« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

564. Andy, Linda Catalina & DJ CTI: Vivek Ramaswamy Republican Debate, Donald Trump To Be Arrested & Wagner Boss Jet Crash

2023-08-25 | 🔗

In today's episode, Andy & DJ are joined in the studio by Linda Catalina. They discuss Vivek Ramaswamy beating Ron DeSantis for best performance in the Republican debates, Donald Trump surrendering to Fulton County, and Wagner boss Yevgeny Prigozhin’s jet appearing to be fine 30 seconds before crashing.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Sleeping on the floor now my german box from the county, millions in the kobe teach Buddhist got a rope kang, doesn't know headshot case club. What is that guy's potato for selling? This is the show for the really say goodbye to the lies. The faintness and delusions of modern society of welcomed mother motherfucker reality guys. Today we have a dj, the fucking internet and that's we're going to do this is cruise the internet. That's what ctr stands for. We put some topics, on screen. We speculate on what we think is true. What we think is bullshit and then we talk about how we, the people can be the solution to the problems going on in the world. Other ties were you to name. We have q and I am that's what you to ask questions about personal development, business entrepreneurship what's going on in the world, and we answer him
and submit your questions to be answered on the show. A few different ways first way is guys you can email those questions in to ask Andy at Andy for solid icon or you go on youtube and on the and akhuni f episodes. If you drop your question on there and a common section, I'm from there as well other times we have real talk. Real talk is just fired at twenty minutes me giving you some real talk, and then we have seventy five hard versus seventy five hard vs. Where someone comes on and we do, seventy five hard vs them and we about how seventy five hour change their life and help them get their shit together. After If you don't know, seventy five heart is a free program. Is the first phase of the live our programme that you get for free episode to o eight. On the relay a feed, that's only on audio by the way were on youtube. In that episode came so you to be new for us Without being said, we a fee for the show you ll notice. I know you sponsorships on the show. I don't take money on the show I dont. Let people tell me why,
I can't I can't say: oh my show they were gonna pay me eight figures which, every day, because by I'm feeling dumber for not taking it but if you guys agree to share the, shall keep it that way. So I, that's my deal for you keep this ad free. I keep telling the truth if you guys share the shell and so when we say pay the feed us that means. So, if you think there's value in the show, please share it, don't be. How shall show we also have a spell. For gas joining us today has been on the show before I'll, come back to the show miss Linda catalina, I otherwise known as wake up with wind army, on the instagram and also of the affair famous mostly peaceful latina is podcast, mostly peaceful. Our cities, that means untie, sometimes violent exactly
you get a little crazy. People were like your eyes, are supposed to be both through peaceful, like and then I pull up like the cnn picture, cause us where it comes from. We know what they are in. Their personal heralds burning their reporting light, but it's mostly peace when it makes people are dying. Unlike hello, that's what we are thank you for having me on the show. Really excited and what'd. You say that by the way people do share your stuff. I know not because a miami lake also are about talking about the episode like I ask, will have approached me many times or they d me we're he bore they call. People gather could argue that our people are again. they watch nodes. Now I got up here The dorks sir Francis DJ then on a weekly that out, yes, the other fats, Emily ha ha ha ha ha. You guys get that reference. When this issue, we were supposed to release a show today that were actually gonna release on sunday instead, so special so coming out on Sunday. He doesn't want to hear a special seventy five harbours episode.
Where I was born, I been enjoyed their yeah just ah, say I'm in another stage of clown worlds. We have is mostly enjoying laughing at flung worlds. I passed the enough infuriated moved on to the point of what are these idiots? Yes, look at like what are the seven stages of like coping or what? What is that there's like seventy five yeah? I attended the accelerated, you know, I'm just so watching they, Joe Biden since, like a bird, even I'm like ok was the senator the inclined world like the other day I was, I came across a clip on you too, from I think, was the ambassador to the EU s ukrainian, a bus or to u s. Is a transition her person? Oh much, or is it that I do not like them like the best thing that could happen in clown world like, and this person is in charge of debunking propaganda coming from russia person who doesn't even accept?
his own gender, whose delusional whose whose filtering through watched I have naturally- and I was saying I like I said it's all my fault- I'm like- is this not the most perfect ambassador that we could possibly have a transgender women debunking russian Propaganda and seeing the russians are line. Meanwhile, you pretend to be mine, gender. So that's what I it's just sake it it's just Dude, it's so weird lawyer at what their julia? That's what I am is it is we're like I got through my days some days. I am angry and you know four for many years for many many years. My leather bound books I was very angry, yeah the how do the It works? Just like I, whatever is is going to happen happen. I'm not goin, allowing any this. If you guys. We do. You have to kill me many days. I wake up and others like they re just keep back with us. They are doing. Do you know what I'm every day. I feel I okay. Well, that's gotta, be it no dense Why can't you know so? My heart me listen to me.
You gotta understand like people our time. Understanding like how deep. The demoralization destabilization process goes like their their goal. is to make people not know in their own minds and hearts. What is ok, what's man? Ok, what they can say what they can't say. What's true, what's not true They have successfully demoralized and confused. A pretty good size of the population. I don't think it's a majority. I think most of the people realize it's bullshit but I mean like idiots yet oh for sure, but will likewise At a point now, rice, I mean from what could tell more more more people are starting to realise like this is absurd light. I'm also I'm also the believe too are used to believe that this, with the demoralization aspect of it, that, like no things like a fuckin, ignore account right like they were, let us get down to maybe twenty percent on Zan
am. I now come to the belief that, like now they want us. I fuckin zero. Oh yeah, like complete their of everything, my man becoming more real every every single day. Man, it's crazy change, stuff. It's I mean where I know where this is. I dunno if this is one of the surfing the internet topics, but When we close the surf the internet, I might be that's for california version that was not without end up, as we all do that grant me, sir. I think mr fire in mississippi. I think that then telling you know the names me advise soccer yeah we and appropriate idle words Saint louis dry, by the internet. Second seriously say so. No I just I just you know on the way here. Actually, a screen grabbed an hour their fourteen. U S, cities that, for any, have committed are committed to the climate change. Some
I forgot the correct. I saw that banning cars article, twenty thirties, yeah three articles clause know me: the austrian was one of those cities. Miami is one of them said the EU is one of them. I am ass, men will what's, but the flax happened, my army, its I'm, I remember we're talking before they started- like one of those they have chosen miami. I cite the new like to buy
And they're doing a lot of like insane like extravagant luxury like construction and bringing all the stuff he had to miami, but with that it's going to come like the the the people that are driving this agenda, that people want electric vehicles and green. You know whatever, and I think my partner below she was just telling me how there is accompany knocking on doors, are on her neighborhood was they want to put their solar panels on people's houses for free? But why is off free? Because it's a government incentive a program, and- and it's just you want to turn this into like a green economy- that's really what it is and with that houses consequences. You know in france and even in in colombia, there's days that you can't drive your car, you can't drive or you can one and only cavs can drive like a certain range. You know, and it is just you're you're going to have like water.
Limits before that. How could how could they limit the water? I'm like they'll, put a little thing that will stop you from getting water out of a faso layer. People have no idea how bad it's going to become because of climate change. Well, that's how bad they wanted to become. I don't think they'll actually achieve that and an author You have a thing opting out more and more people. Like look do five years ago. Nobody, would stand up in public and say: climate change was a hoax. Now you have a presidential candidate on the stage last night love them hate them. Opinion right now for me, but vat ram swami his his name, the swami redress before bruno fucking, no screw that I should know what I'm talking about. Grill cause a young guy with the guy that yeah. That's why I figured he was a brown man would know the name Right, I don't name not brown enough, look man,
They were out the brown. Do the big smile, thereby likes right now, gay like broke, he fuckin stood upon stage last night there and by the way, I think you did a great job. ah, he said, are straight up: climate change, is a hoax design. start saying exactly what it is and talking about how it is. You know its communist nature. It is no one hundred percent. That's all it is, it is people by in the climate change. Do they there? Some workmen, if pushed this so hard, it's really really hard for people to realise that they have been completely lied to about. So there is a lot of people who are like emotionally attached to. It I'm not saying that we all care about them. I I'm not saying you know, let's not care about cleaning up the oceans are, let's nobody thinks note when we. Climate change, is a hoax. That's now we're saying we're saying: ok, yes, we can. Be environmentally conscious. Yes, we should do things that make sense, but
What they are trying to do is take that in turn it into this moral and ethical attachment where an economy no, that's what it ends up being about it's, not it's about taking the economy from oil and gas, which a whole bunch of peace. Oh you have known for a long time, is meant to help these people on the planet. And they're trying to move economy, oil and gas to green energy, of which all these politicians and tyrants and world economic forum people all own these companies. so they're using their legislator power to remove to two villain eyes: oil and gas, which people? stand. Oil and gas oil is a renewable. resource. Yup, ok, like every it'll being made right now in the earth. It is like It's the most renewable resource like this ship it they're pulling out the with young and cobalt and all materials to make these batteries guess what fashion. Being made anymore.
Ok, so like when we talk about the renewables. There are actually sell it's the same thing: they do. Everything made completely backwards, lie about it, but anyway it's what you're saying Linda they're taking the economy. It's existed of oil and gas, for you know in twenty years, in twenty five years or so and they're moving it overdue electric of which their financial incentives to do because they on the stock in all these companies and that's the entire. What's going on and do not in there also using that play tonight. enrich themselves but then encroach on our rights. And then limit our rights and our freedoms and impose. Control on the world, not just the united states of america, that's the biggest thing, because they have the ability to flip a switch at any time, whether that be a cop whether they be your house. Oh you're, saying something: that's out of flying politically cooling down no more car for you, like people, think that people think that's kinda.
piracy that's already happening in other places, have very much But there a dangerous thing, because once they put the foundation in august like no ok, everybody all electric cars, number das, cars, immediate control, as know how this that's not how they work it. They put the infrastructure in furs, right and then once they start seeing the trends of of of dissenters. That's when they snap the fingers internal switch on yeah, you know so I mean it. It's real shit. Man is dangerous, but I want to talk. But the real quick before we get it your headlines. You guys got skype saint talk about these. This folks right, clamour, hoax. I want to save you guys have seen this because I think it's kind of interesting. She the land on the moon who did india they did at war. Allegedly Let's go, let's not the allegedly would be a good work. Allegedly cola. Rubio just landed on the moon were sad
One reason why you know what vehicle they took: the right right, ok, listen! I got some should, as it may, take I'll, get it with a shot all take a magic carpet. What how do they, That is another is always a visit to all by brown friends. I love you. You guys make fun of me all your. What is it yeah so so india became the first country to land at the moon's south pole it the shuttle all the boobs that but jean yeah, yeah says bob's said: Bg went the boot literally country. So sir, So, yes, let us say that any became my fucking trophy bitch,
you do so so server, logistic golly challenging achievement expected to kick off a new era of space exploration. The jointly U S, china and russia in successfully pulling off and on crude lunar landing. Ok, because there's really dive into the souls of the indian space research organization. Ok, as our landed a reason devices, parliament's chandra three mission near the loop: in the south pole on august, twenty third equipped with monitors for studying seismic activity and carrying out other research, a rover with two different sensors were stored inside the lander right now. Let's Watch the video ok of the moment, video there's a video there's, a video lizzie bear with me guys with only fans,
there's a video of the moment, the mere seconds before this alleged. landing on the moon. Paul here here is the video for all of us watch it on youtube. because you can check out these links to on any dot com must watch this clip mahatma after you gotta in this you for others rigid. Don't that's not brought listen. This is real. Eighty How did you started the lotos sorted out? Dear me, photoshop? Yes, even a good mother, google clue you not less than what was watched. The clue.
This is now the mother. You may be sure that people from the department of state and german newspaper with over three I saw none. Right. That might be that as it may or softly under my piece about their land, what you guys locally! That would be that we make the how it had eaten them. You know that here in this room now bakers fog, moves about holding our one question. Look very. We got pitches like the other, really under what looked like a fucking nineteen eighties video game broke. I think it look like one. Those indian call scammer places like this
I would like to say a little. or I'm just saying that was We made a new baby. Did you make that? Did you fuck him The job is crucial. Are you guys fucking with me right now? It's real bro, it's real. They landed on the fucking. I could do it, but I know it's only at a shop. It's only a matter of time before you start making up your own story to put put a fucking t v, it has to be satiated. I know this is real man. This is real. Okay, now is real. That's what they're saying Rather they are, they are lying fair line that is now either teeth. The media of illicit without there. Congratulations are in order, so roundly locally.
I don't know, if you guys don't is, but the indians I've been slowly climbing up the indian supremacy. forget about seven eleven up. My god, you guys like ireland, that citizens. Listen they again. What is the guy- and he said since day, one upon a boot papoose early this way, at least that is what it is. Ro everybody hates me I, why is what it is? Ok remember there is that the rise of gelatine always supremacy is so eureka. You two hundred are basically like that you're like the queen of literally seven eleven on the moon, meticulous. I think this is supposed to be like their computer animated. You know too, that's fucking, bullshit
there's no way through Man it way away, though way through. fuse to believe it, brown was refused to believe. The moon now need to buy me too that it I was bullshit to the little that informal gather little tin. Can that went up they're not going to get these so here's the real debate, which cut we did a better job of faking it was it answer? Was it that pressure us we're leaving us with Moriarty good nurse was varying elaborate. With a lie in all this stuff. That's all you guys could come up with rose and you know it. all those children. As you know, there is some the better. You know. No man listen address, pull up there there's somebody calls. I am coming to verification worries, probably on break man. That's a pretty historic moment.
but ass. We re more cholera because of a book. By speaking with this is one of the guys he's he's from india. I just wanted to congratulate you just say: congratulations. We saw that India landed on the moon, it again as a result wanted to say congratulations. We saw that india landed on the moon. Why. Are you here come in, come in the studio the studio. We got questions for you question while he's got it regards cubs dude. I see the reflection and already laughing.
Look at a dirty bucket, already laughing. He knows he's about to get fucked with for all. He knows it yet that just minding my own business at work, yeah fuck, you as well too fucking several. that's right. That's why it's funny wise. If it s right, it's only funding for the control of both Put him on the bike. Gotta verify this because you are, She'll contact. India, ok are I might I'd be well informed, but I will do my best. Ok, you know more than us right, so let's shown the video, have you seen this? Yes, ok, you ve seen his error
Then we'll always, unlike the money you can see on the screen, something more you laughing, I found a department of faith and german larger, so I'm not sure but image that's been getting so deleted everywhere on social media. It's definitely I generated there for sure hundred percent so you're. My second question. What's the first business, you think they'll open, fair Definitely a seven eleven, yes,
oh, my god dude I volunteer to work on the weekends yeah. What's up brother, no newport's, yeah blah! I love you so watch dj, you're being racist. The most racist got here. That's a fact. The fact that they are the least racist think I'm the most oppressed white racism the crime no crammed only four by people, so I don't know I know, but you will have to impose this- is drove fees are going like in a hollow words right, not so bad about your crossing. Our world about society say edges gets a trophy provoke an answer. The question arises, I put my I call on whole customer service. I gotta get back This is another!
We should have a really call. I hear yeah holy shit. We could add the show, but yeah dude fucking. Oh he does. He knows the answer rows. The truth was really bad. It's all here, folks still watch. We actually love it started. We haven't even got it now. We have it, but this is what control you know what any every day. For me, may I add my best friend and loving people brilliantly wedding, india and young people
Are you sound like a? Why do talk about black people really worthy of both? By does for a black it's cool. I would have been a couple, india, weddings. I got my story. I got the whole being released a surety, I'm not worried, withdraw their weddings, beautiful. Your wedding was amazing report. Its areas there is only one let me also does have reached a watch, him you can get low peace on the mood I I he's gonna. Do it sausage, ya'll, thudded below there might be can. It does get into a guy's. Remember, if you want to see any of these topics headline Videos pitchers go to eighty four seller com can. Finally there also dropped down in the description. If you watch it on youtube, you can find them like that as well. How the fuck is he answer? Seven vote.
that was my favorite vulcan moment. A relay. I've read holy shit, I was gonna, say booze mobile them is a man's will close for good or bad What are you strike parking lots? We would we Dr Satan, eleventh your quick trips and all that shit So before I started the business, I stripe parking lots of times now may start to business. When mean. Would you like The lines proposed painted m we'd have to pay for ass station ones overnight, because they want much traffic riding We will go in there and it was all it was always in the indians. They always had the same trick I now remember this is like nineteen navies writing. This is like not people had your buds and shit, but they would take their their big house phone. So, like the phone I thought it was genius, I started doing it to her and they used a rubber band and they put the rubber band around the phone. So they check you out with the rubber band and the phone stuck to their head, be talking on the phone all night. Now I love
I start doing to do. I didn't know the way to airports came out, it works, dared say just like that we were a coffer. Rio was the show exactly like that. Let's go, You're going to have on the war, as we are, we already touched it just a little bit more debates. The big deal. into it. So I have read the exclusive vet. Rama, swami, beats rand sciences for best performance and tops. Donald trump is the real winner in pole of republican debate. As was said about it, so heavy top donald trump went down troubles, You don't know me, I don't know, that's why I mean that's the uk me I'll, take entrepreneur, that's what he is yeah, the dude I mean he's, got money, yeah he's a wealthy guy. He loaded loaded, biased
check. This is a daily mail article reading biotech entrepreneur, vat, rama swami won the first report Look in twenty twenty four debate on Wednesday evening according to an exclusive paul, her daily calm, beating out florida, govern ron santa's by the narrowest of margins. He put up a combative before trading blows with permanent, such as former vice president, my pants, who seemed intent, cutting him down size and made him the focal point for much of the debate to the pulse. Ok, daily mail sent this pull out, who had the best debate performance and has been back at twenty eight percent on the senses at twenty seven, my pants at thirteen terms. Today, nicky haliae, seven chris Christie at four Doug burnham had three percent. That's it dakota. He's also loaded loaded. So how to turn at two percent The nine percent of the people said that they didn't, while hutchinson
Isn't that the guy who, on a presidential debate stage, where's the flag of two countries, such as the american flag, correct? That's the one now so so that makes sense why you got two percent dumb ass You try to be the present united states in europe. There weren't you crowd of now. Is israel israeli flag in in a fucking american flattened by sorry, This is america, we're just so you know that ukraine is into Israel, but we can talk about that later. Yeah, it's actually actually ukrainians, the original israel, if you want to get Why? Well, because that's The homeland of of Iranian jews is to be caucus area. Okay, I see where you're going with so anyhow saw me says you got two percent dumb fuck. we're not a country's largest doing decided to set up this anti Israel stay minutes. If you're you're wearing the flag of another country on the stage We present a certain country. People are going to like that,
I wish. We were actually party last night, you and me where the debate was on and the fucking without smear. You saying a fucking word to anyone. Every single persons like. Why is this dude wearing two flags on them, like? Maybe we think that strategy. Well, I just did make sense. Man like believe it or not. You be surprised how many people actually consider israel to be an extension of america to them. Point yeah throaty was repeated from is really was what our upset at me when I was talking about the EU treaty, six nine, which is don t symmetric, anti semitism law that they must have florid out this us legislators session and I was like Rhonda santas- went to a foreign land to sign florida legislation, you too hot terrible, it is, and people were offend. by that news were funded by that out of use evangelical christians were offended by that. Well, in a society unlike, I don't care what you
leave, and I don't care we religion, as I don't care where you were born or if you think that is Those are greatest ally. You'd, sign florida legislation and any other. Tree out. We just upset is evils in saudi arabia, in colombia, and peru in bahamas. That's that's the point. That's the boy! That's the point! You! If you point out, that there is a large number of the government that act. as dual citizenship between the united states and Israel, and you point that simple fact: you get called an anti semite we're! Ok! Well, that's that anti semitic to point out a fact? That's a fact: ok! in my opinion, nobody should be serving the government of the united states of america that is adore citizen of any country in that doesn't that's an anti semitic statements. What man The anti semitic thing is the same thing as the racist. It is ok, it's been, it's been over use bit overplayed, it's been it's it's a side, a weapon to to protect from being
the point, our actual facts right, so you know I never most people know that an end. It selectively choose when and when to attack when and where to attack people for it. And the reality is, do like it's, not it's not a racist, sexism from research or anti semitic or any of these labels to point out actual facts, that's just backs and the social weapon of languages is out of control, but I think most people are starting to understand. You know a way yeah hydrogen. Some, I told you so bad ideas. By the way, did you not notice like every single dude up here. War, the exact same author? I don't even know what he looked like I don't know he was by that lets us knives decision right like every time these by people run for president, they always get like a campaign stylist. and like no, they do all they have all this research in psychology research. I go these colours,
every do we want a blue suit with a tie with red. I know I hire me. Then you know why they did that because trump, whereas a blue suit, with a red tape- and they got they got there if they spent literally half the debate talking about trump too, they did oh yeah. I knew wow yeah they got on that they got on the discussion of who would support trump. Even if I He was in jail for home indicted. If you got it in the presidential visit was raised his hand immediately, which I thought was and then everybody else kind of followed his leave after scan, then envy santas was like the last war. I wanna last week in his that he was like real kinsey, my about greater right dude. I said this when the santa started up and we got got this on receipt by bro, you bad advice, you sure to listen that someone has Knowledge on strategy.
you should have shut up, you should have supported trump and you should have sat in the back until twenty twenty eight and you probably would have been like the automatic guy in twenty twenty. Eight now you've created for this other. Do they back to come in here? Thirty, eight years old, his self its successful model, a billion air, winning start gaining people's hearts and minds. Many he's doing a great job, the deuce gotta smile is highly likeable you I don't know anything about him. He came out of nowhere, but I'm just saying like why give your competition the room to do that? It just doesn't make sense. You know anyway. What do you think did ya mean? though there was a couple of interesting thing, said that that I saw as we read that party on these starting to get like compared obama
yeah the bag is as low interest. Like so the point that, like he even opened his debate with her The rapid bomber comparison end quote belarus revert drama, swami ripped one of his debate. One minor straight from Iraq obama. Robert swami introduce himself as a quote skinny guy, with the funny last name after receiving his first question from moderator, bret, baier and walking on wednesday, the phrase echoed obama's, own choice of words when he introduced himself to the country wide living the keynote address at the Dnc convention in twenty two, two thousand for here's, a video of vex into introductory are about a lot. I should call it is mr rama swami, listen george! This! Why should voters choose you over We experienced politicians on this stage, your basically in a blank slate for peace,
you're. Thirty, eight years old, you said they only voted into presidential elections. Before this moment, this political race so first, let me just addressed a question that is on everybody's mind at home tonight who the fuck is this state, a guy with a funny last name and what the heck is he doing in the middle of this debate stage I'll, tell ya not a politician, brett you're right about that. I'm an entrepreneur My parents came to this country with no money for two years ago. I have gone to found a multi billion dollar companies while married my wife, a pauper, raising or two sons following our feet, thank god. That is the Eric and drain- and I am genuinely worried that that american dream will not exist for our two sons, and generation. Unless we do something about it- and I do think but he's gonna an outsider because in time. We have professional politicians and the republican party who have been running from something now is our moment to start running to something
to our vision of a car, you don't turn over the keys to the people who broke it again. He handed over to a new generation actually fix the problem. That's why For this reason, we're just get warmed up rigour, I'm just going to have to say, and no one's gonna go for the guy. Would that last name run next in them, but of america I'm, not gonna wanna, president rama, swami ramaswamy washerwoman peoples. I agree with that. there were some who from the heartland of red next, and I don't think they give a thought well, either people just want to be free. I want to be left alone like got better I'm talking about in comparison to trump owing to look this isn't. This is no easy answer these guys are auditioning for next time. I trust the gap. It maybe vp
I do this all the numbers. Yeah, that's right and also, if something that we don't take into consideration, because I'm I'm you know, I'm not an evangelical or anything, but I mean I I just read what I see on twitter, which I think it's the biggest right now political town square, whatever public square and he's indian and he doesn't share or hindu, he doesn't share our religion and believe it or not. There's a lot of talk about the of having a guide, believes in many gods or whatever? I dont think that we are at. This is not my opinion. Only tell you what I've seen from others on the internet. We we think about america. You know America! This is where I differ with conservatives a lot. You know conservatives will say america is a christian nation has to be christian unchristian. Christian encryption. how many of the people are here actually live in christian values, none of them. Ok, it's not very much and
and the reality is that america was founded with secular diversity and it was meant to have freedom of religion. I dont hearst, beginning. That's why the first amendments has freedom of Let people don't gotta know but conservatives on the farm conservatives these People will not even here of someone who is not christian and that's a problem because it is problem. The reality is this country. Was founded on separation of church and state. freedom of religion- and We should be able to identify and be intelligent enough to understand that someone with us, teach, egypt, mine who's, been very successful in business, whose very young as new ideas advocating for this man, but I am still side on this. If he has different religious beliefs, but he's the solutions to the problems that affect us every single day market with it. You know, that's not. That's not that's not a. a vote. For me.
My issue with with ramaswamy is. First of all, I say this none of those? Other candidates really belong up. They really did nay embarrassed themselves. By being up there, like a microfinance christie, sear saint he made a fallen stock as you do it. He made a fool of himself and so did my pants. It was on washbowl, both of them they're so old there so out of touch or so like crust there, everything that they are doing there is everything everything Jens Z, hates about power those guys are in there. reliable one thing that like I would actually like to have rama swami on the show and debate and myself rather than we do yeah. I think because here's the thing I'm young no more, also rich, and I got some ideas to an hour. the sky a lot. I think he says right things, but there are certain things that don't make sense. You know he does remind me a lot of obama to farmer
hope you, oh yeah, that's what I'm saying he's up our former or solar power, but also remember this. When you're the ceo of accompanying, you have thousands of employees, you get pretty good. performing because you have talked him every day in big groups. So he has the experience to do. I understand why he so charismatic because of what it has reached. Gotta pits the vizier skills that you need as an ant floor, to run a company that this man is running. So I can appreciate all that when he does remind me of Barack obama. If you guys been around enough to remember brok obama that were old enough to remember like in two thousand and eight bro every, but what I did vote for him. but I still rooted form. I was still I do to help this guy does good. I hope it does what he says he's going to do. Anyone in the office. It did nothing of what he said. He was going to do and that's where I look round the swami and I have concerns because he does did come out of nowhere. We really don't know anything about him and that's not his fault, because I agree that we need an outsider. However, it
does give off that obama vibe Also also wish that's what it is yeah, I mean I don't know. If it's fate is fate, you feel like it's fake yeah, I'm a woman. I can see through these things fake has just like ten percent chop polished. Should I talked time only about it this morning on the car here, and I was saying you know if, if, let's say in the event that we actually can put shrunk back in the white house, I wouldn't mind seen him spearheading an agency yeah, I wouldn't mind seeing him and the business administration or whatever whatever may be over the european union on the swami, yes, I wouldn't mind see him. Being part of chums cabinet were, are the head of one of the of one of our rightful agencies, but as far as him, appealing to six years of being anti you'd understand something the people that he's appealing to our terminally terminally online people, if you get out of the online world of the people there are hosting had these influencers people like you and
I would not. He he's not appealing to the majority of the voters in america and low life is also listen. Life linda, I don't think there listen up when I, when I talk The debate here. First of all, let's look at the data on the data person. Right I live and die by the data in business. There's no none of these guys are going to be the guy, it's gonna be tromp. The data sets its trump, the pulses sharp its trump ok everybody understands, the injustices that are happening towards them everywhere, the more they attack on the bigger he's. Gonna get the more power although he's gonna get and until his path is exhausted, b He fanfare and support. That he has is not going to go anywhere. I trumps the dude when I talk about this, I'm talking about who did the best of this? not that their better than trump right Without being said, I think, round, the swami crushed everybody
in regard to him appearing fake to me, it doesn't feel fake. I guess it is saying the same thing. He just feels like ten percent to polished. That's what it is like tat is to say if you watch his commitment commencement speeches, I said: I'm english it is a great speaker right, yeah you, you gotta watch them from college, like I I've seen clips that people have pulled up from when he did his valedictorian speech or whatever and he's been this way like he has that's what I call star power I were young, you know, so he was like the cool indian guy. That's how that's how I do a rap video to him, and that's my best friend is my best friend has always been like the cool indian guy. That just say here you go again the best grades in Oh I'm, sorry, I I I just don't want antifa to say that I'm a kicker
tat it can- I may I mean, but they'll do atlas- argue what you're saying I want we dj watch. Both we watched that we recorded the tramping. Are we as coordinators we're gonna watch. I well debate was on commercial out the champion of the. I thought I thought it. The great job he says all the right things, but like real talk. There's things about that, he says that I definitely agree with what like like four, for example, like he said, and here you, which was disheartening, because, it was the first thing. I've heard him say that I was like now like that completely wrong. And this is also what made me think- that there is a potential for him till I have been my created right. Some minded Yes, because he saw an interview that he did not think that like. Somebody asked me about accountability in here.
I'm not worried about the past, my captain, paraphrasing he said Anthea. I think we should put down the arms and stop fighting. We should move forward together and all this stuff and what he was I get that I do get them Like I agree with that would like regular people write like the the people on the laughter Democrats like we are need a chill the fuck out. Ok, I get that what He basically insinuated that he did it boot leave them There should be accountability for some of these crimes that these high level people have created like hilary and sorrows and obama, and like this conspiracy, that they ve been pushing through so ashen. Yes, yes, its treason, those trees and by when you pay to put. Ah you know the country in a terrible spot with immigration, or the media or
the justices. In the you know, the judges in his inner cities- and you put people Then you tell him not to prosecute crime so that the crime can go out of control and we do all these destructive things call with you know Fucking like a russian yeah, like all this shit made drawing up a russia pollution document out of thin air to persecute opera isn't it for seven years and destroy everybody's mental health, by creating division amongst society, russian delusions yeah, but but the thing is, is like there has to be accountability for these crimes that you can. We can that just let pass attentions. You have said in the past create documents out of thin air. All right and then say their true and then persecute people and put him in jail like what's happening literally today. Arrive and lawyers are going to jail right with no accountability. We cannot fall. Can do that
You know what happened. We are because- and I am sorry to interrupt you, but the reality is that while democrats are putting their political opponents in jail, the only thing the republicans do. It's like I'm just going to send a very strong letter again. No, are you gonna send a strong tool at home. I disapprove of you're, not just rain. I dont, like we're gonna, have a hearing again in congress. I wouldn't know worse, nor is wholly fuckers, go in the fuckin which whipper they go dickie like do there needs to be accountability for treasonous crimes. Yeah happen, it is jason vital. I know it is its tree. I know we have a key Now we have a president of the euro states in power right now, who is millions and millions of millions and millions of dollars from china, and then he's making policy decisions in exchange for that money. That has now put our, country and the weakest possible position its ever been in ever arise open borders. We have
Climb we have low fuel reserves, we have low military equipment, we have I mean a million other things right wheel. Of a terrorist media we have chinese bases being built in cuba. We have we we're miles from my hundreds of thousands military age, chinese males come across the border, so you guys know that chinese bomb is going to be the first one gone cause. I'm in miami, so yeah. Well, the great yeah look dude. That guy? That's an office right now is compromised and these people who are acting on the behalf of that man the hillary coins. George Soros is that uncle bombers based. Equally. I whole part of the report and by the way, there's people republican side too. We just talked about it began, came in, but all those. people that are going along with all of this treasonous shit they have long ago abandon their responsibility as servants of the people
it for servants of themselves and they have utilised their positions of power to create for themselves to creep or for themselves and then to commit crimes. they ve gone so far as now to commit crimes against humanity. By forcing people to take a medication is legitimately hurting. kinds of people causing mile card out is causing eighteen year old, healthy kids fall down and bass backward. You. Don't ask Lebron james about that shit. Ok, let's be real. This is happening. It's nothin, It is now conspiracy and these people. This shit and don't say that we need not have accountability. I'm sorry! again. That's it. That's a deal breaker for me. I cannot vote for you're not out I mean I did accountability- is the number one issue like. I think, accountability, then economy. That's what I think What may allodial hurtin? Let's go. Let's go This problem for good. These people look if we, have accountability. These people will
Well away for a while and then you'll come back. I think that you and I like us, people like ie and smith, like there's a sect of us who are the very small percentage of americans. I wouldn't even say republic cancer. Conservatives, just americans who see eye to eye. What you are saying that we want retaliation- and we want to conduct noddy- does- is to control right, but it also retaliation. The released some old, because a woman amendment marginal yeah, but that's rule away, all stop being done at all. I'm asking for is for us to hold people accountable to the letter of the law but via, but here's the thing, there's a lot of starvation and republicans people that have just always what a republican, no matter who it is because they're just like the Democrats, were blue, no matter who right who want to go back to the time before they are cutting them racists.
For they were ah the nazis before magda before all is bullshit was going on before the daily drama. They want to go back to that so they're kind of saint okay. If we leave the Democrats alone and we don't hold them accountable for whatever like the Clinton's, the bottles of the world, you're gonna leave us alone. That's how it happened. I, Well, that's not going to see that god, no, it's not their misunderstood! Listen! You know how you lose a battle. You know how you lose in business, know how you lose a war by underestimating your enemy and stating what the true intentions and just because you're a good person just because you think that, like it, live and let live and take the high road. You not understanding about you, but in general, they are not understanding that this is both. Communism in united states. Ok, And if you go read about bolshevik communism, they kill ya fishing the minute that they have the ability to do it. This is part of the play if you,
go red Karl Marx. He talks about this is book, You have to demoralized society after you get control You remove all the intelligence, you remove all the doctors, all the educated people, you remove all the artists and then- create a society of servitude right and that this, it's worth. Trying to get to these people we'll never stop until with a legitimate genocide of their opponents. Where will go in that's going? That will happen if people do not recognize that that's their intent and because most of the conservative side of the isle, the eighty percent of america are good people and because they live and let live people and because they believe in other people having the same and tat, they would have right cause. They wouldn't want to kill a whole bunch of people they miss judging the enemy that enemy that we're dealing with right now is leaf. A dangerous to anybody. stands against them and sulphur for us.
Still. I say: oh we're, gonna the high road. That is not an option at this point in time, because if we take the highroad these people, we gather they will come back. They ve been at this a hundred years. This is not something they ve started. Twenty twenty twenty was like pursue purple and they fucked it up ok. So now we get another chance to like stop this shit, but the way its ever gonna be stopped as if people are real about what the consequences are. If we don't stop it in the car sequences. If we don't stop, it are deaf or I've time imprisonment. Labour camp Now me that's historically. For anybody that opposes their positions, We already have political prisoners, look at that decisions on january, six political prisoner. They will do to every single person that resistant they bear the monk shots. I came out of our fault in county yesterday, other three, four six. It was like six people, I think or nine
including our rudy giuliani in July, are all lawyers yeah and the the g. Do you understand the severity of the situation when they're putting lawyers in jail with a bail as high as one hundred and eighty thousand dollars, two hundred thousand dollars? That's actually what's happening right now, and ought you know whether you know Democrats are obviously cheering it on the republicans what the fuck, but you you're, intimidating lawyers into not doing the right thing, because first they were disbar induce lawyers and their respective states, and then they said, that's not enough! We're gonna Ashley in tight you and try to put you behind bars, and it is their mean if you if you're putting lawyers in jail or the ones that cunning Furthermore, the law John, whether willing to do our work, they heard a concentration camp spill, that's the intent! I was the intent of covert? Ok, then Well gates, is on tv, saying, covert and go the way we thought it was gonna, go next time, time, nobody, he said just recently. He said no
hold it caught those lotta resistance that we didn't tell for no shit, they account for getting me. They were planning on a much smaller pocket of resistance, and they plan on social support to remove that resistance at that time. That's why those camps, built washington. That's why they're steam camps all over the country. I already built right these. People were counting on a very small group of resistance, the first time around and if, if hadn't stood up There would be a group of people in these camps right now, and it would all be us and they will be doing shit back to us. Like bro, you have understand the brutality of how they execute people too. They don't just like starve you or kill you or shoot you and say how these people work. They work, on intimidation Ok, so some of the bolshevik rebels, things that have happened in the past do the way they kill peoples, the most brutal d resting four ways that you could possibly imagine an empty.
Things like cutting a person open, staples, no intestines to uphold and then making them run around the poor until their debt and holding family gum point to make do with that The kurds should bolsheviks have done and that's that mentality of the people that we have been on this far progressive movement there, where I think it's funny as well, when they go on there, a delusional city, and then they start condemning other countries for alleged allegedly committing human crimes. and humanity clumsiness herself and their life we had a week. We condemn russia if X, Y and Z. Where can I when I'm like? Are you fucking kidding me right now? Like we have? Did you guys see the pictures of the january six prisoners that were just released like? nothin on the cartons, when there at a little were in their enough fricking shoe box out, they have to take a pope in a a mob bucket. That's that's the condition of our citizens.
you know, and oh no word of sir whirl collate and what's important, I think, and the fair, for especially from a public and to understand is that the blacks haven't been wrong with deep in saying that our justice system is fucked up, their execution has been messed up, the alarms not of something that work of but when it comes to the justice system is bad. We need to fix it We are seeing that right now, with our own president, were seen that with a general six. A lavish around, we can admit that there is a muslim judicial system. It is extremely fucked up because we have people right now because of the patriot act- who could have an even seen a day in there's no fourth amendment the constitution has been ripped apart. This people haven't even not an dean court and are waiting for a date. It's been
here are three years the record- I want to point something out before we go to an excellent. Nor could I get moving, but I wanted to put this up last last. One on this topic: did you gotta see the numbers of these debates? So I don't even bother honest. You saw me, that's it craig ass. We all know that the trump did not attend. These debates ripe decide do a one on one interview with across and on twitter on X. but the numbers are in and it's ridiculous. It's it's real takeovers. So that we go to the odds were so. This is on average, okay, so so fox news in this is averaged up into the day before the elections, as of tuesday fox news to do it gets about one five million views and their prime time, no, neither claiming allegedly Ok there for the debates, they receive an impressive fifty million plus views. Ok during the debates, I believe that
Minute you're willing to Hafela that, but maybe maybe ok, let's go, over sir to twitter and see where those curve user on on on the chuck crossing champion of you Currently, sitting at two on dry god and twenty nine point: six million. Well, that's just more data is what I was saying. I trumps the guy get ready volcanoes it. That's almost all the country, but actually That's almost beyond the country! Three hundred, it's all the voters, people definitely, automotive yeah, but I'm do they gain my fucking over. There was almost like sixty million views and just the first like two or three hours. It was insane. Yeah just argos. I don't believe that the other debates got fifty million. I don't illusory.
people don't realize- and you know by my own friends, will argue with me about this and will debate in the press. The president trump is actually the most loved president that has ever existed. Number on and around the world- and you know where you see this tiktok, this is why talk about tiktok someone why haven't done in a while, but I do because on Tik tok, it's a descent allies are up, and you get to see how other countries that make content about trump react to trump, and when you go to the comments these are in bots. These are real people. You have up an even muslims, have at our pro trump videos go viral. You go to the comment. Ninety percent of those comments are all positive. Pete bring back from this is my president. I miss tromp. Listen people we want people recognize that what's going on and even people from the other countries like looked it, here's the reality.
If trump doesn't get in the free world ends, which is already ended, I know personally, but off everything, listen, that's the truth Ok, if Biden wings or gave a new some wins this crazy shit that they're doing will continue and accelerate fold over the next four years, just like any the presidential campaign, last four years is when they do all the work right. So You will see shit here, that will legitimately ruin. America were probably conquered in that time. So, like that this oh yeah yeah. this election year, people peep now just a minute. I actually believe that people in other countries recognise more or what actually is than what americans, because of the amount of propaganda that we have here against him, people and other Trees recognize certain things. They recognise that america is the country that has the most arms they recognized
that america is the country with the strongest military and we all still that country, but they make us think that we are now. that country all. Time on the news. Why do they do that? Well, that's called demoralization! That's why people don't want to and army correcting the number lady arnold doing then on purpose. It's really bad. Yet the reason they post these trends, generals and this trend shit is because intentionally trying to keep people from smiling there there their marketing The ever more. Here's a mistake, people making linda that people are look yeah that same way I bad marketers, actually know, marketers, because getting exactly what they. Why don't you assume you're there now the majority that at all or not people are people have a people cannot understand what the actual go. Like. If you look at what they're doing and you say. That makes no sense that these noble. Why would it? Why are you doing this like? This is absurd, blah blah blah its
So do you because you understand what I'm trying to do when you ve which your perspective over to their trying to destroy the country's weaken the country and every single way possible in the short amount of time. Then all stop. They do makes perfect sense. Perfect sense, that's russia does I've been on this conversation dollar conniston. It's not what you think. I hashtag debates drive down there. Let us know disgusting but Before we get to our second headline, it's such a is that crucible phenomena I screws com is a shack in Aruba, guys. Maybe babbling will pull a comment from youtube section and I was able to see what they had to say Alice grew so this comment. Comes from a dustin hits. Men- yes, it's me, it's guess yes, duster! What's was up,
a dozen does this, as I was on the wrong side of everything back in twenty twenty. I was so wrong, but I intentionally did not listen to this type of episodes on this package. I woke up. And realized how wrong I was its Ok to be wrong, now. I am here trying to learn how I can make a difference and make sure my kids have a chance to live in a great country thanks, Andy and all involved in the show and its that's awesome. I do That's what it's all about? That's you know dusting unless we real dusted. How many message you send me back then factors you haven't you promise early. I love you too. Your days were bare. Haven't reviews believe me does too let's all good you gotta go back and give and the five star, by an apple who thumbs up dusting
this is what it's all about the real talk. I get literally dozens of these kind of us. It is nearly every day to ah and I'll put you, I appreciate that, like I respect that, I, I think, like I've always said Do you have a reasonable expectation would be able to trust the media, entrust the government and trust these agencies that they have our best interests in mind? to realize that they don't is a very hard chasm to crash right. Like is to live for people to recognise that, and you know I don't have- listen. Do I don't have any enemies? I don't have any hard feelings, my enemies or the people who did this in that's it other than that If you ve talked shit, I'm or said whatever fuck you any, I do really. Care man like it's all good, like I've been mad about things before too
but I have a lot of respect for people that can do this in public. To regain we got a lot on like I was here. We have a smaller use of china. We record only once a week, but we got a lot of this man. We actually have a lot of liberals. Thy father was in the common back there that we do not necessarily agree with tromp with your politics, but we really appreciate that then I'll get emails. I recently got an email from a girl, latina girl, and she said you know I was a voter Biden. I've been liberal. My whole time woken up. I see it, can you please semi information, and, on you know some of trump's accomplishments during his spear hers term ballots, and we told her that we were going to make an episode instead of just like typing it, so that people can like watch it and like send it to others to their family members. But I we get these all the time. I am in fact I have a video or tick tock that I showed yesterday on our stream and of a black woman, and she says on one of the I dunno eighty one million people, how many allegedly voted
for by anyone who knows I'm one of the eighty one? Yes, yes, I'm one of the one of the of the eighty one million, not enough voted. Eighty one, eighty one yeah a million okay. What are the eighty one people to avoid a bite him and put him in the white house since, like you said I'm I'm done, I'm done, I'm voting for trump and every time you guys go after trump. I want to vote for him harder than she is. I can no white man is going to tell me that I'm not bella If I don't fall for Biden, no black man, it's gonna tell me that I'm a kuhn and a sell out on this and that a few you know she half an hour insect f, you I'm done. I'm done. So there are a lot of that on take talk, I'm looking more than any other dude lesson, we'll talk I think everybody done with it. I approve shared this message very, very much. but I remind you guys that all hate me in twenty twenty to come back to first warmth
you already got from people. I got for people like for you, gotta use should like my she's, the best, though you you, who stole out. Listen, I like it. I appreciate you dustin mad mad, respected to you in anybody else. You who is willing to say these things it's not necessary, but its very it's a great example for other people to read and see one hundred percent man does regardless of the floor, for you it'll be becoming your a trump flag cloud of er. Actually I was gonna do whatever is in Keith's right pocket, which got when she got into. oh up box of warriors rob Also everybody else guys. You guys would be an awesome fans again want to just say thank you guys for all the love and support and thanks for sure and show how important it is important, it's very, very important, We always appreciate their beliefs of abolition, back into it. These are so funny by the way, well, that's all right. There
It was the one, your story other so funny. I hope you come up with a good one for us. These guiding us all. This government is. Might they were poster that we never had? Was the one we just heard what we just last week. I actually have liked. This is true story. so I'm having David august. And from David august David August is like the premier suit maker. They make all my suits. That's why I look so pimping, I'm alright, so David. All this is making me those exact outfits. I swear to god I'll get. You may wonder where I want to show with the admiration, the love, a man I guess you're right back to prove you have to learn to read. Will drop to surrender. the arrest and fallen county georgia, Thursday free my boy, that's how they can through my one: listen free troms can become the biggest vulcan hashtag viagra
yeah we're going to try to write here, really free trump. Well, I got I got free, my boy trump. Actually, I fucking dare they. From from abortion. Whenever the linda, you know, what's gonna happen now. I know the external spread you, the more you throw this duty to sucks the power in man or whatever of these women. India is a black man, that's how it works and what kind of like the suit he has on. Like you, that's right! The work. I never saw them so you know trumps why he has black he's a five. I was a black eye can be worried. Baby mama's list now he's getting a rico case earlier. This vote by the culture and by their dispute was a cultural icon of rather user. I get up until two thousand and sixteen was it
appetite is coming back, though dude like we see all all the rappers and everybody's starting to get with them, narrow view video, the guy who made that song fuck donald trump. He said he said he was wrong for making and not only that. He also said that all the guys that he knows there are I lipped. I think it's great So let us into this real quick though so former president drop will surrender render process at the fort county jail thursday afternoon on charges stemming from the fourth indictment against him in five months trump announced on Monday. He would travel to atlanta georgia for his surrender charges alleging he lawyers and aids engaged in multiple crimes, including racketeering, our challenge on the twenty twenty elections results. His bond has been set at a nice two hundred thousand bows Now, according to the atlantic journal constitution, the surrender will take place this afternoon. A far left, fulton county district attorney, fanny will is pursued the chart
just from a grand jury following a too have your long investigation and notably launched a reelection fund raising, while website days before the indictment came down. While most shots of tromp were never taken during his first three indictment proceedings, two of which were fed the and one which was in the new york state fault, county sheriff, pat lab. It promised to snap a mug. Shot of shop, however, remains unclear if job will be subjected to taking a workshop. I am speaking on my shots. Reality, conspirators right his little girl of bandits rather albert now, then I'll be done very people here I got a boy judy, Rudy man, geography, auroral mail, disgusting, despicable peace. First of all, we know Rudy personally disease, that's your house enema who say that we make including the rigour.
Yeah he's been in my house, who's been in my garage. We've had a drink together is good. Do you know the guys fucking, cool mother fucker. He is he's so smart to have koi. As a member of the mafia wrote that conversation we had up in the up in Emily's office, why the coolest conversations I would now like it on this day I go uncle rudy like jenna alice iconic. I hate her, but I am happy that she's not which ones are letters are snarling jerusalem, my good for her good her. I really like that attitude. Look, it's these are our lawyers by the way outside their soldiers, gar sluices guy. He didn't help himself, no. Help yourself at all, but that the whole me at the bottom under jenna. He put his monk shot as its profile picture and accept it's it's a profile picture, I saw you lose jobs. Workshop the broad actual mugshots is gonna, be one most famous photographs in history in history.
Is going to be like the Elvis pablo Escobar, Pablo Escobar. I was just looking at the Elvis one cause. I was pretty sure god, I'm like we're going to print these, so I want you to get examples of non disclosure and, and speaking Linda you absolutely to an earlier how, above the right response, republican gin general response, the most now of these attacks that we get it's a strong words. It's time to sort or another another committee, so there's that one rest house, judiciary, committee, probing da Fani, willis alarms regarding motivations for trump prosecution, so is fanny, willis a soros appointed prosecutor. Of course it makes sense to ask that question. so the house. Can we already knew that by a further four? Furthermore, the record gather the record. House committee on the judiciary, the house committee on The judiciary is probing wolden county district attorney. Well as regarding her motivations for prosecuting former president donald trump Jordan, the chairman of that committee
I wrote a letter said that down befallen cow, me I'm in its long, but he illicit out three main points that he attacked. Fanny on are the first one being then whitehouse chief of staff, asking for this, so basically explaining why this whole thing is bullshit. You said it was not three points, the first Then house, chief of staff, asking a member of congress for the phone number of the speaker of the pennsylvania house representatives too, presidents weeding that hearings in the georgia legislature were being aired on a new channel and come dancing on those hearings. Three, numerous acts taking place in other states, not involving the conduct of the twenty twenty election in georgia or the counting of votes cast in georgia, you're a diamond sk should have substantial federal federal interest seconds. surrounding your actions raised serious concerns about whether they are politically motivated communist out three since he told her that he he dared to submit all documents and communications
furthermore, relating to the county district attorney's office since january, first of twenty twenty one all documents in communications between the phone- the district attorney's office and the d J, because, as possible little reparation, there are between the deal, J, F old county externally, office, I'm all their emails communications. All other stuff ass, be revealed. and any communication between the days office and the federal executive branch regarding this investigation. They had to turn all the dust off them by september, so It's ah well we'll see how that goes over. There really scary committee, for sure I mean, but here's my thing that I've always worried about. Rather, when they put the subpoenas down to get these documentations and stuff right like what's to say that they're actually going to be getting like like brutalism if they could the strain of unto what I'm saying like how you acts like? How would you actually be able to tell if what they're sending is all of it? we're going something happened with the people to push the russian collusion hunk snow, theirs.
Never any! I wasn't that's my problem ever there's, though there was homes, hearings and very strong words and mad gates comes out, all these we were like? I, like I'm, a nothing and, in general that they come up. Nothing ever happens to them. You know, I think and we broke dishonor on in the end, the firstly that you showed which really scary, about this indictment and want, and what was the other by the florida one you're. No, the washington dc marine was in dc they're, trying to criminalize free speech like when they when day when you look at the ninety six pages of this indictment an end they go through the acts of the crime committed. Allegedly they talk about how you know the president tweet that people should go watch the reporting live on one. God knows, network which, by the way, was banned from the directive, be, I think, the president. We know that people should go. Watch no smocks lake, how it how's that
a crime. How is that even this did as an act? That's part of this case there trying to criminalize for speech what are known as layman does, namely when the environment in washington seas of bogus in banana we'll see how I'll look at this linda is that I look at this is that they are trying they don't care about the optics, don't care about what we currently think about any of this their goal is to say they are writing the history books for the next generation I read their writing the history books for the next fifty fucking years right. So that way, when our kids and our grandkids look back, this is what they're going to have to see, they're gonna, see you know, they're gonna, see a private and that china worth Rudy giuliani right. Yeah, dj, there's more, that too, like that goes into the you know, january six visual that they did where they had all the
those people and it was broadcast on all the news network, my god they had a candlelight vigil. On the anniversary of january six, I don't like cops yeah and you have kamala harris saying December. Seventh I forty one percent nine eleven september. Eleventh two thousand one january six when twenty one like listen, bitch, let me tell you something Nobody out here flocking thinks that those are the same banks know anybody that you that's just that's. That's that's them. painting the. Future history books so that we go back and google, your kids and they go back, googled estralla. Look the visual look at this look at that and that ok. So if that's the case and that's the history that there too, this is gonna, make my point I made earlier. If that's what they're
planning on doing what are they play and on doing with the people that know the truth camp kay their planning on removing them from society. Somehow have a plan for that I don't know exactly what it is, but I think I know what it is and when you remember truck tweeting that black. Why photo? Where he's like pointing- and he says actually there- Come in for me, it's there they're coming for you. That's never been more clear, then, in the last three years has right, and it's now ruby mortier that in the last three years and are an and I'll. Tell you this after they go for the lawyers. You're gonna go after afternoons, person nodded These and other people have common ass, their Tucker cross out, and there are already haranguers peep they're gonna come after the tardy kirk, so the world ass any how on over the prager use of the world's that's, what they're going to start doing,
I dunno, if they're, going to want to pressure you but they're, going to definitely go after talk, they're going to go after charging to go after they're going to go after charlie Kirk, and I'm going to tell you why, because Charlie Kirk had buses at people being bussed to january sixth, to listen they're going to go after everybody, they come. They fuck. but I can tell you store it. Listen We've had to arrest. Seven people between january first and today, for like harassment, and showing up here and like these are all people every single one of them that is like legitimately mentally disturbed. Like manic episode. It reminds me of these people who are doing school students. So let me have also colored honours, wonder where the first four is that you are far more three software swarms me. It's you but regardless the point is these: people are so deceitful and so criminal and so
arguably the most human beings. Do you don't understand? I, when you say things like oh well, the three lottery you have a program called mp ultra and actually is mine control to get people to do shit. That's he's crazy? Most people set most people are like fuck. That sounds crazy. There's no way! That's not true! Yeah. Until you see them, that's right, literally, seven up until you see them this year and they are crazy and you're like yeah dude. He got MK ultra these people, these people that these guys They are. I dont know how they're doing it. I don't know how it's done, but they are taking people you are a certain there is, placed or certain age. With certain background, certain fucking life and programming these people to do very bad things what percent comments? Because how many are all these? people who have come here from there all the exact same, we almost catatonic in those too many common and
emanations that, like wind, add up statistically will do. When I tell you, these people come off as a hypnotic. I'm a catatonic like that, you're looking at them talking to them in their eyes or debt. I've seen it soon, I got another asked no soul and these dsp, because their shits had been locked, yeah and ended our garden with its a con, you told us they send them to zombie land. One more due to the people on the annexes are definitely daily. Scripturally said- they want a semi back design. We your horse text messages not just of his handler, which, by the way, is the same ato and hunger for other people. We can get into comical. Won't you people, people a bunch of people, but also These lawyer, that threatened him we not only send him to zombie number like you're, never gonna sing your kids again, any What is there any shoulders that yeah and he ended up? in the hospital
in the mental hospital, so also see that when we talk of it, like you talk about this in public, you know people are like do. I see all the time, but I see the commons people say about the stuff that I talk about like they're, like the real conspiracy theories holy shit? No, I'm not I'm pointing things that you just there are so evil and so bad that a regular person can't wrap their mind around you haven't seen him to touch yeah. That's all it is. It was tough. I think one more thing to on the same point the same headline talking about that. Six rights, like all the other dot indictments majority of them. They've all been closed. Courtroom proceeding right, yep, not not in georgia. Judge us allow the local cameras to come in, oh my god, crap and so well, that's going on the inside. I thought this was interests and bring up. What's goin on on the outside, large crowd gathers outside of forty county jail. Waiting charged rival friends there. Now I was I will find this video not- and I did this is perfect. I myself
We need to this man I want to show you guys must be protected at all costs as his video. I would just play this role, quick. I here support president from you wanna lamb is what rather dropped because in india Like me like this one decade, make up, saw you noakes now. This is what tropical this corrupt too dear justices That's why I'm here to show my support as a black man in a whim. I searched for trump we have one, I'm anyone I think about the indictments as a bunch of bullshit around the country. You know fantasy fan and will is Jesus. She went to school with miles south of shoe polish issue, see the carpet color white liberal. At that control controlling everything she's in flight, but the white, never back that poland, Austria, three or when they do not. I think about making a fool of herself is going to help you the election.
costs it is no elevator. My way, I think we shall make rocky It like him can, wouldn't that be like nah there's, no one neo communist! Now we're just going to make him king, but we still got our freedom and the rights to everything he fought it what happens when you are on your honor, you and Johnny. Really, oh, my aim is to draw up to it.
is that almost candidate for new york, daryl gibson, look, the white guy I scrap to I can get down will drive the arcade yeah. I got a proven track, robot record all your trivia that he took it. He took. It says that this is what I was just saying like this is going. This is going to republicans alone, should note you up up up up jos gonna couple mother, platinum, Alban's that he's produced? No, never never let them say as right Do you know what that shirt bad? I want that europe versus
That's a great point. He makes by the way I take away the comedy he's. Making great point here: did AP, what's happening here is waking up the black community. I know what I'm saying like this is this: is it, and also it's going to show republicans that these people haven't been wrong? The justice system is fucked. I don't think I don't think republicans have ever thought that the black communities were wrong newly. They have no, absolutely they have Andy. I disagree with your her. I disagree with you this for sure disagree, but that means you're still wrong. Know. Republicans, republicans don't first of all, because here's the thing blm lee, destroyed the face of criminal justice system and police brutality because bigger horrible job. I basically you mean the white man for everything. So then what the counter reaction to that fuck. These people fuck your movement. Who cares
that is a recent republicans november. Is that why who then other santa Rosa, there's gotta different viewpoint? Your ears, my viewpoint have out for sale. So can we have a very large black population here and in fact I would say that our country has been destroyed by leftist policies and our blacks. Saint Louis had been destroyed by leftist policies. Long before most of the other country, and this whole entire time these people coming here and they say reason your ship is fucked up is because of the Republicans, and I don't That's never been true. I've taught him by the way our identifies republican. What I've, never heard a Republican say some shit like that understanding what actually going off like. When I talk to republicans the ones. I know they completely understand at the Democrats, into the black communities up at least around here has been for a long time. The journal rats go in the black communities, make a bunch of books.
it promises, say: they're, gonna fix all these problems and they're gonna say you know what a republican caused all this shit, we're gonna fix it, and then beg you voted in. They go in. They don't try to fix it. I shall try to make a worsening steal all the money that the supposed to you alex. What I'm referring to you haven't lights, but also language again to launder. Like is thus my question is like an eminent ancestry. Fine, that's why? I don't think I don't they I've never met a republican that doesn't agree. That needs to happen. I think I regret to say that, like David ignored the black community, that That's a valid argument, but again it's only been ignored because they get beat down for being public and because their blamed for all the problems in those so for example,
I signed the the past. Actually, they passed the criminal justice reform while first writing and that he got backlash from the from establishment. Republicans tommy Lauren was one of the biggest ones you can look it up right now was complained against that, in fact, the census, his the census, his campaign is attacking him for being soft on crime. We know that's not true, but what they're trying to use is the criminal justice reform right that was supposed to help people, as as this gentlemen, Joe said, they're attacking trump for saying some of these guys are getting out, while some are black by the way are latinos and they're, going back to streets to commit crime by as it happened, yeah a very small percentage of them house, because its human nature and you know, should happens, but not all of them. So there is like that the scientists campaign in those republicans- I don't want you to come back in the various tavistock bushes of the world. They attack trump over, whose criminal justice reform policy,
I think, there's two different thing. I mean. I think that these are two different conversations as best as what happens there. There's the the conversation on crime about the crime that happened before those people get to jail, and then there's What happens when those people get to jail relic once there in jail? How do we deal with them? hold if a conversation, but how do we deal with them before they get there? Are you like? How do we know that goes down to defend the police? well, how do you think it should be? Well, I'm just say I'm my my point was basically that there were establishment of products gives you and I, despite the fact that we me dead, a fight with no party we're not like I'm, not a republican, I'm just not a more of an independent and just a human pigs right yeah. What what I'm trying to save them up the party before trump that still remain right does
I just thought it was? We called rhinos exactly those people have been have criticized trump over trying to change doing the criminal justice reform that this guy talks about? Why? Because the black me has been the most impacted by certain like the nineteen ninety four, a criminal act that Joe Biden was part of so that that's what I'm talking about, maybe I'm like we win still at each other yeah, but I agree with trump's criminal justice reform, because Barack Obama promised to do that in eight years and he he couldn't get it done So so no, so what am I asking? So? What I'm asking is how do you? How should it be? How how what is the optimal in your opinion, way to deal with the crime? That's happening? Well, the crime is going to be localized for the most part, that's going to be a state and local issue. So when you have, this took attorneys urge our days an attorney general's
You don't care like, for example, california, woodstock. What's the the named us, letting everyone out right, if you steal under nine hundred and fifty bucks, that's why we're seeing all these lash mobs coming in right. So, first of all, this is a purse. They sure it's on a federal thing to take care of, so that people are electing. While we can talk about voting discrepancies or not, but the people are electing these soft on crime, criminal justice, people, san francisco action, we got rid of one chose chess of booty aigner, whatever they recalled that guy, because he got So bad in san francisco affect them mostly. The asian community thing they gathered. Rid of that guy. They have done it and there lay soil aids. Progress may be getting worse. I'm sure you guys have a terrible person here at all We do not replace to another one. We have by people in in florida so because it comes down to local politics, re so
This is a very localised problem when it comes to crime. a lot of the they? Usually the criminal should be afraid of commit crime yeah. I do now The camp of cut hands off we're ceiling above the camp of violent offenders, go to prison forever. I'm of the king, bob pedophiles going. The worshipper publicly am of the camp of treasonous. politicians are publicly executed. None of the aim of the cap, that only works if we have real ethical people running play that is where the problem is. We don't have the highly that's where the present always. However, there are some popular, because our side with our had dealt with thirty years of gang you're, a younger he's turned it around so, but what did he have to do? He had to go? He literally had to break through the two party system, his party, which is called new ideas- and why was he to ask? Is
runs the entire government. They have eighty percent of the chamber of of congress, so they can do whatever they want. He now really really got rid of all the supreme court justice as because he has the power to do that through the legislation. Harris and united states, which I know that this is like a dictator. No, it's not it's in their constitution. They can do it if its underlying loss and they can do it. It's not dictatorship on a dictatorship. You may think that way, because you want to continue to keep your preferred puppets in each case tree that does your little favours and allows for criminal gangs. to do whatever they want in the country, but not only where When you literally clean house, which is what they ve done, betake complete control of the government, and then he says guess what I'm gonna use the military to crack down on crime. You know that's what they're doing so, if so, what tab El Salvador re now. My friend just ran for mere in in a sensible or he lost his first time. Not a big deal very young guy, I'm sure homer
get on and what's happening right now is that lets say that there is a crime again very small, very very small country, so let's say there's a crime rate. now, whatever in it in any? In a city or any other sector of the city the military sent in and they will lock down that path. amateur or that area until they get the guy out. The guy's or the gang members or whoever it is, and then people can resume back to her. I like database, and so they have a problem Without the. U S has a problem with that, along with international bodies of law. Right, the? U n! You know that are our friends. The global is because They say that its but he's running dictatorship and that he is on of fuckin with people's ah so rights, because a lot of times you have to go and locked
to be able to get this criminals out. Are you better believe? Don't I don't believe the violet criminals are entitled to civil rights, that argument civil right. You know that we are talking about ray. I'm sure view tags them exact. I was about to go, there's someone here so when they love it right, of course, so we turned walk down, we were, we were told what what is it that they had to do to a lockdown? They had to do a on a single bed style of shit. I forgot how to transition like Wendy the wendy when you go into an emergency in they lock everything down what is involved to mercy yeah, so they have State emerges emergency so into a state of emergency in all women was raped and murdered, or whatever I work, John I'm martial law. Yes, yes, so they're, they're constantly, under martial law accept The civilians are not really affected. They based still have mobility. They can still go to work.
what you're gonna see the military walkin around sir in areas until they find their people and when you ask the citizens, because my my may path cut pockets partner, just one with her husband downtown some other she's, like everyone is fuckin happy like street vendors selling stuff industry can take bitcoin? Ok, these people, setting at airports and an end. You know, juices and whatever it is that these are, they can take bitcoin there. Finally able to work. Of these gang members where stealing from them, ringed are women. Who is stealing nano dress or they could be part of their gangs, and then the government, the government officials has that yes, so so that's what you have any here. If you ask the citizens, do you have a problem with? goin in a state of emergency to find the three gang members The women are whatever killed. Somebody in europe in your little town or they're like no. We don't care where firewood this, because we with thirty years a bullshit, In a you know, losing everything by the way. How do the thirty year start
it started with fixed elections. started exactly what's happening now, so you have to have a very tough hand and when we have been brainwashed, particularly the white race, to feel bad because certain criminals are block or he knows or whatever it is? So we know that's how they got San francisco to turn completely into a shithole. We have to feel bad. this criminal justice, reform and Social social justice reform you, no nine hundred daughters on anything under nine hundred. Fifty dollars doesn't count. People are going through and and and ceiling. I think not. I noticed yesterday I wanted to go to walgreens in in downtown worms. Dame everything was close by eight thirty, and I am convinced convinced that all these walgreens and CBS, as are closing down Tom, because because online is no authority in authority, yeah, in miami, listen, listen, listen,
People have no idea sailors, because it's not a big city does not get the press were how bad sheet is here, but like no in shock. What did you tell us before? as yet places like they like one hundred taken aback, diverse, allowing like arms over Baghdad. That's what I can think of as it is lawrence or that I run into he's like I spend eight years in in in iraq, and I can tell you that, yes, this place is fucking hard Boy reminds me of Zanu drive through certain areas and it looks like a bomb had been dropped in the neighborhood, the infrastructure, falling apart. You move outside the city. Limits is bright, yellow, like some nobody wants you. Aren't you go ten minutes away from her she'd is perfect, but it almost like new york. You are obsolete, work and you got out of new york and spiritual, get out of the late. It's broken beautiful. It's a saint, almost every single one of this shithole liberal senate's shipment. As join this conversation on youtube. If you want to join in a hashtag for him of what trump that being said, let's go
My third and final have underlined on three three reads: wagner boss. You very magazine, jet, appeared, fine thirty seconds before crash and rumours bomb was hidden in a wine crate interesting now. Listen. I think this is just about as fake as india landing on the moon. Wasn't part of the whole thing I mean listen, I mean I did a plane crash, I'm sure but did he go down our now, this there's some conspiracy theories that already popping up counter evidence things like that. So, let's just dive into this, I have another three. This is. A new york post article reading why Agnew, mercenary g. If you have dooms plain. A private plain showed no signs of distress until they sudden drop thirty seconds before the deadly crash in russia amid speculation.
that the rogue warlords playing may have been down by a bomb hidden in a great one. And brought highspeed spell the embryo and breyer. The embryo like how can you say that guy's name, but you can't say that I will take us, it is downright What's he gonna like those in praising the heavens togo pharmaceutical drive it? If you are low, that legacy such hundreds and nice yeah. That's a very full. I watch real nice yeah. We we went on about Yes, it was him other senior wagner remembers listed among the ten passengers, no indication that there was anything wrong early in the flight wednesday according to in the czech neck of the fight tracking site radar twenty four then made a quote sudden downward vertical at five nineteen pm overtime.
And within about thirty seconds, plummeted more than eight thousand feet from its cruising altitude. Twenty eight thousand quote whatever happened happen quickly. Checkmark said They may have been wrestling with the aircraft after whatever happened now, here's a video observer has already seen it for them. You guys on youtube and check this video off those regarding its normal, I gotta, and if so that I can be found. There are here's video seem action at the green meadows, hometown the knowledge that are telling as one of its programme, so tat when the peace in Europe well you rush white, russian women. Those other videos of it, like you know, spiralling out of the sky so was was the
by the word or in it the apparently legible it is now that was the guy from the thing a few months ago that queued that he wanted to do the coup, which was all planned, yeah right, which we've we've reported here on on really I came out. It was a gene. This plan right, but here is a thing so conspiracies already popping up online everywhere. This I may not be what it is made out to be right, and we've learned here on on really off that. You know when things like this happen, you can't just jump to conclusions. Why give that time give it time to breathe, because there's always more information that comes out and just like, in this case as a second plane, a second jet spotted after present crash box, rumour wagner boss faked, is that right, so speculation has grown that pragmatism. I may have evaded the fiery fate after new spread that a second private jet linked to the wagner group,
did safely and saint petersburg around the same time as the crash footed, show the second yet another embryo he r J. I want thirty five b j legacy: six, fifty aircraft land- safely. A airport is not first time for boys and sixty two, was mistaken. We thought to be dead last month, a farmer. U s military leader speculated that poison was either day or jailed following a much publicized meeting with russian press their vladimir putin after his botched rebellion, a meeting that was likely Now here is the inmost. I think the most interesting part about this whole development before we get into discussion on this Reed's expect us, ignore mercenaries, threatened revenge march on Moscow, the warlords, death, so purported men members of the russian wagner. Mercenary grew released,
a chilling videos threatening revenge and a new quote march of justice on moscow after their leader yegg, yet givney poison reportedly died in a fight. I reject crash now they have not identified, don't avoided any bodies he's not confirmed they just have. The file is right there's been polio times, like just people understand how the stuff worse. You send a fight list in well before you gonna play. We that twenty its arms were people who we thought we're gonna be on the plane, didn't come, but guess what the stolen the fight, There are no delays, the whole thing bright and early worthy. people are not here. Oh, we gotta do a new thing right right to verify who's that right and it's burn it. There's a there's, a pretty it's a it's! It's definitely not that bad, but I mean it's. It's definitely checked. Oh sure, saw a telegram channel associated with provisions. Private army released a short clip are showing
trio of masked men, dressed in camouflaged body armor, making vague threats of retaliation boat. there are many discussions about what wagner would do no one of his opposed merchant, Seventy eight second video We'll say one thing, we're all we started off expect us a summit. of raised questions about the authenticity of the footage claiming it was a handiwork of ukrainian security services aimed at going panic and russia, but there was no concrete evidence to support that there. They continued and video quote today we saw how the little kremlin filth wiped out the guy you ve guinea detroit, which the mast fighter says an altered voice barely referring to russia's leader. I then goes on to issue a sinister. What a court order are too all wagner units to retrieve their buried, assault rifles, machine
and grenades. Presumably preparation for an unspecified retaliatory act. Vote all of us who have fought all these years are saying that this devil has played long enough. The mercenary adds gay again, seemingly referencing putin boat, await future orders victory will be ours boy to wash up what you got on this case Yeah, I dunno seriously I mean shit man, they don't allow us to see any of the things the putin says on tv. Well, Your comments are you gonna? Do we know? What are you saying here is gone was basically listen like you know now, you're getting these a good friend of mine, I've known him for a long time, has done a lot of good stuff he's had he said something I haven't, I saw some ill fate. Ah, you know, but you showed his condolences for all of the passengers on board It is true, said russia's going to be their own investigation. the term. The cause
the u s entails heiresses came out and said something about. There was a possibility of a rocket taking down jet there where they came from somewhere inside of russia. Within those talks about this wine create them on board. But the interesting thing with the wine create is that his plane was search. By bomb dogs in everything right before they took off. Sire me like this guy, He knows he has enemies, I mean I'm sure he's gonna put in a proper ions. I like em I don't I dunno there's just a lot like. I said I think it's just important for all of us when news like this and stuff like this breaks like you, can't just jump in one way or the other. Let's get some more information. I just thought it was definitely a weird develop because we do know. What we do know is that there is a lot of hands involving this little potter honey. Yet yet no luck, man,
I have a bigger picture thought on on this particular story, because it so hard to understand. What's going on and people need to come to the understanding that we don't know what's actually happening. We are only told what they want to tell us, and there is no transparency. There is no truth. We are tat a narrative that is geared. Who produce behaviour that they want, and anything that we watch on tv anything that we watched from our government. Can no longer be assumed. to be true or credible. You know when I got back yet nothing. Nothing and its intentionally. designed to confuse and create a narrative that We are supposed to believe and then go along with, without any proof for validation from any source wooden. Our own government in our own media and our own big, social media platforms,
do not allow us to see full statements of other people's speeches or other peoples you know information that they're giving out, it prevents us from understanding what truly is going on and they may These censorship you know these decisions essential things with me. idea that your we know what's best, because we know what true but pragmatism, creating this society of people. They have no idea what is actually going on, and then you buying that with this, ideology of you know up is down, what is right to put to it, was five men or women, women or men, and we have a society of people that have created. Mental illness because you know. afterward you are. You never actually know what is actually true. What we believe be true, two thousand right it's ninety nine was blue. Viable because
there wasn't access to so much information. So people say. Well, we go back to nineteen you. Ninety nine or two thousand the way was then well. How do you know How do you know that what they were saying there was actually true, because there was no recourse for the information? How do you know you have been be allied to even worse than you are now right. We don't know and that's a big problem there has be transparency? There has to be truth: The only way to get a truth is through transparency. Where were allowed to see what vladimir. And saying or what z she paying is actually saying or what you know These stories actually are in and, unfortunately, in all the world media has been infiltrated by members of the world economic forum that are intent on computer the entire world for their own food for their own benefit and other dirt their state. their slogan is out of chaos. Comes order now, like that's that there are slowly and-
we're trying to make as much world economic forum and it's a thing that Klaus schwab talks about all the time yeah. I I wouldn't. I an essay like it's kind of hard to see what's true or not coming from the other side of the world, especially with you know, especially in from russia and if they're going to blame, if, if the guy did die in the event that he is dead him and his other, the other people they're going to want one hundred percent blame Putin, because this is what they've done time and time again and who, in case of his enemies, puts him in jail. Does this does that, so it's pretty much what what they're going to do? They're just what they want you to think of him right, yeah right to mine with that you know. I know this is kind of goes with the conversation. Just real quick but, like you guys have heard of like the yeager camps in china that they talk about. So I've always been very skeptical of that narrative for few
reasons, but there was this one time that I was like just kind of board and wanted to see what people on the other side of the world were saying about that, because I just don't believe it. And it turns out that there's a lot of people online, mostly on acts. You could find someone facebook as well, that their story is sound, but they are in concentration camps. Their story is that this muslim population of that site of China, who doesn't know the english who doesn't language or anything what they are actually doing is making sure that the learn the language and skill before they're like introduced into the general public, which is why they call him like concentration camps. So when all these illegals come to the- u s, we just literally like dump him in the street of need. work, as were seen right now, with no housing, no shelter, no food, no nothing,
skills. Nothing a lot of them do turn to crime, because what are they going to do? Sometimes they do get help from the government phone stuff like that. So the whole thing is I and they're they're saying like: how could we be killing off? How how could china be killing off the eager population? If, in fact, here are the numbers and their population is growing, You know your pictures of them in a mosque like all these different things. I'm not saying is completely true, but I just benighted there's two different stories and that's the thing that people are refusing to understand in echo's on all things. Every thing there's perspectives, yeah we're depending on what the heart of it you it so their perspective and actually heard in it of you have two women in their like know. What we are being taught the language and we are being touched skills, including, like I don't know like sewing- was one of them. For example, cooking up of law is like because they want us when they were,
did you go out in public. We need to find jobs. You know so not to say that china is a good guys, you're, not gonna wanna, you know. What's suitor I think that you, you say that in we think about those things, and then we think about whose funding a lot of what's going on here. Clearly china right and then we think about the messages that were fed here. What are we? said here about china through the media were fed, china is much stronger than us were fed that we are weak. And our people are weak, weak, weak and their p. a strong structural shown, strong, but when you actually go and talk to someone from china, no tell you like a lot of this stuff is bullshit. You know so possible that our entire media and our entire narrative is being made to believe that we are far less than what we actually are and they are far more than what they actually are
That makes a lot of sense, but I think that the the china has really changed in the last twenty to thirty years, and the only reason why I kind of believe a little bit of is because our friends had actually lived in china or just just moved back about a couple that just moved back and where they are is a communist country. They are very they're, but but they have like an open market I could take out. I don't, I don't even know what type of model that is, because they do people can work. There is luxury rounds. People are life. My friends were living at the w hotel in Shanghai. You know, like they weren't, like put it like shitty weren't you, that's that's a misunderstanding about communism, p, bright people. Don't when people talk about the communism they use you and q. I went to cuba yeah, I should socks. Well, you know what Well, it would be if there are more people in cuba, so what communism? creates is a very small minority, a very wealthy people in ass majority of very poor destitute people and china,
has some of the richest cities in the world, but because Population is so vast. Their able to popular cities with their rich people because there's more of them right, which cuba what it because they have enough people so like What china has gone on, a small amount of very, very, very, very wealthy people, a large amount of very poor people and that's what they're trying to create here and most of the people here. that you think a wealthy they're, not the level of wealth that they intend to. that look like a lot of the wealthy people here say or communism will stay wealthy and everybody will say poor, but you know, wealthy enough to make it over the hump they're going to take your shit too yeah, and that's why we have a lot of successful people who are kind of turning the other way and they're like oh fuck it Why care like the poor people get poor,
why you should care because you're going to be part of the poor? Well, don't they they did so what happened in cuba? And if you, if you're, going to see the old houses or houses made in the nineteen fifties, nineteen sixties that are run down and when they came in if people have they've, you were right, can you have like that say like four different properties like two in havana and the one about other, which is a beach town? They give you a choice of like ok, you can stay with one house, but like we're taking your other for house, yet will well look yeah, but look everybody migrated to miami. How that our know how that start, our resolution, no It started just like what they're talking about here. Where the now up in the northeast they're, saying hey. If you have next room, consider homing a family or, and then that translates that moves into because they give These people more rights than the actual citizens of this country. That leads into a situation where ya out you adapt the family, and they come in living your house and you got occasion, and then
you come back their whole entire families. There there's fuckin, fifty of them and then their house, and it's not your house, and you know what that that's what's happening in California, where they are being be slut. That's how can kick out people out of their air baby? You can't you. we have squatter laws here, missouri words like six months to give squatter out of your real estate, like do these are all leftist communist rules. Then they do this because they intend to give an repopulating our shit to those people. That's a hundred percent. The goal and people were here that are less racist. The fuck you're, talking about not races to point out that there are actually tell People up in north east in new york and these other places washing d c to take these migrants into their own home, who have no no idea or understanding. Like you just point about the rigours of the cold, the language of the skills of anything and you bring these people in
And you go away and you come back in all their cousins or there and you go back and it's no house now and then out, like ordered yeah at those diet, ada happening maybe I'm million venice one in states where there is a lot of they do no salvador get there and then their accusing colombians actually had a really big fight on twitter a few months ago, with a venezuelan on, because she was saying like all the colombian sardinia forward like we're supposed to be like brothers and sisters. I countries and out of it now has a gallows, cool, but the reality is that these? What would happen in venice, when I was all the rage and middle class venice wouldn't came here, therein in therein derive their habits?
This is er. Well, after good or pain citizens, they don't commit, crimes would stay behind, which is the poor people. They only had a choice of migrating by what foot re. Where do they go? Peru, argentina, colombia, Brazil, their neighborhood, their neighboring countries and then they're poor. They come in. It's already have a developing country like colombia, and what do they have to do turn to crime so where I'm from, which is scaly and they hate them. Venezuela- and it's like nobody- wants to house him- nobody wants to employ them very different than a perception of innocent ends in miami which people really really like, because they're good citizens walt right. So I that's the case everywhere every other country was most americans have never been our mark. No then I'll understand like when you got in europe, and you gotta like now. Let's say I've, France, France,
they don't like all the migrants and they were openly racist against it and like it's actually not even really racist. It's just this is our shit yep and these motherfuckers don't belong here and that's that that's the way the world works like it's, not races to say, hey these people Who come from this other country? Who are now contributing to our country. We all want them that's our races I ate at this. roma? Nowhere where wrapping up? But I thought you guys, maybe we're gonna talk about in Brazil, which a sewer listeners know in brazil, nine, nine supreme court. Ninety one decision that you can go to jail for homophobic slurs, slur assault. What was fun o homophobic slurs, yeah yeah? Well, that's that's what they get with luna. Hence, is supreme court, which is super lefty, I'm there they buy telegram telegrams out a lot in brazil there. Obviously the one side also banned paulson our from ever running for president, and you know it's funny that I see people celebrating and then the people, people don't think rather short sighted
All of us not everybody's, the smartest. We are that's pretty narcissistic, but that's just a fact and You know we bore like celebrate. I guess you know, like you, shouldn't be homophobic. All these things and, like you have freedom of speech, but You should see the of the f word. Here's the thing. Right now we're under a liberal new world order, but the the pendulum always since back yet so when depends swings back. Not only are you going to get your right to be a homo and aid, it restricted Not only are we gonna do not mean necessarily now new society gonna see. Ok, we're gonna go to uganda route, which is that not only will not allow you to get married, but were also not gonna. Lie you to be a free person to express your your This is how this right is, how that happened then hold on and then we're not gonna. Stop there we're gonna make it suited legal for you test say anything about our religion or
or Jesus or Jesus Christ, so they never think of how the this actually sets a precedent for the other side. I know it's really funny. It's really cool when you, when you think you're going to have a punish the the homophobes, but you never think how this is going to recoil and come back to you and said the president. the fascist and especially well, especially when the pendulum is thrown back aggressively that's what I'm he talked about this report as I do that out randy can a guy. I mean it's happening. and I'm gonna in uganda, is you can you can actually get the death penalty and go to jail and or go to jail if you were openly homosexual there's. No, it was a priority, is banned in uganda, not not doublet, it's been a lot of glass marriage, I'm not talking about marriage and hung about you being a going there. You are known homosexual. They will put you in jail. Actually, yes, and so on, that, actually, when you hear them again, I have to give credit to tick tock. As I
We learned about the through tiktok watching the president live in speaking in uganda and he he's, as you know why, because a work of amr because part of alma when he was coming to help our poor countries, he wasn't just helping with aid. He was foreseen, homosexuality on our culture and where mary, and so we think it like- welcome a gay people. We are happy family where our friends, we don't we dont we're, not discuss it by these people or care were also one hundred years ahead of them to understand their not their hundred years back. Yeah, you know, while it's it's not even a hundred years back she's there at a place where the pendulum is his is over the course of history. Homosexuality has become prevalent and accepted and then and then villain eyes over and over and over and over again, so it's now Actually staid and you know, I think you're making a great point. This is a point I made on the show many many times over the years that you know like when we really think about how the leftist
treated regular people for the last decade in this country, it's fuckin, bullshit, ok, bye dude. I've got called every fucking know I've gone harassed. I've got cancel a got told on this summer, the atom of this summer that met for ten years. Surely people get tired of like you know what fuck you and that's what's happening right now, and people like yeah and people are going to have any sympathy for those people nourish their natural they're not going to protect them or not. When the shit, when these and people come in and start fucking, not fuck it up. people have done this shit. The far left is progressive. Were ruling ruining our fuckin society. No one's gonna, be there stand behind a single person, tat no pool if people are going to be like the emoji yep record. To your point, I did some quick numbers over here. Roughly about three percent of americans of travel outside. Yet, while three percent, that's why they you know when they wanna be racist towards me,
whether right or left there always like you didn't just literally no mexico. and I'm like line America's a big as continent in others. There's there's other countries out there to save people. not every brown person is a max again. You know you should know about them. There's a lot more countries. Does the sun. My final segment of the show, as always got your thumbs up, would demonstrate this where we bring a headline up and I both are addicted and we get one of those two options so with that being said, a thumbs up for dumb as fuck headlines. Reed's georgia, man arrested after allegedly stew in porch from neighbours problem gotta go down the georgia we got there. Isn't it they floored has got some weird shit: yeah yeah. This sounds like a florida headline news. you're, the stairs. All enough as to harm florida. Right now I went to georgia madge in georgia. The party you steal. I hope you will allow me a question, so this
action is article guys. Reading a george, a man is charged with a felony after he being accused of stealing a porch from neighbours, front yard, according to the guido county sheriff's office, robin swagger, swagger swinger. Yes, Now we check with india, I aims otherwise good swing, Those are the swineherd me. Bam swaggered install my not a grower? I'm a there's a robin swaying was arrested. Following the incident on climate, ferris road and on co, georgia. This is robin here. Motherfucker man, definitely
definitely steals porches, this mother fucker. What was that tire king? I saw him on the show. I still can't write off. Titles got a mullet. That's all you need to know this mother fucker dubbed at least on the porch yeah. Those are, the order of the poverty that swinger allegedly took the ports from said, nothing was available to be taken despite the lot appearing to be abandoned, investigators said that swinger past pose no trespassing signs in the yard on his way to remove the wooden ports which was left on the property. The house was taken away so bad There was no house just the ports sitting there. Maybe that was already stolen too. I also like mobile home right rather than ok. if more slender, this girl, who were so the sick ports that are, you, got pictures the full size, eight bats import. It would be worth It was onto a house for entrance and exit.
Ccs investigating crystal you will find a porch every one of these reports, a report on it was very well constructed, that's all we got it can be established I wouldn't like: where did they do with it? While I don't understand investigators have destroyed us wanger, as a literal porch part, yeah brother typically use for people accused of stealing packages from the doorstep of the home, quote some people may shrug their shoulders and say it's not a big deal. But when you take someone's. Pretty without their consent and the value of this port. three thousand dollars. You can't just go and takes of off someone's property step was, I believe, it's that much in price. Was pre hi, pretty pretty expensive rhino meal, One point on the investigation into the internet deputy said the porch did reappear of the property of down that up
how slow this is more than you have the picture of the ports robin revisit the best. God knows best, pull up. That's a pretty nice porch romance a pretty big so I'm trying to steal the lower porch and just the upper class cause. That's a double decker yeah. I don't! How the fuck do they go upside down how strong reason, though, that the lower deck well think yeah? It depends it depends on how much battery he's a by ten while the fight smokes mac- you wouldn't be one of our porch lists, yeah. Okay, does he do math or not? does all over the world that we were in the fucking mess capital of american yoga. This man is guilty. It is man because they got charged with two clouds of domestic violence, including battery, in addition, the founding of charge for stealing,
Porch, where we got on this guy. I'm gonna have to go to them up, because it's hilarious from their becomes one sometimes need a porch yeah. If I were you gonna stay, there It should give more met at rob s. Halloween outfit rural porch, pirate fire fall merle. Its variable does eighty linden, that's all I gotta show window. Thank you so much. Thank you for having me for making the trip up. That's always a pleasure guys appreciate if you would not be a hoe for sleeping on the floor. Now my jewelry box frozen the fucker stole countless millions. In the kobe teach buddhist smoke got a blank row kind of doesn't know his shot case closed.
Transcript generated on 2023-08-26.