« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

531. Andy, Mike Glover & DJ CTI: Starbucks Manager Awarded $25M, White House Bans Trans Activist & CNN & MSNBC Refuse To Air Trump Speech

2023-06-15 | 🔗

In today's episode, Andy & DJ are joined in the studio by entrepreneur and former Special Forces SGM Mike Glover. They discuss a white Starbucks manager winning $25M over a racial bias complaint, the White House banning a transgender activist for being topless in front of the White House, and CNN & MSNBC refusing to air a 'potentially dangerous' Trump speech.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Sleeping on the floor now my jewelry box from the stove, countless millions in the kobe teach buddhist god got one thanks. Rope kang doesn't know headshot case club. What is up guys, it's handy for selling. This is the show for the real say goodbye to the lies. The fitness and delusions of modern society welcomed another fucking reality guys today. As you know, we have Andy and dj crews, the mother, fucking internet and guess what it's not just an indian dj. I got a good buddy here. Mr Mike glover what's happening brother what's up so asian or asian. This is not a here, always fuck, you guys. Do you get that clip of him doing that right? That shit is going on the internet,
of DJ guys day this your first time listening were very serious here. All the time This is a city. I'd stands for crews, the internet awry. What we're gonna do today is going to put up topics on screen, we'll talk about I don't going to speculate on. What's true, what may not be true and then we're going to I'm up with two opinions of action that we can all take the visuals to help solve some of these I was born on the world now other times you two men. You might be surprised to find out that this actually entrepreneurship businessperson valid michelle. Are you probably ask yourself? Why do we talk? what's going on in the world if most of the content is geared towards winning and personal development and building your business. Well, because you can't plant seas where the soils not fertile, and if we don't fertile soil of freedom to plan or entrepreneurs. Seeds in there is no material for some you guys have trouble understanding this concept, so tune. In other times, you're going to get different kinds of shows are all going to have to do with you getting better. We have q and a f,
for you to ask questions. We give me the answers. You could see me your questions. A couple of ways. The first way is yours. You can email your questions and to ask Andy at eighty four celadon com, or neither where our future, I said serious mother father now that we're thought you too, I have you, go on you too quick described, drop a common underneath queuing up episodes, we're pixel questions from there as well. Other times, you're gonna get a full length episode, that's where we just have friends, happy and usually people have done extraordinary things. We let him tell her story, we talk about how these ordinary people on extraordinary things. Now you could do extraordinary things as well and then other as we have real talk, we'll talk just five twenty minutes of me kind of ranting on what I think needs to be said. We have seventy five hard verses and that's where we bring people on. If you guys didn't know, I do have this programme its maverick popular at all. It's called seventy five hard if you're interested in you gotta episode to await amadeo platform and check it out, it's free. Ah, but we
People on your views are programmed reclaimed, control their life and kick ass and become bat better humans and which Is that how you can do to select the show less the run down the show we have this thing that we call the fee you're gonna notice do as I don't do read adds. I don't take money from sponsors. I find the show myself, and I do it because I care I want to help you guys. I wanna help what's going on in the world and in exchange, for that the information I gave you, especially on q and a half which is very tactical and helpful for you guys and your business careers Passing assure the show, you know a lot, as monsieur le maire, where you been I just found out about. You all know this should be her by everybody? What I was that's up to you guys? Ok, so we do a good job. Please the sheriff we don't do a good job sharing thrill simple! So that's the field say: pay the fee vs. What I mean I swear and will to our guns. Nothin you- have some wash weird shit you wanna do.
talk photographer pro sword squirrel. Would you man so busy? Yes, so the you ve got going on right now. I've got to talk about. Is the book release that you just europe was tunnel the book were day seven in the book prepared a man for certain worst case scenarios is but a two year project, but I hear you know guy to be able to time like our decent. Like this, my invest, twenty years of your life, doing the thing and then to the table and be prepared to do that thing right, so really cool, I'm very humbled and honoured that penguin random, a big publisher, pick me up and it took a long time to come. Things doubt in, but we released june sick on d day. I didn't post about the book on data because I thought that's disrespectful that wasn't even chosen by me by the way, if you ask me, like oh you're,
Robert. I did that's awesome and then I get you draw bloody day. That's kind of like screwed up my every book drops on tuesday and they gave me a book the date of june, Six are like July whatever, and I was like this is the appropriate day. Let's drop it, and here we are seven days into it. That's awesome, how's it going so far, so good. I dont know how the book world were the writer, did you hit the list at an end? To be honest, I wanna hit the list. Could. I say that I dont want to hit the new york new york times. List is that's a profound being for a writer means you get position for broader, it broadly influence. That's why I at the list, what what is like give people basic run down of the book, because I think this is a book that Is very useful for anybody who is think about what could go wrong cause like it's overwhelming, there's tons and tons of shit that
you know you have all these people out there saying you gotta do this. You gotta do that. You gotta do this and it's like fuck dude. I can't be prepared unless I go out and buy a thousand acres and grow my food and have water. store for. Finally, like it's, it's a lie, and now you know what I think is cause you're, making it you're, making it accessible and an easy to use and for people die up. We call disaster and equal opportunities right, doesn't care your wealth bracket, your political affiliation. It will hand you your ass the same, and so when I, started this company. I actually. said to myself. If I get like a liberal in San francisco to come out of his dwelling ngo, hey man, this stuff is like reason like I want to take care of my family. I want to be self reliant. I want to be independent, then this applies to you right. So it's not an extreme fringe of preparedness. it's like reasonable things that you can upload your everyday life, an example in the past, LISA preparedness as defined it. I have seven pillars for intangibles. These are
things like situational awareness decision point planning resilient mindset, those things you can't like pay for a course to git, but there are tactics right. There are things that you could. When I talk about resent mindset, for example, a soccer much boy right here, walkin in I've. Seen you guys in what's couple months, it's been a while, and then I see him. Oh, my duties like were used to be that down here he stack each other and put it on top of that. He must be quietly working, he's doing something That is what the fuck are. You doing, Now he was wearing two wages. One now do I've been doing some rocks at home with you You knew something: data more vigilant guy. He looks amazed in and I see that the go well, building resilience and his life. Now, if you ask about tools and tactics, like we recommend things like instead, focusing on eighty see as your pistol, because you think that's being prepared when statistically its improbable verse
being healthy and well following a product Alex thirty five hard a getting fit. It's like that should be the focus when people read it, I work at the feedback or the like. Do not thought it was gonna be like how to shoot, move in committee, kate, like an operator like guys, but one might my filled it. Spirits is very narrow. I can tell you how to plan and operation. I am very good at that counter terrorism all the things, but when it comes so this idea preparedness it takes estimates it subject matter, experts from every field which theirs it there's a time and waste, for every expert to be conduit to account humor whose, like how do we get prepared? We make the recommendations it's like go to set it up. Do the programme build resilience in your life and then so it is. It's a protocol in structure, so people can wrap their head around it and then, when I hope that it plant secede when their done ago, like I want to We live the sliced. How could you can't make it a hobby? It's like is I'd, try to be healthy and fit
as a lifestyle, and you go to the gym two times a week right, that's a hobby. It needs to be part of an integrated element in your life and that's a lifestyle that is a culture and that's what we want. Yeah bro, that's cool. I think a lot of this idea of prepping really gets tarnished because you know it gets made out to be this like extreme This thing, you know you have to be some sort of like far right. Survivalist extremists like even pick up a book and read, but I think it's important for everybody, no matter where you live, whether it be in the urban areas, especially if you live in the urban areas. I think to the counties to that. In rural areas. You some sort of idea, what to do because look man, I think, we're s close disorders, we ve been it's in my life in civil, sit real civil disorder,
We know we had these situations like riots and things that happened right, but I'm talkin, like total mass breakdown, because due to this, if this conflict with with china goes a few steps, further bro they're gonna start shut down or shit and in a way things it appears to be. Is our own government, my shut down our shit and tell us, is china, so we don't know where he is we do know it's uncertain, we should be prepared, and so I would appreciate personally, if you guys were go support, MIKE's book, where, where would be the most helpful placed took to buy it amazon, barnes and noble your local bookstore, it's it's out and about so anywhere that you'd find books I would recommend the audible, the opponent, a jack car. He wrote the foreword for my book setting the stage, it's all downhill from there when jack, carr, retro ford, it's all downhill and he and ray porter who the voice the voice of terminal list did the voice
I did the voice for for my book by it's. It's a good read its short. It's a couple. Hundred pages is fine. and a half hours yeah and everywhere books are found its there. I win barnes and noble and mozilla and in an wyoming and found it barnes and upon the new nonfiction section area, so guys across show mike's will support. You saw the copier too, maybe get one for yourself, one gift and lets some get on at least right, spun, cool you're doing, I appreciate the extra support you have of the other list right yeah. Well, we're already that list. Yeah yeah leaders have touched on that list and holy shit yeah so what's going on dj? Well guys, we got a lot of interesting things going on out here. Remember if you want to see any of these pictures articles links videos go to, and if you sell a dot com you can find them linked there or you can drop down the youtube description below and find these articles linked.
So before we get to our main topics? I have to bring something up. Ok, my cia operative right. You ve seen some cool shit. You ve done some cool. Well, shit right and I gotta ask you this question and in fact our subscribers on youtube have been meaning them. They've been asking this question left and right, so we gotta talk about it. Gotta bring it up MIKE. The question is: do you believe in a is a hundred percent. You know actually have a theory that I'd develop in the shower this morning, which means it's like clear, this guy's its earlier biogas got bigger aliens right, Now all the evidence in the things that were seeing right now, the whole- world, a shock social discourse The world has fallen apart because, where each other alive- and when you think about the saving grace. It would be aliens it'd, be independence day because it's the only thing that could bring us together against a common enemy beside
look at ourselves as enemy, so do I there's something going on, and I don't know if that's deliberate in intentional, like we're, releasing the information a little bit at a time, but I certainly believe after all, things that I've seen in behind in the current of the cia and smash operations, theirs Lee is one hundred percent aliens that exist will unravel, got that because I don't know, if you guys, I have seen the share my theories and I got a secondary. I'm talking about the show. Ok, wait. Anyone who might there is only a baby. This is our girls. Brown is abandoned me. we might lover who limits you any of your ebeneezer theory glad you asked so so. My theory on this is that you
as ever heard of intelligent intervention. So there's a book called intelligent intervention is very hard to find, and my buddy Damon west put me on to it. Alright, ruby diamond with no name the west is fucking speaker who spoke spoke, RT, not fubo went to prison, oh gotcha, yeah, okay, so anyway he turned me onto it and and asked dude. I think what happen real talk and fuckin rogan. Those women. I think these motherfuckers came here by twelve thousand years ago, where we believe is the beginning of humanity and like altered the course like said, ok, here's some stuff. You need to know. This is what you need to do, because when I,
watch. These shows. But if you read a book it's, I hope, fucking eye opening like they are like symbols of spacecraft etched into stone from twelve thousand years ago, and then you look at these structures where there's you know block that's millions and millions and millions of pounds in their structured in an actual structure, and if you back to ancient sumeria. That's were generally historian say that the first people came from which, unlike Iraq, right went away. This book kind of outline is how the aliens came here and guided like all the different tribes of people all over the world to like evolve and ended
I don't think, there's any denying it because when you follow the course of history and the evolution of technology, it's at these people were evolving back then, with no communications across continent. Right in exactly ways so is very. It's like. I think that a lot of are. I think a lot of our understanding of what is really happening is a complete like complete, but I think they don't tell us, I think they want is not to know. I don't want. You must know their own capabilities. I think they they make. People think that you know, You know like this thing. They tell us like, oh well, nor will we know a ten percent of the brain does know him. He was only out only use temper, their brain. What the fuck is other ninety percent for How do you know I used to it broke? But if they told you that, would you ever like
when they tell you that. Do you ever think like? Oh, I wonder what the other, while they said that the ninety percent doesn't do anything so they just for people forget about it. I actually believe that a big part of human capacity He is able to manifest things into reality through your thoughts, and I think that wants you to know that, because if everybody knew that- and they knew it as truth, the world will look completely different and it would be impossible for humans to actually rule over other humans. See what I'm saying so I think, there's a lot, but we don't know- and I think that you know what their releasing now like. You were saying MIKE. I think, that's just to take distraction away from all the ship it they're getting caught doing for them in those definitely things that have come out documents nor think socked about project moonbeam,
I have you heard about possible yeah yeah, you know so I mean those things like that. I don't. I dunno are two versions of project blue the right. There is the version that it's aliens project. Bluebeam is basically a conspiracy theory that they use holographic technology to create alien invasion so that people get scared right to control or to actually create the second coming of Jesus Christ, so there's that yeah for sure yeah, but there is a lot going on and I wanted to bring this up as I dunno. If this independence day is playing on hbr right now for free, as for something that may arise- and I don't want you guys have seen this, but this came out of las vegas recently, so this daily mail article reads:
Hello reads: las vegas, you F, o mystery deepens as cops install high tech surveillance cameras at home, where residents report it seeing ten foot aliens with large shiny eyes, so the article kind of dives into it I read the las vegas, you have a mystery, has deepened as police and start high tech cameras. outside the home, or residents reported seeing ten foot aliens with large shining eyes, Doug papa a form. A police officer who has been following the story of the mysterious object falling from the sought sky said it baffled whom when the las Vegas police department placed surveillance cameras outside he interviewed the family, who made the call and then you told him that the cops install the camera to quote protect them from
you have all fanatics who my bother them despite being sceptical papa who is a park asked her said he believes the family is somewhat credible. Police body can footage its captured a suspected ufo, citing las Vegas after residents reported seeing ten foot aliens with large shiny eyes in their backyard, vegas officers. Camera picked up the object at about eleven. Fifty p m on April thirtieth after a resident reported something quote: one hundred percent, not human, on their property, local tv channel aid, news now reported footed shows a bright blue ball of light travelling through the dark sky at speed here is the, video. This out. It's a scene straight out of the x files, a family, las vegas, insisting something is out there after allegedly having a close encounter of the third kind.
I swear to god. This is not adult one. Witness calling nine one one after they say an object, fell out of the sky and landed in their backyard. They're, like nine foot barefoot off the little alien to us, I used to have big eyes the mysterious object that fell from the sky. Even the officers apparently saw that the green glow of the alleged you fo is seen on this newly released body, camera footage of butterflies, bro. Everyone thought a shooting star. Then these people sit as aliens in their backyard. So when that nine one one call came in less than an hour later, police were ready to believe it. It was like a big bleaker, a big creature
not going to be as weak as one of my partners said. They saw some follow this guide to. So that's why I'm kind of curious, if you see anything land in your backyard, but after a brief investigation of the yard officers closed the case as unfounded it does. It does nine foot beings come back, don't call us- or I deal with it yourself that I deal with that. According to former intelligence officer, David grush in alien crash landing isn't too far, fetched grush recently turned over documents to congress, claiming the? U s. Government has a vast collection of vehicles that have nonhuman origin, andrew timber, abt news, new york and here's a copy of the police report from that incidents. A real thing was definitely documented, but let's get into David grush right. So so David rush or fourteen years in the air force where he says he was told about the program by others who were involved groceries. Thirty, six years old, I decorated Afghanistan.
an officer who went on to work for the national geospatial intelligence agency and the national reconnaissance office. His role was to act as the inner o's representative when dealing with the unidentified aerial phenomena, task force, task force. Wisps specifically set up to investigate. U f, o's! I went
I mean yeah, just don't amedisys change much of what you guys. Are you guys personal theories? I have a theory about our evolution as humans and how it ties into aliens. But, like me, does this change anything. I think it's no coincidence that these things are starting to be publicized, considering the turmoil that's going on with all the other things. I personally feel that a lot of the reason that some of these stories are making the news now is because they're trying to distract people from looking at the things that are going on with Joe Biden in terms of him being found to have been taking money from other governments for politics,
policy decisions over the course of many years and we're talking many millions and millions of dollars and in like I've, been saying on the show. I don't think that they're going to stop and this if this doesn't work, it'll be something else, the progress it further and further and further, and I think we're at a point now, where the the harder they push. Some of this shit, the less people, are going to believe them at all and basically just move completely away from the media being credible in any way shape or form. I mean that's my best take on what's going on with the alien shit, yeah, I'd I'd think the same thing I look at the fourteen year. Veteran, who was the whistle blower on that project? He said that existed and I have worked for the inara, the national reconnaissance. The organization out of all the agencies that I worked with the enormous scares me the most the inner, oh, it handles all
satellite systems that conducts surveillance across the globe and track intercontinental ballistic missiles. That's opened the open source version of it, but those deeds are able to see and track everything that takes place in our country and this verse and that's pretty scary. So it's like the inner row is the closest thing to get to a deep states, action on and so when I see this, I go ok, what's his intent, you know what what's his task purposelike. Why as he doing this, and I and agree with any on this cause of the whole. By payments the whole trump thing going on right now where he was just indicted on federal charters, which has never happened in our country's history. When you see all the distraction, bay understand the algorithm and how national media works, how messaging a propaganda works and
They understand what message in order to keep the american people distracted and keep em focused on instagram comet post. That's all to do in the record chambers, but they can't get to the national level that can influence people across the spectrum, and so that's kind of scary out. When I look at the every morning I wake up said you're a show called prep life on my personal all channels when I would every morning I look at national media headlines. I dont look for what they're putting out a look for what the not putting right is it so I understand like hey: what's real news, will real news is binds and his sons and his family's huh words of billions of dollars, even those that ten million are payment divided into two one for the big man as it as it was reported and one for the sun with seventeen different federal counts that that the bank's submitted a com wait saying this is what racketeering looks like an that's, not talk.
But national headline news did I go? Oh, what are they put in the news to get people's attention? An ice cause there's something else, that's be passing the buck and that's what scary adding that propaganda machine is so good up doing what it's doing they used to do it, and then nineties into thousands with hollywood, an end oh in the masses, and we see how that worked out for us as a country now and thereby to continue to do. Mainstream media into the election cycle, and it's gonna be scared. yeah. I also think that it's not just aliens that are to distraction. I think this thing with the train: shit, Did they want everybody arguing about this train shit where it affects literal less than one percent of the population. It real life, the guy, and ignore the crime and the inner cities, ignore the migration that's happening, which is actually an invasion. Ok and look argue over this thing, and this is one of the things I get so frustrated with with some of
patriotic or you know, I think, there's a difference between patriotic influencers and conservative influencers my mind pro freedom. Citizens are not necessarily the same thing, but I guess frustrated because they constantly by into the fake outrage it well. I don't think it's fake. I think it's real people are fuckin sickened at what they buy into the outrage. Ah, media tells them to be outraged and they say they are unable to recognise holy shit falling into this doing exactly what they want, and this is like you. we see this in the rise of racially charge. Comments on both sides being from black america, towards white america and white america towards black america and not allow shits, ok like You have to remember who the fuck we are, what these countries about this country is met for just one race of people, no matter who that races- and we come from all this backgrounds we worked together. We build something great that we can be proud of.
Part of being proud of it, knowing that we built it from people and with people who are different than us I mean that's one of the biggest senses of pride that we as a country, need to get back to write like what makes america, america and Every time that people buy into these outrage narratives, whether a b a shooting or whether it be a riot and whether it be polite violence or whether it be the train this thing or whether be aliens will pawns in their game and that's that's where people are failing to connect and I think the main thing that we can do to subvert their efforts to propagate us. Is by now complying in that getting outrage about fucking anything and keeping take. a pause and same now, man, there too and get us not to notice this, and we start how can in those terms they lose all their power. They lose all of it.
That's where we need to get to and that's gonna come down to. You know people forgiving people for some things, they did to each other during covert or maybe five years before that, two hundred years before that so the weak and save our asses. Now, that's my opinion. So we got the same safety just stamp distraction on. I say as wiping I must say that a real, very real I didn't things are real that they haven't told us about. I also think a lot of things that they told us about are not real some of those things are you can't even mention that without people going completely fucking outrage, So we still have a lot of deprogramming left to do one of two things: I go by were oreithyia saying in his campaign. You know he's running as a Democrat. I dont even thinking he understands that he's not going to be present, and I think he understands that by him. Running for president are not allowed to really fuck with them. In turn.
of like the laws of censorship and it's a growth strategy right and he's running an entire campaign of disclosure, because here stands that you know his family directly. has been one of the most victimized families of non disclosure ever his uncle was toolbar on foreign government, so I he's got a personal interest to disclose some of the shit that we ve all been taken is true. Here it's gonna to like people I guess we're like man, you know they're not telling us all. This shit you're still a whole lot of people to believe everything on the news is real. They believe that everything that they tell us is real like when you quash like when I question This shit on the show my brow I get. People from you know, like literally while still message me ay bro you're insane you're a moron you're. This you're that it's like bro, I have a fucking mess than three fucking years. Okay, I missed on things I know exactly what they aren't. I own it. But the point is.
We have sought a lot of deprogramming do and, unlike bro, it's gonna be hard for people like if the truth does come to fruition and we d ass. What the fuck is been actually going on in the actual history of humanity is: can we allow for people to fuckin swallow? It wants hundred, but I think it's gonna cost less mental illness than the shit propagating with us now Like I mean bro like you know, their committee Everybody now that men can have babies women are men, and all this like it's fucking confusing as fuck like think about teaching that to a child. You know what I mean: is rather know the truth, but I want to know what the first born on. Where do we sit in the air glass? we hierarchy say know like: are we fuckin bacteria are right? We do pretty girl like The red worry my shit. You know like this fuckin fake freedom, like. Facade
me personally is it's it's it's all was more excruciating, then being literally rolled over because it's like broke your make me believe that I'm free when I'm not really fuckin free let me say you know so around this room. Well, let's keep crews and keep this because this cruise J train going have another one. This is a spicy would have on one reads: white starbucks manager who ran philly store where two black men were refused access to bathroom sparking protest is awarded twenty five, five million dollars as jury finds. She was fired because of a race. we'll spicy would hear nothing. Jalopy knows, but does this dive into? This is an important topic, man
so this daily mail article reads: a white starbucks manager who was fired when her staff refused to let two black men use the bathroom at a philadelphia store has been awarded twenty five point: six million dollars, which is the equivalent to like twelve dollars. now because of the inflation shannon philips on Monday, one her lawsuit against the coffee giant and was handed twenty five. Million dollars and punitive damages and six hundred thousand dollars and compensatory damages. a federal jury in new jersey found the company had given her the boot because she was white which violated her civil rights Now here's a video from the arrests again, this has not happened back and twenty eighteen is the the video that went viral from twenty eighteen,
yes, they do nothing well for the so ass, a video there were viral. What did I do? Well? So what does it mean? I look like I did. I mean for man on budget year So the lawsuit finally came to an end. This week the article continues five years
after the arrest of the to blackmail, the starbucks and written house where philadelphia regime I, nelson and donte robinson had been waiting for a meeting when they were refused access to the toilet and were asked to leave before cops were called their arrest, prompted widespread out of outrage and protest. After footage of the incident emerge and starbucks was accused of racism and boycott threats, and so these two gentlemen into the starbucks they sat there that night buy a drink, they didn't pay for anything and one of the employees approached him and asked them. They would like to order anything. They said no and they asked if they could use the restroom and the employee
all down that the restroom was for the paying customers only, which is a common practice at most establishments right and then, after that they were actually they refused to leave. Then the police were arrested for trespass I'm. So that's the full story. Now this miss philip, lady, as she article says, she miss miss philips, who oversaw the location as well as about one hundred other locations would have paid up about two four thousand dollars a year was fired. I was quickly fired, In two thousand and soon the coffee chain, claiming it was due to racial bias, I'm so, following victory on Monday, her loyal, laura carlin men, a said they were,
very pleased with the unanimous verdict. She said that she quote, she proved by clear and convincing evidence that punitive damages were warranted under the new jersey law. I'm she claims that starbucks trotted, punishing white employees who work involved weeks later, in a bid to publicly prove they were handling. The incident. Miss Philips alleges that farm ordered her to put a white male manager who had worked for company for fifteen years on administrative leave because of a race discrimination allegation against him. The allegation was based on complaints. Non white employees at the managers store were paid less than white workers. I miss philip said she argued the mill manager didn't have a say in wages loss. It also said: miss phillips objected to suspending him because said the manager was a races and she had not
we've seen him exhibit discriminatory behavior. She argued in comparison. The black manager of the store where the rest were carried out did not face any disciplinary action and charges were dropped on both men and article continues saying the two black men ended up reaching a settlement with starbucks in the aftermath for an undisclosed sum, an offer of a free college education about twenty three years old at the time separately they reached to deal with the city for a symbolic one dollar, each and a promise from officials who set up the two hundred thousand dollar programme for young entrepreneurs vote, We thought long and hard about it and we feel like this is the best way to see that change that we want to see. Mr Robison said at the time I am now couple of things mentioned before we discuss on this. I pulled up some of the crime maps going on and in philadelphia at that time, so
when he eighteen hours, three hundred and fifty three homicides in philadelphia, a twelve percent increase from twenty seventeen. This, the data that I'm pulling a maps the victims of gun violence. There was alive one hundred and forty seven nonfatal gun shootings or three hundred and two fatal shooting victims, and I was just in twenty eight to twenty eighteen and where no so so, almost eighty per cent one are fatal and eighty four percent of those are victims, their cases never went anywhere. The cold cases of ninety one percent of the victims were male and eighty three percent were black and more than half were in the age range of eighteen to thirty, and we can see in the last ten years, homicide rates are rising in philadelphia. Crime stats are everywhere right and they are they weren't allowed to talk about crime. We could talk about
it's really off right, yeah. I just we just forgot about those yeah, you know and like you know, I, but I want to say this too. This is one of my favorite pieces, so they they they use. This photo of the two gentlemen right. And just like all that what are we noticing with those so that less paint the pitcher for audio listen? So it has russia on adopting the sitting on this nice little couch and behind them is just this wall of degrees and certification, and combinations picture was the second at the lawyers office. This is all the law, the lawyers accommodations and agrees, and things That's gonna make I'm your pay up. Looking like nice, young standing men feel they might be. They may not be I don't know we do now. I know why me like. Do I have a problem with this blow about? Let me behind I say, like you know: ok,
What's your mom is just an army that that's pretty much it it's just that this. The standard image they try to paint like these were upstanding citizens and the guys at the end of the day, black white, yellow brown, blue, don't fucking matter the laws law. If you're asked to leave a place, you have to leave, it's called trespassing right, you don't just get to say no, I'm not doing it it's right like it is what the fuck it is. I don't. I don't believe this thing had anything to do with color. I didn't have it like for, like you, I dunno the last time you guys been ineffective, starbucks, we know who run starbucks right like these aren't fuckin white. Serve additives that are running these locations right there, all pink and blue heard. Your typically left is right that operate these starbucks audibly. There was any type of racial prejudice. What so fucking but no again anything they can only be I've been told many times coming up through my life like.
Where I used to have meetings and places like that and people are like well, this is for paying customers, I mean I it's a common thing, yeah as very common, the common thing man, I just hate, how the the spin, so I mean like again it's just one of those. Remember Also, brown. I think I think also when this happened. Things were very different and that in the social environment you know like for a long time- and you know people can you guys- can get fucking pissed about this. But this is reality. If you're white, you can't say shit about anything like that's. Why I made a joke about the falcon crimes that, like you, can point the crimes that cause your races, You can't even spoken say someone is black. Already we got some against black people. Now, I'm just pointing out a fucking fact of the matter and we see this in the media We see the media make tell these stories Raoul even seen the media do the shit now, where their marking the fuckin migrants that commit the crimes as fuckin. Why
have you seen that, like the driver, White climbed it oh yeah, lessening, like bro, there's a complete bias against fuckin. Why people it's part of the democratic errand of right? Now, it's another one of distraction. Division tactics is paul, shit and The truth of the matter is the the reason that we have, because I'm not going to sit here and say that black americans Inner city, americans hadn't thought in the same everybody else, because they fuckin know, but the reason that they, fucking. Doubt is because the people that they continue to vote for intentional create hardships on them, Over and over again to maintain the control of their. vote power, so they can come in every two and four years and say you know what fucking White dudes are really fucked up all your shit. Look your neighborhood. They did all this stuff. They stole your funding. They won't give you the money. They won't do this when in reality you guys elect them, meaning black people that you elect them. they go to washington. They make more policies. Figure out how to fuck the fuck black blood neighbourhoods and tree like shit
Blame it on other guy, like that's gonna for fifty fucking years, and solve we're going to have some real time. about real solution. This absurd, shit, that we cannot state facts of the matter when a black man commits a crime You know we have to be able to say hey, we have eighty three percent of the shooting. That are happening in this area are committed by blackmailed between the ages. eighteen, thirty years old, that's it that's a statistic. That's a fact! That's not so you could argue were pretend doesn't exist and if you want it solved which all people should especially black people we have to acknowledge that a problem. So how do we fix it? In that, were. The conversation needs to go in my opinion. Now this shit we're like brill personally, I think races, fuckin, stupid ashes. My personal opinion you know like, I think I think it's up. I think it's things it. You know we should be.
opinion. America should celebrate the cultural diversity in a real way. People who come from different countries have their customs and their their way of life. Things should be celebrated, but I also think there is an american culture comes before all that that everybody should buy into and be a part of, and then we can celebrate the tradition and so this is a cool tradition outside of my culture. I, like that, that's cool is what we do in our people. This is what they do in their people and that we have all these different kinds of people. It could actually be pretty cool, but because these assholes and the media washed in we can then get along for a fuckin day, because we came appoint the real problem and why would they want us to talk about? The real problem Why wouldn't they want us to acknowledge the crime, data and say this is what's actually happening The reason is that they want. They don't want the problem to be solved because a search them, and so you know I don't know brow like Those news didn't seem like good, did anything wrong alike. But the reality is, you know, like you, said,
caught up the place has you gotta you gotta, be up, and customer to hang out here. No, no lord lord blurting nicer during the joint master, no lawyer laconic. Yes, it work. Let me do hanging around for all right. Well, here's the thing they had. No problem kicking us out and us in the logging logger logging us up. If we didn't wear a mask in these fucking places, if I can kick me out anywhere know what I'm saying like. Oh I'm just saying army we saw those videos all over the fucking place right. It was a protest for those I can't see arm. Can see the population of people who are frequenting starbucks, inner city of philadelphia been a lot of white people period. I mean it's yeah as it's not like it, like the Democrats. big is, is not outside the ordinary. This is a new tab. You lot different. This is in philadelphia. I grew up bene: daytona beach and north carolina mud, my my family, but my grandma hooray me as a kid lived on the blacks out of town by bethune copeman com.
At any rate, not only as a ban and duty armenia's everybody was black, except me and my grandma adapt and when I grew up in that figure when I grew up in that when I used to play ask about on the road all the blockades. I was the only pills and dude used to call me wonder bread and- and it was like what the hell's winter, but it's like. Oh it's white bread like I'm, not white, right I wanted, I might like a white guy, I gotta look away and they weeper italy's. There we gonna get some mix, some poppy seed, somethin some artisan, bread and so I grew up your less world random words shall worldwide role right, an average income so so grown up. I understood kind of segregation On it, we ve lived on the other side of him, oh cable, a bar which is all black, my grandma simulated in that environment in my grandma was prejudice, and alan
A racist which use prejudice and and I remember that the little black girls who were next door, runnin crusher yacht lawn and her saying some words that wouldn't be favoured today, those same little. Girls grew up and respected my grandmother. They which were funeral and told everybody how much they love my grandma, and so it was. replace back then in the eighties and then fast forward. A growing up very diverse, my uncle weaver, whose black is like that wall right? There are no offense uncle weaver muslims purple. You could say that cause he's my uncle right where he met my korean aren't and we have a very diversified family, black puerto rican, all the things- and so, when I see stuff like this, like any said, it's all racially charge because we're trying to create divide in that narrative is created by corporations the now
media and, at the end of the day? What's what is the matter of fact? The matter of fact, like you said, is due to a watering there in a place in establishing it. If they want to feel crap h q, my business and they sat down at it at a table and they we're buying shit. I'd like what's up were you guys doing Like all we're just hanging out, ok, you gonna buy some right now get the fuck outta here, place exactly like available to buy another get out of my fucking. So that's how it works it's because it's unreasonable it's to it's reasonable yeah. You have an expectation. So when I see all this stuff unfold, it's all charge. What I'm pleasantly surprised from the article- and I big as a positive direction- is white people in this case getting discriminated against and ass. She went in the case in new jersey, that's rare. It's a big present wet, but its a bit president needs to happen more often because I'm do? It is its eyes at my race and am I I can
assimilate with every raised are the eighties in the same boat to he does not like a white guy, and so he has the ability to assimilate blacks, whites, poorer regions and be the neutral race. I love the benefit of being that I look at my friends who are straight white and I go dude. It sucks to be you right now and and growing up it it. It didn't, because nobody focused on state, is focused on character, and today we were lit we're in a different world and sucks, because every like you said, has been swayed by a national media narrative and here's the thing like the inner city. the inner city where crime is the highest where you know grown up date, checks in philly. At my I had a girlfriend who was in philly and I used to go. There was a big shithole and I was coming from should be seen liked. Oh my god, this is horrible. The real in that way is because everybody there buys in to the the narrative- and they also bind into the institution. They outsource everything in the name of optimization and inefficiency, except that shit's network
three more the system you bought into outsourcing your health care out senor security outsourcing, your education, all those systems are fracturing and nearly broken. So it's time to take some of that bad what does see do like J c and beyond who, why respected, grown up and love their story under up and coming story there billionaires now, and when you look at what they're doing for four for pushing people and the democratic narrative, it makes me sick to muslim and cause it there's conservative principles. like discipline like character like value that made them what they are and their pushing people to that narrative who keeps those people surprise. In the inner city, they're, making believe that their vote. They make him We therefore automatically or out of the gate. Yeah, that's that's. The main nefarious disgusting point of the agenda is making why people feel guilty for being white
in making black people feel like no matter how hard they work or how are they try or what they do, and it's going to be impossible for them to get ahead. because it's already hard enough to get ahead, no matter who the fuck, you are right so lucky need this thought weighing on your shoulders. They understand what they're doing. They understand They are demoralising an entire generation of black youth from even try and you know, and then they turned a crime. he's out this otherwise style that we see right, but you know I do think it good that we are seeing go the other way because I've been saying this in the show for years, because it's a matter of fact why america, These are the only americans there legally allow to be discriminated against inside of companies. You now hire someone that promote someone because they happen to be white, even if they happen to be better than the that, wherever else their guest, ok if that other person happens to be in a minority of any race, they can get the job just because they are that
raise over someone who's more qualified. Who happens to be white and that's not ok, right, that's now meritocracy, that's not what this country was founded upon is discrimination. It's always been. Discrimination is just been accepted for the last twenty five years, whereas people like a lot of people to realise this been going on for a long fucking time. You know four for me, come on here and speak like this about, what's going on that would not. But if I was said this five years ago, my showed incomplete fucking, cancel complete cancelled due to race is due to this did do. If we don't talk about the facts, guys. I don't give a fuck what color you are where you come from what you think of me. But if we don't talk about the actual facts, how can you solve the problem? How can we solve the problem of black men killing each other. If we can't even say that black men are doing a fucking, killing sure Santo,
people who want to fuck and acknowledge that statistic: the most should be black people. Usually you think there were one last thing I want to pull up on this matter. Could I saw this on mine? and holding these guys did anything super horrible brow like he's doing, look like there are. I do it's not long ago that that's cool. I should been arrested a minute's cut Those are two words like it's from watching at first video real talk like I could see why there were some our jeff if you're a cop use common sense in applying this kind of things, just like your here, you gotta go, yeah. Ok, I'm up about this is this. A civil rights issue is going to force the hand. That's that's the thing and that's what it was cause as as another video angle where, like it wasn't it didn't just start with ten cops in the volume starbucks to try to. I think one or two in the accent, does my sleeve and may I had they said yeah, but dj. That also comes from this belief that we're living through this civil rights
renaissance rush. That shit has already been happens. It's already happened here, but you are not the civil rights heroes of this fucking country girl that happened in the sixties. I am going to sit in because they actually they wanted you to buy. Some of these are now with our eyes. So it's not an appropriate course of action is not like. Not everything has to be. The state like sometimes you just an asshole you're insane like a guess what we ve all been at one time or another, we can all have all been asshole right. You know, like some as we make it worse by doing things like that, slangy resentment, I want to show you guys this little thing cause. I found this online and I think it it it's so important, because I think ultimately, what this is coming down to is again like what what's the task and purpose of these racially charged things right and I and I it truly is: division- is divided unconquered right and I saw this person. I want to show you guys this because to me just like explains why
gone on so beautifully I read this as if a white person has illicit things, so the first thing is, as it says, if a white person moves out, it's called white flight and that's called racism. Why person moves in called gentrification, which is called racism? Why person sees color racism, wipe person does he call it it's ignoring racism, which is racism, the white person, their partaken culture, the non inclusive which is racism, but if wiper, and engages in culture its cultural appropriation, mattresses right and, as I know, it's creating this this this point in society that I mean do that. yeah. We fuckin dangerous man listens not that dangerous, that this only works. If you fucking listen to it now, like bronk, give a fuck about none of that shit. You say whatever the fuck you want about me. I'm alive I fucking life, you what I'm saying you want to call me a racist for the shit that I say pointing out facts and fuck. You that's how I, and if more people had that fucking attitude, the shit wouldn't be a problem. The problem here is that we have a bunch of fucking cowards,
that don't fuck. You stand up for themselves and allow themselves to be called things. They know, they're, not over and over and over again, and then basically just accept the abuse and discuss this can go for any category. There's that this same chart could be written a different way for other races, the same way it's just like bro, we have to stop having the social pressures and start saying. You know what I I I moved out, not because of white flight. It wasn't because black people moved to my neighborhood actually just wanted another fucking house. You know I moved in because this is what I could fucking for. Ah, I dont see collar because I actually believe in the content of character and judging what I'm ok fuckin preach and you can disagree. I'm ok, all you want, but I think he actually preacher tremendous message that embodies america, which is why celebrate isn't here a lot of people say we was a marxist. Well, you might a marxist, but he's saying good shit, fuck and I think, represents what the fuck we're about. Doesn't partaken culture That's because I got my own culture.
The usa and I'll have the right. For I, like your pop. That's cultural operation will my forgot all italian, because that's what I like a collar, culturally virginia like up it's just real using. We, like you, say like well: no, it is what the fuck it isro like if we just all had that attitude that is because black people get same ship in a different way. You get this exact same shit from black people. You do know because you stand for conservative value, more conservative- I am you, know, a amira body, a mere who is a conservative, gay man he's bound the shell broken its blasted by the black community. This exact same way that I get that said. If a mere but this happened, you withdraw the shit, they say the same shit who I am so this about perpetuating a victim culture class so that sir, so a certain past can have power over another glass by just naming them esther thing- and this goes into
cultural marxism. If you go read about marxism part of what The strategy is is to shame people to the point where they dont resist and that's what we're dealing with now all you gotta do is just not be ashamed like most for grandma fuckin this or that of doing this. Following my to explain yourself or ninety, send a black people understands is bullshit to do they not absolutely asked me other definitely rising eliza, more fishermen, we ask the city archway rolling guideline not to have been able to reach by. White house bans topless Trans activists for inappropriate behaviour at event for eligibility q. I plus families riskiness, who has seen it's everywhere February. So, let's, let's dive into this a little bit so the white house. I know my dad seen it either. Did he get pissed? No,
it's like. Did you see the white house for years, a hot chick with teddy's other for yeah? Oh man? Oh the survey girl. No, he didn't bro, I swear to god. I had to fucking. Show you real quick. This is rose on my when I told my dad so this conversation. So sorry dad Who knows what lisbon shouldn't talk the front of me? If we always talk about the shell, fucking goes, see those trans people on the on the lawn of the white house and then that hot chick with the boobs yeah. That was a fucking. That was a man and he's like so we have to play the video, and, unlike there we are all in the men are the women and the women. I ll explain to me how he just got I didn't say shit. Give me my remarks to me to do the same things. I had this portal for my laptop. He walks via Just funny where he's he's not like it,
foods will solve the. Thus it wishes to do so. Yeah I will say this real talk, that's the most. Feminine looking transparency fisher still do so. Do so. Those are evidence of the white house. Bear The transgender activists rose montoya after he and other transgender activists flash their bare chess during the pride celebration of the white house over the weekend arose. On soya, a biological man who believes he has a female. What's his article from right our group would sit where they are not where the shit, let's and the white house of it, was featured in a video in which he showcased his fake breast. their transgender activists. Women who believe they are men, also flashed their bare chess, showing sky
cars from undergoing gender affirmation surgery montoya, covered the nipples of his vague breast ass. He shimmered for the camera. Here's video the white house, I prize my wife, the children you learned are you belong understood. You were wrong. The bravest most inspiring people, I've ever known I mean your mouth with albania, Simon than on everyone's rights power. is it so
why, so soon after You do that so falcon disrespectful. Do why take away? the fucking take away the the trans movement and shit like we're like we have fucking. carries out on the white house long row mockery. It is welcome other realer faggots fucked up now, I think that's the issue. That's to me. That's the issue is hoping. It is a standard manner that is the standard and the continued degradation of our country. But the article continued just as after plant plenty of backlash across social media, the white house told the new york post. quote. This behaviour is inappropriate and disrespectful for any event at the white house further, it said those endeavour
jewels in the video will not be invited to future events at the white house quote. It is not reflective of the event we hosted to celebrate algae bt q. I plus families or the other hunt of guest who were in attendance. Individuals in the video will not be invited to future events. The statement at it now Well, I just do the whole alphabet like every time they talk about. It adds up new. Nor can we read it retract. What is the plus, though, along? What's the g? What's the plot Zeus, gay, but it isn't, a lesbian l was lesbian. Jeez for das. You have a bow. is it women that are less lesbian, gay, bisexual you! I know that, but why poland? What's the plus four plus for everything else? No, no, no! It's like the etc yeah, it's like it's like whatever we left aren't going to be like gee. What you're missing the point of the question was: okay, what's the plus four I dunno who's, the group
of people. They try to hide his argument over the pedophiles. That's what is for greater always it darling. I give them as a minor tract of people in the fucking display and like all outside the algae. Be community are all If this minor attracted shit now all of em guy, but there's, more than one yet more and more than a few enough to wear it become a term now. I don't really read this really, this wintertime, It is not reflective of the event we hosted to celebrate a b c d e g yeah right by means of me, fattening well, I'm arose montoya. She they respond up shit. He did respond. this was his response. Video here has recently come to my attention that conservatives are trying to use the video of me topless at the white house to try to
all the community, grammars etc, and I would just like to say that first of all, going topless in Washington dc is legal and I fully support the movement in freeing the nipple, because why Is my chest now, what deemed inappropriate or illegal, when I show it off. However, before coming as trans it was not All you're doing is affirming that I am a woman. All your duty, as saying that trends, women are run men because For some reason, people like to sexual eyes women's bodies. And say that they are an appropriate now. I travelled masculine friends or showing off their top surgery scars and living ensure way, and I want to join with them and because it is perfectly within the law
in Washington DC. I decided to join them and cover and just to play it safe, because I wanted to be fully free and myself, I zero intention of trying to be vulgar or be profane in any way. I was simply living enjoy living my truth and existing in my body happy pride freedom, Well, listen bitch, censored, ready to tell you something Your first, your fuckin personal beliefs, don't supersede cultural norms and People are gonna, be offended by not be offended by, and I am so tired of hearing all of these people talk about that things that they do that are seen as if expressed of myself, and that's that makes it ok like sometimes
I have to show some self control, sometimes there's things you can do. I can't walk through. more my dick hanging out and then say I will just be in free, remembered him. I should jail, but if I was a trans person, I walked through the mall when my fuckin fake dick hanging out your would fund clap for it. Ok, so. There is a double standard here and. This is crossing a line from, I would say the majority of americans, especially the ones maybe like myself, have we members literally be fucking killed for the fucking country by all your friends yet discussed yeah. It's it's disheartening too, because it's like We all see this output of reach. Sources, and you know speaking engagement for veterans or for holidays that involve patriots enjoyed our long weekend. Yeah memorial day I mean
Did we get this more there we got in abiden like putting across the or national cemetery. too many unknown delay the wreath almost looking like he was gonna fall over, and so when I say this with all the resources, Portunus americans have remembered their pay, and for this I look I have people in my family who are gay and don't agree with this shit they hatred, they dont an end one of my cousins whose gay, whose husband's in the military and after wrapped their head around like that shit is that should exist right. He, even if you disagree with it fashion. exist, but the reasonable decent human beings out there that don't throw this shit people's faces an end. My thing is like she sang conservatives are sexual icing, the situation? No, your fake thirty four doubled, he's on your manchester pulling them out in public, especially in the white house, is what sexual lies. In this situation, and we wonder why these people are being called rumors,
when you go out- and you try to sexual eyes- children, because you want to push your agenda- which is your a per se- It's not your biology, it. Your persona onto kids and make yet their sexuality end up and try to change their biology. That's where I draw the line, and when I see this is too gusting because it's like you, this is the white house. Like take some shit series, you can be found got began. The old man you can be like not taking anything serious, but that place like all exam She'll cemetery is sacred ground, don't fuck that up and he spoke. That will then get your nurse Jane unintentionally broke out like when rizzo came out and played the glass flute right sheep. What's his face, his glass flute, our present was, never been touch no replayed. They ve sent out like they're, trying to destroy american culture and. James madison glassfuls a guy like an urban play
it's in a case: who's gonna play at first time, fucking, whizzer fuck. Out of here Well, you know what I'm saying even the ship, with the flags caught a lot of heat right about a position that right next to the american flag, like I learned that is a seventeen year old private in the army in the season ever. Do that no real flags, if you're going to display the flag and with other flags american flag is supposed to be higher and centre of the other yeah one, the response that was what's being flown atop, the white house and as I bet that still not what this is referring to its referring to any time, it's grouped with other flags, which is what says here: are these people are the worst enemy? Like like, did nobody truly give a fuck about what tat, if you want to get some boobs and and and levers a woman or whatever I don't fucking care, and I don't think most people do. The problem is like I've said, which most of you have seen, because the clip went mega viral is these fuckers that are throwing it in our face,
nonstop bree in situations that are not appropriate. This is not a fucking approach. Ok man dressing up as women and shaken their dixon balls in front a fucking little kids. That's not okay, and you. Anybody who supports that that's in this community You're furthering the demise of your own movement, because it wasn't too long ago where everybody was like gay people should not be merry right. people are saying flock We should never let him get married and that's where you they extra, I dont want. That's what I'm saying what that's causing its causing real! Let us create yes brow and, unlike dude, where so many gay people, who sacrificed a lot alive, a real fucking sacrifice like real persecution to get there. Heads of of every other american and we re.
That place, and now this is regressing it because of shit like this, and then this person gets on fuckin, tik tok, that's like there. The victim you're, not the fuckin victim bro, you fucked up. You should say you should say you know what I mean carried away in a moment, I thought that know my friends we're doing it. I thought it would be cool and I didn't realize- and you know what bad on me. It was disrespectful and I apologize. If you did, that shit people risk. The fact that community anymore, but this thing of like completely playing the victim every time it goes back to the shit we were talking about about black crime like. We cannot continue to allow the actual facts of what's going on to be swept under the red you. Appropriate ownership and if you really care about trans communities of trans large and trans acceptance, then act like a fucking. great ambassador of trans people don't pull. Returns on the fucking, while our swan, where people have fucking
lost family members and friends and generations of people have fucking died too, had this country be respectful of it and why do too? if she would come out here whatever you want to call, come out and say: What I just said row. It would be a plus for the community plus shit. What does this mean? this time. We got. Third and final Helen had learned number three number three reads: Syria MSNBC refuse to air, potentially dangerous trump speech to sir porters algiers to who It must be dangerous, like that. Seventy five hard yeah, so so this is a fox news. Article reading, both cnn and MSNBC, refused to air former president trump's speech to supporters following his court hearing tuesday, where he pled not
guilty to thirty. Seven federal felony counts stemming from his alleged improper retention of classified records. Seen an anchor Jake tapir defended the decision not to hear the speech tuesday night bluntly telling audiences it could be quote dangerous to do so quote brought these more focused on over danger. They ve never seen danger. Now, mrs quote: we're not carrying his remarks live because, frankly, he says a lot of things that are not true and sometimes potentially dangerous, Jake, tapir, toad scene and audiences and guest representative. Alexandria ask your cortez out of new york early in the day, tapir rebuked scene and producers for showing the former president celebrating with his supporters, quote the folks in the control room. I don't need to me any more of that. Tapir grumbled on air vote. He's trying to turn this into a spectacle, a campaign at that's enough of that
A chopper went onto one audiences that cnn with air a clip of trump defending himself. That was full of quote untrue and unfounded claims about the charges against him than the people he thinks are behind it. Msnbc anchor rachel, mal, announced, heard network have made the same decision during her tuesday night show. I quote. We are prepared for his pre fund razor remarks tonight to gain essentially be a trump campaign speech. Because of that we do not intend to carry these remarks. Life she began are the prime time, oh suggested that suggested this was in order to protect the network's reputation and journalistic integrity. Saying I quote As we have said before. In these circumstances, there is a cost to us as a news organization to knowingly broadcast untrue things we are, to bring you the news it hurts. Our ability to do
that if we live broadcast, what we fully expect in advance to be a litany of lies and false accusation. no matter who says them. She explained a matter claimed ass. She was not celebrating the decision to censor trumps speech and this was not a quote glib decision by the network to reveal they could reverse the bat call of trump said anything newsworthy so we got that. None of you guys also saw your heller. in germany, this bold trump indictment, collyer profoundly disturbing I'll return, reacts to republicans defending up over federal indictment, there's any like how democratic defend her for all her fucking shit. Exactly I agree. They let the fuckers watch this video of a good old hillary here. Here's the video here I'm going to hold on before the video plays even the look on her fucking face yeah. I like this one here. No, she looks like the fucking joker from fucking batman, just like the dude from
lest I what's name from the mask, she looks like some of these american women need punching a fuckin face figuratively averted, there's a lot of those wasn't really owner of her charming in arms are due to fuck a skirt. I can't, I don't know erstwhile resuming goes now just assume attitude as in a bad light. I think he wanted to thank you on the national swimming donal, richer, I was really your guys. Republicans claim that you got off you do this. thing and got off scot free. Why did your friend Jim co me? Let you off? so easy that that's. really good question. I cant figure that one out you know I do think it's it's odd. Let's just say to the point of being
Third, how? That is their only response? You know they refuse to read the indictment they refuse to engage with the facts. Are nothing new about that and what they refuse to admit is this is on a track about him not about anybody else, no matter how much they try to confuse people and how much they try to. Raise extraneous issues and it's going to be fascinating, I guess in a bizarre and sad way to work them spin themselves up. If you watched any of the news programmes this weekend meet their efforts to defend this man are truly beyond anything that I ever thought possible. In our country. I mean it is so soundly disturbing how this could have been the break. This could have been the opportunity to say you know, thank you so much for everything. I've done for us
We really appreciate it, you know, but this is kind of syria yes and so we're not going to continue to defend you. No they're, all in again that's what the second ology of this is so hard for me to fully grasp shouldn't be diehard. Mother fucker, you fuck it asked, was pushed this should on everybody every fuckin day off, day long in a relentless fashion in order demand us to go with you. believe everything. You believe, and you do every single day for years and years nears nears years, and now most america, most of america believes that this man is being unfairly targeted politically, which I believe as well and I think anybody with common sense whether they are a republican or democratic, knows it's true and you have got off doing all kinds of crazy shit, including making up a fake forking document that accused this man a beer, russian asset. And for seven fucking years you ran
that narrative, in fact our lives up and create division, hate destruction, offer your own political power. innovation. So here's what you don't understand, lady, is the more you fucking go out. This man he's like panels we're going to throw more energy at them and the motherfuckers going to absorb it and absorb it and absorb it, and when it comes back to you, heads gonna end up on a fuckin stake. That's reality. Ok these people here brought it when the tide turns and I'm not advocating for round was telling you. This is the way governments work Pennell swings one way its wings, the other way a little bit harder swings the other way a little bit harder when trump keeps saying they broke the seal. that's what he was saying: what is actually saying is ok, the gloves are off. When I get back in how're dude, I'm fucking do whenever I gotta do guerrillas people, that's what he's saying and this and another thing the note about Hillary Clinton,
Is it not only? Is she a complete fucking liar and a piece of shit? Okay and I'm I'm being nice? let me now be again. She is So manipulative, and if you watch her any not understand. She is completely aware that what she's doing is not of she's not voicing her opinion, she's, actually leading the opinion of the people who fuckin are still endeared her, which is less and less by the day, so wish. She says what she says, they're saying she believes that she sang that's what you should believe. Trying to rally her people behind that. Ok, but these people are in fact situation because you keep in guiding this. Do you keep persecuting the steward and you want to go this other way. You want people to give up and all its doing. Is forcing your own people that probably voted for you to believe
now we are now living in some sort of third world communist type country, and there like fuck. This is bad even though I don't like trump. This is really bad and people do I've heard that from demo rats, since the ship started when he got back in new york. I do you know my democratic he shouted the aims and there like bro. This is fucking crazy, like I don't like trump, but this is absurd, and this can go really like do they're getting. Unlike for her, suppose your grasp it will you can't rasped, because people's you shit, we don't believe the animal and off ass, they them sounds like a we actually like. Why did? Why? Did your friend call me? That's your off, because our reverses, Nobody has a real answer was because I told him I would kill him if he didn't yeah you'd be dead, you would have got killer. Read both my what you got on this. I think the biggest issue is no matter what american americans and the citizens of this country are the biggest losers in. because, no matter how you campaign, who
ever gets in the white house in the position, they're gonna spend the entire presidency Their entire administration is going too far. solely on weaponizing the government to go after the other party yeah and nothing gets accomplished. That's right! That's why all these are the income in the senate. All these bills are getting pass and nobody's pay attention, and that's what set the stage for. limiting and chaos in the future is because- the wall, but distractions report of her eyes and nothing's be an accomplished and we will be the victims, that at a later time, so we all lose in this, which sucks and I I agree with Andy like fuck Hillary Clinton I worked under her when she was sect secretary of state during benghazi, and I came back and I went to libya in october of two thousand and twelve. The target of a guitar on the ship who killed everybody all the americans at ambassador. We handed over all that information wrote really quickly use a sock. Did u s? Army smash operates commanded and they didn't want to do anything about it because they settled.
Who political climate she didn't even so that shit She said what is the matter? What does it When one reads out what difference? Does it make rats like what that kind of mindset? That kind of politician is that the real weapon of destruction in this country and that's gonna, implode itself in and I look at but the great resettlement and whatever you want to call it. I'm thinkin- I do the only way you fuck this is, you have to start from scratch. Yet the start at zero there's no consulted that can come down and start to whittle away. You gotta start at zero and build up zero to one in that's a scary outlook, but it's the only outlook that saves is cut and we are advocating for civil war here on begin, I don't get it awards, revolution Yang, figured figuratively when you get a burnt down in it in the ashes, you find the remnants, and then you pick it up. That's the old, wake has no other. I may, when the richest p,
What I'm gonna blow down was your idea. They are they're, gonna burn down. This is why I keep pushing the culture move, like you say: impersonal, accidents, personal excellence, personal accidents. Actually, I'm flawed yourself from their game become not a non customer non factor for their wealth. Ok, because, what's gonna be required for us to really rebuild this hungary is to allow them to burn it. The falk down and right that key moment where they I think they're going to rebuild it. We fucking rebuild it yup and that's that's why we bring on people like Michael seaver from public square and creating alternative economy like this, isn't just as simple as like a bunch of dudes getting kitted up and fucking doing some work, that's easy for that dude and that. But what about tomorrow yeah? What about the next day? What about next? in that culture that we're talking about consistently on the show personal excellence being ultimate rebellion, that actually fix things long term when you say build from zero. Well, if we're building the culture
they're burning down and our culture is strong, we're all independent and we're all fit we're all healthy were all making money. We're all taken care of our families were all prepared. Ok, When they voted down now, all of a sudden, I have a different class of people to actually try and control and those people can say no fuck. You will I need your shit and they be able to rebuild the way there trying to rebuild so like when We'll try to say all you know! Will you say those, but does not the solution? No, it actually has a solution. You just that they get all the way through the airplane. what game the other thing. People people want, there's all kinds of people calling for violence, that never done violence or never really, participating violence. It's really easy sell the bench you say we need can do this in this and this all this violent shit the reality is dude. You outclassed you're out man, you're out powered you're out. This you'll get fucking killed. So what's that I think that you can do you can actually build yourself into An individual asset is not the point. On their systems, not just
no in every way, not just one or two ways and now in a situation where, whatever move, they make it easy to that comply, we don't fuckin need them, and if we don't didn't they don't have any power, which means we can rebuild and they can't. But that's the other key point to that. That whole thing too, it's like there's gonna be a lad time and between the rebuild right, Come on with you might was burnt a downright, but by from from from that, first match being lit them down we want your problems like our rebuilding relay the americans. Reboot of america, right from the from from the various of their first match, being led to burn down to you, know, setting a new foundation, bringing everything back. There's that there's amount of time that's going to span, and maybe months, maybe even be years right where, if you have the majority of americans that are not prepared or not personally excellent or self sufficient right, like that's, only got like that
to make the process much much harder right, whereas if you have the majority of americans who are prepare ourselves, sufficient right are mentally tough right and have these things and play a healthy earning income want to be independent, one hundred percent securing themselves all the shit. It's going to be a lot easier to have a rebel, because there's going to be an amount of time that is going to take cried out. Oh, what exactly how long they will know that. So importantly had national electoral look. If you building a now. Why tat, this shit's bottom. This shit is already built. Algeria is restored. This is cultural revolution that we gave our violent revolutions cultural, do what they are doing is not violet, on cultural. That's what a bucket worked! They didn't over fucking. A hundred fucking years here, ok, It is a cultural revolution. There has to be fought inside your own domain inside your brain inside your body inside your own wife, and that's what revolution exists, so all of you guys to keep quiet
for violence, you're missing the fucking point, because of you, moved all these people with the way that culture is right now just inserted and was smart. people will be the same, spat fuckin six months right now, so This is this is a different thing and it takes a little bit of critical thinking to like put it together, because this is not a fucking checkers game bro, this fuckin chess along gay, so anywhere room It is, however, you people so like your even like, like real talk, like do not hurt her Most I know her husband doesn't am I right yeah? It is real talk, real talk, my democrat friends. Like my Democrat, family members who supported her fucking, a thousand percent. Those people are disenfranchise with it. So like who who still rooting for this lady now you know these people use bots and technology. This is no differ. Then a fake fucking influence or on the internet who starts to boot.
Leave their oh shit. We may, but I believe, the hype, yeah they by all kinds of shit and they like I'm a fucking big deal. That's what these people are doing is nobody in the streets still supporting these people ass and seats man exactly where is it at exactly? You gotta wonder, pulling eighty thousand people every fucking stop that he stops at you've got these. Will the camp through a fucking gymnasium and some other winning elections. The fact is that tell you guys. guys? I was a third a final. How long it is time for our final segment of the show. As always, we have thumbs up or dumbest fuck, that's we bring a hell, I've gotta get one of those two options, and so that being set a thumbs up or dumbest fuck headline reads, Eleanor man, charged after shooting himself during dream about burglary initial thoughts, guys in his report, and tourist into more. We got here right, is illinois not florida right what he should himself.
It was a dream about him overwhelmed, and so he was, he was fear an impending doom is about over. There it depends where he had. I say shit because no matter what I say, it's a bad karma because, like braga phrases like at their fingers off like accidental shit like I'm not trying to be one of those? I want all my fingers, I want all. My fault can tell us, I'll talk to show all the items. Appendages too and we'll get charged with started to it. So this is a new york posed article reading. It was truly a nightmare scenario, this man about doing. Seventy five hard shows no your posts. There. The article reads it says: illinois man allegedly shot himself in the leg, while dreaming that a burglar was breaking into his home
and now he faces criminal charges for the bazaar incident official said mark em, the cora sixty two years old was found by deputies at his lake barrington home just before ten p m on April tenth with a gunshot wound to the leg, the lake county, sheriff's office, cellular release, investigators were told, that the car was having a dream that some one was breaking into his home located about an hour northwest of chicago, while in a stupor from the nightmare terror. The car quote: retrieved his three fifty seven magnum revolver and shot at her he believed was the intruder quote when he hired he shot himself and apparently woke up from the dream. The sheriff's office said the car. was bleeding so heavily from his wound. That first responders had to use a target to stop the blood flowed. The sheriff offsets are. Fortunately the round discharge from the fire on, withdrew his leg and went into the
entering no one. Aside from the car, he was taken to an area hospital for treatment of his gunshot according to a fish. No burglary, had taken place at the cars residence at the time of the shooting the car was charged with possessing a firearm with a revoked firearm owners. Identification card, which is required in illinois, as well as reckless discharge of a firearm sheriff offices are done. Owners must have a food card in the state of illinois in order to legally possess firearms or ammunition its unclear wide of cars, for it had been revoked in the first place, will probably because he sleep walks and shoots her shirt slavery, Mary, be married other to do look. Legit do little. The G8 looks like sleepy from snow white. Like the jet looks like his poor ya man fuck me,
our I I know some people that really do that. Really like sleepwalk maxine maxine. Like you shit like this. It's dangerous, no right where you can read them up or not. Does not do that another key man, we're friends with high school, we went too far. At one time he went on family vacation with us in my dad woke up, and he heard like this metal like the sound of liquid gold on the metal and he went over and he was. This deal was taken a piss in the fuckin washing machine, yeah, unlike brow, he was dead asleep, like they had no clue he was doing the next day when, like we were beggar following these, like broad only remembered, I should at all I do not know another. Do who fuckin sleep walks when he's drunk any pisses on his fucking own suitcase when he's like south as I say, no name when they saw. there's only one got what do not always
I blew my theology eliza rights for can tackle the ship. It police academy, bro it sucks his leg got in the way I mean legitimately. I think the worst travesty here is. He got charged for some shit for having a non registered firearm, the steady illinois, that's the most fucked up, because the fact that registration at that level is getting law abiding citizens who accidentally shoot themselves in their sleep. Whatever the issue is getting them. Marges, that's exam reason why these registrations exist it it's like it exists because confiscation, but any of these things come like you get a ticket. What you wanna compounded ticket haven't We go for firearm and was stacked the charges, that's what it's meant for mean law enforcement officers, deploy that how many of these people that are committing these crimes in chicago killing, fucking, thirty and forty people every weekend are getting the same charge on them or have Foi cards
I'm just saying right, yeah. It's I already check in there for your exact good kit like. Are they looking at their forward cards to to see if they're register and are they kitchen that additional charge likely not? And I mean the stewards dumb, but I know dude again like actually have this problem and I at a period of time in my life when the visa was prescribed in the ambient entrust I don't at the same time. Oh that's a cocktail dude, and then you stack a little whiskey on that I did. I would have. I would wake up and be like where the fuck am. I brought yeah crazy shit. I know a dude who total his fucking car, like that. He fuckin woke up. He he had ambien and I guess like he didn't react well to it. Woke up like to like it when I say told her wasn't like he hit something they told me. I mean like you, look at the car and you're like holy fuck, bro how's anybody alive, he fucking lived and it was off of ambien because he was fucking, sleepwalking yeah. I had the same these clothes,
yeah. Let's forget me, so I mean what what what are we giving this, though I think he's dumbest for road safety dude, dumb lack of yours. You surprised to carry weapons a little bit better, I'm I'm not! put prepared now he's gone, but he's not. Why shouldn't really seven revolver their level anderson automatic pistol? Man, that's like that's it so I guess a burden ages, yakking police, a cat already harry she still intimidating, forgot, is have it on display, but then user lock. You know it's all right. I got one of those smith and wesson five hundred revolvers yeah that they, what a waste the fucking money. That was the shit row. I shot at one fucking time at night and got the flames and I'm like. Oh, this is fucking. This sucks her hand, yeah fucking shoot it. They make that shit a two inch barrel too So what is its flames up? It said the big flame, I live along one accomplices and also black. That's right! Now, oh baby,
Well we're, DR another. One day when I got my fuckin new dewey, I got up at four fifty that dr weir, how my daily- and I it's in fact it did it. When I first came our drive him an hour, drive down the road and I'm like they. Nobody had him yet there's another one coming down. The road is black. The bro, those fucking brain you have four fifty goes looks, the bigger it out I've had some didn't mail bigger, who guys MIKE eighty? That's all I got there rope thanks. So much for making the tripped come on a showman eighty Tom honour and pleasure, your shows from I've ever shows it, because it's the real issue- and I appreciate that- thank you, brother, ah guys, don't forget to check out my book
they? It can be bought literally anywhere, so go out support him, like I said, get yourself a copy, get get to get a copy to gift. We live in an uncertain times. It's a great manual to understand what we can do. That's very basic prepare and work on or lifestyle so go check it out and dover. it to? Let us know what you think of the show in the comments I quit subscribing to pay the fee I'll be sleeping on the floor number from the county. Millions in the bank teach buddhist smoke got a blank row can't both doesn't know shop case club.
Transcript generated on 2023-08-05.