« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

539. Andy & DJ CTI: Balloon Floating Across ND, Biden's Attorney Slams IRS & Putin Uncovers $6.2 Billion Coup?

2023-06-27 | 🔗

In today's episode, Andy & DJ discuss ND residents spotting a balloon-like object floating across the state, Hunter Biden's attorney slamming the IRS whistleblower's illegal release of WhatsApp messages to a Chinese businessman, and if Putin uncovered the $6.2 billion account error that cost American tax dollars.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The one number during the fuck are still countless millions in the kobe teach Buddhist got up on that rope can't both doesn't know his shot case closed. What is up guys? This is a show for the real say, goodbye to allies, the famous illusions of wealth cap and a dj mother. Fucking internet gonna. Do that's what ctr I stands for guys, crews, the internet, what we do here as we put up headlines on the screen we talk about. What's going on, we speculate on. What's true, what's nature and then we talk about how we can solve the problem together as individuals right other times. If you tune in, we have q and a half. That's where you get to submit questions, and I answer him. You could submit your questions a couple of different ways. The first way is guys you can email those questions to ask Andy at Andy for solid
After all, if you go down in the comments section on the coup- and I got up so on youtube and drop your question in the comments make sure eclipse of fraud will answer some questions from there as well. Other you, tuna and we have real talk. We'll talk is five twenty minutes and me just giving you some real talk. otherwise we will forward for light, is what you see almost other shows where some people come in. They sit down to have a conversation. The shows that we have the conversations about usually with exceptional people who have done exceptional things in life and we talk about how they are Regular people who have done these exceptional things, and then we talk about how you and I can be exceptional like them, and then we have seventy I've hard versus now, those that don't know. I am the creator of the lip hard program that encompasses. Seventy five heart is available for free at episode. Two, oh, wait! You don't have to buy anything if you want. There is a book. The book can be bought on my website any for solid outcome, but the programme is free to do
The only difference is what you learn on The ep is so to away in what you are in the book, but in the book is much more in depth the case or explains the. Why, in it explains the reasoning, and it tells you what you warn experience and why these things are important. So if you're, one of those people that has know everything like I am at the book, if you just want to go fucking, do it it's free Tat was so to away on the really I feed in audio only case. We went on youtube at that time. You two stone. You do so for all of this information that we do here. We have this thing called the fee, and the fee is very simple. If you learn some skills, if the show makes you think makes you laugh, it gives you new perspective. If it's a message that you think needs to be heard, or please share it. I don't run ads on the show, because I don't want to listen to any corporate dumb ass, just tell me what I can't I can't say I don't run ads for the show, because I'm very proud of word of mouth, I like quality and if you like, to spread quality and it works for us, that's perfect,
that's how I like it. If we do a shitty job, which is very rare don't share the show. Ok, but it happens. Sometimes we suck just like everybody suck. Sometimes. So specifically do you guys were like all everybody these to be listened to, show brow. I appreciated so much and then no share the show hey if you what people to hear the show you gotta share. It did in the zoo. While community out push right. So this this all depends on us here to get the message out. So when I say pay the fee. What I really mean is don't be a whoa show the show alright what's happening going on there. Oh I'm a little sore today or what you do so I went golfing yesterday you did an actual course not well, so it was a par three course. Charity. Yes, really yeah. As the first golf course I replied to yeah and I fucking killed it. I did great
there's a big rate charities a great place to learn, but especially when they read it, but apparently they read it, but really it was fucking. Awesome bro tower to use to be the shit. When I was a kid bro, you would walk up there and you walk down a little shack and they had a vest. Soda machine outside might still be there. I dunno, but it was a you get whistle Well, you get grape, nor else you get your fuck cream soda and I got a motherfucker. Every time I played everytime I play tower t. I got two cream sodas. I got one for right now I put one in my bag and I drank that mother fucker warm halfway through the shit, alright, that's cold or hot cream. Soda still tastes like shit at what I read. I love it. So you I I love turkey. Let's call you want, yeah. It was awesome. They got a pretty pretty law challenge. Of course saint louis, like iconic place, idea in every exist. It you didn't. You gonna drive, arranged you're, just a
we did go driving range, but not a tower. It's okay, because the grass that they got to work on the rest. Little bit, I don't like hitting off the mat, sir. I'm learning yeah, I like hitting off of grass agile, look man wherever we get it in or I gotta go yesterday, get it in high school. Maybe I got it in there nah it was. It was cool dude, but yeah. I'm I'm I'm a little sore I was only now holes. Yeah sorry Well, now that you're gettin spelled your little bit skinnier. probably a easier move around. It is due to wait at now I'm two hours to seventy three issue here. So now. Yeah, I'm getting there, man, I'm almost three, sixty three, fifty eighty, three, fifty seven, three, fifty six, so no bus or mine, looking good to HO hos. I feel great. I do feel great. My clothes are fitting a lot better. So that's always nice, but you know if you go golfing by yourself or do you take someone now with
address by letters were my castle with my one friend Donovan he's actually like a fuckin from where he I should place like a national tournament. Like he's, fucking great has a title tiger head for the IRA club. I barely that's. Let's must mean some shit What is the black? Here's? Okay? Well, you know that's tiger woods, baby y'all! That's what it is! Dude, like berries, I think he's like- I think he said it was like an eight or nine handicap. Really, that's great he's pretty fucking good as it is. He is he the guy who was up or down If you want to be me but he's on the phone. No, no, no! That's my row as different guy. Going. Also, it was good man. I got my feet wet and getting some nice tits, they did what was the best tip for a while. He gave me a few like I fixed my my grip up, because I was just doing a baseball grip at first. We changed it up and then he like, I was sell them. I do like I feel, like I'm, a pretty good sponge when it comes to learning new shit. Writing, because my and the big, his driver behind this, because I don't want to like be bat. Your arms answer to give me a fucking couple of tips, I'm going to implement those right away.
Right, you're, gonna, say a warrant. I gotcha I mean I did I did. I went par on a few of the holes. I did. I did pretty good. He did real good dude they're, pretty decent Then, when I really got far in a hole on three on three without she without eating you that at least one of them I did against wise. How long did you get at least one real power, the four elbow japan, s really good at me, well, the challenge of fucking course I'll be able to say it was pretty decent, yeah wow. It's not that challenging like I'm set war, We got a rule we're going to creep for next week, so yeah or next to skin or whatever. When they want to clear up or laugh at you But it is challenging for your first time out and the fact that you got a part. That's amazing, yeah they're, pretty good man, my puck game. I gotta work on livermore, but you know we'll get there We get them out my goal right. You know the golf sang right drive for show. You know the rest of that. Will ya revolver? If you don't know one
You have to go out and learn yeah, just starting to learn saying he brought this anybody else in here notice. Saying I'll teach you something real, quick, it's dry drop d to look it up. What is it drive for show putt for dough? That's right, that's right, nor that means that means, if you're going to be a dick, golf regatta beheld, a pot real number is putting anywhere. I got more fucker, mad cow sovereigns work and the work on a mammal. Never mind all survivor got which which I'm not sure if you ve gone yet was too just not fucking play. we're gonna get out. Surely the best quality by ever got viewed. It helped me the most
because you're like me, you played a lot of violent sports. Yes, so it's always about force and how hard you can do something. The best tip I ever got about. Golfing was to hold the golf club just had enough to where you're not going to let go of it and when you swing, and that allows your body to really move through the swing fluid and that that's one of the things that helped me the most with golf yeah. So it's something I constantly remind myself of literally every time I swing a club which is never now because I took the first that's the best business right last week, member yes, I saw the skin incidents, I do want to bring this matter because it and it's funny brought no. My weight loss of stuff up because I want I want to get your opinion on this, and I know them young, your young. We got some time but
question: where do you see yourself at seventy years old? You know that story by Sala yeah right right now I mean, but I just physically like. Oh I'm gonna be ripped like like, like rfk ripped yeah, I'm gonna be that I'll be alive. will be as ripped or more as rfk pro he's fucking. He looks good now. He looks pretty good. I'm sure you guys have seen this stuff circulating around. Oh bro, I've seen all the fuckin leftists like the election. Steroids! Dear! Yes, oh do now! So what that's exact with the steelworks seventeen years already look jack. This fuck you get hard dicks, that's exactly what the fuck does yeah, I mean nobody does do make you a little fucking pussy bitch make you shit yourself, yeah Where is she got to see that this is a fox news headline areas? I have caging your post push up video after viral and press getting in shape from our debates with president Biden.
your presidential candidate, robert of kennedy, junior nephew of J, f k, I tweeted a video sunday of himself doing pushups shortlist in june. and one day after twitter erupted over a viral video of him bench pressing I quote giving in shape from our debates with president Biden, Kennedy tweet, Here's a video of the bench press, ok here, there's a quick video for you, He looks good boy until I see it stock units yeah, he looks good for a man of any age airbus is like all what is sixty nine there was like oh, he looks good for a sixty nine year old and I'm looking at them. I'm like bro. You never look that good day in your life and your face Let's go for a third one, yeah, let's, let's tell the truth, you dismantle it after it. You can't fake that
I buy that blah blah blah blah blah blah. You know you guys can say. Oh it's storage or this or that and hormone replacement therapy therapy with testosterone is super beneficial for men. The whole. Why? that it should be in the region are somewhat shame around. It is because they don't want you taken. It are the reason I tell you All these stories about making your dick small and all this shit is because the high testosterone, men had hardly. They are too fucking control. Okay, so. just ass rome, which is a naturally producing hormone in our body when we take it as a supplement to our natural production over the course of time and we age. Benefits us in a lot of different ways, and so you as we have been told. All look at just ass.
Ro, the scared of it. You followed for the propaganda bro. Ok, this man looks great. I don't care what he's taking he that you still even if you took over testosterone, the fuckin world used. we'll have to your work. Yes, you gotta work. and that's a whole other misconception, like everybody who doesn't lift, looks as someone who's in shaping our good fortune roy rage, bro. Even if you took fuckin and Have the you can't even do an ivy or steroids because they're in a muscular, but even if you fucking did it, I am drip a fucking stare twenty four hours a day your pussy ass, we're still like a pussy if you weren't doing the work. Ok, so now he, if you and then by the way you have to write to you, know, there's all these things in the general public is just so misinformed on. All of that, but yeah do looks like an ostrich. Drew me somebody, it's it's him.
possible not to respect the like life. You have, the respect, someone who's earned that for themselves. It's. This is what we talked about talked about it. I think, recently, on a show about this being like a calling card right It says something about you before you even open your mouth, you. Walk in a room, yoni says she's, as I did support human being. Who works extremely hard and for me, when I see someone, regardless of what their political filiation is and they ve kept themselves good shape and, may I say, we're fucked This guy's got some good qualities, he's a hard work. You're insane, it's uh, it's the ultimate calling card. We don't say anything and so, like you know, I don't agree with everything rfk says, but dude. I respect the fuck out of him because he's Clearly, a man of standard yeah, I don't I don't ever want to see. You abide, looks like
What are your homes they're like just just to compare the two? I wouldn't want to see it like. Don't just do it dude, it's just look man, you could say the same about a lot of people. It's just there's people that have standards and then there's people that have lesser standards and there's people have no stake you know, and now you gotta decide which one you're in now. So when one of the things I saw quickly were people on twitter trying to go after him, while he's not even a bitch pressing them fucking care, I know what it was. He was actually doing. One read max or he was not doing. One read max, and so Where this guy eugene Marinelli he I did the math and apparently because of the amount of way he had on that bench. His max would be somewhere around three fifteen. So I mean I mean, look that speculation. Okay, like all these calculations, neither did it or you didn't do it and when it comes to weight,
they're, alright, but there's no doubt that the dudes strong now mischa, two hundred and thirty pounds, that's still the detour and thirty pounds for a set of three that's better than ninety nine point. Nine percent of the men in this fucking country, exactly Exactly seventy years old at seventy years old man- it's impressive, I lodged are those interest, so yeah keep going a man alive. I like him to do I mean I don't know bugs. I don't know much. I think he's doing like a woman. I thought intentionally without running. As a democrat thing, I think his whole platform is, I don't think, he's ash. I don't think he actually if he's going to win- or even I don't think, that's the objective. I think his objective is exposure yeah. I think his objective is I'm running for president, so they legally can't censor me, which they're doing anyway, which is against the law, which they eventually be held accountable for okay, and to get the exposure and we're seeing the media react
in the the typical way they react right. Always a conspiracy theorists have dumb asses the general public doesn't understand they don't care when you call someone a conspiracy, theorist anymore nope, that was three fucking years ago: a badge of honor? Yes, now, that's like all well, he must be telling the truth if we're not showing them on tv people of wise that so they're all they're, all meth do the crumbling, which is what makes a dangerous working great meal. It's great for guys, remember if you want to see any of these pitches articles links videos go down to priscilla dot com, you can find them like there or you can also drop down if you're on youtube in the description and find them link there as well. As with that being said man. Let's start this cruise man, yeah. I got some interesting shit going on right now, a headline number of rfk on fucking hit a live with him, who I know he'd be able to keep up yeah well.
Yeah well clearly, emmy! Look at him! That's what the fuck it lets. You know what now do language rather there I mean it's, a devil got mad merrily ass brown So you are now. I know first, one form of a woman ass, he now I want to show, will catch. You live to be fun. I wouldn't do you guys I Gaza, This proves that we have another one: number one reads: north Dakota residents spot balloon like object floating across state. Here we go, he misses round like four or five above, and so I want to watch. I want to show you. I got this video for you guys for our viewers, it's from the local news affiliate in north dakota, and I want you to hear their reasoning and how they try to make sense of this
a quick short video, but then, but then we'll get to the facts. Okay, so here's the video from them are from north Dakota, local news, affiliate of crime. I've spotted an unusual sight in the evening sky. On sunday, a bismarck resident first reported spotting. A bright circular object floating about bismarck. Just after six pm, your news leader, confirmed what the national weather service in bismarck- it's not one of it's balloons, flightaware flight tracker website reports the object as part of project loon, which was a company that provided rural internet using blue. as facebook users posted about exciting and might not as recent as last night, the correct solution. A little belongs to this company project loom, which was what they said was the company doesn't exist. So, let's, let's look into some of the actual facts, are okay, so we have the
sky here this is mad rose and their great. He is a u s, representative, for the state of montana, ok, and he treated this out. Just for two and a half hours ago, just called last night, several people endorsing county were tracking a balloon flying across eastern montana. At fifty seven thousand feet I contacted the idea was informed that they are aware, but due to the size of the balloon and the low probability that it is conducting surveillance, they will not be investigating if the spy balloon february taught us anything. It is that montanans are vigilant and watson.
what is flying over our state and will expose the bite administration for not protecting us, basically sand and then and mind you guys when the february balloon came out ass, the exact same thing, the deity said then write an answer. Now I gotta the bull fighting over us simultaneously with all the other crazy stuff that we're getting in this will have a. But, but I want to know what what you got on this while it looks like it's, it looks like the exact same thing we went through in February and You know, there's all this speculation about, why they didn't shoot it down and Shawn ryan. When he came on, we talked about this and him, and I you know we talk a lot, it's possible that these.
Spy balloons that china has been sending and- and it's been confirmed- they've been doing this for a long time. It actually came out that they did this during trump's administration as well could possibly be not told about it. He wasn't, it was kept from him. That's correct, Horton, so it's possible that these balloons could carry an actual nuclear device that could be detonated at altitude, which would serve as an e m p against the united states and would have a blast range mapping out communication range of over a thousand miles and every single direction. So that could be why their nashua things things down over or u s right cause they're afraid that it could be that. But you know look man what we're compromised
right. We are politicians, we have media, we have hollywood, we have the biggest companies in the world all bought and paid for in some way shape or form by the chinese government, and the chinese government seems to have a pass to do anything. They want to the united states right now, including sending spy balloons across the united states, including getting most of the countries in the world to shy away from the. U S, dollar and foreign bricks are. An alliance is basically against the united states, including sending up to four hundred thousand million harry age, males across the border with this border crisis? Ok, including including including including including right we could go on and on and on, but every single one of these moves
It has been made that we continue to talk about on. The show is always in china's favor. Isn't that weird like? Wouldn't you think that if it wasn't intentional that occasionally, some of these things would go in our favour, like just by statistical chance like? Do you really think it's a coincidence that all of these things are happening at once like this? Is the thing that I can't wrap my brain around like how can anyone observe what's going on right now and then look at the evidence that has been backed up over and over over again like a spa, well with the chinese, spy, writing or thinking or yeah or Biden, taking millions of dollars from the chinese government and for policy decision change which remembered this thing with ukraine and bereavement was I prob. Do you really think it was just limited to that right, we're not being told the whole story, and so, when you look at all these things that are happening
the devaluation of the dollar, the closing of all the small businesses and twenty twenty two. We rout business to the biggest companies in the world who are happened to be in bed in business, would guess who, with china, ok the migrant crisis, the the the stopping of adoption of united states energy on day, one of buying being elected you know we could. Go on and on on the crime in the cities. All of these things benefit this country, and they heard our country and its just it's mine, blowing, the native people, still think this is some sort of conspiracy. Theory know there is a difference between a conspiracy, theory and actual conspiracy and that's what we're dealing with here and until americans wait. The fuck up, which I
they are, but until they get loud and start demanding it, nothing is going to change right and here's the thing I get fifty people a day and my dm in my text, messages saying same road. You see this bro look at this, like shit is happening in their neighborhood and I'm like yeah. I talk about it every day You motherfuckers clearly don't listen to the shop, Ok, so not only not listen to the show. You now share in the message that europe having on me to go fuck and do your dirty work. Fuck. You ok, until we start standing up for our own shit, putting our own battles in our own neighborhoods we're not to change anything so all this shit. Goes along with this. These main things has to be rejected in rio.
I have conversation with realise activism being engaged in your community right now. Okay, the the indoctrination of kids, the sexualization of kids, the fucking everything all of it all the shit that goes with with what these people are about, because what these people are about, or by the destruction of america and the third realization of this country and making sure that we're never what we used to be. You guys think we're going back to two thousand and nineteen you're fucking insane bro. This isn't going to just clear up it'll shake out over the next election or really really like you. You really think that that wasn't stolen, or you really think that you really think Joe Biden got. Eighty one million fucking boats obama got like sixty something million. What obama get look up? His vote counts for
wait! No twelve! You think the Joe Biden, this frail old man, you think he's just stupid and all you think that all these things are doing are just his decisions and they happen to be bad, and you think all these people in the white house are just stupid. People know there are the front to appear so been so that you don't understand these are actual traders and revolt against them. That's what we're dealing with how many get he yeah sixty nine million two thousand eight and sick. sixty five and two thousand and Joe Biden got eighty one million twelve million more fuckin bus at obama's height in two thousand eight you're full of shit. If you think that it's impossible so
yeah yeah. What will see me? What we'll we'll keep updated on this? Because here's the thing with this, the spy balloon this next one and the then that's blacked out on the streets on this topic and and so the wasn't for U s representative, meroz, Adele family would even have seen it my other outside of the locally. Failure to laminar that looks. It appears that that that this is a legit thing. They're running again, do you notice the media is like arrow. How much mainstream media you be able to catch, but
do you notice how even fox news is now trying to bend so like they're, bending away from like, where tucker, what the pack Tucker was on and they're bending more towards this path of, like the elections, are not rigged and we're going to win the twenty four election? Now they know you're, not your fucking, not if you guys hope this. This is this is why it's important to vote. You guys think this is why you shouldn't vote. This is why you should vote, because if you do not vote because you think that it doesn't matter, then there's no way to prove the fraud later and that that's the thing do what they are achieving by trying to tell us that the election is not rigged and everything is fine. Is they're trying to quash the anxiety of the people and get us back into a wall. Okay, if everything's cool, then I don't even vote cause everybody else to take care of it.
are there plans yeah the last people to vote the easier it is for them to fuck shit and that's what that's what you have to understand yup, so we'll keep you updated on this guys, we'll see where this is, and that doesn't mean that the voting is not compromised, know what I'm but we have remained well way to catch them stealing it it's important that every single person that thinks the elections don't matter goes out and votes anyway for the people that they would vote for if it still intact, because that creates the evidence needed approved they stole the election at a later time. Except me, all you think. A couple of steps ahead, I know it's fucking difficult as regards those have another one. That's gonna learn number two men you alluded to. It began to talk about it. Get all euro shit himself hullabaloo reads: hunter binds its hurry,
slams iris whistle blowers illegal release of. What's that message to chinese business, yeah, that's more illegal and actually doing business with china gum ass. I was I was dive into this Hunter Barnes attorney is responding to testify. from an irish whistle blower who claims that the agency obtained a what's at message in which the president's son invoked his father's name, and we have a text message. Actually, this is the alleged message. Ok, Joe Biden sent or what's apps or reads, says quote: I am sitting here with my father. and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled. Tell the director that I would like to resolve this now before
Gets out of hand and now means to night and z. If I get a car or tax from everyone involved in this other than you Zheng or the chairman, I will make certain that between the man sitting next to me and every person he knows and my ability to forever hold a grudge that you will regret Not following my direction. I am sitting here. Waiting for the call with my father. holy shit man rise in us. It's ex right onto the article continues says the irs chrome. It is, I think, how big of a fucking turd that you have to actually be to even write that, like you ve, been this guy's been someone everybody just kissed his fuckin asshole fucking life try their share with a real human being row. You get your fuckin asked me. dude, I'm so sick of easily fox sources, article
As I have even a text, someone that shit, you better be sure you get your ass. better, be sure or you better, be sure, you're willing to shoot him in the face either or yeah you'll be able to back that shit up. Is it oh, in me. So steady yeah about your good for you, But how can eminence on your dick the take a picture of it while you smoke, farmers are cabal mayor. Will the fuck outta here grudges is so so that's basically article could tease, says iris criminal supervisory special agent, gary sharply junior, who oversaw the agency's investigations onto by claims. The agency obtained a message from what's dated July, thirtieth twenty seven.
scene from hunter Biden to henri Zao, ceo of harvest fund management, where the president's son claimed that he was with his father in an attempt to pressure Zao to fulfill the commitment of Christopher Clark, an attorney france or Biden said in a statement to fox news, digital that the claims are there. Very misleading, quote biased and politically motivated. Selective leaks have played this matter for years. They are not only a responsible; they are illegal, a closing the elimination of the document released publicly yesterday by a very biased individual raises serious questions of, That is what he claims to be. It is dangerously misleading to make any conclusions or inferences. Based on this document, clarke said, while the J investigation covered a period which was a time of turmoil and addiction for my plan
Why waves of illegal or was it that you just might be too much parmesan wedge, which is it. I know the deal J investigation covered a period which was a time of turmoil and diction from my quiet as if that excuses, whatever the fuck he's done, exact, which is reflective of the attitude that we have towards the actual criminals in society. Right now, if I I go if I was a progressive person and I ran around with a fuckin pride flag, cape around my neck, and I went down in the city of ST louis and shot some motherfuckers and I said fuck dude, I'm having a whole day However, let me off they had it so hard ya like broke. That's began, oh shit. That's it you! So like it's disgusting this report also say the quote: we have to get away from that inside society that whole doesn't fucking matter what kind turmoil. You were going through when you do fucked up shit, they did it. You did it
so the eternal clark he also said quote verifiable words or actions of my client in the midst of a horrible addiction are solely his own and have now. Connection to everyone in this family? because it was what is it well, one of the big represents. There was a real. Why I'm glad you brought that up eighty because he was the bank. While I I think I caught a little bit about this, and I think I remember seeing that a whole bunch of money. Millions of dollars, hitters account just a couple days after this term data basins of us it's high. I was only reading. You know skin scanning the news, a little rob for the crews. Guy, so the. How reads sinner report Biden, business received five point: one million dollars within ten days of hunter binds what's up text while sitting next. To that, it's amazing what you could pick up when you counter the internet. A grudge must have been very, very scared.
He's, got five point: one million on sundays man there that's countering the right. Those are the twenty twenty seven report on the bag. Family business revealed hunter Biden. Link bank accounts received five point: one million dollars in payments, from a chinese business partner henry's out within and days of just revealed saxon, which demand payment using facsimile to his father as a crucial I am resolved influential in forming a chinese investment fund had deep ties to china's intelligence according to bite bar new senior contributor and government accountability institute. President Peter Schweizer in two thousand
seventeen him rizal work with chinese energy, conglomerate, c e, F, c energy, also linked to chinese military intelligence and yeah. I mean fuck man right now. Let's check in with the left a little bit, okay cause. I got something for you. This is a b c news Let's just look at this headline hunter Biden's: alleged whatsapp message, fuels g, o p, assertions of corruption, even after plea and and I want to dive into them- cause they're, they're, they're, so fresh shit. What is now look, I understand that the top of the media is bought and paid for
by our government and by china. Sure I understand I understand my car. I understand that nike in all these big fuckin giant companies have lots of business in china and they do things that are favourable to china, because it's a bigger margaret for them or as big as what we have here right. You understand that I think it's wrong, but I understand what is up. With all these like mid and lower level like blogger, reporter types that will just straight up like take ah take their side just because when it's very clear, but I don't think you guys understand what happens to you later for doing this, like when the truth comes out and whether it be right now or whether it be five years from now or rather be me or anybody else. That brings the truth.
To the forefront when the reckoning comes all of you, people that side with these people mindlessly now you end up getting executed later. Ok, so a lot of you in the media really, really really think about how the stories crumbling, what you know to be true and what side of history you want to end up on, because this mindless Support of a china narrative when our president is- Clearly getting money deposited to him from the intelligence agencies of our biggest global enemy, and then it's been shown that.
there's documents that are not public, yet that none of us have seen and nobody's seen that show that this man is taking money for policy decisions right which that means that he's compromised. That means that we have a chinese asset, making decisions for you, and I that are against our interests and in their interests and the fact that these low level in mid level media people are reporting pro china shit. It's astounding me like, where is their sense of patriotism just because these people happened to be on the other side of? Maybe you. political preference. Does it mean that this isn't a threat to your safety and your freedom and the country that you live in like do you think we're going to turn all this shit over to china and they're going to come here and they're gonna treat you right like what the fuck is going on here, or are these people just doing this because they
I want to be fired right now, right early being, for I don't understand what's going on, but when I do understand, is that the more that you continue talking to all of these media people who are not the ones actually being paid for this. The more you continue to go along with this shit. and the more that the pendulum swings back the other way, the more chances are the reckoning is going to come for you as well, and you no matter. how many articles you write saying concern seafarers or right wing, extremist or dangerous to the democracy or whatever nobody it's not going to a difference because nobody's by name and so there's a lot of people. on the wrong side of the fence here, because they're getting pay for it sixty seventy a hundred thousand dollars a year to be outside and there's gonna come a time work. That's not worth it to you. I can promise you that, because there will be a reckoning there will be a cleaning of the communists in this country and it will happen in a problem,
we'll be violent. And so a lot of people were put themselves endanger right now by mindlessly supporting the shit like this is traditional left right rhetoric when it's not all doom and like and like. If you listen to the way this this journalist like talks about this, I listened to vote. If the messages is in fact rio and its contents. Taking at face value. It would certainly raise political and ethical questions for the white house hunter bind his uncles. James, frank, have a lengthy wreck of invoking the family name, secure business deals without Joe Biden, knowledge, which could have been the case in this stance but of Joe Biden. Wasn't in office at the time, it would not necessarily amount to evidence of a crime. That doesn't mean he's not compromise currently under the same deal that they made, then ok, how do they come while the whole system, the media, the biggest companies in the world
the election system, the social media companies, the politicians and they pay them all and do do you not think. Do we not remember in the two thousand nineteen era where all of these people worse were weirdly, very confident the trump wouldn't be re elected there wasn't going to happen confident and they weren't twenty fifteen. Do you remember that, like remember, remember all these political officials saying it's not going to happen. It's not going to happen, there's no way it's happened and we're not going to let her have and will do whatever it takes for it not to happen. Do you not think now? Looking back, that covered was an engineered operation to create a situation for multiple reasons, but the main reason. it was to get drunk donald trump out of office. They knew this mother. Fucker was gonna, be the next present in two thousand and seventeen because we're gonna make it so and the fact that these people will we will leave this out because of their personal bias is an absurdity, its
the criminal, like you guys, are violating the entire reason you became a journalist in the first place you to become a journalist. It was to the to discover the truth. Just because you don't like the truth, does it mean that you shouldn't reporting as what the fuck do? I gotta but there are certainly what raised concerns yeah, no shit, dude and one that eighty iq like europe Well, my be but the rest of the country isn't, and we all understand what's going on so the crew, I mean how the craziest part but like you know, and then yes, Joe Biden about it, and he just gives you the good all bill Clinton,
was there already not have sexual relations nope? No business deals or what comes out later due to sticking cigars in her pussy and shit right like no, that's really what came out yeah, yeah, yeah, so number pants yeah. Those are my drugs learned, even my parents, and I'm a pants man who will pay his bond, has shit stains and since I'm no bro, these people are fucking traitors, they're, they're, they're traitors, in any of you to continue to support them or even stay silent at this point, you're complicit in this, in my opinion, like there should a citizens of this country. They have any patriotic blood in them at all the care about this country and you're being signed.
When you know this is going on. What you're going to create is a situation where we really truly lose america to a communist ideology which will hurt you and hurt your family it'll hurt the entire future of your bloodline, removes your history and writes you right out of the books as relevant and and you and your fucking okay with that, because you don't like the Republicans, you see what I'm saying. No is isn't a republican democrat issue. That's the biggest lie being told like this is of them. The elites vs us the people and then you've got all these people out there. On the internet, saying we should be focused about having fun and getting back to real life, no you're in denial. This isn't going away until this is addressed, it's going to continue to get worse and your idea of fun is going to be breaking rocks in the mother, fucking labor camp. These women vote for trump yeah rush, yeah right right,
This is what the tropic of one for trouble I wouldn't have to break these rocks right, fucking idiots and trumpet trucks fucking up by Matt, uniting people like this constant attack and like making it sound like there's. There's this america is only for the night look dared there's a whole bunch of people. They don't like you because of the way you address people, if you would. become a little bit more pleasant to listen to and by the way I love how you are I'm a smart ass to brow and I hate motherfuckers, but you're the present, and I'm not right, and if I, was the pleasant. I would speak to all of america, not just my little part of it. And that's all miss and that's what I mean like about the situation? We don't have anybody coming out, saying hey this fucking countries, arts. This is not left right, america. This is americans, america and we're dealing with situation where people are getting paid to divide
that up and make people believe that our place it to make other people believe that this is their place in its being evaded. And we have the situation where we can anybody on the same page, because none of the fucking me ship will address people as a whole, as opposed to addressing people as are with theirs us, and then there are the enemy over there like. This are true you we're, not your enemy, People saying that they're, your enemy are your fucking enemy. Folks, by the way people say this to say, I can't get along with those people fuck them. Okay. Well, then, you're not for free country. No, you don't understand what the constitution's about, because here's the thing people's idea of what they want to do with their life is not always going to align with yours and for us to have a free country. We have to be
tolerant of other people's idea of freedom when it starts to affect the morality and when it starts to decay, the tradition of most of the country like, for example, like letting grown men like I seen this weekend, go to pride festivals and dance naked in a fountain while there's little kids around, yeah. No, it's not! Okay, it's not acceptable and a great vast majority of americans upper of ninety percent. Ninety five percent of americans will say fuck that that should not allowed here. Mother fucker, you wanna, be a degenerate. Weird mother fucker you fuckin, leave this country puts him fuckin jail, that's what we need. Ok, these men shaken their dicks in front a little kids because they dress and drag not acceptable. These kids reading books about second debts when their second grade not acceptable. Ok, that's not freedom, No we're going to have a slice of bread
if morality in this country now, if you want to be an adult- and you want to shake your dicks in front of other adults, I'll, give a shit cool twilight tuesdays where we don't care, But how would I be known what to shake my dick to? But you know what I don't fucking do in front of fun. Kids, very! You know what I'm saying like bro: this is. This is call being a decent human being and it's funny because these people run on decent sees back in the white house. Yeah is: does this look at a decent society? need any of you, like in the comments section that the any of you think this is acceptable. What's going on or decent in any way shape or form, because that's not what decency means to me. Your decency means to me having respect for our elders, taking care of our community living. The best example that we can treating people kind, take care of the less for, in it. It doesn't look like shaking my dick in front a kids, you don't of sand, there's a whole bunch other thing that we all know
we all know inside of us are right. We know their rights and the people who let this should happen. They have. This was a fair mentality Well, fuck it. Let him be themselves, that's fine, but they then being themselves is intruding on other people's idea. The majority of the people's idea of what is decent. there has to be boundaries. Bro there has to be boundaries with freedom you're in there are using, like you, have gathered newsome, arguing that the people who are charge. Now we're trying to restrict freedom. Another not they're, trying to set it up about boundary of moral standard, that most of the country actually agrees with all fuckin word play bullshit familiar under what am I. A third and final headlined as headline number three that talk about it over mother, Russia may recall: putin, gambro
So have I ever three reads: wagner fears, wounded putin could launch purges like never seen before you came visual, also russian president vladimir Putin likely feels, well mortally wounded, unquote about the weekends, military, mutiny, risking purges, like we ve never seen before, and even the possibility of a full scale collapsed. Russia. According to uk officials, a leash occurrence, the chairman of the case, foreign affairs, select committee, told l, b c radio that the attempted coup by the powerful wagner group over the weekend created a quote. Really dangerous. Inflection point quote the risk of a collapsed. Russia is not in sight.
again, she warned of the country with the world's largest nuclear arsenal, quote we don't know how far putin will go to keep power, but let's consider it to be significant. If he's successful, we will see purges. I think, like we ve, never seen and before I keep that in mind, cause that's. When was this written? This article was, I came up this morning. Okay well lie round your dumb ass yeah, so so keep at it. Keep that in mind. You got condoleezza rice jumping in saying that you know cause there's been myths talking about how this was all completely staged and she saying you're trying to say that it wasn't right and I think that's just more, so they can fuckin break this down? Let's just keep going yeah, you got bites. Let all the cards out here. Your Biden Biden again he's he's playing the good old bill Clinton. Again. I had to do rid of the promise
parents feel, but even though reports coming out the? U S, intelligence agencies breach twenty four hours for russia rising. So you do you, but you didn't. You are doing your dacha okay and let's make sense of this. For, for everyone out there listening or watch this wagon talks that less less less is there any more I mean I got everything else. You can possibly need. Okay, let's break it down. Let's do break it down. What was first off talk about the gleeful celebration of everybody on the left for the first twenty four hours, dawn and by the way half of you hit me up my inbox, I fuck it. You fucking putin you're on the side of the room. What do you think now? Bitch, okay, because here's what actually happened in all likelihood when actually
It happened in all likelihood. Do we remember the story that came out at the end of last week about a certain amount of money that was just pencil, fucked right out of the fucking budget, six points and six point: two billion dollars hm, that's weird, just fuck: we fucked it up alright! Well, they got an extra six point. Two Ok, then, within thirty six hours a coup starts: ok and then the wagon marches on russia, by the way not killing a single russian soldiers or citizen. They move all of their gear back towards moscow and ass. They move all of their gear back towards moscow before cable priorities of the ukrainian offensive, our ok, then potent comes out and other do homey comes out and they argue in public about I'll work, I'm gonna get you and know not novel gabby. I write.
And then all of a sudden magically, while all the left is in everybody's written for putin to give fucking killed and it's going to happen and telling me that I was fuckin wrong. Which I really am to rebel here says you know what Go ahead, go back to the front now you have to be a special kind of special to not understand what just happened, and what actually just happened, was that foreign intelligence agencies and, by the way, putin not me, putin, said a certain middle eastern country certain middle eastern countries. I should keep that in mind the united states, it's a nato formed a plan to facilitate and finance icu from wagner against russia! Now
much what a coup like that actually cost. Do you think I mean? Do you he would do it for a million ploughing that do you think you would do occur a hundred million. Probably not do you think you would do for a billiard are you getting close because there's twenty five thousand troops there and. I am sure that the guys calling the shots they understand like what what it's, what it's worth right, so you drive the price up, is far better to guess what this magic number Six point: two billion agree upon it right and Now all the sun, they Still the united states money, because that's what your money armani they still are money. They spoke the ukrainian offensive. They know exactly what the ukrainian force represents. Now. Ok, there,
questioning it because it's not hidden because they followed him up. The fuckin rose. You, Mr Bernstein, understand because ukrainians offensive they ve been decently good. hiding how much and how are they actually have, which number zack result so How do the fundamental fact more hudson shit? so now all of these people and the ukrainian army, who followed up, which is their their main short expose. Do you think that creates a better situation or worse situation for putin, knowing exactly what the fuck is dealing with, not only that but those ukrainian forces and are surrounded okay. So again- and this comes off of the submarine bullshit, these motherfuckers pull last week where they knew that these people are dead on sunday and then covered it cyber yeah for five days, while the hundred by news came out all right to create distraction.
Right so now the embarrassed themselves with saw molly embarrassed themselves with the story reporting Because, like dirt, if you watch the media on saturday, when all the ship was going down they were all giddy. They were all celebrating, you're, so stupid, motherfuckers stupid as fuck. I just love her body were from being experts on submarines to experts on fuck, accuse him. and so we should now do something else. You shut the fuck up but ended. I was getting people my games like dude at one of our one of our friends. He message me he's like see. I told you this. What happened a prudent and I'm like? Ok, well, there's other things. It could be a could be this. It could be one of the things I said it could be. As I said, it could be them staging a stealing our money and putting themselves in the actual better position than before, and I got the receipts show it, and the person who I was arguing with knows that I ended up being a pair
Why write that, apparently, more so the data indications what happened so so, let's break them down again: Andy! Okay, so so your putin, your russia, I'll, be wagner group I am that you're gonna be on your your nato. In the: u s and a certain middle, usually country now should we not middle eastern country d? I think it would be. I got one on which one because like is it, rack knows. I ran. Is it I ran, start. I ran is a saudi arabia. Now, probably not now is. It is a joy no is it Is it yemen nod I think social which are in close yeah What's a very with another one over there are it always starts with israel were really
israel. What Israel try to finance a coup to protect their global, it's interests with global interests. Would they have any? I dunno, I guess I'm just a bigot for what pointed out that okay, so let's roleplay real, quick, let's roll fight was let's break this down one more time: okay, you're russian, another way for all you motherfuckers that are gonna, throw that anti semites shit around understand. This is no different than the leaders of black lives matter using the black community as a shield for their own criticism, this exacting, ok ma. Ninety nine point nine. This is why when people say, oh, it's the Jews, that's an inaccurate way to communicate its a bone. Headway to communicate and you're, actually playing into their own defense system would Is they could call you and anti semite label you and anti semite, which seems to be the only racist label that still fuckin matters which, for what reason?
You should probably ask why that one so sensitive? Ok, it's very powerful people who identify as jews. Then literal group of people and their very powerful, and then they use all the good jewish community as fuckin shield for their criminal acts. Ok, that's been going on for fucking long time same thing like how the pedophiles had under the algae. That's right same thing. So before you throw your anti semite label? Shit aside, what I'm saying? Okay most jewish people are like look at that shit and they're, like no that's fucked up yeah. So let's, let's break this down one time. Okay, so your russia, your poor, dear Abby, wagner group, okay, that you're? U s a nato, ok and certain middle eastern countries moisture content and we can say without being a big it exactly so are we say it anyway right. so you're saying we have again what the evidence is suggesting is that
the? U s! Nato in this middle eastern country approach me the wagner group. Okay, like hey, you got forty five thousand guys you got. He asked to take russia now. Remember lindsey, graham called for a Brutus, a brutus. If you know history, you could go look up what Brutus dead alright to handle putin internally in their government. There had to be internal, that's reset at so. Let's remember that before senate, okay yeah- I could I could say I could do this for your coup. No problem I got forty. Five thousand guys is going to cost you, though here's how it happened. Nato calls wagner group and says: hey. We got a proposition for you, we got. We need a coup,
How much would it take for you to do this and go take rush out? Well, then, then, Wagner group turns to Putin, says, but now that's what this right so you're leaving out a key part. So wagner group terse, a potent says: hey look what they just send me. My vote because look prudence very very, very much so big on like being wild russia right. So there is no way that one group formulated this without Putin, knowing what we all want to pursue. Our group guys came the putin and said: hey. Look these due to fuck. It hit me up trying to get me to do this poor says I will drive the price. I tell him you'll! Do it for this nato says the? U s ass. Certain middle eastern countries says we got your six point, two billion they release report last week,
We talk a twenty six point: flatter billion putin and wider group sake. This is what we're gonna do. You're gonna march on russia, we're gonna, get them all the say all this stuff in the public and then, when you get to hear we're going to turn around and send you back and we're going to steal their money. We're going to expose ukrainian offensive am going to make them look stupid and make them look like the liars that they actually are. That's what happened boot and my own people. Don't even this dude out chest the higher fucking, globalist cabal, and then we went ahead and some people understand that. But do the leader of the Wagner group imprudent they go back decades. They fought in fucking word ago by these are like fuckin. You can get tighter you, king inside it, as do our what was said
I think when we were watching fox news, then I do trying to see them all trying to fucking recover their ass. Like dude, the media came out with all the shit. This is the end of hoon. This is the under war. This is the do this? This is the end of that. Actually, what this is is this is the exposure like dude putin is smart, like people think he's just some crazy weirdo who just it throws people off of buildings and shit you'd think he got where he is by being dumb or by strict force. You have to be smart and one of the things he's smart about He understands that the american people are not in line with the american government. Okay, so part of this move, in my opinion, was to expose even more to the american people how corrupt these people really are. I believe that was part of the plan, and I got six billion of our dollars.
Where jeremy are damn food, you could have been a little bit less than that, but I get hey if you really want to witness over censorship activists that send me a check, dared. Oh fuck man. jeez man. That's great! What does that make sense? Let us know in the comments. Does that make sense? Are you guys following it? That's what it appears to be to make when we fuck now when I do it any differently. If there wasn't I'm just saying there could be more news that comes out. That shows that that's different, but as of today, which has worked what's a monday afternoon, that's what it appears to me and I actually think it's fuckin hilarious. I think it's funny as fuck and I think it's funny they're, all you people, the message me telling me. I was wrong and all this shit and then literally thirty minutes later. What happened? I sent messages bacchus awaiting now, you normally response. I got your fucking zero. That's all
man bro, you guys, gotta, learn. Man like this is just real talk and I'm I'm not trying to brag, but strategic thinking is what I do for a living. I own, multiple companies, all of which are very successful in multiple different areas in different fucking industries, not just one okay, I do this for a living, and I can see things that other people can't see, usually because I can have to make decisions based on a very the dataset, all the time, so when I tell you this is what I think it is, and I ve been doing skill set every single david fucking quarter of a century there a chance that I might get it right, I'm too to modify to to my own horn, I'm just saying, like you guys, think you're gonna get me man. tell you when I'm wrong? I hope we're wrong yeah now! Listen, I tell you when I'm wrong, but it ain't that often and that's real shit, and so, like you guys, gotta quit fallen for the shit like a lot of people are falling for the propaganda because they weren't
be right. They don't want to be still on the wrong side right. They were on the wrong side of cobra. Their alongside of ukraine are on the wrong side of black lives matter they're on the wrong side of this, and this and this this and this and these people are, or hanging on hoping They are actually on the right side and so any time there's like a taste of them being right. They flip the fucker. it are being wrong again. You guys look stupid, read more. Was I know what's happening, but without it that. When was the last time the left got a win boot, no real talk, probably the preparation of a show that vixen front of kids. Now I'm just no real time. In the last three years since by since Biden's taken office. How many winds and they actually got
In public opinion now got a lotta winds from himself reserve for the goal because, though, executing the exact play that they want to execute and there's enough people who want to be right and are continuing to support them doing ok, but if we're on asked how many winds of they really got em than any man. and the crumbling in their falling apart, which is what makes the situation extra dangerous, which is why the people who live- The show need to speak out about it I need to share the show need to share the message. If you don't share the message, take the message and make it your own message but be vocal and let people know This is where I stand because do you know why all these people are still walking around thinking that the left is women, because so many of you agree with the things that we say here or the things that are of the ninety percent: common sense, america, but you don't say anything which lets these people
Walk around in society, thinking that what they believe is still the truth and saw you changing it enough on the streets, because a lot of you guys still believe you're in the minority, which was an engineered position for your perception so that they continue to operate this. like you, falling right into their plan when they say oh silent, majority worthy silent majority. Would like that gets a fucking good thing sell a good thing. That's a terrible thing back that bringing of the court Look what silent majority has let us get to this place that we're at now political, greatness. Don't say that because that send someone well. So now in a situation where society holes the truth inside their own whips and inside their own home and say speaking it because it might have been someone look man. The point is its
obvious. What's going on and there's a lot of you to see it that are still refusing to join in the vocal fight, it needs to happen to create a situation where these people, who are still fucking, walk you out their heads san going to brunch every sunday think and everything is great and dissolve into work itself out. Why actually realized, that we're not going to take are you shit anymore. Ok, you're not contribute anything society in you're, the most opinionated group of people. It's these white far left. for insulated, suburban moms, ok, hoo, hoo, I have no idea what is actually going on Europe. patch the cycle they're, the ones thinking there's a meal of the little guys from the sentence. Ways like I'm helping- and it says it says it says: middle upper middle class, white women, a branch with pride flag and, like a fuckin, be alarmed flat.
and is it like? Did that the reason that there still this group of people out there that believe this shit is because most beyond what fuck and say it. Until you at least give what what what is what has been volvo going to change the changes, everything that's why they try to suppress it. But that's why they invented political correctness, don't say the truth, because it might hurt someone's fuckin feelings. That's why they have. a branded the term silent majority. This is what cancel culture is it's a weapon to silence truth? and you guys I want my watch, one words one. man's words gonna matter they make. Actually, all the difference, all the fucking difference. one man's words can change the world and when it's not just one man and its everybody they sang. No that changes everything it allows. None of this should happen, and that's the problem and society right now we have a massive amount of its. Not these people doing this shit. It's the people who,
what's wrong, who are refusing to at least voice it and making excuses as if their voice doesn't matter. So they don't doing that's the problem we have in the world and at least in this country. It's russia, man like if you're sitting there and you're like oh, I agree with it and you haven't posted about a human talked about it. You haven't had conversations about it really like for real. You haven't gotten involved and any of the process of any of this in your like gas, like another show because broke you're the problem, you are the problem. That's why we ask you to show the show at a minimum at a minimum, show the shop. You know I don't do not allow weak ass should hear. What do you want? you don't really hate mail, Fatima fuckers the hate. This is the truth ship these beset there's very few people saying now hear that bro you're, fucking, aunt, Linda who's, going to make a comment to you, you're, going to pussy out over how the fuck do you think we're going to get our country back if people can't even speak the truth,
How are we going to defend ourselves against against other enemies across the fucking planet? If we can't even speak the truth speaking? There's a lot easier than pick it up. Goddamn find another country, because we didn't speak the truth, the I retire and all I don't understand how close we are to like really bad shit happening. You know this and by the way this event would Putin brings us closer to that because that sentence they said in the fucking report. We're not sure how far he is willing to go. Let me ask you something: how fast or is the other side that he's fighting against willing to go there. To go all the way, and I can assure you that Putin will nuclear the fuck out of these people. If he gets put in a corner, it will happen. and that will help all of us- and so are you people out there to pick you up branch? The in the shit doesn't matter and fucking, I don't know why you're so wrapped up in politics, you're gonna be I Michael waived.
because of your lack of fucking understanding. What's going on or the lack of courage that you have about speaking out about it broke just a people that listen the show, because the pure number, now because its millions and millions of millions and millions of audio downwards every fucking time joe, the issue of the volume of people speaking alison show a change culture like if you guys just did what we asked, but really it would change it. The algorithm is against us anything shoot out with this message is gonna get suppressed the way that we overcome. That is by doing exactly what we ask at the beginning of the show, which is the share the message: if it resonates. Ok, It has to happen in this, isn't about anybody if no one should steal them said you make your own, that's even better, but the point is you: gotta put it out there broke through shit man,
because it was the third and final headline. Let us know in the comments. Where do you guys think constantin? That being said, it is now time for our final segment of the show. As always, we have thumbs up for dumb as fuck. That's where we bring a headline up. We talk about a dive into it and we'll get one of those two options. So that being said, our thumbs up were dumb as fuck headline reads: janitor attempting to of off beeping noise destroys decades of scientific research causes one million dollars in damages. I mean broad yet that shit annoying euro had this year had this with the fire are the smoke The little girl my broken, you motherfuckers, the design he smoked detectors. Please stop designing them, so they only beep once every sixty seconds. Or whatever it is, but we can't fucking figure it out, but we can't figure it out drives us crazy at three o clock in the morning. The road just make a keeper
so we can figure out which one it is man will fuckin take. Thou wilt will do whatever to measure please, god alone Oh god,. Allow us to know which one it is wrote to me. The smoke detectors I feel like it go. It goes like like seat belts in the in your car smoke detectors and then whatever this guy turned off, Well, let's go so bad a battle. I think you did the right thing. Your pleasure. I write Let's look at this dive into this three wheel. If this is scientific research by today's standards, probably a good thing to destroy yeah, no shit or or or this is we were as actual science or is this thus science we're supposed to trust this, and this could be. The zombie apocalypse could be an intentional move by the shit. Maybe he is fucking jason bourne yeah, it's possible. My man awesome. Let's dive into this okay, so
a janitor cleaning and a laboratory I'll say it like that laboratory. You say whatever you want bro, I mean that's. What like that's one way to pronounce it right, laboratory laboratory, that's right at listen, it's away at whatever man. Alright, listen! you fuck up every other word anyway like if we didn't have joe editing the shit out bro like people will get it yeah laboratory. Alright. Alright, I'm sticking with it Saw a janitor cleaning in a laboratory at a university in troy, new york is accused of damaging at least one million dollars in scientific research after shutting off the storage freezer, while trying to turn off a constant beeping noise accord, the lawsuit other reynolds ear polytechnic institute filed the law?
Also against daigo cleaning services, the outside firm that employed the cleaner, the new york post reported when the cleaner shut off a circuit breaker on september, seventeenth, two thousand and twenty, the freezer was storing cell cultures, samples and other research elements at minus one hundred and twelve degrees fahrenheit. The temperature reportedly rose to minus twenty five point: six degrees fahrenheit. Over. The freezer was turned off, damaging or destroying all of its contents. The lawsuit allegest, a sign on the doors lapse, freezer allegedly explained the source of the alarm and included instructions on how to silence it. If necessary quote this freezer is beeping as it is under repair. Please do not move or unplug it. No cleaning
fired in this area, the sign allegedly red quote. You can press the alarm test mute button for five or ten seconds. If you would like to meet them, Our piazza terry Michael Ginsburg of the law, firm, patterson, samson, Ginsburg griffin,
the times union in Albany that it would take an estimated one million dollars to recreate the research on photosynthesis, quote: people's behavior and negligence caused all this. Unfortunately, they wiped out twenty five years of research. Kinberg told the outlet professor kv, like shimmies lab, is located in the research center, where her materials were stored in the freezer, at a temperature of minus one hundred and twelve degrees, fahrenheit alarms were set to go off at minus one o eight point: four degrees, fahrenheit minus one, fifteen point, six degrees fahrenheit as a swing above or below those numbers could damage or destroy any samples, and so they're they're yeah they're suing like what were we got on this? Both I mean luck should lose his job
this accident right, I I may it depends on what they are working on row. I think this might have been up as part of the rebellion Maybe this was very or maybe they were storing things in there. For you know, I don't know, maybe this is what caused the vaccine Well, there's weird shit going on, but fuck smoke detectors. That's all I'm saying that's what I care about! That's fascist, definitely fucking thumbs down! That's free as dumb as fuck fuck, mother fuckers of design smoke detectors. I get it gabbro, you guys are dumb as fuck assholes like bro. You are assholes, because this shit always goes off around three in the morning. Fucking always and then you know you have six of them right and they're all over two fuckin house in the camp of the ground, which ones making the noise and so you stand alone. You fuckin underwear, trying to figure this shit out. You know, and you can't. out and eventually what happens is you go? Take all the
I can batteries out of every single one of them and then you go back to bed and then it's where you're vulnerable for the fire. Now you have known yeah, yeah none. I can understand why this guy did what he did. I actually think he deserves a fucking award and you know it's like you saw the big red button sign that says: do not press any fucking. I wonder what this does. Oh shit. Alright, what guides us eighty yet so I do have this other thing that's thumbs up, though, so I have this thing so you know ice cube, right, okay, well, ice cube puts out a video of ice, cubes or ice cube ice cube, okay ice cube, rack rather rapper
Ice cube says that he's going to fuck the gatekeepers podcast tour puts out a video yesterday and a lot of you guys sent it to me while so sending it to me. You should go on ice, cubes, post and say you know. What show you should actually go on is the one that says: fuck the gatekeepers every single fucking day, nice? Okay, so I would appreciate it. You guys went out there and I turned his eyeballs onto our show, because I think he would come on and be an awesome guest and I, like ice cube, was like a fucking. I would like do song with him what what guys Eddie, it's all I got, I guys eight don't forget to subscribe lesson.
I was thinking the show in the comments and I'll make sure you pay the fee, don't be a whole friendship sleeping on the floor number jury box frozen, the fuck are still countless millions in the cold they teach Buddhist got a rope can't both doesn't know shot case closed.
Transcript generated on 2023-08-05.