« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

567. Andy & DJ CTI: Dollar General Shooter, Trump Arraignment & Devon Archer Meeting With John Kerry

2023-08-29 | 🔗

In today's episode, Andy & DJ talk about the Dollar General shooter who killed 3 black Americans in Jacksonville Florida, Trump to be arraigned next week on charges that he unlawfully tried to overturn the 2020 election results in Georgia, and Devon Archer's meetings with then-Secretary of State John Kerry weeks before Shokin was fired.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Sleeping on the floor now my jewelry box for the county, millions in the kobe teach Buddhist got a rope, can't fall, doesn't know headshot case club. What is that guy just saying for salah- and this is the show for the real say, goodbye to the laws of fitness and delusion to modern society and welcome to the mother fucking reality guys. Today we have Andy DJ, grooves, the mother, fucking internet, and that's we're going to do that. We'll see yeah stands for stands for crews, the you're, not gonna, throw up topics on the screen were speculate on. What's true, what's not true where it by how we, the people can be solutions, The problem is going on in the world I'm doing it their tells you to noon we have shows within the show we have culinary off. That's Where are you some questions? We answer on the show
You can submit your questions a couple of different ways. The first way is jobs. You can email those questions into to ask Andy at Andy for salah dot com or you can go on youtube on you and I are pursued and drop. Your questions and comments and we'll hit some there as well. the task. We have real talk, real talk, just five twenty minutes and we give you some real talk and then other two. As we have seventy five hard versus seventy five versus is we're. bring someone in whose completed the seventy five hard programme, which is the issue you'll phase of the live hard programme, which is a reliable episode to await on the audio feed for free, but also book for sale. My website, it's very good now require, though, not required. You can do programme for free at no cost by giving it an episode to await an audio feed we bring people when we talk about. What's five hard, what live hard did for them about how they were before and how they are now and how it fixed most of the issues to go on your life, so that
pretty much the wonder of the show. Oh yeah, we had that other thing now that thing called the fee right and in lieu of me, passing on eight figures a year for advertisements and just getting on here in spending fifteen minutes talking about that you should buy that. I probably don't you believe in and his line of my own packets and then having to listen to these assholes. Tell me what I can't. I can't say I just said about this fuck, those guys. Let's keep it real here and, you guys, you do me a solid by sharing the show out, and I just doing the shell for free about. That sounds like a good deal so I, when I say, pay the fee, that's what we mean, You guys message me. You talk about how important messages we agree. It's important and we rely on you to get it. I get censored everywhere. I go on social media, so if you don't spread the word, the message and get out. So are we appreciate you guys that pay the fee
Guys who are dont pay the fee? We call you hose cord yeah, so don't be treasure. I was I do ask. What would you do this rigour? oh man. I actually had a nice little sunday that would you I went out to sal's farm saturdays had a normal day and when happiness elsewhere we mean. Where would you do it? South went to south farm, he had a birthday party for his twins, yeah, ah they're six, ice cream truck came forward. You pick first of all this a great discussion about ice cream and equation. I I was driven report ass because the prices on the track. You know when I was a kid ice. Cream bar was like fifty cents or a dollar writer much the costs we just dollars brook
so so well as raised so did so? The foreground, screwed truck gets their people were super nice. Ok, they were doing people and I understand inflation, because I have businesses and there's nothing. I can do about it, but let me tell you something in full: She has devastated the ice cream business our because these like that one appear on the screen like the cookie sandwich. In that the more bush ones up. There is a three hours. Those are six dollars now mozart, Six dollars the ones down here two dollars, those are four dollars. Ok, runs down there, one dollars over three cheeseman, that's how we run my dad was having a fit yeah. Did you guys see the story? Did you see this? Did you guys see it so dude, I'm fucking with it
We could ask my god- oh my god, turtle my story, and I went to sudan where you picking and these are you with ice cream, and I add the birthday party- the guys get paid either way right, like my brother's paying for all of it here with the ice cream guide that the picture on the side of the trap doesn't actually represent the product that he got a beard. And he was syria- is like an adversary. He's like this is not the same size as the sign says he's looks like he's, given the due to lecture disguise my day, I'll. Just try to give these kids frigate excreta is rubbish or some shit man, but man. You know I gotta be real. I was the little disappoint. You know I was disappointed by using ok, I was my heart was broken. You guys all know that I am a massive fan the chalk or taco an ip or legal force in africa for the hermes
Ah the chalk taco is gone, and so I don't know what to pick yeah. So I went with the number six there, which is the regular chocolate chip cookie ice cream. Sandwiches, solid conservative choice, yeah, it was good, it was good choice. Yeah it go like this atlas of the season. you're, good white guy choice. Re na me, no other duchess, like duchess a solid choice. You you hurry. wait. What what are you going with? I will go with number five for sure the oreo cookie sandwich, oh for sure, yeah, that's a good one to know the the ones down their honour, the batman we burn, I didn't. I never used to get those those oaxaca gum in em in the gum break. Fucking, teeth, really scared! Me too, they always looked like fucked up you don't say I never looked like the pitcher. Would they want good either aside, that's ridiculous vowed, be over gibbey factor left me
If there's one item on there, though this superior all the items that it gets overlooked because it's cheap, don't say vanilla. Now, oh it's down there in the the bottom right ever every time bomb pops everybody loves, mom pop out. fuck yeah everybody- and I was a big- actually gave me hope in america, because half the little kids or the bomb pop out, maybe white and blue yeah. It was great Did you do you know Mister softee, you guys have mister softee, I dunno what that is. I must be a hood thing. What is it today? It was. It was a soft serve ice cream truck. It was always ran by like two arab guys ride through the hood selling soft serve ice cream. We had a while mister. We had a fucking. We had a discussion about these ice cream guys. I think, there's a little bit of a conspiracy about the ice contracts will not be a serious at a time when no now, but I think when they go into certain neighborhoods, the stick around the outside of the truck changes. I think
a set of magnets for each price right, thus set this out listen. This is how, fuckin works! Okay! If, when you become, when you move, I learned is removed in my first big house: rich tax, the rich guy tat, girl my air, the same air conditioner at my old house thousand bucks at the new house. Five thousand bucks right right and you've got six room. You know what I'm saying like. It's an. I see, a common dude christmas lights of the whole house. four dollars, christmas lights, the new us twelve grand And if you do the math doesn't equate you now, but
I guarantee you. These guys have different magnets in different price sheets from the neighborhoods. They go. One hundred per cent yeah, I mean listen. I would as capitalism yeah I mean I get it yeah. Well, I get it. What are you going with honor due yeah? I wouldn't want my number found out. We were your only real treaty, that's kind of a rookie choice will go by remember they don't have spiderman. We had spiderman yesterday, but it was there. A couple kids got it. Ice cream sandwich was always good, but I'm not buying that from the ice cream truck. Whether it s like something, you can get a whole man, you guys jumped out of the comments. What are you choose? Let us nowhere I've, never really choosing the chalk or talk over all of every hand. I am still convinced that the charcoal taco being discontinued is part. The demoralization of america structure right,
They do not want us to have anything that we love or anything that we have pride in or anything that we think is american. So they focus on the chalk or talk. I listen. It's fuckin clash, Barbara he's flag and who are now mother, fucker bruno eads, about the cricket taco, some bullshit rightly that's conspiracy, mayor alright, well yeah, so we got that out of the way I do. What brings up the nub, though I don't know have you guys seen this? It's been viral and I think this is. We can label. This is a win in my opinion. Please tell me I I I did not do you today's first, I see you day Please tell me it's the video of the sheriff. Running over the forty protesters, gas good gosh. are you gonna do in this great though it was great, it was funny, mason, yes, so there was a highlight of my whole weekend. What like in the thing is
we ve seen so many of these video. Now this is way better, and this was fuckin amazed. We ve seen so many of these videos, like these climate protesters, like no porn, not lie. Like cementing their hand and concrete right, like. and you'd very rarely see them get get dealt with right. While they fuck around and found out, maybe- and maybe that's also because it was like the one of the first big ones. I guess here in America his other ones are always in, like france or the uk, or some shit, so Mozilla reads: answer capitalist climate activists block traffic into burning man, fucking matchless dive into this now so anti capitalist climate activists. blocked traffic into bernie men on sunday, causing a standstill spanning several miles and a major thoroughfare nevada before range, arrested them at gunpoint for trespassing on tribal
and now just won't show this picture pitiable quickly. Let I just want to show you the magnitude of this traffic, Ok, cause this out a few cars with a shit time. I should ton my that's a lie. That's that's a lot and until a point I okay, your ear your protesting for climb if change but yeah, let's sit a thousand cars running on in nevada and the fucking desert. Let's just have him sitting there. Idling, like that, makes perfect sense so videos posted online showed about half a dozen protesters from seven circles. Blocking a rule road using a trailer that they locked themselves on two's, surrounded by banners reading burners of the world unite, abolished, capitalism and general strike for climate. How fitting? So the group says that the project was designed to draw attention to quote capitalism's inability to address climate ecological breakdown, whatever the fuck. That means
and it was apparently meant as a protest against the quote populist asian burning man among affluent people who do not live the stated values of burning man resulting in the co modification of the event. Whatever that means Ours is a few pictures. But let's see the video play right here on youtube. Here we go What we gotta get From now on, we would medical problems in doing this.
Changes in principle because obedience all of them really now you ve anytime, Google not anymore, the I love it. I love it. you're, so her and a couple of things to note here. Ok, these are not just no police officers. These are not. You know you you're normal posts, so defied law enforcement officers. Ok, these a tribe rangers limited thing about travel rages. They have completely
Sapper rules and laws that jurisdiction their respective areas, okay and you can get killed for trespassing on tribal land legitimately. So, there's this little small note there, ah but yeah up and when we got on this good yeah, that's pretty budget speed up again, I fuck around find out in his ears what I think I think I'm sick of seeing these people were ago. I've becomes the casino on the internet screaming and crying Heather nonviolent you disrupting people's lives, you're fucking up would people's planned events like did these people are so egotistical, and so does. gusting of human beings that they think that they have the right to do sturbed are destroy the rest of the week, world and order pushed their agenda. This is why these climate change activists continue to get caught
setting the actual fires. They believe that their ends- means justify the end result thereafter, and do they don't and I would love to see this from everybody. I would love to see the police departments from around the world starwood pennies people's asses like they should have been what ten fifteen Years ago, when they started with this bullshit okay, so am I Huge federalist, I hope we have once more, and I hope these people learn that if you're going to fuck around you're going to find out the fact that their skin- you mean crying. We're done. With that shit, we're done we're done- I don't care for non violent you're not going to this the world of everybody else, ok, by the way you're more on top of it right, you don't, I understand what capitalism is actually about you, are the arm of the biggest capital in the entire world, the oppressive capital, is that
these environmentalists hate. So much are the people that they do the work, for they don't understand that the climate narrative is coming from the biggest most oppressive most powerful companies and individuals in the world and these people who are the most powerful enough jewels in the richest, and the wealthiest individuals in the world have figured out how to get these morons to think that their enemy People like me come out. Unlike protest against people live basically smile business owners who am who employs thousands of people in their own communities. Ok, that's what these people these people are dumb there, how useful idiots in communist literature and their call useful idiots for a reason because their useful and their idiots, and what these people don't understand is that when communism finally takes full effect, they remove, while the useless people from society. So we wheelbarrow anybody who protest capitalism
they're all the same kind of people, their fucking losers awry. There are people who have never worked hard, who haven't built, We think there are usually not attractive, they're, usually attache their usual. The disgusting nerdy ridge, social, reject type people that dog tribute anything to society and then they scream and cry and throw tantrums in the whole entire world bows down to them. Do that shit is over fuck em? I love this. I wish that I wish it would have been harsher. That's what I wish you know. I love the fact. The best part was when he's driving through he's on the loudspeaker said galloway, I'm running the fuck over like that's what he said on the loudspeaker as he does it, and how long is great yeah more no more of this you gotta use in there were like I made it for sale, and I approve this message: dude, I'm just being real I'd ask I can't stand this cry: baby bullshit for a bunch of people. like I've got people that I know who we're like they believe
Bernie sanders right and the like. Then I look at these people. like this person's never worked hard, they never. Lately they come from a wealthy place. Ok date, they are white, privilege, the example of why privilege they don't understand hardship. They don't understand what it means to build or create any of their own, and because of that, because they have always been ok, they think that everybody else was well should be redistributed that they should have a piece everybody else's shit. It's the ultimate definite you'd have entitlement. It's the most, italian american attitude that you could ever have and I'm sick of it we're capitalists. Here right we go no shit. The people who build the best shit make the most money. It's a free, open competition, that's how it should be and the reality of of what we got here is we have a bunch of morons who believe in shit that isn't even true, ok and their told by the most power for people in the world, to go hate the rich guy, and then they go
the guy who's like in the middle? isn't that targeting the right people? It's it's ridiculous. It always. It always baffles me and it's crazy too, because we've got to kind of see it here up up close and personal. So you guys remember if you guys were watching stuff cts for a minute listening, I think, maybe about a year ago we talked about this young. I believe it was in germany. She was an heiress to this multi billion dollar conglomerate, okay, parents, I think, died. You know mom died years ago, dad dad passed everything to her the company's everything and we're talking like I mean I think it was upward somewhere about seven billion dollars worth of business as soon as she gets in she's, like nah, I'm gonna, machete shut it down close everything out, yeah and one of their distribution. Centers was actually right here across the street two months ago. They closed it out, Me they're probably about the couple hundred employees here, at least
It is both my mind like how that brought these stupid, since these are low. I q stupid people, that's what it is. Ok, they do not understand what they are fighting for. They do not We stand that there's evil people are here, manipulating them they, these people in their hearts, leave their doing the right thing, because it sounds good. It's Go to save the planet sounds good care about the environment, but we used tightening this. This idea, would you that you have no comprehension of you know most. These people could describe capitalism to you, they couldn't even understand they don't stand the difference between oppressive capitalism and ethical capitalism and the appeal of capitalism, but what I'm talk about is the people who actually selling on this ideology and getting them to go protests the stuff, so there actually out there doing the work of the people because who's gonna lose from this people. I meet people
bill, businesses from the ground up that employ tons of people. our community and they come out and fight to take, our shit down, but then, wings as a result of that all the most writ People in the world, the biggest most oppressed, capitalism world. So you have these anti capitalism dumb fox out. you're, trying to dismantle their work. Business owner and in favour of people like black lack and people like state street right or vanguard and like do these people are so down. They can't name what they're doing do that man yeah it's! I just love the climate change. And listen to the argument here. In february, I wonder how they got here, how the? How did they get to the protest site? Do you think they? They drove a car? yeah, but not only that, but look do the all of these people liked. If you sit in a roadblock traffic and you get run over by anyone, that person should be help, not reliable, like you
fuckin highway you're in the road is in a reasonable way. patient. If you run across I what you might get hit by a car? Ok, I love you. Sit in the road and you get on the phone, over by someone there should be charges. There should be nothing it should just the ok to do I'm on ambient serious I'll go in the road donkey when the road don't lay down a road, dont blog traffic, nothing will happen. That's that's where, society needs to be. Now, I'm worried it man you a couple of these. You turn a couple of these people in a fucking. Skid marks brother stop doing it. They will think he's good work, yeah yeah. Why not just say like this here? May I listen what what needs to happen in this country It's just not going to be palatable. Most people, man is not what needs to happen in this country. Is that america's he defined a mother fucking balls again,
and they need to say, hey fuck you when they don't agree with things and when people disrupt your daily life. It's hey you you see sam. I brought this this poor white shirt there has allowed and enabled all these people to think they're powerful. When these are the because ciccus most pathetic humans? our culture, our right, people are more healthy. None of these people wherever strong none of these people, financially successful. They are the bottom of the fucking Earl of our society, and because what polite and because We have manners, we tolerate it, enables them to think that they have power. They do not of power, the minute that america goes back to say, hey, you know what no and, by the way, fuck. You I'm not listen anything you say he's been rude, these people, that's why you get to know. I have Remember the mass shit. Airbus screaming, I bought the mask how about this? How about eat a fucking dick about that? A couple of humans for all I care
from tell people that, but the first time Is it guys, let's get into this group where, where where do we go off track with america? Bro like? Where did you guys lose your ability to look someone in the face and say: hey shut the fuck up where, like what point yeah, because I sadly amerika I grew up in the american. I grew up in. Like people did this shit, then you get your ass pete. you got you ask me, that's what happen you're insane change that yeah, There are these people, these stuck in their asses beer as russian, Do you call for violence? Yes, that's all they understand that. We think they understand our while it will you stop you committing something here that that still choirs violence to get you to understand the problem. If we start kidneys, people's asses when they block traffic and
while this dumb shit it'll stop happening. Like that's what he's aben more orderly. that was more or put him in jail for six months automatically you black traffic Do you go to jail for six months, how many of these people do never block traffic ever again, will never do it. Insurrection, they'll, never, but they'll. Never do it like? Have you changed the rules to six months in jail for blacken of a public road automatically? How many people will do it? None? No, it would never happen. The reason is people do this shit is because there's no accountability to the same reason. These people in Washington dc continue do what they do. There's no accountability. These people are being coddled and you don't cater to in. I don't. I don't know why you know why
Why do you police even tolerate the shit? That's not freedom of speech, blocking traffic and creating a as our freedom of speech, brow, your ear, disturbing the peace, you're disturbing the public, what what is our public right to do what we want to do in the minute that starts happening? These people should go to jail for shipment guys get into this cruise, though. Let's knock this out cause. We got a lot of stuff to talk about the day and, let's get into it, remember if you want to see any of these pictures articles links videos go to endive salad, I cant find them like they're after watch on youtube dropped down in the description below you find them with their as well. But that being said, headline number one helena morn reads who was racially motivated dollar general shoot him killed. Three black americans. Let's talk about it yeah! I think they pulled another one. I think that I think they pulled another one, and I and I got some supporting evidence to the to to this as well
despite some research on my own, so as diamonds, it has man. This is a big deal coming out of jacksonville afforded. So this is a fox news. Article reading ryan, Christopher Paul meter, is accused of carrying out a racially motivated shooting that killed three black americans at a dollar general location and jacksonville florida on Saturday, according to authorities quote plainly: the shooting was racially motivated and he hated black people. A jacksonville sheriff t k waters said during a news conference saturday upon meter was a white twenty one year old man who opened fire at a dollar general in a predominantly black neighbourhood jacksonville with an our fifteen semi automatic rifle and they glock hang on after one p m saturday, according to the sheriff's office, this aspect turn the gun on himself during the shooting authority said Paul meter. God is now appear to have an active social media presents fox news. Digital found a single tweet on an exit.
Count, formerly known as twitter belonging to a. Harrison name, ryan, paul meter at ryan, palm ryan, underscore paul meter who celebrated his acceptance to flag lure college and forty tweets. I quote looking forward to a bright career in business administration, hashtag, flag law, makes end quote the accounts waited on november. First, twenty nineteen, it is the only tweet on the x account sorter. The ex accounts bio states that he was an oak leave high school attendee with a three point: five g p, a who is certified in a range of adobe platforms and quote thanks to many arizona products referring to the arizona tease
it means. Now. These are some pictures from the sheriff's office that they released shows the eye they are fifteen there. Here's a picture of ryan guy twenty one year old night. But again let me first pass the light. Let me first day this of course right. Like yes, people died. Three p p: three people died in Jacksonville florida. It's there's no doubt write like that. That is, that is a fact understood, but how we got there. I think I think it's worth looking into right like what what how did? How exactly did we get there? Who did this? Why did he do this right and because there's talks about this manifesto that was released within days coming out and- and it was released now within days, even hours yeah, but within hours. Okay, and of course, I mean look like long story short guys, we know that china still take our our our second amendment.
from us, a traumatic, the guns. They want to remove the firearms and they are willing to do or create a manufacturer, any situation that is needed to sway the public opinion in support of that, so without being said. There's other information is starting to come out like this headline, the reeds races, jacksonville mass shootings, us back socially awkward, live with parents. Ok follows a trend right, thomas, I, We talk about just the other day on the show. Is it not weird, so there This new york was articles written for a man who can police said, killed. Three black people at a jacksonville dollar store before taking his own life was quote introverted and usually awkward and lived with his parents according to form classmates neighbours. ryan paul meter, twinning, one who open fire the dollar general on Saturday afternoon with two guns, including a swastika, painted a our fifteen stall rifle, has struggled socially growing up according to andreasen,
as a former classmate popular was quote involved in internet humor and was quote introverted and socially awkward vetoes news for jacks I would sometimes go to his house and play video games, said sanchez, who is reportedly two years older, then parmiter lives down the street from his family's home and suburban orange park for it, neighbor, who never met paul meter, but noses parents well speculated to the outlet that he was on. Medication quote: from what I understand. He was all medication. For some reason he got off of it probably a few days or cut in the days ahead of that, that's probably when he snapped said the man identified as grey as that's a total bullshit statement. I probably think that maybe that this guy might have got off his medication and like why isn't even the article? Oh because the articles are,
bullshit, you know, but let's dig into this manifesto, so quote the manifesto is, quite frankly, the diary of a madman water said the sheriff waters adding that Paul meter had been held for emergency health, mental evaluation for three days and twenty seven seen on the states, baker act but had now. They make victim of a crime have brought about the guns used. The rampage legally quote. He was just completely irrational, but he will As one hundred percent cent lose it, he knew what he was doing sheriff water But now I don't even know how that makes sense. How was he completely irrational and at the same time completely lucid to things? Don't go together, paul meter, clad in a tactical, best mask and glove shot, eleven rounds at car as she sat in a parked car in the parking lot of the store at one o, eight p m, before entering and gunning down, leisure official said who's a image of him
in the store? Now again, I remember a manifesto that you know, or another situation happened where they didn't release the manifesto and granted. These are two two different states right to different cities, to different, clearly different states. Ah, but things just don't add up it was some dig right went to facebook. Now this is his older brother. there's, an unknown account the like this. Could they pulled his social media down, but I just wanted a lot of this was so Other his brother said, I don't see a problem with the true communist government, which is typical amongst these dumb asses who say to true common never actually been tried right
did a little bit more digging looked into his father. Stephen Paul meter been a registered democrat since nineteen eighty eight voted in the last election, so we have twenty two, his father and his brother clearly supporting mama to yup my mom to registered democrat. She early twenty twenty two at a late hour back to nineteen eighty one now get like I mean you know. There's a lot of dots out on the table can again when I try to take away from the deaths of these innocent americans. Actual they were killed. Absolutely was completely terrible and wrong, but it is in to say the time and time again common denominators- man, they just don't Adam.
while the me is already trying to paint this dude is some sort of like trump supporting right wing, whack job right, which clearly isn't fucking true and secondly, I there's evil people here: okay and there's evil people that are black in their evil people that a white and there's even people that are other races as well and evil people do fucked up shit every single day right. So what about like I know all the black crimes were why people get shot and killed in their asses beat the go unreported. What about that? screw selectively pick one, situation where it happens to be a white person killing some black people that we think can fit the narrative. What we're having just a few days ago, oh they arrested trump and put his mob shot out. and what did I say on on yesterday's show Then I say that was a huge mistake on their part.
and what did I say, was happening to the black community because of the mug shot that they put out o the black community, starting to realise that donald trump. Isn't the man that the left media has been paying them to be. starting to realise that, just like a lot of black men in this country, this man is being unjustly persecuted, which is actually causing the black population to allie behind shrub we act they cover. This on yesterday show and then again. Last week city, I saw its inner testing that literally days after the black pearl, nation is starting to see the truth, the reality of the situation and whose manipulating what who's making them think what and we have all kinds of black people. Speaking out saying that day, rock we're trot now all the sun. The biggest story of the weekend is white people kill and black people. in its rays, see see our raises. These people are its inner
how how all of you? Now it's almost like. It's almost like it's almost like you know. How single time something hundred Biden does or something happens, with hundred binary Joe Biden, Donald trump, indicted the very next day. It's almost like the same thing you know the conspiracy theories. I would say this is, I don't know related. I mean but here that's beautiful rose, like I mean, do I dont think people are buying it. Ok, and in this is this is what needs to happen. Everybody These used real and I think it's already happened. People are realising black people and why people are starting to realise that they are being play against each other and are getting smart and they're. Saying wait a minute. It's not that way, guy over there and it's not that black, We're on the same team, brow they're, trying to get us. Why are they doing that
We're asking these questions as society. Now we're starting wait. A minute. They clearly don't want us coming together and what an that's a first step to everybody coming together I am actually encouraged about the way. People have reacted to this for the most part so far, but like guy You have to understand in this just the reality, they're going to do everything that can over the next year and a half to make race amber, Satan's, highly uncomfortable, they're gonna, try as hard as they can get black people white people to go out each other they're going to do so, crazy shit and its to be real hard to like keep your head and Keep your mind and say: hey wait a minute. We all hate you, these are just bad people do in bad things, because the minute that we start together, they're gonna do everything they can at any cost to make. black people and white americans- black
Can a white americans think that are each other's enemy, and if we can come together and we we say no we're. actually americans and you guys, are tyrants and you're fucking system for us and we do that their done yet it's over for them they cannot win without thereby Having to be massive division at that at that level between black and white bladder why'd, you come together, bro those people are done and that's already happened. I told you last week a lot black people realizing gambier. Then there are doing the same thing to trumpet they ve done black men for the last sixty years
that's what I was gonna say to do that that's one thing, that's very very important to to note is that this stuff is going to get worse and worse, because they're going to do horrible things to make they're gonna do horrible things. Brown will do it and I think you know, for the average person for most people, it's like it's not even fathomable like they can't understood like they could not. You cannot just tell normal person like hey. Aren't we have actors in our government that would be willing to kill your whole classroom full of kids too.
Achieve this certain paths yeah it sounds, it sounds absurd or you know what we would you know bomb or our own country or another ho like you. It's not even like most a tough pill for a tough pill for people to swallow, because most people don't have the capacity to do that's kind of evil within them. But dude it's the truth. I know it's the truth and, like it's been documented over and over and over again right and again this point- I don't put anything past him, you can't you know- and I think, like you said to your point, which I thought was amazing. It's like we gotta be able to see past the the manufactured, fear and crises. We have to be able to see past that and stay united, because if we can do that through all of these situations, in all of these hoops and obstacles that they want us to jump through. This should be over for yeah. You know there's a couple of things. It needs to happen. We need to understand that yes, there's evil people here and yes, those people who are racist and yes, there's blood
people who are races to and yes those people wouldn't do evil things, and we the regular common sense citizens of this country that have good hearts and minds. We have to be prepared to her I know that in society as it comes, and then we have to smart enough, not the label the entire other race that we happened to not be as the enemy that's what they want and its now true. This is sad. These are innocent people who died for no reason and I, but it is still not reflective of you know why people's view of black people, or you know when black people do fucked up shit, why people that doesn't mean all black people or evil anti white races like we have to understand that most. Ninety eight percent of people are good people and then you have,
two percent scumbag pieces of shit and it's up to the good people. It's an obligation of the good people do not turn the other cheek to that two percent. That's the biggest problem Just like we talked about with the environmental story. The reason these people have felt empowered is because there's been no accountability at all and if the counter what it comes from the people via the view, the american fuck. You attitude. Ok, and we handle shit as we see it in amerika. For right and wrong as opposed to what racist or not racist or what fits of political narrative if we as a community start handling somebody situations as they happen. They will happen. Less and less because they are rejected by the community, every time you know a black guy gets killed. By a wiper. It's all reflect canoes. but how many people that are white get kill them.
A single day by black people? That's not it's like accepted? That's! Okay, that's not! Okay! It's not! Okay! For black people to kill white people. It's not ok for white people to kill blacks. Well, it's not ok! Why people? If your while people, it's ok for black, we will kill black people like killing, those bad, you see lesser pedophiles, yeah, that's right! That's true! We need while we need accountability in between our two, ok, altruism and got a job on this conversation level. No, all the comments. What you guys think hashtag united! We stand and let us know your thoughts from this on this topic. black americans white americans come together. These people have zero power, zero, it's over its overfilled immediately, so expect over the next year and a half to do every single thing possible to make it as highly a comfortable as possible for white people.
black people. We together need to realize whose doing this what they're doing and we have to be smarter than it we cannot fall for. We cannot let the hate get into our high We cannot like watch all these clips and be like you know what fuck these, why people or vice for so we can do that. We have have to realise that these are saying situations that are being magnified times a million in order to get ass to emotionally react go along with what they actually want, which is division, because As we all know, the saying goes: divide and conquer, no tourists, ship ma'am geysers keep his crews going before we get to our second headline, though you guys know what it is as time as crews comments, baby. Alright, as go cruises, comic gods is karma. This is quickly coming my becoming my favorite part you liked this. I was like a box of chocolate.
Yeah, you know never know what you're going to get. Sometimes they love us and sometimes they don't love us so much so shit man, it's the guy who's crude comment. This comment is coming from this coming from acute eva yesterday, we did. We came out today that we recorded okay, friday saturday, friday, okay, so this comment at jackie gras underscore art, she says, quote your great great grandfather or uncle whoever he he was is looking down from Heaven saying that's my boy. Ah he's talking about the braveheart. Still air, oh or she is here- hey I'll know about that near like a week. We are different stock of men nowadays, in with those people were you know, I appreciate the comment, but I dont believe that I'm one tenth of even my dad dad was you know a man who went to fight for our country
and storm, normandy, beach and fuckin editor. lying over in europe for you we'll have then side anymore. You know I mean I would like to think that I would do that, but- The reality is, as you know,. What can we do right now? What we can do right now is use our voices and stand up and have courage and speak the truth and on its very hard for me, to feel good about being an american with the amount of cowardice it's going on society with the amount of just going along in the amount of self censorship and the amount of you know, intimidation that we're allowing them to put onto us, but that's not what I grew up, believing that we were you know, I bought hook line sinker land of the free home of the brave okay, now home of the fucking cowards.
And its frustrating for me to see so many people that won't speak the truth about what they are going on, because I see this every day. I get messages Every day you get me, every day of people who come in they say I'm so grateful for what you do and blah blah blah will, then why? Don't you do it? Why don't you help? spread the message. Why aren't you speak out? Why don't you use your voice at them, most annoying for me to get it from people. We have massive platforms, you know all he's influential people that you all follow and support, who don't speak up these people, who don't say shit you are the number one entrepreneur podcast and the mother fucking world. the embassy o project up until december, two thousand nineteen? I stop doing the shell in the region, stop doing. The show is because I recognise very clearly that if I didn't start talking, what was going on society. We wouldn't be able to do entrepreneurship? We wouldn't be able to do.
Business be beheld. A bee. Borrowers wouldn't be able to fulfil the american dream, and so I change my entire life around and I love talk. but I love business. I love building. I love creating that's what I'm built for. I love it. It's russia, river. If you want to have your comments elected, I appreciate that comment. Actually, that's. That means a lot to me now. I don't feel I live up to that, but I'm doing the best. I can right now, and I promise you of the day comes when gonna run in the battle and custom motherfucker it heads off I'm going to be there made me thirsty you're, getting your gallon in over there yeah yup, they won phase two. They want. Seventy five, that's right! There's life for a shit ton of people, doing it, no matter how go back to start bamp bs because remember if you want to your comments. Let it make sure you're being a real ass fan, share the show don't be hose and maybe a comic and get up there. Let me sent mail is key
the show on the road we have our second headline headline knob to allow them to reach trumped. We re next, We can georgia election case. Here's an interesting thing about this topic. So now they have polls coming out, saying that he's dropping in polls but at the same time he's making a shit ton and he's taking them a lot more in donations to his campaign at the same time. So it's like somebody's lying, I who I dunno, whose line let's dive into it so former president donald trump, will be formerly a rain next week on charges that he unlawfully tried to overturn the twenty twenty election results in georgia trump. Seventy seven will appear before fulton county superior court judge scott.
Mcafee at nine. Thirty, a m wednesday september sixth, and we followed by his eighteen co defendants who were indicted by district attorney, fanny willis on a total of forty one counts august, fourteenth foma, chump trump. Rudy giuliani has got to be arraigned at nine. Forty five followed by fellow trump attorneys john eastman at ten, a m sydney, pilot and fifteen, a m with former white house chief of staff mark meadows, due at ten thirty, a m has gone back to back to back. All eighteen of mammography ruled last week recovered and aussi tr that cameras and recording devices from local tv affiliates would be allowed in the courtroom for the proceedings now willis charged all nineteen defendants under the state's racketeer influenced and corrupt organizations, or the rico act now, as well as with conspiracy, false statements and asking a public official to violate their oath of office. Now, that's just the one, a diamond
let's. Let's talk about that, let's, let's give it a taste on what we think about this other bs that they got going on. I don't dunno if you guys, saw this but trump January six trial to begin march. Four, amid G o p primaries they're, putting it right in the heat of the glp primaries huge mistake on their part. Listen I like, and here's a good cause you talked about in the last segment too man. I don't think Is anybody left rational brain legality? Does anybody laughed at this point that does not see the hypocrisy see. The two tier justice system see the bs Don't into this do and as I love or made umbrellas like this is messed up I think this this in itself is election. Interference, absolutely are you having more that's gone over some people's heads like this?
they doing right now. This is election interference by complete honest way it so, apparently he tried to have the trial began on January. Second, it's twenty four suggesting that, over the last approximately four to six weeks go right up until the primary started. Right and trump's defense team propose that instead, the trial began April, twenty twenty six long after the result of twenty twenty four presidential election, but the judge said no, she said no, neither and and then that's when she said it for march. Fourth right at the beginning of the primaries, and he can we get a quick update. Where were we at and
Now, more importantly, I want to ask you man like if you were in trump's shoes right now right knowing what you do? No, no. We do no readily available information like is there a different strategy that you see here that you think you would pull personally well very clear that They are putting these things right in Emmy, look dude the whole indictments. Olive indictments are a new president. They ve never been done. It's it's something that is clearly persecution, political persecution, so shouldn't surprise anybody that they're trying to put these things up as close as possible. Through these dates. That's the remo, just like we talked about with a minute ago with the hunter binding Joe buying stuff in the next day, a trump indictment right or
the old trump all the sun starts appealing to black people, and then we had. This raises thing happened right. So that's too all they? They immediately went to redirect the narrative any time it goes. His way and people are starting to realise. Like yours, lot of people that are starting to realise it? And you said one of you said there No rational people are there's a lot. If you, if you rational, you are starting realize it. I agree with that. There are still a lot of people are here. Who are you know anybody, but trot people? who will never ever ever admit any other than you know this is to find? This is real and mrs, what's gonna happen, these people what their failing realise is that the panel socially is swing back to the right, ok, and what they're doing Is there actually justifying whatever happens to them? Next there said the presidency said yes and These people are arguing because they hate trump. They,
dude, I saw one of these men, remedial anchors like laughing ass. She talked about how three people had died in foreign county jail in the last like few once I guess, and that trunk was in this danger like she was like basically insinuating that she hopes that trump gets killed in jail, and these people are disgusting. These people representative, a true communist movement. There brainwashed his flock and by the way, these people who thinks what I can do, no harm or not their brainwash, do ok, but the middle part, the merely part of common sense america, who is like they're, just normal people that you guys list? yes, they are seeing what's happening, whether they love trapper, don't like trump. So I agree with you on that comment, but those forest strategy. What I would do different
U I dont know everything that he knows so it's hard for me to say what he would do, but what I can tell you is that they are allowing millions and millions of people to come across the border and when they come across the border they're, putting these people in areas where they can vote without actually having to be a citizen, and the reason there doing that is because they're trying to pass the vote now For what's going to happen in twenty twenty four and these people, what their mail in bout it ballots, their early voting and everything with migration. All this they're gonna end up with a twenty million vote led before the election even starts, and they know this. The Republican, don't understand how to play the game. The way these people play it so there a twenty million popular vote lead on day. One and what's going to end up happening if people are paying attention and they don't get organised and they don't get activated, and they don't stop. The
person from showing up three m with a hundred and fifty million fuck, votes whatever. It is right if the citizens like dirt citizens don't start getting engage these people still another election and ends, no, it doesn't really matter what strategy he runs or strategy doesn't run because the straight up truth is these people or x birds and manipulating the electoral process and they're going to a manipulated as much as possible and most people ah here think that the ether this isn't happening or there's nothing they can do about it in. There is actually a lot you can do about it, the citizens of america should be at every pulling place every single one: twenty four hours was a day the entire I our time that the voting is going on. You know there should be I should be organizing. You should be standing in front of the poles. You should be. you sure, no bullshit happens, chevaler phones, ruddy the same, should they would do right and then
there should be people while you're in the political world. organizing male imbalance and early voter registration. The same way these people do it to even playing field, because if we don't even the playing field from a technical standpoint, they will they were quota will win because the election is it secure. the way this supposed to be secure. We live in an age where everybody should should be we are. Our technology is so manipulated and so complicated. This should be very simple, this there should be no early voting. There should be no absentee voting. If you can't get your to the poles on the day of the election and but with a paper ballot that can be clearly counted Then you don't deserve to vote in other interested and that's right now and and that's that we should get back to them rather than to me. I think that's the biggest thing I think so many people have just became so disinterested in europe. We have those people out
For my part, I know they're. So nothing now like a daytime. There were now brutes. It is now. ever been more important, those same people who messages in their. Like I oppression, we're how mad! I can't talk about mother fucker. Do you think, we like talking about this. Do you think this It's fun do what kind of title: what kind entitlement to you have, as in a man, can citizen to think that someone else is going to get the job done for you and that they should bear all the pain and they should where all the all the heat and they should he called the arrows for you and how old are you? People like until people understand like dude? It's your responsibility, as a citizen the united states to speak the truth, and on the values that you believe on an individual level. It is also you responsibility as an individual. To exercise freedom, free does not exist unless you exercise it. If you don't, a free life than you do Did they live
freedom ceases to exist, it is not something that is granted EU is something that we create as individuals. It is autonomous it is and how we live. How we eat we train? What information that we put in our brain? This is I tell you personal excellence is the ultimate rebellion, because if you Personally excellent. Then you are. exercising freedom and then, and only then will freedom exists as a whole, entire culture and these people come in and say all day So much. You know, I've really support what you do and then it also shit you're, a fucking problem. you're the reason it continues. There's no one else audio to do the work, but us it's us versus them. If we don't get our shit together, there still another election, and we were haven't america after that, That's real shit! Yeah did, as I saw one a couple of things too.
I dunno. If this I I wasn't able to really, I didn't dive into it. Just been honest, but saw this something about. It was like a post somebody made. They were talking about that fulton county as the same same place where mahler the king junior was was locked up and, as I know, he was locked up by the same people I know what I'm saying like during this whole thing. Did you see a dan Maggiano's take on a strategy that jeezy said trump should do ye said he should stay jail, yeah, he's like usually you shouldn't post bail because secret service, they do have the legal ability to clear anything is federal. You know like they, they could close down the whole fucking jail and call their bluff. I just don't I mean I don't like I I personally, I don't. I still. I feel I that's just still playing the game. I don't think he should have responded. Any of this I mean fuck. Like you know, the left doesn't respect the justice system. That's pretty obvious right, the may you respect a corrupt justice system are corrupt system in general, and any you give power is right. Is that so
Like there's people here who say you know you shouldn't vote, because if you doubt vote then you're not respecting the system. It has no power, and normally I would agree with that, but the problem is that we have to have a system in this country and if we don't fix what actually going on there now he's going to let you live your life they're going to come for you to lots of people are here, think that if they vote the crap or they stay quiet or they dont rock the boat. That these people will somehow leave them alone, they're going to come for everything they're going to come, for you should go back and read the history of communism. Especially specifically bolsheviks. Okay, these people are coming for you trumps been trying to tell us forever. The evidence is on the table. They're doin, going take away your currency there, take away your wealth they are going to
take away your freedom, they are going to make you live off of bugs and. a currency that they can turn off depending on how nice you say, certain things this is already happening in certain parts of the world and people here thinking tat happen here like what are you? What what is it when you take for people here to realise that this is actually happening and only way to stop it. Is there every single person resist every single person, not a few people to have podcast, not a cop Two issues not just die, donald trump. Everyone has to resist it and until we get at that point, where we're all like: no, no they're going to keep coming through shit man, god that gets my third and final headline of the show headline number three. The third and final, I reads: reason was devon: archer met with then secretary of state Kerry. Just weeks before Shoko was fired and it's it's funny how you said
because this seems to be this thy there. Definitely as a tit for tat here, I like something happens over on the right boom goes anywhere that that's it strategy. Listen, they understand that they have manipulate the new cycle and the perception there. Stand and when something happens, that doesn't look good for them. They have to create something. to happen immediately. There The other side look like exactly who they're telling everyone. If they are or just assembled, distract and distraction from the headline yeah, I'm one hundred per cent. So, let's dive into this little bit so so hundred Biden's former business partner and fellow bereavement board member devon archer met with then secretary of state John Kerry, the guy who does not own jets and his wife and his wife just weeks before the ukrainian prosecutor, who was investigating berries and was fired and twenty sixteen
Former ukrainian prosecutor, general viktor shogun was fired on watch twenty ninth twenty sixteen less than four weeks after the aura after archer met with kerry at the state department in Washington d c, according to a state department, email is email for yes, the subject reads: I reply to a devon archer coming to see s today at three p m: need someone to meet greet him at c street. Got it thanks s just buzzed out here to let me know Now why would Devon archer be meeting with the secretary of state? Why? Why doesn't he just say a meeting with John Kerry? Well, as I think, that's just how they talk air on fox news. Digital can confirm that s. No, that's not just how they talk there. That's not just how they talk. Dj you're, missing a fucking major point. The reason that they put us in there Is so that they can deny that this is John Kerry? Okay, this is about using coty language,
you're not using it. Nothing to high wire use. A language wrote wrote this is It is not normal shit. This is what they do that in case it ever comes out. You can't really prove they're talking about it's all the same reason why they got the hunter Biden. I mean the Joe Biden email, yes, yeah, these people point at a dude yeah, oh yeah, so fox news. Digital can confirm that refers to carry based on multiple other email communications. However, it is unclear what archer and carry discussed at the meeting or whether bereavement came up in conversation, I'm at the time of the meat
in the archery hunter Biden had been sitting on the board of bereavement for about two years and then vice president Joe Biden had recently wrapped up a trip to ukraine where he threatened to withhold one billion dollars. Then usaid. If ukrainian officials didn't fire shogun claiming he was too lax on prosecuting corruption and here's, the thing shogun has since come out and made a statement talked about it.
We actually did an exclusive interview with fox news, and I have a clip here for you and for our listeners and viewers on youtube clip. I talked to victor shell, kane who's living a humble life right now, basically, leader of the diverse as social security or who was fired by Joe Biden, so we sat there through an interpreter can never do it live, and I asked him the questions. I think that everybody wants to know. What will you do and how did you get fired? How you feel I asked him to. Why do you think he were fired after all, he was asked by prussian can present the time to come out of retirement to clean things, up, here's what he said destroyed his life and why he was fired. Listen, I do not want to deal in unproven fact. That is just my personal conviction. Is that yes, this was the case and that they were being bribed. Remember the fact that Joe Biden gave away one billion dollars in the us money in exchange. For my dismissal
my fiery. Isn't that alone a case of corruption, cancer? I mean what more proved you need. People are desensitize to it. Did the guy gave away a billion dollars to get somebody fire? billion dollars,
of your money to stop what like, like that, like that's the whole play, that's the whole plate. Hunter Biden gets on this board with zero experience, zero background wright gets on this board. His father is the vp of the united states. The board is basically money laundering money into this family for policy decisions gone bright back to ukraine and russia and china right this prosecutor, who, then, president calls out of retirement to come, investigate corruption in the country starts looking into this and hunter Biden, Joe Biden says: if you don't fire that dude, you won't get this money. That's quid pro quo, like that's textbook, is asking too many questions. Yeah, you know but sure, like let's talk about mp,
and by the way, let's move it on for a couple of more months? Let's listen man. I'm top and here's why I'm tired of I am tired. The american people are the biggest slaves of any citizenship in the entire world. Let me tell you why, because American people are the only people that are told go works super hard go go. a massive amount of your life and work. Take at least half your money right when we take half your money we're going to send it overseas going to mismanagement or we're going to steal it we're going too far Back into our political contributions, we're going to send it over here for quota quote aid where's our mother, fucking aid, where's our age from from kuwait or any these other route? countries to fix our homeless problem there We notice that none of the other citizens on the planet work. so that we can have a better here in amerika. It's all
the other way around why the fuck are. We the citizens of the united states of america, financing the well being of every other fucking country in this planet. Ok, until people way got to that and say no more shits going to continue this land of the free. It's a fucking joke. It's a fucking joke dude, Land of the free land or the mother fucking worker bees is what we are we work where the work work, work, work, work, government, it's more than half more money, and you say: well, they don't they half a minor, you know they'll, take half with a rich people, money! Oh really! What do you pay when you buy shit what are you pay when you, oh shit, what do you pay on you personal property? What do you pay me put gas in your car? Ok, Yeah, all those things up that you pay their taken. Fifty percent in your money to and they're telling The work was worth the american dream. the american dream. Email could dream and then we'll take action. shit? We send it to other countries
We are the world's atm. The people of amerika are the world's atm unease. The end. people who say no more, they need to get smart about taxes. Do question why you won't talk personal finance ballast your cheque book or two access when you were in high school. Why isn't that part of the public education? Why are they Instead, gender ideology in all this fuckin bullshit. Because I want you to be financially ignorant, so you will go through your life, not realizing? How much There are actually oppressing you and how much are actually stealing from you and then are you. This is freedom, no, the fuck, it isn't side even close, so that's what I'm hired it, I'm tired of all of us being financially oppressed by our own government in the name of bee. in Quorum quote good people to all these other people that want to kill us me untold virtuous. ro, we should be paying ten percent tax all in there. If ever body paid, ten percent tax in every
we paid it, the corporations paid. It we'll go painted the little guys paid it in every he paid it and there were no loopholes and thereby to soak a town percent. Just like a tie, the church percent of all of our Income is goin to these projects that are going to be re, done, for american interests, they come Different your life would be withdrawn percent all in tax, take over the wealth that it would create the the prosperity it will create do you know why they don't want that? Oh because its easier to oppress people that don't have financial means. They don't worry euro. You achieve the american dream anymore. They want financially dependent. They were you sick, they were you want healthy. They want you consuming their propaganda and the real and they want that is so that they can control you until the people this country actually wake up to. What's action, happening. It will continue.
And it will not only continue for you and will continue for your children, and it will get worse and worse and worse and worse and worse until literally, we are breaking rocks and a yard and being used for labour like this. Isn't freedom, we're not even Those two were million miles away from it. Steal a there. be no way in hell that The politician goes washing DC and makes tens of millions of dollars or what millions of dollars that shouldn't happen. There should be no way did they get to trade on acts when therein they're making legislation that affects the companies that are actually trading or doing deals with certain coming between the government and the companies, and then trading on those stocks? Why this should have so corrupt most people, because most people know how the financial understanding to even like sort of comprehend how bad in the midst of people, truly understand how oppressive
financial system is there be a revolution and what happened twenty thirty forty years ago like this, It is way out of control you and your stuff, informing and while you're suffering for it and while you're having trouble paying your bills and while you're stress it over money there, so you should ukraine no son, you should the africa there soon. the places and we that whose of thousands of homeless people in our own country. I need some sir dude and he's dead, the war ended your people, wake up to it. Now that's the thing because most people, they acknowledge only killing by I of for president roma number? One platform will be fuckin. Does the shrinking of the government creating systems civic rules about who can actually run and how long they can stay there and then tax reform, if we Figured that out the country will
we be the richest country. The ever existed, dude. Think of how much easier it would be for everybody if these but we're, not stealing our money. If these people were not stealing your money. Seventy two people who were not americans and then having a a black to themselves. This is the biggest scam bits ever been perpetrated on it on a citizenship other than it's up! Hey you my slave. Slavery was abolished in the mid fucking eighteen, hundreds it still exists today, except that is all of us, will just put it on the table I understand that. Oh patriotic, to pay your taxes, the fuck is, it would be if we have people who are we possibly investing not money? Look at the round your house look at the tec. Now look at this Buildings around you, like, What you, but everywhere,
ago last three or four years. It's like shit, every city I go to, I travelled all over. Everywhere I go every place. I've been looks like shit all them didn't we. it makes me angry, were so far off track and most people can't comprehended. This do gave a billion dollars for a political fucking favour what a billion dollars in your neighborhood do and these I always give away a billions of dollars like it like it's like, like it's dollar bills, strip club. That's almost most people can't even comprehend that amount of money or how much that money can do most people can't comprehend it. Where the world slaves referred is furthest thing from fuckin free country, if we could possibly be until people racket now, can we be free yeah? We could. But a whole. I would have to change and if we
were actually free. Our cities would look different. Our schools would look different are Our happiness would be more, our prosperity would be better. You have to think about money because you get way more money. You will get only. Would you get paid way more? You gotta keep way more, but you stay how they date of people understood how they hacks businesses in this country and I'm on top, but the ones escape out of it and loopholes not the ones that can afforded it'll open up headway in ireland and avoid play in taxes, the biggest companies in a world I'm talking about companies like mine, a charmer companies that employ most of the people in this country. If you understood what they do to make it hard for these, companies to grow and they sell you the idea that this is a great thing, because they're just greedy, and they would take the money no there actually wouldn't, because if your logic was true and they were actually greedy, they will grow their company to make more money for themselves and they grew company to make more money for themselves. That means they would be
there are people more than employ a whole bunch of more fuckin people like that, The whole logic of their whole argument is only believe by p. We're. Financially damas fuck me. That really is the pay their share will deal. stand at a trickles down to you. Geraldo most people don't get that. But actually I was just thinking to man like you know all these politicians that we have an office that have made millions and millions of dollars row of our president. All of that money would be stripped away from them cause are you do not you? You do not fulfill your oath. Any politician that has made that kind of money in office should have it taken back. If you get stripped away and gateways shipping, I was going to go back to your district that you're supposed to be rapid, correct, and I should go to like actual development of that area. One hundred percent do we thus shall be erected. Retroactive like twenty five year, deal no
duke. Do taiwan fuck reparations, and now you should be able to get the socialist behind that too? because they're all about confiscating wealth, reduce, ok from confiscate well, let's confiscate the people who made them of more tax dollars. Get that wealth, listen up down with it because it makes sense problem is, you won't have to anybody else be down with it because they're all in on the game cause people are criminals, dude, yeah man, fuck guys. Let us know what you guys think jumping on this conversation, hashtag text me up, there's no guys what you guys think with that being said. It's time for final, say Well, the show got something good for you out here I do yeah. This is a growing guys. As always, we have thumbs up or dumb as fuck. That's where we are bringing her line up. We talk about it. We dive in it to get one of those two options or that being said, our thumbs up or dumbest fuck headline reads: video heart beat of america high school football players shirts honour by
the collar family members I saw this, do I this is. This is really I I bowser really cool. I thought was really cool and there seems to be a really big. I guess like surge in blue collar america. Better, be, and I fucking love it like. I say it's cool to just see the resurgence and especially in our younger demographic, coming back and understanding the important things that we still have society while they're still here. So, let's, let's dive into this man, a football team in norton Yours Michigan is honouring blue collar workers and players, families who roles are vital to them, asian for a while. Now mona shores, football team members have been wearing blue collar work, shirts to show respect for the community's working class. History m lived, I come for defrauded, however, head coach met Cosmic came up with an idea. Recently, to make the project even more special cosmic acts, the young,
Man to choose one such worker related to them, who worked hard to provide for their family at some point in the past is a video from the financing. We stress how awesome, but I think I sometimes you lose touch and we have called a blue collar and hell of a lot of integrity by man. I think there's a lot of stuff to celebrate behind closed doors that we're gonna have someone else arouse gonna like we're, gonna believe where someone else ownership is not. As some of us are not something tells me so I chose my he's done. Power honestly name shows me that you can do a lot of stuff besides somewhere has little like. This is an issue that I know you didn't. I want my mom. She really motivation.
I just my brother has really register dollars school. The super cool it's teaching disk well organised this? They understand that there are not only teeth. In their own individual people that their in charge of to respect and value the hard work of the peace. Well, that came before them, but you're also setting example in the community, because the other kids are going to look at these kids and they're going to say this is this: is right maybe they'll look at their parents are either the grandma, grandpa, whoever in a different light and actually have some respect. No, I one great and to make it even better I saw this came out on Friday. They had they had the first football game of the season, and actually I wouldn't even post the story I mean opposes uses as a
depending on how the game turned out, but they won and now what do they win they dominated and fifty eight seven. That's not bad! That's what that's! What blue collar work ethic will get? You know you work hard. You get results as it true, that's how america works. That's how it's always been. It's how it's always going to be, but I hope my my hope is that blue collar america starts to wake up to the dangers of technology that are not being regulated by the government. That's another thing: I'd run on is the regulation of technology to not take away jobs? it actually there's this turkey there's this lie. That's being told that you know o technologies actually great for jaws, because you can move people up in a higher paying jobs. That's not true! The sancho that's bullshit check is already there right That's why they're. This is why com? This is why this technology part and the communism part or co existing right now, because they're, trying to remove these blue collar jobs, from society and are trying to replace.
then with a sigh robotics or I automate away ways of doing this work, which is going to produce junk riots going to reproduce brutalism and disgusting construction, which this country is already filled with, we should go back to building things like they built over in europe in the fifteen hundreds or the eleven hundreds things. There are beautiful look, they live better things that inspire pride and culture. They start building those things a hundred years ago. People at why or stop because they got better building techniques or cheaper building techniques is because- they don't want you to have anything your proud of and if we're gonna we her to a patriotic pride for america, which in my opinion, we need construction and the Resurgence of beautiful architecture is going to be required and we need? The blue collar community to really recognize that there are under attack, because what they're trying to do is there try
to create a scenario where you are replaced by technology and then you go on you're to be sold this thing you dont work anymore. You dont have to do anything think anymore? You don't have to no do this anymore. We got you accept that I pay you like half of what it is that you make now. now can have any pride you nothing of any love. if you do and creating anything and that's the game plan, so I hope blue collar america wakes up to what's goin on, because they need to resist and you need in. You need to demand that of your politicians on the regulation of technology. And the dangers that it presents to the working class america. But I love the story. I think sums up thumbs up absolutely gas, weighty! Eighty,
don't be a whole tradition. Sleeping on the floor now my jewelry box from the county museum in the kobe teach Buddhist got a rope, can't doesn't know his shot case club.
Transcript generated on 2023-08-30.