« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

552. Andy & DJ CTI: Twitter Rebranding To X, Kamala Harris' Lie About Florida's Curriculum & Hunter And Joe Biden's Business Calls

2023-07-25 | 🔗

In today's episode, Andy & DJ discuss Twitter's new branding strategy and name change to X, critics unleashing on Kamala Harris' lies about Florida's school curriculum on slavery, and Hunter Biden reportedly putting then-Vice President Joe Biden on dozens of business calls.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Sleeping on the floor. Now my jewelry box from the stove, countless millions in the kobe teach buddhist god of all things, rope kang, doesn't know headshot case club. Why is that guy associated for selling? This is the show for the really say goodbye to the allies. The pigments and delusions of modern society welcomed the mother fuck reality guys to rehab Deja rose the mother, fucking internet and we're gonna. Do that's what seats stands for crews, the internet. We broke topics on screen, talk about? What's going on, to speculate on what true what's bullshit and then we too, by how we can be the solution to these problems going on in the world other tasks tonight. We have shows within the show we have culinary f. That's where you can.
submit your questions, and we answer him on the show or you could submit your questions a couple of different ways. The first way is guys you can email those questions in to ask Andy at Andy for silva dot com or you can go on youtube and you can drop your question in the comments on the q and a f episode, notes and we'll pick some from there as well other times. We have real talk, real talk, it's five to twenty minutes of me. Just send you a message that I think needs to be heard. Other times we have full length now full length. Is I just like what you see on most other podcast, where a bunch of people sit in a room and they talk over each other and do like vocal therapy, that's pretty much what it is, and then we have seventy five hour verses. That's where people who have changed your life with the seventy five. Our programme
the live, hard lifestyle they come on, the show they talk about how they've changed everything, how they, how how they've, basically reclaim their entire existence and how you could do the same, and you can get that program boulevard program for free on episode. Two, oh, wait. It's an audio only it's not on youtube! So if you go to episode two eight on really a feed, you will get the program for free or you can go to my website and buy the book. You don't have to buy the books not required, because the whole program is for free on episode, two eight. So if you want the book, I think it applies mostly to people who have to know every single detail about everything. That's me: that's why I wrote the book and I you could buy, a website so others a fee? What's the fee was fee for conventional bitches
the fee is very simple. If we make you laugh we'll make you think. If we gave me new perspective it it's good information at the air. Tangier helps see the world a little bit differently. We teach you a skill which you'll learn plenty of skills, a plethora of skills. in the show, please show the show I dont want ads for the showing you ll notice. I don't run as on the show. reason. I dont want ads on the show, even though it can make an extra aid figures running ads on the show, because I don't want to answer to a bunch of corporate assholes. There tell me what I can't can't say. So We welcome. So do me a solid by sharing the show about that you'll be. How shall I we got may I go a lot more? We are this monday, happy Monday bro, you didn't skinny dude! Look what happened it! What are you doing here?
correctly, I'm on the one hundred biden, diet, no man I mean it might be stress. I dunno, I'm fucking sleeping like shit, may a new baby at wedding. Coming up, you know, but I mean you know, just still try and get the work in when I can you know, but now he does it's monday. We just got back off a nice weekend. We were in probably what I would say: maybe not the most historic place on earth or even in this country, but I mean a pretty historic place. Yeah I thought that was pretty fucking. We got to go to boston. Do a couple of days. I never in recent st and I've been up and down the east coast a few times. I've never been to Boston yeah. I thought it was fucking beautiful. I thought so too we flew in at and then we got our driver. Our driver were pulling out of the airport and the driver was like hey look it at. As for Paul, revere was captured, am I am
yeah holy shit, yeah and then like along the ways like here's. Where this happen. Here's where that happened, here's where this happen and like dude, it was just crazy. I bet the people there, don't even think about it, though. No, no, no it's front of you brought a driver up because he actually texted me on on Saturday. Yet, if you don't mind, I'd like to read this text message from cause, I mean we talk about. You know we interact with real people. We we get to see real temperature checks. Yeah. You know what I'm sayin, so he texted me. He text me this on saturday So after we were already back home, we flew back friday. Friday right rejects me. He said he said, hey dj. Thank you very much. I didn't have a clue who, as were until I found Andy on instagram before knowing who he is. I got the vibe from all of you as incredible people. Now listening to the park ass, I, like you guys even more. You guys are the best and most organised clients. I've ever met. I've seen a lot of people from professional players. Act to see, owes politicians accessory organizations
those azure meal shot out, but I'm you like, if you ever come back to boston, please asked for me I'll, take care of you in anything. You need that's cool nice, Well, the show- and it makes sense because, like you know how we do it, we try to like now I might throw a couple of stuff out that I know of his will pick up on or not, but he was from columbia. That is something I he knows. He knows this yeah? He knows what he looks like. He knows what all this shit that they're us yields. Evil exists, exactly for us. That's a big problem with a lot of people in america bro. They don't have anything to compare it. That's right! It's been so good for so long people. People assume that everybody is just such a great person because they're a decent person, just not the case man I mean I do like it sounds good like I mean that it's a nice hope, but it's just not it's not the truth and you will get hurt with just that. What we're seeing happen. Nah man, look bro. What what's happening in this country is the result of the good
its results of tolerance, its that's tolerance, movement, that's been put down through culture through hollywood through the media for the last decade, or so, maybe maybe fifteen years- and you know the good upstanding normal people of this country had. bullied into tolerance and tolerating things that they don't really feel like, they should tolerate because any time they spoke out against it, they ve been labelled a racist massages since yes, whatever dude on all this right, you know so now you have a big part of the population who stayed silent and and in the face of what I believe to be either evil or mentally ill people, and they ve gained a bunch of ground, and this is like playing a football game. Did you gotta? You got an offence god events and if the devotion says all you know these, like it doesn't matter, they could be playing literally peewee football players in the defence could be nfl in the l says you know what
not going to we're not going to hit these guys because they're they're little and they're small and we feel bad for them and they yell and cry and throw a tantrum if we beat 'em so where's eventually, teams gonna win your were marched down, yonder languor! That's what we ve got going all we had the weakest most mentally ill people in this country, getting a free pass, because good upstanding patriotic american citizens, who are common sense driven, are afraid to offend them because they ve had tellers, jammed down their throats for so long, and that's that that's what the result we're seeing is from it's from good people that say shit when they recognize that things are fucked up now. It's real shit man, that's real shit about brought up the boston story because Boston Massachusetts except beautiful, place, love the people are really really awesome stuff and since we've been home
There's something else going on in massachusetts right now and it's literally all over the internet. I don't want to get to cure nine crazy right, but do they just found a body in Barack Obama's backyard? does. The seller is body found in search for blackmail, paddle border forty three, who drowned in pond on obama's Martha vineyards, its state non one we call was made from ex presidents, twelve million dollar property last night was. Is this just fuckin has at last I already You know I've been busy real job here outside from youtube downloader. I ask you to submit seller. We also so just a little bit so so divers have found the body of a paddle border who went missing in the water offer methods vineyard near Barack obama's brawling, twelve million dollar state, how the forty three year old,
famished on sunday evening, while he was out with another paddle border on egret town rate pond massachusetts, an emergency crews were despatched obama's residents, women, this toll cops the man when underwater and then briefly reappeared, as he struggled to stay afloat before submerging again around seven forty six p m a massive joy, agency search resumed monday morning for the african american mail was locked seeing wearing all black without a life jacket. Envy times reported by his paddle board and hat were recovered sunday evening and his body was found in the water at ten a m on Monday. The dispatch address for the incident came from obama's marthas, waterfront vineyard home. It is unclear if the fun president sixty one is currently staying. at the estate massachusetts state police said shortly before today, and the body of a missing paddle border was recovered from egerton great pon by Massachusetts. State police divers.
Quote: msp underwater recovery unit divers made the recovery after the victim's body was located by a massachusetts. Environmental police officers are deploying side scan sonar from a boat yeah man I like is this. I mean that sounds like a freak accident. I wouldn't dig too much into that yeah unless there's more to it, I mean I was this on a pando or the ocean Well, saddam upon that's like on the island, okay rise while surrounded by ocean, but on the island as a pine, okay, and that's where this app you're sure about that positive. That's! That's it! That's the pond! Oh well, that's a like a more like a lake, pretty big yeah! It's not that deep though I think they said, that's a feet deep, a few deep and he was about one hundred feet from shore. went to easter. Actually, I dunno man, it's just weird. You know I mean you should post a picture of Hillary come from yeah.
If you that an actor is it, I dunno, it's just just is weird man like the whole thing. How came out is not please in the name and all of that, like they're, holding it off on the supposed to be releasing it later on. The day, but now when they release name, you know will be interesting to find out if what kind of connections he had for sure. Now these people. these people certainly don't have the reputation for you know letting people who oppose them survive yeah. You know yeah loose loose strings right, yeah yeah, oh man, I I just thought it was interesting man, but alright man. It is crucial that we can get the cruising now we got hilary other way does Get it through a mayor without the headline of what a lot of one reads now hold on
for those of you who do, I gotta do this part cause for those of you guys who don't know outside of just being a youtuber and supplements and seller, or your branding genius at I dunno about that. I listen when I do. New york post calls it. So your brain, imaging genius. I thought you would have great in settlements- were zella twitter, announces new name, logo and direction. When you see what you got on this so so twitter, ceo, Linda yack, arena revealed on sunday that the company that she was recently higher to lead is changing its name. It's logo and the future of the platform quote. It's an exceptionally rare thing in life or in business that you get a second chance to make another big impression. twitter made one massive impression and change the way we communicate macarena wrote on the site boat now ex we'll go for
transforming the global town square x. Is the future state of unlimited answer, activity censored and audio video messaging payments, banking, creating a global market place for ideas, goods, services and opportunities ass. She continued quote powered by ai ex will connect, All in ways were just beginning to imagine. Even the site on an article continue sat honor you. I must set in a tweet late last week that the site was going to transition into the new brand over the coming days. This tweet was was posted out. Just yesterday saw your merit to oppose this house, calling it the new must scammy with all these different logo. Options in IRAN must replied, saying quote going with minimalist art deco on the upper right. Probably up, probably changes later certainly will be refined.
I am officially now twitter hq is now the x hq and it's just a massive rebrand gone out. Right so is scrapping the bird the bird is out. Bird is no longer. The word annex is in Now, there's been mixed reviews from the public. This person Dan held its weeding out. I guess, is caught axing now he acted exit yes, I guess in saying that musk would rebranding as something as iconic and topical as twitter to put on quote ex where this lady tiffany farm, she says quote sorry dude, I'm still call in its wider. eddie! You know a little bit about branding release a little bit of. It gets fair to.
Can you get us in my way when, as is necessary? When can you can you get us, maybe a pekin? So what do you want to go with you? I know well there's this concept that when people become successful in things they start to believe that, no matter what they do, it will actually work it's a great idea. I call it the midas touch. It's it's not real, though, and you see this a lot with entrepreneurs right, they ve built something that was really great and then they go over here and, like you know, you build a business and then you think you can be a restaurant.
owner and you start to open restaurant actors gordon's right like like anything because their successful at surgery- and I ve been successful doktor now they can run restaurants and what they failed to understand is that each avenue is its different thing and then also each skill set inside a company is a different thing, so certain people that understand bran may not understand, say main understand. Marketing of the bread made out, understand leadership right and when you become successful It's real easy to believe that anything that you touch is going to work. It's at your own hubris telling you that you're great and honest take on this at you know, look elon musk is I'm I'm a mere fucking bacteria compared to what he's accomplished and business okay. So this is coming from just my perspective and I'm aware of where I stand next to him.
I think his tesla brand is weak. I think the cars are ugly. I think if he did, if he made some better looking cars, I think he'd sell a lot more of them. I think there's a lot of shit that he does. That could be improved upon tremendously, and I think this is this: move he's now considering a whole bunch of things. I think one. You know you have the time of twitter being familiar, which is over it's it's fifteen years, people understanding what twitter is and you just flush that down the toilet. So now you have to start over. You have to start over and you're starting over in in fifteen years. You, you probably won't have the brand equity that twitter has because twitter is a pretty good name. Alright
Now you also identified one of the problems in your question. When you she didn't know what to call it. Ok, everybody knows where to tweet is now one of these things, gonna be called. Ok, that's something to be thought through. Another thing be thought through. Is that acts as a generic term and to get fucking trade mark on a generic term It was virtually impossible in this brand because the term is so generic will be very hard to actually enforce and get a trademark, and he he will be okay, because he has an ex. He has expendable income, or for you and I to do something like this. It would be impossible because they wouldn't even award us a trademark because the branding is so fuckin generic. So there's all kinds of problems here with this move with this move, p r expert, though you know when he came out with the fuckin. What does that truck? He came out with cyber truck that you know any through the right,
at the window and it broke, I was in yeah probably got tons of pr right. This is getting tons of pr right now. So it's hard to know what is actually going through this man's brain because he's intelligent. Did he understands how to use the media? He understands how to get people to talk, and so it could be that too so I'm not gonna, see here and pretend like. This is a dumb ass move. You know up now, like everybody else. Are degrees disease, dump, thoughts on the internet, these guys These guys are they ever built anything than ever built a brand. They never built a movement, they never done anything and they ve all got an opinion which is the problem with the entire in internet. Anyway, all opinions are not created, equal right that the biggest problem with you. That is that its allow people to have no experience in and really anything to feel like their opinions are as valid people who had the experience in those areas and that's a big problem with society.
see it in every single. This is part of the reason I stop caught are posted on the internet because I got so tired of the dumbest people in the world. Having shit say about things that cannot pass. We understand right. That's that's a big problem and I don't know: do you like it time is going to have to show what is move is, but if, if we're looking at surface level and we're just saying, ok he's gonna role at this, I think it's a poor move. I don't think it's a it's If I was sitting in the room with them, I blog look. Do you got fifteen years a brand equity or I everybody knows what twitter is it's a tweet what're you gonna call it x ray, maybe they have a name. I don't know, I don't know what it is. You know there there's there's all kinds of actions as to why this is a bad move. Ah,
not very many to why it's a good move and to be completely honest, I dont think I think this is- and this could be this- this could be. The intentional You know watering down of this platform in order, stored away, did dissolve out because a lot of people talk about you are actually being a part of. What's going on you know he's invested in neural link. He's invested in all these companies. He's he's he's backed a lot of these things. This climate change initiative. A lot of these things that the communists in the world are trying to push he's been a part of for a long time, and it's hard for me to tell if he is just a very smart, intelligent inventor who's. Just now recently become aware of what is
actually happening or if he's been a part of it, the entire time- and I I it's hard- I can't tell I don't know and we're not friends. You know I love to be friends with them, but, like the point is, is you know we we don't know, and so it's hard it's very hard to tell so, like you know, if you had a platform right and you you, you saved it from the the censorship and
all the bs that he saved it from and you've got everybody on your team, and then you know these are the people who are quote unquote the enemy of all the things that your actual business practices depend on the supported okay. So you get all these people in one group and then you intentionally devalue the platform and kind of make it like irrelevant and there's a lot of things that could be. You know what one of the first things I thought of when I saw this on my damn, maybe he's trying to let me do like twitter does have as much brand equity as it does have. You also got to think about all the negatives that goes with that right, like the twitter files. Things like that so like is this him trying to you know, I guess remove himself from that. No, you know what I'm saying the twitter files help the brand equity of twitter not There you don't mean, like that's the story near we had this. We had the sinking ship, we came in, we fixed it now, it's this amended amazing thing: did you say your name could still? Then you can pass
what, if I only to still be called twitter, did You ve got a lot of money. You learn doesn't have enough money to spend to create the brain equity. The twitter has arrived it's an everybody's brain. Everybody knows what a tweet is. Everybody knows what twitter is, how you, no matter how which he is, and if he spent all his money on trying to re brand acts. It still wouldn't be there, because branding takes time. Ok, branding it there's a time aspect of branding, though you can not outspent it's just a part of the equation. so time. Existing is part of the brain equation. Right, there's a reason I wear this had every day and you don't know what the fuck it stands for. You're gonna find out. That's in films, and so it could be a lot of my my professional opinion
in my humble opinion, compared to his this man success I could be totally wrong, but I'm per good raining stuff. I know what I'm doing occupied we helped a whole lot and- and I don't if it's surface level this is what's going on. I don't see how this makes sense on on that real, quick though you know like there was this video that went around. I want to say, maybe eight months ago or something but elon musk. He was talking to like just this journalist, kid and they're talking about the spaceships rocket ships and shit right and, and the kid had mentioned something about the rockets and elon musk was like fuck. Why haven't we been doing that literally changed the whole game planet? My point is: is that like to to that point do you think it's also possibly because even talk about this without will drop, that he is just surrounded by people who are either not giving him on his feedback or it is given
feedback like what they think he wants to hear who's better branding somebody who's built a whole bunch of brands in real life, or somebody who graduated from fucking yale with marketing. I would say the railroad application. Oh shit, okay, I can run circles around every motherfucker on that team. I could promise you that not a single one, a person on his fucking team, has done a close to what I've done now. Ok, but are you fucking clock judges read about it? I read about it, then I thought about it and the what they got taught about was brains are coca cola and pepsi. Ok in kentucky fried chicken mcdonald's. Ok, that's. That's all that's not the way she was branded. Now it's different, and so he's got a book. academics around him? You don't know fuckin shit about raining or marketing or actually connecting with people in any way, perform abroad. If you pay me one hundred million bucks a year, I fix your whole shit. Just real talk. Mess number call me up. Yeah. Here's why it's going to take
What are you are? You can also just join dates, yeah. No, it's it's worth that yeah! Well, it's worse than this could cost you more like tension that will make them billions of dollars now through your doubts, others what you think, my jordan, the conversation hashtag x, the bird. Let us know the comments which you guys think about this new twitter new x. You let us know how metabolism let's move on. I have my number two headline number to reach critics. Unleashed on common harris's evil, astonishing lie about fortis school curriculum on slavery. This is absolutely amazing. Absolutely I one have you seen this or heard about fantasy eighth I'll? Do this part of album to feeling good all weekend kind of like just stay off my phone? Well, this is fucking great. This is great, let's dive into it, so vice president Kamel Harris faced a wave of criticism friday following her speech,
in jacksonville florida blasting? What she said was the states new history, curriculum teaching, students, that's slaves in the united states, actually quote benefited from slavery quote just Yesterday, in the state of florida they decided middle school students will be taught that enslaved people benefited from slavery. They insult us in an attempt to get slight us and we will not stand for it. Harris said referencing are the new curriculum approved by the floated apartment of education on Wednesday. That includes the history of slavery. In the united states, the new curriculum actually states quote instruction includes how slaves developed skills, which in some instances could be applied for their personal benefit, leading to countless critics accusing harris of bread.
using the lying and misleading the american people at all, I'm a little confused here? Is she saying that or was that what it said before so so the new curriculum actually say so so that's actually from the curriculum that then the old curriculum nor the new one okay. This is from so, and instruction includes how slaves developed skills in some instances could be applied for the personal benefit uk, for example, and those facts and fucking evidence that shows us why there were slaves who say like in my mind, I'm not understanding what's going on here but like if a slave was like, let's say, attack special
right like he took care of the horses and the saddles and right and put the shoes on the horse and then he was free now would be his skillset. While he will learn how he would earn a living and then what would he do with that skill set? He would go start a business for work. How do you think that the slave survived after the day they were free? They use the skills that they learned. While they were in slavery to actually produce income for their families it as a free person, shoemakers cooks, anything I mean you name it, the gardeners. You know farmers, that's history, yeah, that's that's! Actually what happened yeah well according to com. Lawyers is just an attempt to two to gaslight us how? Because slaves didn't benefit from slavery. That's our silent when she saying is that that, immediately, once slaves were free to do shit, we ve been fought for three. Nonetheless, so what she's actually saying is that all these slaves? They did this work. They formed the according to their point of view. They built america,
perfect, along so according to their appointed they built america, but then once their free, they couldn't building right because I didn't learn any skill: yeah like none of age misuse or any of the what hospitals that we build, or I'm just six, and I would like to hear that argument like what is that? How how is she? What is that argue arises seeking extra question my guys, like what don't make one asks blatantly untrue. That makes sense man only and so so this is great. So national review national view. Writer, Charles cook, he actually wrote an entire article on this on the national review. It's that you guys go check the article out for yourself atlanta mile Kamel harris is brazenly lying about flautist slavery, curriculum in which the article here says. Here's the list
it's one hundred and ninety one item strong. It contains the word quote: slave ninety six times quote: slaves, plural, twenty three times and slavery. Forty five times I've pulled each line out in the order in which they appear, which is largely chronological. It starts with quote the earliest slaves and ends with quote the integration of the university of florida. So he list us up of of the actual from the parliament of education, of what the actual less support. Other words: that's gonna go through some of the things that are introducing new curriculum couple. Things like this instruction includes what life was like for the earliest slaves and the emancipated in with me.
worker or examine the underground railroad and how former slaves partnered with other free people and groups and assisting those escaping from slavery or colorados people, black and white. I'm just saying nah, it's important and or things like this, nor are we just covered the the benefit, the personal benefit aspect of it, but and there's even things like this and It should includes the practice of the barbary pirates and kidnapping europeans and selling them into slavery in muslim countries. Our instruction includes how slavery was utilized in asian cultures right that they're looking. This is generic stuff stuff that I thought was pretty fucking cool that well as not being taught it's here. Yeah, ok, keep going right. Instruction includes the founding of historically black colleges and university. I look through this list of one hundred and ninety one things that he pulled out. I didn't see not one that look crazy and guess what am I the only one that disagrees?
cnn panelist calls out vp harris over quote completely made up florida. Slavery, curriculum claim. Here's. The video is amazing to me that how little common harris apparently has to do that she can read something on twitter one day and be on an airplane the next to make something literally out of nothing. This is a completely made up, feel I look at the standards. I even look at an analysis of the standards in every instance where the word slavery or slave was used. I even read the statement of the african american scholars that wrote the standards not rhonda santas, but the scholars everybody involved in it says this is completely fabricated issue and yet look how quickly comme la hair jumped on it. So the fact that this is her best moment, a fabricated matter is pretty ridiculous and I think that a more than that so he mentions the scholars, the african american scholars who worked on the panel to comprise this new.
Curriculum and on that panel, your fine, this german doktor william, be out. Who is the emerald dean of James madison college and emulous professor of political science in michigan state he is the former member and chairman of the. U S, commission on civil rights has been, Well, I've been a kellogg national fellow fulbright, fellow and a member of the national council on the humanities. Not somebody, I think would be you know, offer mis educated on history right arm or this lady. Now this is DR frances presley rice. She is a retired, united states, army, lieutenant colonel and she writes about, but I think the problem is the reason they don't really want people to dive into this is because a doctor, presley rice, she wrote this article
a few years ago. Toddled unveil Democrats races pass. Maybe they just don't want the cat out the back home yesterday here, you're out or other I don't know. Maybe they just don't want to get our aid will we would he got on the way you got on with listen, I'm happy that calmly actually brought brought white to this. You know because people actually able to see exactly what they want and don't want to be pushed right like when you got people that are going through truly history right, not not not the winners, history, but real fucking history right and when you go through it, and you see the things that no should actually be taught, they don't want that to be top with, but I have let what, when you said, they don't want that to be taught. Are you talking about the idea that slavery has existed in all cultures across the human?
history across every gen, all the different people who have actually more people enslave right now than there ever has been in the history of earth. Exactly and not only that. But so you see what they don't want to be taught. But what do they want our children to be taught while they want to be taught that the only slaves that ever existed were black slaves in america or what about teaching our little black boys to cut the penises off? What what well oracle without being taught teaching our little black boys that they can never succeed, and they can never become successful in america, because that little kid is across from them? Who happens to be white
It is inherently racist and has power over them just for existing. So you told me you or me who oozed it's it's it's incredible to me how they start, how they attempt to start the victim culture and black america from like literal birth right like you, can never be in these are people now kamala harris is the vice president, the united states, her role and Joe Biden's role is supposed to be to unite americans, not black. Americans. Now: white americans, not asia, americans, not latino, americans, not native americans by americans, to work together to progress the country in a positive direction for the benefit of all of us. Americans, that's their job. That's we elect them to do and
What they do is they actually come in and they divide every single person at every single point of contention for their own benefit, and it's absurd to me that we have people in power that propagate these sorts of things and people champion it and cheer for it and think it's ok like if you cheer for this. Don't you understand what you're cheering for? Don't you understand that you'd cheering for the idea that you know if you a black person in your saying, oh yes, this is true. This she's right or if you like you, are basically cheering an and celebrating the idea that she really if you're, less capable as a human being, which is simply untrue. That was untrue and he is damaging right, because I want to dj it's it's. It's fucking criminal dude, even looking at the basis like the base, fundamental value right like the the whole idea.
I have slaves benefiting right. Like look at the story, me ask you this real talk. Now you got two little girls at your house, I'm white, okay! Well, for me, it ain't right, at least on the outside. I come over to your yep and I'm talking around hey ryan. You know she knows me as her uncle anti right, yeah. Am I grant you know. you're in the other room, and then this goodness ready yeah right you're in the other room you doing things. Require no skills apparent. I guess whatever you're in the other room over their drooling. Just waiting to be TAT do so according to her, so you can in the room, I'm sitting. There were Ryan and I'm like you're right. It's too bad you're born black now be
cause you're, never gonna be able to succeed, you're, never going to be able to be anything because people like me are going to hold you down roby black, on background their lambs. I know I'm just Iraq. What would happen if you came in a hat that I get it. I put a bullet my fucking heard row but see that's what these people do, scale and they have no problem saying no, and then you have people who are black people, that's fucking, agree with it and then you ll agrees with the most the white upper class middle white, middle upper class, women, the branches, yet the brunches brows were half now. The branches, rogers fuckin, say yeah can't good night. I, but I think of it. In that context, I was discussed I'm just saying I think how evil would like a few witnessed this in an individual context,
every single human being black white doesn't matter would say this is fucking wrong, but because it's systemic and what's funny is we have riots that burn down the country about systemic racism? Do you know what the systemic racism is, that it is at its it's telling little kids, that they cannot be things because they were born a certain color in what's supposed to be a free country where all men are created equal and we all have the right to pursue life. Liberty and happiness, see what I'm saying so so because it's in a system like like how do people not connect these dots, how evil it is and, like This is a very, very simple fix right, because instead you know the conversation could go like hey yeah. You know what slavery is a part of this, this country's history. Right I mean I dunno if I have any of the ancestors or they like to call right but like at the end of the day, you know to to be able to tell a story.
That, while yes, there was slavery, involuntary as harsh as brutal it was, there were still people who were slaves that were still able with, despite all of the hardships build stuff in vintage things created hosp like. Why is that I did states, wouldn't even be the united states without the contribution of those americans. That happened to be black, that you're talking about right now. So I'm saying so, it's like you know like it's. It's it's a very simple, like flip in the in the sentence or in the conversation that can be having that can completely change the entire trajectory of that child's life. Right, but because they want to play this word game and because they want to dial everything is negative. Now you're going to have the schedule, so so we
had slavery, and then that was just it. There was no benefits like nobody like there was just nothing like that's the end of the fucking story. That's what we're going to choose to tell our children. Furthermore, how come we don't talk about what was done to change the fact that there was slavery right well that that's inside the new curriculum? It is a talk about. Not only do I think they actually mentioned it as black patriots, and they do talk
because I did, I did see that they did they talking to call them black patriots lament here. Here's the new curriculum, here's, the reality and and people get upset. When I say this, but I don't care about race, baiting and the discussion of race is only done by people who are racist and when we truly break down what this racial division is. It's a low. I q highly emotional, highly divisive argument that these people in power that is in their playbook, says: hey. We can't have these people get along, so we're going to push this race issue so that they fight and they can't noticed how much we're doing to actually damage their life experience. While we enhance hours, that's it it's a low. I q emotional argument for people who can't think who are unable to
understand reality and these people are, experts are putting it in front of us until we get smarter black white people, especially wait until we get smarter to the point where we say: hey, dude judge people on the color of their skin, regardless of who they are or what race they happen to belong to is wrong, and in america we judge people by the content of the character and how good of a person they are,
in how they treat others and that's how we do it here in america until everybody gets to that page. This shit is going to keep going on I'll, be real with you, like dude, the the race arguments to me like it's. It's fucking laughable, like it's laughable shit like because people who continuously buy into this over and over and over again, if we're being fucking real, the the reason people buy into it over and over and over again is because it gives them an excuse as to why they don't have to try very hard, because if they don't try very hard, it doesn't really matter because if I tried it wouldn't work anyway and that's what these people prey on and it's it's, it's back to say: go dude, listen man! We have to get smarter than these people gate this. This lady's barely fucking black. Let's be real. Let's be real
I don't know one fuckin black person. There would claim her as their own. Ok, she's she's, a fuckin tyrant. She stupidest fuck, ok sheet. You know, I think, what you Oh, we're gonna, where you're gonna go, the space one day rise by spoke about it, just stop it's so annoying dude and, like the girl I'll be real. I dont think most black people with these people, and I think it's all were, I think the race argument is pretty much over. I think people still get set about it and, if we're being honest about race does racism exist, absolutely exists. This exists like they say it exists, know it exists and little one. Off things that happen to us and by the way, when I say ass, it happens. The white people too there's a lot of situations where not a lot, but there are certain situate.
Is where, over the course of our lives, were probably going to be excluded at something because of a race right. We're probably going to talk shit on, because my race lack people. you guys are the kings of talking shit. Why people? Let's be fucking honest, You know what I don't really give a fuck. It doesn't bother me alright, there's far more of black people accepted to talk shit on why people miner is why people talk shit on black people I can tell you that, because we ve never been able to say anything, even if it was actually thought that You came to say it because you get fuckin guy, like I say, hey, why people are the problem and black communities. Black people were actually the problem, black communities, you get fucking yelled at like you see what I'm saying right, there's a double standard of of what's considered racism, and until we get to the point where all of its, Bullshit- and we all say now do just that- fuckin human being, who, if I we learn from, sir- I'm open agreeably read, they have the same in turn, Stop that I got. They happen to have a little
but more melon in their skin because of where they come from in their culture on the planet. Where there is more or less son like this? Is basic shit and like the fact that we still argue over race and twenty twenty three in any way, shape or form is, is kind of basing to us as human beings as follows? Where we are now but again like is it really where we are, or is it just why you tell us that you that's what I think it is time for the most part, and I think there are some people who buy it. Who are victims who are will always be victims who are of the victim mindset and because the victim mindset is popular right now. You know it gives people permission to not really be productive or hold a high standard in life, because you know they can just say, throw their arms up and be like well fuck. I'm you know I'm this or that or whatever it happens, to be rape victim culture is very hot right now. That is
I think it's. I think it's fading, though I think people are coming back around, but dude all in all man. I think it's a ridiculous argument. I think americans the thing about it erica. That's made america, america. This fact that all cultures from all different places in the globe have been able to come here and abide by a set of core values, american core values and create some amazing things and at one point, become the most powerful country in the world for a very long time. In fact, I believe were still there. I believe we are being told that we're not its if we truly believe what you- and I have said this whole time- is that china has compromised Our highest political offices are politicians and our media and our hollywood, which is very easy to see by the way that they contribute money to all of these cases. Then why would china? Let us think that were the most powerful country in the world, wouldn't it be in their benefit to beat us down make us think that we were losers and that were you everybody's. You know
hate each other- and you know where we go, there's people trying to commence kids at the cutting off their dicks like all this stuff that we are propagated. Is clearly designed to weaken morale in the country. and demoralize us and if we believe what china is doing, if we believe what you and I say on the show regularly that china is actually influencing all this would not make sense. Why would they? Why, wouldn't you say, you're saying that, because I don't have that, that is the proof if that were not that. Yet what I'm saying is, if you think about how things actually are, it makes perfect sense as to why we are propagated to believe that we have each other. While we are propagated to believe that everybody's, you know, ah with the adult men shaken their balls and kids faces right, the opposite is true: correct got it right like dude. They want us to think we're weak, because racks.
the very strong correct I wanted to think we hate each other as we actually ludlow psychological warfare. That's what we're dealing with much rule. We're dealing with psychological warfare from another country, and I believe that the whole thing recovered was all part of this now, like cohen, definitely came from over there, and it was definitely known about by our country and the people who knew about it in our country were getting paid by those guys and where were they getting paid to do? Were they getting paid to made the country stronger or were they getting paid to make the country weaker closed down right? And that means these people are flocking, actual traders to you and me, ok, and now we take a look at all the things that their allowing to happen. The crime the cities, the border crisis, the inflation the sending of all military assets to foreign countries so that we have a problem with our own assets here, the pleading the oil reserves now
meet a single move that these people have made that has strengthened our companies are our country, namely one, and you can't name one, and now we have the evidence that they're taking honey from china. Now, in this all started with Cobain. Ok, so like that to me what this is, this is a giant. Aberration attack is from china to america to weaken our kind free to make them the economic power and probably eventually take us completely over. and there's been a number of americans in the media, in the politician in politics and in hollywood, who have either leverage
people or sold us out to their own personal gain to this foreign adversary, which is treason. So that's what we're dealing with. In my opinion, it all flows into this. This shit. So, like think, that's a beautiful point, I mean let wiki fallen for it, though You know our people can fall for it. I would you followed for the fact that, like you know, because someone is a little more time than us, there are enemy or a little less ten. Thus there are enemy like dude. Really, like really think about that. I just like I said think about like I was having that conversation with your actual kids right. Think about how basic that is. Like you, you think that someone is your enemy, because come from a different place in the world and they have less melanin in their skin or more melanin. Their skin like are are
really that fucking stupid as a culture. It's not true and the reason that this has been propagated is not just propagated here. Currently now this has been propagated over the course of history right tribalism. Wars over you know like from difficult when a country I do all european men are basically the same by poland, ITALY. You know england, France, Switzerland, belgium, germany, like all the same kind of people, what People in power have four thousands of years convinced the people in these countries which, by the way that border is made up line that is made by someone who said this is mine, and I own this and all of you present a part of my shit and you ve convinced people to fight battles and kill each other
and murder each other and raped the women, and side people based the point I made up fucking border when those your brothers and sisters right over there of ten feet away like dude the humans have to get smaller. Do if you are saying like we, we have been manipulated ovary thousands of years by people who have power to believe that we are so different that we must kill each other and that's Torah bullshit. That's total bullshit, portable shit and until you know, if she may We were all come to this realization that we're all pretty much the same did we can have world peace if you took all of these leaders at all of them, are the leaders of these countries, with the exception of a couple guys? Ok and you put him in a fucking space capsule you shot
fucking space. Ok, the wall would improve drastically like like it like a week, because What people for money from the real world What say you know none of stuff They were doing made sense. We should be doing this In this way, this way this way and everybody would everybody- would would rise up in a positive way. right people don't want to fight. They don't want to argue, they don't want to hate each other. Nobody wants to hate each other and if they do want to have each other, the only reason they want to hate us because you've been told hey are you been taught to hate and that's not just white people towards black people or black people towards white people? That's crossed human history, culture. So why do we think about this? We have to really like break it down like these people who are in power.
Have any kind of sort have no moral authority over us? We are. We are. We are like divine godly beings. We are not like germans and italians and frenchmen like dude, we're we're fucked in people until people understand that we're all people we're all trying to be happy rolls working hard, we're all trying to like shit. Can't change. We're gonna continue to go down this, this process of global tyrants. and every differ country serving themselves and using the peasant class, that's us to produce for them to go down the lifeboat. We were in Boston, we're walk, or will we we drove by the federal reserve we're talking of the driver and we were too late, make a joke about like There there's almost pout what some of those powerful people in the country or in the world and that building and you those people sit in a building and they will down the street, may see all these people and they don't see people bro. You know what they see
they see their slaves. They have been designed to produce for them, and you might say: well that's ridiculous! Andy! That's! Well! Ok, let's do the math on your income, how much real income you pay! The government. you pay more of your income to the government. Then you get to keep your own house if you do the full math as a fact. What does that make you slice? It doesn't make? free, so run around here and say that this is the case here, there's not actually going way and refusing to believe it. Till we get smarter when we collect about up together as human beings, the shovel could you go on nobody worse. Worse. Worse was worse my opinion, these global leaders should be fuckin put in a fucking witches The whole world would include the whole world would improve literally instantly for shit. Man guys tell us what you think chime in on the conversation. You guys know how it goes,
what I would have thought whenever the whole world said now. I know more tyrant. We declare independence just like they declared their independence of seventeen. Seventy six. We declare independence, we're not paying taxes while doing your shit fuck you what would happen. What would they do? They couldn't do anything it'd be over for them all we have to do is, not comply with any of their stuff and say no we're doing our thing, fuck you and if they try to hurt us, we fucking put them in the ground. Pretty simple fix real, simple: Gaza is withdrawn, their number two masters in that they think that considerable ever gets consider global terrorism As his own list. We escalated to remake it on oh yeah, moving on up outta road there, the terrorists Or were the tears because we don't want to pay you all our money where the tears, because we're tired of you, stirring the fucking,
peace that we would like to have habit or lives where the terrorists, because you shut down the country for two years and cost, saw two years and ruin a bunch of kids we're the terrorist, because you don't allow real education to happen and instead on Tik tok, we got these people do an end, pc stuff like fucking the end. If you may, I brought weren't with its ass, I locked burma, the vulgar calabro come on it's down. Let's go get these people, it's not just the
united states is fucking, all of them all when they fly to get together and they all honor each other and shit. That's all the others balls and shit her another new word: should they fuck Pero they do kitchen, that's what that's the whole thing. Bro these people are all in the club. George Carlin said it the best. These people were in the club it and you ain't in it and that's it and in their club they rule the roost until we go in and take the roost over and say, fuck you we're going to continue to do what they do to us, which make our lives hard, make our lives miserable. Make our life stressful, make our lives. No shit, that's what they're gonna do now and then they're going to they're going to smile on your face and be like it's a freedom great. He saved our democracy. Yeah I was given short term final, have underlined on three november through its report onto Biden, pigeon by non business. Calls dozens of times jogging
care believe it you don't you look at some of the headlines that come out after we ve covered this for, like years now and like just like while you're fucking. I look at it because they always put it up in the same notions like sites or breaking news. Can you believe it would appreciate if you guys would start telling all these people? You know the anti dj said that fucking three years four years ago, bro that will be cool. You guys, like our little army here like when these headlines, come out that have been saying the whole entire time. Let mother fuckers know that, because you know it's not even fun like yeah no shit euro. Let's go Is that so so this is bright bar bribery
his article reading hunter Biden? Reportedly put then vice president Joe Biden on calls with family business associates upwards of two dozen times devon, archer hunter Biden's former business partner, who reportedly was expected to testify before the house oversight committee today when the must be a record. It will tell the committee that he witnessed tonnes or by using the influence of his father during business meetings by calling the former vice president committee amounts announced monday, a person familiar with archers expected testimony, told bright bar moves. The outstanding date is undertaken. Initiation. With his lawyer, fox news reported the devon archer pulled out of today's scheduled testimony, the third time he cancelled his commitment. This ex came out from ex chad. Pergram asked the saudis as a house oversight committee chairman
it's comer confirms to fox that Barry's ma board member devon archer has cancelled a deposition three times. Archer is under subpoena from the committee fox has told. Archer has cancelled because of personal reasons and schedule conflicts. The committee hoped to bring in archer today, but that is not happening. Fox is told. The committee is now aiming for thursday, but it's far from clear, if archer will show oh shit, what the fuck We popped up again what the fucks happening. I get that out of here, but archer a bind family, business associate and hunters quote best friend and business was in legal trouble and twenty twenty two for defrauding a native american tribal entity and was ordered to pay around
forty, three million dollars to the victim's price was arrests and twenty fourteen archer serve with hunter Biden on the board of reason. Holdings ukraine based energy company archer, was also photograph playing golf within vice vice president Joe Biden in Southampton. Here's this notorious pitcher there What do you want? You won't see the picture against the guy, the guy you are, I dunno. What right with his armor, I dunno I dunno. That's a fucking hairpiece bro, that's that's worse than therapy right. ro, that's a also yours was viewed as you have all this money and as the best you got brow, I know what the real some you guys just need to accept. It may not have your hair starts quit on you, fuckin fired a shit. That's what I'm saying it's a look! It's a good look member when your hair was quit on your work. I say you fired, I rose. I say you have a good look now look at you.
Famous saucer dig boss. That's over there. Let me say this: the only file I've ever lost in my life was with my hula. You didn't you I didn't lose it because you fucking fired it. I said: hey look out. You sense that it was quitting on you to love you no more! You fuck out of my house, accepted the truth. That's right! You and you just saw with dignity, yeah fuck you How can you didn't lose? You want whether that fucking face brown, face radio May I begged takes all brown eyes I told you, you're, a beautiful black man ever be a little weird. We keep that for private yeah mostly told me that all the time yeah well, you just set it on the internet thanks thanks yeah. So the committee expects archer to tell the committee about one instance in particular, that involves venom, precise sky, a burrito holdings, exactly
if and michelob zope Chatzky the company's founder. According to the new york post, both ukrainians met with hunter Biden and archer at the four seasons, resort dubai at Jumeirah beach in two thousand and fifteen. This is a conversationalist. I quote: while they were sitting outside it at the bar Vallum poor, poor shy hygiene. A senior bereavement executive phoned to ask where they were because breathes most owner. Microloans chaskey needed to speaks a hunter urgently soon. Afterward, the two ukrainians joined hunter and archer at the four seasons bar and poor shaky asked hunter. Can you ring your dad at the time it was early afternoon friday in washington DC hunter, then caught his father. Put him on speaker placed the fall on the table and introduce
the ukrainians, to Joe Biden, by name as nickolay and volume in the presence of archer hunter Biden, apparently use the phone trick as many as two dozen times. The post reported whistleblower tony bubble, linsky, most known for his joint venture, with quote ten held by h for the big guy confirmed a similar tactic during his experience with the binds the shots, you Mamma, in LOS Angeles quote. I am also aware of other Biden. Family business associates confirming that Joe would take phone calls from hunter in the middle of business meetings and with way envious, bigger phone bubbling. He said, quote sitting with hunter at chateau moment before I first met Joe Biden on may. Second, twenty seventeen hunter was adamant that his father takes his cause,
any time, no matter what is lawyers say or with gatekeepers like kate bedding filled form abiden, spokesperson playing interference. The american people don't fully appreciate yet the key role, Joe Biden, played the Biden family global in full- whence peddling. I would equated to a germans role and the traditional business structure. He added no shit, no shit, I'm sort of backtrack. What a bit so twenty fifteen archer discussed expectations of high ranking? U S, officials in ukraine! one month before then, vice president Biden visited ukrainian president petro poroshenko. The man, the firing of a prosecutor in castigating the company. Now there was a famous bidding, video, when around nobody saw that where he talked about, I told him he needs to fire him, but then I get no money. He fired him. You crank out the billion dollars
everybody's talking about a little pissed, but here's one interesting thing that I wanted to bring up right, so mainstream media. You guys we all know how they operate. They don't talk about certain things that are damning but I want to show you what mainstream media is focused about their focused about this headline. For example, DC federal court house photos spark donald trump indictment speculation, saying the media teams have been setting up, campsites that, of course, in Washington dc amid speculation that a new indictment against Donald trump rising at all this overwhelming proves its coming out about this by family, but of course they still gotta charge tromp now for me, Also, the san diego show you one more thing that I thought was just really really bizarre, so the only things you're seeing them on and on the internet right now are. Those two topics I just mentioned are the three
recovered so far, but here's another headline that a lot of these left leanings and news sites picking up again, then I thought was pretty interesting headlines like this no cards in shorter stairs how Biden's campaign is addressing his age. Aides appear to be making concessions to Biden's aides, hoping to avoid viral moments or or or headlines like this from a p news Biden, downplayed the age, but subtle accommodations of em they're, bringing his age backup and its fragility. It makes me think that something big about if I can happen, but any can you give us any centric com for the eight to me, the age argument is not a real argue. I guess you see now. Yes he's they lose.
his mind, no shit like that umbrella. He they even changed the stairs that he uses to get on the air force. One is shit and I get it. I understand that, but you guys knew that he was old and senile and twenty nineteen twenty eighteen. You knew that then. So everybody knows that that's the truth. It seems like the age discussion has thrown out more and more as a cover, what's actually happening, which these men have like. The article state am doing pay per play, As for literal I mean who knows how long and, in my opinion, the reason that this isn't getting talked about is because all the politicians do this in some way, shape or form, and so they're not going to blow the whistle on their own way to make a living
in income and for me, how does Bernie sanders go around talking about socialism and then have you know all these million dollar properties, multimillion, dollar properties, jonas and bright, like these people are awful, a shit all of them and The reason that they're not blast in this dude for what's really going on, is because there are guilty of it, and all of it is treasonous to this country, all of it. So that's my take on the age argument and, furthermore, I believe that he was putting power, so we would say man he's this old sea now stupid, which makes the perfect I do advance an agenda that is very damaging to the united states right we can look at like. Oh, deplete. The oil reserves are ashes jolly stupid. Ah, we're leaving the border open, ah that they just don't get there so stupid, he's old, oh you know made these gaps. In only said these things, you know, that's just all Joe he's actually a really nice guy. Oh they
in all of our military weapons to ukraine. You know these guys, you just so stupid, In reality, there is nothing. So But about it, it's all intentional play that he's. being paid run, and he is the perfect gotta run it because we all say man they think were stupid. They don't think you're stupid. They know your stupid, that's what people are failing to understand. They don't think you're stupid. They know your son
They understand that you will look at this at surface level and you will not truly understand what's actually happening here, which is the destruction of the united states. Furthermore, when who's to say that these people, for example, let's use the cocaine thing right in the white house, now they have surveillance of every single inch of that building. There is no reasonable person on this
when it that thinks they can't figure out. Who actually did it and we all kind of think we know who did it right, then I'm not saying who they know did it tells us who did it? What so do you like? I saw somebody talking about this and that the infant this is a pretty well known, quote: unquote: conservative influencer, that's a whole nother subject and they're like at the end of it they're like they think we're stupid. Well, you are stupid, here's. Why could it possibly be that they don't actually care? If you see it or not, and they're? Actually just doing these things to show you were in control and you're not, and there ain't nothing you can fucking do about it when that makes sense. It's a big powerpoint at what point do dictators that emerge cross from being
someone who's pretending like their acting in the interests of the people into actual dictators that dictate well, they don't just come out one day and I am the detail. What they do is a number of small moves over the course of time that you do nothing about and over the course of time, these moves get progressively more absurd and progressively more day machine and as we do nothing about it, they gain more and more more perceive power to do whatever they want, and we thought about that. They make sense the makes perfect sense the more there, the more crazy shit they do, the more power they gain to do whatever it is. They want their operating without any core any sort of recourse whatsoever, and so what we call that is unmask king of the communist. That is us going from what we perceived to be a free country
which is a lie first wall to a new way where their certain people in power that just call the shots and here s a shit about it and if you do, we got yeah, the allergy in jail only think the cocaine was an accident. I think it was intentionally put there from the calls to the gms and first responders and the hazmat team. Let's make this reaction, let's put it out to the pub because here's the thing if they wanted to keep that quiet, they could have kept the fucking quiet, yeah, but that's how they take the mask off brugger about how they do this us create the fucker response, as a people see it as they won't do shocking anything because they know what you're gonna say there you are there so stupid, where they're going to say. Oh, they think we're stupid. No, they know you're stupid because you keep saying they think we're stupid. That proves that you are fucking stupid. we're gonna like zoonotic, says you then almost whereby at what point? Are you conservative pro freedom, people out there
gonna stop, saying hey, they think we're fuckin stupid and start saying what is their due? whatever they want and rubbing in our face, and they think we won't. You fucking anything about that's the truth or almost think we're stupid. What are you? Are you working for them you poor them. While you push that message out your millions of ours, why are you? Conservative influence was pushing out the message that they think we're stupid, millions of our know. Your doing their work. By propagating that message, they don't fucking think we're stupid. They know you're stupid. They know that you're not going to do anything and they're rubbing it in your fucking face and you're eating it up with fucking fork. A knife like thanksgiving dinner row by my t, shirt yeah, like it's Debra, it's gross to me as ma'am although they must think we're stupid, no, they think you're gonna sit on your fuckin instagram enact your mother fucking thing, that's what they think and make some more
actions and the more you allow them to continue to get away with it, over and over and over and over and over and over again, the more powered again. Ok, if they get to think ship all of our military supplies to ukraine. If they can do we'd all oil reserves, big open borders and by a million millions and millions of military. age mails from other countries come across the border, but they can allow crimes to run run rapid in their city. Deflator currency and ruin our economy? If they can? I don't understand if they can do what they didn't have gas and make us look ridiculous if they can do all these things, like no consequence, yeah so and they can get us to believe or man is a man and woman is a woman. What can they not do? What like words, the line where's that why, if we live in america, thirty forty fifty years ago, military would have already arrested. All these people, in my opinion, the military is, is like abandoning the oath that they took the oath. That note, I believe, is
us against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Well, guess what I'm? Not a fucking plastic enemy, and neither are you in either the people listening so where's, our military, stepping up where actual leader stepping up where, where people stepping up in these letter agency, saying Oh this is fucking bullshit. You see what I'm saying Do we listen? We pride ourselves over here. Is america being home of the what brief That's not what I'm seeing pulmotor people too. Those thousand into a shit. That's what you think. Let us now! Let us not commas hash. I call in cairo, and I know how do you do. but there was no guys now realises Tom wrap. This thing I bring this show home with our final segment. show as always, thumbs up or dumbest fuck. That's where we bring Havana, we talk about who go through and we get one of those
to options. So that being said, our thumbs up or dumbest fuck headline reads: photos road inside assistance, nascar pit crew fixes car damaged in accident on chicago street? I thought it was pretty fucking cool. I thought was pretty cool, so listen to this. So an nascar crew members knew exactly what to do friday. When a driver was involved in a minor accident on a chicago street. The crew got the car running again after it was damaged and offender bender. near where racing teams were prepping for inaugural raised on the chicago street course. According to CBS sports, the group, including members of colic race and legacy motor club and was near south doable lakeshore drive when the two cars here children, there were no injuries, but one of the vehicles front bumper inside were damaged during the incident and needed to be fixed. When the expert mechanic solid
happen. They ran over to assist photos taken at the scene, captured the moments they pitched into help ass. This was the tweet. Come enough colleague racing date, some of our guys and some at legacy motor club guys are helping fix it up. And now they are there on the streets of chicago so that their semi trucks are parked right. Next to where this you know, fronts of a bumper It has happened, they re right over there fixed car up man, so article two you says that's some pretty sweet insurance coverage. They got when social media user jokingly comments it, which another person replied quote. That would be a pleasant surprise if you called roadside assistance and whole pit crews showed up nascar pit crews have been described as the quote: hidden athletes of car racing
The endurance warranty quote when you look at the training and the tremendous amount of pressure that falls on a pit crew team. You come to appreciate the hard work and technical procedures that they have to carry out at every pitstop. The site reads: part of the CBS report. Damon low pass of colleagues said: the groups remove the cars bumper by on helping the wire harness. Then re attached it before the motors left put normally confined to the controlled environment of a race tracks. Garage area, the makeshift repair work in response to a traffic accident illustrated the new and decide in the urban environment, the mask cars crews, are now inhabiting chicago's grant park area. The article read any so because not because nascar crews decided to fix a car, they ve been involved in an accident that means nascar more black
Is that what they're saying maybe like robin's gravedigger, just gonna, be good yeah, I'll, be honest, so I mean really earth I mean. Would you like me to say? Oh this just comes out. This is great, or would you like me to tell the truth wherever the truth by the fuck outta here with a pr stunt these motherfuckers? They might
The good dudes in the end they fixed the car, but the reality of it is there's fuckin fuel pods sitting there like what do? What do they do know so they're parked on the street, but I think that's actually why their fucking cars crash this man that they didn't rip. They didn't fucking, mechanically fixed the car, the bumper was damaged and the door was damaged in a fucking, took the shit off in a car went down the road like you have to know absolutely fucking nothing about cars to even fucking believe this shit, so you know thumbs up to them, be a good dudes, but let's not make this into this whole thing. At the re. Go back to the last page. Article set up prayer Roy in august. Isn't it let's read this to you normally confined to the controlled environment of a race tracks, garage area, the makeshift repair work in response to the traffic accident illustrated the new and the. Suddenly, urban environment than nascar crews, now inhabitants chicago square,
parker reality. We know that our reads: it means because they did this. There are now more open and blue beloved black. We get the fuck out of here. They are not like. This is a bull shit article into the guys that didn't you good guys, I'm not saying it's, not your fault representatives. He has done, and I say as some fucking bullshit. Ok like they didn't fucking repair that do you took the fucking dragon as barbara. he threw down the fuckin row like everybody else. Does making a bompard accident and its raw we'd be fucking. Real here do like. Can we just be fucking real, like this is absurd shit because a couple of dudes on the nascar pit team at sixth and we're good samaritans and fix this car now nascar's? urban yeah, yeah yeah. Most about the outcome of those whose trucks are sitting on the side of the road that legislation alone. Why do you ask cause? I know consider that are less
I'm sorry. I would love to sit here and say: oh so, fucking so great, but like dude, I can't help but notice that they yeah come on and listen. I say thumbs up, not getting shot. Listen, I think thumbs up, I'm going to give a thumbs up because it's good that they helped the people because she always helps No well, let's not turn this into some fuckin brand new dea bullshit. I mean this fucking manifest. The way nascar is plenty like the black people that love fucking cars, like the idea that, like black people, don't like racing cars like it's ridiculous. Now, okay, like it's bubba, wallace bros, you know in a fashion yeah, but you know what I'm saying like dude everything's gotta be dislike, feel good branding bullshit around my row. A couple of dudes help the card it was in the fucking phentermine. It doesn't matter what
how can people were what area like what what color the people are they inhabit? The area can do. Is one good due to open our people who help in Abidjan. injured dollars. Whoever wrote this, whoever whoever act this out is a branch or I tell you they're. Definitely there definitely pandering to the re shit. I think you know- and I think I honestly think that's I think. That's part of the problem everybody's, trying out virtue each other about who can be more this more that are more. This war that, like bro, this ain't, that heart, like a couple years, saw an accident. They happen to be part of a nascar team. Now what were there and help the people there were an accident good it rubs off. When I improve an urban environment, the fuck outta you dude, like, let's just tell the truth and by the way cool
Why don't these guys on the race team like wrote that these are some of the coolest dudes ever bro? You know what I'm saying: there's no disrespect towards them. They did the right thing, but the media and like not everything, has to be this. Like I hit the story, be like this good samaritans from nascar team help out people in trouble. You don't say riveted that, like. Why is it gotta be this? Oh this just shows that nascar is more race friendly, like what the fuck we're not racists like fun. I love a mayor dude. I'm so tired of the like the stuff. You know like. Can we just get back to being normal know like? Can we just like to just be normal yeah, I'm with weatherman man? I gave a thumbs up because the guys that actually helped did a good thing. I wish him yeah the guys Andy
What got me to don't be a host for the show sleeping on the floor. Now my jewelry box frozen the fuck are still countless millions in the kobe teach Buddhist got a rope kang doesn't know his shot case closed.
Transcript generated on 2023-08-04.