« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

535. Andy & DJ CTI: Biden Admin Improperly Censoring Social Media Users, Hunter Biden Corrupt Foreign Bank Ties & Taiwan Independence

2023-06-20 | 🔗

In today's episode, Andy & DJ discuss a federal judge to decide whether Joe Biden's administration violated the First Amendment by censoring users on social media, Hunter Biden's account set up with a corrupt foreign bank that was shut down for breaking money laundering rules, and Secretary of State Anthony Blinken saying that the U.S. doesn't support Taiwan breaking away from China.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Sleeping on the floor. Now my box from the stove counter, millions in kobe teach buddhist god of all things, rope kang, doesn't know headshot case club. What is up guys for selling the series? The show for the really say goodbye to the lies that vagueness and delusions modern society and welcome the mother fucking reality guys today we have Andy and dj, proves the mother fucking internet as we're going to do your job yeah, alright, so cruise the internet at sea, yeah that means I were going to put up headlines on the screen. When I talk about them or speculate on, what's true and what's not true and then we're gonna talk about what we think the solution is and how you could play a part in, that solution. This is a personal development, business entrepreneurship, a show, so all of the other formats for the most part fit into that city, I'm the only one that talks about social issues on most part, three, shows like that is because,
If we do not have a free society to for us to plant our little entrepreneur, seeds in they can't sprout and grow and make modern reward is the way we want a lot of you guys just want the personal development content, not understanding the city. I actually is something that we shall be paying attention to some of you here for city, I listen to the personal development content because gonna make you fuckin better fear of personal development, this the city, I you make sure that we have freedom, so you can grow and become who, as you trying to become well. The rest of the is very simply. We are q and a half show as where you could submit the questions that we answer him. You could submit questions one of a couple of different ways: first, where's dies. You can email your question to ask Andy at eighty for southern africa or you can go on you too, on the coup and they have show and drop your question right down there in the comments and I some of those as well other tat. We have we'll talk. We'll talk is five twenty minutes of measures laying down some shit that I think you need to hear and we have full like footlights. What you see I'm solar power, gas, real grew people in the room, usually speak
we're done. Amazing things that you probably want to do little bit of yourself and break down. We talk about how they're just regular humans and how they to be so amazing, rich, successful and bad ass, because we know that what you ultimately want as well, and then we have a seventy five hart vs and for those who don't know, I am the creator of live hard program which seventy five heart is a part of. If you go to episode, two o eight, you can get the program for free. I recommend it as the foundation for your entire ability to be mentally tough and execute, adhere to the plans and the dreams that you set out for yourself. It's free. There is a book you can buy it on my web,
Well, you don't have to buy it, you can get it for free episode, two o eight on the audio feed of really af. For all of this information that we give out, which includes my twenty four years of business experience and I've been pretty successful, especially at a pretty young age, and I share it with you for free. All, I ask is that you pay the fee and that means share the show right lot of you guys hit me up. Man show's great, I just found an arab. Should we listen I'll, tell your friends motherfucker cause, that's how we grow. Alright. If you don't tell him, we don't grow that simple, so don't be a ho show the show alright hey! What's up, what's going on or not mush yeah, so would you rather much to do were I went through this. I his car got totaled couple of weeks ago was that the night of summer smash yes, yeah yeah. No, I really I just got home at night. I was showing you know. It may not have been. You know I was chiller, will just holiday yeah, due to fucking massive branch just drops down, totals
yeah, so that they are- and this is my first time having to deal with like a whole car getting totaled in shoot. So it's an interesting process, but I'm working through that man, it's all branches, fell right on top of the car and that's the first time she's even ever, parked there in three years as weird hoodoos. While huh wild shit. I say I were going through all of that and trying to get all that shit situated and handled and it's a whole process man to deal with. I will say this and I you know I don't. I don't do ads or shut outs, but I will say this so we we we found a vehicle. We absolutely love it, but we went to. our max to get the car- and I got I gotta say this. You don't even know where, nor do the show anything like that, but the guys there? His name is that this dude is fucking phenomena and superpower like, I mean the whole licks everything that you preach about experience right, like you know, and you know for for those of you guys, I'm sure you guys know like shot first
before you tell her by who he is. Why don't you just tell me come here for us we need to be, I know so, don't tell everybody who is last name is printing yeah, I know for sure but like but like analysed and here's the craziest thing right. I know we're going through this whole process and my duty just super personable right, younger guy super personable and I've, been we been to a few car lots. You know, how the car shit goes there. It's of it can be a very miserable experience. Usually is hours and hours at a dealership right and when the first says I listen my tell me what you want, because I'm not gonna spend your hours and hours out here. I'll, give you see some of our points of the novel. I did you say open when we want to the next one like through the whole process, was fuckin amaze there. So we sit and talk and get all the numbers right. I am I do like I just what does say. Thank you man. You may this process, I really easy and like how Have you been doing this? He said bro. This is my second week here. I said no fucking way we do before that. I think it was just
the amount of fucking college, his young man, but like I do it's fucking he's also is awesome. Him those of you guys know like shopping in first warm it's hard to, the shop anywhere else because of how bad most places handle the customer service experience and jack is killing it myself? yeah, but I'm outside of that everything else is everything else is everything else who now well? How are you ok, yeah yeah, I don't know, what's been long world, I am actually pay attention anymore. Until it's time for the show- or I can give you a little sneak p, now I will say this: the internet influencers that I follow are getting insane and, like you guys, rulers and everybody, because you shit Assad nauseous. there. You have the same videos. Can you believe this shit, no ship mother, fucker. We see we been seen it. How about some fuckin calls to action about some of them.
was the solution about how, in some fuckin, big, ass, balls and saying hey? This is what the fuck I want. My followers to do. It's kind of like how we do every single fucking show now by brody and then instead they want to sell t shirts. I do have a sneak peek for you, you Z, the pooh has no that's covered, that's commerce and I really doesn't like a bugojno- does just keep at the back of your minds. But, yes, votes could go out. They want to bring up the not because when you get to take on malaria, must ski those being deployed out of drones that first thoughts, I believe the bill gates was doing something like this Brian spread, a vaccine. One point you, while he was yet the absolutely was
and this one. This is so this is the Salaam reads: russia accuses u S of preparing to target its troops with loans carrying malaria bearing mosquitoes as ukrainians, raise flags and newly recaptured village village, among claims they have paused counter offensive so there are reports that are coming out right now that a say in the: u s is capable of dropping malaria bearing mosquitoes yeah and on and dropping the men on targeted fuckin populations. Yeah that doesn't shock you, no, not at all the shag you I mean. I mean I'm just thinking that, like the the I listen first of all I'll say this, I don't put shit past our government right having that's like rule number, one, the auto push up ass right, but I'm just thinking like the level love like. I mean like that. That, like me, that's it that's a very specific thing. I guess they must be allowed to go in
that man, I don't even know that it's like dude, I mean why. Why do you think they do all these labs, these bio labs and these experiments? And and basically you know, this is the biggest reason that Putin is even having this conflict is because of the united states involvement in biolabs. It's a it's a danger to human. Kennedy, and we just learned that we're coven and it's going to only get worse, and if they want to do it introduce another pandemic, they would just all they would have to do say all well as scaped from a buyer lab sorry and the whole world could die and they could know the. Here for whatever disease and keep a secret they I'll take it. I mean how come None of these government officials died from a vaccine. How come none of these government officials died of covert might not have none of them,
why, despite their party without mass reticent role, because it was fuckin bullshit, first of all, they were the fuck. Did a flu go for two and a half years? I second of all. It was a test. Third of all, what are they tests things for the test thanks for things are going to do now. Right, so might, in my opinion, I believe that one of their plans is and you had the santa say at the other day, the santa set in one of the species he said, they're gonna! Do it again. I do there like you? Have even the mainstream press, essential candidates, saying they're gonna do it again and they are gonna. Do it again and the reason they're going to do it again is because so many people complied and didn't question it at all. But now they understand how it's going to work in the same thing will happen again, we'll have them ass zealots and me, you know what the fuck
Agenda followers the end, pcs, they'll fucking, try to shame everybody. Only this time I think, they'll get their asses beat that's what I think will happen no, but but all it, but but if they release something, that's truly deadly okay. What did they try to do to the people who stood up against the coven? They tried to shame them. They tried to defame them. They tried to the still trying discredit, fired or yeah joe rogan offering a hundred grand to one of the scientists, arguing that what he's What rogan saying and what are of K saying is vast, in this information and eagles, some a hundred grand come on the show and defend its position. He says no can't because he can't offended there's nothing to defend. The indefensible position, these people are just puppets and their speaking for their own team. outside of the interests of the people, who even put them on that team, and they will do this again. Only this time as such villain, ising and shaming, and try they
actually criminalize the people who are against it. because this time it actually will kill people. Okay, so, since their plan, in my opinion, to remove The dissenters once and for all I know they're gonna, run another pandemic play. I think it's a real possibility. I think it's at above ninety percent. stability, but they will run another pandemic play that sir? time soon in the future, where actually kills people and then people I mean people like rogan and people like our, in all these other People who have stood up and said bull shit right. They will criminalized put those people in jail or execute them to remove the dissenting voices from because they'll be able to say look see. This is the damage They actually caused right, we have to do is really something this truly deadly because so many people that still fucking believe the government and still is ruled out, at this party this weekend for a couple hours of some people
out in the rural areas. Ok- and we were worst part- I didn't- I was more important- get the brothers. No black people thought I went allowed Simon code alright, so we are having our small s'mores party. Usually I weren't allowed to come as a rule as it fucking this as awesome as hell. We are but we will have to take a check gathering the out the words. So way. You saw me my hallways me, my real all right I was told to do these guys and like half we got the shot it is, there would die. You told them they don't realize. What's going on and the like, these people are such hard working, proud. People like these people truly believe they're, like growth, comes to my doorstep. I'll shoot these people in the face The problem is they don't think that its ever going to come to their doorstep? They think it these problems,
going to remain in the in the city and they don't understand what's happening in europe in canada, with the ways they made farming unaffordable and then there's confiscating the farms from these farmers in order. we in the eu, in the name of yeah, sheer environmental you know are fucking cow, farts or whatever the fuck they're decided to do this week right if they did called for you're. So deadly way think they think a human farts, norway try to move those two like some are just stupid. Like you can't fool can help it like you're you're. I q is low, ok and what is to happen is that you Did you come to the realisation that these people are intent on stray civilization, and that includes rural america, and that includes The forms all the all the places that you guys think or untouchable would move out. But I see this on the internet. All the time I was going to get my four. yours and blah blah blah brother come for you too, there's no ways to how you anymore-
and the more you keep your head in the sand and the more you say, you know what I'm just gonna do I think I'm going keep moving my way, the more momentum again and you, Who you listen to the show and rural america you guys. Standing up is, allowing this to perpetuate- and it's going to me its way to you- and I can't do anything about it. Who texting me say who talk about this? Well, if you, if you knew what I tell if you actually listen to my show like yours, say you do you know I talk about those things every single day and so its fresh, waiting for me and it was frustrate. To hear how the added suit and rural america is basically well what just do our own thing until the comes here by that it's gonna too late, bro, yeah and so like dude. We do still have this this. This with complacency in our culture. You're going to someone else, is coming to save it's not gonna happen where's it or this like false mindset that out good when it gets to me now you
Well, even though you're not doing anything now to prepare for their taking the farms away from farmers in fucking Europe or taking them away, they are taking them. Weighing canada there raising the cost of forming any which way they can and then the camera. with environmental regulations to world becomes unaffordable actually form. Then they take it. Which is the whole mother cut topic like. Your ever really out anything anyway, Maybe you don't own your house, you don't own. Your fucking car use, think you out You don't own. It you're paying money to keep it for a certain amount of time, because eventually you're going to die, it's going to go somewhere. Alright, so the the ability for us to acute Late, wealth or assets is already completely removed because, once you die, they hit you with a fucking, fifty percent tax on all your shit, so the idea of general sure wealth that you all talk about. And even exist on the current system that we have anyway, because the people who are they
second or third, in line genuine afford to pay. That on the inheritance they get about time they get it. It is a worthwhile. It was supposed to be anyway. So like it's a fucking sky. yeah and we have an entire fucking system based upon it, and we still have people like Gavin newsom, going on fox news, ass. We literally saying Sean Hannity, who are not really a fan of ok dictionaries and establish we're talking head for the most part, You do crop macabre. We all know you're fucking quit second dixon the estate. And you'll be a little more credible. but he doesn't want to do that. He has linsey grandmama arrive to flock and night was a piece of shit. I on foot can gave a new or on pan show gavin newsome would be highly asked me said: what's the appropriate tax rate? What's the appropriate tax percentage someone, should pay and new some game. Why twenty different answers? And finally, after like
hanley! Wouldn't let him dodge question. He goes I because no people are surviving on seventy percent tax back in the day like that's worth trying to go seven Yes, rope, don't even like people running comprehending the level of of servitude, indentured servitude or slavery that the american people just in right now. they exist anywhere. Now seventy percent wrote their got it I vote produce them before I vote for this person. That person will you're a fucking idiot you're a little ready. Look at fucking california poison, literal dumpster, fire. Even people who love california, fuckin leave a california. Ok, and now you're going to say that you want this dude to go on and be president and you want the whole country to be our california. What are you fucking said? Yes, dude? Listen. We got
watch a brainwash morons that wash the fucking news and things will real. That's crazy, member what I want to dive into this little more. That's what we gotta go right and sarah. first? I long doesn't have any percent tax coming soon. Rocky vote, no democratic it. He voted seventy percent The ritual pay is not us for the which people brought no, that trickled down you're too stupid understand how you get your money that trickles down to you. You're, gonna pay more for your shit means amnesia before the meeting I'm gonna make as much money. Holy shit do also love I hate that they ve created and class warfare hate we'll leave tricked. these lazy people, who won't even try, ok to hate the wealthy people like mother fucker, we'll talk, you couldn't do what I've done, because I've given everything for now. Could you do it yeah, but you what willing to pay the price they take.
Four the toll on one's life to get to that point from the fuckin bottom right and you got half these motherfuckers out. talking about how they entitled to someone else's wealth or their accomplishments, yoga fuck right off nobody owes you shit right. We should We should be doing the exact opposite. The reason you can copy What do the exact opposite is because these establishing people have trip that the poorest people in our country, I believe that if we remove the tax code that the people at the top will just keep all the money- yeah, ok, let's think about As for a second, you say the greedy right. What will I agree. I called a greedy if there are so what do you think that they're going to continue to keep their business in the exact same spot? And it's at now? If they paid no taxes or do you think because they aren't paying taxes they would if look at the bigger, bigger, pies fuck. If I, how ten thousand more people I'd, be this much more rich by what the fuck like you, you arguing that the greedy,
okay, let's sailor greedy, then if there really than they gotta, provide all these more jobs? You understand people will think of it. Like the now now. My date, they think they People just stop the only reason that Small businesses like mine, don't imply Everyone is because you can't scale pass, not because a tax code, a soul press it mean that's with us. Logic and is so easy to break it down, like I had a conversation with with an uncle this just yesterday, actually and we're talking about you- know semi politics and you got on the the conversation of the juneteenth celebrations and all of that, that's great, that's fine. We started talking about Democrats, republicans as a man. I've been doing this, when you know, then you know, I know Republicans that there was a freed slaves and shit. I guess great conversation, yeah is that you know, and the Democrats found above the kkk, I said yes, correct,
There is always like, but then there was the big flip and, as I said, whoa hold on I'll, say: okay, so you're telling me that all the Republicans went and became Democrats and other Democrats went and became Republicans just like yeah. As I said, why don't we vote republican? He said damn. My like the Democrats delivered what like. Why are we still listening But none of the logic merits that they put out. Where makes sense, now, listen if you go back and trace what the actual slavery or not slavery, but the actual oppression is here now removed from tax in the black people. Same people are responsible for it. But if you look at the plight of the black communities in this country, it looks the same needs high crime, its low and its low employee.
at low wages, terrible schools are right places that other americans do not want to go because they don't feel safe or okay. So the that's the plight of the black communities and we have to look at how that became. How did that become? Well, it started, as you know, when I might, in salaries with the social welfare system, Why does why do they do that? They incentivize black women to kick the black men of the household? Why How do you cinemas may soon about it? to social welfare. I wonder: do money money? Ok, so you make more money to remove the black mail. Out of the home. and then you also get rewarder, where more money to have more children were kids with no father figure around right, so there instead of icing problem forty ago, right fifty years ago, sixty years ago, would ever fuck? That is an
Now we're are reaping the results of that programme. Now who put that programme in immigrants? Ok now who so the black communities every single year since then- and so hey you guys have high crime you guys have low wages, you guys have terrible schools guys have no father so the household and guess what it's all the while was fall who'd? What party does Democrat ok, so they created the problem? and now they are selling the solution of the problem and then, calling everybody who disagrees them a fucking big well, if, if I'm a big for disagreeing with them, create problems such as high crime, were black men are killed it on president rate every single fuckin day low ages, terror, schooling and the continual plight of the blue community through their own policies and on the big for resisting that guess what mother fucker I'm a fucking, huge bigot, okay, so like we
We have to start realising who the actual racists are and what the actual racism is. Racism is not a name. You call it's not a turn that you used? It's not a joke! That you're told Those things racism is the intentional does, instruction the societal potential. an entire community for the benefit of you and four at the at at at the expense of that and that's what's been going on the black community since nineteen sixties right, so you talk about who the real racists are. The real races are the people who come in every two and four years and promised the same shit never deliver master. Racists know people are figuring out that outdo they're waking up in droves and it's great to see man away. That's no fuckin plug for the repub kids, because they could be a lot better too. But I'm just stating the facts on this particular issue. Democrats are the party intentional racism, Joe
buying has said so much. Actual racist shit and done so much actual racist shit. it's insane. Ok, you gave me huge eulogy, I believe at fucking day one of the kkk wizards fuckin fuel. They not married it. Ok, this is the guy. It comes on says. If you vote for me than you, a black the guy who says he doesn't want us kids growing up in a racial jungle. This is the guy The passes the ninety ninety four crime bill, which puts people in prison for a wife for fucking, simple wanna charges brought the actual races to marry It was voices somewhere. You told a joker said some common line: fifteen fucking years ago. Let's be real, advocating for that either, but I'm saying we say as racists and what actually raises for two very different things. No one hundred percent dive into this man, because there there is a lots of cover on this show today. So, let's start diving into this guys. Remember.
If you want to see any of these pictures, articles links, videos, gotta and, if so, when I come, could find them link there or you can drop down in the youtube description below and find them like. There's bob of that being said headline No one else, I'm one reads judge to decide. By the administration and properly censored social media users- and this is a big deal going on now so that this is a new post article reading, a fair We will judge will decide whether president Joe Biden administration violated the first amendment by censoring users on social media, over topics like covert and election security, and, if so, what to do about it republican attorney general's of Missouri. An louisiana brought the lawsuit last year, alleging that the bite administration fostered a sprawling quote: federal censorship, enterprise that pressured social media platforms to scrub away. Dissenting views, including criticism of mass mandates,
an objection. The cove and nineteen vaccinations are the louisiana judge, presiding over the case of former president tromp appointee. Terry daddy is considering whether to intervene. communications between the? U S, government and top social media sites like instagram twitter, facebook, youtube and linked in, among others, core documents, in late march, dowdy refused to dismiss sue noting the free speech claims were credible enough to move the case forward the case as among the most potentially consequential first amendment battles pending in the courts, Seeing the limits on government, policing of social media content, daddy's roy owing will affect the state of missouri an illusion, preliminary injunction, which would prevent federal officials from quote taking any steps to demand. Urge encourage pressure course.
deceive collude with or otherwise induce social media platforms to censure, disliked users, content and viewpoints the queen court complaint says so that's going on right and we remember it's eric schmidt too, that it is urgent now ensure bailey, I believe the sailors longer job- and I and do you mean they ve, been fighting on his four minute made the core battles. We all know this stuff takes time. You know, but they're they're, the same where's, the proof right where where's the proof, a lot of people are saying is not there. The loss of claims, the federal bureau of investigation, the state departments, global engagement sensor and the department of homeland security, cyber security and infrastructure security agency colluded with social media platforms, both in hundreds of meetings about misinformation and systematically flagged huge quantities of first amendment protected speech to platforms for sensors
I'm a journal report. It are the plaintiffs. They cited emails that were sent between the white house and social media executives, including one to Google employees in April twenty twenty one in the message, the white house, then director of digital strategy, rob flattery, accused you to a financing people in a vaccine. Hesitancy according to the journal in the wall street journal, even pitched in on this a pitch? And now we remember the twitter files that came out right, that laid it out what was going on in twitter and how they operated and worked with white house administration directly, sometimes It's all there. The proof is in the pudding, and I think it's interesting that at the same time, all these socks about covert censorship, vaccine censorship. All these things are common. Now it's also be released secrecy.
Firms covert vaccination, increased risk of auto immune heart disease by thirteen thousand two hundred percent. The exact same time is all coming out if we were a study conducted by the? U s, centres for disease control and food and drug administration have shown that the risk of mine, car died is following a marinade covered. Vaccination is around one hundred and thirty three times greater than the background risk in the population. This means that covered vaccination increase, the risk of suffering meyer, quite ibis, an auto immune disease causing inflammatory inflammation of the heart by thirteen thousand two hundred percent verified I've city cdc. What are we got on some real and I'm sorry look more on this right. We all know
What they've been doing this gain a function right, so that's been clarified because the cdc has filed a response saying that the risk of heart complications is higher. After kobe, nineteen affection higher than after the covert vaccination, meaning you're you're gonna get my credit Your chances of getting my produces greater postcode. Nineteen alone, and it is after getting the vaccine, which does even make fuckin sense, because neither did make sense, and it just means that they do
manufacture and create covert all along and made it more deadly, which was a catch. Twenty two for everybody here in the world, and what do we got on this? Well luck: dude, maybe spent two and a half years, trying to tell everybody shit, okay- and this is just validating all the information that you know: Russell ser, ascii and Ben tapper, and all the people that we've had come on the show and talk about this I've been able to talk about invert. This verifies all of that, and you know this is the shit
people were trying to save other people from others. A lot to this. First off all the people that you went out there and change your cousins and fuck and try to get people fired and try to ruin their careers you're wrong. They were right and you act like a fuckin asshole and you fuck, and try to bury those people in ruin. Their lives because you fuckin thought that you are right, because the government told you you were right in the media, told you you were right. In hollywood, told you you were right in all your fuckin felt false idols and faith. Icons told you you were right. While people are common sense, ability, connect, the dots were able to say nah. This shit can't be right and we were trying to tell you and you are wrong, and you owe every single person the tree that way a fucking, genuine apology, because up until now, people are not going to forget about that, because the abuse was fucking. Moreover, the amount of social abuse that went for anybody that would wear a mask, wouldn't vaccinate bro.
I was it was born. genocidal. They would have been able to put people on train cars and I sure am off they- would have all cheer remember how bad it was they would have all cheer? And what is a good riddance? You have leaders of the world like justin ro, saying openly What are we gonna do with these on vaccinated people you edge no Biden, saying over and over and over in the entire media. This is a pandemic called the impacts of data, and we all know those fuckin bullshit. Now, ok, so what were they actually trying to do more? opinion. Is they were trying to do exactly what they did with The military with the police, with the medical system, where they mood, every single person who wasn't compliant and costs and their job only they wanted to take a step. Further and remove. Every single human is going to listen and their new world order, bull shit and put him on a fuckin cattle part to dispose of them. Somehow
this is how genocide start and they all this heading. You marks of it from the beginning and end of life, you fell for it and you want what you would have done, a nineteen birdies, germany and fortys germany. Also, I wonder what I would have done. You wouldn't know shit, you wouldn't informed go to the fuckin concentration camps, so you Did you live with that shit? For the rest, your life's? That's the first thing I think about all this. The second thing think about all this is that this was the these crimes against humanity that ever existed? It was the biggest money transfer, it was the biggest control transfer and these people deserve to be held accountable at the high First and most severe standard, That's a second point. The third point is This lends itself to us understanding how they create narratives and how they create social. Influence narratives for
and pcs to absorb and cheer on right. How are they create the covert corbians? How do they create the ukraine people? How do they create the black lives matter? People, while they did so just like you, would an advertising campaign, they pay people to say shit, all the internet and they paid enough. people to where you assume that it must be true in went along with it, and so these companies have use bots fake accounts and the all algorithm and censorship to shape the narrative for the last ten years. Ok, that's how if gotten us this far they use. technology to trains shape the narrative by using fake botz fake accounts to boost up there narrative that they are with, and then they? U censorship to crush the resistance, only techniques policy which has been their main tool for doing this, their narrative, suppress the counter narrative, which is us ok,
now blown up in their face because there has been so much transparency that they can't pay simply sensor it all suva yeah. It comes too fast its there's too much of it, and they can control it now and if they try to. Troll. It's gonna be very obvious that their censoring at that level, which would end up getting them, killed. Okay, so We're in a situation where there are two is falling apart people starting to understand be really understand what I'm saying when I don't think the average joe their understands how you ve created social. Never like. I don't think. I think I don't think there's people are still getting it. They think these social narratives just start because of these wes, no, they pay. These killings replace out that yes and its marketing campaign, Do you think all the media says the exact same terms pandemic of the impacts and, at the same time, right threat to our democracy.
the new normal. Ah, you know disinformation misinformation, go on and on our long on this. all coordinated right They pay the media company, used to say these things they all pay major hollywood celebrities or leverage or blackmail, major hollywood celebrities to say these things, and then they use social media influencers through pay campaigns to propose moat these narrative and if you're, not paying attention. What's going on, it looks very clear, like we're fucked, must be what's goin on everybody saying it arrived, but that's a fake narrative that they putting out intentionally and then, when you speak against it and you get hammered. Will you not realizing? Is a lot of their handling? Is coming from fake accounts, not that they sit inside their social media headquarters and put them on your account too, I can make you silence to make you afraid to make. You are afraid to speak out again, ok
and also the use that same shit with the bots to pay mt. The narrative that they are promoting so looks like all these people are supporting this one thing that does it makes the most people and then most more calm, says you're afraid to speak up because every time they do they get their traffic glottal or get suspended or they get de platforms They get attacked by bad system and a few fuckin and pcs don't what the fuck they're talking about. Ok, so this is they weapon as technology. Now we're weapon, the in the department of justice, the fbi and all the other shit. Well, there now weapon icing. Had they been weapon rising it you just seeing it now, and so there is massive manipulation in the reality of what is actually happening in the real world and that in itself that the the manipulation of reality for the gain of a few to the detriment of many, that itself. Is a crime against humanity
away. All the shit with covert take away all the show, with the vaccine, take away the oppressive to System they convinced you is freedom, take away all that shit manipulating your reality for their benefit and your detriment. You won't get that time back you're not going to get that life back you're, not going to Most people are going to live and die in never experienced any real freedom whatsoever because they believe these people's definition of freedom, which these people definition of freedom is not actual reality. Freedom at all the longing ism. That's a company law. So those are things. I think I think these people, tyrants, I think they belong in the wood cheaper and I think the sooner that can happen, pry the better for our body, one in your phone.
it's all on this thing, man, it's like and they're already starting to allude like this. This article from forbes just came out and the headline reads: laboratories are still performing gain of function: research on viruses, more dangerous than kobe nineteen yeah. Well then, that play a note. That's a big deal coming out of forbes said forbes. Typically, the whole wall You know what I just said: a man with a girl, that's what I wanted to bring it up and I included because I ignore them that their say listen. Why didn't? I said- and I do this again it when I just thought what as there were, shows at this show. This show and all runs together. For me man, no, no, it is just is just insane man. liberal. How could you remove the resistance of your them every therefore, right now. They haven't had a women to three years ago. Every single thing they been shown to be alive. How could you flip the script? Here's what you could do- you. Could you release of actual pandemic that killed people's kids and shit? You get all the people who were fuckin, boisterous and loud and have voices against them to go outside bullshit, bullshit,
bullshit bullshit, while its act, She goes and kills people's children. Ok and then you. turn those parents against these other people, these people have to be removed from society. You put these people on it you kill them all and then they get whenever they want. That's what plan you know. That's that's my opinion s reply. Does tell us what you think drop down the commons where you stand on this so far, better one Helen number, two alone to reach exclusive banking panky on turbine, gave his pet passport details and income statements supervise executives to set up a cat with corrupt form bank that was shut down for breaking money laundering rules. Shagging can you believe it
does this is a daily mail article reading how Joe Biden and his ukrainian gas firm employer worrying. involved in setting up an account with a fine bank that wish shut down after a money laundering investigation bereavement the alleged We corrupt ukrainian gas firm at heart, the president's sun and twenty fourteen set up an account with him in Malta at a bank that later closed following financial crimes, pro bomb Show emails now show the revelation that the first and bereavement are linked to a bank account who's, the flouting money laundering rules comes after claim. made by long standing fbi informant revealed this month by lawmakers, bereaves most owner set ten million dollars to hunter and his
other using a complex web of offshore transactions emails obtained from hunter binds laptop show. He gave income statements, passport details and even utility bills, so bereavement executive volume for shank she to set up an account at the now defunct, sat a bank in Malta in twenty six hunter was asked to provide a certified declaration of source. Wealth. Note arise them with a lawyer and send them to the owner of an auction house. In Malta, the auctioneer peer pillow and his company p p trading limited or charged and twenty twenty with laundering millions of euro maltese prosecutor said they were tipped off by an allegedly suspicious transaction over the sale of a decision. boat oil rig involving bereavement during the court case. It emerge
urged that bereavement owner a kilo, Sola chaskey had rented pillows apartment in tehran, backs Malta and twenty fourteen, while applying for citizenship of the country through its golden views. The programme the times of Malta reported in December twenty twenty another up day. Coming from this cases, this fox news headlines Its comber reveals plans to bring in more witnesses for Biden, family influence, peddling, probe ass, doesn't just stop there you're goin house oversight. Committee, terming james comber, told me news, there are more witnesses and sources to come forward with guarding his panels, probe of alleged bribery and include in fluids peddling on the part of president Biden and members of his family. Comber told life. Liberty
eleven, he and fellow involve law makers have done more than expected, given their narrow purview than the justice department or executive branch, cabin offices to investigate information relevant to the probe anywhere we got on this I take the important thing for people to understand here is that it is a probe. This isn't everything their guilty
This is an example of what their guilty of and what this shows allegedly, which seems to be true, that the presence of the united states has taken money to make policy decisions that are not in the interests of americans that are for the interests of another country. This particular example shows it with ukraine, but there are that this is a problem, and this is how they do business. What makes you think that they're not doing this with literally everyone who has interests against america and one of the countries that keeps coming up at the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars, not ten million dollars. Hundreds of millions of dollars is china and, if you take into account the decisions that this man has made over the course of the last, however, many two and a half years that he's been in charge of our
country, virtually every single decision and policy that he's may has made america weaker. As me america more divided has made them erica more vulnerable to the enemy in many different ways and economically and militarily and pretty much in every other way to culturally uk were weakest fuck, so we dealing with a man in our highest office who has taken money. against the interests of the united states, people who elected him, allegedly. Ok, we throw them with pepper. And make decisions that are in favour of other countries and that's called trees. and these guys dancing around this at the highest level. At the washington you motherfuckers, no again, what's going on. You know exactly what he did and we need to stop. The formalities and the fuckin process drought fucker should be in fucking jail right now today
They should be arrested today if we are actual patriots of where actual people that were standing for the constitution of the united states in our military, which, by the way, that's what the covert thing was about, remove all the patriots from the military who won't take the vaccine so that we have a bunch of complaint cox. Ok, now we have a situation where we have a military, that's not even on the side of constitutional republic or the people of this country, and if we had that this, these people would be in jail today, yeah yeah. I am I do that. There's a couple of things. I wouldn't be impeachment. No, no! Oh! No a couple of things. Man, it's like you know one thing I was having a few conversations with some people over the weekend about about this exact thing and like the dj, I don't get the bribe aspect. Man
because, like you know, that's okay, I get I get. What a bribe is right but like there was no policy decisions that were made in the twenty. Sixteen I said, bro what's happening right now. What's going on right now, there in the fucking long game, but not ok, I'm not going to give you ten million dollars cash and something next week, while I'm sorry, but that's that's showing the exposing the mental limitations of whoever's. Having that conversation with your boot, these people don't act in week timelines when I will, as it would be a case exactly play to win. This is this is too ruin, the united states, as you know, the united states forever over the course of time with, Many small decisions and policy changes and removals of norms and culture such ass, a single family household, such as affordable housing, wrote the the fucking amount of the amount of percent housing has gone up verses income.
Is ridiculous in this country they made it impossible to be a middle class, are working american and not be poor. They ve done that intentionally because they no, the poorer, that the middle class is the less resisting they will be in the more compliant and the more dependent they will be on the government. This is the ushering in of communism, step by step by step by step by imperceivable stat over the course of decades that we're dealing with you know, while the other part of this, too isn't and you've mentioned, like you, we talked about it before, on the show of guys. You remember what you thought. The play was right. Nor the belief stalls shoe right either. They're gonna drop Biden at some point, bringing this new unity figure believe we know where that is right. you don't know if it's michelle obama, I think the way that they're positioning and now it looks like it's gonna- be gavin newsom road yeah, because
fox has given a mere town, everybody maritime and I personally think that they think that that guy's appealing to somewhat model it's because look. There were only arguing over five percent in the middle of population and I think the guy a new. Some is when you hear him talk, he's almost palatable for someone, but you have to pay attention. He actually doesn't ever answer a real question and he also talks over whoever he does exactly what most liberals do. You know a few key statistics and then he talks over me what does a lot of ass right? You know like, like Kennedy was heroin, one shown he's like, Well, how many military bases the united states have across the world. We must look. I don't know. Why like a seventy four China has to like. He sergeant saw those statistics, make him seem more credible because riddy, yes, and he's really enough to where they can march amount, on a stage and he can do enough
Mental gymnastics to sound, as if he's credible, and if you're a very smart, individual or you're, not gonna, perceiving language or the way? people manipulator language or the way the people operate in a debate, snare EL maneuvering their way around a real answer. If you're not in tune with that he's a much corruption and job I just you see what and also makes sense to the of them like drawing this whole process out like your key by noon right. I keep him in there as long as they possibly can. Can as much fucking damages you possibly can then through this whole baden. Well, that's what I it's happening, yeah I mean as where it makes sense. Why same thing as one hundred percent, I'm now with all of the shit with the the site they're going to let this guy continue to unravel the country until people will not fucking stand for the exact and the problem is that, like nobody's painting this as the democratic party, the painting this is by yeah. That's it
during the democratic parties like will thus on our guy mother father. How is at what about two and a half years ago right that was Jesus, freer, exactly exactly Listen I'll I'll, just say how it's going. Nobody wants to say that I have said this many times. Trumpery truth. This clip that I said here's the thing this man I bought and paid for asset of the biggest enemy of the united states, and they are going to allow him and they're going to encourage him and they are going too far force to dismay until the united states as well. as humanly possible until people resist to a point where he has to be dealt with Then they will re gather and they were regroup view can I understand that this man is advancing the agenda of the enemies of this country, intentionally and getting you to fight for it saying it's a moral thing: well you're, not conducting the bats you're, not seeing it. Ok, I see a very clearly I could see exactly what's going on. This is very logical. Is this man
decisions, the benefit you arrest man that is your better now or use your life harder now, what's actually happening to the caught the culture of the country verses? What does it look like when culture, the countries and a good place we are in a cab? we unintentional down spiral that is initiated by this man and cards for money which is treason and the people in washington. We elected and all this shit need a fucking handle it. Reality ok, otherwise the people will get to a point where you will not be able to handle them. That is the history. every single fucking country, every single management of population in the history of earth and as if the people do not rise up against and continue to allow these people to push and push and push and push a push. Thinking that some magical super are always going to fly in and solve the problem. These people, we should all the way and they plan on eliminating any resistance anyway, they possibly can
You can use your imagination ass to what that would mean if you really history. You know what it means ok, so there's a lot of connecting the dots needs to happen in the minds and hearts. Good americans, then he's adequate. otherwise will in deep shit shit. Guises bring this crews on home affairs and finally headline have another three elements: through its we do not port, the independence of taiwan, bleak and reaffirm firms? U S, commitment to one china policy during high stakes, meeting with g to try and ease tensions between dc in moscow.
Usually those who were following this no bro these people are full of shit and all that raffle shit, dude they're doing what they're paid to do sure they're, not full of shit, they're, doing exactly what they're paid to do now that did. That is the exact connection that needs to happen. You have to look at it like this. If you were to try to destroy the united states, how would you actually competition it without invading or creating violence. And if you answer that question honestly, these people doing every single thing along that step and you guys think that there's gonna be an elect. And in a year and a half that's going to be free and fair, and it's just going to solve the shit you're insane. It's not happening. These people are in full destruction, mode, they're doing it intentionally. That's what they're paid to do they're doing their job What is important to know too, like no they'll, say this one thing on the stage them once they get off
that stage and they pick up the pan, whether doing is complete reversal. What they're saying I am ass makes this topic so interest, and so others, David mythological reads. The oddest its will not support taiwan breaking away from china. Secretary of state, anthony blinking, has said a minute: series of confusing statements by Joe Biden on the issue There is a video of everybody. Can secretary of state aid is what he had to say on taiwan, are reiterated, the longstanding? U S, one, china policy! That policy has not changed by the taiwan relations act. Three joint communiques, the six assurances. We do not support taiwan independence. We remain opposed to any unilateral, just this status by either side. We continue to respect the peaceful resolution of prostrate different
We remain committed to meeting our responsibilities under the taiwan relations act, including making sure the taiwan has the ability to defend it, so the commander in chief? Listen, we gotta, be honest here. Ok, What he is saying is not what the headline says that he said what he said right there was we're. We're going to stand by the policy that already in place, but he's not saying is equally as important as what he sang, because he's not saying is if child eyes to invade taiwan? Will fuck and stopped but my main okay. So that's what people have to pay attention to their gifts permission. ten, surely for china to invade taiwan by playing a passive role and so owing to us as if we're doing is trying to maintaining what we ve always had. And then Given the green light to do whatever the fuck, they want a proxy war, a proxy war
so the commander and shoots itself has twice suggested since entering office of the. U s would come to taiwan's to fit if China ever invaded the island angering beijing binds on aids has twice walk back. Those comments, insist Biden had miss spoken linking meeting with joy. In the great hall of the people, mark the highest level visit by a? U S, official to beijing and nearly five years, but we not the receipts. Eighty, we got the receipts, This headline from twenty nineteen- I'm sorry September ember, nineteen, twenty twenty two. By says you s, forces would defence. I wound, in the event of a chinese invasion, npr, they they reported to fine again. And says you ask what helps I want to china tax all this in article. Buying says you as would respond militarily if china takhtrawan, but why house insist
there's no one. There's no policy too, like these mother, fuckers are say one thing to us: they lying to a straight our face. Just like green jean Pierre says every fucking day she's in the press office. They say one thing, but then, as soon as I get off my doing something completely different in the complete opposite interest of the american people anybody on this. I don't know how anybody could like they're, so many people here we live in this time, where people just don't want to be, one. Might they want to side with their people, are right or die with their group or this or that and that that thinking that group think I'm on the democrat team or I'm on the republican team or I'm on the the whatever team. That's destroying our country. That's that's! Keeping us divided divided! We fall! That's the saying right and so they've played on people's egos,
as in people's positioning and their ignorance and their inability to be humble and change their mind to get people to pick sides. Okay, like we think about the mask, mask, wasn't about the mask. The mask was by compliance and who's on what side, and then they told you to attack the people who weren't The mass ok have fuckin way more than this the problem. Would you pass a fox how many of you motherfuckers, not wonder where mass, but you ward anyway, because you know what this movie I had just not fucking comply this. We want even be here if you have just said, you know what I don't give a fuck of people say whatever to me about the mask. You would have found out that eighty per none of the people were in the mass didn't want aware in the first place and that we were I've been fine. None of this shit wouldn't even happened. Ok, so we have. This group think mentality, That is ruining our ability to identify threats and then have reasonable solutions to threats are. I saw what's going on here in taiwan, is
the agenda that is probably bought paid for we're the same exact shit that they're talking about with the breeze mobile, yet that hasn't come to fruition yet or knowledge. Yet, right, remember. I said it's a prob, a prob is a pro protesting that cancer cell, that particular cell deceiver has cancer. We don't know how many other cancers around. We know that theirs that, one just this one specific point gaudy. So do you think that these people that were so corrupt to sell power, decisions in exchange for own personal wealth. Do you think yet they had a moral limit beyond just ukraine or do you think That therefore sail to everybody, because my logic tells me that bodies, is willing to make that decision with one country would make a decision with any country because it shows that they care about cells, not the people that are supposed to represent. I do I believe that these people have one shred of hatred, Out of loyalty to this country? In there
entire existence. I believe it's a dead issue. I believe they hate people stand for it and they do that's why they make the american flag a divisive, so well now, nor some americans don't feel like it represents them right? They ve done that, tension, column cabinet played a big role in that and self salt which he was paid to do exactly do exactly so I did we had the all these scenarios of all this, rob and there could anyone to act against the interests of us and for the interests of china and what lincoln said why here was what I said at the beginning of the sudden. This issue, him pacifying the audio the smart enough to understand a little bit of. What's going on to say, oh well, Oh he's really saying is that we do have forced the policy. That is what we say, always also saying by not saying hey not doing this is that pay
does it that was their decision and we are not to do with that's what they're trying to do. There try the hand taiwan over in china, which was probably part of the agreement, you mean for the hundreds of millions of dollars, allegedly, yes, speculative, we're right. This man is people, fuckin traders, period and the story. I can't stand this lady, a kiss annual Did you see that are making her the face of the campaign? Oh so like the next five or six campaign, rallies that are supposed to be done, she's doing them all by herself. The guy can't talk the fuck, you think they're going to I'm just saying like. Could you make it more obvious? You know what I'm saying, Does I was a third far Helen, it's time for a final segment of the show. As always, we have thumbs up.
We're dumb as fuck. That's where we bring headlined up we'll go through it talk about it until you're, one of those two options with that being said, our thumbs up are dumb as fuck headline reads: little rock boy, most fifty yards free of charge for those in need. I love this shit man, Yes, we so much hope I really do so. This is a bright by article reading, an eleven year old from little rock arkansas. Why? a new law, more weight, eater and leif blower after completing the fifty yards challenge, jade. Nilsen started the challenge and august twenty twenty two and said it was difficult. At first K, our k reported quote no Words can explain how happy I was nelson said quote. I was grateful because I finished the fifty yards because I it would take me more than a year to complete and I was happy because I got all this new stuff.
Raising men and women long care service posed. The challenge to young participants to move fifty lawns belonging to those most in need free of charge. More resign courage to seek out the elderly, single moms, the disabled and veterans to date, overdue twenty five thousand lawns have been mowed for free by four thousand five. Hundred and eighty eight young mowers according to the nonprofit site, children, a teens as far as way as australia, japan, germany, Sweden, south africa in england, have completed the challenge rodney psmith junior started the non profit in alabama quote them such is you work hard and, like anything in life, things will be challenging and things will get difficult, but just stick to it. If you commit to it smith said no instead at times he wanted to quit, but his grand mother, was his biggest supporter. Shiva taught him
to mow and signed him up for the challenge in the first place quote. I am proud that I got this far and still because of my grandma, I wouldn't be here right now. Nelson said now, nilsson is creating his own lawn care. Business called the real deal, but said he will still be providing free services to those in need anywhere. We got on this. I think this is. I think this is amazing and he is doing old school mmo into yeah he's alive as the new one. He just got that that's new one oberau look man. I think it's great for a lot of reasons, one your teaching kids to take care of the vulnerable, community, which is something that my generation just kind of learned. Doing like the way I was raised. You just did that shit. If you had an elderly elder We a that couldn't motor grass, you fuckin mode it you know here in MID west, where we get some snow, sometimes like with young elderly neighbours like you, fuckin
you shot was running out of. Do that's one of the things I love living here in the west eyes. What would I love the most about? It is that we still have that here, but this is really cool because, I think what its doings instilling that value system they figured out a unique way to reward it in the younger generation and there also learning a bunch of other skill set that they need to understand and fill up philosophical foundational understandings for success in life. You know when he talks about wanting to quit fifty yards for a young person? It's a lot of fuckin yards brow and when he talks about wanting to quit and that it was hard, this could be the first thing that he ever stuck all the way through and got rewarded and the truth wife is that almost every single thing that you do is going to table. longer than you wanted to take its gonna, be harder than you wanted to be, it's gotta be more frustrating when you thought it would be an once you,
push through that the reward is always there and the harder it is the more difficult it is. The frustrating. It is its surely usually the bigger reward, is well salt, where I think they're doing here is an amazing thing I it's gonna, inspire a lot of young entrepreneurs to understand the way the game is actually play because we have a lot not heads out there trying to teach all these people hacks and tricks and tip and ways around the work which there is no way around the fuckin work. There no way around the time. You might have something that you, come to me and say: oh, I did this in this amount of time, yeah. Well how you doing now, ok, come and get me in five years The reality is there are certain things that you can't hack and hard work, and time are two of those things, and so I think this is great that we're teaching these young people that, when they do good and they
work card good shit happens because that's the reality of life, at least from my experience from my perspective so far yeah, I agree man, one hundred per cent of others was fucking awesome thumbs up for sure, yeah yeah, that's real man, guys haiti, that's all I got. I guess I appreciate you guys, don't forget Susan after youtube, was no stake in the comments and don't be a hoax sure. The show sleeping on the floor now my jewelry box frozen the fuck are still countless millions. In the cold that teach buddhist smoke got a blank row kind of dessert no shot case closed.
Transcript generated on 2023-08-05.