« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

532. Andy & DJ CTI: Armed Man Confronts Squatter, Chinese Nationals Invading America & "USA Are My Pronouns"

2023-06-16 | 🔗

In today's episode, Andy & DJ discuss an armed Florida man confronting a squatter who took over his house while he was overseas, Chinese Nationals with ties to the Chinese Communist Party being released into the United States, and middle schoolers in Massachusetts tearing down pride banners and chanting, "USA are my pronouns."

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Sleeping on the floor now my jewelry box from the stove counter, millions in kobe teach buddhist. God of all things, rope kang, doesn't know headshot case closed. What is your guys that, Saturday for selling this is the show for the real say goodbye to the lies, the fitness and delusions of modern society and welcome to the motherfucker reality guys today, yeah and he and dj bruised the mother fucking internet were going to do that's what ctr stands for. That means cruise the internet we put up headlines the screen speculate. We talk about what may True? What we think is bullshit, and then we talk about how we as individuals can collectively contribute to solving some of the problems going on in the world other times. You today, and we have many different, shows within the show we have a q and a f show. That's where you to submit questions we answer on the show. You could submit your questions a couple of different ways. The first way
his guys, you can name all those questions didn't to ask Andy at Andy. For salah dot com or you can go on youtube and you can find the q and a half episodes and you can drop your questions right there in the comments sure it's scribe yours little lobby, love about. I lobby, love as the only way we can see a question should subscribe for its it's it's real. Ah, here we always love, especially. Are you too now other times you tuna and we have real talk. Real talk is five to twenty minutes of ushers, giving you some real talk, and then we have full length. That's what you see with most other podcast, where a bunch of people sitting room, we talk about it and what's it, while we talk about fucking, they got to be some fucking bad ass, an awesome and how are you could do the same rights, and then we have seventy five hard verses on a pretty regular basis. Nowadays, where people have complete seventy five heart or live, how come on the show until their stories about what it did, them and what it can do for you as well. Now we do have this thing, we call the fee and the fee is very simple.
For those of you that tuna and just for city, I you get the current events right, and we all understand that. However, This show is a personal development show, and I share a lot of tips and tricks on how to become a better human and better in business and kick ass and make more money, and I just have a around better life, and I do that for free. Ok, I personally and they show its entrepreneurship bay, show an you might think like. Why did they cover current events? Well, things like this If you got bad soil and try to plant crops in that bad soil, they never grow right and the same thing is true for entrepreneurs and freedom. If we didn't have freedom, if we are are oppressed, if we are taxed to death, we can't grow our businesses. So it's important that at each and every person out that is in arresting and become a successful and running a business becomes equally as interested in what's going on in the world. We try to both here rights, peanut, butter and jelly, and we have this thing. Called the fee in the female share, the shell?
Where are we don't want ads on the show? We don't want ads for the show the shows brown entirely off word of mouth. I don't take offers, which I get plenty of them. Because I don't want you guys, think I'm being lubbers you're told or censoring myself based upon somebody's paycheck. I make good only doing what I do and all I ask is that you guys share the show, so we say: pay the feed as we're talking about now what we got yeah what's going row, another man who was so so one thing that I do attract one. What it's been it has been a minute. Is it I needed to them? what I needed today we were out there. I don't normally run ads, and I would just say that I you know what if I were to run ads. If I were to run ads, I might accept some extra money from this company that you might heard of before. First, one right for this delicious or sunrise energy drink that I'm about to bless myself with
well, you could be a hand model. Had I've been told that many times face for him on this right I know for a fact, but anyhow, this is wonderful and I'm sure after I drink this one drink we're going to produce the best fucking show ever so, let's get on with it nerds or so. I've been ah Are you ready, or so I've been with you for like three and a half years now right and one of the things that I've tried to maintain doing? I call them my little weekly meetings right so I mean I go check in with chris on tuesdays. So one of four, maybe thirty minutes you talk to him. I catch up on shit, but then one of the other things always try to do is sit down with your dad right, because it adds fucking, awesome right, and so I sat down with him for probably about thirty minutes or so today, and we were talking about his trip to France and how he got to see you ask him about
his crush on the trans woman. I I didn't want to bust his balls on that cause. We were we were talking. We were talking about his his biological father, that'd, be there. You mentioned him quite a bit on the show and he didn't die d day. He actually was indeed a survived and fought for six months, which I just found out. I didn't actually know that he was on utah beach on d day and survived it until yeah until they just went to france and found out yeah. We all thought that he came after d day and somehow got shot and deployment. What actually happened was he landed on the fucking beach forest focus, ass off, survived and then got shot in the back for six months later, as well yeah it's crazy yeah. We were, we were just talking about it and, like know, he didn't like imagine, finishing basic training and then two days later, you're on a fucking beach year on the fucking beach right like crazy shit right, but we were just talking about it, and I knows I yeah. You show me this like piece of paper. They gave him with a bunch of con,
saxon shit- and I know in these situations- you know the they they keep records of every service members. You know, for the most part, most major no events are as long as it can go back where they keep records personal effects. Things like that. Somebody has it right until he's learned his lesson, like my pops, is just fucking calm until we were able to called cauda. U S, army human resources was able to get in touch made no press, the right numbers on the fucking thing. So where were actually working on right now of them, china, like figure out what are they have on your grandfather, doing and in their swastika back with us next tuesday? So let's call me here: I got that there was a pretty cool there. I've I was called a find out. They, like you, know any fuck. I just found this out of luck and weaken right. It is my fucker actually like got off the phone.
Oh in the water ran across the beach like it is such a crazy. I know my brow. Listen, we'll talk like it. Just motivates me more. If I can do or doing here because, like this is pitch shit compared to that right like like, if I can't fucking say what I think are what I believe are what I think the problem is because I'm fuckin scared, rama, fuckin beer, no wonder that man's yeahs runs yet now can you an acceptable and I'll? Never fucking stop. were you guys near three letter places the thing I'm going to get tired of this now we're coming for everything, that's a fucker fag. Now, yes, I just thought that was cool man, so I mean it'll be cool to see this see this see how this develops, and I just thought that was pretty cool. Weekly, meaning robots. That's gonna ask all well make sure you let me now I've got a gadget. I gotcha so
so yeah, but we got some interesting things man, but first I actually want to pull something up. We gotta talk about it. You actually sent me this, but I figure we talk about. It was that plies, oh yeah, Oh there's also applies this guy he's a. How would you describe joey's music art is wrapper apart, right. I really am ya, know someone like dumb ass, my girl, I like another girls like plies, more than a guy, do they yeah for you he's like a ladies' man right, yeah, cool girls like that dude, oh yeah, really yeah and they're fucking my cellar beer goggles on yeah, I know what it is dude I dunno, but he tweets this out couple of days ago and can tweet reads: Colin kaepernick took a knee lost his job and half the country said he disrespected america. Now most of the country, fraction trump gets him. Twice gets invited twice and started an insurrection on on the capital.
and those same people want him to get his job back and said they would vote for him again. So he treats this out is gonna fuckin destroyed. He is getting hammered now and listening to you guys know how we do it on the show we're not on the trump train. We don't play that bandwagon shit. We just lay out the fact how they are right. And nobody can really argue with the the state of the country when trump was in office. She can't can argument and specifically the black community right because we're starting to see the true effects in the hood I thought it was just absolutely amazing because he's getting fucking destroyed in these comments right, so I got some becoming commentary. Let's just go through As I was Cruz the comments, this was a stick to being a robber You look at the engagement. Look at the likes. Everyone like dear oh, I read him dear, oh monies are flocking to droid some, I says plaza fuck with. But this ain't it, your boy job
the biggest american crime family. To even do it get your facts right on both sides. This is what I saying yesterday on the show about black america figuring out waken the fuss out? What's gonna others this this lady? She she replied, she said, now plies? I love me some you but baby make sure you have thoroughly done your research. The democratic path He was never set up for as black people, but since we don't reader, educate ourselves its constantly the blind leading the blind, now. Don't get me wrong, there's a ton of republicans that were a joke too, but think about it. Why do you Think they wanted him out of there. So bad. It's an agenda, wake up, you can write or whether the vulgar we'll tell me I get her all show here. Ashtray he got the job irl. I owe him a fucking callback do just reminded us.
I'm sorry, mahjong bro. He fucking texts me twice about doing some shit with them and I have gone back with them yet cause. I was thinking about it. So, if you're listening image, I apologize what a piece of shit man homie, I am Jesus, and I can't help it andy- is where it's racism, that's what it is death while, We believe you would call him back on time, racism so wake up early. It's why supremacy be actually get tired. as is required, is a plazas in the gotta. Take political current advice from these clearly asleep at the wheel. It just goes on and on and he's getting hammered and one thing that I would like is this common here, sir, on this, and this is why our gotta stop listening to celebrity port of call. Celebrities. Yokota quote: unquote: celebrities, three thousand because people are understanding that the bottom pay for its. It is isn't a fluent sam. It's an angel. It's just like influence marketing posters yet give you some money passed by.
Very low iq statement right here. he's getting hammered out. He fucking shed. I fully saw the fuck like livestock, abolition or you're. Talking about these people have fucking these democratically. You continue. The fan have ruined your fucking culture and black america. They ve stolen the money that was allocated for you for you communities they ve fucked, your school systems made it saw their crimes, runs rapid intentionally, so they have problems to come and promise you they will solve. Done this for years and years and years and years and years, and then they play all the white people. Why people like fuckin problem bro, why people are now coming into your fuckin communities and killing off? Why people that's not happening, ok, so we, this is what I was saying on show we have to be able to address the facts of the situation if we ever want to solve the problem- and this is really great to see now, because its political- because it indicates that people
waking up to the real problem what's going on, which allows us to then come up with a solution that is great for all american. So right now like these were posted on two of our say the most famous saw one at walter was one that burma We talking about like true accurate temperatures may have by where people are not filled with bots and shit like that, writing a true genuine real responses and dude, it's fuckin,
I mean it's, it's overflowing, it's cool dude, it's really lucy is really really sick. I do like my dream of this. My isn't a dream. It's an objective of this is to get to a point where, if black americans and white americans can figure out that we are not each other's enemies, they have no power over anything as fucking at them. The dots over for them that happens. That is the key strategic move that has to happen for america to truly become what it was always supposed to be. No undue in history shows it. I write like when you guys look back through this country's history any time anyone or there has been this- massive move to unite just look what happens to kill him. Just look what happens you know and, like you know, you think about unity right. It's like well, what's wrong with unity, we should all
These strange, therefore, can J f k, africans, whacked, yawning it's weird martin luther king. I fuckin whacked rope you- don't think it's fucking weird that any single person that calls for healthy relationship amongst all americans gets discredited in a drug through the media and told they were fuckin, bullshit or killed. Yeah well sometimes killed like rome, there's a reason for the young ones, comment who happens to be black is right because she understands exactly what's going on it's an agenda. I fucking love. Seeing I just thought it was awesome, although I wanted to just pop it up there. Real, quick but that'd, be a santa Barbara, hop back on and see what he thinks. I fucked up, as you say, yo, bro yeah, we'll come back we'll play footsie swear. Is it listen? I like hawk a lot of people, don't like hawkeye like on you know, I think hawks got a decent. These I want possess. I want to like her. I just makes it really difficult for me man, if he you know
I think he's gonna become blatantly obvious what the fuck is going on and I think eventually cause it's like standing on the edge of uclaf and the waves washing away. Eventually, there's no way to stand, you gotta, say fuck. I was wrong What I'm saying them anyway? The drama with guys this gets a cruiser remember if you want to see any of these pictures articles links, videos go to Andy for salah dot. Com can find them there or you can drop down in the youtube description below and check them out there as well. So that being said, headline number What are the number one reads? Armed florida man confront squatter who took over house while he was overseas police. I feel, like I've heard this. If this can be happening, that it can be a thing I was watching. This show dude and like I was watching it for like three years yeah there was the two dudes like a white dude and a black,
It will ever be remembered. The shell, like they like three years, Every single thing that they sat on the show came true. Eventually, it was amazing and then, like ireland, them talking about this issue for many many times, and I know we're talked about like how in venezuela this is, you know exactly what happened or how it's happening here and how you're gonna go on vacation and you're gonna come back. can you get me migrants living in your home, like I feel dude, I know they talked about a dude like many times, I'm not making it up. What's that com, how no but I'll. Tell you what they're too handsome motherfuckers, you remember that big huge. Do you remember that This may also an alleged squatter was arrested in florida everywhere else. I remember what it was funny.
So, an alleged squatter was arrested, actually the kilowatt of another one yeah. He was real funny. Alright, let's go. He had some seasoning a little bit more than just salt and pepper that, mrs NASH, that's basically why people shit well for gradual worst ira has its company, your fuckin house, After as a guarantee, you won't find it if you're going to call Alex tell her hide it. You won't find it misses that mother fucker. I know you pull that shit out with your fucking socks and your burgers ex eyebrow. Can you be doing some magic in every way dash the juicy vulgar some grover's postcard out birchen stocks. This time you how bury its target one in ten. Listen, the shell brow, isn't he. the up when we say good stuff, the people have spoken, what they like birkenau, really do. People and Mozambique,
Alright, okay, so I guarantee you got that fucking spice bro, no yeah, yeah, Frank's, red hot topic to you. You've got franks. I think we got some friction there, alright or something similar and in the top tier races. the shit for the show and everything asked not a mat, yeah I'll fuck I'll run some ads for Frank's red hot race, pretty good. I liked that shit. I use that shit. You guys pay me money. I talk about all the time. It's good shit, yeah, delicious are you don't tell me to talk about some bullshit november me francs, so lead squatter- was arrested in florida after homeowner fresh off of a seven months trick. to new zealand. I said he returned to the house. I founded trashed burglarized authorities with a merry on county sheriff's office, arrested a boy brown on friday.
The identification, homeowner and oh collar per fronted the man and fired a gun in an attempt to get the suspect to leave. According to the sheriff's office, affidavit reviewed by fox news, digital homeowner told it already is that when he returned home from his trip, if he found his home in disarray and several items were missing, he reported the incident to police. Later that same day, the homeowner slept in a closet in the home in an attempt to catch the squatter or the highlands. You go to sleep when you're trying to catch me yet I don't really get that part doesn't sound safe, maybe maybe he was just so like he just felt so violated that I he he felt like he had to. If I can get the er he adds. If I can confront him, I dunno yeah. Why even go sleep then yeah then add in his eight p m, maybe jet lag bro I dunno
Moment might have possible, but the homeowners alarm went off at eight p m and he saw brown peeking into the closet where he was sleeping according to the affidavit homeowners shouted at brown to leave the residents, and the two reportedly began arguing about who actually owns the home According to the affidavit homeowner uses, barretta hang on to fire a shot at his front door in an attempt to get round to leave brown fled as it happens, and called authority saying he was shot round. Also said he owned the home. He was squatting in brown, was ultimately arrested and hit with various charges, including misdemeanor trespassing, misdemeanor, possession of marijuana and fell in the possession of a controlled substance without a prescription. Thirty said they found a rock like substance, embrowns pie could upon his arrest, which tested positive methamphetamine in another bag containing marijuana brown short authorities after his arrest,
It had been living in the home for a few months and that he was the only other person staying in the house. He said, the windows and doors to the home, were unlocked when he first arrived at the residence adding that the house had been vacant for three years, brown is now being out on a four thousand dollar bond and whoever got on this I mean. We've already talked about this a bunch of times that this is part of what they actually want to happen, and this doesn't happen. I don't think the skies a migrant, but what's going to happen- and you know just like I said a minute ago- These guys told me, on the show that I wash with yeah huge tax. They told me that these I guess we're going to start living in people's homes when people went on vacation and they said that, like proudly forty times over the last three years
They also told me that in Venezuela this is how they re about that and but also how they're doing it in europe and all jokes aside, you the mayor of chicago talking about memory cover that issue where the black community was piss off, because they were putting the migrants in the black community mare chicago, says about his own people guy we have a duty to serve and take care of these people write up and is the highest priority higher than the priority of acts. american citizens, then you have new york's mare, Eric Adam saying that regular citizens, your house, migrants in their own home, and then you have.
this situation where people in the government are bossing these migrants around two different cities, and then you have the situation where a lot of these people who are coming here most of them are actual criminals in these other countries, including chinese nationals, military age, males who are literally being distributed throughout the country, and we have these people who still think it's racist to say that america belongs to americans, americans that come here and go through the process of immigration, like my family did and like this man did to my ride over here and like zeeshan, did and like plenty of other great people did who come here and contribute. That's what this country is built upon. What this country was not built upon was millions of criminals.
who are being dumped out of third world country prisons to be allowed to come to america and then be distributed around by our government under the guise of jokes, like we're just going to send them to washington where he was from central new york, where abbott who's doing these things is just as guilty as Joe Biden. You guys are failing to understand in this. Is a unit party move to destabilize the united states to demoralize the culture to create a situation where people who are rightful americans citizens, who own shit, will not have the right to action. Own their shit because they're going give all the rights like we discussed over and over again to the migrants and going to protect them with the law and they're gonna hold you accountable to all right, so they're gonna ignore whenever they do and they're gonna hold. You accountable saw this man. This is lucky. This happened in florida because
this happened in California, you're fucked wrote you wouldn't get your house back now. in jail, and if you did anything like shoot the student phase, which is why he deserves I'm pretty sure, that's what I would do in fact, I'm not pretty sure You come in my house, you not spoil our two. How to happen once in the dew went to prison the next time you die right. I'm sick of this shit, everybody should be sick of shit and everybody out there should be speaking up against, what's going on, because, while you're busy arguing over trans rights, which affects two percent the population there allowing our country to be invaded. their allowing these criminals to be distributed, and these people are not asylum seeking migrants. These people are military age. Males with no wife, no kids no place to go, no work. No!
nothing and then putting a menu neighborhoods. Why would they do that? And, furthermore, if they were to create a situation Well! I don't know there was an uprising and these people who don't belong here were to realise that they are protected by the law, whereas the actual american citizens are held back by the law from sending their own property and they needed an army to fight the uprising. What do you think It would do to the migrants. Do you think that they would issue them weapons and uniforms and say hey? Ah, if you taken source, which is what they ve done in other countries, all right. So this is not misinformation. This is not. Conspiracy is happy I mean it's only a matter of time before it comes to your house.
and so many of you watch and listen to the show. I see the numbers. Ok, you're, not saying anything, you're afraid to share the show you're afraid to show the message you're, afraid to speak out and that fear of eating out is going to end up putting you in a vulnerable situation that may cost you everything you own or even your life, and this is real shit. That's happening right now so yeah and do this something that there's there's there's a more sinister thing to this right like that people? I believe people need to really really get wrap their heads around right, though the goal of this right, like you said in other states, you know, the homeowners will be arrested, thrown in jail right. If they can get you to stop fighting for your home, you will not fight for your homeland.
and thus to go, and all of our other colin Powell adversaries out there watching us or new countries are truly, would love to take up this massive amount of land that we have when you talk about? Ok? Well, how do they do that? You do like this that you bring me one of the fuckin border, military age, man and then for the fucking uniforms and put it back on him, a good right and. They only need a couple of examples of things. Are situations like this right were homeowner come home to find his home being squatted in right. You'll need a few in a few instances or few cases of these. That will turn the public's opinion right. A few more cases. These were the homeowners gettin fuckin fucked up because of doing it. Rope demoralization sets it. What about Daniel penny right?
What about this? Dear hoo hoo, honest subway, restrain a man who is threatening violence against people of always on the subway. Restrains a man, the guy dies, and then they put the student jail. They invite him. What do you think reason of that is the reason of that is to make people fearful for standing up for their own people. What they know is right as correct
who doesn't understand the phrase what they know as squashing any resistance and, if they're, trying to squash resistance like this. With these extreme cases of lack of calm, everybody looks at that and you're like this is bullshit okay, but they can't connect the dots into what it actually means and if they can show you one two three four five examples of where the rightful person gets persecuted for doing the right thing now we're in a situation where everybody doesn't do anything and that allows them to do what they want and and if they're trying to squash resistance by making examples of Daniel penny or other americans that rightfully belong to be here for standing up for their own people in their own property. Why do you think they're doing? Why are they doing that? Why are they trying to create a situation where people are afraid to resist because they're afraid of the
resistance, so if you would just stand a fuck up and use your voice and call bullshit and call for accountability and be a vocal american, which is the least you could do considering millions of americans have died for this country, the least you could do speak up for what you believe to be right. If you do that, the share would stop fast. I listen man, I'm very frustrated because I'm very frustrated with the fact that there are idealists who believe that they are doing the right thing
By allowing these people to come here and be here, and it's always the same kind of people as people with the fifty thousand nose piercings in their face with blue hair, okay, who have grown up in a upper middle class household, and are advocating for every virtues, signalling movement. That's out there. A company with the wind arms from the suburbs who think they're doing the right thing were drunk every day at fuckin, two o clock. you don't know shit about shit, don't Provide shit, don't do shit, don't don't contribute anything productive, accept these movements and an what's dangerous for these people that they don't understand. The role that the playing in the gravity of their helping the usher in and when this starts to come to a head, those are the least capable people protecting themselves or actually operating in a key,
exotic environment and they're gonna be screaming for people to help them in their ain't gonna, be nobody help and not always you're, not gonna, be nobody. Help. There's going to be but I see you as the reason of their having to do very drastic shit. It's going to put you in danger. That's where we're at its russia gosh drop down the comments. Let us know what you think hush home, where I tell us where you see how they redistribute the property. You know we have. Let us acknowledge. How can we talk about this and show a lot I've got how many thousand I said on the show: you'll go on. Vacation, you'll come home and I'll be some. We live in your house and you won't be able to fucking do anything about it. Ok, It's very frustrating to sit here in this chair and do the shelf for fucking free for years and years and years and years, and then just a watched this happen as as we call it, and the reason is happening is because not enough of you are getting activated and using your voice you're still affair.
the bogeyman doesn't actually exist. They use bots for ten years to silence people on the internet. You censorship, the youth propaganda with the mainstream media. They ve done everything they can to make. You feel you're, the only one that thinks this way and you are not the only one that thinks this way, everybody with common sense, stands what's happening now and there's a bear Small percentage of very loud people trying to manipulate you in silence, Doing so, would many different tactics cancel culture, silent majority political correctness, made it impossible for you to want to say anything that offend anybody. These are weapons against free speech should they have let happened over the last two decades and have taken full A fact on society, and now we have situations where criminals must be held accountable. People,
that shouldn't be here are allowed to be here. We have been advocating for saying it's racist. Anybody who says it's races to keep these people out of america is a criminal. They are part of the plan. I don't know what else to say: man I feel like we say everything on the show, and then it happens in languages continues to happen. Is frustrating dude enlightened, look like when it comes to your door, you're gonna think different. None all its role and its eyes right into our sector have on Gaza the number to stand on this talk of immigration, I new newport just came out hell. I read my arcas leasing chinese nationals with ties to c c p into united states.
Who's been saying, this military aged man who's been saying this dude also a huge portion of the migrants coming across our fucking chinese communist party nationals of military age without fear, families without women without children. They are invading our country right here right now, because you guys won't speak out because you're afraid to be called racist, your house homeland security committee chairman mark green out of tennessee, said this week, that quote military aged china these nationals with ties to the chinese communist party and the people's liberation me had been released into the united states by the Bye administration. We talk about policy decisions in exchange for millions of dollars. Here's one
a green made. The comments during a Wednesday press conference announcing an investigation into homeland security secretary, our hydro. My workers, over quote dereliction of duty, regards security southern border, which has seen record numbers numbers of illegals crossing under Joe Biden quote secondary My work is: has put the national security of united states at risk. Terrorist suspected here is my enemies of our nation have flooded across our borders. Green said before noting that there had been a massive surge in chinese nationals, many of whom are military age. Man with known ties to the piano a tie. Since you see p, have crossed our southern border and have just been released by secretary? My workers and to the united states can make up sucking fury Robots infuriating is that so many people are silent. Its infuriating.
where I've come on the show for like the last three plus years and like literally called the place? This is what's going to happen. This is what's going to happen, this what's going to happen and three months six months, nine months later, what happens? It happens? Ok, now I'm telling you, they are invading our country right now with this migrant crisis. It's only a matter of time before Schick, it's so bad that they issue these people, weapons against the people of the united states or they just do their fucking deal a uniform back on exactly. How would you invade the united states as a trojan horse full on? How would you invade the united states if you or another? How would you do it? You couldn't land boats on the fucking, you couldn't sail boats across the ocean because we shoot missiles at them and they beach sucking impenetrable on a concurrent parachute. People in you couldn't come across the border because we drone strike everybody.
How could you get people here? You could use the seven and a fuckin mail, the emotional manipulation and pull in the purse strings of the hearts and minds by saying that it's a moral thing to do virtuous you invite millions of these people through our borders. Under the guise of immigration and asylum seekers and accent, then they just go in their little fucking bags, pull out their uniforms and bam route. It's it's! It's so frustrating for me to sit here and because of the
the idealists of this country, who think they know everything who end up being wrong about everything, we're literally losing a fucking country right in front of our fucking faces. I can't fucking stand it. You know who's. The thing like I think people are like the the the keep they're going, gonna change it either, but listen. They have no plans on fixing. Any of these policies know they're an accelerate or they're going to speed it up, speed it up man and while the governors of the states are as criminal justice like abbot in texas wrote, he belongs in whenever swell Biden gets. He belongs here just and prefers bus to California, this umbrella, every single border states, allowing this to happen, deserves the same punishment as what the present deserves. when this is all I complicit in the evasion yeah and do when this is done. When we, when the good people of America somehow get power back cause, I'm gonna tell you right now we're getting it back. That's a promise.
god. These people are all gonna have to be fuckin dealt with their organs, be rounded up, we're all going out to be shipped back. and all the blue hairs in the fuckin wine moms with their pinkies up a shit, don't pay Tat shape is going on. Don't have fear in the world. I have a worry in the world who think it's virtuous to to virtue signal for these crazy stupid causes. These people are literally going to throw a freakin fit about. What's going to be required to fix this problem, cause it ain't, gonna be pretty. No, it ain't, gonna be pretty, it's gonna, be fucking. Real and pretty, and the thing is if you're silent now just stay silent when it starts to happen, yeah, that's just how I feel about it. I'm sick of it abra like I can't stand that we're losing our country. Because of these people who literally, who literally, cannot comprehend what actually happening. They think this is like I'm such a good person, because- I say that these illegal should be allowed to come here, but no you're, not
You're more on you don't know, what's going on and eventually this might plugging the cost the lives of. Potentially you or your family's lights. Rather than you see you have you seen. what are you gonna say wrong. I'm sorry the same shit. You're said about coded. Ah, you know I was wrong row. You always wrong. You guys are always wrong. You're, the useful idiots, the communist right about that manipulate. They manipulate to intentionally subvert everything that they're trying to take over or you fall victim to the influence began to campaign by the way that the track histories and their good for you. He concept But do like knowing, if you support this shit, your traitor to america, yeah, no doubt but dude. Have you heard some of the fuckin, like you know, far left progressive communists? Have you heard, like the the one, lady off of you, dude she's, making a comment about the illegal immigrants coming over she's like donald trump? He wants
to build the one who's going to clean his toilets and who's going to an air was like oh shit. I have a couple of years ago, yeah yeah, but it's just like how they look at them. That's that's. That is, they true accurate measurement. Of that one is correct. You know I like that, like she meant that shit yeah we would be twice about manner realize it was even wrong until the crowd grow ever will be forgotten The view of the iceberg, yeah, yeah, yeah, businesslike, that sounds what you think of the commons drop down. Let us no brothers it's coming to your door, it's coming quick ma'am! It's come and we need we we're going. You should just go ahead and reconcile in your brain at the
that cleaning. This up is going to be very difficult and very hard and very hard watch. Now, I'm even ashes of this right like like this, these millions of people, our, are that a a in light like look around your neighborhoods in your communities. Right, tell me how much you see being built. I mean you knew how is it being, though, how many new apartment complexes are being built right and we got millions of people coming in? Where are they supposed to go now, they're supposed to go in people's homes like we are talking about the first topic? That's the plan. Now people do not row saying openly. Do you think that the new york mayor, ah Adams, do you think I was an accident, a slip of the tongue of dogma, that this is what they do? Do they did the same thing in Venezuela brow it took like ten year. and all of a sudden bro, all the fucking criminals had all the shit and all the good citizens had to leave the country. That's what they're doing here. It's fucking disgusting! You guys tell us what you think.
Comments. Let us know where these people laugh at it too, like they laugh now. You know like that. Like these, these progressives like these people, these communist they laugh. They think the shit we do so. You know if you like, a regular human supports this way. After this shit all come like mass comes off and I like for one communism, they kill you. First, the useful idiots get killed. First, the people who provide no value. Willing to work. been sold for years and years and years on getting free shit from other people's labour. Those people get killed a kill those people, so, like all of you, people who were you know advocating for this bullshit understand if you're not producing, and you think that gonna just accumulate someone else's wealth, portions of it or this redistribution. Well shit. You hear all these people talk about Just understand that never happens in this place
That's a while they tell you to advocate for them and then, Ever they get in power, they fuckin kill those people because those people don't contribute to the overall betterment of the society. So like it's like you're you're, advocating for your own execution, eventually now and if you understood history, which you doubt because all you do is sit at home. And play video games like fuckin forgot four days, her blue and shoot you because you don't understand history, you advocating your own demise. No, I'm surprised a side note here. I'm surprised there hasn't been more of like shortages for haired. I listen man. I am having a bad day like I'm very pissed off about. What's going on now,.
I guess it's very difficult for me to sit here and this chair and do the ship for free for fucking years and years and years have to watch. It happened because people want share. Their own opinions or their own views and won't speak up we'll get involved One could engage instead comment. Well, don't do something about it. What the fuck are you doing about? Nothin you shit on instagram, coming you still fucking consuming all their food. Yours, consuming the medicine are still consuming the propaganda you're stuck assuming Digital assets coming more more more of an ineffective human, which is the play because I need you dependent on them asking. When is someone going to row, you are the. person is supposed to save you. This is outside job, ok the revolution that you're looking for that you want to happen. That's within you That's in your mind, your heart, your body, once you get those things in the place and you prove yourself as a car?
tomorrow, each of their system. It takes their power away at starts within all of us, That's why I say the saying personal excellence is the ultimate rebellion because actually is and it's what we need It's actually the only thing that will actually defeat what's going on roma through and it can be done quick, That's the thing you in a hundred days row you could totally changed your whole life. You don't say, I'm like an hundred his younger by regardless, anyway got shot down the commerce what you guys think on this, but I am so sick. I see in this old man, go up in front of our country every single day and smile and laugh. When he's done all this fucked up shit fuck our countries stand. It is hard to. Even so, what's like a good bear a bad day for him, he wasn't as far as our mental,
It does not being there. These people are true criminals, communist, if soul out america for money, and they don't intend to stop you the there was a him today. It's interesting me that some of you guys think that the selection has come up is somehow going to be one with a vote now far. You cannot convince me that this man, who shits his pants on live television, Eighty one million votes which more than black obama. Ok- and I didn't both for Barack Obama, a black obama was the most charismatic the them the most. Full campaign ever run that I've seen my entire life. two younger to understand reagan when it happened.
Everybody wanted him to do, what he said he was going to do and he came in and did the opposite. Alright, that day was magical when he got elected he was the perfect magician to convince people that I'm going to fix stuff. and then pretend that he was gonna. Do everything in our interest in and dismantle everything on the back in right. I wash happen lot of a state. And you're not going to convince me that donald trump beats. Hillary Clinton then gets. I don't know, What is it, how many more millions of votes that we get in twenty twenty over twain? Sixteen there was a time, ok and dismay that aid this guy. That's six million more votes than donald trump and more votes than barack Obama, you're fucking insane. If you believe that he campaign from his basement campaign with twelve cars in the parking lot, they introduce.
Hold it for this specific reason to not have to campaign so that this man you could not see how little of a crowd And how little enthusiasm americans had for him? I was part of the intentional play Ok, and you really think that and twenty twenty four there are just going to allow Donald trump to come in and when the election, you're insane brow, you're insane it's gonna take a lot more than what you guys think, instead Right now, would you get your oh shit together down the comments blow, tell us what you think on this topic, but without being said, let's move to a third and final have on headline number. Three ellen number three reads u S, a pronouns middle school was rebel against pride month indoctrination. This is good, is it this is a good
adults in a burlington massachusetts community are calling for action in response to middle school, children, tearing down pride, banners and change. In: u s a are my pronouns, the principle of the school, reacted to the students choice of rebellion against pride month by saying quote, and one individual or group of individuals, beliefs and actions result in the meaning of another individual or group? It is completely unacceptable. the burlington community is calling on town leaders to take action in the wake of a recent middle school incident during which students disrupted a pride of it, reported Boston that counts andrew second students, Marshall simmons middle school. Reportedly disarray Did the school so called spirit day celebration for pride month, which was sponsored by the school spectrum club and algae bt? Stew,
group, which I don't even know why the fuck does. A l, gb student group in middle school have no idea why it's easy to have one when you start train and when their free, MR as part of the event, spectrum club had decorated the school with signs that red quote happy pride month as well as posters with messages such as quote. Why? It's not ok to say that's gay according to a ladder since apparent from the schools principle, carry purchase obtained by boston, backup they also put- rainbows streamers and pride flag, banners and handed out rainbow stickers, as well as encourage students and faculty to wear rainbow colored clothing, but some students. reportedly reacted by tearing down the banners and signs behaviour. The marshal simmonds middle school principle for referred to as inappropriate other students chance it u s a on pronouns
in the hallways and wore red white and mother fuckin blue clothing and face paint instead. The suggested values, insurrection, raw I love this store sounds like an insurrection, but the truth is these kids got more balls or something Most people are in there in the real world. In reality, while we still have no shit, you know but footwear. Monsieur fires me up continue to and middle school administrators responded by car. students. Actions quo completely unacceptable and said that it was a quote demeaning to other stupid. While also likening it to violence course Paul. I fully baghdad, our diverse community, has diverse opinions and beliefs, Also, respect individual's right to express their opinions, do clothing choices and freedom of speech purchase rose. I should continue
when one individual or groups of individuals, beliefs and actions result in the new meaning of another individual or group. It is completely unacceptable that the principal set approaches, went on to say that she stands in solidarity with the students and faculty that were allegedly impacted by the student protest vote. I am truly sorry that a day meant for you to celebrate your identity turned into the day of intolerance, the principal wrote yeah is a fucking day. Its ever We then very minutes every day of the year, it's not every day of the money. Now. Ok, where was the last time that you were celebrated for like a pussy brow, now hold on with that. We're talking about we're talking about celebrating who likes to fuck you, What parts you like on your mouth? Ok, like that's what we're talking about the most absurd shit ever and it doesn't belong in any school
doesn't even belong in fucking, high school or college You know why, because is not appropriate. wants to aloud and say should we saw a bullet for you. I like to back, like dude that's what we're talking about here in this whole movement is based around hu I like to have sex with, and I'm supposed to be celebrated for that that's absurd and its decent. Now what america stands for? Ok, these people, this, this prize shit, the guy community doesn't stand with it anymore because they understand and its destructive to all the progress that the actual well meaning great, well adjusted citizens the gay community, lesbian, gay, bisexual community- have fought for for decades. And they ve turned it into a fucking joke, The gay community is needed with the pride month anymore. Now it's become a complete
indoctrination, demoralization! worrying about you removing of decency. Why do we not like what really going to celebrate people legitimately for who they liked to have sex with that's what we're talking about in these kids. It is then they take. The symbol, then, is like the most kid symbol over, like blue weakened we will never be acceptable again, like a fuckin ruined, when I was a kid away, rainbow was like me: The rainbow where's, the libra. Now enough, colleagues did homesick business like come too become spray laboratory brown person sire, we'll be straight away: cigarettes is how she talks about. You know. How about celebrating the identity of people's achievements in their work ethic and the grades,
Yet, how can we really are in force in their sports or theirs screwing. This is absurd and all you parents to go along with a new teachers go along with it. Your literal morons, your teaching of kids, to be in effect, have been wife going along with it I'm sorry, but when they got to be eighteen years old and go out in the real world which doesn't happen. Toolbar they're, thirty, now right. Their little rainbow party evocative shit. Why should we hire? You were working but I did so bad yeah. You know just sort of working towards their worries. You know that An actual more money because, like I like my ass, penetrated bodies or more for that, you know like I should get away, but this is also censorship. Man, and we want in the web, denies how absurd it is because we want getting used to it.
I love that all these companies that are promoting this shooter didn't fuck and torn up to it Roma tell you another thing: I've been anti cancer culture because I'm trying to keep the peace, these these people, not we're gonna, stop there, never! establish you'll be completely rejected by everybody for F for fucking ever so one thing is you also you alluded to and like Oh man, this is middle school. They shouldn't even be doing it in high school, but crazy thing is in the same school district, a bearded in high school. That a video voice or other articles says this is not the only time which students reacted unfavourably to lgbt propaganda. Big being shown to them in others, recently a video serviced. All mine when students from high school in california vocally objecting to having to watch a pride month, video in their classes, video the, The
good good you won't be an appropriate. So the class is clearly objective. You threaten image, fucking detention, that's what they do, what What are they threaten people with the speaker, mine, jail, she'll, be fine, wrote, listen! These people are ridiculous. This shit is ridiculous. Had kids drag shows is insane. Images reassuring, see great, the kids that you know what that is, that parents in the household say: nice bullshit. You know you peril Seem to get better about that. The full sick messina dared. Now, I'm sorry sick of seeing. while they're doing this and we're sitting of arguing there alone,
c c p nationals to come across the border. in shipping them into your neighbourhoods, and you think governor abbot is doing a great thing by shipping them two different place. Is that part of the strategy they're distributing their fucking troops, man program for a rough road dude and buy a rough road? I mean violence. It's going to it's going to come. It's you guys in the three letter agencies that I do a shit to stand up for this. You fucking pussies, brow, we'll talk you're violating you're out to american? What you think I saw sky. The other day, the fbi representative ted crews was here one of Josh. Hawley was hammered hamilton and this guy had the opportunity. He was right there row to tell the truth. And change everything in america in this do crumbled like a fucking pussy crumbled, ass. The earth
assistant there I directory I sent you set up. You know what I'm not gonna talk about a refused. Answer! You could see it on his face and bro you. I'm talking man who did that you're a trader to this country for the rest of your fucking life. I'm sick of these people brow there's no reason this man should already be arrested. The all of these people are doing should already be arrested for guys it's time enough to do this in future. My name is man, but I don't know if I'm having a bad day or what but like this shit is in I'm infuriated by this. Like the fact. that there's grown adults allowing the shit to happen all over the country and like just standing up for what they know is right. Is disgusting, you're gonna, let this dude do
totally destroy the country, because, I don't like some other news tweets and only because I told you either like them wrote. This is going to cause a bunch of shit here and it's going to an all these people that are advocating for this they're going to get wrapped up in it, they're not going to be capable of operating in it, no the most vulnerable. if people in society are spinning and quickening the destruction of our society and when it gets to the point of violence which they all are the ones that call for that they're not going to be able to handle what happens that pool, noodle and fucking trash can living and listened to. For there's a nurse. The majority of america are held back right now by the double standard in the legal system. Right there's a bit
m its holding back a massive tidal wave of violence and corrective action that will be and by the citizens, and that damage cracking a little bit every day And you guys are on the wrong side of this who continue to advocate for this. You do not understand what you're doing. And there will be no mercy for you when this happens. I can promise you that that's not my decision, that's just people are that's sick of it. It's history, yeah, it is history, there's gonna, be no one to protect you, the police, that you think are on. Your side will not be on your side because once they figure out that that's the way it's going, they're gonna go right without flow to just like all the rest that jumped ship in the media like this is very dangerous dude. I hope I am wrong to do so quickly, but I hope I am wrong. I hope I hope that the election comes in and there is an election and someone
it's safe and secure, I hope so yeah, but I don't think it's going to happen now. If I'm wrong I'd be happy to be wrong on this, because if it continues, what I just said is going to happen. It's going to be real bad wrote how many police officers you talk to their life. What this alone, your money, many only three letter do to remedy and same brow, I'm with I'm with you guys. It's fuckin bullshit, all of em. you you guys! Who d! I must say that shit and you standing up in your own agency blown, the whistle and fuck and haven't courage, you're the problem, I hate to say that your page, her out of person, has signed up to do something for the country understand that for your face we right now- and this is your opportunity to actually meet make your life mean something or failing that dude on the stand with cruise and halle. That dude is a coward for life,
If he knows that to accede on his face to see it on his face, there's no recovering it. Now, because what he really, what he's gonna come to realise is that he fucking soulless country out because he was a fucking coward. you will not, sir, you will not be able live with that. Now. Is your chance bro you fuckin fail as it is time for a final segment of the show. As always, we have thumbs up or dumbest fuck. That's where we thought headline up dive into it. Oh you're, one of those two two options, or that being said I thumbs up, are dumbest fuck headline reads because Cox for you, I really like cox, bloody, equitable celebrated, for I won an award for how much I love cox. We got to go do I know a bit like what more money I want out to be able to say whatever I want and not be held accountable. I won't be able to do violence and I have to go to jail, but I want a whole bunch issue. Actually
I want on, but he else's shit for free right. That's what I want, because I, like Cox as fair know what we're almost go start identifying is gay. I work. Do I fuck? I want I'm actually trance, that's what I am arbitrary lesbian, my last year, as well as being a man's body. That's why I'm actually part of this community as represented by this community. I demand more right right, fuckin wardrobe. I want a certificate. I want to. I want to raise, because I love dick. Are you going to be the most jacked lesbian? I've ever seen, yeah I'm for the ones that, like it rough alright, it is what it is but I identify as that you can argue with. It was the new name. There is on your name I'll just to him no matter how you nothing matters, everybody does matter.
But even if you don't have sex with me, you're a fucking big, your answer. I'll, gb q, elementary yeah, right, plus minus yeah, Next can be further multiply, divide just say that exist, What's going on on the other side like reverb river, you know what you observe with William exponentially like these trans people saying of your house, if you would Data trans woman, you you're a big it, no brow. I does, it does not do so. How is this real? How This reality make love to me, bro hold on like stop and think about it. How is this reality? Brow
The science like it's like these, people reading out of a completely different fucking book and it's all backwards by the way. That's intentional, I dunno what to think there, but I'll tell you this, I'm fucking tired of it. I so we got. We got a boxer of conscious wilcox free cox, Cox, it's a it's, a big one, huh yeah, a gaggle of cocks, I gaggle of ducks, is a big one. so thumbs up dumb as fuck reads: bloodied equity
Worrying pilot keeps cool after giant bird slams into cockpit, cockpit yeah. It was a cock in the cockpit ooh get it alright. That was that they said no, This way in the imo- trains- lesbians- you ok! Well then I was a great shout for their future allows about showed a guy's. Getting pretty trophies I originally so the pilot couldn't be ruffled, Five video called ecuadorean aviator area valiant a keeping his cool. After a massive bird smashed into his cockpit, the bird To sing dangling in front of him as he holds the stick before turning the camera to show his bloodied face with his air filter, mask hanging to the side, quote: invincible lost, LEO's province of ecuador,. How the fuck do you read out? Will you care we
half the other, what the fuck What is wrong with you, my progress, this shit, like thirty times lower than the price likes a basic words, I'm trying to say, like, like you, browsers wages, pillow yeah pillar that belong to say it like. I was so good pilot, like violet, there's no excuses anymore. It away. I forgot your parliament of her mama. I just cause- I don't you soon vincent loans, yours province of ecuador, huge bird struck through the wind should have a crop. Duster plain mid air. Fortunately Islet aerial valiant say managed to control the situation. Aviation news outlets f, o three sixty arrow set on twitter a self describe. Similar retired flight doktor, wrote quote when In a put situation, pilots will revert to the full
First thing they learn. That's why initial training is so important. Pilots are taught to adhere to the axiom. Aviate navigate communicates first fly the plane, then navigate and finally speak with air traffic control. When the emergency is under control, it is unclear what kind of bird was involved in the frightening incident, but some people just suggested in may, been an andean candour which can have a wingspan of up to nine feet. This is a massive fucking bird at been caught the big car ferry. Did you got it? lesbian, talking weaknesses. the very johnny. So the video, the horrifying account otherwise Ebay listeners show because what is it Suddenly nice yeah great, we!
Even if it's just me, you bro, very rosy- oh my god! as I got the video videos it's horrifying and while the video quickly went viral, so here's the video holy shit, the holy shit, bro holy shit, dude, a bag that looks like a fucking pterodactyl bro. Masses is like jurassic park. That's my look at the fucking claws on that thing, man bro. That thing was trying to eat the airplane bro. He thought he's going to have a snack because mailman busted up like he, that he was a smile? Well, there's a great story for him. He they live right oh, we are always everything's fine he's fine one took some damage bully shit. Do that's crazy. I could not! Well you guys. Have you got a listening? You have to let go
you too, and watch this secrecy. What happened fucking inside I'll, get like blown away by many things. That's crazy! It's unsafe bird brow look at the size of those fucking town with a sigh. That cock I think, the bigger brother right right, yeah, there's a bbb, that's a big brown cock is that racist? I mean it's historically accurate, so it's factual information, No come on I'll just sitting. There should be a hurt. My feelings, anyway, we gotta this is done on saudi authorities and credible. We are doing, This call the whole time so that that's working hours and other guys, eighty.
yeah, don't be a hope. The show sleeping on the floor now my jewelry box frozen the fuck are still counted. Millions in the kobe teach Buddhist got a rope. Kang doesn't know his shot case. Club.
Transcript generated on 2023-08-05.