« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

570. Andy, Andrew Crapuchettes & DJ CTI: Trump Reclaiming Power, Influx Of Migrant Children In NYC & Barack Obama Gay Encounter

2023-09-08 | 🔗

In today's episode, Andy & DJ are joined in the studio by the founder of Red Balloon, Andrew Crapuchettes. They discuss how Biden's unpopularity giving Trump a shot at reclaiming power, an influx of migrant children testing the preparedness of NYC schools, and Barack Obama's gay encounter with Larry Sinclair in the back of the limousine.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The bonus number for the county, millions in the kobe teach buddhist, god of all things, rope kang, doesn't know headshot case club. What is up guys? It's handy for selling this is to show for the real say goodbye to the lies. The fitness and illusions of modern society and welcome reality guys. Today we have any at deja, close, the mother, fucking internet. Now we're gonna. Do that's what city I stands for. Four. You slower people that stands for crews, internet- and we do here. We put up topics on the screen. We speculators what's true and what's bullshit and then what by how we the people can be the solution that some of the problems going on in the world other time. Due to name, we have real talk, real talk twenty minutes. We give you some real talk. Sometimes we had this other thing called q and a f that's where some questions and we do
the answers. You could submit your questions, one of a couple of ways, first ways gosh you email those questions and to ask any anti for southern africa or you. go on youtube, you go in there comments on the q up associated episodes. Ask questions, and there are now will pick some from there as well Sometimes you tuna. We have seventy five hour verses, that's where people who have completed the seventy five har programme, which is the initial phase of the live hard mental toughness programme, we have come on they talk of. How would change realise how they got their stuff together and how their living a better life and how you could do the same? We do Occasionally, if you want to know more about the live, our programme, which is the most popular mental toughness programme, has ever been created in the history of mankind. It is free. I was so to await an audio feet, so if you go to a bizarre to await us a cautionary money. Go listen, they'll, give the exact plan how to get your shit together Then we have this thing called the fee. The fee is very simple. I pay the means share the shell. We have this all saying that will
to say around here goes like this. I don't be a whole show the show. And the reason we say don't be a whole. Churchill is because, when you I share the show you re you're home right, that's why we say oh great, I like you, you have you with your own performers era. Are I look Put a lot of time. We put a lot energy, we say a lot of things that are very unpopular. We don't get verbal algorithm distribution, you guys know that we get fucked with all the time. So I need you to share the show. I think it's a fair deal. If you liked the message Do you think it needs to be heard, sharing all right. So, what's up hey how's it going? Oh skolan yeah am I you switched it up. Yeah yeah! I know your secret to yeah. This is a secret shake it's just hot and I know it and this one is not yeah, but no one else knows I've had it either my secret shaking like it was tasty. I've heard that before
not as good bear, but you did switch it up. Man and yeah. I did I don't. I don't actually know what this is, but I go learn I say, make me dollar one and then number one number two s right yeah. So it's good! I just got down lifted my I lifted my weights, masculine weights, yeah toxic at the very top. Second, and then I decide to come in here with all my rage and anger and testosterone and do a fucking show has do right so uh we do. Special guest on the show. Would you like to enter august, there we are super awesome. Guess we yesterday we got the ceo and founder of red balloon andrew crappy sheets, it's on brother, you doing I'm just grateful. We hear it's nice to see you guys you know it's gonna be a good show when the gas just does does fr. I don't know. You're gonna call this girl's right now. We're gonna. Do I'm down all data like that, so a southern. Now I'm Grateful would be here. I love the show, I love
love. Seeing americans actually start thinking about stuff right, taken responsibility, I've. You don't, I used to run a lot of different businesses. I've done housing, development of commercial real estate. doing red balloon now getting to be part of this freedom economy. That is growing up all over the country right now, and it's really fund a watch because what we see as we It is small businesses who just take responsibility right and when you take responsibility while you're successful This is not an you probably will be you're gonna be more successful life and it is just funded just be part of that. now we're partner with public square, I think he had Michael on a little while ago, yeah, awesome, dude and and yeah we'll talk more about it, but I'm I'm excited to be here, yeah, real, real, quick. I tell people just how you came up with the idea if rebel. What does khazar it's an important resource of people who know more important measure for sure so too, Five years ago I was a ceo of a pretty big tech company and
as an unapologetic conservative christian, my board was uncomfortable with who I was and look we were growing twenty five percent a year with a forty percent margins, I was like vomiting cash on them. We didn't have any concerns. The office I just was bring my herself to work and They basically made it clear to me that that was not something that they wanted in their company, because it was an e s. G fund and yes g is bad. amerika, and I was not the right fit for them. So I kick to the sidelines. I was going to take at least a year off, maybe play a little golf. Maybe you know do and I already had a housing development I was doing- I had a bunch of commercial real estate, I'm going to be a real estate guy and a friends like You should do a job board that connects people who, just are in the same situation as you. They just had to make a decision between their values and their job right, and I think that's wrong and so like I find red balloon dot work, it's called red balloon because, if you've ever been on a hot air balloon, it's a little bit terrifying and a lipid fun kind of like looking for a new job can is floating since
nation with a hard landing. and then read, because people are moving a red states, their move and a red businesses and they're looking for freedom and then dont work, because dotcom scented too much like communism to me and we don't get communism will we'll work right so resolute ourselves where this job board and I kind of started as a hobby job, but sorry guineas, thank you notes from perfect strangers. All of the country saying you changed the trajectory. my family, because I've been working to company for ten years who hated me hate it. My worldview, hated my way of life and was actually trying to destroy that the d Training was a liturgy trying to change the way that I thought about everyone around me right. and put everybody in the suppressed and oppressor framework, and so I certainly I think he knows I'm like well. Maybe this is the thing I'm supposed to be doing now cause I didn't want to start another tech business. I've done a number of tech business over the years. I've had six successful exits. I was just to take a hot minute, buddy
clear and then I got a call from foxen friends. They said we heard that you have the nations largest job board for companies that don't have a vaccine mandate and to show what a not news nerd, I am I heard Foxen friends and like that, a kid show I don't even know what that is like hey, MR weasel. What are we gonna fox in france alone, like oh sure, I'll get on their sell them? start, adding hundreds of customers a day. Businesses are finding that if you hire people who are actually not whiners, but I should just want to open work. Your business will be some more successful. You're gonna be or joyful, and those people are going to bill you value and make you a bunch of money because they think capitalism is actually a good thing. Rain shocker so today we are the largest job warden. country, we ve only been around like a year and a half. We ve got over three thousand businesses over a million job seekers and we are connecting
The the real america with with people who just want to work hard and has been a really fun adventure, so we work of businesses. four ways: you can post a job and you I dunno if you saw indeed dot com. They kick This is off all the time, so construction, businesses that say there freedom, loving and god fearing. If you describe your business like that, don't kick you off. They kicked off answers and genesis because they don't want them to dissipate in the ability to find this and then indeed announced this week that they're gonna pay up to ten. Thousand dollars for employees who are trapped in states that do not have home hormone therapy for kids and they're. Gonna help pay for those employed, used to go, get their kids mutilated somewhere else right. So that's indeed, That's the big job board out there and We are the alternative to that. You can post your job, you can be in front of millions of freedom, loving americans, and you can make sure that your hire people, you know, build your culture not destroy or culture. This The way we work with businesses is, we can actually take over the hiring process because of your small business in america. Hiring is tariff.
And because, if you asked the wrong questions in the interview, you're going to get a lawsuit, but if you don't ask those questions you're going to get a bad culture fit You can have a lotta hardy and the three months you're gonna get a lawsuit right. And so we come alongside and we actually started with this with louder was crowded we all the hiring for them. Would we basically help right that job posting we posted multiple places? We filter all the candidates in professional response, and then we do a first cultural interview for you to make sure that the person in your four walls are building your business are gonna, actually build your culture, not reckoned right, seeing that complicated, but for a lot of small businesses is a huge deal. The endured unearthing slot lots of small businesses donor stand that one single bad higher can wreck your whole company can a completely damp lately we were to work with a business who actually in texas and they had hired ahead of customer service who is actually trying to destroy them because they were patriot, run business, hers unapologetic about who they were, and the person was actually hiring bad,
people into the business around him. He was Lee. information about the company he wanted destroy it I mean who has time to go taken, job, take a salary to try and destroy business, but it happens amazon in terms of its internet. Culture, too did agendas It's this internet call out culture like. you know when we we think it's, interestingly think about, because if you think back just you know five six ten years ago, you know all we heard was. We need to be more tolerant, we need, and we more tolerant or to be more tolerant people's views. We you more time, we ve been, and now the enough of these we'll have gotten into a place of leverage where there are the exact opposite of what they preach, which is the mark of an actual communist and tyrant people who claim and preach tolerance until they didn't inch of leverage on you and then nail become the intolerant. They become the oppressor. They become. The destroyer
their virtue signalling to say look. I am that kind of person. and you know they're gonna, be that can a person every day when they show up right. You have to be uncomfortable around them. You can say what your beliefs are, these gotta be offensive. You gotta go work on eggshells and the minute you don't they Can syria ya go online and blast you like this. You're dealing with what this woke culture so like what you are doing is extra really important, because I believe that most people, like most regular americans, commonsense arse items. In this most like by a vast majority, so sick of this week? You we'll fox, being into their companies and fucking it up, because they feel entitled to have their beliefs. These people believe that their destructive ways are justified as long as they get the end result and like that, like dude. If we play. That game, then we'll play the game because we got the fucking numbers. Mother, fucker right. You know
and we're the hardest working people. The reason why this is important and why I'm throwing myself into this now is because, if you're conservative, if you get canceled from facebook, you're like okay, I mean not the end of the world. I can still communicate with people. If you get canceled from your ability to pay your mortgage and feed your kids you're, going to be very tempted to compromise something you hold dear right, and so we need to give a landing place for people, and I talk to a guy. As you know, I just got the vaccine and he said I, you know what it's right for someone else, I don't know, but for me I knew it was the wrong thing to do, but I I was gonna lose my job and he says I feel dirty inside Is it because I knew wherever wrong thing for me forever and the thing is if but it's hard to be brave if you're alone yeah right at? But if you You are in a position where you're too big woke company and they're telling you to do something. I want you to know red ballooned out. Work has thousands of employers that would love to hire you and so be brave. At work stand up for what you believe and if you get fired, we ve got your back
and that's it, and if we can do that familiar, of americans, I think you're right. Most americans would like to just go to work, do their job. Stopping the winner not be offended constantly go. raise their families and that's, what's gonna, make the amiss Can economy fantastic again instead of what it is today, while broach noble work, man realized. We talk about the show to marry that site. You know, I think us americans, we see all of these yo, you name all the big woke companies. It had no doing these crazy things. What people perceive as just crazy thing when really is intentionally coordinated. Yup, but to see these new like these new companies at a challenging these big oil companies right, like you, got the public square, I doing amazing things red balloon, challenging all the big enough. Needs monsters right, like it's cool, to see that you know, there's not going to be this massive vacuum of like okay. Well, what do we do once we get rid of these companies? We gotta. Have the other thing ready?
go for sure. What's quotas, you that no you took steps to do stuff. I actually think that what public square and red balloon are doing, will actually become the way it's done, and I think what will happen is most of the employees that are so sick of this bullshit being jammed down their throats are going to convert. I said this years ago, by the way where I talked about all that the opportunity for great employees to reload their careers and move into companies that are not. That way, and I see a more and more more, I mean do we have people in here all the time that are now liars and we're like will what brought you here and you're like Brahms not put over that bullshit. Am I will not put up with a here man. We hate them to add, because year, when the new disney's come up and the new animated yeah, there's a whole new economy forming new mass entering, and I think people I think people, don't I understand that this will become representative of most of america. At some point you know these things take time it takes to. How much did you say you went from?
If you've been around for a year and a half year and a half yeah year and a half and years and years things, I was talking to an executive at a big job board. He's like look, I don't agree with your politics, but the reality is you just found a market niche that is half the country, then in bits Is that business gold, and so it takes a lot of courage right now and I do think the pendulum is going to swing back as people are just fed up with it, and I think the companies like you, like public square, like red learned that were brave enough to be their first there's gonna, be huge market opportunity for them. In addition to just doing the right thing, even if I lost my shirt in this whole thing. It would be the right thing to do and I would do it the average you're talkin nine also. I think it's important for consumers to start adjusting herbs, shopping habits, and, may I say we see it happening, but I think it's important for consumers too. Come or where to support companies that are standing for their beliefs.
I, like we mindlessly shop at companies that do not support what it is, that we stand for all the time, because it's convenient or because they ve been established or because it's been something we ve grown up with its been iconic brand rights, part of our lifestyle and we we don't tip concern like eighty percent of the common sense. America, don't even say conservative, I just say common sense, We ve never really thought about it like this, because we're not like that, like we're, not politically driven to the point of we want to, we have to shop with people who think exactly what we think because do we are very taller and open minded shit the problem is, is that because we're open minded it because we're tolerant, where actual not adjusting the buying habits properly towards the companies that actually stand for our values system, which is important to reignite the actual culture that we want on the ground level because most of the culture that comes into you,
community comes from the workplace most. People don't realize that you want. Is why their pushing yes, she, indeed and d all of this stuff through the big corporations, because they know that if they make the Employees behave that way at the workplace, but likely take those same reservations that same behaviour patterns home right now. read in the community and what you guys need to realize listening is that there is a all responsibility here if you hate what's going on, one of which is, if you run away many- do not run it like these big companies and run it that, in line with the values that you stand for so could adapt. thing their policies and practices just because their big and secondly the consumer we base, has to now turn say: okay, well, who's, standing up for me, whose wednesday, after my value system who actually stands for things, I believe- and we need to spend more money, what those companies that those are the two things need to happen in their happening.
Just slow little by little by little, but we're seeing it in the data I mean we're seeing smaller companies gain market share that you're companies or losing because of their political agenda that they're so intent on pushing down. the reality, is you you don't realize how much of an impact it has when you're, too big woke company and you're just well I'm just going to muscle through another dea training, I'm going to go through another micro aggression tree. I talked to an employee who had just gotten fired from silicon valley bank, and he said we basically had a weeklies micro aggression, training and he said there were people in the credit department that knew that the bank was going to go out of business, but if they said that any one it would be considered a micro aggression, and so they thought well, I'm just going to lose my job because you'll be saying: oh you're, doing a bad, job. Therefore, that's a micro aggression, but I think people are realized, wait so telling someone they're doing a bad job. Now in corporate america is consider a micro aggression, which means there will be no innovation. That means there's, gonna be no performance correct at all. correct. I mean these companies are just waiting to be slaughter, is just it's just a matter
time and if you're in one of those companies you think well, I'm just gonna grinning variants, gonna be fine! You need to understand that when you're swimming in those waters eight to ten hours a day like if you meet someone new, you ask them what you do right, you're asking what their job is, but it betray the job is not a ninety. Five hobby is a defining feature of who you are. It is your vocation, and if you are just grinding it out in a horrible company. Then it will have an impact in every other area or life- and I know this because I've got a lot of thinking, is from people saying you save my marriage, because my house, It was in a job that was it. He was in a bad spot and he brought that stuff home and when he was free at work, he started being free at home. They started getting plugged in their community there, like we started thinking differently about voting right. These, the the raises know what they're doing when their pushing an agenda on their employees. It's it's what you spin your waking hours doing and when you pushed back against it well, Larry think talks about this openly. Yeah. You pricing,
Is he right yet, where he's sitting there, and he basically straight out, says we force behavior change through these companies like he talks about him, and then he talks about how warm it once they pick on pick up on. You know these terms these changes and new terms that yes, she's, not a thing, no more rather redid, though that the vocabulary on it. But walbro, hey, listen appreciate what you're doing appreciate you coming. and beyond the show sitting in letting people know what you're doing this this man providing the link between you and the companies that you see on public square so that you could build a career with a company that you asked we believe in so, if any of you guys out there in these positions just miserable No andrew will link you with companies like us companies that are on public square. I mean companies it around here. Aggressively growing and taking the market share from the companies that you happen to be in because their micro aggressive whenever they talk about actually fucking winning
it's crazy. We did this survey with public square. The freedom economy index worry survey over fifty thousand businesses in this area, and there is a tale of two economies happening right now, so you have hard working, just normal economy, where people show up and do their job, and then you have the liberal, weiner economy, and there ain't you right. There were the right for slaughter they will. is, they will most, people will lose because showing up doesn't equate winning it never does. This is the law of natural order. If it's survival of the visit fittest, it's the best product, the best company, the hardest working people, when this is no different than pro's pro football or pro baseball or pro sports out here in the real world, we're in the big leagues out here? Bro and any of you guys who think you're going to come in here in syria, fuckin ass, this ain't the place to fucking work; okay, because we win and companies a wind play like that companies, it don't win, get beat by companies play like
Is natural water, its undeniable is unavoidable and it doesn't matter how big these companies have gotten. It doesn't matter how bloated they ve got my cache, Eventually, it will end. So if you work at one of these common Is you need to understand that joy over the horizon of what are you probably see is the end of your career there. So it's probably a good idea, I start go with someone you believe in love for sure rebel and at work check it out guys. I love it used at work that I liked that too. I didn't know that was like becoming a thing where you can change the yeah the in domain. That's called the internet yeah, I listen yet. I have a webpage too there you can put like that all kinds of stuff that idiot. I had no idea it's good to show some. You just got burned by our yes, I did yeah. I know why we get a trophy overhead. I know that last name yeah, I heard the gym. The gym teacher store
it's true share it all you want. I don't care, I so what we got going on. Let's get into a mirror. We've got some good headlines to get two guys remember. If you want to see any of these pictures links, videos articles go to Andy for silva dot com, you can find them like they're if you're watching on youtube drop down in the description below you'll, find them like there as well. So that being said, let's get into our first headline headline number one. Now this is a very, very interesting topic. Okay, and it goes, back to calm sages redundancies yeah before, but it is so interesting to see this afford out. So There's going to have on the more headline of all- and this is coming from cnn, ok, helena morn reads: binds unpopularity could give tromp has shot every claiming power jogging shaggy, yet yonder
call it fake news, yeah, yeah and actually here so here's the thing. So we we interviewed all these businesses. Are we surveyed all these businesses freedom economy index and, of course, these businesses are going to be more in support of trump or republicans in general. Shovel was interesting as sixty percent of the businesses. This is. Thousands of business we talked to sixty percent of them said they were more likely to vote for trump because of the indictment there right. Sixty percent, not just like a couple of em sixty percent and more likely to vote for trump. because the indictment so yep, it's just interesting to cnn's. Coming out with this. Let us see how this unfolds so so they're saying this scene in article reads: the devil: stating verdict. Voters deliver on president Joe Biden in a new scene in pole is especially start ahead of the most unprecedented election in modern times. Fourteen months before his fate is decided, binds unpopular pretty, maybe brewing the only possible conditions in which a disgraced than anti democratic ex president
who might be a convicted fell by election day would be able to squeeze back into power. but listen to read out to read this from our perspective, binds unpopularity maybe brewing the only possible conditions in which a celebrated anti communist ex president, who will not be convicted phelan by election day would be able to landslide, his way back into power, correct or select now be on fox news, This is great. It's interesting, though, that even cnn is now there like it used to be they're, not even allowed to talk about the biting or anything bad. So that tells me that there's a plan of brewing and smells like fear, yeah but and binds not going to be running for president, is going to be somebody and, like I said, we've alluded to this before on sooty eyes, but it's like they're gearing up to get this guy out the end. This is very evidence, Kosovo, so those keep looking into the so says, Biden has frequently been underestimated
and a national paul so far ahead of an election. We'll be worn and a handful of tight battleground states can never predict how it will turn out. There is an added carry out in twenty twenty four trumps. Multiple looming trials could reshape the electoral terrain, significantly almond. They don't want to talk about his binds deep political challenges. They have this nice pole here either it was most democratic aligned. Voters want an alternative to Joe Biden, seen his latest Well many say: they'd prefer another presidential nominee in two thousand and twenty four, although few have any one else in l specific in mind trump, ah, and they go and like do they go all in on this bring up stuff about his age, his mental capacity. This is all within the last couple of days, her write, poetry oh, very even on the bandwagon Biden, faces. Continued low approval ratings concerns about age, pole funds right
now we know we have. We have no presidencies his pants. His walk now of metal, honour ceremonies got hunter Biden bears an indictment come in on him, right. I'm gonna kamel Harris there now you're gearing her up to become in the spotlight. You know articles talking about. You know she's, ready to take over the president's office if necessary and they're. Actually, no less media they're talking about they're they're, arguing over whether or not she's going to be the next president or whether or not she should be the next president and not talking anything about the elections. Microwave
as you guys do you think they're about to move to get this guy out wedding. That's always been the plan. I I think these people are all smarter than people give him credit, for. I think they understand that Biden was put into power and position to do a job which is going to be a very unpopular job. He was going to be the person who they put in because member, this guy's a swat creature for the last fifty years right. He finally wanted his turn him in his turn at because he put in his time and they knew that he was going to go out on the first day and sign all those executives orders. They knew that he was going to turn the J into a two tier justice system. I knew that he was going to open the borders wide open. They knew that he was going to send all this money, ukraine, and they knew that most of america was going to say that's bullshit, all right and because. they knew this, I believe
personally. These people plan I'm coming in being the delivery of bad news and then replace with some one else like we talk before on the shelf. You know a lot of you Say it's gonna be Gavin. Newsome could be I could gather. Newsome is a pretty poor choice when you consider the actual track record, the he's created in California Are you prepared the literal worse state in the union and it may have the biggest amount of people leaving that state of any state in the history of the united states? Ok, So there's that southern who else is there? Oh, what there's michelle obama, who fits right into line with everything they believe these people don't believe in maritime see they don't believe in someone who can do the job, they believe in images and first and I'm the first female this I'm the first trans this first, a dangerous threat, not look that there
whole goal is based around identity politics and cultivating votes and division around the identity, politics, and so we them slowly losing the black community, which is happening inch by inch. Now in very, idle in the polls and I think it's, I think it's even more problems than what the poles are actually showing because of what Andrew you just stated about them prosecuting trump. I think a lot of the black box. relations America's recognising that these are so in the same techniques that they be used against their own black men for decades, and on job, on unlawful, unjust prosecution and so on. It's pushing a lot of black voters, and so I think scramble, I don't think these people. I still think these people believe that nobody sees through their shit, and I think they are. move this dude out and put michelle. I think they're going to put Michelle obama and that's what I think they're gonna think he'll make it to the next election, but just won't win
I don't know, I think they might just try to run her instead for some reason there. I have this gut feeling that it's not newsome its michelle obama. You know there's been enough little signals of it. I believe that Barack Obama's the person's calling the shots behind all of these moves. He said that before. There's clips of him saying I wouldn't want to run again, but I wouldn't mind being the guy behind the scenes. In fact here's the clip. I I said this before I. I think people would ask me no one what you know now. Do you wish, like you got a sec, a third term, and I I used to say you know what, if, if I could make an arrangement where I had to, I had to stand in a front man or frontwoman, and they had an earpiece in, and I was just in my basement in my sweats looking through the stuff, and that I could
certain deliverable lines, but somebody else was doing all the talking and ceremony. I'd be fine with that. So he says this. So I believe, and I think a lot of people believe that he's running shit anyway, and what better to stay in power, then to continue in this little gang of the obama, the Clinton's the established met them, putting in michelle obama and in trying to proper up as, like you know, the hero for black people and the migrant populations? You know, and I see that as being moved- that's how these people traditionally think- and I dont think that there is any question that these people, we're not going to try to run this dude. I think they're going to happen. It's going to have a medical issue or he's going to have a there's something's going to happen. I Maybe I will I will name and look is my personal opinion by a factor
the way these people operate. I wouldn't be surprised if the shot this dude and am blamed on other team. That's that's! That's part. You know or just look around shit can wander, say it like what, if they fuckin assassinate the guy. and then say all it's it's these guys over here like matters yeah dear, like these people are evil fox. So you, I don't think you know I don't think anybody in their little gang is safe. I think it's all about. You know how maintain power, because their ability to maintain power is now equated to their ability to stay alive because they understand that if they lose powered. This point there going to be executed are put in place rest or life. You know I I you know, Biden on the election won the election from his basement right. They were putting human in any position because they wanted to have a yes man that they could do whatever they want right. I don't think that binds been running the country for a long time. I think they they just needed someone that they could run all over and again do a lot of dirty
jobs and blame it all on him and Gavin newsom would have to be putting himself much more forward already if he was going to be the next candidate. I don't think Biden. My personal opinion, I don't think he survives to the election. I don't think kamala harris can put a sentence together, let alone run the campaign and so now I dont know at the play is, but it it smells dirty biogas Really. I just thought it was answer us demand because I got stuff with hunter Biden comes out dogma, how they and their and bade him and then all of a sudden you get all the heavens and yet and were allowed to talk about the binds now as interesting as we ve helped. We ve helped air, some people out of fox news. and one of the reasons they said that they didn't like being there as they were allowed to talk about the buttons at fox news right, and so media is running a play as much as the people. In power raw this as a coordinated rowing, and it's like these people.
Or all rowing towards a globalist. You know communist type got whirl gum it, they're all body and they're all bought and paid for their all selling souls fervent for a future. lost or selling their fellow man or fellow citizen down the drain. The idea of america down the drain. There are insulting the history and the honor sacrifice that has been made for this country even exist offer a few bucks is disgusting behaviour and I don't think the american people, looking passed, and I think they see what's happening right at this point in time. As regards job jumping on the comments level, note. You think how you guys think it's gonna be bigger, MIKE hope, ol mike think, but I'm sorry like bait and switch jump in on the conversation guys. Let us know down in the comments what you got. So that's an interesting conversation now after this dude just comes out on Tucker about the oh, you got that kind of
come on man. I got that right, yeah, hell, yeah. I got that, let's get into it, though we are before we get there. We've got. Crews comment: that accrues com is man. So this is how this, where we throw up of our listeners, watchers viewers with one of the common to talk about it and see what we got today, the electorates Today's crews comment. user new for the K force, see either you D, I get disheartened at this, show the italian do a black do last every four seconds It might be the most accurate description of the show. Yeah, I'm glad you could fog that dog cause. Oh my gosh, that's how you do too
it's sicilian by the way, there's a difference. Alright, listen! If we can find this person- and I don't we gotta try that looks like one that looks like a bullshit account where okay, what's the we're not say what's dishearten about me being serious and black do laugh at present say or but bribery became what what I can't be serious. That's what I'm saying I sat the feels like I feel like oppression. The sand, do you think it's a mole inside the company that made up that account loser working hours, track rack them down found. You yeah we're track. You down, consolidate order track, you down we're, send you a t, shirt, yeah and you'd, being serious, yeah now I appreciate you guys liking commenting subscribing. We appreciate your gas shut out. The real ass fans, of course, here has always aware,
yeah. Let's get back to the lab and so much dj, I'm sorry manage its phony so what you say is you got? laugh a little less sweet and I got level or more or we can write, It's easy! You gotta get that you're laughing again. I want to see serious dude come on man hold together I'll, try. You know I this disheartens me there's just too much, laughter coming from the black man at least one hour, you're a good man. man is getting losses log in raising you figure it out, Louisa wrote it yeah, I'm worried about. Dj is going to be where the shirt reset like the day after we send it out what is wrong.
Nevertheless, magnitude these roma parents- alright headline to get back to it. Now this is answer as enlargement? Let's get real on this topic of quick, I tried not to laugh, but I will add we we love to show the dichotomy of of the news re like what, once I says, verses what the others I says and then once caught in the middle truth right and I couldn't for arming, I don't think you could have found a better example of that than the second headline topic here. So, let's dive into it. This is a an associated press. A p news, article headline reads: an influx of migrant children, test the preparedness of new york, schools, okay, and this article I'll are briefly go over it. Just in it says: damien age five was giddy with excitement, as he left a man, hadn't homeless, shelter,
sometimes running and skipping along the sidewalk, accompanied by his wistful mother, a migrant from ecuador quote what I want from him as a future kimberly care care, a peach you're said in spanish of her son, one of nearly eight hundred thousand new york city, public school students who headed off to class thursday for their first day of school, of the new school if that is what school officials want to do as the city's classrooms work to accommodate nearly twenty thousand migrant children newly arrived in the? U S, a number that could swell as record number of families crossed the border from mexico. In hopes of gaining asylum. Now this is a long article and they go through it. It's very it kentucky and make they got all these nice pictures right, but What really happened in new york is kinda, scary, right, unambitious, get everybody, so I was thus
dive into what is really going on in Europe york. This celebrates some new york schools forced to turn away kids on first day of school as influx of migrants joint classrooms, which a news didn't touch it all. Thousands of kids have been turned away because there's no more room for them, not who goes into her. They turning away the migrants or they turning away the american citizens. So the first day of classes kicked off in new york city on thursday schools grapple with the influx of migrants, students with some buildings, turning away kids as twenty one thousand children seeking asylum I'm inundated already jam pact classrooms are the line to get inside newcomers high school in long island city stretched around the block. really thursday, as frustrated teachers, vince that the building had already hit capacity, pushing students at gotham, never different school inside the building to a facility across the street quote it's a capacity issue, a teacher told the posts they should
of work this out? Two days ago, many of the migrants students were beaming and proudly wherein there queens shelter ideas around the necks. Now that a problem of education to jump in on this pathetically, the seller is dead. The problem of education offers a pathetic leather of guidance to teachers, about influx of migrants, students during ongoing new york city crisis. So this was the the letter that were sent out all the staff members for all schools in new york city. That's briefly summarize. In it, the main points were that the department of education does not track immigration status, suggesting that a can't give schools any idea of how many kids they'll be taken, but them warns all administrative. They should not turn any students away a second That's the deal we made to this letter this as our students, may not arrive. Speaking english schools should find a teacher who speaks that language. If away
double, if not available than use federal funding to hire some translators. Their point was, it is, so the schools themselves to identify how many english language learners they have within ten days. The kids might not have school supplies. So again, the city tells them to use federal funding to buy some courage, encouraging schools to quote, create care package. Closets and then offering I've they're saying they stole in trouble. Please complete the central project, open arms team support request. For now it's interesting because has also been a flip for mayor Adams, which I thought was pretty interesting.
mayor mayor Eric Adams warned that the raging migrant crisis will destroy new york, city and toronto. President Biden for ignoring his pleas for help Alice jumped the video see what he has to say. This issue will destroy new york city, destroy new york city. We get in ten thousand migrants a month, one time we were just in venezuela. Now we can ecuador. Now we can russian speaking coming through mexico. Now we can western africa. Now we get people from all over. The globe have made their minds up that they're going to come through the southern part of the border and come into new york city and everyone is saying, is new york city's problem. Every community in this city is going to be impacted. We had a twelve billion dollars,
well deficit that we're going to have to cut every service in this city is going to be impacted. You, your export rights, are very, very interesting answer to your question that I was not. I did try to dig. I was not able to find your which kids were being turned away if there were americans or not, but it's still a very, very troubling thing to say, and obviously I dunno, if they're over, come out and admit who was turned away. But what what do we got on those guys I mean I, you know I mean be real people, look your mother fucker talked about this and wanted this route for this and cried for this and clap for this in your bitched about how I wanted to build a wall and how's racist and how you know things were a moron trumps, a piece of shit and well yeah. They will see at the border and she's from new york. He should blame her. Ok.
This is the united states of america. This is not the world's dumpster. This is not come here and expect all of us to take care of you This is what this is again. This is a building upon the the comment. I made a few shows ago, where I talked about a mirror things being the slaves of the world are right. We are expect to work are asses off. We are told that if we work on asses off there. We will see the american dream and then they take have the money that we work our asses off to earn, and then they do things like given to these people all who should even be here in the first place and so on. actually kind of glad that this is happening in new york because You guys are the guys that vote for this shit you're the p, that come on the internet and trash everybody in call. Everybody, racist and yell at every buying. Shame everybody for everything that is common sense that america is supposed to stand for and now you're getting. It
of your own policies, and you don't fucking like it. I actually dont care. It doesn't bother me live in the mid west. I live in them as I live in Missouri bro. We are common sense here on this. It doesn't bother me, that's a big problem, for you guys because you guys were assholes and listen to people like us out here who still Even america still understand what american culture actually is american culture is not. unity amongst the people of the world american called where is europe amongst a mirror in values and american police systems. And if you want to come here cool you through the process just like my man I hear went through, just like my other guy on the team siad went through and then become an american citizen, and then, when you become an american citizen citizen, you adopt american values. You learn language, you you be as if you part of this country, and that's it what's happening what's happening. Is these people are?
brought over here there being told to come here there being shipped here by third world countries, their emptying fucking prisons, in some of these countries and sending those people here and the bigamist. It is likely to happen because they want the fucking votes to stay. Power. They also want to delude american culture. They also Demoralising deconstructing destabilize what we have had here for the last two hundred and forty seven years right. So that's why This is about, and I don't feel I'm sorry ring of you in new york, because you don't speak up You don't say the truth, you dont say what's actually going on and now we're dealing with this and you act like everybody's going to feel sorry for you. I don't feel sorry for you one bit, no, not at all- and I got two things on this because I read the first things: people used to come to america to be an american right, not for a giant daycare where they're just going to
we taking care of right. We they wanted to come. They wanted to learn the language contrib. They wanted to pay taxes. They wanted to be part of the of this great nation. That was a beacon of light for the entire world, because we had freedom right and that's entirely different than what's happening right now we were the melting pot, people would come. They were part of america, wanted to be part of america, not just get as much government funding as they could write right. The second thing that I think really interesting, I totally agree with you and I yeah. Sometimes you get your own cookin like you, you vote four terrible people and you get terrible bills and then guess what bad things happen to you. I don't actually feel that bad for his second thing is: he talked about the budget deficit. He's got a man we get this big budget deficit. Well, guess what your policies do make a big impact, the tax data for twenty twenty, which is most recent tax data.
Nineteen billion dollars of annual taxable income left to state in new york for places like texas. In Missouri and and florida beat, these are people who are the hard working. Americans are tired of being taxed, death, regulated death have a Homeless problem have poor policies everywhere, like fine I'll just up and leave, and the thing is a lot of us Well, they don't want to leave right because if you've got family roots there, if you're, if you're entrenched in your community, you don't want to leave but they've made it so bad that they had to leave. Will when the hardworking americans leave the ones who make a lot of money, and then you import people who aren't working, but one allow government handouts. Now we have a budget deficit. I mean I'm not a mathematician, but I'm pretty sure that's how it works. so that's it having a new york, whereas states like Florida are flushed with cash because they actually, hardworking americans right. You know pseudo seal making half
billion dollars a year moved from chicago to florida. Well, I bet he pays some taxes and I bet the chicago budget is going to be hurting. So the thing is that the nice part is there's a scorecard. Now, right you have blue states that are hurting they can't pay their bills, use it as a california. I gave a nuisance track record there, which is growth, Illinois has a real problem because of chicago you have places like new york. Will those states are just going to die just like these businesses re bad policies, get bad results and then you kind of have to deal with the results. I don't care now your thing: it's natural order, yeah, it's it's natural reality of how things work here. You know in a lot of here's the next thing just so. To put this in your ear, we don't have any politicians with the balls to actually solved the problem. That's a big fuckin problem. Ok If I was in there and I was present, all these people would be deported. I would round them all up, because this is What's gonna happen, somebody's gonna get in and they're gonna win
I have to get somebody in there. Doesn't your fuck? Ok just world? Yes, because these people, these these fuckin, far left grass of people that contribute literally nothing tissues. idea at all. Ok They shouldn't even be allowed to vote if they don't pay taxes, most of them don't pay taxes, but yet we're allowed to have their input on the policies and direction of the country worth the money. Go shit, okay, these people- and I am no- I know some of these people a great people and I feel for their children I understand why they want to come here, and I get all that I totally get it but the reality is. This is america, this isn't a world this, the world homeless, shelter and these people are gonna have to go back where they came in. We're gonna have to round him up we're in. to put him on an airplane and we'll have to send a fuckin home right now It's gonna, be a very hard thing for most americans to like, except when they're watching it happen.
because there's gonna be crying and it's gonna be disruptive and it's gonna be emotional and its also reality of what needs to happen. It has to happen, and it's not just people from mexico then how come you re talking about raising DR evil for mexico has been common here for fuck in a hundred years. No one actually gives a fuck it. The next kids are your associated with no less. We really harnessed wait there. Good people contribute they end up becoming citizens and they there a big part of our economy and actually do we love mexicans woke up, but has bob these people from china and russia and western work on the other other places. Bro they gotta go. They gotta go right like bats reality. and then the thing is you gotta just send them back to look. We don't know where they all get you're talking about, put them on a plane and send them home like I don't even care like you, they came for mexico. Mexico needs to deal with the fact that they let them all in and they shot him across the counter like now. You can go back and mexico. They can deal with that. Yet why
and their then they're gonna learn real, quick. Oh, we will not do that anymore should stop allowing that a happier photo here. I agree with that. We we I'm all back over the border. We put him right back. There were good luck made an asian when it is exercised. Agri consequences have impacts agreement. does japan on this conversation? Let us know what you gonna like that idea better than my idea I got a lot better now I like there's a lot cheaper to. It is a lot cheaper, yeah, as I was thinking of those plane tickets to russia and germany, no, no they're not going to take central mexico they're not going to take those people know so so dude, that's a great idea Just put it right back over there and let them deal with it. You do it now, because I because I think that would be the challenge right, because a lot of these border crosses when they come to the border, they're ditching, all of their ids and sport and like pressure, so it's gonna be hard to that. There is another thing it's happening to. As those people come across, or are there being registered vote Democrat just so. You know right there on the fuckin spot.
Ok, so when you guys wonder why Biden, smirks laughs and doesn't You have any shit about the stuff. Does it's because he knows that he has forty to fifty million votes on day one then our common aim without him ever do shit, that's why he does terrible campaigning. That's why they can put him in his basement. That's why he's not doing debates? That like you guys, are not understanding the game of these guys. Platinum have to end the concern. If side, the republican side is applying the same game, there say, Oh that's, cheating! That's actually not cheating, because it's a lie by the law and until you by the same game is allowed by the law, meaning early voter registration, mail in boats. All the shit you're gonna continue to fucking loose of people really care about. This selection in their neighborhoods in their communities. They will get engaged in the actual voting process. They will engage in registering votes. They will get in asian and heart ballot harvesting. They would age all this shit that should be illegal, but isn't that the other team is doing It is like saying, oh well, steroids, a baseball should be illegal.
but they're not illegal right, so I'm sorry about back in the night. Ok, you have you, have all these dude using steroids and it's not illegal and everybody say whether cheating, whether actually not cheating and if you don't use and guess what happens you're you lose to the people who do we're. Ok, so this is the reality of the election cycle. It's no different than people It's amazing drugs in sports, like when Andy pet, it got pot for performance a good. Twenty years ago, you already said he said: yeah fuck man, pay twenty million dollars a year. These dudes I'll. Do it and I had to do it too. You know nobody said I get that right and we gotta have a shouldn't. Locker on on the tv interview. that was more maguire ozone layer, everything about your personal, but it wasn't it wasn't that was it supplement, it was called andrew six by e s right, it was a fuckin testosterone precursor that converts and testosterone
that was now is kind of a lie: gotcha I so That's it you're saying he didn't take the shit, because the motherfucker look like Zeus: greek, but at the same time, I also condone steroids for professional sports. I want to see all runs echo six hundred feet. I want to see a the landlord intervening. Three nights forties, like I want to see that shit if you're gonna be the best. take it all in fucking, win by any means. I liked that era of sports so, like I'm all about barry bonds fan like yeah sure his skills grown a little bit. You know man. He could hit that ball. Yeah yeah, guys jump on the conversation. Let us note, you guys think how stag back to scale, but if you guys think you're gonna hit a phone in six hundred for home rule without playing by the same rules of these motherfuckers play your sorely mistaken pressure, the fat man does get onto our third and final airline at la number. Three reads:. Indefinitely wasn't Iraq's first time
how very very I was now lives across it. Interviews, Larry sinclair on his alleged gay Counter with Barack obama in back of limousine, this is, We pointed article, our bodies, you have your book eyes like us again, I like the game. Whereupon now listen, I still rate, and I like the deuce, do it better. Also rare There were pointed out of a reading. Larry sinclair the man who claims to have attic sexual encounter with former president, morocco, burma and ninety. Ninety nine took two eggs, formerly twitter, wednesday, to issue a statement promising explosive revelations sinclair specifically thanks, tucker crossing and named others for inspiring him to come forward and put an quote: put everything on the table on tuesday took across and released a teaser of his recorded interview with Larry Sinclair, which is scheduled to err on suckers show on X, wednesday. Six p m is come out.
Since then, I saw Larry sinclair first made his allegations public in two thousand and eight just before Obama's first presidential election, claiming that he had smoked crack and had sex with obama. despite sinclair's criminal record and the wily disputed nature of his claims, sucker cross and a has been vocal in support of sinclair story, insisting that the allegations hold true he was was assigned signed, affidavit anna polygraph, which they actually did, and it didn't come back with any the flags. So who is the intro video for the us that have not seen since? just yet you're, just a guy who is in town for the night and it sounds like you're looking to party yeah, she pulled up in a bar outside there's this guy. That introduced me as Barack Obama. I had given barak, two hundred and fifty dollars to pay for
I started putting a line on a cd tried to snort, and next thing I know he's got a little pipe and he smoking. So I just started rubbing my hand along the sly to see where it was going and it went that direction I had intended it to go. Even though your sexual than twice you did cocaine with and watch them smoke crack twice. You had no idea. I had no idea who he was asked the obvious question: what was obama likened to? Is it your sense that that's who obama is just transactional or that he is bisexual? What is it definitely wasn't brock's first time and I would almost be wrong. The budget wasn't as long the guys running for president incredible information comes out that he's smoking crack and having sex with dudes. That seems like a story. Well, it would be. The story of the media really cared about telling people the truth. So, first of all, then this guy looked like he would be on. The
episode like ninety nine he's fucking tops ass your homes. All you do is you certainly did not say it like just spoke, lucky be the guy. There is desired. He says it's so like, like you did nothing like not an out of the ordinary it. I just a no smoking crab about one it sucks suck. Some all right! That's that's what they thought. He sounds like that's why so believable raw lizard lizzie out of the July, I don't feel like he's lying on the line and mercury is a thing man like so Actually, he looks like rough there right man that he's all in those pictures of him. I buy from those times. Regular, looking dude, you know Europe's much you suck his dick at no that's not what are known as the gridlock watch more. This is a very interesting story, man and so much he chimed in on it. This
I says he enormous lambs, tucker rousing interview, you don't really slamming. Ok. All I said was quote of. force. The probability that its claims are true would have to rest on objective evidence, rather than claims made by someone with a dubious history, ass, all its weeded out Unless there are things that is, I think that make all the jokes we want brother, but like at the end of the day, really fucking. Who cares? That's what I'm saying yeah I mean really, that's the other part of it too. Right, like you know, but it there is this trend of just you know interesting thing right. You guys remember a couple of weeks ago. There was this whole thing about obama's diary. Coming out this headline reads: a Barack Obama told x I make love to men daily, but in the imagination, and that's because he already did it in person years ago to work with you're that his brother comes out. Morocco borrowed brother
I'm he's! Definitely gay saw me thy do lizard. I don't know, listen, I think, in terms of chess, What did I say earlier and show who s a nominee was gonna be MIKE. I saw what better way to create fanfare around that candidate obama then to run a smear campaign against obama for being gay and have all the costs I would have laugh at them and make fun of them and in and safe duties. You know like I did real real talk. I don't care, I don't fucking care that he likes to fuck, dudes or whatever, and give shit nope. I don't think most people give a shit, but what better way to create a a vacuum
from momentum, then to slam him an answer and make him shame him for being gay or doing gay sex and then bring his wife out the enemy do. This is way out there like. I should try put on my tinfoil hat hours, because I don't because yet cause I don't fucking look. Do I don't fucking, buy into this big mike shit like everybody does like. I don't I don't know I know like. I think I think I think it's I think it's kind of rodeo shoulders. Listen! I get that she's, big woman- but you know what dude like there's lots of women out there that are bigger women. Like you know, I I I actually think it's kind of cruel how people treat her and I don't like her at all. I am not a fan of her, I'm not a fan of em. I think it's cruel. how people treat her but but let's say, was true. What better way to create a vacuum for momentum than for him to come out
and say you know what actually, I am gay and actually Michel is trans, and actually We ve been shamed, our whole entire lives for it, and now we're ok, you understand, that's how I see it and we're all talking about obama right, that's right! What is it were using the name constantly, everybody is talking about it. Tucker just you know I love talker, but he just gave him a big microphone near and and- and I think you know all press is- can be good press there, and I think this is just an exam. apple of like well. Now we're talking about obama were now allowed to say the bidens are a mess. I have trouble arguing with your michelle obama argument down the nominee like yeah. I can see that So, like did think of like what all the momentum has been for the last two or three years, it's all been around this trans. It's all been around this. This pulling me yet with him politicization. Yet that word
it's all centred around the trans community for the last two and a half years and are so much anger and so much dividing and so much frustration specifically about the stuff making its way into the school system. now. You know the conservative sire the eighty percent of common sense people have made fun of her. I mean like do that's that's a real angle like like. If she really is trans, I don't they she is, but let's just say, I'm wrong as she is row and they come out and say yeah by the way we've had to hide our who we are because of the soul of this country and lava like bro. That's a fucking, strong argument. I think I think I think that's the strongest play that they have in their fucking arsenal. Fuck europeans and it has saying tenfold but ass. I know its way out there my my standards. Where am I gonna? Do I just be real but like we have to think through all potential possibilities for sure you know monsieur
I did love reading the the counter the candle arguments to this on how they ve been doing it. I just look her face She looks like that woman who yelled at that kid for having a godsend flag on his backpack. She d yeah, I'm making the same fears. That same face. They do this little bit of joy is now me, but now yeah. Ok, the job is done rather out of nowhere. Is this just a whole lot? Look here. I am I certainly fall in the middle. When I think of my my. I don't believe that people should be for being garry. Being friends now simply want is for you to leave little kids alone. Let him have a childhood and discover they are on their own and not make this scene.
Like some normal thing, it's not a normal thing, it's less than four percent of the actual population, and now it's become a trend where a lot of Children are now have now, and this has been going on for long enough to where we have had lots of children, transition chemically or through surgery and then there's enough of them. They have created a movement called the D transition movement where these people are out on the palm cast circuit, the mainstream. They can't really get mainstream coverage, but they're out on the pot castle could talking about how they were manipulated, coarse and really not educated. What the decision was, that they were making and I've written and on you know, but when you consider how these but think and what they value these people don't value, meritocracy, valley, who can do the job they value? Who represents this certain? They devalue representation right and its offer. Offer bullshit. They don't really value representation. They just understand. That's the way that they can maintain their political momentum, so you know
like, I personally like him being real, like I thought. The story was, I thought, I think, that's stories beneath Tucker. Being honest like idle, I didn't they It was cool. I saw him doing it and I was like this is fucking stupid, like I, don't really give a fuck and I don't think we should give a fuck if men are gay in this country. I don't I don't, but on that, though, I mean what what here is something, though that could be a thing right, because, as do came out in two thousand and eight before those elections yeah we talked about how before elections, we all know how long they've been insecure. I will know how long they been stealing them you know was: did they do a dry run of like you know the whole suppression shit when it comes to major ness? Don't need yet they've been depressed. They've been suppressing the news. Let them listen, here's! What happened me that's. The story yeah but but see. Let me explain something to you, because you're not old enough to to know this. I don't mean that, and I just mean physically, you have. You haven't been through enough.
but the news manipulation in the narrative, manipulation was much stronger before the internet. It just deal stronger now because we can see it right right. The internet has become this double edged sword at first. These people thought they were going to use it and they did you use it to control everything going on in the internet. They created political movements like political correctness, don't offend people, silent majority dont speak up for your beliefs, cancel culture that they don't step in line. Let's get him fired from their job. These are all things that day the tyrant class, the elite court, unquote class of people created via the technology of the internet. They never thought that it would actually proved I, the transparency wooden actually show people what they were actually doing so when they created this tool they thought would push us into a more
controlled place, meaning they would have more control. We would have less freedom and its actually backfiring in their face so back when they had mainstream narratives, and there wasn't, like you, know internet all over like do there was all kinds of should happening there. We now we didn't know about. We never heard about it. We know about it and I hate to tell you. I read a John adams: do you know book talking about his life and for like the first and second and third presidential election in the united states? George walks, and in jobs. The media was trying to manipulate information to get people to elect the president that they wanted right is a long time ago. I just think the issue is normal america has been really bad at this game right. They, the elite laughed has
You know how to use the media to push on these things. I actually think twitter the internet has is, is our only chance of actually find out? What's really going on and obviously shows like this, but but I think this has been happening for a very very long time. We just didn't even know about it. I just think we're finding out more about it, which is encouraging, and people are waking up and they're, starting to think in a way that they haven't in many many years, one that's why we see I'm getting more aggressive too, because president, feels more aggressive now than it did twenty years ago that those of you that have old enough to remember that is because they see us waking up. yeah and their wailing. Yes and their reaction is it to be cool and back up a little bit see they were smart, there were there. their reaction. Right now would be ok, they see. we're doing meaning injured in communism in the united states, that's flat out what's happening, If they were smart, they would say, I they see us. Let's take a step back, that's not happening.
and the reason is not happening- is because most of these people are elder. And they realise that there are only five to ten years away from being in the ground and they want to see this happen and their junk on power. Tat s right. so they're pushing it now, in a way that actually exposing them more and more more- and this is why you see trump gain more. how are the more they push on him for a drop of the fact that nor if they don't continue to push its accountability, You have them oh yeah, but see they would avoid accountability by backing up I'll go right, but they're not did these p Well, are not in a position to backup yeah cause it used to be, they would dial it up to eleven. Yes, every the the conservatives, the normal americans, would kind of wake up and then they'd dial back to eight and we'd, be like okay, everything's, fine. Now and we'll get back to you and we're used to that the dialogue from there. They used to do that and there are doing in and now worthy end, because young people are old going to die and they want to see the realisation of what they ve dedicate their entire life. Do you like any of us, would yet it was our agents. This is why trump in my appeal
It is the guy for twenty four, because trump as the only candidate that actually has real life motivation to clean this up, you're right, you can have the vague. You can have all these other guys, but the reality is they've ruined this guy they've they've tried to attack him. as a personal vendetta against him. By the way, when you have a couple things such as you know, building more I billion dollar empire such as tromp has there's other thing. That begin to matter, because, while most people look at that They say holy shit, that's a great life accomplishment once you ve accomplished it, it doesn't mean as much cause you already done it you're, looking at it like yeah, that was cool but, like I can still do more, he's got a typical aggressive taipei. Winners, mentality about him and I think his next, I think he's thinking is right now and I willing to bet that this is thinking is like fucking, I'm gonna to clean up and when I die
there are no remember my name for a thousand years for cancelling these fuckers out. Ok, and so I did my number one issue here: is accountability for the crimes that have been cut, I'm never going to forget, I'm never going to forget. I'm never going to stop talking about it because it was so bad. Ok, next one is the economy with if the economy we'd would ever had in two thousand and nineteen, that's on arguable fact hundred percent, so when you consider those two issues I purse and it doesn't matter if you don't like, is tweets. It doesn't matter if you dont like this or that or whatever the reality is that if you want america to look like america, we need what a fucking sledgehammer to come in and swing towards or guys, jumping on this conversation, let us know what you guys think hashtag sin dudes, that's that's the laugh out loud funny. It's not funny black people can't laugh. Assassin, let us know so thirty was our third
It is time for our final segment of the show, as always thumbs up or dumbest this. What we bring article I'll talk about it to get one of those. Two options will vote on that. And so I would not being set our thumbs up or damage. headline reads: couple claims there actually cousins but refused to break up three or marriage. I wish we were joking right, well here we go on what state? What state? Let's say, let's say: let's take, let's both take a guess. Are you saying I'm going to arkansas arkansas? Where are you going out west virginia? yeah. Those are two good guesses yeah, but I also think that third guess could be Missouri lizard risks for almost statelier man because actually happened in use
What I said I should like sir vision, our you're right, where you are my people, newtonian newtonian is this is only wife, this makes a lot of sense now, rochlitz sober. Couple were so they looked like before and now it's pretty clear as to why, in a viral tik tok a marriage utah couple claim they are actually cousins and plan, on ending the marriage according to the daily mail tightly and nick waters. Said that they have been married for three years, but somehow had no idea. They were from the same family tree quote. I wish I was kidding the video, which has been viewed over five point, seven million times our captured, whose video
so the video starts out with near grabbing. One arm around is supposed cousin white highly. Does your wife, her new show has a wife that doesn't lives as they share a kiss to lynyrd skynyrd iconic, tunes, sweet home alabama viewers, flooded the comments section and demanded a follow up, vid from the couple to explain how they are related. The utah couple revealed in a quote silly facts: video. They share the same birthday and also admitted they were told. They looked like. However, the pair networks how they are related, and neither did they spilled beans on how he found out quote. I just need to know if you can or not. I need the algorithm to bring me back to the story time I want commenter, replied and last a follow up. Video quote: that's disgusting. We are not going to take incest, relationships and-
make them normal. Both of you need to her feet and angry. Reply voiced a different you talk about experienced a similar outcome documenting the day I would rather, they were third cousins after they got married. Marcella hill found out about the shocking development when she and her husband looked at their family trees for baby name ideas she revealed on when he'll and her husband realise their grandparents had the same, First, unless there is so, we call this is grandma and I call my grandpa Ask them if they knew each other sure enough. Sure Gil recalled the relatives answers We gotta get old. Utah verses alabama showed what we got on this. The storms where's, the dumbest work, conquest I didn't get another care that might like? Ok, I like it's like you eat like in america. You can kind of mary anything you want like. Why is
is anything worse then This isn't worsen like cut off your penis. Ok sure I don't You know why five million people thought this was very anxious, its money, its aim, you may know you're married once you find out, though, like no you kind of stock like You know what I'm gonna do it this way I gotta have kids yeah yeah, I'm sorry and so like they seem Abby. I mean Is that still remain in reality? I mean do what I dunno what to think. I think it's messed up that it happened, but it always happens like okay, whatever like it, will have no impact on the rest of my day whether they stay together or not. Look, I you know it's utah This also was gone to yours, albert Utah's different place. Man people are different, it is what is I Like you talk at the european level, is a beautiful people, do a different out,
for sure we observe those hard. I don't know I gotta go hurrying from about. Frankly, scarlet. I don't answer the first time, as has happened on on sea yeah, where we have abstained from some other, I'm not gonna fuckin, to sit here and say: oh yeah. They should get divorced or what I know I don't know. Man comes up of the happy. Whenever do you do you? We were, I mean it's a good idea to family tree, before before your diary, as as a no to everyone else. Listening you should check. Some back brown before you marry so probably maybe a day yeah you should find out, like you know, are they relative or are they actually a dude or actually a girl? Like there's a lot of things you want to look into before you get married, that's important. I would encourage that very, very important dude, that's it. I dunno man here is where that's wild man guys and andrew. That's all. I got
yeah brother amen, thanks for coming on the show revolution that work rebel and our work as we want. We want to get back to work, your small business and you're afraid of hiring. Let us take it over for you and if- you're, a big business and you want to hire. People are gonna, build your culture, not racket. Put your. Jobs, unread, ballooned artwork and even if you are passive job, seek a real, and you know this jobs. Ok, but you you know, there's better out there. you can go. Put your razumihin put your profile and red ballooned our work, and you can find that there's a whole universe of freedom out there that you could access. If you just do something itself rebel and outward we'd love to have you join the movement are merit what they scan for, making the trip pritchett. Haven't you
that guys, as the show don't be a whole show sleeping on the floor now my jewelry box frozen the fuck are still counted in the kobe teach buddhist smoke got a rope kind of doesn't know his shot case club.
Transcript generated on 2023-09-09.