« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

572. Andy & DJ CTI: Liberals Turn On New Mexico Gov, Musk Deny's Ukraine's Request For Starlink Russian Attack & Communists Burn American Flag

2023-09-12 | 🔗

In today's episode, Andy & DJ discuss Liberals turning on New Mexico's governor over gun suspension, saying it violates the U.S. Constitution, Blinken refusing to criticize Musk, who denied Ukraine's request to use Starlink for an attack on Russia, and Communist revolutionaries setting fire to the American flag outside Jason Aldean's show.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Sleeping on the floor now my jewelry box from the stove counter millions in kobe teach Buddhist got to thank rolph, can't kang, doesn't know headshot case club is a gadget reseller for selling. This is the show for the realise, say goodbye to the lies, the fitness and delusions of modern society and walker, the motherfucker reality guys today we have adopted, de jure grows them the fucking as we're gonna do. That's where I see tee. I stands for by the way that crews, the internet- What we do here on the shelves we put up topics on the screen. We speculate on what maybe drew in what maybe not so true we talk about how we, the people can solve some of these. problems going on in the world. This is a entrepreneurship, personal development podcast at its core,
I so other times you today we're gonna have a couple of other formats. We have queuing up, that's where you get to submit your questions and we give you the answers. Now you could submit your questions. A couple, a differ ways. The first way is gadget email, those questions and to ask Andy at Andy for solid icon or gone you too. Under the queue- and I thought, besides- which release every single monday and you could drop your questions right there in the comments, don't forget to click subscribe, all these questions can be about anything can be about. What's going on in the world, what corner with me. How can I help you we make some money: how can we get better than What this shows about the shows about making the world better by making you better others. As you to name wouldn't, have real talk: real tavis, five. Twenty minutes of me, giving you a short little quick burst of real talk, and I hopefully it helps. You guys work Some things are working on and then we have it's called seventy five hard verses in seventy five hard verses is where people come on the show who have completed. Seventy five:
and they talk about how they were before well. They are now and what it's done for them, and then we talk about how it can do the same for you and if you don't know what seventy five heart is and it's the she'll phase of a programme called live hard and you get that programme for free and episode to await the the world's only programme that is designed to cultivate mental toughness. This is about developing discipline, grit, fortitude self belief self esteem, the ability to persevere, because if we are honest with ourselves, the reason that you Were you wanna? Be? Isn't because you don't know what to do because you lack the ability to follow through in doing so, and that's what this programme fixes solved, you got episode to await its free. and I gives you the whole deal now there is a book on my website called seventy five hard. You can we that is well if you wants not required. I appreciate when you guys do by its more for the people that need to know the ins and outs of everything. That's it
and a person. I am that's why we wrote the book. So if you want the book on my website andy for solid outcome, but is absolutely not require you get programme for free and episode to await now, that's audio only if not on youtube, so either, work on poor. That episode out posting it on you too, but for right now it's only on audio because we just started with you to buy like the beginning of this year, so cotonou for us, but anyway, that's kind of the run down on the show guys. We have this thing that we call the fee one thing, you'll notice about our show that you well now notice on most other shows is that we don't run ads and the reason I don't run adds is because I do not want to answer to someone who is running adds about the things I say I want to be free and open to talk about things from my perspective, the way that I feel they need to be talked about. So in exchange for that, I just ask You guys, share the show and help us grow. The show your messages every day from you guys,
and I love you guys who share the show braggin message every day, you know about how I'm should be less there and these measures used to get out. Well, that's why if you just share the shell, so I don't be a. How shall the show all right? What's up man hi, how you doing good yeah, so you got a box of kleenex over there yeah, you get a little personal show after I got them all sticking out of the house. Now you know I dunno. If it's just like time of year, I very rarely get like sick. So I know it's not that on my contagious and I know different colors, not everything thing is just like a like allergies. Are temperatures are weird right now by going between hot and the not so hot or you'll leave the house- and I'm like this- is that weird time where you like leave in the morning wearing like a full parker yeah, you come home and fucking, you know, swim drugs- you have your own say. How does this I'm a year and am I a time it's dark, its full part again, there's rumsey animal, but, like I love it, though you know,
We will not get to see the season change. You know like living like florida, california, or even like south taxes. You know you get a lot of the same. I like that. We get the season change for sure, I'm because it like all the crackers. to adapt yeah, that's what heroes Harry knew. I was going to say just because I liked the variety of your weather, but I guess that's a bonus to it's cool to see him like you know, have to change up the gameplay of the shit. You know Oh man, it's cool though it's good. They knew some collared assets good day, because No. This is one of the days I feel like Then we were really able to see what america was about. You know what I'm saying, and so it's obvious topic, and now it's september twelfth when the shows record are aired but today is a history of an anniversary of nine eleven. You know what I'm saying, and I think this was historically one of the first times that we got to you- have a common enemy where these, what they gave us right was while in our lifetimes here right, you know and and and just
seeing like how america united during that time,. Even for me as young as I was done. That's how I remember that I might man this is pretty cool. Nobody cared about a razor. You know what religion you were. We all have a common enemy to face unity. I thought it was pretty cool, but I never have where's. She gotta leave with a good old Joe Biden. Fuck it up. if you say so so, apparently, like you know, every single president, since nine eleven happened, they they go to one of those memorial sites. They go to ground zero, they go to the pentagon and his knee in alaska, yeah and he's he's in alaska, and he just came back from a trip but he's taken all type of heat and within reason- and you know, but apparently he just sent camilo there and she's at the pentagon, or no she's at ground zero he's in alaska. Going on this I mean look at the viable around nine eleven. You know
we're not allow to happen. I was twenty one years old. I was on my way to school. While I had school that day- and I remember I woke up and we had answer machine, you know a lot of guys, don't even know what that is up there. Oh yeah, my phone rang, and it was my mom and I was still in dad- and I could hear or talking on the answer machine- and I heard her like say something like You need to turn on the tv, a plane just flew into the world trade center, and I thought like like a little plane and I thought, like a cessna or something like that. You know what I mean, and so I dig it up. And I went clicked on the tv in and not even like a minute later. The second plain like came in the frame, and I saw the whole thing happened like long live tv, and you know
I mean I it was. It was like surreal. It was surreal that it was happening, like I remember, watching it being like holy shit like what the fuck is going on. I think most of america felt that way and- and it was such a symbolic like in your face- act of aggression right and everybody united. You know everybody the store. Its were lying dead matter in all of your democratic republic, anti matter. If you black or white, then matter where you came from the american flag was everywhere, everybody was united in your correct,
that assessment. The problem with it is, it is, and you know, there's like a there's there's we have to talk about the reality of it. You know thousands upon thousands upon thousands of innocent americans died that day, but there's all kinds of things about nine, eleven that never added up and that never came to the surface and that never came to reality and when people first started you know so for the first three or four years after nine eleven everybody was united. Everybody was like yeah. Let's get the terrorists was basically made out to be anybody that was arab, which was wrong and americans body hook, line sinker and through the the manipulation of the pain in the restoration that we had, as americans,
They changed a lot of things about america. You know they introduce the patriot act they introduced. T say they start Do and all kinds of different things that were in the interests of american people under the name of fighting terrorism, and of course you know they were to war and killed. Millions of people in the Middle EAST that were in certain had nothing to do with what was going on. And saw the narrative is really changed, and I think you know on on nine eleven you, if you look at the internet, its very polarizing, you know you see people who say never forget, and you know they get in salted when you point out these untruth, some of that the quorum quote conspiracy, the elements about it. You know, like donald rumsfeld, saying the day before,
I nine eleven on nine ten, two thousand one did the pentagon couldn't find three trillion dollars right. I like the only office that had the records of that. crumbled, airline or or the insurance policy that was taken out on the towers? You know previously that year that paid the insurance beneficiary for plus billion dollars right, like we have these these things that all point to it being an orchestrated tragedy to you now americans, in order to produce the war in order to benefit the politicians in these very evil, corrupt elite people that we talk about we single day on the show, and it wasn't really until covered happened when of people saw how that, because I was very sloppy how they did that that, like yes, people bought it, but there was a big number of people that didn't buy it that wasn't the case at nine eleven, a m
We body and where nine eleven happen like was like holy shit we we all bonnet and when twenty, when we what would happen? Not everybody bought it in. It opened up the narrative for people who had doubts. about nine eleven to kind of explore those doubts and look into it, and now we have what I think I do think it's mainstream, but I think it's getting to be mainstreamed. We're a lot people realise that nine eleven was conducted, only by our own three letter agencies for a certain specific purpose. and then we start throwing in the idea of how the cia allegedly executed Kennedy like all these things, and it was a blot you know if we want to talk the real terrorism, that's the terrorism, you know, that's the terrorism, it's funny now, you know middle easterners were paid as terrorists so many years in this country.
and you don't hear anything about it anymore, like they're, not worried about all these western african, or middle eastern or a third world country. Citizens coming across the border, not saying a word about it were staying years ago. It would have been like ban suicide vast everybody in round everybody up, and I really think that what this this you know from my perspective, you know- and I have a different perspective, because I'm old enough to have it's both these events, it's very interesting how they manipulated the country into believing certain things and how easy it is to believe or manipulate people into believing certain things you know I was one of those people who bought the Middle middle eastern ers and arabs are terrorists for many years. You know
my position back then was very much so like just fuckin wiping the fuck out and like bro. That's very I mean I'm embarrassed to admit that now, because I have so many friends that I've met from that area of the world, who are great people who are who who have basically same values that I have And they happen to be muslim in oh, I happened to be a christian. You know what I'm saying like these are good people, and we manipulated so heavily in so many different ways and issues resting. Look at nine look at how the narratives changed on nine eleven social media over the years, because, ah now it's like this argument about like who did it what was involved? alt, and then you still have people who say you guys are crazy, but due to that, look man, its undeniable there's, avatars, tons and tons of evidence here, and I think. the best thing that's happening because of all of this is that people are lodge
intimately asking questions about everything. Now you know there are these people's ability, these corrupt, three letter people. You know, I'm not saying the whole agencies are all corrupt, but I mean a lot of it is or the one part let's be real here, and these people are orchestra in tragedies in the world that are unnecessary and only benefits certain classes of people when that's not. natural state of humanity, the natural, of humanity is peace and harmony and good will, and we we continue to have the jar shaken for the benefit of very, very well very, very few in number segment of the population, and I You're, every time this this this anniversary comes around, I think more, more people are waking up to what is actually going on, because its is running concur with some of the factory that their plane right now
yeah, I had a back and forth with a lefty on instagram. I think last night you know, but they were saying, like you know, all these conspiracy theories, like you know, we should just leave, leave those people alone. You know like it doesn't do them any justice and I'm like you, know, well here's the thing. If there's a possibility right that that thing was that nine eleven was orchestrated, that it was a involved. You know plot that led to the justification of a twenty year plus war, the led to the justification of you know. Thousands of american soldiers dying right, amass a whole generation of your patriotic fighters dying right. If there's a-
possibility that these conspiracy theories are true. Does it not do justice to everybody that you have lost their lives or loved ones? Does not do justice to them to get to the bottom of it to get to the truth of it like what justice you can't have justice without truth right, that's the whole point in a lot of people want to sweep this under the rug because they want to you know just look away. You know it's like when you have a big problem in your life and you decided like look the other way. The problem doesn't go away, gets bigger, it gets worse, it gets more powerful and it takes more from you and that's a big problem for a lot of people, because it such an uncomfortable thing to look at and say, could people be that evil. When we look at what they done over the last three years, I mean most, you guys listening. Even if you disagree with what say, sixty to seventy percent of what I say, you understand that there are still a ton of truth to the fact that what has happened over the last three years
was engineered to happen. I think that's why they're so. There's, though this rather they're so afraid of it is because they probably believe that its true they're, just there so afraid of accepting that and that be in the actual true. I know what I'm saying. One thing I do on the show real quick that that I thought was interesting. Was this headline from newsweek china mocks us on nine eleven anniversary with cartoon, so the chinese state media, which is a statement of all their media, has ran, ran by the state right. They released this editorial cartoon
And dude is shook me right emission of my mountain yo, a fuck china, but then you really start looking at it and what it is for those that are audio right. Now, it's it's a. I has the statue of liberty, she's, holding a piece of paper that says twenty two years after nine eleven and then behind her is essentially the the the the broken places of like iraq or afghanistan. Rye were bullets flying overhead molotov cocktails? Are you sure that's supposed to be the middle east or afghanistan? That certainly looks like some of our cities right now. The facts now, are you sure that's not them showing the state of america right now with the bullets flying back and forth, and the.
Molotov cocktails and the baroque buildings, because that looks like a lot of what typically from the outside most people will look at and say the prestigious cities of america, new york city, los angeles, Chicago. That's what they look like. No, no, no, I mean there's definitely a take on it for sure for ourselves what I found I foresaw we're gonna like nor be retried- has been all the modern like up. I mean it is that a mark, or is that a true depiction of where we are right? Now? I would say if you consider that the background is our own cities. I would say: that's pretty accurate, now
yeah, I just thought it was interesting man and any any any words on president sheets should suspend them pass, because I don't believe that he cares at all. I I believe his I I did these things. Don't bother me anymore, like when he walks out of the medal of honor ceremony, or he says something or he does something that is inflammatory. I don't get riled up, because I understand what the man's purposes so that the man's purpose is to come in and disk deconstruct america step by step by step and do everything in hand to make a mess It got worse and then for us to blame it on him being senile and old and not knowing. What's going on and like I'm not going to buy into that like by me saying, oh, I can't believe he walked out. The medical guy or ceremony, I can't believe that, go to nine eleven like I can't believe you shut down there. Strategic oil reserves in alaska. I can't believe
if he sat the pipeline, I can't believe is letting climb go on like this in the cities. believing letting the border stay open. I can't believe it. I believe I can. I can believe it because I we stand his role and what his purposes in this and are fully believe that I fully believe this man is completely compromise and his role is to go in deconstruct america and do all the already work, because if you imagine, let's just say- and I am not a fan- Gavin newsome or I think most of you listening are four, let's just say, but we can agree that the man is competent, in terms of his ability to communicate, he is that brain dead he's he's he's a strategic thinkers capable we can have a conversation, if they had a man like gavin newsome, doing the same things that Joe Biden is doing. It would be under. notably obvious to people that he's doing it on purpose, and that will cause revolt, and so what actually happening here? Is we have a full
all guy in the white house, that they are poor, rang to be senile and stupid and old and decline bed and shooting his pants, so they will all just say, largest old Joe Biden, doing dumb shit. Instead of recognising what it actually is, which is intentional. Demoralization destabilization of the greatest country- that's ever existed, that's real shit ma'am. I think I think we're starting to give them way too much, not as much I'm just saying, I think in general, They start again, given way too much attention So this was something like this. I listen. That's why you suppose we do and again that's focus on what we should be focusing on, which is is honouring remembering those fallen medina. Yet I also think that by you pointing out the truth about what actually happened? That's actually the best way to honor these people, like there's no no honour in lying about what actually happened in these people are pretending that it didn't happen. You know that's just because its uncomfortable to talk about doesn't
in that we more or less the innocent lives that were taken, but I it's a reality that we should also consider the one and a half half million innocent people that were kill all the way across the globe. No, it's interesting! How people have these big bleeding hearts for all these people coming across the border? When there the clash our border, but when their over there in Iraq or their in afghanistan fuckin kill him. I know it's dared like the hypocrisy. There doesn't aligned night. We rather have those uncomfortable can ya, know what's uncomfortable to talk about If you know it's not accountable to talk about the truth about that, americans was, I shouldn't be neurons airlines are lagging behind No, the syphilis is uncomfortable. Just imagine that that would be really your friend or something yeah, I'm no! No! No! I just got personal experience that with a kleenex or four
I just feel like it would be uncomfortable to talk about you're, just guessing the I gotcha, I say, hypothetically educated hypothetical, get pressure from the garden is easy. Always let's get this cruise go and remember. If you want to see any of these pictures, articles links video, I go to Andy for selling dot com, you can find them there. You can also check down on youtube in our description below and find the links link there as well. As that being said, let's get right into it. Our first head and headline number one. Airline aboard reads level. turn on new mexico, governor over guns, suspension, equal via it's the! U s. Constitution, This is a very interesting development out on mexico. Saw was dive into this democratic new mexico. Governor Michel want Grisha, am is coming on fire. Some members of our own party after
temporarily suspending open and concealed carry across albuquerque under an emergency health order quote I support gun safety laws. However, this order and the governor of new mexico violates the: u s: constitution, no stay, in the union, can suspend the federal constitution. There is No such thing as a public health emergency exception to the united states constitution, california, democratic representative, TED Lou which that was definitely a shot out of left field, very, not expected from that guy and I think we've we posted a few of his tweets online. That guy is something else, but it's interesting to see him stand up on this matter. Amen, I'm happy, He had so la grissom suspended, temporarily suspended opening conceal, carry laws in berlin, low county for at least thirty day starting September eighth, the announcement was spurred by the fatal shooting of young children, including a thirteen year old girl in July a five year.
a girl in august and eleven year old boy. The smyth quote, as I said yesterday the time for standard measures has passed. The governor said: according to her offices, press release on the order quote and when new mexicans are afraid to be in crowds to take their kids to school, to leave a baseball game with their very right to exist as threatened by the prospect of violence at every turn. Something is wrong now, ah, even David hogg jumped in On this conversation, which I thought was again, the moon is Canada is gonna scare me almost there's so much pushed back from this. I, like, I, don't know you don't, but but this what each weeded out- and this was response are passing this state of emergency that she declared he eats weeded out. Saying quote, I suppose,
gun safety, but there is no such thing as a state public health emergency exception to the: u s: constitution, stephen crowd, even jumped in saying quote what saying quote Wait did I just agree with David hog. There's ten the original tweet there. Now she responded to TED Lou in pay. This was tyrannical response that she had to say. She's treated out said- and I quote, a ted conseil and open. Carry our state law. was that I have jurisdiction over you're really interested in helping curb gun. Violence. Add welcome you to join a next police academy class. In that case, before she has got me out other, already defined in the back and dumb ass as you can sue national association for gun right sues over Numa mexico governors conceal, carry band, that's going down, but here's the thing is not just happening
what we see this one, the local levels right, so it is not just the state. So this is a state example right. we actually got a goin on here in our own backyard. Same old city mayor was mayor, ones the ban are fifteen's. Ok, forty seven on city streets, putting out a bill For local ban signal legislation would be designed to prohibit military, great weapons on city streets, prevent the transfer, or so all of guns to minors, take action on military gray guns and similar untraceable firearms. Listen. We can't get military great guns anyway understand that it's already done this already. Then we could have some will hire? Somebody say that duchess shows me that they have no idea what the fuck me like that the forty the forty round magazine clip because guy might yeah yeah. No all irish forty rounds in two second point my second forty rounds
and one second, the fact that us that that simpson picture of the revolver with the clock magazine saint, like these people, just don't get it. No, they don't know what the fuck they're talking about, which discredits their argument. Camp we the anybody who does not know what we want we use. It is always loons. You feel, like you, know its interests and that all of these typical left us or jump in and on this issue too, to you too, can hit our her on this. Where there's something deeper hobo. I don't know if it's feels the same, because I feel the same one pricing we yet So, if you notice, David hog and the luge we and then like a whole bunch. Other tweets from other of these radical left us have been almost verbatim almost like you know, though winter of death. You know almost like: don't kill your grandma,
it's almost like mass mascots and your high horse. Medicine is almost like that. It's almost like there's a back channel that all these people get information about. What to say and how to say it. You know like you've seen that clip where all the newscasters are saying. The exact same thing that here a clip is so scary yeah. Here it is right here you haven't seen it. I am fox san Antonio jessica headley and I'm ryan wolf. Our any weakness runs. Libya is just sort of our a treasure valley. Communities deal pass illustrious communities eastern, I what communities mid mission in communities. We are extremely proud of the quality balance journalism that serious war he's pretty says, but there is one very plaguing our country. The sharing of biased and false news come all too common on social media. More alarming. Some media outlets publish these same fake stories without checking fact. First, the sharing of biased and
false news all too common on social media, the first, unfortunately the dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy is extremely dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. It is extremely dangerous to our democracy,
is extremely dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. Alright, so like bro come on yeah. So when we look at that clip, that's what the these people are doing in a different way. We're just not privy to the communication on the back and that there are getting and for my on my red on this. Why was a temperature check? You know these people like to check the temperature of society on what's actually going on, and I think this way, when was tasked meaning the governor of new mexico was task to try this, the state and, if we're just being honest, bro, everybody forgets about new mexico. Like now one, no one's moving there. No one talks about it. There's nothing going on there now virile, I'm not trying to be disrespectful. It's a new mexico albuquerque like I'm just saying, like ie, no add ons body in the fuckin road
you know the road runner and as right like they're, all there you know but like that, but the point is is that there is not a whole lot going on there that people really talk about mainstream very often so, if you were gonna temperature check, what better placed a temperature check, because dude there's like ten republicans in the whole state ray it's all democratic, so in my opinion, how I see this and how my brain works, if feels like she's trying to run a temperature check, or she was tasked with running a temperature check in the back was so immediate and so harsh that date, panicked, meaning the leftist and people who are organised together, panicked and they all retracted. It wants to make it seem like this is now trying to do, because this would have severe political societal implications. If people really thought that this was going to be the next step, and I people really thought that They're going to come for the guns and ban guns like bro we'd, have an uprising of violence and I think they
hence that immediately, because even with how blue and how left new mexico, happens to be there were still a massive resistance immediately by the people good work by the way to reach is this and I think they saw that. I think they issues me right away the wall. You know not all of us right, and I think this was just a big temperature check and that's how I see it. So I do think there is more to it, Yeah like she was just wearing, it is verbatim as it is verbatim and we have to stop viewing things at surface level and we have to start looking at them. Ten thousand foot view, because this is a coordinated effort amongst a whole lot of people to accomplish certain things in our country and they're all working together. So there's there's twitter files and facebook files and all these info these all prove how these coordinated communications have started to happen and apparel
they're. Still other ways of this is happening, so you know I'm not sure, but, like their statements, are almost identical right in that's an accident and its not just one person copying lose we and then the next person copying there too. There are saying the almost the exact verbatim same shit and this on mainstream media, we all saw it through covered. You know they all use the same phrases, the same wording over and over and over again about all different things, and this is no different than that. It's just you know. I think they push a little They got immediate resistance. They panic. They thought that it would cost them a whole lot of shit because here's the reality, were there really gonna fuck themselves in the election is the senate and the house right if people on the local level vote all of them. Lou people out of the Senate and the house, which you know, there's high likelihood of happening boss yeah,
They lose all their power, so they can't just worry about the presidential election. They also have to worry about those elections, and so I think this spooked em, I think they got scared and I think they backpedal immediately, because we could all admit that this is out of character with David ha. Natural opinions on anything acting like all these people are anti gun to the max. They don't give a fuck about the constitution and anything that they do to pretend like they care about. The constitution is only to protect their ass, so they continue to push the constitution out of the picture. What, if it's a play for them to, like you know, making them you, have an amendment to the constitution, because her I'll send it out, like all we have to respect the constitution, have to respect the constitution. What, if they're like pushing that to make an amendment to the constitution that would then yeah? I I don't know my medical afresh I do like what are you almost had to say on this topic in almost reacted by us how soon she can be removed from office?
put out, we don't eggs. I would said quote at risk ask of stating what should be obvious deliver. Levi violating the constitution- is next level legal house. Can this person be removed from office? I just thought that was great well about five minutes with a whole bunch. People guns, oh shit. Yeah just guys, jumping on this conversation, let us know what you guys think hashtag infringe on these down in the comments guys. Let us know what you guys think on that topic, but before we get to our second headline, as always as crew some comments, dense, christen. Thousands are gonna, go before you. This comment. I believe this. This was not a city I come. This is from you But our seats ya toss of this kind. The com in section rabbi at clare, sylvie close sylvie. She says I want andy practice, saying no so funny
so one hundred percent accurate so that's a reference that was episode. Five. Everyone no right or got those from our q and a that just posted yesterday. So if you guys haven't seen that go check that out yeah now that it go was actually one of my favorite parts of the show too. Yeah was pretty funny. I mean I don't blame you guys, yet what we always about more like that, actual ignore the ability to say no in real life, though that's important man yeah in people have problem with it, you know we live in such a soft society where people want to carry the weight of other people's real actions when in reality the the response ability for someone's reaction to you saying. No is not your responsibility to carry right; they have them, there's a boundary that there are a lot of booking, avoid saying no, because they don't want the person to be upset or to think a certain way about them when reality. That's not
something that is really concern yourself with. If you want to live a happy, healthy, productive stress, free life, it gets pretty heavy carrying the response of everything that you communicate to some one else. That happens to be your position or your thoughts or your feelings, carrying their reaction to those things. That's a heavy thing to carry. I think a lot of people suffer from a lot of anxiety. By not understanding that when you say no, that's perfectly acceptable, and how they react as something for them to carry enough for you to carry crazy is hypothetical reaction. You also time Iraq's failure because, like what you think, they're gonna react. It's not always typically how they react. Yeah most people, just you know they create. Case scenarios arts in their head, and that creates a situation where they avoid having the conversation altogether you know and communicating effectively. Clearly I is Literally the first
all. You need to be successfully anything alive and when you are of how people try to hesitate or run away from conflict or move away from conflict or move away from tough conversations. It's really no surprise as to why they don't really move anywhere in life because it's impossible to get any better or make any progress without a real conversation or real answers. Yes, no, maybe so you know what I'm saying. Oh absolutely man, actually guys you guys should go check that episode out. That was the most recent q and a episode five. Seventy one I shut out declare appreciate that the catch I liked those q and a's yeah yeah- I like those so so go check them out. Guys again, we want to say thank you to all of our real ass fans for not being hosts and sharing the show. Let's get back into It- hello number to hell nobody reads: blinkin refuses to criticise musk, who says he denied ukraine's request to you, starling for russian attack,
now. This one is very, very interesting man because it came out right before the week in an account I got swept on the rug like nobody really talk about how big a deal this actually actually was closed. We did this for those. You guys have missed it secretary of state, anthony blinking, twice declined. Criticising mosque after the stakes ex founder said he refused to help the ukrainian government access his starling internet service in order to attack russia blake was pressed by sealant jake tapir to comment on details in a new book confirmed by mass, including He refused the ukrainian government's request to activate starling a satellite internet service run by space x in crimea. So it could launch submarine drone attack against russian neighbour Why is this was launched? Tweet in response to the debris? Release in response to this
Whole conversation. This is that we, the initiative that went out. Ok, This came out of september seventh. Twenty twenty three says quote there was an emergency request from governor authorities to activate starling all the way to serves the poor. The obvious, in and being to sink most of the russian fleet at anchor. If I had greed to their request, then spacex would be explicitly complicit in a major act of war and conflict escalation, so tapir asked blinkem whether mush face repercussions after he quote effectively sabotaged, a military operation by ukraine. A us ally against russia, An aggressor country that invaded a u s, ally, quote jake. I can't speak to a specific episode. Here's what I
cancer. Starling has been a vital tool for the ukrainians to be able to communicate with each other and particularly for the military. To communicate in their efforts to defend all of ukraine's territory, quote I don't know that you can't speak to it. You won't speak to a tap referred back, must as he was reportedly afraid that russia would. Tallied with nuclear weapons must says that's based on his paw the discussions he had with senior russian officials are. Concern than musk is apparent conducting his own diplomatic outreach to the russian government. Really none of this concern you quote jake. I can't speak too. conversations that may or may not have happened. I dont know bleak and responded quote and focused on the fact that the technology he itself starling. it's been really important for ukrainians and remain so, and jabber tap, tap tabus kept china go on right. So tat, we have argued, says
it sounds like stalling, so important, a? U s. Government doesn't want to risk offending a capricious billionaire. Who did some things that I think in another situation, the! U S, government might want to say something about, but let's move out, that's not what it is. What is it all now? to save and all ass a cloud. Even if that's, not white licit. Yes, yes, you know I, oh no. No, I agree with you. Yes, that's what's happening, but that's What tapir saying is not why they're not attacking him tapir once tapirs saying that they're not attacking him, because they don't want to offend him? That's not why they want to continue to use. Ireland. They don't want you to know that you, I will just shut the shit off and I'll be dead in the water. So there it's not about offending. It's about actually still being able to push the situation, the way that they wanted to go their actual, that those You actually want the same thing. Why guy knows something the other guy doesn't realise. Yet that's what's happening tat tapirs, not
it's a fucking more unless he's smart, ok, not averse minus, We also said article continues, it says, must tweet. Last we came amid backlash over an excerpt from Walter as extends new biography, elon musk. I was published in washington post as, since claimed in that excerpt that musk had starlings connection in crimea shut off the moss said there was never coverage. Encouraging crimea, never was ices and then had to post a clarification or friday. Writing quota clarifying installing issue the ukrainians thought coverage was nay, what all the way the crimea, but it was not. They asked, must to enable it for their drawn sob attack on the russian fleet, do not enable it, because he thought probably correctly that it would cause a major war. There must respond to that? I say much appreciated walter, the honest is meaningfully different if I refuse to act upon a request from you
Crane verses, made a deliberate changed starling to thwart ukraine and no when did I or anyone? It's basics promise coverage over crimea, Moreover, our terms of service clear we prohibit starling furtherance of military action as we are civilian system, so they were again asking for something that was expressly prohibited. Here's, where gets weird space exe is building star shield for the EU, government which is similar to but much smaller than starling. As it will not have to handle millions of users. That system will be owned and controlled by the. U s: government Look at that wish, eventually, is what it sounds like, maybe maybe maybe maybe maybe, if they not press on online tapir, once more yeah. Maybe it's the fact that our what's his face, blinking actually understands that you might say. You know that star shield thing that we were working on fog it we're not doing that anymore, because you guys tried
views this other thing, that's why we can comment on that. It makes perfect sense. Do like that's what people to forget road, this stuff right Is that these in these and other more massive games of chess, like three dimensional fucking chess right and most people can play or are still plant checkers by? That's the big problem right. This is what most people are plain: checkers milborough, it's that most people in our country or so fucking, oppressed and so. busy and working so hard to try and survive and get by and take care of their family that they can't follow. What's actually going on and that's the big problem, it's not that you know people don't care, it's not that you know we don't have a drew out a country, it's that these tyrants have made so far eighty, so uncomfortable for a large percentage of the population. intentionally so that those people will be distracted,
and not be able to really follow the narrative of what actually going on, and so that we're dealing with we're. Not dealing with a bunch of you know: weakness, we're not dealing with a bunch of you know, people who art quote unquote, americans or patriots, sure there is small percentage to the far left that fit into that narrative in category, but They ve been trying to use social me and make us think that that's the entire country in that part of the demoralization process and then part of these stabilization process is them make. It's so hard that you can't really follow along with, what's going on or resist it, because you're too busy trying to fuckin survive, that's what we're dealing with her through shit man, glad you didn't do it, I'm the I'm, I'm glad must endure yeah I mean who, with You know who knows how that would have went bro. I think he knows how it would have went. I think that's why he didn't do it.
Yeah. I mean he was talking to those guys. He was talking to people. from their government and they pray We said, look if they do. This is what we're gonna do. I'm sure they're not fucking around in order mean. yeah man, I dunno guys jump in on this conversation. Let us know what you guys think. I personally think that russia and is showing incredible restraint. Bro against retaliation efforts they could they should they should dismiss, should have Nord stream pipelines did look. Man I might Don't know these guys. I don't know I don't we because acted ass rivers be relied. All I can do is deduce from what I observe and when I observe putin now getting more and more more aggressive. You know they blew up the pipeline, they flew of that bridge. They doing all these things turn to fuck with him and he knows that the united states- and he knows its nato- and this do- could very easily
Really retaliate with a flip of a switch against all me. Once he's got enough weapons to do that, like you could say, quick and every single place where these people are could be hit, and here done that and I think the reason he hasn't done. It is because I think he's the opposite of what they tell us. He is here they come. he's a criminal and he's a tyrant and he's at this so that, while they all So tell us all these other shit we're the exact opposite is true. You don't say, and so at some point we have to start asking ourselves is government actually lying about this man, because his actions and is restrained tat he showing are actually proving that a pretty reasonable human being For that reason, ability is going to wear out eventually, and I think that's where they're trying to push. I think they're, trying to push him to a point. Of instigating some sort of major attack so that they can have their war and they can disrupt election process, or whatever they're going to do now, and I met the thing to do.
because your for man, like Putin, whose extremely I am. I will call the nationalist I like, in these extremely patriotic and has come to this country in his image and the image of russia to russians are extremely important rights all the stuff, it has gone on the still dossier from russia. fusion, Nord stream pipeline the nato advancement ukraine she had on all of this. Doc continues to go on. Ets Some point he's going to have to defend his national image. If not for four were for a mother. Russia like we had to defend their image to their own citizens, before he gets caught off from a citizen's rights. From being we right right, and so it's like the question is How much more can go on that scale before tips over? That's the scary question man. because, in my opinion I found I depart were pass a tipping point. I think the whole narrative tat we ve been fat about. Ukraine has nothing to do with with what they have told us. You know we
for this, the friday after the eu, the russia, the europe that the initial russia invasion of awe of, while eastern ukraine you know where we gotta hold that speech were putin, was talking about the buyer labs and he was talking about de knots defying astern our eastern ukraine- and you know why We ve been told we have been told anything all were told us. This prudent crazy. He's invading crank as he wants ukraine and he wants to spread power across the union. was spread his empire. All the way across europe, I mean it's the same shit. They hit the date that hitler did so they're trying to pay this man to be that type of a figure when in reality he's not showing any of that stuff. So It's almost like he's trying to expose who the real enemy is, but through restraint and seems to be
came just bring a job yeah because a lot of people you know. We first said that about ukraine, people free to fork out, but a lot of people I figured out like this is a huge criminal money laundering scheme. That is now in the interests of anybody here now absolutely let us know what you guys think hashtag w w X, you get it forward ex ante. The YAP, the job gaza is gonna, throw a third and final. Her love, her large number three lemme. Three reads commune revolutionaries set fire to american flag in protest outside jason aldean show quote, we will try it right in front of your concert. now. This was interested me aside from a common out, especially
in the day that we all know where this is right, so I obviously saw this is just a ploy but like none of it, really makes sense. Let's dive into a sea where we get out of this common is revolutionary group burned. American flags enchanted aunt. I: u s slogans during a disturbing staged protest outside a jay not being cancer in chicago, on Saturday night, cast pride the feds near shit around twenty communists. That's it twenty. belonging to revolution, club chicago assembled outside credit union. One amphitheatre intimately part shouting phrases like fuck, the: u s and all its might as they torched the flat. According to the video shared by news to the group, Also film taking jobs at out in song try that in a small town labeling the georgia born artist, song quote a piece of fascist shit, quote what jason we.
Try that in a small town activists, Raphael Cadaverous- and I mean sure I'll make errors. California resident, who flew out too wendy city to take part in the protest, told the chicago tribute quote. We will try that in a big city, and we will try that right in front of your cancer. now now here's the thing. So I checked and of course you know if you go to eighteen: u s code, seven hundred desecration of the flag of the united states and it's penalties, and then it listed out says quote whoever knowingly mutilates two faces physically defiles burns may contains on the floor or ground or tramples upon any flag of united states shall be fined under this title were imprisoned, for more than one year or both
and that's exactly what they did as members of the revolution club burned all glory law enforcement quickly to sin on the protests announcing by megaphone, the group was an unlawful assembly in concert. Doors were quote alarmed undisturbed by their presence. Video shows quote, you are disturbing the public peace without the authority of lights, Emily park, police officer told the group through a bull horn over the chance quote We are ordering you to immediately disperse failure to comply, can result in kimmel, More or less lethal conditions being deploy the officer warn the group who chaired the officers ultimatum Now. according to them Nobody was arrested nowhere report No, no, no nor arrests were made. The cap grown on. I was able to look into a little bit about this. This network vis is bob a viking on a radical
radically different leader? This is apparently the guy who is running the revolution communist party in america. This I hear about why this reminds me of like those three. I am infomercials, I'm gettin, like those vibes from him. I has a special like it's the fuckin, it's the fucking. mike? That is how it is If you don't try and be a professional guru without one of those everybody knows the fuck, I'm talking about it's like two: thirty, am you wake up yeah and this guy's gonna make a billion dollars. I was gonna, say a brand new type of toaster. That is this guy here. where this this, the guy, What have you got on this they should all been arrested. Michel been fuck, I'm even then first be and then a rest in the island here The irony is that these people are so ignorant the day, and understand that, like the only thing protecting them from actually being beat in prison,
which is what would happen under a communist regime. Is the fact that they live in america? Is not communist yeah. That's how fuckin stupid these people are. There are literally so fucking stupid brow like the there. I q must be lot, like some fifty, were lit legitimately. These people are so dumb they their cannon recognized that the only reason there are allowed to do the bull shit they do because they live in a country that actually yo Contrary to what I say most of the time, somewhat free, you know, remain under a communist free in certain regards eyebrow over in north korea. You know the fire breaks out in your home. I mean you may not even know this but like in north korea, if you're, if your fire, your house catches on fire,
or- and you don't save the portrait of the president and you go for your kids- to put you in fucking jail, crazy yeah, like dude. You cannot do this shit and communist countries, and these people are so they they they are so confused and so misled. I mean they can't under standard. They are the useful idiots that these books talk about. These are the people don't know any better than are mobilize to do the work of marks and now an lenin style yan. All these people right these are the people that they call useful idiots throughout history that they ve been able Mobilise under the promise of free shit and equality and these people, interpret that and they think that that means yo everybody's gonna be wealthy like day look at wealthy people making communist so we all have that. But
reality is communism, so we can all live like san francisco, right or allay or chicago. Then I'm talking about the worst part, not the rich parts right, that's the equality that communism produces and these people just can't understand, do like honestly. In my opinion, any single person with communist police whatsoever should be exiled from this country. One hundred percent should be removed from the country. Do not be honest. I think this the penalty for the desecration of flags. Like the others. Little do me. That's an airship who watched howard's man, waiter matters too. tolerance like what's The reason that we're in the situation we're in is because so much tolerance in this live and let live attitude by americans and say when this is the land of the free live and let live, they can have their views, not if you're communist now can't haven't now. If you're puzzle those people are hours, that's right, not pedophiles, either those people
subversive. They lay lie about their views. They lie about who they are. They were your way into the system, and then they actively worked deconstruct the system. That's not a valid argument between two different ideologies, Not you think. One thing I think another thing and we're and argue out for the best ideas, those No, they don't have the best ideas. That's why they have to lie to subvert and get in the system in deconstruct from within that there is no place. That in this country, that should be a legal base, people should be exile, they should be removed from society and an- and that's that's being nice. My opinion, now like the reality is, is this a mine virus that you cannot cure? They can either now have a place here in this country. Are we could do it fuck? We need to do to get him out of here. One last thing on his this radically differently out a bewildered that you like ten bucks. He wrote his own buyer,
listen to his biases bob vike in is the most important political thinker and leader in the world today, ten bucks, he wrote that forms is it. Who is who is this guy, this guy, apparently the leader of this little, this little click yeah. So you guys So this guy's, a communist. Yes, yes or he, he I'm this website. quit, miss what kind of name is a vaccine research it up, million is. It is, as has armenian origin, while here here here you go bob about this fuck you how about how about you I do that shit around here is. How can I beat you and ass myself, bob the wrong signals: people their salary.
Do people listen to say, wrote this whole website is not, of course, because he's a nobody afford I wasn't it as being of a communist today means following bob vike here in the new path that he has forged the eyes of lead. You guys rides the flattened camps. Anybody that's what these people to do a people that don't agree with their ideology because they can't win on ideas, the right decision. you're a person this trying to say a minute ago. cannot win on ideas, so they have to subvert and they have to now have to lie in they have to steal, and this is what create the scenario where, ah, where you know- We have to consider like how much of this should be allowed, like as america free for but who are liars, cheaters and thieves and represent themselves to be something that they're not in order to kill the damage to the united states.
to me. I should not be allowed to fuck, you know bro list this tolerance in the in the tolerance in the united states from people who Understand the concept of freedom, half have to understand that limits to that there are certain things that cannot be live and let live pedophiles for sure communist for sure these people are the bane of our fucking exists. Since here in this country they have no good intentions for anything that they touch. Everything is about destruction. Everything is about creating fear, things about creating division. Everything is about causing harm everything. About wrecking so that you can rebuild in it their way their way was so fucking great. How come there not open onstage, debating someone who actually
It has good ideas and thoughts because they can't, because anybody who hears the debate is going to think these people are fucking insane. That's a great point man This was one of the most recent instagram poster says we can now longer afford to allow these imperialist to continue to dominate the world and determine the destiny of humanity in it. a scientific fact that humanity does not have to live this way. Is it what what's the fact I must be all the other times. Communist succeeded exactly all the other times that you know that that communism's kill more fucking people than anything ever in the history of earth combined meat. Or than every natural disaster combined more every war combined, and that was the last hundred and fifteen twenty years, people understand. this ideology doesn't work. It's not practical it's not real and its
destructive and so harmful, because They try to eliminate and kill, not just the people who this agree, but the people who can contribute so what they do is they try to activate these calls quote: useful idiots who have no skills. No ambition, no life and just jealous hateful raising people who want what the other guy has who's worked his whole for it. They want it. So they activate these people to go out and on preach these messages and then once they, in power, they kill those people, because those people dont contribute. To society in any way, shape or form. That's why they're called useful idiots at the end of the day of you Bob empower here, bob's tell all the people that around preaches message to face the fuckin. all put a bullet in the back of your head, because they're not productive. That's what people dollar stand about communist, so these people these communists, who actually run around and say we're coming, is theirs. They don't
We understand what the fuck they're doing, though, actually arguing in fighting for their One demise I can understand it now. They think they're gonna be on the team. They think that they're gonna be in with bob right. I'm sure that sixty million russians that were killed during hold the moors believe the day we're gonna be in with ff in london or Stalin is well right, like that, believe I'm on their team. They're, not gonna, fuckin kill me and they killed him. the way. It's interesting that you know any air between. forty to sixty million people were killed, that whole caused their own fucking talks about it signing a mention. As ten times. The alleged number that was killed in the night we're war to holocaust, but we don't even talk about the other one. You know why, don't talk about the other one cause he's motherfuckers
fucking communists and they don't want you to know how brutal their regime actually is with a fact. Ma'am. That's right, I'm gonna retire, I'm going to see if you want to get him on the show. No, no! No! No, not at all within five feet of me. Bro, we're gonna, want and without eyesight of me Not really. I bro those people who bark that flag am am surprised that you good american country, boys citizens who go to jail, the encounters didn't beat up fucking shit out of those people. I think It's what I was trying to cause. I thought that too, and I, when I tried to read into it apparently like the concert, was already going on they. These mother fuckers are smart because here's the thing, though their pussies right yeah, they did it why everybody was inside. They did it for about thirty fucking minutes in the disperse right before everybody else came out, as as the the consensus that I got, so there wasn't. There were stand. Another wife by was a mind going at bro innate. These key me always mobilise the same. People named belies the people who don't
Have shit who were being o coming from. Nothing Who fancy themselves to be intellectuals who you who do and we we know somebody like this, now look at you and I know somebody you know talking about body from new york who fuckin thanks who fuckin thanks that he's an intellectual when he really isn't. You know we want another guy right. So that's the kind If the people that get into this shit, you know it fucking people get killed over it. Now, I'm sick of easter. I love how he's fucking at it makes me angry to look at the image I could go on and on leave it at that it boils my blood to look at the image of someone being allowed to burn the american flag in america. I can't I stand it. That should be a no fly zone. like, if anywhere in the american people, would stop tolerating that kind of behaviour. That kind of behaviour would stop
larger view. You knew that the consequence of burning the flag that you're gonna get your ass beat publicly. Yes, the pole, the people I know it, I love people, wouldn't do it to san. It charlot on this conversation and let us know commerce guys what you think for you Bob what everything that means they rooms there. So, let's let us know what you guys think in the comments. If you are who I was, but I said for you for you two purposes: okay, so like they can tell you how you mean hitting how you want. You know what I'm saying she there. Gaza is our final. Certain other show. As always, we have terms upward. Dumbest flock That's what we bring a headline up, we'll talk about it to get one of those who option says that with. But that being said, I fucked up or dumbest fog headline reads house.
Arrest, a man trying to run a giant hamster wheel across the atlantic, real quick, quick guess, whereas this guy from a hazy from the us. Yes, are you asking like what status for state? I mean that sounds like a california thing, oh man or florida yeah for a boy I mean there are some weird people in california. The reason I went with california was because of the ico stuff or gotcha yeah godlike yeah. Okay, I see where that yeah that that's reasonable. That's a reasonable estimation. Yeah so. I was down to this. So reed's. Try ass. He might rest Baluchi can't reach. His destination without running a foul of the euro. states coastguard. The key problem is his vessel, a giant floating hamster wheel, made of buoys and wire self propelled baluchi running inside, but gee who lives in florida,
After being granted, asylum from I ran was taken in by the coastguard last week and borders vessel following so obeys of back and forth with the authorities according to a criminal comply. filed in! U s district court in south florida, the coastguard cutter valiant came across, baluchi in his home, made vessel about seventy nautical miles east tv island, georgia, august, twenty. Sixth, as the coastguard was preparing for hurricane frankly he told offices his destination, london, england, more than four, thousand miles away baluchi was act for the vehicle registration. He said it was registered in Florida buddy than that. didn't find the registration according to the complaint the coastguard assessed bulges vessel known as You're hydro part and determined he was quote, condemn putting a manifestly unsafe voyage according to coastguard specially.
Michael present, the complaint, which does not a day a fiber baluchi starting point. The obvious then approached blue jeans, small boat and instructed to join them, ending his voyage due to its being unsafe, baluchi reply that he had a twelvemonth knife, I will attempt to kill himself if the offices tempted to remove him from his vessel. According to the complaint, The officers returned to the cutter and stayed near by when the office has tried again over the next day or so to get Baluchi joined them on the small boy boat. Absolutely play to knives and threaten to himself evolves as well in his vessel idjit also quote threatened to blow himself up along with his vessels The officers I'm holding wires in his hand and believed him the complaints s This apparently is not as first time was far from baluchi first encounter with the coastguard. He ask attempt voyages in similar homemade vessel and twenty fourteen twenty sixteen
twenty twenty wine, all of which resulted in the? U s Oh god, intervention press notes his his makeshift hamster wheel. What what is going on in florida like. Why does all of the craziest shit? Happily I mean you toss coming. Second, I don't know man. I think this is like you know it's the culture of there's. No. Everybody wants to be first at something. Now you the first this president, the first that teacher the first guy run across the ocean and hamster wheel like we need to give get away from the first and get back to be in the best ashen than actually matters. Now, that's my take as russia. we like dude, I'm so tired here in this house. Oh brave arrives the first this of lat like do, I can cares if it sucks home said like we're. We're not built on. The first were built on
thus an you know running year, hamster wheel across the fucking ocean. I mean what do you want? What do you think that's going to create for? Who do you think that I'm trying to shit on your fuckin dream, but maybe should have a better dream, I'm not doesn't look too bad. You looks it looks. Ok, I like look safe road, guys out an ocean where the hurricane common, like they say as to his life, but here's my thing or her. Here's where I'm going to disagree with you on eddie I I personally, I am to the belief that the less damn people, we have procreating ivory, I'm ok with natural selection. Less there was a row of you want to go and take your Hampshire will into a fuckin hurricane by all means, I think, that's a valuable, legitimate point we should have. I think we have to start protecting the dumbest motherfuckers in the world and let him fucking do what they're gonna do that's what I'm saying it's like the cops who tried to stop the dew from surfing during covert know if he wants to get it from the sharks and shit. Let them get listened dude people get.
when I say this about abortion, the biggest supermarket about it by you guys. Bitch complain about abortion. But, like you, don't ever stop to consider that the people. We're getting the abortions are the same. People who are terrorizing the whole civil society at at at mass You know like. Why are you arguing for them to continue I've and the life cycle. When in reality is just going to create more people. that mindset that you, we're gonna have to deal with in your children are gonna have to deal with as I do. That's a very harsh, position. I understand that, but we are I think it's also a real position, not idealistic thinking, and you know until we have real people who are willing to legitimately take care of these kids and raise them right. I don't think people should have an opinion on what people do with their own with their things. I know right up Burma has endured exactly like. I
surely do not that's that I see the world. I don't see it like I don't see it like these other people see- and you know that gives me a lot of heat, because the services are the ones that tend to list the show more than you know the guys over there the rural and so like a bit by like you, you know you, has complained about how the world's go into shit? But then you don't get mad you mad when the people who are creating the world going to shit decided you don't want to reproduce like which one is it right, right, I think that's a very logical, real argument, and I know that rub. People the wrong way and I understand respecting human life, and I understand that. But how We have those people who actually say that they believe in those things are taking these people's children and actually raising them and management of another ferrari. I know it's. No, it's it's the true argument. That's the real argument, people just don't like it. No people
people. You know I'm an evil person for bringing that point up, but the reality is is its real, and so I and my point as I agree with you like, I don't have a problem with people destroying themselves. It that's what they want to do. This fucking, it was to run out in the middle of a hurricane and doesn't appreciate them actually trying to save his life, then let him fucking do whatever is gonna. Do I give a shit? You should either some say area. I mean look dude, we we we we continue to allow the save these people from themselves and they continue weapon eyes themselves against all things: civil and all things real and all things normal work, creating the whole problem that these motherfuckers. You know because of our empathy in like, You did some point. These people on could have the empathy back towards you write like that. For people fail to understand, they fuckin hate you you're trying to save them, but they hate you and they're going to kill u, I understand the alike
it would Jesus Christ when we get to talk in the biblical conversations about that but there is also a reality like are you willing to? allow the enemy to ticketing you to save the enemy over and over and over again, and then to the point where they get into enough numbers that they actually kill you and your family or can destroy your future or destroy your children's future. I mean, or can we just say, fuck the enemy and deal with them, and I have to worry about exactly that. My that's what I think. That's real man, that's real! So what are we given? This, I think, is dumb as fuck yeah yeah. I think I think this guy's dumb as fuck and, like you know no offense like can appreciate people do in challenging things. But you know this freedom, no person I'd. I agree was working on as well, and I do what it. What does he think he's going to gain from this like? What are you you're gonna spend the rat Do your life seen only per hour, Oh approach should ever they read and hamster wheel across the ocean,
cool party trick. Man, like you, could get a lie to learn some basic magic and fuck and have the same refunds you don't have like yeah like yeah like it's just I know I mean I can. I guess. If I'm going to pull something good out of it, I can respect the fact that the guy's tough enough and in good enough shape to actually do it cause that's a very hard thing to do. I respect that, I've done it yeah I may lose another, those definitely cement and it doesn't look too badly bill. I'm Obiang, like I don't if it were not if its whole big boy way, but you know that I mean I don't do that type of shit anyway, but, like it doesn't look terrible. I wouldn't say it's completely unsafe. You know what I'm saying: bro you ever seen the perfect storm,
yeah, you have a that's what I imagined being in that thing in the fucking sea in those kind of sees yeah. That's what I'm saying do like no thank you know and, like I dunno whatever do, I think it's stupid yeah. That's my personal opinion. Wait! Hey! That's fine! That's all good! because, because that's all I got our guys will that's the show, appreciate you guys. Share in the show and get our message out there. Please click subscribe on youtube if you haven't already know a lot of guys, listen to audio, even if the You do listen to audio if you could go over there and click subscribe and help us out I'd be cool. Let us know what you think in the comments and don't be a whole generation sleeping on the floor. Number rose, bowl fucker stole countless millions. In kobe teach Buddhist got a rope, Kang doesn't know shot case club.
Transcript generated on 2023-09-13.