like working with that stuff and explosive sowed help them like. Blow in place a lot of south africa dipping so like we would take like to see Adidas and all sorts of other shit that they had maiden like blow up where they worse, so nobody could use him in more? But it was just while the EU dissect these things and see like their potent fuckin nails and their their put in all sorts of like rusted out screws and weird chest. Yes, sir, just like greeks havoc on whatever it hits so yeah Once I got men of act like the train was so steep they basically they had to bring out a horse. So a helicopter lower down this wire and eight. This medic picked me up from this the mountain picked me up. Take took me
hospital and I Next to the french guy in their hands. legs blown out and I got the subtle pinprick in my leg and make the doctors Like all you'll be fine. Man like you, ll, be walkin in two weeks. No problem two weeks come by still can't walk still on crutches, and I I basically told my team, as I came in like I can't do this anymore and I need to go, get more help so went and tried to get more help and had to get back to the states and now and it's April. First by the time I get back home April, first of twenty twenty and it's a fuckin ghost town everywhere, kobe was running rampant through the middle east and coven is now taking over, the states, so this picture right here is when I landed in wilmington, my wife and maybe to other friends, were there to greet me. Nobody from the marine corps
nobody from the government? Nobody from my team, most of my team was still deployed but like I, because they couldn't because recovered they are just like n could have funerals yeah. Just like people had to die over a zoom call He's like a laudable shit, oh yeah yeah, and they made me, go straight home in quarantine for two weeks: no visitors, no phone there's no fuckin nuthin spending a lot of time on my couch, looking like it count for data and. I had to court travel up to walter reed every time for my surgeries for all that stuff. and. go you my surgery, still no real check it and still no heads up what's up how you doing. Thank you for what you did nothing. I guess you outside whatever I did my job, I'm gonna get back out there. I'm going. My goal was
get surgery and go back out two countries we I got shot in march. We just got their january said only been there two months And at first surgery, man, it was like there's fuckin, no way like inward, the back of my head. I was like I want to get back there, but I I doubt it do and what did they find was going on with your leg it. So whenever I got hit basically whatever went in there like shrapnel thou herbs splintered out and destroyed, my superficial baronial nerve, which is one of your main sensory nerves in your leg, and so just causing all this crazy pain, and then I ended up getting this rare symptom syndrome called complex regional pain syndrome. So basically took over my sympathetic nervous system and like started like every time. I would get mad sad, angry or depressed. Like my leg would flare up, I could literally feel it and see it and it was just fuckin insane. I didn't really believe that surf. I, like I was very much
part of that whole like it sounds, fucked up alike. I didn't think that ptsd was real because I kind of thought like, oh well, those dudes are too weak, they just couldn't handle combat it couldn't handle the fucker yeah right and he was just like yours, contribute suck it up. But then, when this happened, this was literally straw that broke the camel's back because it was like I I cried almost every single day after that, like all of those images were burned into my brain, like then I get this like. I was at the peak physical performance of my fucking career and now it's like I get shot. I can barely walk. Like my wife literally, one of your athletes, literally carried me inside when I had this I had this infection in my leg I was six surgeries. Deep, thinking that I was going to be able to run like a week before that I get this fuckin gnarly infection in my leg that nearly kills merriment uptake. I got a hundred six fever us like I'm about to die. I made it through all the
shit now, I'm about to die from listening faction yeah, and I so like bad as you are Phone right back in. and so she carries me inside and I was like this is a low point in my life, but it's I mean at least I got a strong wife to be able to do it, so he was a bear. I feel like she. I think she posted a video or camera that likes to grow like crack of a still respectable. Well, let's be real. It's not like she's like some like weak ass woman by the very strong and very no bullshit, oh yeah, yeah yeah. and man like if I'd buy, gotta, give credit anybody, it's it's herbie as ever, I need surgery, everything that I went through. She was right there. She was, I mean every second of the day, like whatever I needed. I was right there and I didn't really do a very good job at giving her what she deserved at that time, because it was booze, it was drugs. It was
Never, I could stop feeling this pain, misery, and you know it actually was. What really woke me up his eye? I got notify I did. I was gonna, get awarded the navy cross now, like holy shit, man this award doesn't just get handed out like this. Is the real fucking deal like I fantasised about people who would get these wards, and I was like that is so bad ass and then, as soon as they told me that I was getting this thing as if this isn't cool anymore. Like I don't, I don't really want this. I'd rather have these dudes back I'd rather not have that like ripe detriment on my my soul, and it was December twenty one january of twenty two I started to become extremely suicidal because they had told me her. I had just received the navy cross august, twenty sixth,
twenty twenty one and that was actually the same day that thirteen marines were killed in the cool. I have to ask air yeah withdraw yeah, so, like I'm prepping for my speech for the navy cross ceremony and I get a phone call from the sector, the navy- and he says, hey sal jones ike. I'm sorry, but I'm sure you heard, but there was just this bombing in Afghanistan and I won't be able to make it because these thirteen marine just died and ours I was bummed, I was shocked. I was obviously feeling sorry them, but also reliving everything that I had just gone through and unlike fuck man like Is it everything in the world there was going on when I team got killed her when my teammates got killed. Nobody thought knew about it. Nobody even bat nigh about issues on the new for maybe twelve. Minutes,
Nobody knew that another! U s, force dude got shot like I mean they're. Still, people fucking figuring out what happened on that day. When my team got hindus ike, very intense psych I mean we still lost american lives, nobody fuckin knew about it, the army or so Over there we were fighting isis. We are actively hunting deeds and nobody fucking new and I was just I was just gotta shocked again as I do it's it's happening again like the dudes not going to come here, because there's something else in the world. Is you know it's happening in that that's life, but I actually got a call again him in my twenty minutes, he's like you know what it's like. I actually he's. I We lose guys, often, unfortunately,
he sucked, but it's not every day, that we get to award somebody for the things that they've done he's like so we just fired up. The helicopter will be there in a little bit. I was like holy fuck, that's wild and that's a lot of ebbs and flows As of emotions, it was man and it was your psych that was a traumatic day, for I think everybody. I can't imagine like see like like seeing though the the aftermath of those of that bombing and then seeing those guys like fall from the airplanes and shit. That day, like that's like like that, was traumatic for me, and I didn't have any skin in that I can imagine what that's like yeah for you and it's like everybody's you know bringing up the whole like your. We we what there for twenty years like what are we doing? What are we throwing away, and it's just like man, we thought we lost a lot of fucking guys and where we lost them on the fucking, last day. They were there too and decide. What are we did? What? What is this? you're, going on foreign right, is. It was super fuckin hard because it's like we fought,
for so much now. It's like your poland out like this in your fuckin. Making us look like chump sued. so you it was definitely hard. It was cool, though, that they actually were able to common recognise, this and we are actually able to talk about it on that day. Tune actually are It was actually on nine eleven in twenty one I went up to walter reed and got to visit those guys in and see them and whose awesome seeing like the overwhelming amount of support that they had like all sorts of people. From the command in them, core in the navy Everybody was up there to see them. They had a bunch of supports, allows great to see like coming. They, the kids, deserved it, they were so young do thou hast thou. That was the.
wild part like they were mean. I was young when this happened to me, but I mean I was twenty eight and they were like nineteen twenty twenty three like it was fucking, crazy and so anyways they they're fucking, kids, yeah and yeah. I'm I'm glad that they had the support they did up there. It was good. So all of this shit is going on and, like I said, I was very much a part that's stigma is a part of that in reality like to suck it up and starts hit me more and more I'm going through all these treatments, but it was December twenty one in two january of twenty two like that with our basic.
I went through retirement. I moved out to montana I thought that that was going to be my fix, but I was drinking more than ever. I was getting more depressed than ever and I was just like I'm done like this. Is it so I yeah I, I trying to attempt to kill myself and ended all right there, and you know I was recycler about to have this kid, and I I can't be like this. I can't be this person and raise a daughter, I didn't know is going to be a daughter that time yet but basically man, like I don't know fletcher was there with me. My service dog in the garage and was drinking a lot, and I ended up pull the trigger on my nine mill and I have literally never had a malfunction happen like that gun didn't go back, And there was a round in the chamber in everything, and I basically took this big sign: Fletcher came up and
like what's up dude like what's goin on wag, This tale likud. My face now just fallen and asked what the fuck am I doing like. I need to get my shit together and we got invited to this convention this leader legion of valor of that was god man. It had like No, I don't know what you believe we'll ever talk about that, but that's divine intervention did it. It was something tat had yeah. I guess I got you. That means you. That means you have a much much much bigger purpose here with ok, yeah we've been friends for a long time, yeah you're, saying I'm glad that happened. yeah, I'm glad you're still fucking you d resentfully. I never heard that story before just now in that things like, I still feel so like weird. I feel taboo about talking about it, because I feel I don't
like I'm fucking, sweating right now, thinking about it because it's like, I don't want anybody to know that side of of me, but it's like wine. Why not like? I think it's from. I need people to hear that yeah, Like you need to understand, the shit can happen and It does happen like there's so many other fuckin people that have been there in your shoes right now. Like all you gotta do is reach out in it's gonna be somebody right there, either at your fucking door, supper talking you all goddamn night long and like you just have to fucking, tell somebody in its that's kind of what I want to get across, because it's like whenever I I ended up going. His legion of our convention of a convention with all of these like war here, all metal, water, honor recipients, navy cross, like service cross recipients. Michael to be like how the fuck are you still alive? I literally I've gone one. here, was having this award and I already tried to kill myself like. Why are you still here? How like? How do you live with this, and it's just like
it's just wild to see like that. You just have to live. You have to be present, you have to love life and like actually be willing to fuck and fight for what you've fought for so long. You fought for so fucking hard for all of this shit and it's all fucking worth it, and now it's like I'm about to have a daughter- and this is something to live for. My wife is something to live for my life dude, it's a fucking gift like yeah. That's why they call it the present because Leon. Present, it's a fucking gift, yeah now I've I feel like I do feel more obligated to talk about it, just because it's like somebody somewhere needs to use to fucking here it yeah man, It's I like I'm supposed what I thought I'm supposed to be this hero with this fuckin big metal on my chest, non smoking the bigger and better than everybody else, but it fuckin hurts in
even though we still hold this title and we still have all of this site weight behind us. It's like the shit can still hit us too in you know, doesn't matter who you are doesn't wait for anybody. Why do you think it got accelerated after you were recognised for what you did? Or do you think that have anything to do with it? I don't really know if that had much to do with it. I think all building up, and you know certain instances. Cap happening here is your site, I know it's just a lot to fucking handle and yeah, and it's like I've been I've been through it before, like I've dealt with a lot of death like July tenth of two thousand and seventeen, we had a plane crash, ash that killed. Sixteen marines seven of them are in my company, one of almost war. My best friends I lira go notify his wife that night had to get dressed up.
A uniform and go there and, as actually my best friend talent, leech side to go tell his wife is never coming home like that, should only happens. Movies have never like I've literally watch movies of deeds. Gonna knock on doors on their fuckin alpha service, uniform in society. Never in my life tat, I think tat was mean. What did I do then week after that, I went to the shoot house like we went right back to training and it like. Ok, let's go to work, I will just so good at compartmentalizing, because we had delight turn it back on my in an instant and it's the same fuck. thing in the real world psych. While I gotta go back to work like this, for Im just passed away, this distress happened to me. I got a fucking crazy car accident, but it's like all these things in life? They continue to build and build and build. But it's like you if we just keep shut
bring it down and not doing anything about it. That's when it becomes such a detriment to your mental health and, like you have to address it, you have to be willing to talk about it. You have to be willing to sit with it and feel it mike. I mean since my last surgery in July, twenty twenty two I'd stop drinking, so I've been refer a year and two months now and it's been the best thing it's arafat can happen to me. Yeah, because now I can literally sit there and feel my deal. My feelings bikes. in my thoughts and all of the shit, and it's just like it's it's hard yeah. But it's it's real. It's me it's like this is all me now yeah, so yeah alcohol is a fucking killer. Bro it is. I grew up just like you doing the the the drinking and you know smoking, weed fucking run around get in fights, all shit, and did I spend a lot of years in alcohol in know what I
like indeed once I cut it out for the most part, because I mean dude, I might drink like twice a year. Now it doesn't. Your life gets way better do yeah, it's way better, especially if you're carrying a lot of weight. You know when I have people that come to me and they're struggling the first thing. I tell him his eyebrows stay away from alcohol and control. What you can control was the two things I tell anybody when they come to me and fuck photos of what what what is what is nick jones doing what's the you know where, where where are we at today, yeah so currently among the president and founder of a nonprofit called town's reach foundation, and we see special operators who have been morally meant. Your physically wounded does now to be related to combat, doesn't have to you, don't have to have a purple heart. You don't have to have a valor award, it's some sort of moral, mental or physical injury, courage, cycle
you said we bring guys out to Montana. We have a five day long, systematic approach to healing we do all sorts of different holistic methods to healing, so we d energy. Stem to yoga mindfulness, meditation, breastwork, art therapy, music therapy. We get mt doors. We immerse, amend nature. We basically get them to get their mind off of fucking. Everything else is going on in life, but then we do the hard work, which is the education, p so we teach them about traumatic, brain injury. Ptsd this other term called up Your syndrome, which is basically like her for vigilance anxiety, depression, anger! All of this shit crammed into one thing that creates like a dysfunctional, dysfunctional type of operator that is like most, boy. You think that they are suffering from ptsd, c I now they basically joined two in its second might be this.
We teach about all that stuff and basically, what happens to the brain when trauma strikes and ways to mitigate those basically got on this path because talk therapy going to the site I'll, just like sitting in a fuckin for wall white room with one person, a slight. Never understood would always fucking every time came back it's like so tell me What you're saying like dude? I just fucking, told you my story a hundred times. Where are we going to move on from this and their candies? Always she part about it like about it? It's always always got bullshit cave. I did at least have the real. Should hobbled vague, an I'm, an advocate for that sort of therapy right. I feel like I've experienced plenty of it believe it or not. Yeah some of your mother fuckers think I still need it. I probably do, but the reality is, I feel. Like me, of the therapy out there,
As has become less about solving people's problems and more about maintaining a customer base, and that's what I noticed you know, so I think it's cool you're doing it. This alternative way there. Thank you. It's been cool man. We brand three programme so far we ve helped seventeen special operators. We ve got our fourth one come up so. It's it's been amazing man. There thou comes it. We ve had like this success stories that we ve had its like. We not prescribe we dont tree, we don't like we're, not fixing were educating and were on a guiding them through, showing them the tool giving in the resources and like. I mean man you'd, be surprised like dudes that come there and they're like super down. Sad like Breathing life is out to get me and then they come back and they they reach out there like do like I've, never been fuckin happier like now they do art there.
these are just art and they found other ways to deal with exactly and it's like dude, like the only coconut mechanism that we really understand how to do, is fuckin drink, a fight and just like take this prescription medication yeah like well, that's bullshit! Yeah! so it it's been amazing man we ve been nonprofit now for two and a half years and we just hired or first employee. So it's been free, fuckin, cool, yeah man redrawn, were I'm love in it and it's like like what you said like. I needed to find my my purpose after lose. What I thought like losing My identity losing my purpose in sight. When this should happen at sight, dude, I I have found something that really drives me inside and we'll have to get aid to do what I love and I dont get paid so it's amazing that I can.
really share my story and let these dudes have this safe space, become vulnerable and really fuckin he'll. Unlike action, work on themselves from the inside, rather than like just tell em dude it's like I used to be like alright dude, like I'm sorry that happened you but like try again next time you better fucking suck it up work harder like sometimes it's not the fix. Sometimes it's not that easy. So it's been. It's been amazing and really looking for to see now how continues to grow because we have like we have a pretty big vision and forced to beg vision so eventually We want to acquire on land around like facility out their montana. We want to iran at least one programme a month right now were about three programmes a year so funding personnel logistics, all that some kind of comes into play, but what
wanted to really do as like dial in a quality programme rather than like bump out, like a bunch of quantity in like what's help a bunch dude right off the bat like I want to help guys, but I want to make sure it's a quality programmes, make sure you actually help them yet, because if you don't, they the programme? It doesn't help them. They think they're, unhelpful, exactly right will start blaming themselves, makes it worse. Yet so we want to be able to be. Do all this shit in house. We want this facility. We want to be able to have staff on hand, do what, programme every month and then actually have some sort of like longer term treatment. If you will of like afford a six week, graham so guys need extra help or maybe who are suffering from some sort of substance, abuse or just want to fucking. Really. Some might he'll will have that availability will have like all sorts of, like called plan shot. Tubbs yeah float
tanks, like all sorts of different things, then it's just like the tools yeah, exactly because, You know you never know. What's going to help, you never know. What's going to stick and it's really hard for, like a a special operator, who's got this fucking ego to walk into some yoga studio. Some like meditation room and it just like our I come for can hear, unlike all jews unclear at it, I was going to laugh at me. I'm a guy you guys who decide we wanted them and have that fuckin sanctuary. It's like you can still be this humble warrior. still ready to fuck and turn it on, but who all no understands how to sit down calm down and like really like get deep and get within so yeah. We ve got We have some big plans, I mean my take a while they will get there. I love this. Do yeah! I love this like I'm so glad you came on the shouted than us.
So glad you do you're a fucking, real fuckin man. That's real man, shit like what you ve done and what you're doing and how eve overcome and what you're doing now to help people deal with that issues. You know the issues that you have experienced. I mean bro, that's that's! What it's about bro negative work appreciate that air. How can people get involved with this programme? so we ve got a website debited we don't need our towns reach foundation, dot org! We ve got so for me, instagram, facebook and linked in, but on their regard, like volunteer application, Since my email is just nick at towns, reach foundation, dot, org how'd, you spell the website talons, so tee, a l. Oh anne s. Reach are a c h and then foundation. You name it after your body, yet the school year into their sight, several metaphors, I guess
we call all of our participants, eagles thing come through and it just like you know there's no better reach. Then, like the eagle itself lang, we have such a fuckin, powerful grip and like if you I looked up and an eagle in their grip strength, its pretty fuckin intense, but it's like, if you think about it, like I'm senior or junior man in the team. It's like. I have the power I have the reach to either like fuckin reach out and help somebody or reach down and pick somebody up and psych. Aren't I come up with all these different things said derec about it, but it's like I mean you're a natural born brandenburg set. It stop yeah. Try and get you do great light yet it's just you know. I think talons, dad mentor about it and, as I look, this is
what I have I have this idea. It's like there's. By no means do I want to benefit off of your son or use your son's name in these certain ways, but like this is what makes sense to me. This is what we're trying to do, and I think that this is how we can help the most people, and this is what I want to name it. I want to name it talons reach, I like bawling she's, come to almost every like fundraiser that we ve had in Sofia. She lives in foreign. Missouri Oh shit, I down the road here so yeah his name's tab he's he's an awesome, awesome human, that's us, but yeah man, it's it's got over them, what I was just talking about. I kind of got off on array. I think we were just getting getting the full story. Dude yeah, I mean look man, that's an incredible story. I mean you guys who listen to the show, know that I don't often get quiet like that like and I've never heard this story from you. You know I I knew that there I knew you know. You sent me that video that one time I watched that we talked a little bit about it, but
may not seem incredible story. Rome. I love that. How I can such a short amount of time are the guts where people will turn to under estimated like nor in such a short amount of time how much progress you can actually make. You know And it's not like this was a tim tenure I mean do this. Is recent yeah? You know I applaud your bro cause. I think that's just having it out. Think it serves as a real example of like what real trauma yes and what these things, not these terms are thrown around so often right, yeah, oh my boss was mean to me. I am travelling. I go to my safe space. Holy shit. Man know like listen to what's going on here. You know what I mean this is it's powerful shit.
Well, I I really really really commend you for doing what you're doing and I think it's fucking awesome thanks man and I am super thankful that you're willing to come on the show and share that story. I think it's going to help a lot of people and I hope you guys will. I hope you guys will support my man here in what he's trying to do. I can vouch for this dude, a thousand percent. I've known him for a long time, he's a great fucking human being, and I'm really fucking proud to be your friend bro, so super grateful for you. I really appreciate you have me here: jabra anytime, for real sea ray talks of shale. The government must do a yeah, that's great yeah, fucking transition, yeah yeah guys it is ctr man. So, let's get into this remember if you want to see any of these articles, pictures links, videos go to edit facility dot com and find them there. If you watch on youtube, jump down an inscription below you find them link there as well
being sent manage list since gratitude a number one so. This is an updated story, has been talking, town or but has been on it hello number one reads: murderer. Manila camera. County survive. Only on watermelon for two weeks hid poop under leaves and reveals how just how close cops came to catching him because we see in this This has been so it's been a big big talk. Right has been a big deal since the one where they took the picture with the guy. Yes, okay, okay, yeah, so cap should criminal, the mellow I'm a county told cops. He survived for nearly two weeks on stolen watermelon and they officers, scouring heavy pennsylvania underbrush for whom her and so close. They nearly stepped on him three times. the thirty four euro convicted killer was quote brutally honest
after he was apprehended Wednesday morning, sharing how he even buried his poop to have getting track. U s! Marshall Robert Clark, toad news. Nation quote He did say on three occasions: law enforcement officers did almost step on him. there were about seven to eight yards away from home, clarks it collar. Anti, who escaped from china stir county prison on august. Thirty first had just been sentenced to life for stabbing his ex girlfriend to death in front of the two young children and twenty twenty one prosecutors are expected lovely additional charges for crimes committed during his fourteen days. On the run, I continue saying after crab walking up and over a pair of close set walls. Escaping jail, cavalcanti toe police. He was able to survive for days, eating watermelons stolen from near my form, escaping drink water from a stream hid within brush and only moved at night ass, a his tracking
the species under piles of leaves. Now. This is what he looks like that capture them. We definitely had a nice run around pennsylvania over those fourteen days. He did all this on foot on foot Now you move moving We know like this. Guy have training or something I don't know. Man alone I mean you know. Pennsylvania brushes pretty pretty deep, can give you up there. some in animals if those on others, we're just did that to him. She was a grand had to be said. Emily was cleverly, wasn't there very firmly amazing officers of pennsylvania? yeah every the branches, but do desire. So there's been a lot of heat, so the picture that it was referred to this picture here. That was posted when they, when they finally called this guy's, been circulated in going around
But he's got a lot of heat like all these offices they're getting a lotta heat on it. Why will furious eighty p a furious pennsylvania. Police took a photo with the capture convict a mellow cavalcanti to people posted on x, formerly known as twitter pause they keep having to say that, because it does not sticking that is an evil or like what are you? What do you do when you post on on X, ray me? While I propose listen! I claim that we talk about bringing a minute ago. Brainy one or one. Ok, you have twitter and you make a tweet. A tweet is a verb right action now, yet, acts. They didn't think this through. I told you this when they did it, we have now. What do you do on x? You make an x x, you that's a classic you, I learning z mythology goes in his natural born bread and junior. They need to sign up that's right now.
really we're gonna come up with something: that's bears a bus, what I've heard best wherever rigour we're so comfortable went toe to toe eggs same as one person says? A couple of people executed a couple of people executing nuts with us whenever you shut it down yeah two people executed his mother fuckers are definitely turn resting, yellow for no reason again Some people say that basically, this person said I cannot believe I have to explain why this is inappropriate, referring to the cops behaviour following their mates capture, another mr they up like see, it just doesn't make sense. Another exit taking a photo with the escapee was wild while another. cod is truly embarrassing. Now, what's embarrassing, not I don't get it I mean like here is hers? I think there is a common theme that we keep trying to make these criminals be these, like you know,
Oh, they run our old and second grade, and they, you know they help tie somebody shoes when they were you ate yourselves. I thought that this dude is a convicted murderer right, like I'll blow. If they would, I held him upside down and took his lunch money. I ve been ok with it. You will I. Why do we keep you? so much sympathy I'll, be ok with their. They shot him in a fuckin head like I wouldn't like you're a murderer, yeah? Well, that's what I'm saying I do we're talking about yeah this, this attitude around sympathy for violent criminals. it's gotta stop! Do it has to stop people all understand because They have good hearts and they have good minds and they wouldn't do bad stuff. They assume Anybody who does bad stuff is some sort of like an accident or was a mistake or something broke. There are well people, I hear that will just fucking straight up, kill you and you guys like make excuses. Form all day long and then until
it. You write like that congresswoman in minnesota. Where are they was Minnesota? Wasn't it where sheep who she was? talking about no sympathy for criminals and then she is carjack and her own driveway. You know I live in a world of ours deal with these people of criminals like these are not good people. These are not. People have things like empathy, and care and like do, the right thing ingrained, but how Is this to understand their people like this that exists in this but why are we advocating for people that are disrupting society causing harm and in an sympathizing for them and making excuses for them? Why are we doing this? its absurd shit I get it. There is one more interest and take on this thing and us all this and I had to go verify for myself, but if you go to pennsylvania department of corrections? Ok,
Emma mate or poorly locator right insurgents guy up, I'm not it and put him up seventeen. This thing in a new I've been sitting There's been this increasing trend of how they label the ethnicity of people. Ok, I'm so this is this. Is the mellow right? That's him! Ok DE allow cavalcanti ok Let's see what they labelled a man for them, it goes race, ethnicity, why nothing we're they're not going to check for yourself. Take them a number go to the website. Will we down below, but I think that there's, a very sinister thing and the only reason I bring this up because I feel it's important to call the stuff out for what it is is as as bs, and you know it's. It's messed up what they're trying to do but they're trying,
You paint the picture. You know the salsa cavalcanti hispanic, male, the label them as white to increase the white crime statistics on white crime, that's right to justify taking guns and to justify the narrative of white supremacy, being the bang domestic terrorism and also let let's just stop and be real honest about this. What if this exact guy could thus be railroad like honest from like hispanic kind in the middle of black and white right must be real life. What have they took this guy? What did they were taking all of these latin american or foreign non white. Criminals and they were labeling them black. What they're doing that, but would the narrative be then.
Alright there's a racial double standard in this country that people refused to acknowledge. Even a statement of people of color is exclusive of white people. Oh, yeah! It's it's may do so. Everybody but white people, and that's that that's a big problem and there is a problem in a very open anti white bias. and there has been for a long time? This isn't knew this didn't just happened in twenty twenty this has been going on my entire life white people have never been able to say these things, the other races, concise, weak, and say: hey, I'm proud to be white, I'm not proud to be works. I don't give a fuck about being because- and you know why, and why don't give a fuck about me? Why? Because I've we ve been allowed to give a fuck about being like ok, so we think now what's actually going on, and we think about that. racism, that's actually happening. Let's have an objective. Look at what we actually doing there, creating crime data that doesn't exist
push a narrative, the isn't true to get people to exclude this one particular race. And if you were to say people of color in an included white people, but not less American people were not mexican people. We, We called I racism if, if we said people of color, and we just said, while the color black isn't a color, the color black is the the one that we're not talking about that would be called racism, but because its white people, One calls it racism and no one wants to stand up and say what the fuck it is, I'm not advocating for like. I actually believe that nobody should really put their identity in the race at all. I never did you like I'm high school, like I just put human languages like along. it's just all a dude. If race is your identity, you're, not a very sophisticated human being you're low, I q person like if you were born that way You know what I'm saying like: let's not do anything or sallow you weren't rarely has argued here, there's nothing there.
About about someone's race, and it's very easy for me to see that, because I've never been able to brag about my race if you say that a lot of black people, you say that to a lot is where people it doesn't make sense, because they never dealt with that and that's all real thing about races going on. If we want to remove racism, we have to remove all the racism to get rid of all of it like this is. This is an absurd. This is a very nice fair an example of what they do to push these racial vision, agendas that are not good for anybody like dude. This isn't good we're supposed Judge each other on the content of her character, we're supposed to say: hey, I don't care if you're black your. Why or you, brown or yellow- or you know you anything else- we're supposed safe when a person are you, are you a good person or you? A good person. Are you? Do you contributor you? Do you hold a high, more standard. You try hard like do you treat people right. Do you, people up when they're down or do yet
Are you piece of shit like that's that the america that I want to live in. That's the american, I know, that's you america. I grew up in up until you know The last ten years or so we start to get weird, but yeah. I just thought I just thought I was stupid, but, like I mean like it, doesn't you don't doesn't do it just By saying that I am not saying something or who say something see some safe on the call it out. You know the brother, like look dude. If we're ever going to solve this problem with division in this country, we have to be honest about where what it actually is and where it comes from. You know it's not it's not white people oppressing every. body brow. If we actually look what's going on white people aren't even allowed a sailor or like broke, you got it. Abc website like if you go to anti defamation website where most of the narrative comes from. censorship around what's acceptable? Socially, okay, if you go
radio website. A statement of hate is: is that it's ok to be white? That is marked as a statement of hate. How the fuck is that statement of hate. You sure what I'm like dude, That's. Why you're, seeing all this backlash against adsl on twitter ban adsl is one of the biggest hashtags for the last two weeks. You have all the big aims coming out talking about, because these people have manipulated social agenda is to protect themselves. Make everybody else's life, fucking chaos, We are talking about the Jews, I'm sorry, about the eighty l and the people that are their running, that whoever they are yeah. But these are just: this we have a sub generalizing people s. Whole groups like we can't look at one. What this guy is next keener middle I don't know what he would sooner to senator. Ok, we care
that and then say all a owes or bad just like we can look at it. Why person? Who does something bans? All black people are bad or a Oh, why people are bad, but somehow the idea has everybody convinced that if one jewish, version does something bad. That means that you're saying it against all the jews and that's not what anybody sound? That's just their defence make that's right. it was a guy's jump in This conversation that note, you guys, think hashtag bad boys, bad boys. What are you going to do? That is no less. You got it wrong I tell you, I wouldn't want common for me that motherfucker Where were you stay over caves, yakking reading, or do you know nick what a foundation? dude out wanna taken fuckin. Now all the ground was five days. Was crazy. How they are both stepped on. Let's that's, I wondered if he had any training. It reminds me of sniper school yeah. I mean there's plenty times and those walkers will come by and they almost step on him. Like I mean, maybe he did.
Im. Training me to know to bury your poop like that's just the normal people know that I wouldn't have thought of that. I mean yeah, I dunno, I mean I dunno man. If you buried it, would you bury it with? Are you barehanded? No doubt man, you don't know that, just as what he's wiping Yeah yeah, we gotta keep the show on the road as tom cruise comments. Let's check in on our daily comments to see where we are and when wiping your ass with your hand, is kind of smear. The shit in like does it actually work? Isn't there some cultures in the world that they use their hand and nah? I think there is what we're cultures that I'm not sure, but I've heard it before. It must be true, it's yacht. What is your wish? A hearing on the I think there I think, that's it yeah? But Well, that's why they are that's why they don't shake with that hand, if you should try to shake with a yeah. I definitely don't touch your fucking eye,
did you think I hear Gaza santa cruz comments. You got you got something may arise He's got me a he's in a heap. It's ok, you got. There We gotta get out of the question for us in this a few times and you gotta answer right now, my right, this egg, I decided I this egg Our comrade comes from user. Why tee for be? Why? Yes, how eighty stupid question, but have to know, could drive me crazy. Why the water you're drinking dear, rather than the water you advertise, I shall be adduced, seriously curious. Thank you for being you dude. Iraq, I think that's all but the peasant water versus the fiji. Well, that's why is that she has peasant water. At least
but every doubtless about this- is yes marketing idle selfish. We take the wrappers had fuckin stick these on for the show welcomed by the way. Is these guys fucking to here? They do all this hard work to make these things. Look beautiful. Just for you that doesn't change the fact that, what's on the inside of shit, all right, so so this is no different than the race example that we were talking about. It all looks good on the outside But we don't know what's on the inside, I happen to know, because I drink this some days. to be reminded that you know there were days where I can get that fiji water, like today Okay, so I'm reminding myself today what it's like you know what I'm saying: no, no you haven't. Like you like, a like a filter, purify.
At spring water guy and I am on the water snob. Now I drink, reverse osmosis of the house. She definitely tastes like peasant water. You gotta say it's the truth. This year, the shift from costco we peel the labels off. We put these labels on like this is nothing more than to look cool for the show bro just keeping it real. Is it yeah a bro? We got to get all the atrazine out of the water with that stuff that can afford vbac growing. But china san check everyday major, appstore good, but dude we'll talk like honestly, like jokes aside or I have a little bit of why. I, though the day you discover you covered it, looked it real. Here's why do jokes aside, can't tell that big of a difference, but the truth is that
I know how many of those fiji waters I drank so helps me track my water yeah. That's why I don't know: what's there that's what it's two of those for the I forgot, what it is it's I can it's just like. I know I fucking drink. A full fiji during the show like I'm doing good on my water intake yep. What I'm saying it doesn't make sense. You know you could just calculate the bottles here. Whatever the shit is cold up there, it's not cold here it is what it is. There is no. There isn't luck. Hit me with some harder quash her. I talk some shit like I want arose summer. You fuckers. I like, I get it now. Alright, that's! Ok! We all we talk shit in good fun. No, I don't. I know our people are good people, but yeah. That's the real answer. I love it. I love you guys. Webpages was a thank you to all of you guys for more or less
I will say that too. I want to say. Thank you I'll say it enough. You know we put out these shows. We We gotta go to you here. We do a lot of work to put these out and I realise that you guys have the ability to consume anything. That's out there it means a lot to me that you guys come on and listen. Let us talk about real ship, it's going on because it fuckin matters and there's a lot of people. author that when rather wash shorts of people eating buggers and fuckin unboxing unboxing presence or just mindless bullshit and the fact that our audience actually gives a fuck enough to consume our show multiple times a week at scale. It means a lot dude and it tells me a lot about who's out there. Listening like I, it makes me proud that you guys give a fuck are selling fake. Again, I suppose you're right back into it headline number to remember to reach north korea's skim john to stay in russia for several days. His eyes
their role as regards our own pocket. So's north korea's leader Kim Jong has unexpectedly extended his it's a russia, our he was meeting president vladimir putin for a suspected arms deal. The pair discussed possibilities for military. cooperation on Wednesday, two prudent also quote, gratefully accepted an invitation from mister camp. Is a north korea criminal spokesperson set ass? A little change, there is cool, Moscow is buying weapons forthwith. in ukraine in any help would violate you and resolutions, the? U s is worn, Kim has was warmly received on Mr Putin. The average casket asp the on wednesday in russia's far east north korean leader spent two days travelling there in his private, luxury bulletproof train, now, have you seen pictures these trade. This train. Does he now fly.
Was he afraid they're go shoot him down or he has a jet and he has a big like bowen and business class jet, but I you know I dunno I don't think I would be able to do a tremor release this one. So so it's all. It only can go thirty one miles an hour because of how heavy it is so I had to pretty sludge like track man, that's like only I do it taken in all the views he was like eight hundred miles or something from from north korea must wonder what the purpose- and that is what that have taken. The jet emitting already is like his insecure anything yeah I mean. Maybe I dunno I dunno that would suck I mean that's a long bumpy slow right here. I don't. I don't get it, but the two how can the town between these two meeting outside of all the political things- and I thought was- was wholly serious is that your kim Jong IL he's a cargo.
He is a cargo, and so was putin really and so they're gone back and forth talkin about presidential limousines. That's what the talk of whole towers, and so they the reads bizarre moment, Kim Jong test out Putin's armoured limo and sits inside it like when he visited trump and was only allowed to peek inside the beast, limousine So this is the bizarre mamma. We got the videos there. The vladimir Putin invites Kim's younger than to sit with him in his limousine helping donald trump who only allow the north korean supply. inside his bees, limo and twenty eighteen couldn't come at yesterday at the north korea russia summit to inspect the space launch facilities. Other metrology cosmo drawn in the russian for As you know it s. It was about. The right was a dude tremendous amount,
finish my battles in UR browser. You won t they want Kim jong IL touch nuggets you. I won't run up up up up of yeah boxes. Own right now go to close our brow. He had he had nineteen chicken magazine what Kim jong IL touching fought. In fact, So there is a video from tolerating this donald trump north korean leader Kim Jung, who is video. The it takes huge massive massive, so didn't let him in I didn't realize that thing was that big massive, because trump's, a big dude, bro, big dude, me yeah. That is huge. That's like a That's ago, as you ve limo that looks like a car. No one hears prudence. So Putin has obvious- and I think Actually you may, by rolls royce, I think, is he looks like a roles who has like a drive train and all that
I'm serious video. Those too, I don't know where the audio is we'll get a plug in the town of innovation. Here he had not MA am whatsoever from your eyes we're so that those with its argued cell, but here the thing has been a new development in ukraine about we watch. I'm not gonna sound on this will fisher Ukraine's transgender spokesperson issue, stark warning to russian propagandist equal all We'll be hunted down and justice will be served. So that's what's watch this video have you ever seen this. Like museum it all now are you not receiving. The transgender spoke first of ukraine. Ok, here's the cliff shut, the fuck up rough russia hits the truth, but their obsessive focus
the ukrainian volunteer is simply allowing the light of the ukrainian nations honesty to shine brightly next week. The teeth of the russian devils will nash ever harder, and the rapid mouse will form an uncontrollable frenzy as the world will see. A favorite kremlin propagandist pay for their crimes, and this puppet of prudent is only the first. Russia's war, criminal propagandist will all be hunted down and justice will be served as we in ukraine or lead on this mission by faith, in god, liberty and complete operation. You you're better, looking under much looking. I believe this is real life. Their mood is now realise this is about real, that's right. This is now that's real!
will gnash the teeth to do what the fuck look at that Adam's apple Look it up from what one what is going on. We somehow crossed into an alternate reality: the mother, that's who they got man. Is the salt, so apparently why they have a they have somebody captured already a russian propagandist that execute if she said that's what they're planning on having captured them just yet they're working on it, though okay, here's what they're saying yeah just like they're winning the war just like that, oh mamma, I mean that's it bees? I just thought I was interested, but now the best we got an episode of pimp my ride, going on over in russia when we're in the white house will kind of limo we going to half ooh, that's a tough one. Yeah I mean, I think we should go to roles row.
It has to be rules like I mean we need this. It has has to know it has to be rolls royce, and it's not allowed, as I do I get a phantom, but, like stretch aiding less for me, would be a fuckin downgraded I'm going to go ahead. If I'm going to go, do that job and you take all this shit for everybody, I want to drive what the fuck I wanna drive. That's real talk. You've been to any any cool cars or anything whether it was the coolest thing trucks you got to drive anything bunch of different armored vehicles. You drive, trap tank. I got to ride in a tank, didn't get to grab drive it yeah. That would be cool. China think me in my memory, doesn't serve me too well, every now and then, while its roles in eight cadillac, no offense cadillac account
like makes my stuff but may arouses role lead. You may I stuff, and you ask what sounds got one of the new escalate. These, I think it's fucking nice repair sounds bad ass to how much It makes sense why Kim's got the bulletproof train that he had to take up. There was a cause: he's a car guy, so he's like showing off his tour and go up there, and I was it does make sense, now bring my trying here. Let me see your train, but here s a train travellers will help you. People have to, or should I bet he travels a whole bunch of soldiers and all that shit yeah anyway, he's a weird dude dude. Some issues does things very weird man. If I bet you don't expect anything less while judy lives in a fuckin bubble, those people are allowed to know what's going on in the other than anywhere else in the world. Brow like our own up. What do you think he makes a this transgender fucking Ukrainian spoke.
Person, why do we not be real here? Can we not be real, but how embarrassing that has to leave for the people? Ukraine, like he's an american. I know that that's these american! Yes, why yes. This is an american transgender person that somehow got Into the role of spokesperson for something the territorial defence forces of ukraine, like what we're rank, is it what the at what is going on. Anyway. What else we got guys, dropping our comments as a pimp, my ride. Let me know what you guys think yeah, let's go into our final headline number three. This is You see here, hello, number, three reads: hunter Biden: sues ex trump staffer tied to laptops dissemination. Now. This is very, very interesting.
So do you guys remember, I think if we had Eric Schmidt off we have brought up. The ah re abroad are basically that screech, I'm pulling up her now that screen shot It has like, essentially this tit for tat time line right U turn my where they had the hunter by lorry june. Seventh fbi realises document or I'm sorry, doucet. The fbi releases documents to congress, alleging binds took ten million dollar bribe from breweries. My june eighth, the very next day trump jack smith and ice trump in mar a lago docs case July. Twenty six hundred Biden goes to court and rejects a sweetheart plea
real after was reveal the deal J tried to give him blanket immunity for future prosecutions. The very next day, Jack Psmith, its trump again, with some more charges July. Thirty, first hunter Biden's former business partner, testifies to congress that Joe Biden was on over twenty calls with his son's business partners that breeze my execs pressured them to fire the prosecutor. He also had Joe Biden on tv. bragging about that and then the very next day you have jack, psmith, indicting trump again virginia sixth nessus, like tit for tat thing right now this came out. The lawsuit was initiated on wednesday, but what happened tuesday. how they announced the impeachment inquiry for Joe Biden and then I was criminality again china and also my visa on one of trumps team, but that's not just
right. So there's a lot of stuff going on and Matt gates. You know he thought must know the speaker. Ass, those monitor barsoom. Ok, either do this or you're out We all these articles being written question whether Joe Biden is fit to run and this is all liberal, left, media, the stone and one of the bus right and then comes out. That's in breaking news. Yet do you think Oh, it is or doing it again. I mean, I think, it's fair for half an hour. Goes with doo doo doo doo doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, divergence, breaking news outlets, retell Joe Biden, dotted on federal gunshots. So this just comes out. This does just came. Others had off the press about recording hunter binders got indicted almost three felony gunshots, so using diet on federal gun charges, but no the actual taking
Millions of dollars for policy decisions that are affecting the well being of country is there's gonna, be what they use suggests like, hopefully sweep all of the son of the rod. Hope ever forget about it. Don't pay its engines all the millions of dollars of bribes over here we got him on the gun, charges and his face like twenty five years, or something like that I gladly? What's the anglo here, feels like you know. The heats been true- it up so high one hundred Biden, Joe Biden, that they just want to hook them into something so that people will be like? Alright, we got them and then forget about the shit is going on now. That's what it feels like. You know these people These judges- and you know people think its democratic republic in these people are all playing together man. So what they're doing? they're. Having a conversation on the backside say: hey, this is hot. We have to do something we have to relieve some of this pressure and then there's ok. Well, you know, when you do the gun stuff,
right, yeah that'll, stick yeah, and that way we don't have to blow the whistle on all the stuff that all of us actually do and that doesn't come out in the wash. So we could just stick him with his gun charges he's going to have to eat that, but that way we protect our er livelihood yeah. You know I'm not a lawyer right but like I was looking into some of the like. I looked into the lawsuit and all of that stuff and like did the all the the hang up with all of the stuff he's suing and the guy who put all of the stuff out on Marco polo where he uploaded the entire car. Of all the of hundred buttons laptop was I uploaded nervously since it out some of the stuff right where was faces faces you you credit card numbers. that's, because there were minors there were naked minors on the photos, its evil writ, people all realise what actually on that laptop lightest gun charge? No just that! No, it is some crazy pictures of hunter Biden smoke crack
there's way more on there, their that people aren't even talking about hasn't been covered by the media right, sir, it's like their showing a little bit but they don't wanna show the whole thing now. Here's the thing a pandora's box is open at this point you know, but you're looking all into this stuff. In my you know what they're arguing like you know: people gotta remember how he got here. He dropped a laptop off to be serviced at mac. The mac store right. He left it there. He didn't pay for service, it was unpaid. he left her there right the owner contact with multiple times over the course ninety days right to gay, come get your laptop, More importantly, pay me for my services and hunter by never did now. He saw The document that was an agreement between the laptop store and hunter by.
In saying that hey any property left after ninety days on bade becomes my property. So these, like Biden has now soon. All of these people saying they used his information like no that's no longer yours, you knew you have abandoned it. It's gone right, which, which is another reason why none of this stuff is really taken in court, but these gun charges, are coming up, they're saying that the trials and all of that stuff, probably won't get going until right in the heat of the election cycle, so that'd be very, very interesting to see how that plays out. I think they're going to drop Biden before before then feels that way. You know it feels like the whole laughed media starting to turn on Joe Biden, I have said this on the show many many times we have to understand what Joe binds role has been. His role was not to come in and lead the country to a great place and unite the country, which is what he can campaign, not a sob.
I now makes say the shit here's what his role was. His role was to come in, do all the terrible shit that needed to be To destroy this country open the borders, keep a moment shut down the oil production, shut down or fuel independence, Allow the crime climate in the big cities to go crazy to do all this. Things right send all of our taxpayers money to ukraine because had we had some one who was competent or we had someone who appeared to be competent. The things that Joe Biden has done, would have been revolted against, and Only grace that he's being given right now is that he's old, see senile potentially just stupid when, in reality, he's not stupid at all he's running the play as he's having the play dictated to him. Because we all know he's not run a shit
this guy's not sit in the back making decisions. There's nothing going on with this guy. This guy's a scapegoat he's upon to serve a purpose to get as much. damage as possible, so that their be a revolt because people will say what he just stupid he's. Just all he's just see now, you know, we gotta get him out of here, because he he so he be no shits his pants or whatever embarrassing stop. This guy has done, and if we are, competent person in here doing making these decisions. That will be very clear to everybody that the person who was company making these decisions was actually acting against the interests of our country as a whole, so yeah selected, he's players will like he's done. All bad. She had he's done all made all the decisions that need can be made, took to destroy and demoralized and start to destabilize. This country, from a common standpoint, which then his title, how you know your bogs come well he's
I can millions and millions and millions of dollars allegedly from china from our biggest fucking enemy. So what are we talking about here? This is, we are occupy. We ve been occupied, he's not compromise. He's a fucking trader, that's real shit to make our get you your you take this man nor as a veteran right, you took an oath to defend this country right against all enemies, foreign and domestic. What is your view on from know? How long has it been since you been since you went in with your fifteen years? twenty turn, is when I went in over two hundred lotos yeah what wow, what Where's your perception, then, of the state of the union, while you were going in which were fighting for compared to what you see now, where what what's the difference where where were you at them, where we were you and now, when I
joined van? I wasn't really in further the politics I wasn't really and for that it was like fighting for the deeds of the people that I loved so I mean, I guess, there's a guy on the ground, sometimes it's more so about the five it's more about, like the dude, soon left in your right, And then, once you start moving up in the ranks, it's like. Oh wow, like politics, like the the big eyes and in the big house, have a lot to say with what we do goes when you're overseas and you're targeting guys, you're actually doing the job in depth. Countries. You have to have different levels of approval to go, do often of operations, and there are several levels of approval that go straight up to the big dogs at the white house and There are certain actions, is where there's like obvious bad shit going on, and you like. I need to go, take care of this and they fuckin turn you down and psychologists, letting.
Terrorists walk around on the streets over there as well as here in the states in its bid bleeding over and if it shows man and insight I mean I joined under the obama administration and then in. twenty sixteen was elected and it was actually wild because, like our pay increased our equipment got better. We act, We got like my whole team, finally got outfitted with certain gear that we had been missing forever and then twenty twenty. happens in its like. Where did emissions go where we? What are we doing now like what the fuck is happening? and once I got removed from that it's like now. I still continue to see like it's like a dog fallen in special operations. I could there still doing work, but it's it's kind of sad to see like the levels of approval that have to happen to just kill one bad guy, that's doing and obviously bad falcon
and so I never reach like a very like high. Evelyn staff positions to get involved into politics, but it was, I mean you could definitely see it when we're out there trying to fight, and it's like what do you mean? I have to get a fuckin general level of approval to drop a bomb on the sky for do or bad or have to let him. oh right, yeah inside who else is he gonna like how the other levels like it's. Everything has a second third order effect and it's like I learned about the at a young age in its your site, you do One thing that can literally trickle in key- as so many different fucking waves in its ike. Let one bomb maker go, and now it's like now, you're killing, several other americans or your fuckin, now. This dude is gonna, train somebody's gonna, go into the united states and do something vulcan bad there and it just like
I don't know man like it's hard to really understand like what you're fighting for a times cause. It's like. You want to say that it's it's for the doo doo left in your right. Then inside you're over their fighting, and then you get called de either do somethin vulcan weirder go, watch something specific and incite. I don't know. Sometimes it's a lot of nice, askew yeah
yeah. There think a lot of guys feel that way: bro yeah, the guys who have served over the last twenty years. Twenty three years say the same thing: man even even more. You know like a lot of these guys talking to Greg Anderson. A lot of these guys feel like they served for the actual bad guys and like that will be a that's a hard thing. I think for a lot of people to to deal with. You know, and I see I hear it all the time, though I mean like you, either openly, like Greg posts about openly. That's why I don't mind saying it, but you know a lotta guys will say it privately: no interest in marriages. It's sad to see that, like I don't feel like this is the same america that you know those guys
I fought for twenty years ago. I think it's, I think it's I think an important question for us to actually ask is, did that other america ever actually exist. Was that even real? Well, that's what I'm saying, because only reason that we know what's actually going on now is because of the internet. So how much easier would it have been to hide the actual narratives when the internet didn't exist and just convince everybody here that everything we did was noble and just and right when in reality we don't know, if that's the case or not Russia has room. I want me, what was we'll stay? I bet it. I've been likes. It is this. The hunter by now men just came down will see what happens with that, but does jumping on this conversation. Let us know what you think: hashtag don't drop. A soap swear, we're hoping for some That's none of us could go on and we got our final segment of the show guys. As always, we have our thumbs up we're domiciled. this, is what we bring a headline up. We vote on it to get one of those two options:
that being said, our thumbs up or dumbest fog headline reads: I was Kay if mcnamara loses it overworked choice while talking western michigan defence, not expecting that visit it's just the immaturity of me, but that thought this was fuckin hilarious, so, mrs down into our whole guys quarterback K magnum learned about phrasing on tuesday as he conducted his media availability ahead of the teams game against western measurement mcnamara's help add iowa to the number twenty five spot in the latest associated press top twenty five. He was talking about the broncos defense and his expectations when he started to laugh, Alex watched this interview. You know our level communication up front and me with me the box- and you know really, everyone just been on the same page, because we know these guys
you're the com. If that does not mean we have to be argue with our hearts, we gotta be he protection, so protection so was expected. So what he said is the broncos defense is going to bring a big load yeah. Oh my god, that's fucking! Funny kumar americans are buying another gutter. Dobre! That's great! That's real dude, that's funny as shit, beijing icily roofers do not protect my god, you that's what good other was great. it was just so a the van yeah. That's what I'm saying thats funny dude, I'm with it. He just seemed like he ate a gummy and then went to that interview.
And which is a rare. Where are you going to the united states is a view as he was saying, I like it like a delayed reaction. He knew exactly what you do is our lab. That's a fuckin body. Do we give it that stops up with the stuff? guys Mcmahon, that's all I got yeah guy nick. Thank you so much for coming on the shell broad, thank you for everything you're doing here everybody with the website will more time before we jump off where they can guess getting involved of what you do in its talons reach foundation, dot, org. go guys make sure you. I give this mass of love and support he's on instagram. What you're a grim handle it is. Nick Jones is nick jones. It isn't it john supervising yet is it is like spelled out my got. It
yeah. I was just. I was just clarify your question. Sorry, it is the or, if it is nick jones was missing. Alright, I guys ranks as for tuna and taste, for the support make sure we pay to feed all the whole sleeping on a number of others, but the stove count it means in their booty. Spell gotta bank can both doesn't know. Shaath case closed.
Transcript generated on 2023-09-17.